ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council
Getting on track to a carbon neutral
       Moreland community
ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

A new era for climate change action in
Moreland                                               1

MORELAND IN 2020                                       2

CONTINUING TO LEAD	                                    4
Moreland’s journey towards zero carbon                6

THE ZERO CARBON CHALLENGE                             11
The Moreland community’s carbon emissions             11
Understanding the carbon budget                       12
GETTING ON TRACK TO ZERO CARBON BY 2020               13
The task ahead                                        13
Ongoing community engagement and review of strategy   14
Key guiding principles                                15
   1. Re-imagining our urban systems                  15
   2. Including all Moreland people                   16
   3. Investing for our future                        17
   4. Adapting as our climate changes                 18
   5. A whole-of-government and community approach    18
ACTION PLAN                                           19
Zero carbon evolution strategies                      19
Contribution of each strategy to the 2020 goal        20
   Strategy 1: Generating local renewable energy      21
   Strategy 2: Using energy efficiently               26
   Strategy 3: Low-emissions transport                31
   Strategy 4: Minimising urban heat island effects   36
   Strategy 5: Activating our community to
   reduce emissions                                   40
Summary of strategies                                 45
Prioritising actions                                  46
Implementation costs                                  47
   Year 1: 2014–15                                    47
   Years 2–6: 2015–2020                               49
Checking our progress                                 52
Further information                                   52
ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council
A new era for climate change
action in Moreland

Moreland City Council is                  Re-creating Moreland as a low-                     Climate change is already impacting
pleased to signal a new era               carbon city will require collaborative             on the Moreland community. Local
for climate change action in              effort, investment and commitment                  governments are in a unique position
Moreland through the Zero                 from residents, businesses,                        to lead and enable communities to
Carbon Evolution Strategy (2014-          community groups and many                          take collective, on-the-ground action
2020). The Strategy builds on             others across our community. It will               to address the challenges of climate
Moreland’s strong history and             also require supportive State and                  change.
proud reputation of local action          Commonwealth policy and programs                   Moreland is proud to be a Council
to mitigate the effects of climate        over the next six years, particularly              leading at the forefront on this
change, including achieving               regarding the local generation of                  issue. Taking immediate local
carbon neutrality for Council             renewable energy, energy efficiency                action on climate change will allow
operations in 2012.                       and low-emissions transport.                       our community to capture the
The Strategy sets out an ambitious        Through the Strategy, Moreland City                environmental, social and economic
plan to achieve a 22 per cent             Council has committed to actions                   benefits of the global transition
reduction in carbon emissions across      that will enable and support the                   towards zero carbon cities.
the Moreland community by 2020. A         Moreland community to reduce
reduction of this scale would see the     carbon emissions. Council will work                Cr Lambros Tapinos,
municipality living within its ‘carbon    closely with the Moreland Energy                   Mayor of Moreland
budget’ and on track to zero carbon. It   Foundation (MEFL) in delivering the
will also deliver more local renewable    Strategy’s actions, building on over a
energy for Moreland homes and             decade of experience facilitating local
businesses, homes that are more           community action to reduce carbon
comfortable and consume less              emissions.
energy, resource-smart businesses,
more opportunities for people to be
active and increased vegetation and
urban greenery.

                                                            Zero Carbon E
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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

Moreland in                                            A shift towards a low-carbon
                                                       community will create a prosperous
                                                                                                    People will be healthier, more active
                                                                                                    and better prepared to cope with the
2020                                                   and resilient future for Moreland. It will
                                                       encourage connected communities
                                                                                                    changing climate. Businesses will
                                                                                                    work smarter and new businesses will
                                                       of citizens who are doing things             be attracted into the municipality to
                                                       differently to have a positive influence     take up new opportunities.
                                                       on our shared future. More people            Moreland will be ready for the
                                                       will take responsibility for the impacts     challenges of this century and
                                                       of their lifestyles on the health of our     beyond.
                                                       environment and choose to engage in
                                                       the decisions that shape our suburbs.

    In 2020 in Moreland:

     Households and businesses                             Homes will consume less                  People will be more active
     will be powered by renewable                          energy and be comfortable,               and socially connected within
     energy                                                affordable and healthy places            their neighbourhoods
                                                           to live

     Businesses will become energy                         Streets and open spaces will             Residents will act as
     and resource smart – improving                        be alive with people, plants,            conscious consumers
     their bottom line and developing                      activity and art
     a low-carbon advantage

    Everyone will play an important part in
    the shift to a zero carbon future.

2     Zero Carbon E
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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council
Zero Carbon E
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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

Continuing to                                           Moreland has always been ahead of
                                                        the curve in taking action on climate
                                                                                                 This commitment goes back as far
                                                                                                 as the 1980s, when the Brunswick
lead                                                    change.                                  Electricity Supply Department was
                                                                                                 leading the charge with energy
                                                        Building on our strong history and
In 2014, the State and                                  proud reputation, Council has set        efficiency and renewable energy. In
Commonwealth policy environment in                      a target to be on track to zero          the 1990s, Victoria’s first solar panels
Australia provides a clear opportunity                  net carbon emissions across the          were installed in Moreland.
for Local Government leadership                         community by 2020. This target           Council released the Greenhouse
on climate change. Ambitious and                        sets a challenging but achievable goal   Abatement Strategy Greenhouse
pro-active leadership at the city scale                 that focuses on local action to reduce   Action Plan in 2001, followed by the
makes sense as local governments                        emissions in Moreland, rather than       Climate Action Plan 2007–2012. The
are closer to the general population                    relying on purchasing a significant      Carbon Management Strategy 2011
and businesses where the emissions                      quantity of carbon offsets. Investing    also formalised Council’s commitment
occur and can draw on the collective                    in local action on climate change not    to cutting carbon emissions and
power of local communities.                             only prepares Moreland for a likely      provided the roadmap to achieve
                                                        carbon-constrained future but also       carbon neutrality for corporate
“While international negotiations                       provides substantial social, economic    operations in 2012.
 continue to make incremental                           and environmental benefits directly to
 progress, cities are forging ahead.                    the local community.
 As innovators and practitioners,                       As one of Australia’s leading Local
 our cities are at the forefront of                     Government authorities on climate
 this issue – arguably the greatest                     change, Moreland has fostered
 challenge of our time.”                                ground-breaking partnerships and
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, New York,
                                                        demonstrated a serious commitment
                                                        to shifting towards a zero carbon

4      Zero Carbon E
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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

