Page created by Ryan Dawson
                    SUN                         MON                         TUE                        WED                       THU                              FRI                             SAT

  GIRLFRIEND DAY        1                            2                            3                        4                         5                                 6                               7

  Thank a friend                                                                                                                                                           Enjoy a family
  for showing up              Commit to not                                                                    Stand up for                                                night with
  when you                    jumping to                  Try to learn at least       Laugh out loud           someone who               Thank a teacher for               activities at
  needed help.                conclusions today.          one thing new today.        with a friend.           is struggling.            their dedication.                 home.

  HAPPINESS             8     BOOK LOVERS DAY        9    MUHARRAM BEGINS    10       SON AND             11                        12   LEFT-HANDERS DAY             13                              14
  HAPPENS DAY                                                                         DAUGHTER DAY

                                                                                                                                         If you know a left-
  Spread some                                                                         Celebrate the                                      handed person, give               Donate items you
  happiness in                Start reading               Practice                    members of               Compliment                them a left-handed                are no longer using
  your home.                  a new book.                 patience.                   your family.             a classmate.              high five today.                  to a good cause.

                      15      ROLLER COASTER        16                       17                           18   WORLD PHOTO DAY      19                                20                              21

                              Enjoy your favorite                                     Make an effort to                                  Give a handwritten
  Bake cookies                activity and try            Thank your                  avoid judging            Share a special           note to a staff
  for a neighbor.             something new.              bus driver.                 others.                  photo with others.        member at school.                 Take a bike ride.

                      22                            23                       24                           25   WOMEN'S              26                                27                              28
                                                                                                               EQUALITY DAY

                                                          Show some extra
                              Drink more water.           courage. Tell someone       Do something                                       Tell someone                      Plant a tree
  Plan some time              Use a reusable              you’re sorry if you’ve      that makes               Believe in                you like their                    with your
  for yourself.               water bottle.               wronged them.               you happy.               yourself.                 smile.                            family.

                      29      NATIONAL              30    EAT OUTSIDE DAY    31                            1                         2
                              BEACH DAY                                                                                                                JULY                      SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                                         S    M    T    W    Th   F    S   S    M    T   W   Th   F    S
                                                                                                                                         27   28   29   30 1 2 3           29   30   31 1 2 3 4
                                                                                                                                          4    5    6    7 8 9 10           5    6    7 8 9 10 11
                              Do one thing                                                                                               11   12   13   14 15 16 17        12   13   14 15 16 17 18
                              to keep your                Get out and                                                                    18   19   20   21 22 23 24        19   20   21 22 23 24 25
  Exercise                    community                   enjoy the day.                                                                 25   26   27   28 29 30 31        26   27   28 29 30 1 2
  outside.                    cleaner.                    Pack a picnic!                                                                 1    2     3    4 5 6 7           3    4     5 6 7 8 9

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                 © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
                       SUN                           MON                            TUE                          WED                       THU                             FRI                     SAT
          AUGUST                          OCTOBER
  S   M   T   W   Th   F    S   S    M    T    W    Th   F    S                       31     LETTER                   1                           2   BOWLING                3                          4
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7                26   27   28   29   30 1 2                                   WRITING DAY                                              LEAGUE DAY
   8 9 10 11 12 13 14            3    4    5    6    7 8 9
  15 16 17 18 19 20 21          10   11   12   13   14 15 16
  22 23 24 25 26 27 28          17   18   19   20   21 22 23
  29 30 31 1 2 3 4              24   25   26   27   28 29 30
  5 6 7 8 9 10 11               31   1    2     3    4 5 6                                   Write a note to              Recycle items you           Ask your friends to
                                                                                             someone you admire.          no longer need.             go bowling together.       Do the dishes.

                            5                                 6   READ A BOOK DAY       7                             8                           9                        10                          11

                                                                                                                          Share one of your
                                                                                                                          favorite memories           Try to create
  Pack tomorrow’s               Thank someone you                                                                         with a friend. Ask          positive energy
  lunch in a reusable           know that is a hard               Give someone a copy        Start a journal for          about their favorite        with everything            Call your
  bag or lunchbox.              worker.                           of your favorite book.     special quotes.              memory.                     you say and do.            grandparents.

