Analyzing for Small Molecules in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals

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Analyzing for Small Molecules in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals
Wissenschaft und Technik

Analyzing for Small Molecules
in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals
The potential of capillary electrophoresis
Aldo Hörmann, Maria Schwarz, Fabian Stapf

Solvias AG, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland

                                                                                                                                             Zur Verwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Verlages / For use with permission of the publisher l
Corresponding author: Dr. Aldo Hörmann, Solvias AG, Römerpark 2,
4303 Kaiseraugst, Switzerland, e-mail:

■ ■ AB ST R AC T                                                                        1. Introduction
All biopharmaceuticals contain small molecules. Some are         Biopharmaceuticals contain large molecules as active in­
introduced during upstream manufacture of the biophar-           gredients but still small molecules are present in all bio­
maceutical and must be removed later during downstream           pharmaceuticals. For example, in upstream manufacture
processing. Still others are added in the formulation to get     of recombinant proteins, small molecules are needed as
a stable drug product. Analysis of biopharmaceuticals for        nutrients of the protein producing organisms. Others are
small molecules is thus critical to ensure safety and efficacy   used in downstream processing, e. g. reducing agents to
and for process development. Capillary electrophoresis (CE)      cleave disulfide bonds. Formulations of biopharmaceuti­
is a very powerful method to assess small molecules. In this
                                                                 cals contain small molecule buffers and other ingredients
article we review the technology and illustrate the versatil-
ity and potential of the method to a number of analytes          such as surfactants to improve stability of the protein.
in samples typically obtained in the production and final        Safety and efficacy of biopharmaceuticals depend on effi­
release of biopharmaceuticals. Recently, we worked suc-          cient removal of undesired substances in the downstream
cessfully on quantitation of cyclodextrin in a formulation by    process and the correct amount of necessary ingredients
CE. We will present the results of this exploratory study on     in the final formulation. It is thus of utmost importance
cyclodextrins which are becoming an ever more important          that sensitive and specific analytical methods are avail­
additive in protein formulations.                                able to monitor the critical small molecules in the final
                                                                 drug product or in in-process samples. Such methods
                                                                 and related instrumentation should be sufficiently robust
                                                                 such that they can be used in a routine quality control
Analytik von kleinen Molekülen in Biopharmazeu-                  (QC) environment. Often the methods must be validated
tika / Das Potential der Kapillarelektrophorese                  following GMP requirements.
Alle Biopharmazeutika enthalten kleine Moleküle. Diese              Obviously, a big arsenal of analytical methods exists to
werden beispielsweise im Upstream des Produktionsprozes-         quantify small molecules in protein solutions. The work­
ses eingebracht und müssen später im Downstream entfernt         horse is certainly HPLC with UV detection which can cover
werden. Ferner werden kleine Moleküle gezielt Formulie-          the needs of many applications. The method is, however, not
rungen zugegeben, um stabile Arzneimittel zu erhalten. Die       suitable for analytes which carry no chromophores such as
Analytik von Biopharmazeutika hinsichtlich kleiner Molekü-       small ions, buffers, reducing agents, etc. In such cases other
le ist somit eine entscheidende Voraussetzung zur Gewähr-        detection methods can be used such as refractive index
leistung der Patientensicherheit und der Wirksamkeit sowie
                                                                 (RI) or evaporative light scattering (ELS). Alternatively ion
für die Prozessentwicklung. Kapillarelektrophorese (CE) ist
eine leistungsfähige Methode zur Bestimmung von kleinen          exchange chromatography is frequently used. For volatile
Molekülen. In diesem Beitrag wird die Technologie erläutert      analytes gas chromatography is a frequently used method,
und ihre breite Verwendbarkeit und ihr Potential anhand          usually with flame ionisation detection (FID).
einiger Analyten aufgezeigt, die typischerweise in der Pro-                                                    These more common
duktion und der Freigabe von Biopharmazeutika bestimmt           ■ ■ K EY W O R D S                         methods obviously have
werden müssen. Cyclodextrine werden immer wichtiger als          • Biopharmaceuticals                      their justifications and
Zusatz in Proteinformulierungen. Kürzlich konnten mittels        • Capillary electrophoresis               clear advantages, else
CE erfolgreich Cyclodextrine in Formulierungen analysiert        • Small molecules                         they would not be used
werden; die Resultate dieser exploratorischen Studie werden                                                 that frequently. However,
hier vorgestellt.                                                Pharm. Ind. 73, Nr. 12, 2222 – 2228 (2011) there are cases where the

Pharm. Ind. 73, Nr. 12, 2222 – 2228 (2011)
© ECV ∙ Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)                                           Hörmann et al. ∙ Capillary electrophoresis   1
Analyzing for Small Molecules in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals
Wissenschaft und Technik

