Page created by Ronnie Stanley
Cape Town City Centre
The Greater Tygerberg Area
South African cities are grappling with the       The Western Cape Government and the
double dilemma of trying to redress their         City of Cape Town have created a matrix
segregated past while also planning for a         of policies, frameworks and development
more urbanised future. Cape Town is no            incentives designed to address spatial
different.                                        inequality and facilitate the construction
                                                  of affordable accommodation. These
If a society is to thrive, its people need to     mechanisms need to be married with sound
be empowered to find work. They need              investments from committed developers,
to be able to access safe, reliable public        investors and institutions who have the
transport. And they need to live in decent        visionary will to create safe and sustainable,
accommodation that they can afford. For           accessible and affordable neighbourhoods
years, the city’s spatial segregation, a legacy   in our city centres, close to transport, work
of apartheid planning, has excluded the           opportunities and social amenity.
majority of the population from accessing
convenient work opportunities and                 We have created this guide as a tool
affordable accommodation.                         for developers seeking to maximise the
                                                  opportunity for building affordable housing
Affordable and inclusionary housing,              in Bellville and the Greater Tygerberg area.
developed around transit hubs in active           The details contained in here should be
economic centres, is the key.                     used to inform development decisions that
                                                  will build on the existing potential of our
We have a vision for an economically vibrant,     city, and drive the growth of a prosperous,
connected community that lives, works and         economically active urban centre.
plays in a quality, safe and accessible 24-hour
urban environment. Sustainable, intelligent       We look forward to building future Bellville
densification targeted at creating affordable,    with you.
decent accommodation is one of the most
important elements that will support the          - Warren Hewitt
society we envisage.

MESSAGE FROM THE GTP CEO...............................................................1                MAJOR INVESTMENTS............................................................................26

CONTENT                                                                                                               Ideal location
OVERVIEW                                                                                                                        Schools......................................................................29

            Investment at a glance................................................................3                   Amenities and Services
            The Urban African opportunity..................................................4                                   Public spaces............................................................30
            The South African urban challenge..........................................4                                       Health.......................................................................32
WHY AFFORDABLE ACCOMMODATION ?                                                                                                 Retail and shopping................................................32

            Why invest in affordable accommodation in the Greater                                       FINANCE AND FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES.......................................33
            Tygerberg Area?.........................................................................6
            What is affordable accommodation?.......................................7                   HOW TO INVEST.......................................................................................36
            Why invest in affordable accommodation?.............................8
                                                                                                        KEY CONTACTS........................................................................................37

            Residential investment and development trends...................9

            Development Readiness
                    Availability of land ready for development............11
                    Development incentives.........................................14
                    Planning priority.......................................................19

                       Bulk infrastructure...................................................25

                 Invest in affordable accommodation in the
                           Greater Tygerberg Area

A   s one of Cape Town and South Africa’s priority areas for investment and development, the
      Greater Tygerberg Area provides an outstanding mix of opportunities for new investment
in affordable accommodation. With its enviable location close to a high concentration of jobs,
              schools and amenities, several sites from Goodwood to Bellville are
                 ready to be unlocked to house integrated future communities.

  Growing confidence in the last decade with over R4 billion public and private property investment, along with
  stable property value growth
  Advanced planning stage for the release of land across five major precincts with supportive zoning, particularly
  along the Voortrekker Road Corridor
  Tax incentives and heritage exemptions in place, with further incentives being considered
  The delivery of major new transport infrastructure, along with significant bulk infrastructure expansion
  High levels of accessibility to schools, tertiary institutions, parks and public spaces and health facilities
  National, regional and city level planning priority status
  A growing list of financing opportunities through funds, banks and partnerships

It is estimated that over 900 million people, mostly youth, will move into African cities in the
 THE URBAN                                       coming few decades. This represents significant urban growth at a rate outpacing that of
                                                 Asia and the rest of the developing world. While this presents a major challenge for housing
 AFRICAN                                         provision, infrastructure, amenities and social and cultural cohesion, it also represents
                                                 a major opportunity.
 OPPORTUNITY                                     The opportunity arises when cities and countries tap into the energy, ingenuity of the younger
                                                 and creative population, while leapfrogging the developed world to a more sustainable,
                                                 inclusive and resilient future.

                                                 reduced the possibility and accessibility          Studies also show that cities thrive both
THE SOUTH                                        of well-located affordable housing. This
                                                 entrenches class division and racial
                                                                                                    economically and culturally when they are
                                                                                                    denser and have a mix of uses. Despite these
AFRICAN                                          segregation, forcing the poor to spend an
                                                 unsustainable amount of time and money on
                                                                                                    challenges, Cape Town is still considered
                                                                                                    a major investment opportunity, with PwC
CHALLENGE                                        transport. These factors have contributed to
                                                 South Africa having the highest income Gini
                                                                                                    ranking it as Africa’s top city of opportunity
                                                                                                    in 2018.
                                                 coefficient in the world.

S   outh African cities, and Cape Town in
    particular, are struggling with a shortage
of well-located affordable housing. This
                                                 Excluding MyCiti bus trips, which still form a
                                                 small minority of total trips, data from 2015
is part of a larger housing backlog that is      shows that average travel time for trips to
growing annually.                                work on public transport range from 53 to
                                                 63 minutes and 19 to 23kms. This means that
The legacy of Apartheid planning means           the average resident is spending around two
affordable housing, particularly low-income      hours making a 40km return trip every day.
housing, is largely located far from jobs
and other facilities like healthcare, quality    The average direct transport cost for the
education and recreational offerings. This       low-income public transport user group
trend has continued post-1994, with a low        has risen to 43.1% of monthly household
supply of government housing stock in well-      income — almost four times the national
located areas, and little to no contribution     objective of 10%.1
from the private sector. Increasing land
values, particularly in Cape Town, has further   1         National Land Strategic Framework 2015

CITY                                               WHAT IS A SECONDARY CITY?
B  ellville and the Greater Tygerberg Area is a
   diverse financial, medical and educational
urban centre that plays an important role
                                                  In a functional system of cities each major city (primary
                                                     and secondary) has a unique and complementary
as a highly connected hub at the heart of           role. The primary city may well have an international
the metropole. It can be considered as the
Secondary City of the metropolitan region              outlook, while secondary cities complement it
which has an important role to play in                by hosting activities that require the lower costs
supporting the primary city.                      associated with smaller size or proximity to inputs such
                                                             as agriculture or natural resources.
Like most major urban centres, Cape Town is
facing pressure from growing urbanisation,
characterised by increasing congestion, rising      Regional links and corridors influence the division
accommodation costs and limited space for          of functions among cities and the inter-city transport
inclusive development. As a key node, given        networks. Links to international and regional markets
the City of Cape Town’s strategy to bring
people closer to their workplaces, Bellville          are an important component of such a system,
has an important role in supporting Cape            which requires internationally coordinated policies
Town, by shifting towards a mixed-use centre         and investments to establish the right supportive
with well-connected, multi-modal transport                             environment.1
linkages and well-established service

