WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs

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WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
W HYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs

 Oana Ignat and Santiago Castro and Hanwen Miao and Weiji Li and Rada Mihalcea
 Computer Science and Engineering
 University of Michigan

 Abstract 2018; Zhang et al., 2021; Fang et al., 2020). Causal
 reasoning has direct applications on many real-
 We aim to automatically identify human ac-
 tion reasons in online videos. We focus on life settings, for instance to understand the conse-
 the widespread genre of lifestyle vlogs, in quences of events (e.g., if “there is clutter,” “clean-
arXiv:2109.02747v2 [cs.CV] 9 Sep 2021

 which people perform actions while verbally ing” is required), or to enable social reasoning (e.g.,
 describing them. We introduce and make pub- when “guests are expected,” “cleaning” may be
 licly available the W HYACT dataset, consist- needed – see Figure 1). Most of the work to date
 ing of 1,077 visual actions manually annotated on causal systems has relied on the use of semantic
 with their reasons. We describe a multimodal parsers to identify reasons (He et al., 2017), how-
 model that leverages visual and textual infor-
 mation to automatically infer the reasons cor-
 ever this approach does not work well on more
 responding to an action presented in the video. realistic every-day settings. As an example, con-
 sider the statement “This is a mess and my friends
 1 Introduction are coming over. I need to start cleaning.” Cur-
 rent causal systems are unable to identify “this is
 Significant research effort has been recently de-
 a mess” and “friends are coming over” as reasons,
 voted to the task of action recognition (Carreira
 and are thus failing to use them as context for un-
 and Zisserman, 2017; Shou et al., 2017; Tran et al.,
 derstanding the action of “cleaning.”
 2018; Chao et al., 2018; Girdhar et al., 2019; Fe-
 ichtenhofer et al., 2019). Action recognition works In this paper, we propose the task of multimodal
 well when applied to well defined/constrained sce- action reason identification in everyday life scenar-
 narios, such as people following scripts and instruc- ios. We collect a dataset of lifestyle vlogs from
 tions (Sigurdsson et al., 2016; Miech et al., 2019; YouTube that reflect daily scenarios and are cur-
 Tang et al., 2019), performing sports (Soomro et al., rently very challenging for systems to solve. Vlog-
 2012; Karpathy et al., 2014) or cooking (Rohrbach gers freely express themselves while performing
 et al., 2012; Damen et al., 2018, 2020; Zhou et al., most common everyday activities such as cleaning,
 2018). At the same time however, action recogni- eating, cooking, writing and others. Lifestyle vlogs
 tion is limited and error-prone once the application present a person’s everyday routine: the vlogger
 space is opened to everyday life. This indicates visually records the activities they perform during
 that current action recognition systems rely mostly a normal day and verbally express their intentions
 on pattern memorization and do not effectively un- and feelings about those activities. Because of
 derstand the action, which makes them fragile and these characteristics, lifestyle vlogs are a rich data
 unable to adapt to new settings (Sigurdsson et al., source for an in depth study of human actions and
 2017; Kong and Fu, 2018). Research on how to the reasons behind them.
 improve action recognition in videos (Sigurdsson The paper makes four main contributions. First,
 et al., 2017) shows that recognition systems for ac- we formalize the new task of multimodal action
 tions with known intent have a significant increase reason identification in online vlogs. Second, we
 in performance, as knowing the reason for perform- introduce a new dataset, W HYACT, consisting of
 ing an action is an important step for understanding 1,077 (action, context, reasons) tuples manually la-
 that action (Tosi, 1991; Gilovich et al., 2002). beled in online vlogs, covering 24 actions and their
 In contrast to action recognition, action causal reasons drawn from ConceptNet as well as crowd-
 reasoning research is just emerging in computa- sourcing contributions. Third, we propose several
 tional applications (Vondrick et al., 2016; Yeo et al., models to solve the task of human action reason
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
Why is the person cleaning?

 company was coming
 do not like dirtiness
 ☑ declutter
 remove dirt
 “just put everything in everybody is drawers and slowly but surely we are down to the bedding oh I always
 do it on a strip to bed because I usually clean the bedding the same days I do the laundry ..”

 ☑ company was coming
 ... ... do not like dirtiness
 ☑ remove dirt
 “we lived in a tiny apartment and they would come and sleep on the couch or on a blow up mattress so it
 feels really nice to be able to have this space for them in the summer months I focus on [cleaning] the
 windows more because I noticed that people open the windows more in the summer..”

