UNCLASSIFIED - Global Positioning System Ill Follow-On Production (GPS IIIF)

Page created by Jennifer Henry
UNCLASSIFIED - Global Positioning System Ill Follow-On Production (GPS IIIF)

                      RCS: DD-A&T(O&A)823-590

Global Positioning System Ill Follow-On Production (GPS IIIF)
                    As of FY 2021 President's Budget

                    Defense Acquisition Management
                          Information Retrieval

UNCLASSIFIED - Global Positioning System Ill Follow-On Production (GPS IIIF)
GPS IIIF                                                       December 2019 SAR

                                           Table of Contents

      Common Acronyms and Abbreviations for MDAP Programs                3
      Program Information                                                5
      Responsible Office                                                 5
      References                                                         6
      Mission and Description                                            7
      Executive Summary                                                  8
      Threshold Breaches                                                10
      Schedule                                                          11
      Performance                                                       12
      Track to Budget                                                   14
      Cost and Funding                                                  14
      Charts                                                            25
      Risks                                                             27
      Low Rate Initial Production                                       29
      Foreign Military Sales                                            30
      Nuclear Costs                                                     31
      Unit Cost                                                         32
      Cost Variance                                                     35
      Contracts                                                         39
      Deliveries and Expenditures                                       40
      Operating and Support Cost                                        41

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GPS IIIF                                                         December 2019 SAR

Common Acronyms and Abbreviations for MDAP Programs

Acq O&M - Acquisition-Related Operations and Maintenance
ACAT - Acquisition Category
ADM - Acquisition Decision Memorandum
APB - Acquisition Program Baseline
APPN - Appropriation
APUC - Average Procurement Unit Cost
$B - Billions of Dollars
BA - Budget Authority/Budget Activity
Blk - Block
BY - Base Year
CAPE - Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation
CARD - Cost Analysis Requirements Description
CDD - Capability Development Document
CLIN - Contract Line Item Number
CPD - Capability Production Document
CY - Calendar Year
DAB - Defense Acquisition Board
DAE - Defense Acquisition Executive
DAMIR - Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval
DoD - Department of Defense
DSN - Defense Switched Network
EMD - Engineering and Manufacturing Development
EVM - Earned Value Management
FOC - Full Operational Capability
FMS - Foreign Military Sales
FRP - Full Rate Production
FY - Fiscal Year
FYDP - Future Years Defense Program
ICE - Independent Cost Estimate
IOC - Initial Operational Capability
Inc - Increment
JROC - Joint Requirements Oversight Council
$K - Thousands of Dollars
KPP - Key Performance Parameter
LRIP - Low Rate Initial Production
$M - Millions of Dollars
MDA - Milestone Decision Authority
MDAP - Major Defense Acquisition Program
MILCON - Military Construction
N/A - Not Applicable
O&M - Operations and Maintenance
ORD - Operational Requirements Document
OSD - Office of the Secretary of Defense
O&S - Operating and Support
PAUC - Program Acquisition Unit Cost

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GPS IIIF                                                                         December 2019 SAR

PB - President's Budget
PE - Program Element
PEO - Program Executive Officer
PM - Program Manager
POE - Program Office Estimate
RDT&E - Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
SAR - Selected Acquisition Report
SCP - Service Cost Position
TBD - To Be Determined
TY - Then Year
UCR - Unit Cost Reporting
U.S. - United States
USD(AT&L) - Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
USD(A&S) - Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment)

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GPS IIIF                                                                                        December 2019 SAR

Program Information

Program Name
Global Positioning System III Follow-On Production (GPS IIIF)

DoD Component
Air Force

This is a United States Space Force program.

Responsible Office

Col Edward Byrne                                                Phone:           310-653-3211
483 N. Aviation                                                 Fax:             310-653-3005
El Segundo, CA 90245
                                                                DSN Phone:       633-3211
                                                                DSN Fax:         633-3005
edward.byrne@us.af.mil                                          Date Assigned:   May 1,2019

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GPS IIIF                                                                                      December 2019 SAR


SAR Baseline (Development Estimate)

Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) Approved Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) dated September 12, 2018

Approved APB
Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) Approved Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) dated September 12, 2018

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GPS IIIF                                                                                                 December 2019 SAR

Mission and Description

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based radio navigation system developed and delivered by Air Force
Space Command's Space and Missile Systems Center/Global Positioning Systems Directorate. GPS provides satellite
signals to military and civil users worldwide to determine accurate Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT). GPS provides
strategic and tactical support to the following DoD missions: Joint Operations by providing capabilities for PNT; Command,
Control, Communications, and Intelligence; Special Operations; Military Operations in Urban Terrain; Defense-Wide Mission
Support; Air Mobility; and Space Launch Orbital Support. GPS III Follow-On (GPS IIIF) complies with section 2281 of title 10,
United States Code (USC), ensuring the continued sustainment and operation of GPS for military and civilian purposes, and
section 50112 of title 51, USC, continuing as an international standard available on a continuous worldwide basis free of
direct user fees.

GPS IIIF is an Acquisition Category IB program that, in concert with the GPS III program, comprises the next generation of
space vehicles (SVs) providing significant enhancements to modernize the constellation originally delivered under the
Naystar GPS program. GPS IIIF will deliver the next block of GPS III satellites beyond the first 10 GPS III SVs.

