A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association

Page created by Victor Scott
A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association
First Quarter 2022

A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022
                                                  By TIM HOGAN, OCWA Communications

B    uilding on its successes from 2021,
     your Association’s Board of Directors
looks forward to a New Year of educational
                                                 Bundle is meant to give as
                                                 many agency personnel as
                                                 possible the opportunity to
opportunities, informative presentations,        experience all the many
and renewed social gatherings.                   benefits of Association member-
   To steer the Association in 2022, a slate     ship. When compared to the
of quality officers and directors have already   individual rate of $70 per
taken the reins. President Sandy Scott-          member, this is an unbeatable
Roberts, along with the rest of her Board,       bargain.
have renewed their commitment to                    Interested agencies should
provide quality, timely information, along       contact Board members CEspinoza2@anaheim.net
                                                                           Candice Espinoza     After a year of outstanding presentations,
with enjoyable social events, for the                byoung@lbcwd.org
                                                 or Bobby    Young for complete details.        in which topics as diverse as the Doheny
entire Orange County water community.               Returning this year will be the popular     Desalination Project, MWD’s Recycled
   To kickstart the year right, the Board        Industry Insight webinars. Since the           Water Purification Center, and Yorba
has instituted a new tier of membership          monthly luncheon presentations were            Linda’s New PFAS Treatment Plant were
for all Orange County public water agencies.     brought online two years ago, viewers          featured, the Board is eager to clear the
This trial program permits agencies to pay       from throughout the State of California        high bar they’ve set for themselves.
a flat rate — $250 — to qualify as many          have been attracted by the exceptional         Further details will be released as the
of its people as they’d like for membership.     programming. And as they have from the         presentations are arranged.
   As an introductory program, the Agency        beginning, the Board is committed to              The Board is open for suggestions, as
                                                 providing another year of quality, timely      well. If there’s a project you’d like to
                                                 information.                                   know more about, or your firm or agency
2022 Board of Directors                             This month, Jason Fussel, of Tetra Tech,    is doing something noteworthy, please let
The 2022 OCWA Board of Directors are:            will discuss their creative design for the     a Board member know. They’ll be happy
    Sandy Scott-Roberts, President;              https://www.ocwater.org/event-4627622
                                                 new   Stormwater Capture system recently       to look into any topics raised. It could
      Dave Jones, Vice President;                installed in the City of Lakewood’s Bolivar    also be an opportunity for you to make
       Bobby Young , Treasurer;                  Park. And though we’re uncertain at the        the presentation, should you be so
     Candice Espinoza, Secretary;                moment what our drought situation may          inclined.
                                                 be this year, knowledge about innovative          Beyond the monthly presentations,
       Taryn Kjolsing, Director;
                                                 mitigation processes like this will prove      however, the Board looks to hold all of its
        Derek Kurtti, Director;
                                                 invaluable in the future.                      annual training sessions and social events
   and Tanner Bennett, Director;and
                                                    The Board is hard at work to finalize       in person this year. In May, we’ll hold our
      Ryan Gallagher, Ex-Officio                 the webinar plans for the rest of the year.                             Continued on Page 2
A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association
Orange County Water Association                                                                                                 Page 2

Ryan Gallagher: OCWA’s Only Two-Term President
W       hen Ryan Gallagher relinquished the
        Presidency to Sandy Scott-Roberts
at the Holiday Party last month, it marked
                                                                                                      employees. Prior to joining MKN, Ryan
                                                                                                      was a Principal at KEH from 2014 to
                                                                                                      2018. At KEH, he helped grow offices
the end of his time as OCWA’s longest                                                                 in Ventura County and Orange County.
serving executive. At two terms, he served                                                            The company was sold in 2018 to
twice as long as any previous President.                                                              Gannett Fleming, a national engineer-
Of course, the disruption caused by the                                                               ing company.
pandemic played a large part in the Board’s                                                             Ryan graduated from Cal Poly, San
decision to give all the 2020 officers                                                                Luis Obispo in 2006 and subsequently
another opportunity to preside over a more                                                            spent 10 years in Ventura County
favorable year. But the inscription on the                                                            working for Kennedy/Jenks and then
plaque presented to Ryan at the Holiday                                                               AECOM. Throughout his career, Ryan
Party told the full story: “So Nice We Asked Him Twice.”                  has been an active participant in the water industry, serving as
   Ryan’s pleasant attitude wasn’t the only attribute he brought to       President for various organizations including ASCE YMF, Santa
the Board. He exhibited leadership from the start, and helped usher       Barbara/Ventura (2012), American Public Works Association –
in changes to the Association that will reverberate for years to          Ventura County (2014), Association of Water Agencies Ventura
come. At Ryan’s urging, the Board moved the membership roster             County (2016) and most recently for Orange County Water
to the cloud, so each member can manage their own membership.             Association (2020 & 2021). Ryan was recognized for his achieve-
The membership site also gave the Association a single place              ments in 2018 by ENR where he was honored as a national Top
from which to manage all public communications, along with                20 under 40.
event registration and all financials.                                       In his personal life, Ryan is an active community member. He
   As President, Ryan oversaw the development of a new logo for           recently served as a Tustin Planning Commissioner and was
the Association. He also moved quickly to implement on-line               elected to the Tustin City Council in 2020. In that capacity,
webinars to replace the luncheon meetings when the pandemic               Ryan was appointed as a Board Member for Orange County
hit. And, together with the Board, a new membership category              Sanitation District where he serves on the Steering Committee,
was added with hopes it will spur more agency involvement.                GWRS Committee, and is Vice Chair of the Operations
   In his professional life, Ryan is a Principal and Operations           Committee.
Manager for MKN, a water-focused consulting company that is                  For fun, Ryan enjoys spending time with his wife Morgan, two
located and exclusively services Central and Southern California.         boys (Cole and Clay), and dog Gus. They are expecting their first
Ryan founded the company’s Irvine office shortly after joining in         girl, Camden, in March 2022. Ryan is an avid traveler, having
2019. Since joining, the company has grown from 30 to 50                  visited over 40 countries across six continents.

