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White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper - Sponsored by - The Boson Project

                  White Paper
                  White Paper
                  White Paper
                  White Paper
                  White Paper

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« This study was conducted in the Fall of
 2020 when we were looking for insight on
 understanding the needs and expectations of
                                                                       P R E FA C E
 the generations that would be entering the
 job market in this very particular time period.
 Through this study, we have better
 understood our responsibility as an employer
 and the role that was expected of us. It helped
 us overcome certain stereotypes about                                 "Youth isn't just a matter of age, it is
 younger generations and understand them
 more intelligently to start designing
                                                                       a means of being in the world, a
 appropriate action plans. We thought it would                         forward-looking direction, a goal
 be useful to share it with you on a much wider                        seeking achievement.
 scale today. »                                                        Intergenerational solidarity is a
 « We hope it will inspire you! »                                      resource: a means of building a
                                                                       society and a tremendous force with
 Eva Azoulay,                                                          an impact on our businesses.”
 Global VP of HR |
 Talent Acquisition,
                                                                                  Emmanuelle Duez, Founder of
                                                                                      The Boson Project


1/Quantitative benchmark                    2/Qualitative survey                            3/Analysis of current situation
Review of existing data about               Further exploration of these                    Analysis of current youth
youth before and after the                  first findings through a field                  initiatives and 20 qualitative
pandemic: surveys, polls,                   survey conducted with Projekt                   interviews with executives
scientific literature                       Z: 5 focus groups with 22                       from French multinational
                                            young people aged 18 to 24 in                   companies.
                                            England, Germany, and the
                                            Czech Republic.

               This white paper is a result of a comprehensive inventory of both existing quantitative studies on an
          international scale and a qualitative approach conducted on a European scale to provide you with a synthesis
              of our intuitions and beliefs on the topic of youth and the responsibility employers have towards them.

                                                THANK YOU
                                                 (to them)
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They were on university and high school benches, diplomas in hand, ready to
enter the job market or have been working for just a few months. They were in the
process of shaping the foundations of their destiny, jumping into the deep end,
coming out of the family nest to see what the outside world had to offer... And
that world came to a screeching halt. They woke up one morning and Covid-19
cut them off from jobs, from education, and above all human interaction. In the
prime of their lives, they had to put their projects on hold, lower their ambitions
and experienced record levels of anxiety. Here is an overview of what our young
people are going through, which has been particularly impacted by this crisis, and
the solutions we have come up with to support them.

            It’s hard to be 20 in 2020
            It’s hard to be 20 in 2020
            It’s hard to be 20 in 2020 2

                     n pandemic
                       “I wanted to address the class of 2020 because I feel
                       for you right now. I know that this crisis has taken
                       away from many of you the important that you’ve
                       looked forward to and that you’ve worked hard for
                       over years. For that I’m sorry, I truly am. No one
                       saw this coming, but here we are. Together appart.”

                                              Rich Lesser, CEO of BCG

             « No, they aren't dealing with violence
             and death as other generations may
             have faced in the past. However, they
             are being prevented from living life to
             its fullest, and jumping "towards
             danger, towards love, towards
             delusional effort1. »
                    Martin Legros, Editor-in-Chief of
                         Philosophie Magazine

                                          1Joseph Conrad - Jeunesse
                                      2 Emmanuel Macron
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                                                                 n pandemic

                                                            The unemployment rate in the European
                                                            Union reached

                                                                                                                        1/6 of young people
                                                            17.5% for workers under 25                                  lost their jobs around the world
                                                            in November 2020 (+2.8 points in 9                          in the summer of 2020
                                                            months). The employment rate for young                      Source : ILO, Youth and covid-19 report,
                                                            people has dropped 4 times more than that                   August 2020, 112 countries

                                                            of the general population since April 2020.
                                                            Source : Eurostat, Nov. 2020

                                                            0 to 5% is the estimated average
                                                            decline in French income since last
                                                                                                                        of this year's +5 year French
                                                            August. It is                                               Masters graduates were
                                                            5 % à 10 %                                                  employed in January 2021,
                                                                                                                        whereas in 2018 the figure was
                                                            for young people aged 20 to 25                              74%.
                                                            Source : Conseil d'analyse économique, France               Source : Apec, France

                                                                                     “There haven't been any companies recruiting for
                                                                                     months and months. I really felt like I was wasting
                                                                                                        my time."