Moreland City Council was the            Effective global action on climate
second Victorian Local Government        change is likely to be the sum of                     As part of achieving carbon
to be certified carbon neutral for       innumerable local initiatives led by                  neutrality, Council has
its corporate operations (and one        many different players.                               implemented significant energy
of only five carbon neutral Councils                                                           efficiency projects at the
                                         Council holds a critical role in shifting
in Australia). In 2013, Moreland                                                               Moreland Civic Centre, Brunswick
                                         towards a zero carbon future: in
Council was officially recognised                                                              Town Hall, Coburg Leisure Centre
                                         demonstrating leadership; leveraging
for leadership on environmental                                                                and Fawkner Leisure Centre
                                         investment from other levels of
sustainability as winners of the                                                               over the past year. Works have
                                         government and the private sector;
Victorian Keep Australia Beautiful                                                             included Heating, Ventilation & Air
                                         advocating for systemic change and
Sustainable Cities Award and the                                                               Conditioning (HVAC) upgrades,
                                         enabling community-led action.
national Keep Australia Beautiful                                                              lighting retrofits, double glazing,
                                         MEFL also holds a key role in the                     insulation and draft sealing and
Energy Innovation Award.
                                         shift to zero carbon: facilitating and                the installation of pool blankets at
Moreland also has significant            motivating local community action;                    the aquatic centres.
community assets that set a strong       sharing information, knowledge and
foundation for climate action.                                                                 Council has also invested
                                         skills; and continuing to raise our
The Moreland Energy Foundation                                                                 in electric vehicle charging
                                         expectations of what we can together
(MEFL) has been working with the                                                               infrastructure at six locations in
                                         create and achieve.
community for more than a decade                                                               Moreland and has plans to install
to implement innovative sustainable                                                            160 kW of solar on Council
energy solutions. CERES Community                                                              buildings in 2014–15.
Environment Park is an environmental                                                           Council will soon begin a large
education centre and urban farm                                                                scale retrofit of street lighting
that is a living demonstration of food                                                         in the north of the municipality
security, sustainable agriculture,                                                             which will be the single largest
energy efficiency, renewable energy                                                            energy efficiency retrofit ever
and water conservation. Also, more                                                             undertaken by Moreland netting
than 50 independent community                                                                  an annual 2000 tonnes of carbon
groups are working across kitchen                                                              emission reductions from its
tables, community gardens and local                                                            corporate footprint.
neighbourhoods to reduce carbon
emissions, adapt to climate change
and lead others to action.

                                                            Zero Carbon E
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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

journey towards
zero carbon

                                                                         MEFL is launched to the
    Brunswick Electricity                                                Moreland community
    Supply Department
    delivering first                                                     Council adopts the
    energy efficiency and                                                Greenhouse Abatement
    renewable energy                                                     Strategy Greenhouse Action
    projects in Australia                                                Plan (GASGAP)

    1980s                             1990s                             2001                          2002–06                 2007–09

         1990s:                                                           2002–2006:                            2007–2009:
         Victoria’s first solar panels installed                          MEFL delivers innovative programs     Council adopts the Climate Action
         in Moreland                                                      with local residents and businesses   Plan 2007–2012
                                                                          to save energy
         Brunswick Electricity Supply                                                                           $4.9 million Moreland Solar City
         Department reporting carbon                                      Coburg and Brunswick in top 20        project commences
         emissions on electricity bills                                   GreenPowered suburbs in Victoria
                                                                                                                Council commits to zero net
                                                                          MEFL partners with industry to        corporate emissions by 2012 and
                                                                          deliver the EcoSmart Electricians     community emissions by 2030
                                                                                                                Zero Carbon Moreland program
                                                                          Council and MEFL join eight other     begins
                                                                          local governments in the Northern
                                                                          Alliance for Greenhouse Action        Moreland Energy Fund’s first bulk
                                                                          (NAGA)                                buy sees 180 solar PV systems
                                                                                                                installed on Moreland homes
                                                                                                                7.2kW solar PV system installed on
                                                                                                                Moreland Civic Centre
                                                                                                                CERES is awarded a Premier’s
                                                                                                                Sustainability Award

6         Zero Carbon E
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ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

                                                       Warm Home Cool Home program retrofits over 1,000 low income homes
                                                       in Moreland

2011:                                                  MEFL works with SMEs to save energy through an Energy Efficiency
                                                       Information Grant
Council and MEFL establish the Moreland
Energy Partnership, a joint venture to                 Over 4,000 residents and businesses are taking action on climate change
support the implementation of capital                  through Zero Carbon Moreland
projects to reduce carbon emissions
                                                       The Moreland Energy Partnership invests in cogeneration for Fawner
MEFL releases the Sustainable Urban                    Leisure Centre
Development Framework
                                                       Council achieves carbon neutrality for corporate emissions
MEFL works with Merri Community Health
                                                       MEFL, Kildonan Uniting Care and Brotherhood of St Laurence are
Services to reduce the vulnerability of
                                                       awarded a Premier’s Sustainability Award
residents at risk of heat-related impacts of
climate change                                         Council leads the roll-out of the Sustainable Design Assessment Planning
                                                       Process to 15 local governments
Council’s Sustainable Design Assessment
Planning Process saves 7,600 tonnes of                 Council successfully participates in the Victorian DoT electric vehicle trial
carbon emissions from new buildings
                                                       Council installs: energy efficient lighting at Robinson Reserve, Warr Park,
Council awarded grant funding from                     Brunswick Park and the Council Depot, double glazing at Fawkner and
Victorian Sustainability Accord to upgrade             Coburg Leisure Centres, high-efficiency hot water system at Hosken
the STEPS and SDS tools                                Reserve and a mini-fuel cell at the Bob Hawke Centre

2010                         2011                        2012                             2013                            2014                           2015

2010:                                          2013:                                                              2014:
Council adopts the Carbon                      Council implements energy saving measures                          Council works with MEFL to
Management Strategy for corporate              including upgrade of HVAC at Fawkner                               develop the Zero Carbon Evolution
emissions                                      Community Hall and cogen at Fawkner                                Strategy
                                               Leisure Centre.
100 new solar hot water systems                                                                                   Council commences a broad-scale
are installed by Moreland residents            Council secures half a million in                                  roll out of solar PV on Council
under MEFL’s community bulk buy                Commonwealth CEEP funding to deliver                               buildings
                                               major energy efficiency works
Zero Carbon Moreland provides                                                                                     MEFL implements the Solar Saver
retrofits to make 110 houses                   MEFL launches Positive Charge - a                                  Program, installing over 300
cheaper to heat and cool                       social enterprise that provides practical                          solar PV systems on low-income
                                               sustainability services to households,                             households in Darebin
Council’s Sustainable Design                   businesses and community organisations
Assessment Planning Process                                                                                       Council leads the development of
saves 5,200 tonnes of carbon                   Council and MEFL participate in the NAGA-                          the Built Environment Sustainability
emissions from new buildings                   led development of the Go5 electricity                             Scorecard (BESS)
                                               consumption target
Council requests authorisation from the                                                                           Council receives a supportive report
Minister for Planning for ESD policy           MEFL works with Climate Action Moreland                            from the Panel and Ministerial
in the Moreland Planning Scheme                to commence the Moreland Community                                 Advisory Committee on ESD
                                               Solar Project                                                      planning policy (amendment C71)
Council reduces energy
consumption by 22% at Fawner                   Council is awarded the Victorian Keep
Leisure Centre and at Coburg Civic             Australia Beautiful Sustainable Cities Award
Centre, electricity use decreases by
27% and gas use by 80%                         Council installs six public electric vehicle
                                               charging stations in Moreland including the
                                               first public EV fast charge station in Victoria