Figure 1: Overview of our task: automatic identification of action reasons in online videos. The reasons for
cleaning change based on the visual and textual (video transcript) context. The videos are selected from YouTube,
and the actions together with their reasons are obtained from the ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017) knowledge graph
which we supplement with crowdsourced reasons. The figure shows two examples from our W HYACT dataset.

identification, consisting of single-modalities mod- 2021), a dataset on human intent behind images on
els based on the visual content and vlog transcripts, Instagram.
as well as a multimodal model using a fill-in-the-
blanks strategy. Finally, we also present an analysis Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition. Re-
of our new dataset, which leads to rich avenues search on commonsense knowledge often relies
for future work for improving the tasks of reason on textual knowledge bases such as ConceptNet
identification and ultimately action recognition in (Speer et al., 2017), ATOMIC (Sap et al., 2019),
online videos. COMET-ATOMIC 2020 (Hwang et al., 2021), and
 more recently GLUCOSE (Mostafazadeh et al.,
2 Related Work 2020).
There are three areas of research related to our Recently, several of these textual knowledge
work: identifying action motivation, commonsense bases have also been used for visual applications,
knowledge acquisition, and web supervision. to create more complex multimodal datasets and
 models (Park et al., 2020; Fang et al., 2020; Song
Identifying Action Motivation. The research et al., 2021). VisualCOMET (Park et al., 2020) is a
most closely related to our paper is the work that dataset for visual commonsense reasoning tasks to
introduced the task of predicting motivations of ac- predict events that might have happened before a
tions by leveraging text (Vondrick et al., 2016). given event, events that might happen next, as well
Their method was applied to images from the as people intents at a given point in time. Their
COCO dataset (Lin et al., 2014), while ours is fo- dataset is built on top of VCR (Zellers et al., 2019),
cused on videos from YouTube. Other work on which consists of images of multiple people and
human action causality in the visual domain (Yeo activities. Video2Commonsense (Fang et al., 2020)
et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2021) relies on object de- uses ATOMIC to extract from an input video a list
tection and automatic image captioning as a way to of intentions that are provided as input to a system
represent videos and analyze visual causal relations. that generates video captions, as well as three types
Research has also been carried out on detecting the of commonsense descriptions (intention, effect, at-
intentions of human actions (Pezzelle et al., 2020); tribute). KVL-BERT (Song et al., 2021) proposes
the task definition differs from ours, however, as a knowledge enhanced cross-modal BERT model
their goal is to automatically choose the correct ac- by introducing entities extracted from ConceptNet
tion for a given image and intention. Other related (Speer et al., 2017) into the input sentences, fol-
work includes (Synakowski et al., 2020), a vision- lowed by testing their visual question answering
based classification model between intentional and model on the VCR benchmark (Zellers et al., 2019).
non-intentional actions and Intentonomy (Jia et al., Unlike previous work that broadly addresses com-
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
monsense relations, we focus on the extraction and Initial 9,759
analysis of action reasons, which allows us to gain Actions with reasons in ConceptNet 139
deeper insights for this relation type. Actions with at least 3 reasons in CN 102
Webly-Supervised Learning. The space of cur- Actions with at least 25 video-clips 25
rent commonsense inference systems is often lim-
 Table 1: Statistics for number of collected actions at
ited to one dataset at a time, e.g., COCO (Lin et al., each stage of data filtering.
2014), VCR (Zellers et al., 2019), MSR-VTT (Xu
et al., 2016). In our work, we ask commonsense
questions in the context of rich, unlimited, con- We also collect a set of human actions and their
stantly evolving online videos from YouTube. reasons from ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017). Ac-
 Previous work has leveraged webly-labeled data tions include verbs such as: clean, write, eat, and
for the purpose of identifying commonsense knowl- other verbs describing everyday activities. The ac-
edge. One of the most extensive efforts is NELL tions are selected based on how many reasons are
(Never Ending Language Learner) (Mitchell et al., provided in ConceptNet and how likely they are to
2015), a system that learns everyday knowledge by appear in our collected videos. For example, the
crawling the web, reading documents and analysing action of cleaning is likely to appear in the vlog
their linguistic patterns. A closely related effort is data, while the action of yawning is not.
NEIL (Never Ending Image Learner), which learns
commonsense knowledge from images on the web 3.2 Data Pre-processing
(Chen et al., 2013). Large scale video datasets
 After collecting the videos, actions and their
(Miech et al., 2019) on instructional videos and
 corresponding reasons, the following data pre-
lifestyle vlogs (Fouhey et al., 2018; Ignat et al.,
 processing steps are applied.
2019) are other examples of web supervision. The
latter are similar to our work as they analyse online Action and Reason Filtering. From Concept-
vlogs, but unlike our work, their focus is on action Net, we select actions that contain at least three
detection and not on the reasons behind actions. reasons. The reasons in ConceptNet are marked by
 the “motivated by“ relation. We further filter out
3 Data Collection and Annotation
 those actions that appear less than 25 times in our
In order to develop and test models for recognizing video dataset, in order to assure that each action
reasons for human actions in videos, we need a has a significant number of instances.
manually annotated dataset. This section describes We find that the reasons from ConceptNet are
the W HYACT dataset of action reasons. often very similar to each other, and thus easy to
 confound. For example, the reasons for the action
3.1 Data Collection clean are: “dirty”, “remove dirt”, “don’t like dirt-
We start by compiling a set of lifestyle videos from iness”, “there dust”, “dirtiness unpleasant”, “dirt
YouTube, consisting of people performing their can make ill”, “things cleaner”, “messy”, “com-
daily routine activities, such as cleaning, cooking, pany was coming”. To address this issue, we apply
studying, relaxing, and others. We build a data agglomerative clustering (Murtagh and Legendre,
gathering pipeline to automatically extract and filter 2014) to group similar actions together. For in-
videos and their transcripts. stance, for the action clean, the following clusters
 We select five YouTube channels and download are produced: [“dirty”, “remove dirt”, “there dust”,
all the videos and their transcripts. The channels “things cleaner”], [“don’t like dirtiness”, “dirtiness
are selected to have good quality videos with auto- unpleasant”, “dirt can make ill”], [“messy”], [“com-
matically generated transcripts containing detailed pany was coming”]. Next, we manually select the
verbal descriptions of the actions depicted. An anal- most representative and clear reason from each
ysis of the videos indicates that both the textual and cluster. We also correct any spelling mistakes and
visual information are rich sources for describing rename the reasons that are either too general or
not only the actions, but why the actions in the unclear (e.g., we rename “messy” to “declutter”).
videos are undertaken (action reasons). We present Finally, after the clustering and processing steps,
qualitative and quantitative analyses of our data in we filter out all the actions that contain less than
section 6. three reasons.
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
We show the statistics before and after the addi-
tive filtering steps in Table 1.