                    More than         8 students out of 10                                 Psychology
                    report that lockdown has caused them to
                    drop out of their studies. This is all the
                    more alarming since dropping out is
                    considered "very significant" for 38%
                                                                                                            40% of English 13-25 year olds
                                                                                                            described their mental health as
                    of them.                                                                                "severely deteriorated" because of the
                    Source : IPSOS, juin 2020, France
                                                                                                            Source : Young Minds, summer 2020, UK

                    By the end of 2020,       320 million
                                                                                                            31% of young French people
                    children were still not back in school
                    Source : UNICEF                                                                         say that their addiction has increased
                    Worldwide, 830 million students/                                                        since the start of the lockdown.
                    children do not have access to a                                                        Source : "Avoir 20 ans en 2021” de France Bleu et
                    Source : UNESCO

                                                                                                            1 in 4 young Americans
                                                                                                            reported having suicidal thoughts in
     “What I missed most about class during                                                                 the summer of 2020, a figure
     lockdown was not being able to ask questions                                                           significantly higher than the 10% of
     and interact with teachers.”                                                                           adults.
                                                                                                            Source : Unicef, summer 2020

     “I think I would have learned more if I had been at
     work. You can't just e-mail your manager as soon
                                                                                            “I was really stressed. To the point where it would
     as there's a problem.”
                                                                                            keep me from going to sleep”

                                                                                            “The hardest part is not knowing. Not knowing
                                                                                            what’s going to come next, not being able to plan

                                                             “It’s the fever of youth that keeps the rest of world at
                                                             the right temperature. When youth gets the chills, the
                                                             rest of the world starts chattering their teeth.”
                                                                                           Georges Bernanos, writer
White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper - Sponsored by - The Boson Project
M O M E N T U Mke
                                                e s’n  ee d to ta
                                      Comp a n i              t
                                            tio  n i s u rg en
                                                                                                71% of young people
                                                                                                are either in need of financial, social, or
                                                                                                human support.
                                                                                                Source : IPSOS, Sept. 2020, France

A pivotal age
    18-24 year olds have reached a critical point in their lives for a
    number of reasons:                                                           A pivotal point in time
     • From a professional standpoint,                                                      50% of the animal population
        The transition from academia to the job market is a critical                        has been annihilated by the human species
        step in their career path.                                                          since 1970.
        Source : World Economic Forum                                                       Source : WWF

     • From a psychological standpoint,
        "75% of psychiatric pathologies in adulthood are caused
                                                                                                                    1,7 planet Earth
                                                                                                                    consumed per year
        by situations experienced between the ages of 16 and 25,"                                                   Source : WWF
        warns psychiatrist Dominique Montchablon.
                                                                                            The current pandemic has left an entire generation fragile
                                                                                            both in its learning curve and its potential to have an impact.
                                                                                            The generation that was preparing to embrace the major
                                                                                            societal, political, environmental and economic transitions to
                                                                                            come has been halted in their tracks.

Risk of a
generational breach                                                                                                   « You do not inherit
   Intergenerational friction has always existed.                                                                     the Earth from
   "I have no hope for the future of our country if the youth of today takes                                          your ancestors: You
   command tomorrow. This youth is unbearable, unrestrained, simply
   terrible."-Hesiod, 720 B.C.
                                                                                                                      borrow it from your
                                                                                                                      children. »
   However, today there is a risk of a situation in which younger generations refuse to
   accept the world they inherit from their elders; where they denounce the world that                                  Antoine de Saint-Exupery
   has been given to them. Intergenerational relations will be a major challenge within
   companies, because it is a source of learning, teamwork, and performance. Within
   the social model of European society, it is mainly based on solidarity between
   younger people and their elders.