                                                                                 Zero Carbon E
                                                                                              volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   7
ZERO CARBON EVOLUTION - Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community - Moreland City Council

Preparing                                               The scientific evidence is now
                                                        undeniable: human activities are
                                                                                                          If we continue as we are, greenhouse
                                                                                                          gas emissions are predicted to
Moreland for                                            increasing greenhouse gas levels in
                                                        the atmosphere which is changing
                                                                                                          increase across the globe by another
                                                                                                          50 percent by 2050 and average
the future                                              our climate and warming the planet.               global temperature could rise by
                                                        Per person, Victorians are among the              up to 5.4°C by 21002. A global
                                                        highest greenhouse gas emitters in                temperature rise of this magnitude
“The opportunities to reduce                            the world.                                        is predicted to have catastrophic
 greenhouse gas emissions and                                                                             impacts on every aspect of our lives.
 limit the severity of climate change                   Most nations across the globe,
 are rapidly diminishing. Strong                        including Australia, have agreed                  All of the world’s major economies,
 action has to occur now if the risks                   that the increase in average global               including the two largest emitters (the
 and their associated costs are to                      temperatures must not exceed 2°C                  USA and China), are implementing
 be avoided”                                            above pre-industrial levels to avoid              measures to reduce their greenhouse
Victorian Commissioner for Environmental
                                                        the most catastrophic impacts of                  gas emissions. Australia’s major
Sustainability, 2013                                    climate change. The average annual                trading partners and neighbours
                                                        surface temperature across the                    are implementing renewable energy
                                                        globe has already risen by more than              targets, emissions trading schemes
                                                        0.6°C1.                                           and other policies to drive down

                                                        1    IPCC, Fifth Assessment Report (WGII), 2014   2   IPCC, Fifth Assessment Report (WGI),2013

 8      Zero Carbon E
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The global carbon budget is a
measure of the maximum amount
of greenhouse gas that can be                    VERY HOT days (OVER 35˚C)
emitted to retain a chance of
limiting warming to 2°C.                         MELBOURNE CAN EXPECT PER YEAR
                                                 CSIRO, Climate Change in Australia, 2007
The global economy needs to reduce
its carbon intensity (the amount of
carbon emissions per unit of GDP)
by around 6 percent per year for                                                                           2070 26 DAYS
the rest of the century to stay within
the carbon budget. If we continue
the current rate of de-carbonisation
(0.7% global reduction per year),
we are on track to blow the carbon
budget by 20343.
There is clearly a strong imperative
for immediate and large-scale
emissions reductions. Most of our
known fossil fuel reserves will need to
be left in the ground.                                                                                     2030 13 DAYS
In Moreland, we are already feeling
the effects of climate change. Over
the coming decades scientists are
telling us to expect more frequent                                                                         2014 9 DAYS
and intense heat waves, changes
in rainfall patterns and run-off and                                                   VERY
increasingly severe weather events
including droughts, fires, storms and
floods.                                                                                OVER

3   PwC, Busting the Carbon Budget: Low Carbon
    Economy Index, 2013

                                                                  Zero Carbon E
                                                                               volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   9

Climate change is not just an                          To avoid the most severe impacts         Note: The terms ‘greenhouse gas
environmental problem.                                 of climate change, we need to            emissions’ and ‘carbon emissions’ are
The effects of climate change present                  urgently and significantly reduce        used interchangeably throughout this
substantial risks to our health and                    our carbon emissions. This requires      document. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is
well-being, economy and our whole                      fundamental change in the way we         the most common greenhouse gas
society. These impacts are likely                      generate energy, consume energy,         emitted from human activities.
to include loss of life, physical and                  move around and buy and dispose
mental health impacts, reduced                         of products. The decisions we make
primary production, property damage,                   between now and 2020 will have a
coastal inundation and loss of power,                  significant impact on the degree of
transport and communications                           climate disruption experienced by
infrastructure. There will also be                     our children and grandchildren in the
adverse impacts on biodiversity,                       second half of this century.
habitat, health of ecosystems and                      Shifting towards a zero carbon future
significant changes to our waterways.                  in Moreland is not something that the
                                                       Council can do alone.
                                                       It is going to take a conscious effort
                                                       from every resident, business owner,
                                                       employee, student, volunteer and
                                                       visitor to contribute to creating our
                                                       positive future. This is a time for
                                                       collaboration and sharing, supporting
                                                       each other and pushing the
                                                       boundaries to find new ways of doing
                                                       Everyone in Moreland is
                                                       responsible for climate change,
                                                       everyone is vulnerable to the
                                                       impacts, and everyone must be
                                                       part of the solution.

10    Zero Carbon E
                   volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

The Zero Carbon
                                       Where do our                                       Who is responsible
Challenge                              emissions come from?                               for the emissions?
The Moreland
community’s carbon                                WASTE                                                        PT

emissions                                   GAS
The Moreland community emitted
approximately 1491 kilotonnes
(kT) of greenhouse gases in 2011.                              ELECTRICITY                                             RESIDENTIAL
The burning of fossil fuels for
energy is the predominant source of       TRANSPORT                                            COMMERCIAL
greenhouse gas emissions.
Almost half of Moreland’s greenhouse
gas emissions come from the
consumption of electricity by
households, businesses and others
within the municipality. Petrol,       Greenhouse Gas Emissions                           Greenhouse Gas Emissions
diesel and LPG-powered vehicles        (ktonnes CO2-e/year) in 2011                       (ktonnes CO2-e/year) in 2011
account for around 34 percent of our     Electricity         49%       735 kT                  Residential          55% 813 kT
emissions. The remaining emissions
                                         Transport           34%       500 kT                  Commercial           24% 351 kT
are due to consumption of natural
gas in homes and businesses and          Gas                 11%       171 kT                  Industrial           20% 295 kT
from waste that ends up in landfill.     Waste                6%        85 kT                  Public transport (PT) 2% 32 kT
Moreland’s carbon emissions are          Total              100%      1491 kT                  Total              100% 1491 kT
relatively evenly split between
households and business/industry.
Greenhouse gas emissions from
Moreland Council’s corporate
operations are equivalent to around
1% of total community emissions and
are addressed separately through the
Carbon Management Strategy.

