Page created by Paul Jacobs

Our vision
To be the Premier University of African Scholarship.

Our mission                                                                      Make History
A truly South African University that is academically excellent, innovative
in research, critically engaged with society and demographically

                                                                                         he University of KwaZulu-
representative, redressing the disadvantages, inequities and imbalances of
the past.                                                                                Natal (UKZN) is located in the
                                                                                         picturesque province of KwaZulu-
                                                                                 Natal. It is a teaching and research-led
Introduction of Moodle 2016 -2018                                                university with a proud and rich heritage
The University of KwaZulu-Natal adopted Moodle as its online learning            of academic excellence. In 2010, our
management system.                                                               province celebrated 100 years of higher
To maximise the teaching and learning potential of this system, Moodle will be   education – a centenary of scholarship,
phased in for all modules progressively over the next three years as follows.    innovation and community engagement.
                                                                                                                              Dr Albert van Jaarsveld, Vice-Chancellor and Principal
• In 2016, undergraduate level 1 modules for first-year students and level       This vast wealth of knowledge production     of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
   two modules for second-year students;                                         lies at the heart of the University’s
• In 2017, level three and four modules and finally, in 2018, all                success as one of the top institutions       state-of-the-art laboratories and span
   postgraduate modules; and                                                     on the African continent and one of the      the natural, biomedical, humanities and
• From 2016, all disciplines at UKZN will place their level one and two          South African universities listed among      social sciences. In addition, UKZN offers
   module learning/teaching material on Moodle.                                  the top 500 universities in the world        the opportunity to take part in extensive
                                                                                 according to the Academic Rankings of        sporting and cultural activities.
This will mean that:                                                             World Universities (ARWU).                       The University promotes access to
1.   For 2016, all first- and second-year undergraduate (UG) students at
                                                                                     At UKZN, we are passionate about         learning that will increase educational
     UKZN will require a laptop.
                                                                                 teaching and learning. Our motto ‘Every      and employment opportunities for the
2. To assist students, UKZN has joined the Student Technology Program
                                                                                 Student Matters’, transcends the social,     historically disadvantaged. It supports
     (STP), which negotiated affordable deals on laptops for staff and
                                                                                 cultural and academic discourse across       transformation and redress and aims to
     students from participating public institutions (information can be
     accessed on www.stp.ac.za).                                                 disciplines. The University encourages       provide an enabling environment for all its
3.   From 2016, there will therefore no longer be charges for lecture            and embraces diversity in all facets of      students to ensure individual intellectual
     notes for UG level one and two modules.  The cost of investing in a         student experience. UKZN is a residential    development, an awareness of social
     laptop will off-set the cost of lecture notes over a three-to-four-year     university structured on a College model.    responsibility and sound ethical practice
     Undergraduate degree period.                                                Four Colleges, each comprising four to six   in our diverse society.
4. 	In 2016, Student Support Services will provide funding for new and           cognate schools, offer a comprehensive           The University’s international part­
     second-year students, who receive NSFAS, to purchase a laptop.              range of undergraduate and postgraduate      ner­ships in 46 countries provide an
5.   UKZN Information and Computing Services (ICS) will facilitate training      programmes across five campuses:             opportunity for direct interface and
     in the use of Moodle, giving priority to those involved in teaching and     Edgewood, Howard College, Medical            global academic exchange that enhances
     learning Undergraduate level one and two modules.                           School, Pietermaritzburg and Westville.      scholarship and the student experience.
6. 	Schools providing computer literacy training for their students will             UKZN offers innovative curricula             Join UKZN and embrace the many
     assist by incorporating Moodle into those offerings, including during       for accredited professional degrees          and diverse opportunities that will equip
     orientation programmes.
                                                                                 through dynamic teaching and learning.       you to realise your potential and make a
                                                                                 Research activities are conducted in         difference as a future leader.

                                                                                                                                            undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 1
Yenza Umlando                                                                                        GENERAL INFORMATION

         nyaka ka 2010 ungunyaka Inyu-                                                               CONTENTS                                      University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
         vesi yakwaZulu-Natali (UKZN)                                                                                                              Contact details
                                                                                                     A Choice of Campuses                     4
         eqeda ngawo iminyaka eyikhulu
                                                                                                     How to Apply                             8    Edgewood Campus
(100) kwimfundo ephakeme esifundaz-
                                                                                                     Sites of Delivery, Programmes Offered
weni sakwaZulu-Natal. Kulesi sikhathi                                                                                                              Private Bag X03, Ashwood, 3605
                                                                                                          and Entrance Requirements          12
Inyuvesi ibizikhandla ngeimfundaze,                                                                                                                Tel: +27 (0)31 260 3414/2953
                                                                                                     Alternative Access Programmes and
ukuletha ushintsho kanye nokuzibanda-                                                                                                              Email: enquiries@ukzn.ac.za
                                                                                                          Extended Curricula                 23
kanya nemiphakathi ngokungaphezi.                                                                    Financing your Studies                  27    Howard College Campus
     I-UKZN iyazigqaja ngokuba yinyu-                                                                Scholarships and Merit Awards           32    University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4041
vesi eholwa ezocwaningo kwezem-                                                                      International Applicants                34    Tel: +27 (0)31 260 7757/2238/2212
fundo, lokhu kwendlalewa yizikhungo                                                                  Accommodation for Students              47    Email: enquiries@ukzn.ac.za
eziyisihlanu zemfundo (iWestville,                                                                   Caring for Students’ Needs              50    Nelson R Mandela School
Edgewood, Howard College, Nelson                                                                     Sports and Recreation                   53    of Medicine
R Mandela School of Medicine kanye                                                                   Student Governance and Activities       54
                                            UKZN Masters student, 22-year-old Miss Mbalenhle                                                       Private Bag 7, Congella, Durban, 4013
nePietermaritzburg) nezindawo ezi-          Ngidi, after being crowned Miss Varsity Shield. She      Facilities Available                    55
                                                                                                                                                   Tel: +27 (0)31 260 4248/4377
hlala abafundi.                             enrolled in a male-dominated field at UKZN – the         Intro to the Academic Programme         57
                                            Built Environment – where she is studying Town and                                                     Email: undergrad@ukzn.ac.za
     I-UKZN       ingenye    yamanyuvesi    Regional Planning and is also serving as Deputy
                                                                                                     Detailed information on all qualifications
                                            President of the Enactus organisation on Howard                                                        Pietermaritzburg Campus
eNingizimu Africa nase-Africa akhethwe      College Campus. Enactus is a community of students,      offered is provided in this section.
                                                                                                                                                   Private Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209
njengalawo ahamba phambili emhlabeni        academics and business leaders who are committed to
                                            using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform                                                 Tel: +27 (0)33 260 5212/5214/5022
jikelele kuma-Academic Rankings of                                                                   College of Agriculture, Engineering     61
                                            lives and shape a more sustainable world.                                                              Email: enquiries@ukzn.ac.za
World Universities (ARWU).                                                                               and Science
     Isiqubulo sethu sithi: Wonke umfun-                                                             College of Health Sciences               73   Westville Campus
                                                                                                     College of Humanities                    87   Private Bag X54001, Durban, 4000
di ubalulekile! Inyuvesi yengamela izinh-   benzi kulabo abebevaleleke amathuba
                                                                                                     College of Law and Management           101   Tel: +27 (0)31 260 2011/3417/7877
langa namasiko ahlukahlukene okubon-        phambilini.
                                                                                                         Studies                                   Email: enquiries@ukzn.ac.za
akala ngabo abafundi abatapa ulwazi             Ubudlelwane namanyuvesi angu
kuyo yonke imikhakha equkethwe yilesi       44 emazweni angaphandle kusivulela
sikhungo esikhulukazi. Yilokhu okufeza      amathuba emifundazwe eyahlukene,                                                                       Published by Student Academic Administration
impokophelelo yokuba isikhungo sethu        kanti amathuba avelela abafundi andisa                                                                     Design and layout:   Artworks | www.artworks.co.za

sibe yiNyuvesi evelele e-Africa.            nokushintshisana ngolwazi olwakhayo.
     Amazinga emfundo emikhakheni ey-       Woza e-UKZN usebenzise lawa mathu-                                                                             Visit the UKZN’s website at:
ahlukahlukene asekelwa ubuchule bothi-      ba esinawo, ubone ithalente lakho kuze                                                                                www.ukzn.ac.za
sha abazimisele, uhlahlo lwemfundo kanye    uthole namathuba azokwenza umehluko                                                                         www.facebook.com/studyatukzn
nemishini yocwaningo yesimanjemanje.        empilweni yakho njengomholi wakusa-
     I Nyuvesi ivulela amathuba kubantu     sa. Sikufisela iwela!                                                                                  All information in this Prospectus was correct at the
                                                                                                                                                   date of publication, August 2015.
ukuba bathole ulwazi namathuba emise-

