ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne

Page created by Cindy Barker
ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
“I was instantly drawn to Melbourne by
                                            the vibrant visual arts scene on campus
                                            and in the city. I can pursue my hobbies
                                                   such as attending music gigs, art
                                                      galleries, theatre and festivals.
                                             I love all of my classes as I have chosen
                                                     subjects I am really interested in
                                              learning: Law in Society; International
                                                 Politics; Mind, Brain and Behaviour;
                                               and Media, Identity and Everyday Life
                                            are some of my favourites. I have always
                                               been curious about how society works
                                                                   in the wider world.”
                                                     Seunghee Lee (South Korea)
                                              Bachelor of Arts, majors in Media and
                                                     Communications, Psychology,
                                                      BA International Scholarship

    CO N T E N TS

    Why arts?                           3
    Prepare for every future            4
    Bachelor of Arts                    6
    Arts majors                         9
    Arts minors                        16
    Concurrent diplomas                17
    Diploma in Languages               18
    Your student experience            20
    Enhance your study                 22
    Scholarships                       24
    Access Melbourne                   25
    Bachelor of Arts (Extended)        26
    Your career                        28
    Your next steps                    30
    Pathways to professional careers   32
    Admissions                         34
    Entry requirements                 35

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne

In a globalised workplace which requires employees to be agile, think analytically and
work across cultures, languages and skill sets, Arts degrees are of increasing relevance.

Organisations are now adapting their          DEVELOP
recruitment processes to identify
graduates who are open-minded,
                                              COMPLEMENTARY SKILLS
creative, empathetic and skilled at           Our curriculum reinforces the relationship
communicating in diverse environments.        between theory and practice by
An Arts degree at the University of           integrating applied opportunities including
Melbourne will empower you to develop         internships, local and global volunteering
and solidify these skills, as well as         placements, fieldwork and industry
discover new passions or build upon your      projects. We have a wide range of cultural,
existing ones.                                government, not-for-profit and corporate
                                              partners, allowing you to leverage these
                                              opportunities into a dynamic, rewarding
BECOME PART OF A                              and meaningful career.
As an Arts student at Melbourne, you will     GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES
become part of a community of scholars
investigating, interpreting, preserving and   Develop an international perspective
creating a body of collective knowledge in    through language study, whether as a
the humanities and social sciences.           major or a concurrent diploma, and partake
                                              in an overseas study experience via an
Our expert teachers will inspire              intensive subject or study abroad and
you to expand your passions, spark            exchange at one of the University’s many
your creativity and transform your            partner institutions.
understanding of the world. Actively
participate in your education and learn
with and from your peers.

  #1 in Australia and #15 in
the world for Arts and Humanities
       – QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
PREPARE FOR                                 YOUR FACILITIES
                                                In our state-of-the-art Arts West facility

    EVERY FUTURE                                (pictured) you will attend lectures and
                                                tutorials and find quiet study nooks.
                                                You may also use the Object-based
                                                Learning Lab to interact with ancient
                                                artefacts from our collection or enjoy the
                                                Immersive Cinema.

    The Melbourne Model is designed
    to help you maximise your
    strengths, discover new ones and
    stand out in the workplace.

    You’ll start with an undergraduate
    degree, developing a deep understanding
    of your chosen area of interest and a
    breadth of knowledge across multiple
    disciplines. On graduation you can enter
    the workforce, or progress to one of over
    400 specialised graduate programs.

    The Melbourne Model lets you design
    your own study path while developing the
    knowledge, skills and interdisciplinary
    perspectives you need to thrive in every
    kind of future.

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
YOUR UNDERGRADUATE                                              Our graduates are in demand: we are                         Others use breadth to improve their career
                                                                ranked 7th in the world for graduate                        prospects by complementing their major
DEGREE                                                          employability.Q More than 250 Australian                    with a language, communication skills or
Your peers have worked hard for entry to                        and international organisations –                           business expertise. Many discover new
Australia’s most sought-after course, and                       consulting and technology firms,                            passions through breadth, and some even
you will be inspired, encouraged and driven                     government and industry – actively recruit                  change their career plans!
to achieve by our academics. You’ll have                        on campus each year.
the opportunity to explore the history and                                                                                  ‘Breadth tracks’ (groups of breadth
complexity of human thought, in a city                                                                                      subjects taken throughout your degree)
which grew up around the University.                            YOUR MAJOR                                                  may even qualify you for graduate study in
We are part of the intellectual community                                                                                   a field that’s very different to your major.
                                                                Your major is your chosen specialisation
of Melbourne, cultural capital of Australia                     that you’ll focus on throughout your                        See page 8 for more examples of what
and UNESCO World City of Literature. As a                       degree. In your first year you’ll be able                   you could do with breadth.
Melbourne Arts student, you might intern                        to try a few different study areas before
at the National Gallery of Victoria; volunteer                  deciding on your major by the beginning
and see behind the scenes at Melbourne’s                        of second year. Depending on your area                      YOUR NEXT STEP: WORK
most popular literary and publishing
centre, the Wheeler Centre; or start your
                                                                of interest you could choose to study one                   OR GRADUATE STUDY
                                                                or two majors, a major and a minor or
career with a media and communications                          a major and a specialisation (see pages                     After you finish your Arts degree, you can
placement at a premier agency.                                  8–16 for details). There are 40 study areas                 choose to join the workforce, or go on to
                                                                to choose from – delve into the following                   further study at graduate level.
                                                                pages to explore your options!
YOUR CONNECTIONS                                                                                                            Choose graduate study at Melbourne
                                                                                                                            and you’ll get the full benefit of the
The Melbourne Model connects
students with each other, the University                        YOUR BREADTH STUDIES                                        graduate school experience by studying
                                                                                                                            intensively, in small classes led by experts
community and the wider world. You will                         Breadth is a unique feature of the                          and alongside others who share your
be surrounded by other high-achieving                           Melbourne Model. It gives you the chance                    deep interests and desire to succeed.
students who will inspire you to take on                        to explore subjects outside your core area
new challenges and push yourself to a                           of study, developing new perspectives and                   Your graduate degree will be
higher level.                                                   learning to collaborate with others who                     internationally recognisable, setting you
                                                                have different strengths and interests –                    apart from those who study a traditional
We encourage every student to engage
                                                                just as you will in your future career.                     Australian single or double degree.
with organisations outside the University,
through internships with business and                           Some of our students use breadth to                         See pages 28–33 to find out where your
community groups, applied research                              explore creative interests or topics they                   degree could lead.
projects and overseas study programs.                           have always been curious about.

M E L B O U R N E M O D E L G R A D U AT E S :
University of Melbourne Career Outcomes Survey 2017

Q Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018.
W $26 000 difference in annual salary between holders of a graduate vs bachelors degree. Graduate Careers Australia 2015.

