2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe

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2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
Investing in and building
robust businesses across
Western Europe.
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe

                                                            2   FOREWORD
                                                            4   LOOKING BACK ON 2018
                                                           12   ACTIVE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT
                                                           16   ESG

                                                           18   2018 NEW INVESTMENTS
                                                           20   WHP Telecoms
                                                           22   BOAL Group
                                                           24   Karavel-Promovacances and FRAM
                                                           26   Nylacast
                                                           28   Wallenborn
                                                           30   Small World
                                                           32   Courir

                                                           34   2018 EXITS
                                                           36   Concept Life Sciences
                                                           38   E. Winkemann
                                                           40   UK Power Reserve
                                                           42   Travel Counsellors
                                                           44   Karl Eugen Fischer
                                                           46   Mademoiselle Desserts
                                                           48   Caseking
                                                           50   Averys
                                                           52   Apogee
                                                           54   Appart’City
                                                           56   OTTO

                                                           58   ABOUT EQUISTONE
                                                           60   THE TEAM
                                                          		    PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
2   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // FOREWORD                                                                                                  EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // FOREWORD      3

                                                                     Guillaume Jacqueau
                                                                            Managing Partner


    Having closed our sixth fund               Our local investment teams, especially          both UK exits that achieved returns over      Review. In January 2019, we became
                                               in Germany, were also busy with add-on          2x in a relatively short time frame. Given    signatories to the United Nations
    at €2.8bn in March 2018,
                                               acquisitions for our existing portfolio         our belief in the growth potential of the     Principles of Responsible Investment
    we went on to announce six                 companies. These add-ons, 19 in                 remaining companies in the fund, we are       (UNPRI) after a number of years refining
    new buyouts for that vehicle,              total, plus buyouts, totalled €531m of          positive about the future performance         our approach and practice to ESG and
                                               investment by year-end. This figure falls       of Fund V.                                    responsible investment. We also signed
    taking us to 15% committed
                                               within our anticipated run rate of between          Our approach moving forward remains       the iC20 Climate Initiative, created by
    by the end of the year.                    €500m-€700m of investment per annum.            conservative and considered. Economic         France Invest, which is the first initiative
                                               It also underpins our decision to set our       forecasts throughout Europe, and beyond,      in the private equity industry to support
                                               fund size at €2.8bn in the face of much         promise challenges. Consequently, we          the reduction and management of
                                               higher demand.                                  will stay conservative on leverage, while     greenhouse gas emissions by portfolio
                                                   A total of 11 successful exits produced     continually assessing the impact of various   companies. We will continue to factor
                                               returns to our LPs of €1.4bn in 2018. Nine      economic scenarios on our portfolio. We       climate change factors into our
                                               of these exits came from our fourth fund.       will also continue to invest in our team,     investment assessments.
                                               These exits lock in the fund returns for        which has added six new faces since the           Recognising the importance of
                                               Fund IV and place it comfortably in the         start of 2018 and we look forward to          improved gender balance across the
                                               top quartile for its 2011 vintage.              welcoming several more in 2019.               private equity industry as a whole, we
                                                   The remaining two exits came out of             We continue to believe strongly in        have become a corporate supporter of
                                               Fund V, which closed at €2bn in 2015.           citizenship and have taken some key           Level 20, which seeks to improve gender
                                               Apogee and UK Power Reserve were                steps since we published our last Annual      diversity in our industry.
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
4   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // LOOKING BACK ON 2018                                                                                         EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // LOOKING BACK ON 2018                       5

                                                                                             INVESTED IN NEW INVESTMENTS AND ADD-ON ACQUISITIONS

    LOOKING BACK                                                                             GENERATED PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF INVESTMENTS

    ON 2018                                                                                  *	Figure relates to announced transactions to be consistent with prior year publication. Bien-Zenker & Hanse Haus signed in
                                                                                                December 2017 and completed in January 2018 is therefore excluded from this figure.

    In 2018, the European buyout market had its most active year                             this was in the Netherlands. The German                               Despite facing a more competitive
                                                                                             market has been seeing an influx of new                           market, the German team completed
    in over a decade. There were 760 new buyouts worth €109.3bn.
                                                                                             players, which has increased competition                          the primary buyout of BOAL Group,
    The UK and France dominated, but were pushed into second                                 significantly. The team was, however,                             a Dutch manufacturer of high-tech
    and third place respectively by the Netherlands (on €23.6bn).                            able to source smaller attractively                               greenhouse roofing solutions. On joining
                                                                                             priced add-on acquisitions for existing                           our portfolio, BOAL Group had annual
    Dutch buyout values were boosted, thanks to it being home to
                                                                                             portfolio companies. (See Add-on Activity                         revenues of €156m.
    one of Europe’s biggest ever buyouts. Germany was the fifth                              on page 8.)                                                           The Paris office oversaw the buyouts
    most active market behind Italy.                                                             As for sectors, European                                      of Karavel-Promovacances and FRAM
                                                                                             manufacturing buyouts remained                                    in April, Wallenborn in August and
                                                                                             strong, although down on 2017 which                               announced the carve-out of Courir in
    In terms of new buyout investment,           had a strong 2018.                          saw the highest value in a decade. Exits                          October. Equistone’s convention is to
    France and UK total values were largely         As a European fund, Equistone can        from European manufacturing buyouts                               include all transactions in this report in
    similar. The UK recorded 201 buyouts         shift its emphasis across Europe, always    were worth €19.3bn in 2018, compared                              the year in which they are announced,
    worth €22.7bn compared with 121              preserving its bottom-up approach to        to €25.1bn in 2017. Buyout investment                             although this sometimes varies between
    buyouts worth €20.0bn in France.             investment selection. The UK continued      in the European manufacturing sector                              exchange and completion. Courir closed
    Although the number of French buyouts        to yield good opportunities and realistic   in 2018 stood at €23bn, compared to                               in February 2019, but the reporting
    was lower, their overall value was buoyed    pricing, albeit in a competitive market.    €29bn in 2017. Manufacturing is still                             requirements of Groupe Go Sport, its
    by nine mega buyouts. (Defined as deals      Consequently, the UK matched the French     the most active sector for European                               majority shareholder, necessitated an
    worth €1bn+.) Those nine mega buyouts        team with three buyouts apiece. France      buyouts. This reflects Equistone’s                                early announcement in October 2018.
    had a combined value of €11.4bn,             remains an attractive market. Despite       experience; four of its 11 exits were                                 Group Go Sport has five segments
    whereas the UK market had only five          labour unrest, business confidence          in manufacturing and two of the                                   and Courir is its sneaker retailing
    mega buyouts worth €7.5bn.                   engendered by President Macron’s            seven new investments in 2018 were                                brand with over 200 stores, the
        In previous years the UK has been        reforms seems strong.                       also in the manufacturing sector.                                 majority of which are based in France.
    the biggest national buyout market in           In Germany, the team reviewed a                                                                            Karavel-Promovacances and FRAM are
    Europe. But it seems that investors at the   number of interesting proposals but often   INVESTMENT ACTIVITY                                               leading tour operators with revenues of
    very largest end of the buyout market        could not get comfortable on pricing.                                                                         €507m. Equistone knows this business
    were wary. Significantly, the core lower     Consequently the German team made           No one sector dominated the companies                             well having first invested when it span out
    mid-market that Equistone targets            only one new investment during 2018 and     joining our portfolio during 2018.                                of Opodo in 2007. Equistone went on to
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
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    2018 PE-BACKED BUYOUT INVESTMENTS                                                                       2018 PE-BACKED EXITS

