www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels

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www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
www.sffc.com.au   THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels

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               (JUST OFF THE FREEWAY PAST NORTH LAKE ROAD)   9333 5544
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www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
2008                    CLUB OFFICE BEARERS
Patron & No 1 Ticket Holder       Eileen Bond
Vice Patrons                      Hassa Mann, Bob Maumill, John Todd,
                                  Tom Grljusich, Stephen Michael, Steve
                                  Marsh, Peter Tagliaferri
Trustees                          Jim Christie, Tony Parentich, Richard
President                         Terry Dean
Vice President                    Salvatore Capolingua
Directors                         Don Pasqua, John Rigby, Santo
                                  Merenda, Haydn Raitt, Peter Christie,
                                  Robert Taylor, Tom Bottrell
Chief Executive Officer           Brian Ciccotosto
                                                                             BACK ROW L-R: Peter Christie, Don Pasqua, Haydn Raitt, Tom Bottrell
Football Manager                  Jason Burton
                                                                            FRONT ROW L-R: Santo Merenda, Salvatore Capolingua (Vice President),
Administration Manager            Amelia Dabrowski
                                                                                     Terry Dean (President), Brian Ciccotosto (CEO)
Office Assistant                  Kirsty McGuire
                                                                                           ABSENT: Robert Taylor, John Rigby
Functions/Bar Coordinator         Tracey Baker
District Development Manager      Bradd Gardiner                            Statisticians                   Alan Powell, Felix Smetana, Anna
District Development Officer      Louise McKenry                                                            Kristancic, Sue Gurney, Tracey Hall,
Development Assistant             Adrian Ricciardello                                                       Jake Stanton
Community Multicultural Officer   Russell Higgins                           Interchange Steward             David Slack, Sue Jones, Harry Drygan
Maintenance/Ground Manager        Steve McCarthy                            Medical Staff                   Dr Jill Cowan, Dr Sam Sparta
Auditor                           Francis A Jones                           Chiropractor                    Chris Martinovich
Past Players & Officials          President: Wayne Delmenico,               Physiotherapist                 Greg Wootton
                                  Secretary/Treasurer: Kevin Saint,         Support Staff                   John Bateman, Lorne McGuinness,
                                  Committee: Ron Greer, Ray Richards,                                       Steve McAuley, Matthew Jones,
                                  Ron Johnston, Peter Dougan, Bob                                           Brett MacAuley
                                  Bright, David Brown, Rodney Higgs,
                                  Peter Taylor-Thorpe
Volunteers                        Ron & Sheila Greer, Glad Wayne,
                                  Margaret Smith, Joan Jones, Ruby
                                  Wilson, Rae Benn, Mona Porter, Vida
                                  Dunstan, Anna Riddell, Marion Reid,
                                  Bertha Scobie, Margaret Redpath,
                                  Pam McGuinness, Nancy Watson,
                                  Peter Taylor-Thorpe
Coaches                           League: John Dimmer – Assistant:
                                  Tony Walters, Glen Jakovich
                                  Reserves: Garry Fuller– Assistant: Greg
                                  Colts: Neil Mildenhall - Assistant:
                                  Michael Athanasiou, Michael Hays
Strength & Conditioning Coach     League: James Bridle,
                                  Colts: Paul Newman
Coaches Assistants                Carl Micale, Andrew Stone
Captain                           Toby McGrath
Vice Captain                      Ray Smithers
Team Managers                     League: Tony Mollica
                                  Reserves: Peter Matier
                                  Colts: Lew Turner
Liaison Officer                   Colts: Charlie Ricciardello
Selection Panel                   John Dimmer, Tony Walters, Garry
                                  Fuller, Greg Townsend, Andrew Stone
Runners                           League: Dean Ercegovich, David
                                  Gault, Ryan Webb, Evan Hewitt
                                  Reserves: Les Olivieri
Head Trainer                      League: Merv Lockhart
Trainers                          Marty Bos, Nigel Smith, Jason August,
                                  Emma Payne, Caitlyn Drygan, Rhianne
                                  Carlton, Jessie Hayes, Blair Seubert
Property Staff                    Ron Porter, John Jones,
                                  Sandy Cuccovia
Timekeepers                       Jennifer Nikolich, Terry Turnbull,
                                  George Cole
                                                                                       South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
Thanks the following Sponsors
                         for their Support in 2008
                                   Major Sponsor
                                     Foster’s Australia

                    Major Support Sponsors
                                            Titan Ford
                                     Homestyle Salad Makers
                                    Esplanade Hotel Fremantle
                                      Howard Porter Pty Ltd
                                     Driftwood Estate Wines

                         Associated Sponsors
     Accuweigh Pty Ltd                     FLN Commercial Repairs              Perth Finance Centre
        Avanti Glass                          FLN Spraypainting                      Radio 6PR
   Bacich Smash Repairs                        Floors By Nature            Raine & Horne Commercial
           Belt Up                      Fremantle/Cockburn Gazette                   Realmark
         Beta Spuds                            Frichot & Frichot                    Red Rooster
    Beiersdorf Australia                     Harcourts Fremantle                Reed Resources Ltd
   Burley Sekem Pty Ltd                  Instant Waste Management           S & D Jewellery Workshop
        Chicken Treat                             IWD Pty Ltd                  Scotty’s Fruit & Vege
        CLP Lawyers                        Janart Drink Consultants          Sea Corporation Pty Ltd
         Coates Hire                         LRC Quality Homes                    SPM Marketing
      Coca-Cola Amatil                 Mal Atwell Indoor Leisure Group            Standout Signs
Containers Australia Pty Ltd                   Merenda Group              Star Promotional Merchandise
 Cricket and Football Shop                       Metro Lintels                     Stripe Master
Denning Deane Commercial                    Moondyne Joe’s Hotel            Strzelecki Holdings Pty Ltd
           Lawyers                        Mower City Hamilton Hill       South Fremantle Garden Centre
      Dimattina Coffee                           Needhamair                       TAB Sportsbet
       DiPrinzio Family                         Nelson Capital                     Tyrrell’s Wines
 Empire Property Solutions                    Numero Uno Cafe              Vassallo Corporation Pty Ltd
       FAJ IT Services                       Oceanus Restaurant                 Warrens Menswear
     Ferrari Formalwear                 P & G Body Builders Pty Ltd        Workforce Clothing Pty Ltd
         Fini Olives                          Paramount Capital             Worldwide Online Printing

      South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
2008                        PRESIDENT’S REPORT
It is with pleasure that I submit my final
President’s report to the members for the 2008
                                                   that the problem can be resolved.
                                                   South Fremantle Warriors
season. As required by the constitution I will
                                                   Development Squad
be stepping down as from this year’s Annual
                                                   Jim Hurst has announced his retirement as
General Meeting.
                                                   chairman after an involvement which has been
Football                                           almost continuous since 1993. He has been a
The season was dominated by Subiaco which          magnificent contributor and we are hopeful of
was clearly the best team and ultimately           retaining his services in an advisory capacity.
deserving Premiers. I do believe that we           Peter O’Neil will take over as chairman. A
would have been capable of troubling the           number of priorities have been identified for
Lions during the finals had circumstances fallen   2009:                                               President Terry Dean in his final address as
our way. Unfortunately injuries, suspensions                                                           President after six consecutive terms
and the unavailability of some AFL players         • To better promote the success of the
meant that we were unable to field anything          Warriors.                                         Meeting. The club trustees are also reviewing
like our strongest side. The league teams          • To continue to develop the Warriors coaching      the constitution to consider if any changes
performance over the last three games was            style as directed by our league coach.            should be recommended to the members.
quite disappointing.
                                                   • To improve the level of professionalism of the    I would like to acknowledge the contribution of
Since the finals the club has conducted its          programme.                                        John Lange, John Colgan, Murray MacDonald,
annual Football Forum during which we have                                                             Peter Dougan and others who worked on the
planned for the coming season. I detect a          • To better cater for those 16-17 year olds who     Football Strategy Committee. The club slogan,
steely resolve in John Dimmer to improve our         don’t play colts.                                 the Aims & Ethos have been retained as the
performances. He has already held meetings         • To appoint a Talent Development Officer to        basis on which the business plan has been built.
individually with many of our players to outline     oversee the programme, subject to availability    Much of the Football Operations section is also
his plans and expectations for them.                 of funding.                                       the results of their work.

