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Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic


                                     Galuh Dwi Ajeng
               Assistant Professor, STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
                        Ph.D. Scholar, University of Lucknow, India
               fgaluhajeng@gmail.com / galuh_dwi_ajeng@stkippgribl.ac.id

       Abstract: Communication is not just that one person is speaking and the other is listening.
       In doing its duty as a means of communication, the language in each country has different
       characteristics. The use of language here is to show the identity of each country. In
       education area, learning a language as second language sometimes creates a problem. The
       problem deals with the difficulties in learning second language and some error that is done
       by learners in learning second language. Hence, this study is aimed to find the differences
       and the similarity between Bahasa Indonesia and English through a short story titled “A
       Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin translated by Desi Ilham Sianturi. To deal with the purpose
       of this study the writer uses contrastive analysis method.

       Keywords: contrastive analysis, A Story of an Hour, Bahasa Indonesia, English

INTRODUCTION                                        process is various. There are verbal and
                                                    nonverbal, formal and informal, and also
In our everyday life, people are talking,           oral and written.
shouting, and whispering to show their                      In doing its duty as a means of
emotion about what they feel. They need             communication, the language in each
something to be a means to transfer their           country has different characteristics. The
information. Here the use of a language is          use of language here is to show the identity
important to help people in expressing              of each country. The example is in
their emotions and their idea. Language is          Indonesia and English.       They have a
an arbitrary system from arbitrary signs            different type of language based on the
which is produced by a human by using               feature of the language. In education area,
organ of speech to have communication               learning a language as second language
with others. Language is also a means of            sometimes creates a problem. The problem
communication.                                      deals with the difficulties in learning
         We know that communication is              second language and some error that is
not just one person is speaking and the             done by learners in learning second
other is listening. According to Maximilian         language.
and Ajeng (3), “we must realize that most                   By looking at those problems, the
people communicate in order to send their           contrastive analysis emerges to find some
meaning by saying the form of language”. It         errors and difficulties in learning second
is also known that a human communication            language. Hence, this study is aimed to find

Galuh Dwi Ajeng
                    Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020) 28-36

the differences and the similarity between         BAHASA INDONESIA
Bahasa Indonesia and English through a
short story titled “A Story of an Hour” by         Indonesia is an archipelago country that
Kate Chopin translated by Desi Ilham               consists of more than thirteen thousand
Sianturi. To deal with the purpose of this         islands. Every area in Indonesia has their
study the writer uses contrastive analysis         own culture that brings disparity in the
method.                                            production of languages. This condition
        Contrastive analysis is used to            creates so many kinds of language. There
show the differences and similarities in           are more than hundreds of types of
comparing languages by observing those             traditional languages but only one official
languages. Further, this study will only           language called Bahasa Indonesia. People
focus on pure contrastive analysis that is         in this country use Bahasa Indonesia in
aimed to study some parts of language              their daily life commonly in a formal
typology such as tenses, plural, and gender        situation. However, people, sometimes, mix
orientation.                                       between Bahasa Indonesia and their
                                                   traditional languages to communicate with
RESEARCH QUESTION                                  others who came from the same group of
In this study, the writer wants to explore a               Bahasa Indonesia is a standardized
question:                                          form of Malay. In 1928, the youth of
What are the differences and the                   Indonesia declared that Bahasa Indonesia
similarities between Bahasa Indonesia and          is the only national language in Indonesia.
English in A Story of an Hour by looking at        They chose Malay because it is one of the
plural, sentence structure, and gender             most widely-spoken languages in the
orientation?                                       Austronesian language family. As a result,
                                                   this language directly becomes a unitary
THE AIM OF THE STUDY                               language that ties people in this
                                                   archipelago country.
This study is aimed at finding the finding                 As a national language, Bahasa
the differences and the similarity between         Indonesia has characteristics in forming a
Bahasa Indonesia and English through a             sentence. The basic structure of a sentence
short story titled A Story of an Hour by           in Bahasa Indonesia is Subjek + Predikat or
Kate Chopin translated by Desi Ilham               Subject + Verb. There is only one type of
Sianturi.                                          Verb. It is the main verb. However, in
                                                   forming a sentence the use of adverb of
METHOD                                             time and affixes can help the reader to
                                                   understand that the action which is
In conducting this study, there is a primary       expressed from the sentence happens in
source that will be used to collect the data.      certain time.
A short story titled A Story of an Hour is
used as the primary source. Moreover, a            ENGLISH
contrastive analysis is conducted to
explore the differences and the similarities       The end of the Second World War in 1945
between Bahasa Indonesia and English               there is unprecedented expansion in
finding in the primary source. To do so,           scientific, technical and economic activity
there are four steps in doing this study.          on an international scale. This expansion is
Those are (1) collecting data, (2) finding         dominated by technology and commerce.
the comparison in the same units of the            This situation then becomes a demand for
two languages, (3) identifying the existing        an international language that can be used
variations, (4) formulating the contrasts          as a tool to spread information around the
that are found in the rule.                        world. It is also known that at that time, the
                                                   economic power is handled by the United
                                                   States in the post-war world. The national

