Page created by Roberto Howell
Activity Guide                  SPRING

                       FOR CLASSES
                       DECEMBER 6
                       DECEMBER 8

       FOLLOW US:

                                                         Activity Guide
                                                    WINTER/SPRING 2021-22

                                                                  Parks and Recreation Department’s mission is to enhance Boise’s
                                                                  quality of life by working in partnership with the community to foster
                             Angela Johnson
                                                                  and support citizen well being and healthy community environments.
                              Vice President
                               Susan McIlroy                      ACTIVITY GUIDE
                                                                  The Activity Guide is published three times a year in December (Winter/
                              Commissioners                       Spring), in April (Summer) and in August (Fall) by Parks and Recreation
                 Shari Baber, Preston Carter, Scott Raeber,       Department, 1104 Royal Blvd., Boise, Idaho 83706, 208-608-7600,
                   Jon Ruzicka, Erik Stidham, Liz Urban  Contents ©2021-2022 Parks and Recreation
                                                                  Department, all rights reserved. Printed in the United States.
                                                                  FEES, CHARGES & CLASS TIME DISCLAIMER
                                                                  Fees set in this activity guide are subject to approval by the Boise City
                              Doug Holloway                       Council. Fees are subject to change at any time by resolution of the
                            Superintendents                       council without additional notice except as required by Idaho Code.
                         Sara Arkle, Open Space                   Prices include sales tax when applicable. In the event of an error,
                      Karen Bledsoe, Administration               omission or misprint in this guide, please refer to the fees and charges
                       Roseanne Brown, Recreation                 that were approved by the Boise City Council. Class times are subject
                        Gene Peacock, Zoo Boise                   to change. Boise Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to
               Bonnie Shelton, Communications & Marketing         cancel activities due to lack of registration.
                        Jennifer Tomlinson, Parks
                                                                  REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY
                                                                  Please see page 55 for the Refund and Cancellation Policy.
                   CITY OF BOISE ELECTED OFFICIALS                LEGALESE
                                  Mayor                           In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
                                                                  civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices and employees,
                              Lauren McLean
                                                                  and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from
                                City Council                      discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or
                      Elaine Clegg, Council President             retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded
                Lisa E. Sánchez, Council President Pro Tem        by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication
                                                                  for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language,
                              Patrick Bageant
                                                                  etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits.
                            Jimmy Hallyburton                     Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA
                                TJ Thomson                        through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Additionally, program information
                              Holli Woodings                      may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of
                                                                  discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027)
                                                                  found online at: and at any USDA office, or
                                                                  write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested
                                                                  in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call 866-632-9992. Submit your
                                                                  completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of
                                                                  the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington,
                                                                  D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: 202-690-7442; or (3) email: This
                                                                  institution is an equal opportunity provider.



Contents                                                                                                                                                     YOUR SAFETY
                                                                                                                                                        See what we're doing to protect
                                                                                                                                                         participants and employees in
                                                                      Environmental Education . . . . . . . . . . . . 14                               light of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
           INFORMATION                                                Golf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14                       pandemic on page 11.

City Staff and Elected Officials. . . . . . . . . . 2                 Homeschool Adventures. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Facilities Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50           Ice Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                                                                                                                                              Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52       Ice Skating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                                                                                                                                              Performing Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Park Reservations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54             Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                                                                                                                                              Social Partner Dancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Registration Information and Form. . . . . 55                         Sports/Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                                                                                                                                              Sports/Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
                                                                      Spring Break Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
                                                                                                                                              Zoo Boise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
                                                                      Summer Playcamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
           [ WA L KI NG - AGE 5 ]
                                                                                                                                                        OLDER ADULTS
                                                                                                                                                         [ AGE S 62 + ]
Art – Parent/Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                       TEENS
                                                                                                                                              Lifetime and Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Environmental Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5                               [ AGE S 1 3- 17 ]
                                                                                                                                              Dick Eardley Senior Center . . . . . . . . . .  40
Golf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6   Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                                                                                                                                              Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Homeschool Adventures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6                    Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Ice Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7        Environmental Education . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Ice Skating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8       Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                        ADAPTIVE
Performing Arts/Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                 Sports/Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25                       RECREATION
                                                                                                                                                        [ A LL AGE S ]
Zoo Boise Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10                 Spring Break Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                                                                                                                                              Adaptive Recreation Information����������� 44
                                                                                                                                              Classes & Clubs ���������������������������������������45
           YOUTH                                                                 ADULTS                                                       One-Day Activities ���������������������������������� 46
           [ AG ES 6 - 12 ]                                                      [ 18 & OVE R ]
                                                                                                                                              Adventure Seeker Program�������������������� 48
Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12   Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13        Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13        Environmental Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

This guide has something for everyone. I’m confident all ages can find an activity to participate
in that is sure to provide a needed reprieve from the hectic world we live in. We all need healthy
down time and what better way to achieve that than experiencing a safe, affordable and accessible
program or activity provided by your Parks and Recreation Department. I’m proud to say that
our team has answered the call time and again during some of the most difficult years we’ve ever
experienced. Our community looks to us to serve and lead with wholesome programming and safe
access to facilities like parks, our beloved Boise River Greenbelt, and our cherished Ridge to Rivers
Trail System. We will continue to cherish these incredible amenities and it is truly an honor to
provide these services for everyone who calls Boise home!
                                                                                  –Doug Holloway

                                                                                                                                       C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0       3
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                                                             PRESCHOOL (WALKING-AGE 5)

                                               ART – PARENT/CHILD
                                                                                                PRE-COVID POLICY PHOTOGRAPH

                                                All materials are provided. Fees include
                                                both parent/guardian and child.

                                           ABC ART
                                           AGES 2.5-5This fun class for children and
                                           adults incorporates art with the 26 letters of the
                                           alphabet. Preschoolers will have fun learning
                                           about letters through a variety of fun projects
                                           using different materials.
                                           ART ADVENTURES
                                           AGES 2.5-5An adventure in art that is just                                        Art Start
                                           too much fun for little ones! This special fun-
                                           filled program lets imaginations run wild with                                 ART START                                               wall hangings. Students will decorate and glaze
                                           inventive projects each week using different art
                                                                                                                          AGES 2.5-5Preschoolers will be introduced to           all of their one-of-a-kind clay creations.
                                                                                                                          all kinds of fun art projects using a variety of
                                           ART DO-IT-TOGETHER                                                             materials such as clay, paint, textiles, pastels        STORIES THAT COME ALIVE
                                                                                                                          and more.                                               AGES 2.5-5This six-session class includes art
                                           AGES 4-7Come and have artistic fun with your
                                                                                                                                                                                  projects centered around special stories for
                                           child! Create one-of-a-kind clay sculptures,                                   CLAY CLASS FOR CREATIVE KIDS                            children. A variety of materials including clay,
                                           make a colorful batik project, draw with
                                                                                                                          AGES 2.5-5During this fun class, parents and           paint and more will be used.
                                           pastels, paint with watercolors and more.
                                                                                                                          children will make plates, figures, vases and

                                                       AGE                   CLASS                             DAY                        TIME        DATE       LOCATION       INSTRUCTOR        FEE RES/NR         ACTIVITY#
                                               2.5-5             ABC ART                                   Th                      9-9:45AM      Mar 31-May 5    Fort Boise CC Karen Hedger      $50/$76.95        302303-01
                                               2.5-5             ART ADVENTURES                            Tu                      10-10:45AM    Jan 11-Feb 15   Fort Boise CC Karen Hedger      $50/$76.95        202702-01
                                                                                                           Th                      9-9:45AM      Jan 13-Feb 17                                                     202701-01
                                               2.5-5             ART START                                                                                       Fort Boise CC Karen Hedger      $50/$76.95
                                                                                                           Tu                      10-10:45AM    Mar 29-May 3                                                      302701-01
                                                                                                           Tu                      9-9:45AM      Jan 11-Feb 15                                                     202713-01
                                               2.5-5             CLAY CLASS FOR CREATIVE KIDS Th                                   10-10:45AM    Jan 13-Feb 17   Fort Boise CC Karen Hedger      $50/$76.95        202713-02
                                                                                                           Tu                      9-9:45AM      Mar 29-May 3                                                      302713-01
                                               2.5-5             STORIES THAT COME ALIVE                   Th                      10-10:45AM    Mar 31-May 5    Fort Boise CC Karen Hedger      $50/$76.95        302705-01
                                                                                                                                                 Jan 12-Feb 16                                                     202704-01
                                               4-7               ART DO-IT-TOGETHER                        W                       4:15-5:15PM                   Fort Boise CC Kelly Cox         $66.33/$102.26
                                                                                                                                                 Mar 30-May 4                                                      302704-01

4                                          WINTER/SPRING 2021-22 ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                              P R ESCH OOL
BOISE OUTDOOR PRESCHOOL –                           same 4 lessons. Please bring a water bottle,                will facilitate activities and garden tasks that will
FLC & BUGS                                          snack and wear clothing that can get wet or                 have you and your child working and learning
AGES 3.5-5Our preschool program will immerse       dirty. This is a drop-off program.                          together. Cost includes parent and child.
your child in the outdoors (FLC) or garden (BUGS)
                                                    EXPLORE NATURE –                                            LITTLE GARDENERS PRESCHOOL
environment. Children will become comfortable
in nature while learning environmental              PARENT/CHILD                                                DROP-OFF
stewardship principles. Preschoolers will explore   AGES 2-4 + ADULTJoin your child for an                     AGES 3.5-5This 3-hour drop-off preschool
the surrounding ecosystem, learn through a          exploration in nature! We will go on a short hike           session will focus on seasonal components
STEM-based curriculum, and develop cognitive,       and participate in a craft, game or other activity          of gardening that encourage exploration,

