Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18

Page created by Martha May
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 19, 2021
The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace
for those who cultivate peace.
— James 3:18
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
Mass Intentions for the Week
                  September 18 & 19, 2021
Praying for you
                  5pm Vigil -    Concordia Angelo +; Natalie de los Santos +; Luciano, Sr. & Consolación Ty +
                  7:00 am -      Albert J. Verdugo +; Luciano Ty Jr. +; Jorge Eduardo Molina Rodas +
                  9:00 am -      Araceli Ceballos +; Concordia Angelo +; Jose Sisante +; Izabella Simoni
                  11:00 am -     People of the Parish
                  1:00pm -       Norma Arriola; Valentino Rubalcava & Bruno Garcia +; Patricia Hernandez & Monica Gutierrez;
                                 Reyes Hernandez Gutierrez +
                  September 20   8:15am Julia Jijo; Anna Joseph +; Gloria RC Trinidad +
                                 6:30pm Fe Torres; John Berry; Teresa Villareal +; Vanessa Parada
                  September 21   8:15am Victor Ramos +; Michael Stamets; Rosa Alicia Garcia
                                 6:30pm Matthew Gascon; Inocencio Alvarado +
                  September 22   8:15am Sophia Cudiamat; Allan Iler +; Rosenda V. Torres +
                                 6:30pm Susan Cobangbang; Francis Cobangbang; Vivian Yulo +
                  September 23   8:15 am Audrey Suzan Lee; Lolita Gonzalez +; Mark Barron
                                 6:30pm Andrea Murillo Flores
                  September 24   8:15 am George Javellana Sr +; Milagros Tetangco +; Blassius Lu
                                 6:30pm Jill Ann Yapit
                  September 25   8:15am Elvira Aguas +; Izabella Simoni

First Reading — The wicked say: With revilement and torture let us put the just one to the test

                                                                                                                               Readings for the week
(Wisdom 2:12, 17-20).
Psalm — The Lord upholds my life (Psalm 54).
Second Reading — The wisdom from above is full of mercy and good fruits (James 3:16 — 4:3).
Gospel — Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me (Mark 9:30-37).

Monday:     Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18
Tuesday:    Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13
Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6
Thursday:   Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9
Friday:     Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22
Saturday:   Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45
Sunday:     Nm 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-14; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

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Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
Receiving and Possessing
A few weeks ago, I went to the driving range with a few friends to hit some golf balls. While I was there, I received a
difficult phone call and felt a lot of stress because of that call. When I was finished on the call, I was looking forward to
going back to hitting some golf balls and releasing some stress. It was already getting late in the evening though and
the machine for getting more balls was turned off. I could only hit the balls that we had already purchased.

I still had quite a few balls in my personal tray but one of my friends asked if I would like some more balls that he still had
in his bucket. Before I could respond, another friend spoke up and said, “no, you go ahead and hit those, he has
plenty.” All of a sudden, my insides became unsettled, like a storm at sea. I began to question, “do I have enough
balls?”; “will these balls be enough to let go of my stress?”; “why did my friend answer for me?”

I was now bothered by those questions that raged inside me on top of the phone call that I had just received. I wasn’t
able to enjoy the balls that I was hitting. I was preoccupied with counting how many balls I had left and looking to see
how many balls my friends had left. I just knew that I didn’t have enough balls to release my stress and was determined
to prove to everyone that I needed more. I started hitting my golf balls faster and faster to make sure that I would be
done first and to show my friends that the rest of the balls in the bucket should have gone to me. (Hahaha!!!! I was
getting sooo worked up!!)

It ended up that I did finish first! I looked around after I hit my last ball and could see that everyone else was still hitting
their balls. I paused for a second and then furious, I put my club away and took off my gloves. My one friend, the one
who said I had plenty, asked if I would like some of his balls. I said, “no thank you, I already put my clubs away.” I
wanted to prove that I was right and he was wrong. He started putting a number of his balls in my tray, anyway. I
walked away to get some fresh air. My insides were still raging. I decided that it was time for me to go, so I went back
to the others and said that I had to leave. I didn’t give a proper or pleasant goodbye; I simply left.

As I drove away, I knew that I didn’t leave on good terms and that made me feel worse. So, I figured I would get some
ice-cream. I stopped at a 7-11 and bought a pint of Snickers ice-cream. They didn’t have any spoons at the store, so I
had to eat my ice-cream with a plastic fork. I ate a couple of bites and although it tasted really good, I became
worried that I would eat too much and have an upset stomach and wouldn’t be able to get to sleep. So, I threw the
rest of the ice-cream in the trash and went home, took a few walks around the block, and went to bed.

In the scriptures today, we hear about receiving and possessing. “Where do the wars and where do the conflicts
among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members? You covet but do not possess.
You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war. You do not possess because you do not ask. You ask
but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions” (James 4:1-3).

That night at the driving range, I was coveting the golf balls. I already had plenty of balls in my tray but I didn’t really
possess what I already had. I didn’t enjoy hitting the balls. I was so worked up and unsettled that I was actually making
myself worse; I was adding to the stress that I already had instead of releasing the stress and enjoying the time with my
friends. The truth is that there would never have been enough golf balls to get what I truly wanted, peace. The peace
that I longed for was already inside of me, if I was willing to slow down and let it out; Instead, I was chasing after it,
thinking that I could capture peace.

In the Gospel, Jesus says “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me” (Mark 9:37). We already are the children of God. We don’t have to do
anything or to chase after this great gift. Our invitation is to simply receive and to be who we already are.

Together, we are Nurturing the CHILD – Communities of Holy Intimacy, Love, and Discipleship – as we receive and
possess the peace and love of God among and within us.