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
                                                                               #1 in Australia and #28 in
                                                                           the world for Communication and
                                                                                     Media Studies
                                                                                    – QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018

    The BA was the first Melbourne degree. As the city of Melbourne and the University have grown side by side,
    so our students have studied and worked alongside our partners in industry, government and the arts.

    A DEGREE THAT OPENS                            ••   Excellent written and oral                 COURSE STRUCTURE
                                                        communication skills: Vital for any
    DOORS                                               position of leadership, influence or       The Bachelor of Arts requires the
    Your BA will be made up of 24 subjects,             innovation                                 successful completion of 24 subjects –
    including a Foundation subject in first                                                        300 points in total – with subjects usually
                                                   ••   Analytical and planning skills and
    year and a capstone subject in third year.                                                     worth 12.5 points each. You will complete
                                                        knowledge: Necessary for any
    You will build a degree that broadens                                                          eight subjects, or 100 points of study, in
                                                        role that requires planning, risk
    your education and helps you to discover                                                       each year of full-time study.
                                                        management or project management
    your true interests and potential, before
                                                   ••   Understanding of cultural diversity:       First year
    entering the workforce or pursuing a
                                                        Important for careers in international     You will complete at least one Arts
    graduate qualification.
                                                        relations, community development,          Foundation subject from a choice of
    You’ll develop vital skills relevant to             translation and interpretation, and        six. These subjects introduce concepts,
    a wide range of careers and study                   diplomacy                                  ideas and principles that are central to all
    pathways while allowing you to tailor          ••   Ability to think and act creatively and    endeavours in Arts. More information on
    your education to your needs and                    innovatively: Essential for roles in       these subjects is on page 8. You will also
    interests. As an Arts student, you will             marketing and advertising, logistics,      take Arts discipline subjects and breadth
    build interdisciplinary knowledge,                  publishing and editing, consultancy        subjects.
    community leadership and cultural                   and planning
    awareness, and graduate with the skills                                                        Second year
                                                   ••   Intellectual integrity: Essential for
    necessary to succeed in the rapidly                 reinforcing ethical values in any          By your second year, you will have
    changing global workplace.                          industry or career.                        a better understanding of the Arts
                                                                                                   disciplines offered and be able to finalise
                                                                                                   your selection of majors and minors. You
    DEVELOP WORKPLACE                              HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL                           will complete the second-year subjects in
    SKILLS                                         EXPERIENCE                                      your major(s).
    Our graduates find that studying a range       Does studying French in Paris, art history      Third year
    of disciplines across their Arts degree        in Tokyo or communications in New               In third year, you will undertake a
    fosters flexible thinking and opens up an      York sound like your kind of university         capstone subject in your major(s),
    array of career opportunities. Many also       experience? As a student at Melbourne,          designed to draw together skills
    combine their studies with work for one        you can receive credit and fulfil academic      associated with your specialisation
    of our many partners, from the National        or practical work requirements for your         and prepare you for life as a graduate
    Gallery of Victoria to the Melbourne           Bachelor of Arts through approved               (see page 8). You will also take the
    Writers’ Festival, gaining context for their   programs all over the world.                    remaining third-year subjects
    skills and insight into what subjects to
                                                                                                   to complete your degree.
    focus on as the course progresses.             Not only do you get to see the world,
                                                   you will also:
    Each major will give you specialised
    knowledge and strength in a certain            ••   Develop unique language and cross-
    discipline or field, and you’ll also develop        cultural skills that are valued by
    skills that are essential in all workplaces:        employers

    ••   Problem-solving skills: Applicable to     ••   Meet new people from all over the
         issues management, consultancy,                world and experience a completely
         planning, people management and                different culture
         diplomacy                                 ••   Make your resume stand out –
                                                        your international experience
                                                        demonstrates initiative and

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
3 years full time
Part time available (domestic students only)


February (Semester 1) or July (Semester 2)

Entry requirements
Domestic students
Minimum entry 2019: ATAR 85, IB 31
Alternative entry: See Access Melbourne,
page 25

International students
International applicants will need to
meet the academic admission and
English language requirements. Visit:

Prerequisite subject study areas
For full details of entry requirements and
information for other qualifications visit:

Contact hours
(first year, full time)
10–15 hours per week, plus independent
study time of approximately 10–15 hours
per week.
CRICOS: 002167E

Find out more

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne

    MAJORS AND MINORS                             Keen to lead a global publishing               You must complete one Arts Foundation
                                                  organisation? Take a breadth subject in        subject, preferably in the first semester
    A major or minor is a group of subjects       managing and leading organisations.            of your degree. You can choose from the
    within a specialised area of study.                                                          following subjects:
                                                  Want to be an entrepreneur? Take a law
    A major generally comprises 100 points        subject as breadth, and find out how           ••   Aboriginalities: Introduces the
    of study (eight subjects), while a minor      to protect your ideas and intellectual              complexity, challenges and richness
    is usually 75 points (six subjects). In the   property.                                           of Australian Indigenous life and
    Bachelor of Arts, you can complete:                                                               cultures
                                                  Love to sing and learn about contemporary
    ••   One major, or                                                                           ••   Identity: Explores identity and the
                                                  and ancient global music? Join the World
                                                                                                      concepts of self and other in diverse
    ••   Two majors, or                           Music Choir as part of your breadth.
                                                                                                      contexts across time and place
    ••   A major and a minor.                     Planning a global career? Study an             ••   Language: Provides tools for
                                                  Asian language – Chinese, Japanese or               thinking about language in a range
    For detailed information on the majors
                                                  Indonesian – as breadth.                            of disciplines, including linguistics,
    and minors available in the Bachelor of
                                                                                                      history, sociology, politics,
    Arts, see pages 9–16.                         You can also choose to take a breadth               literary studies, anthropology,
                                                  track, which will help you select from the          language studies, psychology and
                                                  multitude of breadth subjects available.
    BREADTH: BROADENING                           A breadth track is a set of three or more
                                                                                                      psychoanalytic theory
    YOUR EMPLOYMENT                               subjects that progressively develops
                                                                                                 ••   Power: Investigates social relations,
                                                                                                      who is in control and who may benefit
    PROSPECTS                                     knowledge and skills relevant to a
                                                                                                      from such arrangements
                                                  particular theme, topic or issue.
    Employers look for graduates who are                                                         ••   Reason: Considers our use of reason,
    adaptable and bring unique skills and                              including historical origins and
    knowledge to the workplace. Through                                                               philosophical debates over reason
    breadth, you can take subjects from                                                               and the way that different forms of
    outside your core study area. Breadth         ARTS FOUNDATION                                     reasoning have arisen
    exposes you to new perspectives and           SUBJECTS                                       ••   Representation: Explores how
    helps you build a wide portfolio of
    knowledge — essential for the new global      The Faculty of Arts has developed six first-        different genres such as speech,
    workplace, where you’re unlikely to stay      year Foundation subjects that offer cross-          writing, translation, film, theatre and
                                                  cultural and cross-disciplinary perspectives        art generate representations of social
    in the same industry forever.
                                                  on historical and contemporary themes.              life and imagination.
                                                  These subjects are designed to:
    WHAT COULD I DO                                                                              CAPSTONE SUBJECTS
                                                  ••   Introduce you to core ideas across
    WITH BREADTH?                                      a wide range of study areas, and to       Taken in the final year of your degree,
    With more than 600 subjects available,             different ways of thinking                capstone subjects incorporate an
    the opportunities are endless.                ••   Help you to make an informed decision     activity or experience – for example,
                                                       about your specialisation or major        an internship or research project – that
    Fascinated by urban development?
                                                  ••   Provide you with the essential skills     requires you to consider broader themes
    Take a breadth subject in city and
                                                       and resources for high achievement        relevant to your discipline.
    regional strategic planning.
                                                       later on in your degree.
    Want to become a health writer?
    Take breadth in human physiology,
    coupled with a major in Media and