                           12   POSITIVE                     13                       14                           15     COLLECT                16                        17    NATIONAL              18
                                THINKING DAY                                                                              ROCKS DAY                                              CLEAN UP DAY

                                                                                                                                                                                 Get some neighbors
                                                                                                                                                      Invite a classmate         together to spend an
                                Turn your negative                                           Resolve to be less                                       you don’t know to          afternoon picking up
                                thoughts into                     Share a positive video     judgmental in your day       Paint and hide a rock       sit at your table          litter in your
  Walk a dog.                   gratitude.                        with your class.           to day life.                 to surprise the finder.     during lunch.              neighborhood.

                           19                                20                       21     FIRST DAY OF FALL     22                            23                        24    COMIC BOOK DAY        25

                                                                  Compliment                 Change three small
                                Write a kind note                 someone’s on               things about your                                        Read a book about          Read a comic book
  Hug a loved one.              and place it on the               something other than       routine that will help       Skip the meat and eat       indigenous people          to a younger family
  Make it a long hug!           bathroom mirror.                  their clothing or looks.   the environment.             fresh veggies today.        from your country.         member.

  LOVE NOTE DAY            26                                27   GOOD                28                           29                            30                          1                          2
                                                                  NEIGHBOR DAY

  Write a love note to
  yourself about                Sneak a note of                                                                           Invite someone
  everything that makes         thanks on to your                 Give your                  Try to make a                new to play with
  you wonderfully you.          teacher’s desk.                   neighbor a smile.          new friend today.            you during recess.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                        © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
                         SUN                        MON                             TUE                      WED                         THU                            FRI                        SAT
        SEPTEMBER                         NOVEMBER
  S    M    T   W   Th   F    S   S   M    T   W   Th   F    S                          28                       29                            30   NATIONAL                1                           2
  29   30   31 1 2 3 4            31 1 2 3 4 5 6                                                                                                    COFFEE DAY
   5    6    7 8 9 10 11           7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  12   13   14 15 16 17 18        14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  19   20   21 22 23 24 25        21 22 23 24 25 26 27
  26   27   28 29 30 1 2          28 29 30 1 2 3 4                                                                                                  Share a favorite            Bring soup to a
  3    4    5 6 7 8 9              5 6 7 8 9 10 11                                                                                                  snack with a friend.        sick neighbor.

  LOOK AT THE                 3                              4                           5                           6                          7                           8                           9

                                                                 Write a list of five
                                                                 things you would                                        Donate puzzles                                         Offer to help with
  Take a walk and                 Join or volunteer to           like to accomplish          Use less plastic            and books to an            Accomplish one              yard work in your
  enjoy nature.                   start a kindness club.         in your life.               and recycle more.           elementary school.         big task today.             neighborhood.

                             10   INDIGENOUS                11                          12                       13                            14   NATIONAL               15                         16
                                  PEOPLE’S DAY                                                                                                      DESSERT DAY
                                                                                                                                                                                Give needed items
                                                                                                                                                    Treat yourself to your      (toiletries, socks, etc.)
  Tape coins or hide              Learn to say hello or          Go outside your             Call and say hello to                                  favorite dessert.           to someone
  small toys around               thank you in a friend’s        comfort zone and do         the first person who        Help a friend              Share with a loved          experiencing
  a playground.                   native language.               something brave!            comes to mind.              with a task.               one or a friend.            homelessness.

                             17                             18                          19                       20                            21                          22                         23

                                                                                                                         Smile at a stranger
  Pick up trash from              Plan to do one thing                                                                   today. Tell them           Post an encouraging         Visit a nursing home.
  the sidewalks in                new and different              Watch the sunset            Compliment a                you hope they              note on someone’s           Bring flowers or kind
  your community.                 each day this week.            with a loved one.           classmate.                  have a great day.          locker.                     notes.

                             24                             25   NATIONAL               26                       27                            28                          29                         30
                                                                 PUMPKIN DAY

                                                                 Leave pumpkins on a
  Work together to                Give a friend                  family’s doorstep                                                                  Write a note of
  create a healthy                something                      along with kid friendly     Hide a positive note        Follow through on a        appreciation for
  meal at home.                   meaningful to you.             tools for carving.          in a library book.          promise you made.          the custodial staff.        Try a new hobby.

 HALLOWEEN                   31                             1                           2                            3                         4                           5                            6
 Paint positive
 messages on
 pumpkins and leave
 them around the

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                       © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
                     SUN                       MON                         TUE                          WED                          THU                                FRI                             SAT

                         31                           1                           2                             3                          4                                 5                               6

                                                                                                                    Show appreciation to
                                                          Encourage those                                           someone in your
                              Start a list of things      closest to you to take      Write positive                school today by                                              Shop at a
                              you’re grateful for and     part in a community         messages on the               leaving an anonymous       Give away one of your             farmer’s market
                              add to it this month.       event.                      sidewalk with chalk.          positive note.             possessions for free.             with your family.

