100 drivers of change for the global accountancy profession - ACCOUNTANCY FUTURES ACADEMY

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100 drivers of change for the global
accountancy profession

This report was writen for ACCA by Fast Future.
About ACCA
                                                                In this study, professionals working
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants) is the global body for professional
                                                                in and close to the accountancy
accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice    profession identify 100 drivers of
qualifications to people of application, ability and
ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career
                                                                change shaping the landscape for
in accountancy, finance and management.                         businesses and profession
We support our 154,000 members and 432,000 students
                                                                accountants over the next decade.
throughout their careers, providing services through a
network of 83 offices and centres. Our reputation is
grounded in over 100 years of providing world-class             The potential impacts and 10
accounting and finance qualifications. We champion              resulting imperatives are explored.
opportunity, diversity and integrity, and our long
traditions are complemented by modern thinking,                 Opportunities are identified for
backed by a diverse, global membership. By promoting            accountants to adopt a more
our global standards, and supporting our members
wherever they work, we aim to meet the current and              strategic and trusted role.
future needs of international business.

About IMA®
IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants), the
association for accountants and financial professionals in
business, is one of the largest and most respected
associations focused exclusively on advancing the
management accounting profession. Globally, IMA
supports the profession through research, the CMA®
(Certified Management Accountant) program, continuing
education, networking, and advocacy of the highest
ethical business practices. IMA has a global network of
more than 60,000 members in 120 countries and 200
local chapter communities. IMA provides localised
services through its offices in Montvale, N.J., USA;
Zurich, Switzerland; Dubai, UAE; and Beijing, China.

About Fast Future
                                                                  THE ACCOUNTANCY FUTURES ACADEMY
Fast Future Research is a global strategy, foresight research
and consulting firm that undertakes horizon scanning,             The Accountancy Futures Academy contributes to
scenario planning and in-depth studies on the future of           ACCA’s programme of research and insights with
key sectors. Recent studies have looked at the future of          powerful visions of the future. It provides a
airports, scenarios for Asia, the future narcotics landscape,     platform to look forward, to tune into the
emerging science and technology sectors, jobs of the              emerging trends and discussions in the global
future, demographic change, the meetings industry, travel         business and policy spheres and the latest reforms
and tourism and the future of HR. Fast Future works with          facing the world of finance.
clients in global businesses around the world to help
them understand, anticipate and respond to the trends,            By looking to the future it helps the profession
forces and ideas that could shape the competitive                 stay at the cutting edge. The Academy’s work
landscape over the next 5–20 years. Fast Future’s consulting      fosters fresh thinking and innovative discussions,
draws on a range of proven foresight, strategy and                identifies the barriers to and facilitators of
creative processes to generate deep insight into a                tomorrow’s successes, and identifies the potential
changing world. These insights are used to help clients           strategies that will enable business and finance to
develop innovative strategies, create disruptive business         navigate the choppy waters that lie ahead.
models and define practical actions to implement them.

© The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,
September 2012

ACCA has a long history of forward looking research into the future of business and
the accountancy profession. This report, builds on ACCA’s groundbreaking
research, Where Next for the Global Economy? A View of the World 2030,1 and
other strategic studies published by ACCA in recent years. That study considered
issues such as the (re) distribution of global power, the scarcity and competition for
resources, shifts in global markets and new business models, leading to new
paradigms for governance and assurance.

This report thoroughly examines the key factors that ACCA and IMA members
should be thinking about to prepare for future opportunities and challenges over
the next 5–10 years. In so doing, it identifies 100 emerging drivers of change that
directly or indirectly impact business and the accountancy profession. Additionally,
it provides a number of future scenarios for the profession while sketching out the
‘must do’s’ for them to be successful over the next decade.

How will businesses need to adapt to the myriad of changes? On one hand, they
will need to develop an understanding of these forces and their future implications.
This, in turn, will enable them to weather forthcoming shocks and capitalise on new
opportunities. On the other, there is a need to assess the skills implications for
accountants. The impact of the drivers of change outlined in this research
encompasses everything from the CFO’s role and reporting standards through to
the training and development of tomorrow’s accountants.

Uncertainty and volatility are the new normal. The global landscape will continually
be reshaped by a combination of market volatility, globalisation and innovation in a
climate where shifts of wealth and power, economic uncertainty and political
transitions are also occurring. These challenges are also exacerbated by rapid
advances in science and technology, demographic changes and the emergence of
new business models. In a shifting social and economic environment, all of these
will have serious implications on businesses and the accountancy profession.

This research draws on inputs from members of the Accountancy Futures Academy,
members of IMA, and ACCA’s other Global Forums to form the basis for high-level
practical debates on how the profession can be better prepared to respond to the
changing needs of businesses.

Ng Boon Yew FCCA
Executive Chairman
Raffles Campus

1. http://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/acca/global/PDF-technical/global-economy/where-next.pdf

  100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                        FOREWORD             3
Executive summary