Acknowledgements                                   Our thanks to all of the coaches and volunteers     Club Volunteers and Support Staff
• Congratulations go to Toby McGrath and           who have worked so well to make the                 Once again I would like to acknowledge
  Keren Ugle who played their 150 games,           programme successful.                               the magnificent efforts of our volunteers
                                                                                                       and support staff who have contributed so
  thereby gaining Life Membership.
                                                   WAFL - Equalisation Policy                          much over the past year. Our propertymen,
• Jason Matthews and Robbie Haddrill have          The WAFL clubs have adopted a number                medical staff, timekeepers, coaching
  both announced their retirements. Jason          of measures to develop a more equalised             assistants, interchange stewards and the many
  progressed through our colts and reserves to     competition. These include:                         contributors to our football team’s performance
  play league football. His value as a clubman                                                         have all ensured our players are well prepared
                                                   • A salary cap which will be increased for the
  was recognised this year when he was                                                                 to take the field each week.
                                                   first time in five years for 2009.
  awarded the Best Clubman trophy. We are                                                              To all of those volunteers who have assisted
  hopeful of retaining Jason in some capacity      • Restrictions on the number of players that can
                                                                                                       with fund raising activities, food preparations
  around the club. Robbie has only played          be recruited from other states.
                                                                                                       and the myriad of activities necessary to run
  at the club for one year and injuries have       • A points system which will apply from 2009.       a successful football club sincerest thanks to
  curtailed his career. He was a wonderful                                                             your efforts. We are indebted to you all for the
  contributor both on and off the field.           While South Fremantle has expressed our             wonderful contribution you make.
                                                   opposition to these restrictions we do believe
• Simon O’Keefe has returned to Victoria for       that a competitive league is a desired outcome.     Succession Planning
  personal reasons. He was a terrific recruit as   Extensive recruiting of players from outside club   An important element of the club’s developing
  demonstrated by his third placing Fairest and    zones will now be very difficult.                   business plan is to ensure continuity when
  Best award.                                                                                          replacing key personnel when they leave.
                                                   Facilities                                          Accordingly the coming vacancy in the
• Garry Fuller has decided to step down as         Over the past twelve months the club has            Presidency has been discussed by the Board
  reserves coach as he will be away for four       continued its refurbishment with a make over of     with Haydn Raitt selected as its nominee.
  weeks next season. Garry will be retained as     the visitors’ changerooms. Our priority of this     This will, of course, ultimately be decided by
  an assistant coach.                              year’s off season is to renovate our own player     the membership as to whether Haydn will be
                                                   changerooms. This will see walls knocked down       opposed and an election necessary.
Player Allocations –
                                                   to create better use of space, wet areas retiled,
Fremantle Football Club                                                                                Haydn has been a director for eleven years and
                                                   a new hot water system, new fittings, carpets
It was disappointing that several eligible                                                             has gained considerable experience over this
                                                   and lockers and a complete repaint.
players were declared unavailable to play finals                                                       period. He is very passionate about the club
football again this year. Some members have        Club Business Plan                                  and has exceptional people skills. As chairman
suggested that we should not accept Fremantle      As indicated in the 2007 report a sub               of the State Dry Cleaning Association he has
players again. However, we have decided that       committee has been working on the club’s            displayed strong leadership on a number of
we should work with Fremantle to reach an          business plan to improve our performance in all     occasions.
agreement which is to the mutual benefit of        areas. This is almost complete and we intend
both clubs. Accordingly representatives have       to have a summary of the plan for presentation      Haydn’s endorsement will ensure a smooth
met to discuss the issue and we are confident      to the members at this year’s Annual General        transition to this position.
                                                                                       South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
CONTINUED FROM - Page 5                            Chief Executive Officer, Brian Ciccotosto             Quiet achiever, Steve McCarthy, continues to
                                                   continues to amaze with his ability to come up        maintain Fremantle Oval in pristine condition.
Board of Management
                                                   with new initiatives. This year the BOSS Club         He further enhances our claim as a true “Centre
John Rigby has decided not to renominate
                                                   (Bunch of South Supporters) was a winner,             of Excellence”.
this year after 10 years as a Director. He has
                                                   assisting with our fund raising and providing a
performed wonderful service, taking on many                                                              District Manager Bradd Gardiner together
                                                   great networking medium for business people.
of the less popular, unglamorous tasks including                                                         with Development Office Louise McKenry
                                                   Thank you Brian for your great support over the
developing the players gym, organising a                                                                 have continued to exceed expectations in
                                                   many years we have worked together.
number of end of season trips, chairing the                                                              growing the game in the South Fremantle
house committee and organising social events.      Office Manager, Amelia Dabrowski, has now             zone. Our District Development committee
His Friday night chocolate wheel innovations       completed ten years of fantastic service.             led by Rob Taylor with the support of a very
are legendary. Well done and thanks Riggers!       Nothing is too much trouble for Amelia and her        capable and experienced group of committee
                                                   efficiency in managing club affairs is legendary.     have continued to lead the way in junior
I would also like to thank all of the Directors
                                                   She is ably assisted by Kirsty.                       development in West Australia.
who have served on the club board over
the past twelve years. They have given me          With the resignation of Marty Atkins early in         In conclusion I would like to thank the South
wonderful support and have all contributed to      the year Jason Burton took over the Football          Fremantle Football Club for the opportunity it
making the club what it is today.                  Manager’s role, a position he has settled             has given me over the past twelve years. To
                                                   into very well. Jason has displayed the same          have been accepted as President has been a
I would especially like to express my
                                                   commitment to the role as Marty did before            very humbling experience. My sincere thanks
appreciation to Sal Capolingua who has been
                                                   him.                                                  to all of the directors, employees, coaches,
Vice President over this time. Sal’s loyalty,
                                                                                                         players, sponsors and most of all the very many
support, friendship, advice and, when needed,      Thanks also to Tracey, our very efficient Bar
                                                                                                         wonderful members with whom I have had the
wise counsel have all helped make the job so       Manager and her hard working staff. Tracey
                                                                                                         opportunity to associate over this period.
much easier. Thank you, Sal.                       displays a genuine desire to be successful in
                                                   her role beyond that which could normally be
                                                   expected in an employee. She has sought and
Many thanks go to our wonderful staff who                                                                TERRY DEAN
                                                   attracted a lot of new business to our club.
continue to work so effectively to ensure our
                                                   Together with caterer Guido, they provide a           President
club remains prosperous and viable.
                                                   wonderful service.

