An update and systematic review on the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea - Semantic Scholar

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JBRA Assisted Reproduction 2019;23(1):51-57
doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20180083                                                                    Review

An update and systematic review on the treatment of primary
Maedeh Sharghi1, Shabnam Malekpour Mansurkhani2, Damoon Ashtary-Larky3, Wesam Kooti4, Mehdi Niksefat5,
Mohammad Firoozbakht6, Masoud Behzadifar7, Milad Azami8, Karo Servatyari1, Leila Jouybari9

 Student Research Committee, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, IR Iran
 Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, IR Iran
 Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Research Center, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz,
IR Iran
 Cellular and Molecular Research Center, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, IR Iran
 Student Research Committee, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, IR Iran
 Student Research Committee, Dezful University of Medical Sciences, Dezful, IR Iran
 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran
 Faculty of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, IR Iran
 Nursing Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, IR Iran

ABSTRACT                                                           such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea, cramps,
    Objectives: Primary dysmenorrhea is a painful uterine          and sweating. Dysmenorrhea is the cause of one to three
contraction caused by endometrial laceration. Drug thera-          percent of the cases of absenteeism at school and work,
pies and complementary medicine have been used to treat            which translates into a loss of 600 million hours a year and
dysmenorrhea. The aim of this study was to investigate             the equivalent to USD 2 billion in the United States. The
and offer an updated perspective on the treatments for             condition is highly prevalent among women, with incidence
dysmenorrhea.                                                      ranging from 45% to 97% in groups of different ages and
    Methods: The present study was conducted in accor-             nationalities (Kim et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2016).
dance with the PRISMA checklist for systematic reviews                  The causes of primary dysmenorrhea are still unclear,
and meta-analyses. The required information was collect-           but one of the most accepted explanations is increased
ed based on searches for the following keywords: treat-            synthesis of prostaglandins, of which types E2 and F2α
ment, primary dysmenorrhea, medicinal plants, chemical             play a significant role in the development of ischemia and
drugs, and herbs. Searches were performed on databases             hypoxia, resulting in dysrhythmic uterine contractions and
Pubmed, Web of Sciences, Scopus, Iran medex, and SID               decreased blood flow (Ghafourian et al., 2015; Xu et al.,
by March 2018 to find literature in the English and Persian        2017).
languages on this subject without a time limit.                         Drug therapies and complementary medicine are often
    Results: This review included 17 papers, 10 of which           used to treat dysmenorrhea (Chao et al., 2014; Hosseinlou
on complementary medicine, three on drug therapies, and            et al., 2014; Kooti et al., 2014). According to the litera-
four on acupuncture and acupressure. The largest and               ture, NSAIDs and OCPs rank among the most frequently
smallest samples had 303 and 24 patients, respectively.            used medications. These drugs reduce pain by inhibiting
Length of treatment ranged from one to six months and              the production and release of prostaglandins. However,
the measures most commonly used in the studies were                long-term use of NSAIDs has been associated with side
the visual analogue scale and clinical efficacy. Reported          effects such as headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of
complications included gastrointestinal events, nausea,            appetite, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, in-
vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and liver and kidney           creased acute asthma, dysuria, and acne (Navvabi Rigi et
disorders.                                                         al., 2012).
    Conclusion: Medicinal plants, drugs, and acupressure                OCPs inhibit ovulation, reduce endometrial prolifera-
seem to suppress pain by reducing the level of prostaglan-         tion, and create an endocrine environment that mimics the
dins, mediating nitric oxide, increasing beta-endorphin            early stages of the proliferative phase of the menstrual cy-
levels, blocking the calcium channel, and enhancing cir-           cle, in which prostaglandin levels are at their lowest. Low-
culatory flow through the uterine pathway. Further trials          er prostaglandin levels lead to fewer uterine cramps. In
are required to confirm the benefits of the procedures de-         the realm of complementary medicine, methods resorting
scribed and ensure the absence of complications.                   to herbs, yoga, relaxation, psychotherapy, massage, hyp-
                                                                   nosis, vitamins (E, B, C), and supplements (calcium and
Keywords: primary dysmenorrhea, medicinal plants,                  magnesium) as well as acupressure and acupuncture have
chemical drugs                                                     been used (Chao et al., 2014; Hosseinlou et al., 2014; Lee
                                                                   et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2017). The herbs used more com-
                                                                   monly to treat dysmenorrhea are chamomile, ginger, fen-
INTRODUCTION                                                       nel, cinnamon, and aloe vera (Kim et al., 2017; Rahnama
                                                                   et al., 2012). Common treatments for dysmenorrhea are
    Primary dysmenorrhea is a painful uterine contraction
                                                                   extensive and in some cases subject to restrictions. For
caused by endometrial laceration. The pain caused by dys-
                                                                   example, NSAIDs are contraindicated for patients with di-
menorrhea begins a few days before menstruation and per-
                                                                   gestive problems, while medicinal plants are not always
sists for 48 to 72 hours. Cramping pain often reaches the
                                                                   readily available. This review aimed to investigate the
thighs (Xu et al., 2017). Dysmenorrhea is one of the most
                                                                   progress reported in this field, shed light on newly devel-
common complaints of adolescents and mature women.
                                                                   oped methods to decrease pain in dysmenorrhea, and offer
It usually comes with a wide range of physical symptoms
                                                                   an update on dysmenorrhea therapy.