                                                                                                   VALUE                                                                                                     VALUE
                                                                             NO.                      €M                                                                                 NO.                    €M
    France                                                                   121                   21,044   France                                                                        66                 18,272
    Germany                                                                  128                    7,214   Germany                                                                       49                 14,341
    UK                                                                       201                   22,677   UK                                                                           167                 24,909
    European Total                                                           760                  109,336   European Total                                                               443                 96,983

    Source: CMBOR / Equistone Partners Europe / Investec.                                                   Source: CMBOR / Equistone Partners Europe / Investec.

    sell Karavel-Promovacances to LBO France                Although this bucked the wider European         to North American asset manager                             and tech products, was sold in a tertiary
    in 2011. FRAM was added to the business                 buyout market trend, which saw exit             Brookfield. Appart’City concentrates                        buyout to Gilde. Equistone had bought
    in 2015. Wallenborn is headquartered                    values fall below new investment values         on the urban French residency market                        Caseking in a secondary buyout from
    in Luxembourg and operates its                          for the first time.                             and first joined the Equistone portfolio                    Afinum in 2014.
    premium road and transportation                             The split of exits from our portfolio was   in 2014.                                                       The UK team oversaw three trade
    services across 11 countries.                           evenly spread with the UK and German                Of the German team’s four exits,                        sales; Concept Life Sciences, UK Power
    Wallenborn has revenues of €136m.                       teams overseeing four exits and the             three were secondary buyouts and                            Reserve and Apogee. Concept Life
        The three buyouts undertaken by the                 French team three. In terms of sectors,         one a trade sale. The trade sale was                        Sciences provides integrated drug
    UK team were all secondary buyouts. In                  there was a range but manufacturing,            of heating, ventilation and aircon                          discovery, development, analytical
    March, telecoms provider WHP Telecom                    with four exits, dominated.                     systems provider OTTO. The company                          testing and environmental consulting
    was bought from Palatine Private Equity.                    Exits from the French team                  was bought by ENGIE Group, a                                services. It was sold to London Stock
    This was followed by Nylacast in July.                  all fell into the second half of the            technical building services and facilities                  Exchange listed Spectris for £163m in
    Nylacast designs and manufactures                       year. Mademoiselles Desserts, the               management company. OTTO was                                January and was a primary buyout for
    precision-engineered polymer solutions                  manufacturer of frozen industrial               a primary buyout in 2014. The three                         Equistone in 2014.
    and has revenues of £53m. Equistone                     finished and semi-finished pastry, was          secondary buyouts were Winkemann,                              In May, UK Power Reserve, the flexible
    bought Nylacast from Caird Capital                      sold to IK Investment Partners in July.         Karl Eugen Fischer and Caseking.                            power generation provider, was sold to
    Partners. In November, Small World, the                 Equistone had bought Mademoiselles                  Winkemann manufactures precision-                       Singaporean energy group Sembcorp.
    international money transfer company                    Desserts by way of a secondary buyout           stamped metal parts. Equistone                              UK Power Reserve had been part of
    with revenues of £110m, was acquired                    from CEREA Partenaire & Azulis Capital          concluded the primary buyout of                             Equistone’s portfolio since 2015. Apogee,
    from investors including FPE Capital and                in 2013. Averys, a manufacturer of              Winkemann in 2012 and sold it to                            the print managed services business,
    MMC Ventures, having been signed and                    industrial storage solutions, racking and       Cathay Capital Private Equity in April                      was sold in November to New York
    announced earlier in the year.                          metal furniture, was sold to Blackstone         2018. In June, the team sold Karl Eugen                     Stock Exchange-listed HP Inc for £380m.
                                                            in September. Equistone had originally          Fischer, manufacturer of custom-made                        Equistone had invested in Apogee less
    REALISATION ACTIVITY                                    invested in this business in 2015 by way        cutting machines for the tyre industry, to                  than two years previously in a primary
                                                            of a secondary buyout from LBO France.          Deutsche Beteiligungs by way of a tertiary                  buyout that valued Apogee at £185m.
    During 2018 our portfolio yielded 11                    (Prior to the sale of Averys, the team also     buyout. Karl Eugen Fischer originally                       The sale to HP Inc was realised after the
    successful exits, which returned €1.4bn                 supported its acquisition of Storax in          joined the portfolio following a secondary                  integration of six acquisitions during
    to our investors. Equistone was pleased                 2018, see Add-on Activity in this section.)     buyout from EQUITA in 2013. In August,                      Equistone’s short but highly successful
    2018 proved a strong year for exit activity.            In December the team sold Appart’City           Caseking, a supplier of PC gaming, eSports                  partnership.
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
8   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // LOOKING BACK ON 2018                                                                            EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // LOOKING BACK ON 2018    9

       Travel Counsellors, the global leisure    and Ramesh Flowers, located in India.         storage, racking and metal furniture,             Philipp Gauß joined the Munich
    and corporate travel company, was            Germany’s United Initiators, a global         acquired Portuguese company Storax.           team as an associate in January
    sold to Vitruvian Partners in May. Four      manufacturer of peroxides, persulfates           In the UK, marketing technology            2019. Philipp previously worked
    years earlier, Equistone had bought the      and other speciality initiators also headed   services provider ITG stayed close to         as a Project Manager for the
    business in a primary buyout.                to India, with the acquisition of VR          home with its acquisitions of UK-based        strategy consultancy Stern Stewart
                                                 Persulfates.                                  Connect and Intrepia.                         in Munich. Philipp advised clients
    ADD-ON ACTIVITY                                  The remaining three of the German                                                       from the industrial goods, energy
                                                 team’s add-on acquisitions, were cross-       NEW FACES                                     and media sectors on transactions
    The pace of the German team’s add-           border deals within Europe. They were:                                                      and restructurings. He is a graduate
    on investment activities was dynamic,        PC products firm Caseking, which              Equistone has welcomed six new                of the European Business School
    resulting in 14 acquisitions by eight        bought Jimm’s PC-Store in Finland; POLO       members to the team since the start of        in Oestrich-Winkel.
    existing portfolio companies during 2018.    Motorrad und Sportwear, the motorcycle        2018. Jérémy Mathis and Caroline Pinton           The London office has made two
        Streetwear and hip-hop clothing          clothing, accessories and equipment           have joined the Paris team, both as           new hires; Isabella Boman-Flavell as
    retailer DefShop bought two German           retailer, which acquired Mcom Moto            investment managers.                          an investment manager and Andreas
    companies; Inflammable and Sport             in France; and furniture manufacturer             Jérémy previously spent five years        Hadjiyannis as a financial accountant.
    Bayerworld. Internet services provider       Vivonio, which bought Danish KA Interiør.     in the investment banking divisions of        Isabella previously spent over five years
    Performance Interactive Alliance (PIA)           In total Equistone supported 19 add-      Goldman Sachs and Rothschild. There           at RBS, most recently as associate
    bought a German business called Appico       on investments for its portfolio companies    he was involved in M&A and financing          director in its structured finance division.
    as well as TAB, which operates from two      during 2018. Although the lion’s share        transactions in the industrial, energy,       There she specialised in mid-market
    centres in Berlin and San Francisco.         fell to the German team, the French team      retail and healthcare sectors. Jérémy is a    leveraged finance transactions. She is a
        Artisanal meat supplier Group of         were kept busy with three add-ons and         graduate of Emlyon Business School.           graduate of the University of York.
    Butchers acquired three businesses           the UK team supported two.                        Caroline joins from Paris-based M&A           Andreas was previously with EY in
    since the start of 2018. Two of these            The three French add-ons were: the        boutique Messier Maris & Associes.            South Africa for three years. His time
    are located in Germany; Hartmann and         purchase of Les Rhums de Ced by French        There she spent over four years working       at EY included a secondment in New
    Gmyrek. The other, Koetsier Vleeswaren,      wholesaler and distributor of premium         on a large number of corporate and            York while he qualified as a Chartered
    is a Dutch company.                          spirits, Dugas. Outside France, office        investment acquisitions. Prior to this        Accountant. Andreas graduated from
        German candle maker Gala bought          supplies and equipment retailer Bruneau       she worked in the corporate finance           the University of Cape Town in South
    three businesses: JuwelKerze, a German       acquired Luxembourg’s Muller & Wegener        department at BNP Paribas. Caroline is        Africa with a degree in Finance and
    candle maker; Poland’s Korona Candles;       and Averys, a manufacturer of industrial      a graduate of Emlyon Business School.         Accountancy.
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe

     » We are proud of our support for the
       teams at Mademoiselle Desserts… both to
       develop original business lines and to
       pursue its international external growth
       strategy, particularly in the UK.

     Arnaud Thomas,
     Partner, Equistone
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12   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // ACTIVE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT                                                             EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // ACTIVE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT    13


                                                   added value through the introduction of      product offering is raising the expenditure    joined Equistone’s portfolio, in January
                                                   Bruneau’s expertise in digital marketing,    per customer. In this context, Bruneau         2017, it was operational in Netherlands
                                                   the strengthening of its product range,      has recently developed an innovative           and Belgium.
                                                   particularly in furniture, and improved      solution to offer its customers a Bruneau-         This geographic footprint was enlarged
     COUNTRY / INVESTMENT DATE                     economies of scale through increased         branded telecoms service. The business         in October 2018 when Equistone
     France / Oct 2017                             purchasing power.                            also continues to develop its marketplace      supported the purchase of Hartmann.
                                                       Muller & Wegener employs around          in order to provide additional products        Hartmann is a German-based specialist
     Bruneau is a French online retailer of        100 people, increasing the group’s           and services and to leverage its clients’      supplier of meatballs and mince-based
     office supplies, furniture and equipment.     total workforce to over 800 people. The      portfolio, web traffic and brand image.        products. The following month, Equistone
     Following a management buyout, Bruneau        majority of existing employees support       Acting as a marketplace allows third parties   supported the acquisition of a second
     joined Equistone’s portfolio in October       Bruneau’s supply chain and work at its       to sell through Bruneau’s ecommerce            German company called Gmyrek. Gmyrek
     2017. The group was founded in 1955 and       two logistics warehouses in France and       platform. This expands Bruneau’s product       supplies meatballs and smoked sausages.
     has successfully transitioned to become an    Spain and its seven regional distribution    range to include additional high value             These acquisitions have transformed
     efficient online selling platform.            centres located in France and Belgium.       and specialist items without the company       the sales and marketing opportunities
         With Equistone’s support, Bruneau         This logistics framework allows Bruneau      having to hold such inventory on its books.    open to Group of Butchers. In the
     plans to consolidate its existing positions   to offer 24-hour delivery and same-day       This is also an effective way to test its      Netherlands and Belgium, Group of
     further in France, Spain and Belgium and      delivery in the Paris area.                  customers’ appetite for new products.          Butchers’ products had been sold
     to enter new segments and geographies,            Bruneau and Equistone will continue to                                                  predominantly through leading food retail
     both through organic growth and               explore acquisitive growth opportunities                                                    chains, such as Albert Heijn, Jumbo and
     build-ups.                                    in its core markets which reinforce its                                                     Carrefour.
         The group completed its first build-up    presence and benefit from economies of                                                          The additions of Hartmann and
     in June 2018 with the acquisition of Muller   scale, as well as expanding its geographic                                                  Gmyrek have opened a channel into the
     & Wegener, a leading retailer of office       footprint, broadening its product range                                                     German market and in doing so have
     supplies in Luxembourg with a strong          and maximising potential for commercial      COUNTRY / INVESTMENT DATE                      diversified Group of Butchers’ customer
     reputation and solid relationships with       synergies and cross-selling opportunities.   Netherlands / Jan 2017                         base. They have also opened a rich seam
     its client base. Given the strength of its        In parallel, organic development                                                        of cross-selling opportunities between the
     brand, Bruneau will retain the Muller &       remains a priority. Strong web and           Group of Butchers is an artisanal butcher      different outlets in these countries.
     Wegener name in Luxembourg. Equistone         marketing capabilities are resulting in      producing organic, fresh and delicatessen          Acquisitive growth remains attractive
     and Bruneau’s management anticipate           customer growth and expanding the            meat products. When Group of Butchers          and the Equistone team moves into
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
14   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // ACTIVE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT                                                                     EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // ACTIVE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT           15