Transcript Filtering. We want transcripts that Please carefully read the instructions before performing the task.
reflect the reasons for performing one or more ac- ▾ Instructions
tions shown in the video. However, the majority of You are given a video that contains a person describing an action and a list
 of candidate reasons for why they want to do the action.
the transcripts contain mainly verbal descriptions From the list of candidate reasons, select the ones that are mentioned
of the action, which are not always helpful in de- verbally or shown visually in the video.

termining their reason. We therefore implement What are the reasons shown or mentioned in the video for performing the
 action of cleaning?
a method to select candidate transcript sequences Please select one or more categories:
 company was coming
that contain at least one causal relation related to do not like dirtiness
the actions shown in the video. remove dirt
 I cannot find any reason mentioned verbally or shown visually in the video
 We start by automatically splitting the transcripts
into sentences using spaCy (Honnibal et al., 2020). Please select how did you find the reasons in the video:
 ◯ The reasons are mentioned verbally
Next, we select the sentences with at least one ◯ The reasons are shown visually
 ◯ The reasons are mentioned verbally and shown visually
action from the final list of actions we collected
 Please select how confident are you in your answers:
from ConceptNet (see the previous section). For ◯ Highconfidence
each selected sentence, we also collect its context ◯ Low confidence

consisting of the sentences before and after. We If there are other reasons that you found, please write them here.
do this in order to increase the search space for the
reasons for the actions mentioned in the selected Figure 2: Instructions for the annotators.
 We want to keep the sentences that contain ac-
tion reasons. We tried multiple methods to au- from transcripts (described in the section above).
tomatically determine the sentences more likely We want video clips that show why the actions
to include causal relations using Semantic Role are being performed. Although there can be many
Labeling (SRL) (Ouchi et al., 2018), Open Infor- actions along with reasons in the transcript, if they
mation Extraction (OpenIE) (Angeli et al., 2015) are not depicted in the video, we cannot leverage
and searching for causal markers. We found that the video information in our task. Videos with
SRL and OpenIE do not work well on our data, low movement tend to show people sitting in front
likely due to the fact that the transcripts are more of the camera, describing their routine, but not
noisy than the datasets these models were trained performing the action they are talking about. We
on. Most of the language in the transcripts does not therefore remove clips that do not contain enough
follow simple patterns such as “I clean because it movement. We sample one out of every one hun-
is dirty.” Instead, the language consists of natural dred frames of the clip, and compute the 2D corre-
everyday speech such as “Look at how dirty this is, lation coefficient between these sampled frames. If
I think I should clean it.” the median of the obtained values is greater than a
 certain threshold (0.8, selected on the development
 We find that a strategy sufficient for our purposes
 data), we filter out the clip. We also remove video-
is to search for causal markers such as “because”,
 clips that are shorter than 10 seconds and longer
“since”, “so that is why”, “thus”, “therefore” in the
 than 3 minutes.
sentence and the context, and constrain the distance
between the actions and the markers to be less than
 3.3 Data Annotation
15 words – a threshold identified on development
data. We thus keep all the transcript sentences and The resulting (video clip, action, reasons) tuples
their context that contain at least one action and are annotated with the help of Amazon Mechanical
a causal marker within a distance of less than the Turk (AMT) workers. They are asked to identify:
threshold of 15 words. (1) what are the reasons shown or mentioned in
 the video clip for performing a given action; (2)
Video Filtering. As transcripts are temporally how are the reasons identified in the video: are
aligned with videos, we can obtain meaningful they mentioned verbally, shown visually, or both;
video clips related to the narration. We extract (3) whether there are other reasons other than the
