WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...

Page created by Luis Graves
WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
2020 - 2021 Season

WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
ALLSTAR VALUES                                                                PAGE              3,4,5
PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND PATHWAY                                                  PAGE              6
WAG PROGRESSIONS                                                              PAGE              7
WAG CLASS SCHEDULE                                                            PAGE              8
COMPETITIVE PROGRAM SUMMARY                                                   PAGE              9
SELECTIONS                                                                    PAGE              10
STRENGTH & FLEXIBILITY, HOLIDAY TRAINING                                      PAGE              11
TIME MANANGEMENT, HAND GUARDS                                                 PAGE              12
TRAINING LEOTARDS                                                             PAGE              13
LOCKERS, BACKPACK, TRAINING RULES                                             PAGE              14
AWAY TRIPS                                                                    PAGE              15
COMPETITION INFORMATION                                                       PAGE              16
GIRLS COMP HAIR, COMP ENTRIES                                                 PAGE              17
COMPETITION INFORMATION                                                       PAGE              18
3 STAGES OF TRAINING, ANNUAL AWARDS                                           PAGE              20
MEMBERS PORTAL, PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS                                   PAGE              21
NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION                                                       PAGE              22
QUEENSLAND REPRESENTATIVES                                                    PAGE              23
STATE MEDALISTS                                                               PAGE              24
REGIONAL CHAMPIONS, ANNUAL AWARDS                                             PAGE              25
CLUB RANKINGS                                                                 PAGE              26
UNIFORMS                                                                      PAGES             27
WAG TEAM COMMITMENT POSTER                                                    PAGE              28
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT & FEE SYSTEM                                             PAGE              29
TERM & MONTHLY FEE SCHEDULE                                                   PAGE              30
EXTRA FEE INFORMATION                                                         PAGE              31
MEMBER PROTECTION POLICY, PRIVACY                                             PAGE              32
CODES OF CONDUCT                                                              PAGE              33 - 34
ALLSTAR PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION                                       PAGE              35
CHILD SAFETY POLICY                                                           PAGE              36 - 38
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES                                                          PAGE              39
EVACUATION DIAGRAM                                                            PAGE              40
STAFF LIST, CONTACT DETAILS AND PHOTO POLICY                                  PAGE              41
CHECKLIST                                                                     PAGE              42
SCHOOL STREAM APP INSTRUCTIONS                                                PAGE              43
MONDAY        9.00 AM      6.00 PM         WAG   Womens Artistic Gymnastics
TUESDAY       9.00 AM      6.00 PM         MAG   Mens Artistic Gymnastics
WEDNESDAY     9.00 AM      6.00 PM         AA    All Around Score is the combination of 4 Apparatus for WAG
THURSDAY      9.00 AM      6.00 PM         GQ    Gymnastics Queensland
FRIDAY        9.00 AM      6.00 PM         GA    Gymnastics Australia
SATURDAY      8.30 AM      12.30 PM        GG    General Gymnastics                                           2
WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
       Allstar Gymnastics aims to provide an
Excellent Gymnastics Experience for our members.
              This includes our athletes, staff,
                      family and friends.
      We have set this goal based around our 5 star set of values.
    Implementing these values in all of our staff and athlete training,
        policies and ongoing education will ensure our success.

                         HAPPY HEALTHY

WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
ALLSTAR 5                   BUSINESS VALUES

                          Allstar Gymnastics aims to provide an Excellent Gymnastics
                                         Experience for our members.
                           We plan to achieve this goal based around our 5 star set of values.
  Implementing these values in all of our staff and athlete training, policies and ongoing education will ensure our success.

                 SYSTEMS                                   STAFF EDUCATION                        ATTENTION TO DETAIL

Our aim is to provide efficient systems        We appreciate the commitment by              As a business we aim to go the
to better service our customers:               our staff to add to the athletes             extra mile for our customers:

 Professional delivery of service             experience in the gym. Therefore              Providing well planned and
                                               we are committed to the                         progressive programs for all
 Answering inquiries in a timely
                                               professional development of our                 levels and abilities.
                                               staff in the different areas of our
 Having good communication systems                                                          Staff who genuinely care
                                                                                               about kids and take the
 Ensuring staff & customers know the
                                               We support a range of learning and              time to show them they
   Allstar policies and procedures.
                                               send our staff to varied forms of               care about them and their
 Ensuring Staff & customers are
                                               education and development.                      gymnastics and are great
   working within the Allstar values at all
                                                                                               role models.
   times in our venue.


                 RESPECT                                   CLUB CULTURE                                COMMUNITY

We value our staff and customers and           We recognise that a good club                Allstars started as a small
expect that our staff will be respectful       culture requires continual                   family orientated club and we
when interacting with the children and         improvement and monitoring to be             want to maintain that as we
their families and our customers will          effective.                                   grow, we are committed to
show the same level of respect to our                                                       that ethos and actively engage
                                              We are committed to that continual
staff.                                                                                      in those areas in our club and
                                              improvement to keep and refine the
All staff, athletes, officials, customers and culture we have established around            the community.
family members need to embrace our            our values. We appreciate everyone
                                                                                            We know that happiness is
Codes of Conduct and values and respect who comes to Allstars will contribute
                                                                                            contagious, so we all can
every aspect of what we as a business         to our culture during all
                                                                                            contribute to a great club
think is important.                           interactions.

WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...


 Allstars Code of Conduct                  Allstars Code of Conduct               Coaches Code of Behaviour
 Athlete Code of Conduct                   Social Networking Website Policy       Coaches Code of Conduct
                                                                                    Staff Non Negotiables
 Social Networking Website Policy          Allstar Gymnastics Values
                                                                                    Allstar Gymnastics Values

               CHILD SAFETY                                            SAFETY IN THE GYM
 All coaches must hold current Child       Staff are responsible for providing a safe training environment for
  Safety Blue Cards                            athletes.
 All Coaching Staff are accredited with
  Gymnastics Australia                      Staff are responsible for providing safe progressions for all athletes.
 Allstar child safety policy               First Aid awareness and qualifications

                ATHLETES                                   PARENTS                              STAFF
                                           We want to give our customers the
Our aim is to provide our athletes with                                            We believe that giving our staff
                                           opportunity to be a part of their
an opportunity to excel in the Program                                             the opportunity to develop as
                                           child's gymnastics by providing good
that they are in. We know that one goal                                            coaches will not only benefit
                                           feedback on their progress via
does not fit all and appreciate the                                                them but also their athletes,
                                           testing, reports and personal
different goals each child has.                                                    families and the business.

We aim to support our staff to deliver     Parents should work together with    Allstars is keen to support staff
the programs that create the best          coaches to achieve the best possible with ongoing education
opportunities for our athletes.            results for their child.             opportunities.

