A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services

Page created by Daniel Richards
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
                                DECEMBER 2019

Since our last newsletter in July there   a publication read across 80 countries
have been a lot of great achievements     with regards to our engagement with
made at Gosford Private Hospital. The     staff and patients, as well as winning
first sod was turned on our $32million    several awards this year with the NSW
expansion which will see three more       Business Chamber at a local, regional
theatre spaces, a new recovery and        and State level. The staff also are
day surgery, a new purpose-built          dedicating their own time to their
maternity ward, expanded surgical         love of sustainable practices, and we
beds and capacity for more beds           have had contact now from around
into the future. It will mean that our    the country and the globe about
site will be a construction zone all      how we are working to achieve our
of next year, but services will not be    sustainability goals.                    information that we send out with
interrupted at all. We are spending                                                patients, and to you as their GP. We
a lot of time focusing on way finding     We also continue to invest in the        will hopefully be enhancing that
so that patients’ and relatives’          latest technology and provide our        discharge information very soon.
experiences here are not hampered.        medical staff with everything they
                                          need to care for your patients.          I look forward to keeping you
Our staff continue to focus on the        This year alone we have spent over       updated with the building and
patient’s experience and we are being     $2 million on our facility and           exciting new services, such as robotic
recognised for the fantastic work that    equipment. We are also working at        surgery that we will be able to offer
they do. We have been referenced in       a national level on improving the        with our new facility.

It’s been a busy time at Brisbane         has been pleasing for many GPs
Waters Private Hospital since the         being able to refer locally. With more
last GP rounds was delivered to your      surgeons attending the Hospital in
practices – with many of you attending    plastics, dental, gastroenterology,
our 3rd Mental Health Conference in       general and bariatric surgery we have
October at the Crown Plaza Terrigal.      seen an increase of 25% in surgical
With such great support from the GP       services which has impacted positively
community, our Central Coast Clinic       on other aspects of the Hospital. If     I would like to thank you all for your
continues to be extremely busy and        you are a GP or Referrer from the        support of Brisbane Waters Private
now with the recruitment of a new         southern end of the coast and wish to    during 2019 and look forward to
Nurse Unit Manager with specialist        schedule a visit to your practice from   working with you in 2020.
qualifications as a Nurse Practitioner    one of our Specialists, or join one of
and ten Psychiatrists in private          our upcoming Educational events,         Finally I would like to wish everyone a
practice, the unit is ready to continue   please contact our Regional GP and       very Merry Xmas and prosperous New
its phenomenal growth in 2020.            Community Relationship Manager,          Year and to thank our exceptional staff
                                          Petrina Waddell, at petrina.waddell@     who continue to work extremely hard
Our surgical services have continued      healthecare.com.au                       to provide a great patient experience
to grow over 2019, which I know                                                    at Brisbane Waters Private.

GP ROUNDS CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                1
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
                                TUGGERAH LAKES PRIVATE CEO

3   HIATAL HERNIAS – WHO        Tuggerah Lakes Private Hospital has got off to a flying start and over
                                the last 6 months has gone from strength to strength. The hard work
                                in the planning and establishment phase is now paying dividends as
    with General Surgeon,       we are seeing more surgical cases with increasing acuity and more
    Dr Peter Hamer              overnight cases. The three theatres are now fully allocated and the
                                team is working on plans to increase both the theatre and ward
                                capacity along with new services that are needed in the local area.
4   UPDATE ON BREAST            Dr Jim Hasn and Dr Indu Gunawardena provided the first Tuggerah
    CANCER TREATMENT            Lakes GP education evening and we are looking forward to many
    with Breast and General     more educational events in 2020.
    Surgeon, Dr Mary Ling
                                If you are a GP or Referrer from the northern end of the Central Coast
                                or Lake Macquarie area and would like to tour the hospital, schedule
6   ROBOTIC ANTERIOR            a visit to your practice from one of our Specialists, or join one of our
    TOTAL HIP                   upcoming Educational events, please contact our Regional GP and
                                Community Relationship Manager, Petrina Waddell, at
    REPLACEMENT                 petrina.waddell@healthecare.com.au
    with Orthopaedic Surgeon,
    Dr John Limbers                                                       I would like to take this
                                                                          opportunity to thank the
                                                                          amazing staff at Tuggerah
8   COMMON (AND LESS                                                      Lakes Private Hospital for
    COMMON)                                                               their dedication and patient
    NERVE ENTRAPMENT                                                      centred care, the exceptional
                                                                          specialists who are bringing
    SYNDROMES                                                             desperately needed services
    with Neurosurgeon,                                                    to the local area, and our
    Dr Vanessa Sammons                                                    local GP’s for their fantastic
                                                                          support. We are looking
                                                                          forward to continuing to
10 BREAST IMPLANT                                                         grow and adding more
   RUPTURE, ALCL AND                                                      services in 2020.
                                                                          I wish you all a safe and
                                                                          festive Christmas and
   with Plastics and                                                      New Year.
   Reconstructive Surgeon,
   Dr Chaithan Reddy

12 DIAGNOSIS AND                                            Petrina Waddell
   REFERRAL FOR TWIN                                        Petrina Waddell is Health Care’s Regional
                                                            GP & Community Relationships Manager
                                                            for the Central Coast. Petrina helps to
   with Obstetrician/                                       raise the profile of the Specialists and
   Gynaecologist,                                           admitting VMO’s across our three private
   Dr Amrou Metawa                                          hospitals and is available to support local
                                                            GPs, Referrers and the business community
                                                            in learning more about the services we
14 MANAGEMENT OF LATE                                       offer, any new procedures, and to facilitate
   LIFE DEPRESSION                                          meet and greet opportunities with our
                                                            new and experienced Specialists. Petrina
   with Psychiatrist,                                       also coordinates our RACGP accredited
   Dr Susil Stephen                                         education events. For more information,
                                                            contact Petrina on 0459 988 236 or at

2                                                                                            GP ROUNDS
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
– with General Surgeon, Dr Peter Hamer