GPS IIIF will provide new capabilities to meet increased demands of both military and civilian users. Building on the technical
baseline of GPS III satellites, the program will provide increased anti-jam capabilities for the military with Regional Military
Protection capability. It also will add other new capabilities by hosting a Search-and-Rescue GPS payload designed to
assist with the global search-and-rescue mission area and enable precision ranging measurements by hosting a Laser
Retro-reflector Array. It will address the consolidation of telemetry, tracking, and commanding frequencies by enabling
compliance with the Unified S-Band capabilities. Finally, the program will host a redesigned Nuclear Detonation Detection
System (NDS) solution with a lower overall size and weight requirement.

The GPS IIIF program provides a Standard Positioning Service to a broad spectrum of civil users, including the four civil
signals (L1 C/A, L1C, L2C, and L5) flown on GPS III satellites. The Ll C signal is compatible with the European Galileo
satellite navigation system signal, El. Ll C is also compatible with those signals planned for broadcast on Japan's Quasi-
Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), a system meant to augment GPS services. This common civil signal will be jointly
broadcast by up to 60 satellites from the GPS, Galileo, and QZSS constellations, further increasing the accuracy and
availability of user PNT solutions. The program also benefits the civil community by hosting laser retroreflectors, used to
refine the International Terrestrial Reference Frame, and particle sensors, used for space-based environmental monitoring.

Consistent with the program's support for military users, the GPS IIIF program provides Precise Positioning Service
(PPS) for military operations and force enhancement. It also provides increased anti-jam power to the earth coverage
Military-Code signals and anti-exploitation techniques in order to prevent unauthorized use of the GPS PPS signal. In
addition, the program will support the United States NDS mission for worldwide monitoring and detection of nuclear events,
as well as the international Cospas-Sarsat Search and Rescue mission for detection and location of emergency beacons,
both via hosted payloads.

The GPS IIIF SVs build upon the GPS III program's approach to respond rapidly to warfighter capability requirements. The
GPS IIIF program will also focus on space vehicle affordability, capability and future requirements, and resiliency. The Air
Force is using its research laboratories to mature mission related capabilities and technologies (e.g. advanced clocks,
amplifiers, crosslinks) to inform future PNT architectures.

On December 20, 2019, the President of the United States established the United States Space Force which assumed the
responsibility for all major space acquisition programs. This program is now a United States Space Force program.

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Executive Summary

Program Highlights Since Last Report

The MDA approved Milestone B certification on September 12, 2018. The certification included waivers granted for the
requirements in section 2366(a)(3)(L), as it pertains to the development of an Independent Technical Risk Assessment
(ITRA) and in 2366(a)(1) for the requirement of a Preliminary Design Review. The Milestone B ADM requires the program to
conduct a Critical Design Review (CDR) and ITRA prior to returning for a Milestone C production decision.

The program successfully completed the initial Integrated Baseline Review and kicked off the CDR campaign in March
2019. Since CDR kickoff, the team has successfully conducted 50 out of 50 Qualification Review Boards and 65 out of 66
unit-level CDRs, including the Navigation Payload Element CDR on November 21, 2019. CY 2020 efforts will focus on
closing out the Space Vehicle (SV) CDR campaign, supporting execution of the ITRA by the Air Force, conducting a
Milestone C review, and exercising the first production option for SV13. The program will exercise production options
beyond FY 2020 using an annual buy approach of one to four SVs per year, with the objective of procuring at least two SVs
each year to realize significant cost savings through economies of scale.

There are no significant software-related issues with this program at this time.

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History of Significant Developments Since Program Initiation

                             History of Significant Developments Since Program Initiation
           Date                                  Significant Development Description
   March 2018      GPS IIIF CDD approved.
   August 2018     GPS IIIF SCP approved.
   September 2018 The GPS IIIF program obtained Milestone B certification and APB approvalon September 12,
   September 2018 GPS IIIF awarded a competitively-procured contract on September 26, 2018 to Lockheed Martin
                   Space. The Fixed Price Incentive/Award Fee contract includes non -recurring engineering,
                   satellite simulators, and Space Vehicles 11 -12.
   March 2019      The program completed the initial Integrated Baseline Review for the scope awarded in
                   September 2018.
   March 2019      GPS IIIF initiated the Critical Design Review (CDR) campaign for the baseline technical design.
   November 2019 j Successfully held the Navigation Payload Element CDR.

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Threshold Breaches

APB Breaches
Schedule                    r-
Performance                 E.
Cost        RDT&E           r-
            Procurement     E
            MILCON          r-
            Acq O&M         E
O&S Cost
Unit Cost   PAUC
            APUC            r-

Nunn-McCurdy Breaches
Current UCR Baseline
             PAUC         None
             APUC         None
Original UCR Baseline
             PAUC         None
             APUC         None

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             SAR Baseline Current Objective      II APB Objective and Threshold      •     Current Estimate   •     Current Estimate (Breach)

                                          '1 8     '1 9    '20        '21   '22      '23       '24     '25        '26    '27     '23     '29
                                            .        .

       GPS IIIF
       GPS IIIF tOilestone B
       GPS IIIF Critical Design Revi...
       GPS IIIF Milestone C
       GPS IIIF SV11 AFL
       GPS IIIF SV12 AFL

                                                                     Schedule Events
                                                           Ell                r-S-AR Baseline              Current APB
                                                                                                                                          Current I
                                      Events                                   Development                 Development
                                                                                   Estimate             Objective/Threshold
        GPS IIIF Milestone B                                                      Jul 2018            Jul 2018          Jan 2019        Sep 2018
        GPS IIIF Critical Design Review                                           Sep 2020            Sep 2020          Mar 2021        Mar 2020
        GPS IIIF Milestone C                                                      Dec 2020            Dec 2020          Jun 2021        Jun 2020
        GPS IIIF SV11 AFL                                                     1Jan 2028               Jan 2028          Jul 2028        Feb 2026
        GPS IIIF SV12 AFL                                                         Oct 2028            Oct 2028          Apr 2029        Aug 2026