   This conflict is not a mirage: economic crises (which often affect young people
   more than others) have always been followed by an increase in distrust among
                                                                                                             « Youth is certain
   young people. After the 2008 crisis, the most affected countries saw young people's                       what it rejects before
   confidence in governments fall drastically. In the United States, the confidence rate
   of young Americans in the 15 main public institutions had already dropped from                            it knows what it will
   56% to 46% in June 2020.
   Source : Morning Consult, June 2020, US
                                                                                                             accept. »
            +7% of young people                                                                                          Jean Cocteau
                                                      58% of 18-30 year olds
            between May and June 2020                 would rather live in a different
            feel that previous generations            time period
            have deteriorated the world's             Source : OpinionWay, December 2020,
            current state.                            France
            Source : Morning Consult, June 2020, US

   There is a growing sense of frustration among the youth as their
                                                                                                  B o omer
   prospects are becoming increasingly difficult.
                                                                                            #  OK
            63% of 13-25 year olds                     56% of French people
            share a sense of frustration
                                                       fear a generation conflict
            in the U.S.                                Source : Odoxa, February 2021
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                                                                  n  ee d to take
                                                       ompa nie s’
                                                      C          i s u rg ent
                                                         actio n

Faith in their                                                       62% of the 13-23 year olds
                                                                     think they have the potential
                                                                                                                   63% of French 15-25
                                                                                                                   year olds have already

own generation
                                                                     to make an impact on the                      acted as volunteers, even
                                                                     world.                                        though in recent years
                                                                     Source : Morning Consult, June 2020, US
                                                                                                                   there has been a
                                                                                                                   volunteerism involvement

    Yet Kofi Annan's heritage-less heirs have faith in their own
                                                                     76%                                           slump among their elders.
                                                                                                                   Source : Jam, October 2020, France
                                                                     identify themselves as
    abilities - as a sensitive, creative, and inclusive generation
    - to make a positive impact on the world. And that's just        Source : Activism US + UK, VICE Voices
    what they're doing.                                              2018

                                                                          “I think the next generation, ours, is much more concerned
                                                                                         about environmental issues“

                                                                                                                “Youth lights its
                                                                                                                own torch.”

 Companies                                                                                                           Anne Barratin

 to the rescue
     Although their trust in public institutions and media is on
     the decline, younger generations have high expectations
     for employers to help them meet these future challenges.
                                                                         It is more than ever needed
                                                                         to maintain companies as
                                                                         a sanctuary of trust and
           94% of young people
           believe that business leaders take either                     intergenerational
           insufficient or no consideration of environmental
           issues in their decisions.
           Source : REFEDD, October 2020


           think that the best way to learn is by doing the

           expect companies to take an active role in their
           education to prepare them for tomorrow's challenges.
           Source : EMC & Vice Media, July 2020, US

                                                                                                “Nothing is too
                  “If a company defines itself as
                sustainable, I expect executives to                                             difficult for
                     make decisions based on                                                    young people.”
              sustainability with managers teaching
                 me skills to become sustainable                                                               Socrate
White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper - Sponsored by - The Boson Project
                          a generation
               king about

  1925                                           We focused our study on young people who were
                                                 in the process of entering the job market,
                                                 whether students or juniors (the 18-24 year olds
         Silent Generation                       who are part of Generation Z), since they are
                                                 most likely the ones that will end up paying the

  1945                                           price for this crisis.