                                                                                                        workhorse methods do not perform as desired, for exam­                filled with an electrolyte solution [1 – 3]. Positively charged
                                                                                                        ple due to difficulties with the matrix, lack of chromo­              ions are attracted by the cathode and vice versa. The speed
                                                                                                        phores, insufficient selectivity or sensitivity. In this paper        at which an ion migrates depends on the net charge of the
                                                                                                        we focus on capillary electrophoresis (CE) as an efficient            ion and its hydrodynamic size. A somewhat special effect
                                                                                                        and robust tool for the analysis of many small molecules              of CE is the so-called electroendosmotic flow (EOF). As the
                                                                                                        typically encountered in biopharmaceuticals. For long,                inside of the fused-silica capillary is negatively charged,
                                                                                                        CE has been a somewhat exotic method that was not al­                 the liquid inside the capillary has an overall positive
                                                                                                        ways well received in typical QC labs as it was considered            charge (Fig. 2). Therefore the whole inside of the capillary
                                                                                                        a difficult method to be run by experts only. With the ad­            travels towards the cathode. Consequently, even negative­
                                                                                                        vent of biopharmaceuticals and improved instrumenta­                  ly charged ions are carried with the EOF towards the cath­
                                                                                                        tion, however, this has changed. For biopharmaceuticals               ode, unless their migration speed is faster than the EOF.
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                                                                                                        CE is quite commonly used in QC of the protein and is                     The most common use of CE is “capillary zone electro­
                                                                                                        more and more replacing previously used classical gel-                phoresis” (CZE) where a mixture of analytes is introduced
                                                                                                        based electrophoretic methods such as SDS-PAGE and                    as a small zone into the capillary by briefly dipping the cap­
                                                                                                        isoelectric focusing (IEF). A CE instrument can now be                illary into the solution to be analyzed and applying some
                                                                                                        found in most biopharma QC laboratories and can thus                  pressure. Separation of the analytes starts by turning on the
                                                                                                        be used for small molecule analysis as well.                          high voltage. Another application of CE is capillary isoelec­
                                                                                                                                                                              tric focusing (cIEF) which is typically used in the analysis of
                                                                                                                                                                              proteins. In this technique substances with multiple ioniza­
                                                                                                                   2. Brief review of CE technology
                                                                                                                                                                              tion centres travel in a capillary filled with a medium that
                                                                                                        Capillary electrophoresis in general is based on applying             has a pH gradient. Substances travel in this gradient until
                                                                                                        a high voltage (some 5 – 30 kV) across a capillary (Fig. 1)           they reach a pH at which they carry no net charge (isoelec­

                                                                                                        Fig. 1: Schematic representation of capillary electrophoresis with UV detection. The capillary can be switched between the buffer
                                                                                                        and the sample.

                                                                                                        Fig. 2: Origin of the electroendosmotic flow. Negative charges are generated at the capillary wall, e. g. due to ionization of silanol
                                                                                                        groups. This results in a net positive charge of capillary content, in particular near the capillary wall, which is attracted by the
                                                                                                        cathode and thus causing the flow.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pharm. Ind. 73, Nr. 12, 2222 – 2228 (2011)
                                                                                                        2    Hörmann et al. ∙ Capillary electrophoresis                                                © ECV ∙ Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
Analyzing for Small Molecules in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals
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Fig. 3: Principle of indirect UV detection. The background electrolyte absorbs the light from the light source until a non-absorbing
analyte passes by creating a “hole” which allows the light to reach the detector. This event is detected as a negative signal on the
absorbance scale.

tric point). This means that separation in this technique is        this setting, the detector always sees an absorption of UV
based solely on the isoelectric point of each substance. In         light. A non-absorbing analyte passing by the detector
this paper, however, we will focus on CZE.                          will reduce the absorption, basically creating a “hole” in
   Detection of the analytes can be achieved by several             the electrolyte. The detector therefore registers a negative
techniques, including UV, laser induced fluorescence (LIF),         signal whenever an analyte passes by. This technology has
contactless conductivity or even by mass spectrometry,              been proven to be very useful for the detection of many
the latter still being a technique reserved to research and         non-UV-active ions relevant to bio­pharmaceuticals and we
development. LIF detection is highly sensitive and is thus          will show a number of examples in the following chapters.
very useful for trace analysis. However, the analytes need
to have a fluorophore themselves or they must be linked to
                                                                        3. Analysis of typical ions in large molecule
a fluorophore before analysis which can be tricky. In this
paper we will focus on detection by UV. For direct detec­
tion, the analyte must carry a chromophore such that light          Analytical methods used for in-process controls or final
is absorbed at a useful wavelength. However, especially             release of biopharmaceuticals must be robust and run on
small ions often do not have a suitable chromophore and             common instrumentation. The methods should at least be
therefore cannot be detected by UV. In this case, so-called         qualified and for final release fully validated according to
indirect detection is useful. As shown in Fig. 3, the capil­        ICH Q2 guidelines. In our labs we have recently successfully
lary is filled with an electrolyte that absorbs UV light. In        developed a number of CZE methods for ions in biophar­