                                                       Zero Carbon E
                                                                    volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   11

Understanding the
carbon budget                                               CARBON BUDGET
The size of the increase in global                          ALLOCATIONS
                                                            FOR 2013 to 2050
temperature is related to the total
concentration of greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere. The global carbon                        Mt CO2-e for the period 2013–2050

budget estimates the total amount
of greenhouse gas emissions that
will result in a certain temperature
increase, within a probability range.
The Climate Change Authority
(CCA), in its review of Australia’s
emissions reduction targets and
progress towards our international
obligations, translated the global
carbon budget into an equivalent                                                                            GLOBAL
carbon budget for Australia. The
CCA used a global emissions budget                                                                          1,040,000
that provides a likely chance (67 per
cent probability) of limiting warming

to 2°C or less. Achieving this goal
is very challenging, but it remains
technologically and economically
The CCA has calculated that Australia
should be allocated 0.97 percent
of the global emissions budget                                                                              10,100
under a modified contraction and

convergence approach, where fast-
growing developing countries are
allowed extra time to decrease their                                                                        MORELAND
emissions and developed countries
like Australia reduce emissions more                                                                        24.4
quickly to provide this ‘headroom’, with
all countries eventually converging to                     (Ref: Climate Change Authority, 2014)
equal per capita carbon emissions.                         Moreland’s share estimated by the Moreland
                                                           Energy Foundation on a per capita basis.
Building on the CCA work, this
strategy sets a carbon budget for
Moreland on a per capita basis.

12    Zero Carbon E
                   volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

Getting on track
to zero carbon                             CARBON BUDGET
by 2020                                    FOR THE MORELAND
The task ahead
                                           Allowable carbon emissions (kT CO2e/year)

Action on climate change is urgent
and we all need to be doing our fair
share to shift towards a zero carbon
future. To pull our weight in the effort

to create a relatively stable climate
(an average global temperature
increase of less than 2°C), the
Moreland community needs to reduce         1400
                                                  1491 kT*

carbon emissions to 1164 kilotonnes                                                                                  22% Reduction
                                                                                                                     Community is emitting
per year by 2020. This is a 22%                                                                                      1,164 kT (or less)
decrease in emissions from 2011                                                                                      by the end of 2020
To achieve this reduction by 2020
would see us on track to achieving
                                                                                   1164 kT

our zero carbon future.                    1000

Achieving a 22 percent reduction
in carbon emissions across the
municipality by 2020 is an ambitious        800                                                                      At this rate
and challenging task. To get there, we                                                                               We will reach zero
will need many more people to join                                                                                   carbon in Moreland
the effort, existing community groups       600
                                                                                                                     by 2045
to grow, new ones to form and people
to do things differently in every home
and neighbourhood.



                                                  2013                         2020
                                                  Moreland’s carbon budget
                                                  For the period 2013 to 2020, Moreland’s carbon budget = 10,128 kT
                                                  * 2011 data is used as the best estimate of 2013 community emissions

                                                              Zero Carbon E
                                                                           volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   13

Ongoing community                                      The Zero Carbon Evolution strategy
                                                       will be reviewed annually to 2020
                                                                                                 Over the next six years to 2020
                                                                                                 there are likely to be major shifts in
engagement and review                                  to track progress and to ensure that      technology and the social and political
                                                       the strategies, actions and priorities    context that ‘change the game’ in
of strategy                                            are still relevant to achieving the       terms of action on climate change.
As a key part of the implementation                    2020 goals in light of the broader        For example, smart technology
of this strategy, Council and MEFL                     technical and socio-political context.    already provides customers with
will establish a twice-yearly forum for                The Moreland community’s progress         real-time data on their energy
representatives from the community                     in reducing carbon emissions will be      consumption. Combined with
to come together to provide input                      monitored and reported to the public      ‘time-of-use’ electricity prices and
into key issues that arise from the                    at the end of each financial year to      smart appliances, households and
actions in the Zero Carbon Evolution                   2020.                                     businesses will gain much greater
strategy. These are likely to include                  In 2017, a Zero Carbon Evolution          control over how much electricity they
issues related to Council’s investment                 Summit will be held to bring              consume and when they use it.
decisions, the appropriateness of                      together key stakeholders, partner
carbon offsetting, investment in new                   organisations and representatives
gas infrastructure and a review of the                 from the Moreland community to
notion of the carbon budget and how                    take stock, thoroughly re-assess the
the globe is tracking against it.                      final three years of this strategy and
Each forum will be informed by the                     re-direct efforts and resources if
current climate science and any                        necessary.
new research or advancement in                         Council will also work with MEFL
our understanding of what needs                        to establish an online collaboration
to be done. The forums will also                       space to link people with projects,
canvass new opportunities to achieve                   share ideas, celebrate wins, promote
significant emissions reductions                       opportunities and grow the number
through direct local action or new                     of people involved in the zero carbon
advocacy efforts. Implementation                       evolution.
of this strategy will build on existing                The success of this strategy clearly
community partnerships and require                     relies on the decisions and actions
the development of new ones, with                      of a number of key players including
the forums being a key mechanism                       the Victorian and Commonwealth
for initiating and strengthening                       Governments, electricity distribution
partnerships.                                          companies and public transport
                                                       operators. For example, the
                                                       Commonwealth Government’s current
                                                       renewable energy target (RET)
                                                       will ensure that 20 percent of grid
                                                       electricity comes from renewable
                                                       sources by 2020. If the RET
                                                       legislation is dismantled or the target
                                                       weakened, this makes the goal of
                                                       significant emissions reductions in
                                                       Moreland more difficult.

14    Zero Carbon E
                   volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

   Key guiding principles                    The shift towards a zero carbon
                                             future requires fundamental change
                                                                                               “We can imagine homes with new
                                                                                                ways of entertaining, securing,
   The following key principles will         in the way our city operates and the               cleaning, cooking, heating and
   guide Moreland’s shift towards a zero     way that we operate in our city. This              cooling. We can imagine homes
   carbon future:                            includes:                                          that don’t need very much energy
                                          >> Generating local renewable energy,                 at all.”
                                             or purchasing renewable energy from                Dr Yolande Strengers, Centre for Urban
1. Re-imagining our urban                                                                       Research, RMIT University, 2014
   systems                                   the grid
                                          >> Being smarter about how we use
   Climate change presents a set of                                                             Responding to climate change
   complex, interlinked challenges to        energy in our homes
                                                                                                provides us with the opportunity
   the way our economy and society        >> Integrating daily exercise with travel
                                                                                                and the imperative to re-define
   are structured. The most critical         by walking, cycling or catching public             our streets and neighbourhoods.
   immediate task is to de-carbonise our     transport                                          Actions to reduce emissions will
   economy, essentially eliminating our   >> Buying and wasting less.                           not only minimise the impacts of
   dependency on the burning of fossil                                                          climate change but also provide
                                             Emerging smart technology such
   fuels for economic growth.                                                                   opportunities for recreation and
                                             as energy storage, smart meters,
   Early action to reduce carbon             time-of-use pricing and electrical                 exercise, place-making, community
   emissions provides clear opportunities load shifting is anticipated to provide               involvement, social cohesion and
   for Moreland. It is less expensive and    significant opportunities to reduce                mental, emotional and spiritual well-
   less risky to take strong action on       energy consumption to 2020. Smart                  being. We have an opportunity to
   climate change before 2020, rather        technology can help us better                      re-create our city as a place that will
   than delaying action into an uncertain    understand and manage our energy                   sustain us into the future.
   future. Cities that act now on climate    use in real-time and provides the
   change will benefit by capturing new      opportunity to create less electricity-
   market opportunities, preventing          intensive lives.
   lock-in of more emissions intensive
   infrastructure and minimising
   economic and social disruption in the

