Webster's Essential Mini Dictionary - Dictionary Guide Worksheets

Page created by Jerome Wheeler
Essential Mini

Dictionary Guide Worksheets
Photocopiable activities for learning dictionary skills
Designed for use with the Webster's Essential Mini Dictionary
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These Dictionary Guide Worksheets are downloadable versions of the
    Guide to the Dictionary presented in the Ventures Dictionary. The Guide
    is designed to help you develop skills in using a dictionary.

    The worksheets are grouped as five separate units, which can be used
    for independent study or in a class.

    Unit 1: Finding your way around the dictionary
             What is an entry?
             Alphabetical order
             Finding an entry

    Unit 2: Information about the word
             Irregular forms: verbs
             Irregular forms: nouns
             Irregular forms: adjectives
             Vocabulary levels

    Unit 3: Parts of speech
             Verb, auxiliary verb
             Phrasal verb

    Unit 4: The entry for the word
             Example sentences

    Unit 5: More about the word
             Formal and informal
             Related words
             Common mistake notes

Unit 1: Finding your way around the dictionary
What is an entry?
A dictionary entry tells you what a word means and how to use it. At the
beginning of each entry in this dictionary is the main form of the word, in
color. This is the headword. A headword can be one word (light) or it can be
more than one word (light bulb).
This guide will help you to use the entries in this dictionary. It will show you
how to look for the entry you want and what information you will find in the

Alphabetical order
The English alphabet has 26 letters. The order of the letters is:
       Small letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
       Capital letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
The entries in the dictionary are in alphabetical order. We ignore spaces and
punctuation marks when putting words in alphabetical order. For example,
fairy tale is found between the words fairy and faith.
If you are trying to decide the alphabetical order of two words with the same
first letter, look at the second letter. Go through each letter of the word from
left to right until you find a letter that is different. The first letter that is differ-
ent shows you what order the words should be in.
To help you remember the alphabetical order of English, the alphabet is
shown down the side of each page of the dictionary.

   1 Put these words in alphabetical order.
       table      book        light       pencil   chair     sock    yacht    hair
       1                              2                        3                      4
       5                              6                        7                      8

   2 Put these words in alphabetical order.
       talk     take       thank       teacher     tall    today    Thursday      tongue
       1                              2                        3                       4
       5                              6                        7                       8

Finding an entry
When you open the dictionary, you will see a word at the top of each page.
These help you to find the page that the word you are looking for is on. The
word at the top of the left page is the first entry on that page, and the word
at the top of the right page is the last entry on that page. If the word you are
looking for comes in alphabetical order between these two words, it will be on
the two pages you are looking at.

Webster’s Essential Mini Dictionary
Dictionary Guide Worksheets
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011              Unit 1: Finding your way around the dictionary   1
D_A/Mp_7                         10/05/2010 10:34AM                                Plate # 0 pg 7 # 7

                                              7                                                         affairs
  Kd(vBn.tIdJ / noun             advice on saving money.  I took your ad-
hing good that helps you:        vice and went
                                 3 Draw    a linehome
                                                   fromearly.   Can I give to the a
                                                          the headword             words that it will appear between.
age of living in town is being   you a piece of advice?
                                    1 good		                port... ...praise       b
 e stores. 2 take advantage 09/28/2010    07:07AM
                                     Common      mistake:
                                                            Platepg   #0  123 # 10
                                                            advice ...which
 g B to use the things that         2 police		              we’d...
that can help you in a situa-                                                       c
                                    3 early		  that this word  is not ...grandchild
 vantage of the ®tness center
 here. 3 take advantage of123       4 whale		               point...evident
                                   I need some advice.
neven   adjto treat someone      2A    used  to
                                        poster		show  that something
                                                            DVD... ...easyis re-
                                   I5need an advice.                                e
   badly  in order  to get
        1 D used to empha- what  peated  regularly:  They go  camping    every      a
 hink she  takes advantage  of    To make
                                 summer.    advice  singular, say  a piece
 ng that is surprising: Every-
y. Mick.  I said hello, but      of advice.                       Name /CEED/CEED_B/Mp_49
                                                                                    b                           10/06/2010                                                                            01:43PM                   Plate #pg
even                                               4 Which of these words   will you find on the pages that start with mouse and end
                                                     Common    mistake: every
  nKd(ven.tSKr      2 even
    look at me./ noun           an
                            Dbet-                                                            g
                                                     with must? Draw  a  line
                                                     Common mistake: advice   under
                                                                                or the words c that will be on these two pages.
maller,               used when
             etc. D              ex-               When every is followed by body,                   Name /CEED/CEED_E/Mp_129                                                     09/28/2010
                                                                                                                                                                                       49                 07:07AM Platepg                         #0 1
                                                       advise?           mouth
                                                                             where, you more   write the much h
  r trip totoAfrica
                    was anthe      dif-
                               amaz-               one,    thing, or                                                       d mood                           my            mug
xe.will be even taller than his                    words together.                                                   date: Applications have to be in by the                               ground: cable TV 2 a wire that carri
                                                   Be careful move                        Mr.             mother
 en/ if
us        used to say /that
      Kd(ven.tSKr.Ks     adj noth-                   Everybody
                                                                      not to confuse
                                                                        needs     to bring
                                                                                              the noun
                                                                                              something              31st.e i mustn’t                      music
                                                                                                                                4 B near or next to: I'll meet you
                                                                                                                                                                                           electricity or telephone signals 3 a
nge    if something     happens:                   advice with the verb advise.                                                                                                       129
   ous person likes to try new                       to eat.                                                         by the post of®ce. 5 holding a particu-                               metal rope
 ake a taxi,
hings:          you'll to
           I'm going   stillbemiss
                                             SpellingI advise you to see a lawyer.
                                                     Can everyone see that?                                          lar    jthread
                                                                                                                            f               through or3 something:
                                                                                                                                     of someone                keep an eyeShe    on         3 face to face A being with someo
                                                                                                                                                                                          cactus / (kBk.tKs / noun
    even    though    although:                      I advice you to see a lawyer.                                    someone/something
                                                                                                                     grabbed          me by the arm.             6 past:
                                                                                                                                                            to watch     orHetake
                                                                                                                                                                               sped         in the same place: We need to talk fac
          my cooking.                                Do you have everything you need?                                                                                                      (plural  cacti, cactuses) a
   ork even though he wasn't                 The I'vedictionary
                                                           looked             entriesfor
                                                                         everywhere         show
                                                                                               it.     the correct    care
                                                                                                                     by    k
                                                                                                                           g   ofon someone       oforwords.
                                                                                                                                        a motorcycle.               Sometimes
                                                                                                                                                                 7 used
                                                                                                                                                           something:         show words
                                                                                                                                                                           to               face. 4 make a face B to show wit
   vErb / noun D a word that                   advise / Kd(vAIz / verb (present participle                            you    keep an eye           onamounts:
                                                                                                                                                         thecankidsbefor a mo-bywith
                                                                                                                                                                                           plant with thick leaves
                                                                                                                                                                                            your face that you do not like someo
                                             can   Inbe    spelled
                                                advising,         situations
                                                                   past tensein andmore
                                                                                    you   use
                                                                                       past  thanevery
                                                                                             participle oneas away,measurements
                                                                                                                      or another                  or
                                                                                                                                                word                  twelve
                                                                                                                                                                         used       ten exactly
                                                                                                                                                                                           and sharp points that
 nformation about a verb,                                                                                             ment?
                                                                                                                     feet  h l ¯oor
                                                                                                                            of       4    in  someone's
                                                                                                                                            space       I'm   paid
                                                                                                                                                                eyes byin  some-
                                                                                                                                                                         the  hour.         or something: Joe made a face when
   nIN/ noun B the part of                   theadvised
                                                    same) meaning.
                                                   separate       word.
                                                                   B to tell someone   These different
                                                                                                    that he or spellings or different words are showngrows
                                                                                                                                                                                             in in deserts
hrase, or other adverb. In                                                                                            one's     opinion:          In  my    parents'    eyes,  I'll         saw what was for lunch. 5 to some-
ween the afternoon and the                      she  You   have
                                                        should        to
                                                                      do  show     your
                                                                            something:    membership
                                                                                              I would      ad-      by  2
                                                                                                                          / bAI     / adv       past:    I sat  there,   watching
e ªHe ate quickly,º ªquicklyº                parentheses at the beginning of the entries:                                  m
                                                                                                                      alwaysi walk  be a child.                                           cafe  (also
                                                                                                                                                                                            one's     facecafe       / kB(feI
                                                                                                                                                                                                               If ,you    say /)something to
ou doing anything this eve-                     vise cardhim every
                                                                to see  time     you go.
                                                                             a doctor.                               people                  by.
 .                                                                                                                                                                                         /someone's
                                                                                                                                                                                             kB(feI    / noun   face, A    a small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         you    say it to the per
                                                     Do you go jogging every morning?                               eyebrow
                                                                                                                    bye    n              /(AI)brAU/ noun the thin line
Bd.vKr)tAIz / verb (present parti- adviser / Kd(vAI.zKr / noun (also advisor)                                         of
                                                                                                                           /jbAI / exclamation (also bye-bye)
                                                                                                                          hair      that     is above       each   eye                     restaurant
                                                                                                                                                                                            directly, when    where    youyou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            arebuy with him or h
n.li/ adv into equal                            someone whose job is to give advice                                  A goodbye: Bye, see you tomorrow.                                     drinks
                                                                                                                                                                                            If you haveand smallsomething mealsto say, say it to
sing, past tense and past participle everybody                         /(ev.ri)bAd.i/,     /(ev.ri)bVd.i/                                       eye             (1)
 ey divided the prize money                     about a subject: a ®nancial adviser
                                                                                                                      c Seeo    picture      at        noun
                                                                                                                           k/ bAIt / noun a unit for measuring                              face.
    1 B to tell people about                    pronoun A another word for everyone                                 byte
                                                                                                                      c See     The Body on page C2                                       cafeteria         / )kBf.K(tIKr.i.K / noun a res
  en them.
   service, on television, on                  aerobics / eK(roU.bIks / noun [no plural]                             the p amount of information a computer                               face
                                                                                                                                                                                                     /feIs/ verb
                                                                                                                                                                                                   where       you (present
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        pick upparticiple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and pay  facing
,erin /(i.vKn     (nVm.bKr/
        newspapers,             noun
                            etc., so that a    everyone             /(ev.ri)wVn/,       /(ev.ri.wKn/
                                                physical exercises that you do to music, can store
                                                                                                                    eyelash  l         /(AI)lBS/   noun      (also lash  )   one   of
                                                                                                                                                                                            past tense
                                                                                                                                                                                           your     food  andand pastdrink
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               beforefaced   ) 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           you   eatBi
  uy    it:be  exactly divided
             Companies       are notby al-      pronoun (also everybody) D every per- the short hairs that grow from the edge
                                                especially in a class                                                      q                                                                be  or
                                                                                                                                                                                           school     turn    in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       cafeteria    a  particular       direction:    T
 ertisefour,       six, oron
            cigarettes       eight
                               televi-          son: I've received a reply from everyone                                   m
                                                                                                                      of your eyelids: false eyelashes
                                               aerosol         / (eKr.K)sFl      / nounwith the decision. c See picture at eye noun (1)                                                     room     faces     south.      She    turned     to face
                                                now.  Everyone                agreed                                                                                                     cage
tod put
      number        noun in a
             information                                                                                                    r                                                               him. / keIdJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2 to have/ nouna problem:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ba            Passenge