2 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                                 undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 3
A Choice of Campuses

A Choice of                                  Howard College                               to the School. Launched in July 2003, it
                                             Durban is a vibrant coastal city             is training a new generation of clinical
Campuses                                     renowned for its beaches and coastal         researchers, enhancing the clinical
                                             resorts. The city is also a major South      research infrastructure in KwaZulu-Natal

      rom the mountain vistas of the         African port. The magnificent game           and fostering collaborations between
      Drakensberg to the wild reaches        reserves and estuaries of Maputaland,        research groups working on similar
      of Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal is        north of Durban, are favourite getaways      projects in South Africa and other
a province of contrasts. The University      for staff and students. The Howard           countries.
of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) offers               College campus is situated on the
prospective students the choice of five      Berea with spectacular views of the          Pietermaritzburg
campuses, each with its own distinctive      Durban harbour. It was opened in 1931        Pietermaritzburg is located in the
character.                                   following a generous donation by Mr TB       KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, close to
                                             Davis, whose son, Howard Davis, was          numerous nature reserves and parks.
Edgewood                                     killed during the Battle of the Somme in     It is one hour’s drive from Durban and
The Edgewood campus is the University’s      World War I.The campus is situated in a      two hours’ drive from the uKhahlamba/
primary site for teacher education.          successful environmental conservancy         Drakensberg Park. The city has a rich
Situated in Pinetown with easy access        and the lush gardens of the University       architectural heritage, with many
to the N3 highway and approximately 20       reflect a commitment to indigenous flora     examples of Victorian and Edwardian
minutes drive from Durban, the campus        and fauna. The Howard College campus         buildings. The city is the birthplace of
offers sophisticated and attractive          currently offers degree options in the       the former University of Natal and its
facilities to a growing number of            fields of Engineering, Law, Humanities       forerunner, the Natal University College,
Education students. Edgewood provides        (including Music) and Social Sciences        which opened its doors to 57 students
initial and in-service teacher education     (including Social Work), Nursing and         in 1910. The Old Main Building is the
and offers university higher degrees         Architecture.                                hub of the present-day Pietermaritzburg
in a wide range of specialisations                                                        campus. The campus offers a wide range
in education as well as carrying out
                                             Nelson R Mandela School of                   of innovative academic programmes,
research and consultancy.                    Medicine                                     which have been successful in
     Staff are actively engaged in policy-   The Medical School has been producing        responding to local and provincial
making in education in South Africa and      quality doctors since 1950. Founded as       needs in the broad areas of Science and
contribute to the international profile      a ‘black school’ in a ‘white institution’,   Agriculture, Education, Law, Humanities
of the University through participation      for most of its history, the School has      and Management Studies. Unique to
in international conferences, teaching       been synonymous with the struggle for        the Pietermaritzburg campus are the
international       students,     hosting    democracy and racial equality. On its 50th   disciplines of Agriculture, Theology and
inter­national visitors and publishing in    anniversary in 2000, the Medical School      Visual Arts.
international books and journals.            received the finest birthday present it
                                             could have wished for – the agreement of     Westville
                                             former president and Nobel Peace Prize       Located within an environmental
                                             winner, Nelson Mandela, to link his name     conservancy about eight kilometres from

4 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                    undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 5
General Information                                                                                                                                                 General Information

the CBD of Durban and Pinetown, the              Leaders in Curriculum                        ◗◗ The quality of work done by the           DISCLAIMER
Westville campus combines state-of-the-          Development                                     University in community outreach          The admission requirements listed in this
art infrastructure with beautiful natural        Recognising worldwide trends and                programmes;                               publication are minimum requirements and
surroundings. The campus’ Hindu temple           the restructuring of the South African       ◗◗ The combination of theory and             achievement of these requirements does not
and an Islamic place of worship reflect its      educational system towards a more               practice in preparing students for        guarantee that an applicant will be offered
rich multicultural history. It is the official   ‘outcome-based’       approach,    UKZN         real life;                                a place.
address of the University of KwaZulu-            has taken a leading role in curriculum       ◗◗ Provision of diverse curricula to build        Furthermore, UKZN reserves its rights to
Natal, housing the Vice-Chancellor’s             development. Many of the challenges             full capacity and marketable skills;      make amendments to admission requirements
office, the offices of Executive members         you will face in your future professional    ◗◗ The UKZN Access Policy to facilitate      if and when necessary. It reserves the right
and     University-wide      administrative      life cannot be solved by a single               access for students with potential        to withdraw, wholly or in part, the delivery
divisions. The Westville campus is the           discipline. UKZN has redesigned its             from educationally disadvantaged          of programmes on certain sites of delivery.
home of Management Studies, Science              curricula to include large elements             backgrounds; and                          Applicants for, and students in programmes
and most Health Science disciplines.             of inter-disciplinary work. In this way,     ◗◗ The implementation of the UKZN            affected, will be informed well in advance of
                                                 you will be exposed to a wider range of         Language Policy to improve quality        the commencement of their studies for the
 International recognition                       disciplines, thus widening your choice          of delivery, especially in KwaZulu-       academic year concerned.
 The University has a worldwide                  of career options, and enhancing your           Natal.
 reputation for academic excellence in           understanding of the society in which
 teaching and research, and degrees              you will live and work. The new curricula    Asikhulume! Learn to speak isiZulu.
 offered have international standing.The         are arranged into modules that will give
 University has formal links, exchange           you more flexibility in the composition of
 programmes        and      collaborative        your degree package. This will also give
 teaching and research programmes                you the freedom to interrupt and resume
 with many other universities around the         your studies, depending on your financial
 globe. A large number of agreements             circumstances.
 and memoranda of understanding have
 been signed with various institutions in        Quality Assurance
 Asia, Europe, the USA and Africa.               UKZN’s attractiveness as an institution
                                                 of higher education is based on the
                                                 ◗◗ Quality assurance of all aspects of
                                                     the University, including curricula,
                                                     teaching and mentoring;
                                                 ◗◗ The impact and advantages of teaching,
                                                     learning and research as core academic
                                                     functions of our University;
                                                 ◗◗ The work done by the University in
                                                     building lateral and critical thinking
                                                     in students;

6 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                     undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 7
Application Procedures