video clips corresponding to the sentences selected ones provided; (4) how confident the annotator is
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
Video-clips 1,077 textual information, and we compare its perfor-
 Video hours 107.3 mance with several single-modality baselines.
 Transcript words 109,711 The models we develop are unsupervised in that
 Actions 24 we are not learning any task-specific information
 Reasons 166
 from a training dataset. We use a validation set
 only to tune the hyper-parameters of the models.
 Table 2: Data statistics.

 Test Development 4.1 Data Processing and Representation
 Actions 24 24 Textual Representations. To represent the tex-
 Reasons 166 166 tual data – transcripts and candidate reasons –
 Video-clips 853 224 we use sentence embeddings computed using the
 pre-trained model Sentence-BERT (Reimers and
Table 3: Statistics for the experimental data split. The
 Gurevych, 2019).
methods we run are unsupervised with fine-tuning on
development set.
 Video Representations. In order to tie together
 the causal relations, both the textual, and the visual
in their response. The guidelines and interface for information, we represent the video as a bag of
annotations are shown in Figure 2. In addition to object labels and a collection of video captions.
the guidelines, we also provide the annotators with For object detection we use Detectron2 (Wu et al.,
a series of examples of completed assignments with 2019), a state-of-the-art object detection algorithm.
explanations for why the answers were selected. We generate automatic captions for the videos
We present them in the supplemental material in using a state-of-the-art dense captioning model
Figure 6. (Iashin and Rahtu, 2020). The input to the model
 We add new action reasons from the ones added are visual features extracted from I3D model pre-
by the annotators if they repeat at least three times trained on Kinetics (Carreira and Zisserman, 2017),
in the collected answers and are not similar to the audio features extracted with VGGish model (Her-
ones already existing. shey et al., 2017) pre-trained on YouTube-8M (Abu-
 Each assignment is completed by three different El-Haija et al., 2016) and caption tokens using
master annotators. We compute the agreement be- GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014).
tween the annotators using Fleiss Kappa (Fleiss,
1971) and we obtain 0.6, which indicates a moder- 4.2 Baselines
ate agreement. Because the annotators can select Using the representations described in Section 4.1,
multiple reasons, the agreement is computed per we implement several textual and visual models.
reason and then averaged.
 We also analyse how confident the workers are 4.2.1 Textual Similarity
in their answers: for each video, we take the confi- Given an action, a video transcript associated with
dence selected by the majority of workers: out of the action, and a list of the candidate action rea-
1,077 videos, in 890 videos the majority of workers sons, we compute the cosine similarity between
are highly confident. the textual representations of the transcript and all
 Table 2 shows statistics for our final dataset of the candidate reasons. We predict as correct those
video-clips and actions annotated with their rea- reasons that have a cosine similarity with the tran-
sons. Figure 1 shows a sample video and transcript, script greater than a threshold of 0.1. The threshold
with annotations. Additional examples of anno- is fine-tuned on development data.
tated actions and their reasons can be seen in the
 Because the transcript might contain information
supplemental material in Figure 8.
 that may be unrelated to the action described or its
 reasons, we also develop a second version of this
4 Identifying Causal Relations in Vlogs
 baseline. When computing the similarity, instead
Given a video, an action, and a list of candidate of using the whole transcript, we select only the
action reasons, our goal is to determine the reasons part of the transcript that is in the vicinity of the
mentioned or shown in the video. We develop a causal markers (before and after a fixed number
multimodal model that leverages both visual and words, fine-tuned on development data).
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
it is relaxing

 Encoder - Decoder

 Embedding Layer Linear Layer

 Transcript: “[...] I read because ___ [...]”