Received December 15, 2017
Accepted October 02, 2018
Review                                                                                                                            52

MATERIALS AND METHODS                                           looked into the use of plants such as fennel, chamomile,
    Study design                                                and Zataria multiflora. Fennel belong to the Umbelliferae
    The present study was conducted in accordance with          family and the main ingredients found in it are anethole,
the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic            limonene, and fenchone (Taherian et al., 2007). Its roots,
Reviews and Meta-analyses) checklist and investigated           leaves, and fruits have anti-inflammatory and anti-spas-
recent relevant therapies for dysmenorrhea. Studies pub-        modic properties (Lim, 2012). It is also a known carmi-
lished in the English and Persian languages were included       native, diuretic, and laxative with anti-ulcerative and an-
without a time limit.                                           tioxidant properties in digestive injuries, employed in the
                                                                treatment of neurological disorders (Birdane et al., 2007).
    Search strategy                                                  The fruit of the fennel plant is a source of anethole (Ta-
    Searches were made on databases Pubmed, Web of              herian et al., 2007). Anethole is very similar to dopamine.
Sciences, Scopus, Iran medex and SID for papers pub-            It binds to the dopamine receptor and inhibits pain and
lished by March 2018 using the following keywords: treat-       suppresses contractions induced by oxytocin, prostaglan-
ment, primary dysmenorrhea, medicinal plants, chemical          din E2, acetylcholine, and histamines. Fennel, in addition
drugs, and herbs.                                               to having 10-12% oil, contains small amounts of sugar and
                                                                mucilage. Fennel essence has phenolic ethers, a relevant
   Inclusion Criteria                                           factor in its medicinal properties (Taherian et al., 2007). In
   - Papers from randomized clinical trials                     general, fennel neutralizes oxytocin and prostaglandin-in-
   - The topic of the study was dysmenorrhea                    duced spasms and induces menstrual bleeding in shorter
   - No infectious diseases, viruses, fungi, PID etc.           intervals, which by its turn decreases pain (Modaress Ne-
                                                                jad et al., 2006). Fennel has also been used in Chinese and
   Exclusion Criteria                                           European traditional medicine (Birdane et al., 2007). In the
   - Inadequate sampling                                        studies conducted by Torkzahrani et al. (2007), Delaram &
   - Limited sample size                                        Forouzandeh (2011) and Ghodsi & Asltoghiri (2014) on the
   - Infectious diseases, PID etc.                              therapeutic effects of fennel on dysmenorrhea, the plant
                                                                was characterized as a possible therapeutic agent for lack
    Information Extraction                                      of complications and for its analgesic effects (Moslemi et
    The abstracts of the studies were read by two expert        al., 2012a; Delaram & Forouzandeh, 2011; Ghodsi & Asl-
reviewers and selected based on their inclusion and ex-         toghiri, 2014).
clusion criteria. The reviewers resolved discrepancies               Chamomile flowers contain some 120 chemical com-
together. The data sets extracted from the papers were          pounds including flavonoids, glycoside 3%, azolin, apigen-
processed after their quality had been confirmed. The in-       in, and methoxycoumarin (Letchamo & Marquard, 1993).
formation checklist for the study included the names of the     Flavonoids are the main agents responsible for antispas-
authors, year of publication, sample size, method, study        modic and antioxidant effects (Ranjbar et al., 2015). The
groups, main mechanism, and duration of treatment.              essential oils of this plant, especially bisabolol and kar-