How to Apply                                                                                     information on special programme          Applications Directly to UKZN
                                                                                                 requirements AND list outstanding         The following applications must be made
South African Applicants                         requirements for application to                 documentation.                            directly to UKZN:
Applications via the Central                     specific programmes. Applicants are        ◗◗   Check the information and inform          ◗◗ Previously registered UKZN students
Applications Office (cao)                        allowed six choices that must be                the CAO in writing if you want to             wanting to return to complete their
◗◗ All     first-time    South African           listed in order of preference.                  make any changes to your programme            programmes;
   applicants to UKZN for entry               ◗◗ Applicants pay one application fee              choices. Any changes will require         ◗◗ Previously        registered      UKZN
   into degree/diploma study in the              only to the CAO, regardless of the              payment of an additional R100.                students wanting to apply to another
   first semester (February) of an               number of institutions they apply to:      ◗◗   Institutions    will    access      the       undergraduate programme;
   academic year (Grade 12s as well as           • If you apply before 31 October                applications via the Internet. UKZN       ◗◗ Applicants for non-degree studies;
   undergraduate transfer students from               2015, the CAO application fee is           may make early/conditional offers         ◗◗ New applicants for admission to
   other institutions) must apply via the             R200;                                      based on your National Senior                 non-CAO programmes listed in the
   Central Applications Office (CAO).            • If you apply from 1 November 2015             Certificate (NSC) results if already          College section of this Prospectus;
◗◗ Obtain the CAO application form                    onwards, the CAO application fee           obtained, or excellent Grade 11,          ◗◗ New applicants applying for admission
   and CAO Handbook from the CAO                      is R400;                                   Grade 12 mid-year or trial results.           to Semester 2 (August). Consult
   on +27 (0)31 268 4444 or CAO website          • Application fees are paid either:             Offers may only be made once the              with UKZN on availability of spaces
   at www.cao.ac.za OR institutions OR                by crossed cheque or postal                NSC results are received in January.          in programmes before submitting
   high schools. For UKZN, you may                    order made out to the CAO on          ◗◗   The CAO advises applicants via SMS            applications for Semester 2;
   write to enquiries@ukzn.ac.za.                     submission of applications OR by           as soon as a decision has been made.      ◗◗ UKZN Undergraduate application
◗◗ The CAO also has an online                         payment at any Easy Pay facility           UKZN will follow up with further              forms are available from:
   application facility.                              using your application number              correspondence. Refer to page 21              • General Enquiry Offices on all
◗◗ The forms have unique CAO reference/               and Easy Pay number on the                 for information on UKZN selection                 campuses. www.ukzn.ac.za;
   application numbers that must be                   form as reference OR Internet              procedures.                                   • The UKZN website under ‘Apply
   quoted in all correspondence.The CAO               applicants can print a deposit slip   ◗◗   The CAO obtains the NSC results                   to UKZN’; and
   system will generate a CAO number                  quoting the CAO number for bank            from the Department of Education.             • On request from:
   when you apply online. You can apply               deposits; and                              Contact the CAO call centre on                    enquiries@ukzn.ac.za.
   to more than one institution on the           • Do not pay CAO application                    +27 (0)31 268 4444 or 083 123 0000        ◗◗ A non-refundable application fee of
   CAO application form. Applicants use               fees to UKZN and do not                    OR consult the CAO web page at:               R175 is payable to UKZN on submission
   the same application number for all                enclose cash.                              www.cao.ac.za to check the progress           of your application and required
   institutions. Application for residence    ◗◗ Completed application forms, proof of           of your application. A CAO 24-hour            documentation (late fee R400);
   accommodation         and      financial      payment and documentation must be               response service for selection            ◗◗ Take care to ensure that your
   assistance are also made on the CAO           mailed to: Central Applications Office,         decisions is available on 083 123 2000.       application reaches us before the
   application form. For UKZN, no further        Private Bag X06, Dalbridge 4014.                                                              closing date – see page 10; and
   application forms are required.            ◗◗ The CAO will confirm receipt of your                                                      ◗◗ For more information, contact:
◗◗ The CAO Handbook provides                     application by letter, fax or email                                                           Tel: +27 (0)260 2212/2238/7577/7877/
   information on programmes available           AND confirm your basic information                                                            2011/3417 OR +27 (0)33 260 5212/
   as well as information on minimum             and your choices made AND provide                                                             5214/5022.

8 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                     undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 9
Application Procedures                                                                                                                                                       Application Procedures

International Applicants                   ◗◗ The application from is available from:         UKZN application fees                                  Proof of payment
Application for Admission to                  • UKZN International Relations                  South Africa                                           Please provide your details on the
Full-time Undergraduate Studies                   at    ukznsep@ukzn.ac.za        OR          On time applications                      R175         deposit slip and submit proof of
◗◗ Application for admission to full-             www.ukzn.ac.za under ‘Apply to              Late applications                         R400         payment on submission of your
   time undergraduate studies must                UKZN’.                                      International                                          application. Do not enclose cash.
   be made directly to UKZN on the         ◗◗ Refer to page 34 for more information           SADC and rest of Africa                   R470         Application fees are non-refundable.
   UKZN Application for Admission             on international application procedures         Outside Africa                            $146
   to      Undergraduate         Studies      and entry requirements.                         No late applications.
   (International) form.                   ◗◗ For more information contact:
◗◗ A non-refundable application fee is        +27 (0)31 260 2870/3078.
   payable to UKZN. Enclose proof of                                                          Application Fees for SA Applicants can               Application Fees for International
   payment as well as all documents         Closing Dates                                     be Paid into:                                        Applicants can be Paid into:
                                                                                              Name of account: UKZN Main                           Name of account: UKZN Foreign Deposit
   requested on submission of your          South African and International                   Bank: Standard Bank                                  Bank: Standard Bank
   application.                             Applicants:                                       Type of Account: Business Current                    Type of Account: Business Current
◗◗ Take care to ensure that your                                                              Account                                              Account
                                            For entry in semester 1 (Feb) 2016
   application and payment reaches us                                                         Account number: 05 308 0998                          Account number: 05 308 2826
   before the closing date.                 •   Medicine (MBChB): Form and payment to         Branch: Westville                                    Branch: Westville
◗◗ The appli­ cation form is available          reach CAO or UKZN by 30 June 2015.            Branch code: 045426                                  Branch code: 045426
                                            •   Medicine does not consider international      Reference: F001 11402 with applicant’s full          Reference: F001 11402 with applicant’s full
   • The UKZN website www.ukzn.ac.za            applications. Refer to page 81.                                                                    name
      under ‘Apply to UKZN’; or             •   All other programmes: To reach CAO or                                                              Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
   • Request from: enquiries@ukzn.ac.za.        UKZN by 30 September 2015.
◗◗ Refer to page 34 in this Prospectus
                                            Late applications
   for more information on international
   application procedures and entry         •   Take note of the dates and ensure that you
   requirements.                                apply on time. No walk-in applications will
◗◗ For more information, contact:               be allowed in January 2016.
   +27 (0)31 260 2238/2212/7577/7877/       For entry in semester 2 (August) 2016
   2011/3417/2212 or +27 (0)33 260 5212/
                                            •   30 April 2016 (new applicants as well as
                                                returning UKZN students).
                                            •   Limited new applications will be
Application for Admission to
                                                allowed only to general programmes in
Exchange/Study Abroad Programmes
                                                Humanities and Management Studies                           Co-ordinator of the Academic Monitoring and Support/Mentorship
◗◗ Application must be made directly to         where admission is considered.                              Programme in the College of Humanities, Ms Buyisiwe Khumalo,
                                                                                                            graduated with a Masters in Development Studies degree.
   UKZN on the Application for Study        •   These applications are made directly to
   Abroad, Exchange and Short Term              UKZN.
   Programmes form.