2008                        CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT

Members of the South Fremantle Football Club,      modern spacious facility.                             Scott Thornton the opportunity to play.
on behalf of the Board of Directors, I have much
                                                   Our next project to renovate our forty year           On paper we were the second best team in the
pleasure in presenting for your adoption the
                                                   old changerooms has already begun and                 competition with all our squad available.
club’s 109th Annual Report.
                                                   is being managed by Joe DePetra of LRC
                                                                                                         First Year Players
The year can best be described as one of           Quality Homes. The budget to complete the
                                                                                                         Fourteen players made their league debut in
consolidation off field and disappointment on      refurbishment is close to $150,000.
                                                                                                         2008, seven of which graduated from our colts.
                                                   The WAFC has allocated a sum of $45,000               Our colts contingent was made up of Cory Dell’
Major additions and renovations to the licensed    this year to assist in the improvement of             Olio, Reece Adams, Adam Guglielmana, Zac
club premises and administration office were       our facilities which we can thank retiring            Austin, Gavin Campbell, Kallen Bond and Toby
completed this year which were long overdue.       commissioners Ric Gloede and Ian Taylor,              Bairstow.
                                                   members of the WAFL Facilities Committee for
New coolrooms were installed in the WJ                                                                   Best Player Awards
                                                   their parting display of generosity.
(Dooza) Hughes Members Bar as well as point                                                              Congratulations to Toby McGrath, Jordan Smith
of sale terminals which have been very well        The dismal end to the season three successive         and Joel Palumbo for winning the best and
received and appreciated by the bar staff and      losses including the home semi final to eventual      fairest medals for the league, reserves and colts
our regular members and visitors on match days     grand finalists Swan Districts was a bitter pill to   respectively.
and on Friday nights.                              swallow.
                                                                                                         Special Awards
The club kitchen received an overhaul with         Of our six major recruits for the season, only        The Clive Lewington Medal for our best player
two new commercial ovens and chinaware             Robbie Haddrill was available for duty. The           in the Foundation Day Derby was won by
and cutlery to cater for 500 people. Our           untimely retirement of James Walker and the           Simon O’Keefe. Toby McGrath won the Neil
executive chef, Guido Micalizzi was instrumental   unavailability of Sam Hunt, Nick Paine and Sam        Lewington Medal for our best player in the first
in persuading the board to complete this           Fielding through injury and Simon O’Keefe             semi final.
upgrade.                                           through suspension could not have come at a
                                                                                                         Both Simon and Toby were impressive players
                                                   worse time.
Our popular, Functions Manager, Tracey                                                                   all season.
Baker and her co workers have set a very high      Compounding our lack of starters was the
                                                                                                         The Strzelecki Group Indigenous Rising Star
standard of professionalism and service which      disappointing attitude of the Fremantle Dockers
                                                                                                         Award was won by outstanding junior Boyden
has resulted in many new clients visiting our      coaching staff in not giving Ryan Murphy and

             South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
State Representatives                   Kirsty all of whom gave her great
Toby McGrath was selected as            support.
state captain for the game against
                                        The club’s finances were managed
Queensland in Townsville and was
                                        by our accountant Ken Gray with
our sole representative.
                                        assistance from our vice president
Life Membership                         Sal Capolingua.
The Board has much pleasure in
                                        Football Manager, Marty Atkins was
recommending in 2008 that Ross
                                        replaced by Jason Burton who was
Sweetman and Paul Vasoli be
                                        promoted from our development
awarded Life Membership. Both
                                        team. Jason obviously has big
players have given meritorious
                                        shoes to fill but at only 25 years of
service to the club over many years.
                                        age I’m sure over the years he will
We also congratulate Toby McGrath       develop as more than an adequate
and Keren Ugle for qualifying for       replacement.
Life Membership on playing their
                                        Bradd Gardiner, Louise McKenry,
150th league game this year.
                                        Adrian Ricciardello and Russell
Lifetime Membership                     Higgins held various roles in our
The following qualify for Lifetime      junior and youth development
Membership in 2009 by virture of        programmes and the management
continuous 50 year membership:          of our district.
                                                                                             Top recruit Sam Hunt booting the ball out of the
Tony Ravlich, John Newton, William
                                        We continue to set a bench mark                      danger zone
Elmer, Paul Pearce and Kevin Kelly.
                                        in many areas of development and
Volunteers                              I thank the above four their very
To all the volunteers and we have       successful season.
many, both official and unofficial.
                                        As mentioned earlier Tracey Baker
I offer my sincerest thanks. We
                                        has worked very efficiently in the
would be lost without you.
                                        social club this year with valuable
Each year we are looking for new        support from John Bateman, Vic
faces to assist, if you think you can   Iwanow, Kevin Saint and our hard
help, just give the club a call and     working ground manager Stephen
we will put you in touch with one of
the volunteer groups coordinator.
                                        Retaining regular bar staff has
Directors and Administration
Thank you to our Board capably led
by our President Terry Dean who is
                                        been a real juggling act this year
                                        but Tracey was well supported by
                                        Brooke, Rebecca, Lorna, Sue, Kay,
                                                                                HARDWARE PTY LTD
stepping down after twelve years of
meritorious service.
                                        Jessica, Angela, Kirsty, Sidney,
                                        Deane, Lynda, Robert, Jim, Michael,
                                                                                        Big range of paints
Terry’s contribution to the club over
                                        Joel and Jay.                                   Douro Road Store.
many years has elevated him to          WA Football Hall of Fame
elite company. Highly respected         This year three outstanding
by his peers and the whole football     representatives of our club were
family I’m sure he won’t be lost to     inducted into the Hall of Fame.              Cement, Tools Power,
the club.
                                        George Grljusich became the fourth             Tarpaulins, Mats,
I have been personally involved in      media personality inducted into the
football with Terry since 1978 when     Hall of Fame following on from Dick     Seeds, Stainless Steel Fasteners,
I coached Kwinana with him as           Buchanan, Geoff Christian and Ross
President. Over those 30 odd years      Elliot.                                    Wheel Barrows, Trolleys,
I can honestly say there has been
no more dedicated and passionate
                                        Big Dave Ingraham who began his
                                        most impressive career in 1940
                                                                                         Garden Tools,
supporter of the club. It has been
one of life’s pleasures working with
                                        and the popular Glen Jakovich
                                        recognised as one of the great
                                                                                     Bait, Fishing Tackle.
                                        centre half backs of the modern era
To the Administration staff capably     joined many former Bulldog greats
led by my right hand lady, Amelia       in the Hall of Fame.
who has been with me through
thick an thin for the past ten years
                                        We congratulate the families of                 Phone 9335 3183
                                        the three inductees also for their
– no one appreciates your support
more than I. Amelia oversaw the
                                        support at the function.                          or 9335 1957
development of three office juniors     BRIAN CICCOTOSTO
this year, Jennifer, Courtney and                                               Unit 5, 47 Douro Road South Fremantle
                                        Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                   South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
          THE PREMIER
                      FAMILY CLUB
         “Professional United Passionate Proud”
Our Mission Statement                                  Our Ethos

To be the “Premier Family Club”                        Care and respect for the South Fremantle Family

To maintain quality growth and development in          Value our players, members, supporters and
our zone through the district model.                   volunteers

To be a competitive force at all WAFL levels           Preserve our traditions, heritage and brand

To develop our elite talent to AFL standard            Cultivate Club pride and a winning expectation

                                                       Leadership and discipline is our strength


         South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
SOUTH FREMANTLE FOOTBALL CLUB                                                                        NOVEBER 08

                                                             Current State                                                Strategies                                              Desired State
                                                            Where are we now?                                        How do we get there?                                    Where do we want to be?