                                                                                                                                    CASE STUDY

                                                 Brunswick Secondary
                                                 Brunswick Secondary College raised
                                                 $25,000 through donations from
                                                 parents and the school community to
                                                 upgrade their solar power system from
                                                 25 to 100 solar panels this year. The
                                                 panels will generate enough power
                                                 each year to power the equivalent of 10
                                                                                                        The panels will generate
                                                 typical Brunswick houses. It saves the
                                                                                                        enough power each year to
                                                 school money, reduces greenhouse gas                   power the equivalent of 10
                                                 emissions and helps the students learn                 typical Brunswick houses.
                                                 about climate change. The school is also
                                                 making changes to use less energy such
                                                 as replacing lighting, fridges and copy

                                                               Zero Carbon E
                                                                            volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   15

2. Including all Moreland                                Council, CERES Environment Park             Moreland has a long-standing
   people                                                and the Moreland Energy Foundation          reputation as a community working
  The first people of Moreland, the                      are already working with residents          towards sustainability. Within
  Wurundjeri clans of the Woiworrung                     and businesses to address the               this decade, low-carbon ways of
  people, lived along the Merri                          challenges of climate change. Groups        living, working, getting around and
  and Moonee Ponds Creeks and                            of people all over the municipality         socialising must become our new
  managed the land sustainably for                       are coming together to work on              normal. Part of the transition to a
  many thousands of years. Today,                        local food production, community            zero carbon future is to create new
  our community comprises a highly                       solar power, swapping and sharing,          expectations of a community that
  diverse mix of cultures with Moreland                  bicycle advocacy and transitioning          proudly lives and works within its
  residents speaking more than 140                       to low carbon ways of living. Schools       carbon budget and continually strives
  different languages at home. Our                       are installing solar power systems,         towards lighter carbon footprints.
  diverse community possesses                            residents are using energy more             This involves clearly defining and
  valuable knowledge, skills and                         efficiently and climate action groups       understanding appropriate levels of
  experience with living simply and                      are campaigning for systemic change.        consumption and waste and creating
  sustainably. There are significant                     By getting involved in re-shaping their     new social norms around how we
  opportunities to learn from each other                 own neighbourhoods, ordinary people         consume energy and goods.
  and engage many more people in                         are leading the transition to our zero      It is critically important that everyone,
  local action on climate change.                        carbon future.                              especially the most vulnerable people
  The community is clearly ready to                                                                  in our community, have access to the
  take action.                                                                                       opportunities that arise in the shift to
                                                                                                     our zero carbon future.

                                                                                                                                CASE STUDY

                                                             Fawkner Food Swap
                                                             Whether you have small herbs in pots or
                                                             a backyard jungle, Fawkner Food Swap
                                                             attracts a range of people from different
                                                             cultures who swap seasonal home-
                                                             grown edibles such as fruit, veggies,
                                                             herbs and preservatives. The Food Swap
                                                             is a great place for newly-arrived people
                                                             and long-time locals from all walks of life
                                                             to learn from each other, swap recipes,       2nd Saturday each month, at
                                                             reduce food waste and share gardening         Fawkner Community House.
                                                             tips. Food Swappers benefit from the
                                                             relaxation that gardening brings to their
                                                             lives, while saving money and eating
                                                             Fawkner Community House, Jukes Rd.

  16    Zero Carbon E
                     volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

3. Investing for our future                 Moreland City Council is committed to
                                            assessing the appropriateness of new                 Moreland City Council
  Making a meaningful shift towards a                                                            recognises the broader impacts
  zero carbon community will require        natural gas infrastructure compared
                                            to renewable energy infrastructure                   of its investment decisions on
  significant investment in equipment,                                                           Australia’s carbon emissions
  infrastructure and programs to            on a case-by-case basis in terms of
                                            the carbon reduction potential and                   profile. From 2014, Council
  achieve emissions reductions on                                                                tenders for finance contracts
  the scale required. Council will          cost implications over the life of the
                                            technology employed.                                 require specification of the
  play a lead role in facilitating and                                                           applicant’s climate risk policy,
  leveraging investment from State          The climate change science now
                                                                                                 financed emissions and
  and Commonwealth Governments              confirms that financial investments
                                                                                                 investment in clean energy.
  and private investors. Large-scale        in fossil fuel stocks are becoming
                                                                                                 These criteria will be given fair
  investment will be required from a        increasingly risky as the evidence
                                                                                                 weighting in the decision to invest
  range of sources using innovative         deems a significant quantity of fossil
                                                                                                 Council funds and reported on
  financing models.                         fuel reserves as ‘unburnable’ if we are
                                                                                                 and managed over the life of the
  Fortunately, investment in actions to     to avoid dangerous climate change.
  reduce emissions usually provides         The shift to a low-carbon economy
  savings in operational energy             provides a tremendous opportunity for
  costs, so strong financial returns        investment in renewable energy and
  are available. In addition, the social    low-emissions technology.
  and environmental returns on an
  investment to reduce emissions are
  potentially enormous. Investment that
  creates healthier, safer communities
  that are better prepared for the
  imminent challenges of climate
  change provides immeasurable
  positive returns.
  Investment decisions made at this
  point in the transition to our zero
  carbon future need to carefully weigh
  up the costs and benefits from both
  a carbon emission perspective and
  financial perspective over the life of
  the technology employed.                                                                                                        CASE STUDY
  Over the past decade, technology that
  uses natural gas has been considered         Dolce Vita Cakes
  preferable to electricity for reducing
  emissions. Today, with changing gas          Installing solar panels is paying off
  markets and advances in distributed          for Coburg North business Dolce
  renewable electricity generation, a          Vita Cakes. The 30kW system (120
  case-by-case assessment is needed            panels) allows the cake factory to
  to determine the most suitable               power its freezers and cool rooms
  technology to invest in. It is critical      with solar power during the day,
  that this assessment is scaled to            dramatically reducing their energy
  the lifespan of the technology to            costs and carbon emissions. Not only
  avoid making decisions that lock-in          is solar a clever business decision for                 Dolce Vita Cakes, already
  emissions intensive or expensive             Dolce Vita Cakes, it also protects the                  reducing their electricity
                                               business against rising energy costs                    bill by almost half.
  infrastructure for short-term gain.
  Technologies that rely on natural            and positions them as a sustainable
  gas are increasingly risky in terms          manufacturer.
  of both future costs and emissions           28 Catherine St, Coburg North.

