Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand

Page created by Gerald Hicks
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand

Youth Conference
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Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
A message from the                                                              Your Kaiwhakaatu
team before you begin                                                           Your Hosts

‘Tena koutou,                            Kia ora e te whanau!
We’re so excited to share Youth          We're the World Vision Schools team
Conference with you. Today,              and we’re here to serve you in your
we’re going to start a journey of        ambitions to change the world! If
understanding what’s happening           you need anything – from resources,
outside of our communities, beyond       help organising the 40 Hour Famine,
these shores, and what we can do         someone to speak at school, or just    Rachel and Matt Renata
about it as young people. Together,      a chat, please be in touch. We love
                                                                                Rachel and Matt are two people who love the world that we live in, as well as
we’re going dive deep into issues that   hearing from you – it makes our day!
                                                                                each other. Rach is Nga Puhi, Japanese and Pakeha and grew up in Wellington.
affect us and our global brothers and    Email:
                                                                                She is super passionate about humans discovering their own awesomeness
sisters. We’re here for you, and you
                                                                                and loves to celebrate people finding their way to share their hearts with
can count on us to make a change in
                                         Leilani, Maria,                        others. Matt is Maori, Indian and Spanish. He practiced youth and community
this world. Can we count on you?
                                         Jono and Philippa                      development work in Lower Hutt for eight years, and recently moved to
                                         Schools team,                          Tamaki Makaurau to study Indigenous Theology. They have a burning desire
Izaac, Dan, Alyssa,                      World Vision New Zealand               to see the people of our nation lifted up, and our communities functioning to
Hayley and Jess.                                                                their full potential.
World Vision Ambassadors 2020

                                                                                  Get                        Share with the world what you're

                                                                                  Social #40HOURNZ           up to and what you're learning.
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
Division to Kotahitanga:
the world around us
                                                               The world I see...

                           "There is no 'us'
                            and 'them',
                            there is only us."                 So I choose to...
                            – Greg Boyle, Homeboy Industries
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
Speakers                                                                          Leadership lessons: homegrown
                                                                                  heroes turning division into unity

                                                                                  SAM JUDD

Sam Judd                                Bariz Shah and Saba Afrasyabi
In co-founding Sustainable Coastlines   Bariz and Saba are strong, faith-filled
NZ Sam Judd left a legal career and     leaders, who are passionate about
focused fulltime on looking after the   serving their community. Bariz
places we love; our ocean and our       and Saba were the leaders of the
waterways. A keen surfer, spear-        University of Canterbury Muslim
fisher and father, he leads from        Students Association at the time of
the front and loves to get stuck in,    the Mosque attacks and lead their         BARIZ SHAH AND SABA AFRASYABI
most recently working to develop        community through a time of pain
the capacity of marae-based social      with deep commitment to finding
enterprises at scale. This project      a way forward. They are motivated
will plant millions of native trees/    by micro solutions that have macro
plants in collaboration with prison     impact, and have just returned
nurseries, labour from community-       from working with 51 Afghani men
based offenders and multiple local      and women in establishing micro
and government partners to improve      businesses for them - each in
wellbeing of our people by creating     representation of one who lost their
jobs for those who need them most.      life in the attacks exactly one year
                                        ago to this week.
Find out more:               Find out more:
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
FAST                         Let’s fight against hunger
Taking action:                                                                    and injustice in Malawi
how can we play our part?                                 71.9%
                                                     Are subsistence farmers

                                                     In need of food security

TINANA (Physical)
                                                    Children affected by floods

                                                    World Vision 40 Hour Famine:
                             “Everyone thinks of
                             changing the world,
                             but no one thinks of
                             changing themselves”
HINENGARO (Mental)           – Leo Tolstoy

                                                    Planning on
WHANAU (Family)                                     doing the 40
                                                    Hour Famine?
                                                    Find out more at
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
Become a World Vision Ambassador
         Lead the 40 Hour Famine at your school, and you
          could be a World Vision Ambassador next year!

                                                                                Thank you!
40 Hour Famine                            Advocacy                              We want to say a huge thank
                                          Every year, a team of 15              you to your teachers. We have so
Just like the Ambassadors you saw
                                          Ambassadors create tangible change    much respect for the work they
on stage today, you could join us at
                                          through an advocacy campaign that     do every day to support you in
World Vision for a six-month long
                                          they design and lead with World       your journey through young
paid internship. As an Ambassador,
                                          Vision's support. Over the last two
you’ll travel to one of our amazing                                             adulthood. So, spare a thought
                                          years, they've helped to abolish
programmes and see the incredible                                               for them today, and all days,
                                          a racist refugee policy from New
impact your fundraising has, as well      Zealand, and lobbied to see all       and say ‘thank you!’ to them
as being the public face of the World     children removed from detention       for making this conference
Vision 40 Hour Famine in Aotearoa.        camps on Nauru Island. Two huge       possible for you.
To be eligible, you have to lead the      wins. Advocacy roles are voluntary,
World Vision 40 Hour Famine at            four hours a week.
your school this year, be in your first
or second year out of high school,        Register your interest
and have your full New Zealand            for these roles at
drivers licence by February 2021.
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand Youth Conference 2020 - World Vision New Zealand
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