Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020

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Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
Transport for London
briefing for leisure and
hospitality businesses
29 June 2020
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
Following the Government’s announcement
on the easing of existing lockdown
measures, we are working to get London         In line with
back to work safely and sustainably.
Even with the recent instruction to keep       Government
a social distance of one metre plus, the
number of people that our network              guidance, face
can carry safely will continue to be
significantly constrained. This toolkit sets
                                               coverings must be
out our latest travel advice for businesses    worn for the full
engaged in leisure and hospitality, as
well as sharing some tips for planning         duration of journeys
to return to work in the longer term.
                                               on the public
 1. Our plan                                   transport network
 2. Help us to help you – what
    we ask of leisure and
    hospitality businesses

 3. Streetspace for London plan –
    deliveries and servicing

 4. Travel advice for your
    employees and customers
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
1. Our plan
We are implementing our plan to              • We introduced an enhanced cleaning
help London re-open carefully, safely          regime on the network earlier this year.
and sustainably:                               This included additional hospital-grade
                                               cleaning substances that kill viruses
• Safety is always our number one              and bacteria on contact, and protect for
  priority and so our services must            up to 30 days; key interchanges being
  continue to operate differently to           cleaned more frequently – including
  enable social distancing                     during the day; and all regular ‘touch
                                               point’ areas on buses, such as poles
• We have introduced new signage               and doors, being wiped down with a
  and platform stickers across our             strong disinfectant every day
  network, as well as operating stations
  differently through restricting entry if   • To enable greater levels of walking
  necessary and operating one-way and          and cycling, and prevent the number
  queuing systems                              of cars from grinding London to a
                                               halt, the Streetspace for London
• It is compulsory to wear a face              plan – delivered in partnership with
  covering when using public transport,        London’s boroughs – will support
  and customers should carry a hand            social distancing through new cycle
  sanitiser and wash their hands before        lanes, widened footways and other
  and after they travel                        changes to London’s streets

• We have installed hand sanitising
  points across our network
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
• To keep up with demand, an extra      • As part of a package of temporary
  1,700 Santander Cycles bikes and 14     changes, the Congestion Charge
  additional docking stations will be     has increased to £15 and operates
  added to the network                    from 07:00–22:00, seven days a week
                                          (excluding Christmas Day only).
• We are asking all taxi and private      The changes will support the safe
  hire companies and drivers to           restart of the transport network and
  put protective measures in place,       ensure the Capital’s recovery is not
  including ensuring face coverings       restricted by cars and congestion,
  are worn by drivers                     making walking and cycling safer and
                                          essential journeys more reliable
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
2. Help us to help you –
what we ask of leisure and
hospitality businesses
We are doing all we can to ensure a         • In line with Government advice,
safe transport network. While the             those who can work from home,
Government has announced a relaxation         such as administrative and head office
of social distancing guidelines, even at      staff, should continue to do so
one metre plus, the number of people
that our network can safely carry will      • Where possible, please encourage
continue to be significantly constrained.     and support your employees to walk
This means that we need leisure and           or cycle, even for only part of their
hospitality businesses to help us keep        journey. This will help make space for
the number of people travelling on the        those who have no alternative but to
network down.                                 use public transport

Employer advice:                            • To enable your staff to walk, run and
                                              cycle, please consider the facilities you
• If many of your employees come to           offer, including lockers, cycle storage
  work by public transport, you may           and showers
  need to consider staggering your staff
  start and finish times and opening
  hours, to help reduce the pressure
  during peak travel times across
  London (05:45–08:15 and 16:00–17:30)
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
• In central London, please encourage
  walking or cycling from mainline          Please check which are the
  stations, avoiding interchanging with     busiest stations and lines.
  the Tube or buses. You can find your      These stations are likely to
  nearest Santander Cycles docking
                                            change, and our web pages
  station on our website
                                            will be updated with the
• If your employees are using public        latest position
  transport, they must use a face
  covering, and are advised to do so in
  taxis and private hire vehicles. They
  should also be encouraged to carry
  hand sanitiser and wash their hands
  before and after they travel