                                              •We are a competitive force in the WAFL.                  1.To be the Premier Family Club                                To be at the Forefront of Football in W.A. on
                                              •Our current financial position is strong.                •Introduce a Stakeholder Communication Program.                and off the field by continuing to use best
                                              •We have a stable Board of Management and                 •Develop the Bulldogs Pups to target junior members.           practice in dealing with all aspects of our
                                              Administration.                                           •Conduct new member nights.                                    club.
                                              •We have high performance coaches who                     •Introduce parents of new players to the club environment.
                                              oversee professional training and conditioning            •Encourage members, junior clubs etc to use club facilities.   Our Stakeholders are proud of the way we
                                                                                                        •Maintain an environment which encourages member               manage the club.
                                              •We provide first class facilities and conditions to      participation.                                                 •We plan for the future and take actions to
                                              our members, players and supporters.
                                                                                                        •Seek and encourage feedback from members and                  deliver the club’s objectives.
                                              •We are renowned for our high quality AFL                 clientele re club functions.                                   •We are motivated quality people who work as
                                                                                                        2. Maintain Quality Growth and Development in Zones via        one team.
                                              •We are co-tenants at Fremantle Oval with the             the District Model                                             •We will work to deliver maximum returns on the
                                              Fremantle Football Club.
                                                                                                        •Foster an atmosphere of inclusiveness to encourage            club’s assets and investments
                                              •We are developing an infrastructure to become            participation from a wide range of groups both social and      •We will preserve our Heritage, Traditions and
                                              a high performance organization.                          cultural.                                                      Brand,
                                              •We are the states best developers of Aboriginal          •To promote the SFFC as a “Centre of Excellence”.              •We adhere to WAFC and WAFL governance
                                                                                                        3. To Embrace the Club’s Ethos                                 requirements.
                                              •Our junior participation rates are above the
                                              state average.                                            •Display the Mission and Ethos prominently.
                                                                                                        •Use the Club Slogan and Ethos where applicable in             We have the Best Branded Club in the WAFL
                                                                                                        decision making.                                               and will grow from strength to strength.
                                                                                                        •Establish and maintain a code of conduct which is             •We produce an environment in which
                                                 but…                                                   compatible with the club’s ethos.                              individuals can excel.
                                                                                                        4. Continue to be a competitive force at all levels.           •We value and respect all our stakeholders.
                                              •Our sub lease does not allow us the income streams       •Continue support of Warriors program.                         •We continue to seek ways to improve.
                                              of a head lease.                                          •Employ Talent Development Officer.                            •Our sponsors value an ongoing relationship.
                                              •There is a perception that we are adequately             •Maintain contact with AFL players so the SFFC is their        •We communicate our objectives and
                                              compensated for sharing the oval.
                                                                                                        first choice when their AFL career is over.                    encourage participation and feedback
                                              •We have been unable to reach agreement with the
                                              FFC regarding profit sharing commercial
                                                                                                        5. Develop our Elite Talent to AFL Standard.                   •We keep our staff informed and empower them
                                              arrangements.                                             •Assess identified players in areas assessed at the AFL        to make decisions.
                                              •We need to continue to seek new members and major        draft camp.                                                    •We accept responsibility and accountability.
                                              and minor sponsors.                                       •Establish football program targeted towards 16, 17, and18     •Leadership and Discipline is our strength.
                                                                                                        year olds to increase draft opportunities.                     •We Care and Respect the SFFC Family.
                                                                                                                  How do we measure and progress?

South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
                                                                                                        •Departments to submit action plans based on the Club’s
                                                      How do we maintain our competitive                agreed strategies, present updates on those plans at each      We will review this document annually and
                                                       advantage on and off the field?                  monthly Board meeting.                                         update strategies as required for our future.

www.sffc.com.au THE PREMIER FAMILY CLUB Nurtures, Develops, Excels
2008                         MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP REPORT

Corporate Classic                                  The BOSS Club                                        Acknowledgments
Mal Atwell Indoor Leisure Group was the winner     A new coterie group was formed this year             A special thank you to my fellow Marketing
of this years Corporate Classic Draw.              called the BOSS Club. BOSS standing for:             Director Santo Merenda and CEO Brian
                                                   Bunch Of Souths Supporters.                          Ciccotosto for their wise counsel and support in
Mal a former coach of the league side in
                                                                                                        all areas of marketing.
1972-73 was very pleased with the exposure         This networking group meets for lunch on
gained through the jumper signage.                 various occasions during the year. At the time
                                                   of going to print we had held three lunches
Steve and Kim Johnson of Independent Wool                                                               DON PASQUA
                                                   with Hassa Mann, Peter Bell and Jeff Farmer as
Dumpers and Steve Waller from Titan Ford
                                                   guest speakers.                                      Director
were the consolation prize winners.
                                                   During summer we plan to have a BOSS Club
Congratulations to Howard Porter on winning
                                                   gathering aboard a boat on the Swan.
the early bird prize of a table of ten at the
Foundation Day Derby and $500 worth of club
The club continues to be well served by a loyal
band of sponsors who have shown a great
                                                                        DIAL A DRY CLEANER
interest in supporting the club’s aim to further
grow the game in the Bulldogs District.
                                                                          & Ironing Service
The President’s home game functions are great
opportunities for sponsors to network in a
                                                                           Australian Dry Cleaner of the Year
most convivial atmosphere with “Numero Uno”
                                                                                      2006 - 2007
providing gourmet Italian dishes, Fosters the
icy cold lagers and Driftwood and Tyrrell’s fine
premium wines.
                                                        ☎ 9313
                                                        Ladies                $        Mens
                                                                                                                             MINIMUM PICKUP
                                                                                                                                   3 ITEMS
                                                                                                                            Household      $
                                                        Slacks/Jeans       9.90        Slacks/Jeans        9.90             Blankets
Television exposure for all our advertisers is          Skirt mini         8.00        Shorts              8.00             Single        24.00
second to none in the WAFL and provides                 Skirt Med & long   9.00        Jacket             10.90             Double        30.00
exposure at both state and national level at            Skirt Pleated      quote       2 Piece Suits      20.00             Queen         32.00
bargain prices.                                         Shorts             8.00        3 Piece Suits      26.00             King          34.00
                                                        2 Piece Suits      20.00       Business Shirt washed                Bedspreads
Sponsors joining the club for the first time            3 Piece Suits      26.00       & ironed            6.50             Single        32.00
this year include: Frichot & Frichot, Nelson            Jacket             10.40       5 x Business Shirts washed &         Double        39.00
Capital, Paramount Capital, Realmark, Seacorp           Jacket 3/4         13.50       ironed - folded if req’d 25.00       Queen         41.00
Shipping Company, Raine & Horne Commercial,             Coat 3/4           13.50       Jacket 3/4               13.50       King          43.00
Strzelecki Holdings, TAB Sportsbet, Workforce           Coat Full Length   20.00       Coat 3/4                 13.50       Doonas
Clothing and Worldwide Online Printing.                 Coat Parka Light   9.50        Coat Full Length         20.00       Single        32.00
                                                        Coat Parka Med     11.00       Coat Parka Light          9.50       Double        39.00
Raffles                                                 Cardigan/Jumper    8.00        Coat Parka                           Queen         41.00
The popular Lucky Lottery was won by Life               Blouse Plain       8.00        Med & Heavy              11.00       King          43.00
Member Bob Walker. The Melbourne Cup                    Blouse Fancy       9.00        Cardigan/Jumper           8.00
sweep: 1st Don Wares, 2nd V & R Pavlovich               Blouse Silk        10.00       Vest (silk extra)         All work picked up
and 3rd Simon Dimattina.                                Vest               7.00        Tie                          and delivered
                                                        DRESSES                        Tie - Silk                   to your home
Bar and Social                                          Plain Short        16.00
The excellent facilities in our social club has         Plain Long         17.00        We can also quote on all or place of work.
kept the Bar and Functions Manager, Tracey              Plain Short Silk   18.00          Clothing Alterations             We also offer:
Baker very busy.                                        Plain Long Silk    20.00                   &             Dial A Garment Alteration Service
                                                        Evening & Ball     from $25    cleaning of Leather Items. Dial A Curtain Dry Cleaner
Members night on Friday is still very popular           Wedding            quote
but we are still looking to grow the numbers.
                                                                           Payment by Cash or Credit Card.                                    Quality
                                                                             Pick up prices the same as our over the counter prices.
                                                       NO DELRIGE           All drycleaning carried out by professionals with                 25 Years
                                                         CHA                           over 25 years experience
                                                                        The Dry Cleaner that cleans your clothes is winner of the
                                                                  WA Dry Cleaner of the Year on three occasions - 1999, 2000 and 2005.