Hiatal hernias are common and often          2) Regurgitation and early satiety           gastroscopy. Patients with problematic
reported on CT scans, gastroscopy            Similar to volume reflux, a hernia that      iron deficiency, known large hiatal
and contrast swallows. The majority          is large enough can cause mechanical         hernias and no other cause for their
are relatively asymptomatic or               problems such as regurgitation of food       deficiency will often benefit from repair
associated with mild reflux symptoms         and early satiety. If this is happening on   regardless of whether ulcers are seen at
and should be managed expectantly,           a regular basis, repair is the only way of   gastroscopy or not.
however there are particular groups          fixing this.
of patients with moderate to large                                                        5) Volvulus and pain
hiatal hernias who are better off with a     3) Shortness of breath                       These patients are relatively easy to
surgical repair, often obtain substantial                                                 manage. When a hernia is large enough
improvements in their quality of life,       It was long debated whether or not a
                                             hiatus hernia can get large enough to        to start volving and causing ischaemic
and are very grateful post operatively.                                                   pain symptoms they need early referral
The indications are broader than merely      pressure the lungs and cause shortness
                                             of breath. We now know this is both          for repair.
reflux disease.
                                             incorrect and correct. A large hiatal
                                             hernia can cause quite significant           6) 40-50 year old males
1) Volume reflux
                                             shortness of breath on exercise, but         This group warrants a mention on their
When taking a history of reflux disease,     it is due to left atrial compression         own. Although most large hiatal hernias
it is important to delineate what the        and a decrease in venous return to           start causing problems in 60-70yo
patient means by reflux. Patients can        the heart (the left atrium sits right up     females, there is a younger group of
mean anything from mild retrosternal         against a hiatal hernia), rather than        male patient who develop large hiatal
discomfort, burping (unlikely to be          lung compression. After repair it is not     hernias in their 40s and 50s. They are
reflux), through to what can be termed       uncommon for patients in their 60s           poor at describing their symptoms,
volume or mechanical reflux. It is this      and 70s to describe an increase in the       and incorrectly attribute a lot of their
latter group that need a mechanical          distance they can walk from 2-300m           symptoms to middle age rather than
(surgical) solution to a mechanical          to 2-3km. Exclusion of cardiac and           their hernia. However they almost
problem (their hiatus hernia). Volume        respiratory causes is obviously the          invariably have moderate to severe
reflux is a term used to describe the        first step if you suspect this, it occurs    symptoms, which they only recognise
feeling of large volumes of gastric fluid    only in hernias large enough to cause        fully in hindsight. They are invariably
refluxing into the oesophagus. Patients      atrial compression and sometimes the         very grateful post surgery and describe
will describe a feeling of fluid rushing     patient will notice that their shortness     marked improvements in their exercise
up when they bend over to do up              of breath is worse after a meal (when        tolerance, energy levels, eating patterns
shoelaces or when doing the gardening.       food distends the stomach which then         and reflux.
On questioning they won’t be able to
                                             pushes on the atrium).
sleep flat, often using pillows or raising
the head of the bed to use gravity to
prevent the fluid rush. A PPI will make
                                             4) Iron deficiency anaemia                   Surgery for hiatal hernia repair is
gastric fluid neutral but it won’t take it   Having a hiatus hernia means your            laparoscopic and involves a 1-2 night
away, meaning that these patients are        stomach is straddling the hiatus and         stay in hospital followed by a 4-6 week
often PPI resistant – when on anti-          the diaphragmatic crura. This puts           pureed diet. It is often tolerated well
reflux medications they still feel gross     tension on the stomach mucosa and            even by those in their 80s and 90s.
amounts of fluid refluxing into their        can cause ischaemic ulceration of the        Side effects involve gas-bloat syndrome
oesophagus, it just happens to be pH         stomach mucosa known as Camerons             in 20-30% so if patients have reflux
neutral fluid rather than acidic.            ulcers. These ulcers are intermittent        controlled by medications, and none
                                             in nature, coming and going and are          of the above symptoms they are often
                                             therefore only sometimes seen on             best managed without surgical referral.

Dr Peter Hamer is a General Surgeon with a special interest in conditions
of the oesophagus and stomach, including:
–– Oesophageal and gastric cancer       –– Endoscopy and Colonoscopy
–– Hiatus hernias and reflux            –– Gall bladder surgery
–– Weight loss surgery                  –– Hernia repair

Consulting at:
• 33 Etna Street, Gosford                                       Call us: 02 4380 8404
• Kanwal Medical Complex, Ste C 16/654 Pacific Hwy              www.drpeterhamer.com.au

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                                3
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
– with Breast and General Surgeon, Dr Mary Ling

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy                       and improving aesthetic outcomes for        –– Triple negative breast cancer
The treatment sequence for breast              patients already suitable for breast           < 50 years
cancer is traditionally surgery                conserving surgery, as well as time for
                                                                                           –– Male breast cancer at any age
followed by chemotherapy and                   genetic testing and surgical planning.
                                                                                           –– Jewish ancestry
then radiotherapy. Neoadjuvant
chemotherapy (NACT; chemotherapy                                                           –– Two breast cancers, where the
before surgery) was reserved for cases                                                        first occurred < 60 years
of locally advanced, inoperable or
                                                                                           –– Two or more different but
inflammatory breast cancer. Nowadays,                 1 in 20 women                           associated cancers at any age
NACT is increasingly being used for                  with breast cancer                       (e.g. breast and ovarian cancer)
early breast cancer, specifically triple
negative (oestrogen, progesterone                  and 1 in 7 women with                   –– Lobular breast cancer and family
and HER2-receptor negative) and                    ovarian cancer have an                     history of lobular breast or
HER2-positive tumours. Studies have                                                           diffuse-type gastric cancer
shown overall survival rates are similar             inherited genetic
                                                                                           –– Personal history suggestive of
for adjuvant versus NACT, however,                        mutation.
a major advantage of NACT is that it                                                          –– Peutz-Jegher syndrome
has prognostic significance. If NACT is                                                          (oral pigmentation and/or
given and no residual cancer is found                                                            gastrointestinal polyposis)
in the surgical specimen, the patient is       Gene testing                                   –– PTEN hamartoma syndrome
said to have a ‘pathological complete                                                            (macrocephaly, specific
                                               Around 1 in 20 women with breast
response (pCR)’ and survival is                                                                  mucocutaneous lesions,
                                               cancer (and 1 in 7 women with ovarian
significantly improved when compared                                                             endometrial or thyroid cancer)
                                               cancer) have an inherited genetic
with a patient who does not achieve
                                               mutation. Patients with a personal
a pCR. If pCR is not achieved, there                                                          –– Li Fraumeni syndrome
                                               history of breast cancer that warrant
is an opportunity to give further                                                                (breast cancer < 50 years,
                                               a referral to a family cancer clinic for
chemotherapy after surgery. Other                                                                adrenocorticocarcinoma,
                                               assessment include:
benefits of NACT are tumour shrinkage                                                            sarcoma, brain tumours).
reducing the need for mastectomy               –– Breast cancer < 40 years or < 50
and axillary lymph node dissection,                years with limited family structure
                                                   or knowledge (e.g. adopted)

                                           Dr Mary Ling provides private                  - Gastric Band Removals
                                           practice specialisation in:                    - Gastroscopy & Colonoscopy
                                           - Breast Cancer Surgery
                                                                                          Rapid Access Appointments within 48
                                           - Gallbladder & Hernia Surgery                 hours are available for patients with a
                                           - Melanoma & Skin Cancer Surgery               new diagnosis of breast cancer.

