Weather Intelligence for Telecoms - DTN

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Weather Intelligence for Telecoms - DTN
Weather Intelligence
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Building and maintaining telecom
                                                                    There are more
towers effectively and safely with                                  than 300,000
weather data                                                        telecom towers
With nearly 400 million cell phones in use in the United
States, there’s no question that wireless service is an essential   at the core of
part of modern life. In fact, there are more than 300,000           the wireless
telecom towers at the core of the wireless infrastructure.
Building, maintaining, and upgrading these towers is crucial        infrastructure
work that keeps the wireless industry working seamlessly.
Understanding the implications of the weather is a key
factor in managing the structural and performance integrity
of towers, keeping workers safe, and providing a constant,
                                                                    Over the last
available signal.                                                   decade, extreme
Tower operators face many weather-related challenges,
                                                                    weather losses
including safely conducting repairs and maintenance,                have totaled
ensuring reliable wireless service — particularly for               $476 billion
emergency services — and handling incident management.
Read on for insights into how U.S. weather trends impact
telecom infrastructure and how accurate weather data can
support more efficient operations and maintenance work.             Lightning is the
It can even contribute to better decisions around protecting
people and assets from high-impact weather events, as well          number one
as help minimize and prevent outages.                               natural cause of
                                                                    system failures
Many power outages are attributed to
Convenience and critical                        increasingly volatile weather, which not only
services                                        impacts tower performance but the safety
                                                of maintenance workers. Due to the number
Beyond the convenience, we’ve all come to
                                                of superstorms in recent years, there have
rely on cell phone technology. Reliable cell
                                                been thousands of outages, and utilities
phone access for critical services offered by
                                                have spent significant unplanned dollars
government agencies and first responders
                                                on recovery and restoration efforts. These
is necessary for immediate emergency
                                                outages have a significant impact on a
responses — especially when lives are on
                                                tower’s service. Here are some key figures:
the line.
                                                • Outages due to the weather: 44%
• 80% of all 911 calls are made by cell
  phones                                        • Major grid disruptions related to the
                                                  weather: 78%
• During emergencies, companies can’t
  send alerts or update their websites,         • The frequency of major outages has
  making it impossible to reach people            increased six-fold in the past 20 years
                                                • Over the last decade, extreme weather
                                                  losses have totaled $476 billion
Importance of a
consistent power source                         If you look at other recent trends, such as
                                                extreme rainfall, it also indicates that this
Studies show that weather disrupts up to        volatility will continue.
70% of companies’ operating and financial
performance, globally. For U.S. businesses
alone, it costs nearly $630 billion a year.     Weather-related impacts
With hundreds of thousands of telecom           on U.S. telecom towers
towers in the United States, they are           A network’s resilience is increasingly
critical to the infrastructure. Whether it      important as the frequency and intensity
is the lattice towers, monopole towers, or      of severe weather continues to rise.
guyed masts rising more than 200 feet into      There are several weather events behind
the air, they must be well maintained to        outages, including extreme hot and cold
ensure consistent service to the millions of    temperatures, severe thunderstorms,
U.S. cell phone users.                          ice and snow, and fires. Each can cause
                                                tower damage and power outages,
As careful and thoughtful as telecom            compromising service.
tower operators are in trying to ensure
peak tower performance, they are reliant        Working to understand weather patterns
on power companies to provide consistent        and having access to accurate, targeted
power without interruptions. Coupled with       forecasts can help operators proactively
the fact that telecom tower operators           plan for severe weather impacts. This
are not required to have back up power,         can help reduce vulnerability, save money,
outages affecting wireless service are a        and even determine potential options for
genuine concern. For those who use cell         rerouting cell traffic to manage load —
on wheels (COWs), there are challenges          without disrupting service.
as well. Generators and batteries both
have limited duration — hours or days           Extreme temperatures
— and when they run out, crews must
refuel or install new generators, which         According to the American Meteorological
can be difficult without cell phone access.     Society, the global climate has seen a
Considering all factors, access to reliable     1.4-degree Fahrenheit warming since 1901,
power sources is vital.                         which has ultimately impacted the weather
                                                every year. To put it into perspective, nine
                                                out of the 10 warmest years on record have
                                                occurred since 2005.
These extreme temperatures can create              wireless cell sites were offline during the
service reliability issues. Temperature            Kincade fire in October 2019. This spurred
increases and higher frequency, duration,          regulators to push for backup power at cell
and intensity of heatwaves can create              towers after residents lost wireless access
additional burdens on cooling systems              to critical emergency services.
in exchanges and base stations that can
result in increased failures. It can stress        Lightning
telecom towers and the related equipment,
                                                   One of the most visible weather hazards,
ultimately reducing lifespan. Extreme
                                                   particularly with increased storm frequency,
temperatures also spike energy demands
                                                   are lightning strikes. They can damage
that can result in the need for incident
                                                   transmitters and other tower components,
management, affecting the delivery of
                                                   causing power outages. Cloud-to-ground
telecommunications services. All of these
                                                   lightning occurs 20 to 25 million times
issues can ultimately increase tower
                                                   every year in the United States, and the
operation costs.
                                                   height of telecom towers makes them
                                                   vulnerable targets. Taking all possible
Outside of the infrastructure impact,
                                                   precautions using lightning rods and other
extreme heat may lead to an increase in
                                                   methods for physical asset protection is
heat-related health and safety risks for
                                                   key. However, most important is creating a
tower workers.
                                                   disaster recovery plan that includes critical
                                                   first steps after a strike occurs, all the
Precipitation                                      way through electronic replacements and
Interestingly, both increased and decreased        physical tower repairs.
precipitation, in varying forms, can impact
tower integrity and performance. Icing
during rain or snow typically comes to mind        Leveraging weather data
when thinking about precipitation damage.
But, it’s not just ice that causes problems.
                                                   for more efficient operation
Increased rain or snow also create issues.         and maintenance work
Flooding and erosion can cause damage              Employing accurate weather data is a great
around structures, potentially exposing            way to gain control and drive informed
cables and creating transportation and             maintenance and safety decisions. It can
accessibility issues for maintenance crews.        also help improve the bottom line.
Conversely, decreased precipitation or
drought-like conditions can lead to tower
instability, requiring added maintenance. A        The importance of a skilled
lack of rain, especially when combined with        weather partner
increased temperatures, also raises fire           It’s important to understand all of the work
risks, which poses a threat to infrastructure      that goes into producing quality forecasts
and the potential for long-term outages.           — including the costs, computing power,
                                                   and human effort. Given that, it’s easy to
Fires                                              see why so few companies bring weather
The number of large fires in the United            guidance in-house and why an outside
States has steadily increased over the last        partner is necessary. It takes a significant
35 years, especially in the West. This is likely   investment, massive infrastructure, and
due to warmer temperatures, decreased              experienced expertise to provide real value.
soil moisture, and vegetation, as well as          Beyond the financial costs of gathering the
years of forest management and fire                “back end” data required for a forecast, a
suppression practices.                             private weather company must have the
                                                   capability to house large amounts of data.
As wildfires become more common — and              Companies that choose to contract with a
more destructive — they create a challenge         private forecasting company buy access to
for telecom tower operators as wireless            meteorologists, who are available around
providers struggle to deliver reliable             the clock, as well as features like portals
service during these events. A recent              and apps that provide access to customized
report from the California Public Utilities        solutions — for a fraction of the cost if they
Commission found that nearly 100,000               had to do it themselves.
wireless customers lost service during the
2017 North Bay fires. And, more recently,
the Federal Communications Commission
said that up to 27% of Sonoma County’s
“It’s really a package deal when contracting with a private
      weather company. They offer the science of meteorology while
      performing as a big data company.”
                                                       Mike Eilts, senior vice president, DTN