                                                                                                   content creation and digital strategy,                consider an acquisition programme that
                                                                                                   while expanding ITG’s technology across               has included 49 potential acquisitions
                                                                                                   all aspects of the “Marketing Cycle”. ITG’s           being sourced during the first year of
                                                                                                   customers includes giants such as Puma,               Equistone ownership. This also included
                                                                                                   Heineken and Marks and Spencer, and                   an early fact-finding mission to the US,
                                                                                                   these acquisitions will strengthen such               where Equistone used its network to
                                                                                                   relationships as well as driving new ones.            facilitate introductions to specialist M&A
                                                                                                       Connect is based in Wolverhampton,                firms to put ITG on their radar.
                                                                                                   while Intrepia is located in London. These               ITG has continued to post double digit
                                                                                                   two acquisitions are symptomatic of the               organic growth since joining Equistone’s
                                                                                                   fast-moving Martech space in which ITG                portfolio. This has been achieved by
                                                                                                   operates. It is an industry in flux with              constantly evolving its technology and
                                                                                                   evolving technology and potential for                 services to stay relevant to the marketing
     2019 with an interesting M&A pipeline.                                                        exciting consolidation opportunities.                 challenges of its customers, whilst retaining
     Group of Butchers’ management team                                                                While ready to support management                 a passion for customer service. ITG is, at the
     has amply demonstrated its ability to                                                         in opportunistic acquisitions, Equistone              time of going to press, in the latter stages of
     integrate new businesses. It bought                                                           has also worked with ITG proactively to               completing its first non-UK acquisition.
     five companies in the five years prior to
     joining the Equistone portfolio. Before
     being acquired by Equistone, Group of                                                         ADD-ON ACQUISITION ACTIVITY IN 2018
     Butchers was owned by Nordian Capital         COUNTRY / INVESTMENT DATE
     Partners between 2012 and 2017.               UK / Oct 2017                                   ACQUISITION   PORTFOLIO                                 ADD-ON                      ADD-ON
                                                                                                   MONTH         COMPANY                   LOCATION        COMPANY                     LOCATION
         The company has a very good
                                                                                                   January       United Initiators         Germany         VR Persulfates              India
     reputation with its customers arising         Inspired Thinking Group (ITG) provides
                                                                                                   March         Gala                      Germany         Ramesh Flowers              India
     from initiatives ranging from integrating     technology-led outsourced multichannel
                                                                                                   March         Caseking                  Germany         Jimm's PC-Store Oy          Finland
     category champions to organising              marketing services for global brands and
                                                                                                   March         Averys                    France          Storax                      France
     counters and shelves within its customers’    retailers. Its services are delivered through
                                                                                                   April         PIA                       Germany         Appico                      Germany
     retail stores. The company’s reputation       ITG’s proprietary suite of marketing
                                                                                                   April         POLO                      Germany         Mcom-moto                   France
     has been formally recognised; it has won a    technology (Martech). ITG joined
                                                                                                   April         Gala                      Germany         JuwelKerze                  Germany
     number of retail prizes over the past year.   Equistone’s portfolio in October 2017.
                                                                                                   April         Gala                      Germany         Korona Candles              Poland
         Equistone is also working with               ITG and Equistone both see the
                                                                                                   May           ITG                       UK              Intrepia                    UK
     Group of Butchers on organic growth           potential to accelerate growth through
                                                                                                   June          Vivonio                   Germany         KA Interiør                 Denmark
     opportunities. These include expanding        widening the product offering and
                                                                                                   July          DefShop                   Germany         Inflammable                 Germany
     its existing ‘Out of Home’ business, which    developing an international footprint.
                                                                                                   July          DefShop                   Germany         Sport Bayerwald             Germany
     includes chiller cabinet items and ready      ITG currently has five UK sites, as well as
                                                                                                   July          Bruneau                   France          Muller & Wegener            Luxembourg
     meals; and developing an own brand for        customer facing presences in New York,
                                                                                                   August        ITG                       UK              Connect                     UK
     Group of Butchers. Group of Butchers          Chicago, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Paris.
                                                                                                   August        Group of Butchers         Netherlands     Koetsier Vleeswaren         Netherlands
     already has a thriving white label business      In Equistone’s first year of ownership
                                                                                                   August        PIA                       Germany         TAB                         Germany & US
     for other retailers.                          ITG completed two complementary
                                                                                                   November      Group of Butchers         Netherlands     Hartmann                    Germany
                                                   acquisitions – Intrepia and Connect. Both
                                                                                                   December      Group of Butchers         Netherlands     Gmyrek                      Germany
                                                   are UK-based businesses that deepen
                                                                                                   December      Dugas                     France          Les Rhums de Ced            France
                                                   ITG’s expertise in key areas such as
2018 ANNUAL REVIEW Investing in and building robust businesses across Western Europe - Equistone Partners Europe
16   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // ESG                                                                                                               EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // ESG   17


     Environmental, Social and                   Our original investment supported the         larger quantities of furniture. So, there are   These specialists cover a variety of topics
                                                 expansion of MAJA’s Wittichenau/Saxony        fewer (but full) trucks on the road, creating   such as nutrition, ergonomics to avoid
     Governance (ESG) monitoring
                                                 production facilities for lightweight         lower carbon emissions.                         injuries and other problems. ‘Health Days’
     is an important part of                     building panels. These are made for               The factories have also been                also address mental wellbeing issues,
     Equistone’s pre-acquisition                 IKEA. These lightweight panels are the        designed to generate all of their heating       such as identifying what challenges
                                                 2.5mm or 2.8mm HDF (high density              requirements. This is done by burning all       employees are facing and their levels of
     due diligence.
                                                 fibreboard) panels seen on the back of        waste created in the production process.        job satisfaction.
                                                 furniture. The visible construction is also   Consequently, there is no need for oil              These events open a dialogue and
     Vivonio Furniture Group (Vivonio) has       made lightweight by using a honeycomb         or gas. MAJA also uses daylight as its          have resulted in adaptations such as the
     grown into a leading European furniture     construction.                                 main lighting source. To further reduce         way lighting is used, different flooring in
     manufacturer since it was formed                There are several environmental           energy consumption, MAJA has installed          the factory and changes to tools. They
     through a secondary management              benefits that flow from these construction    intelligent lighting, which turns on or off     have also encouraged the workforce to
     buyout in 2012. Today, Vivonio has six      techniques. The first is that 30% less wood   depending on whether or not daylight            consider factors such as whether they are
     subsidiaries in the group including MAJA,   is used in MAJA’s furniture construction      alone is sufficient.                            drinking enough water.
     a German flat packed furniture specialist   thereby reducing dependence on this               MAJA also uses water-based lacquers             Vivonio is mindful of replicating its
     selling to IKEA.                            natural resource. In addition, the wood       that adhere to environmental standards.         ESG enhancements at MAJA throughout
                                                 used is increasingly coming from Forest       It works with UV lacquer systems so as to       the group, which has grown to include
                                                 Stewardship Council (FSC) certified           avoid solvents, which can be harmful to         six subsidiaries. Since Equistone
                                                 sources. In 2018, this figure was at 70%      the environment and to the people using         invested, four new businesses have
                                                 but MAJA intends to move to 85% during        them.                                           been added: Leuwico, a German office
                                                 2019. After 2019 the goal is 100%.                While natural light and solvent-free        furniture company joined in August 2017;
                                                     Reducing the weight of furniture by 30%   lacquers have environmental benefits,           Noteborn, a Dutch company joined in
                                                 also impacts transport costs and therefore    they also enhance the wellbeing of              March 2017; fm Büromöbel, a German
                                                 carbon emissions. Previously, trucks          employees. MAJA has gone a step further         office furniture company joined in
                                                 leaving the factory could not be filled.      in promoting wellbeing. Twice a year it         October 2017; and KA Interiør, a Danish
                                                 This is because truck loads are bound by      runs ‘Health Days’ for the benefit of all its   manufacturer of walk-in wardrobes in
                                                 weight rather than being constrained by       employees. On ‘Health Days’ specialists         June 2018. These subsidiaries were all
                                                 the size of the container. Full trucks mean   come to talk to the staff about changes         subject to an ESG assessment during the
                                                 the same fuel costs are spread across         they could make to enhance their health.        due diligence process.
18   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW                19

     » With the arrival of Equistone, we will
       continue to benefit from the support
       of a shareholder that is committed
       to our strategic plan. «
     Alain de Mendonça, President,
     and FRAM
20   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                                            EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS   21

     WHP Telecoms
     In March, Equistone backed                    in the UK, designing wireless sites that
                                                   enable mobile network operators to
     the management buyout of UK
                                                   meet their coverage requirements and
     mobile telecoms professional                  technology roll-outs. Its highly qualified
     services provider, WHP                        staff advise on appropriate site selection
                                                   for network deployment and manage
                                                   customers’ complex estates of sites.
                                                   The business also manages all aspects
     Through its recently closed Fund VI,          of site deployment including feasibility
     Equistone holds a majority stake alongside    studies, site surveys, upgrade works,
     the management team and Palatine Private      forced site moves, management of tower
     Equity, which supported a management          erection, commissioning and installation
     buyout of the business in 2015.               of equipment.
        WHP Telecoms has been a provider of            WHP Telecoms has developed long-
     end-to-end solutions, including planning,     term relationships with its customers,
     design, acquisition, deployment, upgrade      who are key players across the industry
     and maintenance of mobile network masts,      including Vodafone, EE, H3G, O2, CTIL
     antennae and base stations for the wireless   and MBNL. The sector is committed to
     telecoms sector since it was founded          investing in new enhancements and
     in 1988. Headquartered in Warrington,         technologies, such as 4G upgrades and
     the business has further sites in Leeds,      the 5G roll-out.
     Glasgow, Birmingham and Heathrow.                 Equistone’s investment will support
        Supported by over 440 employees,           plans to increase its market share and a
     WHP Telecoms has established the largest      number of potential add-on acquisitions
     specific telecoms design consultancy          are currently being explored.