                                           Consulting at:                                     Call us: 02 4321 0302
                                           • Suite 6/16 Hills Street, Gosford
                                                                                              Email: reception@drmaryling.com.au
                                           • Brisbane Waters Private Consulting Rooms
                                           • Tuggerah Lakes Private Consulting Rooms          Sign up to GP Update a quarterly
                                                                                              newsletter for Central Coast GPs at

4                                                                                                                    GP ROUNDS
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
Breast cancer-related lymphoedema            Australasian Lymphology Association
Breast cancer-related lymphoedema            (ALA) position statement recommends           A simple approach to
(BCRL) affects 1 in 5 patients treated       all breast cancer patients have pre-          “prescribing exercise”:
for breast cancer, and has a significant     treatment measurements (prior to
                                                                                           –– Assess current physical
negative impact on patient’s quality         surgery or chemotherapy) and repeat
                                                                                              activity at regular intervals
of life after treatment. Established         measurements at 3 to 6 monthly
risk factors include axillary surgery        intervals for the first 2 years post          –– Advise on recommended
(with incidence 4 times higher in            treatment.                                       activity levels & convey
patients who have had axillary lymph                                                          message that moving matters
node dissection (20%) compared with          Exercise
sentinel lymph node biopsy (5%)),                                                          –– Refer to appropriate
                                             The Clinical Oncology Society of                 health care professional
regional lymph node radiation and            Australia (COSA) position statement
elevated BMI.                                                                                 (exercise physiologist
                                             on Exercise in Cancer Care                       or physiotherapist with
                                             recommends all cancer patients aim               experience in cancer care) or
Previously, BCRL is diagnosed at the
                                             for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity            exercise programs (specific
symptomatic stage when there is
                                             or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity              programs for breast cancer
visible limb swelling. Nowadays, there
                                             aerobic exercise (e.g. walking, jogging,         patients include YWCA
is evidence that if BCRL is diagnosed at
                                             cycling, swimming) each week and 2               Encore, Strength After Breast
an early stage, it can be reversible, thus
                                             to 3 resistance exercise sessions (e.g.          Cancer & Next Steps).
reducing the need for more complex
                                             weight lifting) each week involving
and costly interventions. Prospective
                                             moderate- to vigorous-intensity
surveillance using bioimpedance
                                             exercises targeting the major muscle
spectroscopy (BIS), which measures                                                      Reference: eviq.org.au/cancer-genetics/adult/referral-
                                             groups. Research has shown the
extracellular fluid build up in the                                                     guidelines/1620-referral-guidelines-for-breast-cancer-
                                             benefit of exercise on cancer-related      risk-as
at risk limb, is capable of detecting
                                             health outcomes, specifically quality
subclinical lymphoedema (prior to                                                       Reference: Schmitz K, Campbell A, Stuiver M et al.
                                             of life, anxiety, depression, fatigue,
onset of symptoms and signs). Early                                                     Exercise is medicine in oncology: engaging clinicians to
                                             sleep and bone health. There is            help patients move through cancer. CA Cancer J Cain
intervention, with physical therapy
                                             also evidence to suggest exercise is       2019; 699: 468-484.
and compression garments, at the
                                             associated with improved cancer-
subclinical stage is effective in reducing
                                             specific survival in breast, colon and
progression to clinical BCRL.
                                             prostate cancer.


Fight Back, Live Well
Introducing Gosford Private                  Your patients will be encouraged
Hospital’s all new Cancer                    to set and achieve their own,
Rehabilitation program –                     individual goals improving strength
Fight Back, Live Well!                       and endurance, immune function,
Ideal for before, during and after           body composition, self-esteem
cancer treatment, the tailored               and overall quality of life.
programs are based on the latest
research, and delivered by an                Learn more by calling 4323 8101
experienced multi-disciplinary team.         or at gosfordprivate.com.au

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                                             5
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
– with Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr John Limbers

                                         hospital stays. This is due to the
                                         approach sparing all muscle envelopes,
                                         utilising an internervous plane. There
                                         has been no long term functional
                                         or implant survivorship benefit
                                         demonstrated with this. However,
                                         MRI studies have demonstrated less
                                         residual muscle damage and atrophy
                                         after the anterior approach.

                                         When the direct anterior approach
                                         is combined with MAKO® robotic
                                         technology, a pre-operative CT scan
                                         is performed. This is segmented and
                                         loaded onto the MAKO® system
                                         software, to provide a patient specific
                                         3-D CT model of the total hip
                                         replacement (Figure 1). This virtual total
                                         hip replacement is then reviewed by
MAKO® robot                              the surgeon and modified as necessary        Figure 2
                                         before the initial skin incision.
Total hip replacement has been                                                        real time adjustments. The robotic
a highly successful procedure for        The surgeon then performs the                technology ensures that the acetabular
over 50 years, with numerous new         anterior approach to the hip joint.          component is inserted with the same
approaches and techniques developed      Navigation pins are inserted into            anteversion and inclination angles as
over that time. Over the last 10 years   the pelvic bone. This is followed            the pre-operative plan. The femur is
the direct anterior approach has         by mapping the anatomy of the hip            then broached and the hip reduced
become popular with many surgeons        joint utilising a specialised probe.         with a trial femoral stem and head
throughout the world. In the last few    This information is detected by a            in place. Further measurements are
years this has been combined with        specialised camera and passed to the         then taken with the specialised probe
MAKO® assisted robotic technology,       MAKO® robotic unit. This allows the          to check the leg length and offset. If
with the aim of using robotic            patient’s hip joint to be matched to the     these are correct then the definitive
technology to increase accuracy.         individualised plan. The surgeon then        femoral stem and head are inserted.
                                         reams the acetabulum (Figures 2 & 3)         This technique provides highly
A number of studies have documented      and inserts the acetabular component         accurate placement of the components
potential benefits of anterior hip       under robotic control. The tactile,          of the total hip replacement, in terms
replacement in the first 6 weeks         auditory and visual feedback of the          of acetabular component inclination
following surgery. These include less    robotic arm limits the bone preparation      and version as well as leg length and
pain in the post-operative period,       to the diseased areas and allows             hip offset. These are parameters
quicker return to function and shorter

