B.Sc Information Technology 2017-2020 - PSGR Krishnammal ...

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B.Sc Information
                                    College of Excellence
                  An Autonomous Institution - Affiliated to BharathiarUniversity
                           Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC
                           An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
                             Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641 004



    Graduates will have successful careers in computer fields or will be able to successfully
     pursue higher studies.

    Graduates will apply their technical knowledge and skills to develop and implement
     solutions for the problems that accomplish goals to the industry, academic, government or
     research area.

    Contribute effectively to the Computing Profession by fostering effective interaction,
     ethical practices and communication skills, while pursuing education through lifelong

    To provide broad range of information technology skills like technical, logical, analytical
     thinking and leadership quality
    To meet the industry standards and attain the project development capabilities to obtain
    To promote creativity, capability and competence through IT soft skills
    To make them world class professionals in IT and produce women entrepreneurs to
     increase more employability.
                                        Programme& Branch: B.Sc Information Technology
                                                      Scheme of Examination
                    (Applicable to students admitted during the academic year 2017 – 2018 Batch: 2017-2020)
                                                         (Semester I - VI)
                                                                                          Examination Marks                    Credits

                                                                                                Duration of

                                       Title of paper

                                                                                         CA     ESE      Tot

                                                               hours /



      I     I     TAM1701
                  /HIN1701/     Language I                      6          86            4        3           40    60   100      3
      I    II     ENG1701/      English Paper I /               6          86            4        3           40    60   100      3
                  ENG17F1       Functional English Paper I
      I    III    IN17C01       Core-1: Programming in C        6          86            4        3           40    60   100      4
      I    III    IN16CP1       Lab1: C Programming             4          60            -        3           40    60   50*      3
      I    III    TH17A03B      Allied A1 :
                                Paper I Mathematics and         6          86            4        3           40    60   100      5
                  TH17A03A      statistics - Level I
                                Paper II Mathematics and
                                statistics - Level II
      I    IV     NME12WS/      Women Studies/                  2          26            4        -           100   -    100      2
                  AS/GS         Ambedkar Studies/
                                Gandhian Studies

                  NME16A1 /     Advance Tamil/                 2           28        2            2           50    50   100
                  B1            Basic Tamil                                                       2           50    50   100

    II      I     TAM1702/
                  HIN1702/      Language II                     6          86            4        3           40    60   100      3
    II     II     ENG1702       English Paper II/               6          86            4        3           40    60   100      3
                  ENG17F2       Functional English Paper
    II     III    IN17C02       Core –2: Mobile                 3          41            4        3           40    60   100      4
                                Communication Systems
    II     III    IN17C03       Core – 3: Object Oriented       4          56            4        3           40    60   100      4
                                Programming with C++

    II     III    IN16CP2       Lab -2: C++ Programming         3          45            -        3           40    60   50*      2
                                & Bio-Computing Lab
     II    III                  Allied A2:                      6          86            4        3           40    60   100      5
                  TH17A06B      Paper I : Discrete
                                Mathematics - I
                  TH17A06A      Paper II : Discrete
                                Mathematics – II
                                Open Course:                    -           -            -        -            -    -     -     Grade
    II     IV                   (Self study- Online
                  NME16A2 /     **Advance Tamil/Basic           -           -            -        -            -    -     -     Grade
                  B2            Tamil
    II     VI     REG16EE       Effective English               2           -            -        2           50    50   100      2
    II     VI     NM12GAW       General Awareness             Self          -            -      Onli          100   -     -     Grade
                                                             Study                               ne
III   III   IN17C04    Core – 4: Operating         5   71   4   3   40    60   100    4

III   III   IN17C05    Core - 5: Data Structures   5   71   4   3   40    60   100    4

                       Core - 6 : Relational       5   71   4   3   40    60   100    4
III   III   PRD1703    Database Management
III   III   IN16CP3    Lab 3 : RDBMS Lab           4   60   -   3   40    60   50*    2
III   III              Allied A3:                  6   86   4   3   40    60   100    5
            TH16A13B   Paper I: Optimization
            TH16A13A   Paper II: Optimization
                       Techniques- II

III   IV    NM14VHR    Foundation Course:          2   26   4   -   100   -    100    2
                       Value Education and
                       Human Rights
III   VI    JOB1629    Job Oriented Course –       -   -    -   3    -    -     -    Grade
&                      Mobile Application
VI                     Development
III   IV               Skill Based Subject
&           SB17DA01   1. Data Analytics -         3   43   2   2   25    75   100    4
IV                     Level I: R Programming
            SB17SE01   2.OOSE-Level I :
                       Software Design Tools
IV    III   IN17C07    Core – 7:Open Source        5   71   4   3   40    60   100    4
IV    III   PMP1705    Core – 8:                   5   71   4   3   40    60   100    4
                       Digital Electronics and

IV    III   IN17C09    Core 9: VB.NET              5   71   4   3   40    60   100    4

IV    III   IN16CP4    Lab 4 : VB.Net & Bio-Perl   4   60   -   3   40    60   50*    3
                       Programming Lab

IV    III              Allied A4:                  6   86   4   3   40    60   100    5
            BP17A05    Paper I - Business

            BP17A06    Paper II - Principles of

                       Paper III - Management
            PM17A01    Information Systems

IV    IV               Skill Based Subject
&                      1. Data Analytics -         3   45   -   2   40    60   100    2
III         SB17DAP1   Practical I :
                       R Programming
            SB17SEP1   2.OOSE- Practical I :
                       Software Design Tools
IV   IV    NM10EVS    Foundation Course:         2       26   4       -   100   -        100      2
                      Environmental Studies
IV         COM15SER   Community Oriented             -   -        -   -    -        -      -    Grade
IV   V                NSS/NCC/YRC/Sports &           -   -    -       -    -        -     100    1
V    III   PJA1710    Core 10: Java                  5   71       4   3    40       60    100    4
V    III   PCG1711    Core 11: Computer              5   71       4   3    40       60    100    4
V    III   IN17C12    Core 12: Software              5   71       4   3    40       60    100    4
                      Engineering and Testing
V    III   IN17E01    Elective 1: Cloud              5   71       4   3    40       60    100    5

           IN17E02    Elective 2: Wireless
                      Sensor Networks

           IN17E03    Elective 3: Python
V    III   IN16CP5    Lab – 5: Java                  5   75       -   3    40       60    50*    3
                      Programming &
                      Bio-Python Lab
                      Skill Based Subject            3   43       2   2    25       75    100    4
V    III
&          SB17DA02   1. Data Analytics -Level
VI                    II : Data Visualization
           SB17SE02   2.OOSE -Level II :
                      Software Testing Tools
V          NM13IS2    Information Security –         2   26       4   -   100       -      -    Grade
                      Level II
V    III              Advanced Level Course          -   -        -   3    25       75   100*    5*
           IN16AC1    Paper 1: Data Mining

                      Paper 2: Information
           IN16AC2    Retrieval
V    III              Comprehensive                  -   -        -   1    -        -      -    Grade
V    III   INST1      Internship Training            -   -        -   -    -        -     100     2

V    III              Personality                    -   -        -   -    -        -      -    Grade
VI   III   IN17C13    Core 13:                       5   71       4   3    40       60    100    4
                      Principles of Data
                      Communications and
VI   III   IN17C14    Core-14 : Internet of          5   71       4   3    40       60    100    4
VI   III   PWT1715    Core-15: Web                   5   71       4   3    40       60    100    4
VI     III   IN16CP6        Lab – 6: Network & R        5       75     -     3     40      60         50*   2
                             Tool Lab

 VI     III   PROJ           Project Viva-Voce           7       -      -     3     20      80         100   5

 VI     III                  Advanced Level Course        -      -      -     3     25      75     100*      5*
              PA16AC3        Paper 1: Artificial

              IN14AC4        Paper 2: Bioinformatics

 VI     III                  Skill Based subject         3       45     -     2     40      60         100   2
 &            SB17DAP2       1. Data Analytics -
 V                           Practical II : Data
                             Visualization Tools
              SB17SEP2       2. OOSE –Practical II :
                             Software Testing Tools

Total                                                                                      3800        140
          *100 Marks converted into 50
          ** Outside regular class hours.