10 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                              undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 11
Entrance Requirements

Sites of delivery, programmes                                                             Entrance Requirements
                                                                                          South African Applicants
                                                                                                                                         For NSC-Deg
                                                                                                                                         ◗◗ The overall level of performance is
offered and entrance requirements                                                         For admission to undergraduate degree             reflected in an applicant’s Academic
                                                                                          studies applicants must be in possession of:      Performance Score (APS). Information
Sites of Delivery                                 years), Science and Agriculture, Law    ◗◗ Either the National Senior Certificate         on how to calculate your APS appears
UKZN has five campuses but not                    and Management Studies.                     for degree studies (NSC-Deg); OR              on page 15.
all      undergraduate        qualifications                                              ◗◗ Senior Certificate with endorsement         ◗◗ The subjects and levels of
are duplicated on each campus and              To determine where a qualification is          (obtained before 2008).                       performance required for admission
not all qualifications are offered in          offered, you are invited to contact:                                                         to specific programmes are listed in
Pietermaritzburg as well as in the greater     ◗◗ UKZN on +27 (0)31 260 2238/2212/        For admission to undergraduate diploma            the tables on pages 17 to 21.
Durban area. Even where a qualification is         7877/2011/3417/7577 or +27 (0)33 260   studies, applicants must possess:
offered at more than one campus, certain           5212/5214/5202 OR consult the UKZN     ◗◗ Either the National Senior Certificate      For Senior Certificates
options (or courses/majors) within that            web at www.ukzn.ac.za; OR                  for diploma studies (NSC-Dip); OR          ◗◗ Please consult with Colleges for
qualification may only be offered on a         ◗◗ CAO on +27 (0)31 268 4444 or            ◗◗ The Senior Certificate (obtained               information on scores, calculation
specific campus. Please see the respective         086 086 226 OR consult the CAO web         before 2008);                                 values and subject passes required.
sites of delivery and location below:              at www.cao.ac.za.                      ◗◗ In addition, as the medium of
                                                                                              instruction at UKZN is English, a          International Applicants
Greater Durban area                            Programmes Offered                             minimum of either is required:             Applicants with non-South African
◗◗ Edgewood Campus: Ashwood,                   A large range of undergraduate                 • Level 4 pass in English as Home          school-leaving certificates must apply to
   Pinetown: Education;                        programmes are offered by the four                 Language (HL) or First Additional      the South African Matriculation Board/
◗◗ Howard College Campus:                      academic Colleges at UKZN:                         Language (FAL) for NSC; OR             Universities South Africa (HESA) for
   Glenwood, Durban: Law, Engineering,         ◗◗ College of Agriculture, Engineering         • A 50% (D) pass in English HG             certification stating that the school
   Nursing, Humanities and Social                 and Science;                                    as First or Second Language for        qualifications they hold satisfy the
   Sciences (including Architecture,           ◗◗ College of Health Sciences;                     Senior Certificate.                    basic legal requirements for entry
   Housing and Music);                         ◗◗ College of Humanities; and                                                             into degree studies in South Africa.
◗◗ Nelson R Mandela School                     ◗◗ College of Law and Management.           Note that these are minimum                   Please refer to the HESA website at
   of Medicine: Umbilo, Durban:                                                            require­ments and programmes may              www.hesa-enrol.ac.za/mb/ for more
   Medicine; and                               The programmes available within each        have higher requirements.                     information or contact them on Tel:
◗◗ Westville Campus: Westville,                College are listed in the tabulations on                                                  +27 (0)12 481 2848/7.
   Durban: Science, Management                 pages 17 to 21. The third letter in the
                                                                                                                                          International applications will not be
   Studies and Health Sciences                 CAO codes provided indicates the UKZN      ◗◗ NSC applicants must have obtained a
                                                                                                                                          considered until HESA evaluations
   (excluding Nursing and Medicine).           campus where the programmes are offered.      Level 4 pass in Life Orientation.
                                                                                                                                          have been received.
                                               Some programmes are available on more
Pietermaritzburg Area                          than one campus. For programmes with       In addition, programmes at UKZN have
◗◗ Pietermaritzburg Campus: Scottsville,       no CAO code, application must be made      set their own entrance requirements            In addition to meeting the basic legal
   Pietermaritzburg: Humanities and            directly to UKZN. For more information,    based on overall performance in final          requirements, applicants must meet the
   Social Sciences (including Theology         consult the College information in this    examinations as well as performance in         entry requirements for specific programmes;
   and Visual Art), Engineering (specific      Prospectus. Refer to page 61 onwards.      required subjects.                             that is passes in certain subjects and passes

12 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                  undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 13
Entrance Requirements                                                                                                                                               Entrance Requirements

obtained, for example, in HIGSCE, AS or       Please consult the table on page 15 for         UKZN will recognise academic excellence by awarding eight points to a subject with a
A levels. You will find this information in   information on the values used.                 performance level of 90-100%. Please see the table below:
the relevant College Handbooks under:              Life Orientation (LO) is not included in
                                                                                               Calculation of composite Academic Performance Score (NSC-Deg)
www.ukzn.ac.za/StudentPortal.                 the APS calculation for UKZN (no points
                                                                                                NSC Rating          NSC              Points Value for          Adjusted Percentages
                                              are allocated for LO). The Academic
 Only O-levels or IGSCEs are not                                                                 (Level of       Percentage        Calculation of UKZN            for UKZN APS
                                              Performance Score (APS) is calculated
 acceptable.                                                                                   Performance)                               APS                       Calculation
                                              by adding the performance ratings of the
                                                                                                                                             8                       90% to 100%
Consult the tables on pages 17 to 21 for      other six subjects. Mathematics Paper 3
information on subject requirements.          is not a full subject and is not considered             7          80% to 100%                 7                       80% to 89%
                                              for the APS.                                            6           70% to 79%                 6                       70% to 79%
Calculation of APS for National Senior             All school subjects (designated                    5           60% to 69%                 5                       60% to 69%
Certificate (NSC-Deg)                         and non-designated) appearing in the                    4           50% to 59%                 4                       50% to 59%
The values allocated to the levels of         table below are approved subjects and
                                                                                                      3           40% to 49%                 3                       40% to 49%
performance in subjects, i.e. 1-7, are        are included (and have equal weight)
                                                                                                      2           30% to 39%                 2                        30% to 39%
added to calculate the composite              in the calculation of the UKZN APS.
                                                                                                      1           0% to 29%                  1                        0% to 29%
Academic Performance Score (APS).

                                                                                              Please see example of calculation of APS below:
 Designated Subjects                          Non-designated Subjects                          NSC-Deg results obtained by learner:
 •   Languages (official or unofficial        •   Dance Studies                                Subject                                      Performance Rating            APS Value
     languages at any level)                  •   Design                                       Home Language                                        5                        5
 •   Dramatic Arts                            •   Hospitality Studies                          First Additional Language                            6                        6
 •   Music                                    •   Tourism                                      Life Orientation                                     4                        0
 •   Visual Arts                                                                               Mathematics                                          5                        5
                                              •   Agricultural Management
                                                                                               Accounting                                           6                        6
 •   Consumer Studies                             Practices
                                                                                               Business Studies                                     6                        6
 •   Business Studies                         •   Agricultural Technology
                                                                                               Computer Applications Technology                     7                        7
 •   Engineering Graphics and Design          •   Civil Technology                                                                              Total APS                    35
 •   Life Sciences                            •   Electrical Technology
 •   Physical Sciences                                                                        Note that no score is allowed for Life Orientation (LO).
                                              •   Mechanical Technology
 •   Information Technology                   •   Computer Applications Technology
 •   Agricultural Science
                                                                                                If more than seven subjects were             Qualification Tables
                                                  (CAT)                                         taken, the APS is calculated by              In the tabulation (pages 17 to 21), you will
 •   Accounting                               •   Nautical Science                              adding the performance ratings of            find:
 •   Economics                                •   Maritime Economics                            English (HL or FAL) plus Mathematics         ◗◗ The names of the undergraduate
 •   Geography                                •   Equine Studies                                or Mathematics Literacy plus the                 programmes available in specific
 •   History                                                                                    best ratings of four other subjects
                                              •   Sport and Exercise Studies                                                                     Colleges;
 •   Religion Studies                                                                           (excluding LO or Maths Paper 3).
 •   Mathematics                                                                                                                             ◗◗ The APS ranges within which
                                                                                                No bonus points are awarded for
 •   Mathematics Literacy                                                                                                                        selections will be made;
                                                                                                additional subjects.