■ ■ Table 1
Some CZE methods with indirect UV detection for the analysis of small ions in recombinant protein phar-
maceuticals. LOQ: limit of quantitation. IPC: in-process control.
                                           Analyte                                   LOQ                Used for               Status
 TCEP (tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine) including oxidized TCEP                    10 ppm           final release          validated
 TRIS (tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane)                                          10 ppm           IPC                    validated
 Histidine                                                                       10 ppm           IPC                    validated
 TFA (trifluoroacetate)                                                           5 ppm           final release          validated
 Citrate                                                                          5 ppm           IPC                    qualified
 Guanidine                                                                        5 ppm           IPC                    qualified
 Magnesium                                                                        5 ppm           IPC                    qualified
 Potassium                                                                        5 ppm           IPC                    qualified
 Muramic acid                                                                   0.45 %            IPC                    qualified
 N-Acetyl-muramic acid                                                          250 ppm           IPC                    qualified

Pharm. Ind. 73, Nr. 12, 2222 – 2228 (2011)
© ECV ∙ Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)                                             Hörmann et al. ∙ Capillary electrophoresis   3
Analyzing for Small Molecules in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals
Wissenschaft und Technik

                                                                                                        ■ ■ Table 2                                                                es. Methods are typically based on commercially available
                                                                                                                                                                                   kits from Beckman and MicroSolv/Analis but required sig­
                                                                                                        Accuracy of TCEP determination by CZE in PEG­                              nificant development to obtain a stable method.
                                                                                                        ylated protein as measured by recovery of the                                  As a case study some more details on the method for
                                                                                                                                                                                   TCEP (tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine) and oxidized TCEP
                                                                                                        indicated spike. The protein was presented in two                          are reported here. TCEP is used as an alternative to DTT
                                                                                                        different buffers.                                                         (dithiothreitol) in order to rupture disulfide bonds during
                                                                                                                                                                                   downstream processing. The goal of the analytical method
                                                                                                                     Buffer 1                                   Buffer 2
                                                                                                                                                                                   was to detect traces of residual TCEP and its oxidized deriv­
                                                                                                         Spike level (ppm) Recovery (%) Spike level (ppm) Recovery (%)             ative in the final drug product, a PEGylated protein which
                                                                                                               10                  126                     10               74 %   is a rather difficult matrix. The method uses a CElixirOA 5.4
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                                                                                                               50                    90                    50               91 %   kit from MicroSolv and runs on a standard Beckman PA800
                                                                                                              100                    83                   100              107 %   instrument equipped with a 60-cm fused silica capillary.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Fig. 4 shows a typical electropherogram. The runtime of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   method is just 5 min allowing for rapid analysis which is
                                                                                                        maceuticals (Table 1). Clearly, CZE is a powerful method                   important in particular during development of a process
                                                                                                        to analyze for a large variety of different ions with typically            and stability studies. Due to the complexity of the matrix,
                                                                                                        excellent sensitivity. All methods are qualified and some                  the baseline is not flat but highly reproducible as shown by
                                                                                                        of the methods were fully validated. The main reason to                    an excellent repeatability with a relative standard devia­
                                                                                                        develop these methods on CZE was that HPLC-UV was not                      tion of just 3 % at 10 ppm TCEP. Good linearity (Fig. 5) and
                                                                                                        suitable due to the lack of a good chromophore. For the                    accuracy (Table 2) were found, too. This data demonstrates
                                                                                                        same reason, indirect UV detection was chosen in all cas­                  the power of the method as a routine QC method.

                                                                                                        Fig. 4: Typical electropherogram of a test solution of a PEGylated protein containing TCEP (10 ppm) and oxidized TCEP. Peaks
                                                                                                        were inverted due to indirect UV detection.

                                                                                                        Fig. 5: Linearity of the method to analyze TCEP in PEGylated protein.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pharm. Ind. 73, Nr. 12, 2222 – 2228 (2011)
                                                                                                        4    Hörmann et al. ∙ Capillary electrophoresis                                                   © ECV ∙ Editio Cantor Verlag, Aulendorf (Germany)
Analyzing for Small Molecules in Large-Molecule Pharmaceuticals
4. Cyclodextrins in biopharmaceutical                                   Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-CD) has been shown
                    formulations                                                to inhibit agitation-induced aggregation of antibodies [5].
                                                                                Analytical methods are needed to determine the content
Cyclodextrins (CDs) have great potential in inhibiting                          of CDs in protein formulations. The analytical task is not
aggregation of proteins [4]. In particular for monoclonal                       straight-forward as CDs lack a chromophore and can at­
antibodies that are formulated at ever increasing concen­                       tach non-covalently to the protein. To our knowledge no
trations, prevention of aggregation is crucial. Thus the use                    standard analytical method is available to quantify CDs
of CDs as formulation ingredients is heavily investigated.                      in protein formulations.
                                                                                   CDs are not charged and thus are not directly suited
                                                                                for analysis by CE. However, CDs can undergo complexa­
                                                                                tion of organic acids and thus become charged. Actually,