                  *The credit is applicable to candidates who take up the advanced level course exam
Category L T P Credit
   IN17C04                OPERATING SYSTEM
                                                                      III   71 4 -  4


        To provide a discussion of the fundamentals of operating system design and to relate
these to contemporary design issues and to current directions in the development of operating

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                Knowledge
Number                                                                              Level
CO1.       Recall about the past OS and process concepts.                           K1
CO2.       Discussion on various storage management approaches.                     K2
CO3.       Solve job and processor allocation problems by using scheduling
CO4.       Illustrate the Device and information management concepts.               K3
CO5.       Examine the case studies in MS-Disk operating system and UNIX

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
               Cos          PO1             PO2              P03          P04
              CO1.            S              M                S              M
              CO2.            S              S                S              M
              CO3.            S              S               M               S
              CO4.            S              S               M               M
              CO5.            S              M                S              M

           S- Strong M-Medium L-Low


UNIT I                                                                                (14 hrs)
Introduction and process concepts: Definition of OS-Early History - History of DOS and Unix
Operating System - definition of process - Process States - Process State Transition - Interrupt
Processing - Interrupt classes - Context switching - Semaphores - Deadlock and Indefinite
UNIT II                                                                          (14 hrs)
Storage management: Real storage: Real storage management strategies - Contiguous Vs non-
contiguous storage allocation - Single user contiguous storage allocation - Fixed partition
multiprogramming - Variable partition multiprogramming - Multiprogramming with storage
swapping Virtual storage: Virtual storage management strategies: Page replacement strategies -
working sets - Demand paging - Page size.

UNIT III                                                                            (15 hrs)
Processor management: Job and processor scheduling: Preemptive Vs Non-preemptive scheduling
– priorities - Deadline scheduling - FIFO-RR-Quantum size - SJF-SRT-HRN - distributed
computing – Pipelining – Vector processing - Array processors - Dataflow computers –
Multiprocessing - Fault Tolerance.

UNIT IV                                                                             (14 hrs)
Device and information management: Disk performance optimization: Operation of moving head
disk storage - Need for disk scheduling - Seek optimization – FCFS - SSTF – SCAN - RAM
Disks - Optical Disks - file and database systems: File system – functions – Organization -
Allocating and freeing space - file descriptor -Access control by user Classes-Backup and

UNIT V                                                                             (14 hrs)
Case Studies
UNIX Systems: Kernel-Shell-File system-Process Management-Memory                Management-
Distributed UNIX Systems-UNIX Systems Standardization and open systems.
MS-DOS: MS DOS various Versions-The user’s view of MS-DOS-the system’s view of MS-

Text Book

                                                                             Year of
S.No.      Authors            Title                   Publishers

                                              Addison Wesley Publishing
                        An Introduction to
  1.      Deitel H.M                           Company, Second edition         2005
                        Operating System
Reference Books

                                                                               Year of
S.No.        Authors                  Title                 Publishers
                                                        Pearson Education,
          S.Tanenbaum,      Operating Systems- Design
 1.                                                         3rd Edition          2011
              Albert           and Implementation
                                                           John Wiley &
 2.         Peter Baer      Operating System Concepts                            2010
                                                          Sons,8th edition
           Galvin, Greg
                                                        Tata McGraw Hill,
 3.      Archer J Harries       Operating Systems                                2008
                                                           First Edition

       Chalk and talk PPT, Discussion, Assignment, Demo, Quiz, Case study.

Course Designer

Category L T P Credit
   IN17C05                  DATA STRUCTURES
                                                                          III   71 4 -  4


 To provide an overview of data structures and algorithm design methods for programming and
problem solving process.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                Knowledge
Number                                                                              Level
 CO1.       Tell about the concepts of data structure, data type and array data
            Classify algorithms and operations of stack, queue& simulating
 CO2.                                                                               K2
 CO3.       Show the implementation of linked list data structures to develop an
            application programs
 CO4.       Apply various data structure such as stacks, queues, trees and graphs
            to solve various computing problems
 CO5.       Identify standard algorithms for searching and sorting.                 K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

           COs        PO1          PO2          P03           P04
            CO1.       S            M            M             S
            CO2.        S           M             S            M
            CO3.        M           M             S            M
            CO4.        S           S             S            M
            CO5.        S           M             S            M
S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

 UNIT I                                                                                 (14Hrs)
       Introduction to Data Structures: Theory of data structures- Data Representation - Abstract
Data Type- primitive data types-data types and data structure.
       Stacks: Introduction-representation of stack through array and linked list -application of

UNIT II                                                                           (14Hrs)
       Recursive definitions and processes - recursive function in C - simulating recursion.
       Queues - definition and examples - representation of queues using arrays - queue
operations - priority queues.

UNIT III                                                                         (15Hrs)
         Linked Lists: definition and concepts - linked stacks and queues - linked list as a data
         Implementation of lists - arrays, pointer implementation comparison - examples. Other
lists - circular lists - doubly linked lists.

UNIT IV                                                                           (14 Hrs)
        Trees: binary trees - definition and concept - tree terminologies - construction and
traversal of binary trees - representation and application of binary trees.
        Graphs: graph terminologies - graph representation - graph traversal - breadth first search -
depth first search- spanning trees.

UNIT V                                                                              (14 Hrs)
       Searching: sequential searching - tree searching - balanced search trees - multiway search
       Sorting: Introduction - bubble sort - insertion sort - selection sort - quick sort - heap sort -
merge sort - shell sort.

Text Books

                                                                                      Year of
S.No.         Authors                     Title                   Publishers
                                                             Tata Mc Graw-Hill
1.       ISRD Group           Data Structures using C        Company
                                                             Limited,2nd Edition

                                                             Oxford University
2.       Reema Thareja        Data Structures using C        Press                   2011
Reference Books

                                                                               Year of
S.No.         Authors                  Title                 Publishers
          M. Radhakrishnan
1.                          Data Structures using C      BPB Publication      2008
          and V. Srinivasan
                                                         Tata McGraw Hill
                            An Introduction to Data
          Tremblay, J.P.                                 pub. Company Ltd.,
2.                          Structures with                                   2002
          and Sorenson, P.G                              New Delhi 2nd
                                                         PHI Learning, 2nd
       Langsam, Moshe        Data Structures using C &
3.                                                       Edition              2009
       J.Augentein, aron     C++

        Chalk & talk, PPT, Discussion, Assignment, Demo, Quiz

Course Designer

Category     L         T   P    Credit
                    MANAGEMENT SYSTEM                          III     71        4   -        4


To study the basic concepts of database systems, relational database and queries, object modeling
and database design. To understand the main solutions related to the strategies for storing objects,
transaction management, and security. To inculcate knowledge on RDBMS concepts.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                     Knowledge
Number                                                                                   Level
CO1.       To define the fundamental elements of database management system.             K1
CO2.       An understanding of normalization theory and extends such knowledge           K2
           to the normalization of a database.
CO3.       To explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-               K2
           relationship model, relational database design, relational algebra and
           query a database using SQL DML/DDL commands.
CO4.       Declare and enforce integrity constraints on a database using a state-of-     K3
           the-art RDBMS
CO5.       To demonstrate programming PL/SQL including procedures, stored                K3
           functions, cursors, packages.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
                              PO1          PO2            PO3               PO4
               CO1.             S           M              M                 S
               CO2.            M             S             S                 S
               CO3.            M             S             S                 S
               CO4.            M             S             S                M
               CO5.             S            S             S                 S

               S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

UNIT I                                                                            (14 Hrs)
       Database Concepts: A Relational approach: Database – Relationships – DBMS –
Relational Data Model – Integrity Rules – Theoretical Relational Languages. Database Design:
Data Modeling and Normalization: Data Modeling – Dependency – Database Design – Normal
forms – Dependency Diagrams - Denormalization.

