TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic

Page created by Carl Jordan
TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic

BAS University Training Catalog 2020

  An educated customer is a happy customer.
TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic
Table of Contents

                                                                                                                                About our Training ...........................4

                                                                                                                                Certification Tracks ..........................6

                                                                                                                                Training Formats ............................13

                                                                                                                                Course Listing ..................................14

© 2020 Automated Logic Corporation.

The contents of this catalog and the associated Automated Logic® software are property of Automated Logic Corporation
and its respective licensors, and are protected by copyright. For more information on the software and licensing, see the
About section in the software’s Help menu.

Automated Logic, WebCTRL, EIKON, Eco-Screen, and BACview are registered trademarks of Automated Logic Corporation.
EnergyReports and Environmental Index are trademarks of Automated Logic Corporation. BACnet is a registered trademark
of ASHRAE. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The content of this catalog is furnished for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Automated
Logic Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational
content contained in this guide.

 2                                                                           BAS University Training Catalog 2020              BAS University Training Catalog 2020                   3
TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic
About Us                                                                                                                           Our Training

About Automated Logic Training                                                                                                     Accredited Provider                                          International

Automated Logic offers hands-on, task-based learning opportunities, as well as interactive / online training for owners,           IACET                                                        		Middle East
operators, and field office personnel. Located on the Automated Logic - WHQ campus in Kennesaw, GA, on-campus courses
                                                                                                                                   Automated Logic offers IACET CEUs with select courses and    		Africa
include a tour of the manufacturing floor and the opportunity to meet Automated Logic staff. Frequently, members of the
Product Office, R&D, Sales, and Tech Support will sit in on a class, or simply join students for lunch to further our commitment   locations. Contact your local, authorized, Automated Logic   		Europe
to hearing the voice of the customer.                                                                                              provider for details.
                                                                                                                                                                                                		Latin America
While there are many benefits to attending courses on the main campus in Kennesaw, GA, learning can take place in many             Automated Logic is an accredited provider of the             		India
shapes, forms, and locations.                                                                                                      International Association for Continuing Education and
                                                                                                                                                                                                		Asia Pacific
                                                                                                                                   Training (IACET), 2201 Cooperative Way, Suite 600,
Choose from:                                                                                                                       Herndon, VA 20171; 703-234-4065.

Automated Logic World Headquarters (WHQ),                        Reading help files - all Automated Logic product has
Kennesaw, GA - learn from factory instructors who have           comprehensive written documentation. Authorized
gone through a rigorous, multi-step qualification process
                                                                                                                                                                                                Contact Us
before being permitted to instruct students. Instructor-led
                                                                 Automated Logic dealerships can access this information
                                                                                                                                   Partners in Training
                                                                                                                                                                                                Contact your local, authorized, Automated Logic provider
training through WHQ is IACET CEU eligible.                                                                                        In addition to training at our WHQ location in               for course pricing and schedules. For questions about
                                                                 Watching online video tutorials - many of the
                                                                                                                                   Kennesaw, GA, we’re pleased to offer training                Automated Logic Training, please email us at training@
Factory Certified Gold Partners in Training - learn              proprietary product features have associated video
                                                                                                                                   through our Partners in Training in the following  
from factory certified instructors who are vetted using          tutorials, and more are being added to our online Learning
                                                                                                                                   additional locations:
the same process as WHQ factory instructors, and their           Management System (LMS), regularly. Authorized Automated                                                                       Alternatively, you may call our Training Coordinator at
classrooms are required to meet the same standard as             Logic dealerships have access to the LMS by selecting the         North America                                                770-795-5188.
WHQ. These locations will be indicated by the “Gold” label       LMS link from the accounts website > Training > Home page.
and certifications are instructor/course specific.
                                                                                                                                      		 Los Angeles, CA
Bronze or Silver Partners in Training - learn from                                                                                    		 Chicopee, MA
a wide range of individuals who have seen the course
                                                                                                                                      		 Clifton, NJ
presented, and are using material developed by WHQ. These
                                                                     We’re so excited you’re turning to Automated
locations will be indicated by either a “Bronze” or “Silver”                                                                          		 Harrisburg, PA
                                                                     Logic for your training needs! We believe
                                                                     educated customers are happy customers,                          		 Las Vegas, NV
                                                                     and we want happy customers! Consequently,                       		 Lisle, IL
                                                                     we’re constantly working toward growing
                                                                                                                                      		 Pasadena, TX
                                                                     our curriculum so we can help you grow your
                                                                     business through a well-educated, satisfied                      		 Pittsburgh, PA
                                                                     customer. We offer plenty of courses for                         		 Pleasanton, CA
                                                                     both end user customers and field office
                                                                     personnel, with many more to come. We’re                         		 Sacramento, CA
                                                                     looking forward to sharing our knowledge                         		 San Diego, CA
                                                                     with YOU!
                                                                                                                                      		 Mississauga, Canada
                                                                                   Automated Logic Training Team

 4                                                                            BAS University Training Catalog 2020                  BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                   5
TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic
Certification Tracks                                                                                                 Certification Tracks