This report presents the results of an      and identifying key factors and forces     with extensive desk research and
ACCA Accountancy Futures study on           shaping the future. These enable them      analysis. In total, the member
drivers of change for business and the      to weather emergent shocks and             consultation and desk research
profession. The aim was to address the      capitalise on new opportunities. Others    identified 100 drivers of change. The
question:                                   recognise that they do not as yet have     drivers cover eight domains of
                                            such a well-tuned future radar and, as a   relevance – the economy, politics and
What are the key factors ACCA and           result, have been caught out by            law, society and demographics,
IMA members should be thinking              changes in both the macroeconomy           business, science and technology,
about to prepare for future                 and their operating environment.           environment, energy and resources, the
opportunities and challenges over                                                      practice of accounting and the
the next 5–10 years?                        FUTURE-PROOFING THE                        accountancy profession.
                                            ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION
TURBULENCE IS THE NEW NORMAL                                                           The analysis was undertaken in four key
                                            For accountants there is a twofold         stages:
The overriding global themes for the        challenge: firstly, understanding how
decade ahead are those of shifts in         the key forces shaping the future could    •   collation, definition and evaluation
regional wealth and power, extreme          affect the organisations they serve.           of the drivers
economic uncertainty and political          Secondly, they need to assess the
transitions. At the same time, the          implications for accounting standards      •   identification of the critical impacts
business landscape is being reshaped        and processes and the accountancy              and implications for the economy,
by a combination of market volatility,      profession as a whole. The impacts             business and the accountancy
globalisation and transformational          encompass everything from the CFO’s            profession
innovation. The impact of these             role and reporting standards through to
challenges is compounded by rapid           the training and development of            •   prioritisation of key action
advances in science and technology,         tomorrow’s accountant.                         imperatives to respond to the
demographic shifts and disruptive new                                                      drivers and their impacts, and
business models. Collectively, these        THE ‘DRIVERS OF CHANGE’ STUDY
forces of change are driving new                                                       •   generation of alternative possible
societal values, needs and                  To help accountants and business               scenarios of the future for
expectations. In short, they are            leaders prepare for an uncertain               accountancy based on how
transforming every aspect of our world.     tomorrow, the ACCA Accountancy                 accountants might respond to those
                                            Futures Academy commissioned Fast              action imperatives.
DEVELOPING A BUSINESS RADAR                 Future Research to undertake this
                                            study. The research explores the
In the face of such all-encompassing        emerging drivers of change that could
change, there is a growing recognition      have the greatest impact on business
in business of the need to develop a        and the accountancy profession over
rigorous understanding of these and         the next decade. The study draws on
other emerging drivers of change and        inputs from members of the
to prepare for a range of possible future   Accountancy Futures Academy,
scenarios. Indeed, some businesses          members of the Institute of
already have well-developed                 Management Accountants (IMA), and
capabilities for scanning the horizon       ACCA’s other Global Forums, coupled

  100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                             EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                5
Figure 1: The ‘drivers of change’ study analysis framework

    100 DRIVERS                    KEY IMPACTS AND                    ACTION                              SCENARIOS FOR THE
    OF CHANGE                      IMPLICATIONS                       IMPERATIVES                            PROFESSION
    Important factors shaping      Critical issues for the economy,   Key response strategies               Alternative possible
    the next decade                business and the profession                                            responses to the action

     Economy                      Economic context                 Assume and plan for volatility
     Politics and law             Challenges for business          Build your radar
     Society                      Business strategies and          Pursue technology leadership       CHANGEMAKER

     Business                       priorities                       Prepare for true globalisation
     Science and technology       Accounting’s public image        Develop a curious,
     Environment, energy and      Accounting’s positioning in        experimental and adaptable
       resources                      business                           mindset
                                    Measurement and reporting        Embrace an enlarged strategic        SAFEHANDS
     Practice of accounting
                                    Accounting practices               and commercial role
     Accountancy profession
                                    Skills, training and             Establish trust and ethical
                                      development                        leadership

                                    Science and technology           Focus on a holistic view of
                                      applications                       complexity, risk and                 BUCCANEER
                                                                       Develop a global orientation
                                                                       Reinvent the talent pool



Analysis of the drivers and the potential
interactions between them suggests
that the decade ahead will be
characterised by a combination of
critical forces acting on business and
the profession – key among them being
those outlined in Table 1.

Table 1: Forces shaping the business environment and driving change in the accountancy profession

Forces shaping the business environment                                        Forces driving change in the accountancy profession

Global economy                                                                 Trust and reporting
Continued globalisation is taking place against a backdrop of persistent       Pressures are increasing on the accountancy profession to strengthen its
economic turbulence and uncertainty and growing pressure to rethink the        public image and go beyond current financial reporting practices to provide a
entire global economic and financial governance infrastructure.                more transparent, simplified but holistic picture of a firm’s health and prospects.

Business environment                                                           Regulatory expectations
Growing business and regulatory complexity is coupled with intensified         An increasing regulatory burden could drive up the cost of compliance.
global competition and shortening business cycles.

Innovation and change                                                          Standards and practices
Rapid advances in science and technology are driving disruptive innovation,    There is a drive to globalise accounting standards and practices.
overhauling industry structures, challenging and reinventing business models
and spawning new sectors.

Society and work                                                               Intelligent systems and big data
Changing social values and expectations of work, an increasing global          There is potential to use intelligent systems, data mining and predictive
population and an ageing society working well past current retirement age      analytics to exploit the repositories of ‘big data’ that firms are amassing
are creating challenges for how technology is managed and leveraged to         and as a result transform both the operational and interpretative elements
integrate a diverse multigenerational, multicultural and multinational         of accountancy.

Learning and development                                                       Organisational remit
The structure, techniques, distribution channels and costs of providing        There are increasing expectations that the CFO and accountancy function
education and training are being transformed, with a growing trend towards     should play a far greater role in everything from strategic decision making to
online courses and accelerated learning.                                       the design of new revenue models.

  100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                             EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                             7
RESPONDING TO THE DRIVERS:                             10 key ‘strategic action imperatives’ (see
TAKING STRATEGIC ACTION                                Table 2). These imperatives need to be
                                                       addressed as a matter of priority if
Through exploration of the drivers and                 business and the accountancy
analysis of their potential implications, a            profession are to ensure they can
clear set of implications and priorities               perform effectively in the decade of
emerges for business and the                           uncertainty and rapid change that lies
accountancy profession. These                          ahead.
priorities have been consolidated into

Table 2: Ten strategic action imperatives for business and the accountancy profession

Five imperatives for business                                                      Five imperatives for the accountancy profession

Assume and plan for volatility                                                     Embrace an enlarged strategic and commercial role
With uncertainty as the new normal, businesses have to factor in turbulence as     As businesses adapt to a turbulent environment, opportunities are emerging
a very real possibility and develop strategies for a range of different economic   for accountants to assume a far greater organisational remit. The potential
and market scenarios.                                                              exists to leverage the capabilities of the accountant across all aspects of
                                                                                   corporate decision making, from strategy formulation through to defining
                                                                                   new business models.

Build the radar                                                                    Establish trust and ethical leadership
Systematic, organisation-wide approaches are required for scanning the future      The profession needs to be seen to be addressing clear public concerns.
external environment. Preparing for a wide range of possibilities, tolerance of    According to the research conducted for this report, there is a perception that
uncertainty, curiosity and ‘seeing round corners’ are becoming critical            the profession could do more to highlight and prevent everything from
development priorities for managers and leaders alike.                             small-scale financial irregularities through to the major systemic failures that
                                                                                   helped cause the global financial crisis and the ensuing economic uncertainty.