 Video: ... ... I3D ... ...

Figure 3: Overview architecture of our Multimodal Fill-in-the-blanks model. The span of text “because ” is
introduced in the video transcript, after the appearance of the action. This forces the T5 model to generate the
words missing in the blanks. We then compute the probability of each potential reason and take as positive those
that pass a threshold.

4.2.2 Natural Language Inference (NLI) by another time slot, we only keep the caption of
We use a pre-trained NLI model (Yin et al., 2019) the longer time slot. We find that captions of longer
as a zero-shot sequence classifier. The NLI model time slots are also more informative and accurate
is pre-trained on the Multi-Genre Natural Lan- compared to captions of shorter time slots.
guage Inference (MultiNLI) corpus (Williams et al.,
 4.3 Multimodal Model
2018), a collection of sentence pairs annotated with
textual entailment information. To leverage information from both the visual and
 The method works by posing the sequence to linguistic modalities, we propose a new model that
be classified as the NLI premise and constructing recasts our task as a Cloze task, and attempts to
a hypothesis from each candidate label: given the identify the action reasons by performing a fill-
transcript as a premise and the list of reasons as the in-the-blanks prediction, similarly to Castro et al.
hypotheses, each reason will receive a score that re- (2021) that proposes to fill blanks corresponding to
flects the probability of entailment. For example, if noun phrases in descriptions based on video clips
we want to evaluate whether the label “declutter” is content. Specifically, after each action mention
a reason for the action “cleaning”, we construct the for which we want to identify the reason, we add
hypothesis “The reason for cleaning is declutter.” the text “because .” For instance, “I clean the
 We use a threshold of 0.8 fine-tuned on the de- windows” is replaced by “I clean the windows be-
velopment data to filter the reasons that have a high cause ”. We train a language model to compute
entailment score with the transcript. the likelihood of filling in the blank with each of
 the candidate reasons. For this purpose, we use
Bag of Objects. We replace the transcript in the
 T5 (Raffel et al., 2020), an encoder-decoder trans-
premise with a list of object labels detected from
 former (Vaswani et al., 2017) pre-trained model, to
the video. The objects are detected using the De-
 fill in blanks with text.
tectron2 model (Wu et al., 2019) on each video
 To incorporate the visual data, we first obtain
frame, at 1fps. We select only the objects that pass
 Kinetics-pre-trained I3D (Carreira and Zisserman,
a confidence score of 0.7.
 2017) RGB features at 25fps (the average pooling
Automatic Video Captioning. We replace the layer). We input the features to the T5 encoder after
transcript in the premise with a list of video cap- the transcript text tokens. The text input is passed
tions detected using the Bi-modal Transformer for through an embedding layer (as in T5), while the
Dense Video Captioning model (Iashin and Rahtu, video features are passed through a linear layer.
2020). The video captioning model generates cap- Since T5 was not trained with this kind of input,
tions for several time slots. We further filter the we fine-tune it on unlabeled data from the same
generated captions to remove redundant captions: source, without including data that contains the
if a time slot is heavily overlapped or even covered causal marker “because”. Note this also helps the
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
 not like dirt
model specialize on filling-in-the-blank with rea-



 company co



sons. Finally, we fine-tune the model on the devel-





 ink get


opment data. We obtain the reasons for an action by g

 wa tast
 ha e in


 bit br ed
 o fre rat

 wo ke re d
computing the likelihood of the potential ones and hy

 rth n
 enjo it
 e de h ir sty
 y clean t b ere t
taking the ones that pass a threshold selected based no w c are
 need skin
 buy relax
on the development data. The model architecture healthy
 tastes good
is shown in Figure 3. ry ...
 were hung eat
 We also use our fill-in-the-blanks model in a ravin
 had c drive
 h ealt fall
single modality mode, where we apply it only on joy
 cook do
 en ore
the transcript.