Owner/Operator                                         Associate                                                     Practitioner                                                     Master
                                                       Owner/Operator                                                Owner/Operator                                                   Owner/Operator
The Owner/Operator certification track is for
customers who would like to learn how to use           The Owner/Operator Associate certification program is         The Owner/Operator Practitioner certification program is         The Owner/Operator Master certification program is
the capabilities and features of the WebCTRL®          designed for owner/operators who are new to a WebCTRL         designed for owner/operators who want more than the              designed for owner/operators who want more than the
system to effectively manage and maintain their        system. Participants will be able to connect to a live        basic, working knowledge of a WebCTRL system and would           intermediate, working knowledge of a WebCTRL system and
facility, regardless of industry type or size. All     WebCTRL system to interact, set up, and maintain their        like to learn about its progressive features, such as advanced   would like to enhance their skills with the entire WebCTRL
courses are available a la carte (note, some do        building, and walk away with an understanding of schedules,   reporting, advanced security, alarm actions, and WebCTRL         application suite including the EIKON® tool, SiteBuilder and
require prerequisites), but the most balanced,         trends, alarms, and other fundamental WebCTRL features to     add-ons. Upon completion of courses in this certification        ViewBuilder. Certified Owner/Operator Masters will know
comprehensive training will come by following the      maximize their building automation purchase.                  track, students will be able to diagnose and troubleshoot        how to add new or edit existing equipment and areas to
certification track that most closely resembles your                                                                 their WebCTRL system using WebCTRL alarms, trends,               their system while creating custom programs and graphics.
job description.                                                                                                     reports, and live logic pages.                                   Networking standards, as well as how to troubleshoot
                                                                                                                                                                                      advanced networking issues on their WebCTRL system are
                                                          Required Courses                                                                                                            also included.

                                                          		WebCTRL - Basic (WC-200)                                    Required Courses
                                                            Owner/Operator Associate
                                                            Annual Renewal (TBD)                                        		Owner/Operator Associate Certificate                           Required Courses
                                                                                                                        		WebCTRL - Intermediate (WC-300)
                                                                                                                                                                                         		Owner/Operator Practitioner Certificate
                                                                                                                        		Field Tech - Operator (FTO-200)
                                                                                                                                                                                         		EIKON - Basic (EIK-200)
                                                                                                                          Owner/Operator Practitioner
                                                                                                                          Annual Renewal (TBD)                                           		ViewBuilder - Basic (VB-200)

                                                                                                                                                                                         		Networking - Basic (NET-200)

                                                                                                                                                                                         		Owner/Operator Master
                                                                                                                                                                                             Annual Renewal (TBD)

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TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic
Certification Tracks                                                                                                      Certification Tracks

Field Technician                                         Associate                                                        Practitioner                                                      Master
                                                         Field Technician                                                 Field Technician                                                  Field Technician
The Field Technician certification track is for field
office personnel, whether from an independent            The Field Technician Associate certification track is designed   The Field Technician Practitioner certification track is          The Field Technician Master certification track is designed
dealership or an Automated Logic branch, seeking         for field technicians who are new to a WebCTRL system and        designed for field technicians who require the skills to          for field technicians who need to understand the most
skills to better prepare them for obstacles they may     HVAC. When certified, a Certified Field Technician Associate     create custom programming and graphics, add complete              complex features, options, and theories associated with the
face in the field. Courses in this certification track   will be able to diagnose, troubleshoot, and edit issues with     mechanical systems to the WebCTRL system, and                     Automated Logic product or systems required to use the
will prepare field technicians and field engineers to    programming, graphics, networks, and system architecture.        troubleshoot common networking issues using sniffer               Automated Logic product. Topics included are advanced
confidently install, commission, troubleshoot, and       Topics covered include all applications that make up a           tools such as Wireshark®. Many advanced theories, tips,           programming and graphics, design engineering, complex
edit WebCTRL systems so that contracts are more          WebCTRL system.                                                  and strategies are discussed in these courses, including          networks, robust databases, and custom add-ons for a
likely completed on time, on budget, and with a                                                                           WebCTRL add-ons, WebCTRL security, and database                   WebCTRL system. Special guest speakers and subject matter
satisfied customer.                                                                                                       integrity. Along with commissioning, troubleshooting, and         experts will appear in many of these classes.
                                                                                                                          fine-tuning a WebCTRL system, a Certified Field Technician
                                                            Required Courses                                              Practitioner will be proficient with the integration of BACnet®
                                                                                                                          and Modbus® devices.
                                                            		WebCTRL - Basic (WC-200)                                                                                                         Required Courses
                                                            		Field Technician - Basic (FT-200)
                                                                                                                                                                                               		Field Technician Practitioner Certificate
                                                            		EIKON - Basic (EIK-200)                                        Required Courses
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Field Technician Master
                                                            		ViewBuilder - Basic (VB-200)                                                                                                       Annual Renewal (TBD)
                                                                                                                             		Field Technician Associate Certificate
                                                            		Networking - Basic (NET-200)
                                                                                                                             		WebCTRL - Intermediate (WC-300)
                                                              Commissioning - Intermediate
                                                                                                                             		EIKON - Intermediate (EIK-300)
                                                                                                                             		ViewBuilder - Intermediate (VB-300)
                                                              Field Technician Associate
                                                              Annual Renewal (TBD)                                           		Networking - Intermediate (NET-300)

