TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines

Page created by Nelson Saunders
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
      CANTERBURY 2021

          Information pack
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
Executive summary

Sustainable Coastlines Love Your                Sustainable Coastlines work with local
Water corporate tree-planting                   councils and other community groups
packages offer workplaces the                   when selecting a tree-planting location.
                                                This ensures we deliver a best-practice
opportunity to get out of the office            tree-planting model that ensures plants are
for a staff team-building day that              cared for and site maintenance continues
helps to protect the waterways of               into the future to ensure high survival rates.
Aotearoa that we all love.                      Since its establishment in 2009, Sustainable
A day out with Sustainable Coastlines is one    Coastlines has delivered 342 tree-planting
of the best staff engagement programmes         activities, planting a total of 233,103 trees
available. As well as a positive experience     and engaging 38,415 hours of work from
for staff, our team-building days provide       volunteers.
businesses with simple actions to tackle
                                                We have a wealth of experience delivering
the issue of polluted waterways and bring
                                                tree-planting events around Aotearoa.
much-needed attention to the cause.
                                                For more information or to book a team
Your investment of $3,500 + GST covers
                                                tree-planting day , please contact
all planning and implementation costs for a
                                                Caitlyn Prince, programmes coordinator,
tree-planting event in Christchurch for up to
                                                on or
40 staff and associates.
                                                +64 27 671 8906.
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
What are we offering?
                                     Your investment covers all planning and                  This is our entry-level package. We can scale up

What?                                implementation costs, and includes:                      according to your needs and quote accordingly.

                                       • Health and safety planning and location scouting
Corporate team-building tree-
planting event for up to 40 staff.     • Preparation of a health and safety plan for review   Additional options to consider are:
                                       • Logistics planning, stakeholder engagement, 		          • Increased attendee numbers
                                         equipment preparation
When?                                  • Planting equipment and first-aid kits
                                                                                                 • Catering, from simple tea / coffee and
                                                                                                   scones to a cater station or gourmet BBQ
August 2021, upon request.             • 1 x Event Director for event delivery                   • Transport e.g., van or bus
                                       • 1 x Event Manager for event delivery                    • Professional photographer or videographer

Where?                                 • Labour costs for pick up and delivery of plants
                                       •   Love Your Water presentation
Waimakariri River, Christchurch.       •   A set of photos, including a team photo
                                       •   Impact results

Investment                             •   Follow-up listing on our website

From $3,500 +GST*.
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
Benefits from your event
Our goal is to educate people about             Staff engagement
the causes of pollution and its effects         A day out with Sustainable Coastlines is one
on our waterways. We want to                    of the best staff engagement programmes
increase the number of Kiwis who are            available, kicking off with a presentation on
                                                the importance of protecting our waterways,
motivated to become kaitiaki through            followed by a hands-on tree planting event.
engagement in hands-on activities
that enable them to be part of a                We get you out into nature planting
                                                native trees and shrubs. We also provide
positive solution.
                                                education and solutions to take back to
Through engendering a connection to nature      your everyday lives — good for nature and
in our participants, they are encouraged        good for your own well being. You also have
to think about the impact of their everyday     the opportunity to invite clients and family
lives on our natural world. We encourage        members.
sustainable behaviour patterns, promoting
                                                With 10 years of experience, we know how to
positive decision making around caring for
                                                have a good time and make it easy and fun
our waterways, which helps participants
                                                for all involved.
make environmentally conscious choices.

PR and media
You will be provided with a set of photos and
results for marketing, media, and promotional
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
Why are we doing this?
The problem                                          The solution                                            Well-being
                                                     Our team at Sustainable Coastlines is creating          Our events get people outdoors and appreciating
Polluted waterways are a major risk to New
                                                     an opportunity for your business to be part of the      their environment, a proven way to improve mental
Zealand’s people, culture, environment, and
                                                     solution. Planting trees next to waterways creates      health according to a Mental Health Foundation
economy. StatsNZ reports the shocking statistic
                                                     crucial habitats for native species and sequesters      survey. 3 They also incorporate being active,
that 76% of our indigenous freshwater fish are
                                                     carbon permanently from the atmosphere. This            donating one’s time, connecting with others, and
threatened or at risk of extinction.1
                                                     planting also reduces nutrients and stabilises          doing something with purpose — all activities
                                                     riverbanks, both of which improve water quality.        associated with positive mental health.
Sick waterways also affect us: 70% of New
                                                     Getting your workplace out in nature planting
Zealand’s total river length is unswimmable due to                                                           Our participants are engaged, with 90.2% of them
                                                     trees is a great team-building day that has
high nitrogen levels. 2                                                                                      strongly agreeing the event was worthwhile, and
                                                     positive flow-on effects for the morale of your
                                                                                                             97.8% strongly agreeing or agreeing that they would
                                                                                                             recommend our events to friends and family.

70% of our total
river length is
due to high
nitrogen levels.                                              76%
                                                         of indigenous freshwater
                                                                                                  is key to healthy
                                                                                                                                    felt better spending
                                                             fish are theatened                       waterways                         time in nature
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
Impacts                                  Audience
                        As at June 2021                     As at June 2021

                                                            FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS

   132,964                         245,918                  INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS


                                                            LINKEDIN FOLLOWERS

                                                            TWITTER FOLLWERS

 1,657,917                         245,103                  8,134
                                                            SIGNED UP TO OUR NEWSLETTERS
TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines TREE-PLANTING PACKAGE - CANTERBURY 2021 Information pack - Sustainable Coastlines
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