  BOOK LOVER’S DAY        7                           8                           9                        10                           11                                  12   WORLD                      13
                                                                                                                                                                                 KINDNESS DAY

                                                                                      Hand-write a letter of
  Start a book                Do something                Put positive notes          gratitude to someone          Make a healthy fruit
  about a topic that          that you find               on the mirrors in           who has positively            salad and share with       Compliment someone                Become a RAKtivist at
  is new to you.              challenging today.          the bathroom.               affected your life.           the family.                in front of others.               randomactsofkindness.org

                         14                        15                          16     TAKE A HIKE DAY      17                           18                                  19                              20

                              Stop what you’re                                                                                                 Create a gratitude wall
                              doing for a few                                                                                                  in your classroom for
                              minutes to just                                         Ask your family or                                       all to post notes of              Wake up early
  Make first aid kits         breathe and                 Help a classmate            friends to join you for       Write a note of thanks     thanks to fellow                  to appreciate
  for local shelters.         appreciate your life.       with a tough task.          a hike this weekend.          to the cafeteria staff.    classmates.                       the sunrise.

                         21                        22                          23                          24                           25                                  26                              27
                                                                                                                    Play gratitude ping                                          Write a letter to your
                                                                                                                    pong: pass a ball back                                       future self at
                                                                                                                    and forth for two                                            futureme.org,
  Send someone you            Forgive someone.                                        Clean up your                 minutes sharing things     Organize and clean                detailing all the things
  care about a surprise       Tell them you               Share an encouraging        classroom during              for which you are          your workspace –                  you appreciate about
  care package.               forgave them.               song with others.           free time.                    grateful.                  appreciate yourself!              yourself.

                         28                        29                          30                               1                          2
                                                                                                                                                         OCTOBER                          DECEMBER
                                                                                                                                               S    M    T    W    Th   F    S   S    M    T   W   Th   F    S
                                                                                                                                               26   27   28   29   30 1 2        28   29   30 1 2 3 4
                                                                                                                                                3    4    5    6    7 8 9         5    6    7 8 9 10 11
                                                          Turn on your favorite                                                                10   11   12   13   14 15 16      12   13   14 15 16 17 18
  Text a friend to let        Find a reason to laugh      music when you get                                                                   17   18   19   20   21 22 23      19   20   21 22 23 24 25
  them know you’re            today. Tell someone a       home. Do a little                                                                    24   25   26   27   28 29 30      26   27   28 29 30 31 1
  thinking of them.           good joke!                  dance!                                                                               31    1   2    3    4 5 6          2    3   4 5 6 7 8

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                       © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
                        SUN                           MON                              TUE                         WED                      THU                           FRI                       SAT
          NOVEMBER                         JANUARY
  S   M    T   W   Th   F    S   S    M    T    W    Th   F    S                        30                             1                          2                           3                            4
  31 1 2 3 4 5 6                 26   27   28   29   30   31 1
   7 8 9 10 11 12 13              2    3    4    5    6    7 8
  14 15 16 17 18 19 20           9    10   11   12   13   14 15
  21 22 23 24 25 26 27           16   17   18   19   20   21 22                                                                                       Spend some time
  28 29 30 1 2 3 4               23   24   25   26   27   28 29                                 Take a stand for           Bring some festivity to    listening to some
  5 6 7 8 9 10 11                30   31   1     2    3    4 5                                  someone who is             your school; decorate      cheerful holiday            Get outside for
                                                                                                facing unkindness.         your classroom.            music.                      some stargazing.

                             5                                 6                            7                          8                          9                       10                              11

                                                                                                                           Send cheerful holiday
                                 Think of a way to                                                                         cards with inspiring
                                 become more                       Post a positive              Create a kindness          quotes to hospitalized                                 Send a holiday care
  Send a care package            organized in your                 quote on your                tree. Ask classmates       children using the         Call someone                package to a deployed
  to a children’s hospital.      schoolwork.                       classroom door.              to help decorate it.       Cardz for Kidz service.    you miss.                   service member.

                            12                                13                        14                           15                          16                       17                              18

  Name a star after              Make a list of five               Plan to wear an outfit                                  Contribute toys to         Show a friend how
  someone at                     things for which                  that makes you feel          Compliment a               your local Toys for        much you appreciate         Give a treat to your
  nameastar.com.                 you are grateful.                 great tomorrow.              teacher’s style.           Tots campaign.             them in a unique way.       delivery workers.