on     the Internet,       etc., asking
                                                a metal container that
                                               everything               /(ev.ri)hIN/    pronoun                     eyelid n       /(AI)lId/ noun the piece of skin                        container        made         of wire or
 / noun        1 A something                    forces liquid out in small                                                                                                                  could     face   long      delays.       3 to accept t
        something        that you im-           1 D all        things                                                 thatscovers your eyes when you close                                 metal      bars used         for keep-
                      something                 drops      when        youorpress eachathing: They lost
                                                                                                                           o                                                                something
                                                                                                                                                                                           ing   birds     or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is true and st
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in: a I think he
  range:isLocal  advertising     for a
                       people have              everything           in   the   ®re.   What's the matter,            them                                                                  to deal with the situation:
                                                button                                                                                                                                     bird   cage
   by recent events in the                      Nick, is everything all right? 2 every-                               c See
                                                                                                                           pt picture at eye noun (1)                                       to face      the fact that she no longer lo
   a race,     party, competition,             affair
                                                thing      / K(feKr
                                                           else     all / noun
                                                                           the   other    things:     The   meat                                                                          cake
                                                                                                                                                                                            him. / keIk4 let's     face it used before you
  ent     / )Bd.vKr(tAIz.mKnt        /
                                                1   a sexual       relationship
                                                                                                                    eyesight              /(AI)sAIt/ noun [no plural] the
                                                                                                                    C, c /usi / the third letter of the alphabet
                                                                                                                                                                                                            / noun
  been organized
picture,       short movie, for a etc.
                                   par-         tasted      strange,        but everything else was                        q
                                                                                                                      ability      to see: My eyesight is getting                          Asomething
                                                                                                                                                                                                 a sweet food   that is bad but true: Let's
                                                okay.           two people when one or both
ned           persuade   a lot  of social
                            people     to                                                                           c.worse.
                                                                                                                       written abbreviation for cup: a measure-                             face it,from
                                                                                                                                                                                           made         we are  ¯our,not going to win this ga
                                                of them is married to someone else: He                                     v
  ng: a newspaper/television/ everywhere /(ev.ri)hweKr/ adv D in                                                     ment   r used in cooking                                               5 can'tsugar,
                                                                                                                                                                                           butter,       face (doing)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and         something to n
                                                had an affair with a woman at work.
  I(ven.tSu.K.li/ adv in the                    or    to  every       place:     I've  looked     every-            C  written     abbreviation      for   Celsius    or centi-             wantmixed
                                                                                                                                                                                           eggs      to do something
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to-               or deal with
                                                2 a situation, especially a bad one: The                                   ws                                                               something
                                                                                                                                                                                           gether       and     because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                baked:      a it  is  dif®cult or u

 lly   after a long time:
   / (Bd.vKr)tAI.zIN       / nounWe [noall      where,       but    I  still  can't   ®nd
                                                way the mayor's of®ce is handling the af-    that   letter.          grade: 30C
  agreement         can   be  reached                                                                                                                                                       pleasant: cake
                                                                                                                                                                                           chocolate        I can't face walking up all t
usiness of persuading peo-                     evidence
                                                fair is being/(ev.I.d  criticized.                                  cab /x
                                                                                 ns/ noun [no plural]                       tkBb / noun informal B a taxi (= car                            steps
                                                                                                                                                                                           c   See again.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Food on page C7
roducts or services: Sarah                      1 something
                                               affairs       / K(feKrz    that    makes
                                                                            / plural   nounyousituations
                                                                                                   believe           that you pay to travel in): We took a cab                                                 something /phrasal             verb to
adv 1 B at any time: Have                       that involve
                                                that     something                           exists: evi-
                                                                              is true orsubject
                                                                        a particular                    or a         to they theater.
                                                                                                                           u                                                              calculateto/ (kBl.kjK)leIt
                                                                                                                                                                                            face    up                              verb (present pa
                                                                                                                                                                                            cept    that    a   dif®cult      situation
                                                                                                                                                                                           ciple calculating, past tense and past parti
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             exists  a
       / noun[no  Noplural]
                       one ever calls           dence of global
                                                particular         type of    warming
                                                                                  person: an There     is no
                                                                                                   expert   onsci- cabbage / (kBb.IdJ / noun B a large,
                                                                                                                            z                                                               is something             you   must deal        with: Ev
ons   2 about
         ever sincewhat D youalways
                                 think          enti®c      evidence         that   the
                                                foreign affairs  the university of®ce ofdrug    is  harmful.       F, f  /ef/the
                                                                                                                           v             sixth    letter    of  the  alphabet              calculated         )    to   discover      an   amount
                                                                                                                     round vegetable with a lot of green or                                 tually heusing
                                                                                                                                                                                           number          faced mathematics:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       up to his money      I'mproble
ouldWe    do:metThisinbook
                               school           2 information
                                                student        affairsthat is given or things                       Fwhite
                                                                                                                       writtenleavesabbreviation for Fahrenheit: a mea-
  n friends ever since.                         that are shown in a court of law to help                                   w                                                              face-to-face
                                                                                                                                                                                           to  calculate        the /(feIs.tK(feIs/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cost  of  the   trip.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       adj    B    be
                                                                                                                      surement of temperature: a body tem-
erI sitB
       ⎪i see ⎪F saw⎪Unever:
             almost              We⎪V cut⎪K aboutto
                        book⎪u too                     mother⎪that
                                                  ⎪Krprove       Er turnsomeone
                                                                            ⎪Fr for⎪Ai myhas
                                                                                          ⎪AU how
                                                                                                done⎪eI say
                                                                                                         a ⎪FI boy⎪ cabin       / (kBb.In       / noun       1  B     the  area             tween people who are in the same
                                                                                                                      perature of 98.6F                                                  calculation             / )kBl.kjK(leI.SKn / noun t
                                                                                                                                                                                            place: a face-to-face meeting
  o out these days. 4 ever so                   crime: He was arrested despite the lack of where                           x most people sit on a plane 2 a                                use   of    mathematics            to ®nd a numbe
  ed ever so slightly.                          evidence against him.                                               fable
                                                                                                                     small /(feI.bKl/
                                                                                                                                house made      nounof awood: shortastory     that
                                                                                                                                                                        log cabin         facilities
                                                                                                                      shows       people        how      to  behave                        amount /fK(sIl.K.t’iz/ plural noun
  ever                                         evident /(ev.I.dKnt/ adj formal obvious to 3 a small                        y             room to sleep in on a ship: We                     B equipment or services that are p
                                                                                                                     had     a  cabin
                                                                                                                                  /(fBb.rIk/ on thenountop deck.
                                                                                                                                                              cloth: a light cot-         calculator
                                                                                                                                                                                            vided for a /particular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (kBl.kjK)leI.t     ’Kr / nounchild
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 purpose:           B
  determiner 1 B each one                       everyone and easy to see or under-
f people or things: He knows                    stand: It was evident from his voice that cabinet
                                                                                                                      ton fabric                                                           small     machine
                                                                                                                                                                                            exercise facilities        that  you     use   to  do   ma
                                                                                                                                      / (kBb.K.nKt / noun 1 a group of
every child in the school.                      he was upset.                                                       fabulous
                                                                                                                     people in a/(fBb.jK.lKs/
                                                                                                                                            government       adjwho veryadvise
                                                                                                                                                                           good:the       facility /fK(sIl.K.t’i/ noun a building o
  I sit⎪i see⎪F saw⎪U book⎪u too⎪V cut⎪K about⎪Kr mother⎪Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say⎪FI boy⎪
                                                                                                                      They have    A membera fabulous of the    Cabinet 2 a
                                                                                                                                                            house.                        calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                            set of rooms    / (kBl.Kn.dKr        / noun or used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that is designed
                                                                                                                            1             with    shelves      or  drawers:                Da    something
                                                                                                                                                                                              particular               that shows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  purpose:       a      all the day
                                                                                                                    face /feIs/ noun
                                                                                                                     kitchen        cabinets                                               weeks,
                                                                                                                                                                                            cility      and months of the year
                                                                                                                      1 the front part of the
                                                                                                                     c See The Kitchen on page C10
                                                                                                                      head where the eyes,                                                fact//fBkt/
                                                                                                                                                                                          calf     kBf / nounnoun(plural  1B              ) 1 Bth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               calves                a
                                                                                                                     nose, /and  mouth
                                                                                                                            (keI.bKl     are: 1 B [no plural] the
                                                                                                                                     / noun                                        you know
                                                                                                                                                                                  young    cowis 2 true,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the exists,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           back oforyour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       has hap-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           leg b
                                              Webster’s Essential Mini Dictionary
                                                                                                                      She hasof
                                                                                                                      system     a long,
                                                                                                                                    sending thintelevision programs                pened:
                                                                                                                                                                                  low   yourNo   decision will be made until
                                              Dictionary Guide Worksheets
                                              Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011
                                                                                                                               2 the front
                                                                                                                              1: Finding signals or along
                                                                                                                                             your way       wires the
                                                                                                                                                         around     in the        cknow
                                                                                                                                                                                      See The the facts.  The real problem
                                                                                                                                                                                          2 Body on page C2
                                                                                                                      surface of something:                                        the fact that we cannot agree. 2 in
                                                                                                                    ⎪B cat⎪A hot⎪e get⎪I sit⎪i see⎪F saw⎪U book⎪u too⎪V cut⎪K about⎪Kr mother⎪Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say⎪F
                                                                                                                      the north face of the                                        fact/in actual fact D used to say w
                                                                                                                      mountain  a clock face                                      is really true: I was told there were so
                                        a strong  through   alcoholic   a dif®cult drinktime   made   with  fromher wine golden                  /(QoUl.dKn/ adj D being a                                      df
                                                                                                                                bright           before color:  the wedding.
                                                                                                                                                                           golden     hair
                                      job. / brBs / noun [no plural] a shiny yel-
                                      brass                                                                                       break out phrasal verb If something
                                      go     upmetal:                             B toa become                  higher gold®sh                       /(QoUld)fIS/          noun (plural      gold®sh
                                        low        phrasal       a door verb with              brass handle                       dangerous                 or unpleasant             breaks     out, it)
                                      in level: House prices keep going up.                                                     a small orange                    ®sh     that
                                                                                                                                                                                     oftenout  kept  as
                                      brave / breIv / adj B Not afraid of dan- asuddenly                                                                 starts:       The
                                                                                                                                   pet morning.  War broke out in 1914.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the         fh
                                     goal      /QoUl/         noun             1
                                        gerous or dif®cult situations: He died af- B       a   point       scored       in        early
                                        ter a brave such ®ght     as soccer,  against    bycancer.
                                                                                               sending a ball                 golfbreak  /QAlf/  upnoun  phrasal         verb B
                                                                                                                                                                  [no plural]       D toastopgamehaving         gi
                                                     · 2: Information about the word
                                            bravely adv
                                       shedposts: He scored two goals in the sec-
                                                                                         such       as    between
                                                                                                                                you  relationship:
                                                                                                                                                     by     hitting He    just
                                                                                                                                            thin stick into holes on a large
                                                                                                                                                                             small     ballup   with
                                                                                                                                                                                              with  a his
                                      ond half. /2(breI.vK.ri      D in some         / noun       [no plural]
                                                                                              sports,       the area            area of grass: a golf ball
                                        actions or              behavior              that show            someone
  D_W/Mp_411                    09/30/2010
                                          ‘When istwo        01:42PM
                                                           Ruth       posts
                                                                         coming?’ where           Plate
                                                                                          ‘She’ll     be here   pg# to
                                                                                                                try   0411tures c #See
                                                                                                                                     and5 picture
                                                                                                                                               of eggs,   at ball                                                ik
                                a Irregular       ’ ball forms
                                      send   brave
                                                 the                                                                            c See
                                                                                                                            nuts,           Sports
                                                                                                                                     or seeds:           a (2) on page C16