                                           HAPPY HEALTHY KIDS
               HAPPY KIDS                              HEALTHY KIDS                          LIFE SKILLS
 We believe if our athletes are happy      Allstars want to promote a             We know that without
   they will learn faster.                     healthy lifestyle for all our          challenge there is no change,
 They will be motivated and keen to           members.                               so we want to prepare our
   progress.                                                                          athletes to look at a challenge
                                            It is our goal to get kids moving        in a positive way and see the
 They will develop and grow as people         and to learn the value of              value of working towards a
   as they face challenges and learn how       movement.                              solution and their goals.
   to solve problems.
                                            What we do can influence a             Our sport is a great context to
 Learning should be fun for all ages
                                               child's perception of movement         strengthen a child's
  and stages. Our staff will plan for
                                               and sport for their lifetime.          emotional intelligence.
  ways of making drills, skills & physical
  preparation fun.                            Our staff educate their athletes     We want to encourage our
 We know that if we ask a child to            on the benefits of a healthy diet      athletes in different areas to
  climb a mountain and walk back down          and knowing the value of what          prepare them for life’s
  they wouldn't want to do it many             they eat.                              challenges (for example:
  times but if we put a giant slide on                                                time management, problem
                                              We want to keep our athletes           solving, leadership qualities
  the other side they would do it over
                                               injury free so we are committed        etc.)
  and over again. We want to
                                               to providing safe progressive
  incorporate the slide as much as we
  can in our programs.
WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
COMPETITIVE       Competitive Gymnastics is an extraordinary sport and you only have to watch the
                                                 Olympics to appreciate the sheer skill of the these amazing athletes.
                               GYMNASTICS        The sport can provide amazing benefits to every child from beginner to high level
                                                 athletes. Life long friendships, leadership skills, discipline and goal setting to name a
                                                 few. Senior Level Gymnasts rarely fail at what they set their mind to do because of
                                                 the valuable life lessons they have learnt through competitive training.

                               OVERVIEW          The COMPETITIVE PROGRAM has been set up at Allstars to give opportunity to those
                                                 girls who possess the necessary attributes and have displayed a desire to enter a
                                                 competitive gymnastics program.
                                                 Athletes wanting to reach their potential in competitive gymnastics are required to
                                                 train longer hours than our General Gym programs and require specialised coaching
                                                 and resources.

                                                 Our vision is to provide a pathway for them to reach their goals and potential. This
                                                 requires a commitment on the their behalf and that of their family both in training
                                                 hours and financially.

                                                 WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM PATHWAY
                               ALLSTAR ROCKETS   All girls selected in the Allstar Rockets will have already come through our Gym Fun,
                                                 General Gym or MiniStars and have displayed some of the necessary attributes to
                                                 excel in a more challenging program. They will need to display determination to
                                                 succeed and have a strong desire to achieve the necessary Skill and Physical
                                                 Conditioning requirements necessary for their program. Competitions are a casual
                                                 experience with competency awards.

                                                  Training Hours will be 4 - 6 Hours per week
                                                  Girls should be aged from 5 - 7 years
                                                  Girls will have the opportunity to be involved in limited outside competitions as
                                                   the focus will be on physical preparation including strength and flexibility.

                               ALLSTAR FLYERS    Allstar Flyers provides a pathway for girls who want to take part in local, Regional &
                                                 State Competitions while not having to commit to a lot of training hours. Girls can be
                                                 selected out of the Gym Fun, Club Gym Programs by coach recommendation or by
                                                 the girls expressing an interest in taking part in competitions.
                                                       Girls will progress through the National Program from Level 3 to 7
                                                       A medium level of commitment is required for this program and attendance at
                                                        each session is essential to progress.
                                                       Athletes will take part in Local, Regional and State Competitions
                                                       Athletes will be required to be available for QLD Club Champs if selected

                               ALLSTAR HOT       All girls selected in the Hot Shots Program will have already displayed a high level of
                                                 commitment to the Program, be self motivated and goal orientated in their training
                               SHOTS             habits.
                                                  Girls will have a good understanding of the commitment needed to achieve a high
                                                   level of skill, competition readiness and Physical Preparation
                                                  Training Hours will be from 10 - 17 Hours per week
                                                  Girls will be required to attend all Team and Individual competitions set out in the
                                                   calendar & be committed to team travel

                               ALLSTAR           All girls going into Diamonds will have a high level of commitment to the Program, be
                                                 self motivated and goal orientated in their training habits.
                               DIAMONDS           Girls will have a high level of Physical Preparation
                                                  Training Hours will be from 18 - 21 Hours per week
                                                  Girls will be required to attend all Team and Individual competitions set out in the
                                                   calendar & be committed to team travel

WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...

                                 IT ALL STARTS HERE
Coaches will recommend girls who are displaying qualities suitable for a more challenging
                          program and have a desire to improve.
   Trials are run at various times through the year when vacancies become available.

                                          ALLSTAR ROCKETS
 Rockets are the first steps in our Competitive Program. The program covers levels 1 & 2 of the National
                    Levels Foundations and is a great start into competitive gymnastics.
       This Program has routines on each apparatus but provides a casual competition experience.
  This Program can either lead to our Flyers or Hots Shots programs depending on commitment and
                                        suitability for the program.

                                                                  ALLSTAR HOT SHOTS
              ALLSTAR FLYERS
                                                        MININOVAS, NOVAS, HYPERNOVAS AND
  METEORS, VESTA, COMETS & OMEGA                                   SUPERNOVAS
Flyers is our Level 3 - 8 National Levels Program      Hot Shots is our Junior Program incorporating the
   and requires a medium level commitment. It                      National Level 3 - 7 Program.
  allows the girls to experience competition at a        This program has a high level commitment and
Local, Regional and State Level while giving them       requires training hours up to 18 hours per week.
 the time to participate in other activities as the   Girls in this program should have clear goals and will
       program requires less training hours.                    be prepared for Senior Gymnastics
                                                                        to a National Level.

 Allstars aim to provide a successful and
                                                                  ALLSTAR DIAMONDS
 challenging program for our athletes to
succeed at a Regional, State and National                                JEDI
 Level. Our coaching staff will give every             This program has a high level of commitment and
  opportunity for athletes to reach their              requires weekly training hours up to 21 per week.
potential                       and achieve             Girls in this program should have clear goals and
   their                           goals.                 will be prepared for Senior Gymnastics while
                                                        aiming for selection to National Championships.

WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
                                             ALLSTAR ROCKETS


              4        1                    3.45 - 5.45                                              1.45 - 3.45

              4        1      3.45 - 5.45                                             3.45 - 5.45

              6        2      3.45 - 5.45                 3.45 - 5.45                                10.30 - 12.30

              6        2                    3.45 - 5.45                 3.45 - 5.45                  10.30 - 12.30

                                              ALLSTAR FLYERS


VESTA         6        3                                                3.45 - 6.45                  12.45 - 3.45

METEORS       5      3 -4                                 5.00 - 7.30                 5.00 - 7.30

COMETS        9      4 - 5    3.45 - 6.45                 3.45 - 6.45                 3.45 - 6.45

                                            3.45 - 5.45
OMEGA        12/14 6 - 8                                  3.45 - 7.45                 3.45 - 7.45    8.00 - 12.00

                                            ALLSTAR HOT SHOTS


MININOVA      11       3                    3.45 - 6.45   6.00-8.00am   3.45 - 6.45                  12.45 - 3.45

NOVAS         14       4      3.45 - 6.45                 3.45 - 6.45   3.45 - 5.45 6.00 -8.00am     9.30 - 1.30

HYPERNOVA     15     4 - 5                  3.45 - 7.15   6.00 -8.00am 3.45 - 7.15 6.00-8.00am       9.30 - 1.30

                                                                                      6.00- 8.00am
SUPERNOVA     17     5 - 6    3.45 - 7.30   3.45 - 7.15   6.00-8.00am   3.45 - 7.00
                                                                                       3.30 - 6.00

                                            ALLSTAR DIAMONDS

JEDIS         19     7 - 10   3.45 - 7.45   3.45 - 6.45   3.45 - 7.45                 3.45 - 7.45    8.00 - 12.00

WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
                              INFORMATION                     ROCKETS                FLYERS                       HOT SHOTS             DIAMONDS