14 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                       undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 15
Entrance Requirements                                                                                                                                                        Entrance Requirements

                                                                                                   The following programmes are available in 2016.
◗◗ School subjects and levels of                   programme is offered:
   perfor­mance requirements for each                 E = Edgewood                                 College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science
   programme.                                         H = Howard College                                                                                                      APS
                                                                                                    Programme Name        CAO Code            Entry Requirements                       Duration
                                                      M = Medical School                                                                                                      Range
                                                                                                   B Sc Eng:              KN-H-BEA
The third letter in the CAO programme                 P = Pietermaritzburg
                                                                                                   Agricultural           KN-P-BEA
code indicates the campus where the                   W = Westville
                                                                                                   B Sc Eng: Chemical     KN-H-BEC
                                                                                                                                       NSC-Deg with Maths and Phys
                                                                                                                          KN-H-BEV     Sci 6 & Engl & LO 4 & three other
                                                                                                   B Sc Eng: Civil
 Protection of Personal Information (POPI)                                                                                KN-P-BEV     subjects with at least two from the
                                                                                                                          KN-H-BEK     designated list.
 POPI refers to South Africa’s Protection          •   Biometric information: blood type, id       B Sc Eng: Computer
                                                                                                                          KN-P-BEK                                                       4 yrs
 of Personal Information Act that seeks                photos, etc.;                                                      KN-H-BEE     Chemical, Civil, Electrical and
                                                                                                   B Sc Eng: Electrical                Mechanical Engineering will             48-33
 to regulate the Processing of Personal            •   Opinions of and about the person; and                              KN-P-BEE
                                                                                                                          KN-H-BEF     consider choice 1 applicants only).
 Information in a responsible manner. The Act      •   Private correspondence, etc.                B Sc Eng: Electronic
 considers your personal information to be
 ‘precious goods’ and therefore aims to bestow     What are the University’s                       B Sc Eng: Mechanical
 upon you, as the owner of your personal           Obligations in Terms of POPI?                   B Sc Land Surveying    KN-H-BSL
 information, certain rights of protection and     Some of our obligations under POPI are to:                                      NSC-Deg with Maths 5 and Engl and
                                                                                                   B Sc Property
 the ability to exercise control over it.          • Only collect information that we need for a                          KN-H-BSV LO4 and three other subjects with at
                                                                                                                                   least two from the designated list
                                                      specific purpose;                                                                                                                  3 yrs
                                                                                                   B Agric (Extension
 What does ‘Processing’ Mean?                      • Apply reasonable security measures to                                         NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths
                                                                                                   and Rural Resource     KN-P-BAC
                                                                                                                                   & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
 It broadly means the collection, usage,              protect your information;                    Management).
                                                                                                   B Sc. Agric.
 capturing, storage, dissemination, modification   • Ensure it is relevant and up-to-date;         Agricultural           KN-P-SAE NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths &                        4 yrs
 or destruction of your personal information       • Only hold as much as we need, and only for    Economics                       Agric Sci or Econ or Life Sci or
 in a responsible manner by any public                as long as we need it; and                   B Agricultural                  Phys Sci 4
                                                                                                                          KN-P-BAQ                                                       3 yrs
 organisation/institution/company/third party,     • Allow the subject of the information to see
                                                                                                   B Sc Agric. Agricul­
 for the purpose it was required.                     it upon request.                                                    KN-P-SAP
                                                                                                   tural Plant Sciences

                                                                                                   B Sc Agric             KN-P-BSA                                             48-28
 What is Personal Information?                     Does POPI Really Apply to Me at
 Personal information includes, but is not         UKZN?                                           B Sc Agric.
                                                                                                                          KN-P-BSB                                                       4 yrs
 limited to:                                       Yes it does. By submitting an application to                                    NSC-Deg with Maths & Engl, LO &
                                                                                                   B Sc Agric. Animal &
 • Contact details: email, telephone number,       UKZN, you consent to UKZN processing your                              KN-P-SAA Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
                                                                                                   Poultry Science
      physical address, etc.;                      personal information. In the absence of such    B Sc Agric. Plant
 • Demographic information: age, sex, race,        consent, the University will not be able to     Pathology
                                                                                                   B Sc Stream (LES)
      birth date, id number, ethnicity, etc.;      process your application and you will not be                           KN-P-BS2
                                                                                                   Life and Earth
 • History: employment, financial, academic,       considered for any course at UKZN.              Sciences                                                                              3 yrs
      educational, criminal, medical history;                                                      B Sc Stream M          KN-P-BS3 NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Eng & LO 4
                                                                                                   (Mathematics)          kn-w-bs3 & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4

16 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                              undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 17
Entrance Requirements                                                                                                                                                    Entrance Requirements

College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science                                                 College of Health Sciences
                           CAO                                               APS                                       CAO                                                APS
 Programme Name                             Entry Requirements                       Duration   Programme Name                          Entry Requirements                          Duration
                           Code                                              Range                                     Code                                               Range
B Sc Applied                         NSC-Deg with Maths, Engl, LO &                             B Medical Science
                        KN-W-BSR                                                                                     KN-W-MBS
Chemistry                            Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4                        Anatomy                          NSC-Deg with Engl, LO 4, Life Sci,
                                                                                                                                                                                      3 yrs
B Sc Biological         KN-P-BSN                                                                B Medical Science                Maths and Phys Sci 4
                                                                             48-28                                   KN-W-SBF                                              48-30
Sciences                KN-W-BSN NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths                                   Physiology
B Sc Chemistry and               & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4                                                           NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and
                        KN-P-SIK                                                                B Occupational
Chemical Technology                                                                                                  KN-W-BOT    Maths, and Life Sci or Phys Sci 3
B Sc Computer                                                                                                                    (choices 1 and 2 only)
                        KN-P-BSU NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Engl, LO                                                                 NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths and
Science and Inform­                                                          48-30
                        KN-W-BSU & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4                          B Optometry          KN-W-BOP    Life Sci or Phys Sci 4 (choices 1 and
ation Technology                                                                                                                                                           48-33      4 yrs
                                                                                                                                 2 only)
B Sc Crop and
                        KN-P-SIH                                                                B Pharmacy           KN-W-BPR    NSC-Deg with Engl, Life Sci, LO,
Horticultural Science
                                                                                                                                 Maths and Phys Sci 4
B Sc Environmental      KN-P-BSS                                                                B Physiotherapy      KN-W-BPH    (choices 1 & 2 only)
Science                 KN-W-BSS                                                       3 yrs
B Sc Environmental                                                                                                            NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and               48-30
Science (Grassland      KN-P-BES                                                                B Sport Science      KN-W-BRT                                                         3 yrs
                                                                                                                              Maths/Maths Lit 3
Science)                                                                                                                      NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and
                                                                                                B Nursing            KN-H-BN1                                                         4 yrs
B Sc Environmental                                                                                                            Maths/Maths Lit 3 (choice 1 only)
                         KN-P-EES    NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths
and Earth Science                                                            48-28                                            NSC-Deg with Engl, Life Sci, Maths
                                     & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4                      B Medicine &
B Sc Geological                                                                                                      KN-M-MBC and Phys Sci 5 and LO4 (with at               N/A       6 yrs
                        KN-W-BSG                                                                B Surgery
Science                                                                                                                       least 65% aggregate)
B Sc Industrial and
                         KN-P-SII                                                               College of Humanities
Applied Biotechnology
                                                                                                                       CAO                                                 APS
B Sc Marine Biology     KN-W-BSM                                                                 Programme Name                         Entry Requirements                          Duration
                                                                                                                       Code                                                Range
                                                                                                                                 NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and
B Sc Dietetics          KN-P-BSD                                                                B Ed                 KN-E-EDG                                                         4 yrs
                                                                                                                                 two subjects at level 3
                                                                                       4 yrs
B Sc Augmented          KN-P-BS4 NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 & Maths                               BA                   KN-H-BA2
Programme               KN-W-BS4 & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 3                          (General Studies)    KN-P-BA2
                                 NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 5, and                                BA Cultural &
UNITE                   KN-H-UNT                                              N/A      1 yr                          KN-H-ABT NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 & one
                                 Maths, Phys Sci 4                                              Heritage Tourism
                                                                                                                              of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Dram
                                                                                                BA Music             KN-H-BAM                                               48-28
                                                                                                                              Arts, Econ, Geog, Hist, Info Tech,
 College of Health Sciences                                                                     BA Music & Drama                                                                      3 yrs
                                                                                                                     KH-H-BAP Life Sci, Maths/Maths Lit, Music,
                                                                                                Performance                   Religion Stud, Vis Arts, any lang
                           CAO                                               APS
 Programme Name                             Entry Requirements                       Duration   B Soc Sc             KN-H-SO2 HL/FAL 5. Auditions required
                           Code                                              Range
                                                                                                (General Studies)    KN-P-SO2 for music programmes.
Bachelor of
                        KN-W-BPA NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and                                 B Soc Sc Geography
Audiology                                                                                                            KN-H-SGE
                                 Maths and Life Sci or Phy Sci 3                       4 yrs    & Environmental
Bachelor of Speech-                                                                                                  KN-P-SGE
                        KN-W-BPB (choices 1 & 2 only)                                           Management
Language Pathology                                                           48-30
                                 NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and
B Dental Therapy        KN-W-BDT Life Sci and Maths/Maths Lit 3                        3 yrs
                                 (choices 1 & 2 only)