                            19                                20   FIRST DAY OF         21                           22                          23                       24                              25

                                                                                                                                                      Do something you
  Distribute hand                                                                                                                                     love: go for a walk,
  warmers to the                 Turn off the lights,              Create an image of           Write a note of thanks     Create holiday             draw, read, write,          Gift a loved one an
  unhoused in your               heaters, and fans                 your favorite winter         to your classroom          cards for your             yoga. Whatever it is,       experience rather
  community.                     that are not in use.              activity.                    aides.                     family members.            do it for you!              than a material gift.

                            26                                27   CALL A FRIEND DAY    28                           29                          30   NEW YEARS EVE       31      NEW YEARS DAY            1

  Hand out candy canes                                                                          Play with your siblings                               Set intentions for the
  with a note wishing                                                                           or neighbor’s children                                new year. What goals
  the recipient a joyful         Treat yourself to a               Call a friend                so the parents can         Listen to a                do you hope to
  holiday season.                delicious dessert.                to catch up.                 have time to recharge.     guided meditation.         accomplish?

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                       © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
                         SUN                         MON                             TUE                         WED                        THU                           FRI                        SAT
           DECEMBER                        FEBRUARY
  S    M    T   W   Th   F    S   S    M    T   W   Th   F     S                        28                           29                          30                         31   NEW YEARS DAY          1
  28   29   30 1 2 3 4            30   31 1 2 3           4    5
   5    6    7 8 9 10 11           6    7 8 9 10         11   12                                                                                                                 Create a kindness
  12   13   14 15 16 17 18        13   14 15 16 17       18   19                                                                                                                 journal or jar to
  19   20   21 22 23 24 25        20   21 22 23 24       25   26                                                                                                                 capture wonderful
  26   27   28 29 30 31 1         27   28 1 2 3           4    5                                                                                                                 moments
  2    3    4 5 6 7 8              6   7 8 9 10          11   12                                                                                                                 throughout 2022.

                              2                                3   TRIVIA DAY             4    BIRD DAY               5                           6                          7   BUBBLE BATH DAY        8

                                  Stop what you’re
                                  doing, close your                                                                                                   Notice and
  Unplug from                     eyes, and take a                 Focus on completing         Go out and enjoy                                       appreciate the tiny        Take a bubble
  technology today.               deep breath.                     one goal today.             watching the birds.        Start a puzzle today.       details around you.        bath today!

                              9                               10   CLEAN YOUR           11                           12   MAKE YOUR              13                         14   NATIONAL              15
                                                                   DESK DAY                                               DREAMS COME                                            BAGEL DAY
                                                                                                                          TRUE DAY

  Take a treat to your            Eat your food slowly                                         Offer to help a            Take one step towards       Compliment a
  local police or fire            today and savor                  Tidy up your                classmate on a             making your dreams          custodial staff’s          Plan a staycation
  department.                     everything.                      workspace.                  project.                   come true.                  hard work.                 with your family.

                             16                               17                        18     NATIONAL              19                          20                         21                         22
                                                                                               POPCORN DAY

  Post a kindness                 Begin a journal on                                           Share a bowl of                                        Watch the clouds and       Make a list of 10
  message on                      how you feel each                Listen to a friend          popcorn with a friend      Take a walk and             find shapes while          things for which
  social media.                   day and why.                     without judgment.           or family member.          enjoy the fresh air.        enjoying the sun.          you are grateful.

  HANDWRITING DAY            23   COMPLIMENT DAY              24                        25                           26                          27                         28   PUZZLE DAY            29
                                  Compliment five                  Practice 4-4-6
                                  people around you                breathing. Breathe in
  Handwrite a note to             on something not                 for 4 counts, hold it for                              Notice your body            Exchange personal          Play a board game
  someone that means              related to physical              4 counts, exhale for 6      Practice active            language. What are          stories with a new         or do a puzzle with
  a lot to you.                   appearance.                      counts. Repeat.             listening with a friend.   you communicating?          classmate.                 friends or family.

