U.S. community perspectives on coastal flooding

Page created by Michelle Sharp
U.S. community perspectives on coastal flooding

              U.S. community perspectives on coastal flooding

                             Science & Technology Committee
     Nicole Elko, Tiffany R. Briggs,2 Reza Marsooli,3 Patrick Barrineau,4 Cheryl Hapke,5

     Kimberly McKenna,6 Jonathan Simm,7 Marc Beyeler,8 Matt Smith,9 and Cary Troy10
                              1) ASBPA, P.O. Box 1451, Folly Beach, SC 29439; nicole.elko@asbpa.org
           2) Florida Atlantic University, Department of Geosciences, 777 Glades Road, SE470, Boca Raton, FL 33431
            3) Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point Terrace, 223 ABS Engineering Center, Hoboken, NJ 07030
                         4) Coastal Science & Engineering, 160 Gills Creek Parkway, Columbia, SC 29205
                         5) Integral Consulting Inc., 200 2nd Avenue South #155, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
                     6) Stockton University Coastal Research Center, 30 Wilson Ave., Port Republic, NJ 08241
                           7) HR Wallingford, Howbery Park, Wallingford, OX10 8BA, United Kingdom
                                  8) BEACON, 26416 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA 93102
  9) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources, 7701 Telegraph Road (Casey Building), Alexandria, VA 22315
        10) Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051

                         ABSTRACT                                         respondents indicated that flooding was a major challenge,
Coastal flooding, from both extreme events and sea level rise,            only 24% of respondents’ communities have a coastal flooding
is one of the top management challenges facing U.S. coastal               adaptation plan. Improvements to drainage systems are the
stakeholders today. The intensity of coastal flooding is expected         most commonly implemented gray infrastructure strategy in the
to increase with global sea level rise. This paper focuses on             Southeast and Gulf coast regions. Respondents from all regions
flooding challenges from the perspective of coastal communi-              noted that beach and dune restoration has been the most widely
ties. The myriad of flood mitigation strategies that have been            implemented nature-based flood mitigation strategy. Interest is
implemented across the U.S. vary based on a multitude of factors          now high in other nature-based solutions with application in
including spatio-temporal scale of the coastal flooding hazard.           low-lying, vulnerable coastal areas such as thin-layer placement
ASBPA administered a survey of 106 coastal stakeholders                   on marshes, living shorelines, and hybrid projects on estuarine
from around the U.S. to assess specific community challenges              shorelines. This paper does not provide an exhaustive review
and needs related to coastal flooding in late 2021. A majority            of the science, forcings, or policies on coastal flooding in the
of respondents indicated that their community includes an                 U.S.; rather, it captures the perspectives of coastal communities
underserved population or neighborhood (54%) or nearby                    and aims to inform and prioritize future research investments
communities do (25%). While the vast majority of survey                   related to coastal flooding.

         he American Shore and Beach                • Coastal flooding, both: sea level rise        Flooding commonly occurs in coastal
         Preservation Association (ASB-          and associated flooding (e.g. nuisance         areas of the United States as a result of
         PA) has polled coastal stakehold-       flooding, King tides); and combined ef-        astronomical tides, storm surge, wave
ers (i.e. practitioners) to identify their top   fects of rainfall and surge on urban flood-    overtopping, local winds, and/or seich-
coastal management challenges (Elko and          ing (i.e. episodic, short-term), as well as    ing. Coastal flooding induced by storm
Briggs 2020). Informed by two annual             flooding from changes in lake levels along     surge and waves is primarily caused by
surveys, a multiple-choice online poll was       the Great Lakes coastline,                     severe wind events including extratropi-
conducted in 2019 to evaluate stakehold-                                                        cal and tropical cyclones, cold fronts, and
                                                    • Chronic beach erosion (i.e. high/
ers’ most pressing problems and needs,                                                          long-period swells. In addition to storms,
                                                 increasing long-term erosion rates), and
including what they felt most ill-equipped                                                      tsunamis and tectonic activity can cause
to deal with in their day-to-day duties and         • Coastal water quality, including          coastal flooding in Hawaii, Alaska, and
which tools they most need to address            harmful algal blooms (e.g. red tide, Sar-      the West Coast. Along some estuaries and
these challenges. Overall, the prioritized       gassum).                                       particularly the Great Lakes shorelines,
coastal management challenges identified                                                        flooding may be triggered by seiches or
                                                    The goal of this paper is to address
by the survey were:                                                                             meteotsunamis formed by winds from
                                                 some of the issues surrounding the man-        certain directions and/or magnitudes.
   • Deteriorating ecosystems leading to         agement challenge of coastal flooding,         Such flooding is exacerbated by sea level
reduced (environmental, recreational,            and to share challenges that coastal com-      rise as waves and storm surges can pen-
economic, storm buffer) functionality,           munities face with regards to flooding.        etrate through the coastal zone and have
                                                 The information provided may be helpful
   • Increasing storminess due to climate                                                       extended impacts inland.
                                                 in prioritizing research investments in
change (i.e. more frequent and intense
                                                 the topic area.                                   Highly localized coastal flooding
                                                                                                events are often referred to as nuisance

Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022                                                                                     Page 17
U.S. community perspectives on coastal flooding
Figure 1. Median (50th percentile) projection of local sea-level rise (meter) at the location of tide gauges. Projections
are shown for the end of 21st century under the high emission, fossil-fueled development scenario “Shared Socio-
economic Pathway 5-8.5” medium confidence. The figure is generated based on data from the IPCC AR6 (Fox-Kemper
et al. 2021).
flooding, high-tide flooding (Sweet et al.     age to infrastructure but in the long-term     more commonly in the Great Lakes, with
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022), or collo-       the seawater salinity could lead to costly     increasing precipitation and evaporation
quially, King tides, and are all driven by     damages to public infrastructure as well       competing as offsetting effects (Norton et
increased flooding due to relative sea level   as private property.                           al. 2019; Do et al. 2020; Groenwald et al.