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
ARTS MAJORS                                                                                                         #23 in
                                                                                                               the world for
                                                                                                                – QS World University
                                                                                                               Rankings by Subject 2018

A major is a group of subjects                 ARABIC                                           AUSTRALIAN
within a particular study area. You            The Arabic program offers an integrated          INDIGENOUS STUDIES
can choose up to two majors as the             way of studying the Arabic language and          The Australian Indigenous Studies major
focus of your degree.                          aspects of Arab and Islamic culture. You         offers unique perspectives on Aboriginal
                                               will develop language proficiency and            and Torres Strait Islander histories and
                                               an awareness of issues related to Arabic         culture. Themes include Indigenous cultural
ANCIENT WORLD                                  literature, history, sociology and religion.     production, key thinkers and concepts,
STUDIES                                        Career paths include international relations,
                                                                                                settler and Indigenous environmental
                                                                                                ethics, Aboriginal women and colonialism,
Ancient World Studies embraces the broad       diplomacy, community development,
                                                                                                Indigenous health, and issues relating to
study of Classical Greece and Rome, as         translation and interpretation,
                                                                                                land, law and philosophy.
well as Egypt and the Near East from           communications and government.
3000 BCE to the 4th century CE. You                                                             Career paths include community
can choose from a variety of subject                                                            development, policy development,
specialisations, which combine the study       ART HISTORY                                      social welfare and government.
of ancient languages and texts with the        The University of Melbourne is the premier
study of archaeology, art and architecture.    provider of art history education in
You can focus on a particular time period,     Australia. Thematic and interdisciplinary        CHINESE LANGUAGE
geographic region, technical specialisation    subjects deal with the theories of art
or thematic area of study.                                                                      By studying the Chinese language,
                                               history, art markets and other issues.           you can learn about the history
                                               Areas of specialisation include late             and contemporary culture of one of
Career paths include archaeology,
                                               antiquity, medieval, renaissance,                Australia’s most important trade and
teaching, curatorship, tourism, research
                                               baroque, 18th and 19th century European          cultural partners. As a Chinese speaker,
and archival work.
                                               art, modernism and postmodernism,                you will have access to many employment
                                               contemporary art, Indigenous Australian          opportunities around the world. When
ANTHROPOLOGY                                   art and international art.                       you commence Chinese, you will be
                                                                                                placed in an appropriate class level
Anthropology is the study of the many          Career paths include art curatorship, arts
                                                                                                according to your ability and background
societies and cultures of the world and        promotion, arts management, history,
                                                                                                in the language.
their complex interactions. Anthropology’s     arts policy and communications.
global scope is complemented by a local                                                         Career paths include international
focus and participation in the daily life                                                       relations, diplomacy, community
and language of the communities studied.       ASIAN STUDIES                                    development, translation and
Contemporary social anthropology asks          Knowledge of Asia is a crucial asset at          interpretation, communications and
broad and detailed questions about what it     this time of rapid globalisation and social      government.
means to be human in a globalised world,       change. Our Asian Studies program is one
and lets you reflect on yourself and others.   of the largest in Australia and comprises
                                               a comprehensive range of subjects in             CLASSICS
Career paths include archaeology, history,
                                               the intellectual, cultural, political and        In this major you will study the languages
government and consultancy.
                                               religious traditions of Asia, with a focus on    of Ancient Greek and Latin, and explore
                                               China, Indonesia, Japan and Southeast            ancient culture by reading ancient
                                               Asia. Asian Studies subjects are taught          Greek and Roman texts in their original
                                               in English and do not require language           languages. You will progress through one
                                               prerequisites. Study abroad programs             or both of these languages from beginner
                                               and opportunities to participate in events and   through to advanced levels.
                                               activities with an Asian focus are available.
                                                                                                Career paths include teaching, government,
                                               Career paths include international               policy development, public service, library
                                               relations, diplomacy, community                  science and archival work, and heritage
                                               development, communications and                  consultancy.

ARTS 2019 - University of Melbourne
CREATIVE WRITING                                                  ECONOMICS                                                          ENGLISH AND THEATRE
     Explore your creative potential and                               Economics seeks to understand, assess                              STUDIES
     extend your work to avant-garde,                                  and explain the mechanisms of markets                              English and Theatre Studies examines
     cross-genre and experimental forms                                and national economies. The Economics                              the forms and traditions of imaginative
     of writing. Critically test the creative                          major builds problem-solving skills that                           writing and dramatic performance, and
     potential and influence of contemporary                           are applicable to careers in business                              the myriad ways in which they engage
     theoretical and philosophical schools                             and government. It will teach you how                              with the everyday world. Subjects
     of thought in all forms of writing. Areas                         to analyse and interpret data, and equip                           span a wide range of fields from the
     of specialisation include fiction, poetry,                        you with the tools to find smart solutions                         medieval to romanticism, modernism,
     poetics, non-fiction, performance and                             for the numerous problems confronting                              postmodernism and beyond. This
     writing for theatre, and autobiography.                           governments and the commercial world.                              includes British, Australian, American
     Teachers in the creative writing program                          Three areas of study are available within                          and postcolonial writing and theatre, and
     include award-winning writers.                                    the main discipline: microeconomics,                               literary, cultural and performance theory.
                                                                       macroeconomics and econometrics. If
     Career paths include writing, publishing,                         you wish to pursue a major in Economics                            Career paths include writing,
     editing, corporate communications and                             through the Bachelor of Arts you are                               publishing, arts management, corporate
     marketing.                                                        required to meet the maths prerequisites                           communications, cinema management
                                                                       determined by the Faculty of Business                              and marketing.
                                                                       and Economics. For more details see:
     Criminology is the study of human                                                          FRENCH
     behaviour and explores the motivations                            requirements
                                                                                                                                          France has exerted a major influence on
     behind criminal activities. It draws                                                                                                 the cultural and political history of the
                                                                       Career paths include government
     knowledge and perspectives from a range                                                                                              modern world; French has been widely
                                                                       departments, banks, investment
     of disciplines such as law, sociology,                                                                                               used for international communication over
                                                                       firms, consulting firms, and industry
     psychology, psychiatry and history.                                                                                                  several centuries. Today French is spoken
     Criminologists work in a wide range of                                                                                               by more than 274 million people and is
     fields including policy development,                                                                                                 the language of numerous countries and
     crime prevention, corporate and white-                                                                                               cultures in Europe, Africa, North America,
     collar crime, business regulation, drug                                                                                              the Caribbean and the Pacific. The study of
     policy and consumer and environmental                                                                                                French thus gives access to a wide network
     protection. Increasingly, criminologists                                                                                             of international communication as well as
     also study the ways in which cultures                                                                                                to a vast body of literary, historical, cultural,
     depict crime, whether in newspapers,                                                                                                 linguistic and scientific knowledge.
     television and other mass media or in
     films, novels and art.                                                                                                               Career paths include international
                                                                                                                                          relations, diplomacy, community
     Career paths include legal advising,                                                                                                 development, business, science,
     policing, policy development, social                                                                                                 translation and communications.
     justice, defence and government.