                              LEVEL OF COMPETITION              1 - 2          3        4         5 - 7       3      4 - 5     6 - 7      7 - 10
                              APPROX. TRAINING HOURS PER
                                                                4 - 6        5 - 6    6 - 9      12 - 14     11       15        17       18 - 20

                              TRAINING WEEKS PER YEAR             48           48       48         48        48       48        48         48

                              MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE                  10           10       10         10        10       10        10         10
                              SEASON                                                  TERM 4 2020 TO END OF TERM 3 2021

                                                              TRAINING IN                    4 DAYS EASTER, 4 DAYS IN JUNE, 1 WEEK IN
                              HOLIDAYS                          SCHOOL
                                                               HOLIDAYS                      SEPTEMBER & 2 WEEKS OFF AT CHRISTMAS

                              NO TRAINING ON THESE PUBLIC
                                                                            AUSTRALIA DAY, LABOUR DAY, QUEENS BIRTHDAY & ANZAC DAY

                              TRAINING ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS         X             X       X           X         X        X         X          X

                              COMPETITIONS PER YEAR             3 - 5        3 - 5    3 - 5       3 - 5    5 - 7     5 - 7    5 - 7         5
                              COMPULSORY AWAY TRIPS               X            X        X           x        √         √        √          √

                              COMMITMENT FOR QLD CLUBS            X            X        X          √         √         √        √          √

                              STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY
                                                                  √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              END OF YEAR AWARDS                  √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              CHOREOGRAPHY REQUIRED               X            X        X           X         X        X         X         √

                              MAKE UP LESSONS                     X            X        X           X         X        X         X          X
                              MONTHLY FEES                        √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √
                              LOCKER PROVIDED                     X            X        X           X        √         √        √          √

                              ANKLE WEIGHTS (Allstar Shop)        X            X        X          √         √         √        √          √

                              WATER BOTTLE                        √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              LOOPS / GLOVES                      X            X        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              HAND GUARDS / GUARD BAG             X            X        X          √         √         √        √          √

                              TRACKSUIT PANTS                     √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √
                              TRACKSUIT TOP                       √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              POLO SHIRT                          √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              BACKPACK                            √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              SHORTS                              X            X        X          √         √         √        √          √

                              LEVEL 1 - 3 COMP LEOTARD            √            √        √          √         x         x         x          x

                              LEVEL 4 - 10 COMP LEOTARD           X            X        X          √         √         √        √          √

                              LEVEL 1 - 3 TRAINING LEOTARD        √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              LEVEL 4 - 10 TRAINING LEOTARD       X            X        √          √         X         √        √          √

                                                                   PARENTS AND FRIENDS GROUP
                              COMPULSORY EVENT ROSTER             √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √

                              P & F MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED           √            √        √          √         √         √        √          √ 9
WAG COMPETITIVE PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Season 2021 ...
SELECTION        Your child will have received an offer for one of the Competitive Programs from the
                                            Senior or Junior Program Manager to be eligible for a position. Following your acceptance
                                            of this offer your child will need to be ready to be focused on achieving the requirements
                                            of their particular team. Your childs position will be reviewed at the end of the
                                            competition season and further selection is not automatic.

                                           We know that talent alone does not make a champion, it requires hard work on many
                                            fronts to be a success, we will encourage this at every training session
                          ATTITUDES        All athletes are expected to arrive at training physically and mentally prepared, which
                                            includes having all the necessary clothing and necessary equipment. It is the athletes
                                            responsibility to be prepared for training and on time.
                                           Staff, fellow gymnasts, Judges and club members are to be treated with respect at all
                                           We know that the best way to learn is from a great role model and we expect our

                                            Competitive athletes to be great role models at training and in competition.
                                           We understand the pathway to success is a process of learning and our athletes will be
                                            taught how to deal with any frustrations that arise in a manner that is respectful. The
                                            athlete should be willing to learn how to control unacceptable behaviour or the staff have
                                            the option of removing them from training or competition.
                                           We understand that not every training session runs smoothly when athletes are trying to
                                            master complex skills and the associated physical conditioning. We trust that our
                                            athletes will grow, develop and learn to master their emotions as they negotiate their way
                                            in a competitive sport.
                                           The Allstars staff are experienced at what they do and are constantly striving to provide
                                            programs that will allow athletes to reach their potential.
                          &                Your support is essential for this to take place and at times you may not understand what
                          COMMUNICATION     stage your daughter is at, but be assured that the staff only have the best interests of the
                                            child at heart. At each new stage the coaches have to push them to their limits to achieve
                                            difficult conditioning goals and new skills.
                                           Communication is encouraged if your child is experiencing difficulties and the staff are
                                            more than happy to let you know how an issue can be resolved as we work together as a
                                            team to give your child the best possible chance at success.

                          TRAINING        Athletes in the Teams Program will work on a variety of skills that are required to reach a high
                                          level of Gymnastics Performance including the following:
                                                Strength training
                                                Flexibility training
                                                Dance for Artistic Performance
                                                Sports Psychology
                                                Set Skill Requirements for each Level (of which there are 10)

                                          The training hours set for each class are based on the amount of time needed to achieve the
                                          necessary skills and conditioning for each level in gymnastics.
                                          Please consider the training days and times before making a commitment to the
                                          Competitive Program as these will be compulsory training sessions. We believe at Allstars that
                                          in order to achieve a good level of competitive readiness our athletes should be prepared to
                                          put maximum effort into each training session, therefore we don’t need to set unrealistically
                                          high training hours, but athletes must attend every session set down for their class and be at
                                          class on time to take part in warm up, which is important for their bodies to prepare for
                                          Once your daughter starts Level 3 and above she will need to make choices regarding her
                                          commitment to her training times, when other activities come up.
Athletes wanting to achieve skills in gymnastics need to have the necessary strength to
                                         perform them, this is necessary even for some basic skills, that’s why Gymnastics is such an
                                         awesome but challenging sport. If your daughter has been recently selected in the
                                         Competitive Program she will experience some muscle soreness as the strength demands
                                         increase. The best thing to do to remedy this is to keep them moving .

                                         Our athletes need to have a good strength base to perform any of the skills that are in
                                         their routines and naturally this increases as they progress through the levels.

                                         At Allstars we have set strength programs and goals for each level and every athlete needs
                                         to be committed to achieving them as they progress through the levels.
                                         Stretching for flexibility is an important part of our sport and some athletes find this an
                                         unpleasant part of the program, but there are techniques that an athlete can learn to make
                                         it easier.

                                         Leaps, jumps and turns are a big part of Floor and Beam routines and require very good

                                         flexibility to gain maximum points.

                                         If an athlete is struggling with areas of their flexibility they will need to stretch everyday at
                                         home to give themselves the best chance of improvement.
                                         Girls in our Competitive Program will undertake testing at various times throughout the
                          TESTING DAYS
                                         year to keep our athletes on track with their physical preparation. Athletes will need to
                                         meet set goals for this and be prepared to work towards those goals if they are behind in
                                         certain areas.

                                         Testing Days: We will hold up to 2 official testing days per year for the Competitive
                                         Program. The girls all have a book that has set achievement goals that they work towards
                                         regarding their physical preparation.
                                         Each award has a certificate and ribbon attached. Girls will be required to be in club
                                         training leotards with competitions hair for these events.