Pursue technology leadership                                                       Focus on a holistic view of complexity, risk and performance
The pace and disruptive potential of information and communications                There is growing consensus on the need for reporting to provide a firm-wide
technology (ICT) development has placed technology at the heart of strategy        view of organisational health, performance and prospects. Such a holistic
and operations of businesses of almost every size. New mindsets and                perspective must acknowledge the complexity of modern business and
approaches to technology management are required to exploit and extract            encompass financial and non-financial indicators of a firm’s status and
full value from the next decade of advances.                                       potential.

Prepare for true globalisation                                                     Develop a global orientation
Development of a truly global operating model is becoming a priority. A clear The pace of global expansion of firms from developed and developing markets
emphasis is required on leveraging technology effectively. Equally important is alike is placing the spotlight on accountancy’s ability to master the technical,
developing the capability of management to work with, adapt to and get the      language and cultural challenges of cross-border operations.
best out of a multi-location, multi-cultural and age-diverse workforce.

Develop a curious, experimental and adaptable mindset                              Reinvent the talent pool
A critical success factor in an increasingly complex and fast-changing             The diverse range of demands and impacts on the profession is forcing a
environment is building a ‘curious’ culture. This implies nurturing an             rethink of everything from training and development through to the type of
environment that is open to external ideas and in which participants are           people being recruited. Characteristics such as entrepreneurial spirit, curiosity,
encouraged to forge a network of strong working relationships across the           creativity and strategic thinking skills could assume far more significance in the
entire business ecosystem.                                                         selection of tomorrow’s accountants.

FROM ACTION TO OUTCOMES:                       companies and the profession respond                                                      •   public perception of the profession
SCENARIOS FOR THE FUTURE OF                    and the relative importance and priority                                                      – with a spectrum of possibilities
THE PROFESSION                                 they attach to the different imperatives                                                      ranging from ‘part of the problem’
                                               could lead to a range of alternative                                                          to ‘guardians of integrity’
There are significant uncertainties over       possible outcomes or scenarios. To
exactly how the driving forces                 explore these different possible                                                          •   scope of the accountant’s role –
presented in this report may play out.         outcomes, the study has outlined four                                                         ranging from a ‘narrow compliance
What is clear is that, however they            alternative scenarios for the future of                                                       focus’ to a ‘broad organisational remit’.
unfold, the resulting impact will be           the accountant’s role in a changing
transformational both for business as a        world over the next decade. The                                                           As a result of considering the extremes
whole and for the accountancy world in         scenarios are based on two key                                                            of the spectrum, four possible scenarios
particular. The 10 strategic action            influencing factors, with a range of                                                      emerge; these are presented looking
imperatives provide a clear focus for          options for how they might evolve                                                         back from a point 10 years into the
leadership attention. The ways in which        during this time:                                                                         future and are summarised in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Scenarios for the future of the accountant’s role

                                                                         of integrity

                                                 Safehands                                                               Changemaker

                   Narrow                                                                                                                                   Broad
                   compliance                                                                                                                       organisational
                                        Scope of the accountant’s role
                   focus                                                                                                                                     remit
                                                                               Public perception of the profession

                                                  Survivor                                                                Buccaneer

                                                                         Part of the

  100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                                                               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                               9
Changemaker                                  particularly in turbulent times where       Analysis of the drivers has highlighted
(Perceived as ‘guardians of integrity’,      firms want to demonstrate exemplary         key areas of the economy, business and
broad organisational remit)                  financial stewardship.                      the profession that could be affected
In this scenario, over the decade since                                                  the most. Assessment of the impacts
2012, many in the profession have            Survivor                                    suggests 10 critical strategic action
succeeded in balancing public                (Perceived as ‘part of the problem’,        imperatives on which business and the
expectations for responsible financial       narrow compliance focus)                    profession should focus as they try to
management with an enlarged and              In this scenario, survival seems the        navigate through a turbulent economy
more entrepreneurial stance within the       priority for many in the profession, who    and rapidly transforming business and
firm. The need to ensure sound and           focus on a relatively narrow technical      regulatory landscape. The different
ethical practice has been a key driver in    and strict regulatory remit. Society        ways in which the profession, in
the gradual assumption of a wider remit      perceives the profession to have failed     particular, responds to these
by the CFO and accountancy function,         in its duty of care to highlight and help   imperatives could lead to a range of
which are seeking to encourage               prevent the issues that caused the          possible scenarios.
performance with accountability. The         global financial crisis of 2007–9 and the
key challenge here is maintaining the        subsequent decade of financial and          Faced with an ever-growing operational
balance between encouraging                  economic uncertainty. Again, this might     and regulatory compliance workload,
entrepreneurial behaviour and ensuring       be considered an unstable scenario due      an understandable choice would be to
the highest standards of financial           to the perceived lack of integrity. Hence   opt for the Safehands scenario and
stewardship.                                 a goal for those in this scenario may be    focus on a purely technical and more
                                             to evolve to the positioning of those in    traditional definition of the accountant’s
Buccaneer                                    the Safehands scenario.                     role. The emphasis on integrity would
(Perceived as ‘part of the problem’,                                                     meet with strong public approval.
broad organisational remit)                                                              However, as the analysis of drivers and
Here, many in the profession are playing                                                 the scenarios suggest, there is also a
a more central role in value creation        CONCLUSION: THRIVING IN                     clear opportunity for the profession to
activities. There is public concern,         TURBULENCE, SEIZING THE                     aspire to the Changemaker scenario
however, that accountants have               OPPORTUNITY                                 and embrace an increasingly strategic
compromised their ethical financial                                                      opportunity. This would entail meeting
stewardship role in the pursuit of profit.   The research emphasises that we are         the public’s need for the highest
This scenario may be considered too          entering an increasingly uncertain world    standards of integrity while taking a
unstable by many because a short-term,       where almost every aspect of the            broader leadership role within both
profit-driven focus is not tempered by       economy, business and the                   business and the wider economy.
ethical financial stewardship, or            accountancy profession will be in a
entrepreneurship for long-term               state of constant transition. The drivers   While there is clearly no ‘correct’ scenario,
performance.                                 presented in this report highlight          the role of Changemaker is perhaps the
                                             critical issues that will shape the         most exciting and rewarding option
Safehands                                    emerging landscape. The fact that           both for those within the profession and
(Perceived as ‘guardians of integrity’,      these drivers have been identified by       for would-be recruits. The quality of
narrow compliance focus)                     those working in, and close to, the         insights provided by those who
Here, the profession has succeeded in        profession is a clear demonstration of      participated in the study suggests that,
re-establishing public faith in its role     the accountancy sector’s ability and        although demanding and difficult, this
over the last decade. For many this has      willingness to engage in long-term          broader remit is definitely achievable
been achieved by deliberately                strategic thinking. A key question is:      for many within the profession. This
maintaining a focus on the largely                                                       report and the activities that follow
technical elements of the role while         What do we do with these powerful           from the ACCA Accountancy Futures
seeking to ensure compliance with both       insights that our colleagues have laid      Academy are designed to help
the spirit and the full regulatory           before us?                                  accountants on the journey to
requirements of the law. This is                                                         becoming genuine agents of change in
perceived as a stable scenario,                                                          both business and the wider economy.