                                                                masolen, have anti-inflammatory effects (Khatami Sab-
                                                                zevar et al., 2017). Chamomile is a plant with analgesic,
                                                                antipyretic, antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, carminative
    A total of 17 papers were included, ten of which on         and sedative properties known for increasing menstrual
complementary medicine, three on chemical drugs, and            blood flow (Salamon, 1992). Effects have been reported on
four on acupuncture and acupressure (Tables 1 and 2).           the treatment of migraines and muscle soreness (Abdollahi
    In the field of complementary medicine, five studies        Arjenki, 2016). Yazdani et al. (2004), Jenabi & Ebrahimza-
looked into Foeniculum vulgar Mill (Fennel) (2014-2007),        deh (2010), and Modarres et al. (2011) looked into the
three into Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile) (2010-             therapeutic effects of chamomile and characterized it as a
2004), and three into Zataria multiflora (2014-2008). In        possible treatment for dysmenorrhea.
the field of drug therapy, one study compared celexcib               Zataria multiflora contains thymol, which inhibits con-
capsules with naproxen (2009); one compared vaginal             tractions caused by cell scaling and blocks the calcium
sildenafil citrate with vaginal placebo (2013); and a study     channel, thus directly affecting pain receptors and eventu-
compared oral mefenamic acid with placebo capsule with          ally inhibiting the release of prostaglandins. Iravani (2009)
sugar (2013).                                                   and Salmalian et al. (2014) concluded that Zataria multi-
    The largest and smallest samples had 303 and 24 pa-         flora is a suitable drug to treat individuals with dysmenor-
tients, respectively. Controls were given placebo capsules      rhea due to the absence of side effects. In a review, Zu et
(containing sugar or starch), vaginal tablets (placebo),        al. found that some herbs were more effective than place-
fenbid pills, ibuprofen tablets, vitamin E, mefenamic acid,     bo, thermotherapy, and acupuncture, although sometimes
essential oil, indomethacin or naproxen, while individu-        additional treatment beyond drug therapy was needed
als in the case group were given oral diclofenac, vaginal       (Salehian et al., 2011).
sildenafil citrate, oral celecoxib, fennel capsules or drops,        In the field of drug therapies, three papers on NSAIDs
chamomile capsules or Zataria multiflora drops.                 were reviewed. NSAIDs disrupt the conversion of arachi-
    Length of treatment ranged from one to six months and       donic acid into endoperoxides (COX) and thereby inhibit
the measures most commonly used in the studies were             the production and release of prostaglandins (Xu et al.,
the visual analogue scale and clinical efficacy. Reported       2017). Pain is thus neutralized, but long-term consump-
complications included gastrointestinal events, nausea,         tion of steroids has been associated with side effects such
vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and liver and kidney        as headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, nau-
disorders.                                                      sea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute asthma,
                                                                dysuria, and acne (Salmalian et al., 2014). People with
DISCUSSION                                                      digestive problems should only take the medication with
    This systematic review comprised studies on the use         specialist advice and under supervision (Kalpana et al.,
of complementary medicine, drug therapies, and acupres-         2014). In a study, Daniels et al. (2009) concluded that
sure to treat dysmenorrhea. A total of 17 clinical trials       celecoxib had analgesic effect, while cyclooxygenase-2 in-
were included. Ten studies on complementary medicine            hibition neutralized menstrual pain. Iacovides et al. (2014)
                                                                suggested NSAIDs were effective in the management of