rise (Douglass and Webb 2020). These                                                          2021). For example, Lake Michigan water
                                                   Coastal flooding as it relates to sea
terms are sometimes used interchange-                                                         levels increased nearly 2 m between 2013
                                               level, described above, is especially no-
ably, but can represent subtle differences                                                    and 2020, a range that essentially spans
                                               ticeable along estuarine and ocean-facing
in process and impact. High-tide flooding                                                     the entire range of lake levels experienced
                                               coasts, and is influenced by flash flood-
occurs when water levels exceed mean                                                          in recorded history, from record low to
                                               ing exacerbated by impervious surfaces,
higher high-water level for a particular                                                      record high waters. In addition to caus-
                                               historic stormwater infrastructure that
location (Sweet et al. 2020). Nuisance                                                        ing widespread coastal damage from
                                               have become a tidal water flooding de-
flooding generally represents low levels                                                      coastal erosion (e.g. Volpano et al. 2020,
                                               livery system, and/or channelization that
of inundation (e.g. 3 to 10 cm depth) that                                                    Troy et al. 2021, Theuerkauf et al. 2021),
                                               increase runoff during rainfall events.
disrupt daily activities (Moftakhari et al.                                                   prolonged, multi-year high water periods
                                               Impervious surfaces impede infiltration
2018) and includes fluvial, pluvial, and                                                      can render low lying Great Lakes coastal
                                               of rainwater into the shallow subsurface,
oceanic flooding. King tides represent                                                        areas persistently susceptible to flood-
                                               which increases the residence time for
the highest astronomical tides in a given                                                     ing from regularly occurring processes
                                               waters within a particular flooded area.
year (Roman-Rivera and Ellis 2018). Dif-                                                      such as large rainfall events, storm surge,
                                               This may hamper rescue and relief efforts
ferences in interpretation and meaning                                                        seiches, and meteotsunamis (Melby et al.
                                               during flooding events. Channelization
between these terms may affect mitiga-                                                        2012; Bechle et al. 2016; FEMA, 2014;
                                               of coastal streams leads to higher slopes
tion strategies. While interpretations may                                                    Huang et al., 2022).
                                               and velocities within the stream channel,
vary, all describe similar processes; for
                                               which can deliver more water to a par-            The combination of heavy rains with
many locations, water levels relative to lo-
                                               ticular storage basin (i.e. flood-protection   impervious surfaces and channelized
cal ground elevations are higher now than
                                               impoundments, wetlands, etc.) than that        streams has notably exacerbated a num-
in recent history and continue to rise.
                                               system may be able to handle.                  ber of coastal flood events in recent years.
   In contrast to more intense forms of                                                       Flooding around the Houston region dur-
                                                   The causes and nature of coastal flood-
flooding, high-tide flooding is often not                                                     ing Hurricane Harvey was related to inef-
                                               ing in the Great Lakes differs from those
dangerous but can cause public incon-                                                         fective drainage systems within a heavily
                                               along ocean coasts. Long-term lake level
veniences due to road closures, over-                                                         urbanized landscape (Zhang et al. 2018).
                                               rise has not been shown to be occurring in
whelmed storm drainage systems, and                                                           Hurricanes Dorian and Florence led to
                                               the Great Lakes, but water level extremes
contaminated water. High-tide flooding                                                        widespread flooding across North Caro-
                                               — both highs and lows — are occurring
does not lead to immediate major dam-                                                         lina, particularly in Lumberton where
Page 18                                                                         Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022
U.S. community perspectives on coastal flooding
Figure 2. Median (50th percentile) projection of local sea-level rise (meter) at the location of tide gauges in the
Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Projections are shown for the end of 21st century under the high emission,
fossil-fueled development scenario “Shared Socio-economic Pathway 5-8.5” medium confidence. The figure is
generated based on data from the IPCC AR6 (Fox-Kemper et al. 2021).
officials assert Interstate 95 and levees      sions by 2100, and three more moderate           sea level rise, due to local factors such as
served to funnel floodwaters towards the       scenarios.                                       vertical land motion and ocean dynamics
town (see Edwards v. CSX 2020). Across                                                          (Figure 1). Overall, regional projections
                                                  Each scenario is projected to trigger
the United States, historical development                                                       for the United States show that relative
                                               likewise sea level rise. Furthermore,
patterns followed water-borne commerce                                                          sea level rise along the West Coast would
                                               each scenario includes a median project
along coasts, estuaries, and rivers. Today,                                                     be smaller than the global sea level rise,
                                               sea level rise as well as a range of pos-
many developed areas are especially vul-                                                        especially in higher-latitude regions. In
                                               sible values. Diversity and uncertainty
nerable to a suite of flood impacts from                                                        contrast, the projected local sea level
                                               inherent in some of the climate models
different sources, different directions, and                                                    rise for the East and Gulf Coasts would
                                               used to project warming lead to a range
at different magnitudes.                                                                        exceed the global sea level rise (Sweet et
                                               of values rather than a single figure for
                                                                                                al. 2022). Along the East Coast, the local
            Regional variability               each scenario. The median sea level rise
                                                                                                sea level rise for the mid-Atlantic region is
           in forcing parameters               projections for SSP1-1.19 and 0.38 m by
                                                                                                larger than that for the New England and
    The intensity of coastal flooding is       2100, while SSP5-8.5 projects 0.77 m by
                                                                                                Southeast regions (Figure 2). In the Gulf
expected to increase with global sea           2100, compared to a 1995-2014 base-
                                                                                                of Mexico, the local sea level rise along the
level rise (Sweet et al. 2014; Buchanan et     line. Accounting for the range of values
                                                                                                northern and western coasts (e.g. Texas
al. 2017; Wang and Marsooli 2021). The         within all scenarios, global sea levels are
                                                                                                to Alabama), would exceed that along the
degree to which that occurs is less clear,     expected to increase anywhere from 0.28
                                                                                                eastern Gulf Coast (e.g. Florida).
but the IPCC AR6 (Intergovernmental            to 1.02 m by 2100.
Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assess-                                                               The largest and smallest projections of
                                                   Here, as an example to demonstrate
ment Report; Fox-Kemper et al. 2021)                                                            local sea level rise in the contiguous Unit-
                                               the regional variability of sea level rise, we
offers more information than previous                                                           ed States are, respectively, in the northern
                                               focus on the high emission, fossil-fueled
reports on the probabilities of various fu-                                                     region of the Gulf of Mexico and the high-
                                               development scenario “Shared Socio-
ture temperature and sea level scenarios.                                                       latitude region of the West Coast. Accord-
                                               economic Pathway 5-8.5” medium-con-
                                                                                                ing to the IPCC AR6, median estimated
   The report outlines five main scenarios     fidence. Under this pathway, the median
                                                                                                projections of local sea level rise (i.e. the
of future emissions known as “Shared           estimated projection of global mean local
                                                                                                level that has 50% chance to be equaled
Socioeconomic Pathways” (SSPs). These          sea level rise (i.e. the level that has 50%
                                                                                                or exceeded), are 1.6 m in Louisiana and
include a low-emissions scenario SSP1-         chance to be equaled or exceeded) in 2100
                                                                                                0.29 m in Washington by the end of 21st
19, which assumes deep cuts in carbon          is 0.77 m, relative to a 1995-2014 baseline.
                                                                                                century relative to a 1995-2014 baseline.
emissions by 2025, a high-emissions sce-                                                        Under the same high emission scenario,
                                                  Regional sea level rise could differ sub-
nario SSP5-8.5, which assumes continued                                                         the largest and smallest projections for
                                               stantially from the projected global mean
increases and a doubling of annual emis-

Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022                                                                                       Page 19
Table 1.                                                                                          Along the Pacific Coast of the U.S.,
Different categories of adaptation strategies and examples of strategies in                    “Atmospheric Rivers” (AR), narrow corri-
each category; examples that are considered green are shaded.                                  dors of water vapor transport, contribute
Protection                      Accommodation                Managed relocation
                                                                                               to extreme precipitation and flooding
Beach and              Elevate buildings/                    Limit expansion                   (Ralph et al. 2006). For example, on 9
                                                                                               January 2018 a 200-year rainstorm event
dune restoration       infrastructure                        of development
                                                                                               caused massive, locally focused debris
Berm-building          Flood-proof buildings/                Limited or no rebuilding          flows in creeks and streams in the coastal
                       infrastructure                        after disasters                   community of Montecito, California.
Living shorelines/     Elevate land                          Property acquisition/             Hundreds of residential, commercial and
Oyster bed restoration and roadways                          buy-outs                          community structures were damaged or
Marsh or               Increase new                          Prohibit hard shoreline           destroyed and more than 20 lives were
mangrove restoration   construction setbacks                 structures                        lost (SBCOEM 2021). It is estimated that
                                                                                               well over 1,000,000 cubic yards of debris
Sandbags               Increase density of                   Phased replacement of
                                                                                               inundated public and private properties,
                       salt-tolerant vegetation              hard structures with
                                                                                               and/or flowed to the nearshore ocean
		                                                           green infrastructure
                                                                                               waters. According to Oakley and Ralph
Seawalls/bulkheads/                                                                            (2018): “This (Montecito Debris Flow)
revetments                                                                                     event featured a north-south oriented
                                                                                               atmospheric river with two moisture
Hawaii are, respectively, about 1 m for         century, the combined effect of SLR and        bands interacting with a closed low pres-
the Island of Hawaii and 0.89 m for             TC on flood hazards associated with cli-       sure system.”
Kauai. Projections for Alaska show local        mate change would result in TC-induced
                                                                                                        Goals of this white paper
sea level falling for the southern region,      100-year flood levels to become a 1-year
                                                                                                  This white paper aims to share flood-
reflecting tectonic uplift. Local sea level     flood level along the New England and
                                                                                               ing challenges that coastal communities
rise is projected for the northern region of    mid-Atlantic coasts and a 1-to-30-year
                                                                                               face. The paper does not intend to pro-
Alaska, where a broader coastal plain and       flood level along the Southeast Atlantic
                                                                                               vide an exhaustive review of the science,
lack of tectonic activity led to enhanced       and Gulf coasts (Marsooli et al. 2019).
                                                                                               forcings, or policies on coastal flooding
flood vulnerabilities (Figure 1).
                                                    River and flash floods due to heavy        in the U.S.; rather, it aims to capture the
   Localized trends calculated specifi-         precipitation or snowmelt are other            perspectives of coastal communities. A
cally for the United States show a similar      types of flooding that frequently occur in     broad overview of community impacts,
suite of relationships between RSLR             coastal areas. According to the IPCC AR6       perspectives, and select case studies are
between regions, with perhaps a higher          (Arias et al. 2021), it is very likely (90%-   presented. The methods and results of a
magnitude of change occurring as a result       100% probability) that heavy precipita-        survey administered to coastal stakehold-
of vertical land motion and changes to          tion events will intensify and become          ers are then presented to summarize cur-
oceanic circulation (Sweet et al. 2022).        more frequent in the 21st century. Along       rent challenges, needs, and recommended
                                                the Gulf and East Coasts, heavy rainfall       next steps. The information provided may
    In addition to sea level rise, coastal
                                                from TCs has historically resulted in          be helpful in prioritizing research invest-
flood hazards are influenced by changes
                                                river and flash flooding as most recently      ments in the topic area.
in storm climatology related to global
                                                exemplified by flash floods in New York
warming. Storm surge is a frequent cause                                                                  Community impacts
                                                and New Jersey caused by heavy rainfall
of major damages along the East and                                                                Coastal disasters can result in high
                                                from the remnant of Hurricane Ida in
Gulf Coasts. While storm surge flooding                                                        fatalities and economic losses (Newton
                                                2021. This dual-source flooding is called
by extratropical cyclones occurs more                                                          and Weichselgartner 2014). Population
                                                compound flooding (Wahl et al. 2015).