                          HOLIDAY        All athletes in the Competitive Program will need to attend holiday training sessions.
                                         Please consider this when making holiday arrangements.
                                         It is very important that you consider this when making a Team commitment as this will
                                         affect the team as a whole and your daughters development.

                                         It takes the athletes a long time to build the necessary strength and flexibility to achieve
                                         their skills and it can be very quickly lost when absent. The athletes in the program work
                                         very hard on their strength and they know it would take a long time to catch up if absent.

                          ABSENCE FROM   Positions in the Competitive Program require more commitment than General Gym
                                         classes and attendance at each training session is compulsory.
                                         Parents are asked to ring and let the office know if their daughter is going to be away due
                                         to sickness or a compulsory school function.

                                         Athletes have to treat each training session as compulsory and not optional, due to the
                                         nature of our sport in order to reach a competitive level.

                                         The commitment by the staff to our competitive athletes is high and we trust that the
                                         athletes themselves will learn the meaning of making a commitment as they move
                                         through the competitive program.

                          HOME           Home programs are provided for athletes when a period of absence is unavoidable or
                                         during holidays to maintain strength and flexibility. It takes a long time to build strength
                          PROGRAMS       and for some girls it takes longer than others, so it is very important to maintain that
                                         strength during any absence.
                                         Gymnastics training relies on muscle memory so that’s why it is very important to be
                                         committed to the strength and flexibility programs. If an athlete misses one day of training
                                         it is like having 3 days off, so if an athlete misses 4 days of training it is like having 12 days
                                         off.                                                                                    11
It is important that all athletes learn good time management skills when trying to fit in
                                       homework and training.
                          MANAGEMENT   It is wise that you let your daughters teacher know if she is training more hours per week
                                       to see how they can help with training, academic and family demands. If you need a letter
                                       please come and ask and we can outline your daughters program.

                                       Most teachers that have been approached are supportive of the program as most schools
                                       now cater for students doing elite sports.

                                       In Primary school, teachers can give block homework whereby the homework for the week
                                       is set so the girls can get it done when they are not at training.

                                       It is probably more common in most schools now to accommodate the needs of athletes,
                                       with their study commitments so they can manage to fit all that they need to do in their
                                       timetable, while achieving well academically and in their sport.

                                       Athletes will from time to time have to make choices about training if they are in a
                                       competitive team. It will mean that they have to make a choice to be a part of a team at
                                       school if the training falls on a training day or a birthday party if it falls on a training day.
                                       This is part of learning what commitment and discipline means for an athlete who wants to
                                       achieve a goal or become skilled at their sport.
                                       It is not always easy for them but it is the reality of high level training that they will have to
                                       make those choices along the way. We teach the girls in training what that means on a
                                       weekly basis and they will need to communicate to the coaches if they are having trouble
                                       in these areas, just not turning up to training is not the way to deal with it.

                          HAND CARE    Athletes will need to look after their hands as using chalk for bars will dry out the hands
                                       and they will form calluses when they are doing bar work. The best way is to rub off
                          GUARDS       calluses with a pumice stone in the shower and moisturize the hands after.

                                       Athletes will generally need guards at Level 4, but is individual according the girls hand
                                       sizes. Coaches will measure the girls for their guards and will give them an order form to
                                       bring home, so you can go online and order them.

                                       Reisport guards are the best for womens guards and can be ordered through Amco
                                       Gymnastics supplies at: www.amco.com.au > Go to gymsports > womens gymnastics >
                                       grips> , GMD Active Wear under the Allstars page or the GKD website.
                                       Order: Reisport lady buckle grips

                          FEAR         Most girls experience fear in some form during their time in gymnastics especially when
                                       they are in the higher levels, this is normal as some of the skills they are doing are very

                                       It should be dealt with in the early stages as it can escalate into fear issues that are difficult
                                       to resolve. Our coaches will have different ways of dealing with this problem which will be
                                       different for each athlete.

                                        The coaching staff will usually have a plan for a particular athlete and the parents full
                                       support is needed if the issue is to be resolved. Most do not get to this stage as most
                                       gymnastics skills have drills and progressions that need to be mastered before moving on
                                       so everything is done in a safe environment before moving to the next progression.

                          VIEWING      We would encourage all parents to take an interest in their child’s classes and support
                                       them where needed. We would ask that if your presence is causing your daughter to be
                          TRAINING     distracted, then just limit how much you watch and please do not talk to them during
                                        Please remember that during training the athletes need to be focused on what
                                         instructions their coach is giving them and on their skills.

                                        Athletes should be free to train and be focused on what they need to get done without
                                         having to look over at the sidelines for approval, acceptance or support.
MORNING             When classes need to increase hours due to increased levels of physical conditioning and skill
                                              development we will add morning training to their program.
                          TRAINING            This will generally be from 6.00 to 8.00am when introduced.
                                              This time allows for Physical preparation, trampoline and tumbling drills to be done when the
                                              gym is empty and therefore utilizing more equipment. This will generally be from Level 3 and up.

                          LEOTARD             It is very important to wash your competition leotards carefully. The following
                                              recommendations should be followed:
                          CARE                      For Competition leotards change into the leotard when you get to the competition and
                                                     change out of it as soon as you finish competing.
                                                    Wash only on gentle cycle or hand wash in wool wash
                                                    Never wash in warm or hot water only cold
                                                    Hang indoors to dry on a hanger not outside in the sun
                                                    Dont wear competition leotards to training
                                                    If you follow these instructions you will get many years out of your leotard

                                                    If you dont follow these instruction you may have to get another leotard due to fading or

                          CHOREOGRAPHY WAG Level 7 onwards, individually choreographed Floor routines are required to ensure the
                                              routine best suits the individuals personality, the music and the requirements for their level.
                                              This routine is choreographed and prepared prior to the gymnasts receiving it, allowing the
                                              gymnast to better learn and perfect the routine during normal training.

                                              In most cases the piece of music must also be adjusted to suit the routine’s duration as
                                              stipulated under the category rules. This manipulation is performed using specific software
                                              systems and skilled operators. The costs for the above are over and above tuition and
                                              registration and are paid when required. Girls in the Levels Program will do compulsory Level 6
                                              Your daughter will need the following clothes for training:
                                                    Sleeveless Leotards/ Bike pants, Bike Pants & Crop Top
                                                    Specific Training Leotard will be needed for your daughters group
                                                    Leotard, Tights, Tight long sleeve shirt or skivvy
                                                    Please make sure in winter that your daughter has warm clothes to put on at the end of
                                                     training as well as shoes
                                                    Girls will also need to have a few pair of trampoline socks to wear and tight gloves

                          TRAINING            All Competitive athletes will need to get a set Training Leotard for their class. Level 1 - 3 have a
                                              pink leotard and Level 4 and above black to white ombre one.
                                                    Allstar Rockets have a Pink Leotard (worn on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
                                                    Vesta and Mininovas & anyone in Level 3: Pink Leotard worn on Thursday or Friday
                                                    Flyers Black to white Training Leotard (GKD) worn Thursday & Friday
                                                    Hot Shots Black to white Training Leotard (GKD) worn Thursday
                                                    Diamonds Black to white training Leotard (GKD) worn Friday
                                                    This leotard will need to be worn on a set day so all the girls are in the same one.