18 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                         undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 19
Entrance Requirements                                                                                                                                               Entrance Requirements

 College of Humanities                                                                        College of Law and Management Studies
                           CAO                                            APS                                           CAO                                           APS
 Programme Name                            Entry Requirements                     Duration    Programme Name                           Entry Requirements                      Duration
                           Code                                           Range                                        Code                                           Range
                                 NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 & one of:                                                   KN-H-BL1
                                                                                              Bachelor of Laws                                                                   4 yrs
                                 Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Dram Arts,                                                      KN-P-BL1   NSC-Deg with Engl HL 5/FAL 6 &
                                 Econ, Geog, Hist, InfoTech, Life Sci,                        Bachelor of Laws        KN-H-BLZ   Maths 3/Maths Lit 5 & LO 4
B Music                 KN-H-BM1                                          48-28     4 yrs                                                                                        6 yrs
                                 Maths/Maths Lit, Music, Religion                             (P/T)                   KN-P-BLZ
                                 Stud, Vis Arts, any lang HL/FAL 5                            Bachelor of
                                 and AUDITION                                                                         KN-W-BAD
                                                                                              Administration                     NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 &
Diploma Jazz &                                                                                                                                                         48-28     3 yrs
                        KN-H-DMJ                                                              Bachelor of Bus­iness   KN-P-BBA   Maths 3
Popular Music                                                                                 Administration          KN-W-BBA
Diploma Music                                                                                 Bachelor of Business    KN-P-BBS   NSC-Deg with Maths 6 & Engl &
                                     NSC-Dip with Engl & three subjects                                                                                                48-33     4 yrs
Performance or                                                              -                 Science                 KN-W-BBS   LO 4 (see page 106)
                                     3 & AUDITION
African Music &         KN-H-DMP                                                                                      KN-P-BC1
Dance or Opera or                                                                             B Com (General)                    NSC-Deg with Engl, LO 4, Maths 4      48-30
Choral Studies                                                                                                                                                                   3 yrs
                                                                                                                      KN-P-BCN   NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Engl &
                                 NSC-Deg with Maths 5, Eng and                                B Com (Accounting)                                                       48-32
                                                                                    3 yrs                             KN-W-BCN   LO 4
                                 LO 4 and one of: Bus Stud, Cons                              B Com 4 General
                                 Stud, Drama Arts, Econ, Geo, His,                                               KN-P-BCG NSC-Deg with Maths 3, LO and
                                                                                              (Access Programme)                                                       48-28
                                 Info Tech, Life Sci, Music, Religion                                            KN-W-BCG Engl 4
B Architectural                                                                               Pmb and Westville
                        KN-H-BAR Stud, Vis Arts, any kang HL/FAL          48-30                                                                                                  4 yrs
Studies                                                                                       B Com 4 Accounting
                                 5. Deserving applicants will be                                                 KN-P-BCO
                                                                                              (Access Programme)          NSC-Deg Maths 4, LO and Engl 4               48-30
                                 requested to submit a portfolio of                                              KN-W-BCO
                                                                                              Pmb and Westville
                                 creative work, write an essay and
                                 complete a questionnaire
                                 NSC-Deg with Eng and LO 4 and
                                 one of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Drama                            NOTE:                                          NOTE: UKZN will only provide you
B Social Work           KN-H-BSX Arts, Econ, Geo, Hist, InfoTech, Life    48-28     4 yrs      UKZN does not require applicants to            with NSFAS forms if they make you
                                 Sci, Maths/Maths Lit, Music, Religion                         take the NBT. NBT results are not              an offer with funding. Indicate on the
                                 Stud, Vis Arts, any lang HL/FAL 5
                                                                                               considered for selection.                      CAO form that you require funding.
BA Philosophy,          KN-H-ABP
                                                                          48-30                                                               See page 28.
Politics & Law          KN-P-ABP
                                 NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 & one
BA International                 of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Dram
Studies                          Arts, Econ, Geog, Hist, Info Tech,                 3 yrs
                                                                                               For information on Alternative Access Programmes, please turn to page 23.
BA Visual Art           KN-P-AAV Life Sci, Maths/Maths Lit, Music,        48-28
B Soc Sc                         Religion Stud, Vis Arts, any lang
Government,             KN-P-SOG HL/FAL 5                                                    Selection Procedure                            ◗◗ Meeting the minimum score
Business & Ethics
B Theology              KN-P-BTH                                                             ◗◗ Selection is done in terms of                  does not guarantee a place
                                 NSC with Engl (HL or FAL) and LO                               academic ranking. The maximum                  as the University receives
Music Foundation                 Level 3 and Audition. This is not an                           APS obtainable is 48. Selection will           more applications than it can
                        KN-H-MFP                                                    1 yr
Programme                        access programme and does not
                                 lead to degree studies                                         therefore start from 48 down and will          accommodate and places in a
 Humanities Extended    KN-H-SO4                                                                stop once places in a programme have           programme may be filled before the
                                 NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4                 20/27     4 yrs
 Curriculum Programme   KN-P-SO4                                                                been filled.                                   published score is reached. Aim for
                                                                                             ◗◗ The minimum APS’s published should             scores above the minimum published.
                                                                                                therefore only be used as a guide.          ◗◗ Applications below the published