                             30   HOT CHOCOLATE               31                          1                           2                           3                         4                          5

                                  Share a conversation
                                  over a cup of hot
 Allow yourself to                chocolate with a friend
 sleep in and relax.              or family member.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                        © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
                           SUN                         MON                           TUE                    WED                          THU                            FRI                       SAT
            JANUARY                          MARCH
  S    M    T    W    Th   F    S   S    M   T   W   Th   F    S                        1                          2                          3    THANK A MAIL           4                            5
  26   27   28   29   30   31 1     27   28 1 2 3 4 5                                                                                              CARRIER DAY
   2    3    4    5    6    7 8      6    7 8 9 10 11 12
  9    10   11   12   13   14 15    13   14 15 16 17 18 19
  16   17   18   19   20   21 22    20   21 22 23 24 25 26
  23   24   25   26   27   28 29    27   28 29 30 31 1 2           Wish the first           Send a thank you                                       Leave a note of              Practice empathy
  30   31   1    2    3     4 5     3    4 5 6 7 8 9               person you see           email to a colleague       Eat lunch with              gratitude for your           with a family
                                                                   an amazing day.          or supervisor.             someone new.                mail carrier.                member.

                                6                              7                        8                          9   UMBRELLA DAY          10    MAKE A FRIEND DAY     11                          12

                                                                                            Instead of asking how
                                                                   Take time for yourself   someone is doing, ask
  Leave positive notes              Stay after class to            when overwhelmed.        about something good       “Shower” a classmate        Introduce yourself to
  on the shelves of a               help a teacher clean           Take a walk and get a    that’s happened since      with an “umbrella” of       someone you haven’t          Relax and/or do
  grocery store.                    the classroom.                 glass of water.          the last time you met.     kindness today.             met at your school.          something you enjoy.

  Beginning of Random          13   VALENTINE’S DAY/          14                      15                       16      RANDOM ACT OF         17    NATIONAL              18                          19
  Acts of Kindness Week             PRESIDENT’S DAY                                                                    KINDNESS DAY                CAREGIVERS DAY
  Follow The Random                 Give an envelope
  Acts of Kindness                  containing a gift card                                                             Take $5 or five $1 dollar   Take time to reflect
  Foundation on social              to a tea/coffee shop to        Today, remember how                                 bills and get out in your   and think of someone
  media for RAK Day                 a teacher with a note          proud you were of        Write a letter or card     community and see           who brings joy and
  activities and                    inviting them to take          something you did as a   and mail it to someone     what opportunities          happiness into your          Plant a local pollinator
  resources.                        some relaxing time.            child and do it again!   who isn’t expecting it.    present themselves.         life.                        friendly plant or flower.

  NATIONAL LOVE                20   FAMILY DAY                21                      22                       23      NATIONAL              24                          25     LETTER TO AN         26
  YOUR PET DAY                                                                                                         CHILI DAY                                                ELDER DAY

  Encourage your family             Ask your family about                                                                                                                       Handwrite a note
  members to become                 their “highs and lows”         Share positive                                                                  Send a text to let           thanking an elder
  a RAKtivist at                    for the day during a           thoughts with            Volunteer to read to       Pass on your                someone know you’re          for their impact
  randomactsofkindness.org.         family dinner.                 a teacher.               a younger student.         favorite books.             thinking of them.            on your life.

                               27                             28                        1                          2                          3                           4                            5

  Take the day to                   Post a happy dance
  do whatever                       on social media to
  YOU want.                         make others smile.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                       © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
MARCH 2022
                         SUN                                MON                       TUE                         WED                            THU                       FRI                       SAT
           FEBRUARY                           APRIL
  S    M    T   W   Th   F    S    S    M    T    W    Th   F   S                            1                           2                         3   MARCH FORTH AND        4   NATIONAL DAY OF       5
  30   31 1 2 3           4    5   27   28   29   30   31 1 2                                                                                          DO SOMETHING               UNPLUGGING
   6    7 8 9 10         11   12    3    4    5    6    7 8 9                                                                                          DAY!
  13   14 15 16 17       18   19   10   11   12   13   14 15 16
  20   21 22 23 24       25   26   17   18   19   20   21 22 23      Give someone                                                                      Check your list of 2022
  27   28 1 2 3           4   5    24   25   26   27   28 29 30      a genuine and               Share your                  Give others the           goals and see what         Unplug from all
  6    7 8 9 10          11   12   1    2     3    4    5 6 7        meaningful                  favorite book with          benefit of the            you can do to March        technology for
                                                                     compliment.                 your best friend.           doubt.                    Fo(u)rth on them!          one day.