Figure 1                                                        Figure 3

6                                                                                                             GP ROUNDS
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
that are critical to having a high
long term hip implant survivorship
rate and a very low dislocation rate.
This potentially results in a lower

incidence of leg length inequality and
a reduced chance of post-operative
hip dislocation. It has the potential
to improve long term results of total
hip replacement surgery, by ensuring
optimal implant position.
Is Robotic Anterior Total Hip
Replacement of benefit to                    ROBOT JOINT
Direct anterior approach total hip
replacement has been shown to have
functional benefits in the first 6 weeks.    SURGERY
One issue raised with direct anterior
hip replacement is the learning curve,       Gosford Private Hospital recently
with the potential for complications if      undertook its 500th MAKO®
the surgery is not performed properly.       Robot joint replacement surgery,
However, increasing numbers of               positioning the Hospital as the
surgeons experienced in the technique        second highest user of the cutting-
are training registrars and surgeons         edge technology in NSW.
learning the technique. There are also       The $1.7 million MAKO®
many training workshops and courses          was first used at Gosford Private at the end of 2017, providing a highly
available. This has allowed adoption         accurate, customised solution that allows the surgeon to align and position
of the technique by many surgeons,           replacement joints at an angle that optimises outcomes and matches the
with excellent results. With regard          unique anatomy of each patient.
to the robotic assisted technique,
the acetabular cup placement was             Orthopaedic Surgeons Dr John Limbers, Dr Sarah Hanslow, Dr John Morton
examined in robotically assisted and         and Dr Jim Hasn are currently credentialed to use the Robot at Gosford
conventional total hip replacement           Private for knee and hip replacements. Learn more about the Orthopaedic
surgery in a comparative study. A            Surgeons and the MAKO® at gosfordprivate.com.au/about-us/news
statistically significantly higher number
(30% higher) of acetabular cups were
positioned within the desired range
of anteversion and inclination in the
robotically assisted cases. Whether
this translates into lower revision rates
and increased patient satisfaction
remains to proven.

Dr John Limbers is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises in hip and knee
replacement surgery as well as reconstructive foot and ankle surgery. He has
particular expertise in MAKO® robotic anterior total hip replacement surgery and
MAKO® robotic knee replacement surgery. He was the first surgeon in NSW to
perform robotic total knee replacement after its worldwide launch in September
2017. He has performed over 500 robotically assisted joint replacements.

Consulting at:                                   Call us: 02 4393 3820
Central Coast Orthopaedics,                      Email: admin@cco.com.au
Tuggerah Lakes Private Consulting Rooms          www.drjohnlimbers.com.au

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                         7
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
– with Neurosurgeon, Dr Vanessa Sammons

Ulnar Neuropathy                                To optimise outcome, I prefer to see       It can be confused with a cervical
(Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)                       these patients sooner rather than          radiculopathy (particularly C6). Again,
                                                later, before muscle wasting occurs.       a careful history and examination
Ulnar neuropathy is most commonly
                                                                                           can distinguish the two and nerve
caused by compression at the elbow              Median Neuropathy                          conduction studies can help.
(cubital tunnel) and less commonly at
Guyon’s canal at the wrist.
                                                (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
                                                Median Neuropathy is most commonly         Meralgia Paresthetica
Clinically, patients describe numbness          caused by compression at the hand          Meralgia Parasthetica is caused by
and paraesthesia to the fourth and              (carpal tunnel) and less commonly at       compression of the lateral femoral
fifth digits and the ulnar aspect of the        other sites in the forearm and arm         cutaneous nerve usually at the
hand. The patient will often feel that          (with slightly different presentations).   inguinal ligament.
the hand is weak and less dextrous
because of loss of innervation to the           Clinically, patients describe numbness     This has a classic clinical picture: the
hand intrinsic muscles.                         and paraesthesia to the thumb and          patient describes pain, numbness and
                                                next two to three digits. The palm         /or paraesthesia to the anterolateral
A basic examination is to check the             of the hand should be spared in            aspect of the thigh. The sensory
pattern of sensory change (splitting            carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient        change does not extend below the
of the fourth digit is a big clue), and         will often feel that the hand is less      knee, is sharply demarcated and
checking abduction of the fingers               dextrous because of loss of adequate       doesn’t migrate.
(particularly the fifth digit) and flexion      sensation. There may be thenar
of the distal joints of the fourth and                                                     Nerve conduction studies can
                                                muscle (and so thumb) weakness. A
fifth digit. Wasting of the intrinsic                                                      be done and can help. Steroid
                                                feature is forearm, wrist and hand pain
muscles is a sign of severity (look for                                                    injections also have a role and can
                                                which is often worse at night.
wasting in the first webspace, dorsally).                                                  be diagnostic as well as therapeutic.
                                                A basic examination is to check the        Surgical decompression is an option
It can be confused with a cervical              pattern of sensory change (splitting       for some patients and is a very
radiculopathy. A careful history and            of the fourth digit is a big clue), and    effective treatment even after years
examination can distinguish the two             checking thumb abduction (the thumb        of compression.
and nerve conduction studies can help.          moves perpendicular to (or away from)
                                                the palm).

                                             Dr Vanessa Sammons is a Neurosurgeon who treats all neurosurgical
                                             conditions, but with a particular interest in Peripheral Nerve Surgery. She
                                             completed fellowship training in Peripheral Nerve Surgery under the mentorship of
                                             Dr Rajiv Midha, a world renowned Peripheral Nerve Surgeon in Calgary, Canada.
                                             Vanessa prides herself on providing personalised and thoughtful patient care and
                                             utilising her skills to achieve the best outcome possible.