                                                                                                                                                                              ( WA LKING -AG E
motor and emotional skills. We will spend most      at our outdoor facility. Children should dress for          creativity and healthy eating. Activities could
of our class time outside and will meet no matter   the weather and be accompanied by an adult.                 include garden tours, craft projects, science
the weather. Please send your child with a snack,   Fee includes child and parent/guardian.                     experiments, story time, bug catching and
a water bottle and appropriate outdoor clothing.                                                                more. No matter the weather, there’s fun to be
                                                    GREEN BEANS AFTERSCHOOL                                     had outside in the garden. Sign up per month
This program runs for the length of the school
                                                    AGES 5-7Our month-long afterschool sessions                to let you child dive deep into garden topics
year through May 20, 2022. Enrolling into this
                                                    allow youth to explore the garden from the                  and grow with us!
activity is a commitment to attend through May.
                                                    height of harvest season through preparing
Registering serves as the first month’s payment                                                                 STORYTRAIL ADVENTURE
                                                    for the long winter. We will focus on seasonal
which will be billed monthly at the $240.00 rate.
                                                    components of gardening that encourage                      AGES 3-5We invite you and your preschooler to
CHICKADEE PRESCHOOL                                 curiosity, creativity and healthy eating.                   join us to walk our ¼ mile trail and read a story
DROP-OFF                                            GROW TOGETHER GARDENING –
                                                                                                                together. Afterwards each child can get creative
AGES 3.5-5Children will discover nature in                                                                     with our story-related craft and participate in an
                                                    PARENT/CHILD                                                activity. Children should dress for the weather
these classes, which include short hikes, games,
                                                    AGES 2-4 + ADULTSpend a morning in our

                                                                                                                                                                              5 )
stories, crafts and hands-on experiences both                                                                   and be accompanied by an adult.
                                                    garden every second Sunday this fall exploring
inside and outside. Each month will feature the
                                                    the natural world with your little ones. Instructors

        AGE                         CLASS                          DAY            TIME              DATE               LOCATION            FEE         ACTIVITY#
                                                                                              Mar 20                                                325965-01
Ages 2-4
                 EXPLORE NATURE – Parent/Child                 Su         10-11:30AM          Apr 24                Foothills LC         $7         325965-02
+ Adult
                                                                                              May 22                                                325965-03
                                                                                              Mar 13                                                324003-01
Ages 2-4
                 GROW TOGETHER GARDENING – Parent/Child        Su         10-11:30AM          Apr 10                BUGS                 $7         324003-02
+ Adult
                                                                                              May 15                                                324003-03
3.5-5            BOISE OUTDOOR PRESCHOOL – BUGS                T, W, Th   9AM-12PM            Jan 4-27              BUGS                 $240       224013-01
                                                                          9AM-12PM                                                                  225060-01
                                                               T, W, Th                       Jan 4-27
                                                                          1-4PM                                                                     225060-03
3.5-5            BOISE OUTDOOR PRESCHOOL – FLC                                                                      Foothills LC         $240
                                                                          9AM-12PM                                                                  225060-05
                                                               M, W, F                        Jan 3-28*
                                                                          1-4PM                                                                     225060-07
                                                                                              Jan 7-28                                              225962-01
                                                                                              Feb 4-25                                              225962-02
3.5-5            CHICKADEE PRESCHOOL DROP-OFF                  F          1-4PM               Mar 4-25              Foothills LC         $81        325962-01
                                                                                              Apr 1-22                                              325962-02
                                                                                              May 6-27                                              325962-03
                                                                                              Jan 7-28                                              224001-01
                                                                                              Feb 4-25                                              224001-02
 3.5-5           LITTLE GARDENERS PRESCHOOL DROP-OFF           F          1-4PM               Mar 4-18              BUGS                 $61        324001-01
                                                                                              Apr 1-29                                   $101       324001-02
                                                                                              May 6-20                                   $61        324001-03
                                                                                              Jan 11                                                225010-01
                                                                                              Feb 8                                                 225010-02
 3-5             STORYTRAIL ADVENTURE                          Tu         10-11:30AM          Mar 8                 Foothills LC         $7         325010-01
                                                                                              Apr 12                                                325010-02
                                                                                              May 10                                                325010-03
                                                                                              Apr 5-26                                              324101-01
 5-7             GREEN BEANS AFTERSCHOOL                       Tu         4-5:30PM                                  BUGS                 $29
                                                                                              May 3-24                                              324101-02
                                                                                                                                                         *No Class Jan 17

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                 GOLF LESSONS
                 AGES 4-6These three-day classes will cover
                 full-swing, stance, grip, short game, chipping
                 and putting. All classes are open to any skill
                 level from beginner to advanced. Lessons will
                 include on-course instruction. Clubs will be
                 provided for the students during class time.

                               REGISTER ONLINE:
                               DECEMBER 6 (Residents)
                               DECEMBER 8 (Non-residents)
                                                                                                    Golf Lessons

                  AGE                    CLASS                                     DAY                             TIME              DATE               LOCATION             FEE    ACTIVITY#
                                                                                                                               Apr 5-7                                             370001-01
                         GOLF LESSONS – Quail Hollow                                                                                              Quail Hollow GC
                                                                                                                               May 3-5                                             370001-02
                  4-6                                               Tu, W, Th                                4:15-5:15PM       Mar 15-17                               $60         380001-01
                         GOLF LESSONS – Warm Springs                                                                           Apr 12-14          Warm Springs GC                  380001-02
                                                                                                                               May 3-5                                             380001-03

                 FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS
                                                                      PRE-COVID POLICY PHOTOGRAPH

                 AGES 3-6Join us for a supplemental lesson that
                 focuses on science topics you will be teaching
                 at home. Class offered for older children at the
                 same time. Please check youth section for more
                 details. Parent needs to attend with PreK - K
                 students, but do not need to enroll.
                 HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Kindergarten
                 & 1st Grade
                 AGES 5-6 T he Homeschool Zoo program
                 series provides a unique learning experience
                 for students schooled at home. The course
                 consists of classroom discussion, laboratory
                 activities, animal encounters and specialized
                 zoo tours. Classes will align with Idaho State
                 Science Standards and focus on topics and
                 principles based on grade level. Themes will
                 emphasize looking at animal groups and
                 taxonomy, adaptations, habitats and ecology.
                 Each child attending must register individually.
                 Kids only! Please bring a small snack for a
                 15-minute break during class.                                                      Homeschool Zoo

                  AGE                                  CLASS                                                               DAY      TIME       DATE        LOCATION          FEE    ACTIVITY#
                         FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Winter Ecology                                                                                Feb 10                                225095-01
                  3-6    FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Birds of Prey                                                              Th      10-11:30AM Apr 14     Foothills LC   $7          325095-01
                         FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Wildflowers                                                                                   May 12                                325095-02
                         HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Fly, Jump, Run                                                           Jan 12                                230550-01
                         HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Celebrate Spring                                                         Feb 2                                 230550-02
                  5-6                                                                                                     W       9AM-12PM              Zoo Boise      $20.50
                         HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Experiment Expert                                                        Mar 9                                 330550-01
                         HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Animal Opposites                                                         Apr 6                                 330550-02

6                WINTER/SPRING 2021-22 ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                              P R ESCH OOL
(H1 – Beginner)
AGES 4-7Players will learn how to sit on ice
and stand up, proper stance, march forward,
forward two-foot glide, dip, squat, scooter
pushes, T-push, forward swizzles, snowplow
stop and backwards skating. No sticks allowed.

                                                                                                                                                                              ( WA LKING -AG E
(Prerequisite H1)
AGES 4-7Players will learn backward stance,
skating forward using full strides, forward
one-foot glides, backward hustle, backward
swizzles, glide turns and moving snowplow
(Prerequisite H2)
AGES 4-7Players will learn one-foot snowplow
stop, introduce hips with ¼ turn twist to hockey
stop, full strides using 45-degree V-Push,                                                              GOAL!
shuffle stride, backwards hustle, backward
                                                                                         Hockey Learn to Play

                                                                                                                                                                              5 )
C-Cuts, power pushes, backward outside edge
glide, forward C-Cuts, C-push glide, forward              An annual membership from USA HOCKEY is required for all participants. Go to USAHockey.
outside & inside edges, gliding 2 foot turn               com to purchase your annual USA HOCKEY Membership before enrolling.
and lateral crossover march. Classes will be
structured following USA Hockey American                  IIW will provide rental equipment at no additional charge. Full equipment is required for
Development Model (ADM) Program.                          Hockey Learn to Play. Helmet & sticks must be provided by skater.
                                                          The focus and goal of the Hockey Learn to Play curriculum is to teach beginner hockey
                                                          players the fundamentals of skating. It is important for these developing players to become
(Prerequisite H3)
                                                          comfortable on the ice, learn the basic hockey stance, stride, knee bend, use of edges and
AGES 4-7Class includes on-ice coaching                   how to hold a stick before moving into a 6U or 8U full hockey curriculum. Players need to be
instruction and scrimmages.                               able to participate in class independently from parent. Classes will be structured following
                                                          USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM) Program.
                                                          Scholarships are available for these classes.