1. Introduction

OVERVIEW                                  METHODOLOGY
                                                                                        The ACCA Global Forums and
This report presents the findings of a    The exercise was conducted in two             Accountancy Futures Academy
study on drivers of change for global     stages.
business and the accountancy                                                            As the global body for professional
profession. The research was              An initial series of telephone                accountants, part of ACCA’s mission is to
commissioned by ACCA’s Accountancy        discussions and email consultations           provide opportunity and access to
                                                                                        people of ability around the world and
Futures Academy and conducted by          were held with members of the ACCA
                                                                                        support our members throughout their
Fast Future Research.                     Accountancy Futures Academy,2 which           careers in accounting, business and finance.
                                          yielded a list of 62 drivers of change.       To ensure future success and provide
The report draws on extensive             Contributors identified what they             members with the best possible service,
consultation with members of the          perceived to be key drivers of change         ACCA developed an innovative programme
ACCA Accountancy Futures Academy,         that would shape critical business and        of Global Forums which bring together
                                                                                        respected thinkers from the wider
and members of the Institute of           policy spheres and, as a result, the
                                                                                        profession and academia around the world.
Management Accountants (IMA) and          accountancy profession over the next
                                                                                        As part of this programme, the
the ACCA Global Forums. ACCA and          5–10 years.                                   Accountancy Futures Academy provides a
IMA have formed a strategic                                                             platform for ACCA to have a forward-
partnership to support research.          These 62 drivers were then sent to            looking radar tuned in to the emerging
                                          expert members of IMA, and ACCA’s             trends, discussions and reforms in the
                                                                                        global business and policy spheres.
The findings highlight what global        Global Forums, for review, comment
                                                                                        Looking at a time horizon of 5–10 years or
experts see as key drivers of change      and identification of additional drivers.
                                                                                        more, the Academy identifies and explores
over the next decade and beyond.          A further 38 drivers were identified at       issues of major significance for the global
These drivers could have a critical       this stage.                                   accountancy profession to ensure it
impact on business, the accountancy                                                     complements the other ACCA Global
profession and the global environment     This report is based on the output from       Forums.
in which accountants will operate.        this broad engagement and contains
                                          descriptions and analysis of a total of
The starting point of this study was to   100 drivers of change.
address the following question:

What are the key factors ACCA and
IMA members should be thinking
about to prepare for future
opportunities and challenges over
the next 5–10 years?

                                          2. http://www.accaglobal.com/en/research-

  100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                1. INTRODUCTION                                                  11
REPORT STRUCTURE                             When viewed collectively, the set of 100   A PLATFORM FOR ENGAGEMENT
                                             drivers explored in this report present
The 100 drivers are introduced and           fundamental challenges for business        Strategically, the aim is for this project
summarised in Chapter 2. A fuller            and the accountancy profession. These      to provide a platform for engagement
description of each driver is presented      challenges encompass literally every       between members of ACCA’s Global
in the Appendix using the following          dimension of business from governance      Forums, members of IMA, and their
characteristics:                             and strategy through to operations and     broader memberships and the wider
                                             talent development. Chapter 3 explores     community of stakeholders on the
•    a short description                     those impacts in greater detail. After     future of accountants and the
                                             this, Chapter 4 examines the               accountancy profession. It is also
•    a possible impact time frame,           perspectives shared by members of the      intended to help facilitate a debate on
     suggesting when the originator(s)       ACCA Global Forums on the drivers          the topics that the Futures Academy
     think it could affect at least 20% of   expected to have the greatest impact.      should pursue in greater detail.
     the profession globally                 It then goes on to assess the key
                                             implications of the 100 drivers for the    No future work of this type can ever
•    possible implications for and           economy, business and the                  hope to be definitive, but this report
     impacts on business and the             accountancy profession.                    provides an important input into the
     accountancy profession, and                                                        development of future organisational
                                             A number of the drivers focus on key       strategy. It provides accountancy
•    key questions and uncertainties         advances in science and technology,        organisations and professionals, and
     raised for the accountancy              and their potential impact on business     the businesses in which they work, with
     profession.                             and the practice of accountancy are        a framework for preparing for, adapting
                                             discussed in this chapter. Chapter 5       to and influencing change.
                                             examines the priorities that emerge as
                                             businesses and the profession seek to      The research partner in this project was
                                             move from insight to action. Finally,      Fast Future Research, a foresight
                                             Chapter 6 considers a range of different   research and consulting firm that works
                                             possible future scenarios for the          with clients around the world to help
                                             profession over the next decade.           them identify, anticipate, evaluate and
                                                                                        respond to the trends, forces and ideas
                                                                                        that shape the global economic and
                                                                                        business landscape over the next 5–20