                                                                           your little brother on The Way,
                                                                           father ethan

                                                          Recibir y poseer

Hace unas semanas, fui al campo de prácticas con algunos amigos para golpear algunas pelotas de golf. Mientras estaba allí, recibí
una llamada telefónica difícil y sentí mucho estrés debido a esa llamada. Cuando terminé la llamada, estaba ansioso por volver a
golpear algunas pelotas de golf y liberar algo de estrés. Sin embargo, ya se estaba haciendo tarde y la máquina para obtener más
bolas estaba apagada. Solo pude golpear las bolas que ya habíamos comprado.

Todavía tenía bastantes pelotas en mi bandeja personal, pero uno de mis amigos me preguntó si quería más pelotas que él todavía
tenía en su balde. Antes de que pudiera responder, otro amigo habló y dijo: "No, ve y dale a esas, él ya tiene bastantes". De repente, mi
interior se inquietó, como una tormenta en el mar. Empecé a preguntarme, "¿tengo suficientes pelotas?"; “¿Serán suficientes estas
pelotas para liberarme del estrés?”; "¿Por qué mi amigo respondió por mí?"
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
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Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
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Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
Ahora estaba molesto por esas preguntas que interiormente me enfurecían además de la llamada telefónica que acababa de recibir. No
pude disfrutar de las bolas que estaba golpeando. Estaba preocupado por contar cuántas pelotas me quedaban y ver cuántas pelotas les
quedaban a mis amigos. Solo sabía que no tenía suficientes pelotas para liberar mi estrés y estaba decidido a demostrarles a todos que
necesitaba más. Comencé a golpear mis pelotas de golf cada vez más rápido para asegurarme de que terminaría primero y para mostrarles a
mis amigos que el resto de las pelotas en el balde deberían haber sido para mí. (¡Jajaja! ¡Me estaba poniendo muy exaltado!)
¡Al final terminé de primero! Miré a mí alrededor después de que golpeé mi última bola y pude ver que todos los demás todavía estaban
golpeando sus bolas. Hice una pausa por un segundo y luego, furioso, guardé mi palo de golf y me quité los guantes. Mi único amigo, el que
dijo que tenía muchas bolas, me preguntó si me gustaría algunas de sus bolas. Dije: "no, gracias, ya guardé mis palos". Quería demostrar que yo
tenía la razón y él estaba equivocado. De todos modos, comenzó a poner algunas de sus bolas en mi bandeja. Me alejé para tomar un poco
de aire fresco. En mi interior todavía estaban molesto. Decidí que era hora de irme, así que volví con los demás y les dije que tenía que irme. No
le di un adiós apropiado o agradable; Simplemente me fui.

Mientras manejaba alejándome, supe que no me iba en buenos términos y eso me hizo sentir peor. Entonces, pensé en conseguir un helado.
Paré en un 7-11 y compré un helado pequeño de Snickers. No tenían cucharas en la tienda, así que tuve que comerme mi helado con un
tenedor de plástico. Comí un par de bocados y, aunque sabía muy bien, me preocupé de comer de más, tener malestar estomacal y no
poder conciliar el sueño. Entonces, tiré el resto del helado a la basura y me fui a casa, di algunas caminatas alrededor de la cuadra y me fui a
la cama.

En las Escrituras de hoy, escuchamos acerca de recibir y poseer. “¿De dónde provienen las luchas y las querellas que hay entre ustedes? ¿No es
precisamente de las pasiones que combaten en sus mismos miembros? Ustedes ambicionan, y si no consiguen lo que desean, matan; envidian,
y al no alcanzar lo que pretenden, combaten y se hacen la guerra. Ustedes no tienen, porque no piden. O bien, piden y no reciben, porque
piden mal, con el único fin de satisfacer sus pasiones” (Santiago 4,1-3).

Esa noche en el campo de prácticas, codiciaba las pelotas de golf. Ya tenía muchas bolas en mi bandeja, pero realmente no poseía lo que ya
tenía. No disfruté golpeando las bolas. Estaba tan alterado e inquieto que en realidad me estaba empeorando a mi mismo; estaba
aumentando el estrés que ya tenía en lugar de liberar el estrés y disfrutar del tiempo con mis amigos. La verdad es que nunca hubiera habido
suficientes pelotas de golf para conseguir lo que realmente quería, la paz. La paz que anhelaba ya estaba dentro de mí, si estaba dispuesto a
calmarme y dejarla salir; en cambio, la perseguía, pensando que podía capturar esa paz.

En el Evangelio, Jesús dice: “El que recibe a uno de estos pequeños en mi Nombre, me recibe a mí, y el que me recibe, no es a mí al que
recibe, sino a aquel que me ha enviado ”(Marcos 9,37). Ya somos hijos de Dios. No tenemos que hacer nada ni perseguir este gran regalo.
Nuestra invitación es simplemente recibir y ser quienes ya somos.

Juntos, estamos Alimentando [Nurturing] al NIÑO [CHILD] - Comunidades de [Holy] Santa Intimidad, [Love] Amor y Discipulado - a medida que
recibimos y poseemos la paz y el amor de Dios entre nosotros y dentro de nosotros.

                                                                                          tu hermano pequeño en el Camino,
                                                                                          padre ethan

                                                                                          Learn More at

                                                                                                    Step Into Christ, Step out to Mission

                                                                                                    Holy Doors of Mission
                                                                                                  During the Jubilee Year, a plenary
                                                                                                  indulgence will be granted to all the
                                                                                                  faithful who visit any of the pilgrimage
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                                                                                                  Mission Rey de España [San Fernando]

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace - James 3:18
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