           2022 is Shaping Up to be a Great Year for OCWA
Continued from Page 1                                                     who stepped forward this past year to support our events and
annual county-wide safety training event for operators, SafetyFest.       activities. We are especially indebted to the 23 sponsors who
This will be followed in September by our always-popular                  helped ensure the success of our year by contributing to our
Operator Expo, which will again feature training sessions, vendor         inaugural Corporate Sponsor program. They are all listed on page 4.
displays, and spirited competitions.                                      It was extremely gratifying when, in less than a day, we had more
  In June we’ll tee-up the annual Golf Tournament. We were                than double the number of Sponsors we had hoped to attract.
excited to host it at its regular time last year as it proved a rousing   With this support, we were able to build upon the previous year’s
success, with a full card of players. And finally, the annual Holiday     successes while we strove to renew the many events and activities
Party is set for December 2nd. You’ll definitely want to attend.          we had postponed during the years of pandemic lockdown.
Plans are underway already for an event that will soar to new                We are both humbled and proud to be supported by so many
heights of holiday cheer!                                                 thoughtful, caring friends. On behalf of the membership, as well
  For all events, further details will be provided closer to the date.    as the entire Orange County water community, thank you for
  In closing, the Board would like to thank all the many sponsors         your support.
A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association
Page 3                                                                                            Orange County Water Association

                                                                 January 19: Industry Insight Webinar

                                                           STORMWATER CAPTURE!
                                                       City of Lakewood Project Diverts Runoff
                                                                for Use in Bolivar Park
                                                                     Presenter:   Jason Fussel,           Tetra Tech

A      stormwater captures system
      (StormTrap) was installed at
Bolivar Park as part of an
                                                                                                 beneath the park. The collected
                                                                                                 stormwater is then treated and used
                                                                                                 to irrigate the landscaped areas in
innovative stormwater manage-                                                                    Bolivar Park, satisfying 100 percent
ment project for the City of                                                                     of the park’s 9.5-million-gallons-per-
Lakewood. The project addresses                                                                  year irrigation needs.
water supply issues and helps the                                                                   Plan now to join us January 19 for
City meet local water quality                                                                    a look at this innovative project that
requirements. Stormwater runoff is diverted from a nearby             addresses one of the more pressing needs of our day. Make
flood control channel, pre-treated and then conveyed into             your reservations today! You won’t want to miss this.
the StormTrap system.
   Tetra Tech was the engineer for the project. Their
innovative design, an air-inflated, rubber dam diversion
system, redirects all urban and stormwater runoff from the
Los Cerritos channel through a pre-treatment system that
removes trash, debris, and sediment. A pump station and
drainage pipeline conveys the water into a 2.9-million-
gallon, multi-chambered storage and infiltration facility

About Our Speakers
                                                                          Wednesday, January 19, 2022
   Jason Fussel has more than 13 years of experience in the
                                                                                     Online ZOOM Presentation
stormwater and BMP arena, which includes successful
implementation of sustainable design practices for a vast array of            Webinar Open for Log-In: 12:00
improvement projects.                                                           Presentation: 12:30 – 1:00
   As a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) and Qualified
                                                                           OCWA Members with Reservation:                 FREE
SWPPP Developer (QSD), Mr. Fussel has ample experience
with providing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
                                                                           Non-Members with Reservations:                $10.00
(SWPPP) for construction activities and Water Quality                  Cancellations received AFTER Tuesday, January 18 CANNOT be refunded.