2. 100 drivers of change

CATEGORISATION OF THE DRIVERS                ECONOMY                                      SOCIETY

Through the various stages of                This set of drivers explores the fallout     The rate and distribution of global
consultation and desk research, a total      from the global financial crisis and the     population growth, and the resulting
of 100 drivers of change were identified.    long-term impact of current turbulence.      implications for workforce age structure
These are described in full in Appendix 1.   They encompass the sustainability of         are highlighted as important drivers.
Table 2.1 groups the 100 drivers in eight    debt, prospects for growth and overall       Increased female participation in the
separate categories:                         effectiveness of the global economic         workforce, expectations of emerging
                                             infrastructure. Consideration is also        generations and cultural diversity are all
•    economy                                 given to stability of national revenue       emphasised as critical social drivers for
                                             bases, the role of global reserve            business. Issues around workforce
•    politics and the law                    currencies, and the need to consider         capability are also identified with
                                             alternative economic management              particular emphasis placed on the cost
•    society                                 models.                                      and ease of access to higher education
                                                                                          and the growing role of online learning.
•    business                                Public attitudes to pure capitalism,
                                             concerns over protectionism and              BUSINESS
•    science and technology                  changing notions of currency are all
                                             explored as part of the response to          There is a clear emphasis on the need
•    environment, energy and resources       both the global financial crisis and         for fundamental change in every aspect
                                             continuing volatility. In exploring          of business from governance and
•    practice of accounting                  possible routes forward for the global       leadership through to approaches to
                                             economy, factors considered include          innovation. There is scrutiny of the
•    accountancy profession.                 the level of inequality, the role of the     critical role of leaders’ attitudes to
                                             knowledge economy and that of                change, the level of business complexity,
The key themes explored in the forces        micro-businesses. Finally, consideration     the rate of change in business cycles
covered under each category are as           is given to factors such as infrastructure   and adoption of new business models.
follows.                                     investment, labour mobility, stock           Other strategic drivers considered
                                             exchange mergers and the impact of           include the need to consider alternative
                                             the BRIC economies on global                 business and market paradigms and the
                                             accountancy firms.                           management of enterprise risk,
                                                                                          accountability and compliance.
                                             POLITICS AND LAW
                                                                                          Globalisation is seen to create both
                                             From a business and accountancy              opportunities and challenges. A focus is
                                             perspective, drivers considered to be of     placed on the scale of international
                                             critical importance are the level of         mergers and acquisitions, the global
                                             political volatility and the rate of         talent pool, choice of business
                                             democratic transition. Alongside these       languages, reverse innovation from
                                             the role of global institutions and the      emerging economies and the impact of
                                             impact of cultural globalisation are also    new financial centres. Key managerial
                                             highlighted as key drivers. The scale        challenges highlighted for the next
                                             and complexity of regulation and the         decade include the importance of
                                             twin challenges of governance and            reputation management, the adoption
                                             quality assurance of public sector           of corporate ‘living wills’, the level of
                                             outsourcing are also emphasised.             foreign direct investment and the use of
                                                                                          integrated systems thinking.

    100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                              2. 100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE                                    13
Business responsibility is identified as a    ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND                     ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION
crucial issue for the coming decade           RESOURCES
with a focus on social business, the level                                                In the wake of the financial crisis, public
of social entrepreneurship, evolution of      Concerns over the sustainability of         expectations of the profession, its
corporate governance and managing             current patterns of consumption loom        attractiveness and definitions of its role
diverse stakeholder expectations.             large, with particular attention being      are central to many of the drivers
Other important drivers explore the           paid to climate change, the biodiversity    emphasised. Importance is also placed
role of cash in financial transactions, the   impacts of business and competition         on the flexibility and suitability of
role of intermediaries and the                for natural resources. Expectations         accountancy training. Particular
emergence of new industry sectors.            about corporate eco-literacy, green         attention is given to building capacity in
                                              practices, and ethical consumption in       transitional economies and developing
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                        business are explored. Consideration is     entrepreneurial skills and business
                                              also given to the ‘marketisation of         awareness. Other factors highlighted
The digitisation of business and              green’ through mechanisms such as           include establishing the role of industry
everyday life are highlighted with a          carbon trading, environmental financial     associations in developing markets and
focus on our growing personal                 markets and the take-up of green            the impact of entrants from outside the
technology ecosystems, the ease of            energy.                                     profession on the accountancy services
access to the internet and social media                                                   sector.
and their impact on attention spans. For      PRACTICE OF ACCOUNTING
business, the impact of cloud
computing, the valuation of digital           Both strategic and operational drivers
assets, cybersecurity, the rise of ‘big       are explored. The changing scope,
data’ and the value of data mining are        scale and complexity of the CFO role
all emphasised.                               are examined, particularly in relation to
                                              growth in demand for non-financial and
Attention is drawn to the disruptive          integrated reporting. The ramifications
potential of new industries and               of the globalisation of accounting
production models, and developments           regulation, standards and supply chains
such as digital publishing, intelligent       are explored along with the implications
accounting systems, predictive analytics      for the strategies and structures of
and augmented and virtual reality.            accountancy firms. Operational
Emerging areas of science expected to         considerations include defining audit’s
have significant business and                 role, managing internal audit, balancing
commercial impact in the next decade          managerial and financial accounting,
include genetics, personalised health         valuation of intangible assets and the
care, brain science, robotics and             rate of adoption of XBRL as an
nanotechnology.                               accounting data standard.

Table 3: 100 drivers of change

               Impact time frame

               1–12 months                 1–3 years                     4–5 years                   6–10 years              10+ years
Economy        Proportion of knowledge-    Stability of the global       The level of economic       Impact of BRIC market   Notions of value and
               creation activities as a    economic infrastructure       growth                      development on global   currency
               share of the economy at                                                               accountancy firms
               the national and global     Public attitudes to pure      Total scale and
               level                       capitalism                    distribution of global
                                                                         inequality and unmet
               Stability of national       Consideration of              needs
               revenue bases               alternative economic
                                           perspectives                  Standing of the US dollar
               Manageability of national                                 as the global reserve
               and international debt      Globalisation vs.             currency
                                           protectionism in times of
               Level of investment         economic uncertainty          Broadening measurement
               required to maintain                                      of business value and
               national physical           Extent of mergers of          progress
               infrastructure              international stock
                                           exchanges                     Freedom of mobility for
                                                                         global labour

                                                                         Number and impact of
                                                                         micro-businesses on the
                                                                         overall health of the

Politics and   Level of international      Rate of democratic            Governance and delivery                             Focus of global
law            political volatility        transition                    of outsourced public                                governance institutions
                                           Pace and extent of cultural

                                           Volume and complexity of
                                           legal regulation

Society        Scale and distribution of   Cost and ease of access to Spread of cultural diversity Workforce age structure
               global population growth    higher education           in society and the
               Uptake of online learning
               models in education                                       The workplace
                                                                         expectations of
                                                                         Generations Y, Z and