                                                              Zero Carbon E
                                                                           volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   17

4. Adapting as our climate                          5. A whole-of-government and
   changes                                             community approach
  The impacts of climate change                          Shifting towards a zero carbon
  are already being experienced                          Moreland requires fundamental re-
  in the form of longer and hotter                       designing of our city and our lives
  heat waves, increased average                          within it – from the way our precincts
  temperatures, higher bushfire risk                     and buildings are designed, to
  and changes to rainfall patterns.                      investment in transport infrastructure,
  Governments, businesses, individuals                   to urban vegetation, to lifestyles that
  and communities need to take                           create less waste.
  steps to prepare for and adapt to                      It will rely on significant effort
  the climate as it changes. Climate                     and investment from across
  change adaptation provides a                           the community and all levels
  huge opportunity to re-think old                       of Government. At the Local
  assumptions and build new systems                      Government level, a whole-of-Council
  to prepare our communities                             approach is critical as emissions are
  effectively for the future.                            directly related to transport, buildings,
  A key part of this adaptation involves                 energy supply, waste and urban form.
  building the resilience of individuals                 Also, the impacts of climate change
  and the community, that is, the                        will be felt across Council portfolios
  ability to cope with the disturbances                  particularly health and wellbeing, city
  to our lives caused by climate                         infrastructure, social development,
  change as they occur. Community                        economic development and open
  connectedness and local networks                       space.
  are strong contributors to community
  resilience and the ability to recover
  from shocks.
  Strategies that provide the dual
  benefits of reducing greenhouse
  gas emissions while helping our
  community to adapt to a changing
  climate are likely to be more cost-
  effective and provide greater social
  and environmental benefits. For                                                                                          CASE STUDY
  example, building energy efficient
  houses provides dual benefits:                             East Brunswick
  less energy is consumed (lowering
  greenhouse gas emissions) and                              Kindergarten and
  the residents are more comfortable
  on extreme weather days and less
  affected by rising electricity costs                       East Brunswick Kindergarten and
  (adapting to a changing climate).                          Childcare are proving that it’s never too
  Maintaining and improving vegetation                       early to start living sustainably. They
  and urban greenery across Moreland                         have solar panels, rainwater tanks, worm
  will also be critical in helping the                       farms and a veggie patch and use natural
  community to adapt to climate                              and recycled materials. This brings          The kids are taught to
  change.                                                    financial benefits for the centre, including incorporate sustainable
                                                             substantially reduced energy bills, but the practices into their lives
                                                             environmental benefits and educating
                                                             the kids to live sustainably is the biggest
                                                             reward for the centre.

  18    Zero Carbon E
                     volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

Action plan                              Partnerships will be a critical aspect
                                         of the delivery of this strategy to
                                         achieve the scale and reach required.
Zero carbon evolution                    This will include implementation in
                                         partnership with the Northern Alliance
strategies                               for Greenhouse Action (NAGA),
Achieving a 22 percent reduction in      Municipal Association Victoria and
community carbon emissions by 2020       the Council Alliance for a Sustainable
is an ambitious goal, but Moreland is    Built Environment (CASBE). Delivery
ready for and up to the challenge. The   partnerships will also be developed
goal will only be achievable through     with local businesses, education and
collaborative effort, partnerships and   training providers, universities and
commitment across the Moreland           community groups.
community.                               A Zero Carbon Evolution Advocacy
The Zero Carbon Evolution strategies,    Plan will be developed to accompany
outlined in this section, are equally    this strategy that will outline the
ambitious and reflect the magnitude      key advocacy points under each
of the task. Each strategy is designed   action and how Council will work to
to reach specific goals by 2020          influence other levels of government
which, if successful, will result in     and key stakeholders throughout
a community on track to carbon           implementation of the strategy.
The strategies modelled assume that
current State and Commonwealth
policy remains in place to 2020,
and that there is significant take-
up and investment by the Moreland
community and all levels of

                                                          Zero Carbon E
                                                                       volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   19

 Contribution of each strategy
 to the 2020 goal

   The contribution of each strategy to the overall goal
   Strategy 1: Generating local renewable energy                        9.0%
   Strategy 2: Using energy efficiently                                 3.0%
   Strategy 3: Low-emissions transport                                  7.1%
   Strategy 4: Minimising urban heat island effects                     Significant post 2020
   Strategy 5: Activating the community to reduce                       3.5%
   Total                                                                22.6%

   The investment required to implement
   the Zero Carbon Evolution strategy
   will need to come from a range of
   sources, including:
>> Council’s annual budget allocation
>> Leveraged support from key project
   delivery partners
>> State and Commonwealth funding
   streams and grant programs
>> the Moreland community, including
   residents, businesses and others.

 20     Zero Carbon E
                     volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

  Strategy 1: Generating                                         A major force in the global shift to
                                                                 renewable energy has been the
  local renewable energy                                         recent ‘solar revolution’. Due to falling
                                                                 manufacturing costs, the price of
  2020 goals                                                     solar panels dropped from $12 per
                                                                 watt to $2 per watt over the four
>> Solar     on 21,200 homes (42.4 MW)                           years to 2013. In 2012, Australian
>> Solar     on 1,200 businesses (27.6                           households invested nearly $3 billion
   MW)                                                           of their own money to generate
>> 27 community-owned solar                                      power from solar on their rooftops5.
   systems (2.7 MW)                                              At the end of 2013, Australia
>> Solar on 60 community buildings,                              reached 3 gigawatts of rooftop solar
   including schools and sports                                  photovoltaic (PV) installed, over 15
   clubs (1.2 MW)                                                times as much as was installed in
                                                                 2009. Fourteen percent of dwellings
  Policy and context                                             across Australia now have a solar PV
  A profound shift towards renewable                             system installed.
  energy is taking place around the                              In Moreland, solar PV systems are
  world. Globally, the capacity of                               currently installed on 3,500 rooftops
  installed renewable energy doubled                             (6.3% of total dwellings)6. The
  between 2000 and 2012.                                         concentration of rooftop solar PV in
  In 2014, around 14 percent of                                  Moreland is similar to neighbouring
  Australia’s electricity supply is                              municipalities but below the national
  generated from renewable sources                               and Victorian averages, demonstrating
  such as wind and solar4. The main                              potential for a significant scale-up.
  driver of investment and growth
  in renewable energy generation
  has been the Commonwealth
  Government’s Renewable Energy
  Target (RET) scheme which is
  designed to ensure that 20 per cent
  of Australia’s electricity comes from
  renewable sources by 2020. The RET
  scheme is under review in the first
  half of 2014.

