Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...

Page created by Brian Hill
Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...

the globe
       with ASU

                  ASU Travel
                  & Tours
                  Exotic locations, culture,
                  history and cuisine —
                  exclusively yours to
                  explore with fellow
                  Sun Devils in 2020.
Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
   ASU Travel & Tours

   Tours by date: Let the
   exploration begin,
   Sun Devil-style!
   Tours by location:
                               About Gohagan
                               & Company
                               Expedition to

   Blaze a new trail           Cruising the
   in 2020                2    Windward Islands        12
                               European Coastal
                               Civilizations           13
   About AHI Travel       4
                               Springtime in                About Go Next           18
   Legends of the Nile,
                               Provence — Burgundy
   featuring Abu Simbel    4                                Accent on Africa        18
                               — Beaujolais            13
   Morocco — Land of                                        Aegean Medley           18
                               Arctic Expedition       13
   Enchantment             4
                               Circumnavigation of          Fjords of Norway        19
   New Zealand: Land of
                               Iceland: Land of Fire        Rhine Highlights        20
   the Long White Cloud 5
                               and Ice                 15   Relics and Retreats     21   Pitchfork primer: Flaunt   Cover photo: The fjords of
   Dutch Waterways         6                                                             your Sun Devil pride       Norway, Above: Santorini of
                               Changing Tides of            Southern Grandeur       21                              the Greek Cyclades islands in
   Journey to Cornwall     7   History: Cruising the                                     wherever you go       23
                                                                                                                    the Aegean Sea, Left: Karen
   Grand Seine River and       Baltic Sea              15                                ASU Travel &               Belmont, wife of John Belmont
   Normandy Passage        7   China and Tibet         15   About Mejdi Tours       22   Tours FAQs           24    ’66, on their trip to Antarctica!
   Swiss Alps — Interlaken 7                                Israel and Palestine:
   Grand Danube                                             Lands of Diverse
                               About Odysseys               Cultures                22
   Passage                 8   Unlimited               16
   Singapore, Thailand         Journey through
   and Angkor Wat          8   Vietnam                 16   Your ASU Travel & Tours
   Spain — Andalucía       9                                photo could be a
                               Treasures of Peru       16   winner!              23
   Journey to                  Untamed Alaska          17
   Southern Africa        10
   Verona                 10

Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Let the exploration begin,
Sun Devil-style!
More than a      January                         April                            Changing Tides of History:
                                                                                  Cruising the Baltic Sea
destination,     Legends of the Nile,            Dutch Waterways                  July 7–16: Sweden, Denmark,
                 featuring Abu Simbel            April 10–18: Netherlands         Poland, Finland, Russia,
ASU Travel &     Jan. 7–18: Egypt pg. 4          and Belgium pg. 6                Norway pg. 15
                 Expedition to Antarctica        European Coastal                 Fjords of Norway
Tours creates    Jan. 15–28: Antarctica pg.12    Civilizations                    July 15–28: Norway, Britain,
                                                 April 27–May 6: Portugal,        Denmark pg. 19
a special        Accent on Africa                Spain, France, England pg. 13
                 Jan. 19–Feb. 3: South Africa,                                    Grand Danube Passage                 October
journey, full    Namibia, Mozambique pg.18                                        July 16–31: Czech Republic,
                                                 May                              Austria, Slovakia, Hungary,          Journey to Southern Africa
of amenities                                                                      Croatia, Serbia, Romania,            Oct. 4–19: South Africa,
                 February                        Springtime in Provence —         Bulgaria pg. 8                       Zimbabwe, Botswana pg. 10
and services.    Journey through Vietnam
                                                 Burgundy — Beaujolais
                                                                                  Rhine Highlights                     Verona
                                                 May 6–14: France pg. 13
                 Feb. 19–March 6: Vietnam,                                                                             Oct. 9–17: Italy pg. 10
To find out      Cambodia pg. 16                 Aegean Medley
                                                                                  July 28–Aug. 5: Netherlands,
                                                                                  Germany, Switzerland pg. 20          China and Tibet
                                                 May 14–25: Greece,
more about       Morocco — Land of               Turkey pg. 18
                                                                                                                       Oct. 10–25: China, Tibet pg. 15
                 Enchantment                                                      August
each of our      Feb. 21–March 1:
                                                                                                                       Israel and Palestine:
                                                                                                                       Lands of Diverse Cultures
                 Morocco pg. 4                   June                             Untamed Alaska
2020 journeys,                                                                    Aug. 11–21: Alaska pg. 17
                                                                                                                       Oct. 13–21: Israel pg. 22
                 Cruising the                    Journey to Cornwall
contact          Windward Islands                June 3–14: Great Britain pg. 7
                 Feb. 22–29: Grenada,                                             September
us today.        Grenadines, Martinique,         Arctic Expedition
                                                 June 9–19: Arctic Circle,                                             Southern Grandeur
                 St. Lucia, St. Vincent,                                          Relics and Retreats
                                                 Norway, France pg. 13                                                 Nov. 1–9: The Southern U.S.
                 Barbados pg. 12                                                  Sept. 7–20: Spain, Italy, Croatia,
                                                                                                                       pg. 21
                                                 Grand Seine River and            Montenegro, Greece pg. 21                                              Visit
                                                 Normandy Passage                 Singapore, Thailand                                          
                                                 June 13–21: France pg. 7         and Angkor Wat
                 New Zealand: Land of                                             Sept. 10–23: Malaysia,                                                 Email
                 the Long White Cloud                                             Thailand, Cambodia pg. 8                                     
                 March 25–April 9:               July
                                                                                  Spain — Andalucía                                                      Call
                 New Zealand pg. 5               Swiss Alps — Interlaken          Sept. 24–Oct. 2: Spain pg. 9
                 Treasures of Peru               July 1–9: Switzerland pg. 7                                                                             480-965-4034
                 March 30–April 9: Peru pg. 16   Circumnavigation
                                                 of Iceland: Land of
                                                 Fire and Ice
                                                 July 5–13: Iceland pg. 15

                                                                                                                                                 480-965-4034   1
Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Blaze a new trail                                                                                                   United States

    in 2020
                                                                                                                             United States