 us plac


 improve skills


 p fe

 be h



 make meal

 cts fa




5 Evaluation

We consider as gold standard the labels selected by Figure 4: Distribution of the first seven actions, in al-
the majority of workers (at least two out of three phabetical order, and their reasons, in our dataset. The
 rest of the actions and their reasons are shown in the
 appendix, in Figure 7.
 For our experiments, we split the data across
video-clips: 20% development and 80% test (see
Table 3 for a breakdown of actions, reasons and 6 Data Analysis
video-clips in each set). We evaluate our systems as We perform an analysis of the actions, reasons and
follows. For each action and corresponding video- video-clips in the W HYACT dataset. The distri-
clip, we compute the Accuracy, Precision, Recall bution of actions and their reasons are shown in
and F1 scores between the gold standard and pre- Figure 4. The supplemental material includes ad-
dicted labels. We then compute the average of the ditional analyses: the distribution of actions and
scores across actions. Because the annotated data their number of reasons (Figure 11) and videos
is unbalanced (in average, 2 out of 6 candidate rea- (Figure 10) and the distribution of actions and their
sons per instance are selected as gold standard), the worker agreement scores (Figure 9).
most representative metric is F1 score. The average We also explore the content of the videos by
results are shown in Table 4. The results also vary analysing their transcripts. In particular, we look
by action: the F1 scores for each action, of the best at the actions and their direct objects. For exam-
performing method, are shown in the supplemental ple, the action clean is depicted in various ways in
material in Figure 12. the videos: “clean shower”, “clean body”, “clean
 Experiments on W HYACT reveal that both tex- makeup”, “clean dishes”. The action diversity as-
tual and visual modalities contribute to solving the sures that the task is challenging and complex, try-
task. The results demonstrate that the task is chal- ing to cover the full spectrum of everyday activities.
lenging and there is room for improvement for fu- In Figure 5 we show what kind of actions are de-
ture work models. picted in the videos: we extract all the verbs and
 Selecting the most frequent reason for each ac- their most five most frequent direct objects using
tion on test data achieves on average an F1 of 40.64, spaCy (Honnibal et al., 2020) and then we clus-
with a wide variation ranging from a very low F1 ter them by verb and plot them using t-distributed
for the action “writing” (7.66 F1) to a high F1 for Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) (Van der
the action “cleaning” (55.42 F1). Note however Maaten and Hinton, 2008).
that the “most frequent reason” model makes use Finally, we analyse what kind of information is
of data distributions that our models do not use required for detecting the action reasons: what is
(because our models are not trained). Furthermore, verbally described, visually shown in the video or
we believe that it is expected that for certain ac- the combination of visual and verbal cues. For this,
tions the distribution of reasons is unbalanced, as we analyse the worker’s justifications for selecting
in everyday life there are action reasons much more the action reasons: if the reasons were verbally
common than others (e.g. for “cleaning”, “remove mentioned in the video, visually shown or both.
dirt” is a more common/frequent reason than “com- For each video, we take the justification selected
pany was coming”). by the majority of workers. We find that the rea-
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
Method Input Accuracy Precision Recall F1
 Cosine Transcript 57.70 31.39 55.94 37.64
 similarity Causal relations from transcript 50.85 30.40 68.91 39.73
 Natural Transcript 68.41 41.90 48.01 40.78
 Lan- Video object labels 54.49 31.70 59.93 36.79
 guage Video dense captions 49.18 29.54 68.47 37.40
 Inference Video object labels & dense captions 36.93 27.34 87.97 39.11
 Fill-in-the-blanks Transcript 44.04 30.70 87.10 43.59
 Fill-in-the-blanks Video & Transcript 32.6 27.56 94.76 41.11

 Table 4: Results from our models on test data.