                                              Your daughter will need to have her hair tied neatly back for training and if it hangs below her
                          HAIR FOR
                                              shoulders it will need to be plaited and tied under. Its important the girls take some pride in
                          TRAINING            their appearance and realize they are role models in the gym.
                                              Its important that the girls can do backward rolls and handstands ect. without their hair getting
                                              caught with their hands. Please leave some extra bands with them so if one breaks they have a
                                              spare. Please don't use bobby pins but you can use steel or plastic snap clips.         13
Boxes are provided at Allstars for all Diamond and Hot Shot Teams in the training area
                     LOCKERS       and should contain the following:
                                        Strapping Tape in a zip lock bag
                                        Loops, gloves, guards and wrist bands
                                        Spare water bottle, Tissues
                                        Spare bike pants and crop top
                                        Spare hair bands, clips and a brush
                                        In winter spare tights and long sleeve top
                                        Panadol if they use it

                                   Please remind the girls not to keep food in them as it will attract unwanted guests.

                     BACKPACKS     Backpacks are a compulsory part of the uniform for Levels, Development, Junior and
                                   Senior Teams Athletes for competitions.

                                   These will be available through our ONLINE KUKRI SHOP. Please ask for a name tag at the
                                   office as your daughter will need one for her backpack. They are $2.

                                   Girls will need to have their backpacks, packed and ready for competition and it should
                                   contain the following:

                                         Water Bottle
                                         Hand Guards, wrist bands
                                         Healthy Snack (not messy)
                                         Spare hair bands, ribbons and hairspray
                                         Band Aids, Tissues
                                         Strapping Tape

                     FOOD BREAKS   Girls in the Rockets Program may have a food break when they are young or when they
                                   have increased hours. Please pack a healthy snack for them that is quick and easy to eat.
                                   The girls will need carbs to give them energy before and during training, some
                                   suggestions are:

                                         Fruit that is cut up and easily eaten without getting too messy
                                         Bananas and Grapes are a good source of energy
                                         Rice Crackers, Raisins, Dates
                                         Granola or Energy Bars

                     TRAINING      We would appreciate it if all children respect these rules in our venue.

                     RULES          Gymnastics equipment is very expensive and we would ask that all children treat the
                                     equipment carefully

                                    No jewellery to be worn at anytime (girls stud earrings are acceptable)

                                    Children should not enter or leave the training area without permission

                                    Let your coach know if you have hurt yourself or have an injury

                                    Do not do skills you haven't been asked to, always be safe

                                    Don’t bring Food or drink other than water into the training area
                                   We recommend the following business if the girls have ongoing fear issues:
                                   Sport Psych QLD
                                   Georgia Ridler 179 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington QLD 4064

                                   Phone 0414 377 998

LEADERSHIP      The Competitive Program presents a wonderful opportunity for the athletes involved to
                                          learn good leadership skills. The amount of time the girls spend in the gym gives them
                          OPPORTUNITIES   the opportunity to develop in different areas of responsibility.

                                          Competitions, Away trips and Camps give the girls the time to develop personal
                                          responsibility and to show care and look after their team mates. Higher level athletes
                                          generally turn into great role models throughout their time in gymnastics.

                                          Athletes who have turned 14 should apply for position in the Allstar Leadership Program
                                          which will step them through to areas of skills and service and to gain Coaching and
                                          Judging Qualifications. Application forms can be found on the website.

                          AWAY TRIPS      At least one away trip is planned per year for our Competitive Athletes and are an
                                          important part of the calendar for the athletes and something the young athletes look
                                          forward to when they reach Level 3 & 4.

                                              The away trip is a compulsory part of the Program for: Allstar Hot Shots &
                                              Diamonds, Shorter trips for Flyers. Parents should not undertake a commitment to
                                              the Competitive Program unless they can commit to the planned trip. The trips have
                                              several purposes and goals in mind and are an important part of the girls
                                              preparation for the higher levels.

                                              Team building exercises are a great way for the girls to learn about teamwork
                                           Travelling and competing teaches independence and responsibility
                                           They are also a reward for the hard work they put in throughout the year.
                                           Preparing the girls to represent Queensland one day at National Championships
                                            when they are expected to be independent enough to be in accommodation and
                                            follow a training, travel and competition schedule without a chaperone.
                                          The trips are carefully planned to give the girls an opportunity to learn new skills and
                                          take personal responsibility for themselves, their gear and teaches them the skill of
                                          keeping to a schedule.

                                          We would ask that you consider the following when we are planning trips.

                                                Chaperones will be chosen for the trip based on their ability to look after the
                                                 athletes in their group. If you are chosen as a chaperone you will not have your
                                                 daughter in your group to look after as this would defeat the purpose of the trip.
                                                We would ask when making a commitment to the trip that you understand the
                                                 financial commitment and deadlines for payment. The whole team is affected
                                                 when someone withdraws as the cost is shared amongst all that are going. One
                                                 withdrawal may mean we could do with one less room or one less bus to hire
                                                 which affects the cost for everyone else.
                                                Where possible chaperones may watch their daughters competition but only if
                                                 this doesn't conflict with managing other team members.
                                                Parents are asked not to stay in the same accommodation as the travelling team
                                                 so everyone on the team has the same advantages.
                                                Team members will not be able to go out with parents on special outings as this
                                                 only causes friction amongst the team.
                                                At the competition venue parents are asked not to buy special food for their
                                                 daughter as this only causes problems amongst the other girls who don’t have
                                                 their parents there.
                                                The girls may bring mobile phones but they will be taken off the girls when they
                                                 have competition and at night. They are free to ring their parents once a day if
                                                 they need to then hand their phones back in.
                                                All enquires when away should be directed to the Team Manager not
                                                 chaperones or other team members.                                            15
COMPETITION   The beginning of competitive gymnastics is Level 4, and this is the first level of Individual
                                        State Championships. Level 1 – 3 competitions are meant to teach the basics of gymnastics,
                                        to teach how competitions are run and get the athletes acquainted with the rules and how
                                        team events run.

                                        It is not expected that girls in Level 1 – 3 are to be highly competitive and have pressure to
                                        get results, this will only set them up to fail later in the competitive levels. Athletes must
                                        be free to make mistakes and learn from them each time they attend a competition. They
                                        should be able to walk off the comp floor and know that they are accepted by all who
                                        support them even if they have made several mistakes. Most athletes will feel disappointed
                                        or frustrated enough with themselves without it coming from anyone else.

                          COMPETITION   Athletes must abide by the WAG Code of Points code of conduct for all competitions, these
                                        rules can be accessed on the Gymnastics Australia website, under Womens Gymnastics >
                          PROCEDURE     Technical information or the Allstars website in WAG.

                                         Once an athlete is on the competition floor they cannot have any contact with parents

                                          or spectators as they will risk disqualification.

                                         Parents must not communicate with a judge about their daughter’s performance or
                                          scores. Athletes must be in correct uniform for all events or they will receive a judging

                          COMPETITION    Competition time is an exciting time for all athletes and a great opportunity for them
                                          to show off what they have been learning, express their personality and just be with
                          BEHAVIOUR       their team mates representing their club.
                                         Athletes should remember when they step onto the competition floor they are
                                          representing their club and all its members.
                                         Our coaching staff expect a high level of discipline at all times in everything from warm
                                          up to presentation. Arriving prepared and on time with all the equipment needed is an
                                          essential part of good competition preparation.
                                         We know that having the right uniforms, the right hair, everything you need packed will
                                          make your competition experience a positive one.
                                         There are many participants in the great sport of Gymnastics and we all know that not
                                          everyone can win and at times there will be disappointments because of mistakes made
                                          on the day. We encourage the girls to take risks and we accept that they will make
                                          mistakes along the way in the Junior Levels and acknowledge that its a necessary part of
                                          learning. We strongly discourage resorting to tears to express their disappointment.
                                         Athletes will learn through a process how to better deal with minimizing errors and
                                          should be committed to improving performance as they progress through the levels.
                                         Finally we expect our athletes to be gracious in defeat and humble in victory,
                                          recognizing that champions don’t make excuses for mistakes they merely work harder to
                                          improve the next performance.
                                        Athletes in the competitive program are required to attend all competitions set down in the
                                        calendar for their class.
                          SCHEDULES      Junior Individual season is from July to the end of September and includes all
                                          Invitational’s, Regional Championships, State Championships.