                                                                         Level of female
                                                                         participation in the

  100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                            2. 100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE                                             15
Impact time frame

              1–12 months                   1–3 years                  4–5 years                     6–10 years                   10+ years
Business      Quality and availability of   Speed and duration of      Business leader               Capitalism next: future
              the global talent pool        business cycles            responsiveness to change      governing business and
                                                                       and disruption                market paradigms
              Scale of global mergers       Experimentation with and
              and acquisitions (M&A)        adoption of new business   Crowdsourced funding for      Influence of emerging
                                            models                     innovation: the consumer      financial centres
              Extent of foreign direct                                 as investor
              investment in developed       Level of complexity in                                   Choice of global business
              and developing                business                   Adoption of integrated        languages
              economies                                                systems thinking to
                                          Enterprise risk              manage business               Management of
              Scale of reverse innovation management capability        complexity                    accountability and
              flow from emerging                                                                     compliance within the firm
              economies to the            Evolution of corporate       Living wills for businesses
              industrialised world        governance regulation                                      Emergence of new
                                          and practice                 Scope and diversity of        industry sectors and
              Extent of social                                         expectations of external      professions
              entrepreneurship in social Use of cash for financial     stakeholders
              and business sectors        transactions

              Pressure to manage            The future role of
              corporate reputation as       intermediaries
              part of business strategy

              Level of corporate
              commitment to social
              responsibility, investment,
              philanthropy and
              volunteer work

Science and   Impact of the internet and    The digitisation of work   Adoption of cloud             Big data: the development Advancements in brain
technology    personal technology upon                                 computing by business         and exploitation of large science
              attention spans, learning,    The use of personal                                      organisational databases
              and knowledge retention       technology in business     Creation and valuation of
                                                                       digital assets                Data mining and
              Business impact of social     Ease of internet access                                  predictive analytics
              media                                                    The future of digital
                                            Cybersecurity challenges   publishing                    ‘Intelligent’ accounting
                                            for business                                             systems
                                                                       New industries and
                                            Scale of business          production models             Advances in genetic
                                            opportunities associated                                 science
                                            with augmented and         Impact of advances in
                                            virtual reality            robotic science across        The role of genetics in
                                                                       business sectors              personalised health care
                                            Impact of nanotechnology
                                            advances across business

Impact time frame

               1–12 months                  1–3 years                      4–5 years                    6–10 years                  10+ years
Environment,                                                               Global climate change        Global competition for      Carbon tax and other
energy and                                                                                              limited natural resources   environmental market
resources                                                                  Level of trade in                                        mechanisms
                                                                           environmental finance

                                                                           Extent of eco-literacy,
                                                                           green practices, and
                                                                           ethical consumption in

                                                                           Developing materiality of
                                                                           biodiversity impacts to

                                                                           Scale of take-up of
                                                                           alternative energy by

Practice of    Size and complexity of the   Clarity in financial       Defining the scope of the
accounting     CFO’s remit                  reporting and defining the accountant’s role
                                            audit function
               Internal audit                                          Non-financial information
               management                   Impact of size specific    and integrated reporting
                                            business regulation upon
               Importance of non-           accounting practices       Balance between external
               tangible assets in                                      financial accounting and
               company valuation            Rate of adoption of XBRL   internal managerial
                                            as an accounting data      accounting
                                                                       Changing structures and
                                                                       business models for
                                                                       accountancy firms

                                                                           Opportunities arising from
                                                                           adoption of global

                                                                           Evolution of the global
                                                                           accounting supply chain

                                                                           Adoption of globally
                                                                           accepted accounting

Accountancy                                 Flexibility, suitability and                                Establishment and           Societal expectations and
profession                                  cost of accountancy                                         recognition of              definitions of accountancy
                                            training                                                    accountancy associations
                                                                                                        in developing markets
                                            Accounting skills capacity
                                            in transitional economies                                   Level of entrepreneurial
                                                                                                        skills in the accountancy
                                            Public perception and                                       profession
                                            attractiveness of the
                                            accountancy profession

                                            Impact of competition
                                            from entrants outside the
                                            profession on the
                                            provision of accountancy

 100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                               2. 100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE                                                17
3. Evaluating the driver impacts ACCA Global Forum member priorities

As part of the broader consultation with              The top-ranked selections reflect the         The sheer level of complexity in
members of IMA and ACCA’s Global                      extent to which the business                  business is emphasised as an important
Forums, respondents were asked to                     environment is changing and becoming          factor. Similarly, concerns are also
identify the five drivers from the initial            more complex. These factors were              raised over the ability of business and
list of 62 that in their opinion would                expected to affect both management            the finance function to keep pace with
have the greatest impact on the                       practices and the need for reporting of       and control the costs of compliance,
accountancy profession worldwide over                 the non-financial activities of global        given a growing volume and complexity
the next 10 years. A total of 29                      firms in an integrated manner. The            of legal regulation. Equal priority is
responses were received. Table 4 lists                legacies of the financial crisis, coupled     given to the impact of an ageing society
the highest-ranked selections.                        with continued economic uncertainty,          in Western nations and the resulting
                                                      are also reflected in the priority given to   effects on workforce age structure.
The priority issues identified were                   the stability of the global economic          Increasing age diversity in the
grouped into four main topics:                        infrastructure. In addition, some priority    workplace is identified as bringing its
                                                      is given to public concerns over the          own challenges relating to differences
•    complexity in business                           viability of and risk associated with the     in working practices, use of technology,
                                                      models of pure capitalism that are seen       use of language and developing social
•    economic uncertainty                             to have contributed at least in part to       cohesion.
                                                      the current volatility.
•    cost of compliance

•    the changing shape of the global

Table 4: Global Forum member rankings of drivers expected to have the greatest impact on the accountancy profession