              South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
2008                      OUR CLUB

Situated opposite the historic Fremantle Markets and the bustling Cappuccino Strip the club overlooks Western Australia’s most
popular boutique football ground, Fremantle Oval and the Fremantle Football Club’s headquarters. The club offers a convenient,
attractive venue catering for crowds from 50 to 600 people.
The Griff John Function Centre has a large wooden dance floor and stage and is very spacious.
The WJ (Dooza) Hughes Members Bar is ideal for functions catering for crowds from 50 to 200 people.
The Legends Bar is a smaller intimate facility which is very popular for cocktail parties.
Type of Functions:
Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Wakes, Reunions, Sundowners, Christenings, Seminars, Trade Days, Quiz Nights,
Wind Ups, Dinner Dance, Club Dinners, Xmas Parties, Baby Showers, Poker Tournaments, Boxing, Gala Balls, Cocktail Parties, Hens
Nights, Bingo, Meetings & Presentation Nights.
Disabled Access: Yes
Parking Available: Yes
Technical Facilities: Microphones and Lectern, Projector and Screen, White Board, TV with DVD/ VCR Player, Adjustable Lighting, In
House PA System

Function Room Details
 Name Of Room                    Cocktail     Banquet        Theatre       Indoor/Outdoor Oval Views
 Griff John Function Centre      600          450            600           Yes               Yes
 W.J (Dooza) Hughes Bar          200          120            200           Yes               Yes
 Legends Bar                     100          50             80            Yes               Yes
Contact Details
 Contact Person:                 TRACEY BAKER
 Address:                        Fremantle Oval, Parry Street, Fremantle
 Phone Number:                   9430 4653 or 0431 518 996
 Email Address:                  functions@sffc.com.au
Members Night
Every Friday night is “Members Night” starting from 5.00 pm and continuing until 8.00 pm. Members have the opportunity to mingle
and network, enjoy free nibbles, free members draws as well as other raffles all in the comfort of an air-conditioned bar with drinks at
“Happy Hour” prices. Important announcements are made by the President, with team selections during the football season.
Pre Match Function
Our very successful entertainment package for all Pre Match Function at all home games will be on again in season 2009.
The package inclusive of entry, ice cold largers, premium wines, soft drinks and a succulent buffet. Sweets, tea and coffee will be served
at half time. Tickets must be purchased one week prior to the home game.

                                                                                  South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK

                  THANK YOU FREMANTLE
MAL ATWELL INDOOR LEISURE GROUP was the winner of the 2008 Corporate
Classic. The players were delighted to have MAL ATWELL INDOOR LEISURE GROUP
on the front of our playing jumpers as well as the advertising and hospitality package
for being a Major Support Sponsor.

Consolation winners were Independent Wool Dumpers and Titan Ford. Howard
Porter won the early bird prize.

  The club would like to thank all of our sponsors listed below for their donations.

        Accuweigh Pty Ltd                    FLN Commercial Repairs                  Needhamair
         Acton Fremantle                        FLN Spraypainting                Numero Uno Café
         Admiral Printing                 Fremantle/Cockburn Gazette                 Office Tools
        Anchor Paint Place                 Fremantle Ceramics Pty Ltd       P & G Body Builders Pty Ltd
  APM Group Lawyers Pty Ltd                         Gino’s Café                   Perth Metalworks
         Amando’s Sports                 Guardian Pharmacy Hamilton Hill              Perth Pak
     Aussie Portables Pty Ltd                Homestyle Salad Makers                  PK Tweddle
           Avanti Glass                       Howard Porter Pty Ltd              Redfox Technology
      Bacich Smash Repairs                  Humich Nominees Pty Ltd              RH Roofing Service
            Beta Spuds                     Instant Waste Management                RTL Woodcraft
      Britton’s Formal Wear               Independent Wool Dumpers              Ryan’s Quality Meats
          CAI Consulting                     Janart Drink Consultants        S & D Jewellery Workshop
  Cash Converters International               Jeffrey, L Accountants         Scotty’s Fruit & Vegetables
       Celebration Homes                    Kingston Cabinet Makers           Shepherd’s Newsagency
            Classic Hire                        Light Base Pty Ltd               Spring Into Fitness
   Containers Australia Pty Ltd                LRC Quality Homes                   Standout Signs
    Cricket and Football Shop            Mal Atwell Indoor Leisure Group   Star Promotional Merchandise
     Denning Deane Lawyers                   Malone’s Quality Meats                 Stripe Master
 Downer Engineering Power P/L                      Mega Motors             The Millbake House on Norfolk
      Elders Freeway South                   Melville Cooling Service           Tint A Car Fremantle
    Empire Property Solutions                      Metro Lintels                      Titan Ford
         Ezy Fix Tapware                       Miner’s Right Pty Ltd               Tyrrell’s Wines
          FAJ IT Services                       Mouse Promotions            Vassallo Corporation Pty Ltd
     Farrington Drycleaners                 Mower City Hamilton Hill             Warrens Menswear
        Ferrari Formalwear                      Myaree Ceramics

        South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
2008                      FOOTBALL MANAGER’S REPORT

2008 has been a season that in some respects was disappointing,        played their first league game for the club this year, 7 of them
whilst in other ways the club can take some positives from it and      came through our junior district, both country and metro. I know
move forward.                                                          these players, after being given a taste of league football, are
                                                                       hungry for more in 2009 and we can look forward to them taking
No doubt finishing 3rd on the ladder after the home and away
                                                                       yet another step next year.
rounds and then bowing out in our first final was the most
disappointing aspect of the year. I think it’s fair to say we should   I only took up the Football Manager position in March but as
be a top 2 side when up and running but for a variety of reasons I     I’m finding out now, the season really begins in October. The
don’t think we were ever up and running all year. Despite finishing    recruitment of players like Sam Hunt, Robbie Haddrill, and Simon
3rd we were not able to win 3 games in a row, mainly due to the        O’Keefe was a big bonus for the club and I need to thank my
inconsistency of not having our best 22 players available each         predecessor Marty Atkins for his work in recruiting late last year
week. Injuries to key players and AFL players moving up and            and making sure all was in readiness for the year to run smoothly.
down meant we were making a lot of changes to our side each            Even now I still give him a call and he will be there to give me
week.                                                                  plenty of advice.

In total 46 players played league football this year, which is where   I must give a lot of thanks to all our coaches in all 3 grades. John
we can draw positives in that our younger players were exposed         Dimmer has been fantastic to work with and he is not just a great
to what it takes to succeed at that level. Of the 14 players that      coach on the field, but off field his experience is invaluable to

                            S o u t h F r e m a n t l e ’s P r e m i e r C o m m e r c i a l L a w F i r m

                            DENNING DEANE
                                 lawyers, barristers
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                                  w w w. d e n n i n g d e a n e . c o m . a u
                                                                                South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
the club. Assistant coach Tony Walters is a big asset for the club       sure the facilities for the players are at a high standard and his
as he is more than just a coach. His work in player welfare and          work can sometimes be taken for granted.
recruiting is much appreciated, as is the work of Glen Jakovich.
                                                                         The last acknowledgment I want to make is to the players of this
I think it’s fantastic that a person of his calibre is so enthusiastic
                                                                         football club, from the young colts to our senior group. Often
about coming back to his roots as a volunteer to help our young
                                                                         they are judged on performance and winning alone but the effort
players be the best they can be.
                                                                         they put in 4 times a week for 10 months a year is huge. Their
The reserves coching job can be a tough one at times with an             dedication and professionalism is to be congratulated and I look
interesting mix of players every week. Garry Fuller did a great job      forward to seeing you all back again next season to strive for that
again this year and despite the results not always going our way,        premiership that will only come from your hard work.
he was able to make sure our players continued to develop and
                                                                         My congratulations to Toby McGrath in his first year as captain
improve. His assistant Greg Townsend provided great support all
                                                                         of the club and also on winning his second WJ Hughes medal for
year as well.
                                                                         fairest and best, and to Ray Smithers our Vice Captain in 2008.
Neil Mildenhall again ensured our colts squad grew and                   And well done to all players who won awards this year. I also need
developed as a group and individually and to him and his                 to thank Robbie Haddrill and Simon O’Keefe who were fantastic
assistants, Mike Athanasiou and Michael Hays, I owe a lot of             acquisitions to the club for this season, but who unfortunately
thanks. Our colts players are the future of this club and possibly       won’t be continuing here in 2009, Robbie has made the decision
our next premiership players.                                            to retire and Simon will return to Victoria for personal reasons. I
                                                                         wish these two the best of luck for the future and also to Jason
I feel privileged to be able to work for this great football club and
                                                                         Matthews, a long time player here who has also retired. Him
a lot of that has to do with the people here. It is amazing how
                                                                         being awarded the best clubman this year shows how highly he is
many volunteers give up their time for this club and to make sure
                                                                         regarded and I hope he will continue his association with the club
we have the best chance of success. It is their passion and love
                                                                         off the field.
for the place that keeps everybody going throughout the year so
to everyone from our Team Managers, to runners, statisticians,           I’m looking forward to 2009 and I know we can achieve our
trainers, timekeepers, water carriers, propertymen and everybody         potential with the help of everybody I mentioned above, and like
in between, I owe a great deal of thanks. You make my job a lot          all you I can’t wait for the season to begin.
easier and you certainly make work an enjoyable place to be.