frequently, the costliest storm surge flood                                                    growth in the coastal zone combined
                                                The amount of TC-induced rainfall is
events have been associated with tropi-                                                        with climate-change-induced flooding
                                                inversely proportional to the translation
cal cyclones (TCs). Storm surge hazards                                                        is leading to greater impacts to coastal
                                                speed of TCs so that a more severe river/
due to TCs will increase in the coming                                                         communities in terms of damage to and
                                                flash flooding could be caused by slow-
decades, given that a warmer climate                                                           loss of infrastructure, cultural resources,
                                                moving or stalled TCs (e.g. Hurricanes
will lead to an increase in the intensity                                                      and ecosystem function that communi-
                                                Harvey in 2017 and Dorian in 2019).
of TCs (Knutson et al. 2013; Gutmann                                                           ties rely on for tourism and recreation.
                                                Historical data suggest that TCs in the
et al. 2018; Knutson et al. 2020) and the                                                      These impacts are generally greater in
                                                North Atlantic have become slower (Kos-
frequency of very intense TCs (Knutson                                                         more vulnerable communities, which
                                                sin 2018) and more likely to stall near
et al. 2015; Walsh et al. 2016; Sugi et al.                                                    tend to exist in places with a history of
                                                the coast (Hall and Kossin 2019), which
2017). These expected changes together                                                         disenfranchisement, large low-income
                                                could increase the potential of river and
with the effects of SLR will result in a sub-                                                  or minority populations, or in regions
                                                flash flooding. Wahl et al. (2015) found
stantial increase in coastal flood hazards                                                     with exceptionally high physical risk and
                                                that changes in the joint distributions of
along the East and Gulf Coasts (Lin et al.                                                     lower economic development (Qiang
                                                storm surge and heavy rain events associ-
2012; Marsooli et al. 2019; Marsooli and                                                       2019; Collins et al. 2018). Because SLR
                                                ated with climate change will result in an
Lin 2020). For example, under the high-                                                        and climate changes will likely exacer-
                                                increase of flood potential during TCs.
est emission scenario by the end of 21st                                                       bate these issues, contemporary studies
Page 20                                                                          Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022
on coastal flooding based in the United
States often consider environmental and
social justice components of hazard risk
reduction and other improvements to
resilience (Cutter 2012; Burton and Cut-
ter 2008). These collective properties of
vulnerabilities within certain communi-
ties have been studied in greater detail
over the past few decades than any other
time in modern coastal science, and are
collectively known as social vulnerability
(Stafford and Abramowitz 2017; Collins
et al. 2018; Cutter et al. 2003)
      Flood mitigation approaches
   Flood mitigation options range from
policy and regulatory changes to indi-         Figure 3. Adaptation choices can range from green to gray to hybrid, which
vidual adaptation projects to mitigate         are combinations from elements of both green and gray approaches (NOAA
impacts from storms and sea level rise         2022b).
(NOAA 2022a). Adaptation strategies            munity. An interwoven tapestry of mea-          tion strategy that involve USACE and
typically fall into four categories: protec-   sures is needed to develop a sustainable        state and local managers/sponsors. Over
tion, accommodation, managed reloca-           community adaptation plan (Figure 4).           1.5 billion cubic yards of sand have been
tion (or retreat), and do nothing (Table       In considering secondary impacts, it is         placed along U.S. beaches by both federal
1). Protection involves defense/protec-        also important to ensure that adaptation        and non-federal entities to reduce beach-
tion actions to mitigate loss of natural       strategies are socially equitable and do not    front flood risk during the last century
or developed resources (e.g. hard or soft      benefit one population to the detriment         (Elko et al. 2021). Since 2000 in South
solutions). Accommodation changes to           of another, or reinforce existing envi-         Carolina, for example, storm surge and
structures, infrastructure, or policies to     ronmental and societal inequities. Good         tides are not attributed to damages nor
allow for natural hazards to occur while       adaptation planning is collaborative and        injury nor deaths (Table 2); compared
minimizing their impact. Managed               considers the interconnected ecological,        with the 1989 landfall of Hurricane Hugo
relocation or retreat either prevents or       social, political, and economic systems,        which caused 13 impact fatalities (mostly
gradually removes development from the         including adjacent jurisdictions. Social        drownings) and $8 billion to $10 billion
coast, whereas do nothing is a no action       and geomorphological problems can arise         in damages (CDC 2022; NOAA 2022c).
approach. Most strategies have varying         if disparate shoreline policies (e.g. protect   Since the passage of Hugo, there has
long-term adaptive capacity and potential      vs. retreat — see below) are adopted be-        been a significant federal, state, and local
SLR accommodation (e.g. how flexible is        tween neighboring communities.                  investment in many coastal management
the approach and how much SLR can it                                                           policies (mandatory evacuation orders;
                                                       FLOOD MITIGATION
accommodate). Adaptation strategies will                                                       more robust coastal building codes) and
                                                  PROGRAMS AT THE FEDERAL
vary substantially due to the variable land                                                    projects (beachfront flood mitigation)
                                                        AND STATE LEVELS
uses, coastal typology, exposure to waves,                                                     (SC DHEC 2022). These large-scale beach
                                                  Several federal and state agencies
erosion potential, and community staff                                                         and dune restoration projects are attrib-
                                               have established or funded programs
capacity and funding.                                                                          uted at least in part to the reduced flood
                                               that address coastal flooding and flood
                                                                                               risk along the South Carolina beachfront
    Engineered project-based strategies        mitigation strategies (FEMA, NOAA, and
                                                                                               (Kana and Kaczkowski 2019). A similar
can be soft, nature-based, or green (e.g.      New Jersey, among others). The programs
                                                                                               national flood risk reduction investment
beach and dune restoration, wetlands,          from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
                                                                                               is needed on the backside of barrier is-
living shorelines) as opposed to hardened      and the Florida Department of Environ-
                                                                                               lands and along estuarine shorelines to
or gray structures (e.g. seawalls, storm       mental Protection highlighted emphasize
                                                                                               increase coastal resilience to future sea
barriers) (Figure 3). Hybrid approaches        extensive scientific and planning ap-
                                                                                               level rise.