                                                                                                                                                   St. Lucia                     Martinique

                                                                                                                                             St. Vincent                          Martinique
                                                                                                                                                            St. Lucia
                                                                                                                                                                      Grenada       Barbados
                                                                                                                                                       St. Vincent



     North America
    Untamed Alaska                                             Europe
    Aug. 11–21: Alaska pg. 17                                                                                              Arctic Expedition
                                                               Dutch Waterways                                             June 9–19: Arctic Circle,
    Southern Grandeur                                          April 10–18: Netherlands   Aegean Medley                    Norway, France pg. 13
    Nov. 1–9: The Southern                                     and Belgium pg. 6          May 14–25: Greece,
    U.S. pg. 21                                                                           Turkey pg. 18                    Circumnavigation
                                South America
                                                               European Coastal                                            of Iceland: Land of
                                                                                          Journey to Cornwall
                                Treasures of Peru              Civilizations                                               Fire and Ice
                                                                                          June 3–14: Great
     Caribbean                  March 30–April 9:              April 27–May 6:
                                                                                          Britain pg. 7
                                                                                                                           July 5–13: Iceland pg. 15
                                Peru pg. 16                    Portugal, Spain, France,                                                                     Argentina
    Cruising the                                                                                                           Changing Tides of
                                                               England pg. 13             Grand Seine River and
    Windward Islands                                                                                                       History: Cruising the
                                                               Springtime in              Normandy Passage
    Feb. 22–29: Grenada,        Antarctica                                                June 13–21: France pg. 7         Baltic Sea                                Argentina
    Grenadines, Martinique,                                    Provence — Burgundy                                         July 7–16: Sweden,
    St. Lucia, St. Vincent,     Expedition to Antarctica       — Beaujolais               Swiss Alps — Interlaken          Denmark, Poland, Finland,
    Barbados pg. 12             Jan.15–28: Antarctica pg. 12   May 6–14: France pg. 13    July 1–9: Switzerland pg. 7      Russia, Norway pg. 15

Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Arctic Circle

                         Arctic Circle
                                     Sweden               Finland          Russia
                   Denmark             Norway
                  England                 Sweden                                Russia
 Great Britain           Denmark           Poland
                BelgiumEngland        Czech Republic
                                Netherlands              Slovakia
       Great Britain       Austria
Switzerland                           Germany Poland         Hungary
                         Serbia                 Romania
                                            Czech Republic
                            Italy Austria                      Slovakia
     Switzerland                                Bulgaria           Hungary
   Portugal      Spain
                     France     Serbia                 Romania
                         Montenegro          Croatia        Turkey
                                   Italy      Greece Bulgaria
          Portugal     Spain
                               Montenegro            Israel       Turkey                                                         China
               Morocco                              Greece
                                                           Israel                                                                        China
                      Morocco                          Egypt


                                                                                                                  Thailand            Vietnam
                                                                                                                         Thailand          Vietnam


                                                    Mozambique          Legends of the Nile,
                                      Namibia                           featuring Abu Simbel
       Fjords of Norway                              Mozambique         Jan. 7–18: Egypt pg. 4
       July 15–28: Norway, Great                   Zimbabwe
       Britain, Denmark pg. 19            Namibia                       Accent on Africa
                                              Botswana                  Jan. 19–Feb. 3: South Africa,
       Grand Danube Passage                             Zimbabwe        Namibia, Mozambique pg. 18
       July 16–31: Czech Republic,
       Austria, Slovakia, Hungary,
                                                        Botswana        Morocco — Land of
       Croatia, Serbia, Romania,                South Africa            Enchantment
       Bulgaria pg. 8                                                   Feb. 21–March 1:
                                                                        Morocco pg. 4
       Rhine Highlights                             South Africa
                                                                        Journey to                      Journey
       July 28–Aug. 5: Netherlands,
                                                                        Southern Africa                 through Vietnam
       Germany, Switzerland pg. 20
                                                                        Oct. 4–19: South Africa,        Feb. 19–March 6: Vietnam,                                                   New Zealand
       Relics and Retreats                                              Zimbabwe, Botswana pg. 10       Cambodia pg. 16
       Sept. 7–20: Spain, Italy,
                                                                                                        Singapore, Thailand                                                               New Zealand
       Croatia, Montenegro,
                                                                                                        and Angkor Wat
       Greece pg. 21                                                    Middle East                     Sept. 10–23: Malaysia,               New Zealand
       Spain — Andalucía                   Arctic                       Israel and Palestine:           Thailand, Cambodia pg. 8            New Zealand: Land of
       Sept. 24–Oct. 2: Spain pg. 9
                                          Arctic Expedition             Lands of Diverse                China and Tibet                     the Long White Cloud
       Verona                             June 9–19: Arctic Circle,     Cultures                        Oct. 10–25: China,                  March 25–April 9:
       Oct. 9–17: Italy pg. 10            Norway, France pg. 13         Oct. 13–21: Israel pg. 22       Tibet pg. 15                        New Zealand pg. 5

                                                                                                                                                                480-965-4034   3
Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
     AHI Travel

                                       Legends of the Nile,                                     Morocco — Land of
                                       featuring Abu Simbel                                     Enchantment
     Many know AHI Travel              Jan. 7–18 12 days From $4,995                            Feb. 21–March 1 10 days From $3,495
     as Alumni Holidays®, the
     premier operator of deluxe        Treat yourself to a thrilling adventure along the Nile   Embrace the charms of Morocco on this eight-night
     travel programs sponsored         River, plus explorations in Cairo and Abu Simbel.        journey in Marrakech and Casablanca. Explore
     by college and university         This 10-night, small-group journey includes a            colorful souks, tour ornate gardens and marvel at
     alumni associations such          first-class, four-night cruise and an expert             minarets. Enjoy tea with a Berber family in the Atlas
     as ASU Alumni. Catering           Egyptologist to guide you through the Pyramids of        Mountains, relish cosmopolitan Casablanca and
     to educated travelers, AHI        Giza, Valley of the Kings and other magnificence of      marvel at the wonders of ancient Rabat.
     creates journeys of a lifetime,   ancient Egypt.
     full of beauty, intellectual
     stimulation and unforgettable
     moments by land, sea and
     river. Itineraries offer unique
     access to iconic sights and
                                       Land journey and river cruise:                           Land journey:
     hidden treasures, at a pace
     that is truly pleasurable.        Egypt                                                    Morocco