UNIT II                                                                         (15 Hrs)
       Oracle9i: Overview: Personal Databases – Client/Server Databases – Oracle9i an
introduction– SQL *Plus Environment – SQL – Logging into SQL *Plus - SQL *Plus Commands
– Errors & Help –Alternate Text Editors - SQL *Plus Worksheet - iSQL *Plus. Oracle Tables:
DDL: Naming Rules and conventions – Data Types – Constraints – Creating Oracle Table –
Displaying Table Information –Altering an Existing Table – Dropping, Renaming, Truncating
Table – Table Types – Spooling – Error codes.

UNIT III                                                                        (14 Hrs)
        Working with Table: Data Management and Retrieval: DML – adding a new
Row/Record –Customized Prompts – Updating and Deleting an Existing Rows/Records –
retrieving Data from Table –Arithmetic Operations – restricting Data with WHERE clause –
Sorting – Revisiting Substitution Variables – DEFINE command – CASE structure. Functions
and Grouping: Built-in functions –Grouping Data. Multiple Tables: Joins and Set operations:
Join – Set operations.

UNIT IV                                                                          (14 Hrs)
        PL/SQL: A Programming Language: History – Fundamentals – Block Structure –
Comments – Data Types – Other Data Types – Declaration – Assignment operation – Bind
variables – Substitution Variables – Printing – Arithmetic Operators. Control Structures and
Embedded SQL: Control Structures – Nested Blocks – SQ L in PL/SQL – Data Manipulation –
Transaction Control statements.PL/SQL Cursors and Exceptions: Cursors – Implicit & Explicit
Cursors and Attributes – Cursor FOR loops – SELECT…FOR UPDATE – WHERE CURRENT
OF clause – Cursor with Parameters – Cursor Variables – Exceptions – Types of Exceptions.

UNIT V                                                               (14 Hrs)
      PL/SQL Composite Data Types: Records – Tables – Varrays. Named Blocks:
Procedures – Functions – Packages –Triggers – Data Dictionary Views.

Text Book

                                                                         Year of
S.No.   Authors          Title                       Publishers
1.      Nilesh Shah      Database Systems Using      2nd edition, PHI    2012
Reference Books

  S.NO          AUTHOR             TITLE OF THE        PUBLISHERS \           YEAR OF
                                       BOOK              EDITION            PUBLICATION
                                                        Prentice Hall of
    1     Rajesh Narang              Management
                                                       India, 2nd Edition       2011
    2         Rakesh Saini,           Database         Vayu Edducation
          M.M.S.Rauthan, Abhay       Management          of India, 1st          2010
          Saxena, Bindu Sharma         System              Edition
    3                              Oracle Database
               Satish Asnani                                 PHI                2010

    Chalk and talk, PPT, Discussion, Interactive Teaching, Group discussion, Quiz.

Course Designer
Category   L     T      P         Credit
IN16CP3                          RDBMS LAB
                                                                  III      -    -      60           2


Experience to the learners in SQL, PL/SQL programming based on concept learned with program
course. Implementation of RDBMS commands such as DDL, DML, and DCL. Implementation of
PL/SQL programming such as procedure, trigger and cursor.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                     CO Statement                                         Knowledge
Number                                                                                      Level
   CO1     Understand and explain the underlying concepts of database                       K1
   CO2     Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain                K1
           and Normalize a database
   CO3     Populate and query a database using SQL DML/DDL commands.                        K2
   CO4     Use and enforce integrity constraints on a database using a state-of-the-        K3
           art RDBMS
   CO5     Programming PL/SQL including stored procedures, stored functions,                K3
           cursors, packages.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

              COs           PO1            PO2           PO3              PO4
             CO1             S              M              M               M
             CO2             M               S             S               S
             CO3             M              M              S               S
             CO4             M               S             S               S
             CO5             S               S             S               S

               S- Strong M-Medium L-Low


      Create, insert, update , delete and alter table
      Implementing different operators.
      Implementing column format.
      Implementing built-in functions.
      Implementing PL/SQL Block.
      PL/SQL block to find the E-Bill.
      Splitting the table.
      Joining the tables.
      Implementing Recursive functions
      Database triggers and cursors.
      Trigger for Master detailed Relationship.

      System, White board.
Course Designer

   Mrs. K. Sathiyakumari

Title         : Mobile Application Development

Subject Code : JOB1629

     Students can find jobs as mobile computing professionals and application developer.

  Overview - Environment Setup - Architecture - Applications Component - Developer Tools -
  SDK Manager – Emulator- Hello World Example

  Activities - Services - Broadcast Receivers - Content Providers - Fragments - Intents & Filters
  - UI Layouts -UI Design - UI Controls - Event Handling - Styles & Themes – Notifications -
  Push Notification

  Location-Based Services - Sending Email - Sending SMS – Web View - Phone Calls -
  Publishing Android Application - Alert Dialog Tutorial - Animations - Audio Capture - Auto

  Best Practices - Bluetooth - Camera - Custom Fonts - Gestures Image Effects - Image
  Switcher - Media Player – Multi touch - Navigation - Progress Circle - Progress Bar Using
  Progress Dialog

  SQLite Database - Login Screen - Internal Storage - JSON Parser - Loading Spinner -
  Localization - Network Connection - NFC Guide - PHP/MySQL - Sensors - Session
  Management - Sip Protocol -Support Library – Wi-Fi - Widgets - Xml Parser

  1) Android studio application development by belen cruz zapata
  2) Beginning android programming with android studio by Jerome F. Dimarizio

  1) http://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android_tutorial.pdf
  2) http://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/142063/Android_-_a_programmers_guide.pdf
List of Programs

1. Create a hello world android application
2. Create an android application layout with
       a. registration and login fragments
       b. UI controls for submitting details
3. Create an android application to find location using location based services
4. Create an android application to send email through native API
5. Create an android application
       a. send and receive SMS
       b. make phone calls
6. Create an android application to connect to a website using web view
7. Create an android application to access camera
8. Create an android application to capture gesture inputs
9. Create an android application to implement image switcher
10. Create an android application with progress circle
11. Create a android application of
       a. Registration with SQLite database
       b. Login with SQLite database
12. Create an android application to connect with MySQL through PHP
13. Create an android application to parse data using JSON
14. Create an android application to implement localization
15. Create an android application with session management
SEMESTER                : III & IV
SUBJECT CODE            : SB17DA01
CREDITS                 :4
                                                           Lecture Hours: 43
   To provide a conceptual understanding of the basics of R programming and depth of
     exploratory data analysis.