 AGE                  CLASS                    DAY         TIME              DATE             LOCATION          INSTRUCTOR                 FEE             ACTIVITY#
                                             Su      9:30-10AM***       Jan 9-Feb 27                                                                      260000-01
                                             Tu      5:30-6PM           Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                      260000-02
4-7     HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 1 (H1)                                                         Idaho IceWorld     Staff                $125/8 classes
                                             Su      9:30-10AM          Mar 6-May 8*                                                                      360000-01
                                             Tu      5:30-6PM           Mar 8-May 3**                                                                     360000-02
                                             Su      9:30-10AM***       Jan 9-Feb 27                                                                      260001-01
                                             Tu      5:30-6PM           Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                      260001-02
4-7     HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 2 (H2)                                                         Idaho IceWorld     Staff                $125/8 classes
                                             Su      9:30-10AM          Mar 6-May 8*                                                                      360001-01
                                             Tu      5:30-6PM           Mar 8-May 3**                                                                     360001-02
                                             Su      10:15-11:15AM***   Jan 9-Feb 27                                                                      260002-01
                                             Tu      6:15-7:15PM        Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                      260002-02
4-7     HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 3 (H3)                                                         Idaho IceWorld     Staff                $201/8 classes
                                             Su      10:15-11:15AM      Mar 6-May 8*                                                                      360002-01
                                             Tu      6:15-7:15PM        Mar 8-May 3**                                                                     360002-02
                                             Su      10:15-11:15AM***   Jan 9-Feb 27                                                                      260003-01
                                             Tu      6:15-7:15PM        Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                      260003-02
4-7     HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 4 (H4)                                                         Idaho IceWorld     Staff                $201/8 classes
                                             Su      10:15-11:15AM      Mar 6-May 8*                                                                      360003-01
                                             Tu      6:15-7:15PM        Mar 8-May 3**                                                                     360003-02
                                                         *No Class Mar 20 & Apr 17     **No Class March 22   ***Jan 16 class time will be 45 min. earlier than scheduled

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                                    PROGRAM                               ICE SKATING – Adaptive                                  SNOWPLOW SAM 2 (Prerequisite
                                                                          AGES 5+This adaptive recreation program is             Snowplow Sam 1)
                              Learn to Skate                              designed to give individuals with disabilities          AGES 4-6Young skaters will learn how to
                      Check out the curriculum for each level             the opportunity to develop their ice-skating            march followed by a long glide, dip while
                                                                          skills. Students will receive instruction based         moving, do backward walking and wiggles,
                                                                          upon their individual needs and goals. Some             forward swizzles, beginning snowplow stop
                      Recognized by Learn to Skate USA as                 adaptive equipment is available for use at no           motion and the two-foot hop in place.
                      a top program in the country, Idaho                 extra cost. Scholarships are available. *Various
                      IceWorld’s Learn to Skate program                   days and times available. Call (208) 608-7718 to        SNOWPLOW SAM 3 (Prerequisite
                      provides a fun and structured way                   learn more and to register.                             Snowplow Sam 2)
                      for skaters to be physically active                                                                         AGES 4-6Young skaters will learn how to skate
                                                                          SPUDS AND TATER TOTS (Parent                            forward, do a forward one-foot glide, forward
                      and improve their skills under the
                                                                          Participation Required)                                 swizzles, backward swizzles, backward two-
                      professional eyes of certified instructors.
                                                                          AGES 2-3On ice parent/adult participation is           foot glide, moving forward snowplow stop and

                      All students of Idaho IceWorld’s Learn
                                                                          REQUIRED! Designed for children ages 2-3 and            curves.
                      to Skate program must be current
                                                                          their accompanying adult. Basic skating skills
                      members of our governing body, Learn                will be taught to the children while allowing           SNOWPLOW SAM 4 (Prerequisite
                      to Skate USA. With your annual $16                  adults to offer support and security. Both adults       Snowplow Sam 3)
                      membership, you will receive access to              and children are required to wear ice skates.           AGES 4-6Young skaters will learn how to skate
                      loads of information, secondary accident                                                                    forward, advanced one-foot glide, backward
                      insurance and be able to participate in             SNOWPLOW SAM 1 (Beginners)                              swizzles, rocking horse, two-foot turns from
                      lessons, performances and competitions              AGES 4-6Young skaters will learn how to sit            forward to backward and two-foot hop.
                      associated with Learn to Skate USA.                 and stand up with their skates on both on and
                      Go to to                    off the ice. They will master marching in place,
                                                                          marching forward, going from marching to a
                      purchase before registering for class.
                                                                          two-foot glide and dipping in place.

                  AGE                               CLASS                           DAY        TIME            DATE            LOCATION              FEE             ACTIVITY#
                                                                                                          Jan/Feb session
                 5+        ICE SKATING – Adaptive                                   Varies Varies                             Idaho IceWorld   TBD                 Call 208-608-7718
                                                                                                          Mar/Apr session
                                                                                    M                     Jan 10-Feb 28                                            261000-01
                                                                                                                                               $125/8 classes
                                                                                    W                     Jan 12-Mar 2                                             261000-02
                 2-3       SPUDS AND TATER TOTS (Parent Participation Required)            5:45-6:15PM                        Idaho IceWorld
                                                                                    M                     Mar 7-Apr 25*                                            361000-01
                                                                                                                                               $109.50/7 classes
                                                                                    W                     Mar 9-Apr 27*                                            361000-02
                                                                                    M                     Jan 10-Feb 28                                            261001-01
                                                                                                                                               $125/8 classes
                                                                                    W                     Jan 12-Mar 2                                             261001-02
                 4-6       SNOWPLOW SAM 1 (Beginners)                                      5:45-6:15PM                        Idaho IceWorld
                                                                                    M                     Mar 7-Apr 25*                                            361001-01
                                                                                                                                               $109.50/7 classes
                                                                                    W                     Mar 9-Apr 27*                                            361001-02
                                                                                    M                     Jan 10-Feb 28                                            261002-01
                                                                                                                                               $125/8 classes
                                                                                    W                     Jan 12-Mar 2                                             261002-02
                 4-6       SNOWPLOW SAM 2 (Prerequisite Snowplow Sam 1)                    5:45-6:15PM                        Idaho IceWorld
                                                                                    M                     Mar 7-Apr 25*                                            361002-01
                                                                                                                                               $109.50/7 classes
                                                                                    W                     Mar 9-Apr 27*                                            361002-02
                                                                                    M                     Jan 10-Feb 28                                            261003-01
                                                                                                                                               $125/8 classes
                                                                                    W                     Jan 12-Mar 2                                             261003-02
                 4-6       SNOWPLOW SAM 3 (Prerequisite Snowplow Sam 2)                    5:45-6:15PM                        Idaho IceWorld
                                                                                    M                     Mar 7-Apr 25*                                            361003-01
                                                                                                                                               $109.50/7 classes
                                                                                    W                     Mar 9-Apr 27*                                            361003-02
                                                                                    M                     Jan 10-Feb 28                                            261013-01
                                                                                                                                               $125/8 classes
                                                                                    W                     Jan 12-Mar 2                                             261013-02
                 4-6       SNOWPLOW SAM 4 (Prerequisite Snowplow Sam 3)                    5:45-6:15PM                        Idaho IceWorld
                                                                                    M                     Mar 7-Apr 25*                                            361013-01
                                                                                                                                               $109.50/7 classes
                                                                                    W                     Mar 9-Apr 27*                                            361013-02
                                                                                                                                                                *No Class Mar 21 & 23

8                WINTER/SPRING 2021-22 ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                                                       P R ESCH OOL

                                                     PRE-COVID POLICY PHOTOGRAPH
AGES 3.5-5This is the perfect class for
those who just want to have fun moving and
performing with music, but just aren’t sure
how! Participants will begin learning the basics
of ballet, jazz and cheer. Participants will need
to come ready to move and have a great time.
No special shoes or clothing required.
BALLET – Musical

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ( WA LKING -AG E
AGES 3.5-5This fun introduction to dance
and ballet is great for boys and girls! Through
basic steps, terminology, creative movement,
storytelling dances and ballet we will encourage
creativity, coordination and self-esteem.
BOOGIE BABIES Parent/Toddler
WALKING-3 + ADULTParents and toddlers will                                        Boogie Babies
love exploring movement and music together
in this class. Toddlers will develop motor skills,                             bit of relaxation and special goodbyes at the             TAP Beginner – Intermediate
begin learning how to follow directions and                                    end. New dance concepts are introduced every              AGES 3.5-7What could be better than having
interact with others, and of course, there’ll                                  two weeks, helping dancers investigate space,             fun while making music with your feet? Tap is
be a whole lot of boogieing going on! The                                      time, force and movement skills.                          great for helping to develop strong legs, balance
instructor’s expectations and the music used are

                                                                                                                                                                                                       5 )
                                                                                                                                         and quick feet. Boys and girls alike will have a
age-appropriate. Parents and toddlers should                                   MOVE IT!                                                  tremendous amount of fun learning the basics
wear comfortable clothes and parents should be                                 AGES 3.5-5Come learn basic dance steps,                  in a fun, positive environment. Tap shoes are
prepared to participate in all activities.                                     terminology and explore your own creative                 needed. For information on where to purchase,
                                                                               movement styles through imaginative music                 please contact Clay Lee, 208-608-7684.
MODERN DANCE – Preschool
                                                                               and games in a fun positive environment.
AGES 3-5Each class includes a fun dance                                       Class time will be spent helping young dancers
warm-up followed by the BrainDance,                                            enhance physical development, interaction with
exploration of concepts and skills through                                     others, following directions and self-esteem.
movement games, an obstacle course and a