20 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                     undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 21
Entrance Requirements

   scores will not be offered places.        ◗◗ Other applications will be considered       Alternative Access Programmes
◗◗ Calculate your minimum score, using
   Grade 11, mid-year Grade 12 or Trial
                                                after the release of the NSC results.
                                                                                            and extended curriculA
   results and only apply if you think you   Selection After Release of NSC Results

   will meet the requirements.               ◗◗ Selection commences when final                       KZN has developed innovative            courses in Mathematics and Technical
◗◗ Pay attention to school quintile             results are released and continues                   Alternative       Access         and    Drawing, as well as support courses in
   requirements for extended pro-               until all available places are allocated.            Academic Support Programmes             Communication/Life Skills, Chemistry,
   grammes.                                  ◗◗ Applicants are admitted on the basis        to cater for prospective South African           Mechanics and Physics. Students are also
                                                of academic merit. When the results         students whose academic potential was            exposed to actual Engineering projects
Early Selection                                 are received from the Department of         not realised due to a disadvantaged              through factory visits and guest lectures
◗◗ Applicants with excellent Grade 11,          Education, APS scores are calculated        educational background. They come                by professional engineers. Students
   Grade 12 June/Trial or mock results          and ranked in descending order for each     from schools that do not equip them for          who successfully complete the one-year
   may be selected early (before final          programme. Selection takes place from       admission to University – they may not           UNITE Programme will be awarded a
   examinations). Selections will be            the top down, until the number of places    obtain the required entry scores or subject      Preparatory Certificate in Engineering
   final, provided selected applicants          for a programme is filled.                  level passes.                                    that will normally allow them to enrol in
   obtain a NSC-Deg or equivalent                                                               Access         programmes         identify   Engineering at first-year level. Students
   and meet qualification entrance           When Offered a Place                           candidates with potential and once               gain access to the programme through
   requirements and academic ranking         ◗◗ UKZN and/or the CAO will advise             registered, they receive the required support    meeting the academic requirements in
   in the final examinations.                   applicants of places offered;               to enable them to succeed. First-year            Grade 12. Applicants require a NSC-
◗◗ Applicants already in possession of       ◗◗ When offered a place you must:              programmes are restructured and additional       Deg with English, LO, Mathematics
   a NSC-Deg or Senior Certificate may          • Complete a consent and                    courses are offered to improve their             and Physical Science 4.
   also be offered places early.                   indemnity form;                          communication and academic writing skills.           The programme will continue to
◗◗ Applicants who do not meet the               • Complete an Acceptance of Offer                                                            consider applications from Quintile
   programme requirements for entry                form;                                    College of Agriculture,                          1-2 schools until all places are filled.
   into specific programmes (based on           • Pay a R500 (2015 amount)                  Engineering and Science                          Students who attended the University
   subject choices and projected level             acceptance      fee.    Pay    one                                                        or any other tertiary institution, whether
   of performance during Grade 12) will            acceptance fee only. Advise your         UNITE (B Sc Eng Access                           in a degree or access programme of any
   be advised that their applications              College if you would rather accept       Programme) (KN-H-UNT)                            kind for a complete semester, will not be
   were unsuccessful. Should there                 another offer;                           The UNITE Programme is fully integrated          admitted to the UNITE programme.
   be a significant improvement in              • Submit a copy of your ID; and             into Engineering and works with students             Apply to the CAO and use programme
   their performance in the final               • Submit a copy of your NSC                 from academically disadvantaged schools.         code KN-H-UNT.
   examinations, their applications                Certificate when available.              The objective is to develop the skills
   may be reconsidered if there are still                                                   needed for academic excellence, as well as       For more information contact:
   places available.                                                                        to produce successful engineers. UNITE           Howard College
                                                                                            presents a comprehensive curriculum              Tel: +27 (0)31 260 3847
                                                                                            across the spectrum of Engineering               Fax: +27 (0)31 261 1233
                                                                                            disciplines    including   credit-bearing        Email: unite@ukzn.ac.za

22 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                     undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 23
Alternative Access                                                                                                                                                       Alternative Access

B Sc Augmented Curriculum                     This four-year programme, which                 Music, or the Bachelor of Arts in Music, or     whether in a degree or access programme
KN-P-BS4/ KN-W-BS4                            is available at Howard College and              the Bachelor of Arts in Music and Drama         of any kind for a complete semester, will not
                                              Pietermaritzburg campuses, offers access        Performance.                                    be admitted to the Bachelor of Commerce
  Entrance Requirements                       into Humanities and Social Sciences for                                                         Extended Curriculum (General).
  Applicants require a NSC-Deg with           students from disadvantaged schools.            For more information contact:
  26 or more APS points and English           The extended curriculum programme               Howard College – Tel: +27 (0)31 260 2377        For more information contact:
  and LO at Level 4 and Mathematics           combines credit-bearing modules with                                                            Pietermaritzburg –Tel: +27 (0)33 260 6455
  and Agricultural Science or Life            academic development and support over           College of Law and                              Westville –Tel: +27 (0)31 260 2083/7742
  Science or Physical Science 3.              two or three years; students complete their     Management Studies
  Only applicants from schools with           first four credit-bearing modules during                                                        B Com 4 Extended Curriculum
  quintiles 1 and 2 will be considered.       the first year. The extended curriculum is      Law and Management Studies                      (Accounting)
                                              structured to enable successful students        B Com 4 Extended Curriculum                     Pietermaritzburg and Westville
This is a four-year degree with an extended   to graduate with a BSocSc degree.               (General)                                       KN-P-BCO/KN-W-BCO
support programme for applicants from              Students who have attended the             Pietermaritzburg and Westville
disadvantaged schools. First-year study       University or any other institution, whether    KN-P-BCG /KN-W-BCG                               Entrance Requirements
is spread over two years. Students who        in a degree or access programme of any kind                                                      NSC-Deg with APS 30 with
have attended the University or any other     for a complete semester, will not be admitted    Entrance Requirements                           Mathematics, English and Life
institution, whether in a degree or access    to the BSoc Sc Augmented Curriculum.             NSC-Deg with APS 28 with                        Orientation 4 and are from the
programme of any kind for a complete                                                           Mathematics Level 3 and English and             Quintile 1- 3 schools.
semester, will not be admitted to the BSc     For more information contact:                    Life Orientation Level 4 and are from
Augmented Curriculum.                         Howard College – Tel: +27 (0)31 260 3337         the Quintile 1- 3 schools.                     Three-year B Com Accounting degree
    No financial aid is available.            Pietermaritzburg – Tel: + 27(0)33 260 5977                                                      extended over four years. The programme
                                                                                              The three-year B Com degree is extended         is designed to help students to develop
For more information contact:                 Music Diplomas                                  over four years. The programme is designed      competencies in language, numeracy,
Pietermaritzburg – Tel: +27 (0)33 260 5420    KN-H-DMJ/KN-H-DMP                               to help students to develop competencies        writing and critical thought. Specifically
Westville – Tel: +27 (0)31 260 7979                                                           in language, numeracy, writing and critical     developed learning opportunities are
                                               Entrance Requirements                          thought. Specifically developed learning        provided alongside a reduced load of
College of Humanities                          Applicants with NSC-Dip with                   opportunities are provided alongside a          courses to meet the needs of students from
B Soc Sc Extended Curriculum                   English and three subjects on 3 may,           reduced load of courses to meet the needs       disadvantaged schools but who have the
KN-H-SO4/KN-P-SO4                              after interviews and an audition, be           of students from disadvantaged schools          potential to succeed academically. Hence, it
                                               admitted to the Diploma in Music               but who have the potential to succeed           gives alternative access to students who do
  Entrance Requirements                        Performance or the Diploma in Jazz             academically. Hence it gives alternative        not qualify for direct admission to the B Com
  For admission, candidates require            and Popular Music.                             access to students who do not qualify for       (Accounting) degree on the grounds of their
  the NSC-Deg with 20 or more                                                                 direct admission to the B Com (General)         National Senior Certificate results.
  APS points and English and LO 4.            Students who pass the entire first              degree on the grounds of their National             Students who have attended the
  Only applicants from schools with           semester    and an approved English             Senior Certificate results.                     University or any other tertiary institution,
  quintiles 1 and 2 will be considered.       module may apply for admission to a                  Students who have attended the             whether in a degree or access programme
                                              degree programme; either the Bachelor of        University or any other tertiary institution,   of any kind for a complete semester,

