2018 the anniversary year of Åbo Akademi University - Knowledge - past, present and future

2018 the anniversary year of Åbo Akademi University - Knowledge - past, present and future
2018 – the
anniversary year of
Åbo Akademi
Knowledge – past, present and future
2018 the anniversary year of Åbo Akademi University - Knowledge - past, present and future
Åbo Akademi University
            100 years

Anniversary                  homepage
 year 2018                  www.abo.fi/100

Our goals for the
               anniversary celebrations

§ To celebrate the history of Åbo Akademi University and
  also to look to the future – to tell the story of the ÅAU of
  today and tomorrow
§ To present the core values and operations of ÅAU,
  strengthen our brand, raise interest towards ÅAU
§ To present the role of ÅAU in society
§ To make the role of Åbo Akademi University
  Endowment visible, both at the time of the
  establishment of ÅAU and today
ÅA100 organisation
§   The anniversary celebrations are led by Chancellor Ulrika Wolf-Knuts
§   The programme and visibility of the anniversary year are planned by the Anniversary Commi:ee
    appointed by the Rector 2 February 2015
§   The Anniversary CommiGee consists of:
    Professor Emeritus Håkan Andersson
    Secretary General Linda Lindholm
    Coordinator Heidi Hietala, secretary
    Professor Bengt Kristensson Uggla
    Head of Communications Thurid Eriksson
    Director Torbjörn Sandén (substitute Deputy Director Tina Engblom)
    Professor Christopher Schmidt
    Chief Librarian Pia Södergård
    Professor Stefan Willför
    Chancellor Ulrika Wolf-Knuts, Chair
    The CEO of Åbo Akademi University Endowment Lasse Svens also participates in the work of the
    Anniversary CommiGee.
§   Every faculty and independent unit also has a working group for ÅA100. The chairs of the working groups
    are Prof. Christopher Schmidt (FHPT), Dean Malin Brännback (FSE) and Prof. Ria Heilä-Ylikallio (FPV). The
    working group for ÅA100 at FNT is the faculty’s PR and communication team chaired by Dean Tapio Salmi.
    The chairs for the ÅA100 working groups of the independent units are Deputy Director Tina Engblom
    (Centre for Lifelong Learning) and Chief Librarian Pia Södergård (ÅAU Library)
§   ÅA100 coordinator Heidi Hietala plans and coordinates the anniversary preparations and the anniversary
    fundraising and is the contact person for both the anniversary and the fundraising.
The programme of the
                     anniversary year

The plans for the anniversary year consist of:
§ Five larger centrally organised events
§ Events organised by the different faculties and units,
  subjects as well as staff and student associations
§ The anniversary is also going to be noted in the regular
  events of ÅAU and, if possible, also in events organised
  by co-operation partners around the country
The centrally organised events

1. Kick-off party in Turku at the beginning of 2018
2. The history publication of ÅAU will be published in
the spring in a seminar
3. Anniversary doctoral conferral ceremony in May
4. Future seminar in the autumn
5. Closing party in Vaasa at the end of 2018
Annual events organised by Åbo
         Akademi University and its co-operation
          partners – to take into consideration

Spring 2018                        § Graduate School Annual
§ Brahebalen in January              Seminar

§ The annual ball of the Student   § Science evenings Undra and
  Union of Åbo Akademi               Fundra
  University in February           Other events where ÅA100 could be
Autumn 2018                        visible

§ The opening ceremony in          § The relay carnival in Turku
  September                        § SuomiAreena in Pori in July
§ Book fairs / Helsinki & Turku    § Etc.
Examples of other plans for the
               anniversary year
§ Anniversary concerts and exhibitions
§ Guided historical tours on the campus and the
  garden of Pehr Kalm
§ Open doors at ÅAU – all units and departments are
  welcome to join (more information coming soon)
§ Etc.
What is requested from the
                  different faculties, subjects,
                   associations and others?
§ Please let everything you anyway do be influenced by the anniversary
§ Please arrange events of your own in 2018 to note the anniversary
§ The Anniversary CommiGee hopes that ÅAU will be visible often and
  in as many different places as possible: different units, subjects and
  student associations at ÅAU are needed to make the anniversary

       Programme ideas: eg. scientific conferences, events,
       seminars, parties, book releases, concerts, exhibitions,
       stunts, sports competitions, theme days, quizzes or anything
Schedule and the following steps

§ 31 May 2016: preliminary programme ideas should be
§ 31 December 2016: plans have been concretised, draft of a
  realistic programme is presented
§ 31 May 2017: final deadline for sending the units’
  contributions to the official anniversary programme
§ End of 2017: the anniversary programme is published

  The programme of the units should be communicated to
  ÅA100 Coordinator Heidi Hietala (heidi.hietala@abo.fi)
Contact details and information

Chancellor Ulrika Wolf-Knuts
046-921 6296                      Please feel free to invite us
                                  to discuss further or to
                                  know more about ÅA100!
ÅA100-coordinator Heidi Hietala
050-374 4795
Welcome to
celebrate ÅA100!
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