     Call AHI at 1-800-323-7373 for                            Giza
                                                    Sakkara             Cairo
     information and reservations.
                                                                                                                  Casablanca      MOROCCO
                                                                       Karnak                        Atlantic Ocean            Marrakech
                                                                Edfu                                                            Atlas Mountains
                                                           Aswan           Kom Ombo

                                                       Abu Simbel                                                                                 ALGERIA

Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Did you know:
History and astounding
diversity in lifescapes
make Morocco one of the
world’s fastest growing
travel destinations,
according to National

                          New Zealand: Land of
                          the Long White Cloud
                          March 25–April 9 16 days From: $5,995

                          From Auckland on the North Island to Doubtful
                          Sound on the South Island, relish the adventure of
                          New Zealand on this 13-night, small-group trip. Thrill
                          to a traditional Maori war dance, cruise a fiord, hike to
                          a glacier, take a scenic train ride through the
                          Southern Alps and more!

                          Land journey:
                          New Zealand

                                                  Auckland        South Pacific Ocean

                                          Tasman Sea
                                                             NEW ZEALAND


                                       Franz Josef        Christchurch

                                               480-965-4034       5
Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Dutch Waterways
     April 10–18 9 days From $2,895

     See the Netherlands and Belgium brilliantly revealed
     as you glide along scenic waterways during a
     seven-night cruise on a first-class river ship. Explore
     Amsterdam, Antwerp and fairy-tale Giethoorn, while
     enjoying an ever-changing panorama. Follow your
     passions with included excursion choices. See
     Dutch masters, bicycle through villages or savor
     chocolate. No single supplement!

     River cruise:
     Netherlands and Belgium

               North Sea
                                THE NETHERLANDS
                     Amsterdam                Kampen
                 The Hague

                      BELGIUM                                  Canals, tulips and architecture blend
                                                               unforgettably in ASU Travel & Tours’ “Dutch
                                                               Waterways” river cruise.

Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Journey to Cornwall                                     Grand Seine River and                                     Swiss Alps — Interlaken
June 3–14 12 days From $4,195
                                                        Normandy Passage                                          July 1–9 9 days From $3,295

                                                        June 13–21 9 days From $3,595
Discover Cornwall during this 10-night journey                                                                    Stand in awe of nature, breathe in fresh alpine air and
featuring stays in Bath, Falmouth, Exeter and London.                                                             explore the beauty of the Bernese Oberland region in
                                                        From Paris to Normandy’s beaches, enjoy the scenic
Celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s                                                                the Swiss Alps! The traditional resort town of
                                                        Seine River on this seven-night cruise aboard an
epic voyage in Plymouth and enjoy 18th-century                                                                    Interlaken is your home base for seven nights as you
                                                        exclusively chartered first-class ship. See the City of
gardens, sprawling estates and the charming fishing                                                               embrace emerald green valleys, snow-dusted peaks,
                                                        Light at night and stroll the gardens of Claude
villages of South West England. This small-group                                                                  crystalline lakes and cozy, carefree villages with
                                                        Monet’s Giverny home. Explore a medieval chateau,
program concludes with a stay in vibrant London.                                                                  jaw-dropping mountain views!
                                                        visit D-Day memorials, tour historic harbor town
                                                        Honfleur and more. No single supplement!

Land journey:                                                                                                     Land journey:
                                                        River cruise:
Great Britain                                                                                                     Switzerland

                                                                 English Channel               FRANCE
                                                                                                                                SWITZERLAND      Zürich
                                                                                      Rouen                                                       Rothorn       AUSTRIA
                                                                                                                               Bern               Brienz
                                                                      Honfleur                                            Interlaken
                            Bath      London                                                                          Lauterbrunnen              Rosenlaui Glacier Gorge
                 Longleat                                                                    Les Andelys
                                                                                   Giverny     La Roche-Guyon            Kandersteg           Grindelwald
      Port Issac                                                                                                                         Mürren
          Pool Falmouth                                                                                 Paris
      St. Ives

                                                                                                                                       480-965-4034   7
Travel the globe with ASU 2020 - Arizona State ...
Grand Danube Passage                                        Singapore, Thailand
     July 16–31 16 days From $4,995
                                                                 and Angkor Wat                                              Did you know:
                                                                                                                            The temples of Angkor are
                                                                 Sept. 10–23 13 days From $6,995                            awe-inspiring reminders of what
     See Europe from a new vantage point on the                                                                             was the largest preindustrial
     13-night Grand Danube Passage. Enjoy eight                                                                             urban center in the world, larger
                                                                 Experience Singapore’s city life and the sublime           than modern-day New York City.
     countries, plus Austria’s storied Wachau Valley,
                                                                 temples at Angkor in Cambodia. Travel in luxury
     a fairy-tale swath of stunning vineyards and cliff-top
                                                                 across the Malay Peninsula aboard the storied
     castles. Gain new insights and have fun as you savor
                                                                 Eastern and Oriental Express, and ride a tuk tuk to
     regional cuisine, witness soul-stirring landmarks,
                                                                 Bangkok’s Temple of the Reclining Buddha! Savor
     including Melk Abbey, and toast traditions with local
                                                                 the best of Southeast Asia on this 10-night
     wine. No single supplement!
                                                                 adventure of a lifetime.

     Land journey and river cruise:
                                                                 Land journey:
     Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia,
     Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria                                   Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia

                       Prague                                                            THAILAND
       GERMANY                                                           Kanchanaburi                Ayutthaya
                   CZECH REPUBLIC                                                                             Angkor Wat
            Passau    Dürnstein SLOVAKIA                                                    CAMBODIA         Siem Reap
                    Melk          Bratislava
                 AUSTRIA Vienna         Budapest                                        Gulf of Thailand
                                   HUNGARY         ROMANIA
                           Vukovar             Iron Gate Gorge
                       CROATIA   Belgrade                                                    Kuala Kangsar
                                        SERBIA Vidin
                                                                                         MALAYSIA                          The Angkor Wat complex of temples
                                                    BULGARIA                                          Singapore
                                                                                                                           is spread across more than 400
                                                                                                                           acres in northern Cambodia.