A Contrastive Analysis Between Bahasa Indonesia and English in Kate Chopin’s A Story of An

language that is used by the US is English.      CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN
As a result, most of the society at that time    BAHASA INDONESIA AND ENGLISH
chose English as an international language.
The other reasons for choosing English as        PLURAL
an international language is because at that     In fact, there is no exact form in Bahasa
time there are so many books in all fields,      Indonesia to form plural but sometimes,
e.g.    technology,    economic,      science,   the idea of plural is reduplicating a Noun.
education and so on, available in English.       Whereas in English, the idea of plural is
         Just like other languages, English      making a new diction of a word and also
has own characteristics. This language has       using the appropriate form of –s and –es
ruled in formulating the words and               for Noun and Verb. To make it clear, here
pattern. For example, there is a certain way     are the examples:
in making plural such as by adding –s at the
end of Noun which functions as a free               No    English             Bahasa Indonesia
morpheme. Moreover, in formulating the
                                                    1.    as many women       Seperti kebanyakan
pattern of this language, there are tenses as
                                                          have heard the      wanita yang telah
a representation of one’s action in certain
                                                          same                mendengar hal yang
time. The example is simple present tense.
One of the uses of this tense is representing
one’s habitual action in present time. One          2.    the tops of trees   puncak-puncak pohon
of the formulas is S+V+Adv.
                                                    3.    the notes of a      not-not
CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS                                      distant song        darisebuahlagu di
The contrastive analysis appears because            4.    countless           ratusanburung pipit
there are some problems faced by                          sparrows
pedagogical area. The problems faced in
learning a second language and some error           5.    patches of blue     petak- petaklangitbiru
findings in learning a second language                    sky
become strong reasons in the emerged of
contrastive analysis. As times goes by, the         6.    a dull stare in     tatapan menjemukan
contrastive analysis is beneficially used in              her eyes            di matanya
language teaching area. "Contrastive                7.    the sounds, the     suara, aroma, warna
analysis was developed and practiced in                   scents, the color
the 1950s and 1960s as application of
structural linguistics to language teaching"        8.    a long              sebuah
(Richards, Platt & Platt 83). According to                procession of       prosesisepanjangtahun
them, contrastive analysis comes from a                   years
word contrast which means to set in
                                                    9.    her arms            Keduatangannya
opposition and to compare by observing
differences. They also explain that the aim         10.   her lips            Bibirnya
of contrastive analysis is to show the
differences and comparing languages by              11.   spring days and     hari-hari di musim
observing those languages. In addition,                   summer days         semi, dan musim panas
contrastive analysis is an analysis that
investigates two languages based on the
                                                        Those examples can clearly give a
similarity and the differences between the
                                                 picture of the form of plural in Bahasa
languages. In this occasion, the writer will
                                                 Indonesia and English. The form of Bahasa
analyze some linguistics aspects such as
                                                 Indonesia in plural is various. It is based on
plural, gender differences, and the form of
                                                 the need of the sentence. For example, we
sentence based on time which appears in
                                                 can use some additional words before
this short story.
                                                 Noun to create the form of plural such as