UNIT I                                                                       (9 Hrs)
Overview of the R language: Defining the R project, Obtaining R, Generating R codes, Scripts,
Comments, Text editors for R, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for R, Packages.
UNIT III                                                                      (9 Hrs)
R Objects and data structures: Variable classes, Vectors and matrices, Data frames and lists,
Array and Factors.
UNIT III                                                                  (9 Hrs)
Manipulating objects in R: Mathematical operations, Decision making, loops, functions and
UNIT IV                                                                      (8 Hrs)
Exploratory Data Analysis: Reading, creating and storing R -CSV file, Excel File, Binary file,
XML File - R -Mean,Median,Mode- Regression.
UNIT V                                                                          (8 Hrs)
Graphical Representation: R-PIE chart – Bar chart – Box plots-Histograms – line graphs - Scatter
TEXT BOOK: Course materials will be provided.


                                                          Publishers    \ Year of
  S.No       Author              Title of The Book
                                                          Edition         Publication
         1    Jared P. Lander        R for everyone       Education, 2nd        2015
                                      The Art of R
         2    Norman Matloff                              No Starch Press         2011

*During Semester III, Unit - I and Unit - II Till Vectors and Matrices.
**During Semester IV in Unit – II from Data Frames, Unit – III, IV and V
Semester   : III & IV
Title      : OOSE- Level I: Software Design Tools
Sub code   : SB17SE01
Credits    :4                                                    Lecture Hours : 43

Objective :
To explore the basic building blocks of UML and to design various modelling diagrams using

UNIT I                                                                          (9 Hrs)
Introduction to UML:Overview of the UML- Importance of modeling- principles of modeling-
object oriented modeling- conceptual model of the UML- Architecture- Software Development
Life Cycle.
UNIT II                                                                         (9 Hrs)
Structural ModelingBasic Structural Modeling: Classes- Relationships- common Mechanisms-
and diagrams. Advanced Structural Modeling: Advanced classes- advanced relationships-
Interfaces- Types and Roles- Packages.
UNIT III                                                                        (9 Hrs)
Class & Object Diagrams: Terms and concepts- construction of a class diagram- common
modeling techniques for Class & Object Diagrams-Interactions- Interaction diagrams.
UNIT IV                                                                         (8 Hrs)
BehavioralModelling : Use cases- Use case Diagrams- Activity Diagrams. Advanced
BehavioralModeling- state machines- processes and Threads- Time and space- state chart
UNIT V                                                                          (8 Hrs)
Architectural Modeling: Components- Modeling Techniques – Modeling a physical database-
Model an adaptable system- Deployment - Component diagrams and Deployment diagrams.

Text Book: Course Materials will be Provided

Reference Books

                                                                                Year of
S.No          Author                    Title of Book            Publisher
 1     Martina Seidl, Marion   UML @ Classroom: An               Springer     2015
       Scholz, Christian       Introduction to Object-Oriented
       Huemer, GertiKappel     Modeling
 2     Martina Seidl, Marion   An Introduction to Object-        Easy         2011
       Scholz, Christian       Oriented Modeling                 Reader
       Huemer, GertiKappel
 3     Gandharba Swain         Object-Oriented Analysis and      Laxmi        2010
                               Design through Unified            Publications
                               Modeling Language


       * During Semester III, UNIT I, UNIT II till Advanced classes
       ** During Semester IV, in UNIT II from Advanced Relationships, UNIT III, UNIT IV
       and UNIT V
Category L T P Credit
                                                                     III   71 4 -  4


       To provide the concepts of open source software and enable the students to learn Linux
environment and implement the basics of MYSQL database.

Course Outcomes

        On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                         CO Statement                             Knowledge
Number                                                                              Level
   CO1. Define the development model of OSS, and tell about the open-source         K1
   CO2. Demonstrate the installation of Linux by hard disk partioning and           K2
        process of working with files.
   CO3. Apply Networking Commands and set up Networking and cryptographic           K3
   CO4. Analyze shell programming by working with variables, control                K3
        structures and scripting.
   CO5. Develop Open Source Database by configuring MYSQL Server and                K3
        connecting to MYSQL with PHP.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

  COs              PO1                PO2                   P03                   P04

   CO1               M                  S                    S                     M

   CO2               S                  S                    M                     M

   CO3               S                 S                     M                     S

   CO4               M                 M                     S                     S

   CO5               S                  S                    S                     S

S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

UNIT I                                                              (14 Hrs)
Open-Source Software Overview: Introduction – Need and Advantage of Open-Source
Software – Foss- Free Software Movement –Open Source Movement- Open Source Licensing-
Certification-OSS Development Model-Run a Free Software Project-Comparing OSS with other
Software-OSS Licenses

UNIT II                                                                (15 Hrs)
Open Source Operating System (LINUX): Installation of Linux (Red hat-CentOS): Hardisk
Partitioning, Swap space, LVM, and Boot loader. Command Line: Basic File System
Management Task, working with files, Piping and Redirection, working with VI editor, use of sed
and understanding FHS of Linux.System Administration:Job management, Process
Management, Mounting Devices and file system,Backup, Handling User Accounts, Groups and
permission, Managing Software. Understanding Boot process and related files, Common kernel
management Task

UNIT III                                                               (14 Hrs)
Commands, Configuration of Apache Web Servers, DNS servers, DHCP servers, mail servers,
NFS, FTP Servers.Securing servers with IPtables. Setting upNetwork and cryptographic services:
SSL, Managing Certificatewith OpenSSL, working with the GNU Privacy guard.

UNIT IV                                                                  (14 Hrs)
Open Source Operating System (SHELL PROGRAMMING): Bash Shell Scripting,
Executing Script, Working withVariables and Input, Using Control Structures, Handling signals,
creating functions, working sed and gawk, working with web using shell script: Downloadingweb
page,Converting Web page content to a text file, parsing data, working cURL.

UNIT V                                                           (14 Hrs)
Open Source Database And Application: MySQL: Configuring MySQL Server, working with
MySQL Databases, MySQL Tables, SQL Commands – INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE,
REPLACE, DELETE. Date and Time functions in MySQL. PHP – MySQL Application
Development: Connecting to MySQL with PHP, Inserting data with PHP, Retrieving data with


S.no    Author                      Title of book        Publisher             Yearof
1       Prof.DayanandAmbawade, Linux Labs And            Dream Tech Press      2014
        Deven Shah             Open Source
2       Julie C Meloni         PHP, MySQLand             Pearson Education     2009

S.no    Author            Title of book       Publisher             Year of
1       Peterson          The Complete        Tata McGraw HILL      2010
                          Reference Linux
2       Steve Suehring,   PHP6 and MySQL      Wiley-India, New      2009
        Tim Converse      Bible               Delhi
        and Joyce Park

    Chalk and talk, PPT, Discussion, Assignment, Demo, Quiz, Case Study.

Course Designer
Mrs. A. Sindhu.
PMP1705             DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND                    Category    L     T   P    Credit
                          MICROPROCESSOR                            III      71    4   -      4


               To provide introduction to the principles and practices of digital electronics and
computer system, programming aspects of microprocessor covering both hardware and software
based on the 8085 microprocessor family.