Spain — Andalucía
Sept. 24–Oct. 2 9 days From $2,895

Surrender to romantic southern Spain on a seven-
night adventure. From your base in a modern luxury
parador in Andalucía’s heartland, discover the legacy
of Moorish Spain. Explore Granada, Córdoba,
Sevilla and Ronda, while gaining insights from local
experts along the way. Embrace the passion of
flamenco and sip wine in the Andalucía countryside.
No single supplement!

Land journey:


                  Córdoba        Granada


                                      Mediterreanean Sea

                      480-965-4034   9
Journey to                                                        Verona
    Southern Africa                                                   Oct. 9–17 9 days From $3,395

     Oct. 4–19 16 days From $7,495
                                                                      Fall in love with “fair Verona,” the setting of
                                                                      Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Soak up the
    Thrill to the wildlife and wonder of South Africa,
                                                                      warmth of Verona’s pink-hued buildings. Cruise the
    Zimbabwe and Botswana! Witness abundant animal
                                                                      canals of nearby Venice. Sip wine in a vineyard and
    life and tour historic Cape Town. Walk in the                                                                             Did you know:
                                                                      grappa in the foothills of the Italian Alps! From
    footsteps of Nelson Mandela on Robben Island and                                                                         “In fair Verona, where we lay our
                                                                      shimmering Lake Garda to Giotto’s Renaissance
    see his home in Soweto. Travel in Victorian elegance                                                                     scene,” is the second line of the
                                                                      frescoes, enjoy an inspiring, romantic journey!        prologue to William Shakespeare’s
    on the Rovos Rail through Hwange Game Reserve to
                                                                                                                             most famous play, “Romeo and
    majestic Victoria Falls!
                                                                                                                             Juliet.” Just 15 miles east of Lake
                                                                                                                             Garda (pictured here), Verona marks
                                                                                                                             the beginning of ASU Travel & Tours’
                                                                                                                             “Verona” land adventure. Inspiring
                                                                                                                             moments on the tour include
                                                                                                                             piazzas, parks, canals, classic
    Land journey:                                                     Land journey:                                          cuisine and three UNESCO World
    South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana                                  Italy                                                  Heritage sites.

                                               Victoria Falls
                        Hwange National Park

                                   BOTSWANA                                   Vicenza          Bassano del Grappa
                                                       Hoedspruit                                                           Lake Garda separates the Italian
                                      Pretoria                                    Verona            Venice                  provinces of Verona, Brescia and
       Atlantic Ocean
                                       Soweto                                                                               Trentino.
                                                 Johannesburg                                  Padua
                                    SOUTH AFRICA                                      ITALY
                                                       Indian Ocean                                    Adriatic Sea
              Cape Town

480-965-4034 11
About Gohagan
     & Company

                                           Expedition to Antarctica                                  Cruising the Windward
     ESTA B L I S H E D 1 9 8 4

                                           Jan.15–28 14 days From $9,995
                                                                                                     Feb. 22–29 8 days From $3,995
     Gohagan & Company develops            Join us for this spectacular 14-day journey featuring a
     and operates deluxe group             nine-night, exclusively chartered cruise to Antarctica.
                                                                                                     Elude the depths of winter on this seven-night
     travel programs for America’s         Experience Earth’s last frontier aboard the intimate
                                                                                                     cruise of the Caribbean’s tropical Windward
     most prestigious museums,             Le Boreal. Experience the “White Continent” in its
                                                                                                     Islands aboard the exclusively chartered, five-star
     colleges, universities and cultural   unspoiled state, accompanied by the ship’s expert
                                                                                                     small-expedition ship, Le Champlain. Cruise into
     institutions. The company             team of naturalists.
                                                                                                     secluded harbors, exploring the Windward Islands’
     combines unique itineraries,
                                                                                                     treasures of Grenada; the Grenadines’ Tobago Cays
     world-class guides and academic
                                                                                                     Marine Park; Martinique, St. Lucia; St. Vincent and
     experts with the world’s finest
                                                                                                     Bridgetown, Barbados.
     cruise ships, trains and hotels.
     Each trip is designed with the
     knowledge and expertise achieved
     with the company’s 30-year track                                                                Sea cruise:
     record and team of professionals      Land journey and sea cruise:                              Grenada, Grenadines, Martinique, St. Lucia,
     dedicated to passenger                Antarctica                                                St. Vincent, Barbados
     satisfaction, from reservations and
                                                                                                      NORTH AMERICA
     departure to program operations                               Buenos Aires
     and return trips.                                                                                   WINDWARD
                                                                                                                                  Marigot Bay
                                                                          Ushuaia                       SOUTH AMERICA           Soufrière,
                                                Deception Island                                                                St. Lucia       Bridgetown,
     Call Gohagan & Company at                                             Half Moon Island
                                                   Port Lockroy                                                                                 Barbados
     1-800-922-3088 for information                     Drake Passage
                                                                         Neko Harbor/Paradise Bay
     and reservations.                                                                                        St. Vincent                   Saline Bay,
                                                   Petermann Island                                                         Tobaga Cays,    Mayreau
                                                                                                                            Union Islands
                                                                        Booth Island                       St. George’s,                    Caribbean Sea
                                               ANTARCTICA                                                  Grenada

12 ASU TRAVEL & TOURS Gohagan & Company
European Coastal                                       Springtime in Provence —                                Arctic Expedition
Civilizations                                          Burgundy — Beaujolais                                   June 9–19 11 days From $6,995

