2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry

Page created by Stephen Shaw
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
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2 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE               www.southglengarry.com
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
2020-2021 FALL/WINTER

Members of Council .................................................................................page 4
Council Meeting Dates and Holiday Closures . ......................................page 5
Contact Us.................................................................................................page 6
Facilities.....................................................................................................page 7
Parks and Skating Rinks ..........................................................................page 8
Recreation................................................................................................page 10
Remembrance Day Ceremonies............................................................page 12
Libraries...................................................................................................page 12
South Glengarry Staff Corner ...............................................................page 13
Sites & Sights .........................................................................................page 14
Natural Areas & Hiking Trails..................................................................page 15
Garbage and Recycling Collection ........................................................page 16
Infrastructure & Roads...........................................................................page 18
Landfill Sites - Special Collections ...................................................... page 20
Corporate Services ................................................................................page 21
Economic Development......................................................................... page 22
Building Department . ........................................................................... page 24
Planning Department . .......................................................................... page 26
By-Law Enforcement...............................................................................page 27
Fireworks in South Glengarry................................................................ page 28
Fire Safety for the Holidays .................................................................. page 29
Emergency Planning.............................................................................. page 30
Emergency Services................................................................................page 31

For more information contact:
Township of South Glengarry
6 Oak Street, P.O. Box 220, Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0
Main Office: 613-347-1166 • Fax: 613-347-3411                                          Emergency
Email: info@southglengarry.com
Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm,                                  Information
except statutory holidays.                                                                  pages 30 & 31

2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide
 This past year has shown how resilient and community driven our Township can be in the
face of uncertainty. Our Township saw a change from previous years with a stronger focus on
staycations, creative ways to keep active while social distancing, and saw a major boost to
shop local initiatives. As summer fades into fall, the Township of South Glengarry continues
to collaborate and follow the direction of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit to promote social
distancing measures and ensure the health and safety of our community.
 South Glengarry is a community of neighbours helping neighbours, active living
opportunities, year-round natural and historic sites, and is a welcoming place to visit, stay,
and grow. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read this Fall
& Winter guide detailing a number of great ways to keep you informed on Township dates,
programs, and services as well as offer ways for our community to stay active and safe as
we head into the winter season. On behalf of myself, Council, and all of us at the Township of
South Glengarry, welcome to the Fall & Winter Community Guide.

                                                                  Frank Prevost
                                                                                Frank Prevost
                                                           Mayor, Township of South Glengarry


                                                                                       Mayor Frank Prevost

                                                                                       Deputy Mayor Lyle Warden

                                                                                       Councillor Stephanie Jaworski

                                                                                       Councillor Martin Lang

                                                                                       Councillor Sam McDonell

4 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                           www.southglengarry.com
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
Township of South Glengarry
                             6 Oak Street, P.O. Box 220,
                                Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0
                   Main Office Telephone: 613-347-1166

                                                                                                       COUNCIL MEETING DATES
September 8, 2020 ............Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM                          November 2, 2020 . ............Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM
September 21, 2020 . .........Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM                          November 16, 2020 ............Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM
October 5, 2020 .................Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM                       December 7, 2020 ..............Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM
October 19, 2020 . ..............Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM                       December 21, 2020 ............Regular Council Meeting at 7 PM
                         Regular Council Meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month.
                    In the event a meeting should fall on a holiday, it is rescheduled for the Tuesday of that week.
               All regular meetings are held at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers located at Tartan Hall in Williamstown.
   In order to help protect the health and well-being of the community, Council and Public Committee meetings will be
held by remote, electronic participation and can be viewed by visiting the Township website or the Township YouTube page.

Monday, October 12, 2020......................... Thanksgiving Day                     Monday, February 15, 2021................................... Family Day
Wednesday, November 11, 2020.............. Remembrance Day                             Friday, April 2, 2021............................................. Good Friday
Friday, December 25, 2020............................ Christmas Day                    Monday, May 24, 2021......................................... Victoria Day
Friday, January 1, 2021....................................New Year’s Day              Thursday, July 1, 2021..........................................Canada Day
 Holiday Closure Notice: The Township office will close for the Holiday season on Thursday, December 24th at 12:00 PM,
   re-opening January 4th, to resume regular hours at 8:30AM. Building inspections will not be conducted during the
      break and all required inspections must be scheduled prior to or following the municipal office holiday closure.

Publisher: Rick Shaver | Graphic Designer: Kim Poirier-Froats | Sales Coordinator: Jennifer Mayer
Media Strategy Specialists: Stefan Kolbinger, Steve Jasmin, Bill Begin
                                                                                                                                                501 Campbell Street
Published by icimedias (Seaway News). This publication contains information considered accurate at                                             Cornwall ON K6H 6X5
the time of printing. However, the publisher is not responsible for any errors or omissions that may                                              Tel.: 613-933-0014
occur. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.                                         www.cornwallseawaynews.com

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2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry

                                                                                                            Township of South Glengarry
                                                                                                               6 Oak Street, P.O. Box 220,
                                                                                                                  Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0
                                                                                                    Main Office Telephone: 613-347-1166
                                                                                                                       Fax: 613-347-3411
                                                                                                        Email: info@southglengarry.com
                                                                                    Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm,
                                                                                                               except statutory holidays.

TIM MILLS          Chief Administration Officer............................................................................ 613-347-1166.......... Ext.227
CRYSTAL LEBRUN     Executive Assistant.......................................................................................... 613-347-1166 ......... Ext.255
CYNDI DEVRIES      Human Resources Advisor............................................................................... 613-347-1166 ......... Ext.225
KAYLYN MACDONALD   Deputy Clerk.................................................................................................... 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 223
MEGGIN ROBERTS     Communications Coordinator......................................................................... 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 222

LACHLAN MCDONALD   Manager of Corporate Services & Treasure..................................................... 613-347-1166 ......... Ext.263
ANNE LALONDE       Accounts Receivable........................................................................................ 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 233
CATHY MCKAY        Accounts Payable............................................................................................. 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 226
ERIN MCEVOY        Receptionist..................................................................................................... 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 224

JOANNE HALEY       Manager of Community Services & Emergency Management Coordinator.... 613-347-1166 ......... Ext. 231
GARY POUPART       Director of Development & Chief Building Official........................................... 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 232
CHRIS RAABE        Manager of By-Law Enforcement & Deputy Chief Building Official................. 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 265
AMANDA DAVIDSON    Planning & Building Information Officer.......................................................... 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 258
VERONIQUE BRUNET   Property Standards & By-Law Enforcement ................................................... 613-347-1166 ......... Ext. 221
SHAUNA BAGGS       Economic Development & Tourism Coordinator.............................................. 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 264