I also need to acknowledge the support of the board throughout
                                                                         JASON BURTON
the year, in particular Peter Christie, Haydn Raitt, and Tommy
Bottrell who look after the football matters of the club. They have      Football Manager
been very good to me and helped make my job easier in many
ways. Special mention also to our outgoing President Terry Dean
who has been fantastic not just to me but to everybody at the
club. I hope we will see Terry around the place next year in some

The administration and bar staff put in a lot of work day to day
and they are always there to help out in any way I need. Brian
Ciccotosto has provided tremendous support for me and through
his experience has taught me a lot this year. Amelia in the office
keeps this club running smoothly along with the help of Kirsty and
Ken. Tracey and all her staff in the bar are tremendous and are
always willing to give their advice which quite often is spot on.
Bradd, Louise, Adrian, and Russell from the development office
do a fantastic job in developing the future of our club and I know
their great work they do now will benefit the club down the track.
One man not often recognized here at the club but someone very
important is our Groundsman Steve. He works tirelessly making

             South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
Josh Head on one of his long runs through the midfield   Josh ready for his long disposal downfield

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And perfect kicking pose

                                                                  South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
2008                     PAST PLAYERS AND OFFICALS REPORT

While 2008 may not have given us the success on field that we       Peter Taylor-Thorpe thank you for your support throughout the
wanted, we did however have a good year in our Past Players         year.
& Officials room. We were able to more than double our
                                                                    I would also like to thank the many donors who contribute to our
membership and also increase our contribution to the club.
                                                                    half time refreshments.
The highlights of our season being the four reunions which were
                                                                    Colin Beard a past champion player and coach, a special thank
held: 1940 – 1969 era, 1969 – 1979 era, 1979 – 1989 era and 1989
                                                                    you for providing us with some interesting articles, “Where Are
to present. Those events were well attended and enjoyed by all.
                                                                    They Now?” on past players of the club.
A special thank you to Bob Bright and Peter Dougan who helped
                                                                    Finally, players have a big preseason, over come your injuries and
coordinate these events. To the ladies in particular Sheila Greer
                                                                    if we could all give ten per cent more effort, who knows where it
and Vida Dunstan a big thank you for your continued support in
                                                                    will take us in 2009.
supplying the sandwiches for our halftime refreshments.
Our hard working committee of Kevin Saint (Secretary/Treasurer),
Ron Johnston, Ron Greer, Ray Richards, Bob Bright, Peter Dougan     WAYNE DELMENICO
and also our new committee men Rodney Higgs, David Brown and

               Buttery, Steve and Dorothy
                 Centurion Club (SFFC)
                     Collard Family
                      Cornwall, Isla
                Cricket & Football Shop
                      Culver Family
                 Dean, Terry and Dianne
             Favazzo Engine Reconditioning
                       Gino’s Café
            Guardian Pharmacy Hamilton Hill
                    Hankinson Family
                                                                    2008              South Fremantle Cheerful Bar Staff

               Harper, Harold and Phyllis
              Heathcote, Brian and Merle
                Homestyle Salad Makers
                House Committee (SFFC)
                 Hughes, Bill and Sheila
           Ingraham, Doug, Wendy and Kath
                    Lorrigan, Rayma
              Martinovich, Chris and Eileen
                  Mayor of Fremantle
               McGuinness, Roy and Pam
                Mihaljevich, Len and Fran
                   Nonna’s Dolce Vita
                  Oceanus Restaurant
            Past Players and Officials (SFFC)
                  Ryan, Tony and Kath
                Scania Australia Pty Ltd
                     Shearer Family
                       Walsh, Terry                                       BACK ROW L-R: Rob Page, Ron O’Halloran, Brooke Baker,
                   Warrens Menswear                                                          Joel Baker, Jay West
                                                                       FRONT ROW (L-R): Nicole Vidovich, Jim Rawlinson, Liam O’Halloran,
                      Woods, Lorna                                            Tracey Baker, Rebecca O’Halloran, Jennifer Anyalai

            South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
Foundation Day Derby Monday 2 June 2008

Goalsneak Ryan Murphy boots another major.                        Paul Mugambwa outleaping another opponent

                                                                           South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
O THE MIGHTY                                                       2008 COLTS
                                                                   BACK ROW L-R: Jason Burton, Fred Boni, Nicholas Borovac,
                                                                      Adam Doughty, Mason Hill, Jarrod Parry, Ryan Mauricio,
                                                                          Adam McIntosh, John Athanasiou, John Sgherza,
                                                                      Adrian Ricciardello, Charlie Ricciardello (Liaison Officer)
                                                                              THIRD ROW L-R: Blair Seubert (Trainer),
                                                                         John Jones (Property Man), Emma Payne (Trainer),
                                                                  Terry Turnbull (Timekeeper), Steve McAuley (Player’s Assistant),
 Peter and his team                                                     Matthew Jones, Nicholas Hayward, Jarrod Denholm,
 at the Ham
          milton                                                    Nicholas Haslam, Sam Holder, John Franich, Edward Dann,
                           IGA                                     Sam Donaldson, Michael Ganzer, Blake Dunkeld, John Wake,

 Hill Pharm
          macy                                                                     Damian Hayward, Lloyd Skinner

                    GYM                        STAR

 are proud to                                        LING            SECOND ROW L-R: Michael Athansiou (Assistant Coach),

                                                                             Aaron Elms, Joel Palumbo, Cory Dell’Olio,

 support th

                                                                       Reece Adams (Vice Captain), Neil Mildenhall (Coach),
 boys in the
           eir          PARK                                         Kallen Bond (Captain), Johnson Taylor, Jamie Athanasiou,
                                                                  Kain Johnson, Matthew Breese, Michael Hays (Assistant Coach)
 quest for glory            LED                                     FRONT ROW L-R: Jessie Hayes, Alex Wyatt, Daniel Easter,
 in 2009!                          T                             Boyden Griffiths, Blair Edgar, James Matkovich, Brandon Matera,
                                                                     Mitchell Grygorcewicz, Anthony Collica, Jesse Maiorana,
                                                                                            Martin Walley
 Guardian Pharmacy Hamilton Hill
 A: 51 Rockingham Road, Hamilton Hill
 T: 9335 1495 F: 9335 1468

                          HAMILTON HILL
       South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
2008                                  COLTS REPORT

I would firstly like to thank all the volunteer        round 8 we were in the top 4. Round 8          by only a couple of kicks. Eventually we
staff here at South Fremantle Football                 also saw our captain promoted to senior        finished out of the finals after playing over
Club. The club has many volunteers who                 football. Shortly after our vice captain and   50 players through the side at different
perform roles on and off the field. I have             deputy vice captain were also promoted.        stages. Last year we only played about 35
the greatest respect for all those who fill            They all played league with Reece Adams        players so losing stability affected the team
these roles and the entire group involved              remaining in the league side to the final      stability and coercion. A lot of players have
with the colts was exceptional.                        game.                                          had a taste at this level now so we look
                                                                                                      forward to them being another year older.
2008 started with less numbers than                    The middle of the year saw us struggle
last year who all worked into a solid pre              to replace our strong leaders and as a         The colts group had some great individual
season. We started the year well and by                consequence we lost quite a few games          results, Joel Palumbo made the WAFL
                                                                                                      Colts Team of the Year and polled very well
                                                                                                      in the Jack Clarke Medal for best player in
                                                                                                      the WAFL Colts competition, finishing as
                                                                                                      runner up.
   gaol break

                                                                                                      In our club awards we had a great
                                                                                                      vote count night with a close count,
                                     FREMANTLE PRISON                                                 congratulations goes to our Dave Ingraham
                                                                                                      Medal winner Joel Palumbo for the second
                                   the Convict Establishment                                          year in a row narrowly beating Blake
                                                                                                      Dunkeld who was our runner up.