      AGE                CLASS                 DAY                                   TIME                DATE         LOCATION          INSTRUCTOR            FEE RES/NR           ACTIVITY#
             BOOGIE BABIES Parent/Toddler     W             10:15-11AM                             Mar 9-May 4*      Whitney CC       Megan Brandel          $35.48/$54.44       312502-01
+ Adult
                                                                                                   Jan 10-Feb 28**                                           $26.86/$41.08       212866-01
3.5-5        BALLET, JAZZ & CHEER COMBO       M             4:30-5:15PM                                              Fort Boise CC    Lucy Singer
                                                                                                   Mar 7-May 2*                                              $35.48/$54.44       312866-01
                                                                                                   Jan 10-Feb 28**                                           $26.86/$41.08       212717-01
                                              M             2-2:45PM
                                                                                                   Mar 7-May 2*                                                                  312717-01
                                                                                                   Jan 12-Mar 2                                                                  212717-02
                                              W             10-10:45AM
                                                                                                   Mar 9-May 4*                                                                  312717-02
3.5-5        BALLET – Musical                                                                                        Fort Boise CC    Stephanie Hinton
                                                                                                   Jan 12-Mar 2                                              $35.48/$54.44       212717-03
                                              W             11:15AM-12PM
                                                                                                   Mar 9-May 4*                                                                  312717-03
                                                                                                   Jan 13-Mar 3                                                                  212717-04
                                              Th            11-11:45AM
                                                                                                   Mar 10-May 5*                                                                 312717-04
3-5          MODERN DANCE – Preschool         W             9:15-10AM                              Mar 9-May 4*      Whitney CC       Megan Brandel          $35.48/$54.44       312224-01
                                                                                                   Jan 10-Feb 28**                                           $26.86/$41.08       212701-01
                                              M             2-2:45PM                                                                  Lucy Singer
                                                                                                   Mar 7-May 2*                                              $35.48/$54.44       312701-01
3.5-5        MOVE IT!                                                                                                Fort Boise CC
                                                                                                   Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                  212701-02
                                              Tu            10-10:45AM                                                                Stephanie Hinton       $35.48/$54.44
                                                                                                   Mar 8-May 3*                                                                  312701-02
                                                                                                   Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                  212004-01
                                              Tu            11-11:45AM
                                                                                                   Mar 8-May 3*                                                                  312004-01
3.5-5        TAP Beginner – Intermediate                                                                             Fort Boise CC    Stephanie Hinton       $35.48/$54.44
                                                                                                   Jan 13-Mar 3                                                                  212004-02
                                              Th            10-10:45AM
                                                                                                   Mar 10-May 5*                                                                 312004-02
                                                                                                   Jan 12-Mar 2                                                                  212005-01
5-7          TAP Beginner – Intermediate      W             5:30-6:15PM                                              Fort Boise CC    Stephanie Hinton       $35.48/$54.44
                                                                                                   Mar 9-May 4*                                                                  312005-01
                                                                                                                                              **No Class Jan 17 & Feb 21     *No Class Mar 21-25

                                                                                                                                  C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0              9
 5 )

                                                                                                                                                                 PRESCHOOL ZOO 

                                                                                                                                                                 AGES 3.5 + ADULT. BOTH ADULT AND CHILD
                                                                                                                                                                 MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY. Get to
                                                                                                                                                                 know Zoo Boise animals better in this series
                                                                                                                                                                 designed for adults and preschoolers. Each
                                                                                                                                                                 week features a different animal. Activities are
                                                                                                                                                                 designed to be multi-sensory and include mini
                                                                                                                                                                 zoo tours, movement activities, listening to
                                                                                                                                                                 stories, crafts and exploring animal artifacts.
                                                                                                                                                                 Join us for this informal introduction to the
                                                                                                                                                                 wonderful world of animals! All children must
                                                                                                                                                                 be accompanied by an enrolled, paying adult
                                                                                                                                                                 who is ready to take part in the activities.

                                                                                                                                                                 Maximum of 2 children per enrolled adult. For
                                                                                                                                                                 everyone’s safety and enjoyment, unregistered
                                                                                                                                                                 children (including siblings) may not attend.
                                                                                                                                                                 All children must be at least 3 years old by the
                                                                                                                                                                 date of the first class to attend.
                                                                                                                                                                 STROLLER SAFARI
                                                                                                                                                                 AGES 2 & Under + ADULT. BOTH ADULT
                                                                                                                                                                 AND CHILD MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY.
                                                                                                                                                                 Bring your walking shoes and camera on this
                                                                                                                                                                 exclusive guided experience through Zoo
                                                                                                                                                                 Boise. Bond with your little one as you both
                                                                                  DISCOUNTS                                                                      learn about the wonders of wildlife through up
                                                                        Friends of Zoo Boise                                                                     close animal encounters, zoo insider lead tours,
                                                                                                                                                                 and activities that build skills that both parents
                               Annual pass holders receive discounts on some zoo classes. If you are a Friends of Zoo Boise                                      and kids can use for a lifetime. Each week will
                               (FoZB) pass holder, please enroll in the class you are interested in and use the single activity                                  uncover new wonders and provide great tips
                               number listed. A current pass is required to receive a coupon code for 15% OFF A ZOO BOISE                                        for nature exploration! Maximum of 2 children
                               CLASS. Homeschool Zoo classes do not receive a FoZB discount. Need help applying your code?                                       per enrolled adult. For everyone’s safety and
                               Call us at Fort Boise Community Center at 208-608-7680. To get your membership code or                                            enjoyment, unregistered children (including
                               purchase a FoZB annual pass, call Paige at 208-608-7765, email or go                                      siblings) may not attend. Price includes Zoo
                                                                                                                                                                 Boise admission for the day.
                               online at support/annual-membership. All Zoo Boise classes are taught by FoZB.
                               FoZB = Friends of Zoo Boise.

                                  AGE                                          CLASS                                   DAY            TIME                 DATE             LOCATION           FEE       ACTIVITY#
                                                 STROLLER SAFARI – Bugs                                                                               Feb 3                                             230180-01
                                                 STROLLER SAFARI – Goose                                                                              Feb 10                                            230180-02
                                                 STROLLER SAFARI – Tortoise                                                                           Feb 17                                            230180-03
                  2 & Under                      STROLLER SAFARI – Porcupine                                                                          March 3                                           330180-01
                                                                                                                       Th      10-10:30AM                                   Zoo Boise        $12.50*
                  + Adult**                      STROLLER SAFARI – Bear                                                                               March 10                                          330180-02
                                                 STROLLER SAFARI – Snake                                                                              March 17                                          330180-03
                                                 STROLLER SAFARI – Eagle                                                                              April 7                                           330180-04
                                                 STROLLER SAFARI – Tiger                                                                              April 14                                          330180-05
                                                 Preschool Zoo Series 1 – January: Tortoise, Red Panda, Crocodile      Tu      9:30-10:30AM           Jan 11-25                                         230201-01
                                                 Preschool Zoo Series 1 – January: Tortoise, Red Panda, Crocodile      Sa      10-11AM                Jan 15-29                                         230201-02
                                                 PreSchool Zoo Series 2 – February: Lizard, Rhea, Fox                  Tu      9:30-10:30AM           Feb 1-15                                          230201-03
                  3-5                            PreSchool Zoo Series 2 – February: Lizard, Rhea, Fox                  Sa      10-11AM                Feb 5-19                                          230201-04
                                                                                                                                                                            Zoo Boise        $24.50*
                  + Adult**                      PreSchool Zoo Series 3 – March: Bear, Snake, Vulture                  Tu      9:30-10:30AM           Mar 1-15                                          330201-01
                                                 PreSchool Zoo Series 3 – March: Bear, Snake, Vulture                  Sa      10-11AM                Mar 5-19                                          330201-02
                                                 PreSchool Zoo Series 4 – April: Cricket, Prairie Dog, Anteater        Tu      9:30-10:30AM           Apr 5-19                                          330201-03
                                                 PreSchool Zoo Series 4 – April: Cricket, Prairie Dog, Anteater        Sa      10-11AM                Apr 9-23                                          330201-04
                                                                                                                    *This activity qualifies for the FOZB discount.     ** Both adult & child must register individually.

10                WINTER/SPRING 2021-22 ACTIVITY GUIDE
Boise Parks and Recreation coordinators
                                                                 and instructors are taking every precaution
                                                                 to protect participants and employees
                                                                 in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
Outdoor Preschool Tours
                                                                 pandemic. Updated health and safety
Looking for a fun outdoor experience for your 3½ - 5 year old?
Come tour the Foothills Learning Center (FLC) and Boise Urban
                                                                 protocols for programming include:
Garden School (BUGS) to learn about our preschool programs.
                                                                   •   Smaller class sizes
          SET UP A TOUR
          FOOTHILLS | | 208-493-2530
                                                                   •   Activities held outdoors whenever
          BUGS | | 208-972-8630

                                                                   •   A focus on maintaining six feet
                                                                       of physical distance between all

                                                                   •   Frequent hand washing and sanitizing

                                                                   •   Increased cleaning of facilities,

        FUN IN THE SUN!                                                equipment and surfaces

                                                                   •   Masks are required indoors for ages
                                                                       2 and up and most outdoor Parks and
        Now available just in time for the
     holiday season. New prices allow you                              Recreation activities.
      to customize passes for your family.
                             RESIDENT      NON-RESIDENT          For more information on health and safety
   Youth 17 and Under $25.00               $38.75                protocols for a specific program or activity,
   Adult 18 +         $40.00               $62.00
 Children under 9 must be supervised at all times by
                                                                 please contact us by emailing activities@
     an adult or a caregiver at least 16 years old.
                                                        or by calling 208-608-7680.