Course Outcomes
      On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                   Knowledge
Number                                                                                 Level
   CO1     Understand the basic principles of digital electronics and
   CO2     Discussion on the design of Multiplexers and Flip-Flops                     K2
   CO3     Outline the Microprocessor instruction set and Architecture                 K2
   CO4     Identify and explain the need for advance micro processors                  K3
   CO5     Develop to take up the challenges in building useful microprocessor
           based applications.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
              COs              PO1            PO2             PO3            PO4
             CO1                S               S              M              M
             CO2                M               S               S             M
             CO3                S               M               S             M
             CO4                S               S              M              S
             CO5                M               S               S             M

   S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low


                                                                      (15 hrs)
Logic Circuits: Gates –AND ,OR,NOT,NAND ,NOR Gates & Truth tables-Boolean Algebra-
Karnaugh maps, Product of Sums method, Sum of product method, Don’t Care condition –
Multiplexers, Demultiplexers-Flip flops: RS ,JK ,D,T-Decoders.
UNTI II                                                                          (14 hrs)
Shift Register, Half adder, Full adder, BCD Adder, Semiconductor memories: ROM, RAM,
Digital Recording Techniques.
UNIT III                                                                          (14 hrs)
Microprocessor: Microprocessor Instruction set and Computer languages –from large computer to
single-chip micro controllers-micro processor architecture & its operations –memory-Input output
(I/O) devices.
UNIT IV                                                                      (14 hrs)
The 8085 Programming model: Instruction classification-instruction format-how to write,
assemble and execute a simple program-overview of the 8085 instruction set-programming
techniques: Looping, counting and indexing-additional data transfer and 16 bit arithmetic
UNIT V                                                                       (14 hrs)
The 8259A programmable interrupt controller – Direct memory Access (DMA) and the 8237
DMA controller. Microprocessor Applications - Designing scanned displays - Memory Design.

Text Books
                                                                                Year of
S.No.        Authors                    Title                 Publishers
                            Digital Logic & Computer
                                                          Prentice Hall
1.       Morris Mano        Design                                             2008
                                                          India,1st Edition
                            (UNIT I &II)
                            Microprocessor                Penram
                            Architecture Programming      International
2        Ramesh Gaonkar     and Applications with the     Publishing , 5th     2011
                            8085                          Edition
                            (UNIT III,IV,V)

Reference Books

                                                                                 Year of
S.No.        Authors                    Title                 Publishers
                             Microprocessor &             Ubs Publishers
1.                           Microcomputer-Based          Distributers Pvt      2003
                             System Design                Ltd, 1st Edition
                                                          Vikash Publishing
2                            Digital Circuits & Design    house Pvt Ltd, 3rd    2009


        Chalk and Talk, PPT, Demo, Discussion, Quiz, and Assignment.

Course Designer

S. Kiruthika Devi
VB.Net Programming                    Category    L    T P Credit
                                                                       III     71 4    -       4


       To understand .net frame work and enhancing in depth knowledge in VB.net and to enable
them to developing simple projects.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                   Knowledge
Number                                                                                 Level
   CO1.     Tell about the .Net frame work features and to develop VB.Net using
   CO2.     Usage of various Elements of VB.Net to develop programs using them         K2
   CO3.     Solve the real world problems using looping , branching and arrays         K3
   CO4.     Illustrate Menus and Toolbar, Dialog Boxes, Procedures by developing
   CO5.     Examine the complexity of problems, Modularize the problems into
            small modules and then convert them into programs

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
               COs          PO1             PO2              P03              P04
                CO1.         S               M                S               M
                CO2.          S              S                S               M
                 CO3.        M               M                S               S
                CO4.          S              S                S               S
                CO5.          S              S                S               S

           S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

UNIT 1: Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework.                                   (14 Hrs)

Introduction to .net framework- Components of .NET- Framework Class Library(FCL), Common
Language Runtime (CLR) –Garbage collection-Assemblies – IDE components –toolbox, Solution
explorer window, properties window, Server Explorer window, Adding controls the windows
forms applications and Adding source code to the control, Application, Executing The web
application. Variables, operators and constants
UNIT II: Common Controls                                                         (14 Hrs)

Introduction- Textbox, label , Link label, List Box Control, Checked Listbox Control, Picture box
control, Pickers, Tree View Control, ListView controls, Rich TextBox, Button, Check Box
Control, ComboBox Control, Masked TextBox Control, Notify Icon control, Progress bar control,
tooltip control, Web browser control.

UNIT III: Programming in Visual basic .net                                       (14 Hrs)

Conditional Logic : The If-then-Else statement, The Select-case statement, Do-Loop Statement,
While-EndWhile Statement, For..Next Statement, For-Each Next Statement, A Complete
Example. Arrays- Introducing Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, The Array Class Members- An
Example- Array of Arrays.

UNIT IV: Menus and Toolbar, Dialog Boxes, Procedures                             (14Hrs)

Menus and toolbars- Context Menu Strip, Status Strip, Tool strip, Tool Strip Container, Working
with MDI, In-built Dialogs- PageSetupDialog, PrintDialog,Print Document, PrintPreviewControl,
PrintPreviewDialog, ColorDialog, FolderBrowser Dialog, FontDialog, OpenFileDialog,
SaveFileDialog, Procedures-Overview, Types of Procedures, Built-in functions.

UNIT V: Advanced Concepts in VB.Net                                              (15 Hrs)

Concepts of Object Oriented Programming- Introduction, Classes , Constructors, Destructors,
Inheritance, Overriding, Overloading, Polymorphism, Working with Database : Introduction,
Databases, Server Explorer, Basic SQL Commands, Relational Database, Data Binding, Data
Binding with Controls
ADO.Net – Accessing ADO.NET Features and Namespaces- Using ADO.NET – Understanding
Data Providers, Datasets.

Text Books

    S.No     Author             Title                Publishers                 Year of
    1        Sham      Tickoo, Learning Visual       CADCIM                       2009
             Meenu Bhat        Basic 2008 with       Technologies,
                               .NET Framework        Pearson Education
    2        Bill Evjen, Jason Visual Basic .NET     Wiley                        2014
             Beres, et.al      Programming
Reference Books

   S.No     Author             Title                     Publisher              Year of
   1        David Chappell     Understanding .NET        Pearson education        2006

   2        Jeffery R.         The Complete Reference    Tata McGraw             2002
            Shapiro            Visual Basic .NET         Hills

   3        Julia Case         Programming in VB.Net     Tata        McGraw       2007
            Bradley, Anita                               Hills


      Chalk and talk , PPT, Discussion , Assignment, Demo, Quiz, Case study

Course Designer
Category L T       P   Credit
   IN16CP4        VB.Net & Bio-Perl Programming Lab
                                                                        III   -   -   60     3


         To develop applications using VB.Net programming. To implement programs to
experiment DNA sequence.