                                                  1 2017 United Nations, Economic Report on Africa 2017: Urbanization and Industrialization
                                                  for Africa’s Transformation

WHY INVEST IN                                   population growth and the viability of new
                                                development.                                     WHO SHOULD
AFFORDABLE                                      With three major industrial nodes nearby, the    INVEST?
                                                area has a high concentration of jobs.
ACCOMMODATION                                   It also has a rich and dense spread of
                                                amenities, which includes existing and
                                                                                                 Opportunities are available for :

IN THE GREATER                                  new public spaces, schools and tertiary
                                                institutions, health facilities, libraries and
                                                                                                 •   Fund managers considering capital
                                                                                                     investment in the residential sectors
TYGERBERG AREA?                                 shopping centres.                                •   Entrepreneurs or individual investors
                                                                                                     looking to diversify their investment
                                                Investors also benefit from a growing list           portfolios
T   he Bellville central business district
    (CBD) and its near-neighbour, Parow
CBD, are packaged and ready for the
                                                of funds and financing opportunities which
                                                provide capital and technical support focused
                                                                                                 •   Small, medium and large scale property
                                                on the affordable accommodation sector.          •   Investors looking to take equity in an
development of more inclusive housing. Each
                                                                                                     existing or new residential investment or
has a substantial number of land parcels
                                                To register your interest in investment              building
and buildings of varying scales ready for
                                                opportunities in affordable                      •   Existing investors and developers in the
affordable accommodation development.
                                                accommodation, please contact:                       region planning to expand and leverage
                                                                                                     new infrastructure investments.
Planning priority at a national, regional
                                                +27 (0)21 823 6713                               •   Private or government corporations
and local level has cemented an enabling
                                                Bell Park Building Unit 3A, Corner of                wishing to construct staff housing in
environment for investors, through a suite of
                                                De Lange Street & Durban Road, Bellville,            the area
incentives and supportive zoning designed to
                                                7535, South Africa
expand project viability.
Major new investments in public transport
and water and waste infrastructure have been
committed, which will support the area’s

For investors in property funds and indices,    For particular areas or contexts which do
e.g. the Absa MSCI index:                       not rely on fixed thresholds of affordable
•     Housing aimed at households that can      values or household incomes:
      afford monthly rentals up to R8 000 per   •    For the stretched middle-income market,
      month                                          with household incomes between
•     Housing that is valued up to R800 000          R15 000 and R40 000 per month
      where the bank provides end-user          •    Units being rented or sold for less than
      finance                                        the median value of properties in the
•     Bonded homes with a sales value                area, due to subsidies, incentives and
      deemed ‘affordable’ to those who have          policies
      a median income of R12 500 - R17 500      •    Households who can access finance or
      per month                                      afford the rent in an area below current
                                                     open market rates
For national government that provides
housing subsidies:                              For particular groups, where developments
•    Households earning between R3 500          are aimed at specific groups not entirely
     to R15 000, earning above the limit        served by the open market:
     to qualify for government-subsidised       •    Student rental accommodation
     housing and who are required to apply           and key service or essential worker
     for a mortgage loan to buy a house              accommodation (e.g. nurses, teachers,
     (R15 000) on the open market                    police etc.)
•    Social housing rental accommodation
     for households with stable incomes
     between R1 500 and R15 000 per month

T   he investment case for any asset class
    rests on the potential for above-inflation
returns based on a large demand. For
                                                 •   Offer a more stable investment as the
                                                     capital and income growth of the fixed
                                                     asset is less volatile compared with
                                                                                                 2.    Total returns were comparable to other
                                                                                                       accommodation (12.3% vs 13.4%),
                                                                                                       despite the significantly lower costs. This
affordable accommodation, as a fixed real            equities                                          means affordable housing investments
estate investment, the large and growing         •   Provides stable rental income which               are an option for a wider number
demand for housing outstrips the pace of             can be pegged to inflation and is more            of investors
supply within the South African context. This        responsive to the state of the economy
is expected to continue for decades to come.

For the institutional investor who is            Price growth
required to deploy significant scale of          Between 2012 and 2015, the affordable
capital over a longer term horizon as part       housing segment outperformed the overall
of a diverse portfolio of assets, affordable     housing market. House price growth of                “The affordable market is one
accommodation can :                              properties in the bottom quartile (i.e. less          of the few in which demand
•    Offer risk-adjusted returns over a longer   than R330 000, excluding RDP houses) nearly
     time period, due to the high demand         doubled that of the second highest quartile
                                                                                                       exceeds supply with strong
•    Act as a hedge or counter-cyclical          (R700 000 - R1.135m) and were four times                fundamentals, given the
     investment, which is more resilient         greater than the highest quartile (more than         ever-increasing trend in South
     during downward trends in the economy       R1.135m).
     as vacancies remain low                                                                           Africa towards urbanisation.
•    Act as a defensive and secure                                                                      The affordable market has
     investment as the capital value of          Affordable housing fund growth
     the asset is likely to increase over        According to the ABSA MSCI Residential
                                                                                                      the lowest vacancy rate of the
     the medium- to long-term if good            Results for 2018, which tracks affordable              residential rental market”
     maintenance and operations systems          housing as a separate category of residential          Transcend Property Fund
     are managed                                 across 20 property funds:
                                                 1. Affordable accommodation posted
                                                      a higher income return than other
                                                      accommodation (8.9% vs 6.5%)

                                                                  TYGERBERG AREA?
Global residential property trends               Greater Tygerberg area residential
                                                 property trends
A few global trends relevant to the South                                                         Residential property ownership:
African context:                                 Character of the area
•    Younger and first-time buyers are                                                            •   A mix between stable owners who have
     opting for smaller homes in more            While the area is predominantly residential          owned for 11 or more years, and new
     medium-density developments, where          in character, the Bellville and Parow CBDs           owners
     they can access a wider range of            are characterised as predominantly business      •   First-time home buyers attracted to
     amenities and services that are available   and commercial use. Intense commercial               the area. The area is relatively mixed in
     24/7, and because of convenience,           and retail uses are located on the first block       terms of the age of homeowners. Stable
     cost considerations and reduced             on either side of Voortrekker Road and up            owners tend to be the oldest while most
     maintenance load                            Durban Road towards the N1.                          recent buyers are young adults (18-35
•    The emergence of the micro-unit,                                                                 years) or middle-aged (36-49 years)
     which is 20% to 30% smaller than a          Three industrial districts, Parow Industria,
     conventional sized studio apartment         Bellville South and Elsies River, are located
•    First-time buyers focus more on location.   south of Voortrekker Road, and adjacent
     Factors like congestion, long work hours,   to smaller but growing business and
     increasing public transport costs and       commercial uses.
     increasing fuel prices mean people
     are willing to sacrifice other factors in   Three suburbs — Belgravia, Kempenville and
     order to live in smaller, better-located    Parow — are more mixed use, with residential
     properties (often sectional titles)         and business/commercial uses.