April 27–May 6 10 days From $5,295                     May 6–14 9 days From $3,995
                                                                                                               A flight from Paris marks the start of your special
                                                                                                               voyage through the Arctic Circle on this extraordinary
Join this eight-night cruise along coastal Portugal,   This exclusive, nine-day French sojourn features
                                                                                                               11-day itinerary featuring a seven-night cruise on the
Spain, France and England aboard the five-star Le      a seven-night cruise through Provence and the
                                                                                                               exclusively chartered five-star L’Austral. Sail through
Dumont D’Urville, featuring a memorable cruise up      Burgundy and Beaujolais wine regions aboard the
                                                                                                               an ethereal topography of red sandstone mountains,
the River Thames. Visit the beaches of Normandy        exclusively chartered deluxe Amadeus Provence.
                                                                                                               lush green tundra and awe-inspiring ice formations.
with special guest speaker Dwight D. Eisenhower II     Explore Beaune, the Beaujolais vineyards, Lyon,
                                                                                                               Enjoy expert-led excursions to diverse terrains where
and tour Oporto, Santiago de Compostela, Bilbao        Orange, Avignon and Arles. Geneva and the French
                                                                                                               wildlife roam. The adventure concludes with a flight
and Mont-Saint-Michel.                                 Alps precruise option and Palette of Provence post-
                                                                                                               from the town of Longyearbyen on the Norwegian
                                                       cruise option.
                                                                                                               island of Spitzbergen to Paris for your return home.

Land journey and sea/river cruise:                     River cruise:                                           Sea cruise:
Portugal, Spain, France, England                       France                                                  Arctic Circle, Norway, France

                                                                                                                                         Arctic Ocean
                              London                                     Chalon-sur-Saône     SWITZERLAND
                         St. Malo                                                 Mâcon                          Smeerenburg
                                                                       Beaujolais           Montmerle-sur-
                                                                                            Saône                                  Monaco Glacier         SVALBARD
                                        FRANCE                                        Lyon
                                                                FRANCE                                                                                   ARCHIPELAGO
                                                                                     Vienne                                            Kings Glacier
       A Coruña                                                                                                       Ny-Alesund
                                                                                     Saint-Étienne-des-Sorts                                 Longyearbyen
                               Bilbao                       Châteaneuf-du-Pape                                                         Camp Miller
      Leixões                                                                        Avignon                             Calypsobyen
              PORTUGAL                                                              Arles                       Greenland Sea
                         SPAIN                                                         Marseille
     Lisbon                                                                                                                                       Samarin Glacier

                                                                                                                                   480-965-4034 13
Did you know:
                                          Says “Geographical,” the official
                                          magazine of the Royal Geographical
                                          Society: “Iceland is a sparsely
                                          populated country with one of the
                                          most geologically and volcanically
                                          active landscapes in the world,
                                          perfect for capturing some of the
                                          most striking landscape images
                                          on Earth.”

                                          Iceland’s Glacier Lagoon is a large
                                          glacial lake in southeast Iceland that
                                          is reported to be the deepest lake in
                                          the country.

14 ASU TRAVEL & TOURS Gohagan & Company
Circumnavigation of                                                     Changing Tides of                                        China and Tibet
Iceland: Land of Fire                                                   History: Cruising the                                    Oct. 10–25 16 days From $5,295
and Ice                                                                 Baltic Sea
                                                                                                                                 Experience the best of China and Tibet during this
July 5–13 9 days From $6,795                                            July 7–16 10 days From $6,695                            exceptional 16-day journey, featuring a three-night
                                                                                                                                 cruise along the fabled Yangtze River and five-star
Discover the ethereal beauty of Iceland on this                         Experience the cultural rebirth of the Baltic states,    accommodations in Beijing, Xi’an, Lhasa and
seven-night circumnavigation aboard the newest                          with eight nights aboard the exclusively chartered       Shanghai. Visit the Three Gorges Dam, Beijing’s
five‑star expedition ship, Le Bellot, launching in                      five-star Le Dumont D’Urville. Enjoy a specially         Forbidden City, the Great Wall, Xi’an’s Terra Cotta
2020. See ancient Viking ruins and crystalline                          arranged presentation by former president of Poland      Warriors and Lhasa’s magnificent Potala Palace.
glaciers atop simmering volcanoes. Cross the Arctic                     Lech Wałesa. Visit Visby, Helsinki, St. Petersburg,
Circle on Grímsey Island and cruise along Surtsey, a                    Tallinn and Gdansk.
UNESCO World Heritage site. Included round-trip
air and add-ons from select cities. Reykjavík and the
Golden Circle precircumnavigation option.

Sea cruise:                                                             Sea cruise:                                              Land journey and river cruise:
Iceland                                                                 Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Russia, Norway         China, Tibet

            Ísafjördur            Grímsey Island                                      SWEDEN
            Vigur Island               Húsavik
                                       Lake Mývatn                                                                                                            CHINA
               Siglufjördur                                                 NORWAY                                                  TIBET            Xi’an
                                                        Seydisfjördur                                     Helsinki
                                                       Djúpivogur              Stockholm                        St. Petersburg                      Maoping                Shanghai
                  Thingvellir National Park          Lake Jökulsárlón                                   Tallinn                                                Yichang
                                                                                            Visby                                       Lhasa
               Reykjavík                                                  DENMARK                                                               Chongqing
                                                                        Copenhagen         Baltic Sea                  RUSSIA                                 Shibaozhai
          on Heimaey Island              North Atlantic