Working with weather data                        Taking things a step further, it can be
                                                 used in predictive analytics to improve
Most weather data is natively digital:
                                                 operational efficiencies, as well as save
surface observations, radar data, and
                                                 time, costs, and lives. It removes the
weather satellites are a few examples. This
                                                 guesswork for decision-makers when
creates enormous amounts of information
                                                 weather threatens their operations, such as
about the existing state of the atmosphere.
                                                 major winter storms, landfall hurricanes, or
Much of the data preprocessing is for
                                                 prolonged heatwaves. Predictive analytics
quality control and to combine it all
                                                 are also just as useful in marginal weather
into a comprehensive picture of the
                                                 conditions like thunderstorms.
atmosphere. This is the starting point for
creating a forecast using sophisticated,
numerical weather prediction models run          How weather data contributes to the
on high-performance computing clusters           bottom line
or supercomputers. Using an ensemble             The utility industry has effectively been
of individual models results in better           using weather data to help drive more
forecasts and empowers advanced users            efficient business practices. The majority
to model potential risks in a probabilistic      of U.S. utilities are working with private
manner. Even though the techniques               weather companies and have already
applied to produce forecasts continue to         demonstrated how to effectively use
evolve, the starting point is a quality set of   weather data and predictive analytics to
observations that accurately describe the        increase efficiencies and reduce outage
state of the atmosphere.                         times. In particular, major utilities in the
                                                 Northeast rely on outage prediction
Using weather data for planning                  solutions to make complex decisions in
As tower operators increase their                the days leading up to a forecasted storm
understanding of digital information,            that may produce power outages in their
they can quantify the effects of weather         service territory. Partnering with weather
on their business much more quickly and          intelligence companies helps them plan and
accurately than before. Sophisticated            prepare for outages, often deploying crews
businesses are incorporating weather data        in advance so they can restore power faster.
into their decision support systems and
operational intelligence. As organizations       Telecom tower operators can use the
engage in digital transformation, they           same approach, using predictive analytics
evolve from using weather information to         for more efficient and effective weather
react to emerging or past weather events         incident preparation.
to incorporating it with other business data
to drive long-term strategic decisions.