Development trends over the last decade1                   A comparison with other Cape Town

•     A predominantly residential area:                    Potentially lower development costs in           Oversupply of upmarket residential units in
      75% residential, 6% business/                        Bellville                                        Cape Town CBD
      commercial, 2% industrial and 4.5%
      vacant erven                                         The costs and risks of developing affordable     There has been a lack of new affordable
                                                           accommodation in the Greater Tygerberg           rental supply in the Cape Town CBD, and
•     A gradual and steady increase in flat                area are potentially lower than the Cape         an oversupply of upmarket apartments
      rentals in line with the investment in               Town CBD due to lower land prices per            or units targeting higher income groups.
      affordable accommodation                             square metre.                                    This presents a potential opportunity for
                                                                                                            the Greater Tygerberg area to cater for the
•     Lower increases in sectional title                   Lower demand for commercial space                demand for affordable accommodation
      property values over 10 years compared               and significant demand for affordable            developments focused on lower-middle
      to full title properties                             accommodation                                    income groups.

•     Greater demand for standard flats                    Since 2011/2012, Grade A and B office            Steady property values relative to other
      compared with upmarket flats, with                   vacancy rates have been decreasing in both       suburbs
      rental increases of between 80% and                  Bellville and Cape Town CBD, with vacancy
      130% for standard units                              rates in Bellville being consistently lower.     The average price per square metre of full-
                                                                                                            title residential property within the Greater
                                                           Where supply of office space exceeds the         Tygerberg area has remained relatively
                                                           demand, the conversion to residential space      steady over the past 10 years, compared
                                                           is gaining popularity. This is especially true   to other suburbs in Cape Town, namely
                                                           in CBD areas where there is a scarcity of        Milnerton, Observatory and Woodstock.
                                                           mid-market residential property for young        Woodstock and Observatory have
                                                           professionals looking to live closer to work.    experienced very similar growth in residential
                                                                                                            property prices, with growth rates of 256%
                                                                                                            and 203%, respectively, over the past decade.

                                                                                                            Steadily growing investor confidence

                                                                                                            The Annual Residential Index has increased
                                                                                                            gradually year on year for both full and
1 Based on a 2018 study on 24 suburbs within the Greater                                                    sectional titles within the Greater Tygerberg Area.
Tygerberg Area stretching from Parow to Bellville and
surrounding suburbs.

Precincts ready for investment

A    number of brownfield and greenfield
     sites across the Greater Tygerberg
area are either in the process of being
                                               This will safeguard the accommodation
                                               against income displacement (gentrification)
                                               and ensuring accommodation for lower
                                                                                                   The precincts identified include:

                                                                                                   -   Parow Station Precinct
developed, or have been earmarked as ideal     income groups in perpetuity.                        -   Tygerberg Station Precinct
for development by the City of Cape Town.                                                          -   Goodwood and Elsiesriver
They form part of a phased release of public   The precinct approach will address issues               Station Precinct
land and buildings for the development of      such as social development, movement                -   Avondale Station precinct
affordable accommodation by social housing     patterns and the need to consider urban             -   Hardekraaltjie Precinct
institutions and the public sector.            management in the area.
                                                                                                   The City has identified the optimal sites
These sites could have a total development     For investors:                                      within these precincts. It will work with SHIs,
footprint of 10.5 hectares and over 5 800                                                          other stakeholders and the private sector to
units across four station precincts, and 65    •    With social housing institutions (SHI), the    undertake the following tasks on these sites:
hectares of developed area with 6 000 to            City will invite investors to participate in   •    Refurbishment of brownfield sites along
7 500 units at the Hardekraaltjie precinct.         the redevelopment of its land parcels,              the Voortrekker Road Corridor
                                                    bound by specific conditions that will         •    Buying buildings and land in the
The City of Cape Town’s goal is to secure           assist in the regeneration of the area              precincts along the Voortrekker Corridor
land for the delivery of affordable            •    The City and SHIs will also develop a          •    Releasing some land owned by the City
accommodation before an anticipated                 masterplan for the entire area to further           and Western Cape Government for
upswing in property prices.                         grow investor confidence over the                   mixed-use developments
                                                    coming two decades                             •    Working with Passenger Rail Agency
                                                                                                        of South Africa (PRASA) on the
                                                                                                        development of their land parcels

Avondale Station Precinct                                                                     Hardekraaltjie Precinct
Sites:    Five publicly owned sites                                                           Sites:
          (City and Province)                                                                 The Hardekaaltjie Sports Precinct, Caravan
Location: Various sites near Avondale Station                                                 Park and Transnet land to the south
Development Area: 4.09 Ha                                                                     Location:
                                                                                              Hardekraaltjie, Voortrekker Road
                                          De Grendel
                                                                                              Development Area: 65 Ha




     Goodwood and Elsiesriver

                                                                                             Tygerberg Station Precinct
                                                Parow Station Precinct
                                                                                             3 City-owned sites
Goodwood and Elsiesriver Station                Sites:
Precinct                                        1 City-owned park
                                                                                             1 privately-owned vehicle showroom
Sites:                                          5 under-used parking lots
                                                                                             Corner of Voortrekker and Delaney Road,
5 unused private buildings next to City         1 private site (not prioritised)
buildings that are currently used as a          Location:
                                                                                             Development Area: 1.17 Ha
second-hand car dealership and for car          Between Voortrekker and McIntyre Road,
repairs.                                        Parow CBD
Location:                                       Development Area: 1.25 Ha
Corner of Voortrekker and Halt Roads
Development Area: 3.88 Ha
Residential units
                                                          Density:            Parking:                 Typologies:                        Status:
                                                                                                    3-, 4- and 11-storey
                                                                        0.14 to 0.33 bays per
Parow Station Precinct                948                761 du/Ha                               walkups; 11-storey mixed-               Planning
                                                                        99 surface parking for
  Tygerberg Station
                           Over 698 residential units    596 du/Ha       building 1, married       11-storey mixed-use;                  Planning
                                                                         quarters (0.14 ratio)
   Goodwood and                                                         Approx. 550 bays with 11-storey mixed-use; 3- and Planning to advertise sites through an
                           Around 2 112 residential
  Elsiesriver Station                                    544 du/Ha       0.14 to 0.34 parking  4-storey walkup; 8-storey   RFP process and allocate to a social
       Precinct                                                                  ratio                 buildings                    housing company