                                                                                                                                                    480-965-4034 15
About Odysseys

                                           Journey through Vietnam                                    Treasures of Peru
     Odysseys Unlimited is a leader
                                           Feb. 19–March 6 17 days From $4,397                        March 30–April 9 11 days From $4,287
     in the small-group travel market
     and a six-time recipient of
                                           Encounter Vietnam’s breathtaking natural beauty,           Peru draws those eager to learn about the distant
     Travel + Leisure magazine’s
                                           abiding traditions and profoundly hospitable               past and encounter a fascinating present. Marvel at
     World’s Best Tour Operators
                                           people on this comprehensive 17-day journey from           this intriguing land’s many treasures as your small
     award. Each escorted tour is
                                           French-accented Hanoi and stunning Ha Long Bay             group experiences many highlights: Lima, Cuzco,
     designed specifically for just
                                           to imperial Hue and charming Hoi An; from the              the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.
     12 to 24 guests, creating a
                                           storied Mekong Delta to vibrant Saigon. Discover           Discover the Amazon rainforest’s wonders on an
     group travel experience with
                                           Angkor Wat’s amazing temples on an optional 3-day,         optional 4-day, 4-night post-tour extension.
     more flexibility, efficiency and
                                           2-night post-tour extension.
     spontaneous encounters —
     plus a higher degree of
     freedom and independence for
     travelers — than conventional
     group tours of 40 or more
     can offer.                            Land journey:                                              Land journey:
                                           Vietnam, Cambodia
     Call Odysseys Unlimited at                                                                       Peru
     1-888-370-6765 for information
     and reservations.                                     Hanoi
                                                                                                                                 Iquitos (Amazon)

                                                                                    South China Sea
                                                                            Da Nang
                                                                                                                                  Machu Picchu
                                                   Siem Reap    CAMBODIA                                               Lima
                                                   (Angkor Wat)                                                                      Cusco/Sacred Valley
                                                                         Ho Chi Minh City                                               Puno
                                                   Can Tho               (Saigon)
                                                   (Mekong Delta)                                               Pacific Ocean

16 ASU TRAVEL & TOURS Odysseys Unlimited
Did you know:
 Set in the middle of a tropical
 mountain forest, in an extraordinarily
 beautiful setting, Machu Picchu
 was no doubt the most amazing
 urban creation of the Inca Empire
 at its height. The natural setting
 encompasses the upper Amazon
 basin with its rich diversity of flora
 and fauna.                                Untamed Alaska
                                           Aug. 11–21 11 days From $6,487

                                           Awe-inspiring natural beauty and outdoor adventure
                                           await on this superlative 11-day exploration of
                                           Alaska’s varied landscapes and noteworthy cities.
                                           From the unspoiled grandeur of Denali,
                                           Wrangell-St. Elias, and Kenai Fjords national parks,
                                           to the energy of Anchorage and scenic Seward, your
                                           small group encounters the breadth of America’s
                                           Last Frontier.

                                           Land journey:

                                                                   Denali National
                                              U.S.A                Park and Preserve

                                                                   Chitina             Wrangell-St. Elias
                                                                                       National Park and
                                                      Anchorage                        Preserve

                                                                        Knik Valley

                                                                  Gulf of Alaska

The Incan citadel of Machu Picchu is set
high in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
                                                             480-965-4034 17
About Go Next

     As a leader in alumni association
     and group travel, Go Next has been
                                            Accent on Africa                                        Aegean Medley
     creating and delivering exceptional    Jan. 19–Feb. 3 16 days From $5,099                      May 14–25 12 days From $3,599
     travel experiences since 1972. Over
     the years, it has developed strong     Take in the dramatic natural beauty of Cape Town,       Visit the Archaeological Museum of Volos and see
     and exclusive relationships with       a city exuding warmth and energy. Enjoy marine and      the Kamares aqueduct in Kavala. Tour the Blue
     some of the best travel providers in   wildlife sightings in the sparkling harbor of Walvis    Mosque in Istanbul, discover the Temple of Artemis
     the world, such as Oceania Cruises     Bay and stroll along golden-sand beaches in Port        in Kusadasi and experience the rich heritage of
     and American Queen Steamboat           Elizabeth and East London, boasting some of the         Rhodes. Revel in the Grecian beauty of Santorini and
     Company. From luxurious ocean          world’s best coastal climates. Experience the energy    stroll the cobblestone streets of Mykonos.
     cruises to a diverse offering of       of Durban, a thriving metropolis set against pristine
     high-end river cruises and cultural    beaches, and tour some of the most magnificent
     exchange programs, each Go Next        wetland scenery in Richards Bay and Maputo.
     trip is designed to deliver a
     once-in-a-lifetime experience.

     Call Go Next at 1-800-842-9023
     for information and reservations.
                                            Sea cruise:                                             Sea cruise and land journey:
                                            South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique                       Greece, Turkey

                                                             NAMIBIA                                                   GREECE
                                                Walvis Bay
                                                                                   MOZAMBIQUE                         Kavala        Istanbul
                                                                       Richards Bay
                                                                                                                     Volos                     TURKEY
                                                                   East London                                       Athens        Esphesus
                                                                                    Durban                Piraeus
                                                              SOUTH AFRICA                                                               Kusadasi
                                                                                                                    Mykonos        Rhodes
                                                    Cape Town                Port Elizabeth                            Santorini

Did you know:
                                                         Norway is home to
Fjords of Norway                                         more than 1,000 fjords,
                                                         created by massive
July 15–28 14 days From $5,399                           glaciation that went
                                                         below sea level. Over
                                                         a period of 2.5 million
Take in the natural beauty of Oslo, nosh on locally      years, the u-shaped
caught seafood in Skagen, and visit a reconstructed      valleys were carved
Viking farm in Haguesund. See the waterfalls of          out of the ground
Geiranger, stroll through the botanical garden in        during a succession
                                                         of glacial cycles.
Kristiansund and tour the nature reserves of Bodø.
In Trondheim, visit the largest medieval building in
Scandinavia. Walk through the turret-lined streets of
Ålesund, pop into the Hanseatic Museum in Bergen
and promenade through the cobblestone lanes of
Old Stavanger.

Sea cruise:
Norway, Britain, Denmark

           Ålesund                       SWEDEN
           Bergen                 Flåm
        Haugesund                  Oslo
                   North Sea      Skagen,
         London                   Denmark               Immerse yourself in
                                                        the magic of the fjords
                                                        of Norway aboard
                                                        the elegant Marina
                                                        cruise ship.               480-965-4034 19
Rhine Highlights
    July 28–Aug. 5 9 days From $3,999

    Cruise the canals of Amsterdam, see the Schloss
    Drachenburg castle in Cologne, and take a guided
    tour of Koblenz. Take a journey to Drachenburg
    Castle on Germany’s oldest cog railway, join a local
    guide for a tour of Heidelberg Castle, and enjoy a
    private concert in a baroque palace. Stroll through
    the Old Town in Strasbourg or sample the fine wines
    of Mittelbergheim.