Acronyms and Abbreviations
AFL - Available for Launch
GPS - Global Positioning System
SV - Space Vehicle

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                                                  Performance Characteristics
           SAR Baseline                           urfeht
                                                                                Demonstrated           Current
           Development                          Development
                                                                                Performance            Estimate
             Estimate                        Objective/Threshold
     Backward Compatibility
     All modifications made     All modifications          (T=0) All             TBD           All modifications
     to the existing GPS        made to the existing       modifications made to               made to the existing
     Space Segment and          GPS Space Segment          the existing GPS                    GPS Space Segment
     Control Segment shall      and Control Segment        Space Segment and                   and Control Segment
     allow continued            shall allow continued      Control Segment shall               shall allow continued
     operation of existing      operation of existing      allow continued                     operation of existing
     ICD-GPS-200 and 700,       ICD-GPS-200 and            operation of existing               ICD-GPS-200 and
     ICD-GPS-800, IS-GPS        700, ICD-GPS-800. IS       ICD-GPS-200 and                     700, ICD-GPS-800, IS
     -705, and SS-GPS-001       -GPS-705, and SS-          700, ICD-GPS-800, IS                -GPS-705, and SS-
     compliant UE and           GPS-001 compliant          -GPS-705, and SS-                   GPS-001 compliant
     continued operation of     UE and continued           GPS-001 compliant                   UE and continued
     legacy receivers (to       operation of legacy        UE and continued                    operation of legacy
     include Federal            receivers (to include      operation of legacy                 receivers (to include
     augmentation system        Federal augmentation       receivers (to include               Federal augmentation
     receivers).                system receivers).         Federal augmentation                system receivers).
                                                           system receivers).
     User Range Error (meters)
     .2                         2                          1.1                  TBD            .2
     Position and Time Transfer Integrity
     .0001                      .0001                      (1=0) .0001          TBD            .0001
     Satellite Availability
    '0.984                      0.984                      (T=0) 0.984          TBD            0.984
     Sustainment (Operational) Availability
     Achievement of the         Achievement of the         (T=0) Achievement of TBD            Achievement of the
     Availability of Position   Availability of Position   the Availability of                 Availability of Position
     Accuracy KPP and           Accuracy KPP and           Position Accuracy                   Accuracy KPP and
     Time Transfer              Time Transfer              KPP and Time                        Time Transfer
     Accuracy KPP               Accuracy KPP               Transfer Accuracy                   Accuracy KPP
     thresholds satisfies       thresholds satisfies       KPP thresholds                      thresholds satisfies
     this KPP                   this KPP                   satisfies this KPP                  this KPP
     Sustainment (Materiel) Availability
     Achievement of the         Achievement of the         (T=0) Achievement of TBD            Achievement of the
     Availability of Position   Availability of Position   the Availability of                 Availability of Position
     Accuracy KPP and           Accuracy KPP and           Position Accuracy                   Accuracy KPP and
     Time Transfer              Time Transfer              KPP and Time                        Time Transfer
     Accuracy KPP               Accuracy KPP               Transfer Accuracy                   Accuracy KPP
     thresholds satisfies       thresholds satisfies       KPP thresholds                      thresholds satisfies
     this KPP                   this KPP                   satisfies this KPP                  this KPP
     Regional Military Protection

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       Each GPS III Follow-         Each GPS III Follow-      (T=0) Each GPS III      TBD    Each GPS III Follow-
       On satellite shall          On satellite shall         Follow-On satellite            On satellite shall
       provide a -140 dBW           provide a -140 dBW        shall provide a -140           provide a -140 dBW
       (measured at a 5-           (measured at a 5-          dBW (measured at a             (measured at a 5-
       degree minimum user         degree minimum user        5-degree minimum               degree minimum user
       elevation mask angle)       elevation mask angle)      user elevation mask            elevation mask angle)
       regional high-power M-       regional high-power M     angle) regional high-          regional high-power M
       Code signal on both L1      -Code signal on both       power M-Code signal            -Code signal on both
       and L2                     I L1 and L2                 on both L1 and L2              L-1 and L2
       System Survivability (5.1.2)
       The System                 I The System
                                                         mimi= vimmi
                                                              (T=0) The System         TBD   The System
       Survivability KPP is        Survivability KPP is       Survivability KPP is           Survivability KPP is
       satisfied by meeting        satisfied by meeting       satisfied by meeting           satisfied by meeting
       the thresholds of the       the thresholds of the      the thresholds of the          the thresholds of the
       Availability of Position    Availability of Position   Availability of Position       Availability of Position
       Accuracy KPP (SS            Accuracy KPP (SS           Accuracy KPP (SS               Accuracy KPP (SS
       and CS; Position and        and CS; Position and       and CS; Position and           and CS; Position and
       Time Transfer Integrity     Time Transfer              Time Transfer Integrity        Time Transfer
       KPP (SS and CS));            Integrity KPP (SS and     KPP (SS and CS));              Integrity KPP (SS and
       System Survivability        CS)); System               System Survivability           CS)); System
       System Survivability        Survivability System       System Survivability           Survivability System
       KPP and associated          Survivability KPP and      KPP and associated             Survivability KPP and
       CSA (SS and CS)             associated CSA (SS         CSA (SS and CS)                associated CSA (SS
                                   and CS)                                                   and CS)

CDD dated March 20, 2018


CS - Control Segment
CSA - Cyber Survivability Attributes
dBW - decibel watt
GPS - Global Positioning System
ICD - Interface Control Documents
IS - Interface Specification
M-Code - Military Code
O - Objective
SS - Space Segment
T - Threshold
UE - User Equipment

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Track to Budget

General Notes
In December 2019, the Office of Management and Budget directed the DoD to establish new Space Force RDT&E and
procurement appropriations. Beginning in FY 2021, space-related RDT&E funding, formerly under 3600F (RDT&E, Air
Force) is contained in 3620SF (RDT&E, Space Force) and space procurement funding formerly under 3021F (Space
Procurement, Air Force) is contained in 3022SF (Procurement, Space Force).