                                                 It is widespread to stick labels on passing
          Baby-boomers                           generations, and this one is no exception to the
                                                 rule: the zapping generation, the boss generation,
                                                 the age of rage, the sacrificed generation,
  1965                                           generation Z... Who really are these young people
                                                 we're talking about?
           Generation X                          As they enter the job market, it is important to
                                                 take a look at their characteristics,

                                                 aspirations ,and needs to better understand

        Generation Y - Millenials

         Generation Z - Zoomers, Zillenials

  2010                                                                                     « Cognitive sciences show that surfing the
        Generation Alpha                                                                   Web, reading and writing messages using
                                                                                           your thumb, or reading Wikipedia or
                                                                                           Facebook do not stimulate the same neurons

    …                                                                                      and brain areas as using a book, a chalkboard
                                                                                           or a notebook. They can process several pieces
                                                                                           of information at the same time. They do not
                                                                                           understand, integrate or synthesize like us.
                                                                                           They don't have the same mind » Michel Serres

A new type of
intelligence                                                     A new way of valuing intelligence is under way for this
                                                                 one-thumbed generation: while we have been placing
                                                                 emphasis on accumulating knowledge, the time has come
                                                                 for inventiveness in the sense of being able to create
                                                                 connections between ideas and their practical application.
                                                                 Rather than being amorphous scrollers, the next
                  4h15m                                          generation that has emerged from this digital revolution
                  is the average time spent by Zoomers           has more systemic and complex ways of thinking.
                  on their phones per day

                                                     M. Serres, Petite Poucette, 2012
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                        PAINTING THE PICTURE

                                                                                  a generation
                                                         lking              about

 Sensitive                                                                                        L ove

 & inclusive
       Uniqueness is almost a banner of identity for Generation Z. While
       this generation seems more homogenous - especially through
       their consumerism with top brands and the use of social
       networks (with influence marketing that seems to standardize
       their desires and spending) - they place a great deal of
       importance on diversity as a primary lever for cooperation and
       innovation and as a bulwark against faulty collective bias. Social
       networks are also experiencing a blossoming of highly inclusive
       stances towards minorities and under-represented populations.

                                                                                                                          “One of the most important things in a
                                                                                                                          company is diversity: diversity in
                                                                                                                          backgrounds, diversity in ideas...”
                                                                                                                                    “Being inclusive is the most
                                                                                                                                    important value to have in my


 & collective
       While Millenials are described as a solitary and
       individualistic generation (30% of Millenials report
       feeling lonely often or all the time), Zoomers have a
       strong generational bond. This is best seen when they
       join together in support of a cause that affects them.

       They are strongly attached to social ties and authentic
                                                                                         & diligent
       relationships within the company.
                                                                                                                  Only 26% of 15-24 year olds go out in the evening
                                                                                                                  almost every weekend, compared to almost 64%
                                                                                                                  in 1996. In 25 countries of the European Union,
                “The main problem is when a manager doesn't                                                       the number of young people in correctional
                                                                                                                  facilities decreased by 42% between 2008 and
                really know his employees, doesn't know them                                                      2014.
                personally.”                                                                                      Source : « Beyond Binary : the lives and choices of Gen Z », IPSOS,
                                                                                                                  2018 - Europe

                                                                                                                  Their rebellion is more ethical than
       And shared fantasy is a powerful lever of
       involvement for them.                                                                                      personal, and they are a generation of
                                                                                                                  conscience-minded citizens: they smoke
                                                                                                                  less and commit fewer crimes. They ask a lot
                                   Their preferences range from                                                   from themselves and are in a continuous
                                   the most fun company at                                                        pursuit for excellence and improvement.
                                   closely followed by innovation at
                                   (22%) and ethics at (21%).

                                   Source : La grande invaZion, The Boson
                                   Project for BNP Paribas, 2015                               “It's hard to deal with failure when you've worked
                                                                                               hard for something. Society doesn't teach us that
                                                                                               it's okay to fail sometimes”

                                                                                               “The difficulty of dealing with failure or not is less
                                                                                               a spoiled child's behavior for me than an urge to

                                  sur Tik                                                      “We are constantly comparing ourselves with
                               Vu        T
                                                                                               what we were before so that we always do better.
                      r TikTok -


                                                                                               It's a constant self-competition, sometimes it's
                                            - Vu sur

                                                                                               mentally straining.”