                               6                                 7   INTERNATIONAL           8                           9                        10                        11                        12
                                                                     WOMEN’S DAY

                                                                                                 Spend at least 30
  Share a favorite                 Post a sticky note                                            minutes doing               Forgive yourself for      Be honest and kind         Volunteer with your
  memory with a                    with a kind message               Thank an influential        something that              something that’s been     when speaking to           family at an animal
  family member.                   on someone’s locker.              woman in your life.         you love.                   bothering you.            others.                    shelter or rescue.

                              13   PI DAY                       14                          15                         16    ST. PATRICK’S DAY    17                        18    LET’S LAUGH DAY     19

  Go on a nature walk                                                Offer to help a school                                  Compliment a                                         Get your family
  with a friend or family          Eat a slice of your               staff member with a         Reply positively to         classmate about a         Say, “Thank You!”          members together
  member.                          favorite pie.                     task.                       an online post.             unique characteristic.    and mean it.               and tell funny stories.

  FIRST DAY OF                20   WORLD POETRY DAY             21                          22                         23                         24                        25    MAKE UP YOUR OWN    26
  SPRING                                                                                                                                                                          HOLIDAY DAY

  Make someone
  happy today by doing                                                                                                                                 Finish your work on
  something they love              Share an encouraging              Go to bed an                Pick up trash in your       Do 15 minutes of          time and to the best       Celebrate a made-up
  with them.                       poem with someone.                hour early.                 school’s hallways.          stretches.                of your ability.           holiday.

                              27   RESPECT YOUR                 28                          29   TAKE A WALK IN        30                         31                          1                         2
                                   CAT DAY                                                       THE PARK DAY

                                   Make sure your pets               Try eating 5 servings       Take a walk in the park
                                   know how much                     of fruits and               with a friend or family     Color a page and share
  Swing on a swing.                they’re loved.                    vegetables a day.           member.                     it with a loved one.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                        © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
APRIL 2022
                        SUN                             MON                         TUE                       WED                        THU                            FRI                         SAT
           MARCH                             MAY
  S    M   T   W   Th   F   S    S   M   T    W    Th   F   S                         29                           30                        31    APRIL FOOLS’ DAY          1   WORLD AUTISM            2
  27   28 1 2 3 4 5               1 2 3 4 5 6 7                                                                                                                                  AWARENESS DAY
   6    7 8 9 10 11 12            8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  13   14 15 16 17 18 19         15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  20   21 22 23 24 25 26         22 23 24 25 26 27 28
  27   28 29 30 31 1 2           29 30 31 1 2 3 4                                                                                                  Pull a kind April
  3    4 5 6 7 8 9               5 6 7 8 9 10 11                                                                                                   Fools’ Day prank              Turn off water
                                                                                                                                                   on someone.                   when not in use.

                             3                               4                            5                         6   NATIONAL NO            7                             8                           9
                                                                                                                        HOUSEWORK DAY

                                                                                                                        Give yourself
  Set positive                   Pick up trash in                                                                       permission to put                                        Join your family in
  intentions for                 your school                     Send a kind text             Walk or bike to reduce    your feet up and                                         recycling items from
  your week.                     hallways.                       to a loved one.              your carbon footprint.    breathe deeply.            Talk to someone new.          your home.

  SIBLINGS DAY              10   NATIONAL PET DAY           11                        12                           13   INTERNATIONAL        14                         15                            16
                                                                                                                        MOMENT OF
                                                                                                                        LAUGHTER DAY

                                                                 Thank your librarian                                   Share a funny joke         Invite a friend to            Use your unique
  Tell your siblings what        Give your pet some              or assistant for their       Use both sides of         to make others             share dinner with             talent to make the
  they mean to you.              extra attention.                hard work.                   your paper.               laugh out loud.            your family.                  world a better place.

                            17                              18                        19      NATIONAL TEA DAY     20                        21    EARTH DAY            22       LOVER’S DAY          23

                                                                                                                                                                                 Gather some friends
  Get up early to                                                                             Enjoy a cup of tea with                              Gift a plant to a staff       or family members to
  appreciate the                 Make an effort to               Help organize a space        a classmate you don’t     Post an inspiring story    member of your                clean up a favorite trail
  sunrise.                       waste less time.                in your classroom.           know well.                on social media.           school.                       in your community.