                                                                        Approx. 340 bays with
  Avondale Station
                            2 080 residential units      508 du/Ha       0.14 to 0.34 parking     3- and 4-storey walkup         Planning for land transfer

                                                                                                                                     Land Ownership:
                          6 000 – 7 500 residential units                                         3- and 4-storey walkup
                                                                        0 to 0.5 bays per unit                                 Hardekraaltjie Sports Precinct
                              Industry: 18 000m2                                                   8-11 storey buildings
 Hardekraaltjie Site                                      400-500 du/Ha   along Voortrekker                                        - City of Cape Town
                             Commercial: 75 000m     2
                                                                                                    10-20 storey office
                                                                                 Road                                        Remainder to the south - Transnet
                                Retail: 30 000m  2
                                                                                                                                  Status: Concept stage

                         The Hardekraaltjie project aims to integrate Voortrekker Road with Tygerberg
                           Hospital to the south, in an area currently divided by railway lines and the
                            Tienie Meyer Bypass. The northern portion of the site would comprise a
                          mixed-use development and high-performance indoor sports precinct, with
                          mixed-income affordable accommodation introduced to the south between
                                Bellville Station in the east and Tygerberg Hospital to the west.

Supportive zoning                                Zoning along the Voortrekker Road

Z  oning determines the particular land uses
   which are permitted on a site, as well as
factors like height, setbacks and density of
                                                 The Voortrekker Road Corridor (VRC) contains
                                                 sections of mixed land use consisting of
                                                                                                             “Well-located affordable rental
                                                                                                          housing, when properly managed,
                                                                                                            offers investors a defensive and
buildings.                                       ground level retail or business with two- to
                                                                                                          counter cyclical asset class. Global
                                                 four-storeys of residential above it. Land use
The Voortrekker Road interface of many           in areas further away from Voortrekker Road
                                                                                                             precedent, as well as data from
suburbs in the area is zoned as General          displays limited diversity of land use.                      the recently introduced MSCI
Business or Local Business. This allows for                                                                 South Africa Residential Property
medium- to high-density developments             A good balance and high volumes of                       Index, shows that centrally located
comprising residential and commercial            lands uses that both attract and generate              residential rental property returns are
or retail uses. This zoning is ideal for the     employment are present. The corridor                    resilient in economic downturns and
development of affordable accommodation.         currently attracts a range of investment and             exhibit many of the characteristics
It allows for taller and more dense buildings,   development opportunities along its length,
                                                                                                           required by risk averse, long-term
while encouraging an active street level         with great potential to grow and intensify
through the benefit of commercial and            further. 1
                                                                                                            institutional property investors.”
retail spaces. Where these sites also fall                                                                           Carel Kleynhans
into PT1 or PT2 zones, the reduced parking                                                                  Managing Director of Divercity Urban
requirements would also significantly reduce                                                                          Property Fund
the development cost.

                                                 DEVELOPMENT READINESS.

                                                 1 City of Cape Town Metropolitan Spatial Development
                                                 Framework p257.

                                             Urban Development Zone tax incentive

•   South Africa Revenue Services            The Urban Development Zone (UDZ) tax             •   Erection, extension, improvement or the
    tax incentives through the Urban         incentives administered by the South African         inclusion of low cost housing within an
    Development Zone and Section13Sex        Revenue Services (SARS) aims to promote              urban development zone
•   Parow Station Precinct heritage          the upliftment and regeneration of particular
    exemptions to streamline and             areas by rewarding private sector residential    The UDZ incentive is calculated in different
    encourage development                    and commercial developers who build              ways, depending on the type of development
•   A suite of local government incentives   or refurbish in these areas. SARS seeks to       that is improved, added to or low-cost
    being considered to accelerate           address the issue of urban decay within inner    housing included. Below is a table showing
    inclusionary housing development         cities and to maintain existing infrastructure   how the UDZ can be used and the provisions
                                             while encouraging investment in certain          it makes in the form of allowances.

                                             The Parow - Bellville UDZ boundary
                                             comprises 83 hectares extending from
                                             Bellville to Parow, primarily wrapped around
                                             the VRC (east- west) and from the Bellville
                                             CBD to the N1 intersection with Durban Road

                                             The incentive is an accelerated depreciation
                                             allowance on the cost of buildings erected,
                                             added to, or improved and which are within           URBAN DEVELOPMENT
                                             the designated UDZ areas. The allowance is            ZONE TAX INCENTIVE
                                             applicable in respect of:
                                             •    Erection, extension and improvement of             CURRENTLY BEING
                                                  or addition to an entire building
                                                  Erection, extension, improvement
                                                                                                       REVIEWED WITH
                                                  or addition of part of a building                POSSIBLE EXTENSION
                                                  representing a floor area of at least
                                                  1 000m2                                                BEYOND 2020
                   CURRENT BOUNDARY                   N1
                   Due to expire 31 March 2020
                   PROPOSED EXTENSION                                                                N1
                   The City of Cape Town

                                                                                MIKE PIENAAR
                   together with the GTP
                   motivates to extend this
                   incentive beyond 2020 and in



      L BA

                                                                                               VOORTREKKER RD
           N DRI

                                                                                                                  BELLVILLE STATION

                                                           DE LA

                                                            REY R


       New/ Improvements                                           Use                                                  Allowance

                                                     Commercial/residential                                  20% year 1 and 8% years 2 – 11

                                                                                                      Deemed cost = 55% of the purchase price
                                                   Purchased from a developer
     Erection/extension/addition                                                                           (deductible over 11 years)

                                                                                                             25% year 1 and 13% years 2 – 6
                                                    Low-cost residential unit
                                                                                                                        10% year 7

                                                     Commercial/residential                                         20% years 1 – 5

               Improvements                                                                               Deemed cost = 30% of purchase price
                                                   Purchased from a developer
                                                                                                           (deductible over 5 years as above)

                                                    Low-cost residential unit                                       25% years 1 – 4

Section 13 Sex tax incentive

Under section 13 Sex of the Income Tax Act,
SARS permits a significant tax benefit on
residential property. This incentive allows
purchasers of new residential units in South
Africa, in the same or different developments
and across financial years, to write off a
percentage of the cost of buildings, or
improvements to buildings acquired or built
after 21 October 2008.

