Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life

Page created by Carlos Figueroa
Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life


Be an author.
Be an expert.
Be amazing!
Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
Anita R. Henderson, The Author's Midwife


As The Author’s Midwife at Write Your
Life, my objective is to help you
produce the highest quality book and to
reach your overall business goals using
your book as a marketing tool. I coach
professionals to become amazing
authors, and authors to be come
experts. So my singular focus is your

I educate authors on the intricacies of
strategic content development,
professional book publishing, and
effectively leveraging your book to
achieve your goals.                                Having worked with professionals in a
                                                   variety of industries—financial services,
                                                   legal, business consulting, genealogy

IT'S                                               research, professional speaking,
                                                   advertising, counseling/ministry, online

                                                   marketing, publishing, and others—I
                                                   have helped my clients achieve
                                                   exceptional success in their publishing

                                                   efforts, including media visibility,
                                                   awards recognition, and business

BOOK!                                              I’m ready to help you see that “It’s
                                                   Bigger Than the Book!”

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Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
Which package is best for you?

This is where you start when you’re ready to finally write
and publish a great book you can leverage. Get started
with this full-day one-on-one coaching session, and
chart a pathway to success for your book project.

Specifically designed for aspiring authors who are ready
to get the book done in the next 90 days, or make a
bigger impact with an existing book. You get
   Inside th
personalized   e I s s u ewith me, Anita R. Henderson, The
Author’s Midwife, in a private setting (virtual or in person)
where we’ll focus on the exact areas you need help

This is a no-fluff, no PowerPoint, hands-on, roll-up-your-
sleeves coaching experience designed to focus on your
specific needs.

Our time together: 1 day + one follow-up virtual
coaching session, and email access over one month.


                                                            THE "INDIE" - $2,500
                                                            “Indie” is best if you have a complete manuscript and
                                                            you need a quick review and recommendations for
                                                            improvement or enhancement prior to publishing.

                                                            You get

                                                                Structural review of completed manuscript (up to
                                                                50,000 words)
                                                                Content assessment (structure, concept clarity, story
                                                                composition - 1 round)
                                                                Recommendations for improvement or
                                                                One 1-hour virtual coaching session

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Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
Which package is best for you?
“Bestseller” is best if you have the start of a manuscript
(or at least a few notes) and need feedback on areas of
improvement, need accountability and help to complete
your manuscript, or assistance reorganizing your
existing manuscript and preparing it for publication with
your own publishing team.

You get author coaching and strategic direction, to
   Private VIP Intensive (virtual or in person)
   Inside the Issue
   Co-create book theme, outline, and content
   Develop project timeline
   Manuscript review (2 rounds) and recommendations
   (up to 50,000 words)
   Discuss marketing, promotion, distribution, and
   content extension strategies
   Define target audience, benefits of book, author
   goals, projections
Our time together: 3 months

[Anita] provided clarity where         Thank you for sticking with me           I always knew I had a book inside
there was none, order where            on this project. Your patience,          of me, but the mere thought of
there was confusion, and               sense of humor, guidance, and            writing created tremors,
valuable insights into how to                                                   headaches, and even resistance.
                                       compassion enabled me to
transform my manuscript into a                                                  [Anita’s] guidance in helping me
                                       complete it. You are a true              face all these challenges to
book I feel proud to publish.
                                       professional.                            complete my book has been a
She is an essential resource for
a first-time author.                                                            tremendous help. Thanks again
                                                                                for all you assistance.

Shelley Hammell, Sage Alliance Inc.,   Mike Pitcher, speaker, author of Seven   Judy Rose, family history researcher,
author of Win-Win Leadership: How      eLements of Leadership for a New         author of A Legacy of Heirs
Great Leaders Build High-Performing    Breed of Leader

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Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
Which package is best for you?

THE "PULITZER" - $15,000
“Pulitzer” is best if you are a professional, entrepreneur,
coach/consultant, or speaker wishing to use your book
as leverage for your business or career. You have an
idea for your book (or maybe you don’t) and need
direction, accountability, and co-writing support. In
addition, you might need help clarifying your concepts,
organizing your thoughts, creating an outline, “seeding”
your content to drive readers to work more closely with
you,I ndefining
        s i d e t your
                  h e I project
                        s s u e goals/objectives, identifying
your target audience/ideal reader, and establishing
bodacious goals, plus a team of publishing experts to
produce a high-quality book.