Galuh Dwi Ajeng
                    Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020) 28-36

semua, banyak, ke-, numbers, and dan. In           short story. Those are simple present
this short story, the plural form only adds        tense, present continuous tense, future
some forms like ke-, number such as                tense, simple past tense, past perfect tense,
kebanyakan and kedua. Moreover, the                past continuous tense and past future
reduplication of the word sometimes is             tense. The writer will analyze only the
also used to create plural form. Here, in          active sentence based on time differences.
this story, the reduplication can be found in
some words such as puncak-puncak, not-             No   English      Basic       Bahasa       Basic
not, petak-petak and hari-hari.                                      Structure   Indonesia    Struc
        Further, in English, there are exact                                                  ture
forms in forming plural. One of them is
                                                   1.   Body         Simple      Tubuh        S+V
adding –s and –es placed at the end of the
                                                        and soul     present:    dan jiwa
word such as arms and patches. The other
                                                        free!        S+V1        bebas!
is by creating a new word to represent
plural, for example, men and women. By             2.   You will     Present     Kau bisa     S+V
looking at those examples, it can be                    make         future:     membuat
concluded that Bahasa Indonesia and                     yourself                 dirimu
English do not have similarity in forming               ill.         S+will+V1   sakit.
the plural of language. They have their own
feature in creating the form to make a             3.   I am not     Present     Saya tidak   S+V
differentiation between singular and plural             making       continuou   akansakit.
form.                                                   myself       s: S+to
                                                        ill.         be+not+Vi
SENTENCE STRUCTURE                                                   ng

Every language has a sentence structure.           4.   She sat      Simple      Dia duduk    S+V
Both of Bahasa Indonesia and English also               with her     Past:       dengan
have sentence structure. This structure                 head                     kepalanya
helps the speaker to transfer their idea in             thrown       S+V2        bersandar
the right meaning in order to make the                  back                     pada
listener catches the same information as                upon the                 bantal
what the speaker means. The basic                       cushion                  kursi...
structure of Bahasa Indonesia is;                       of the
Subject+Verb+Object/ Adjective/ Adverb.                 chair...
Commonly, in the syntactical term, we call
Subject as Noun Phrase (NP) and Verb as            5.   There        Simple      Ada          S+Ad
Verb Phrase (VP). Yet in many cases, the                was a        Past:       tatapan      v of
order can be put in various ways, e.g. a                dull                     menjemuk     place
                                                        stare in     S+          an di
sentence may come from NP.VP, or NP.NP,                              was/were
or NP.AP or NP.PP. This dynamic                         her                      matanya...
equivalence is used by the translator to                eyes...
make the reader easy to understand the             6.   She          Past        Dia tidak    S+V
story without changing the messages of the              would        Future:     ingin satu
story. Nida (166-171) said that the                     have no                  orangpun
dynamic equivalence is focused on the                   one          S+          mengikuti
direct messages that are going to transfer              follow       would+V1    nya.
to the reader. Further, the examples of the             her.
dynamic equivalence will be explored more
by analyzing the translating text. In other        7.   He had       Past        Dia perlu    S+V
hands, the order of forming a sentence in               only         perfect:    waktu
English strictly lies on S = NP.VP                      taken                    untuk
                                                        the time     S+had+V3    meyakink
(sometimes VP with to be or linking verb).
        In this occasion, the study will be             to assure                an dirinya
focused on the tenses which appear in that              himself...               sendiri...

A Contrastive Analysis Between Bahasa Indonesia and English in Kate Chopin’s A Story of An