                            24                              25                        26                           27                        28                         29       HONESTY DAY          30

                                                                                                                                                   Be kind with your
                                                                 Complete a random            Listen to someone         Spend time cleaning        words. You never know         Be honest with
  Donate your gently             Pack lunch with                 act of kindness for          and offer words of        up the grounds             what someone is               yourself and
  used clothing.                 reusable containers.            someone.                     wisdom.                   outside your school.       struggling with.              others today.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                     © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
MAY 2022
                    SUN                        MON                        TUE                          WED                           THU                              FRI                              SAT

                        1                             2                          3   STAR WARS DAY           4   CINCO DE MAYO           5                                 6                                7

                              @RAKFoundation on
  Do not make                 Instagram to kind-ify                                  Enjoy a Star Wars                                       Treat others the                  Stand up for
  promises you                your social media           Start a conversation       movie today with            Celebrate Mexican           way you want to                   something that
  cannot keep.                feed.                       with someone new.          someone you admire.         culture and heritage.       be treated.                       helps others.

                        8     CLEAN UP YOUR           9   EAT WHAT YOU        10     INTERNATIONAL         11                         12     DANCE LIKE A                 13                               14
                              ROOM DAY                    WANT DAY                   NURSES DAY                                              CHICKEN DAY

                              Dedicate time to
  Show love to your           making your room a          Enjoy a                    Write a note thanking
  mother or maternal          clean and relaxing          favorite                   the nursing staff at a                                  Blast some music and              Approach challenges
  figure!                     space.                      dessert.                   local clinic or hospital.   Listen and learn.           dance like a chicken.             with confidence.

                       15                          16                         17                           18                         19     WAITSTAFF DAY                20   PIZZA PARTY DAY             21

  Admit your                                              Talk with the person
  mistakes and ask            Do not gossip or talk       next to you on the bus     Own up to your              Compliment someone          Show extra kindness               Enjoy a few slices of
  for forgiveness.            badly about others.         or in line at lunch.       mistakes.                   on their creativity.        to the cafeteria staff.           pizza with loved ones.

  BUY A MUSICAL        22                          23                         24                           25                         26     SUNSCREEN DAY                27                               28

  Commit to learning          Silence any negative        Remind your closest                                    Send an encouraging
  a new musical               thoughts, self-doubts,      friend how much you        Learn more about            text to a family            Treat your skin well!             Bring a family member
  instrument.                 or judgments.               care.                      African culture.            member.                     Start with sunscreen.             breakfast in bed.

                       29                          30                         31                             1                           2
                                                                                                                                                        APRIL                                JUNE
                                                                                                                                             S    M    T    W    Th   F    S   S    M    T    W   Th   F    S
                                                                                                                                             27   28   29   30   31 1 2        29   30   31 1 2 3 4
                                                                                                                                              3    4    5    6    7 8 9         5    6    7 8 9 10 11
                                                                                                                                             10   11   12   13   14 15 16      12   13   14 15 16 17 18
  Offer to help a             Thank someone               Publicly praise                                                                    17   18   19   20   21 22 23      19   20   21 22 23 24 25
  neighbor with               for doing the               someone for their                                                                  24   25   26   27   28 29 30      26   27   28 29 30 1 2
  yard work.                  work they do.               great effort.                                                                       1    2    3   4    5 6 7          3    4   5 6 7 8 9

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                     © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
JUNE 2022
                         SUN                               MON                        TUE                          WED                     THU                            FRI                       SAT
              MAY                               JULY
  S   M   T    W    Th   F   S    S    M    T    W    Th   F   S                        31     SAY SOMETHING           1                           2                          3                           4
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7                  26   27   28   29   30 1 2                                   NICE DAY
   8 9 10 11 12 13 14              3    4    5    6    7 8 9
  15 16 17 18 19 20 21            10   11   12   13   14 15 16
  22 23 24 25 26 27 28            17   18   19   20   21 22 23                                                                                         Put together a self-
  29 30 31 1 2 3 4                24   25   26   27   28 29 30                                 Give someone you                                        care basket for
  5 6 7 8 9 10 11                 31   1     2    3    4 5 6                                   rarely talk to a            Post a funny meme           someone who really         Learn three phrases
                                                                                               compliment.                 on social media.            needs it.                  in a new language.

                              5   DRIVE-IN MOVIE DAY            6                          7   BEST FRIEND’S DAY       8                           9                       10                            11

                                  Plan to watch a                   Learn a new person’s                                   Encourage someone           Write a positive           Offer a glass of
  Admit your mistakes             movie at the drive-               name and favorite          Tell your best friend       you see struggling at       comment on a               water to someone
  to yourself and others.         in with loved ones.               hobby.                     how special they are.       school.                     website or blog.           working in the yard.