                                b Some
                                       shed1 // bred
                                      c See Sports

                                          a small forms
                                                        ʃed / noun
                                                                      / noun
                                                                          on page
                                                                                                        things   and
                                                                                                                a basic snail’sgolfer
                                                                                                                           she’ll     /
                                                                                                                                        shell noun
                                                                                                                                        ʃiːl  /    have           special         forms       or   spellings.
                                   411                                                                             we've golf course /(QAlf )kFrs/ noun an area
                                    These           goal
                                                    as            a slice
                                                          tools:       toa run   ofin
                                                                             garden   bread
                                                                                        forms.     a loaf YorkofMar- short
                                                                                                          Irregular          forms form of
                                                                                                                                of land     are  sheshown
                                                                                                                                                              for playing at the      beginning of thekm
   arrived in a place: Both c         well       behaved
                                        white bread
                                       shed       2   / ʃed      /   verb    /(wel     bI(heIvd/
                                                                                shedding             shed adj      be-      She’ll be away until
    there to welcome us. 2 to goalkeeperhaving          in a polite
                                                                                  and       quiet
                                                                                                                              gonea /QFn/, /QAn/past participle of go
                                                                                                                            Tuesday.                                                                             ln
                                        c    See Quantities
                                          shed      leaves,             skin,on       page
                                                                                  hair,     etc.          lose The
                                d                                                                        A lot of  a shellfish             1 / ˈʃelfɪʃ /
  out something and want it             children
                                          something 1 arebecause     polite
                                      break / breIk / verb (present participle
                                      /(QoUl)ki.pKr/                noun          and      well
                                                                                    it falls     off:behaved.                 good            /QUd/        adj     (comparative      better,    superla-
  he decision was welcomed e              trees shed theirchild
                                        well-behaved                       leaves in the autumn.                            noun [no    b plural]                                                               mo
                                      B      the player
                                        breaking,                pastintense  a broke, past participle                          tive best        ) 1 D enjoyable or nice: a
 y.                                    she’d         / ʃiːd     /                                                           sea creatures that
                                        broken   dressed
                                                  such  ) 1    asD     soc-/(wel
                                                                             to separate
                                                                                     (drest/ adj      into two or livegood        in shellsbookand      Did   areyou have a good time at                       np
                                          1 short form of she had: By the time I                                                        c
 wel.kKm/ noun B the actf             cer
                                        more   wearing  tries attractive,
                                                    pieces,           toor to makegood
                                          got there, she’d fallen asleep.
                                                                                                somethingquality                the as
                                                                                                                            eaten           food 2 A of a high quality: The
                                      stop      theform   ainto
                                                         ball  well-dressed
                                                                  offrom                    woman                               food 1at/ ˈʃeltə
   lo to someone who arrives            separate
                                          2 short                        twowould:
                                                                        she       or more
                                                                                           of       pieces:
                                                                                                     knew that    They shelter
                                                                                                                                        d this restaurant r/                 is very good.                      oq
  He was given a warm wel-g           going
                                      wellshe’dto  into
                                                    bebreak   thea/(wel
                                                           late.          goal
                                                                          window   (noUn/   to get
                                                                                                 adj in.B fa-               noun3 A able to do something well: Anna is
 fans.                                  2          toThesedamage                a bone         in heryour      body:            aplace
                                                                                                                                   good        2cook.           4 Ayou     kind    or helpful:     She's
                                                                                                                                                                                              act of There ispr
                                        mous:   /QoUt/ / ʃiːp          pictures         show               before     she      abreak   e that          protects               from    bad
                                h Past
                                                                   / that
                                                                      noun       are
                                                                         leg inhornsthe
                                                                                                     regular           are 1weather
                                                                                                                                a good          at     the
                                                                                                                                                  / breIk
                                                                                                                                                 danger: 5
                                                                                                                                                                   noun for
                                                                                                                                                                  a bomb
                                                                                                                                                                      A something
                                                                                                                                                                                  D  the
                                                                                                                                                                                               you say
                                      B was  an
                                          (plural   animal
                                                 wellsheep   known. )   with      a   well-knownthat      is kept
                                                                                                              actor    for        stopping              an     activity
  l.feKr/ noun [no plural]          also3A1
                                      the   D aalist
                                              milk to
                                                    farm      of
                                                         itstop  animal
                                                              makes    irregular
                                                                        working or verbs        to makeatsome-      the back    when
                                                                                                                            2 [no     off you
                                                                                                                                    plural]  the         book
                                                                                                                                                       are             thatfor
                                                                                                                                                                happyabout     bad
                                                                                                                                                                                    a shortthe
                                                                                                                                                                                 shows         time,
                                                                                                                                                                                      something:    infinitiveqs
   welfare is his or her healthi      well       off       /(wel         (Ff/   adj having a lot of                               usually
                                                                                                                            weather        or       to rest:We
                                                                                                                                                 danger:            a coffee
                                                                                                                                                                        took      break 2 B a
  ss: He is concerned about the god formthing
                                                of  stop
                                              /QAd/ Her the
                                                       skin         isverb, its
                                                                             1 God
                                                                                       Who  pastbroke   tense,
                                                                                                            the TV?    and    the
                                                                                                                                Oh good,
                                                                                                          well off.re- a fromvacation
                                                                                                  in certain                            past         participle.
                                                                                                                                                    he     ®nally got here.
                                                                                                                                                       oraperiod           of time away from
                                            B to stop      withparents
                                                           noun         wool:
                                                                        an activitya areB     really
                                                                                               and have a                       6A  the rainhaving    in      adoorway.
                                                                                                                                                                  positive or useful effect:                    rt
  meless people. 2 money orj          ligions,
                                        well-off       the
                                                         family  being          that      made         the    uni-                work  g     or     school:         spring      break 3 B a
                                          flock of
                                        short       rest:    forms
                                                         sheep   Let's break     have      fortheir         own
                                                                                                  ®ve minutes              shelter
                                                                                                                      entries,  Fruit
                                                                                                                                      whichis/ ˈʃeltə
                                                                                                                                                good      r
                                                                                                                                                            / for
                                                                                                                                                                     you. to7 go  Ato        the
                                                                                                                                                                                          informal  main     form
  overnment gives to people           verse
                                       sheer      and
                                                 paid        controls
                                                      / ʃɪəsome
                                                              r //(wel            it 2       Oh my God!                lot to go  place
                                                                                                                                      under     where
                                                                                                                                                    a cover    something
                                                                                                                                                                    or inside      ahas   broken: The
                                        and      have                        (peId/
                                                                    adj coffee.             5 toearning
                                                                                          adj         come toa an               something                 that you          say when        a person            su
  r or do not have jobs: wel- ofinformal  the      word:
                                k                                                                                                       h protected
                                        of1  money:
                                              used  D   to    used
                                                               say          to emphasize
                                                                         that     a        job
                                                                                     feeling        or   how
                                                                                                         quality  sur- ing x-ray  to be       shows a bad          from  break     in her arm.
                                                                                                                                                                            bad weather
                                        end or make something come to an                                                        asks      how         you       are    or   how     someone       you
   s                                  prised,
                                          is veryangry, strong:shocked,    a look of etc.   sheeryou         are: Oh or breakdown
                                                                                                                                danger: We sheltered                     from the /rain          1 (also
                                 l      end:
                                      went        Eventually
                                                   /went/                past someone      of gospoke, delight
                                                                                                             breaking under     know         is: ªHow/are
                                                                                                                                                                        you, Emily?º   noun  ªI'm               tv
 dj (comparative better, superla-     my  ◦  God!
                                               sheerThe             car
                                                           determination    gottense
                                                                                   stolen.           3 thank                      nervous              breakdown              ) a   short    period   of
                                      wept     silence.                6   to   not      do    something             that       good,       thanks!º                8  A     A   good      child  or
B healthy: You look well!  m God
                                          2 very   /wept/
                                                informalsteep:    B     apast
                                                                           something  cliffandface
                                                                                                 past       say of shepherd
                                                                                                   youparticiple                  mental            ˈʃepəd / noun
                                                                                                                                                  / illness          2 an occasion           when a             uw
                                                  you         the
                                                                             I don't  tenselike to
                                                                                      because        and breakpast
                                                                                                                            someone      j of    behaves
                                                                                                                                              whose these           well.
                                                                                                                                                             job verbs.
                                                                                                                                                                    is  to look9D   aftersuitable or
  well.                                 promises.                   7    break         the     law       to  do    some-          car     or
                                                                                                                                satisfactory:    machine     When    stops
                                                                                                                                                                         would working
                                                                                                                                                                                    be a   good   time
                                n     bad did/wEr/     not happen:                    Thank         God nobody              sheep
                                        thing 		   past
                                                    that the          pastlaw tensesaysof be,youused          with
                                                                                                                 not do breakfast
                                                                                                      must                      to call?k/ ˈʃerɪf10 past   /D     participle
                                                                                                                                                                    morally   / noun
                                                                                                                                                                                  right: A      the food
                                                                                                                                                                                            a good              vx
 dv 1 A in a good way: I              was
                                        ªyou,º hurtªwe,º in theand               ªtheyº:4They
                                                                          accident.                        werees- sheriff
                                                                                                    a spirit,                     you
                                                                                                                                person      eat     in
                                                                                                                                                      / noun
                                                                                                                                                          the      morning          after   you   wake    up
   played well.  He's doing o          break
                                      pecially1 break down
                                                        a malephrasal      one, that   verbpeopleB If apray      car to:
                                                                                                                       or an	    elected law officer in the US
                                        happy.                                                                                  breast   l                                                                      wy
   l. 2 A in a complete way             machine
                                      the    ancient
                                              2       make
                                                               Greek           down,
                                                                              gods       and it stops
                                                                                                 goddesses   working:she’s
                                                                                                                            	       / ʃiːz / / brest / noun B one of the two
                                      we're          /wIKr/              short    form     of  we     are:     Hurry!             soft, Common
                                                                                                                                             round                mistake:         good      or
   s possible: I know him very  p       My car broke down on the way to work. 1 short                                                   form     of sheparts   is: She’sonvery
                                                                                                                                                                             a woman's
                                                                                                                                                                                    nice.      chest
                                        We're 3 late! get /(QAd.Ks/ noun a female spirit
                                                      into something phrasal verb                                           	   breath mwell?    of/ breh       / noun She’s1beenB [no plural] the
   done! D used to tell some-           break                                                                               2  short    form          she has:
                                q     that people pray to: the ancient goddess working very hard.
 ppy you are about their suc- weren't   B4to get      swim     into a building
                                                            /wErnt/,           /(wEr.Knt/orshort        car using
                                                                                                               form of 	          air
                                                                                                                                  Good   thatiscomes an adjective   out ofand  yourislungs:
                                                                                                                                                                                         used to His            y
  d three goals!º ªWell done!ºr
                                      of love
                                        were       not:       They          weren't         there.                         shield      1n/ ʃiːld / noun
                                     ⎪ B cat⎪A hot⎪e get⎪I sit⎪i see⎪F saw⎪U book⎪u too⎪V cut⎪K aboutdescribe                      ⎪Kr mother⎪nouns.    Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say⎪FI boy⎪
A also: Are you going to invite goggles
                                              5 take     /(QAQ.Klz/ noun special glasses a	  
                                                    West /west/ noun [no plural]                                               large, flat object that soldiers hold in
  ? 5 as well as somethings           for protecting your eyes: a pair of goggles front She's                                        ofotheir    a goodbodiescook.   to protect them-
                                        1   D       the       direction
                                      c See Sports 1 on page C15
                                                                                    that       you      face     to  see    selves  Her       children            had     a  good     education.
 on to something: They have             the sun go down: Which way is west?
                                                                                                                           shield      2p/ ʃiːld / verb
 ornia as well as Oregon.        t Irregular
                                        2 ⎪the
                                    ⎪B cat    A hotwest
                                                      ⎪e get⎪D      I forms
                                                                              see⎪Fpartsawof       nouns
                                                                                                                    cut⎪K about⎪Kr mother⎪Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say⎪FI boy⎪
A used to say that a situa-                                                                                                 to  protect         someone or something
                                        is farther toward the west than the rest: from something                                        q                    bad: She shielded her
                                u   Tosheet
                                          make            most               nouns                                                                         –s, for example, book, books.
 be changed although it                 The     west  / ʃiːtof/ thenoun     state     has plural,
                                                                                               a lot of farms.  you normallyeyes from add       the sun.
  appointing: Oh well, you'll Some            B1nouns                    docountries
                                                                                 not        have         this
                                                                                                         a bed regular                   r / noun
 of other chances to ®nd a job. v       31the       a largethe
                                                    West                piece     of cloth        of
                                                                                                  on North                 shiftplural
                                                                                                                                    / ʃɪft          form. If a plural form of a noun is
                                          that you and
                                        America              lie onwestern  or under      Europe
  B everything is in a good not2west         regular,                 itpaper,
                                                                            is shown                in parentheses                 after the                   headword:
                                                                                                                            1  a  change          in    something:           There has
                                w             a sheet   adjof     D        the west  glass,      metal,
                                                                                             shore       of theetc.lake  been a s       shift in public opinion on this
  e state: I hope all is well with         A2 a flat piece of paper, glass, etc.
                                        West      Virginia                                                                  matter.
  y/might as well used to say
   er to do something, even
                                x      shelfwest        ·
                                                    / ʃelf
                                                        adv/ noun  D We
                                           A2 a board used to put things on,
                                                                               (plural         west./ ʃelvz /)
                                                                                          shelves                           2 a period   t of work in a place such as
                                                                                                                            a factory or hospital: a night shift
 not a lot better: It's not rain-
                                          often attached      Western      to a wall:         kitchen adj 1 inshin / ʃɪn
                                                                                                                                        u/ noun
  ght as well walk there.               or    from
                                          shelves         the         west       part     of    an area: western the front part of a leg between the
                                 z      Connecticut
                                       shell       / ʃel / noun         2 related to the countries knee and                             v the foot
  clamation B something                 oftheNorth
                                                 hard Americaouter covering       and westernof some Europe: crea-          f See The Body on page C2
  re you start speaking: ªAre                 Look up
                                        a6 Western            diplomat  these nouns. Write down theirwplural form.
  o my party?º ªWell, I'm not          ɑː father | ɜː bird | iː see | ɔː saw | uː too | aɪ my | aʊ how | eə hair | eɪ day | əʊ no | ɪə near | ɔɪ boy | ʊə pure | aɪə fire | aʊə sour |
                                      wet1/wet/              adj (comparative wetter,bookshelves
                                                      bookshelf                                               superlative
                                        wettest) 1 D covered in water or an-                                                            x
 oun a deep hole in the                 other         child
                                              2 liquid:                 a wet towel 2 D raining:
m which you can get water,              a wet 3 and   foot		   windy day 3 D not dry yet:                                               y
                                        wet4paint     man
 hort form of we will: We'll be       we've /wiv/ short form of we have: We've
                                              5       mouse
                                        been waiting for you.
                                                              6 potato
    I sit⎪i see⎪F saw⎪U book⎪u too⎪V cut⎪K about⎪Kr mother⎪Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say⎪FI boy⎪