The following criteria applies:

a) The taxpayer must own at least five
   residential units mainly used for residential
   accommodation excluding properties uses
   for business purposes, e.g. hotels                                            Developer/Purchaser                             Allowance
b) Residential units must be new and unused
c) The units must be used solely for the                                                                      Deemed cost = 100%
   purpose of a trade, i.e. residential letting,                                       Developer                      - 5% p.a.
                                                                                                                      - 10 % p.a. for low cost accommodation
   and not be used for personal or family use
                                                          New or unused
                                                                                                              Deemed cost = 55% of the purchase price
                                                                              Purchased from a developer              - 5% p.a.
                                                                                                                      - 10 % p.a. for low cost accommodation

                                                                                                              Deemed cost = 100%
                                                                                       Developer                      - 5% p.a.
                                                                                                                      - 10 % p.a. for low cost accommodation
                                                                                                              Deemed cost = 30% of the purchase price
                                                                              Purchased from a developer              - 5% p.a.
                                                                                                                      - 10 % p.a. for low cost accommodation

* low cost accommodation defined as a stand-alone unit to the value of up to R300 000 or an apartment to the value of up to R350 000.

The Parow Station Precinct Heritage             Local government incentives for
Exemption                                       inclusionary housing development

The City of Cape Town has selected the          In 2018, the City of Cape Town released a
Parow Station Precinct as a pilot study area    discussion document relating to inclusionary
for an application for exemption from the       housing, which is defined as affordable
heritage requirements of sections 34(3) and     housing delivered by the private sector. The
38(9) of the National Heritage Resources Act,   document outlined key considerations it
No. 25 of 1999 (NHRA).                          will take into account when developing an
                                                inclusionary housing policy.
The urban spatial incentive is intended
to streamline the application process for       These incentives are considered vital
potential investors, by relieving the need      to avoiding the perverse outcome of
for certain permissions. This incentive is      disincentivising residential housing
designed to encourage development in            development and ensuring that the
the Parow Prioritised Local Area, which is a    affordable housing contribution is not an
key project for stimulating urban growth        undue burden.
and renewal.

Investors will be exempt from the
requirements in respect of applications to:
•    alter, improve or demolish buildings
     older than 60 years; and/or
•    consolidate three or more properties
     within a defined geographic area.
                                                Potential incentives could include:
                                                 Type                  Examples
                                                 Direct financial      Density bonus, reduced parking requirements, lower municipal rates and taxes,
                                                 incentives            and favourable lending rates
                                                 Planning and          Fast-tracking approval processes by a dedicated project team, creating
                                                 regulatory process    inclusionary housing overlay zoning, introducing a single comprehensive permit,
                                                 improvements          alternative construction and design standards

                                                 Bulk infrastructure   Reducing bulk services contribution, reducing connection time to bulk
                                                 incentives            infrastructure, bulk services infrastructure payment holiday

The Voortrekker Road Corridor Integration       Integrated Development Plan                      Metropolitan Spatial Development
Zone                                                                                             Framework

T  he City of Cape Town has identified two
   integration zones, namely the Metro
South-East Integration Zone (MSEIZ) and the
                                                The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a
                                                five-year plan required by all municipalities:
                                                The principal strategic planning
                                                                                                 The MSDF sets out the spatial vision
                                                                                                 and development priorities to achieve a
                                                                                                 reconfigured, inclusive spatial form for
Voortrekker Road Corridor Integration           instrument which guides and informs all          Cape Town.
Zone (VRCIZ).                                   planning, development and decisions in
                                                the municipality.                                The MSDF has established an urban inner
The zones represents a joint commitment                                                          core (UIC) which represents the priority
between the City and the National               Housing developments are being directed          development and investment focus area for
Department of Treasury to plan, fund and        along major transport routes, in line with       the City at a metropolitan scale. The Greater
implement spatial restructuring projects        the City’s Transit Oriented Development          Tygerberg area falls fully within the UIC.
within the area.                                Framework (TODF). A major focus is on the        This prioritises and supports investments
                                                VRCIZ, which directly links the Bellville and    in affordable accommodation in the area,
The VRCIZ’s primary spatial restructuring       Cape Town CBDs.                                  comprising:
objective is to link Bellville CBD with the
Cape Town CBD and the MSEIZ boundary.           •    National focus for the intensification of   •    Infrastructure focus: budget will be
For the Department of Human Settlements,             development from Parow to Bellville,             prioritised for upgrading infrastructure
the emphasis in the VRCIZ is focused on              through the VRC Integration Zone                 and supporting efforts to intensify spatial
social housing to provide affordable rental     •    A government focus area to build                 transformation
opportunities at densities that support the          partnerships to deliver housing             •    Incentives and regulatory reform:
public transport network and transit-oriented   •    City-level priority for investment in            focused on the UIC, to stimulate co-
design (TOD) principles.                             affordable accommodation through                 operation and collaboration between
                                                     the Municipal Spatial Development                other spheres of government and
                                                     Framework (MSDF) and Integrated                  the private sector to direct the capital
                                                     Transport Plan                                   budget

A new rail link from Khayelitsha, four            Road infrastructure                             A major centre for public transport
planned high capacity MyCiTi trunk lines, a
transformed Bellville Station as well as three    The Greater Tygerberg area is well served       The Greater Tygerberg area is served
public transport interchanges will make this      by road and rail infrastructure, providing      by Cape Town’s busiest public transport
one of the most connected and accessible          connectivity and accessibility on a suburban,   interchange (PTI) at Bellville Station, with
areas in the city by 2032.                        metropolitan and regional scale. The existing   350,000 daily trips. Other PTIs are at
                                                  road-rail transit-oriented system serves as a   Parow, Elsies River and Tygerberg stations.
•    Bellville is the busiest transport           strong platform to support the future intense   These provide rail-to-road-based transport
     interchange and minibus taxi rank in         development across the area.                    connections to other parts of the city.
     the city
•    New Blue Downs rail line from Nolungile      The road infrastructure in the area includes:   Four rail links connect at Bellville Station, with
     station to Kuilsriver station, providing a   •    the N1 to the north, providing             nine train stations serving the area. These
     direct link between the Metro South East          connections to Cape Town CBD or            lines are:
     and Bellville                                     nationally in the opposite direction       •     Wellington to Cape Town via
•    Major transformation of Bellville station    •    Voortrekker Road, providing an east-             Woodstock: 90 000 passengers
     planned, with refurbishments to Parow,            west connection between Bellville and            daily (est.)
     Tygerberg and Elsies River interchanges           Cape Town CBD                              •     Muldersvlei to Cape Town (two lines via
•    T13, T14, T16 and T19 MyCiti trunk lines     •    the R300, linking to Khayelitsha and             Stellenbosch and Esplanade): 30 000
     to connect through the area via                   Mitchells Plain to the south                     passengers daily (est.)
     Bellville CBD                                •    the Durban Road link from Bellville        •     Strand to Cape Town via Bellville and
•    Review of PT1 and PT2 zones to                    CBD to the N1 and Tygervalley, with              Parow: 44 000 passengers daily (est.)
     reduced parking requirements for future           additional north-south links provided      •     Bellville to Cape Town via Esplanade
     developments                                      by Vasco Boulevard, Giel Basson Drive,           and Langa: 35 000 passengers daily
•    A proposed future airport rail link               Mike Pienaar Drive (M16) and McIntyre            (est.)
                                                       Street (M14)