                                                                                                                             		Third Party Integration BACnet (BAC-300)

                                                                                                                             		Third Party Integration Modbus (MOD-300)

                                                                                                                             		Field Technician Practitioner
                                                                                                                                 Annual Renewal (TBD)

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TRAINING CATALOG - An educated customer is a happy customer - Automated Logic
Certification Tracks                                                                                                   Certification Tracks

Design Engineer                                        Associate                                                       Practitioner                                                   Master
                                                       Design Engineer                                                 Design Engineer                                                Design Engineer
The Design Engineer certification track is for
Automated Logic branch and independent field           The Design Engineer Associate certification track was           The Design Engineer Practitioner certification track is        The Design Engineer Master Certification track is the final
office personnel, which is intended to produce a       developed for design engineers who are new to a WebCTRL         designed for design engineers who require the skills to        path for design engineers. Topics included are advanced
design engineer with the proactive skills to foresee   system and HVAC. The Certified Design Engineer Associate        create custom programming and graphics, design complex         programming and graphics, design engineering, robust
potential issues prior to turning a project over to    will be able to design basic IP and ARC156 networks utilizing   WebCTRL systems, and create control drawings. Many             databases, third party integration, and cost saving strategies.
the field technician. Sometimes known as “cradle       standards that allow for future growth. Engineers will create   advanced theories, tips, and strategies are discussed in       No feature, option, or theory is off limits at this point. Special
to grave” engineering, a design engineer may see       complete system databases with SiteBuilder while producing      these courses, including WebCTRL add-ons, WebCTRL              guest speakers and subject matter experts will likely make
a project from creation, requested changes, and        programs and graphics for areas and equipment. Utilizing        security, and database integrity. Other topics included are    an appearance in these classes.
final as-builts throughout the entire lifespan of      Automated Logic’s Engineering Design Suite, associates will     common networking issues, SQL databases, and deciphering
the contract. With emphasis on building a solid        become fluent in selecting hardware, standard naming and        Wireshark. Certified Design Engineer Practitioners will also
foundation with standards, design engineers can        numbering structure, and creating control drawings.             gain the knowledge of customizing the Engineering Design
work together with field technicians to ultimately                                                                     Suite using the Administration tool.                              Required Courses
deliver a quality product within a scheduled
timeframe and projected budget.
                                                                                                                                                                                         		Design Engineer Practitioner Certificate
                                                          Required Courses
                                                                                                                          Required Courses                                                 Design Engineer Master Annual
                                                                                                                                                                                           Renewal (TBD)
                                                          		WebCTRL - Basic (WC-200)
                                                                                                                          		Design Engineer Associate Certificate
                                                          		EIKON - Basic (EIK-200)
                                                                                                                          		EIKON - Intermediate (EIK-300)
                                                          		ViewBuilder - Basic (VB-200)
                                                                                                                          		ViewBuilder - Intermediate (VB-300)
                                                          		Networking - Basic (NET-200)
                                                                                                                          		Networking - Intermediate (NET-300)
                                                          		Design Engineering - Basic (DE-200)
                                                                                                                          		Third Party Integration BACnet (BAC-300)
                                                            Design Engineer Associate
                                                            Annual Renewal (TBD)                                          		Third Party Integration Modbus (MOD-300)

                                                                                                                            Design Engineer Practitioner
                                                                                                                            Annual Renewal (TBD)

 10                                                                BAS University Training Catalog 2020                 BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                      11
Certification Tracks                                                                                                              Training Formats