                 Semester 1                 Identity                               Media and Society                       Internet Meets Society                 Arabic 1
      Year 1
                                            Media Identity and
                 Semester 2                                                        Introduction to Media Writing           Age of Empires                         Arabic 2
                                            Everyday Life

                 Semester 1                 Writing Journalism                     Media Histories                         Literature and Performance             Arabic 3
      Year 2
                                                                                   Modern and Contemporary                 Human Rights and
                 Semester 2                 Internet Communication                                                                                                Arabic 4
                                                                                   Literature                              Global Justice

                 Semester 1                 Marketing Communications               City Cultures                           Politics and the Media                 Arabic in Context 1
      Year 3
                                            Digital and Mobile                     Crisis Zone: Middle Eastern
                 Semester 2                                                                                                Arabic in Context 2                    Arabic 5
                                            Journalism                             Politics

                                            Media and Communications               Social Differences and
                 Semester 1                                                                                                Hashtag Cyberstar                      Arabic 6
                                            Project                                Inequalties
      Year 4
                                            Perspectives in Global Media           American History from                   Genre Fiction /
                 Semester 2                                                                                                                                       Journalism Today
                                            Cultures (Capstone)                    JFK to Trump                            Popular Fiction

         Major subjects                        Electives                     Language subjects                         Arts Foundation subjects                          Breadth subjectsW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
     W You must complete at least four breadth subjects throughout your degree. A further two subjects can be either breadth or Arts electives. For details on breadth see page 8.

Gender Studies nurtures a critical
intersectional approach to the study
of gender and sexuality, drawing on a
broad range of disciplinary expertise

                                                          #19 in the world for
in the Faculty of Arts. Students
engage with cutting-edge research
on transnational perspectives in
gender and sexuality, feminist and
queer theory, power, identity and
                                                   English Language and Literature
embodiment. The program is distinctive                  – QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018
in its interdisciplinary approach to
urgent contemporary questions around
the intersection of gender, sexuality,
culture, race, Indigeneity and other
aspects of diversity. It offers critical skills
directly transferable to a wide range of
professional sectors including education,
community development, health, public
administration, business, media, and
social services.

Career paths include community
development, policy development,
government, academia and research.

Geography examines the dynamic
relationship between society and
environments. It is a globally focused
discipline that seeks to understand the
complex connections between people
and places in order to work towards a
more equitable world. Field classes in
Australia and overseas offer you the
opportunity to explore and examine
geographical issues and problems

Career paths include consultancy, policy
development, biodiversity conservation,
climate change mitigation and
adaptation, disaster risk management,
international development, natural
resource management, rural and
urban planning, and sustainable
urban development.

                                                  “My exchange to Munich was the first time I travelled
                                                    and lived in Europe, and it was the best way I could
                                                    have done it. I chose a city with a rich and detailed
                                                   history, and was constantly amazed at the intricate,
                                                        and somewhat confusing, culture of Bavarians.
                                                        Exchange built me up to be more open-minded,
                                                       confident and curious about my opportunities in
                                                                            Melbourne and worldwide.”
                                                                             Kate Balharrie (Australia)
                                                   Bachelor of Arts, major in Media and Communications,
                                                              Diploma in Languages (German Studies)

GERMAN                                                            HISTORY                                                            INDONESIAN
     There are more than 100 million native                            History can be studied to understand                               Learn the language of one of Australia’s
     speakers of German and it is one of the                           the present or to delve into worlds                                closest neighbours. Learning
     most popular languages worldwide.                                 long past and fundamentally alien to us.                           Indonesian can open up many
     Knowledge of German opens up the rich                             It may confirm our beliefs and values, but                         interesting employment opportunities
     culture of German-speaking Europe as                              can also profoundly disrupt our sense                              – in Indonesia, and with the many
     well as its history, philosophy, literature,                      of normality and make us question our                              organisations, including the Australian
     music and scientific traditions. The                              perceptions and way of life. History offers                        Government, that work with its
     German program has a proud history of                             both study of large areas over long periods                        260 million citizens. When you commence
     more than 50 years at the University, and                         of time and detailed attention to particular                       Indonesian, you will be placed in an
     provides the opportunity to complete                              places, times and themes. Subjects extend                          appropriate class level according to your
     part of your studies overseas through                             from the medieval world to the recent                              ability and background in the language.
     exchange programs. You will be placed                             past and all subjects reflect the latest
     in an appropriate class level according                           developments in historical research.                               Career paths include international
     to your ability and background in the                                                                                                development, translation and
     language.                                                         Career paths include teaching, academia,                           interpretation, and government.
                                                                       government, policy development, public
     Career paths include international                                service, libraries, archives and heritage
     relations, diplomacy, community                                   consultancy.                                                       ISLAMIC STUDIES
     development, translation and                                                                                                         Islam is one of the fastest-growing
     interpretation, communications and                                                                                                   religions in the world, embraced by a fifth
     government.                                                       HISTORY AND                                                        of the world’s population. Through the
                                                                       PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE                                              Islamic Studies program, you will study
                                                                                                                                          the development of Islamic thought
     HEBREW AND JEWISH                                                 The aim of History and Philosophy of
                                                                                                                                          and Muslim societies from a broad,
                                                                       Science is to understand science – how
     STUDIES                                                           it works, its historical development                               multidisciplinary perspective. Islamic
     The Hebrew and Jewish Studies major                               and its function in modern society.                                Studies addresses the issues relevant to
     offers an unparalleled opportunity                                This major integrates philosophical,                               the development of Islam as a religion and
     to study the development of Jewish                                historical and sociological approaches                             civilisation, from its origins to the present.
     civilisation, Israeli history and culture,                        to the study of science. You will gain
                                                                                                                                          Career paths include international
     and the Hebrew language. It investigates                          analytical skills in evaluating scientific
                                                                                                                                          relations, diplomacy, community
     the history, literature, archaeology,                             (and non-scientific) knowledge as well as
                                                                                                                                          development, communications,
     philosophy, ethnography and social                                a broad understanding of the historical
                                                                                                                                          government and policy development.
     theory of Jewish society and culture.                             development of science in its interactions
     You will engage in contemporary debates                           with society.
     about ethnicity and identity, assimilation,
     exile and Diaspora cultures.                                      Career paths include history,
                                                                       government, teaching, academia
     Career paths include international                                and research.
     relations, diplomacy, community
     development, translation, teaching,
     and religious and community work.