EWEN MACDONALD     Manager of Infrastructure Services................................................................. 613-347-1166 ........ Ext. 228
CHRIS LEBLANC      Roads Manager................................................................................................613-930-3445
MARC GIROUX        Lead Hand........................................................................................................ 613-551-5165
DILLEN SEGUIN      Director of Water & Wastewater....................................................................... 613-931-3036

RICK LADOUCEUR     Director of Recreation...................................................................................... 613-347-2411 ...........Ext. 32
CATHY MACDONELL    Recreation Facilitator....................................................................................... 613-347-2411 ........... Ext. 21
NATALIE CHARETTE   Program Coordinator....................................................................................... 613-347-2411 ...........Ext. 22

                                          PAUL D. SYRDUK
                                                Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries

                                   General Practice • Real Estate
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                                10 Oak Street, Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0 613-347-2423 Fax: 613-347-7118
6 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                www.southglengarry.com
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
Facility Rentals
Please note, use and availability of Township facilities may     NORTH LANCASTER HALL
be limited or unavailable due to the on-going COVID-19           & OPTIMIST PARK
pandemic environment and changing health trend                   Location: 4837 2nd Line Rd, North Lancaster ON, K0C 1Z0
regulations determined by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit        Capacity: 100
(EOHU). Until further notice, facility capacities will operate   COVID-19 Capacity: 26
under COVID-19 restrictions.                                     Description: Non-Licensed facility equipped with full kitchen,
For information on current Facility Rental conditions, please    restrooms, tables and chairs
contact the Recreation, Parks & Facilities Department at         (Outdoor rink in winter with change hut also available)
613-347-2411.                                                    Type of Rentals: Available to rent for private events

CHAR-LAN RECREATION CENTRE &                                     JACK DANAHER HALL AND PARK
UPSTAIRS HALL (TARTAN HALL)                                      Location: 6095 Florence St, Bainsville ON, K0C 1E0
Location: 19740 John St, Williamstown ON, K0C 2J0                Capacity: 85
Tartan Hall Capacity: 240                                        COVID-19 Capacity: 22
COVID-19 Capacity: 50                                            Description: Non-Licensed Facility equipped with a small
Description: Licensed Facility equipped with a full kitchen,     kitchen area, multi-purpose room, restrooms and kitchenette
restrooms, tables, chairs, Wi-Fi and audio system.               Type of Rental: Available to rent for private events
Type of Rental: Available to rent for private events
                                                                 GREEN VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE
ARENA ICE SURFACE                                                & PARK
Description: Winter Season runs from September 2020 to           Location: 4159 MacKinnon Rd, Green Valley ON, K0C 1L0
March 2021                                                       Capacity: 135
Type of Rental: Available to rent for private events             COVID-19 Capacity: 34
                                                                 Description: Non-Licensed Facility equipped with a full
MARTINTOWN COMMUNITY                                             kitchen, restrooms, tables and chairs
CENTRE HALL                                                      Type of Rental: Available to rent for private events
Location: 4850 County Rd 20, Martintown ON, K0C 1S0
Capacity: 150
COVID-19 Capacity: 38
Description: Non-Licensed Facility equipped with a kitchen,
restrooms, tables, chairs, Wi-Fi and audio system
Type of Rental: Available to rent for private events

Location: 19715 John St, Williamstown ON, K0C 2J0
Capacity: 50
                                                                               Featuring unique
COVID-19 Capacity: 13                                                    Gift and Home Decor items
Description: Non-Licensed Facility equipped with restrooms,           Apples ❖ Honey ❖ Pickles
tables, chairs, and fully equipped kitchen with microwave
                                                                          ~ Open 7 days a week ~
Type of Rental: Available to rent for private events

                                                                    www.marlinorchards.com • 613-931-1213

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2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
Parks & Skating Rinks
Please note, use and availability of Township parks and      SMITHFIELD PARK
skating rinks may be limited or unavailable due to the on-   Location: 34 MacDonald St, Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0
going COVID-19 pandemic environment and changing health      or 119 Military Road, Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0
trend regulations determined by the Eastern Ontario Health   Outdoor skating rink with newly constructed community
Unit (EOHU).                                                 building.
For information on current skating rink conditions, please
contact the Recreation, Parks & Facilities Department at     LIBRARY PARK
613-347-2411.                                                Location: Directly behind the SDG Library in Lancaster at
                                                             195 Military Rd, Lancaster ON K0C 1N0
EMPEY-POIRER PARK                                            Small greenspace owned by the Township with benches and
Location: 6086 Vine St, Williamstown ON, K0C 2J0             Cenotaph.
(Glendale Subdivision)                                       The Optimist Club of Lancaster hosts an annual Christmas
Outdoor skating rink available with change shack.            Tree Lightening at this location towards the end of November,
                                                             beginning of December.
Location: 4159 MacKinnon Rd, Green Valley ON, K0C 1L0        THE ST LAWRENCE RECREATIONAL PATH
Outdoor skating rink available with change shack.            Location: Throughout the Township of South Glengarry
                                                             Begins in Lancaster and stretches West, over 75km along
GLEN WALTER REGIONAL PARK                                    or close-to the shoreline of the St Lawrence River, ending in
Location: Glen Walter Park Rd, Glen Walter ON K6H 5R5        Morrisburg ON. Within the boundaries of South Glengarry
                                                             (Lancaster to Glen Walter), the St Lawrence Recreational Path
JACK DANAHER PARK                                            is a 21km “designated” paved shoulder along County Rd 2
Location: 6095 Florence St, Bainsville ON, K0C 1E0           Contact Information: Cornwall Tourism 613-933-0074
Outdoor skating rink available.                              or info@cornwalltourism.com

Location: 5116 Nine Mile Rd, Martintown ON, K0C 1S0          Location: 4850 Country Rd 20, Martintown ON K0C 1S0
Outdoor skating rink available with change shack             Open greenspace directly behind the Martintown Community
                                                             Centre and along the Raisin River
PARK                                                         THE PEANUT LINE
Location: 4837 2nd Line Rd, North Lancaster ON, K0C 1Z0      Location: Throughout the Township of South Glengarry
Outdoor skating rink available with change shack             Multi-purpose trail that extends from the Eastern to Western
                                                             border of the Township of South Glengarry
PAUL ROZON MEMORIAL PARK                                     *Please Note: not all activities are permitted on all sections of
Location: 19715 John St, Williamstown ON, K0C 2J0            the trail and users must defer to signage posted
Outdoor skating rink with change shack

8 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                     www.southglengarry.com
2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
SKATING PROGRAMS                                                       Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre
To reserve ice time, please contact the Township of South Glengarry    Description: This pick-up hockey game is offered to older adults.
Recreation Department at 613-347-2411. Please note that the            No slap shots, no raising the puck, no specific positions. Players
Public Skating, Teen Skate, and Tiny Tots Skating programs will        can decide whether to have a goaltender. Please bring your own
not be offered at this time.                                           helmet, gloves, skates and hockey stick.