Annual Renewal                                                     Course Names                                                   Instructor Led                                                     Self-Paced
Certification Tracks                                               Understanding the Course Listing Section                       Live instructor in real time                                       No instructor involvement
The courses listed have been identified as required for            Courses offered by BASU follow the below naming                  FORMAT
                                                                                                                                                   Classroom In-house - whether you                                  Self-paced video tutorials - another
certification at the time of publication and will be reviewed      convention. In this example, this is a Basic (level 200                         visit BASU-WHQ in Kennesaw, GA, or visit                          distance learning option for some courses,
and updated annually at a minimum.                                 difficulty) EIKON course taught using EIKON v6.0.                               another of our Gold Partners in Training                          the self-paced video tutorials allow the
                                                                                                                                   Classroom                                                          Self-Paced
                                                                                                                                                   locations, a live instructor will lead up to 12                   learner to watch and re-watch videos at
Equally important to becoming certified is the necessity           The product version number will only be used when                               students (course dependent) in task-based,                        their own pace. This option is a good
to stay current, whether by learning something new or by           referencing a specific instance of a course. For example,      hands-on exercises with minimal lecture in between. Using          option for those who would like a refresher on what
simply refreshing skills you’ve already learned.                   EIK200 will be listed in the certification tracks, but would   the situated learning techniques of the Kirkpatrick Model,         they’ve learned elsewhere, or as a prerequisite to another
                                                                   reference EIK-206.0 when the student takes the course.         BASU Factory and Factory Certified Gold Partners in Training       course. Not recommended as the only means of learning
If there is no new content relevant to your certification track,
                                                                                                                                  instructors behave as a “guide by your side” vs. a “sage on        something new.
simply log in to the Building Automation System University
                                                                                                                                  the stage.” This methodology fosters a collaborative learning
(BASU) Learning Management System (LMS) and take the                                                                                                                                                 The following video tutorials are self-paced and available
                                                                                                                                  environment where learners are not only successful
corresponding online exam to extend your certification                                                                                                                                               24/7/365.
                                                                                                                                  in the classroom, but are positioned to maximize
through the end of the following year. If there is new
                                                                                            COURSE ID                             knowledge retention.
content, whether due to new product, previously untaught
content, or new supporting technology, an annual renewal
                                                                                                                                                    Classroom On-site - exactly the same             Hybrid
course or courses will be added to each certification track.                                EIK-206.0                                               setup as the classroom in-house training,        Live instructor as needed
                                                                                                                                                    this option brings the classroom to you.
In most cases, annual renewal courses will be in the form                                                                           On-site
                                                                                                                Product                             Scheduled through the local field office in        FORMAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Virtual Classroom - another distance
of a What’s New video, which will include the factory                    Product/
                                                                         course name                            version number                      coordination with BASU-HQ. Pricing and                            learning option for some courses, the virtual
certification exam. Passing the factory certified annual                                                                                                                                                              classroom allows the learner to take up
                                                                                        Course level/                             availability vary by course.                                          Virtual
renewal exam will extend your certification to the end of the                                                                                                                                                         to 14 days to complete the instructor-led
following year. These online courses and the corresponding                                                                                         One-on-one Coaching - courses taught                               classroom equivalent of a 1-3 day course.
exams will be available online through the BASU LMS.                                                                                FORMAT
                                                                                                                                                   in this manner pair one student with one          Using video tutorials as the on-demand instructor, learners
                                                                                                                                                   Factory or Factory Certified Gold Partners        will execute the workbook tasks and upload assignments
In some cases, however, especially for more advanced                                                                                  1-on-1
                                                                                                                                                   in Training instructor using remote access        using the BASU LMS, asking questions through the
training or training requiring hands-on hardware, an in-
                                                                                                                                                   software. This connection allows the              discussion board where a dedicated Factory or Factory
person, instructor-led course may be necessary.
                                                                                                                                  learner to take control of the instructor’s workstation from       Certified instructor will facilitate.
Regardless of how content is delivered, continuing your                                                                           the convenience of their home or office, giving them an
education by regularly completing the annual renewal                                                                              individualized virtual classroom experience from many miles
courses will ensure you aren’t missing out on new, and                                                                            or time zones away.
sometimes powerful features of your building automation
purchase, nor are you missing out on advances in
supporting technology that could vastly change how you
do business.

  12                                                                           BAS University Training Catalog 2020                 BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                      13
Course Listing                                                                                                                          Course Listing