                                                    Webster’s Essential Mini Dictionary
                                                    Dictionary Guide Worksheets
                                                    Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011                                                    Unit 2: Information about the word   1
Name /CEED/CEED_F/Mp_132                                 09/28/2010 01:45PM                         Plate #
                                                                                                          pg0 132 # 3
           7 sheep
           8 wife
       fantastic                                              132
       fantastic /fBn(tBs.tIk/ adj informal                       fascinated /(fBs.K)neI.t’Id/ adj very in-
  a     B very good: He looks fantastic in that                    terested: They were absolutely fascinated
        7 Look up these nouns. Put a line under
                                                                       the correct plural form.
                                                                   by the video game.
  b         1 city
       fantasy              cities
                    /(fBn.tK.si/  noun citys         cityes ) fascinating /(fBs.K)neI.t’IN/ adj very in-
                                          (plural fantasies
        a pleasant
            2 life lifes lifs lives you
                       situation    or  event    that              teresting: a fascinating story
  c     imagine, which is not real or true:                       fashion /(fBS.Kn/ noun 1 B the most
            3 fireman
        Steve's  fantasy wasfiremans
                                   to have a bigfiremen
                                                    house         firemens
  d                                                                popular style of clothes or behavior at a
                  expensive car.tomatoes tomatos tomates           particular time: Long hair is in fashion
  e    FAQ /fBk/ noun a set of questions that                      now.  Fur coats have gone out of fash-
        many peopleforms
      Irregular            ask whenof   they    use the In-
                                             adjectives            ion. 2 D [no plural] the business of
  f     ternet or a computer program, or a doc-                    making and selling clothes: fashion
        ument     containing      these    questions
      Adjectives can have different forms. The          and        magazines
                                                                        comparative form is used to show
  g     their answers                                             fashionable       /(fBS.K.nK.bKl/ adj
      that 1someone or something has more of a particular quality than someone or
       far /fAr/ adv 1 D used to talk about                        B popular at a particular time: fashion-
  h   something
        how distantelse.       To make
                         something       is: Howthefarregular
                                                         is it     able clothes form, you either add –er to
        to end    of the adjective
           the supermarket?          2 very or     use the word
                                               much:                   moreunfashionable
                                                                   c Opposite    before it. adj
  i     Young people are far more independent                           1
                                                                  fast /fBst/ adj 1 B quick: fast cars  a
      The  superlative
        these  days. 3 as form far as Iof     adjectives
                                           know     used to is used       to show that someone or something
                                                                   fast swimmer
  j   has more of a particular quality than anyone
        say  what     you  think   is true,   although     you     c Oppositeor    anything
                                                                                slow   adj 2 If aelse.
                                                                                                     clockToor make
                                                                                                               watch the
        do not superlative
      regular    know all the facts:  form, As far
                                                you as either
                                                       I         add    –est
                                                                   is fast,     to thea time
                                                                            it shows     end thatof the    adjective
                                                                                                      is later than     or use
  k     know, they are coming to the party. 4 by
      the  word      most     before       it.                     the correct time: My watch is ®ve min-
        far used to say that something is the                      utes fast.
  l     biggest, the best, etc.: This is his best                       2
      Comparative          and     superlative
        book by far. 5 so far D until now: So
                                                      forms     that
                                                                  fast are   notadvregular
                                                                          /fBst/                are shown
                                                                                       1 A quickly:       We ranatasthe be-
 m    ginning      of themadeentry:                                fast  as we  could.    2 fast  asleep    com-
        far, we haven't              much progress on
                                                                   pletely asleep (= sleeping) 3 in a ®rm
        the project.
  n                                                                or tight way: He tried to get away, but
       far2 /fAr/ adj (comparative farther or                      she held him fast.
  o     further, superlative farthest or furthest)
        describing the part of something that is                        Common mistake: fast
  p     most distant from you: His of®ce is at the
        far end of the hallway.                                      Remember that there is no adverb
                                                                     ªfastly.º Use the adverbs fast or
  q    fare /feKr/ noun B the price that you
                                                                     quickly instead.
        8 Lookto travel   on a plane,
                      up these      words. train,  bus,their
                                               Write     etc.: comparative and superlative forms.
  r     plane/bus fares                                               The situation is changing fast.
            		   comparative		 Alice got                                     superlative
                                                                                 dressed very quickly.
       farm /fArm/ noun B land and build-
  s             badfor growing crops and keep-   
        ings1 used                                                fasten /(fBs.Kn/ verb 1 D to close or at-
                heavya dairy farm (= where cows                    tach something: Fasten your seat belts.
  t     are raised for milk)                                       2 to attach one thing to another: He fas-
            3 lazy
       farmer      /(fAr.mKr/ noun A someone                       tened the shelf to the wall.
        who4 owns      or takes care of a farm                    fast food /(fBst (fud/ noun [no plural]
  v    farming /(fAr.mIN/ noun [no plural]                         B hot food that is served very quickly
        D the job of working on a farm                             in a restaurant because it is already
 w    Pronunciations
       farmyard /(fArm)jArd/ noun an area of                       made
        land with farm buildings around it                        fat1 /fBt/ adj (comparative fatter, superlative
  x   Pronunciations
       farther /(fAr.†Kr/ adj  are, adv
                                      shown        afterofthe headword.
                                             comparative           fattest) D    For    example,
                                                                                   Someone       who isthefatpronunciation