                                                                                                      I also want to congratulate the other
                                 STEP INSIDE AND                                                      award winners including Jarrod Denholm
                                       DO TIME WITH US                                                (Best First Year player), Alex Wyatt
                                                                                                      (Coach’s Award), Adrian Ricciardello (Best
                                                                                                      Clubman), Michael Ganzer (Best Team
                                              entertaining PRISON DAY TOUR                            Man), Kain Johnson (Most Consistent), and
                                                                                                      Jesse Maiorana (Most Improved).
                                              Join experienced guides on a fascinating
                                              tour through Fremantle Prison                           To all the players moving on from colts
                                                                                                      please take what you have learned from

                                              Tours depart every 30 minutes from
                                                                                                      the coaching staff in football and life and
                                              10.00am to 5.00pm
                                                                                                      continue to learn. I hope you all remain in
                                                                                                      the sport and strive to play at the highest
                                                                                                      level you can. My aim was to teach you
                                              TORCHLIGHT TOUR ... if you dare                         the basics of football in an enjoyable
                                              Tours by torchlight that are definitely not             environment which I believe we achieved.
                                              for the faint hearted!
                                                                                                      Finally I would like to pay tribute to my
                                              Wednesday and Friday evenings                           direct coaching staff who help me with
                                              Bookings essential                                      their time, enthusiasm and knowledge to
                                                                                                      make the year a successful and enjoyable
                                              TUNNELS TOUR adventure
                                              Explore the 1km labyrinth of tunnels
                                              20m below Fremantle Prison on foot and                  NEIL MILDENHALL
                                              by boat                                                 Colts Coach
                                              Tours depart regularly from 9.00am
                                              Bookings essential

                                1 The Terrace Fremantle WA 6160 Tel: (08) 9336 9200

                                                                                        South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
      BACK ROW (L-R): Gavin Campbell, Matthew Michael,            standout
Nicholas Groenenberg, Andrew Siegert, Kallen Bond, Dean Page,
   Jason Matthews, Lukas Teague, Nathan Phillips, Nick Paine,
                           Joshua Walley
THIRD ROW (STANDING L-R): Jason Burton (Football Manager),
      Greg Townsend (Assistant Coach), Nicholas Hayward,
   Rhianne Carlton (Trainer), Damian Hayward, Andrew Farina,
Tim Malseed, Corry Amato, Reece Adams, Tyler Hall, Leigh Kelly,
 Michael Galvin, Brent Hall, Scott Delmenico, Michael McLeod,
           Toby Bairstow, Kyle Hams, Paul Mugambwa,
      Greg Wootton (Physio), Peter Matier (Team Manager),
       Les Olivieri (Runner), Carl Micale (Coach’s Assistant),
                   Sandy Cuccovia (Propertyman)
     SECOND ROW (SITTING L-R): Geoff Cole (Timekeeper),
   Cory Dell’Olio, Luke Eoannidis, Jordan Smith, Timothy Dutt,
       Brenton Edwards, Garry Fuller (Coach), Craig White,
          Sam Fielding, Adam Guglielmana, Keren Ugle,
                    Merv Lockhart (Head Trainer)
     FRONT ROW (L-R): Steve McAualey (Player’s Assistant),
    James Taylor, Matthew Wilson, Gerard Wilkie, Justin Hill,           the only choice for
                    Ashton Hams, Caitlyn Drygan
                                                                       high quality signage

                                                                  9409 9641
                                                                     47 Berriman Dve Wangara

           South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
2008                     RESERVES REPORT

There were many new faces when we met for the first training          debuts this season, and develop self-belief under the pressure
session of season 2008, and a great deal of enthusiasm within         of League football. The challenge of performing at the required
the group as they worked through the program leading up to the        level, quarter by quarter, week by week is still to be met by this
highly successful camp at Woodman’s Point. James Bridle once          group, but the talent is undoubtedly there.
again made sure the squad was at peak fitness, and with a focus
                                                                      The team had many highlights throughout the year, none more
on developing efficiency within the game plan, there was great
                                                                      so than their gutsy win against eventual Reserves premiers East
anticipation about the coming season. The pre-season games
                                                                      Fremantle late in the season. Without a finals berth to play for,
confirmed that we had sufficient depth in the squad to be a force
                                                                      it was great to see the Bulldog spirit prevail. A record 64 players
in the competition. A key aim was to ensure that players accepted
                                                                      represented our club at Reserves level this season, and with the
responsibility for their performances and showed confidence in
                                                                      majority of the group under 21 years of age, the future looks
their abilities.
Early losses showed we were highly competitive, and our
                                                                      One player worthy of special mention is Jason Matthews, who
breakthrough win in Round 4 reinvigorated the team. However,
                                                                      recently announced his retirement from playing. Jason has always
over the following weeks we often failed to capitalise on the
                                                                      shown tremendous team spirit and a willingness to sacrifice for
scoreboard when we were in control of games, which reflected the
                                                                      his team mates. He has many fine leadership qualities and his
level of inconsistency that plagued the Reserves team throughout
                                                                      Best Clubman award this year is greatly deserved. Hopefully the
2008. The season provided many of our club’s developing players
                                                                      club will see Jason return in another capacity in the future. My
with an opportunity to play League football, so it was imperative
                                                                      congratulations also go to all of the Reserves trophy winners,
that the Reserves players performed consistently at training and in
                                                                      along with the expectation that they will convert this year’s
games to press for League selection. We fielded very young and
                                                                      individual awards into League team success in 2009.
inexperienced teams on a regular basis, and played with great
enthusiasm, but as the season progressed it was disappointing         Once again the Reserves team received incredible support from
to lose many close games. Despite this frustration, the group         many tireless workers at the club, and on their behalf I would like
showed a strong commitment to training and improving their            to thank the property men, the medical and rehab staff, and the
performance, and many players continued to press for League           team of statisticians that all make a highly valued contribution to
selection. It was exciting to see several of them make their League   the development of our younger players.