Monte Vista               De Grendel                                   BELLVILLE
                                                                                                  Bellville Station
             GOODWOOD                                                           Tygerberg
                                               Elsies River

                                                ELSIES RIVER
                                                                                                                       Blue Downs
                                                               T16                                                     Rail Link

Future Transport Infrastructure : planned MyCiTi trunk routes and rail link

The Bellville CBD and surrounds sees                     Future investments in public transport                    Four new MyCiti trunk lines
over 142 000 daily passenger trips with                  infrastructure
the Bellville Station taxi being the busiest                                                                       According to the 2032 Integrated Public
location seeing 50 000 daily passengers                  The new Blue Downs rail link from                         Transport Network Plan for Cape Town, four
via 30 routes. This is compared with 48 000              Khayelitsha, along with four high capacity                new MyCiTi trunk lines with a capacity of
and 31 000 daily passengers at Cape Town                 MyCiTi trunk lines and a transformed Bellville            10 000 passengers per hour in each direction
Station taxi rank and Khayelitsha respectively.          Station will make this area one of the most               will serve the Greater Tygerberg area.
The Elsies River PTI connects seven minibus              connected and accessible in the entire
taxi routes.                                             metropolitan region by 2032.

The Cape Town to Bellville Golden Arrow bus
service (GABS) is the fifth busiest GABS route
in the city, transporting 1 300 passengers
daily with over 31 000 passengers moving in
and out of Bellville daily.

                                                                                                                         No. of                        Constr. Period
  Phase      Route Code                                        Route Description                                                      Length (km)
                                                                                                                        stations                          (years)

                               Symphony Way: a north-south line from Mitchell’s Plain CBD to Bellville CBD and
     2           T13                                                                                                       23             33.0                3
                                                     continuing to Durbanville north

     3           T14         Westlake-Bellville: A north-east line from Westlake to Bellville CBD via Parow Industria      25            35.10                3

                            Eersterivier - Blouberg: A north-south link from Eersterivier Station to Parow continuing
     3           T16                                                                                                       35            50.80                4
                                                               to Sandown station

                              Kraaifontein - Century City: An east-west line from Century City via Goodwood and
     4           T19           Parow along Frans Conradie Drive to Bellville at Boston and continuing north to             21            29.65                3
                                                         Durbanville and Wallacedene

Enclosed terminal stations will be built at Bellville Station at Charl Malan Street and Durbanville at New Street : T13 served by 3 feeder routes (D01, F40, F44)

New Blue Downs Rail Link                          Bellville Station as a major multi-modal hub

PRASA and the City of Cape Town are               The Bellville PTI is being prioritised for a
prioritising a new line from Nolungile Station    major transformation, starting with various
to Kuilsriver Station through the Blue Downs      short-term infrastructure upgrades feeding
area. This is expected to carry more than         into the planned larger vision.
20 000 passengers per hour per direction
by 2030.                                          The interchange is planned to become a
                                                  new, vertically integrated public transport
The double track line will be approximately       interchange for rail, future MyCiti trunk lines,
9km long and comprise three new railway           bus services, minibus taxi operation, long
stations between Noungile and Kuilsriver          distance bus services and non-motorised
station, providing a direct link to the           transport.
Metro South East residential suburbs and
Blackheath, Kuilsriver and Bellville commercial   This plan is in the final stages and includes:
and industrial employment areas.                  •    recommendations to enhance the
                                                       corridor’s image
The new proposed stations are at Mfuleni,         •    increased pedestrian and cyclist safety
Blue Downs and Wimbledon.                              and connectivity
                                                  •    the modernisation and upgrading of
                                                       Bellville train station
                                                  •    the integration of the planned Blue
                                                       Downs rail link, four new MyCiTi trunk
                                                       lines, six feeder routes and minibus
                                                       taxi services, as well as other transport
                                                  •    opportunities to capture land value
                                                       from City sites for reinvestment into the
                                                       public realm and affordable housing and
                                                       opportunities to capture passenger value
                                                       to sustain economic development
                                                  •    exploring the potential to unlock air
                                                       rights above the station

                                                  A consultation process is underway.

PT1 and PT2 zones                              These zones also generate fewer car trips,           Proposed airport rail link
                                               which reduces congestion, encourages
PT1 and PT2 zones regulate the amount of       public transport use, and potentially reduces        Cape Town International Airport (CTIA)
parking required for developments.             the carbon footprint of a development.               falls within an eight-kilometer radius and
                                               They make particular sense for developers            approximately a 10-minute trip from the
     PT1: A minimum requirement of one         providing housing for lower-income earners           Bellville CBD. In the longer term, PRASA
     bay of off-street parking per dwelling    who may not own a car and use public                 and the City of Cape Town are proposing
     unit or main house. Refer to areas        transport instead.                                   a new 4km rail link to connect Cape Town
     where the use of public transport                                                              International Airport to Bellville CBD. This
     is promoted, but where the City           The City is in the process of reviewing and          may later extend to the Cape Town CBD and
     considers the provision of public         extending the area of these zones as a               the south east.
     transport inadequate or where the use     result of the input of additional new data,
     of motor vehicles is limited.             particularly the inclusion of road-based trips
                                               such as minibus taxi trips. It is anticipated that
     PT2: A minimum requirement of 0 bays      every 800m2 PT1 zone will be surrounded by
     of off-street parking per dwelling unit   a 400m2 PT2 zone.
     or main house. In these areas the use
     of public transport is promoted and the
     City considers the provision of public
     transport good, or where the use of
     motor vehicles is very limited.

The City of Cape Town has designated certain
areas within the Greater Tygerberg area as
PT1 and PT2 zones, reducing the parking
requirements compared with standard areas
which require two bays per dwelling.

The new designation is designed to
encourage residential development by
reducing overall the costs of building
parking bays. It also increases revenue,
since the removal of parking bays enables
more development bulk to be allocated to
tradeable space, in the case of affordable
accommodation, housing units.