                                                                   In addition to the prerequisite courses listed, the learner is
Best Practices in Training                                         expected to also have a minimum of 6 months – 1 year
                                                                                                                                        Engineering Design Suite (EDS)                               EIKON - Basic
This course is for learners looking to instruct Automated          field experience.                                                    The Microsoft Visio® EDS add-on is a tool that allows you    Learn the basics of EIKON programming. Learners who
Logic’s factory certified 200 level courses and is a necessary                                                                          to streamline engineering tasks and the submittal process    successfully complete this course will be able to identify
step to participate in our Partners in Training program. The        COURSE ID           CEUs                    PREREQ                  to make drawings for installing and commissioning, create    the different types of microblocks, read a sequence of
course includes situated learning techniques as supported          COMM-300              3.2                                            project reports, and control your revisions. The add-on      operations and translate to a program, simulate a program
by the four levels of the Kirkpatrick Model, as well as learning                                                                        includes built-in components with data sheets, engineering   to find errors, and define microblock properties.
professional presentation skills and techniques proven                                                         EIK-200                  calculators and conversions, Cv calculations for water and
                                                                         FORMAT/LENGTH                                                                                                               To take the class virtually, you must have the latest version
effective for adult education. This course is only open to                                                     VB-200                   steam, a building riser manager, a valve schedule creator,
Automated Logic branch and independent field office                                                                                     and a searchable library in which you can add items.         of EIKON installed on your computer.
                                                                       Classroom/4 Days                        NET-200
personnel.                                                                                                                              Data can be output to Microsoft Excel® in standalone
                                                                                                                                        spreadsheets or embedded in the Visio® EDS drawings. It       COURSE ID          CEUs                    PREREQ
While there are no course prerequisites, management from                                                                                provides automated creation of sequence of operation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EIK-200            1.6
the candidate’s field office must contact BASU’s Training          Design Engineer – Basic                                              your final drawing package.
Manager to discuss PIT program requirements prior to
candidate registration.                                            The foundation of every project starts here. This Design                                                                                FORMAT/LENGTH                          N/A
                                                                                                                                         COURSE ID         CEUs                  PREREQ
                                                                   Engineering course will introduce the basic fundamentals                                                                              Classroom/2 Days
 COURSE ID          CEUs                    PREREQ                 of creating a complete WebCTRL system package to a field               EDS-300           1.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Virtual/Up to 10 Days
                                                                   technician for installation. Learners will be challenged by
 TRN-300             1.6
                                                                   completing a WebCTRL system throughout the entire project                 FORMAT/LENGTH                  Microsoft Visio
                                                                   life cycle. The project life cycle will include the project scope,                                        Proficiency
       FORMAT/LENGTH                          N/A                                                                                          Classroom/2 Days
                                                                   review of hardware, a control submittal developed with
    Classroom/2 Days
                                                                   Engineering Design Suite, and creating a WebCTRL system
                                                                                                                                         Virtual/Up to 10 Days                                       EIKON - Intermediate
                                                                   database. This course strongly encourages the use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Whether a Field Technician or Design Engineer, learners
                                                                   standards, the creation of libraries, and the optimal use of an
                                                                                                                                                                                                     will expand on knowledge from the EIKON - Basic course
Commissioning - Intermediate                                       engineer’s time. With these skills the objective of the Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                     to learn how to create complex control programs and logic
                                                                   Engineer becomes clear: deliver on time, under budget, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     symbols. The learners will be able to identify programming
This course is designed to challenge the field technician with     mistake free. This course is for Automated Logic branch and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     as it is implemented within a complete system. The learners
all aspects of a WebCTRL system. Upon completion of this           independent field office personnel only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     will also be able to utilize naming standards to create a
course, the learner will be able to install and commission
                                                                                                                                                                                                     library for quickly placing previously developed logic into
a WebCTRL system, provide functional testing of a control
                                                                    COURSE ID           CEUs                    PREREQ                                                                               new systems, thus making programming more efficient.
program, and apply the most advanced techniques of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Building a properties page, simulating a control program,
troubleshooting. The learner will also be responsible for             DE-200             3.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                     major customization to EquipmentBuilder programs are
turning in complete check out reports, installing add-ons,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     among several other intermediate EIKON features offered
and correcting an entire system of common errors, including              FORMAT/LENGTH                            N/A                                                                                in this course.
some obscure “gotchas,” using all the skills the learner
acquired in WebCTRL, Eikon, ViewBuilder, SiteBuilder, and              Classroom/4 Days
EquipmentBuilder.                                                                                                                                                                                     COURSE ID          CEUs                    PREREQ

                                                                                                                                                                                                       EIK-300            2.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EIK-200 or FT-200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      + 6 months experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Classroom/3 Days                 after completing
                                                                                                                                                                                                           On-site/3 Days

  14                                                                            BAS University Training Catalog 2020                     BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                  15
Course Listing                                                                                                                     Course Listing