      Air Force   3600     07   1203265F

                  67A019        GPS Ill Space Segment                           (Shared) (Sunk)
      Air Force   3600     05   1203269F

                  653170        Global Positioning System Ill - Follow-on                (Sunk)
      Air Force   3620     05   1203269SF
                                               111221W-                     1
                  653170        Global Positioning System Ill - Follow-on


      Air Force   3021     01   1203269F

                  GPSO3C        Global Positioning System III - Follow-on                   (Sunk)
      Air Force   3022  01      1203269SF

                  23GPSF        Global Positioning System III - Follow-on

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Cost and Funding

Cost Summary

                                                    Total Acquisition Cost
                                     BY 2018 $M                                                       TY $M

        Appropriation      SAR Baseline    Current APB 1                           SAR Baseline Current APB
                                                                   Current                                  Current
                           Development     Development                             Development Development
                                                                   Estimate                                 Estimate
                             Estimate   Objective/Threshold                          Estimate    Objective
       RDT&E                     3160.8    3160.8       3476.9          3082.7              3549.2            3549.2    3479.4
       Procurement               6113.0    6113.0       6724.3          6048.6              7222.3            7222.3    7219.7
        Flyaway                                                         5021.1                                          5945.3
          Recurring                                                     5021.1                                          5945.3
          Non Recurring                                                    0.0                                             0.0
        Support                                                         1027.5                                          1274.4
         Other Support                                                  1027.5                                          1274.4
          Initial Spares                                                   0.0                                             0.0
    MILCON                          0.0       0.0           0.0              0.0               0.0               0.0       0.0
    Acq O&M                         0.0       0.0           0.0              0.0               0.0               0.0       0.0
    Total                        9273.8    9273.8           N/A         9131.3             10771.5         10771.5     10699.1

Current APB Cost Estimate Reference
SCP dated August 21, 2018

Cost Notes
No cost estimate for the program has been completed in the previous year.

                                                       Total Quantity
                                    SAR Baseline
                                                                  Current APB
   [          Quantity              Development                                                      Current Estimate
       RDT&E                                            2                              2                                    2
       Procurement                                     20                             20                                   20
    Total                                              22                             22                                   22

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Cost and Funding

Funding Summary

                                                     Appropriation Summary
                               FY 2021 President's Budget / December 2019 SAR (TY$ M)
     Appropriation     Prior      FY 2020       FY 2021 FY 2022           FY 2023     FY 2024 FY 2025                                Total I
   RDT&E                 614.4         447.9        263.5       267.5        294.7          286.3          177.1        1128.0        3479.4
   Procurement             0.0         394.6        627.8       634.8        640.7          920.7          750.8        3250.3        7219.7
   MILCON                  0.0           0.0          0.0         0.0          0.0            0.0            0.0           0.0           0.0
   Acq O&M                 0.0           0.0          0.0         0.0          0.0            0.0            0.0           0.0           0.0
    PB 2021 Total        614.4         842.5        891.3       902.3        935.4      1207.0             927.9        4378.3       10699.1
    PB 2020 Total        629.1         877.5        907.9      1148.4       1190.9      1206.4             886.5        3924.8       10771.5
    Delta                -14.7         -35.0        -16.6       -246.1      -255.5              0.6         41.4         453.5         -72.4

                                                       Quantity Summary
                               FY 2021 President's Budget! December 2019 SAR (TY$ M)                                             -11M11
                                                     FY         FY         FY         FY         FY          FY          To
       Quantity      Undistributed      Prior                                                                                   Total
                                                    2020       2021       2022       2023       2024        2025       Complete
    Development                    2            0          0          0          0          0          0           0             0        2
    Production                     0            0          1          2          2          2          3           2             8       20
    PB 2021 Total                  2            0          1          2          2          2          3           2             8       22
    PB 2020 Total                  2            0          1          2          3          3          3           2             6       22
    Delta                          0            0          0          0      -1         -1             0           0             2        0

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Cost and Funding

Annual Funding By Appropriation

                                                 Annual Funding
                       3600 I RDT&E I Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force       ii
                                                                  TV $1V1

      Fiscal                                 Non End 1
                  Quantity       End Item                       Non
      Year                                      Item                         Total      Total   Total
                                 Recurring                   Recurring
                                             Recurring                      Flyaway rrtSupporogram
                                  Flyaway                     Flyaway
         2008                                                                                              2.0
         2009                                                                                             13.1
         2010                                                                                             21.9
         2011                                                                                             21.8
         2012                                                                                             15.0
         2013                                                                                             27.3
         2014                                                                                             13.0
         2015                                                                                             21.3
         2016                                                                                              8.6
         2017                                                                                             23.7
         2018                                                                                             34.5
         2019                                                                                            412.2
         2020                                                                                            447.9
       Subtotal              2                                                                          1062.3

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                                                 Annual Funding
                       3600 I RDT&E I Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force
                                                               BY 2018 $N1