                                                                 Number of rooftop solar systems                         Percentage of dwellings with
                                                                 installed (May 2014)                                    rooftop solar installed (May 2014)
      Australia                                                  1,157,000                                               14%
      Victoria                                                   201,000                                                 10%
      Moreland                                                   3,500                                                   6.3%
      Source: Australian PV Institute & Clean Energy Regulator, 2014

                                                                 5     Australian PV Institute, 2014
  4      Clean Energy Council, 2014                              6     Australian Renewable Energy Agency, 2014

                                                                                          Zero Carbon E
                                                                                                       volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   21

The case for solar PV in                                 To ramp-up solar PV uptake across
Moreland                                                 Moreland, the following key barriers
Solar PV is one of the most cost-                        need to be overcome:
effective ways of reducing carbon                     >> Upfront capital cost of installing
emissions from household and                             systems, particularly for low income
business electricity use. Decreasing                     households
costs of solar combined with the                      >> Options for rental properties where
increasing cost of grid electricity                      the upfront cost is borne by the
have substantially improved the                          owner but the energy bill savings are
business case for solar over the past                    received by the tenants
five years. The upfront cost for a                    >> Accessing reliable, personalised
typical residential solar PV system                      information and high-quality
can typically be paid back through                       installations.
electricity bill savings within 5 to
6 years. The cost of rooftop solar                       Other key barriers are likely to
per kWh delivered is now generally                       emerge as the concentration of
equivalent to, or lower than, the cost                   rooftop solar in Moreland increases,
of grid electricity.                                     such as grid capacity issues,
                                                         electricity retailing tariff issues and
Solar PV installations continue                          overshadowing and rights to solar
to grow as more householders,                            access.
organisations and businesses commit
to reducing their carbon emissions.                      MEFL is well positioned to facilitate a
Local generation of renewable                            large-scale roll out of solar PV across
energy also saves consumers money,                       the community, having established
protects against the rising costs of                     the Positive Charge enterprise
grid electricity, reduces electricity                    which is currently delivering solar to
demand peaks, reduces the likelihood                     households, businesses, schools and
of costly upgrades to the transmission                   community groups across Moreland
network and when combined with                           and other municipalities. The actions
battery storage, can provide security                    that MEFL and Council will undertake
of electricity supply during power                       under this strategy aim to achieve
outages.                                                 a significant scale-up of locally
                                                         generated renewable energy.
The potential for rooftop solar PV in
Moreland is huge. Analysis by MEFL
in 2013 found that if all occupied
residential dwellings had the largest
solar PV systems that their roofs
could support, Moreland could
produce 215.2 GWh of electricity
per year, which is 91% of its yearly
electricity usage7.

7    Moreland Energy Foundation Ltd, 2013

22      Zero Carbon E
                     volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

Strategy 1: Generating local renewable energy
Key actions

Action                                   Lead           Timeframe       Resources                             Outputs
1.1	Provide households and             MEFL with    2014–2020         • Delivered by MEFL’s                 • Annual increase in
      businesses with access to          support      (Beginning          Positive Charge                       number of solar PV
      low-interest finance for solar     from         in second           enterprise, funded                    systems installed on
      PV systems that can be paid        Council’s    half of             directly by households                homes in Moreland
      back through an additional         Finance      2014)               or through access to                • Rates payback
      charge on their Council rates      Unit                             low interest finance                  mechanism
      over a period of up to 10 years                                   • $40,000 Council                       implemented by
                                                                          OPEX & $20,000                        December 2014
                                                                          from MEFL in 2014–                  • Financing mechanism
                                                                          15 for resolving                      for solar for rental
                                                                          issues with solar for                 properties and
                                                                          rental properties                     owners corporations
                                                                                                                established by June
1.2	Offer attractive solar             MEFL         2014–2020         • Delivered by MEFL’s                 • Annual increase in
      PV system packages to                           (Beginning          Positive Charge                       number of solar PV
      businesses to demonstrate                       in second           enterprise, funded                    systems installed
      the financial and sustainability                half of             directly by businesses                on businesses in
      benefits of PV investment and                   2014)               or through access to                  Moreland
      link businesses to low-interest                                     low interest finance                • Partnerships with local
      finance                                                           • $60,000 Council                       electricity distribution
                                                                          OPEX & $50,000                        businesses
                                                                          from MEFL in 2014–                    established by
                                                                          15 for staff time and                 December 2014
                                                                          communications                      • Engagement
                                                                          resources to engage                   approach and
                                                                          businesses and                        communications
                                                                          households in solar                   materials for scaled-
                                                                          roll-out                              up solar and energy
1.3	Work with local electricity        MEFL         2014–2020         • Delivered by MEFL’s                   efficiency roll-out
     distribution businesses to                                           Positive Charge                       to households
                                                      (Beginning                                                and businesses
     install solar PV systems in                      in second           enterprise, funded
     precincts where additional                                           directly by businesses                established by Dec
                                                      half of                                                   2014
     power generation will relieve                    2014)               or through access to
     pressure on the electricity grid                                     low interest finance

                                                           Zero Carbon E
                                                                        volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   23

 Action                                            Lead           Timeframe            Resources                  Outputs
 1.4	Establish the Moreland                      MEFL                  2014–2020     • Delivered through        • Moreland Community
       Community Solar Co-                                               (Beginning      the establishment          Solar Co-operative
       operative, working with                                           in second       of the Moreland            established by Dec
       Climate Action Moreland and                                       half of         Community Solar            2014
       other community members to                                        2014)           Co-operative. The co-    • Administrative
       enable community investor-                                                        operative will be able     mechanisms to pay
       funded solar PV systems                                                           to receive investment      dividends established
       across the municipality                                                           contributions from         by Dec 2014
                                                                                         community members
                                                                                                                  • Annual increase in
                                                                                         and pay dividends.
                                                                                                                    number of community-
                                                                                       • $30,000 Council            owned solar PV
                                                                                         OPEX in 2014–15            systems installed in
                                                                                         for establishing legal     Moreland
                                                                                         and admin structure
                                                                                                                  • Annual increase in
                                                                                         for Co-op and
                                                                                                                    number of Moreland
                                                                                         market research re
                                                                                                                    Community Solar Co-
                                                                                         community willingness
                                                                                                                    operative members
                                                                                         to invest
                                                                                                                  • Market research
                                                                                                                    undertaken regarding
                                                                                                                    community willingness
                                                                                                                    to invest in solar by
                                                                                                                    end 2014
 1.5	Provide low-interest loans to               MEFL                  2014–2020     • Schools and              • Annual increase in
      facilitate the installation of                                     (Beginning      community groups           number of solar PV
      solar PV systems on schools,                                       in second       access funding             systems installed on
      sporting clubs and other                                           half of         through the Moreland       schools, sporting clubs
      community buildings                                                2014)           Energy Partnership         and other community
                                                                                         Fund and pay back to       buildings in Moreland
                                                                                         MEP over an agreed
                                                                                       • $45,000 from MEFL
                                                                                         in 2014–15 to
                                                                                         support and fund solar
                                                                                         roll-out on schools/
                                                                                         community buildings
                                                                                         ($200K revolving
                                                                                         from the MEP fund)