Field Tech - Basic                                                HVAC Advanced for DDC                                            Networking - Basic                                               OEM Technician Training
There are many different skill sets in the life of a field
                                                                  for Technicians                                                  This course covers setup and troubleshooting techniques          This course is part of an initiative to increase service
technician - engineering, IT infrastructure, technical support,   Taught by Tempcon, Inc., this course is designed for DDC         affiliated with basic Automated Logic networks. In addition,     opportunities working directly with OEM manufacturers.
and computer programming to name a few. Field Tech -              technicians with some experience in HVAC systems who             learners will build source trees, define and identify the        Upon successful completion of this course, learners will
Basic training will prepare field technicians to confidently      need to enhance their understanding of the more complex,         fundamentals of IP, ARC156, and MS/TP networks, and how          be able to directly connect to OEM control modules for
install, commission, troubleshoot, and edit a WebCTRL             “built-up” HVAC systems and control strategies. This course      these concepts allow devices to communicate. Learners            configuring standalone applications using Apploader and
system utilizing EIKON, SiteBuilder, ViewBuilder, and             will expand beyond the 2-year technical school HVAC course,      will also learn the basics of Wireshark captures, clippings,     Virtual BACview®. Learners will also be able to identify the
WebCTRL. Learners will become familiar with ISA submittal         so that learners may gain an excellent working knowledge of      and BACnet Discovery. Upon successful completion of              levels of permission keys, which provide access to the
control drawings and the mechanical equipment these               advanced HVAC and DDC control systems.                           this course, learners will be able to properly set up and        programming and graphics for seamless native integration
drawings represent. Hands on tasks include hardware,                                                                               troubleshoot basic Automated Logic networks, including the       to an Automated Logic system.
networks, and software with an emphasis on real life                                                                               use of Wireshark captures to capture IP traffic at the server,
                                                                   COURSE ID          CEUs                  PREREQ
scenarios with the latest tools available.                                                                                         IP and ARC156 traffic at devices.                                 COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ
                                                                   HVAC-300           N/A
 COURSE ID          CEUs                    PREREQ                                                                                  COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ                 OEM-300             1.6
   FT-200            1.6                                                                                                             NET-200            1.6                                               FORMAT/LENGTH                        FT-200
                                                                    Classroom/4.5 Days
       FORMAT/LENGTH                         N/A                                                                                                                                N/A                     Classroom/2 Days
                                                                                                                                                                                                          On-site/2 Days
    Classroom/2 Days                                                                                                                   Classroom/2 Days
      On-site/2 Days
                                                                  HVAC/DDC for Non-Technicians
                                                                  Taught by Tempcon, Inc., this course is designed for non-
                                                                  technicians with basic knowledge of HVAC systems who             Networking - Intermediate
Field Tech Operator                                               need to enhance their understanding of the more complex
                                                                  HVAC systems and processes. Learners who successfully            As part of successful course completion, learners will set up
Designed for WebCTRL system owners/operators, this                                                                                 complex ALC networks, troubleshoot networks, and create a
                                                                  complete this course will be able to gain an excellent working
course covers many of the same skills and techniques taught                                                                        secure WebCTRL site. Learners will focus on troubleshooting
                                                                  knowledge of the processes, terminology, and systems
in the Automated Logic Field Technician Basic course, such                                                                         a WebCTRL system by reading a Wireshark capture. This
                                                                  found in more sophisticated institutional HVAC systems.
as installing, basic commissioning, and troubleshooting a                                                                          course is designed for individuals who need to design
WebCTRL system. Upon successful completion of the course,                                                                          complex network systems as well as troubleshoot networks
learners will be able to apply these skills, as well as edit a     COURSE ID          CEUs                  PREREQ                 with Wireshark.
WebCTRL system utilizing EIKON, SiteBuilder, ViewBuilder,
                                                                   HVAC-200           N/A
and WebCTRL.                                                                                                                        COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ
                                                                       FORMAT/LENGTH                                                 NET-300            2.4
 COURSE ID          CEUs                    PREREQ
                                                                    Classroom/4.5 Days                                                                                    NET-200 +
  FT0-200            2.4                                                                                                                 FORMAT/LENGTH               6 months experience

       FORMAT/LENGTH                         N/A                                                                                       Classroom/3 Days

    Classroom/3 Days
      On-site/3 Days

  16                                                                          BAS University Training Catalog 2020                   BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                    17
Course Listing                                                                                                               Course Listing

Third Party Integration BACnet                               Third Party Integration Modbus                                  ViewBuilder - Basic                                              ViewBuilder - Intermediate
BACnet protocol has become the standard protocol within      Modbus protocol has been the protocol of industrial             This course introduces Automated Logic-supplied area and         This course allows learners to create equipment graphics
the Building Management Industry. Today, you will be         environment. Today, Modbus can be found in many                 equipment graphics. A complete ViewBuilder overview is           from a schematic drawing and technician pages. As an
hard pressed to not find BACnet in Building Automated        industrial controls from energy metering to variable            covered, as well as its tools, controls, images, and available   example, learners will be tasked to create one graphic
System. In this course a learner will not only learn how     frequency drives. In this course a learner will not only        symbols. Custom topics include the use of conditional            for different types of similar equipment with the idea of
to seamlessly integrate third-party BACnet controls into     seamlessly integrate third-party Modbus controls into a         expressions and programming floorplans. The learner will be      creating a master graphic for all VAVs to shorten engineering
a WebCTRL system, but also understand the theory             WebCTRL system, but also understand the theory behind the       able to successfully develop basic ViewBuilder graphics and      time. In addition, learners will create a standard template
behind the BACnet protocol. Learners will utilize EIKON,     Modbus protocol. Learners will utilize EIKON, Networking,       provide common editing techniques to existing equipment          for their company. Upon successful completion of this
Networking, and ViewBuilder skills to read and write         and ViewBuilder skills to read and write from/to Modbus         and area graphics.                                               course, learners will be able to identify, define, and/or
BACnet objects while following a sequence of operation to    registers while following a sequence of operation to                                                                             apply advanced conditional expressions, WebCTRL paths
incorporate them into a WebCTRL system without stressing     incorporate them into a WebCTRL system without stressing        To take the class virtually, you must have ViewBuilder v6.0      for system/equipment linking, complete customization of
the network. A successful integration is never complete      the network. A successful integration is never complete         installed on your computer.                                      equipment graphics including HTML control, external links,
without commissioning the programming, graphic, and          without commissioning the programming, graphic, and                                                                              document links, email links, and custom images and symbols
network; Automated Logic Technicians and Engineers will      network; Automated Logic Technicians and Engineers will          COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ                for WebCTRL graphics.
be equipped with tips and tricks to streamline integrating   be equipped with tips and tricks to streamline integrating to
                                                                                                                               VB-200             1.6
to multiple pieces of equipment and fine tune their BACnet   multiple pieces of equipment and fine tune their Modbus                                                                           COURSE ID         CEUs                   PREREQ
integration to achieve a healthy WebCTRL system, all with    integration to achieve a healthy WebCTRL system, all with
emphasis on efficiency.                                      emphasis on efficiency.                                               FORMAT/LENGTH                                                VB-300            1.6
                                                                                                                                 Classroom/2 Days                                                                                   VB-200 +
 COURSE ID         CEUs                  PREREQ               COURSE ID         CEUs                   PREREQ                      1-on-1/2 Days                                                    FORMAT/LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6 months experience
                                                                                                                                   On-site/2 Days
 BAC-300            .8                                        MOD-300             .8                                                                                                              Classroom/3 Days
                                        NET-200                                                       NET-200                                                                                       1-on-1/3 Days
                                        VB-200                    FORMAT/LENGTH
                                        EIK-200                                                       EIK-200
    Classroom/1 Day                                              Classroom/1 Day