                                 kTo - Vu

                                                                               2   « The impact of COVID-19 on Generation Z and its vision of the future of education », ECMC & Vice Media, 2020 - US
White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper White Paper - Sponsored by - The Boson Project
                                       o m mu nity,
                        y, be t we en c
          Th e co mp an              a ncipatio n
                    e rm e n t, & em
            em  po w
          To better understand how employers might act, we need to better understand their
           relationship with work, business, and commitment. How will they want to work in
             the future? What will they be looking for in our organizations and how do they
                                       envision their career path?

Others, a driver                                                                                     “What really makes a difference are the human
                                                                                                     values, the atmosphere, and the manager. I can

for commitment
                                                                                                           easily get attached to a company.”

   It would appear that the first thing that Generation Z looks
   for in a company, before their salary, and before the social     79% of Millenials and Zoomers expect
   status, is the human community and the authenticity of
                                                                    companies to provide physical and user-
   social ties.
                                                                    friendly workspaces.
                                                                    Source : Future of Work, Mazars, 2019 - France

   In a company, team spirit is the primary driver of               If lockdowns marked the advent of working-
   employee retention (28,8%) for younger generations.              from-home, experts are now raising the alarm
   Source : Harvard Business Review France
                                                                    for these telecommunications prodigies, as
                                                                    returning to the office is increasingly in
   We interact with others through physical prisms, like the        demand by the younger generation.
   office. These spaces are necessary in that they provide a
   physical framework for inter-human relations and facilitate
   direct, spontaneous and sensorial cooperation.

Work, the school                                                  Younger generations express a thirst to keep learning throughout
                                                                  their careers, and are curious and aware of the need to adapt in an
                                                                  accelerated professional environment governed by obsolete skills.

     of life                                                      In fact, they are more interested in a company where they can grow
                                                                  rather than be in one specific job.

   Lacking a clear vision of what the future holds, and
   face to a succession of crisis, Generation Z is                   “I want to improve myself and learn. I'm looking more for a company
   preparing for change and therefore relying on                             than a job because I won't close the door on the job.”
   continuos learning. They won't find the keys to the
   future by acquiring material goods, but instead by                 “If companies want to keep you, they should be able to provide you
   acquiring skills. We are moving from a search for                            with training and the time you need to do it.”
   material security to a search for moral and intellectual

                                                                  There is also a very strong demand for learning so-called soft skills.
    “We never really stop preparing ourselves.”

                                                                   “The education system teaches us how to get into the job
                                                                    market, but it doesn't teach us to be good managers or
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                                                          n  y, be tw ee n
                                            Th e co  m p a              nt, and
                                                        m  p o w e rm e
                                            m u ni ty, e
                                         com           an cip a tio n

Consideration                                                                            “I think we should be given more responsibility, and let us

& a voice given                                                                        take more initiatives. That's why I left my company, I felt like I
                                                                                                      wasn't responsible for anything.”

                           The young Europeans we interviewed are very                                 They have a pretty horizontal relationship
                           attached to respect, regardless of hierarchy.                               with hierarchy, and young people entering
                                                                                                       the job market especially want to have a
                                                                                                       voice, be considered and be heard.
                               “Mutual respect between juniors and
                                  seniors is super important.”
                                                                                                       42% of Zoomers
                                                                                                       want to be involved in the company's
                              “It's totally out of date for juniors to be respectful                   strategic decisions (compared to 36% of
                                to seniors while seniors treat juniors like they                       Millenials).
                                                                                                       Source : Paris WorkPlace report, 2019
                                       don't care... It's a two-way street.”