Management Plans (WQMP). Additionally, Mr. Fussel is an                     Visit the OCWA website to make reservations:
Envision™ Sustainability Professional and LEED Accredited                             www.ocwater.org
Professional.                                                         RSVP IS A FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. NO-SHOWS WILL BE BILLED.
A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association
Orange County Water Association                                                                                                                                            Page 4

2021 OCWA Corporate Sponsors
                                                                                   POSITIONS AVAILABLE
 By their generous support, the following corporations                           OCWA Members and their organization can post unlimited job listings to
                                                                                   the Association website for FREE. Listings are promoted with weekly
     were instrumental in ensuring OCWA’s success                                 e-blasts sent to our 1,500+ contacts, representing over 45 agencies and
                                                                                                   more than 120 companies county-wide.
         during the second year of the pandemic.
                                                                                             This is saturation coverage throughout the County.
      On behalf of the membership, and the entire                                 What else would you expect from the only Orange County Association
                                                                                                  dedicated to the local water community?
      Orange County water community, thank you.                                   If you would like to post a job opening here, and are a current member,
                                                                                     please send a PDF, or a link to a web page detailing the position to
                                                                                                            the OCWA webmaster.
                         AES Water, Inc.
                                                                                                              NEW OPPORTUNITIES:
   Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
                                                                                             SCWD – Utility Management Analyst
                                                                                            Mainline Sales - Customer Care Associate
     Black & Veatch               S       Carollo Engineers                                 MNWD – Sr. Human Resources Analyst
                                                                                      MNWD – Communications Coordinator – Sr. Coordinator
DN Tanks         S    DUDEK                S   Hazen and Sawyer                       MNWD – Customer Account Representative I/II (01-21)
                                                                                                   Santa Ana - Civil Engineer
  HDR, Inc.          S       Irvine Ranch Water District                                EOCWD - Water Distribution Lead Operator (02-01)
                                                                                      PERC Water - Operations Manager-Chief Plant Operator
                         JIG Consultants                                              PERC Water - Chief Plant Operator Vista Canyon Tejon
                                                                                                 IRWD – Accountant (Payroll)
           John Robinson Consulting, Inc.                                              OCWD - Director of Recharge and Wetland Operations
                                                                                                CAA - Environmental Associate
                     Leighton Consulting                                                    MNWD - Customer Account Supervisor
                                                                                                United Water Works - Estimator
              Michael Baker International                                                  United Water Works - Inside Sales Associate
                                                                                          United Water Works - Outside Sales Associate
      MKN Associates                  S    Mueller Systems
                                                                                             . . . and dozens of more listings on the website . . .
MWH          S    Ninyo and Moore                S       Pace Water                  For further information on these and other currently open positions,
                                                                                       please visit the “Opportunities” section of the OCWA website:
   Peterson Structural Engineers                     S    Psomas                                       www.ocwater.org/Opportunities
                                                                                    Members and their agency or company can post Opportunities to the OCWA website, free of
                                                                                     charge, as often as they’d like. If you wish to post a job opening, and are a current member,
            Richard C. Slade & Associates                                          please send a PDF of your listing to the OCWA webmaster. We’ll post the listing to the website
                                                                                          and, if space permits, advertise it in the member’s-only monthly newsletter as well.
                 Stantec         S        Tetra Tech

Board of Directors                                            Key Contacts                                                                     OCWA’s Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                              meets on the third Wednesday
      President                         Directors                  Membership                         Golf Tournament                                of each month,
 Sandy Scott-Roberts                  Derek Kurtti             Candice Espinoza                     Michael Sinacori                            unless notified otherwise.
   (714) 378-3292                    (805) 550-9656                                                                                               At present, meetings are
    sscott@ocwd.com                                            (714) 765-5323                         (949) 644-3342
                                  dkurtti@gmail.com                                                                                                  being held virtually.
                                                             CEspinoza2@anaheim.ne            msinacori@newportbeachca.gov                           The next meeting is
    Vice President
     Dave Jones                       Taryn Kjolsing                                                                                                    scheduled for:
   (916) 769-8753                    (949) 541-1327                                                    Public Outreach
                                                                   Legal Counsel                                                                    January 19, 2022
drjones@hazenandsawyer.com        tkjolsing@scwd.org                                                                                                11:00 am to Noon
                                                               Jeff A. Hoskinson                 Sandy Scott-Roberts
     Secretary                       Tanner Bennett              (949) 453-4260                    (714) 378-3292                                            ✦    ✦     ✦

  Candice Espinoza                   (818) 720-2922
  (714) 765-5323                                             jeff.hoskinson@aalrr.com                sscott@ocwd.com                          Unless otherwise noted, all articles in this
                              tbennett@mknassociates.us                                                                                      newsletter reflect the views or opinions of the
CEspinoza2@anaheim.ne                                                                                                                       authors and not the official opinion of OCWA,
                                                                                                                                                its membership or Board of Directors.
      Treasurer                         Ex-Officio                 Programming                        Communications
                                                                                                                                            All Advertisements contained in the newsletter
    Bobby Young                      Ryan Gallagher               Dave Jones                            Tim Hogan                           are subject to the OCWA Advertising Policy.
   (949) 837-7050                    (714) 213-9758             (916) 769-8753                        (714) 903-3991
                                                                                                                                             The OCWA Advertising Policy is available
                                                                                                                                                   on request from the Association.
   BYoung@lbcwd.org            rgallagher@mknassociates.us
                                                             drjones@hazenandsawyer.com          timhogan @ socal.rr.com
A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association A Full-Slate of Activities are On-Tap for 2022 - Orange County Water Association
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