                                             Vanessa consults weekly      • Central Coast Neurosciences
                                             in Erina and Woy Woy           Level 1/200 Central Coast Hwy, Erina NSW 2250
                                             and operates regularly at    • 19 Kingsley Avenue, Woy Woy NSW 2256
                                             both Gosford Private and
                                             Brisbane Waters Private      Call us: 02 9436 1818
                                             Hospitals.                   Email: info@snns.com.au

8                                                                                                                     GP ROUNDS
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
Common Peroneal Neuropathy
Common Peroneal Neuropathy is
caused by compression at the lateral
knee (neck of the fibula). It is an
                                                 Nerve compression                     technique
underdiagnosed nerve compression
and can be confused with an L5                 can be easily overlooked                reducing back pain
radiculopathy or knee pathology.                as a pain syndrome or                  Gosford Private Hospital
Clinically, patients describe numbness         misdiagnosed as a spine                 Neurosurgeon, Dr Marc Coughlan,
and paraesthesia to the dorsum of the           or other joint problem.                has led the way for Neurosurgery
foot and the lateral aspect of the leg                                                 in Australia, introducing minimally
(upper two thirds). The patient may                                                    invasive endoscopic radio
have weakness of dorsiflexion and of                                                   frequency denervation for the
foot eversion (in an L5 radiculopathy                                                  treatment of back pain in patients
usually inversion is weak and eversion                                                 on the Central Coast.
is spared).
                                            General thoughts                           Under the revolutionary technique,
A basic examination is to check             Nerve compression can be easily            radio waves are channeled through
the pattern of sensory change and           overlooked as a pain syndrome or           a needle inside a long, thin,
movements of the foot (look for             misdiagnosed as a spine or other joint     flexible tube less than the width
dorsiflexion and eversion weakness).        problem. As a Neurosurgeon, I treat        of a pencil. The needle is guided
I also look for wasting and fibrillations   conditions in all regions, so naturally    directly into the affected facet
in tibialis anterior and peroneus           look critically at where in the nervous    joints of the spine and the radio
longus. The key to this diagnosis is        system the pathology may lie. With         waves produce small, targeted
keeping it in mind.                         peripheral nerve problems, the key to      areas of heat which desensitise the
                                            the diagnosis is keeping the possibility   affected joints, thus alleviating the
A careful history and examination can
                                            in the back of your mind, even if          patient’s pain.
distinguish this from spinal and knee
                                            more common causes exist (such as
pathology and, again, nerve conduction
                                            radiculopathy, for example).               Unlike traditional radio frequency
studies can help. This is a condition I
                                                                                       techniques, the revolutionary
prefer to evaluate sooner rather than       Nerve compressions are best
later since decompression loses its                                                    endoscopic approach
                                            evaluated early since the success of
efficacy when done late in the process.                                                includes a video camera, allowing
                                            surgery can be dependent on timing,
                                                                                       the surgeon greater vision and
                                            which differs according on the nature
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome                                                                 control, ensuring effective
                                            and location of the problem.
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is caused by                                                    treatment, whilst also allowing the
compression of the tibial nerve at the                                                 patient to be sedated throughout
tarsal tunnel (medial ankle). The nerve                                                the procedure.
courses under a ligament similar to                                                    Learn more at gosfordprivate.com.
that in carpal tunnel syndrome and                                                     au/about-us/news
can be compressed.

Clinically, patients describe numbness,
burning pain and paraesthesia to the
plantar aspect of the foot radiating to
the first four toes. Foot cramping can
occur. I look for a Tinel sign between
the medial malleolus and the heel
which is sometimes present. Nerve
conduction studies can help with
establishing the diagnosis.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome can be
confused with plantar fasciitis.

Surgical decompression is effective.

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                        9
A NOTE FROM MATT KELLY - Gosford Private Maternity Services
– with Plastics and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr Chaithan Reddy

Breast augmentation remains one of             Breast Implant rupture                      Following breast augmentation, the
the most popular aesthetic procedures          Most breast implant ruptures remain         body’s response is to form a fibrous
in our country.                                silent without signs or symptoms. Many      capsule around it.
                                               of these cases are detected incidentally    –– In the case of intracapsular
                                               at the time of breast imaging or breast         rupture, free silicone remains
                                               screening. Symptomatic ruptures may             within the capsule layer, and the
             While                             present with pain, hardening, or change         decision to proceed with surgery
                                               in breast shape.                                would be based on symptoms,
      generally considered                                                                     complicating features (e.g. capsular
       a safe procedure,                       The risk and rates of breast implant            contracture), and anaesthetic risk.
                                               rupture varies depending upon the
      both short term risks                    age of the implants and the quality of      –– In the case of symptomatic
        and longer-term                        the implants used. Rupture rates have          extracapsular rupture, silicone
                                               been reported in multiple studies and          has leaked out of the capsule
         complications                         vary between 1.1-17% over a 6-10               and into the breast parenchyma,
           may arise                           year period. The rates have generally          and surgery is generally indicated
                                               decreased with the advent of newer             entailing implant removal and
                                               generation implants which exhibit a            capsulectomy.
                                               thicker outer silicone core and a more
There has been increasing media                cohesive gel.                               Capsular Contracture
attention pertaining to the safety of
                                               Implant rupture may be detected by US,      Capsular contracture remains
breast implants over the last 12 months,
                                               Mammogram, CT or MRI. MRI is generally      one of the most common implant
particularly as more demographic data
                                               considered the preferred method of          related complications and refers to
and knowledge is gained about the
                                               evaluation with a high sensitivity and      contracture and hardening of the
association between Breast implants and
                                               specificity. US is a good cost-effective    breast Implant capsule.
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.
                                               alternative but operator dependent.


                                           Dr Chaithan Reddy is a Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic
                                           Surgeon. He has been consulting and operating on the central coast since 2012.
                                           After receiving his Fellowship, he undertook further training in Microsurgery and
                                           advanced Head & Neck cancer reconstruction and remains an active member of the
                                           Crown Princess Mary MDT Cancer Clinic.