 nail that contains action reasons.
 toenail routine
 wall color
 holiday dish dinner game Impact of reason specificity on model perfor-
 anticipation stuff card house clothing
 meal meat deck piano collection
 moment mance. The reasons in W HYACT vary from spe-
 lot lesson recipe goal thredup section part hour
 succulent hand bit cific (e.g., for the verb “fall’, possible reasons are:
 number skill sheet Chinese chart
 sign scrunchie
 version egg autobiography book page “tripped”, “ladder broke”, “rush”, “makeup fell”)
 ton around block
 curtain cupcake script novel book sponsor to general (e.g., for the verb “play”, possible rea-
perspective chocolate place towel gift street
 task coffee coffee water bottom Skillshare that
 day tea God guy pet sons are: “relax”, “entertain yourself”, “play an
 vinegar rest head
 juice bedding dog instrument”). We believe that a model can benefit
 instrument candle voice muscle
 tip music bag oil hope stomach shower bowl
 from learning both general and specific reasons.
 breathing digestion window
 makeup flow
 car soil From general reasons such as “relax”, a model can
 audition video aesthetic
 world learn to extrapolate, generalize, and adapt to other
 trip vacation
 actions for which those reasons might apply (e.g.,
 buy drive learn relax switch walk
 clean eat paint remember thank work “relax” can also be a reason for actions like “drink”
 cook fall play sell travel write
 drink help read shop or “read”) and use these general reasons to learn
 commonalities between these actions. On the other
Figure 5: The t-SNE representation of the five most fre- hand, from a specific reason like “ladder broke”,
quent direct objects for each action/verb in our dataset.
 the model can learn very concise even if limited
Each color represents a different action.
 information, which applies to very specific actions.

 Data Annotation Challenges. During the data
sons for the actions can be inferred only by relying annotation process, the workers had the choice
on the narration for less than half of the videos to write comments about the task. From these
(496 / 1,077). For the remaining videos, the anno- comments we found that some difficulties with
tators answered that they relied on either the visual data annotation had to do with actions expressed
information (in 55 videos) or on both visual and through verbs that have multiple meanings and are
audio information (in 423 videos). The remaining sometimes used as figures of speech. For instance,
103 videos do not have a clear agreement among the verb “jump” was often labeled by workers as
annotators on the modality used to indicate the ac- “jumping means starting” or “jumping is a figure
tion reasons. We believe that this imbalanced split of speech here.” Because the majority of videos
might be a reason for why the multimodal model containing the verb “jump” are labeled like this,
does not perform as well as the text model. For we decided to remove this verb from our initial list
future work, we want to collect more visual data of 25 actions. Another verb that is used (only a
WHYACT: Identifying Action Reasons in Lifestyle Vlogs
few times) with multiple meanings is “fall” and papers (Miech et al., 2019; Fouhey et al., 2018;
some of the comments received from the workers Abu-El-Haija et al., 2016), and we followed the
are: “she mentions the season fall, not the action typical process used by all this previous work of
of falling,” “falling is falling into place,” “falling compiling the data through the official YouTube
off the wagon, figure of speech.” These examples API and only sharing the urls of the videos. We
confirm how rich and complex the collected data have the rights to use our dataset in the way we
is and how current state-of-the-art parsers are not are using it, and we bear responsibility in case of a
sufficient to correctly process it. violation of rights or terms of service.

7 Conclusion Acknowledgements
In this paper, we addressed the task of detecting hu- We thank Pingxuan Huang for his help in improv-
man action reasons in online videos. We explored ing the annotation user interface. This research was
the genre of lifestyle vlogs, and constructed W HY- partially supported by a grant from the Automo-
ACT – a new dataset of 1,077 video-clips, actions tive Research Center (ARC) at the University of
and their reasons. We described and evaluated sev- Michigan.
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A Appendix

▾ Instructions
You are given a video that contains a person describing an action and a list of candidate reasons for why they
want to do the action.

From the list of candidate reasons, select the ones that are mentioned verbally or shown visually in the video.

Please see three examples below:

 1. Action reasons are mentioned verbally, and shown visually in the video

 2. Action reasons are mentioned verbally, but not shown visually in the video

 3. Action reasons are shown visually, but not mentioned verbally in the video

 Figure 6: Instructions and examples of completed assignments with explanations for why the answers
 were selected.
express altruism
 enhanc ft project