8.   She was    Past         Dia mulai    S+V    continuous tense are different. It is based
     beginnin   continuou    menyadar            on the planning action which will be done
     g to       s:           i hal yang          by the Subject or and an action that will be
     recogniz                mendekat            done by the Subject. In this case, Bahasa
     e this     S+was/we     untuk               Indonesia is different. The use of the word
     thing      re+Ving      merasukin           akan is enough to explain a future action
     that was                ya ini...           without wondering whether this action is
     approac                                     planned or not.
     hing to                                              If we look further, the unique of
     possess                                     both languages is seen clearly from the rest
     her...                                      of the examples. The use of different time
                                                 in forming English cannot be found in
                                                 forming Bahasa Indonesia. Again, in Bahasa
        By looking at the data, it can be
                                                 Indonesia, in understanding when the
concluded that Bahasa Indonesia and
                                                 activity happens, we have to see from the
English has similarity and differences in
                                                 context when the transmitter transmits
forming a sentence. The similarity can be
                                                 her/ his information to the receiver in
seen by looking at the way how both
                                                 order to explain the time and the action of
languages put Verb after Subject. They
                                                 information taken from the sentence.
have the same way in forming the basic
                                                 Example number four is one of the
structure of the languages. However, the
                                                 examples of the past sentence. The English
differences in forming those languages are
                                                 sentence pictures that the action happens
also appeared by pointing at the changing
                                                 in the past by giving a symbol that is the
of the Verb based on the time differences.
                                                 changing of V1 (sit) into V2 (sat). On the
The changing Verb of Bahasa Indonesia is
                                                 contrary, Bahasa Indonesia does not have a
pointed on the affixes added in a Verb. On
                                                 form like English. If we see the sentence dia
the other hand, the changing of the Verb in
                                                 duduk dengan kepalanya bersandar pada
English is pointed on the irregular Verb
                                                 bantalkursi, this sentence does not give a
and regular Verb of English.
                                                 picture about the action that is happened
        Here, in the first example, the
                                                 in the past. This sentence is only telling
sentence is a direct sentence in a form of
                                                 that the Subject does an action which is
simple present tense. Both in Bahasa
                                                 called sit, at that time, when the story
Indonesia and English, the use of base Verb
                                                 happens. So, in Bahasa Indonesia usually,
(free and bebas) is needed. In the second
                                                 the reader is directly aware that the use of
example, the sentence is in present future.
                                                 Bahasa Indonesia sentence in a story will
In English to form a present future tense
                                                 represent something happens in a certain
the Verb is formed by adding the word will
                                                 time. Commonly, to strengthen that the
in front of the base Verb. Whereas in
                                                 action happened in a certain time, the
Bahasa Indonesia, the use of the word akan
                                                 writer adds adverb of time to make the
identifies an action which will happen in
                                                 whole story clear.
the future. Here, the translator uses the
                                                          Moreover, the fifth example also
word bisa to replace the word akan. If we
                                                 shows an action that happens in the past
see the context of the whole paragraph, the
                                                 just like the fourth sentence. The difference
word bisa can represent a condition where
                                                 is that this sentence does not have Verb. It
the action is not yet done. The use of the
                                                 only has to be that is was. In English, there
word bisa is chosen in order to make the
                                                 is a role in making a sentence that does not
reader easy to understand the message
                                                 have Verb because it is believed that a
from the story without changing the
                                                 sentence must have at minimum S and V. In
meaning of the word from the original text.
                                                 case that there is no Verb, to be must be
Moreover, the use of the word akan can
                                                 put after the S, there was a dull stare in her
also explain present continuous tense. We
                                                 eyes. This sentence is translated into ada
can see from the third sentence. In English,
                                                 tatapan menjemukan di matanya. There
the use of present future tense and present

Galuh Dwi Ajeng
                    Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020) 28-36

was is translated into ada. Actually this is       Here, was beginning is originally translated
not a formal language in Bahasa Indonesia          by sedang memulai but in this case, by
but still, it is accepted as a communicative       looking at the context of the sentence, it is
language that is used by the translator to         better to use the word mulai. The phrase
make the reader easy to understand the             sedang memulai cannot be used in this
story without changing the messages of the         sentence because if we look at the whole
story.                                             translating sentence, it is weird in Bahasa
         Example number six gives a                Indonesia to say Diasedang memulai
different issue. This past continuous              menyadari rather than saying dia mulai
sentence is translated by choosing words           menyadari.
that are seen as words which can represent
the exact message from the sentence. The           GENDER ORIENTATION
words would have no are translated by
tidak ingin. Tidak ingin means does not            Bahasa Indonesia has a different way to
want. Originally, the words would have no          classify a gender in a sentence. Bahasa
translate as akan tidak memiliki. These            Indonesia usually uses a name to
words look weird if we see from the                differentiate a gender orientation. There is
context. As a result, the words tidak ingin        no exact term of gender orientation in
are chosen in order to keep the message of         Bahasa Indonesia. In contrast, English
the story while it is translated. However,         concerns on this matter. English uses a
the meaning of the sentence is not                 pronoun to say gender orientations for
changing.                                          examples are she and he. She is to call a
         Further, in English, the example          woman. He is to call a man. The term of
number seven is past perfect. The changing         both two languages in showing the gender
of V1 into had+V3 also happens as a sign           orientation is not the same. Both two
that it is past perfect. In Bahasa Indonesia,      languages have their own way in
there is no changing Verb in translating           describing a gender. For example, in
this tense. The same issue with the                Bahasa Indonesia the use of the word dia is
previous one is also brought in this               describing gender, man and woman. This is
sentence. The appropriate word perlu is            because the characteristic of Bahasa
chosen in translating VP had only taken            Indonesia is not differentiating gender.
rather than translating word by word               Whereas in English, the word she and he
(hanya sudah mengambil).This VP is                 are used to differentiate gender. Here is the
translated by the word perlu in order to           example. The usage of different words in
keep the message of this sentence. In              English such sister and brother can also be
Bahasa Indonesia hanya sudah mengambil             said to show different gender. On the other
waktu is just the same meaning with perlu          hand, in some cases in Bahasa Indonesia,
waktu.                                             the words sister and brother can only be
         The last sentence is indicated an         replaced by the word saudara. For clear
action that was in the process or was still        understanding, here are some examples
happening in the past. In English, it is           about gender orientation that can be found
called past continuous sentence by forming         clearly in some sentences of A Story of an
words into an order S+was+Ving. Still in           Hour.
Bahasa Indonesia there is no specific order
in picturing this tense except using                No                 English        Bahasa Indonesia
additional words sedang before Verb even              1.   Her husband’s death      Kematian suaminya
though the word sedang, sometimes in
some translation, is disappeared in order             2.   Her sister Josephine   Saudaranya Josephine
                                                                   who told her    yang mengatakannya
to keep the meaning of the text and to                                                      kepadanya
make the sentence easy to understand.
This English sentence is translated into              3.              It was he                Dialah
Bahasa Indonesia by choosing a Verb that              4.             His wares      Barang daganganya
has equal meaning with the original Verb.