                                           His reconstructive surgery interests include:   His cosmetic surgery interests include:
                                           ––Skin Cancer surgery                           ––Breast reduction and breast implant
                                                                                             removal surgery
                                           ––Advanced Head & Neck Cancer
                                             reconstruction                                ––Post weight loss body contouring
                                           ––Hand surgery (carpal tunnel syndrome,         ––Rhinoseptoplasty
                                             Dupuytrens Disease)

                                           The Plastic Surgery Clinic       Call us: 1300 073 339     Fax: 02 8076 3237
                                           Suite 4, 12 Jarrett Street,      Email: info@theplasticsurgeryclinic.com.au
                                           North Gosford

10                                                                                                                   GP ROUNDS
It is essentially an excessive fibrotic   BIA-ALCL may present as a mass
reaction to a foreign body (implant).
The Baker Scale (1-4) is a common
                                          lesion, capsular contracture,
                                          lymphadenopathy, or effusion           World First for
method of classifying the severity
of capsular contracture. In mild
                                          associated with the capsule.

                                          More commonly it manifests as
                                                                                 ENT Patients
forms (grade 2), the breast may
                                          a delayed onset seroma, typically      Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, Dr
feel slightly firmer but normal
                                          7-10 years following implant           Indu Gunawardena, has become
appearance. In later stages (grade
                                          insertion.                             the first surgeon in the world to use
4), the breast(s) may feel hard,
                                                                                 the revolutionary Smith & Nephew
tender and appear distorted. Rates
                                          Any suspicion should prompt            Werewolf Coblator to treat patients at
of capsular contracture vary from 2%
                                          imaging and US guided FNA of           Gosford Private Hospital.
to 20% in various studies, depending
                                          a seroma (or mass) with specific
on the type of implant used and                                                  The new technology is set to deliver
                                          pathological testing.
the site of implant placement. The                                               quicker procedure times, higher
incidence of capsular contracture is      Once detected, treatment typically     accuracy and minimal bleeding
generally lower when implants have a      entails removal of the implants,       for patients, leading to reduced
textured surface and or are placed in     capsulectomies and adjuvant            complications post-operatively and
a subpectoral position.                   therapy when indicated.                a quicker recovery. The product’s
                                                                                 ergonomic design also ensures a
Treatment of capsular contracture         Medicare, Health Fund and              positive experience for the surgeon.
is often dictated by symptoms and
                                          Manufacturer Coverage for
severity.                                                                        “I am delighted to have the
                                          revision surgery
                                                                                 opportunity to be the first surgeon in
Typically, definitive management of       With improvements in implant
                                                                                 the world to use this industry-leading
grade 3 and 4 capsular contracture        technology and safety, leading
                                                                                 technology. With the introduction of
involves surgery, entailing implant       breast implant manufacturers
                                                                                 the Werewolf we expect to deliver
removal and total capsulectomies.         provide warranty policies for their
                                                                                 better outcomes for our patients with
                                          breast prostheses. For complications
Breast Implant associated                                                        less concerns in the recovery period,”
                                          such as breast implant rupture, or
                                                                                 said Dr Gunawardena.
ALCL                                      capsular contracture, manufacturers
BIA-ALCL is a rare form of non-           may offer complete replacement         Learn more at
Hodgkin’s lymphoma and has been           cost of the prostheses and a           gosfordprivate.com.au/about-us/news
found in a small cohort of women          contributing amount towards
with breast implants. The aetiology       corrective surgery.
remains uncertain, but It is thought
to develop as a result of bacterial       Medicare item numbers and rebates
contamination (‘Biofilm’) leading         exist for breast implant removal
to a protracted inflammatory              and capsulectomies, enabling
response. The incidence is rare with      health funds to potentially provide
approximately 500 cases worldwide         rebates (surgery and anaesthesia)
on a background of at least 60            and cover associated hospital costs.
million textured implant insertions.      Medicare item numbers (and health
Australia, however accounts for           fund coverage) can also apply for
1 in 7 of all global cases. Risk does     implant replacement to correct
increase with the degree of implant       breast implant related ruptures and
surface texturing and ranges from 1       capsular contracture.
in 4000 (macrotextured implants) to
1 in 60,000 (microtextured implants).
Certain macrotextured implants were
removed from the Australian market
this year but given the extremely low
risk, the current consensus is that
asymptomatic disease-free women
who already textured implants in situ
do not require implant removal.

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                      11
- with Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Amrou Metawa

Twin pregnancies bring a great deal of
excitement for parents with General
Practitioners playing an integral role
with early diagnosis through the use
of dating ultrasound scans. Early
screening leads to timely referrals
to specialist Obstetricians which
promotes improved pregnancy care,
fetal surveillance and intrapartum
care, and is particularly important in
the management of twin pregnancies
because of the higher frequency of
complications.                             Monochorionic Diamniotic (MCDA) twins       Dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twins

An increased likelihood of twin
pregnancy may be suspected based           (TTTS) and twin anaemia-polycythemia        Multiple pregnancy results in greater
on the use of assisted reproductive        sequence. Both complications increase       maternal hemodynamic changes
technology to conceive, large for          the risk for neurologic morbidity and       including a 20 percent higher
date uterine size, family history or       perinatal mortanilty in monochorionic       cardiac output and 10 to 20 percent
hyperemesis gravidarum. Other              twins. Cord entanglement and                greater increase in plasma volume.
influences of dizygotic twins include      conjoined twin risks are increased with     This may result in increased risk of
maternal age, race/geographic area,        monoamniotic twins.                         pulmonary edema. Physiological
parity, maternal weight/height and diet.                                               anemia is also common. Increased
                                           Chorionicity is more easily identified      risk for gestational hypertension and
Twins occur in approximately 1-2% of       at ultrasound early in a woman’s            preeclampsia are more common in
pregnancies with both physical and         pregnancy and can reliably indicate         women carrying twins and require
emotional wellbeing of paramount           dichorionic twins. Ultrasonography          increased surveillance of mother and
importance. Multiple gestation occurs      in later gestations is not a reliable       baby. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
from the ovulation and subsequent          indicator of chorionicity as placentas      is a rare complication occurring more
fertilization of more than one oocyte      often appear fused. Inter-twin              frequently in multiple gestations.
resulting in genetically different         membrane is absent in monochorionic/
dizygotic or non identical fetuses. Two    monoamniotic (MCMA) twin
thirds of all twins are dizygotic and      pregnancies and becomes more difficult
one third are monozygotic. Genetically     to visualise with maturing gestational
identical fetuses occur from splitting     age, oligohydramnios and progressive                    Parents
of one embryonic mass to form two          thinning of the membrane. False
                                           diagnosis may occur when separation                expecting twins
or more genetically identical fetuses
(monozygotic). Dizygotic twins have        of the amnion and chorion is mistaken           require tailored clinical
                                           for an inter-twin membrane.
their own amniotic sac (diamniotic) and                                                     care, counselling and
placenta (dichorionic).                    Dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) is most                management
                                           commonly identified at 10 – 14 weeks
Ultrasonography                            gestation becoming less obvious after
Optimal timing for performing              20 weeks gestation. It is identified with
ultrasound examination for                 an inter-twin membrane with the ‘twin
chorioamnionicity is in the first          peak’ or ‘lambda’ sign. This sign refers
trimester after 7 weeks. Assessment        to a triangular tissue that extends
                                                                                       Counselling parents
of fetal membranes is more difficult       between layers of the inter-twin
and less accurate in the third trimester   membrane from a fused dichorionic           Parents expecting twins require
and can be further complicated by          placenta. Fetuses of different sex are      tailored clinical care, counselling and
oligohydramnios.                           a highly reliable means of confirming       management. Education and discussion
                                           a dichorionic pregnancy. Monochorionic      regarding optimal gestational weight
Assessment of chorioamnionicity            Diamniotic (MCDA) twins inter-twin          gain and nutritional requirements
occurs through ultrasonography and is      membrane with the “T” sign is               is recommended. Management of
critical to determine specific risks for   comprised of two amnions attached to        congenital anomalies in one or both
serious pregnancy complications such       the placenta at a 90 degree angle.          twins requires careful consideration
as twin-twin transfusion syndrome