24 | undergraduate prospectus 2016                                                                                                                       undergraduate prospectus 2016 | 25
Alternative Access

will not be admitted to the Bachelor of               For more information contact:                       FINANCING YOUR STUDIES
Commerce Extended Curriculum (General)                Pietermaritzburg –Tel: +27 (0)33 260 6455
or (Accounting).                                      Westville – Tel: +27 (0)31 260 203/7742             ◗◗ The cost of a University education             contribute to the University of KwaZulu-
                                                                                                             will vary according to individual              Natal’s funding for needy students, after
                                                                                                             circumstances, and students are                the first year of study.
                                                                                                             advised to calculate carefully the
                                                                                                             total financial provision they must        Types of funding
                                                                                                             make. The cost of a year at the            Loans (Local Students Only)
                                                                                                             University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2015        A loan has to be repaid with interest. Every
                                                                                                             was approximately R55 000 for tuition      5-10 years the loan will double in size, so a
                                                                                                             and a bed in residence.                    loan of R10 000 in 2015, if not repaid after
                                                                                                          ◗◗ In addition, you will also need to         2025, may have increased to R20 000 or more.
                                                                                                             provide for books, stationery and          Some loans may be partially converted
                                                                                                             equipment,      personal      expenses,    to bursaries if your academic results are
                                                                                                             laundry, transport, sports, subscrip­      good and these loans are referred to as
                                                                                                             tions, medical expenses and,               loan-bursaries. Visit NSFAS website at
                                                                                                             residence during short vacations.          www.nsfas.org.za for more information.
                                                                                                          ◗◗ UKZN allocates bursaries and loans
                                                                                                             to needy South African and approved        Bursaries
                                                                                                             refugee students, and scholarships to      A bursary does not have to be repaid.
                                                                                                             academically outstanding students          Bursaries are normally awarded to needy
                                                                                                             regardless of their country of origin;     students with excellent academic results
                                                                                                             and provides advice and information        who are seen to be capable of obtaining
                                                                                                             on financing tertiary studies. Funding     their degree in the minimum amount of time.
                                                                                                             for new international students is not
                                                                                                             available. For more information see        Cecil Renaud and Victor Daitz
                                                                                                             http://studentfunding.ukzn.ac.za.          Undergraduate Merit Awards
                                                                                                          ◗◗ Provisional funding packages (not full     Awarded to financially needy and
                                                                                                             funding) are awarded to financially        academically outstanding students, after
                                                                                                             needy entrants by Colleges during          the first year of study.
                                                                                                             selection. The awards will be confirmed
                                                                                                             after assessment of the total costs        Contract Bursaries
                                                                                                             of study and the expected family           A contract bursary is usually offered by a
                                                                                                             contribution towards these costs. This     company or organisation as part of their
                                                                                                             package will be mainly a NSFAS loan/       human resource initiative and entails working
                                                                                                             bursary, only available to South African   for the donor for at least one year for every
                                                                                                             citizens, but will often include a small   year sponsored. A listing of these is available
UKZN students who are members of the Golden Key International Honours Society have committed themselves
to promoting academic excellence in rural schools around Pietermaritzburg.                                   bursary from the many donors who           at http://studentfunding.ukzn.ac.za

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Finance                                                                                                                                                                                 Finance

Eligibility                                        proof of information required if               with your parents or guardian what          For more information on financial assistance,
◗◗ You are eligible to be considered               contacted to speed up your financial           your position would be if the University    please contact the College advisers at:
   for loans or loan-bursaries if your             aid application.                               cannot offer you financial support.         College of Agriculture, Engineering &
   family’s gross annual income does          ◗◗   Each College can offer funding to a         ◗◗ Consider external donors.                   Science
   not exceed R150 000; or                         limited number of entrants (in total only      • The Academic Year 2016                    Howard College         Tel: +27 (0)31 260 1502/7064
◗◗ Bursaries (mostly for returning                 1 200) and offers are based on merit.              Bursary Register is available           Pietermaritzburg       Tel: +27 (0)33 260 5837/6145
   students) are awarded after registration        Some Colleges wait until they have all             from P.O. Box 178, Florida Hills,        Westville             Tel: +27 (0)31 260 1488/8779
   at the University of KwaZulu-Natal if           the applications for funding before they           1716; Tel: +27 (0)11 672 6559, or       College of Health Sciences
   your family’s gross annual income does          make any decision.This means that you              your school library may have a          Howard College
                                                                                                                                                                     Tel: +27 (0)31 260 4359
   not exceed R150 000 and your average            may get a response from the University             copy.                                   & Medical School
   annual degree mark is greater than              later than friends who have not applied        • The University of KwaZulu-                Westville              Tel: +27 (0)31 260 7889
   65% with 100% of registered courses             for financial support.                             Natal      database        can     be   College of Humanities
   passed in the previous academic cycle.     ◗◗   If you are offered a place at the                  accessed through the Student            Edgewood               Tel: +27 (0)31 260 3603
                                                   University, you will be told at the                Funding Centre Offices and              Howard College         Tel: +27 (0)31 260 2231
Application Procedure                              same time whether or not you are                   directly through the Internet at        Pietermaritzburg       Tel: +27 (0)33 260 5758
◗◗ You must complete an application                getting financial support. If you are              the University of KwaZulu-Natal         College of Management and Law
   form for admission to the University            offered financial support, it will                 website: www.ukzn.ac.za under           Howard College         Tel: +27 (0)31 260 1106
   and indicate on the form that you would         almost certainly be in the form of a               ‘Student Portal’ and ‘Financial         Pietermaritzburg       Tel: +27 (0)33 260 5757
   like to be considered for financial             Government Loan-Bursary (NSFAS).                   Support and Scholarships’.              Westville              Tel: +27 (0)31 260 2216
   assistance from UKZN (CAO form or               A loan-bursary is a loan, of which             • Bursaries offered by companies
   UKZN form, where applicable).                   40% is written off as a bursary if you             are also often advertised in the        Planning Your Finances
◗◗ If the College offers you a place to            pass all of your courses. The rest is              jobs section of newspapers.Try          Calculate carefully the total financial
   study and identifies you as a possible          repayable with interest, which is set by           writing directly to a company or to     provision they must make. The cost of
   candidate for financial assistance in           NSFAS from time-to-time.                           the association for your intended       a year at the University of KwaZulu-
   terms of the maximum family income         ◗◗   Every student is expected to pay                   profession.                             Natal in 2015 was approximately R77 475
   allowed, they will mail a NSFAS                 something towards his or her                   • If you manage to secure funding           for tuition, a bed in residence and food.
   Application for Financial Assistance            own costs. Some students will                      from outside UKZN and wish to           Examples of the basic costs are given in
   Form to you.                                    have to pay a family contribution,                 cancel your application for financial   the table over the page. In addition, you
◗◗ Financial assistance will only be               and all students will have to pay                  aid, you are required to advise the     will need to provide for books, stationery
   confirmed once you have submitted               an acceptance deposit of R500                      CAO/UKZN in writing.You may then        and equipment, personal expenses,
   the completed Application for                   (subject to change for 2016) and to                be notified earlier as to whether you   laundry, transport, sports, subscriptions,
   Financial Assistance Form and after             contribute towards their own food                  can be offered a place.                 medical expenses and residence/
   the required documentation and                  and book costs. In addition, funding                                                       accommodation during short vacations.
   family income have been verified.               assistance packages are not 100%            Average tuition fees              R 31 710
                                                   of the funding need. This may vary          Residence fees                    R 23 265
                                                                                               Meals allowance                   R 17 500
Who Will be Offered Funding?                       from year to year.
                                                                                               Book allowance                    R 5 000
◗◗ A full picture is required of your         ◗◗   Refer to pages 29-31 of this Prospectus
                                                                                               TOTALS                            R 77 475
   financial circumstances. Provide                where costs are set out and discuss

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