                                                                                                INVESTMENT DATE   COUNTRY            BUSINESS DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                Mar 2018          UK                 Telecommunications

                                                   EQUISTONE TEAM                               REVENUE           NO. OF EMPLOYEES   INVESTMENT TYPE
                                                   Andi Tomkinson, Sebastien Leusch             £74m              440                Secondary MBO
                                                   and Steve O’Hare
22   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                            EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS    23

                                                                         BOAL Group
                                                                         Equistone completed the                     revenue last year.
                                                                                                                         Equistone holds, through its Fund VI, a
                                                                         primary management buyout
                                                                                                                     majority stake in BOAL Group alongside
                                                                         of BOAL Group in April.                     Ronald Boers, CEO and nephew of the
                                                                                                                     founder, Marinus Boers, who retired
                                                                         Founded in 1970, BOAL Group has             in 2007. Since then, Ronald Boers
                                                                         grown into a market-leading designer        has expanded the product range and
                                                                         and manufacturer with a comprehensive       significantly increased exports to North
                                                                         portfolio of high-end modular aluminium     and South America as well as Asia.
                                                                         greenhouse roofing and side-wall systems         BOAL Group is focused on the high-tech
                                                                         for the global horti- and floriculture      glass and foil greenhouse roofing and side-
                                                                         markets. The production of its high-tech    wall systems segment of the wider market,
                                                                         products is underpinned by its in-house     and this segment is anticipated to grow at
                                                                         experience, know-how, innovation and        a CAGR of 8-9% in volume over the next
                                                                         aluminium extrusion capabilities. The       three years. The evidence of this growth
                                                                         business also supplies the construction,    is supported by various global trends
                                                                         engineering, and transport sectors with     including the increased demand for locally
                                                                         aluminium extrusions.                       sourced fresh food, water scarcity and
                                                                            BOAL Group is headquartered              climate change.
                                                                         in Naaldwijk, the Netherlands, and              Supported by Equistone, BOAL Group
                                                                         operates an R&D site, an extrusion plant    plans to further develop its market-leading
                                                                         and a systems plant in the same region,     position through continued product
                                                                         as well as another extrusion plant in the   innovation, geographic growth and further
                                                                         UK. The business currently employs close    expansion into the foil greenhouse roofing
                                                                         to 370 people and generated €156m of        and side-wall systems market.

     Apr 2018              Netherlands            Industrials

     REVENUE               NO. OF EMPLOYEES       INVESTMENT TYPE                                                    EQUISTONE TEAM
     €156m                 370                    Primary MBO                                                        Dr Marc Arens, Roman E. Hegglin
                                                                                                                     and Moritz Treude
24   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                                          EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS   25

     and FRAM
     In April, Equistone backed                   completion of three add-on acquisitions.
                                                  As a result, the business doubled in size
     the management buyout of
                                                  and posted sales of €265m before it was
     Karavel-Promovacances and                    sold to LBO France in 2011, generating
     FRAM.                                        a money multiple of 3.0x Equistone’s
     Karavel-Promovacances and FRAM are               Founded as a family-owned business in
     both leading tour operators in the “value    1949, FRAM is a traditional tour operator
     for money” travel segment. Together they     with an established brand and a network
     hold the number two market position          of 40 agencies. FRAM focuses on selling
     in France and employ over 600 people         package holidays, tours and holiday club
     across the business.                         activities under the Framissima brand.
         Karavel-Promovacances is a tour          It was acquired by LBO France in 2015,
     operator and travel agency founded           which began the process of restructuring
     in 2000. Promovacances is its flagship       the business.
     online channel and brand for its network         Today, Equistone holds a majority
     of 60 agencies across France. The            stake in Karavel-Promovacances and
     business offers a full range of services,    FRAM, through its Fund V, and is backing
     including flights, hotel rooms, cruises,     the management team’s strategy to
     and package holidays, and is supported       complete the turnaround of FRAM by
     by three call centres. In 2007, Equistone    maximising the synergies between the
     previously backed a management               two businesses, expanding the choice of
     buyout of Karavel through its Fund III.      destinations, as well as increasing both
     During the four-year investment period       its online bookings and travel agency
     Equistone supported expansion with the       networks.

                                                                                              INVESTMENT DATE   COUNTRY            BUSINESS DESCRIPTION
                                                                                              Apr 2018          France             Consumer Services
                                                  EQUISTONE TEAM
                                                  Guillaume Jacqueau, Julie Lorin,            REVENUE           NO. OF EMPLOYEES   INVESTMENT TYPE
                                                  Thierry Lardinois, Florent Rostaing         €507m             648                Secondary MBO
                                                  and Valérian Fleury
26   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                               EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS   27

                                                                         Equistone led the management                  electromechanical braking systems for
                                                                                                                       the automotive industry. The addressable
                                                                         buyout of Nylacast in July.
                                                                                                                       market for worm wheels is forecast to
                                                                                                                       grow at 10% CAGR. Nylacast currently
                                                                         Nylacast is a world-class designer and        has a 31% share of the market, which has
                                                                         manufacturer of precision-engineered          grown from 21% in 2014.
                                                                         polymer products, with a strong heritage         In recent years, the engineered
                                                                         in product development and innovation,        polymer market has been growing at 7.5%
                                                                         founded in Leicester in 1967.                 CAGR and is forecast to grow at 7.1%
                                                                             The business has two divisions, one       CAGR between 2017 and 2021 as polymer
                                                                         specifically to focus on the automotive       solutions, including cast nylon, continue
                                                                         industry and an engineered products           to displace metal, the traditional material
                                                                         division, which serves a wide range of        used in industrial production.
                                                                         industries, including marine, oil & gas,         Equistone acquired a majority stake in
                                                                         renewable energy, agriculture and             Nylacast, through its Fund VI, alongside
                                                                         construction. All products are designed       the management team and CEO, Mussa
                                                                         and manufactured in-house and the             Mahomed, who has worked at the
                                                                         business employs over 500 people at           company for over 35 years and has been
                                                                         its four manufacturing and distribution       pivotal in developing key products that
                                                                         facilities in the UK, China, the USA and      are now established in the market.
                                                                         South Africa.                                    Nylacast will continue to develop new
                                                                             Nylacast is a well-established supplier   and innovative products and also plans
                                                                         of metal-nylon bonded solutions,              to achieve growth through customer
                                                                         including worm wheels, which are used         wins in new geographies; in particular the
                                                                         in electronic power steering systems and      business will focus on the market in Asia.