 18                                                                     BAS University Training Catalog 2020                  BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                    19
Course Listing                                                                                                                 Course Listing – Online

WebCTRL - Basic                                                 WebCTRL - Intermediate                                         Online Courses                                                 Chilled Water Supply
This course is a great place to start your WebCTRL journey!     This course covers more advanced features and scenarios
                                                                                                                                                                                              Optimization Solutions
                                                                                                                               Online courses can be taken in one of two
If you have little or no experience with the Automated Logic    associated with the WebCTRL product. Troubleshooting is
                                                                                                                               formats: Self-paced or Virtual. See page 13 for a              The Chilled Water System Optimizer provides precise
WebCTRL system or you’ve never attended a BASU course,          heavily covered in this course with an emphasis on reading                                                                    chilled water and condenser water setpoint optimization,
                                                                                                                               description of the two formats.
this course is for you. From this course, you will be able to   logic pages and using Automated Logic-supported add-on                                                                        carefully balancing the energy use of the chilled water
work with the WebCTRL user interface, create operators          features to enhance the users’ experience. Upon successful                                                                    plant equipment with the energy use of the chilled water
and privileges, develop schedules, troubleshoot with alarms     completion of this course, the learner will be able to                                                                        consumers, which results in an overall reduction in energy
and trends, and document with WebCTRL’s report features.        configure and deploy complex options, such as advanced         Advanced Reporting                                             usage and electrical demand. This series of video tutorials
Higher end topics are also included.                            alarming, creating custom trends, location dependent                                                                          will delve into the complete installation and configuration of
                                                                                                                               This series of video tutorials covers the Advanced Reporting
                                                                security privileges, and setting up operators and privileges                                                                  this patent pending control logic that automatically adapts
                                                                                                                               feature in WebCTRL using the Report Manager and pre-
 COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ               with groups.                                                                                                                  to the conditions of the Chilled Water System alone, the
                                                                                                                               configured custom templates to create, edit, copy, and
                                                                                                                               import Custom Reports for a WebCTRL system. With               Condenser Water System alone, or both Systems in unison.
  WC-200             1.6
                                                                 COURSE ID          CEUs                  PREREQ               Advanced Reporting users can create a “dynamic table” of
                                                                                                                               live data and/or historical trend calculations to be used in    COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ
                                            N/A                   WC-300            2.4                                        graphics and tabular reports. Automated Logic technicians
                                                                                                                                                                                               OPT-200              .1
   Classroom/2 Days                                                                                   WC-200 +                 and engineers will discover the limitless possibilities of
 Self-paced/1 Day (.8 CEU)                                            FORMAT/LENGTH              6 months experience           presenting data in a WebCTRL System.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    FORMAT/LENGTH                          N/A
  1-on-1/2 Days (.2 CEU)
                                                                    Classroom/3 Days
                                                                                                                                COURSE ID         CEUs                   PREREQ                   Self-paced/1 Hour
                                                                                                                                AVR-100             .1

                                                                                                                                                                                              EnergyReports Data Connector
                                                                                                                                   Self-paced/1 Hour
                                                                                                                                                                                              This series of video tutorials covers the EnergyReports
                                                                                                                                                                                              Data Connector product line and its properties from
                                                                                                                                                                                              definition to configuration. Automated Logic technicians
                                                                                                                                                                                              and Engineers will be provided a virtual experience of
                                                                                                                                                                                              installing and configuring the ER Data Connector Add-
                                                                                                                                                                                              on. Once the Add-on is connected, the learner will have
                                                                                                                                                                                              an opportunity to witness defining buildings, configuring
                                                                                                                                                                                              meter sources, and pairing the meter sources to the online
                                                                                                                                                                                              EnergyReports dashboard.