A Contrastive Analysis Between Bahasa Indonesia and English in Kate Chopin’s A Story of An

     5.         To screen him        Untuk menutupinya               STUDENTS’ANXIETY IN SPEAKING
     6.       She did not hear       Dia tidakmendengar              IMPROMPTU
                                                                     SPEECH." International Conference
     7.   He had been far from                        Dia            on Education and Language (ICEL).
               the scene of the   telahjauhdarilokasikece
                      accident                     lakaan            2016.
        From those examples, it can be
seen clearly that the characteristics of                    Ajeng, Galuh Dwi. "THE CORRELATION
Bahasa Indonesia and English in gender                             BETWEEN
orientation is different. In example number                        STUDENTS’VOCABULARY
1, 2, 4 and 5, the words her, his and him                          MASTERY AND THEIR ABILITY IN
can simply be replaced by the word –nya.                           WRITING                HORTATORY
Whereas the words he and she can be                                EXPOSITION TEXT." Lentera: Jurnal
replaced by the word dia.                                          Ilmiah Kependidikan 2 (2017): 93-
CONCLUSION                                                         http://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/inde
Based on the explanation above, it can be                   Ajeng, Galuh Dwi. "THE BASIC CAUSES OF
concluded that Bahasa Indonesia and                                INDONESIAN                       EFL
English has similarity and differences in                          STUDENTS’ANXIETY IN DOING
plural, sentence structure and gender                              SPEAKING." Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah
orientation. Both Bahasa Indonesia and                             Kependidikan 1 (2016): 233-250.
English have singular and plural Noun. The                         http://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/inde
similarity can also be seen informing                              x.php/lentera/article/view/352.
sentence structure. The order basic
structure of both languages is the same. It                 Ajeng, Galuh Dwi. "THE HIDDEN REASON
is S+V. It means that a sentence should                            OF ED BOONE TO KILL THE DOG IN
have minimum points S and V. On the other                          MARK HADDON’S THE CURIOUS
hand, in forming the sentence, Bahasa                              INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE
Indonesia and English has differences                              NIGHT-TIME." Lentera:          Jurnal
based time differences. In English, the form                       Ilmiah Kependidikan 1 (2014): 36-
of V1 can be changing into V2 and V3 based                         53.
on the time differences but in Bahasa                              http://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/inde
Indonesia there is no changing V into V2                           x.php/lentera/article/view/136.
and V3. Moreover, by looking at the gender
                                                            Ajeng, Galuh Dwi. ED BOONE’S MOTIVES
orientation, only English that concerns
                                                                   FOR KILLING THE DOG IN MARK
about this issue but Bahasa Indonesia is in
                                                                   HADDON’S THE CURIOUS INCIDENT
the opposite. Finally, it is also clear that in
                                                                   OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME.
translating this story, the translator uses
                                                                   Diss.      SANATA          DHARMA
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catching the message of the story without
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A Contrastive Analysis Between Bahasa Indonesia and English in Kate Chopin’s A Story of An

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