                                                                                   Philosophy: The Big                     Famine: The Geography of               Philosophy, Politics and
                 Semester 1                 Reason
                                                                                   Questions                               Scarcity                               Economics
      Year 1
                                            Anthropology: Studying                 Philosophy: The Great                   Myth, Art and Empire: Greece           Performance, Potential and
                 Semester 2
                                            Human Diversity                        Thinkers                                and Rome                               Development

                                            Freedom and Equality Across            Meaning, Possibility and
                 Semester 1                                                                                                Greek Philosophy                       Music Psychology
                                            Borders                                Paradox
      Year 2
                                                                                                                           Aboriginal Land, Law and
                 Semester 2                 The Philosophy of Mind                 Society and Environments                                                       The Business of Music

                                                                                                                                                                  Body, Mind and Medicine:
                 Semester 1                 Knowledge and Reality                  Underworld and Afterlife                Philosophy of Language
                                                                                                                                                                  A Dissection
      Year 3
                                            The Philosophy of Philosophy           The Power and Limits of                                                        The Music Producer:
                 Semester 2                                                                                                Minds and Madness
                                            (Capstone)                             Logic                                                                          From Brass to Beats

         Major subjects                        Electives                     Arts Foundation subjects                  Breadth subjectsW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
     W You must complete at least four breadth subjects throughout your degree. A further two subjects can be either breadth or Arts electives. For details on breadth see page 8.

Study Italian language and culture in one
of Australia’s leading Italian language
programs. Immerse yourself in Italy’s
rich culture and traditions, and learn
how Italy has influenced Australian art,
food and lifestyle. When you commence
Italian, you will be placed in an
appropriate class level according to your
ability and background in the language.

Career paths include international
relations, diplomacy, community
development, translation and
interpretation, communications and

Our Japanese program is one of the
largest in Australia, with beginner
to advanced language subjects. The
program is designed to maximise
language acquisition and develop your
communication skills in various types
of texts and interactional contexts. You
will also develop a broad understanding
of cultural, social and historical aspects
of Japan. You will be placed in an
appropriate class level according to your
ability and background in the language.

Career paths include international
relations, diplomacy, community
development, translation and
interpretation, communications and

                                             Louisa Lim is an award-winning journalist and senior
                                                 lecturer at the Centre for Advancing Journalism.
                                               Before joining the University of Melbourne, Louisa
                                             was a BBC and NPR correspondent based in Beijing.
                                              She is the coordinator of the undergraduate subject
                                                                               Writing Journalism.
                                                         “The Writing Journalism subject is a great
                                              introduction to journalism today. In this day and age,
                                                journalism is all about making stories that get to as
                                              wide an audience as possible, and that’s what we try
                                                                                 to do in this class.”
                                                                                   Image Credit: Leila Navidi

LINGUISTICS AND                                                   PHILOSOPHY                                                         PSYCHOLOGY
     APPLIED LINGUISTICS                                               Philosophy is the study of the most                                Taught at the University since the late
     Linguistics is the study of language –                            fundamental aspects of reality and value.                          1800s, psychology is intellectually
     the most fundamental of all human                                 Every area of inquiry and endeavour –                              fascinating and has direct applications to
     faculties – in all its aspects: its structure,                    from art and history through politics and                          everyday life. Psychology embraces a wide
     its diversity, how it changes and evolves,                        economics to biology and mathematics –                             range of perspectives and approaches
     how people learn and make use of it to                            generates philosophical issues about                               that contribute to the scientific study and
     communicate, and how it is implicated                             our world and our place in it. Work                                understanding of behaviour, especially
     in relations of power. You will develop                           in philosophy involves the creative,                               human behaviour. If you would like to
     strong analytical skills and create a                             critical task of constructing, clarifying                          work as a registered psychologist in
     foundation for work in diverse disciplines.                       and comparing ideas. We dig into the                               Australia, you will need to complete the
                                                                       assumptions beneath our everyday views                             major sequence that is accredited by
     Career paths include translation and                              to see how they fit together, how they                             the Australian Psychology Accreditation
     interpretation, teaching, language                                can be improved, or how we might have                              Council (APAC). This leads to further study,
     assessment, research, communications                              reason to prefer one over another.                                 after which you can become an accredited
     and consultancy.                                                                                                                     psychologist. To complete an accredited
                                                                       Career paths include analysis and                                  major you must complete 10 subjects,
                                                                       research, policy development, education                            including two as breadth.
     MEDIA AND                                                         and training, ethics, communications
     COMMUNICATIONS                                                    and academia.                                                      Career paths include psychology practice,
                                                                                                                                          community health, government and
     Media and Communications equips                                                                                                      counselling.
     you with a critical understanding of                              POLITICS AND
     our changing global digital media                                 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
     environment, providing core research                                                                                                 RUSSIAN
     and professional skills valued across                             The Politics and International Studies
                                                                       major covers all the key fields of political                       Russia is and will continue to be one
     a range of media sectors. Subjects
                                                                       inquiry, including international relations                         of the world’s largest political powers.
     cover key developments in digital
                                                                       and foreign policy, political theory and                           Speakers of Russian can better
     communication technologies and
                                                                       ideology, public policy-making, political                          understand this rich and diverse country
     industries, and their effect on politics,
                                                                       economy, and comparative and regional                              and where it is placed in history, politics,
     society and culture.
                                                                       politics as well as more interdisciplinary                         economics and culture. You will be placed
     Career paths include journalism,                                  fields such as environmental politics                              in an appropriate class level according
     publishing, public relations, marketing,                          and Indigenous politics. It also critically                        to your ability and background in the
     communications and social media                                   examines core political concepts                                   language.
     management.                                                       such as power, legitimacy, justice and
                                                                                                                                          Career paths include international
                                                                       governance as well as key political issues,
                                                                                                                                          relations, diplomacy, community
                                                                       institutions, ideas and actors that shape
                                                                                                                                          development, translation and
                                                                       the contemporary world.
                                                                                                                                          interpretation, communications
                                                                       Career paths include international                                 and government.
                                                                       relations, diplomacy, multinational
                                                                       business, politics, policy development
                                                                       and government.