12                                                                                                              GP ROUNDS
of available therapies and delivery
times. Women experiencing multiple
pregnancy require more frequent               Dr Amrou Metawa is
checkups to monitor babies growth             a devoted expert and well
and development and potential                 respected Obstetrician and
pregnancy complications.                      Gynaecologist. Dr Metawa has
                                              extensive experience in every
Increased risk of miscarriage, fetal
                                              aspect of pregnancy care, he will
abnormalities, reduced fetal growth
                                              give you exceptional and unique
and preterm birth and intrauterine
death is considerably higher in twin          one on one care throughout
pregnancies rather than singleton             your pregnancy.
pregnancies. In fact, twin pregnancies        Dr Metawa is dedicated to
are associated with higher rates of           providing care in high risk
almost every potential complication of        pregnancy, VBAC (Vaginal Birth
pregnancy with the exception of post-         after Caesarean section) and
dates and macrosomia.                         Breech delivery.
Dr Metawa has experience in                   Dr Metawa also treats all
managing twin pregnancies at Gosford          aspects of Gynaecology
Private Maternity Services over the           including, incontinence, pelvic
last 10 years. He has expertise caring        floor prolapse, pelvic pain,
for women with multiple pregnancies           endometriosis, uterine fibroid,
and enjoys providing compassionate
                                              menorrhagia, Polycystic Ovary
care to these families. Expertise to
                                              Syndrome (PCOS), ovarian cysts,
identify complications at an early
stage and collaboration with Gosford          family planning and infertility,
Private’s neonatologists ensures              menopause, adnormal pap smear,
evidenced based care and decision             and colposcopy.
making is received. Dr Metawa
has experience with both vaginal
birth twins and caesarean births.             North Gosford Medical Centre          Call us: 02 4323 6140
At the time of twin deliveries, Dr            Suite 9, Level 1, 12 Jarrett Street   Email: info@drmetawa.com.au
Metawa ensures neonatal trained               North Gosford NSW 2250
paediatricians are available for birth,                                             www.drmetawa.com.au
care and follow-up appointments.

World renowned Neurosurgeon
visits Gosford Private Hospital
We are honoured to have Professor Marc Sindou visit Gosford Private Hospital
to conduct a dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) lesioning procedure, a pain relief
treatment not previously undertaken in Australia. The precedure involves cutting
part of the spinal cord to relieve pain in instances when nerves have been torn
away from the spinal cord or through spinal cord injury.

Professor Sindou is the Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Lyon in
France, a Founding Member of International Association for the Study of Pain
(IASP), and Past President of the World Society for Functional and Stereotactic
Neurosurgery (WSSFN). He was also Vice-President of the European Association of
Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and Teacher in the EANS Training Course.

With 22 visiting Professorships and works in over 640 scientific publications, Professor Sindou
specialises in Functional Neurosurgery, Microneurosurgery of Intracranial vascular malformations,
Skull Base Tumors, Meningiomas, and Neurophysiology Applied to Neurosurgery.

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                13
– with Psychiatrist, Dr Susil Stephen

                                                                                        The overall management of major
                                                                                        depressive disorder in the elderly is
                                                                                        based on RANZCP Clinical Practice
                                                                                        Guidelines for mood disorders (2015).
                                                                                        The guidelines recommend a stepped
                                                                                        approach starting from addressing
                                                                                        sleep, lifestyle, diet and adopting
                                                                                        regular exercise regime. There is good
                                                                                        evidence for Psychological Therapy
                                                                                        including Cognitive Behavioural
                                                                                        Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy,
                                                                                        Acceptance and Commitment
                                                                                        Therapy (ACT) as well as Mindfulness-
                                                                                        Based Cognitive Therapy. It is
                                                                                        recommended that some form of
                                                                                        psychological intervention accompany
                                                                                        pharmacotherapy whenever possible.