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Primary dysmenorrhea - Sharghi, M.    53

 Table 1. New method of acupressure and drug therapies
 Author- Year               Sample Size     Control Group         Case Group                 Scale         Results
                                            Placebo capsule
                            24 women                              Diclofenac 150 mg                        Diclofenac
 (Iacovides et al., 2014)   with                                  during menstruation. in    VAS           decreased the
                                            containing sugar)
                            dysmenorrhea                          2 cycles                                 severity of pain
                                            in 2 cycles
                                                                  100 mg single dose
                            62 women                                                                       Menstrual pain
                                                                  Vaginal Sildenafil
 (Dmitrovic et al., 2013)   with            100 mg placebo                                   VAS           improved with
                                                                  citrate. First day of
                            dysmenorrhea                                                                   vaginal sildenafil
                                                                  menstrual pain
                                                                  Acupuncture in the
                                                                  acupoint region.
                                                                  Another group received                   Individuals offered
                            194 women
                                            Acupuncture and       acupuncture in an                        acupuncture had
 (Liu et al., 2011)         with                                                             VAS
                                            acupoint              unrelated acupoint                       fewer menstrual
                                                                  region. Once a day                       pain
                                                                  for the first 3 days of
                                            Only acupressure      Acupuncture and                          offered ear
                            91 students
                                            in the atria of the   acupressure in the ear                   acupressure had
 (Cha & Sok, 2016)          with                                                             VAS
                                            ear for the first 3   region for the first 3                   less dysmenorrhea,
                                            days                  days of menstruation                     backache, and
                                                                                                           abdominal pain.
                                                                  The first group was
                                                                  given celecoxib 400 mg
                                                                  single dose capsules;
                                                                  after 12 hours, they
                                                                  were given celecoxib
                                                                  200 mg per day in 3                      No significant
                            303 women
                                                                  days of menstruation.                    difference was
 (Daniels et al., 2009)     with            _________                                        VAS
                                                                  The second group                         found between the
                                                                  received naproxen                        two groups
                                                                  550 mg and a second
                                                                  dose of naproxen 550
                                                                  mg 12 hours after the
                                                                  first dose, in 3 days of
                                                                  Acupuncture at HT 7.
                                            naproxen sodium
                                                                  PC 6. LI 4 LI 10. SP
                                            3 times a day
                                                                  6. LR3 ST 36. GB 26.
                                            from the second
                            35 women                              SP 15 3 times a day                      The severity of pain
                                            day before
 (Kiran et al., 2013)       with                                  from the second day        N/A. VAS      was reduced in the
                                            menstruation and
                            dysmenorrhea                          before menstruation;                     first group
                                            were restarted on
                                                                  restarted on the third
                                            the third day of
                                                                  day of menstruation for
                                            menstruation for
                                                                  1 month
                                            one month
                                            Indomethacin          Received Superficial       Symptom
                                            Treatment from        needling at sp 6           score +       The severity of pain
                            120 women
                                            3 days before         Treatment from 3 days      analgesic     in the first group
 (Yang et al., 2008)        with
                                            menstruation          before menstruation        time.         was significantly
                                            until the 5thday of   to the 5thday of           Clinical      decreased.
                                            menstruation, 3       menstruation, 3 cycles     efficacy

dysmenorrhea. Dmitrovic et al. (2013) found that sildenafil
citrate increased nitric oxide and decreased phosphodies-          responsible for the contraction of the uterus and arteries,
terase type 5 (PDE5) levels, thereby neutralizing menstru-         ultimately causing ischemia and pain in the womb (Barbieri
al pain.                                                           & Ryan, 1999).
    Dysmenorrhea has been causally linked to decreased                 A meta-analysis by Xu et al. (2017) looked into 19
progesterone steroid hormone levels in the luteal phase, a         studies on acupressure. Acupuncture is believed to stim-
condition connected to lower levels of lysosomal enzymes           ulate receptors and neural pathways that block pain im-
and the ensuing release of endometrial phospholipase A2.           pulses by interacting with mediators such as serotonin
These events lead to increased levels of prostaglandins            and endorphins (Xu et al., 2017). Acupuncture has been