CHAR-LAN SKATING CLUB                                                  • 55+ Shinny
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre                                   Mondays & Wednesdays – 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
                                                                       Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre
Description: Char-Lan Skating Club offers a variety of skating
                                                                       Description: This traditional pick-up hockey game is offered to
programs which include: Parent & Tot, CanSkate, CanSkate
                                                                       older adults. Please bring your own hockey stick and equipment.
Hockey, Modified CanSkate (Sledge), STARSkate, Competitive
Skate, and the Adult Skate program.
                                                                       CHAR-LAN MINOR HOCKEY
Contact Information: Please email charlanskating@gmail.com
                                                                       ASSOCIATION (CLMHA)
for more information.
                                                                       Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre
                                                                       Description: Please visit www.clmha.goalline.ca for all registration
55+ SKATING PROGRAMS                                                   information and league information.
For information on 55+ Skating Programs and scheduling, please         Contact Information:
contact the Program Coordinator of the Recreation, Parks &             President – Lana Carry
Facilities Department at 613-347-2411 ext. 22.                         presdent@clmha.com or call 613-347-3406
                                                                       Registrar – Melissa Dupuis
• 55+ Skate                                                            registrar@clmha.com or call 613-551-6551
Mondays & Wednesdays - 9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre                                   REBELS
Description: Adults 55+. Children are not allowed on the ice at this   Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre, Tartan Hall
time.                                                                  The Char-Lan JR. B Rebels are a junior ice hockey team based out
                                                                       of Williamstown in South Glengarry.
• 55+ Stick N’ Puck                                                    Contact Information:
Thursdays – 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.                                      https://www.facebook.com/CharLanRebels.EOJHL



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2020-2021 Fall/Winter Community Guide - South Glengarry
Please note, all recreation programs may be limited or             MACCULLOCH DANCE CLASS
unavailable due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic                  Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre – Tartan Hall
environment and changing health trend regulations                  Description: This program offers highland dance and step
determined by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU).              classes.
The below programs may be unable to run, and residents             Contact Information: Deborah Wheeler at 613-938-3196
are asked to call ahead to confirm program availability.
                                                                   Location: Martintown Community Centre
SPORT REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                     Description: This program offers highland dance and step
Please refer to the Township of South Glengarry’s website for      classes.
sport registration information at www.southglengarry.com           Contact Information: Deborah Wheeler at 613-938-3196

PROGRAMMING FOR FALL/WINTER                                        ADULT
Additional Information on all programs can be found under
Recreation Programs at www.southglengarry.com                      ESSENTRICS CLASS WITH HEATHER HUGHES
                                                                   Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre – Tartan Hall
YOUTH                                                              Description: Essentrics is a full-body stretching and
                                                                   strengthening program designed to decompress joints and
PLAY N’ LEARN                                                      rebalance and lengthen your muscles
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre, Tartan Hall                  Contact Information: Heather Hughes at 613-551-1101 or
Description: This program is provided by the Glengarry Inter-      Email: heatherhughesrenew@gmail.com
Agency Group (GIAG). Come see what a natural environment
looks like while you and your child explore your creativity with   MACPHEE FIDDLERS
art, music, and lots of fun! The GIAG staff members are always     Location: Glengarry Celtic Music Hall of Fame
there to help with any topics or questions you might have          Description: David MacPhee offers violin and piano lessons
including; temper tantrums, potty training, and getting your       on weeknights at the Glengarry Celtic Music Hall of Fame.
child ready for school.                                            Contact Information: David MacPhee at 613-528-4892 or
Age: For children aged newborn to 6 years old with their           glengarryfiddler@gmail.com
Contact Information: www.giag.ca or call                           WILLIAMSTOWN “GREEN THUMB”
613-551-0199/613-930-9211 ext 231                                  HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY
                                                                   Located: Char-Lan Recreation Centre
MARTIAL ARTS                                                       Description: The Williamstown “Green Thumb” Horticultural
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre – Tartan Hall                 Society is dedicated to providing education and beautification
Description: Ken Sei Kai Academy of Martial Arts offers            through horticultural to our local community.
lessons in Karate, Judo, Ju-Jitsu, Kyusho Jitsu, and Grappling.    Contact Information: mregan49@hotmail.com
Contact Information: For more information contact Senei
Dan Desjardins at 613-551-1400                                     YOGA/BOOT CAMP/BODY PRECISION
                                                                   Location: Martintown Community Centre
                                                                   Contact Information: Marilyn at marilynparisien@live.com or
10 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                          www.southglengarry.com

SENIORS                                                              Class: Party Bridge (Senior’s Room)
                                                                  		 Contact Information: Pat Weldon 613-347-3583
BALANCE FOR LIFE                                                     Class: Duplicate Bridge (Senior’s Room)
Locations: Char-Lan Recreation Centre, Tartan Hall/Lan-Char       		 Contact Information: Judy Bradacs 613-528-4427
Centre (Lancaster)                                                   Class: Rug Hooking (Senior’s Room)
Description: All classes are led by a certified instructor. The   		 Contact Information: Ginny Blair 613-528-4179
Township of South Glengarry is working in partnership with the       Class: Book Club (Senior’s Room)
Seaway Valley Community Health Centre (SVCHC) to offer this       		 Contact Information: Del Roulston 613-931-2678
group exercise program for older adults to help build strength       Class: Line Dancing
and balance. You must be registered to participate.               		 Contact Information: Jennifer Monk 613-528-0128
                                                                     Class: Artists Hangout (Senior’s Room)
Contact Information: Seaway Valley Community Health
                                                                  		 Contact Information:
Centre at 613-930-4892
                                                                  		 Margaret Szlachinska 613-528-4701
                                                                  		 Susan Irving 613-525-1432
                                                                     Class: Bocce Ball (off-site)
• Location: Martintown Community Centre
                                                                  		 Contact Information: Art Buckland 613-931-2678
  Contact Information: Carefor (Lan-Char Centre)
  at 613-347-1175                                                 LAN-CHAR CENTRE, LANCASTER
• Location: Lan-Char Centre Lancaster                             • Location: Lan-Char Centre
  Contact Information: Carefor (Lan-Char Centre)                    Contact Information: 613-347-1175
  at 613-347-1175                                                    Class: Euchre
                                                                  		 Description: Tuesday 1PM-3PM
GOODTIMERS PROGRAMS                                                  Class: Bridge
• Location: Martintown Community Centre                           		 Description: Mondays 1PM-3PM
   Class: Exercise Class                                            Class: Thera-Band
		 Contact Information: Allyson Barclay at 613-528-4663