                                                                          C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0   11
6-1 2)

                                                     YOUTH                     (AGES 6-12)

                                                                                        CLAY                                                    MEDIEVAL FANTASY ART
                                           All materials are provided.                  AGES 6-10Pinch, coil, slab and sculpt your way         AGES 6-12Bring history and fantasy to life with
                                                                                        to fun! Create interesting pots, creatures and          charcoal, paint, oil pastels and watercolors.
                                                                                        everyday objects using clay and fired glazes.
                                   ART DO-IT-TOGETHER                                                                                           POTTERY DO IT TOGETHER
                                   AGES 4-7Come and have artistic fun with your        DRAWING & PAINTING                                      AGES 8+ & ADULTCreate pots with clay on an
                                   child! Create one-of-a-kind clay sculptures,         AGES 6-12Learn the fundamentals of drawing             electric potter’s wheel or using hand-building
                                   make a colorful batik project, draw with pastels     and painting. Explore drawing techniques,               techniques such as pinch, coil and slab
                                   and paint with watercolors. This class will          technical skills and color using brushes, pencils,      construction. Students will also learn about
                                   explore these media and more.                        inks, chalks, charcoal, watercolor and acrylics.        glazing and firing techniques.
                                   ART & ANIMALS                                        FUN WITH CARTOONS                                       POTTERY FOR KIDS
                                   AGES 6-8 T his exciting class gives children the    AGES 8-12Make up your own comics! We’ll                AGES 9-14Create original pots on an electric
                                   opportunity to explore art using animals as their    create characters, story boards and graphic             potter’s wheel. Make unique and more
                                   subjects. Students will draw, paint, and sculpt      books using media including clay, watercolor,           advanced hand-built projects. Young potters
                                   animals and reptiles.                                paint and pencil.                                       will also be taught how to apply colored glazes
                                                                                                                                                onto their completed masterpieces.

                                          AGE               CLASS          DAY         TIME           DATE            LOCATION               INSTRUCTOR         FEE RES/NR         ACTIVITY#
                                                                                                  Jan 12-Feb 16                                                                   202704-01
                                         4-7      ART DO-IT-TOGETHER      W       4:15-5:15PM                     Fort Boise CC         Kelly Cox            $66.33/$102.26
                                                                                                  Mar 30-May 4                                                                    302704-01
                                         6-8      ART & ANIMALS           Tu      4:15-5:45PM     Jan 11-Mar 1    Fort Boise CC         Staff                $63.25/$97.49        202724-01
                                         6-8      CLAY                    Th      4:15-5:45PM     Jan 13-Mar 3    Fort Boise CC         Staff                $63.25/$97.49        202708-01
                                         6-8      DRAWING & PAINTING      M       4:15-5:45PM     Jan 10-Feb 28   Fort Boise CC         Bryan Moore          $63.25/$97.49        202720-01
                                         6-10     CLAY                    Th      4:15-5:45PM     Mar 31-May 19   Fort Boise CC         Staff                $63.25/$97.49        302708-01
                                         6-10     DRAWING & PAINTING      M       4:15-5:45PM     Mar 28-May 16   Fort Boise CC         Bryan Moore          $63.25/$97.49        302720-01
                                         6-12     MEDIEVAL FANTASY ART    W       4:15-5:45PM     Jan 12-Mar 2    Fort Boise CC         Bryan Moore          $63.25/$97.49        202726-01
                                         8-12     DRAWING & PAINTING      Th      4:15-5:45PM     Mar 31-May 19   Fort Boise CC         Bryan Moore          $63.25/$97.49        302721-01
                                         8-12     FUN WITH CARTOONS       W       4:15-5:45PM     Mar 30-May 18   Fort Boise CC         Bryan Moore          $63.25/$97.49        302733-01
                                         8+                                                       Jan 15-Feb 19                                                                   202730-01
                                                 POTTERY DO IT TOGETHER   Sa      10AM-12PM                       Fort Boise CC         Eric Mullis          $131.66/$203.52
                                         + ADULT                                                  Apr 2-May 7                                                                     302730-01
                                         9-12     DRAWING & PAINTING      Th      4:15-5:45PM     Jan 13-Mar 3    Fort Boise CC         Bryan Moore          $63.25/$97.49        202721-01
                                                                          M                       Jan 10-Feb 28                                                                   202728-01
                                                                          Tu                      Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                    202728-02
                                         9-14     POTTERY FOR KIDS        W       4:15-5:45PM     Jan 12-Mar 2    Fort Boise CC         Sasha Barrett        $63.25/$97.49        202728-03
                                                                          M                       Mar 28-May 16                                                                   302728-01
                                                                          Tu                      Mar 29-May 17                                                                   302728-02

12                                 WINTER/SPRING 2021-22 ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                                     YOU T H
AFRICA ADVENTURES                                        elements, easy-to-use hardware and an                         animal foot imprints, scat and other markings
AGES 7-11 G iraffes, lions, hyenas, wild dogs,          intuitive drag-and-drop coding language based                 as well as using wildlife cameras and telemetry.
cranes, crocs and many more African animals              on Scratch. SPIKE Prime will engage kiddos
will be your guide. Explore African cultures             through playful learning activities like LEGO                 TRAILBLAZER MOUNTAIN BIKE
                                                                                                                       CAMP – Beginner

                                                                                                                                                                                     ( AGE S
through art and storytelling, and discover               Break Dancer, Robotic Arm or Racing Car. These
how Zoo Boise visitors play a part in restoring          activities will having kids thinking critically and           AGES 6-8Explore single-track trails and learn
African Wildlife in Gorongosa National Park.             solving complex problems.                                     proper bike riding skills, safety, respect for
                                                                                                                       others and the sport of mountain biking.
LEGO® SPIKE                                              MASTER TRACKER                                                Classes are designed for beginner riders. We
AGES 10-14Combine your love of LEGOS with               AGES 7-11Discover the different techniques                   will meet outside Fort Boise Community Center,
easy coding. SPIKE has colorful LEGO building            used for tracking animals, including identifying

                                                                                                                                                                                     6-1 2)
                                                                                                                       700 Robbins Rd.

  AGE                   CLASS                      DAY        TIME            DATE              LOCATION            INSTRUCTOR           FEE RES/NR            ACTIVITY#
                                                                         Apr 19-21                                                                          320705-01
6-8                                            Tu, W, Th 6-8PM           Apr 26-28            Fort Boise CC        Sheree Chaffin       $37/$56.80          320705-02
          – Beginner
                                                                         May 10-12                                                                          320705-03
7-11      AFRICA ADVENTURES                    M          9AM-4PM        Feb 21               Zoo Boise            FOZB Staff           $50*                230802-01
7-11      MASTER TRACKER                       M          9AM-4PM        Jan 17               Zoo Boise            FOZB Staff           $50*                230800-01

9-12                                           Tu, W, Th 6-8PM           May 17-19            Fort Boise CC        Sheree Chaffin       $37/$56.80          320705-04
          – Beginner

                                                                         Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                       219319-01
10-14     LEGO® SPIKE                          Tu         6-7:30PM                            Dick Eardley SC      Jackie Stafford      $64.04/$98.68
                                                                         Mar 8-May 3**                                                                      319319-01
                                                                                                      *This activity qualifies for the FOZB discount.     **No Class Mar 21-25

KIDS’ CULINARY SERIES                                    the age of 16 must be accompanied by a paying                   • FLIPPABLE FOODS – Get out the spatulas!
AGES 8-12                                               adult. The cost is per person and each must                       We will focus on incorporating fruits and
 • KID CHEF – Learn how to make a healthy                register individually.                                            vegetables into scrumptious sweet and
   and delicious three-course meal (including                                                                              savory recipes like zucchini fritters, corn
                                                          • VALENTINE’S DINNER – Learn how to                              cakes and pumpkin pancakes.
   appetizer, main dish and dessert)!
                                                            make an impressive heart healthy meal,
 • MASH-UPS – Have fun creating healthy                     perfect for sharing. We will prepare roasted                 • BEYOND BORDERS – Fusion cooking! Let’s
   ways to enjoy some favorite foods – think                chicken and a fun and healthy dessert.                         explore tasty ways to use savory curries
   buffalo cauliflower poppers and broccoli                 It’s the perfect way to show love to your                      (not spicy), fresh herbs and spices in this
   tacos.                                                   friends and family on Valentine’s Day.                         fun and flavorful class.

FAMILY NIGHT OUT SERIES                                   • MEDITERREAN FLAVORS – Explore healthy
ALL AGES + ADULTCome to one of our Family                  flavors and foods of the Mediterranean
Night Out cooking classes for some true                     region including a delicious baked falafel
together time in the kitchen. Students under                and fresh and colorful veggie relish.