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 Table 2. Effective medicinal plants in primary dysmenorrhea treatment
                     Author                              Methodology                Scale                   Results
                                                                                                            Significant decrease
                                                         5 capsules 46 mg
                                                                                                            in pain severity
                                                         daily containing
                                                                                    Verbal                  between the case
                     (Torkzahrani et                     extracts of fennel for
                                        90 students                                 multidimensional        and control groups
                     al., 2007)                          the Case group and 5
                                                                                    scale                   and lethargy range
                                                         placebo capsules for
                                                                                                            systemic symptoms of
                                                         the control group
                                                         30 drops of the
                                                         fennel extract every
                     (Delaram &                          8 hours daily for the                              Significant decrease in
                     Forouzandeh,       60 students      fennel group; control      VAS                     pain scores between
                     2011)                               were given placebo                                 case and control groups
                                                         following the same
                                                                                                            Significant reduction
                                                                                                            in the mean duration
                                                                                                            of pain in the first and
                                                                                                            second months in the
 (Fennel)                                                46 Mg capsules of
                                                                                                            case group; significant
                                                         fennel and placebo
                                                                                                            reduction in the mean
                                                         4 times daily for the
                                        65 single                                                           duration of pain in
                     (Moslemi, et                        fennel and placebo
                                        female                                      VAS                     the second month
                     al., 2012b)                         groups, respectively;
                                        students                                                            of vitamin E; and
                                                         and 100 IU of vitamin
                                                                                                            significant reduction
                                                         E capsules to the
                                                                                                            in the duration of pain
                                                         vitamin E group
                                                                                                            between the three
                                                                                                            groups and decreased
                                                                                                            consumption of
                                                         30 mg of fennel every                              Decreases in nausea
                                                         4 hours, from 3 days                               and weakness after 3
                     (Ghodsi &                           before menstruation                                months and bleeding
                                        80 female                                   VAS, McGill pain
                     Asltoghiri,                         to 5 days after it                                 after 2 and 3 months;
                                        students                                    questionnaire
                     2014)                               given to the case                                  improved quality of life
                                                         group; no drugs given                              in months 1 and 3 in
                                                         to controls.                                       the case group
                                                                                                            A significant reduction
                                                         Five cycles of                                     in the severity of
                                                         treatment: no                                      abdominal and pelvic
                                                         medication given in                                pain, fatigue and
                                                         the first; fennel was                              lethargy, depression
                     (Yazdani et al.,
                                        60 students      administered in the        Questionnaire           and anger among
                                                         second and third                                   the 16 symptoms
                                                         cycles; chamomile                                  of dysmenorrhea
                                                         was given in the                                   in comparison with
                                                         fourth and fifth cycles.                           the cycle without
                                                                                                            medication (Control)
                                                         A month before
                                                         the intervention           (McGill Pain            A significant reduction
                                                         (control) and one          Questionnaire, Visual   in pain intensity in the
                                                         and three months           Analogue Scales for     first and third months
 (Chamomile)         (Jenabi &
                                                         after the intervention,    Anxiety, Perceived      after the intervention
                     Ebrahimzadeh,      80 students
                                                         individuals were           Stress Scale and The    compared to controls;
                                                         given two cups of          Psycho physiologic      and reduced levels of
                                                         chamomile herbal           Life Adaptation         anxiety after a month
                                                         tea daily for three        Scale)                  compared to controls.
                                                                                                            Mean pain severity
                                                         For two consecutive
                                                                                                            decreased in both
                                                         cycles, a group was
                                                                                                            groups after two
                     (Modarres et                        given mefenamic acid
                                        80 students                                 VAS                     treatment cycles;
                     al., 2011)                          250 mg and another
                                                                                                            significant decreases
                                                         group was given 400
                                                                                                            were seen only in the
                                                         mg of chamomile.
                                                                                                            chamomile group.

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                                                     25 drops every four                              Significant decreases in
                                      108 stu-                               Multi Dimensional
                    (Iravani, 2009)                  hours of thyme 1% or                             pain scores between the
                                      dents                                  System, VAS
                                                     thyme 2%.                                        case and control groups
                                                     5ml thyme extract                                Pain intensity decreased
                    (Direkvand-                      four times a day to a                            in the two groups. No
                    Moghadam          120 stu-       group and 3 tablets                              significant differences
                    & Khosravi,       dents          containing 400mg ibu-                            between groups. The
                    2012)                            profen 3 times a day                             two groups had shorter
                                                     to the other group.                              duration of pain.
multiflora                                           200 mg ibuprofen and
                                                                                                      Pain intensity decreased
                                                     25 drops of essential
                                                                                                      in the three groups. No
                                                     oil to the ibuprofen
                                                                                                      significant difference
                                                     group; 25 drops of
                                                                                                      between the ibuprofen
                    (Salmalian et                    essential oil and 200
                                      84 students                            VAS                      and thyme groups.
                    al., 2014)                       mg of thyme to the
                                                                                                      Significant difference
                                                     thyme group; and
                                                                                                      between the ibuprofen
                                                     placebo capsule and
                                                                                                      and thyme groups and
                                                     25 drops of essential
                                                     oil to controls.

introduced as an effective non-pharmacological treatment           CONFLICT OF INTERESTS
for dysmenorrhea to decrease absenteeism in the work-
                                                                   The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
place (Bahrami-Taghanaki et al., 2017). Acupressure is
another non-pharmacological method used as a means to
                                                                   Corresponding Author:
alleviate primary dysmenorrhea. In acupressure, pressure
                                                                   Leila Jouybari
by a hand, finger or thumb is applied on the same stimu-
                                                                   Nursing Research Center
lation points used in acupuncture (Akbarzade et al., 2011).
                                                                   Golestan University of Medical Sciences
Acupressure uses touch to balance two energy flows of
                                                                   Gorgan, IR Iran
the human body known as kai (Sadat et al., 2015). Kai
is the vital energy manifested through organic functions.
Disease takes over when kai cannot flow properly through
the body. Theoretically, the cause of primary dysmenor-            REFERENCES
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