      Fiscal                                  Non End
                  Quantity       End Item 1                     Non
      Year                                       Item                         Total      Total       Total
                                 Recurring                   Recurring
                                              Recurring                      Flyaway    Support     Program
                                  Flyaway                     Flyaway
         2008                                                                                             2.3
         2009                                                                                            14.9
         2010                                                                                            24.6
         2011                                                                                            24.1
         2012                                                                                            16.3
         2013                                                                                            29.1
         2014                                                                                            13.7
         2015                                                                                            22.2
         2016                                                                                             8.8
         2017                                                                                            23.8
         2018                                                                                            34.0
         2019                                                                                           398.6
         2020                                                                                           424.5
       Subtotal              2                                                                         1036.9

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                                                Annual Funding
                  3620 RDT&E I Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Space Force, Air Force
                                                                  TY SIN

      Fiscal                                  Non End
                  Quantity     End Item                         Non
      Year                                       Item                        Total       Total        Total
                               Recurring                     Recurring
                                              Recurring                     Flyaway     Support      Program
                                Flyaway                       Flyaway
         2021                                                                                            263.5
         2022                                                                                            267.5
         2023                                                                                            294.7
         2024                                                                                            286.3
         2025                                                                                            177.1
         2026                                                                                            191.4
         2027                                                                                            173.7
         2028                                                                                            205.9
         2029                                                                                             89.2
         2030                                                                                             90.9
         2031                                                                                             92.8
         2032                                                                                             94.6
         2033                                                                                             96.6
         2034                                                                                             92.9
       Subtotal                                                                                         2417.1

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                                                Annual Funding
                  3620 RDT&E I Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Space Force, Air Force
                                                                BY 2018 $N1

      Fiscal                                  Non End
                  Quantity     End Item                         Non
      Year                                       Item                          Total     Total        Total
                               Recurring                     Recurring
                                              Recurring                       Flyaway   Support      Program
                                Flyaway                       Flyaway
         2021                                                                                            244.9
         2022                                                                                            243.7
         2023                                                                                            263.2
         2024                                                                                            250.7
         2025                                                                                            152.0
         2026                                                                                            161.1
         2027                                                                                            143.3
         2028                                                                                            166.6
         2029                                                                                             70.7
         2030                                                                                             70.7
         2031                                                                                             70.7
         2032                                                                                             70.7
         2033                                                                                             70.8
         2034                                                                                             66.7
       Subtotal                                                                                         2045.8

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                                                       Annual Funding
                                       3021 I Procurement I Space Procurement, Air Force                    =
                                 111                                  - TY VVII
                                 IF                Non End
      Fiscal                       End Item                           Non
                  Quantity                            Item                         Total 1      Total      Total
       Year                        Recurring                       Recurring
                                                   Recurring                      Flyaway     Support     Program
                                    Flyaway                         Flyaway
           I-                                       Flyaway
           2020              1             333.3           25.0                       358.3        36.3         394.6
       Subtotal              1             333.3           25.0                       358.3        36.3         394.6

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                                                   Annual Funding
                                   3021 I Procurement I Space Procurement, Air Force
                                                                 BY 2018 $M

      Fiscal                                   Non End
                  Quantity       End Item                         Non
      Year                                        Item                         Total 1     Total       Total
                                 Recurring                     Recurring
                                               Recurring                      Flyaway     Support     Program
                                  Flyaway                       Flyaway
           2020              1         308.0            23.1                      331.1        33.6       364.7
       Subtotal              1         308.0           23.1                       331.1        33.6       364.7

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GPS IIIF                                                                                          December 2019 SAR

                                                      Annual Funding
                                 3022 I Procurement I Procurement, Space Force, Air Force
                                                                      TY $1V1

      Fiscal                                     Non End
                  Quantity       End Item                          Non
      Year                                          Item                         Total I     Total       Total
                                 Recurring                      Recurring
                                                 Recurring                      Flyaway     Support     Program
                                  Flyaway                        Flyaway
           2021              2          517.1            47.2                      564.3         63.5       627.8
           2022              2          486.7            67.7                      554.4         80.4       634.8
           2023              2          485.5            67.7                      553.2         87.5       640.7
           2024              3          757.3            74.0                      831.3         89.4       920.7
           2025              2          605.2            57.5                      662.7         88.1       750.8
           2026              2          543.8            66.7                      610.5        121.1       731.6
           2027              3          800.9            69.2                      870.1        125.0       995.1
           2028              3          806.3            72.4                      878.7        144.2      1022.9
           2029                                          14.5                       14.5        110.0       124.5
           2030                                          13.4                       13.4         70.3        83.7
           2031                                          13.7                       13.7         67.6        81.3
           2032                                          14.0                       14.0         65.3        79.3
           2033                                           3.1                        3.1         62.7        65.8
           2034                                           3.1                        3.1         63.0        66.1
       Subtotal          19            5002.8           584.2                     5587.0       1238.1      6825.1

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GPS IIIF                                                                                         December 2019 SAR