                                                                      I would like to acknowledge Peter Matier, Carl Micale, Les Olivieri
                                                                      and Greg Townsend for their highly effective and honest input
                                                                      throughout the year. The commitment shown by these people
          Anchor Paint Place                                          often goes above and beyond what is expected in their roles, and
                                                                      sets an outstanding example for the player group. Thanks also to
                                                                      John, Tony, Glen and Andy for their guidance and support.
            1A 352 South Street, O’Connor
               Phone: (08) 9337 0700                                  Finally, I would like to recognise the outstanding efforts of Terry
                                                                      Dean over his extended term as President of our great club. That
          Your Wattyl Paint Specialist                                the club is in such a strong position, in all areas of performance, is
                                                                      testament to his leadership and vision. Thanks also, Terry, for your
                                                                      personal guidance in what has been a difficult year.
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          House Paint and Boat Paint                                  I look forward to next season with great excitement and
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                                                                               South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
BACK ROW (L-R): Tony Walters (Assistant Coach), Josh Head, Daniel Gilmore, Callum Wilson, Kallen Bond, Dean Page, Lukas Teague, Nathan Phillips,
                                              Paul Mugambwa, Kris Miller, Andrew Stone (Assistant Coach)
         THIRD ROW (STANDING L-R): John Jones (Assistant Property man), Jason Burton (Football Manager), Tony Mollica (Team Manager),
  Ron Porter (Head Propertyman), Rhianne Carlton (Trainer), Jennifer Nikolich (Timekeeper), Gavin Campbell, Sam Hunt, Jaymie Graham, Leigh Kelly,
     Michael Galvin, Brent Hall, Scott Delmenico, Toby Bairstow, Hayden North, Nick Paine, Greg Wootton (Physio), Merv Lockhart (Head Trainer),
                                       Jessie Hayes (Trainer), Carl Micale (Coach’s Assistant), Les Olivieri (Runner)
  SECOND ROW (SITTING L-R): Sandy Cuccovia (Assistant Propertyman), Robert Haddrill, Tim Malseed, Andrew Siegert, Jordan Smith, Ray Smithers
 (Vice Captain), John Dimmer (Senior Coach), Toby McGrath (Captain), Brenton Edwards, Craig White, Adam Guglielmana, Keren Ugle, Sam Fielding
           FRONT ROW (L-R): Steve McAuley (Player’s Assistant), Reece Adams, Cory Dell’Olio, Simon O’Keefe, Gerard Wilkie, Kyle Hams,
                                                               Ashton Hams, Caitlyn Drygan

                        SMASH REPAIRS

                                                                            2008               TWO NEW WAFC LIFE MEMBERS

                                                                            Two outstanding servants of the South Fremantle Football
                                                                            Club Terry Dean and Ric Gloede were rewarded this year
                                                                            with WA football’s highest honour, Life Membership of the
       • Baked Enamel Specialists                                           West Australian Football Commission for their contribution to

       • Car O-Liner                                                        football.
                                                                            Terry in his 50th year of service as a player, coach and board
       • All Insurance Work                                                 member at the various levels of football is no stranger to
                                                                            collecting Life Memberships having already earnt that accolade
                                                                            with our club, our junior council and the Kwinana Football Club.
                                                                            Ric has enjoyed a life long association with our club and
                    PETER & EVAN                                            has worked tirelessly as a team manager, board member
                                                                            and president. His initial involvement as a member of the
       155 Rockingham Rd Hamilton Hill WA 6163                              interim board of the Fremantle Football Club in 1994 and his
                                                                            subsequent elevation to the position of WAFC Commissioner
  PHONE:    9418 1764 FAX: 9418 5690                                        since 2001 are great feathers in his cap.
         EMAIL: bacich@iinet.net.au                                         Both men deserve the congratulations of all proud South
                                                                            Fremantle followers.

            South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
2008                      LEAGUE REPORT
There is probably one word that sums up the 2008 season and
that word is frustrating.
                                                                        To all the coaching staff, well done on a great job throughout
                                                                        the year (a year that starts in November) and the runners (which
                                                                        comprised a number of past players this year) for their efforts
Frustrating, because we were unable to fulfil our potential due to      along with our property men, trainers, medical staff, statisticians
a variety of reasons.                                                   and timekeepers.
There is no doubt that a large number of injuries to a large            A special thank you also to Jason Burton, who in his first year in
number of players contributed to our inconsistent performances          the role of Football Manager, linked in extremely well with the
and when this is coupled to AFL call ups to our players we were         senior teams and showed that he has a bright future in football
often putting out an increased number of players who were               administration.
inexperienced, and for them to show their best, they needed to
be surrounded by more experienced players.                              To Terry Dean and the Board of the Club well done on your
                                                                        ongoing commitment to continually strive to improve the Club
The fact that we played 46 players in the league team shows the         both on and off the field. The initiatives undertaken this year have
amount of turnover we had. This is a record in my time as a league      certainly helped the playing group and as the league coach I look
coach. (Compared to 32 in 2005). We also saw 14 players make            forward to this continuing in 2009.
their league debut for the club, 7 of which came directly from our
junior zone. (Also a record in my time as a league coach). Towards      I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to two
the end of the season we had to consistently turn over 5 players        very special supporters who are always giving their support to the
per game due to reasons other than form. This lack of continuity        team and the Club regardless of whether we win or lose. They are
did not assist in the team being able to gel together as you would      at every game from an early time in the day all the way through
want a team to do leading into a final series. Some of our senior       to trophy presentations. I speak here of Vida Dunstan and Joan
players also carried niggling injuries into the final rounds of the     Jones. Two great ladies who I appreciate seeing each weekend.
season which curtailed their ability to have a major impact on
games that we would have liked to have seen.                            The 2009 season is now not far away. If we are to challenge for
                                                                        the ultimate prize we need to learn from this season and take
Whilst all these frustrations handicapped our ability to perform at     several steps forward. It won’t be easy; it never is if you want to
our best there were still some positives to come out of the season.     be successful. We only need to look at and listen to successful
                                                                        athletes from a range of sports played around the world. When
The players who actually played their first game of WAFL football       interviewed they all indicate that they have worked hard for their
will have benefited greatly from their experiences and should           achievements, that they have dedicated themselves to their
return for the 2009 season as better players, which augurs well for     goals that they have left no stone unturned to be number one.
the Club. The apprenticeship they have served and will continue         And, whilst a large number of these athletes are professional,
to serve is no different to any other trade, and it is generally        that is they are paid handsomely for their efforts, there are a
recognised that players do not fully come to grips with league          large number of them who gain little reward financially for their
football until they have played approximately 25 to 30 games.           commitment, they do it to be the best they can be and to gain a
We must not lose sight of the fact that we made the finals, which       personal achievement, something that money cannot buy. At the
is better than five other clubs, and whilst disappointing to lose the   WAFL level, this is a Premiership, with team mates who have gone
first semi-final is still a positive outcome.                           through the same journey, overcoming obstacles and difficulties
                                                                        on the way. This is our challenge for 2009.
The ongoing development of our leadership group under the
guidance of Tom Bottrell is also something that has been a              JOHN DIMMER
positive. The emergence of first year captain Toby McGrath and          Coach
vice captain Ray Smithers as leaders around the club has been
pleasing to witness. In particular, I would like to congratulate Toby
on winning the Fairest and Best Award, which shows he was able
to back up his general leadership role with strong and consistent
performances on the field.
A number of our recruits performed meritouriously. I speak here
of Sam Hunt whose second half of the season was outstanding,
Simon O’Keefe who gave us a great deal of run through the
middle of the ground, Nick Paine who showed he is more than
capable of playing at WAFL level, Nathan Phillips whose second
                                                                           Andy Poklepovich
half of the year was noteworthy and Rob Haddrill who displayed
a fully professional approach to all aspects of his football. It            Plumbing & Gas
is unfortunate that Rob has announced his retirement due to                       Plumbing Lic 5365 Alinta Gas 5230 Back Flow 1356
ongoing injury problems as his leadership by example will be
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One of our long serving players was able to reach his 150 game
milestone; in this regard I speak of Keren Ugle who has been able                 Housing Drainage • Gas Fitting
to stand the rigours of league football to achieve this significant                    Servicing • Consultants
number of games for the Club.
As each year goes by I still marvel at the work of our large support
staff. Without their dedicated effort it would be impossible to put                        9314 6414
a team out on the ground. I would like to single out and thank                       Fax: 9314 6414 Mob 0412 928 660
Tony Mollica, who as the league team manager, goes about his
job in a professional, yet understated way and makes my job so                       16 Warren Street Beaconsfield 6162
much easier.

                                                                                 South Fremantle Football Club 2008 YEARBOOK
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