that combine the two are also increas-         proaches to reducing flood impacts to
ingly common. Policy changes can also          coastal communities.                                To begin to address this need, USACE
be considered a form of adaptation. The                                                        has developed the concept of Engineer-
                                                          Example: Federal
intention of adaptation strategies can                                                         ing With Nature (EWN) which calls for
                                                  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
be to restore ecological habitat, mitigate                                                     an ecosystem-based approach, whereby
                                               (USACE) has led successful nation-
flooding, and/or manage erosion and                                                            USACE, in collaboration with partners
                                               wide efforts to develop comprehensive,
damage to natural resources and public/                                                        and stakeholders, seeks to understand
                                               systems-based approaches to coastal
private property.                                                                              and use natural processes in order to
                                               flood control for decades. In addition to       achieve project objectives within coastal
   Adaptation planning evaluates which         levees, Coastal Storm Risk Management           systems (Bridges et al. 2021; Banks et
measures can be used to alleviate vulner-      (CSRM), or federal beach nourishment            al. 2013). Historically, institutional con-
ability in each sector and their secondary     and dune restoration, projects are an           straints, such as the challenges associated
impacts that affect the rest of the com-       important nature-based flood mitiga-            with interagency coordination, required

Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022                                                                                     Page 21
Program, intended to comprehensively
                                                                                               prepare both coastal and inland Florida
                                                                                               for the impacts of climate change. As
                                                                                               part of the Resilient Florida Program, a
                                                                                               statewide coastal vulnerability analysis
                                                                                               dataset will be compiled. The community
                                                                                               vulnerability analyses can be undertaken
                                                                                               by individual communities using grant
                                                                                               funding, and are required to follow spe-
                                                                                               cific requirements, including evaluating
                                                                                               the risk to critical assets. The assessments
                                                                                               must evaluate the vulnerabilities at both
                                                                                               the NOAA (2017) intermediate-low and
                                                                                               intermediate-high scenarios and include
                                                                                               two planning horizons, 2040 and 2070.
                                                                                                        Select community studies
                                                                                                   Many large U.S. cities are investing in
                                                                                               projects focused on improving or install-
                                                                                               ing infrastructure to reduce coastal flood-
Figure 4. Example of an adaptation pathway that is intended to aid coastal                     ing. Post-Katrina (2005) improvements
communities in long-term planning for adaptation. The pathway lays out a                       to the New Orleans and South Louisiana
timeline that identifies triggers and thresholds when a change of strategy                     levee systems cost approximately $14
will be required, giving the communities time to plan in advance (Hapke et al.                 billion, but only renovated an existing
2021).                                                                                         system. In addition to raising the East
studies for project implementation, and         bance scenarios to understand expected         River Park in New York City by 8-10
lack of trust between the USACE and             performance (Schultz et al. 2012). Most        feet, 2.4 miles of seawalls, floodgates, and
relevant stakeholders, may have further         projects are designed to provide flexibility   other barriers are expected to be con-
constrained the timing and scope of proj-       through adaptive management, ensure            structed by 2025 along the East River to
ects. However, recent efforts are improv-       redundancy of resilient features, and          protect Lower Manhattan from scenarios
ing interagency coordination building           support creative incentives to promote         of catastrophic flooding, such as from
coastal resilience.                             the use of resilience measures.                Hurricane Sandy (2012), with integrated
                                                                                               flood protection for the dense network of
    In 2013, the Coastal Engineering                          Example: State
                                                                                               above- and below-ground infrastructure
Research Board (CERB) recommended                   The Florida Resilient Coastlines Pro-
                                                                                               and over 110,000 residents of the area
a three-tiered system for an assessment         gram (or “Resilient FL”), administered by
                                                                                               (Thomson Reuters 2021). Along the Texas
of the resilience of coastal engineer-          the Florida Department of Environmental
                                                                                               coast, a system of levees, flood gates, and
ing, environmental, and community               Protection (FDEP) Office of Resilience
                                                                                               improved drainage networks designed by
infrastructure to coastal storms and            and Coastal Protection, produced an Ad-
                                                                                               USACE following Hurricane Ike (2008)
long-term evolutionary processes such as        aptation Planning Guidebook and a grant
                                                                                               would provide multiple lines of defense
population dynamics and climate change          program (FDEP 2018). Communities and
                                                                                               and mimic the models enacted by Loui-
(Larkin et al. 2015; Rosati et al. 2015).       regional entities have utilized this process
                                                                                               siana as well as the Netherlands at a price
The tiers include a framework to assess         to undertake various stages of adapta-
                                                                                               tag of nearly $30 billion (TXGLO 2022).
overall coastal community resilience, a         tion planning, examining vulnerabilities
targeted assessment of the community,           and risks associated with flooding from           The common thread between these
ecological, and engineered coastal pro-         storms, tides and combinations thereof         examples is the sheer value of assets ex-
tection structures, and a detailed model        (Figure 5). In 2021, the Florida Legislature   posed to coastal flooding. For instance,
of interconnected physical infrastructure       passed Senate Bill 1954, allocating $1         Miami-Dade County (MDC) is one of the
evaluated under various simulated distur-       billion to establish the Resilient Florida     most affluent flood-vulnerable jurisdic-
Table 2.                                                                                       tions in the United States (Hanson et al.