                                                                  		 Description: Tuesdays & Thursdays 11AM-12PM

   Class: Dance Exercise Class                                      Class: Physio Exercise

                                                                              Sau v  '
		 Contact Information: Mary Moore 613-528-1728                   		 Description: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:10PM-4PM
   Class: Yoga                                                      Class: Yoga
		 Contact Information: Mary Moore 613-528-1728                   		 Description: Fridays 9AM-10AM
   Class: Shuffleboard                                              Class: Coffee Club
		 Contact Information: Wayne McNaughton 613-528-4261             		 Descriptions: Mondays 1PM-3PM           HOME HEATIN
   Class: Pickleball                                                Class: BINGO                           T: 613-347-9062 • F: 6
		 Contact Information: Murray Moore 613-528-1728                 		 Description: Mondays from 1PM-3PM       E: sauveshomeheating
                                                                                                                 SERVICE, INSTA

                                                                                                                          Oil, Gas & Pro
                                                                                                                                  Oil & W
                                                                                                                           Hot Water Tan
                          24-HOUR                                    SERVICE, INSTALL & SALES
                                                                                                                            Financing A

                  613-347-9062                                                                  High-efficiency
         sauveshomeheating@bellnet.ca                                             Oil, Gas & Propane Furnaces
                                                                                           Oil & Wood Combos
                                                                                   Hot Water Tanks • Oil Tanks
   Financing Available (OAC)
www.southglengarry.com                           2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE - 11
Remembrance Day Ceremonies
Due to the pandemic, this year’s Remembrance Day               All Business and Organization wreaths will be “Pre-Laid”
Ceremonies in Williamstown and Lancaster will be               except for the Government and Military, Para Military (OPP
modified to conform with social distancing rules and           and RCMP) and Legion wreaths to help minimize person-to-
precautions.                                                   person contact on the Cenotaphs.

Ceremonies will take place on November 11th, 2020.             Please note, all persons attending the ceremonies are
Military and veteran parades will not take place.              requested to maintain appropriate social distancing rules and
                                                               wear a mask.
Lest We Forget, South Glengarry Remembrance Day
Ceremonies                                                     The COVID-19 Pandemic will change the way we carry out
• Williamstown Cenotaph – 11:00 AM                             our duty to honour Canada’s fallen, but we will do our duty
• Lancaster Cenotaph – 2:00 PM                                 to remember and honour veterans. “Lest we forget”

The United Counties of SDG Libraries offer a variety of programs and activities for community members of all ages and
have branches in South Glengarry, in Lancaster and Williamstown.

LANCASTER BRANCH                                               WILLIAMSTOWN BRANCH
195 Military Road, Lancaster, ON, K0C 1N0                      St. Mary’s Centre
T – 613-347-2311                                               19641 County Road 19, Williamstown, ON, K0C 2J0
E – lancasterlib@sdglibrary.ca                                 T – 613-347-3397
                                                               E – williamstownlib@sdglibrary.ca

12 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                     www.southglengarry.com
Staff Corner
Council and Township Staff wish to recognize and congratulate
General Manager of Infrastructure Services, Ewen MacDonald on
28 years of dedicated service to the Township of South Glengarry
and our community.
An active piper of the Quigley Highlanders Pipes and Drums,
leading vocals during the singing of O Canada at Council Meetings,
and with his professional and expert knowledge of Infrastructure
Services, Ewen has been a highly regarded and welcoming
presence within the Township and the Glengarry Community.
Ewen will be retiring in February to enjoy more time with family
and playing music. Congratulations Ewen!
Sites & Sights
MARTINTOWN GRIST MILL                                                SIR JOHN JOHNSON MANOR HOUSE
The Martintown Grist Mill, built in 1846 by Alexander McMartin,      Sir John Johnson, a prominent colonial military leader
is located in the centre of the village of Martintown. Built with    and administrator, founded Williamstown in 1784 after the
local fieldstone, the 4-storey Mill is a charming, rustic building   American Revolution. He built this house, one of the oldest
located on the North bank of the Raisin River. It served the         West of Quebec, as well as a gristmill and sawmill. Johnson
village and region as a custom flour milling operation. The Mill     helped settle disbanded Loyalist soldiers and their families.
is now owned by the Martintown Mill Preservation Society,            Today, the Sir John Johnson Manor House is a local museum
which hosts several fall and winter events.                          which hosts a variety of events throughout the year.

GLENGARRY, NOR’WESTERS                                                  Long on Celtic heritage, South Glengarry
AND LOYALIST MUSEUM                                                       is home to many historical landmarks,
The historic village of Williamstown, Ontario is home to the           museums and churches that are enjoyed by
Glengarry, Nor’Westers and Loyalist Museum, which preserves            both residents and visitors to the Township.
and interprets the history of the United Empire Loyalist                To view more historical attractions please
migration to Glengarry County and of the Glengarry partners                   visit www.southglengarry.com
of the North West Company.