Course Outcomes
 On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                     CO Statement                                   Knowledge
Number                                                                                Level
CO1.       Tell about the conditional statements , Array & Exceptions handling
           and object oriented concepts
CO2.       Discuss the execution of the VB.Net program using Toolbars, Message
           box and Input box functions.
CO3.       Illustrate the Dialog Controls , Mouse events & Menu Creation using
CO4.       Demonstrate Data Grid & Crystal Report and ADO Connectivity using
CO5.       Apply programming skills to experiment with GENBANK data,
           sequences, DNA Fragments Transcription.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
                     COs         PO1         PO2          PO3           PO4
                    CO1.          S            S           M            M
                    CO2.          S            M           S            M
                    CO3.          S            M           M             S
                    CO4.          M            S           M             S
                    CO5.          S            S           S             S

        S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

           1. Conditional statements.
           2. Array & Exceptions handling.
           3. OOP concepts.
           4. Tool bars, Message box & Input Box functions.
           5. Dialog Controls.
           6.   Mouse events & Menu Creation.
           7. Data Grid & Crystal Report.
           8. ADO Connectivity.
           9. Write a script to Import data from Genbank using Bioperl
           10. Write a script to extract all the features from a GenBank file using Bio::Seq in
           11. Concatenating DNA Fragments Transcription: DNA to RNA using Bioperl
           12. Write a script to use sequence features to compare sequences and find
                Mutation using Bioperl


      System, White Board, Demonstration through PPT

Course Designer

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION                      Category     L   T P       Credit
                           SYSTEM                                  III      86    4   -      5

       To inculcate knowledge to students why information systems are so important today for
business and as well as educate the role of the major types of information systems in a business

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

  CO                                      CO Statement                                Knowledge
Number                                                                                  Level
   CO1      Tell about the basic concepts and Roles of Management Information
   CO2      Describe the development of Business strategies, E-Business Models.       K2
   CO3      Discuss about the Decision Making concepts and Knowledge
            Management in MIS
   CO4      Examine the applications in Manufacturing Sector and Service sector
            in Industry.
   CO5      Illustrate the Enterprise Management System and Information Systems

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

            COs      PO1     PO2     P03     P04
             CO1       S      M       S       M
              CO2      S       S      S       M
              CO3     M       M       S       S
              CO4      S       S      S       S
              CO5      S       S      S       S

       S- Strong M-Medium L-Low
UNIT I                                                                          (18 Hrs)
        Introduction to MIS: MIS concept – Definition – Role of MIS – Impact of MIS – MIS and
the User – Management as a Control system – MIS: a support to Management – Management
Effectiveness and MIS – Organization as a system – Organisational Behaviour. Process
Management: Planning – Organising – Staffing – Coordinating – Directing and – Controlling.

UNIT II                                                                         (17Hrs)
        Strategic Management of Business Performance: Essentiality of Strategic Planning –
Tools of Planning – Strategic Management of Business Performance – What is Strategy? – Class
and Types of Strategies. Electronic Business Technology: Introduction to E-Business – Models of
E-Business- Electronic Payment System – Security in E-Business – MIS and E-Business. A tool
for business management: Internet and Web Process Management – strategic Management under
Web – Web Enabled Business Management – Application system Architecture in Web – MIS in
Web Environment.

UNIT III                                                                         (17 Hrs)
       Decision Making: Decision-making concepts – Decision-making process– Behavioural
Concepts in Decision-making – Organizational Decision-making – MIS and Decision-making –
Decision Methods Tools and Procedures. Information and Knowledge: Information Concepts –
Information: a quality product – Classification of Information – Methods of data and Information
Collection – Value of Information – General Model of a Human as an Information Processor.
Choice of Information Technology: Nature of IT decision – Strategic Decision – Configuration
Design – Evaluation.

UNIT IV                                                                         (17 Hrs)
       Applications in Manufacturing Sector: Personnel, Financial, Production, Raw Material
and Marketing Managements. Applications in Service Sector: Introduction to Service Sector –
Creating a Distinctive Service MIS Application in Service Industry – MIS: Service Industry.

UNIT V                                                                       (17Hrs)
        Management of Global Enterprise: Enterprise Management Systems – ERP system – ERP
Model and Modules –Benefits of ERP –ERP Product Evolution - ERP Implementation – EMS
and MIS. Technology of Information Systems: Introduction – Data Processing – Transaction
Processing – Application Processing – Information System processing – Human Factors and User
Interface -Real Time Systems and Good Design.

Text Book

                                                                                   Year of
S.No         Authors                    Title                 Publishers
1.      Waman S             Management Information        Tata McGraw Hill     5th Edition,
        Jawadekar           Systems Text and cases        Publications,        2013
Reference Books
                                                                                  Year of
S.No          Authors                   Title                    Publishers
1         James A O’Brien    Management Information          Tata McGraw Hill, 2014
          & George M         Systems                         10th Edition
2.        Kenneth C          Management Information          PHI 12th Edition,   2011
          Laudon& Jane       Systems managing the            ISBN-13: 978-
          p.Laudon           digital firm                    0132142854.

3         MahadeoJaiswal& Management Information         Oxford                  2004
          Monika Mital    Systems                        University Press
                                                         4th Edition


        Chalk and talk, PPT, Group Discussion, Assignment

Course Designer

Ms. S. Kalaipriya
SEMESTER              : III & IV
SUBJECT CODE          : SB17DAP1
CREDITS               :2
                                                Practical Hours: 45
To perform statistical operations and generate R data analysis reports.

   1. R Program for Vector operations.
   2. Create a R- list.
   3. Implement matrices addition, subtraction and Multiplication.
   4. Create a Data frame.
   5. Create a factor object.
   6. Import data, copy data from CSV file to R.
   7. Create a R program for Mean median and mode.
   8. Draw Bar charts and Pie charts in R.
   9. Make visual representations of data for plotting functions in R.
   10. Create a R program for Regression Model.


*During Semester III Program 1 to program 6
**During Semester IV Program 7 to program 10
Semester : III & IV
Title    : OOSE –Practical I : Software Design Tools
Sub.Code : SB17SEP1
Credits : 2                                                      Practical Hours : 45

      To apply and develop the UML diagrams for application

   Choose any one of the projects given below and do the exercises program for the project.
          [Student Marks Management System, Library Management System, Employee
          Management System, Hostel Management System]
      1. Write the complete problem statement
      2. Write the software requirement specification document
      3. Draw the entity relationship diagram
      4. Draw the data flow diagrams at level 0 and level 1
      5. Draw use case diagram
      6. Draw activity diagram of all use cases
      7. Draw state chart diagram of all use cases
      8. Draw sequence diagram of all use cases
      9. Draw collaboration diagram of all use cases
      10. Assign objects in sequence diagram to classes and make class diagram


 * During Semester III, Program 1 to 6
** During Semester IV, Program 7 to 10
Category L T P Credit
  PJA1710                 JAVA PROGRAMMING
                                                                      III   71 4 -  4

        This course gives in-depth knowledge of JAVA language for creating safe robust object-
oriented multithreaded interactive programs. It also sheds light around wide spread applications
of the internet

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                Knowledge
Number                                                                              Level
CO1.       Acquire knowledge of the structure and model of the Java programming
CO2.       Create Java programs that solve simple business problems.                K2
CO3.       Explore various programming paradigms as well as principles of
           building object-oriented software
CO4.       Develop Java applications with graphical user interface (GUI).           K3
CO5.       Implement the Concept of streams and file handling                       K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
               COs          PO1             PO2              P03            P04
              CO1.            S              M               M              M
              CO2.            S              S                S             M
              CO3.            S              S               M              M
              CO4.            S              S                S             S
              CO5.            S              S                S             S

          S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

 UNIT – I                                                                      (14 Hrs)
JAVA Evolution: History – Features – How Java differs from C and C++ – Java and Internet –
Java and WWW – Web Browsers. Overview of Java Language: Introduction – Simple Java
program – Structure – Java tokens – Statements – Java virtual Machine.

UNIT- II                                                                             (15 Hrs)
Constants – Variables – Data types – Operators and expressions -Decision making and Branching:
Simple If Statement, The IF…Else statement, The Else... If ladder, The Switch Statement, The? :
Operator, Decision making and looping: The While statement, The do Statement- The for
Statement – Jumps in loops – labeled loops – Classes, Objects and Methods.
UNIT-III                                                                        (14 Hrs)
Arrays, Strings and Vectors – Interfaces- Multiple Inheritance – Packages: Putting classes
together – Multi Threaded Programming.