Flooding synopsis in South Carolina by type from January 2000 to                               2011; Ghanbari et al. 2020). During the
September 2021 (NOAA 2021).                                                                    21st century, at least one severe storm
                                                                                               has impacted MDC every two years. As
			                                           Property              Crop         Event type    a result, the county has spent more than
Event type Deaths Injuries                    damage               damage          count
                                                                                               $326 million for on-site adaptation proj-
Coastal flood             0         0       $450,000                 0                56
                                                                                               ects from 2012-2016 (Kim 2020). MDC
Flash flood              22        39     $163,908,390         $24,879,720           470       employs a variety of flood adaptation
Flood                     2         1      $37,430,500          $5,009,600           195       approaches spanning from traditional
Storm surge/tide*         0         0           0                    0                12       hard “gray” infrastructure (e.g. seawalls,
Total                    24        40     $201,788,890         $29,889,320           733       storm barriers) to nature-based or green
*Storm surge statistics may be underrepresented because it is occurring in conjunction with    infrastructure (e.g. wetlands, living
other types of flooding and/or because of investment in beachfront flood mitigation.
                                                                                               shorelines), as well as hybrid adaptation
Page 22                                                                           Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022
strategies that incorporate both green and
gray features. The City of Miami Beach
plans to invest $500 million in the com-
ing years for sea level rise adaptation that
include raising roads, installing pumps,
and upgrading sewer line connections
(Fu and Song 2017).
    A typical coastal flood mitigation
strategy is beach and dune restoration,
which relies on the ability of systems to
protect coastlines from hazards while
also providing benefits such as habitat
enhancement and increased recreational
space, and are more aesthetically pleasing
than hard structures (O’Donnell 2017).
For example, along Hatteras Island, North
Carolina dune restoration projects have
been used to maintain foredune continu-
ity and help reduce overwash frequency         Figure 5. Florida’s steps to develop adaptation plans (from FDEP 2018).
and mitigate damages to NC 12 — a
main thoroughfare connecting Cape Hat-         issue, horizontal levees (Battalio et al.         Some communities are also adapting
teras National Seashore to the mainland        2013) have been designed combining            nonstructural solutions to coastal flood-
(Sciaudone et al. 2016). Beach nour-           a traditional flood-control levee core        ing, such as planning, building codes,
ishment is one of the most commonly            with a seaward ecotone slope grading          zoning, setback, and buyouts. Since 2015,
implemented soft-adaptation options on         smoothly to a low marsh elevation. The        when high-tide flooding became a major
the oceanfront, as it adds sediment within     slope is planted with native wetland and      concern for the City of Folly Beach, this
the littoral system and allows natural         transitional species, restoring degraded      small South Carolina beachfront com-
forces to continue to operate (Elko et al.     habitats while providing adaptive capac-      munity adopted six long-term plans
2021). In locations with low to moderate       ity to allow wetlands to adjust landward      which establish goals and objectives to
rates of beach erosion, nourishment can        as sea levels rise. Some designs allow the    manage the effects of climate change and
be used to mitigate flooding as well as        ecotone slope to undulate slightly, creat-    sea level rise. In 2018, the Folly Beach
bolster recreational value of oceanfront       ing microhabitats within the slope that       City Council approved an unprecedented
shorelines. At Myrtle Beach, South             can increase overall habitat diversity.       nine-month coastal building morato-
Carolina, a low background erosion rate                                                      rium on the development of properties
                                                   However, horizontal levees may have
(e.g. < 1 m horizontal shoreline recession                                                   on either the beach or the marsh while
                                               limited application in some areas due
per year) means nourishment volumes                                                          dune and marsh management plans were
                                               to the larger area required. In the San
can outpace the removal of sand from                                                         adopted. This proactive planning process
                                               Francisco Bay area of California, wet-
the active beach-dune system. To this                                                        resulted in the adoption of 25 new land
                                               land restoration is of particular interest
point, multiple rounds of nourishment                                                        use regulations including ordinances for
                                               given a >90% loss of all wetland areas
completed from the 1980s to present                                                          setbacks, buffers, septic tanks, marsh-
                                               largely from development (USGS 2022).
day have advanced the high-water line                                                        island development, dune protection,
                                               In consideration of the climate of the
in portions of Myrtle Beach over 50 m                                                        seawalls, increased freeboard and other
                                               San Francisco Bay region, many of the
seaward over the same period (Kana and                                                       regulations related to increasing resilience
                                               proposed horizontal levees are paired
Kaczkowksi 2019).                                                                            along the beach and marshfront (Elko
                                               with freshwater discharge points from
                                                                                             2019). Many other coastal communities
   California has adopted a number of          wastewater treatment facilities. Clean
                                                                                             in South Carolina have also begun the
different strategies to address coastal        wastewater is discharged along an infil-
                                                                                             adaptation planning process for antici-
flooding across various environments.          tration trench near the top of the slope,
                                                                                             pated future sea level rise-related impacts
For example, wetland restorations are          re-establishing the lost freshwater seepage
                                                                                             (Watson et al. 2021).
analogous to beach nourishments in             that many wetlands in the region rely on.
that they can reduce flood frequencies         Officials in the Montecito community             A myriad of strategies is available
and re-establish ecological connectivity       in California acknowledge that “the im-       and implemented across the U.S. and
within diminished systems. The low-lying       pacts of changes in climate and weather       can vary based on a multitude of factors
South Bay region is at risk of flooding        contributing to extreme rainstorm events      including spatio-temporal scale of the
due to sea-level rise, however restoration     affecting flooding, need to be taken into     coastal flooding hazard. A national-scale
efforts in this region potentially conflict    account in multiple plans and planning        understanding of perspectives and chal-
with new levee standards that threaten         efforts, including coastal hazard mitiga-     lenges that coastal communities face due
to further disconnect existing and re-         tion, Climate and SLR Adaptation, and         to flooding will to help identify gaps in
stored wetlands from natural freshwater        regional sediment management plans”           knowledge and disseminate information
seepage characteristic of tidal wetlands       (Local Government Commission 2019).           on potential strategies for communities,
in the region. To combat this potential                                                      managers, and stakeholders.

Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022                                                                                   Page 23
coastal flooding, and details responses to
                                                                                              flood-mitigation strategy implementation
                                                                                                         Surveyed population
                                                                                                 Survey participants were asked to
                                                                                              answer several questions to describe
                                                                                              their affiliation, job duties and title, and
                                                                                              region of the U.S. The geographic loca-
                                                                                              tion of survey respondents illustrates the
                                                                                              representation of a national scale survey
                                                                                              with regional perspectives (Figure 6).
                                                                                              The majority of respondents were from
                                                                                              the Southeast (including the Florida east
                                                                                              coast and Puerto Rico, 49%) and the
                                                                                              Gulf (including the Florida Gulf coast,
                                                                                              21%). About 14% were from the U.S. west
                                                                                              coast and Alaska, and 12% were from the
                                                                                              Northeast. A few respondents were also
Figure 6. Geographic distribution of the 106 survey respondents.                              from Hawaii and the Great Lakes.
                                                                                                  Most responses were from industry
                                                                                              and local community representatives
                                                                                              (34% each), followed by the academic
                                                                                              sector (10%) (Figure 7). Federal (8%) and
                                                                                              state (6%) agency staff also represented
                                                                                              13% of respondents. Except in the South-
                                                                                              east region where most participants of
                                                                                              the survey were from local communities
                                                                                              (county, town, homeowners’ assoc.), most
                                                                                              participants from other regions were af-
                                                                                              filiated with industry. Most participants
                                                                                              from the Southeast region self-identified
                                                                                              as administrators or planners; whereas
                                                                                              Program/Project Manager was the most
                                                                                              common job duty in other regions (Fig-
                                                                                              ure 8). Together these characterizations
Figure 7. Affiliations of the survey respondents.                                             suggest a group of survey respondents
     SURVEY METHODOLOGY                         categorize the respondents’ affiliation,      that represent coastal practitioners.
   In late 2021, ASBPA administered a           organization name, title, department, and
                                                                                                 A majority of respondents indicated
survey of coastal stakeholders to assess        job duties. The next section contained
                                                                                              that their community includes an un-
specific community challenges and needs         general questions about coastal flooding
                                                                                              derserved population or neighborhood
related to coastal flooding. The survey         challenges. This was followed by a series
                                                                                              (54%) or nearby communities do (25%).
targeted coastal professionals from the         of questions as to whether the commu-
                                                                                              Overall, the survey populations’ affilia-
local, regional, state, and federal levels.     nities were 1) implementing, or 2) in-
                                                                                              tions, job duties, and region of the U.S.
Respondents included local planners,            terested in, flood mitigation approaches
                                                                                              indicate that survey results represent the
managers, engineers, administrators, and        described in previous sections, such as
                                                                                              opinions of coastal practitioners on a na-
elected officials, as well as representatives   infrastructure, natural or nature-based
                                                                                              tional scale. This basic characterization of
of coastal organizations, consultants,          features (NNBF), policies and plans,
                                                                                              the respondents provides the appropriate
and academics with a focus on coastal           data and research, and funding solutions.
                                                                                              perspective for the substantive analysis
research. The survey was promoted to            Examples of some question phrasing in-
                                                                                              of U.S. communities’ coastal flooding
and taken by members of organizations           cluded: “Which of the following natural
with a coastal and, more specifically, often    or nature-based flood mitigation strate-
beachfront perspective. Traditionally,          gies is of interest, but has not yet been           Overview of survey responses
for example, the ASBPA has focused on           implemented by your community?”                  In general, survey respondents indi-
beach and shore preservation via beach                                                        cated that flooding is either challenging
                                                           SURVEY RESULTS
nourishment and dune restoration.                                                             (>60%) or extremely challenging (>20%)
                                                    The survey yielded 106 total respons-
                                                                                              relative to other coastal management
    The first section of the survey aimed       es, with the typical respondent complet-
                                                                                              challenges they face. Less than 3% of
to understand respondents’ demograph-           ing the survey in 7.5 minutes. This section
                                                                                              respondents indicated that flooding was
ics, organization and job roles and re-         characterizes the survey population, re-
                                                                                              not very or not at all challenging. Despite
sponsibilities and included questions to        views answers to general questions about
                                                                                              this, only 24% of respondents’ commu-
Page 24                                                                         Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022
nities had a coastal flooding adaptation
plan, 30% were developing one now, and
water quality, habitat enhancement, and
                                                                                            perhaps even carbon storage.
                                                                                               Large-scale beach and dune restora-
                                                                                            tion projects have reduced flood risk on
                                                                                            a national scale through the placement
                                                                                            of over 1.5 billion cubic yards of sand by
                                                                                            over 465 U.S. beach communities dur-
                                                                                            ing the last century (Elko et al. 2021).
                                                                                            A notable shift in priorities of coastal
                                                                                            communities from beach erosion to
                                                                                            water-related challenges was recorded
                                                                                            in a previous ASBPA survey on coastal
                                                                                            management challenges (Elko and Briggs
                                                                                            2020). A similar and more specific shift
                                                                                            was revealed through the survey con-
                                                                                            ducted with this white paper.
Figure 10. Gray infrastructure flood mitigation strategies of interest to                      In terms of nature-based strategies,
respondents by region.                                                                      survey respondents from all regions
                                                                                            selected “beach nourishment and dune
                                                                                            restoration” as the most commonly
                                                                                            implemented green flood mitigation
                                                                                            strategy. Beach nourishment and dune
                                                                                            restoration was the future strategy of
                                                                                            least interest to the survey respondents.
                                                                                            Thin-layer placement on marshes, living
                                                                                            shorelines, and hybrid projects on estua-
                                                                                            rine shorelines were the flood mitigation
                                                                                            strategies of most interest. This shift in
                                                                                            priorities is enlightening given that the
                                                                                            respondents to both surveys are members
                                                                                            of organizations with a focus on beach-
                                                                                            front management. Perhaps the shift
                                                                                            is not surprising given that beachfront
                                                                                            erosion challenges have an accepted and
                                                                                            well-funded mid-term solution in beach
                                                                                            nourishment, and fairly well documented
Figure 11. Nature-based flood mitigation strategies implemented by region.