                                                             Monday 15% off Pizza
                                                            Tuesday 2 for $22 Pasta
                                                            Wednesday 49¢ Wings
                                                           Thursday Chicken & Ribs
                                                              Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm
                                                                   Friday 11am-10pm
                                                               Saturday-Sunday 9am-9pm

                             183 MILITARY ROAD, LANCASTER
14 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                           www.southglengarry.com
Natural Areas & Hiking Trails
STEP INTO NATURE AT RRCA                                             Charlottenburgh Park Conservation Area
CONSERVATION AREAS                                                   19788 County Road 2, South Glengarry
There are endless opportunities to get outside and step into         • 7.0 km of trails with interpretive signage
nature this fall and winter in South Glengarry! The Raisin Region    • Boardwalks and viewing platforms
Conservation Authority (RRCA) offers local natural spaces            • Permitted fall/winter activities: biking, hiking,
providing ample opportunities for family staycation activities all     snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing
year long.                                                           • Dog-friendly: Please pick up after your dog and keep
                                                                       your dog on a 6 ft leash.
The RRCA owns and manages 3 Conservation Areas along
County Road 2, offering visitors a 25 km trail network:              Got land? Plant trees!
                                                                     Are you thinking of planting trees on your property next spring? The
Gray’s Creek Conservation Area                                       RRCA may be able to connect you with significant cost savings. For
18045 County Road 2, South Glengarry                                 those looking to plant over 500 trees, the RRCA is booking site visits
• 6.5 km of trails                                                   this fall to plan for spring 2021 tree planting sites. Contact the RRCA
• Boardwalks                                                         today at info@rrca.on.ca. For more information, visit rrca.on.ca.
• Snowshoe rentals
• Permitted fall/winter activities: biking, hiking,                  SUMMERSTOWN TRAILS
  snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing                              Location: 6150 County Rd. 17, Williamstown ON K0C 2J0
• Dog-friendly: Please pick up after your dog and keep               Operated by the Friends of the Summerstown Trails
  your dog on a 6 ft leash.                                          Located 1 km north of Highway 401 in Summerstown, access to
                                                                     the Summerstown Trails is free.
                                                                     The trails provide year-round activity for South Glengarry
                                                                     residents and visitors for all ages.
                                                                     Currently, there are approximately 20 km of groomed cross-
                                                                     country ski trails (classic and skating) and 12 km of snowshoe
                                                                     trails for winter use, and 9 km of snowshoe trails groomed for fat
                                                                     biking. Trails range from beginner to intermediate.
                                                                     Trail maps are made available at the parking lot during the winter
                                                                     season with rental of equipment available on weekends, weather
                                                                     and trail conditions permitting. This includes: XC ski packages
Snowshoe rentals!                                                    (skis, boots, & poles), snowshoes and fat bikes, available in both
Snowshoes can be rented for $7/day or $14/weekend at Gray’s          adult and kid sizes.
Creek Conservation Area. Renters should phone 613-938-3611           Fall Ski-Walking Sessions: Friends of the Summerstown Trails
to make their snowshoe reservation and to arrange pick up at         want to help you get ready for the XC ski season! One-hour
the RRCA’s Main Office (18045 County Road 2, South Glengarry)        Ski-Walking sessions will be offered at the Summerstown Trails
Monday to Friday (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.). A 50% discount is            throughout the fall every Sunday, rain or shine, starting Sunday,
available for school groups and non-profit organizations.            September 13th, 2020 at 10:00 AM
                                                                     Sessions Include: walking with poles, ski-walking, ski-striding,
Cooper Marsh Conservation Area                                       ski-hopping, etc., along with stretching and balance exercises.
20020 County Road 2, South Glengarry                                 Instructed by Friends of the Summers Town Trails (FOTST)
• 11.5 km of trails with interpretive signage                        member René Sauvé, NCCP Certified Instructor.
• Boardwalks, viewing platforms, and viewing blinds                  Please note that physical distancing measures will be applied
• Permitted fall/winter activities: hiking, snowshoeing,             throughout the sessions and a mask is required to participate.
  and cross-country skiing                                           Contact Information: Visit the FOTST website at www.
• Due to the sensitive nature of the habitat,                        summerstowntrails.com, email summerstowntrails@gmail.com,
  dogs are not permitted.                                            or visit their Facebook page.
www.southglengarry.com                             2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE - 15

                                             GARBAGE & RECYCLING COLLECTION
                                             Please ensure that your garbage is placed at the end of your driveway at 6AM
                                             Depending on the weather and volume, your area’s collection time may vary.
                                             Garbage is collected weekly, on assigned days. Please refer to the Township of
                                             South Glengarry’s Collection Calendar.
                                             Copies are available at the Township of South Glengarry Administration Office at
                                             6 Oak Street in Lancaster. For Garbage Collection Guidelines, visit our website at:
Statutory Holidays have been MARKED          www.southglengarry.com
on the calendar. Collection days that fall   Select Living Here > Garbage & Recycling > Pick-Up Schedule.
on Statutory Holidays, as well as the days   To ensure collection staff are kept safe, please ensure all garbage waste is bagged
                                             and not left loose in bins. Please be advised that loose garbage will not be
remaining in that week, will move to the
                                             collected. Thank you for your support.
following day.
16 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                       www.southglengarry.com


                                       JANUARY                                                  FEBRUARY

The Township of South Glengarry gladly provides free access to an e-waste
recycling bin for registered South Glengarry residents at our landfill sites. Be sure
to visit our website to learn about how you can protect your personal information
when recycling your e-waste.
What E-Waste Items are Accepted?
Desktop and portable computers, computer peripherals (keyboards, mice,
trackballs), desktop printers, photocopiers and printers, mobile devices (cell
phones, pagers), televisions and monitors, non-cellular telephones, portable
audio/visual systems (speakers, stereos, MP3 players, voice recorders, video             Copies of our COLLECTION CALENDAR
cameras, CD players, headphones), home theatre systems, home audio/                     can be found at www.southglengarry.com
video systems (VCRs, DVD and CD players, amplifiers, data projectors, satellite            or picked up at the Township office.
equipment), and vehicle audio/video systems.
www.southglengarry.com                               2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE - 17
Infrastructure & Roads (Snow Plow FAQ)
WHAT CAN I DO?"                                                     WILL BE PLOWED/SALTED?"
The Township of South Glengarry will repair or replace properly     Under ideal circumstances, we can predict accurately using
installed mailboxes that are damaged by snowplows. Mailboxes        our GPS System, when we will have township roads in various
that are damaged by heavy snow from the wing plow are NOT           sections of the Township plowed. As weather conditions change,
replaced by the Township. It is recommended that everyone           we often must alter our snow-fighting strategy during the snow
follows the regulated guidelines for proper mailbox installation.   removal operations in order to control drifting snow, ice, or
For more information on mailbox guidelines visit the Canada         other special weather events. Because of this, we are unable to
Post Website.                                                       give you an estimate of when your road will be cleared due to
                                                                    the ever-changing landscape of Canadian weather conditions.
CAN I DO?"                                                          "WHY DO YOU SOMETIMES SALT INSTEAD OF
If a snow plow has damaged your lawn, please send an email to       PLOW, OR PLOW INSTEAD OF SALT?"
info@southglengarry.com                                             Different types of storms require the use of different snow-
We collect all reports and will pass them over to our Roads         fighting techniques. The decision whether to salt or plow
Manager for review and follow up.                                   depends upon the expected weather conditions. For example,
                                                                    if the temperature is below -10 degrees and not expected to
“WHAT ARE RESIDENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR?”                               rise, salt will not be effective, but if the sun is shining and the
Helping whenever possible is always appreciated! Here are           temperature is -10 degrees or more and expected to remain
some things you can do to give our crews and your neighbours        steady or to rise, then salt would be more effective. The decision
a hand during a winter event:                                       whether to plow or salt is made with great consideration and
• Clear ice and/or snow from walkways and public areas in           based on the latest weather information available, using the
  front of your house if possible.                                  Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) for our region.
• Clear snow and ice from fire hydrants, if possible.               These decisions are made by an experienced crew and our
• Keep your mailbox clear of snow and ice.                          roads manager.
• Make sure your garbage and recycling bins can be seen and
  that they are not placed on the snowbank or in the roadway.       "WHY DO SNOW PLOW TRUCKS SOMETIMES
                                                                    JUST RIDE AROUND WHEN IT’S NOT SNOWING?"
  Please Note: The practice of depositing snow or ice on            There are two reasons you might see plows on the roads on
  a roadway is hazardous and is an infraction noted in              snowless days:
  Section 181, “no person shall deposit snow or ice on a            1. Every driver undergoes pre-season training, when skills must
                                                                    be sharpened, and routes need to be familiarized to ensure
  roadway without permission in writing from the Ministry
                                                                    accurate and safe snow removal.
  or the road authority responsible for the maintenance of
                                                                    2.Trucks may be scanning the Township for secondary cleaning
  the road”, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.8, s.181 of the Highway Traffic
                                                                    after cleaning from a recent event (cleaning the streets where
  Act. Pushing snow or ice onto the road can be incredibly          vehicles were parked during the plowing of the roads or making
  dangerous for drivers and plows alike.                            room for the next event).