  AGE                         CLASS                          DAY        TIME            DATE          LOCATION            INSTRUCTOR              FEE          ACTIVITY#
                                                             W       5-7PM           Jan 26                                                                 224011-01
          KIDS CULINARY SERIES – Kid Chef
                                                             Tu      4-6PM           Feb 15                                                                 224011-02
8-12                                                                                                 BUGS                Staff                 $16
                                                             Tu      4-6PM           Apr 19                                                                 324011-01
          KIDS CULINARY SERIES – Mash-ups
                                                             W       5-7PM           May 25                                                                 324011-02
                                                             Tu                      Feb 1                                                                  224201-01
          FAMILY NIGHT OUT SERIES – Valentine’s Dinner
                                                             W                       Feb 9                                                                  224201-02
          FAMILY NIGHT OUT SERIES – Mediterranean            Tu                      Mar 1                                                                  324201-01
All       Flavors                                            W                       Mar 9                                                                  324201-02
Ages                                                                 5:30-7:30PM                     BUGS                Staff                 $16
+ Adult                                                      Tu                      Apr 5                                                                  324201-03
          FAMILY NIGHT OUT SERIES – Flippable Foods
                                                             W                       Apr 13                                                                 324201-04
                                                             Tu                      May 3                                                                  324201-05
          FAMILY NIGHT OUT SERIES – Beyond Borders
                                                             W                       May 11                                                                 324201-06

                                                                                                                C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0       13
 6-1 2)

           COMMUNITY DAYS AT BUGS                                    FOOTHILLS FAMILY DAYS                                      WATERSHED WEEKEND
           ALL AGES + ADULTWelcome spring with                      ALL AGES + ADULTVenture to the Foothills                  PROGRAMS
           community events at BUGS! Each FREE event                 Learning Center for a day of family fun. We will           AGES 5+ & ADULTFree family activities. Free

           will bring you resources for the whole family,            have guided hikes, nature tables, crafts and               timed tickets available at
           get you prepped for planting, and excited to              more. Entrance is free but may be limited due              A water renewal facility tour is offered at 11:30
           embrace the growing season. This is a drop-in             to capacity.                                               a.m. (weather permitting). Tour limited to 40
           activity. Registration is not required.                                                                              people, closed toe shoes required, ages 5 and
                                                                     GREEN BEANS AFTERSCHOOL
                                                                                                                                up. Event descriptions found at bee.cityofboise.
           EARTH DAY CELEBRATION                                     AGES 5-10Our month-long afterschool sessions              org/learn/calendar

           ALL AGES + ADULTCelebrate the Earth with                 allow youth to explore the garden from the
           music, hands-on activities, science and solutions!        height of harvest season through preparing
           Join us to learn about the city’s climate action          for the long winter. We will focus on seasonal
           roadmap, meet the new Youth Climate Action                components of gardening that encourage
           Council members and contribute to the climate             curiosity, creativity and healthy eating.
           time capsule. Find more information at bee.

                  AGE                                  CLASS                                    DAY     TIME            DATE           LOCATION           FEE     ACTIVITY#
                                                                                                                     Apr 5-26                                   324101-01
            5-7                                                                             Tu
                                                                                                                     May 3-24                                   324101-02
                            GREEN BEANS AFTERSCHOOL                                                   4-5:30PM                       BUGS             $29
                                                                                                                     Apr 7-28                                   324101-03
            8-10                                                                            Th
                                                                                                                     May 5-26                                   324101-04
            All Ages                                                                                                 Apr 2
                            COMMUNITY DAYS AT BUGS                                          Sa        11AM-1PM                       BUGS             FREE      N/A
            + Adult                                                                                                  May 7
            All Ages
                            EARTH DAY CELEBRATION                                           Sa        11AM-2PM       Apr 23          Boise WaterShed FREE       N/A
            + Adult
                            FOOTHILLS FAMILY DAYS – Birds of Prey                                                    Mar 12
            All Ages
                            FOOTHILLS FAMILY DAYS – Insects & Bugs                          Sa        10AM-1PM       Apr 9           Foothills LC     FREE      N/A
            + Adult
                            FOOTHILLS FAMILY DAYS – Wildflower Festival                                              May 14
                            WATERSHED WEEKEND PROGRAMS – Fire and Ice                                                Jan 15
                            WATERSHED WEEKEND PROGRAMS – It’s Cool to Be Kind                                        Feb 19
            Ages 5+
                            WATERSHED WEEKEND PROGRAMS – Farm Animals Galore                Sa        10AM-1PM       Mar 19          Boise WaterShed FREE       Tickets Required
            + Adult
                            WATERSHED WEEKEND PROGRAMS – River Campus spring opening                                 Apr 16

           GOLF LESSONS
           AGES 4-13These three-day classes will cover full-swing, stance, grip, short game, chipping and                                     REGISTER ONLINE:
           putting. All classes are open to any skill level from beginner to advanced. Lessons will include on-                      
           course instruction. Clubs will be provided for the students during class time.

            AGE                          CLASS                            DAY            TIME                    DATE              LOCATION            FEE       ACTIVITY#
            4-6        GOLF LESSONS – Find more information on page 6
                                                                                                         Apr 19-21                                              370005-01
                       GOLF LESSONS – Quail Hollow                                                                              Quail Hollow GC
                                                                                                         May 17-19                                              370005-02
                                                                                                         Mar 1-3                                                380005-01
                                                                                                         Mar 8-10                                               380005-02
                                                                                                         Mar 29-31                                              380005-03
            7-13                                                      Tu, W, Th   4:15-5:15PM                                                       $60
                                                                                                         Apr 5-7                                                380005-04
                       GOLF LESSONS – Warm Springs                                                                              Warm Springs GC
                                                                                                         Apr 19-21                                              380005-05
                                                                                                         Apr 26-28                                              380005-06
                                                                                                         May 10-12                                              380005-07
                                                                                                         May 17-19                                              380005-08


                                                                                                                                                                                     YOU T H
BUGS HOME SCHOOL DAYS                               full description at

                                                                                                        PRE-COVID POLICY PHOTOGRAPH
AGES 6-12 Spend some time outside with             calendar. Events will take place outdoors in the
instructors learning about our environment          River Campus unless inclement weather.
during these sessions specifically designed for
homeschoolers.                                      FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS

                                                                                                                                                                                     ( AGE S
  • SEEDS & PLANTING – Join BUGS staff              AGES 3-6Join us for a supplemental lesson that
     in the garden for a lesson on seeds and        focuses on science topics you will be teaching
     plant life cycles as we get ready for the      at home. Class offered for older children at
     upcoming growing season.                       the same time. Please check youth section for
                                                    more details. Parent needs to attend with PreK
 • POLLINATORS – As the weather warms,              - K students, but do not need to enroll.

                                                                                                                                                                                     6-1 2)
   pollinators will start to wake from their long
                                                    FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS
   winter slumber. Join us in the BUGS garden
   as we learn about pollinators and the role       AGES 7-12Join us for a supplemental lesson
   they play in making a productive garden.         that focuses on science topics you will be
                                                    teaching at home. Bring your younger children
BWS HOME SCHOOL DAYS                                too! Check out our Homeschool Days listing in
AGES 5-12Calling all home-schools! We’re           the Preschool section.
                                                                                                                                      Homeschool Zoo
offering FREE programs catered to children
                                                    HOMESCHOOL ZOO
ages 5-12, but all ages are welcome. Families
will enjoy our new format of station-based          AGES 5-10The Homeschool Zoo program                                          principles based on grade level. Themes will
activities that focus on a different topic each     series provides a unique learning experience                                  emphasize looking at animal groups and
month. Adults and children will go at their own     for students schooled at home. The course                                     taxonomy, adaptations, habitats, and ecology.
pace to visit each station to learn, create and     consists of classroom discussion, laboratory                                  Each child attending must register individually.
explore! All classes require pre-registration       activities, animal encounters and specialized                                 Kids only! Please bring a small snack for a
at least a week in advance by calling (208)         zoo tours. Classes will align with Idaho State                                15-minute break during class.
608-7300 or email See           Science Standards and focus on topics and

 AGE                      CLASS                     DAY            TIME              DATE            LOCATION                                           FEES        ACTIVITY#
        FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Winter Ecology                                    Feb 10                                                                           225095-01
 3-6    FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Birds of Prey         Th     10-11:30AM           Apr 14           Foothills LC                                  $7                325095-01
        FLC HOMESCHOOL DAY – Wildflowers                                        May 12                                                                           325095-02
                                                           10AM-12PM            Mar 29
        BWS HOME SCHOOL DAYS – Wetland Wonders      Tu
                                                           1-3PM                Mar 29
 5-12                                                                                            Boise WaterShed                               FREE              Call or Email
        BWS HOME SCHOOL DAYS – Plants, Pollinators         10AM-12PM            May 10
        and You                                            1-3PM                May 10
        BUGS HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Seeds & Planting                                 Mar 17                                                                           324104-01
 6-12                                               Th     12:30-2PM                             BUGS                                          $7
        BUGS HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Pollinators                                      May 19                                                                           324104-02
        FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Winter Ecology                                    Feb 10                                                                           225095-02
 7-12   FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Birds of Prey         Th     10-11:30AM           Apr 14           Foothills LC                                  $7                325095-03
        FLC HOMESCHOOL DAYS – Wildflowers                                       May 12                                                                           325095-04
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Fly, Jump, Run                                         Jan 12                                                                           230550-01
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Celebrate Spring                                       Feb 2                                                                            230550-02
 5-6                                                W      9AM-12PM                              Zoo Boise                                     $20.50
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Experiment Expert                                      Mar 9                                                                            330550-01
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Animal Opposites                                       Apr 6                                                                            330550-02
 2 N D & 3RD GRADE
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Pass the Energy                                        Jan 19                                                                           230551-01
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Animal Explorer                                        Feb 9                                                                            230551-02
 7-8                                                W      9AM-12PM                              Zoo Boise                                     $20.50
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Earth Heroes                                           Mar 16                                                                           330551-01
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle                                 Apr 13                                                                           330551-02
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Zoo Genetics                                           Jan 26                                                                           230552-01
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Beginner Biologist                                     Feb 23                                                                           230552-02
 9-10                                               W      9AM-12PM                              Zoo Boise                                     $20.50
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Conservation Club                                      Mar 30                                                                           330552-01
        HOMESCHOOL ZOO – Taxonomy Trek                                          Apr 20                                                                           330552-02