  y   for the word dog is shown like this: /dɔg/. The pronunciations arenever
        far: more     distant:  I  couldn't    walk  any   far-    too   much:   She  eats  all the time   but  written
        ther.                                                      gets fat.
      using the symbols of the InternationalcPhonetic                               Alphabet
                                                                      Opposite thin adj
                                                                                                    (IPA).   The   list on the
       farthest /(fAr.†Kst/ adj, adv superlative of
  z   inside   front     cover      of  the    dictionary       tells 2you how to read the pronunciation
        far: most distant: Which planet is farthest fat /fBt/ noun a solid or liquid sub-
        from the sun?The most difficult symbols are                    alsolike
                                                                   stance     shown
                                                                                 oil thatatisthe
                                                                                              takenbottom      of each
                                                                                                      from plants
      page,    with an example of a word that contains that sound.
       ⎪oU go⎪AIKr fire⎪AUKr hour⎪eKr hair⎪IKr ear⎪UKr poor⎪j yet⎪J measure⎪S ship ⎪dJ judge⎪tS chin⎪D that⎪T thin⎪N hang⎪

      Webster’s Essential Mini Dictionary
      Dictionary Guide Worksheets
      Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011                                 Unit 2: Information about the word   2
The symbols ˈ and ˌ show you which part of the word to say strongly. The high
symbol ˈ shows you the part of the word that you should say in the strongest
voice. The low symbol ˌ shows you the part of the word that you should say in a
strong voice, but not as strong as ˈ .
The dictionary entries do not show pronunciation for abbreviations used only
in writing, such as Dr., in., and lb..

   9 Look up these words. Draw a line from the word to its pronunciation.
       1   fish			                             /læf/
       2   dictionary		                        /θru/
       3   island			                           /sɑɪn/
       4   knee			                             /hwɪtʃ/
       5   through			                          /fɪʃ/
       6   sign			                             /ˈdɪk·ʃəˌner·i/
       7   laugh			                            /ˈɑɪ·lənd/
       8   which			                            /ni/

 10 Put a line under the part of the word that has the strongest stress.
       1 doctor 2 incorrect 3 award 4 question
       5 record (noun) 6 record (verb)

Vocabulary levels                   A1 A2 B1

In the dictionary entries you will see the numbers and letters A1, A2, and B1.
These are symbols that show you which words or meanings of words are most
important for you to learn first. A1 words are the most basic words and should
be learned first, followed by A2 words, then B1 words. You can use these levels
to decide what the important words are that you need to study.

 11 Look up these words and write down the level for each one.
       1   bread
       2   home (noun)
       3   home (adverb)
       4   lucky
       5   fast (adjective)
       6   fast (adverb)
       7   rainforest

Webster’s Essential Mini Dictionary
Dictionary Guide Worksheets
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011                     Unit 2: Information about the word   3
Name /CEED/CEED_G/Mp_156    09/28/2010 01:28PM
                               Unit 3: Parts of speech                                                                                Plate pg
                                                                                                                                            # 0156 # 5

                                       A part of speech is one of the grammatical groups into which words are
                                        glacier such as noun, verb, and adjective.
                                       divided,                                     156       It shows what job each word does
                                       incause something:
                                          a sentence.    In That
                                                            the book  gave me an
                                                                  dictionary,   each glamorous
                                                                                        word has a/(QlBm.Kr.Ks/
                                                                                                       part of speechadj attractive
                                                                                                                           label that is
                              a          idea. 8 B to allow someone or some-            in an exciting and special way: She's
                                       shown at the beginning of the entry, after the pronunciation. The names of
                                         thing a particular amount of time: I'm         very glamorous.
                              b        the parts
                                         almost   of speech
                                                ready Ð just giveused
                                                                  me a in
                                                                                                    noun,   verb,
                                                                                                        glamor       auxiliary verb, adj,
                                                                                                                , /(QlBm.Kr/)
                                       adv, pronoun,
                                         utes. 9 B to preposition,
                                                        pay someone aconjunction,
                                                                         particular     quantifier,   and  exclamation.       Phrasal
                                                                                        /(QlBm.Kr/ noun [no plural] the quality  of   verbs
                              c          amount
                                       also haveofamoney
                                                     part of forspeech
                                                                 something:  I gave
                                                                         label.         being attractive, exciting and special:
                                          him $20 for his old camera. 10 to per-                     the glamour of Hollywood
ED_S/Mp_324                   d 09/30/2010
                                    form two 10:43AM
                                         or speak             Plate
                                                      have Tony
                                                  in public: the gavepg
                                                                         324 glance
                                                                               # but
                                                                                 4 1 different
                                                                                     /QlBns/ verbparts
                                                                                                  (presentof speech, they
                                       have    speech. entries. For example, bite¹    and bite²
                                                                                  glancing,         have
                                                                                            past tense      theparticiple
                                                                                                       and past  same spelling but
                              e          give something away phrasal verb
                                       are separate   because bite¹   is a verb   glanced
                                                                                and      )
                                                                                     bite²  1
                                                                                           is aD    to
                                                                                                  noun.look  somewhere for
                                      3241 B to give something to someone                                     a short time: He glanced at his watch.
                               f    without asking for payment: They're giv-
 ly move away in different            bike to school. 2 A [no plural] the time                                2 to read something quickly: She
                                    ing Look
                                   12     away up     a CDthesewith thiswords.magazine.How many   2 to parts of speech do they have?
The crowd scattered at the            that you spend at school: I started school glanced through the newspaper.
                                    tell people something secret, often with- glance2 /QlBns/ noun a quick look: She
 ts being ®red.                       when     I was ®ve. 33 a dance,
                                         1 light                                    		   language, 2                    chat
                                    out intending to: The party was supposed                                  took a quick glance around the restau-
                           h          riding,
                                         3 a milk   etc.    school       D     a  place     where
  oun 1 B a short part of a         to be       surprise, but Sharon 		             gave it away. 4rant. hot
   or book in which things            you can study a particular subject: She
                                    give    something
                                         5 totax                  back     phrasal      verb B to
  ne place: a love scene 2 a
                            i         goes         dance school every 		            Saturday.                           homenoun a long, angry look
                                                                                                            6glare1 /QleKr/
                                      4     something         anyto   the
                                                                      collegepersonor     who    gave
                                                                                        university                  2
ure of a place, event, or ac-            D
                                    it toWhat
                                           you: Did         sheofgive      you those        books
                                                                                                             glare    /QleKr/  verb (present participle
                            j      13                  part           speech         are these
                                                                                           (plural words?        Look past
                                                                                                                         them     upandinpast
                                                                                                                                           the  dictionary
                                                                                                                                                                ) find
s of horror 3 a place where a schoolchild
                                    back    yet?              /(skul)tSAIld/       noun                       glaring,        tense           participle
                                      schoolchildren              )
as happened: the scenekof the give in phrasal verb D to ®nally agree   B     a  child    who     goes         to look   at someone      in an  angry    way:  She
                                      to 1school:
                                    to do      opinion
                                                        The busnoun    was full of
                                                                   that someone       		 schoolchil-
                                                                                            wants:          2glared at     him.
                                      dren.                                                                  glass   /QlBs/  noun 1 B [no plural] a hard,
  nK.ri/ noun [no plural] l         We 3         never give in to the terrorists'
                                         willtent	                                                  de-
                                    mands.                         /(skul)ti.tSKr/		    noun
                                                                                                            4clear substance
                                                                                                                        frighten	 that objects such as win-
tractive, natural things that
he countryside 2 the m     large    give 5 something
                                      someone  together who teaches
                                                                  out phrasal children
                                                                                      verb   in
                                                                                              Ba to         6dows and   within	 
                                                                                                                           bottles are made of: broken
                                      school                                                                  glass  glass jars 2 A a container
buildings, countryside, etc.        give something to a lot of people: He
                           n     Noun
                                    science          /(sAI.Kns/      noun       1 D [no plural]               made of glass that is used for drinking:
heater stage                        gave out copies             of the    report.
                                      the   study       of   the    structure        of  natural              Would you like a glass of water?
noun 1 a nice smell: the            give up phrasal verb B to accept that
                           o          things      and     the    way     that    they     behave
of orange blossoms 2 a nice A you   noun
                                           have  is been
                                                       a word
                                              a particular
                                                                       that and
                                                                defeated        refers  agree totoa person, object, place, event, substance, idea,
 uid that people put onptheir feeling,      competing
                                                 or     quality.  or typeFor  of science:
                                                                       ®ghting:                  Chem-
                                                                                       You'll never
                                                                                 example,           the words teacher, book, and beauty are
                                    guess     physics,
                                                     answer    andÐ dobiology
                                                                           you give are all
                                    science          ®ction /(sAI.Kns
                                    give up something                                verb 1 noun
                                                                        phrasal(fIk.SKn/       B If
  skedJ.ul/ noun 1 B aqlist           [no plural]
                                    you    give up           sci-®, /(sAI(fAI/)
                                                      (alsosomething          bad, such  B stories
   and days of classes at a        14    Look
                                    smoking,     lifeup in these
                                                      you    the
                                                                       doing    orit inDraw
                                                                                      or other
                                                                                          having aparts
                                                                                                      it: under the words that are nouns.
ege, university, etc. 2 D  r a        of  the    universe
                                    I gave up drinking two               hatyearshappy ago. 2 B          to
                                                                                                     actor      between luck chair
  when buses, trains, etc. ar-      scienti®c
                                    stop doing /)sAI.Kn(tIf.Ik/
                                                         an activity oradj       piece  B  ofrelating
 ve 3 a list of dates and  s
                                      to science:
                                    before      you have  scienti®c      experiments
                                                                  completed           read
                                                                                      it, usually  awful compare house
 hows when things will hap-
 n for them to happen: a pro- Some
                                             help her.have
                                                                  adv The theory
                                                    it is too dif®cult:
                                                                I had  only
                                                                           to give
                                                                                  I gavehas
                                                                                   a plural
                                                                                        up halfway
                                                                                             up try-
                                                                                                    form and cannot be used with a or an. These
e  Will the work be completed nounsthrough  are        called
                                                         race. 3plural
                                                   the/(sAI.Kn.tIst/           to nouns
                                                                                    stop        anda are always used with plural verbs. Nouns
                           u        scientist                           B  noun         Bdoing
e (= at the expected time)?         regular       activity       orscience
                                                                      job: Are
                                 such oneas who  scissors
                                                       studies        and         oryou
                                                                               glasses     going
                                                                                       works     in to
                                                                                                are    plural nouns.
  skedJ.ul/ verb to planvan         give
                                      enceup work when you have your baby?
particular day or time: I need glacier
                                    scissors      /(QleI.SKr/
                                                      /(sIz.Krz/noun pluralanoun  very large
                                                                                           B a tool glasses /(QlBs.Iz/ plural noun A a piece
a doctor's appointment.w            piece    of ice that
                                      for cutting         paper,  moveshair, very      slowly
                                                                               etc. that      you             of equipment with two transparent
 /(skedJ.uld/ adj planned to glad     hold/QlBd/
                                             in your     adjhand 1B     andhappy
                                                                               that about
                                                                                       has two                parts that you wear in front of your eyes
   particular time or on axpar-     something:
                                      blades: a pair      I'mofvery      glad that you like
                                                                   scissors                                   to help you see better: a pair of glasses
   The play will start half an      your
                                      c See   picture at 2
                                            present.              very
                                                               pair       willing
                                                                       noun      (3) to do some-               She was wearing glasses.
 an the scheduled time.
                           y        thing: I'd
                                    scold             be glad
                                               /skoUld/        verb  to help.
                                                                         to speak angrily to                  c See picture at glass