24    Zero Carbon E
                   volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

 What do we need others to                  Victorian Government
 do?                                      >> Take  the lead in enabling planning
                                             decision-making for ensuring rights to
   Commonwealth Government                   solar access
>> Retain and strengthen the Renewable >> Provide support and resources for
   Energy Target                             climate change action at the local
>> Increase national emissions reduction     government level
   targets in line with the climate       >> Ensure policy consistency to reduce
   science                                   business and investment uncertainty
>> Remove barriers and provide market
   incentives for increased deployment       Electricity Distributors
   of distributed generation, including   >> Recognise the value of solar to the
   clear and streamlined regulatory          grid
   and administrative processes for       >> Work in partnership with local
   connection to the grid
                                             communities to implement a
>> Regulate for a fair and reasonable        planned approach to increasing the
   return for small-scale renewable          concentration of solar in the grid
   energy generators
>> Enable electricity to be traded across    Moreland People
   property boundaries (virtual net       >> Invest in rooftop or community solar
   metering)                              >> Take a longer term view to assessing
>> Provide support and resources for
                                             energy costs and investment in
   climate change action at the local        sustainable energy
   government level                       >> Recognise the social and
>> Ensure policy consistency to reduce
                                             environmental benefits of low-carbon
   business and investment uncertainty       households and business operations
                                          >> Work together to achieve win-win
                                             outcomes regarding access to solar
                                             energy on rooftops

                                                              Zero Carbon E
                                                                           volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   25

 Strategy 2: Using energy                               Policy and context                       To strengthen the policy basis for
                                                        Over the past thirty years significant   the Sustainable Design Assessment
 efficiently                                            developments have occurred in            in the Planning Process (SDAPP),
                                                        policy and legislation related to        Moreland Council (along with
 2020 goals                                             energy efficiency, driven by the need    five other Councils) proposes to
                                                        to respond to climate change and         implement the new Environmentally
>> Energy  efficiency retrofits on
                                                        the opportunity to reduce energy         Sustainable Design Local Planning
   36,000 homes (average energy                                                                  Policy into the respective Planning
   consumption reduction of 20% per                     costs and improve building comfort.
                                                        These have included reforms to           Schemes. This will formalise the
   household)                                                                                    requirement for sustainable design to
>> 40% reduction in energy
                                                        building and planning requirements,
                                                        market incentives and rebates for        be addressed at the permit stage.
   consumption for 9,000 new                                                                     Council is also leading the
                                                        the uptake of energy efficiency
   buildings                                                                                     development of a new online tool to
                                                        technologies and improved energy
>> Energy efficiency improvements                       performance standards and labelling      assist the SDAPP process and the
   for 1,400 Moreland businesses                        for appliances.                          community in sustainability decision-
                                                        Emerging factors, such as the            making during building design, the
                                                        introduction of ‘time-of-use’ energy     Built Environment Sustainability
                                                        pricing for customers, real-time data    Scorecard (BESS).
                                                        on energy consumption available
                                                        through smart technology and the          Moreland City Council partnered
                                                        mandatory disclosure of the energy        with five other Councils to
                                                        performance of buildings will also        propose a new Environmentally
                                                        significantly influence the demand-       Sustainable Development Local
                                                        side management of energy.                Planning Policy amendment
                                                                                                  (Amendment C71). The policy
                                                        Energy consumption in buildings           requires best practice energy
                                                        accounts for 60 percent of the            efficiency outcomes for a range
                                                        Moreland community’s carbon               of new developments. Following
                                                        emissions. Council has taken a            a highly supportive report
                                                        leadership role in implementing           from the Ministerial-appointed
                                                        local initiatives to improve energy       Environmentally Efficient Design
                                                        efficiency, including driving             Advisory Committee the next
                                                        sustainability through the planning       step is to secure final approval
                                                        permit approvals process, significant     by the Minister.
                                                        energy efficiency investment in
                                                        Council buildings and supporting the
                                                        work of MEFL.

 26    Zero Carbon E
                    volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community

The case for energy                         Potential for energy                      Despite the strong financial returns
efficiency                                  efficiency in Moreland                    and co-benefits derived from
Since 2010, the quantity of electricity     MEFL has been working with the            increasing the energy efficiency of
consumed in Australia each year has         community on energy efficiency            buildings, a number of significant
been decreasing for the first time          for more than a decade. MEFL has          barriers to further uptake exist,
in history. Electricity demand in the       developed and delivered a broad           including:
National Electricity Market was 4.3         range of programs including the        >> Upfront capital costs and competition
percent lower in 2013 than it was in        provision of information and advice       with other purchases
2009. It is widely assumed that this is     to local households, businesses and >> Lack of information and knowledge of
due to the impact of energy efficiency      community groups, technical research, the opportunity by the building owner
programs and regulation, a structural       training, direct retrofitting of homes >> Lack of knowledge or expertise by
change in the economy away from             with energy efficiency technologies       building designers, architects and
energy-intensive industries, the            and raising awareness about climate       tradespeople
uptake of rooftop solar PV and              change. The Zero Carbon Moreland
                                                                                   >> Split incentives for rented premises.
a consumer response to higher               program, part of the Solar Cities
electricity prices. The future trajectory   Initiative, saw 4,000 Moreland            MEFL and Council have already
for energy consumption in Australia is      households sign up to take action to      invested significantly in developing
highly uncertain.                           reduce their carbon emissions. Zero       energy efficiency expertise, materials
In Moreland, average household              Carbon Moreland also implemented          and partnerships to deliver energy
electricity consumption has                 energy efficiency makeovers for over      efficiency solutions in the Moreland
decreased by an average of 1.3              1,000 low-income homes.                   community on a larger-scale.
percent per year from 2004 to 2011.         In 2011, there were around 61,000
Average household gas consumption           households in Moreland. It is               The ABS Household Energy
has decreased by an average of              estimated that the growth rate of           Consumption Survey (2012)
1.6 percent per year over the same          new buildings in Moreland will be           showed that Moreland was
period.                                     approximately 3 percent per annum           one of the three regions
                                            to 2020. New development is largely         in Victoria with the lowest
Measures that lead to more efficient                                                    average household electricity
use of energy in buildings are often        infill or redevelopment of past
                                            industrial sites and is predominantly       consumption
the most cost-effective way to reduce
carbon emissions. The upfront cost          residential.
of energy efficiency measures are           Although improved energy efficiency
usually paid back very quickly due to       standards for new buildings are
significant savings on energy bills.        critical, the greatest reductions
The co-benefits are also substantial:       in energy consumption to 2020
more affordable housing due to lower        will need to be achieved through
operating costs, more comfortable           retrofitting existing built form.
homes in winter and summer,                 Existing housing stock (constructed
increased business productivity,            pre-1991) is likely to have an
and improved understanding and              average energy efficiency thermal
management of energy by the                 performance rating of 1.3 stars
consumer.                                   (compared with the current 6 star
                                            standard), revealing the scale of the
                                            opportunity to reduce emissions.

                                                              Zero Carbon E
                                                                           volution Getting on track to a carbon neutral Moreland community   27
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