UNIT-IV                                                                        (14 Hrs)
Managing Errors and Exceptions – Applet Programming – Graphics programming: The Graphics
class – Lines & Rectangles – Circles & Ellipses – Drawing Arcs – Drawing Polygons – Line
Graphs – Using Control Loops in Applets – Drawing Bar Charts.

UNIT- V                                                                                 (14 Hrs)
Files: Introduction – concept of streams – Stream classes – Using stream – I/O classes – File class
– I/O Exceptions – creation of files – Reading / Writing characters/ Bytes – Handling primitive
data types – Random Access Files.

Text Book

                                                                                      Year of
S.No.        Authors                     Title                  Publishers
                                                              Tata Mc Graw
                             Programming with Java – A                                   2015
    1    E. Balagurusamy                                      Hill,5th Edition,

Reference Books

S.No    Author                Title of book              Publisher                Year of
        Herbert Schildt       Java: The Complete         McGraw Hill              9th Edition,
1                             Reference                  Education                2014

        John Dean &           Introduction to            McGraw-Hill              2nd Edition,
2       Raymond Dean          Programming with           Higher Education         2013
                              Java: A Problem
                              Solving Approach
        Poornachandra          Java programming by
3       Sarang                                           TataMcGraw Hill
                               by oracle press guide                              2012


       Chalk and talk , PPT, Discussion , Assignment, Demo, Quiz, Case study

Course Designer
Mrs. J. Maria Shyla Thomas
Category    L    T P Credit
  PCG1711                COMPUTER GRAPHICS
                                                                      III     71   4   -      4

 The course gives knowledge of computer graphics and articulates the essential components of
 2D and 3D transformation. And also understand the various algorithms and techniques used for
 detection and rendering methods.
Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, student will be able to

CO                                 CO Statement                                     Knowledge
Number                                                                                 Level
CO1    Understand the basic concept of graphics devices and its uses.               K1
CO2    Discuss about the methods and able to use the underlying algorithms          K2
       for geometrical drawing methods.
CO3    Outline the Basic transformation and viewing of 2D transformation.           K3
CO4    Classifying the graphical input and request modes                            K3
CO5    Learning the basic 3D transformation and examine the algorithms              K3

Mapping with Programme Outcome

COs                PO1                PO2                 PO3                PO4
CO1                M                  M                   M                  S
CO2                S                  M                   S                  M
CO3                M                  M                   S                  M
CO4                S                  S                   M                  S
CO5                S                  M                   S                  S
S – Strong     M – Medium L – Low

UNIT I                                                                         (14 Hrs)
Basic Concepts: Uses of computer graphics – Display devices - Color CRT monitors – Direct
view storage tube – Flat panel displays – Raster scan systems - Random scan system, Input and
Hard copy device.
UNIT II                                                                              (14 Hrs)
Line drawing algorithms: DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm, Parallel line
algorithms – Circle generating algorithms: Properties of circles, Midpoint circle algorithm.

UNIT III                                                                           (14 Hrs)
Two dimensional transformations: Basic transformations - Composite transformation of
translation, Rotation, Scaling – General Pivot point rotation – General fixed point scaling - Other
transformations: Reflection, Shear.
Two dimensional viewing: Clipping Operations – Point clipping – Line clipping: Cohen
Sutherland line clipping - Curve clipping – Text clipping – Exterior clipping.

UNIT IV                                                                           (14 Hrs)
Graphical User Interface and Interactive Input methods: Input of graphical Data: Logical
input devices, locator devices, stroke devices, string devices, valuator devices, choice devices,
pick devices – Input Functions: Input modes, request modes, locator and stroke input request
modes, string modes, valuator modes, choice modes, pick modes, sample modes, event modes.

UNIT V                                                                            (15 Hrs)
Three dimensional concepts: Three dimensional display methods – Three dimensional
geometric and modeling transformations: Translation, Rotation and Scaling – Three dimensional
viewing: Viewing pipeline – Viewing coordinates – Projections.
Visible Surface Detection Methods: Back face detection method, Depth Buffer method, Octree
method. Surface Rendering Methods: Polygon rendering methods.

Text Book

S. No      Author                     Title of book      Publisher           Year of
1          Donald Hearn &             Computer           Pearson             2nd edition,
           M.Pauline Baker            Graphics – C       Education           2008
                                      Version            Publication

Reference Books

S. No      Author             Title of book              Publisher          Year of
1           Udit Agarwal      Computer Graphics          S K Kataria and    2013
2          Pradeep K.         Computer Graphics          IK International   3rd edition,
           Bhatia                                        Publishing         2013
3          John F. Hughes     Computer Graphics:         Addison Wesley     3rd edition,
           et al.,            Principles and Practice                       2013


       Lecture, Discussion, Quiz, Assignment, Demo, PPT

Course Designer
Ms. B.Sivaranjani
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND                      Category L T P Credit
                            TESTING                                   III   71 4 -  4


The course is designed to impact the knowledge on building reliable software products. It also
emphasize various testing’s undergone to enhance the quality of the software.
Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                                     Knowledge
Number                                                                                   Level
CO1.       Recall about the software evolution and software engineering practice.        K1
CO2.       Illustrate on various Phases of software Project and its life cycle models.   K2
CO3.       Classify the various building models in software development.                 K2
CO4.       Apply the various software testing tactics and its Methodologies.             K3
CO5.       Identify the System, Acceptance and Performance Testing’s criteria and
           its best practice.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
               Cos         PO1             PO2              P03              P04
              CO1.          S                S               M                 S
              CO2.           S               S                S              M
              CO3.           S               S                S                S
              CO4.           S               S               M                 S
              CO5.           S               S               M                 S

           S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

UNIT I                                                                                     (14 hrs)
Introduction to Software Engineering: The Evolving role of Software - Software -          Changing
nature of Software - Legacy Software - Software myths. Software Engineering               Practice:
Software engineering practice - Communication practices - Planning practices -            Modeling
practices - Construction practice- Deployment.

UNIT II                                                                               (14 hrs)
Software Development Life Cycle models: Phases of Software project-Quality, Quality
Assurance, Quality control - Testing, Verification and Validation - Process Model to represent
Different Phases - Life Cycle models. System Engineering: Computer based systems – The
system Engineering Hierarchy.
UNIT III                                                                         (15 hrs)
Building the Analysis Model: Requirement Analysis - Analysis Modeling Approaches – Data
Modeling concepts - Object Oriented Analysis -Flow Oriented Modeling-Design Engineering -
Design concepts - The design model-Modeling component-Level Design: Designing class Based

UNIT IV                                                                             (14 hrs)
Testing Tactics: Software Testing Fundamentals -Types of Testing: White Box Testing - Static
Testing-Structural Testing-Black Box Testing- Challenges in White Box and Black Box Testing.
Integration Testing: Integration Testing- Integration Testing as Type of Testing.

