4th Grade Advanced Math - Week of 4:27

Page created by Perry Hayes
4th Grade Advanced Math
                                        Week of April 27th

  MONDAY               TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY              FRIDAY

Today we will       Today we will         Today we will       Today we will       Today we will
analyze and solve   analyze and solve     analyze and solve   analyze and solve   analyze and solve
conversion word     conversion word       conversion word     conversion word     conversion word
problems.           problems.             problems.           problems.           problems.
1.. Watch video:    1. Watch video:         ZOOM              1. Work on ONE      1. Work on ONE
                                           MEETING @          Enrichment          Enrichment
  Have fun and        Have fun and                            Project from        Project from
  sing along :)       sing along :)           1:00            Measurement         Measurement
                                                              Tic-Tac-Toe.        Tic-Tac-Toe
https://            https://              1. Watch video:
www.youtube.c       www.youtube.c                                                 Send a picture
om/watch?           om/watch?               Have fun and
                                            sing along :)                           or video of
v=P9sYvDCnI0        v=djTNUp4XIR
g                   o
                                                                                   your favorite
                                          https://                                 project that
2. Complete         2. Complete           www.youtube.c                           you picked off
Monday's            Monday                om/watch?                                the Tic-Tac-
Practice Page.      Practice Page.        v=DMmI9PoTE
                                                                                   Toe board to
                                                                                  Ms. Salerno :)
                                          2. Work on ONE
                                          Project from
Measurement Conversions
5.M.MD.A.01(Adv.) The Highly Proficient student can create and solve real world,
           word problems and choose the appropriate measurement.


                        Base Unit
                        (meter, gram,




1.   Sammi measured her new scarf and it was 42 inches in length. How many
     feet is her scarf?

2.   Pam went for a walk and she traveled 440 yards. How many feet did she

3.   For her classes party, Mrs. Pintur made punch. She had 3 gallons of punch.
     How many cups of punch can she serve?

4.   When Mrs. Hanssen had her baby, Nicole, she weighed 112 ounces. How many
     pounds did baby Nicole weigh?

5.   Kira and Wyatt were thirsty and they drank a total of 32 fluid ounces of
     milk. How many pints did they drink?
        Customary and Metric Measurement Review

1.   6L = _______________ mL
2.   3 yds=_______________ in.
3.   6 pts.= _______________ qts.
4.   3,980 g =_____________kg
5.   23 cm = ______________mm
6. How many 4 ounce bags can be filled with a 5 pound bag of peanuts?

7.   A container hold 260 pints of water. How many gallons does that container

8.   The length of the swimming pool is 10.5 meters. How many centimeters long
     is the swimming pool?

9.   Nancy weighed her luggage and discovered that it weighed 22,876 grams.
     The airline only allows luggage that weighs 24 kilograms. Will Nancy’s
     luggage be allowed on the plane? Why or why not?

10. One serving of punch is 240 milliliters. Will 10 servings of punch fit in a 3
    Liter bowl? Why or why not?

                5th Grade Math Measurement and Conversions
                            Enrichment Projects
Name:                                                Due Date:

        You have been granted                Write ten measurement              Measure your height in
 e c      e i      i he i             conversion word problems           inches, cm, mm, meters, yards,
which you get to convert ten          about situations in your school    and feet. Convert all of your
things to any other unit of           at recess for others to solve      measurements to the nearest
measurement of your choice.           that requires others to convert    fraction of that unit. For example,
For example; possibly you             centimeters, meters, and           if you are 4 feet and 9 inches,
want to convert a 32 Ounce of         kilometers or they can involve     convert that measurement to the
soda to 64 tablespoons of             hours, minutes, and seconds.       nearest fraction of feet such as 4
soda because it will seem like        For example:                       ¾ feet.
     e getting more. Create a         At recess Ty and Jason found out   Create a table, graph or line plot
b k ih           c    e i             that the entire basketball court   to record all your conversions of
  i he i cl di g a de c i i           is 28 meters long, how many        your height.
as to why you chose the               centimeters is the court?
conversion and an illustration        Create an answer key for your
for each wish.                        teacher.

       Survey twenty students                 Write a humorous                   C ea e a Which i L ge ?
in your classroom and ask               c        four verse song         book with ten pages of questions
them what fraction of a large         about measurement                  such as this one:
pizza they can eat. Record the        conversions. Include silly         A whale is 24 meters long. A
fraction findings on a line plot.     conversions such as                rhinoceros is 400cm long. Which is
                                      converting your route to           longer? How much longer?
                                      school to inches and it seemed     In your book include the answer
                                      like a long, long journey. Add     on the next page and add
                                      a ca ch ch                         illustrations. Use at least eight
                                      song.                              different units of measurement in
                                                                         your book for others to guess.

       Create three measurement              Y     eg i g        a a            Write a story about a kid
conversion word problems similar      refreshment stand and you            h c ld            ea i g ca d
to each of the problems below for     need to make a two page flyer      bars. However; each time the kid
others to complete. (12 in all)       advertising the refreshments       ate a candy bar they only ate a
Prepare an answer key for your
                                      you will sell. Create an           fraction of the candy bar. Mention
word problems.
                                      advertising flying listing the     at least ten situations as to when
1. Each morning Josh rides 250m
on an exercise bike. How many
                                      ten items you will sell at your    the kid ate a fraction of a candy
kilometers does he ride in one        refreshment stand. Illustrate      bar at the most inappropriate
week?                                 each item and list their price     time. At the end of the story
2.  A kitten weighs 1000g. A          and weight in three different      create a line plot that records all
puppy weighs 4kg. Which weighs        units of measurements. Units       the different fractions of a candy
more? How much more?                  could be ounces, grams,            bar that they ate.
3. I make 5kg of popcorn and eat      tablespoons, cups, or etc.
750g of it while watching a movie.    For example:
How much popcorn is left?
4. Megan drinks 275 milliliters of
                                Candy Bar: 1.76 Ounces, 49.9
juice from a 1 liter container. How
                                grams, 3.52 tablespoons of
much juice is left?
Complete three projects in tic tac toe order.                                              ©GinaKennedy

1. 3 1/2 feet
2. 1,320 feet
3. 48 cups
4. 7 pounds
5. 2 pints


1.  6,000 mL
2.  108 in.
3.  3 qts.
4.  3.980 kg
5.  230 mm
6.  20 - 4 oz bags
7.  32 1/2 gallons
8.  1050 cm long
9.  Yes because 24 kilograms is the same as 24,000 grams. So it is under the
    weight allowance.
10. Yes. A 3 liter bowl is 3,000 milliliters. And 240 x 10 is equal to 2,400
    milliliters so that will fit in the 3-liter bowl.
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