You get author coaching and book project
management, to include:
   Private VIP Intensive (virtual or in person)
   Co-create book theme, outline, and content
   Develop project timeline
   Manuscript review (3 rounds) and recommendations
   Define target audience, benefits of book, author goals & platform, projections
   Develop marketing, promotion and distribution strategies, and content extension options
   Formation/management of publishing team.

Book cover design
Graphic design of front, back, and spine. Two design options and two rounds of revisions. Includes dust jacket for
hard cover books.

Interior layout/formatting
Develop consistent interior design and page formatting. Two design options and up to 10 illustration placements.

Additional author-provided illustration placements: $25 each
Design of charts, tables, graphs: $125 each
Back matter: bibliography, notes, index: $80/hr

Copy editing
Structural review of manuscript for grammar, sentence structure, story flow and consistency, concept clarity,

Secure International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

Ebook conversion
Convert print files (cover and interior) to electronic format for e-readers and upload to Amazon.

Our time together: 9 to 12 months

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Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
 Take your author journey one step at a time.

 My Next Level Progression offers just what
 you need on your author journey, exactly
 when you need it.

 Start with a Private VIP Intensive to get your
 book project started or moving in the right
 direction . . . or sign up for the “Indie”
 package to make sure your manuscript is
 ready for the next phase of publishing.

Then, move to the next level, and enjoy the benefits of the “Bestseller” or the “Pulitzer”
package. Your initial investment is applied to the cost. If you start at “Bestseller” and are
ready to move to “Pulitzer”, I'm ready when you are, and your investment is rolled over to
the next level package.

No matter where you begin your journey with me at Write Your Life, your investment will
be applied to the next level; just let me know within 60 days of completing the previous
package. This is a great way to manage your investment in your book project, and it offers
you all of the focused coaching and publishing expertise to help you be an author, be an
expert, be amazing!

                                                      I call Anita my book
                                                      sherpa. She guided me,
                                                      helped me avoid the
                                                      normal pitfalls authors
                                                      run into, kept me on
                                                      track, and helped me to
                                                      achieve my lifelong goal
It is because of Anita Henderson's skills, and the    to become an author.
dedication of the Write Your Life team, that our
book is a reality. A large aspect of her service is
coaching, and this [enabled us] to transform a        Rena Kilgannon, CEO of
                                                      Kilgannon Group LLC, author
research and genealogy report into a story that
                                                      of What’s the Worst That
others would want to read.                            Could Happen?

Bernice Alexander Bennett, genealogist, co-author,
Our Ancestors, Our Stories
Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
Here's what you get                                             Indie     Bestseller Pulitzer

Manuscript review and recommendations                           1 round     2 rounds              3rounds

Private VIP Intensive — full-day coaching session

Define target audience, benefits of book,
author goals & platform, projections

Co-create book theme, outline, and content

Develop project timeline

Develop marketing, promotion and distribution strategies,
and content extension options

Formation and management of publishing team

Book Cover Design (front, back, and spine)

Interior Layout/Formatting:
Develop consistent interior design and page formatting.
Two design options and up to 10 illustration placements.

Copy Editing:
Review manuscript for grammar, sentence structure,
story flow and consistency, concept clarity, organization

Registration: International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

E-Book conversion:
Convert print files (cover and interior) to electronic format
for e-readers and upload to Amazon

TOTAL                                                           $2,500       $5,000              $15,000

                                                                            All major credit cards accepted.
        PAYMENT OPTIONS                                                           * 3% administrative fee
                                                                                  ** 5% administrative fee

1-pay: Required for Indie and Private VIP Day
(no admin fee)
2-pay: $2,500 down; balance due in 30 days*

3-pay: $2,500 down; half balance due in 30 days,
remainder due 30 days later*
6-pay: $2,500 down; balance due in 5 equal
monthly payments**
Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
I want to help make your book a

          I’m ready to provide my expertise,
          insight, and resources to ensure
          your book is a high-quality product
          that serves your needs and the
          needs of your target audience.

          Your commitment is required to
          help make this process flow
          smoothly so that your expectations
          are met.

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Thank you for the
opportunity to provide
these options.
I look forward to
working with you.
Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life Be an author. Be an expert. Be amazing! - Write Your Life
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