UNIT V                                                                             (14 hrs)
System and Acceptance Testing: System Testing Overview- Functional testing versus Non-
functional Testing-Functional testing - Non-functional Testing – Acceptance Testing and its
criteria –Performance Testing: Factors governing Performance testing-What is Regression
testing- Best Practices in Regression Testing.
Text Books

                                                                          Year of
S.No          Authors                Title              Publishers
   1.                               Software
                                 Engineering: A        McGraw-Hill
          Roger S. Pressman                                                 2010
                                  Practitioner's        Education
   2.     Srinivasan Desikan    Software Testing     Pearson Education
            , Gopalaswamy        Principles and                             2012
                Ramesh              Practices

Reference Books

                                                                           Year of
S.No           Authors                Title              Publishers
                                 Fundamentals of      Prentice Hall of
   1. 1
              Rajib Mall            Software          India Pvt Ltd,         2010
                                   Engineering        3rd Edition
                               Software Testing: A PHI Learning Pvt.
   2. 2 Desai, Abhishek                                                      2012
                               Practical Approach Ltd
                                Selenium 2 Testing    Tata MCGraw
   3. 3      David Burns         Tools: Beginner's    Hill Edition


       Chalk and Talk , PPT , Discussion, Assignment, Demo, Quiz, Case study.

Course Designer
Mrs. T. Hashni
CLOUD COMPUTING                       Category L T P Credit
                                                                     III   71 4 -  5

       Articulate the main concepts, key technologies, strengths, and limitations of cloud
computing and the possible applications for state-of-the-art cloud computing.
Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

  CO                                   CO Statement                                  Knowledge
Number                                                                                 Level
 CO1.       Tell about the fundamentals of cloud computing.                         K1
 CO2.       Describe the scaling techniques in computer system and managing the
            cloud data.
 CO3.       Discuss about tracing and exploring cloud services.                 K2
 CO4.       Examine about cloud managing and security.                          K3
 CO5.       Illustrate about managing desktops and devices in the cloud.            K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

     COs           PO1        PO2        P03        P04
     CO1.            S         M          S          M
     CO2.            S          S         S          M
     CO3.           M           S         S          S
     CO4.            S          S         M          S
     CO5.            S          S         S          S

        S- Strong M-Medium L-Low

UNIT I                                                                         (14 hrs)
       Introduction cloud computing: Grasping the fundamentals- Discovering the value of the
cloud for business getting inside the cloud-developing your cloud strategy.

UNIT II                                                                            (15 hrs)
        Understanding the nature of the cloud-seeing the advantages of highly scaled data centre-
Exploring the technical foundation for scaling computer systems-checking the cloud workload
strategy – managing data
UNIT III                                                                       (14 hrs)
        Examining the cloud elements: Seeing infrastructure as a service-Exploring platform as

UNIT IV                                                                      (14 hrs)
        Managing the cloud: Managing and securing cloud service – Governing the cloud -
Virtualization and the cloud.

UNIT V                                                                      (14 hrs)
        Managing the cloud: Managing desktops and devices in the cloud- Service-oriented
architecture and the cloud – Managing the cloud environment.

Text Book

                                                                                    Year of
S.No.         Authors                   Title                   Publishers
                                Cloud Computing For       Willey India
1.        Bloor Marcia                                                            2010
                                Dummies                   Publication Edition
          Kaufman and
          Dr. Fernhalper

Reference Books

S.No     Author                   Title of book             Publisher        Year of
1        Prasant Kumar            Fundamentals of Cloud     Vikas Publishing 2014
         Pattnaik                 Computing                 House

2        RajkimarBuyya.,et.al     Cloud Computing:          Wiley               2013
                                  Principles and            publications


        Chalk and talk, PPT, Group Discussion, Assignment

Course Designer
    S.Kalaipriya
WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS                  Category L T         P     Credit
                                                             III   71 4        -       5

The course is designed to understand the role of sensors and networking applications. Examine
the essential sensor nodes, routing issues and energy constraints. Learn the networking and sensor
platform tools.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, student will be able to
CO                                    CO Statement                         Knowledge
Number                                                                     Level
CO1        Acquire knowledge in unique constraints & Challenges and define K1
           the sensor networking
CO2        Discuss about sensor networking architecture                    K2
CO3        Outline the general issues in routing                           K3
CO4        Classifying the topology and task control activity              K3
CO5        Analyze Sensor Network platforms and tools                      K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

COs               PO1                  PO2                 PO3                 PO4
CO1               S                    M                   M                   S
CO2               M                    S                   S                   M
CO3               M                    S                   S                   S
CO4               M                    S                   S                   M
CO5               S                    M                   M                   S
S – Strong    M – Medium L – Low


OVERVIEW OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK                                                 (14 hrs)
Introduction: Unique Constraints and Challenges-Advantages of Sensor Networks-Sensor
Network Applications- Collaborative Processing- Key Definitions of Sensor Networks.

ARCHITECTURES                                                        (15 hrs)
Single-Node Architecture - Hardware Components, Energy Consumption of Sensor
Nodes, Operating Systems and Execution Environments, Network Architecture -
Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit, Gateway
NETWORKING SENSORS                                                        (14 hrs)
Key Assumptions- Medium Access Control – General Issues- Geographic, Energy-Aware
Routing-Attribute-Based Routing.

 INFRASTRUCTURE ESTABLISHMENT                                                         (14 hrs)
Topology Control –Clustering- Time Synchronization- Localization and Services- Sensor Tasking
and Control.

SENSOR NETWORK PLATFORMS AND TOOLS                                        (14 hrs)
Sensor Node Hardware – Berkeley Motes, Programming Challenges, Node-level software
platforms, Node-level Simulators, State-centric programming.

Text Books

S.No    Author               Title of Book                   Publisher        Year of
1       Fengzhao      and Wireless     Network-      An      Elesiver         2007
        Leonidas        J. Information        processing     publication
        Guidas             Approach
2                          Protocol and Architecture for     John wiley and 2007
        Holger     Karls Wireless Sensor Network             sons ltd
        Andreas Willing

Reference Books
S.No Author                  Title of Book                  Publisher        Year of
1       Fengzhao      and    Wireless   Sensor   Network John willey         2003
        Leonidas        J.   Design
2       Kazemsohraby         Wireless   sensor   network- John willey        2007
        Daniel minoli and    Technology    Protocol  and
        Taiedznati           Design


       Chalk and talk, PPT, Group Discussion, Assignment

Course Designer
Ms. B.Sivaranjani
Category L T P Credit
   IN17E03              PYTHON PROGRAMMING
                                                                          III   71 4 -  5


       The course covers basic knowledge of Python Programming. It defines the Conditional
Statements & Loops, Functions, Python data structures and Exception & its tools.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

CO                                      CO Statement                               Knowledge
Number                                                                             Level
 CO1.      Tell about the uses of Python and Python runs and interpreter           K1
 CO2.      Classify the Types and Operations of Python                             K2
 CO3.      Relate the Statements & Syntax and its Function basics                  K2
 CO4.      Apply various Class Coding Basics and OOP                               K3
 CO5.      Identify the Exception Basics, coding, and designing                    K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

      COs         PO1         PO2          P03           P04
       CO1.        M           S            M             M
        CO2.       S           M            M              S
        CO3.       S           M             S            M
        CO4.       M            S            S            M
        CO5.       S           M             S            M

               S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low


UNIT I                                                                         (14 Hrs)
Introduction: Why do people use python?- Python a scripting language- Users of Python- Need of
Python- Python’s Technical Strengths. How Python runs programs: Introducing the Python
Interpreter- Program Execution-Execution Model Variation: Python Implementation Alternatives.

 UNIT II                                                                          (14 Hrs)
 Types & Operations: Numbers Types: Numeric type basics, Numbers in action, Other numeric
types- Strings Fundamentals: String Basics, String Literals, Strings in action, String Methods –
Lists and Dictionaries-Tuples- Files.
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