                                                                                                                                                                                               COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ

                                                                                                                                                                                                ERD-200             .1

                                                                                                                                                                                                    FORMAT/LENGTH                          N/A

                                                                                                                                                                                               Self-paced/60 Minutes

 20                                                                         BAS University Training Catalog 2020                BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                    21
Course Listing – Online                                                                                                         Course Listing – Online

Engineering Design Suite (EDS)                               EIKON - Basic                                                      ViewBuilder - Basic                                              WebCTRL - Basic
The Microsoft Visio® EDS add-on is a tool that allows you    Learn the basics of EIKON programming. Learners who                This course introduces Automated Logic-supplied area and         This course is a great place to start your WebCTRL journey!
to streamline engineering tasks and the submittal process    successfully complete this course will be able to identify         equipment graphics. A complete ViewBuilder overview is           If you have little or no experience with the Automated Logic
to make drawings for installing and commissioning, create    the different types of microblocks, read a sequence of             covered, as well as its tools, controls, images, and available   WebCTRL system or you’ve never attended a BASU course,
project reports, and control your revisions. The add-on      operations and translate to a program, simulate a program          symbols. Custom topics include the use of conditional            this course is for you. From this course, you will be able to
includes built-in components with data sheets, engineering   to find errors, and define microblock properties.                  expressions and programming floorplans. The learner will be      work with the WebCTRL user interface, create operators
calculators and conversions, Cv calculations for water and                                                                      able to successfully develop basic ViewBuilder graphics and      and privileges, develop schedules, troubleshoot with alarms
steam, a building riser manager, a valve schedule creator,   To take the class virtually, you must have EIKON v6.0              provide common editing techniques to existing equipment          and trends, and document with WebCTRL’s report features.
and a searchable library in which you can add items.         installed on your computer.                                        and area graphics.                                               Higher end topics are also included.
Data can be output to Microsoft Excel® in standalone
spreadsheets or embedded in the Visio® EDS drawings. It       COURSE ID           CEUs                   PREREQ                 To take the class virtually, you must have ViewBuilder v6.0       COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ
provides automated creation of sequence of operation and                                                                        installed on your computer.
                                                               EIK-200            1.6                                                                                                              WC-200             1.6
your final drawing package.
                                                                                                                                 COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ
                                                                   FORMAT/LENGTH                           N/A                                                                                         FORMAT/LENGTH
 COURSE ID         CEUs                  PREREQ                                                                                   VB-200             1.6                                                                                     N/A
                                                                Classroom/2 Days                                                                                                                    Classroom/2 Days
  EDS-300           1.6
                                                              Virtual/Up to 10 Days                                                                                                                On-site/1 Day (.8 CEU)
                                                                                                                                      FORMAT/LENGTH                         N/A                    Self-paced/2 Hours
      FORMAT/LENGTH                 Microsoft Visio                                                                                 Classroom/2 Days                                                  1-on-1/Varies
                                     Proficiency                                                                                      1-on-1/Varies
   Classroom/2 Days
                                                                                                                                      On-site/2 Days
 Virtual/Up to 10 Days                                       Equipment Touch App
                                                             This series of video tutorials will cover the Equipment Touch
                                                                                                                                                                                                 WebCTRL Simulator
                                                             App product line and its tools from definition, to installation,                                                                    Sales Tutorials
                                                             and finally configuration. Automated Logic Technicians and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Created especially for field office sales personnel, the
                                                             Engineers will discover the newest options in ViewBuilder
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sales Simulator video tutorial series will prepare sales
                                                             to create Custom Touchscreens while recognizing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 professionals to conduct a demo using the Sales Simulator
                                                             advantages of using the Equipment Touch App over the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 software. The focus of this training, approximately one hour
                                                             original Equipment Touch.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and a half in length, is how to effectively conduct a WebCTRL
                                                                                                                                                                                                 demo using the WebCTRL Simulator. Course restricted to
                                                              COURSE ID           CEUs                    PREREQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Automated Logic field office personnel; approval by BAS
                                                               ETA-100             .1                                                                                                            University required.

                                                                                                           N/A                                                                                    COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ

                                                              Self-paced/60 Minutes                                                                                                                SIM-200            1.2

                                                                                                                                                                                                       FORMAT/LENGTH                         N/A

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Self-paced/1.5 Days

 22                                                                      BAS University Training Catalog 2020                     BAS University Training Catalog 2020                                                                                    23
Course Listing – Online

What’s New!
Are you current with the latest features? Automated Logic
technicians and engineers that want to stay on top of the
enhancements to the complete WebCTRL suite will enjoy
seeing improvements to WebCTRL, Eikon, SiteBuilder,
ViewBuilder, and other tools. Learners should plan to
participate in this course with every new product release.
Typical duration is less than one hour.

 COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ

 NEW-200            N/A

      FORMAT/LENGTH                          N/A


Wireless Sensors
In this short video tutorial series, learners will be presented
with the different types of wireless sensors in the WS
product line as well as be shown how to install and configure
a variety of these sensors. Additionally, this course will
review how to create control programs and graphics for
these sensors using EIKON and ViewBuilder respectively.
SensorBuilder® and SensorScan® will also be presented.

 COURSE ID          CEUs                   PREREQ

  WS-200              .1

      FORMAT/LENGTH                          N/A

    Self-paced/1 Hour

 24                                                               BAS University Training Catalog 2020   BAS University Training Catalog 2020   25
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