                                         Team Season is from April to July and includes Queensland Club Championships, Border

                                         Athletes are required to attend and fulfill their team obligations in team season which
                                          means being available for selection in all team events.

                                         Girls in Level 4 and above must be available for QLD Club Championships.
COMP HAIR    Allstars requires all girls to have their hair the same for competitions, as it is important for
                                       the girls to feel that they are the same as everyone else in their team.

                                       Hair needs to be very secure as the coaches will not have time to redo hair when they need
                                       to be focused on the competition.
                                       This is a pony tail with 4 or 6 plaits turned under with Allstar ribbons as per photo below.
                                       It is best to do hair when wet that way it will stay in longer. Use a lot of gel or hairspray.
                                       If you tie the ribbons around the band at the bottom of the plaits then tie it up to the pony
                                       tail it will stay in a lot better.
                                       Anything higher than the line in the photo below doesn’t need to be plaited.

                                                                            Allstar Ribbons are available from
                                                                            the office and girls competing will
                                                                            only be permitted to use the club
                                                                            ribbons for competitions.

                          COMP         Parents are responsible for entering their daughter into competitions by the due dates via
                                       our iclass pro customer portal.
                          ENTRIES      Please make sure your tuition fees are up to date at the time of your entries as they will not
                                       be accepted if you have outstanding fees.
                                       Please check the calendar at the beginning of the year to ensure your daughter is available
                                       for all competition commitments.
                                       A calendar with the due dates for entries will be published at the beginning of the year and
                                       this will also be available on the website.

                          TEAM         Team season is generally around April / June but is reliant on Gymnastics Queensland
                                       calendar. Teams athletes from Level 4 and up are required to be available for all team
                          SELECTIONS   selections that are set down in the calendar. Team selection is done by the coaching/
                                       Judging staff and is based on Individual scores at competitions, attendance at training and
                                       the ability to contribute to the team score.

                                       The goal of selecting teams is to choose the teams that will produce the best possible result
                                       for Allstars. Decisions are never made on a personal basis and only have the best possible
                                       competition outcome in mind. The final team lists are given to the competition organisers
                                       and parents should respect the decision of the coaching team.

                          IS           Gymnastics is very much a team sport, we have team competitions as part of the
                                       Gymnastics Queensland calendar. Everything we teach in class is very much centered
                          GYMNASTICS   around teaching the girls to work as a team. We work in partners and have regular team
                          A TEAM       competitions in strength. When the girls spend a lot of time in the gym they have to work
                                       as a team to achieve their goals, it’s a great life skill for them to learn to support and
                          SPORT ?
                                       encourage their team mates.
WITHDRAWALS     Gymnastics Queensland Policy for State Run Events:

                          DUE TO INJURY   For Category 1,2 & 3 Events: A refund (less 20 %) will be made on receipt of a medical
                                          certificate up to 2 weeks after the event (Regional, State Championships)
                          OR SICKNESS
                                          NO REFUND of the Entry Fee will be given to any withdrawals without a medical
                                          certificate (make sure the certificate includes the date of the competition)

                                          NO EXEMPTIONS to this policy will be considered. Please send your certificate to the
                                          office to be sent to GQ

                                          Invitational's and Category 4 Events: Refunds are at the discretion of each individual
                                          host club. We would have to refer to each host clubs policy.

                          JUNIOR STATE    Once gymnasts enter Level 4 they are eligible to qualify for State Championships and
                                          into Darling Downs Regional Teams. To qualify for States athletes must obtain the
                          CHAMPIONSHIPS   following qualification score 6 weeks prior to States:

                                                   LEVEL 4            34.00      LEVEL 5      34.00         LEVEL 6         33.50

                                           Athletes must also attend Regional Championships to be eligible to attend State
                                           If a gymnast is sick or injured at the time of Regionals their club must write a letter of
                                            exemption request.
                                          At State Championships if an athlete reaches the following scores they will receive a
                                          compulsory upgrade to the next level

                                                   LEVEL 4             37.00      LEVEL 5      37.00         LEVEL 6         36.50

                                          Senior State Championships are for Levels 7 - 10 & International Levels.
                          SENIOR STATE
                                          Athletes usually compete in a different season to Juniors and is usually at the beginning
                                          of the year. From this competition the Queensland State Team will be chosen to
                                          compete at the National Championships.

                                          Athletes do not have to gain a qualification score to compete, they just have to have
                                          passed the level they are competing at and compete at Regional Championships.

                                          Athletes must attain the following scores at a sanctioned level test to pass.

                                              LEVEL 7         38.00    LEVEL 8     39.00    LEVEL 9      40.00   Level 10      41.00

                                          Athletes who obtain the mandatory upgrading score at a National Championships can
                                          apply for an automatic level pass.

                                               LEVEL 7           48.00 or        LEVEL 8      50.00 or       LEVEL 9        50.00 or
                                                                  95.00                        99.00                         99.00

                          REGIONAL        Athletes in the program are eligible for selection into the following Teams:

                          STATE           Level 4, 5 and 6 Darling Downs Regional Teams to compete at State Championships (Top 6
                                          per team)
                                          Level 7, 8 & 9 State Team for Border Challenge Competition at QLD Club Championships
                          TEAMS           (Top 6 at States)

                                          Level 8, 9 & 10 State Team to compete at National Championships (usually top 8 at Trials)

                                          Level 9 and 10 Australian Team to compete overseas every 2nd year. (Top 4 at Nationals)

All level testing will take place the following way:
                          LEVELS TESTS
                                                 Level 1 - 3 will normally test at Level 1 – 3 CLUB EVENT

                                                 Level 4 - 10 will test at a Gymnastics Queensland sanctioned event.

                                                 Athletes will generally pay for a badge with entries or we can submit the testing sheet after
                                                 the competition. When an athlete passes a level they are then eligible to compete in that
                                                 level. Following are the scores needed to pass a level:

                                                   LEVEL 1 - 2                                                             30.00
                                                   LEVEL 3                                                                 30.00

                                                   LEVELS 4 - 6 GYM QLD sanctioned event                                   28.00

                                                   LEVEL 7                                                                 38.00
                                                   LEVEL 8                                                                 39.00
                                                   LEVEL 9                                                                 40.00
                                                   LEVEL 10                                                                41.00

                          COMPETITION            Gymnastics Competitions are usually run in sessions for example if there are 150 x Level 3
                                                 athletes in an event then it would be run over the course of the day with your daughter
                          PRESENTATIONS          being involved in approximately a 2—3 hour session.
                                                 Then when all sessions are finished the presentation for that Level will be held. We do
                                                 encourage all athletes to come back for presentations and be in club Tracksuit with Comp
                                                 hair. If you have to travel and it is difficult for you to return please talk to your daughters
                                                 coach and let them know.
                                                 Some competitions, depending on their size can be spread over the whole weekend, with
                                                 various sessions and levels.