                                                                                            and recognized co-benefits of recreation,
ing bill), loans from a private banking,      of nature-based solutions for flood miti-     tourism/economics, and habitat restora-
philanthropic source, or state/federal        gation (FEMA 2021).                           tion in addition to flood mitigation. Until
government (including state revolving                                                       recently, flooding challenges in low-lying,
                                                 Additional resources for information
funds), and bonds (e.g. environmental                                                       non-beachfront coastal areas have not
                                              and funding include (but are not limited
impact bonds, green bonds).                                                                 yet been prioritized or systematically
                                              to) the National Fish and Wildlife Federa-
                                                                                            addressed with a similar large-scale, repli-
    The Federal Emergency Management          tion (NFWF) National Coastal Resilience
                                                                                            cable solution that has been implemented
Agency (FEMA) Building Resilient Infra-       Fund, State Coastal Programs, Coastal
                                                                                            by hundreds of coastal communities.
structure and Communities (BRIC) is one       Zone Management Act Grants, NFWF
of FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance        Great Lakes Fund, U.S. EPA Great Lakes            Although a comprehensive analysis
Grants programs. FEMA defines hazard          Restoration Initiative Grants, Ecological     of the causes of flooding was beyond the
mitigation as any sustainable action that     Impacts to Sea Level Rise Grants, the         scope of this paper, certain questions
reduces or eliminates long-term risk to       2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law            need to be addressed to best support com-
people and property from future disasters.    (BIL), Community Development Block            munities in the development of various
BRIC guiding principles are supporting        Grants (CDBG), and Housing and Urban          adaptation strategies. For example, what
communities (states, local communities,       Development.                                  are the projected futures for existing and
tribes and territories) through capability-                                                 new (created or restored) natural and
and capacity-building; encouraging and                                                      nature-based features? Research and data
                                                 The co-benefits that result from
enabling innovation; promoting partner-                                                     products that directly inform decision
                                              restoration of marsh or wetland eco-
ships; enabling large projects; maintain-                                                   making are critical at all levels. Address-
                                              systems, like flood mitigation as well as
ing flexibility; and providing consistency.                                                 ing coastal hazard mitigation, coastal cli-
                                              biodiversity benefits are of great interest
The program provides technical guidance                                                     mate change, and sea level rise adaptation
                                              to communities and funding entities.
to local communities to promote the use                                                     should be integrated into comprehensive
                                              Some of these benefits include improved
Page 26                                                                       Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022
plans for flood mitigation. Furthermore,
communities should adapt strategies
with equity considerations, amplify local
and/or indigenous perspectives into their
plans, and ensure funding is available at
the state and local level with direct techni-
cal assistance to under-resourced coastal
    Coastal flooding, from both extreme
events and sea level rise, is one of the
top management challenges facing U.S.
coastal stakeholders today. The intensity
of coastal flooding is expected to increase
with global sea level rise with dispro-
portionate impacts likely in vulnerable,
underserved communities. This paper
focuses on flooding challenges from             Figure 12. Nature-based flood mitigation strategies of interest by region.
the perspective of coastal communities.
Flood mitigation approaches typically
fall into four categories: protection, ac-
commodation, managed relocation (or
retreat), and do nothing. Options exist
to incorporate green or soft approaches
such as beach or marsh restoration in all
four categories.
   Federal- and state-level programs
now exist to increase the resilience of
coastal communities. The myriad of
flood mitigation strategies that have been
implemented across the U.S. vary based
on a multitude of factors including spatio-
temporal scale of the coastal flooding
hazard. A national-scale understand-
ing of perspectives and challenges that
coastal communities face due to flooding        Figure 13. Research conducted related to flooding and mitigation strategies.
will help identify gaps in knowledge and        Respondents from all regions noted that        ing storm intensities, watershed precipi-
disseminate information on potential            beach and dune restoration has been the        tation and runoff, and increasing coastal
strategies for communities, managers,           most widely implemented nature-based           wave and run-up forces. Research and
and stakeholders.                               flood mitigation strategy. Interest is now     data products on the nature-based flood
   ASBPA administered a survey of 106           high in other nature-based solutions           mitigation strategies of greatest interest,
coastal stakeholders from around the U.S.       with application in low-lying, vulnerable      thin layer placement on marshes, living
to assess specific community challenges         coastal areas such as thin-layer placement     shorelines, and hybrid projects on estua-
and needs related to coastal flooding           on marshes, living shorelines, and hybrid      rine shoreline, should be translated and
in late 2021. A majority of respondents         projects on estuarine shorelines.              disseminated to coastal decision makers.
indicated that their community includes                                                        Addressing coastal hazard mitigation,
                                                   This paper does not intend to provide
an underserved population or neighbor-                                                         coastal climate change, and sea level rise
                                                an exhaustive review of the science, forc-
hood (54%) or nearby communities do                                                            adaptation should be integrated into
                                                ings, or policies on coastal flooding in the
(25%). While the vast majority of survey                                                       comprehensive plans for equitable flood
                                                U.S.; rather to capture the perspectives of
respondents indicated that flooding was                                                        mitigation.
                                                coastal communities and to inform and
a major challenge, only 24% of respon-          prioritize future research investments               ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dents’ communities have a coastal flood-        related to coastal flooding. To support           We are grateful for helpful reviews
ing adaptation plan. Improvements to            communities in the development of ad-          from Robert E. Lewis and Pamela Mason,
drainage systems are the most commonly          aptation strategies, research is needed to     as well as input from the ASBPA Science
implemented gray infrastructure strategy        understand, for example, the combined          & Technology Committee, and assistance
in the Southeast and Gulf coast regions.        water threats and impacts from increas-        from Michael Priddy and Annie Mercer.

Shore & Beach  Vol. 90, No. 3  Summer 2022                                                                                    Page 27
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