18 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                              www.southglengarry.com
     Please be advised that the parking of a vehicle on the
     roadway interfering with winter maintenance activities is an
     infraction of Section 170. (1) of the Highway Traffic Act, “no
     person shall park, stand, or stop a vehicle on a roadway”,
     and (12) “despite the other provisions of this section, no
     person shall park or stand a vehicle on a highway in such
     a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or
     the clearing of snow from the highway”, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.8.,
     s.170 (12) and prevents the Township Road Department
     from performing the plowing and de-icing operations in an
     efficient and safe manner.

    When a winter storm is expected, all municipalities have a
    • Hills and bridges are treated in advance of a storm to make
      them easier to plow.                                              Be nice driving on ice
    • As soon as snow begins, salt trucks head out and treat main       Stopping distance on ice is double that of a dry road.
      roads first, followed by smaller routes.                          • Leave extra space when driving in icing conditions.
    • Plowing begins in a similar order. With larger snowfalls,         • Approach intersections slowly, when they are covered with
      plowing usually begins once the storm has ended.                    ice or snow.
                                                                        • Use extra caution on bridges and ramps. Ice can form
    Drivers should have a plan too! When winter weather hits, try         without warning, even if roadways are dry.
    leaving earlier and planning a route. It is important to delay      • Watch out for black ice, a thin, nearly invisible coat of ice
    unnecessary travel during significant storms to give plows            that can make the road look like shiny new asphalt.
    time to do their jobs. It’s also safer for drivers. Other ways to     Pavement will look grey or white in the winter.
    drive safely this winter include:
                                                                        It’s not a race, give plows space
    Go slow driving in snow                                             Plows can’t see you and you can’t see the road ahead.
    Drive according to weather conditions, not the speed limit.         • Plows are extra wide and throw snow and spray, making it
    • During a storm, posted speed limits are usually too fast.           difficult to see if the road ahead is clear for passing.
      Conditions can also be unpredictable and change rapidly.          • The safest place is well behind the plow.
      Adjust your speed accordingly and give yourself extra travel      • Wait for plows to pull over before passing. But don’t
      time.                                                               accelerate too quickly -- the road ahead is unplowed and
    • Avoid sudden moves, starts or stops. Start slowly on slick          could be slick or snowy.
      or snowy roads and brake gradually, giving yourself plenty        • Avoid parking in the street. Plows can’t clear roads that are
      of space. Steer gently into turns to maintain control.              blocked by parked cars.
    • Be visible. Use your low-beam headlights when it is
      snowing. They are brighter than daytime running lights and
      will turn on your tail lights.


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    www.southglengarry.com                             2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE - 19
Landfill Sites – Special Collections
The Beaver Brook Road Landfill Facility                                                      *There are specific areas at the landfill sites for the disposable
Located at 19281 Beaver Brook Road, Martintown will accept                                   of tires, e-waste, clean wood (un-painted), white metals
waste material on: Tuesdays and Saturdays from                                               (fridges) and metal. Disposing of these items re-directs them
9 am to 5pm from October 1st to May 31st                                                     to appropriate end-users and reduces the amount of waste
                                                                                             that ends up in the landfill. Diversion Opportunities at the
The North Lancaster Landfill Facility                                                        Landfill Site – No Tipping Fees.
Located at 4580 2nd Line Rd., 1.5 kms north of North Lancaster,
will accept waste material on: Thursdays and Saturdays from                                  HOLIDAY COLLECTION
9 am to 5 pm from June 1st to September 30th                                                 Collection for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will be
                                                                                             unaffected this year. Landfill sites will also be unaffected.
Both landfill sites are available to all residents of the Township
of South Glengarry, providing their vehicle is registered.
Vehicles may be registered at the Township Office by cash,
cheque, or debit. The Landfill Sites accept cash or cheque only.                                                CHRISTMAS TREE
Vehicle registrations may be purchased at the municipal office                                                     Christmas trees will be collected
from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm or at the Landfill sites                                                      beginning January 4th, 2021
during their hours of operation.                                                                                      until January 29th, 2021.
                                                                                                                          Please place your
Help keep our community clean and extend the life of our                                                            Christmas tree at the roadside
two landfills by diverting all your reusable and recyclable                                                         with all decorations removed.
materials from your garbage.

Fees           Type of Vehicle
$10.00         Private Car, Pick-Up Truck or Van                                             Make your Holiday Green!
$25.00         All Other Vehicles                                                            Resolve to make the holiday season greener with these tips to
                                                                                             keep material out of our landfills:
Tipping Fees range from $10.00 per load up to $500.00 per
load, fees are calculated on vehicle and waste type.                                         Holiday Shopping
                                                                                             • Use reusable bags or place items in a bag you’re
                                                                                               already using.
 Trading Post                           LANCASTER                                            • Purchase baking supplies from a bulk food store.
 Studio                                   Full Travel &                                      Gift Ideas
                                                                                             • Choose no-to-low packaging gifts, such as tickets, gift cards,
                                        Vacation Services
                                                                                               or memberships.
                                                                                             • Consider group gifts or draw names from a hat to reduce
                                                                                               packaging and wrapping.