                                                             Did you know:
                                                            The ASU Travel & Tours
                                                            “Relics and Retreats”
                                                            experience features
    Sea cruise:                                             five countries that help
    Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland                       form the northern border
                                                            of the Mediterranean
                                                            Sea. No less than
                   THE NETHERLANDS                          19 countries have a
                                                            coastline on the massive
              and Edam            Cologne                   body of water.

                                                           Dubrovnik is the most visited destination in
             FRANCE            SWITZERLAND
                                                           Croatia and a perennial top-10 “must-see”
                                                           among Mediterranean cities.

Relics and Retreats                                          Southern Grandeur
Sept. 7–20 14 days From $4,499                               Nov. 1–9 9 days From $2,499

Experience the jubilant energy of Barcelona and the          See Bourbon Street and the French Quarter in New
Old World beauty of Valletta. Discover Koutavos              Orleans, tour the Civil War Tent in Oak Alley and
Lagoon in Argostoli, see St. Tryphon Cathedral in            marvel at the history of St. Francisville. Explore the
Kotor and stroll the Old Town of Dubrovnik. Enjoy            antebellum architecture of Natchez, see the site of a
world-class cuisine in Venice and relax on the coast         dramatic siege during the Civil War in Vicksburg and
in Corfu. See the Piazza del Duomo in Messina and            cruise the Mississippi to Helena and visit the Delta
the ruins of Pompeii.                                        Cultural Center.

Sea cruise:                                                  Land journey:
Spain, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece                    The Southern U.S.


                       Venice                     ROMANIA
                          Dubrovnik                                     MISSISSIPPI    Vicksburg
   Barcelona             Rome                                          Natchez          St. Francisville
                    Sorrento/Capri                                     White Castle      New Orleans
                                                 Corfu                       LOUISIANA
                          Messina                Argostoli

                                     Valletta                                         Gulf of Mexico

                                                                                 480-965-4034 21
     MEJDI Tours

              Mejdi tours
     MEJDI Tours is the leading socially
     conscious travel company in the world,
              Mejdi tours
     and the first global tour operator to become
     B Corp. certified, the premier designation
     of social responsibility. With an estimated
                                                                                                                                      Haifa             Tiberias
     1 billion people traveling every year, MEJDI
     Tours sees this as 1 billion opportunities
                                                      Israel and Palestine:                                       Mediterranean Sea     Caesarea

                                                      Lands of Diverse Cultures
                                                                                                                                        Tel Aviv
     to make a difference. The company is                                                                                                              Jerusalem
     dedicated to opening hearts and expanding                                                                                            Ein Bokek
     minds. It invites clients to become cultural     Oct. 13–21 9 days From $3,950                                                           ISRAEL
     explorers while engaging and supporting the                                                                                      EGYPT
     global communities it serves.                    Explore the multifaceted history and culture of Israel
     When you choose MEJDI, you’re choosing           and Palestine anew, with MEJDI’s industry-first,
     to see more than sites; you’re choosing to       Dual Narrative Tour™ experience! On this unique tour,
     tap into one of the world’s best-kept secrets:   learn about the Holy Land’s unique cultural, religious,
     that we are all connected by shared values       political and ethnic narratives with the help of two
     that cross cultures, languages, religions,       local tour guides, one Israeli and one Palestinian.
     nationalities and ethnicities — and that there   Founded by ASU alum and multiple Sun Devil 100
     is far more that unites us than separates us.    honoree Scott Cooper, and National Geographic
                                                      Expert and TED Fellow Aziz Abu Sarah, MEJDI Tours
     Call MEJDI Tours at 1-703-349-1554,              has been praised by the United Nations, National
     ext. 303, for information and reservations.      Geographic and CNN for its socially conscious and
                                                      responsible approach to travel. MEJDI Tours’ unique
                                                      two-guide model equips groups with two local              Highlights of this trip include visits to Jerusalem,
                                                      guides, each representing unique cultural, religious,     Bethlehem, Masada, Dead Sea, Nazareth, Sea of
                                                      political and ethnic narratives.                          Galilee, Caesarea and Tel Aviv.
                                                      Travel with ASU Travel & Tours and MEJDI to
                                                      experience the history, culture and complex reality       Land journey:
                                                      of the Holy Land like no other traveler.                  Israel

22 ASU TRAVEL & TOURS Mejdi Tours
Send us your best shot!                                                                                                                  Pitchfork

Your ASU Travel & Tours
                                                                                                                                         Flaunt your
                                                                                                                                         Sun Devil pride

photo could be a winner!                                                                                                                 wherever you go

  It’s this simple: Send us your best         astound, pictures that tell a story of          1                            4
  shot from your recent trip, and we’ll       your journey and anything that displays
  enter it into our photo contest for ASU     your Devil-of-a-good time experience
  prizes and featured inclusion in digital    traveling with ASU Travel & Tours.
  and printed ASU Alumni materials,           For more details and information, call                                                      Step 1
  including next year’s version of this       us at 480-965-4034. Then, get ready                                                        Make the traditional
  tour book!                                  to travel, tour, take pictures and send us
  We’ll be looking for visually compelling    your best shot to
                                                                                              2                            5             “Peace” sign.