                                   15    Look
                                      someone,        up
                                                /(QlBd.li/  theseadv words
                                                        especially        If
                                                                           a you
                                                                              child,  to  see
                                                                                        because  if  they
                                                                                                gladlyhe     gleam
                                                                                                            are   plural   nouns,
                                                                                                                       /Qlim/  verb then
                                                                                                                                      to shinedrawin aapleas-
                                                                                                                                                         circle around
 m/ noun a plan for doing  z        do   something,             you    would       like   to  do   it: I      ant, soft  way:   Her new    car  gleamed    in the
ng something, especially one          or  she
                                         the      has
                                                  correctdone       something
                                                                  verb     form        wrong:
                                                                                       in  the     His
ot follow the usual rules: a        would
                                      mother  gladly
                                                   scolded  pay     extra
                                                                  him    for for   better
                                                                                breaking     service.
                                                                                               a  vase.       sun.
                                         1 Where is/are my pajamas?
eme for making money                scoop
                                  ⎪oU  go⎪AIKr /skup/
                                                 fire⎪AUKrverb hour⎪eKr tohair
                                                                                ⎪IKr ear⎪something
                                                                                           UKr poor⎪j yet⎪J measure⎪S ship ⎪dJ judge⎪tS chin⎪D that⎪T thin⎪N hang⎪
                                         2 aThe
                                      from               computer
                                                   container          usinggraphics
                                                                                a spoon, your  is/are very good.
Al.Kr/ noun someone who
                                      curved       hands,        etc.:   She
                                         3 The furniture has/have arrived.      scooped       the  ice
  a subject and knows a lot
                                      cream into the dishes.
egal scholar
                                    scooter /(sku.t’Kr/ noun 1 D a small
p /(skAl.Kr)SIp/ noun an              motorcycle 2 a child's vehicle that has
money given to a person by            two wheels ®xed to the ends of a long
 tion to pay for his or her           board
                                 Webster’s       andMini
                                           Essential     a long       handle
                                 Dictionary Guide
                                              1        Worksheets
                                    score         /skFr/    noun D the number of
                                 Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011                                                                Unit 3: Parts of speech   1
 / noun 1 B a place where             points someone gets in a game or test: a
  to learn things: I ride my          high/low score  What's the score?
ready have information about some-
 noun a sudden short                      thing.
 when something hits a sur-                 Kelly knows what time the train
was a knock at the door.                    leaves.
 un a place                                 His parents already know what he
 s of string,                               did.
 ve been tied                             To ®nd out something means to
                                             4 Mynewpants
                                                            is/arefor  the ®rst
 erb (past tense knew, past parti-        time.
   1 B to have information                   5 I think politics is/are very boring.
                                            Can you ®nd out what time the train
 hing in your mind: Andrew                  leaves?
about cars.  ªHow old is              Some Hisnouns
                                                parents do
                                                        werenot  have
                                                             angry      a they
                                                                     when  plural form and cannot be used              with a or an.
 t know.º  He knew that she           These   nouns
                                            found       have
                                                   out what he [no
                                                               did. plural] after the part of speech label:
2 A used to ask someone
 piece of information: Do                knowledge /(nAl.IdJ/ noun [no plural]
here the post of®ce is?                   B information and understanding that
ertain: I know she'll be really           you have in your mind: His knowledge
 ar the news. 4 D to be                   of history is amazing.
 mething: Do you know
  5 D to have spent time                     Common mistake: knowledge
ne or in a place so that the             16 Look up the words that have a line under them. Are the sentences correct?
                                            Remember you cannot make knowl-
ace is not new to you: I've                   						correct
                                            edge  plural. Do not say ªknowl-                                           incorrect
 ce we were children.  I grew
  so I know it well. 6 let
                                              1 I need an advice.			                 		                                   ✓
                                             I have some knowledge of Spanish
ow B to tell someone                          2 Can   you send me some informations?
                                             and  German.
Let me know if you're going
   7 I know used when you                   3 They bought some new equipment.
                                         knowledgeable /(nAl.IdJ.K.bKl/ adj
omething someone has just                   4 I have
                                          knowing  a lot:some   sandknowledgeable
                                                          He's very   in my shoe.
 eautiful day, isn't it?º ªI
                                            5 Someone
                                          about art.         has stolen my luggages.
hope it lasts.º 8 you know
make sure someone under-                 known   /noUn/
                                            6 We have a participle
                                                         past        of know
                                                              good news   for you.
h person or thing you are                knuckle /(nVk.Kl/ noun one of the parts
 t: I was talking about Rachel         Pronoun
                                        of a ®nger that bends
 Kr hour⎪eKr hair⎪IKr ear⎪UKr poor⎪j yet⎪J measure⎪S ship ⎪dJ judge⎪tS chin⎪D that⎪T thin⎪N hang⎪
                                       A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun that has already been
                                       talked about. For example, she, it, and mine are pronouns.

                                       A determiner is a word that is used before a noun or adjective to show which
                                       person or thing you are referring to. For example, my in my old car and that
                                       in that man are determiners.

                                       An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. For example, small,
                                       interesting, and blue are all adjectives.

                                         17 Look up these words. Draw a line under the words that are adjectives.
                                                                     afraid   nibble                 bag     react  broken
                                                               adventure    narrow                  honest    immediately  deep

                                       A preposition is a word that is used before a noun or pronoun to show place,
                                       direction, or time. For example, on in Your keys are on the table is a preposition.

                                       Verb, auxiliary verb
                                       A verb is a word that is used to say what someone does or what happens. For
                                       example, the words go, read, make, and feel are verbs. An auxiliary verb is