                                                                                                     C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0                  15
 6-1 2)

            Learn to Skate

            I C E H OC KEY                                    edge glide, forward C-Cuts, C-push glide,         BASIC 3 (Prerequisite Basic 2)
                                                              forward outside & inside edges, gliding 2 foot    AGES 7-12Advancing skaters will learn forward
                                                              turn and lateral crossover march. Classes will    stroking, half swizzle pumps on a circle, moving
                              GOAL!                           be structured following USA Hockey American       two-foot turn, backward one-foot glides,
                Hockey Learn to Play                          Development Model (ADM) Program.                  backward snowplow stop, forward slalom and
                                                                                                                forward pivots.
              Find more information on page 7.
                                                              HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 4 (H4)
                                                              (Prerequisite H3)                                 BASIC 4 (Prerequisite Basic 3)
              Full equipment is required. IIW will            AGES 8-17This is the first step to playing       AGES 7-12Advancing skaters will learn forward
              provide rental equipment at no                  organized hockey.                                 outside and inside edges on a circle, forward
              additional charge. Helmet and stick must                                                          crossovers, backward half swizzle pumps on
              be provided by skater.                                                                            a circle, backward one-foot glides, beginning
                                                               I CE S K AT IN G                                 two-foot spin and forward lunges.
                                                                                                                BASIC 5 (Prerequisite Basic 4)
           HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 1-4                                            PROGRAM                          AGES 7-12 Advancing skaters will learn
           AGES 4-7Find more information on page 7.
                                                                         Learn to Skate                         backward outside and inside edges on a circle,
                                                                                                                backward crossovers, forward outside three-
                                                                     Find more information on page 8.           turn, advanced two-foot spin, hockey stop and
           HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 1 (H1)
                                                                      Skates are included with the cost         a side toe hop.
           AGES 8-17Players will learn how to sit on ice                       of the class.                   BASIC 6 (Prerequisite Basic 5)
           and stand up, proper stance, march forward,                                                          AGES 7-12Advancing skaters learn forward
           forward two-foot glide, dip or squat, scooter                                                        inside open mohawk from a standstill, forward
           pushes or T-push, forward swizzles, snowplow       SNOWPLOW SAM 1-4                                  inside three-turn, backward to forward two-foot
           stop and backwards skating. No sticks allowed.     Ages 4-6Find more information on page 8.         turn on a circle, backward stroking, beginning
                                                                                                                one-foot spin, T-stops, bunny hop, forward
           HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 2 (H2)                        BASIC 1 (Beginners)                               spiral on a straight line and shoot the duck.
           (Prerequisite H1)                                  AGES 7-12Beginning skaters will learn the
           AGES 8-17Players will learn backward stance,      proper way to fall and get up, march, forward     ICE SKATING – Adaptive
           skating forward using full strides, forward one-   two-foot glide, dip, forward swizzles, backward   AGES 5+This program is designed to give
           foot glides, backward hustle, backward swizzles,   wiggles, snowplow stop and a two-foot hop in      individuals with disabilities the opportunity to
           glide turns and moving snowplow stops.             place.                                            develop their ice-skating skills. Students will
                                                                                                                receive instruction based upon their individual
           HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 3 (H3)                        BASIC 2 (Prerequisite Snowplow                    needs and goals. Some adaptive equipment is
           (Prerequisite H2)                                  Sam 4 or Basic 1)                                 available for use at no extra cost. Scholarships
           AGES 8-17Players will learn one-foot snowplow     AGES 7-12Skaters will learn scooter pushes,      are available. *Various days and times available.
           stop, introduce hips with ¼ turn twist to hockey   forward one-foot glides, backward two-foot        Call (208) 608-7718 to learn more and to register.
           stop, full strides using 45-degree V-Push,         glides, rocking horse, backward swizzles, two-
           shuffle stride, backwards hustle, backward         foot turns from forward and backward, moving
           C-Cuts or power pushes, backward outside           snowplow stop and curves.

AGE                          CLASS                    DAY            TIME             DATE             LOCATION                   FEE                ACTIVITY#
4-7    HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 1-4 (H1-4 ) – Find more information on page 7
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Jan 9-Feb 27**                                                   260004-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Jan 11-Mar 1                                                     260004-02
8-17   HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 1 (H1)                                                                 Idaho IceWorld         $201/8 classes
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Mar 6-May 8*                                                     360004-01

                                                                                                                                                                           ( AGE S
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Mar 8-May 3*                                                     360004-02
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Jan 9-Feb 27**                                                   260005-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Jan 11-Mar 1                                                     260005-02
8-17   HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 2 (H2)                                                                 Idaho IceWorld         $201/8 classes
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Mar 6-May 8*                                                     360005-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Mar 8-May 3*                                                     360005-02

                                                                                                                                                                           6-1 2)
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Jan 9-Feb 27**                                                   260006-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Jan 11-Mar 1                                                     260006-02
8-17   HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 3 (H3)                                                                 Idaho IceWorld         $201/8 classes
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Mar 6-May 8*                                                     360006-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Mar 8-May 3*                                                     360006-02
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Jan 9-Feb 27**                                                   260007-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Jan 11-Mar 1                                                     260007-02
8-17   HOCKEY LEARN TO PLAY 4 (H4)                                                                 Idaho IceWorld         $201/8 classes
                                                     Su      11:30AM-12:30PM     Mar 6-May 8*                                                     360007-01
                                                     Tu      7:30-8:30PM         Mar 8-May 3*                                                     360007-02
4-6    SNOWPLOW SAM 1-4 – Find more information on page 8
                                                                                 Jan/Feb session
5+     ICE SKATING – Adaptive                        Varies Varies                                 Idaho IceWorld         TBD                     Call 208-608-7718
                                                                                 Mar/Apr session
                                                     M                           Jan 10-Feb 28                                                    261004-01
                                                             5:45-6:15PM                                                  $125/8 classes
                                                     W                           Jan 12-Mar 2                                                     261004-02
7-12   BASIC 1 (Beginners)                                                                         Idaho IceWorld
                                                     M                           Mar 7-Apr 25*                                                    361004-01
                                                             5:45-6:15PM                                                  $109.50/7 classes
                                                     W                           Mar 9-Apr 27*                                                    361004-02
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Jan 10-Feb 28                                                    261005-01
                                                                                                                          $125/8 classes
       BASIC 2 (Prerequisite Snowplow Sam 4 or       W       6:45-7:15PM         Jan 12-Mar 2                                                     261005-02
7-12                                                                                               Idaho IceWorld
       Basic 1)                                      M       6:15-6:45PM         Mar 7-Apr 25*                                                    361005-01
                                                                                                                          $109.50/7 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Mar 9-Apr 27*                                                    361005-02
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Jan 10-Feb 28                                                    261006-01
                                                                                                                          $125/8 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Jan 12-Mar 2                                                     261006-02
7-12   BASIC 3 (Prerequisite Basic 2)                                                              Idaho IceWorld
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Mar 7-Apr 25*                                                    361006-01
                                                                                                                          $109.50/7 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Mar 9-Apr 27*                                                    361006-02
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Jan 10-Feb 28                                                    261007-01
                                                                                                                          $125/8 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Jan 12-Mar 2                                                     261007-02
7-12   BASIC 4 (Prerequisite Basic 3)                                                              Idaho IceWorld
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Mar 7-Apr 25*                                                    361007-01
                                                                                                                          $109.50/7 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Mar 9-Apr 27*                                                    361007-02
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Jan 10-Feb 28                                                    261008-01
                                                                                                                          $125/8 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Jan 12-Mar 2                                                     261008-02
7-12   BASIC 5 (Prerequisite Basic 4)                                                              Idaho IceWorld
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Mar 7-Apr 25*                                                    361008-01
                                                                                                                          $109.50/7 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Mar 9-Apr 27*                                                    361008-02
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Jan 10-Feb 28                                                    261009-01
                                                                                                                          $125/8 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Jan 12-Mar 2                                                     261009-02
7-12   BASIC 6 (Prerequisite Basic 5)                                                              Idaho IceWorld
                                                     M       6:15-6:45PM         Mar 7-Apr 25*                                                    361009-01
                                                                                                                          $109.50/7 classes
                                                     W       6:45-7:15PM         Mar 9-Apr 27*                                                    361009-02
                                                                            *No Class Mar 20-23 & Apr 17   **Jan 16 class time will be 45 min. earlier than scheduled

                                                                                                      C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0       17
 6-1 2)

           BALLET – Beginner                                        HIP HOP                                                        information on where to purchase, please
           AGES 6-8This class will introduce new dancers           AGES 8-12Hip Hop is a fun high energy dance                   contact Clay Lee, 208-608-7684.
           to the basics and beginning techniques of                style that will have everyone up and moving.
                                                                                                                                   TAP – Experienced

           traditional ballet while continuing to build on          Music is fun and hip but age appropriate. Come
           those techniques with returning students.                ready to move and learn some cool new moves.                   AGES 8-12For young tappers ready for more
                                                                    Classes are great exercise and great fun!                      challenging technique and choreography, this
           BALLET – Intermediate                                                                                                   class is for you! We will continue to build on
           AGES 6-12This class will follow a more                  TAP – Beginner – Intermediate                                  our vocabulary and technique while increasing
           traditional ballet class structure focusing on           AGES 5-12Tap is one of the oldest forms of                    speed and accuracy and begin to work on
           increasing strength, flexibility and coordination        dance and is great for helping to develop                      higher level steps. Class will be taught in a fun,

           while continuing to learn new fundamentals               strong legs, balance and quick feet. Boys and                  encouraging environment with age appropriate
           and ballet terminology. Beginners may join               girls alike will have a tremendous amount                      music.
           class with instructor approval.                          of fun learning the basics in a fun, positive
                                                                    environment. Tap shoes are needed, For