                             12                                13   BLOOD DONOR DAY     14     NATURE                 15                        16                         17     INTERNATIONAL          18
                                                                                               PHOTOGRAPHY DAY                                                                    PICNIC DAY

  Turn your technology                                              Encourage your loved       Take a picture of           Acknowledge                                            Take a picnic to a
  off for a day of                Find a penpal and start           ones to become blood       something beautiful         someone with a warm         Share your favorite        local park with your
  unplugged peace.                a new friendship!                 donors.                    outdoors and share it.      greeting or smile.          joke with a new friend.    loved ones.

                             19                                20                       21     RAINFOREST DAY         22                        23                         24                            25

  Show appreciation               Post a silly new dance                                       Learn more about
  to your father or a             to encourage others to                                       the rainforests             Start a piggy bank          Thank your office staff    Fill a birdhouse with
  paternal figure.                laugh on social media.            Drink more water.          around the world.           for a good cause.           for their hard work.       seed for your yard.

                             26                                27                       28                            29                        30                            1                           2

                                  Post a positive sticky            Send a postcard to a       Make a list of three        Make a plan to share a
  Donate used books               note on the teacher’s             loved one who lives        things you are              meal with friends this
  to your local library.          lounge door.                      far away.                  grateful for.               weekend.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                        © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
JULY 2022
                          SUN                       MON                           TUE                        WED                              THU                         FRI                        SAT
                JUNE                       AUGUST
  S    M    T    W   Th   F    S   S   M   T   W   Th   F    S                         28                           29                         30     INTERNATIONAL           1                          2
  29   30   31 1 2 3 4             31 1 2 3 4 5 6                                                                                                     JOKE DAY
   5    6    7 8 9 10 11            7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  12   13   14 15 16 17 18         14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  19   20   21 22 23 24 25         21 22 23 24 25 26 27                                                                                               Email a joke or funny       Compliment the small
  26   27   28 29 30 1 2           28 29 30 31 1 2 3                                                                                                  video to a group of         things about someone
  3    4    5 6 7 8 9              4 5 6 7 8 9 10                                                                                                     your friends.               you love.

                               3                             4                          5   WORLD                    6                            7                           8   SUGAR COOKIE DAY       9
                                                                                            KISSING DAY

                                                                                                                                                                                  Bake sugar cookies
                                                                                            Kiss your spouse,            Put some change in an                                    with loved ones to
  Try yoga or                      Share a meal                  Always assume the          child, friend, or pet        envelope and tape it to      Share a funny story         share with someone in
  meditation.                      with others.                  best of others.            today!                       a vending machine.           on social media.            your community.

                              10                            11   SIMPLICITY DAY        12   EMBRACE YOUR            13                         14                           15                         16
                                                                                            GEEKINESS DAY

                                                                                                                         Take the first step
  Share a sincere                                                                           Embrace your geek            towards resolving an
  compliment with                  Try to view things from       Practice a moment          side and do something        issue with someone           Stand up for what           Find a way to show
  someone.                         another perspective.          of self-reflection.        you love!                    you care about.              you believe.                compassion today.

                              17   ICE CREAM DAY            18                         19   SPACE EXPLORATION       20                         21                           22    HAMMOCK DAY          23

  Pack lunches and hand                                                                     Draw a picture of            Continue (or start)
  them out to people                                                                        what you think it            writing a journal that                                   Hang a hammock
  experiencing                     Enjoy ice cream               Explore a new walking      looks like on an             captures one good            Stay away from toxic        and take a nap
  homelessness.                    with your friends.            path with your family.     unexplored planet.           thing each day.              people in your world.       outside.

  PARENT’S DAY                24   UNCLE & AUNT DAY         25                         26                           27                         28                           29                         30
  Show your parents or             Write a handwritten
  parental figures how             thank you note to an                                                                                                                           If you haven’t said
  much you appreciate              aunt or uncle who                                        Believe that you are         Invite a friend to           Try out a new               “I love you” in a while,
  their guidance in your           always makes you              Text or call an old        worth all of the love        meet you for a               recipe with a               say it to someone and
  life.                            smile.                        friend to catch up.        you are shown.               walk in the park.            loved one.                  yourself.

 UNCOMMON MUSICAL             31                            1                          2                            3                             4                           5                          6

 Share a video on social
 media of someone
 playing an uncommon
 musical instrument.

Visit www.randomactsofkindness.org for more kindness ideas.                                                                                                       © The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
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