We are continuing to follow Government
advice on using public transport. Further
details can be found on our dedicated
coronavirus webpage.
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
3. Streetspace for London
plan – deliveries and servicing
As part of the plan to get London             We will seek to make provision for loading
moving and working again, as safely and       where it is required, but there may be
sustainably as possible, there will be        changes in times when deliveries can take
far greater numbers of pedestrians and        place. We are asking businesses to:
cyclists on London’s streets.
                                              • Retime deliveries to avoid the busiest
We need to ensure the safety of your            times, and
employees and customers on the streets
while enabling essential freight and          • Consolidate trips to minimise the
deliveries. Therefore, to support social        number of deliveries
distancing through new cycle lanes,
widened footways and other changes to         To help support this, we are:
London’s streets, we have launched the
Streetspace for London plan, delivered in     • Sharing the latest information on the
partnership with London’s boroughs. As          Streetspace for London works to help
part of the changes, we have made sure          you plan safe and efficient operations.
that there are alternative routes available     It is possible that works may affect
for deliveries.                                 kerbside access for deliveries at some
                                                locations and times during installation
                                                and after completion

                                              • Providing helpful toolkits to support
                                                changes to deliveries and servicing trips
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
Congestion Charge
                                             InStreatham BID
With effect from 22 June, a number of
temporary changes were made to the           An electric cargo bike delivery
Congestion Charge scheme, including          service, set up in September 2019,
increasing the charge to £15 and extending   has come into its own during the
the hours of operation from 07:00–22:00,     pandemic. The driver’s hours have
seven days a week (excluding Christmas       been doubled to fulfil orders for 10
Day only). The changes will support the      small local businesses by delivering
safe restart of the transport network        hot meals, medication, pet food and
and ensure the Capital’s recovery from       DIY supplies. The service is currently
the pandemic is not restricted by cars       providing a lifeline for many in the
and congestion. The changes will be kept     area – both residents and businesses
under review. For more information, visit    – who can also borrow the bike free
TfL Driving page.                            of charge
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
4. Travel advice for your
employees and customers
We are keen to see London’s leisure and          • Highlight local Santander Cycles
hospitality sector open up, as rapidly and         docking stations for use by your staff
responsibly as possible.                           and customers

It is important to ensure Londoners are          • Help your employees and customers
reassured that, by acting sensibly and safely,     to avoid peak times (05:45–08:15 and
they can still enjoy all that London and           16:00–17:30), opening later and offering
their local neighbourhoods have to offer.          evening experiences that ease the
                                                   pressure on public transport. This
As you begin to welcome back your                  also enables those travelling to take
employees and customers, please                    advantage of lower cost off-peak fares
consider the guidance below to help them
plan and complete their journeys safely.         • Encourage your staff and customers to
                                                   take the most direct route and avoid
Please:                                            interchanging where possible

• Encourage Londoners to stay local,             • Consider where people are coming
  and to walk and cycle to reconnect               from and the travel options you
  with their neighbourhoods – this                 promote. There might be less busy
  ensures that the public transport                stations nearby that you could direct
  network remains available for those              customers to, which are a short walk or
  who have no alternative. Right across            cycle from central mainline stations
  London, streets are being adapted to
  give priority to safe cycling, and enable
  increased space for walking, for both
  your customers and staff
Transport for London briefing for leisure and hospitality businesses - 29 June 2020
• Remind people about the use of               • Refer people to our website, where
  mandatory face coverings on public             they will find advice and information
  transport and promote their use in             on how the network will operate
  enclosed environments, for example in          differently. Encourage them to plan
  taxis and private hire vehicles                ahead and allow more time for their
                                                 journey, as it may take longer than
• Promote the use of contactless or              normal. Our hardworking staff are
  Oyster to pay for journeys. If using           there to help; those travelling should
  Oyster, customers should top up on             act on their instructions and respect
  our website, or via the app. To help           them at all times
  keep our staff safe, many of our
  Tube stations are not accepting cash,
  although some cash-accepting stations
  can still be found on the transport            ZSL London Zoo
  network. Advice on maintaining social
  distancing will be given across the            As part of its recovery plans, ZSL
  network, and further measures to               London Zoo is actively encouraging
  prevent crowding through new queuing           customers and staff to walk or cycle
  systems will be in operation. Customers        to the zoo. It is providing additional
  should respect each other’s space              secure storage space for bikes, to
  and try to maintain social distancing          help take the pressure off the public
  wherever possible                              transport network

• Be aware that there is currently no
  Night Tube or London Overground, and
  limited Night buses, so employees and
  customers should plan their journey
  home ahead of time. Santander Cycles
  bikes are available to hire 24 hours a day
  from locations in central London. Taxis
  and private hire vehicles are running
  throughout the night
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