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                                                                                we use the concept of complexation by a complexing
                                                                                agent (CA) to achieve three goals: First, the CD gains a
                                                                                charge and thus can be sepearted by CZE. Second, com­
                                                                                plexation with the CA is competing with complexation of
                                                                                the protein (Fig. 6), so if a sufficiently high concentration
Fig. 6: Complexation of CD with a protein in a protein formula-                 of CA is used, the CD is freed from the protein and can be
tion and competing complexation with a complexing agent
(CA). For analytical purposes the equilibrium should be on                      analyzed. Third, if a suitable CA with a chromophore is
the side of the CD (CA) complex which is true under the stated                  used as complexing agent, it can be used as a background
requirement.                                                                    UV absorber for indirect CZE.

Fig. 7: Analysis of HP-CD (≈ 10 %) in a 10 mg/mL protein solution. Indirect detection at 254 nm with IBA in the background
electrolyte, pH = 8.

■ ■ Table 3
Summary of results to check the validity of CZE method to analyze HP-CD in protein solution and placebo
formulation. RSD: relative standard deviation.
                 Parameter                                            Quantity                        Protein solution                    Placebo
 Repeatability at 1 %                           RSD (n = 6)
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                                                                                                        Fig. 8: Analysis of different CDs by CZE with IBA as complexing agent and background electrolyte, pH = 8.

                                                                                                           We chose to use 3-iodo-benzoic acid (IBA) as a com­                                  small ions to cyclodextrins in biopharmaceuticals in a rou­
                                                                                                        plexing agent to analyze HP-CD in a protein solution                                    tine QC setting. While other methods, in particular HPLC
                                                                                                        by CZE with indirect UV detection at 254 nm. A typical                                  methods, will remain the workhorses in QC, capillary elec­
                                                                                                        electropherogram is shown in Fig. 7. The method was                                     trophoresis will gain further importance as an additional
                                                                                                        successfully checked for typical validation parameters                                  rapid method for otherwise difficult analytical tasks.
                                                                                                        critical for routine analysis (Table 3).
                                                                                                           To check the power of this CZE analytical approach to
                                                                                                        CDs, we have investigated different HP-CD from differ­
                                                                                                        ent vendors and compared it to non-hydroxypropylated
                                                                                                        β-cyclodextrin. As shown in Fig. 8, the HP-CD from Beck­
                                                                                                        man and Aldrich show a very similar electropherogram, as                                ■■REF ERENC E S
                                                                                                        expected. The β-cyclodextrin results in a much sharper peak
                                                                                                        than HP-CD further illustrating the specificity of the method.                          [1] Foret F, Křivánková L, Boček P. Capillary zone electrophoresis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH; 1993.
                                                                                                           Overall CZE is a powerful method to analyze protein                                  [2] Engelhardt H, Beck W, Schmitt T. Kapillarelektrophorese. Braun­
                                                                                                        solutions for CDs with great potential in development                                       schweig: Vieweg; 1994.
                                                                                                        and routine analysis.                                                                   [3] Agilent Technologies. High performance capillary electrophoresis,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a primer. 2009.
                                                                                                                                                                                                [4] Serno T, Geidobler R, Winter G. Protein stabilization by cyclo­
                                                                                                                                                                                                    dextrins in the liquid and dried state. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2011. In
                                                                                                                                    5. Conclusion                                                   press.
                                                                                                                                                                                                [5] Serno T, Carpenter JF, Randolph TW, Winter GJ. Inhibition of
                                                                                                        In this paper we have demonstrated the versatility of CZE                                   agitation-induced aggregation of an IgG antibody by hydroxypro­
                                                                                                        as a tool to reliably quantify small molecules ranging from                                 pyl-beta-cyclodextrin. J Pharm Sci. 2010;99 : 1193 – 1206.

                                                                                                        Chefredaktion: Claudius Arndt. Sekretariat: Gudrun Geppert. Verlag: ECV · Editio Cantor Verlag für Medizin und Naturwissenschaften GmbH, Baendelstockweg 20,
                                                                                                        88326 Aulendorf (Gemany). Tel.: +49 (0) 75 25 94 00, Fax: +49 (0) 75 25 94 01 80. e-mail: Herstellung: stm media GmbH / druckhaus
                                                                                                        köthen GmbH, 06366 Köthen (Germany). Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pharm. Ind. 73, Nr. 12, 2222 – 2228 (2011)
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