                                                      Annual Funding
                                 3022 I Procurement I Procurement, Space Force, Air Force
                                                                   BY 2018 $M     1=11P
      Fiscal                                     Non End 1
                  Quantity       End Item                          Non
       Year                                         Item                         Total I     Total       Total
                                 Recurring                      Recurring
                                                 Recurring                      Flyaway     Support     Program
                                  Flyaway                        Flyaway
         2021                2          468.5            42.8                      511.3         57.5       568.8
         2022                2          432.3            60.1                      492.4         71.4       563.8
         2023                2          422.8            59.0                      481.8         76.1       557.9
         2024                3          646.5            63.2                      709.7         76.3       786.0
         2025                2          506.6            48.1                      554.7         73.7       628.4
         2026                2          446.2            54.7                      500.9         99.4       600.3
         2027                3          644.3            55.7                      700.0        100.6       800.6
         2028                3          635.9            57.1                      693.0        113.8       806.8
         2029                                            11.2                       11.2         85.1        96.3
         2030                                            10.2                       10.2         53.3        63.5
         2031                                            10.2                       10.2         50.2        60.4
         2032                                            10.2                       10.2         47.6        57.8
         2033                                             2.2                        2.2         44.8        47.0
         2034                                             2.2                        2.2         44.1        46.3
       Subtotal          19            4203.1           486.9                     4690.0        993.9      5683.9

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GPS IIIF                                                                                                                  December 2019 SAR


                                 GPS IIIF first began SAR reporting in September 2018

                                                    Program Acquisition Cost - GPS IIIF
                                                           Base Year 2018 $M





                                                             MR Submission Date

                        -e- Aoq Cost (TYS)          Acq Cost (SYS)     -    Percent Delivered          Percent Expended

                                                             Quantity - GPS IIIF

                                                                     SAR Submission Date

                                         Development QTY               Production QTY      --•-• Total QTY

                                                                 UNCLASSIFIED                                                            25
GPS IIIF                                                                                                  December 2019 SAR

                                                     Unit Cost - GPS IIIF
                                                     Base Year 2018 $M


                  "D.C.0 -

           ry.)   20C-

                  100 -

                                                     SAR Submission Date

                         PAUC BYS   —•— PAUC UCRB % Chg   —•— PAUC Original % Chg   APUC Original % Chg
                         APUC BYS       APUC UCRB % Chg

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GPS IIIF                                                                                            December 2019 SAR


Significant Schedule and Technical Risks

                                    Significant Schedule and Technical Risks

 1. Constellation Performance: Congress, DoD, and/or Air Force currently does not fund GPS Directorate to
    acquire 2-3 Space Vehicles (SVs) per year due to funding constraints, thus putting at risk constellation
    sustainment and performance.
 2. Design Not Mature: GPS Ill Follow-On Production designs may not be sufficiently mature due to
    requirements changes driving expanded non-recurring engineering effort to establish the production line.
 3. Space Modular Common Crypto: May not meet GPS IIIF operating environment requirements.
                                    _Current Estimate (December 2019
 1. Critical Design Review (CDR) Schedule: Updates to the GPS IIIF design may make it difficult to hold the 1-
    year CDR schedule.
 2. Launch & Checkout Capability (LCC) Giver-Receiver: Potential disconnects in delivery dates for Government
    Furnished items may delay LCC readiness for integrated system testing and the Mission Readiness
 3. Performance Test Risk: New payloads and capabilities may result in unforeseen anomalies during testing.
 4. National Security Agency (NSA) Certification: New NSA certification requirements may expand the
    Information Security boundary, which could drive schedule delays for Information Assurance milestones.

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GPS IIIF                                                                                             December 2019 SAR


Risk and Sensitivity Analysis

                                          Risks and Sensitivity Analysis
                                 Current Baseline Estimate (September 2018)
   1. Total Acquisition Cost - $9,273.8 (Qty 22) PAUC - $421.536 (Qty 22); APUC - $305.65 (Qty 20). SCP was
       conducted at contract ceiling price; Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) SV11-12 and simulators are Fixed
       Price Incentive Fee/Award Fee (FPIF/AF), SV13-32 are FPIF. This approach is intended to control cost in a
       manner consistent with the relative maturity of the requirements and technical baseline, production
     ; designs, and their associated execution risk.
                                 Original Baseline Estimate (September 2018)
   1. Milestone B APB (BY 2018 $M): Total Acquisition Cost - $9,273.8 (Qty 22) PAUC - $421.536 (Qty 22);
      APUC - $305.65 (Qty 20). SCP conducted at contract ceiling price; NRE SV11-12 and simulators are
      FPIF/AF, SV13-32 are FPIF. This approach is intended to control cost in a manner consistent with the
      relative maturity of the requirements and technical baseline, production designs, and their associated
      execution risk.
                                        Revised Original Estimate (N/A)
                                 Current Procurement Cost (December 2019)
   1 Total Acquisition Cost - $9,127.1 (Qty 22) PAUC - $414.868 (Qty 22); APUC - $302.370 (Qty 20). Current
     estimates and funding profile are based upon a SCP, originally approved on July 13, 2018 (an SCP
     Addendum was signed August 21, 2018). SCP conducted at contract ceiling price; NRE SV11-12 and
     simulators are FPIF/AF, SV13-32 are FPIF. The program is expecting an updated SCP in May 2020 to
     support Milestone C.

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GPS IIIF                                            December 2019 SAR

Low Rate Initial Production

There is no LRIP for this program.