 become friend
 accomplish mutual go

 good insid
 express yo

 assis complete utility
 create art

 maxim elp in return
 DYI craeative

 chan y

 educ ork
 feel c olors in
 enjo walls

 rec ed

 ge c


 bor rn
 e appe

 ise ow



 tec re ed

 tire iden roke


 re he spir nolo x

 to hy al gy
 ac der b


 makes feel
 urself e


 lad ped p fe ll

 t with


 op h ity

 trip eu fa

 sit t

 po abi
 ma jec


 d alt itu




 ru ng


 t d ati
 p in od t



 ge br
 pl lay ga go e

 ay m m d forg g


 bo an us e e
 st o in ed
 ta t t sh at

 re red ins ic k n e dr

 en lax tru ir n wa refr ehy irsty

 tai m d ld d th re
 en ng e

 u a
 co ny t wo omi wer skinc elax

 mp ou r hy
 do an rse ec
 no y w l f b alt
 hab t like as c oid he


 self it dir om
 tine in fun s
 c ss g d ke

 dec are ista lf
 l m

 rem utter a t i n g urse
 ove pla epe e yo g
 dirt id r improv powerin
 y ink avo em to cope
 to mu dr helps curious
 be pro s
 ductiv ic clea nded
 learn e n comme
 was re re painful
 obey course fa ilu
 learn tested
 enjoy going to get
hear what saying listen become educated
 know more information
have done good job work need money
 healthy relax
 have to
 self care trave comple
 help sle tress
 l feel pro te job
 s itch ductive
 reduce energy sw tha expe
 nk rienc
 recov sh
 e dif
 feren work
 d rit op t cult
 min w v u
 fickle e your visi acation re
 t pe
 n g
 cha iting en
 t ople

 exc em


 rov ap help



 n p

 f u im ike p e
 ke l fee recia d
 ma not l l te
 do ve gra good
 e no usic bu tef
 a t m ay y bu ul
 cre ate he d er f ne y bo

 r e t el ce ne
 e re
 c an mb rs

 ss w nj d
 pl me us you ar th oy

 y ing

 re mo ss

 th s

 fa pre in


 wo bit e b

 ge ms a

 wo joy
 you are tired energy
 ha lac


 tm s
 en ney ch
 ne joy it


 sleepy rly next d

 do re as
 en rth

 had e hun od

 be h cravin ry

 ch lax
 go some ble

 we tes g


 use place
 enjo althy


 be h


 want to relax

 to clean up

 eed to rest



 hung al
 p ea


 ealt y
 ve sk

 keep w


 get u


 Figure 7: Distribution of all the actions and their reasons in our dataset.
Why is the person eating ?

 ☑ tastes good
 ... ...
 were hungry
 had craving
 ☑ be healthy
"and I am gonna dress this I would say I do not I dress light to medium because other than that ☑ enjoy
you do feel like you are eating plants by itself so I whisk the olive oil into the ingredients so it is
nice to have a good rich dressing and this one was really delicious"

 Why is the person learning ?

 ☑ know more information
 ... ... ☑ improve yourself
 ☑ fun
 ☑ become educated
 course was recommended
"there is a bunch of farm courses that i wanted to take but i have been taking my time because i am
busy with other things as well but i have been finding it interesting learning a lot and also trying to
 avoid repeating mistakes
hone my skills .."

 Why is the person playing ?

 ☑ win game
 ... ... play music
 "it is fun because both of us are kind of competitive so it is always fun to play a board game or a ☑ entertain yourself
card game so tonight we are playing uno normally but when our kids go to sleep we very often enjoy
a shower or a bath together i share how much i enjoy my bathtub and my shower ...”

 Why is the person working ?

 have to
 ... ...
 ☑ complete job
 ☑ feel productive
 need money
"... and as you can see he is actually working on extending our fence line and he is been doing that
all on his own as well he also has quite a bit that he does on the tractor as well in order to keep the
entire property clean ...”

 Why is the person painting ?

 clean walls
 ☑ DYI craft project
 ☑ express yourself
 ☑ enhance appearance
 ☑ feel creative
"... I wanted to show you how I made a little hanging burlap sign for my door that says Happy Easter
now I have seen these done with Easter bunnies but I wanted to do a cross and this is what I am change colors in home
going to use to paint the cross on the burlap ...”

 Figure 8: Other examples of actions and their annotated action reasons in our dataset.
#videos score


 buy buy
 clean clean

ber of videos.
 drink cook
 drive drink
 eat drive
 fall eat
 help fall
 learn help
 listen learn
 paint listen

 read play

 reme lax read
 reme lax
 shop mber
 sleep sell
 switc shop
 thanh slee
 travek switcp
 walkl thanh
 work travek

 Figure 9: Distribution of all the actions and their

 worker agreement score: Fleiss kappa score (Fleiss,

Figure 10: Distribution of all the actions and their num-

 score #reasons


 buy buy
 clean clean
 cook cook

 ber of reasons.
 drink drink
 drive drive
 eat eat
 fall fall
 help help

 in-the-blanks with Text).
 learn learn
 listen listen
 paint paint
 play play


 read read
 re re
 reme lax reme lax
 mber mber
 sell sell
 shop shop
 sleep sleep
 switc switc
 thanh thanh
 travek travek
 walkl walkl
 work work
 write write

 Figure 12: Distribution of all the actions and their F1
 score obtained with the highest performing model (Fill-
 Figure 11: Distribution of all the actions and their num-
You can also read