                                       Webster’s Essential Mini Dictionary
                                       Dictionary Guide Worksheets
                                       Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011                                  Unit 3: Parts of speech   2
couldn't understand what he was saying.
                                                        be away     the hands
                                                               member                 (= parts
                                                                              of a town,         that
                                                                                             city,  or point
                                                                                                        area to        own government, army, etc.: Europ
   council /(kAUn.sKl/ noun a group of                  the   numbers) of a clock move
                                                                                                                       countries 2 A [no plural] land that
   people who are chosen to control a                   c Opposite clockwise
                                                                                                                       notgin towns or cities, and that can
   town, city, or area: the town council               councilwoman
                                                        c See picture at clockwise
                                                        noun (plural councilwomen) a woman                             ®elds and farms on it or be wild: It
  councilman /(koUn.sKl.mKn/ noun (plural country       who is chosen/(kVn.tri/to benoun      1 B (plural
                                                                                        a member       of a               h out in the country on weeken
                                                                                                                       to get
   councilmen) a man who is chosen to                   countries      )  an  area
                                                        town, city, or area council   of  land   that  has  its        This  whole area is bear country (= w
   be a member of a town, city, or area                 own government, army, etc.: European                           manyi bears live).
a verb   that is used together with another
   council                                                    verb to
                                                        countries            make
                                                                            A           a new
                                                                                  [no plural]
                                                                                                            isor other
                                                                                               land that
grammatical          form.     For example, have in     whose
                                                        notThey   job
                                                              in towns   is
                                                                      have   to provide
                                                                             or arrived
                                                                                 cities, and help   or
                                                                                              and      advice:
                                                                                                       caninhavetoa be jCommon mistake: country,
  councilwoman             /(koUn.sKl)wUm.Kn/           guidance       counselor         (= someone     who                 land, nation, or state?
   nounare     auxiliary
          (plural  councilwomenverbs.) a woman          ®elds and farms on it or be wild: It's nice
                                                        helps   students      choose     what   kind   of work
   who is chosen to be a member of a                    to  get out   in   the   country      on  weekends.               k
                                                        or study    to area
                                                                         do) is bear country (= where                   Country is the most general word
   town, city, or area council                          This   whole
Phrasal verb                                                    1                                                       that
                                                                                                                           l means ªan area of land.º It us
                                                        many bears /kAUnt/     verb 1 to see how many
                                                                                                                        ally means an area of land with its
  counselor /(kAUn.sK.lKr/ noun someone                 people or things there are: I counted the
A phrasal
   whose jobverb  is to is  a verb
                        provide       that
                                   help    has two
                                        or advice:  a ormoney
                                                                  onwords.        Together
                                                                       the table.              saythese
                                                                                         2 tocountry,
                                                                                                    numbers   words own  m government and people.
   guidance      counselor                                                                                                China, Japan, and other countries
have   a meaning          that(=issomeone  who from each
                                     different                land,
                                                        in their       nation,
                                                                     the      separateor state?
                                                                                 order:    Canwords.
                                                                                                you count Fortoexample,
   helps students choose what kind of work              twenty in French? 3 to be important:                              n
count    ontoand
   or study       do) count up are phrasal verbs.         Country      is   the  most     general    word               Nation   is used to talk about a cou
                                                        Doesn't my opinion count for anything?
           1                                              that means ªan area of land.º It usu-                           o especially when you mean the
  count /kAUnt/ verb 1 to see how many                  count on someone phrasal verb to be
                                                          ally means an area of land with its
   people or things there are: I counted the            certain that you can depend on some-                            people or the culture of that coun
                                                          own government and people.                                      p nation celebrated the 100th a
   money on the table. 2 to say numbers                 one: I can always count on my parents to
   in their correct order: Can you count to             helpChina,
                                                               me. Japan, and other countries in                          niversary of its independence.
                                                            Asia                                                          q
   twenty in French? 3 to be important:                 count someone/something up phrasal                              State is used to talk about a count
   Doesn't my opinion count for anything?                 Nation
                                                        verb   to addis used     to talk
                                                                          together       allabout   a coun-
                                                                                             the people     or          asra political or of®cial area. Some
   count on someone phrasal verb to be                    try, especially
                                                        things in a group       when     you   mean    the              countries are divided into politica
   certain that you can depend on some-                   people2
                                                                    or the culture of that country.                     units
                                                                                                                           s that are also called states.
                                                       count       /kAUnt/ noun 1 the action of
                                                            The nation celebrated the 100th an-
   one:  I  can  always     count  on my parents   to                                                                     Belgium became an independent
In this dictionary, phrasal verbs are in alphabetical   counting something,      orderoratthe
                                                            niversary of its independence.
                                                                                                the    end
                                                                                                   total  num-of the
   help me.                                                                                       At the last
                                                                                                                           t in 1830.
entry for the verb. There is also a list ofber            the you
                                                          State   is
                                                                    get after
                                                                 mostused      to
                                                                                  talk   about    a country   verbs   in America has 50 states.
   count someone/something up phrasal                   count the club had 410 members. 2 lose
         to addof     the dictionary.
                    together   all the people or          as a political
                                                        count    to forget    orhow
                                                                                        many area.
                                                                                                 of Some
                                                                                                                          u State of Florida
   things in a group                                      countries      are   divided     into
                                                        there is: I've lost count of the number ofpolitical             Land means an area of ground, no
 18   How  2 many phrasal verbs can you find              units
                                                        times    that
                                                                she's     are alsolate.
                                                                         arrived       called  states.
                                                                                          formed      from     these    anvarea with its own government.
  count /kAUnt/ noun 1 the action of
      verbs?something, or the total num-                    Belgium became an independent                                 We bought some land to build a
   counting                                            countable          noun /(kAUn.tK.bKl (nAUn/                       w
                                                            state in 1830.                                                house on.
   ber1 yougetget after2 counting:     At the3 last
                                   stand              look        4 ahas    noun     that can be used in
                                                        noun      B
                                                            America            50read
   count the club had 410 members. 2 lose
                                                            the State of Florida
   count to forget how many of something ⎪B cat⎪A hot⎪e get⎪I sit⎪i see⎪F saw⎪U book⎪u too⎪V cut⎪K about⎪Kr mother⎪Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say
                                                          Land means an area of ground, not
 19there   is: I'vealost
      Choose              count offrom
                      meaning       the number
                                          the boxof and write
                                                          an area it with
                                                                      nextits   toown      correct phrasal verb. y
   times she's arrived late.
      to start a trip                                       We bought some land to build a                                 z
  countable noun /(kAUn.tK.bKl (nAUn/                       house on.
      to  break     into   pieces
   noun B a noun that can be used in
  ⎪B catto  say⎪e or
         ⎪A hot   get⎪write
                      I sit⎪i seesomething
                                  ⎪F saw⎪U book⎪uthat   is ⎪not
                                                  too⎪V cut      true
                                                            K about⎪Kr mother⎪Er turn⎪Fr for⎪Ai my⎪AU how⎪eI say⎪FI boy⎪
       to wait for a short time
       to return to a place
       1 fall apart
       2 make up
       3 set off
       4 get back
       5 hang on

An adverb is a word that gives more information about a verb, adjective,
phrase, or other adverb. In the sentence He ate quickly, quickly is an adverb.

A conjunction is a word that is used to connect phrases or parts of a sentence.
For example, the words and and because are conjunctions.