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GPS IIIF                                December 2019 SAR

Foreign Military Sales


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GPS IIIF                       December 2019 SAR

Nuclear Costs


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GPS IIIF                                                                                         December 2019 SAR

Unit Cost

                             Current UCR Baseline and Current Estimate (Base-Year Dollars)

                                                     Current UCR                                 % Change
                                                                          Current Estimate
                                                                           ( Dec 2019 SAR)
                                                    (Sep 2018 APB)
           Program Acquisition Unit Cost
            Cost                                                9273.8                  9131.3
            Quantity                                                22                      22
            Unit Cost                                          421.536                 415.059        -1.54
           Average Procurement Unit Cost
            Cost                                                6113.0                  6048.6
            Quantity                                                20                      20
            Unit Cost                                          305.650                 302.430        -1.05

                             Original UCR Baseline and Current Estimate (Base-Year Dollars)
                                                      BY 2018 VA             BY 2018 $N1

                            Item                     Original UCR                                % Change
                                                                          Current Estimate
                                                                           (Dec 2019 SAR)
                                                    (Sep 2018 APB)
           Program Acquisition Unit Cost
            Cost                                                9273.8                  9131.3
            Quantity                                                22                      22
            Unit Cost                                          421.536                 415.059        -1.54
           Average Procurement Unit Cost
            Cost                                                6113.0                  6048.6
            Quantity                                                20                      20
            Unit Cost                                          305.650                 302.430        -1.05

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GPS IIIF                                                                                                                                    December 2019 SAR

                                                                 APB Unit Cost History

                                                                                                                                          AM PAU
                                                                                                                                           A APU',:

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GPS IIIF                                                    December 2019 SAR

                        SAR Baseline History

   Milestone A          N/A                     N/A   N/A              N/A
   Milestone B          N/A                Jul 2018   N/A         Sep 2018
   Milestone C          N/A               Dec 2020    N/A         Jun 2020
   IOC                  N/A                     N/A   N/A              N/A
   Total Cost (TY $M)   N/A                10771.5    N/A          10699.1
   Total Quantity       N/A                      22   N/A               22
   PAUC                 N/A                489.614    N/A          486.323

                           UNCLASSIFIED                                      34
GPS IIIF                                                                     December 2019 SAR

Cost Variance

  1                                         Summary TY $M
                  Item            RDT&E        Procurement          MILCON      Total
      SAR Baseline (Development        3549.2            7222.3                     10771.5
       Previous Changes
          Economic                       +11.4              +28.4                     +39.8
          Estimating                     -11.4              -23.2                     -34.6
          Support                                            -5.2                      -5.2
       Current Changes
          Economic                        -1.9               -4.2                      -6.1
          Quantity                                          -57.7                     -57.7
          Estimating                     -67.9              +59.0                      -8.9
          Support                                          +0.3                        +0.3
       Subtotal                          -69.8             -2.6                       -72.4
      Total Changes                      -69.8             -2.6                       -72.4
      Current Estimate                  3479.4           7219.7                     10699.1

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GPS IIIF                                                                     December 2019 SAR

                                          Summary BY 2018 $M
               Item                RDT&E        Procurement         MILCON      Total
   SAR Baseline (Development            3160.8           6113.0                         9273.8
    Previous Changes
       Estimating                         -16.4             -19.6                        -36.0
       Support                                               -4.4                         -4.4
    Subtotal                              -16.4             -24.0                        -40.4
    Current Changes
       Quantity                                             -88.2                        -88.2
       Estimating                         -61.7             +47.1                        -14.6
       Support                                             +0.7                           +0.7
    Subtotal                             -61.7            -40.4                         -102.1
   Total Changes                         -78.1            -64.4                         -142.5
   Current Estimate                     3082.7           6048.6                         9131.3

Previous Estimate: December 2018

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GPS IIIF                                                                                         December 2019 SAR

                                             RDT&E                                                    $M
                                                                                               Base        Then
                                 Current Change Explanations
                                                                                               Year        Year
     Revised escalation indices. (Economic)                                                         N/A        -1.9
     Revised estimate due to Congressional reduction in FY 2020 which increases                   -14.3       -15.0
      schedule risk. (Estimating)
     Revised estimate due to Small Business Innovative Research in FY 2019. (Estimating)         -14.3        -14.7
     Adjustment for current and prior escalation. (Estimating)                                    +0.7         +0.7
     Funds transferred within program from Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation,        -2044.3      -2415.7
      Air Force appropriation to newly added Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation,
      Space Force appropriation. (Estimating)
     Funds transferred within program from Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation,        +2044.5     +2415.7
      Air Force appropriation to newly added Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation,
      Space Force appropriation. (Estimating)
     Revised estimate due to Air Force-wide funding adjustments. (Estimating)                      -2.8        -2.6
     Revised estimate due to due to higher priority defense planning guidance. (Estimating)       -31.2       -36.3
   RDT&E Subtotal                                                                                 -61.7       -69.8

                                          Procurement                                                 $M
                                                                                               Base        Then
                                 Current Change Explanations
                                                                                               Year        Year
     Revised escalation indices. (Economic)                                                        N/A         -4.2
     Total Quantity variance resulting from a decrease of 19 satellites from 20 to 1 (Space    -4341.2      -5105.9
      Procurement, Air Force (SPAF)). (Subtotal)
       Quantity variance resulting from a decrease of 19 satellites from 20 to 1 (SPAF).      (-4358.2)    (-5125.8)
        Allocation to Estimating resulting from Quantity change. (Estimating) (OR)              (+17.0)     (+19.9)
     Total Quantity variance resulting from an increase of 19 satellites from 0 to 19          +4341.2     +5159.0
      (Procurement, Space Force, Air Force (PSFAF). (Subtotal)
       Quantity variance resulting from an increase of 19 satellites from 0 to 19             (+4358.1) (+5179.0)
         (PSFAF). (Quantity)
       Allocation to Estimating resulting from Quantity change. (Estimating) (OR)               (-16.9)      (-20.0)
     Additional quantity variance as a result of actual unit values verse average unit cost       -88.1      -110.9
      values not accounted for in estimate model (SPAF). (Quantity)
     Revised estimate due to Air Force-wide funding adjustments (SPAF). (Estimating)              -0.4         -0.4
     Revised estimate in FY 2021 to buy down cost of reprogammability (SPAF).                    +65.1        +77.8
     Revised estimate due to Congressional reduction in FY 2020 which increases                   -18.4       -20.0
      schedule risk (SPAF). (Estimating)
     Adjustment for current and prior escalation. (Estimating)                                    +0.1         +0.2
     Funds transferred within program from Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement            -4692.9      -5589.7
      appropriation to newly added Space Force, Air Force Procurement appropriation
      (SPAF). (Estimating)
     Funds transferred within program from Space Procurement, Air Force Procurement            +4692.5     +5589.7
      appropriation to newly added Space Force, Air Force Procurement appropriation
      (PSPAF). (Estimating)
     Revised estimate due to Air Force wide inflation adjustment. (Estimating)                     -2.2         -2.6