W     hile the Greater Tygerberg area
      already has a well-developed
bulk infrastructure, a further R1 billion

                                                Cape Flats 1 and 2 bulk sewer mains

                                                                                                •   A new R108 million upgrade is planned
public investment in water and sanitation       rehabilitation                                      for the Northern Regional Sludge Facility
infrastructure has been planned to serve the    •   Cost: R320 million over three years         •   A waste-to-energy project at the north
area. Other infrastructure projects include a   •   Importance: Facilitating inter-catchment        area of Bellville Wastewater Treatment
new innovative waste-to-energy project and          transfer                                        Works (WWTW) will produce electricity
improvements to recycling facilities.           •   Status: Works commence in July 2019             and bio-solids for agricultural use. It will
                                                    over a three-year contract period               include recycling and waste drop-off
                                                Athlone Wastewater Treatment Works              •   R6.6 million Parow depot upgrade
                                                (WWTW)                                          •   R25.8 million new facility at Beaconvale
                                                •    Cost: R771.5 million
                                                •    Benefit: 50Ml upgrade unlocks potential
                                                     for an equivalent 123 400 low-cost         Fibre
                                                     housing opportunities for a population
                                                     of around 391 000 people. The WWTW         The Greater Tygerberg area is well covered
                                                     catchment services the VRCIZ, which        by ADSL and LTE services, with majority
                                                     includes Parow and other suburbs           access to fibre internet, excluding Parow
                                                •    Status: The tender for upgrade has been    (including Parow Industria) and portions of
                                                     issued                                     the Bellville CBD south of Voortrekker Road.
                                                                                                It is expected that fibre coverage will be
                                                Bellville wastewater treatment works            extended to these areas in the near future,
                                                R144 million future refurbishment to increase   through public and private infrastructure.

COMPLETED                                                                                       CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY

Karl Bremer Bellville health office building     New City of Cape Town Water and                Stellenbosch University Biomedical
2017                                             Sanitation Head Office                         Research Institute
R128 million                                     2018                                           R2,3 billion
A part of Karl Bremer Hospital, the new          R270 million                                   Construction of a Biomedical Research
R128 million Bellville Health Park provides      The City’s new Water and Sanitation head       Institute (BMRI) by the University of
accommodation for over 320 public servants       office, situated on Voortrekker Road, was      Stellenbosch has commenced at the Faculty
from the Department of Health across             completed in 2018 at a cost of R270 million.   of Medicine and Health Sciences in Bellville. It
14 000m2. The building was awarded a             The four-storey, 10 000m2 building was         is expected to be completed by 2022 and will
GBCSA 5-Star Green Star rating. It will create   awarded a GBCSA 5-Star Green Star rating.      be one of the most innovative and advanced
minimal waste, use passive solar design, and                                                    biomedical research centres in Africa.
offer bicycle-friendly facilities.
                                                 UWC Faculty of Community and Health
Stanford Industrial Park                         Sciences Bellville Campus
2017                                             2018
This industrial building is situated in Parow    R244 million
Industria and comprises 2 000m2 of industrial    The University of the Western Cape
space, which can be subdivided into two          completed its conversion of the 10-storey
units of 1 000m2 each.                           Jan S Marais Hospital in Bellville CBD.
                                                 The new Community Health Sciences
                                                 building cost R244 million and will provide
                                                 state-of-the-art health-care training for
                                                 nearly 2 000 future nurses and other health

                               Over R4 billion has been invested in public and private property
                                  investments over the last five years. Another R5 billion is
                                               anticipated in the next five years.

        KARL BREMER                                                                                    UNIVERSITY OF
        BELLVILLE HEALTH                                                                               STELLENBOSCH
        OFFICE BUILDING                                                                                BELLPARK HOSPITAL


  PAROW CENTRE                                                                 N1
                                     N1                                                                       BELLVILLE VELODROME


                               TRE   KKER
                                                                  DE LA RE

HOUSING PROJECT                                                                                         UWC COMMUNITY
                                                                     Y ROAD

                                                                                                        AND HEALTH SCIENCES
                                                                                                        BELLVILLE CAMPUS

   UNIVERSITY                                                                                     NEW CITY OF CAPE
   BIOMEDICAL                                                                                     TOWN WATER AND
   RESEARCH INSTITUTE                                    STANFORD INDUSTRIAL                      SANITATION HEAD
                                                         PARK                                     OFFICE


Bellville Velodrome Galleria                    Goodwood Social Housing Project
R3 billion                                      R380 million
The Galleria is a mixed-use development of      Construction is underway at a R380 million
11.5 hectares around the Bellville Velodrome    social housing investment providing 1 065
and Athletics Stadium. The Bellville            rental housing units on a site parallel to
Velodrome arena will be redeveloped to          Goodwood train station, targeting household
increase capacity to 18 000. The surrounding    incomes between R3 500 and R15 000 per
land will be developed into mixed-use urban     month. The housing will comprise six-storey
developments, featuring retail, business,       apartment blocks on both sides of the railway
residential, hotel and conference facilities.   line, offering units ranging from a bachelor’s
                                                flat to two-bedroom flats. The project is a
Parow Centre                                    partnership between the City of Cape Town,
R1 billion                                      the Western Cape Government’s Department
The Parow Centre shopping centre will be        of Human Settlements, the social housing
transformed into a mixed-use development,       institution DCI Community Housing Services,
with R250 million already committed to          PRASA, Intersite Asset Investments and the
the Phase 1 renovations and extensions          National Housing Finance Corporation.
commencing in 2019. It is expected to
include 1 200 residential units and add over
40 000 m2 of space.

University of Stellenbosch BellPark
Hospital Precinct
R250 million
The University of Stellenbosch is planning
to develop a new 30 000m2 250-bed
hospital precinct. A new access road will be
developed to provide access to the hospital
precinct off Carl Cronje Drive.

EMPLOYMENT                                          EDUCATION
A   ffordable accommodation developed in
    the Greater Tygerberg area would benefit
from high levels of accessibility to diverse
                                                    Over 120 educational facilities are housed
                                                    within the Greater Tygerberg area. This
                                                    comprises 13% early childhood development
employment opportunities in relation to the         (ECD), 78% Grade R – Grade 12 and 9%
province and city region.                           tertiary education. As of 2017, 116 062
                                                    students were enrolled in the Greater
The Bellville CBD and Tygervalley area              Tygerberg area. This number increases
are key nodes for large corporates and              annually1. Eighty one percent of the
government agencies in the formal sector.           geographical area is within a 1km walking
Century City, a major commercial node is            distance (+- 12min) to a place of education,
also within easy access along the N1. This is       whether ECD, primary, high school or tertiary.
further supported by major industrial nodes
within easy travel times of most parts of the       Schools and other education facilities are
Greater Tygerberg area.                             essential to supporting a growing population
                                                    maintaining property values. Existing
The Greater Tygerberg area comprises                amenities like sports fields and libraries could
approximately 500 000m2, equating to over           benefit children living in new affordable
25% of all office space (A+, A and B) in the Cape   accommodation developments.
Town metropolitan region. It is estimated that
the VRC accounts for 50% of formal employment       Over 5 000 students are living in 24 major
and 85% of industrial employment in the Cape        tertiary student residences both off- and
Town metropolitan region.                           on-campus. This is part of a trend, in
                                                    which investors are buying old buildings
                                                    and converting them into major student
                                                    accommodation residences.