                                            Medieval Plague, War and               Art History: Theory and
                 Semester 1                                                                                                Literature and Performance             Arts in Florence
                                            Heresy                                 Controversy
      Year 1
                                                                                   Modern Art: The Politics of             Modern and Contemporary
                 Semester 2                 Representation                                                                                                        Principles of Marketing
                                                                                   the New                                 Literature

                 Semester 1                 European Renaissance Art               Art and Revolution                      Poetry, Love and Death                 Global Marketing
      Year 2
                                                                                   Modern European History
                 Semester 2                 Art, Market and Methods                                                        Modernism and Avant Garde              Art and the Botanical
                                                                                   1789 to 1914

                                            The Age of Golden Ages:
                 Semester 1                                                        Arts Internship                         Decadent Literature                    Advertising and Promotions
                                            Art in Europe
      Year 3
                                            Theory and Practice of Art
                 Semester 2                                                        Global Renaissance                      Romancing the Medieval                 Painting Techniques
                                            History (Capstone)

         1st major subjects                    Electives                     2nd major subjects                        Arts Foundation subjects                          Breadth subjectsW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
     W You must complete at least four breadth subjects throughout your degree. A further two subjects can be either breadth or Arts electives. For details on breadth see page 8.

In this dual major, students can specialise
in either discipline stream. The Screen
Studies stream covers the aesthetics,
history and theory of art-house and
entertainment film and screen media.
The Cultural Studies stream addresses
contemporary cultural formations
including transforming identities
(gendered, sexual, ethnic and others),
globalisation and the intensifying
mobility of culture, and people’s
experiences of media in everyday life.
Students undertaking subjects in both
streams will learn how contemporary
theories of identity, ideology,
globalisation and the digital revolution
help us understand screen and cultural
phenomena today.

Career paths include art curatorship,
sociology, government and academia.

Sociology explores issues related to
contemporary families, gender relations,
and ethnic, racial and sexual identity.
It looks at representations in the media,
new technologies and globalisation.
You will learn about patterns of social
inequality and new forms of social
problems, and the ways in which people
and societies confront these challenges.

Career paths include sociology,
community development, policy
development, government,
academia and research.

Learn to speak the language of more
than 350 million people in 25 countries.
Subjects cover the culture and histories
of the largest Spanish-speaking nations
and how the language has influenced
cultures around the world. By learning
such a popular and influential language,
you will create a wide range of career
                                              “My internship has been personally rewarding for
opportunities. Exchange opportunities in      me because I’m passionate about film. I work with
Spanish-speaking countries are available.       the Programming team to liaise with producers
You will be placed in an appropriate                and film-makers, keeping the database up to
class level according to your ability and       date, and undertaking competitor research and
background in the language.                    film reviews. It’s so valuable to see what goes on
                                                  behind the screen at film festivals. I’ve realised
Career paths include international                just how big the film industry is and how many
relations, diplomacy, community
                                                                  career opportunities there are.”
development, translation and
interpretation, communications                                 Bianca Suparto (Indonesia)
and government.                                        Bachelor of Arts, majors in Media and
                                              Communications and Screen and Cultural Studies
                                                                Submissions and Shorts Intern,
                                                           Melbourne International Film Festival


                                                             #16 in the world for
                                                              Development Studies
                                                          – QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018

                   A minor is a group of subjects                    ENVIRONMENTAL
                   within a particular study area,                   STUDIES
                   and is taken alongside your major.
                                                                     This versatile minor enables you to gain
                   Any of the majors listed on                       practical and relevant experience through
                   pages 9–15 can be studied as                      laboratory work, group projects and
                   minors. The disciplines outlined                  field trips, including opportunities for
                   below are available only as minors.               fieldwork research in China. Environmental
                                                                     Studies combines knowledge of natural
                                                                     environments with an understanding of
                   CHINESE STUDIES                                   how human societies work. It analyses
                                                                     environmental management, biogeography
                   The Chinese Studies minor focuses on the          and sustainability.
                   cultural, political and religious traditions of
                   China. Topics include power in China, modern
                   Chinese literature and Chinese politics.          EUROPEAN STUDIES
                                                                     European Studies is a cross-disciplinary
                   DEVELOPMENT STUDIES                               program that looks at European culture,
                                                                     society and languages. You will complete
                   Development Studies addresses processes           core European Studies, which you are able
                   of social, economic, political and cultural       to combine with subjects from areas such
                   change in the global south. This minor            as history, literary studies, languages,
                   allows you to critically examine processes        philosophy, politics and art history.
                   of managed change in the developing
                   world, giving you the skills to intervene
                   in such processes. Through this program           KNOWLEDGE AND
                   you will better understand the nature of          LEARNING
                   policies and relationships at local, national
                   and international levels that have shaped         The Knowledge and Learning minor allows
                   poverty, inequality and insecurity in the         you to examine the ways in which differing
                   contemporary world.                               forms of knowledge are constructed,
                                                                     produced, managed and disseminated.
                                                                     You will discover the learning processes
                   ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                  that support this in a range of social,
                   STUDIES                                           historical and political contexts.

                   English Language Studies helps you develop
                   an understanding of the history of English, its   LAW AND JUSTICE
                   subtle and intricate grammar, and the status
                                                                     In this minor, you will examine the capacity
                   of its many social and geographical varieties.
                                                                     and power of law to deliver justice in a
                                                                     range of social, historical and political
                                                                     contexts. A key focus is the origins and
                                                                     effects of legal processes.

                                                                     SOCIAL THEORY
                                                                     Social Theory analyses the organisation
                                                                     and transformation of societies and
                                                                     cultures. It questions the everyday
                                                                     assumptions that shape our lives and
                                                                     considers such issues as the division of
                                                                     power and the nature of identity.


Concurrent diplomas offer another way to develop your interests and discover new opportunities
outside of your chosen degree. See page 18 for details about the Diploma in Languages.