Once a company unites weather data
and other operational data, it can
combine it with artificial intelligence for
recommended actions that drive business
outcomes — before a severe weather event
even happens.
Protecting people and assets                    Crew safety in inclement weather
                                                Tower work should be avoided when
from volatile weather                           weather conditions pose safety risks,
Whether a carrier upgrades existing             and lightning is a constant risk to tower
or places new equipment, it often               climbers. Between 2006-2015, lightning
involves someone climbing a tower. For          accounted for 11% of work fatalities.
maintenance purposes, the crew may              Tower height puts maintenance crews at
look at the structural configuration of         significant risk if they aren’t given enough
the tower or an equipment mount, or             time to seek shelter.
perform an inventory of current equipment
and its placement — all to determine the        Just watching for lightning and listening
modifications needed to reduce the risk         thunder isn’t an option. By the time
of failure. Whatever its age or purpose,        maintenance crews hear thunder, it is
it’s important to make sure that the            already too late. Their job is to safely and
equipment offers continual, reliable service.   skillfully complete their tasks, which is much
                                                easier without the added distraction of
                                                trying to keep an eye on developing weather
Protecting assets
                                                conditions. Crews need timely, actionable
In terms of weather implications, lightning     alerts to ensure their safety and maintain
is a real threat to the reliable operation      their focus.
of a telecom tower. A single direct strike
can result in physical tower damage and         Supervisors and workers must stay aware
cause electronic components to fail.            of lightning risks through weather reports
Lightning is the number one natural cause       and forecasts. Many companies provide
of system failures, and as a result, can        customizable applications and programs
lead to a tower being out of service and,       that provide up-to-the-minute information
ultimately, lost revenue.                       on weather hazards, including lightning.
                                                This allows supervisors to make critical
Direct lightning strikes — and their related    safety decisions. It is important to note
electrical surges — are virtually unavoidable   that lightning can be unpredictable, and
for telecom towers due to their height and      can strike as far as 10 miles away from
electrical components. When lightning           precipitation, which is why workers must
strikes a tower, the current flows through      remain in a shelter or vehicle for 30 minutes
it to the ground, potentially damaging          after the last clap of thunder.
electronic equipment, like radios, antennas,
dishes, etc., mounted on it. However, with      Telecom tower operators have the duty
proper planning and preparation, operators      to protect their employees from danger.
can minimize damage and outages, along          Available commercial weather intelligence
with any lasting effects.                       is easy to implement and cost-effective. It
                                                also provides additional benefits beyond
Typically, the relationship between carriers    safety, including technology that can
and tower employees is complicated, and         identify towers needing inspection, which
there are often many contractors and            may have been affected by lightning or
subcontractors involved in construction and     severe weather.
maintenance. This can result in confusion
as there aren’t always clear responsibility
guidelines about who is performing what
work and when. The responsibility for
employee safety follows suit, and often
there is no single company in charge of
managing it.
“When weather forecasts are used in conjunction with other
      data, it can create quantitative predictions, including an
      estimate of the outage incidents in a utility’s service territory,
      prior to a storm’s arrival.”
                                                   Mike Zappone, utility industry consultant

Preventing and minimizing the                    Machine learning can provide an effective
duration of outages                              prediction of a storm’s impact and the
                                                 projected damage to cell towers. The use
In addition to supporting decisions around       of this information will continue to grow as
telecom tower building and maintenance,          a major driver in weather preparation and
weather data and technology play a critical      restoration response decisions. Machine
role in helping utilities ensure consistent      learning also supports the right levels
power and shorter outage times.                  of preparation — before the storm —
                                                 reducing the frequency of being under or
A promising new approach for managing            over-prepared.
outages is machine learning. Whether it’s
called machine learning, predictive analytics,
artificial intelligence, or neural network       How we can help
algorithms, this emerging technology offers      With weather’s major role in telecom tower
a more sophisticated approach to predicting      performance and integrity, it’s important
damage and outages.                              to have accurate, timely weather data to
                                                 support confident, targeted decisions. It
With the growing application of machine          can help you better assess your assets
learning in business — from streaming            and plan repairs and maintenance before
content services recommending products           disaster strikes.
and services based on one’s browsing
habits to manufacturers estimating               For more information on how our
equipment time-to-failure — it can be used       WeatherSentry® solution can help you do
by tower operators as well.                      this and more, please visit
Utilities, in particular, are realizing that
using weather forecasts in conjunction
with other data creates quantitative
predictions, such as outage estimates
before a storm’s arrival.

Machine learning technology can determine
where outages will be throughout a
utility’s entire network, identifying areas
that will be most affected, allowing
operations teams to better plan staging,
pre-positioning, or simply alerting local
crews. It can also provide useful resiliency
insights, highlighting areas of weakness, as
illustrated by outage incident history and
the damage forecasts themselves.

“Facing Down Extreme Weather,” IDC Energy Insights, July 2013

California PG&E Blackout during wildfires

Climate Risks Study for Telecommunications and Data Center
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