  photos of your trip: landscapes that

Check out our 7 tips for             Capture candid          postcards that capture
picture-perfect travel
                                3    moments. Posed          that perfect landscape. If
photos you’ll be proud         group shots are great, but    you’re not a pro, focus
to share:                      photos that capture real      instead on capturing the         3
       Stay inspired.          emotion are always            scene from a unique                                                          Step 2
 1     Be on the lookout       stronger. Take the time to    perspective or including                                      6
                               capture a genuine laugh       companions in the frame.                                                    Raise your pinky
for photos that inspire you,                                                                                                             to the sky. Shake,
and critique them on why       or expression for
                                                                    Get close. Zoom
they work. When you’re         meaningful images.             6     in. Look at patterns,
                                                                                                                                         wiggle or otherwise
                                                                                                                                         move your pitchfork
on vacation, give your                Take charge.           texture and detail and walk
favorite compositions or        4     Eye-catching photo     up to your subjects. Vary      grab your selfie stick (we
                                                                                                                                         around as you cheer
                                                                                                                                         for the Sun Devils!
techniques a try.              compositions don't just       your focal distance to         won’t judge). But make
                               happen. Experiment by         ensure you end up with a       sure to get into some of
       Tell a story. Taking                                                                                                              #ForksUp
 2     photos of key           shifting your perspective,    dynamic set of pictures.       your own photos, too.          7
                               body or subjects to           Don’t forget to photograph     When taking selfies, hold                    Be sure to KEEP
moments during your                                                                         your phone out in front of
                               achieve the best framing.     the details that make the                                                   YOUR PITCHFORK
trip — the contents of your                                                                 you and angled down
                                                             destination different                                                       UPRIGHT!
suitcase, a great meal or            Don't stress
view from the airplane on       5    about scenic
                                                             from home.                     slightly for the best angle.                 Don’t point your
                                                                                                                                         fingers to the
your return — will help tell   shots. Remember, you                 Get in the shot!
the story of your adventure.   can usually find
                                                              7     Set the timer or
                                                                                            Email us your travel photos
                                                                                                                                         ground or sideways!

                                                                                                                               480-965-4034 23
Know before you go:

                                           ASU Travel & Tours
                                           Who is eligible to              • Go Next                     Single travelers
                                           travel with ASU                   1-800-842-9023              For those travelers who
                                           Travel & Tours?                 • Thomas P. Gohagan           prefer to room alone,
                                           As a benefit of being a           & Company                   most tours offer a limited
                                           graduated Sun Devil,              1-800-922-3088              number of single rooms.
                                           you and your family and         • Odysseys Unlimited          Those requesting a single
                                           friends are invited to travel     1-888-370-6765              room may be charged a
                                           with us. Our unique travel                                    supplemental fee. Those
                                                                           • Mejdi Tours 1-703-
                                           and tour program fosters                                      trips that waive the single
                                                                             349-1554, ext. 303
                                           lifelong learning and offers                                  supplement fee are noted
                                           Sun Devils an opportunity                                     in the brochure.
                                                                           General Information
                                           to explore exotic locations,
                                           meet new people and             Travel and                    Travelers with
                                           see the world in a              tour brochures                special needs
                                           start-to-finish, high-end                                     Any traveler with
                                                                           Brochures for each trip,
                                           experience.                                                   physical and/or medical
                                                                           with detailed itinerary and
                                                                           reservation information,      restrictions must
                                           How do I reserve space                                        communicate special
                                                                           will be mailed as they
                                           or request brochures?                                         needs at the time the
                                                                           are available. Brochures
    Top: Alexandra “Alex” Anderson         To make a reservation,          generally are printed         reservation is made.
    traveled with fellow alumni on the     call the number of the                                        Participants requiring
    “Israel: Land of Cultural Treasures”                                   eight to 10 months prior
    tour that included a visit to the      tour operator running the       to the trip’s departure,      assistance must be
    ancient fortress of Masada.            trip. Call ASU Travel &         though often you can          accompanied by a helper
                                           Tours at 480-965-4034           register for a trip before    capable of and totally
    Right: Official Arizona state
    historian Marshall Trimble (left)      to request brochures and        the brochure is printed.      responsible for providing
    and John Belmont ventured on the       for help with reservations.     Please note that all          the required attention and
    “Celtic Lands” tour that featured      Our travel partners are:                                      assistance. Most trips
    Lord Spencer-Churchill (grandson                                       pricing is subject to
    of Winston Churchill) as a guest                                       change until the brochure     involve walking. Please
                                           • AHI Travel
    lecturer.                                                              is printed.                   check with us or the tour

company to determine if a     Refund and                             can be covered through the
trip is right for you.        cancellation policies                  insurance we offer. Please
                              Each of our partner tour               note: There is a 15-day window
ASU representative            companies sets its own                 from the date of your deposit to
An ASU faculty or staff       cancellation and refund policies.      the date you receive coverage
member may travel with        Please consult the individual trip     for pre-existing conditions.
your tour to add specific     brochure for cancellation policies     USI Travel insurance provides
knowledge and expertise.      and call the tour operator directly.   exclusive discounts to ASU
An ASU professor usually                                             travelers. More information
will provide a series of      Insurance coverage                     can be found by calling 1-800-
lectures during the trip to   As a benefit of traveling              937‑1387 or visiting select.
enhance your experience.      with ASU Travel & Tours,     
Whether or not a faculty      all confirmed passengers
or staff member joins         will receive travel insurance          For more information
the trip is dependant on      information. We suggest that           Please call 480-965-4034 and
a minimum number of           you check with your medical            ask for the travel department or
                                                                                                          Above: “The terra cotta army was recruiting, and I got a
ASU travelers registered      insurance company to determine         email      commission!” USMC Maj. (Ret.) George “Jim” Geiser, ASU Travel
for the trip. Faculty may     whether you are covered when                                                & Tours adventurer, 2019 “Dynasties of China and Tibet.”
also be provided by a                                                Trip information also can be
                              travelling outside the United
partner school.                                                      obtained at
                              States. Pre-existing conditions

                                                                                                                        Protect your investment
     Your trip is priceless.                                                                                               and yourself with a
                                                                                                                         travel protection plan.
                                                                                                                 Plans include
                                                                                                                 coverage for:
                                                                                                                     Trip Cancellation                Accident and Sickness Medical
                                                                                                                     Trip Interruption                Expense
                                                                                                                     Travel Delay                     Emergency Medical Evacuation
                                                                                                                     Baggage Loss                     24/7 International Travel Assistance
                                                                                                                                                      And more!
                                                                                                                              (800) 937-1387

                                                                                                                              Proud partner of the Arizona State University.
PO Box 873702, Tempe, AZ 85287-3702

Be gifted: Book now to receive a special gift! Call 480-965-4034 after
you have reserved a tour and mention this offer to receive a special thank you!
You also can email us at

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