                                                 Injuries occur from time to time and while the coaching staff do everything they can to
                                                 avoid them they will happen at some stage of an athlete’s career. It is important to get it
                          MANAGEMENT             diagnosed and treated in a timely fashion with the Physios and Doctors who are familiar
                                                 with the sport of Gymnastics.

                                                 Athletes are expected to attend and modify their training when they are injured and they
                                                 will be given a modified program to strengthen other areas while recovering from their
                                                 injury. This program is done in consultation with the physios or doctor. There is also
                                                 information on the website regarding injuries in the WAG section.

                                                 We will carry out Physio assessments from time to time to keep an eye on any areas that
                                                 require attention and aid in injury prevention.

                           Wim De Jong                 City Sports
                           APA Musculoskeletal         127C Campbell Street Toowoomba                 Preferred Local Providers
                           Physiotherapist             Phone: 4639 3446
                                                       Peak Performance Physiotherapy
                           David Veal
                                                       55 Kitchener Street Toowoomba                  Preferred Local Providers
                                                       Phone: 4639 2233

                                                       Clem Jones Physio and Rehab Centre,            For more complex injuries requiring
                           Andrew McGough
                                                       56 Zahel Street, Carina QLD 4152               Andrew treats all Gymnastics High
                           Physiotherapist                                                            Performance athletes so has a good
                                                       Phone: 3395 1400                               understanding of the sport.

                                                       Sports & Exercise Medicine Specialists
                           Dr Matthew Hislop                                                          Sports Medicine
                                                       87 Riding Road Hawthorne QLD 4171
                           Sports Medicine Dr
                                                       Phone: 3899 0659                                                                  19
Not every athlete will go through these 3 stages, but it all begins at the
                          3 STAGES OF
                                                ROMANTIC STAGE
                                          This is entry level sport and most children begin here and it is mostly all learning through
                                          fun. Children are taught skills but is usually through fun activities and they don't even
                                          know that they are working on co ordination, strength, flexibility etc. They are exploring
                                          movement and are gaining the benefits from it without any technical understanding.
                                                TECHNICAL STAGE
                                          This stage is where your daughter is recognized by talent identification and offered a
                                          position in a more challenging class. This is where the technical coaches step in and have
                                          to work on technique to correct and establish good foundations. There are still times of
                                          fun and excitement but they are learning what it means to have to focus on their body
                                          positions etc. This time is crucial for parent support as there will be days that the athlete
                                          will need your firmness to attend training even if they don't feel like it. Its what we learn
                                          as adults that even though we don't feel like it we have to go to work and take care of

                                          our commitments, in sport children have to learn this earlier. You will need to walk
                                          uncompromisingly through this phase if you believe that your daughter loves the sport
                                          and just needs encouragement to get to training.
                                                MATURE STAGE
                                          This stage is where the athlete will be in charge of their own goals and have a good
                                          understanding of technique and what it takes to achieve those goals. In Gymnastics they
                                          will still be young and will need good supports from their family but they will make
                                          decisions based on what they want to achieve.
                                          Awards will be presented at the end of the year or at the start of the new year.
                          ANNUAL AWARDS
                                          The following awards will be presented to the girls in the program:

                                                WAG Competitive Club Levels Program: Levels 1 to 10 Champion
                                                WAG Competitive Teams Program: Levels 1 to 10 Champion
                                          These awards are for each level and are based on the top 3 scores from sanctioned
                                          competitions and participation in Club Championships.

                                                Most Improved WAG Junior Athlete
                                                Most Improved WAG Senior Athlete
                                                Most Outstanding WAG Junior Performance
                                                Most Outstanding WAG Senior Performance
                                                WAG Athlete of the Year
                                                Sportsmanship Award
                                                Perseverance Cup
                                                Achievement of National Level 10
                                          All the above awards are by coach and staff nomination and decision.

                                          Membership pins for 3, 5, 7, and 10 years membership will also be awarded

                          PIKE HOLD                         STRADDLE HOLD

                                                                                 LEAP LANDING

                                               DISH SHAPE

                                                                                                               HANDSTAND        20
 You can access the link to our iclass pro customer portal at
                     Iclass Pro
                     Customer       You can also find the link via our Website or our SchoolStream App.
                     Portal         If you are having any trouble our friendly staff will email you a link or talk
                                      you through the process.
                                    Start by scrolling down to select—CREATE ACCOUNT (Note: one account
                                      per family and it will use your primary email address)
                                    You can set up multiple athletes under this Family Account

                                    Our Portal can be used to book in classes or sign up to one of our exciting
                                      events or clinics.
                                    You can enter & edit your payment details
                                    You can manage your future absences and book your make-up lessons

                                    The Portal can also show your transaction history.

                     PARENT        We will conduct parent information sessions in Term 1 and Term 3 for parents
                                   to ask questions about the program, uniforms, competitions schedules and any
                                   other questions that you may have. It is also an opportunity for parents to chat

                                   with each other about the issues facing our athletes as well.

                                   This is an opportunity to understand the program and its expectations and how
                                   you can best support your daughter in the program as we help her to achieve
                                   her goals.

                     WEBSITE       The Allstar Gymnastics website is where you can find the following
                                   To Log in : Username: member Password: member

                                          Calendar of events
                                          Competition Schedules (as soon as we get the draw we will post on
                                           the website)
                                          Holiday Training Schedules
                                          Handbooks and Policies
                                          Useful articles and routine videos
                                   You will need to check this regularly to keep up with current information
                                   especially during competition season.

                     ALLSTAR       We use the SCHOOL STREAM app to send out information and
                                   communications for parents. Instructions to download and set up are on page
                                   39. It is essential that you have the app as all necessary information will come
                     STREAM APP    out here.
                                   Please be aware that if something is cancelled it will go out on the app.

Make sure your child drinks enough fluids, as they have different fluid needs than
                                      adults. Make sure you send a water bottle with your child to training.

                                      OPTIMISE MUSCLE RECOVERY
                                       Help young muscles recover fast - have children eat and/or drink a high protein
                                        snack within 30 minutes after exercise
                                       Eat a high carbohydrate, moderate protein meal 1-2 hours later to continue with
                                        muscle recovery.
                                       A pre-exercise meal is important to prevent hunger and to supply energy to
                                        athletes' working muscles.
                                       The night before competition and 2 hours before exercise: focus on carbs,
                                        moderate protein, low-fat foods and fluids (pasta with veggies and chicken, fruit,
                                        milk, cereal, yogurt, toast, juice).
                                      TARGET CARBOHYDRATES FOR ENERGY
                                       Carbohydrates are the main energy source for exercise and the major fuel for the

                                       Carbohydrates stores (glycogen) in the body are limited and kids must replenish
                                        carbohydrate stores every day.
                                       Top food sources: pasta, rice, breads, milk, yogurt, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

                                      PROTEIN THE BUILDING BLOCK
                                       Protein plays a role in building muscle, fighting infection, and provides signals and
                                        controls for tissue growth and maintenance.
                                       While protein is important, a high-protein diet is not recommended for athletes
                                        and replacing carbohydrates with protein can actually impair athletic performance.
                                        Without adequate carbs an athlete will tire quickly and won't have the energy to
                                        train or compete.
                                       Top food sources: poultry, meat, fish, cheese, yogurt, milk and beans or legumes.