FLEXIBLE STUDY                                                   DIPLOMA IN                                                      DIPLOMA IN MUSIC
OPTIONS                                                          MATHEMATICAL                                                    The Diploma in Music provides the
Our diplomas give you many flexible                              SCIENCES                                                        opportunity to further your musical
options to enrich and broaden your                                                                                               training or explore areas of academic and
                                                                 The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences
studies – and if you're an undergraduate                                                                                         practical interest in music, while gaining
                                                                 enables you to gain a mathematics
domestic student, you may be eligible to                                                                                         a music qualification alongside your
                                                                 qualification while completing an
receive the final half of the diploma HECS                                                                                       undergraduate studies in another field.
                                                                 undergraduate degree.
free. You can study a diploma alongside                                                                                          The program can be tailored depending
your undergraduate degree (adding a                              Available to:                                                   on your interests, and provides access to
further year of study), or cross-credit                                                                                          the full range of Conservatorium options.
                                                                 Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,
up to 50 points (four subjects) of study                         Commerce, Design, Music and Science.R                           Available to:
in your undergraduate degree and your
diploma, enabling you to complete the                            Prerequisites                                                   Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,
degree and the diploma within 3.5 years.                                                                                         Commerce, Design and Science.
                                                                 A study score of 30 in VCE Specialist
                                                                 Mathematics Units 3 and 4 or equivalent,                        Prerequisites
High-achieving students may be able
                                                                 or successful completion of university-
to complete their degree and diploma                                                                                             There are no additional prerequisites
                                                                 level studies equivalent to VCE Specialist
within three years. Conditions apply, and                                                                                        once you are enrolled in your
                                                                 Mathematics Units 3 and 4.
you should discuss your options with a                                                                                           undergraduate degree. Some ensemble
course adviser once you enrol in your                                             subjects require an audition, and entry
undergraduate degree.                                            degrees/diploma-in-mathematical-                                to the music performance stream –
                                                                 sciences                                                        involving individual instrumental or
                                                                                                                                 vocal lessons – is by recorded audition,
DIPLOMA IN                                                                                                                       submitted in early February.
The Diploma in Informatics will equip you                                                                                        diploma-in-music
with the understanding of IT technologies
and tools that employers are seeking.
The diploma is designed to complement
your core studies with fundamental
programming and data management skills.

Available to:
Students enrolled in Arts, Biomedicine,Q
Commerce, Design,W Music and Science.E

Successful completion of 50 points of
University study, including the core subject
COMP10001 Foundations of Computing,
with a weighted average of 65%.

Q   Bachelor of Biomedicine students cannot complete the diploma and the degree within the standard structure and time frame. Consult your course adviser.
W   Bachelor of Design students majoring in Computing are not permitted to complete the Diploma in Informatics.
E   Bachelor of Science students who select a major in Computing and Software Systems or Data Science are not permitted to complete a Diploma in Informatics.
R   Bachelor of Science students who select a major in Mathematics and Statistics or Mathematical Physics or Data Science are not permitted to complete a Diploma in Mathematical Sciences.

                                                                                                                #1 in Australia and #24 in
                                                                                                                          the world for Linguistics
                                                                                                                        – QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018

     Through the Diploma in                                            Languages available:                                              Entry requirements
     Languages, you can gain a                                         ••   Ancient Greek
                                                                                                                                         You must be enrolled in Arts,
     language qualification in addition                                                                                                  Biomedicine, Commerce, Design, Music
                                                                       ••   Arabic                                                       or Science.
     to your degree, increasing
                                                                       ••   Chinese
     your skills, employability and                                                                                                      Prerequisites
                                                                       ••   French
     international work opportunities.                                                                                                   If you are applying for a Diploma in
                                                                       ••   German
                                                                                                                                         Languages other than in Ancient Greek,
     Studying a language through the                                   ••   Hebrew                                                       Hebrew or Latin and have not studied
     Diploma in Languages enables you to                               ••   Indonesian                                                   your chosen language at the University,
     focus on your desired majors of study                             ••   Italian                                                      you are required to take a Language
     without missing out on the opportunity                                                                                              Placement Test.
     to improve your competitiveness in                                ••   Japanese
     the international career market with a                            ••   Latin
     language qualification.                                           ••   Russian                                                      WHEN TO BEGIN
                                                                       ••   Spanish.                                                     When you start your undergraduate
                                                                       Domestic students may be eligible to                              study, discuss your options with an
                                                                       receive the final half of the diploma free                        adviser from Stop 1.
                                                                       from tuition fees.
                                                                                                                                         The diploma can only be awarded
                                                                                                                                         upon completion of both the diploma
                                                                                                                                         and the degree.


                                                                                   Introduction to Political                                                      An Ecological History of
                 Semester 1                 Power                                                                          Spanish 1
                                                                                   Ideas                                                                          Humanity
      Year 1
                 Semester 2                 Introduction to Media Writing          International Politics                  Spanish 2                              Global Foundations of Design

                 Semester 1                 Critical Analytical Skills                                                     Spanish 3                              The Figure in Performance
      Year 2
                                                                                                                                                                  Community Volunteering –
                 Semester 2                 Political Economy                      Hispanic Cultural Studies               Spanish 4

                                                                                   Don Quijote Against the
                 Semester 1                 International Gender Politics                                                  Spanish 5                              Global Marketing
      Year 3
                                            Applied Research Methods
                 Semester 2                                                        Global Environmental Politics           Spanish 6                              European Modernism

         1st major subjects                    Electives                     2nd major subjects                        Arts Foundation subjects                          Breadth subjectsW

     Q This is a sample course plan only. Subjects offered may change from year to year. You will be advised of current subject offerings prior to subject selection and enrolment.
     W You must complete at least four breadth subjects throughout your degree. A further two subjects can be either breadth or Arts electives. For details on breadth see page 8.

“I combined my Diploma in Languages with a major in
   Politics and International Studies, greatly increasing my
 appeal as a future employee in the sector and opening up
huge opportunities for travel, study abroad and exchange.”
                             Jared Hoffman (Australia)
 Bachelor of Arts, majors in Spanish and Latin American
         Studies and Politics and International Studies,
               Diploma in Language (Japanese Studies)

YOUR STUDENT                                                                                      Lund University,


                                                                                                    Imperial       Ludwig Maximilian
                                                                                                     College       University of Munich
                                                                   University of Pennsylvania        London                                University of
                                                                                                                                           Hong Kong