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Dictionary Guide Worksheets
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2011                                                   Unit 3: Parts of speech   3
Name /CEED/CEED_M/Mp_236                                                09/29/2010 09:56AM                             Platepg# 236
                                                                                                                                                                   0   # 12
                                                 Unit 4: The entry for the word
                                                    minimum                                                    236
                                                  minimum1 /(mIn.K.mKm/ adj                                      D The                you thirty minutes to get to the airport. 
                                          a            minimum amount of something is the                                             She was ten minutes late for her inter-
                                                  The       definition
                                                       smallest          amount tells    that is you  allowed   whator pos- a word    view.or 2phrase
                                                                                                                                                    A a very    means.
                                                                                                                                                                   short period Many       words and phrases
                                                                                                                                                                                      of time:
                                          b            sible:more There isthan     a minimum            charge      of $5 forEach     I'll be with you in a minute. 3 wait/
                                                  have postage.
                                                                                             one        meaning.                           different           meaning
                                                                                                                                      just a minute D used when asking
                                                                                                                                                                                  has    a  number.
                                          c            c Opposite maximum adj                                                         someone to wait for a short time: Just a
                                                  All the           definitions2
                                                                                                  in this dictionary                       useÐ simple
                                                                                                                                      minute         Ileft my coat words.        Words that are more
                                                                                                                                                                       in the restaurant.
                                          d          minimum                     /(mIn.K.mKm/ noun B the
                                                  difficult             than          usual
                                                       smallest amount that is allowed or pos-        are      explained             in
                                                                                                                                      4    parentheses:
                                                                                                                                          at the    last   minute     at  the   latest  time
                                                       sible: Please keep noise to an absolute                                        possible:      The   concert   was    canceled     at the
                                          e                                                                                           last minute. 5 (at) any minute very
                                                    20 Look up the words in dark letters                                                  and      answer
                                                       c Opposite maximum noun
                                                                                                                                      soon:    Her    train willthese        questions.
                                                                                                                                                                   be arriving     any min-
                                          f                                                                                           ute.
                                                     mining  1 How     /(mAI.nIN/  many   noun  meanings
                                                                                                    [no plural] the     does the verb 2light have?
                                          g            process         of digging           coal,     gold, etc.ofout               minute /mAI(nut/ adj very small: Her
                                                                                                                             of meaning
                                                             2 What                  is the      number                   the         hands are    ofminute.
                                                                                                                                                        light that is connected with being able
                                                       the ground
                                          h                          to      see?                                                   miracle /(mIr.K.kKl/ noun 1 something
                                                     miniskirt /(mIn.i)skErt/ noun a very
                                                             3       How           many         meanings                does     the  that   is very surprising
                                                                                                                                         adjective          bright have? or dif®cult to be-
                                          i            short      skirt
                                                       c See Clothes on page C5
                                                                                                                                      lieve:   It's  a  miracle    that    he's still alive.
                                                             4 What is the number of the meaning                                      2 something  of bright        that is
                                                                                                                                                            very strange      thatconnected
                                                                                                                                                                                     happens with being
                                          j          minister               /(mIn.K.stKr/ noun a religious
                                                                     intelligent?                                                     which you cannot explain: One of Christ's
                                                       leader in some Christian churches                                              miracles was turning water into wine.
                                          k          ministry5 Look                 at thenoun
                                                                            /(mIn.K.stri/        entrythe      forwork                (noun). How
                                                                                                                       presentmiraculous                        many meanings                does the phrase the
                                                                                                                                                           /mK(rBk.jK.lKs/      adj very
                                                       that a religious                    have?
                                                                                      leader      or group does:                      surprising        or  dif®cult    to  believe:   He
                                                       the church's ministry to the homeless                                          made a miraculous recovery from his ill-
                                         m          21
                                                     minor   What              typesadjof not    things          are the   or dark    ness.words? Look the words up and complete the
                                                                     /(mAI.nKr/                         important
                                                             sentences with a word from the box.
                                                       serious:         There       are   a  few    minor       problems.                 miraculously adv One person miracu-
                                          n             He suffered only minor injuries.                                             lously survived the crash.
                                                             sport major
                                                       c Opposite                   treeadj         shoe animal mirror                  food /(mIr.Kr/ noun B a piece of spe-
                                          o          minority                                                                         cial glass in which you can see yourself:
                                                             1 A kangaroo                            is a type
                                                                             /mK(nFr.I.t’i/, /mK(nAr.I.t                 of
                                                                                                                   ’i/ noun
                                                       (plural minorities) less than half of a                                        a bathroom mirror  He looked at himself
                                          p            group 2 of          people oristhings:
                                                                     Lettuce                   a typeThe      ofviolence              in the mirror.
                                                                                                                                      c See The Living Room on page C11
                                                       was3caused               by   a small
                                                                     Boxing is a type of          minority          of  soccer
                                          q                                                                                         misbehave /)mIs.bI(heIv/ verb (present par-
                                                       fans.  I agreed to the suggestion, but I
                                          r            was   4 in    A
                                                                     the   sandal
                                                                               minority.    is   a    type       of                   ticiple misbehaving, past tense and past parti-
                                                       c Opposite majority noun                                                       ciple misbehaved) to behave badly
                                                             5 An oak is a type of
                                          s          mint /mInt/ noun 1 a candy with a                                              mischief /(mIs.tSKf/ noun [no plural] be-
                                                       fresh, strong taste 2 [no plural] a plant                                      havior, usually of a child, that is slightly
                                          t            whose leaves are used to add ¯avor to                                          bad
                                                       food and drinks                                                              mischievous /(mIs.tSK.vKs/ adj be-
                                  Name    u /CEED/CEED_M/Mp_236
                                                     minus1 /(mAI.nKs/ preposition                                        09/29/2010  having in   09:56AM                  Platepg
                                                                                                                                                       a way that is slightly         # 236
                                                                                                                                                                                     bad 0but # 12
                                                       1 B usedis              when     the second           of two that are          not serious: a mischievous ®ve-year-old
                                          v       A    phrase                     a   group           of     words                           often        used      together           and    have a
                                                       numbers should be taken away from the miserable /(mIz.Kr.K.bKl/ adj 1 D sad:
                                                       ®rst: Five minus
                                                   minimum                      meaning.
                                                                                       three is two.    Phrases 2 without   are236shown
                                                                                                                                      I just wokein up  colored         letters. 2 bad
                                                                                                                                                             feeling miserable.
                                                       something:           1 She arrived at the meeting                              and making you sad: People are living in
                                                  In    the entry
                                                                   her briefcase.    for the adj      noun            The
                                                                                                               D minute             you    thirty are
                                                                                                                                       there        minutes fiveto meanings.
                                                                                                                                                                   get to the airport.    Three
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of them are
                                                                                                                                      miserable       conditions.
                                       ax            minimum               amount of something is the                               She was ten minutes late for her inter-
 EED_M/Mp_236 by09/29/2010                        forminus
                                              09/29/2010   phrases:
                                                                      amount 09:56AM
                                                                                          adjis A      minus or
                                                                                                   allowedPlate  pg
                                                                                                                       pos-         misery
                                                                                                                            0 xvi##ness12
                                                                                                                                    view.         /(mIz.Kr.i/            [no plural] ofsad-
                                                                                                                                          12and suffering: The war brought mis-
                                                                                                                                              2   A     a  very  noun
                                                                                                                                                                  short    period       time:
                                                       is less
                                                     sible:        than
                                                                There         iszero:    The temperature
                                                                                 a minimum            charge of last  $5 for        I'll be with      you in a minute. 3 wait/
                                                       night was minus ten.
                                                     postage.                                                                         ery atominute
                                                                                                                                    just       millionsD     of people.
                                                                                                                                                                 used when asking
                                        cz               Opposite1 maximum
                                                     c                    /(mIn.Kt/ noun       adj 1 D a period                     someone
                                                                                                                                    misfortune     to wait     for a shortnoun
                                                                                                                                                           /mIs(fFr.tSKn/      time: some-
                                                                                                                                                                                       Just a
mm                                             236236of time equal          2       to  60   seconds:        It'll  take            minute
                                                                                                                                      thing    Ð
                                                                                                                                                  I  left my
                                                                                                                                                       thatmy  coat
                                                                                                                                                              happens in the
                                                                                                                                                                           to restaurant.
                                                                                                                                                                              you:   He   had
 um   1 1
           /(mIn.K.mKm/adj   adj D  D  dThe minimum
                                       The            youyouthirty
                                                                               /(mIn.K.mKm/ noun B the
                                                                               minutes    toeKr
                                                                                                 get toIKr
                                                                                                                  airport.          4 at the last minute at the latest time
                                                    ⎪smallest         amount           that
                                                                                          ⎪ ishair allowed        or   pos-⎪j yet
                                                      oU go⎪AIKr fire        ⎪AUKr hour                ⎪ ear⎪UKr       poor       ⎪J measure⎪S ship ⎪dJ judge⎪tS chin⎪D that⎪T thin⎪N hang⎪
                       somethingisisthe     the sible:She
                                                       She   was
                                                                Please     ten  minutes
                                                                               keep    noise late
                                                                                                 to for
                                                                                                           absolute inter-          possible: The concert was canceled at the
  t amountthat   thatisisallowed
                           allowedoror epos-             view. 2 2A
                                           pos- minimum.                     A   a avery
                                                                                      veryshortshortperiodperiodofoftime: time: last minute. 5 (at) any minute very
  re is isa aminimum
              minimumcharge chargeofof$5$5forfor c    I'llI'll
                                                         Opposite    with    you
                                                                         maximum               minute. 3 3wait/
                                                                                 youinina aminute.
                                                                                               noun                  wait/          soon: Her train will be arriving any min-
                                        f                justa aminute
                                                      just            minuteD          D     usedwhen
                                                                                          used         whenaskingasking             ute.
 eite  maximum      adj
                                                         someone     /(mAI.nIN/
                                                                           totowait     noun [no plural] the
                                                                                   waitforfora ashort
                                                                                                    shorttime: time:JustJusta a minute2 /mAI(nut/ adj very small: Her
                                       g             process
 um   2 2
           /(mIn.K.mKm/noun  noun B    B  thethe If   minute
                                                         there      Ðofare digging
                                                                             Ileftmy      coal,
                                                                                                     the     etc.
                                                                                                                     out of
                                                                                                              restaurant.   part of     a phrase,
                                                                                                                                    hands     are minute. for example (at) any
                                                     the    ground
                                                      4 4atatthe  thelast           minuteatatthe
                                                                            lastminute                 thelatest
  t amountthat   thatisisallowed
                           allowedoror     pos- Ifminute,
                                       hpos-           there           are it     parentheses
                                                                                means          that      you     around
                                                                                                                 can     leave     part
                                                                                                                                   that     of
                                                                                                                                            part  a   phrase,
                                                                                                                                                 /(mIr.K.kKl/So you  for
                                                                                                                                                                  noun   can1example
                                                                                                                                                                                say Her (at) any minute,
 ase keep  keepnoise
                                absolute           miniskirt
                                                         possible:         /(mIn.i)skErt/
                                                                         The  Theconcert
                                                                                     concert   was
                                                                                                 noun        a very
                                                                                                          canceled     atatthe
                                                                                                                                    that is   very     surprising     or dif®cult to be-
m.m.                                    i         it   means
                                                         last   will
                                                                minute.     that
                                                                            arrive5  5 you
                                                                                       (at)   anycan
                                                                                               any  minute  leave
                                                                                                       minute      veryorthat
                                                                                                                      very         part
                                                                                                                            Her train        out.
                                                                                                                                            will       So
                                                                                                                                                    arrive    you
                                                                                                                                                               any can
                                                                                                                                                                     minute.  say
                                                                                                                                    lieve: It's a miracle that he's still alive.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Her train will arrive at
 eite  maximum                                    anyc   See
                                                         soon:  Clothes
                                                            minute   Hertrain     onwill
                                                                                  or  page
                                                                                        Her beC5
                                                                                                  train         any
                                                                                                               will       min-
                                                                                                                         arrive       any     minute.
                      noun                                                                                                          2 something very strange that happens
                                        jthe         Ifute.
                                                         there is
                                                   minister                   a slash /noun
                                                                         /(mIn.K.stKr/          in a phrase,
                                                                                                           a religious   for examplewhich you  wait/just          a minute,
                                                                                                                                                      cannot explain:        One ofitChrist's
 (mAI.nIN/        noun [no[no plural] the
                            plural]                                  2 2
                                   etc.outoutofof   minute
                                                     means       in      /mAI(nut/
                                                                      that   /mAI(nut/
                                                                                  the     adjadj very
                                                                                         phrase       very  small:
                                                                                                         can   small:
                                                                                                                 be    HerHer
                                                                                                                        used     with     either
                                                                                                                                    miracles     was  the    part
                                                                                                                                                         turning    before
                                                                                                                                                                   water     intothe   slash
                                       k              hands
                                                   ministry           are  minute.
                                                                               minute. noun the work
  und                                                or    the part              after the slash. So you canmiraculous
                                                                         /(mIn.K.stri/                                               say wait a minute              or just
                                                                                                                                                         /mK(rBk.jK.lKs/      adja minute.
                                                     that              /(mIr.K.kKl/
                                                              a religious   /(mIr.K.kKl/
                                                                                     leader nounor group
                                                                                               noun      1 1something
                                                                                                                 does:              surprising or dif®cult to believe: He
  t /(mIn.i)skErt/
         /(mIn.i)skErt/  noun a a
                      noun         very l
                                                     the that  isisvery
                                                            church's   very     surprising
                                                                               ministry        to or ordif®cult
                                                                                                   the    dif®culttotobe-
                                                                                                          homeless           be- made a miraculous recovery from his ill-
 rt                                                  Some phrases have etc. at the end                                          of them. This means that you can use
                                                   minor         It'sIt'sa amiracle
                                                               Essential         miracle
                                                                                 Mini       that
                                                                                       Dictionary       he'sstill
                                                                                                                       alive.       ness.
  thes ononpage page
                   C5C5                              the          /(mAI.nKr/
                                                             phrase              with adj one  not ofimportant
                                                                                                         the     words   or in the       list, or a similar         word:
                                                      2 2something
                                                                  Guide Worksheets
                                                                     There        very
                                                                                        a strange
                                                                                           few    minor  that
                                                                                                            that happens
                                                                                                             problems.                 miraculously           adv One person miracu-
       /(mIn.K.stKr/   noun a a
                    noun         religious
                                    religious Copyright
                                                         which   ©you youcannot
                                                                      Cambridge  cannot   explain:
                                                                                        University        OneOne
                                                                                                         Press   ofofChrist's
                                                                                                                 2011  Christ's lously survived the crash. Unit 4: The entry for the word   1
                            churches   n              He suffered only minor injuries. B1
                                                     5miracles    money,            space,water time,      etc.
                                                         miracles      was  wasturning
                                                                                    turning      waterinto  intowine.
                                                     c Opposite major adj
                                                     to reduce the amount of money, space,                                         mirror /(mIr.Kr/ noun B a piece of spe-
       /(mIn.K.stri/  noun the
                    noun        thework
                                       o            miraculous
                                                       miraculous/mK(rBk.jK.lKs/    /mK(rBk.jK.lKs/          adj very
                                                                                                           adj        very          cial glass in which you can see yourself:
                                                     time, etc. that      /mK(nFr.I.t     ’i/, /mK(nAr.I.t
                                                                                   you have        to use: You’ll’i/ noun
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