                                      DON’T FORGET THE FATS
                                       A high-fat diet is not healthy - but neither is a zero-fat diet, our bodies need fat.
                                       Having some fat in the diet is important for health and is a key energy source for
                                        young athletes.
                                       Go for higher fat quantities and do less or low fat if they eat more (full fat fills you
                                        up more than low fat and in theory you should eat less).

                                      KEEP KIDS FUEL TANKS FULL
                                       In addition to healthy meals, provide healthy snacks before and after exercise.
                                       Pack high-carbohydrate, moderate protein, low-fat snacks such as granola bars,
                                         energy bars, pretzels, trail mix, fruit, peanut butter and crackers, bagels, and fluids.

                                      VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE
                                       A healthy lifestyle is all about making choices.
                                       Are your kids eating the same foods day after day? They're probably missing out on
                                        important nutrients, be different try new foods and recipes.
                                       Foods high in carbohydrates and fibre (grains, veggies, fruits) are essential to good

                                      GET YOUR KIDS ENERGISED!
                                       Meet active kids' energy needs through foods and fluids.
                                       The best balance for active kids: 50-55% of calories from carbohydrates, such as
                                         bread, cereal, rice and pasta; 10-15% from protein food like meat, poultry, fish, dry
                                         beans and nuts; and 25-30% from fats such as oils and sweet. (Competitive
                                         gymnasts may need more protein)
                                            NAME                   LEVEL           YEAR                      COMPETITION
                                     SHARNEY EDWARDS                 7              2009                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                          CHLOE SIMS                10              2009                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                      MADDIE EMBLEN                 8, 9        2008 - 2009               BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      MADDIE EMBLEN                 10              2010                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                    STEPHANIE TOOGOOD               10              2012                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

                                         GEORGIA GEISE               8              2012                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      ANNIE FLAMSTEED                8              2011                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      ANNIE FLAMSTEED               10          2012 - 2013             NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                      MARISA BARTON                  7              2013                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                    SAMANTHA PEARSON                7, 8        2014 - 2015               BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      BREANNA REGAN                 8, 9        2015 - 2016               BORDER CHALLENGE
                                         AVA HAMILTON               9O              2016                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      MADDISON DAVIES               9O              2016                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      MADDISON DAVIES               10              2017                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                      BREANNA REGAN                 10              2017                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                         GRACE PARKER             10 / 10        2018 / 19              NATIONAL CHMAPIONSHIPS
                                          EMILY FOTEK             7 / 8U15        2018 /19              NATIONAL CHMAPIONSHIPS
                                       BROOKE HARDIN                8O              2018                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                       BROOKE HARDIN                9O              2019                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                       OLIVIA DOHERTY               10              2019                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                      RITYA-LILY EVANS              9O              2019                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                          ASHLEE CASS              7U15             2019                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                      MADISON COOKE                 8O              2019                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                     MAXINE MACKENZIE              8U14             2019                  BORDER CHALLENGE
                                          EMILY FOTEK              8U14             2019                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                         JEMIMA LOVE                10              2019                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

                                                    NATIONAL & BORDER CHALLENGE MEDALISTS
                                  NAME                    LEVEL    YEAR      MEDAL                        COMPETITION
                                                                             GOLD: AA, BARS
                                  CHLOE SIMS               10      2009      SILVER: BEAM , FLOOR         NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                             GOLD: BEAM
                                  MADALAINE EMBLEN          8      2009      SILVER: AA, VAULT, FLOOR     BORDER CHALLENGE
                                                                             BRONZE: BARS
                                  BREANNA REGAN             8      2015      BRONZE: VAULT                BORDER CHALLENGE

                                  GRACE PARKER             10      2018      SILVER: VAULT                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                             SILVER: FLOOR
                                  EMILY FOTEK               7      2018      GOLD: TEAM                   NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                             GOLD: TEAM
                                  BROOKE HARDIN             8      2018      BRONZE: OVERALL              BORDER CHALLENGE

                                  OLIVIA DOHERTY           10      2019      BRONZE: BEAM & OVERALL       NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

                                  BROOKE HARDIN             9      2019      BRONZE: BEAM                 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                             GOLD: AA & BEAM
                                  EMILY FOTEK             8 U14    2019      SILVER: VAULT                NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                  NAME                 LEVEL    YEAR   GOLD              SILVER             BRONZE
                                  AVA HAMILTON          4O      2011                                        FLOOR
                                  MADDISON DAVIES       5U      2013                     VAULT              FLOOR
                                  MARISA BARTON         7O      2013                     VAULT, FLOOR, AA   BARS, BEAM
                                  MADDISON DAVIES      6U13     2014                     FLOOR
                                  SAMANTHA PEARSON      7O      2014                     VAULT              AA
                                  FRANCESCA HORCHNER    7O      2014   BARS
                                  SAMANTHA PEARSON      8O      2015   FLOOR             VAULT              BARS

                                  KEELY BEUTEL          7O      2015   FLOOR
                                  SOPHIA SECCOMBE       7O      2016                                        BARS, BEAM
                                  ALANAH BROOM           8      2017   ARTISTRY AWARD    VAULT
                                  LEAH CASS            4 U11    2017   VAULT, BEAM, AA   BARS, FLOOR
                                  TAYLAH WHITEMAN      4 U12    2017   BARS
                                  GEMMA ASPROMOURGOS   4 U12    2017   AA, BARS
                                  LIBBY GOULDING       4 U11    2017                                        BARS, AA
                                  ASHLEE CASS          5 U12    2017   AA, BARS          VAULT              FLOOR, DD TEAM
                                  GRACE ASPROMOURGOS   5 U13    2017                     BARS               BEAM, DD TEAM
                                  OLIVIA SCHUH         5 U12    2017   VAULT                                DD TEAM
                                  NATASHA SCAMP         4O      2017                                        BARS, FLOOR
                                  EMILY FOTECK           7      2018   FLOOR                                BARS
                                  BROOKE HARDIN          8      2018                     FLOOR, AA          VAULT
                                  OLIVIA THOMPSON      4U12     2018   BARS              AA
                                  ELANA SCHULTHEISS    4U10     2018   VAULT
                                  MAXINE MACKENZIE     6U12     2018                                        BEAM
                                  AKAIA WESSLING       4U10     2018                     VAULT
                                  ELLIE MAKER          4U10     2018                     BARS
                                  MOLLYNA MALLIGAN     4 OPEN   2018   BARS, AA                             FLOOR
                                  TYLA LOVERIDGE       4 OPEN   2018                     BARS
                                  CHARLOTTE LOVE       4U11     2018   VAULT                                BARS, AA
                                  GEMMA ASPROMOURGOS   5U13     2018   BEAM                                 AA, DD TEAM
                                  TAYLAH WHITEMAN      5U13     2018                     BARS, VAULT
                                  ASHLEE CASS          6U13     2018   BARS, AA          BEAM               VAULT
                                  ASHLEE CASS          7U15     2019   AA, BEAM, FLOOR
                                  GRACE ASPROMOURGOS   7U15     2019   FLOOR             AA
                                  MADISON COOKE          8      2019                                        BARS
                                  EMILY FOTEK          8U14     2019   AA                VAULT              BARS
                                  BROOKE HARDIN         9O      2019                     BEAM               FLOOR, AA
                                  MAXINE MACKENZIE     8U14     2019                     FLOOR
                                  OLIVIA DOHERTY         10     2019                     FLOOR              AA

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