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GPS IIIF                                                                                  December 2019 SAR

    Revised estimate to reflect application of new outyear indices (SPAF). (Estimating)     +3.2      +4.1
    Adjustment for current and prior escalation. (Support)                                  +0.1       0.0
    Support funds transferred within program from Space Procurement, Air Force            -993.3   -1237.8
      Procurement appropriation to newly added Space Force, Air Force Procurement
      appropriation (SPAF). (Support)
    Support funds transferred within program from Space Procurement, Air Force            +993.9   +1238.1
      Procurement appropriation to newly added Space Force, Air Force Procurement
      appropriation (PSFAF). (Support)
   Procurement Subtotal                                                                    -40.4      -2.6

   (OR) Quantity Related

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GPS IIIF                                                                                                December 2019 SAR


Contract Identification
Appropriation:                RDT&E
Contract Name:                Global Positioning System III Follow-On (GPS IIIF)
Contractor:                   Lockheed Martin Corporation
Contractor Location:          12257 S Wadsworth Blvd
                              Littleton, CO 80125
Contract Number:              FA8807-18-C-0009/1
Contract Type:                Fixed Price Incentive(Firm Target) (FPIF)
Award Date:                   September 26, 2018
Definitization Date:          September 26, 2018

                                                         Contract Price
       Initial Contract Price ($M)          Current Contract Price ($M)            Estimated Price At Completion ($M)
   I   Target       Ceiling       Qty       Target       Ceiling      Qty       Contractor          Program Manager      di
           1362.1      1499.7           2      1370.9        1647.1         2           1470.9                     1470.9

Target Price Change Explanation
The difference between the Initial Contract Price Target and the Current Contract Price Target is due to the addition of a
National Security Agency Information Assurance Security Requirements Directive.

                                                        Contract Variance
                                                              Cost Variance                      Schedule Variance
    Cumulative Variances To Date (12/22/2019)                                        -1.2                            -20.5
    Previous Cumulative Variances                                                     0.0                              0.0
    Net Change                                                                       -1.2                            -20.5

Cost and Schedule Variance Explanations
The unfavorable cumulative cost variance is due to a disconnect in claiming performance on an in negotiation Performance
Based Payment (PBP).

The unfavorable cumulative schedule variance is due to continuing disconnects in claiming performance on subcontract
PBPs. Almost all major subcontracts are now properly set in the baseline, but miscommunication between the Lockheed
Martin Subcontracts and Business Operations teams has introduced false variances. Corrective action is in place and the
Earned Value corrections are forecasted for the month end January 2020 data.

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GPS IIIF                                                                                         December 2019 SAR

Deliveries and Expenditures

                                                Planned to —                                        Percent
               Delivered to Date                             Actual to Date     Total Quantity
                                                   Date                                            Delivered
    Development                                                                              2           0.00%
    Production                                                                              20           0.00%
    Total Program Quantity Delivered                                                        22           0.00%

Expended and Appropriated (TV $M)
Total Acquisition Cost                           10699.1   Years Appropriated                                13
Expended to Date                                   350.1   Percent Years Appropriated                   48.15%
Percent Expended                                  3.27%    Appropriated to Date                          1456.9
Total Funding Years                                   27   Percent Appropriated                         13.62%

The above data is current as of February 10, 2020.

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GPS IIIF                                                                                            December 2019 SAR

Operating and Support Cost

Cost Estimate Details
Date of Estimate:
Source of Estimate:
Quantity to Sustain:
Unit of Measure:
Service Life per Unit:
Fiscal Years in Service:

The O&S costs for the GPS IIIF system will be captured in the sustainment of the Next Generation Operational Control
System in a future update.

 Sustainment Strategy
 Antecedent Information

For reporting purposes, the antecedent system for this program is GPS III.

                                                                                I Antecedent Item

     Unit-Level Manpower
     Unit Operations
     Sustaining Support
     Continuing System Improvements
     Indirect Support

                                                          Total O&S Cost $M
                                                   GPS IIIF
                                                                                                Antecedent Item
                            Current Development APB
                              Objective/Threshold                  I    Current Estimate   am     (Antecedent)

     Base Year                        N/A                       N/A                     N/A                       N/A
     Then Year                        N/A                       N/A                     N/A                       0.0

                                                    O&S Cost Variance

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GPS IIIF                                                            December 2019 SAR

     Prior SAR Total O&S Estimates - Dec                  0.0
     2018 SAR
     Programmatic/Planning Factors                        0.0
     Cost Estimating Methodology                          0.0
     Cost Data Update                                     0.0
     Labor Rate                                           0.0
     Energy Rate                                          0.0
     Technical Input                                      0.0
     Other                                                0.0
     Total Changes                                        0.0
     Current Estimate                                     0.0

Disposal Estimate Details
Date of Estimate:
Source of Estimate:
Disposal/Demilitarization Total Cost (BY 2018 $M):

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