                                        Serving Lancaster, Alexandria,                       Get Creative with Great Wrap
              Lesa Perry                    Cornwall and Beyond

                                                                                             • Use reusable cloth shopping bags, boxes, tines, or tea towels
                                             T: 613-203-8500                                    as wrapping.
 191 Military Rd., Lancaster, ON        E: rob.beaton@fcitravel.ca
         613-347-2766                       Rob Beaton, Owner & Travel Manager               • Reuse or recycle gift wrap
 tradingpoststudio@outlook.com          www.lancastertravel.ca                                 (Note: metallic/foil gift wrap is NOT recyclable).
 Facebook @justcraftingwithlesa           CPBC #2790, TICO #50016384, OPC #702971
20 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                      www.southglengarry.com
Corporate Services
PROPERTY TAXES, MUNICIPAL WATER                                    E-BILLING OPTIONS
AND SEWER                                                          For more information, please visit the Township website.
Property Taxes are the result of applying the tax rate to your     Automatic Payment is available on the due dates for water
assessment. The tax rate is deliberated on by your local Council   accounts. Bills can also be sent electronically.
and is based on the Township’s “Net Requirement.” The net
requirement is all expenses less all revenues – the difference     TAX DUE DATE SCHEDULE
must be made up in taxes because municipalities are budget         October 30, 2020 | March 31, 2021 | May 31, 2021 | August 31,
neutral. Your assessment is provided by MPAC and is based on       2021 | October 29, 2021
overall market conditions on similar typed properties.
If you wish to appeal your property assessment, please             LOTTERY LICENCES
contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722, or you can visit                   The Township issues Lottery Licences to eligible charities for
www.aboutmyproperty.ca.                                            Break Open Tickets (Nevadas) and Raffle Lotteries with a prize
                                                                   value under $50,000. Proceeds from lotteries must be used
Municipal water and sewer is a user-funded system and is           for a charitable, educational, or religious object or purpose in
found in six communities: water and waste-water in Glen            the Province of Ontario. Prior to the issuance of a licence, the
Walter, Lancaster, and South Lancaster, water only in Kennedy      applicant must:
Redwood Estates and Farlinger’s Point, and waste-water only        • Submit proof of charitable status (first licence only);
in Green Valley.                                                   • Submit a signed Raffle Application Form or Break Open
                                                                     Ticket Application Form
PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR PROPERTY                                       • Meet all Provincial terms and conditions, including financial
TAXES, MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER                                     reporting
BILLING                                                            • Provide any necessary documentation required by the
• Cheque, money order, cash or debit at the Township office          Licensing Officer; and
• Post-dated cheque or money order in the mail                     • Pay lottery licence fee
• Bank by internet or phone (search for SouthGlen to add           Township staff review all Lottery Licence applications to
  the Township as a biller on your bank site and the first 15      determine specific eligibility. Please contact the Clerk at 613-
  numbers of your roll numbers)                                    347-1166 or by e-mail at clerk@southglengarry.com
• In person at most financial institutions
• Automatic debit from your bank account (requires                 GETTING MARRIED?
  registration with the Township office) form available online     Here’s How We Can Help! Congratulations on this special time
  at www.southglengarry.com                                        in your life! The Township can issue a marriage licence for a
Please note that the Township does not accept e-transfers          fee of $100 up to 90 days before your wedding ceremony. If
or accept credit cards as payment options.                         you are in need of an experienced wedding Officiant for your
                                                                   civil marriage ceremony, the Township of South Glengarry also
PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENTS                                            has Marriage Officiants on staff. Our officiants are happy to
If you are up-to-date with your taxes and would like the           accommodate any special requests you may have and would
Township to automatically withdraw money from your                 like to incorporate into your ceremony. If you would like to
accounts, we can do so in two fashions: monthly withdrawals        book one of our officiants, please contact the Township office
and withdrawals on tax due dates (last working day of March,       at 613-347-1166 or e-mail clerk@southglengarry.com
May, August, and October.)
www.southglengarry.com                            2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE - 21
Economic Development
- Business Financial Incentive Programs
COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN                                       replacement and updating of existing signage, and to
Over the last two years the South Glengarry Community            encourage the replacement or addition of awnings, with or
Improvement Plan has stimulated over $101,000 of                 without commercial lettering.
community investment across the Township!                        AMOUNT:
This community investment directly impacts                       Signage: With a minimum eligible cost of $750, the Township
South Glengarry:                                                 will provide a 50% matching grant to a maximum of $2,000,
• Property value                                                 for the following projects: Removal of inappropriate, older, or
• Community Appearance                                           obsolete signs, installation of commercial, signs in conformity
• Visitor Attraction                                             with the design guidelines, lighting improvement associated
• Customer Attraction                                            with signage.
• Support Local Economy                                          Commercial Awnings: The Township will provide a matching
                                                                 grant of 50% up to a maximum of $2,500 for the installation of
GRANT 1: PLANNING & DESIGN                                       a commercial awning in conformity with the design guidelines.
MAX $1,500
DESCRIPTION: Intended to offset the professional fees            GRANT 4: LANDSCAPING
associated with preparing the necessary plans, models and        MAX $2,000
renderings that will illustrate the extent of the improvements   DESCRIPTION: The inclusion of a landscaping component is
to support the application.                                      intended to provide assistance to enhance the front yard of a
AMOUNT: The Township will provide a onetime                      property, including parking areas, visible from the street and
grant of 50% up to a maximum of $1,500 toward the cost of        other landscaping features between the building facade and
preparing architectural and/or site plans for building facade    municipal property.
improvements, commercial signage, commercial awnings,            AMOUNT: A grant of 50% up to a maximum of $2,000 is
landscaping improvements and public art.                         available for the following:
                                                                 1) Improving the landscaping between the private property
GRANT 2: BUILDING IMPROVEMENT                                    and the municipal property.
MAX $5,000 + $2,500                                              2) Improving (including paving and/or in laid bricks) and
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this grant is to provide funding     greening the parking areas visible from the street.
to assist property owners in improving the aesthetic qualities
of their buildings by renovating building facades that are       GRANT 5: PUBLIC ART
visible from the street.                                         MAX $2,000
AMOUNT: Township will provide a grant that will cover up to      DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the CIP is to promote South
50% of the costs, up to:                                         Glengarry as a destination for arts and culture by encouraging
1) A maximum of $5,000 towards the cost of façade                the installation of exterior public art (sculptures, fountains
improvements to the front façade that is visible from the        and murals) on private property in order to embellish and
street.                                                          animate the streetscape.
2) A maximum of $2,500 for a secondary façade visible from       AMOUNT: A grant of 50% up to a maximum of $1,000 is
the street, to a total maximum façade improvement grant of       available for the installation of exterior public art or window
$7,500.                                                          displays in vacant storefronts visible from the street and of
GRANT 3: COMMERCIAL SIGNAGE/AWNINGS                              50% up to a maximum of $2,000 is available for the following
MAX $2,000 + $2,500                                              but not limited to: murals, window art, outdoor sculptures/
DESCRIPTION: Intended to assist Applicants with the              statues and interpretive signage