The investment in a high quality, accessible and                                                    installation of erosion protection and slope
                                                    Types                   Number
safe public realm supports the development of                                                       stability works
affordable accommodation by :                       Major Parks             4                       Construction of pedestrian footpaths and an
                                                    Minor Community                                 urban plaza public space
protecting and raising the long-term value of                               Circa 20                Landscaping with indigenous vegetation
the building                                                                                        Investment: R30 million
raising the viability of affordable                                         1 (Tygerberg Nature     Status: Upgrade complete
                                                    Nature Reserves
accommodation projects which include an                                     Reserve)
open market component, to make the project                                                          Kruskal Avenue upgrade
more appealing to residents of all income          Jack Muller Park Upgrade                         Kruskal Avenue is a major pedestrian
tiers                                              The Jack Muller Park has been significantly      thoroughfare, running through the Bellville
promoting integration and cultivating a sense      upgraded in recent years. These upgrades         CBD to Bellville Station from Teddington Road
of community pride and social inclusion            have included landscaping, multi-purpose         across Voortrekker Road. The upgrade will
enabling communities to transition from            hard surface upgrades and improved walking       create a pedestrian priority route and will focus
single dwelling units to living in potentially     and running paths.                               on widening the existing pedestrian crossing,
smaller units medium density                       Investment: R15 million                          adding additional lighting, planting trees and
encouraging non-motorised transport and            Status: Final stage with hard surfaced           installing new benches and public art.
movement, particularly walking                     upgrades underway                                Investment: R21 million
                                                                                                    Status: Phase 1 underway, completion in
The wide range of existing community parks,        Elizabeth Park                                   2020
recreational facilities and amenities within the   Elizabeth Park is a valuable and strategically
Greater Tygerberg area is being expanded           located open space asset within the Bellville
through new safety initiatives, upgraded           CBD, surrounded by medium-density
parks, planned projects and new proposals.         developments. The Bellville Public Library is
                                                   located in the northwestern part of the park
                                                   and is also being upgraded.
                                                   The recently completed upgrade includes :
                                                   Reshaping and rehabilitation of the
                                                   Elsieskraal River channel and banks, and

Elsieskraal River Project                       Tygerberg Nature
The Elsieskraal Green Belt project forms part       Reserve
of an essential green link that runs from the
Durbanville Hills through Tygervalley and
Jack Muller Park to the Hardekraaltjie Sports
Complex. It has great potential to function
as the connecting green spine and natural
environment that supports the CBD and
surrounding communities.

A conceptual design framework has
                                                                                        Jack Muller Park
been prepared in consultation with local
stakeholders, which presents a strategic
                                                                                   Elsieskraal River Project
vision for the Elsieskraal River.
Investment: R35 million                                                           Elizabeth Park
Status: Planning stage                                                             Kruskal Avenue

Klipkop Integrated Bellville Recreational
Facility                                                           Klipkop Smart Park
A new smart park is planned adjacent to the
Tygerberg Hospital Precinct
Investment: R13 million
Status: Scoping phase


HEALTH                                                LIBRARIES                                       RETAIL AND
The Tygerberg Hospital development has                Libraries are important civic assets with the   The area is well-served by a diverse number
stimulated the establishment of multiple              potential to serve communities beyond           of shopping centres and retail offerings.
secondary health and wellness industries in           books, through internet access, community
the area. With over 20 hospitals, clinics and         outreach, social events and safe spaces for     Big-box shopping centres like Tygervalley,
specialist facilities and six medical institutions,   children. A number of major libraries are       Parow Centre, Middestad Mall (highest
the Greater Tygerberg area is a growing               located within accessible locations close to    footfall in the region), Willowbridge Mall and
medical hub with the potential to attract             public transport and amenities. These include   the nearby N1 City provide regional access to
health innovation and tourism investment.             Bellville, Parow and Tygervalley public         the area. There are also a number of smaller
                                                      libraries.                                      suburban and community scale malls and
This sector employs more than 18 000                                                                  supermarkets, such as Maalin and Nobel Park
people and features 904 specialised medical                                                           shopping centres.
practitioners and over 3 000 hospital beds
serving a surrounding population of around                                                            These centres are supplemented by an
50 000 people.                                                                                        active and vibrant high-street along part
                                                                                                      of Voortrekker Road which provides an
The University of the Western Cape has                                                                alternative to malls and have a more positive
recently moved into the Bellville CBD                                                                 effect, enlivening the neighbourhood,
transforming the JS Marais building into the                                                          improving safety through passive surveillance
Bellville Community Health Sciences Medical                                                           and providing more accessible options for
Centre, a state-of-the-art teaching facility.                                                         consumers without cars. Diverse retail and
                                                                                                      shopping opportunities are provided along
                                                                                                      the Bellville CBD to Durban Road edge.
                                                                                                      Independent trading communities from
                                                                                                      across Africa provide additional retail options
                                                                                                      for diverse income groups.

A growing number of funding and financing       INTERNATIONAL HOUSING SOLUTIONS
opportunities are specifically focused on the
affordable accommodation sector.                About the fund:                                  The multi-investor funds include:
                                                International Housing Solutions (IHS) is the     •   South African Workforce Housing
•    A number of major established              leading fund and property manager in the             Fund (SAWHF): low-cost housing
     funds provide finance and technical        affordable housing sector in Sub-Saharan             opportunities for workers at state
     support to existing and new affordable     Africa. IHS currently manages three multi-           agencies e.g. Eskom
     accommodation projects                     investor funds, one single investor fund, and    •   IHS Fund II SA: a multi-investor fund
•    National focus on public-private           a publicly traded real estate investment             targeting investments in affordable
     partnerships through the newly formed      trust (REIT).                                        housing, including green housing
     Human Settlements Development Bank                                                              projects, within South Africa
•    Mature banking sector is expanding         Investment focus                                 •   Transcend Property Fund: focused
     finance to more affordable housing         IHS invests equity alongside developer               on delivering housing to a heavily
     developments                               partners’ equity and local debt in for-sale or       underserviced portion of the real estate
                                                rental properties.                                   market with affordable rentals ranging
                                                                                                     from R3 000 to R7 000 per month
                                                These equity investments are in:
                                                •   Either new construction or rehabilitation     Suitability for investment in the Greater
                                                •   Typically located in large urban areas        Tygerberg area
                                                •   Aimed at energy efficiency                    The Greater Tygerberg area would fit
                                                •   Aimed at generating social and                with the investment profile of IHS Fund
                                                    environmental benefits beyond                 II SA and Transcend. It is a large urban
                                                    addressing housing need                       area, with several land parcels and
                                                                                                  buildings planned to be released for
                                                IHS also invests by purchasing turnkey            the development and refurbishment of
                                                developments from experienced developers.         affordable accommodation.

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