Freedom of action
                                                                   The younger generations are motivated by trust, self-reliance and
                                                                   freedom. They want to be a part of companies but they reject its rigid
                                                                   That is certainly why they are less attached to open-ended contracts.

    79% of Generation Z                                            73% of Generation Z                                                    “Bureaucracy bores me.”
    wants to work on permanent contracts,
                                                                   want to be able to organize their time and
    compared to 86% of Millenials (-7
                                                                   work method as they wish.
    percentage points).                                            Source : Future of Work, Mazars, 2019, France
    Source : Future of Work, Mazars, 2019, France                                                                                      “Work hours are old school.”

    50%                                                            93% of 14-26 year olds
    even think that permanent contracts will                       say they value the fact that their employer
    disappear with fixed-term or freelance                         offers a high level of flexibility to its
    contracts.                                                     employees.
    Source : Future of Work, Mazars, 2019, France                  Source : Academo, 2019, Québec

                                                     n  y, be tw ee n
                                         The co m p a              nt, and
                                                   m  p o w e rm e
                                        mmu nity, e
                                      co          an cip a tio n

On the same page                                                            ove
    The sine qua non condition for commitment:
    An alignment between the company
    and oneself
    We also noticed that individuals expressed a need to align
    themselves with their employer's values:

     “If I share the same values as the company, it will make me want to get even
     more involved. But if I don't see eye to eye, I probably won't stay very long.”

      “Of course you should be on the same wavelength as the company's values.
      You can't be a good employee if you don't agree with their business culture
                                     and goals.”

      “When I apply for jobs, I try to choose companies that are good for me and
       not necessarily the leaders where everyone wants to go. I try to say no to
             things that everyone wants but are not exactly good for me.”

    The prerequisite of a durable trust:
    An alignment between actions
    and words
    And more so a strong alignment between companies' intentions
    and their actions, with a certain inclination towards purpose/

    93% of students
    think that most jobs should address environmental issues.
    Source : REFEDD, October 2020, France

    The readiness for companies to deliver on their commitments
    will play a significant role for
    67% of them in purchasing decisions.
    Source : Morning Consult, June 2020, US

       “What bothers me is that a lot of companies
       claim to have values and don't apply them or
        they just stick to them for a short period of

      “Too many companies say they're committed
     to diversity and inclusiveness but they are just
                doing the legal minimum.”
                 WITH THE TIME
                                                                     “I believe companies, and especially big
                                                                     corporations, have a role to play by
                                                                     providing tangible solutions to young
                                                                     people starting their careers.”
                                                                                        Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of

                                          f emergency
                                   State o

                                                          “The thing I need
                                                                                                 Social ties
                                                          most right now is to
                                                          see my manager and

  Employment means meeting physiological
                                                                                               & motivation
  needs that are not being met for students who
  lost their food jobs, young people on fixed-term                Away from the office, it is more difficult to be in a group dynamic
  contracts who have lost all prospects of                        when you're cut off from numerous motivational factors. This
  renewing their contract or graduates without                    phenomenon is mainly observed with younger people. They are the
  any job opportunities. Government and                           ones who have the most difficulty staying productive from when
  employers alike are already mobilizing together                 working from home.
                                                                  Source : Fortune Analytics
  Carrefour, for example, is aimed on                             If working from home is still appropriate for those who can,
  recruiting 15,000 young people in 2021.                         preserving social ties seems even more important than ever. The
                                                                  manager has a role to play in paying attention to young recruits.
  This aid can also takes the form of sponsorship                 Managers are the first to pick up on weak signals, so they need to
  for organizations specializing in integrating                   increase their contact with them and be all the more vigilant.
  young people into the workforce.
                                                                  Company employees can also make a difference outside the
                                                                  company, by donating their time and expertise. Many HR specialists
    “I truly believe that young people                            have volunteered their time when recruiting was no longer
                                                                  possible to assist candidates in building their résumés or do role-
    aren't going to forget the companies
                                                                  play interviews to train them.
    that let them down and took their job
    away from them.”