     Jul 2018              UK                     Industrials

     REVENUE               NO. OF EMPLOYEES       INVESTMENT TYPE                                                      EQUISTONE TEAM
     £53m                  530                    Secondary MBO                                                        Andi Tomkinson, Rob Myers
                                                                                                                       and Edward Baker
28   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                                             EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS   29

     In August, Equistone led the                 transportation of aircraft engines and
     primary management buyout
                                                      Equistone invested in the family-run
     of road transportation services              business, through its Fund VI, alongside
     provider, Wallenborn.                        the current President and CEO, Frantz
                                                  Wallenborn, who has been with the
     Founded in Luxembourg almost a century       business for over 35 years and has a
     ago, Wallenborn has built up a network of    strong knowledge of the industry.
     16 offices in 12 countries across Europe         Today, Wallenborn runs a fleet of
     and established a strong expertise in        over 700 trucks and trailers and employs
     road feeder services (RFS). Wallenborn       over 400 people, predominately drivers,
     transports air cargo across Europe by road   trained to high standards of excellence. As
     and has grown into the second largest        key assets to the business, drivers ensure
     player in the RFS industry, delivering to,   that Wallenborn maintains the quality of
     from and between more than 120 airports.     its services and is backed by a dedicated
         Wallenborn also offers premium           support team.
     transportation services including delivery       Having established itself as a trusted
     of time-critical goods to any European       partner to over 800 companies in more
     destination within 24 hours, the delivery    than 40 markets, Wallenborn will benefit
     of high-value cargo and theft protection     from Equistone’s support and continue
     services for the transportation of luxury    to strengthen its positions as a leading
     goods and high-end electronic devices,       player in a fragmented European market,
     temperature control and monitoring           whilst pursuing geographic expansion
     for perishable goods and livestock, as       through potential add-on acquisitions and
     well as an outsized cargo service for the    the diversification of its current offering.

                                                                                                 INVESTMENT DATE   COUNTRY            BUSINESS DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                 Aug 2018          Luxembourg         Transportation Services

                                                  EQUISTONE TEAM                                 REVENUE           NO. OF EMPLOYEES   INVESTMENT TYPE
                                                  Thierry Lardinois, Grégoire Schlumberger       €136m             422                Primary MBO
                                                  and Valérian Fleury
30   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                                EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS      31

                                                                         Small World
                                                                         Equistone completed the                         across Europe, the USA, Africa and Latin
                                                                                                                         America. The business also has a rapidly
                                                                         acquisition of Small World in
                                                                                                                         growing digital channel, which benefits
                                                                         November.                                       from Small World’s cost-effective network
                                                                                                                         and brand awareness. Recipients can
                                                                         Through its Fund VI, Equistone acquired         choose to collect cash from 250,000
                                                                         a majority stake in Small World Financial       locations, or directly into their account.
                                                                         Services (Small World) in a management              Small World’s proprietary, technology-
                                                                         buyout from a diverse shareholder base          driven infrastructure can transfer money
                                                                         including FPE Capital, and MMC. The             from 32 countries to 188 recipient
                                                                         management team, led by founder-CEO             countries, providing high standards of
                                                                         Nick Day, has reinvested for a minority         regulatory compliance, with its systems
                                                                         stake.                                          automatically screening each transaction.
                                                                             Founded in 2005, Small World has                For customers, Small World provides
                                                                         built a global money transfer network,          convenience, geographical breadth,
                                                                         enabling it to send money cross-border          choice of channel, speed and value for
                                                                         quickly and cost-effectively on behalf of its   money.
                                                                         three million active customers. It focuses          With Equistone’s support, Small World
                                                                         on the growing global remittance market,        will continue to invest in growing its
                                                                         and its primary customers are migrant           volumes in multiple geographies, and the
                                                                         workers and professionals sending money         physical and digital channels, leveraging
                                                                         regularly to friends and relatives.             its strong infrastructure. There is potential
                                                                             Small World’s strength currently lies       to consolidate smaller remittance
                                                                         in its physical channels, through over          providers, realising synergies and scale
                                                                         7,000 third-party agents, and its 84 stores,    benefits.

     Nov 2018              UK                     Financial Services

     REVENUE               NO. OF EMPLOYEES       INVESTMENT TYPE                                                        EQUISTONE TEAM
     £110m                 760                    Secondary MBO                                                          Dominic Geer, Andrew Backen
                                                                                                                         and Richard Briault
32   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS                                                                                                    EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // NEW INVESTMENTS            33

     In October, Equistone                           part of its wide range of products.
                                                         At present, Courir operates
     announced it had entered
                                                     France’s largest store networks for the
     exclusive discussions to acquire                fast-growing sneakers market, with 188
     a majority stake in Courir.                     owned stores and 62 affiliate stores. Its
                                                     e-commerce website offers home delivery
     Founded in 1980, Courir has in recent           and in-store delivery services as well as a
     years rapidly grown into a leading retailer     store-to-web service.
     of lifestyle and fashion sneakers in France.        The transaction completed in
         Primarily, Courir sells sneakers for men,   February 2019, with Equistone acquiring
     women and children, which represents            a majority stake in Courir, through
     90% of sales. The business also offers          its Fund VI, as part of a €283 million
     a range of clothing and accessories. By         carve-out from Groupe Go Sport, a
     differentiating its position, Courir has been   subsidiary of Rallye, which is a quoted
     able to attract female consumers and            company.
     build a loyal customer base, with almost            Equistone’s investment will support
     two million My Courir loyalty card holders      Courir’s plans to roll-out new stores in
     and over 700,000 followers through social       France and to expand its geographic
     media networks.                                 footprint, notably in Spain where four
         Courir has strong and long-standing         stores were opened in 2018, as well as to
     partnerships with more than 20 leading          strengthen its omni-channel strategy. A
     brand names, including Nike and Adidas,         selective add-on acquisition strategy will
     and is able to offer exclusive product lines,   also be explored to address new markets
     limited editions and capsule collections as     and strengthen existing positions.

                                                                                                                                                                © COURIR / PHOTO BY: JONATHAN WESTPALM VAN HOORN

                                                                                                   INVESTMENT DATE                COUNTRY                   BUSINESS DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                   Feb 2019 *                     France                    Consumer Goods

                                                     EQUISTONE TEAM                                REVENUE                        NO. OF EMPLOYEES          INVESTMENT TYPE
                                                     Guillaume Jacqueau, Julie Lorin, Grégoire     €326m                          1,800                     Primary MBO
                                                     Schlumberger and Edouard Fillon

                                                                                                   *   The transaction was announced in October 2018.