             AGE               CLASS               DAY             TIME                 DATE               LOCATION             INSTRUCTOR              FEE RES/NR         ACTIVITY#
                                                                                   Jan 12-Mar 2                                                                           212005-01
           5-7       TAP Beginner – Intermediate   W     5:30-6:15PM                                    Fort Boise CC          Stephanie Hinton       $35.48/$54.44
                                                                                   Mar 9-May 4*                                                                           312005-01
                                                                                   Jan 10-Feb 28**                                                    $35.50/$54.46       212706-01
                                                                                   Mar 7-May 2*                                                                           312706-01
           6-8       BALLET – Beginner                   4:30-5:30PM                                    Fort Boise CC          Stephanie Hinton
                                                                                   Jan 11-Mar 1                                                       $47/$72.28          212706-02
                                                                                   Mar 8-May 3*                                                                           312706-02
                                                                                   Jan 14-Mar 4                                                                           212767-01
           6-8                                           4:30-5:30PM
                                                                                   Mar 11- May 6*                                                                         312767-01
                     BALLET – Intermediate         F                                                    Fort Boise CC          Stephanie Hinton       $47/$72.28
                                                                                   Jan 14-Mar 4                                                                           212767-02
           8-12                                          5:30-6:30PM
                                                                                   Mar 11-May 6*                                                                          312767-02
                                                                                   Jan 11-Mar 1                                                                           212513-01
                                                                                   Mar 8-May 3*                                                                           312513-01
           8-12      HIP HOP                             5:15-6PM                                       Fort Boise CC          Lucy Singer            $35.48/$54.44
                                                                                   Jan 13-Mar 3                                                                           212513-02
                                                                                   Mar 10-May 5*                                                                          312513-02
                     TAP – Beginner –                                              Jan 12-Mar 2                                                                           212005-02
           8-12                                    W     6:15-7PM                                       Fort Boise CC          Stephanie Hinton       $35.48/$54.44
                     Intermediate                                                  Mar 9-May 4*                                                                           312005-02
                                                                                   Jan 10-Feb 28**                                                    $35.50/$54.46       212006-01
           8-12      TAP – Experienced             M     6-7PM                                          Fort Boise CC          Clay Lee
                                                                                   Mar 7-May 2*                                                       $47/$72.28          312006-01
                                                                                                                                          **No Class Jan 17 & Feb 21   *No Class Mar 21-25

           MARTIAL ARTS – Karate Shotokan                           stances), Katas or prearrange forms (formal                    using just your body and environment. Each
           Mixed Level                                              exercise) and Kumite or sparring as student’s                  class we will go over how to land, roll and fall
           AGES 6-12Learn traditional Shotokan Karate              progress.                                                      safely as well as move quickly in your own
           including dojo etiquette, warm-up, Kihon,                                                                               style. Each week has its own “theme”; vaulting,
                                                                    PARKOUR                                                        jumping, flipping and climbing. Classes are held
           Katas, and Kumite. Class will focus on Kihon or
           basic techniques (blocks, punches, kicks and             AGES 6-11Parkour is getting from point A to                   at Myth Parkour, 2902 S Featherly Way in Boise
                                                                    point B as quickly and efficiently as possible                 (near Cole Rd and Victory Rd).

              AGE                  CLASS                     DAY          TIME                DATE            LOCATION            INSTRUCTOR             FEE RES/NR        ACTIVITY#
                                                                                         Jan 7-28                                                                         220501-01
                                                                                         Feb 4-25                                                                         220501-02
           6-11        PARKOUR                           F           5-6PM               Mar 4-Apr 1*        Myth Parkour        Staff                  $25/$38.20        320501-01
                                                                                         Apr 8-29                                                                         320501-02
                                                                                         May 6-27                                                                         320501-03
                       MARTIAL ARTS – Karate Shotokan                                    Jan 3-Feb 28**                                                                   220333-01
           6-12                                       M, W           5:30-6:45PM                             Dick Eardley SC     Sablan/Harrington $38.50/$59.20
                       Mixed Level                                                       Mar 2-Apr 27*                                                                    320333-01
                                                                                                                                          **No Class Jan 17 & Feb 21   *No Class Mar 21-25


Through this after-school program developed by the
Idaho Tennis Association, even the youngest players can
join the action. Using the USTA 10 & Under Tennis format,
kids can learn to play right away because the courts,
racquets, balls, scoring system and even the net height are
just their size.
Sessions are held at elementary schools throughout the
valley. To learn about a program near you, contact the
Idaho Tennis Association, 208-322-5150, ext. 207.
                                                                CELEBRATE YOUR SPECIAL
                                                                EVENT AT ONE OF BOISE’S
                                                                MOST ICONIC LOCATIONS

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   library cardholders of the                                            2603 W. Eastover Terrace, Boise ID 83706

       Boise Public Library.                                             CITYOFBOISE.ORG/BOISEDEPOT

                                                                    C I T Y O F B O I S E . O R G / PA R K S • 2 0 8 - 6 0 8 - 7 6 8 0   19
 6-1 2)

           AGES 6-9Join us to explore the Foothills, go
           hiking and learn about local animals and plants.

           Participants should bring a lunch, snacks and a
           water bottle.
           AGES 6-12Explore the BUGS garden and
           kitchen in this full-day spring break camp,
           where we’ll learn about both growing and

           preparing delicious and nutritious veggies.
           Plus, camp crafts and games!
           AGES 7-15This golf camp will focus on all
           aspects of the golf game and teach junior golfers
           how to play a round of golf on their own. All
           skill levels are welcome to participate. The daily
           schedule will allow for practice at the driving
           range and play on the course, plus breaks
           for movies and down-time. Participants are
           responsible for their lunch each day, and should
           dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
           CAMP (Beginner – Basic 4)                             Golf Spring Break Camp
           AGES 5-12Camp includes skate rental,
           instruction from certified instructors, snacks,      SPRING BREAK ART CAMP                                     be offered each day at 11:00AM. Tour limited
           games, friendship and fun in a secure, family-
                                                                AGES 6-12Let your child explore their creativity         to 40 people, ages 5 and up. Closed-toe shoes
           friendly environment. Receive a camp T-shirt
                                                                in these three-hour classes offered during                required.
           to wear for the final day performance when
                                                                Spring Break. Activities will include clay,
           skaters show off the skills they’ve learned
                                                                watercolor, drawing, designing, sculpting and             ZOOLOGY
           throughout the week. Skating fans should                                                                       AGES 7-11Take on the challenge of being a
                                                                more. Students can choose from sessions
           plan to arrive on Friday at 11:45AM for the                                                                    zoologist! Participate in the same activities as
                                                                offered in the morning or in the afternoon. All
           performance.                                                                                                   a zoologist, including determining physical
                                                                materials provided.
           LEGO® ANIMATION                                                                                                similarities and differences between animal
                                                                SPRING BREAK BLOCKFEST!                                   groups using up-close biofact investigations,
           AGES 8-12Create and build your own mini
                                                                AGES 5+Join us this spring break for free STEM           studying and creating animal diets, observing
           movie set out of Legos and anything else to
                                                                activities at BLOCKFest™ building stations.               and recording animal behaviors and finding
           help create your own animated movie! Children
                                                                KEVA® planks, large foam blocks, small                    ways that humans can help animal wildlife.
           will use technology to make a Lego animated
                                                                counting cubes and more will be available
           movie with complete editing capabilities,
                                                                around the exhibit hall for children of all ages
           effects, music and narration all through iMovie
                                                                to build and play. Free timed tickets available at
           and Stop Motion.
                                                       A water renewal tour will

                AGE                        CLASS                   DAY        TIME              DATE             LOCATION                  FEE RES/NR           ACTIVITY#
           5+           SPRING BREAK BLOCKFEST!                    M-F     10AM-12PM      Mar 21-25           Boise WaterShed       FREE
           5-12         LEARN TO SKATE SPRING BREAK CAMP           M-F     9AM-12PM       Mar 21-25           Idaho IceWorld        $167                       361200-01
                                                                           9AM-12PM                                                                            302766-01
           6-8          SPRING BREAK ART CAMP                      M-F                    Mar 21-25           Fort Boise CC         $96.75/$149.41
                                                                           1-4PM                                                                               302766-02
           6-9          FOOTHILLS EXPLORER CAMP                    M-F     9AM-4PM        Mar 21-25           Foothills LC          $131                       319963-01
           6-12         GARDEN & CULINARY CAMP                     M-F     9AM-4PM        Mar 21-25           BUGS                  $146                       324009-01
           7-11         ZOOLOGY                                    M-F     9AM-4PM        Mar 21-25           Zoo Boise             $215*                      330800-01
           7-15         GOLF SPRING BREAK CAMP                     M-F     9AM-4PM        Mar 21-25           Warm Springs GC       $295                       380010-01
           8-12         LEGO® ANIMATION                            M-F     9AM-12PM       Mar 21-25           Fort Boise CC         $79.75/$123.10             319419-01
                                                                           9AM-12PM                                                                            302767-01
           9-12         SPRING BREAK ART CAMP                      M-F                    Mar 21-25           Fort Boise CC         $96.75/$149.41
                                                                           1-4PM                                                                               302767-02
                                                                                                                                  *This activity qualifies for the FOZB discount.

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