                                                                                                             “I miss the office alot. Getting
                                                                                                             ready, going out, having an
                                                                                                             actual separation between work
                                                                                                             and persona life... The days just

                                                                                                             keep merging together.”
                                                     We absolutely need this new generation's
                                                     commitment to recover, transform our
                                                     organizations into sustainable transitions,
                                                                                                             “The hardest part for me is
                                                     innovate, dare and reinvent. Companies, as
  Even if times are frustrating and gloomy,          actors of change, can breathe a bit of                  staying motivated: logging in,
  employers have the power to pump in some           fantasy into everyday work life and                     getting work done, maintaining
  bright optimism to keep this creative,             communications. They can and must open                  a healthy routine.”
  playful, and outgoing generation motivated.        up new horizons.

                                                he long-term
                                            In t

Power                                                           Knowledge
    The power and opportunity for youth to be heard                Knowing before doing.
    and taken into consideration within a company.
                                                                   Younger generations regret that the approach to
                                                                   education isn't more cross-disciplinary, with
    Organizations can equip themselves with decision-              environmental issues incorporated into all fields of
    making tools that allow them to factor in the                  study.
    expectations and needs of younger generations
    (boards dedicated to youth topics, self-expression
    talks for young employees etc...)                              65% of students
                                                                   believe that all curricula should incorporate
                                                                   environmental issues
    Managers also play a significant part in enabling young        Source : REFEDD, October 2020, France
    talent to understand the company's challenges and to
    speak up about them. They are regarded more as
                                                                   In parallel to this academic gap, companies are full of
    coaches than managers by young employees. They
                                                                   secret knowledge. Many of them are ahead of the
    play a fundamental role in teaching the relational skills
                                                                   game with their own R&D departments or innovation
    that young people want to acquire but that academic
                                                                   culture regarding future challenges. They can make
    courses still fail to teach.
                                                                   this tremendous fountain of knowledge available to
                                                                   the next generation to help them better grasp future

    “Managers need to give us the opportunity to                   For example, Apple has partnered with non-profit
    constantly keep growing and developing                         organizations to develop training programs that
    ourselves.”                                                    develop critical thinking skills. Amazon, in turn, is
                                                                   developing a large open source training program on
                                                                   their expertise.
    “IThey need to develop us as people on a whole.
    Not just on this or that set of.”

    They should have a clear understanding of the
    expectations and aspirations of young talent and
    should be supported by coaching.
                                                                  “We should be concerned with
                                                                  making individuals "capable",
                                                                  that is, restoring their ability and
                                                                  self-governance in what they are;
                                                                  understanding that vulnerability
  Employers acting                                                is linked to self-reliance, that it
  as change-makers,                                               intensifies it, that it makes it
  as advocates, as                                                viable, human; to work towards
  schools of life and                                             making that vulnerability the least
  more, can make a                                                irreversible possible.”
  difference in a
  proactive and                                                       Cynthia Fleury, philosopher
  positive way.
“Youth is art.”
                                            Oscar Wilde


                                     Boson, n. : Human excellence,
                                    a factor of durable performance.

More than consulting,
a belief
January 2012 : The Boson Project is born under the impulse of Emmanuelle Duez.

Our mission ? Accompanying companies in their reinvention, in the context of a new generation that was
coming to question them, to upset them and to ask them to change by putting the human factor back at the
heart of their concern... We also helped companies realize that this imperative of reinvention was more related
to a changing world than to the expectations of a particular generation.

Within almost 10 years, The Boson Project has become a key player in the transformation of organizations,
proud to carry a humanistic vision of business and leadership.
We affirm that human excellence is a sine qua none condition for sustainable, high-performance and
responsible companies.

Our job is to create the cultural, organizational and managerial conditions for the full expression of human
potential, both individual and collective.
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