22 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                        www.southglengarry.com
GRANT 6: ACCESIBILITY (COMMERCIAL ONLY)                           in order to provide for safe and eligible uses.
MAX $15,000                                                       AMOUNT: Township will provide a grant that will cover up to
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this grant is to provide              50% of the costs, up to:
funding to assist property owners in improvements to              1) A maximum of $10,000 towards the cost of accessible
existing buildings such as the removal of barriers to increase    façade that provides access to the building
accessibility for people with disabilities that may otherwise     2) A maximum of $5,000 towards the cost of accessible
be considered cost prohibitive. This program is intended to       improvements for the interior that impairs access to patrons,
support improvements to private property to meet the current      to a total maximum improvement grant of $15,000
Building Code and Ontario’s accessibility laws and standards

                PUT YOUR $ WHERE                                                    Shopp ing Li s
                YOUR ♥ IS
                                                                                       - Masks
                                                                                      - Sanitiz
                                                                                     - Celtic G

                                                                                                   Tea and
                                                                                    - Antique                Coffee M
                                                                                               s and Ha               ugs
                                                                                   - Restau               nd-Crafte
                                                                                              rant Gift             d Furnitu
                                                                                  - Cheese               C ards               re

             SHOP LOCAL
                 SHOP SOUTH GLENGARRY
                                                                                 - Honey
                                                                                - Pies an
                                                                               - Candle
                                                                                             d Holida
                                                                                                       y Treats
                                                                              - Jewelry
  When you shop at a South Glengarry business instore or online
                                                                             - House
            you make a difference in our community.                                        Décor
                                                                            - Socks
              SHOPPING LOCAL MEANS:                                        - Blanke
          We keep more money in our local economy                                         t Scarves
      We can celebrate the uniqueness of our community
                     We support local jobs
                     Help the environment
       We invest in entrepreneurs and future investment

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            - Punta Cana, Dominican Republic: February 08, 2021
                        One or Two Weeks, All Inclusive
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                        POLICIES AND REDUCED DEPOSITS                  think Donna Flanigan’s Travel by TPI
   714 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON | 613-938-6969 | email: dflanigan@tpi.ca
www.southglengarry.com                            2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE - 23
Building Department
BUILDING DEPARTMENT                                                    WHAT RESTRICTIONS ARE THERE ON BUILDING?
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                             Your permit will need to be reviewed by the Building Department
Our Building Department answers all your                               to ensure it complies with the requirements under the Zoning
permit & building inspection questions.                                By-law, including setbacks and permitted uses as per zoning.
                                                                       To determine your property’s zone, see the interactive map
WHEN DO I NEED TO OBTAIN A                                             on our website. For setbacks and other restrictions, see the
BUILDING PERMIT?                                                       Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Both resources are found
Building Permits are typically required for, but not limited to, the   on https://www.southglengarry.com/ at “Doing Business—
following projects:                                                    Planning and Development—Zoning”
• New Buildings over 10m2 (107ft2)
• New buildings under 10m2 (107ft2) with plumbing                      WHAT DO I NEED TO APPLY FOR A PERMIT?
• Additions                                                            This will depend on the type of construction. Application
• Renovations (including finishing a basement)                         packages with checklists of required documents can be found at
• Demolitions                                                          the Township office or on our website at “Living Here – Building
• Installation of prefabricated structures                             and Renovating”
• Installation of mobile homes and park model trailers                 Your project may require other permits, documents, or
• Plumbing systems                                                     procedures depending on your location or current land usage.
• HVAC systems (heating, ventilation air conditioning)                 This may include but is not limited to
• Solar panels (roof mounted)                                          • Raisin Region Conservation Authority (RRCA) land use
• Signs                                                                  permits- depending upon property location. This includes
• Damp proofing/waterproofing                                            waterfront properties.
• Miscellaneous residential structures                                 • Site Plan Control- for institutional, commercial, and industrial
  (fireplace/woodstove, chimneys, pools, decks)                          construction, or residential construction on properties
• Temporary Buildings (tents over 60m2)                                  South of Highway 2 or the South Service Road, or other
                                                                         applicable properties, which includes waterfront properties
WORK THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE                                             • Lot grading and drainage plan- required with building permit
A PERMIT INCLUDES                                                        application for properties under 1 acre (0.4 hectares) or
• Fences (other than for swimming pools in which case                    properties within urban or rural settlement areas
  a pool enclosures permit is required)                                • Minor variance- if your proposed project does not meet
• Asphalt roof shingling                                                 zoning standards
• Eaves troughs                                                        • Entrance Permits from the Township, County or Province -
• Minor repairs to masonry                                               depending on property location.
• Air conditioning units or heat pumps added to existing               • Septic System permit- required for a new house construction
  forced- air systems                                                    and may be required for other types of construction
• Replacement of kitchen or bathroom cupboards without                   including additions
  plumbing alterations                                                 • Electrical Permit which can be obtained through the
• Replace existing forced-air furnace (no duct work alterations)         Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). (Electrical inspections are
• Landscaping, including tree removal                                    also carried out by the ESA.)
• Replace exterior cladding                                            • A Nutrient Management Strategy and Minimum Distance
  (same type and no additional insulation added)                         Separation calculations if erecting a building for livestock.
                                                                         See Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
                                                                         (OMAFRA) for information
                                                                       • All other Applicable Laws as required by the Ontario Building
                                                                         Code must be met.

24 - 2020-2021 SOUTH GLENGARRY FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                www.southglengarry.com
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