                                                                                                                           Gadjah Mada

                                                                   University of Chile, Santiago

     Embarking on university life is a          BON VOYAGE!                                        BE THE CHANGE YOU
     huge step – exciting, stimulating,         ADVENTURES ACROSS                                  WANT TO SEE
     sometimes daunting. When you               THE GLOBE                                          Our students are often open-minded,
     study a BA at Melbourne, we make                                                              with a thirst for discovery and wish to
                                                With so much happening during your BA,
     sure the transition is as smooth           you may never want to leave campus.                develop insight into the human condition
     as possible.                               But we’ve got plenty of opportunities              and make a difference in the world. They
                                                to help you spread your wings through              want to change, to contribute and to
     As a first step, book your First Year at   a student exchange, study abroad or                lead, and we have plenty of opportunities
     Melbourne appointment, where an            overseas intensive subject, and we’ll              for you to channel your passions and
     adviser and up to three other students     help you get there with our Melbourne              develop your ambitions. We run events
     from your course will discuss what you     Global Language Scholarships, worth                including Diversity Week, featuring a full
     need to do to prepare for classes, ways    up to $7500 and available to language              calendar of events, forums, lectures and
     to get involved in your new university     students; Melbourne Mobility Assistance            guest speakers. You can participate in
     community, and any general questions       Grants, worth up to $5000; and the                 for-credit activities such as The Big Idea,
     you might have. Our Arts Welcome           Melbourne Mobility Excellence Awards,              a competition run in conjunction with
     Festival is a great chance to check out    worth up to $4000, among others.                   The Big Issue for students to develop a
     all the opportunities available to you,    Check out the full range of overseas study         concept and business plan for a social
     such as our Peer Assisted Study Sessions   scholarships and financing options at:             enterprise; Community Volunteering, in
     (PASS) – because the way you learn and                                                        which you can gain an understanding of
     the way you are taught at university is                     the community sector and development
     very different to secondary school, and    overseas/finances/scholarships                     through a substantial volunteer experience;
     our PASS student leaders can help you                                                         Community Volunteering Global, which
     maximise your engagement with and          Read about some of our students’                   involves a substantial volunteer experience
     enjoyment of your subjects. Settle into    adventures at:                                     abroad; or the Uni-Capitol Washington
     your new world with the help of a                                                             Internship Program or Victorian
     later–year BA student mentor through our                                                      Parliamentary Internship Program.
     Peer Mentoring Program.
     NEW EXPERIENCES,                           LEARNING
     NEW FRIENDS                                Object-Based Learning (OBL) is a
                                                powerful learning tool that enables
     Lifelong friendships (and sometimes
                                                you to engage directly with cultural
     partnerships!) will be cemented during
                                                artefacts, rare collections and primary
     your time in the BA. Whether it’s in the
                                                source material. As a BA student, you
     classroom, or via a student club, sports
                                                will be housed in the Arts West building,
     team or publication, you are bound to
                                                which has been designed to function as a
     find your people. The Melbourne Arts
                                                modern-day Wunderkammer – a
     Students Society (M-ASS) is open to
                                                17th-century Cabinet of Curiosities.
     all University students, in particular
                                                Through two OBL laboratories and more
     those studying the Bachelor of Arts.
                                                than 70 display cases, you will be able
     It runs regular events, both social and
                                                to work with the University’s significant
     educational, including the Orientation
                                                cultural collections up close and in the
     Camp, M-ASS Bachelor of Arts Expo,
     fortnightly BBQs and parties.

     M-ASS online:
     Instagram: @m.ass

The Melbourne Arts Students Society
    (M-ASS) is open to all Melbourne
  University students and is officially
   yours for the taking. Membership
    is only $4, and this will score you
      access to regular free BBQs on
   South Lawn, discounted tickets to
 camps, balls and other events, and
      great deals from our sponsors!

ENHANCE                                                            WANT TO GET A TASTE OF LIFE ON CAMPUS?
                                                                        The Faculty of Arts runs a VCE Winter School in the July school

     YOUR STUDY                                                         holidays. Open to students in Year 10, 11 and 12, and taught in
                                                                        our Arts West building by scholars and teachers who are experts
                                                                        in their fields, these classes give you a head start to prepare for
                                                                        assessment in subjects including History: Revolutions, Australian
                                                                        History, Literature, Italian, French and Indonesian. To register and
                                                                        for more information visit:


     Our internships, workplace and                The Big Idea internship                        OVERSEAS INTENSIVE
     overseas subjects can help you                The Big Idea is a competition among            SUBJECTS
     gain practical skills, build valuable         students from universities across
                                                   Australia. It is an initiative of The Big      These subjects give you an amazing
     career networks and experience                                                               opportunity to study in another country,
                                                   Issue, an independent, not-for-profit
     new cultures.                                 organisation based in Melbourne. In the        helping you gain an international
                                                   competition, students develop a concept        perspective and a competitive edge.
                                                   and business plan for a social enterprise      If you’re studying a language, immersing
     INTERNSHIPS                                   that could become the next Big Idea.           yourself in the culture can dramatically
                                                                                                  improve your language skills. Places are
     Arts Internship subject
                                                   Discipline-specific internship subjects        limited and selection is competitive.
     This unique subject allows you to gain
     real-world experience at an organisation      Specific internships are available if you
                                                                                                  Art history travel subjects
     of your choice. Through your 80-hour          are studying Criminology, Sociology,
                                                   or Politics and International Studies          ••   Art Fieldwork
     work placement and written assessment,
     you’ll have the chance to apply your          majors. Places are limited and are usually     ••   Contemporary Culture (available as
     university learning to practical situations   awarded to high achievers.                          part of fourth-year honours)
     and make valuable connections with
                                                   Criminology and Sociology internships          Art travel subject
     employers. You will also learn more
     about the types of roles available after                                                     ••   Arts in Florence
                                                   ••   Criminology and Sociology internship
     graduation, which will help you make
                                                   ••   Socio-Legal Studies workplace visits      China travel subject
     future career decisions.
                                                   ••   Law, Justice and Social Change            ••   Intensive Chinese Program: China
     Community Volunteering for Change
                                                   Politics and International Studies             France travel subjects
     This subject gives you the opportunity
     to broaden your academic experience           internships                                    ••   Paris: Ville Lumière
     by getting involved in community                                                             ••   In the Heart of the Loire Valley
                                                   ••   Parliamentary internship
     volunteering projects and work
                                                   ••   Public Affairs internship                 ••   New Caledonia in the 21st Century
     placements. You will spend the
     equivalent of one day per week during the     ••   Uni-Capitol Washington internship         History travel subjects
     semester as an intern in a not-for-profit
                                                                                                  ••   Venice and Cultures of
     organisation (80 hours minimum). You
     will be able to apply knowledge and skills    FIELDWORK SUBJECT
     acquired during your course to address                                                       ••   Town and Country in China
                                                   Our fieldwork subject, On Country                   and the West
     issues of significance to the community.
                                                   Learning: Indigenous Studies,
     Community Volunteering for Change             enables you to go into a real research         Italy travel subjects
     (Global)                                      environment in the field, and gain             ••   Contemporary Italy Study
                                                   valuable skills and training. You can take          Abroad
     Our unique Community Volunteering for
                                                   this subject if you’re studying Politics
     Change (Global) subject allows you to                                                        ••   Languages of Venice
                                                   and International Studies or Australian
     complete a placement with a not-for-profit
                                                   Indigenous Studies.
     organisation overseas. Most placements                                                       Spanish travel subject
     will involve a community development                                                         ••   Realities and Fiction in
     project. You will spend 80–100 hours                                                              Argentina
     engaging in the key activities of your host
     organisation and completing a written                                              

You can also read