                                                                                        Pharmacotherapy for major depressive
Introduction                                subtly different to those in younger        disorders in the elderly requires
The Australian population is ageing,        people. For example, older people           careful consideration, by taking into
with older people a growing proportion      are less likely to display affective        account the age related changes
of the total population. Depression         symptoms, but they are more likely          in metabolism such as decreased
causes significant emotional suffering      to show cognitive difficulties, somatic     hepatic metabolism and reduced renal
in old age and is associated with           symptoms, sleep disturbances,               function. Lean body mass and total
poor quality of life. Key features          agitation and anhedonia. The Geriatric      body water decreases in old age with
of depression in later life are its         Depression Scale (GDS-15) is a very         a relative increase in body fat, and
comorbidities with various physical         useful and validated screening tool for     these changes could prolong the half-
illnesses and risk factors for developing   depression. A score of > 5 warrants         life of medications and may potentially
depression include deaths of family         further assessment and a score of           lead to toxicity. The prescriber
members and friends, increased              > 10 almost always indicates                should also be aware of the potential
isolation, declining health, financial      depression. PHQ-9 is another validated      drug interactions. The likelihood of
constraints, decreased cognitive            screening instrument for depression in      cognitive dysfunction with associated
functioning and loss of autonomy and        general practice. The Cornell Scale for     compliance and safety issues needs to
social roles. Depression in old age is      Depression in Dementia (CSSD) is a          be addressed by various medication
associated with a higher risk of suicide.   tool that is validated to rate depressive   management measures. The approach
Older women tend to have higher rates       symptomatology in cognitively               is “start low and go slow”. Due to
of depression and suicidal ideation         impaired patients.                          the slower treatment response it
than older men, however older men are                                                   is important to allow more time
more likely to commit suicide.                                                          before switching medications. This
                                                                                        information should be discussed
                                                                                        with the patient and care providers
Clinical features and assessment                     Prevalence of                      at treatment initiation in order to
The prevalence of depression varies                                                     improve medication adherence.
from 5-15% in those attending
                                                depression varies from
General Practitioner’s rooms and it            5-15% in those attending                 SSRIs are considered to be the first
increases to 15-25% in residents of                                                     choice antidepressants in an older
                                                 general practitioner’s                 person. Citalopram, escitalopram
aged care facilities. Depression in
older people is often missed due to              rooms, to 15-25% in                    or sertraline may be preferred as
                                                                                        they are generally better tolerated.
erroneous perception of some of the                residents of aged                    Paroxetine and fluoxetine can increase
overlapping features as a normal part
of the ageing process or conditions                  care facilities                    the risk of drug interactions due
such as dementia. The symptoms of                                                       to hepatic enzyme induction and
depression in an older adult can be                                                     should be avoided. Other classes of

14                                                                                                               GP ROUNDS
antidepressants such as mirtazapine         If the above pharmacological                  Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a
(NaSSA), agomelatine (melatonergic          treatments are ineffective, it is             safe and very effective treatment for
agonist), along with venlafaxine,           advisable to seek a specialist opinion.       severe depression with melancholic,
desvenlafaxine and duloxetine (SNRIs)       Further steps in management strategies        psychotic or catatonic features
are also part of the recommended            include augmentation of antidepressant        or patients at high risk of suicide.
first line treatment. The second line       with Lithium and atypical                     Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic
antidepressants include TCAs and            antipsychotics or combining certain           Stimulation (rTMS) is a treatment
MAOIs. Anticholinergic side effects         antidepressants. Predictors of likely         modality that is gathering momentum
of TCAs may be poorly tolerated             response to Lithium augmentation              but its efficacy in older people is yet to
and are dose related. Nortriptyline         include recurrent depression with more        be seen. In summary, an older person
is the preferred choice as it causes        than three episodes and family history        with depression should be offered the
less postural hypotension, sedation         of depression in a first degree relative.     same range of pharmacological and
and anticholinergic effects than the        Second generation antipsychotics              non-pharmacological therapies and
other TCAs. Older persons are more          such as aripiprazole, olanzapine,             age should not be a barrier to specific
prone to antidepressant-induced             quetiapine and risperidone can be             therapies.
hyponatraemia, osteoporosis and             effective as augmentation agents,
prolonged bleeding and these risks are      and are administered at much lower
more associated with SSRIs. Regular         doses than those recommended for
monitoring is recommended.                  schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Dr Susil Stephen joined Brisbane Waters Private Hospital in 2018 and manages
older patients in the outpatient and inpatient settings. He previously worked as a
consultant old age psychiatrist in the UK for a few years. Since moving to Australia in
2015, he has been working as a Senior Staff Specialist Psychiatrist at Wyong Hospital.
He is a faculty member of the Old Age Psychiatry division of the RANZCP and an
accredited supervisor for trainee psychiatrists. Dr Stephen’s special interests include
mood and anxiety disorders as well as organic psychiatry.

Central Coast Clinic
Brisbane Waters Private Hospital                    Call us: 02 4343 0265
Level 2/21 Vidler Ave Woy Woy NSW 2256              Email: drsusilstephen@gmail.com

Successful 3rd Annual Central Coast
Mental Health Conference
Over 100 delegates joined esteemed Psychiatrists Dr Tanveer Ahmed, Dr Mark Cross,
Dr Greg Pearson (shown) and Dr Ted Cassidy at the 3rd Annual Central Coast Mental Health
Conference ‘From Moods to Madness – A Psychological Masterclass for Primary Health’ at the
Crowne Plaza Terrigal as part of Mental Health Month in October.

With topics covering everything from troubled teens to psychosis, bi-polar disorder to depression,
the event has established itself as the pre-eminent Mental Health Conference for practitioners on
the Central Coast and beyond.

Learn more about the services available at the Central Coast Clinic at centralcoastclinic.com.au

CENTRAL COAST NEWS                                                                                                                15

                                                                 GP Provider Numbers
                                                                 A newly implemented database
                                                                 in the Endoscopy Unit at Gosford
                                                                 Private Hospital requires our
                                                                 patient information to have the
                                                                 correct GP’s provider number.
                                                                 This isn’t information that we
                                                                 have kept in the past and with a
                                                                 very messy database there was
                                                                 no other way to tackle it other
                                                                 than phone you all one by one.

                                                                 A huge thank you to all the GP
                                                                 secretaries that have assisted us
                                                                 with your GP Provider Numbers.

                                                                 Online Preadmissions
                                                                 The Gosford Private Hospital
                                                                 Online Preadmission Portal has
                                                                 been updated to a more user
                                                                 friendly program. We still need
                                                                 to ask our patients all the same
                                                                 medical questions but the format
                                                                 is easier to use. If any of your
                                                                 patients are experiencing difficulty
                                                                 using the new form, ask them to
                                                                 give us call and we can help.

 Admission Booklets
 –– All patients, regardless of recent admission, are required
    to complete an admission booklet. However, if the
    patient has been a patient at the hospital in the last
    3 months, the admission is for the same reason as
    previous admission and no details have changed about
    medication or medical history then they don’t need
    to complete the ‘patient health history’ section of the
    admission booklet.

 –– Please remind patients to forward the admission paperwork
    to the relevant hospital ASAP, preferably two (2) weeks
    prior to admission.

 Consent Forms
 –– Please ensure the original consent forms are left with
    the patient admission booklets.

 –– To reduce the amount of calls to your rooms, can we
    please request that the consent forms are completed
    with either the “definitive”, or the “proposed” item
    numbers on them.

16                                                                                           GP ROUNDS
You can also read