     » Equistone’s strategic guidance has
       been instrumental in supporting
       the significant growth of UK Power
       Reserve.  «
     Tim Emrich, Co-Founder and CEO,
     UK Power Reserve
36   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                                EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS   37

     Concept Life Sciences
     In January, Equistone                       services, primarily to customers in
                                                 the pharmaceutical, biotechnology,
     completed the £163m trade
                                                 agrochemical and environmental sectors.
     sale of Concept Life Sciences.                  With Equistone’s support and
                                                 investment, Concept Life Sciences
     Equistone’s Fund IV investment in           created a platform for growth, which
     Concept Life Sciences was sold to           resulted in the completion of three
     Spectris PLC, a productivity-enhancing      build-up acquisitions. Dundee-based
     instrumentation and controls company        CXR Biosciences, a leading investigative
     listed on the London Stock Exchange.        toxicology business, was acquired in
     The transaction resulted in a money         August 2015, followed by pharmaceutical
     multiple of 2.7x and an IRR of 36%.         testing business, Agenda1 Analytical
         Equistone led the BIMBO of              Services, in October that year. Formed
     Peakdale Molecular Limited, Resource &      in 2011 by experts from The University
     Environmental Consultants Limited and       of Edinburgh, Aquila BioMedical was
     Scientific Analysis Laboratories Limited    acquired by Concept Life Sciences
     in 2014, which created Concept Life         in October 2017 to expand its range
     Sciences. Equistone acquired a majority     of integrated drug discovery and
     stake in the combined business alongside    development services in the cancer
     the management team and existing            treatment space.
     minority shareholders.                          Concept Life Sciences has grown into
         Headquartered in Manchester,            a world leading contract research and
     Concept Life Sciences provides integrated   testing organisation focused on delivering
     drug discovery, development, analytical     scientific solutions to the global life
     testing and environmental consulting        sciences sector.

                                                                                              HOLDING PERIOD         COUNTRY              RETURN
                                                                                              Jul 2014 - Jan 2018    UK                   2.7x

                                                 EQUISTONE TEAM                               BUSINESS DESCRIPTION   REVENUE PROGRESSION
                                                 Steve O’Hare and                             Support Services       £31m / £49m
                                                 Andi Tomkinson
38   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                               EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS   39

                                                                       E. Winkemann
                                                                       The secondary management                       Since investment in May 2012,
                                                                                                                   Equistone supported the management
                                                                       buyout of E. Winkemann was
                                                                                                                   team with its plans to continue
                                                                       completed in April.                         strengthening its market position by
                                                                                                                   concentrating on product quality and
                                                                       Based in the western German state of        the efficiency of high-volume production
                                                                       North Rhine-Westphalia, E. Winkemann        processes. Furthermore, Winkemann
                                                                       (Winkemann) has grown into a leading        formed several new partnerships with
                                                                       manufacturer of precision-stamped           Japanese customers. The business has
                                                                       metal parts, with a history spanning over   increased its revenue by more than
                                                                       80 years.                                   10 per cent in the last year, having
                                                                           Winkemann clients are primarily         generated over €90 million in turnover
                                                                       German and international automotive         in 2017.
                                                                       suppliers and manufacturers, for whom          Equistone invested in Winkemann
                                                                       it uses state-of-the-art machinery to       through its Fund IV and due to strong
                                                                       punch, stamp, form bend and deep draw       operating cash flow, all capital was
                                                                       metal components used in gearboxes,         returned to investors. The subsequent
                                                                       axle gears and chassis, among others. Its   sale to Cathay Capital generated a
                                                                       highly skilled and experienced workforce    money multiple of 3.6x for its Fund IV
                                                                       support the business in consistently        investment and Equistone retained a
                                                                       meeting the demands of precise              minority shareholding, with Cathay Capital
                                                                       customer specifications and high-quality    holding a majority stake alongside the
                                                                       standards.                                  management team.

     HOLDING PERIOD                          COUNTRY          RETURN
     May 2012 - Apr 2018                     Germany          3.6x

     BUSINESS DESCRIPTION                    REVENUE PROGRESSION                                                   EQUISTONE TEAM
     Industrial Engineering                  €66m / €91m                                                           Dirk Schekerka and
                                                                                                                   Stefan Maser
40   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                                   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS   41

     UK Power Reserve
     In May, Equistone exited                        bringing the total number of operational
                                                     sites to 32 across England and Wales with
     its Fund V investment in
                                                     a combined capacity of over 500MW –
     UK Power Reserve for an                         enough to power 375,000 homes. As a
     enterprise value of £337m.                      consequence, revenue quadrupled over
                                                     the investment period to over £80m and
     UK Power Reserve is a leading flexible          its workforce of highly skilled engineers
     power generator in the UK. Headquartered        more than doubled to 150 employees.
     in the West Midlands, the business                  In recognition of the rapid growth
     dispatches power from its own network of        in the business, the senior team at UK
     mini power stations to the National Grid at     Power Reserve won the Mid-Market
     times of system stress to reduce the risk       Management Team of the Year at the
     of disruption to the UK’s electricity supply.   Midlands BVCA Awards. Towards the
     The demand for its service offering has         end of 2017, the company was also
     been growing rapidly due to the increase        awarded three different ISO awards:
     of more volatile renewable energy and the       ISO9001 – Quality Management,
     decline of coal power stations on the Grid.     ISO14001 – Environment Management
         Equistone backed the management             and OHSAS18001 – Health and Safety
     buyout of UK Power Reserve in 2015 from         Management, demonstrating the robust
     Fortress and Barclays Natural Resource          systems which had been incorporated
     Investing with a view to supporting             into its operations.
     an increase in capacity through the                 Acquired by Singapore-headquartered
     construction of new sites. Seventeen            Sembcorp, the sale of UK Power Reserve
     gas power stations were added to its            generated a Sterling money multiple of
     portfolio during the investment period,         2.4x and an IRR of 47%.

                                                                                                 HOLDING PERIOD         COUNTRY              RETURN
                                                                                                 Nov 2015 - May 2018    UK                   2.4x

                                                                                                 BUSINESS DESCRIPTION   REVENUE PROGRESSION
     ukpo erreserve
                                                     EQUISTONE TEAM
                  SUPPORTING A RENEWABLE FUTURE      Phil Griesbach and                          Electricity            £20m / £80m
                                                     Paul Harper
42   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                                  EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS   43

                                                                       Travel Counsellors
                                                                       Equistone sold its investment                  in technology, with more than £6m set
                                                                                                                      aside to spend on IT developments
                                                                       in Travel Counsellors, a global
                                                                                                                      and upgrades in 2018 for its travel
                                                                       leisure and corporate travel                   professionals, whose numbers have
                                                                       business, in May.                              grown to more than 1,700. The existing
                                                                                                                      management team was strengthened by
                                                                       Founded in 1994, Travel Counsellors            the appointment of a new CFO, IT director,
                                                                       offers bespoke travel solutions through        digital/marketing director, sales director,
                                                                       a network of self-employed travel              HR director and non-executive chairman.
                                                                       professionals located in the UK, Ireland,          Having relocated its headquarters
                                                                       the Netherlands, Belgium, South Africa,        from Bolton in 2016 to Trafford Quays,
                                                                       Australia and the United Arab Emirates.        Travel Counsellors’ state-of-the-art
                                                                          Utilising Travel Counsellors’ proprietary   offices has space for its expanding team
                                                                       technology platform, Phenix, to assist         of support staff and in-house training
                                                                       them in running their business, each           facilities for its agents.
                                                                       agent is able to offer customers a high            Travel Counsellors has been named
                                                                       level of personal service.                     in the Sunday Times HSBC International
                                                                          Equistone supported the primary             Track six times, and in 2017 it won the
                                                                       management buyout of Travel Counsellors        Best Customer Focus Award in the 2017
                                                                       in October 2014 alongside founder,             UK National Business Awards.
                                                                       David Speakman and managing director,              The sale of Equistone’s Fund IV
                                                                       Steve Byrne.                                   investment in Travel Counsellors through
                                                                          During the holding period, Equistone        a secondary management buyout to
                                                                       has supported Travel Counsellors plans         Vitruvian Partners resulted in a money
                                                                       to significantly increase its investment       multiple of 2.9x and an IRR of 35%.