Rank            Driver

1               Non-financial information and integrated reporting

2               Stability of the global economic infrastructure

=3              Public attitudes to pure capitalism

=3              Level of complexity in business

=5              Volume and complexity of legal regulation

=5              Workforce age structure

7               Enterprise risk management capability

=8              Focus of global governance institutions

=8              The workplace expectations of Generations Y, Z and beyond

=8              Quality and availability of the global talent pool

=8              Evolution of corporate governance regulation and practice

=8              Societal expectations and definitions of accountancy

4. Assessing the impact

This chapter addresses the ‘so what’        The implications are explored across       Within each of the eight areas, a
question – examining key implications       eight key impact areas:                    number of critical challenges are
of the 100 drivers for business decision                                               identified along with the potential
making and the future role of the           •   economic context                       implications for business and the
accountancy profession. Table 5 and the                                                accountancy profession. To help
discussion below draw out key findings      •   challenges for business                connect these insights and their
from the analysis of the 100 drivers. The                                              implications to tangible actions,
analysis highlights how the drivers         •   business strategies and priorities     Chapter 5 highlights and describes the
could have an impact across critical                                                   key ‘strategic action imperatives’. These
dimensions of the economy, business         •   accountancy’s public image             are seen as the priorities for business
and the accountancy profession over                                                    and the accountancy profession arising
three key planning time frames:             •   accountancy’s positioning in the       from the analysis of drivers and the
                                                business                               assessment by impact area.
•    the next 3 years
                                            •   measurement and reporting
•    4–10 years
                                            •   accountancy practices
•    10+ years.
                                            •   skills, training and development.

    100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                            4. ASSESSING THE IMPACT                                   19
Table 5: Impacts of the drivers on the economy, business and the accountancy profession

                 Next 3 years                                    4–10 years                                          10+ years
Economic         Uncertainty over stability of global economic   Continuing concern around volatility and low        Key global institutions such as the UN and
context          infrastructure and integrity of the Eurozone    levels of economic growth                           WTO reformulated to reflect the new
                                                                                                                     distribution of global power
                 New economic models and perspectives            Risk of increasing income inequality between
                 explored, eg Collapsonomics and closed-         and within developed and developing                 Increase in total global population, but
                 loop economics                                  countries                                           continued population decline across much of
                                                                                                                     the developed world
                 Broader adoption of protectionist policies to   Increased global competition for finite
                 protect internal markets and control export     resources                                           Greater reliance in the West on economic
                 of valuable raw resources                                                                           migrants from developing countries
                                                                 Emerging centres of financial power in the
                 Knowledge-creation activities represent a       East, eg Shanghai, Mumbai, Seoul
                 growing share of the national and global
                 economy creating a ‘knowledge economy’          Greater private-sector delivery of public
                 Decreased use of physical currency
                                                                 Governments struggle to control public debt
                                                                 across the developed market economies

Challenges for   Shortening of business cycles                   Increased competition across all sectors from Fundamental reshaping of industry value
business                                                         BRICS market firms selling innovative quality chains and business models
                 Increased competition for top global talent     products at lower prices
                                                                                                               Impact of human enhancement (chemical,
                 Decreased business intermediation as            A decrease in the mobility of global labour   genetic and technological) increasingly
                 consumers interact directly with producers                                                    apparent in the workplace
                                                                 An ageing workforce in much of Europe and
                 Challenges of managing a continuously           East Asia                                     Shift in industrial logic from machine age
                 digitally connected 24/7 workforce with                                                       thinking to biological models of design
                 decreased attention spans and increased         Challenges of incorporating of Generations Y
                 distractions                                    and Z into the workforce and meeting their
                 Cybersecurity risks of fraud and theft of
                 intellectual property and sensitive corporate   Increased participation of women in the
                 and financial information                       workforce globally, especially in senior

                                                                 Growing public and government demands on
                                                                 business to demonstrate greater
                                                                 transparency, regulatory compliance and
                                                                 ethical behaviour

Business         Increased focus on tackling complexity          Greater emphasis for business leaders to            Significant shifts in global centres of R&D and
strategies and                                                   recognise and respond to global changes             innovation now apparent
priorities       Shift from asset ownership to rental            and disruptions, or be left behind
                                                                                                                     Social goals rank equally with financial
                 Wide adoption of new business models, eg        Increased focus on organisational resilience        returns for many firms
                 crowdsourcing for funding innovative ideas      plans vis à vis political volatility, the impacts
                                                                 of climate change and unforeseen ‘black             New organisational forms and business
                 Further pressure to manage corporate            swans’                                              models emerge driven by Eastern
                 reputation for competitive advantage and to                                                         philosophies
                 address public concerns                         Greater use of concepts such as chaos theory
                                                                 and integrated systems thinking to manage    Intelligent systems now at the heart of
                 Increased corporate social responsibility and   complexity                                   corporate decision making
                 sustainability efforts
                                                              Technology and globalisation enable a new              Immersive, multi-dimensional, gesture-
                 Newly democratising countries creating fresh generation of emergent global micro-                   based, tactile and voice-controlled interfaces
                 market opportunities for foreign business    business                                               to most systems and devices

                 Increased digitisation of work and company      Adoption of ‘living wills’ helps to facilitate
                 assets                                          orderly financial unravelling of failed
                 Greater social entrepreneurship creating
                 social goods and ethical business practices     Firms go beyond mere regulatory compliance
                 and strategies                                  by adopting exemplar behaviours voluntarily

                 Use of social media to interact with            Exploiting new technologies and production
                 stakeholders and develop new business           models, eg 3D printing, nanotechnology, and
                 relationships                                   biomimicry

                                                                 Increased adoption of cloud computing
                                                                 reduces the size of firms’ technology

Next 3 years                                    4–10 years                                        10+ years
Accountancy’s      Process of rebuilding public trust after the    Establishment of accountancy associations in      The changing role of accountants within
public image       perceived failings of accountants that came     developing markets to provide a collective        business and the use of emerging
                   to light during the financial crisis            voice for the profession, as well as training     technologies radically redefines the
                                                                   and standardisation of practice                   accountancy profession

Accountancy’s      Expansion in the size and complexity of the     Accountants take on a more strategic role,        Increasing use of big data, predictive
positioning in     CFO’s remit                                     helping to explore the merits of potential        analytics and intelligent accounting systems
the business                                                       new business models and markets                   to develop and evaluate strategies, business
                   Growing strategic responsibility for value                                                        models and pricing approaches
                   maximisation                                    Greater focus on managerial accounting
                                                                   within organisations alongside external           Accountants ensure compliance with
                   Increasingly prominent role in strategic        financial accounting                              regulations such as a carbon tax and other
                   decision making                                                                                   emerging environmental market mechanisms
                                                                 A greater role in constructing M&A strategies
                   Watchdog role to ensure compliance with       to help plan for future growth and stability  Auditing of the genetic health of the
                   new legal regulations, enforcing transparency                                               workforce
                   and the management and reporting of risk      Accountants playing a key role in
                                                                 implementing green practices through the
                   Expansion of the internal audit function from minimisation of waste and identification of
                   being simply an independent assurance         green opportunities such as use of
                   function to becoming a management adviser alternative energy

Measurement        Greater push for simplified and transparent     Accounting in multiple strong global              Challenge of responding to a proliferation of
and reporting      financial reporting to gauge the true health    currencies, ie US dollar, yuan and euro 2.0       local and virtual currencies, and new
                   of an organisation and discourage financial                                                       methods of payment, eg ‘time banking’
                   malpractice                                     Increased use of alternative business
                                                                   measures, eg innovation, trust, happiness         Greater experimentation with immersive
                   Increased importance of non-tangible assets     and sustainability                                financial reporting using data mining,
                   in company valuation, eg R&D                                                                      augmented reality and virtual reality
                                                                   Greater integration of non-financial
                                                                   information into auditing reports

                                                                   Increased auditing of environmental impact
                                                                   of organisations

                                                                   Increasing use of data mining to create
                                                                   tailored financial reports

Accountancy        Increasingly complex regulatory landscape       Increased global regulation of the                Advances in fields such as artificial
practices          with regards to different types and sizes of    accountancy profession                            intelligence and predictive analytics could
                   business                                                                                          create truly intelligent automated accounting
                                                                   Widespread international adoption of              systems
                   Widespread adoption of XBRL as an               common global accounting standards and
                   accounting data standard                        practices, eg IFRS

                   Increased competition in the provision of       Adoption of new structures and business
                   accountancy services from non-accountants       models for accountancy firms

                                                                   Increased off-shoring of accounting,
                                                                   especially lower value routine tasks

                                                                   Greater focus on audit of non-tangible and
                                                                   digital assets, eg virtual real estate, digital
                                                                   music, and intellectual property

Skills, training   Increased cost of higher education              Emphasis on language acquisition and              Brain-machine interface allows education
and                                                                cultural training to accommodate a diverse        modules to be downloaded straight into the
development        More organisations offer to pay full or part    workforce and operate in emerging markets         mind
                   course fees in return for students’ agreement
                   to work within the company.                     Greater focus on accountants’ ability to
                                                                   analyse larger datasets
                   Increased uptake in online learning for
                   academic study and business training            Greater emphasis on basic entrepreneurial
                                                                   skills such as business insight and leadership,
                   Greater emphasis and expansion of               creativity, and communication
                   continuous professional development to
                   ensure staff are up to date with a rapidly      Widespread provision of free open and
                   changing world                                  unrestricted access to intellectual content

                   Harmonisation of accountancy education in
                   developing countries with international
                   competency standards

 100 DRIVERS OF CHANGE FOR THE GLOBAL                                                 4. ASSESSING THE IMPACT                                                    21

Much of current thinking about the future of the global economy over the next decade has, unsurprisingly, been influenced by
the fallout from the global financial crisis. Thinking is also being shaped by continued economic uncertainty fuelled by high
levels of sovereign debt, and rising concerns over the scale of potential regulatory abuses within the financial system. As a
result, five aspects of the global economic system are expected to see significant - if not transformational - change.

i. Societal expectations                   ii. Rethinking the growth paradigm           iii. Reworking financial systems and
Public anxiety is expected to increase     The next decade will be one in which         governance
over systemic weaknesses and the           ‘growth for all’ can no longer universally   Much of the economic governance
mismatch between a relatively narrow       be assumed as the dominant paradigm.         focus of the next decade will be
distribution of rewards and a wide         While some developing countries in           characterised by new thinking,
public ownership of the downside risk.     particular may be able to pursue an          experimentation and debate over
At the same time, the social and           uninterrupted 10-year growth path, for       alternative models for managing the
psychological costs of economic            many the outlook is a lot more               global system. The goal will be to try to
austerity are expected to cast a shadow    uncertain. For developed economies a         evolve a new financial architecture,
that lasts a decade or more over the       major dampening of growth is                 governance framework and regulatory
countries that are worst affected by       expected owing to continued efforts to       approach. Any new model must be
sovereign debt, such as Greece and         resolve the debt problems of the             capable of managing a complex global
Spain. The income gap and scale of         Eurozone, Japan and the US. At the           economy in a fairer, efficient and more
inequality between rich and poor           same time, potential slowdowns and           transparent manner. These changes will
nations could also become a growing        debt challenges in the major emerging        require an unprecedented level of
cause of tension and guilt within the      economies such as China and India are        vision and coordination among
global system.                             expected to retard expectations of           policymakers, central bankers, standard
                                           global growth still further.                 setters, legislators and private sector
Implications                                                                            financial institutions around the globe.
Collectively, these factors are expected   Implications
to lead to demands for more                Countries, businesses and accountants        The conceptual underpinning of the
responsible approaches to capitalism       alike will be forced to consider a range     new models may well draw on lessons
and a system that ensures more             of possible growth scenarios when            from other fields – such as the
transparent and equitable distributions    developing their future plans, and           biological world – looking, for example,
of risk and reward.                        prepare for the possibility of a low to      at the design of resource-efficient
                                           no-growth world.                             closed-loop systems. Ideas may also
                                                                                        come from fields such as ‘chaordic’
                                                                                        design (defined as ‘systems functioning
                                                                                        on the edge of chaos with enough
                                                                                        order to give them pattern’) and
                                                                                        Collapsonomics, which seeks to
                                                                                        understand the behaviour of systems on
                                                                                        the verge of collapse. To gain societal
                                                                                        approval globally, any new models will
                                                                                        almost certainly need to incorporate a
                                                                                        range of measures of human progress
                                                                                        and non-financial assessments of
                                                                                        systemic performance.

                                                                                        Tolerance of uncertainty will become a
                                                                                        core competency for business leaders
                                                                                        and accountants alike. Accountancy
                                                                                        practices and training courses may
                                                                                        need to exist in a state of constant
                                                                                        evolution for the next decade or more
                                                                                        as the world tries to establish
                                                                                        sustainable economic management

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