     HOLDING PERIOD                          COUNTRY          RETURN
     Oct 2014 - May 2018                     UK               2.9x

     BUSINESS DESCRIPTION                    REVENUE PROGRESSION                                                      EQUISTONE TEAM
     Consumer Services                       £416m / £594m                                                            Steve O’Hare
44   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                                      EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                 45

     Karl Eugen Fischer
     In June, Equistone realised                Fischer for over 10 years.
                                                    Equistone acquired its stake in Karl
     its investment in Karl Eugen
                                                Eugen Fischer in August 2013, from
     Fischer.                                   Equita, who had been invested since
                                                2008. With Equistone’s support, Karl
     Karl Eugen Fischer was sold to Deutsche    Eugen Fischer has continued to innovate
     Beteiligungs AG, which resulted in a       to improve machine functionality and
     money multiple of 2.5x and IRR of 22.5%    develop its systems in order to maintain
     on Equistone’s Fund IV investment, which   its leading market position. The business
     excludes deferred consideration in the     has expanded its reach into new regions
     form of a vendor loan and an earn-out.     and gained new blue-chip customers,
        Karl Eugen Fischer manufactures         which has resulted in revenue increasing
     cutting machines, which are                from €75m in 2013 to €90m budgeted for
     predominantly used to assemble plies       the year ending 2018.
     and breakers which give tyres their            The business is headquartered at its
     shape and provide driving stability.       production site in Burgkunstadt, northern
     The business has established itself        Bavaria, with a sales and servicing office
     as a world-leading manufacturer of         in the US, backed by a workforce of some
     cord-cutting machines, with over           550 people. Having established a strong
     70 per cent market share, since it was     reputation as one of the most reliable
     founded in 1940. The business is led by    suppliers in the industry, its machines are
     Simone Thies, Commercial Managing          recognised as the “gold standard” in the
     Director, who has been with Karl Eugen     tyre industry.

                                                                                              HOLDING PERIOD           COUNTRY                         RETURN
                                                                                              Aug 2013 - Jun 2018      Germany                         2.5x *

                                                EQUISTONE TEAM                                BUSINESS DESCRIPTION     REVENUE PROGRESSION
                                                Dr Marc Arens and                             Industrial Engineering   €75m / €90m
                                                Leander Heyken
                                                                                                                       *   Excluding deferred consideration in the form of a vendor
                                                                                                                           loan note and an earn-out.
46   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                                  EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS   47

                                                                       Mademoiselle Desserts
                                                                       Equistone realised its                             Equistone has worked alongside the
                                                                                                                      management team to support three
                                                                       investment in Mademoiselle
                                                                                                                      strategic add-on acquisitions outside of
                                                                       Desserts in July.                              France. In November 2014, Mademoiselle
                                                                                                                      Desserts acquired The Handmade Cake
                                                                       Founded in 1984, Mademoiselle Desserts         Company, which accelerated its growth
                                                                       is a leading French manufacturer of            in the UK and increased its production
                                                                       frozen industrial finished and semi-           capacities in high growth markets,
                                                                       finished pastry, which has successfully        such as gluten-free product ranges.
                                                                       built a strong range of innovative products    Quality Pastries, acquired in October
                                                                       for its retail customers and today is one      2016, operates a production facility in
                                                                       the major players in Europe.                   the Netherlands and specialises in the
                                                                           Since Equistone’s investment               development and manufacturing of
                                                                       in November 2013, Mademoiselle                 products such as frozen puff pastries,
                                                                       Desserts has been able to increase its         choux pastries and sponges for its
                                                                       manufacturing sites to five in France, three   international customer base. In December
                                                                       in the UK and one in the Netherlands. The      2016, UK-based Ministry of Cake, a
                                                                       business has also expanded its product         leading producer of cakes, puddings and
                                                                       offering and increased exports, which has      desserts with two production facilities,
                                                                       resulted in a revenue increase from €135m      was added to the group and grew into a
                                                                       in 2013 to €225m budgeted for 2018. Its        UK leader in frozen pastry.
                                                                       highly experienced workforce has grown             The sale of Mademoiselle Desserts to
                                                                       to 1,400 people, who work closely with         funds advised by IK Investment Partners
                                                                       customers to develop bespoke desserts to       resulted in a money multiple of 3.2x
                                                                       the highest food standards.                    Equistone’s Fund IV investment.

     HOLDING PERIOD                          COUNTRY          RETURN
     Nov 2013 - Jul 2018                     France           3.2x

     BUSINESS DESCRIPTION                    REVENUE PROGRESSION                                                      EQUISTONE TEAM
     Consumer Goods                          €135m / €225m                                                            Guillaume Jacqueau, Arnaud Thomas
                                                                                                                      and Thierry Lardinois
48   EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS                                                                                 EQUISTONE 2018 ANNUAL REVIEW // EXITS   49

     In August, Equistone                        and Nitro Concepts as well as external
                                                 growth through the completion of four
     completed the sale of its
                                                 strategic build-up acquisitions, having
     majority stake in Caseking to               successfully integrated the UK-based
     funds advised by Gilde Buy Out              hardware components provider,
                                                 Overclockers, prior to our investment.
                                                 Caseking’s geographic footprint has been
                                                 strengthened following the acquisition
     The transaction generated a money           of Kelly-tech in Hungary in July 2014
     multiple of 3.2x and an IRR of 29.7% on     and Portugal-based Globaldata in
     Equistone’s Fund IV investment.             February 2017. Caseking later expanded
        Caseking has established itself as a     into the Nordic region following the
     leading European supplier of PC gaming,     acquisitions of Trigono, a Swedish B2B
     eSports and tech products since it was      software and hardware distributor, in
     founded by keen gaming enthusiasts, Kay     November 2017 and Finnish-based online
     Kostadinov and Toni Sonn, in 2003.          retailer of IT-hardware, components
        Equistone supported the secondary        and entertainment electronics, Jimm’s
     management buyout of Caseking from          PC-Store, in March 2018.
     German private equity fund, Afinum, in         At the end of Equistone’s holding
     March 2014, having identified the strong    period, Caseking had expanded its
     growth potential of its niche market.       workforce to 400 people across its sites in
        With Equistone’s support, Caseking has   Germany, the UK, Scandinavia, Southern
     achieved strong organic growth through      and Eastern Europe as well as Taiwan and
     the development and roll-out of its own     more than doubled its revenue to €239m
     brand products such as Noblechair, Kolink   in 2018.

                                                                                               HOLDING PERIOD         COUNTRY              RETURN
                                                                                               Mar 2014 - Aug 2018    Germany              3.2x

                                                 EQUISTONE TEAM                                BUSINESS DESCRIPTION   REVENUE PROGRESSION
                                                 Alexis Milkovic and                           Retail                 €96m / €239m
                                                 Leander Heyken
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