BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...

Page created by Bruce Newman
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...

                     Volume 2: 2015-2019
Andros, Abaco, Grand Bahama, New Providence & Rose Island, Bimini, Eleuthera,
              Exumas, Cat Island, Cocneption Island, Long Island

                                                   ©Paul Selvaggio/SECORE Intn’l/Pittsburgh Zoo
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
                                                                                                                      Coral reefs are home to the greatest diversity of life in the Bahamian
    Executive Summary .................................1
                                                                                                                      archipelago and provide critical ecosystem services that support a
    Introduction to Indicators .........................2                                                             vibrant economy, including tourism, fisheries and protection from coastal
                                                                                                                      erosion. These reefs owe much of their value to the corals themselves, which
    Evaluating Reef Health ............................3                                                              are the architects and engineers of the reef, building reef structure that protects
    Benthic Index .........................................4
                                                                                                                      shorelines and provides habitat to marine life. Despite their inherent value for
                                                                                                                      the ecology and economy of The Bahamas, coral reefs here have dramatically
    Coral Condition Index .............................6                                                              declined over the last 50 years as corals have been faced with increased threats
                                                                                                                      that have local, national, regional and global impacts. The reduction of key
    Coral Disease Index .................................8                                                            species due to disease, fishing, and habitat loss have altered the function of
    Coral Recruitment Index ........................10                                                                marine ecosystems, weakening the resilience of coral reefs and preventing their
                                                                                                                      recovery from hurricanes, bleaching events and damage from other threats.
    Large Parrotfish Index ............................12
                                                                                                                      The first steps to helping reefs recover is to assess their status; see how various
    Grouper Index ......................................14
                                                                                                                      threats have led to declines; and how protection and restoration can reduce or
                                                                 ©Paul Selvaggio/SECORE Intn’l/Pittsburgh Zoo         even reverse the decline of coral reefs. This report card examines these factors
    Bahamian Reef Health Index ..............16
                                                               Coral reefs provide a crucial source of food and       for Bahamian coral reefs over the past 5 years, from 2015 to 2019. When
    Threats                                                    income for people around the world.                    possible we compare current data with past information from the previous coral
     Hurricanes ........................................22                                                            reef report card to see how reefs have changed over the past 5-10 years. While
       Coastal Development ............................24                                                             this report card really just scratches the surface regarding coral reef health in
                                                                                                                      The Bahamas, we believe it provides a good overview to inform management
       Coral Bleaching ..................................26                                                           decisions in a way that is accessible to experts and non-experts alike.
       Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease ............28

       Unregulated Fishing .............................30

      Coral Restoration ...............................32

       Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park ..............34

    Balancing Protection & Development...36

    How Can I Help? ...............................38

    Acknowledgements ...............Back Cover

    Photo of a coral reef at John Miller’s Blue Hole.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           © Kevin Davidson
    © Paul Selvaggio/SECORE Intn’l/Pittsburgh Zoo              Coral reefs are home to the highest biodiversity in
                                                               The Bahamas.                                          Perry Institute for Marine Science Executive Director, Dr. Craig Dahlgren, conducting a fish survey.
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...
INTRODUCTION TO INDICATORS                                                                                                           EVALUATING REEF HEALTH
To better manage and protect Bahamian coral reefs, we must first understand how                                            Grading Scale
reef condition varies over space, time and under different threat levels. For the past
decade, we have assessed the health of reefs throughout The Bahamas using Atlantic
and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) protocols, and have analyzed the data                                                                                         1                   2.5–3
                                                                                                                           Benthic Index                                      1.5–2                  3.5-4
to look at specific indices of reef health, grading reef health on a scale from poor to
good for each index and for a combined Bahamian Reef Health Index (BRHI). We                                               Coral Condition (% alive)
also present case studies to: 1) show the impact of various threats to coral reef health,                                  Coral Disease (% colonies)              >5         5–2.5      < 2.5        0
2) highlight some of the strategies that have proven successful to improve reef health,
                                                                                                                           Recruit Density (no./m2)
and 3) inform some of the challenges facing The Bahamas moving forward.
                       Measures of Coral Reef Health                                                                       Large Parrotfish Biomass (g/100m2)     0–500      501–1000   1001–500     >1500
                    Benthic Index                                                                                          Grouper Index
                    The Benthic Index compares the proportion of a reef covered by live coral and organisms
                    that promote reef growth versus the amount of reef covered by organisms that overgrow or               Bahamian Reef Health Index
                    kill corals.
                    Coral Condition Index                                                                                  Individual reef sites were scored on their condition for each indicator, with grades
                    When a coral suffers natural stresses or human impacts, parts of the colony may die, or the
                    entire colony may die. This index compares the average percentage of live coral tissue on
                                                                                                                           of Poor, Impaired, Fair, and Good. The condition of an indicator on any reef may
                    colonies to dead coral on colonies >25 cm.                                                             reflect both environmental conditions and human impacts. For example, a reef may
                    Coral Disease Index                                                                                    be poor due to natural limiting conditions, or it may have degraded from various
                    Coral diseases are a major cause of coral loss on reefs. This index examines the prevalence            human threats.
                    of various diseases on coral reefs through belt transect surveys. Sites with the lowest
                    percentage of disease-infected corals are the healthiest.
                    Coral Recruitment Index
                    Recruitment is measured as the number of new corals on a reef. While coral size varies
                    among species, for this index recruits are considered as any coral 40 cm) that can
                    Bahamian Reef Health Index (BRHI)
                    The scores from the other indicators are combined to calculate the BHRI by assigning the
                    grades of the other indicators a numberic score of 1-4 (Poor to Good), and averaging that
                    score. This index is only calculated for sites with at least 5 of the other 6 indicators calculated.

Reef Scores
For each geographic area surveyed, index
scores are displayed on maps using color-coded,                                Location                     Impaired
circular graphs to show the proportion of reefs                                 N=#
                                                                                                            Fair              Map of surveyed areas and sites (2015-2019).
that received each score. The average score is
depicted by the colour of the centre of the circle.                                                         Good

BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...

                                                 Abaco                                                                                         AVERAGE CORAL                        >50% CORAL
                                                 N = 49
     N = 20
                                                                                                                                                  COVER ON                           COVER ON
                                                                     N = 47
                                                                                                                                               SURVEYED REEFS
                                                                                               Fair                                                                                REEF & SANDY
                            NP & RI
                             N = 27                                                                                                               WAS JUST
                                                                                                                                                                                     CAY REEF

                                                                                                                                                                                     Map of Abaco   Mermaid Reef
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sandy Cay Reef
    Western                                                                                                                                                                                 Abaco

                                          Cays                                               Concep-
                   Andros                                                                     tion
                                                                                                                                                                                   These two reefs, off-
                   N = 23                                                                     N=6

                                                                                                                                                                                   shore of Abaco, had
                                                                                                                                                                                   the highest amount
                                                                                                                                                                                       of live coral.

                                                           N = 10

                                                                                                                               © Paul Selvaggio/SECORE Intn’l/Pittsburgh Zoo
                                                                                                          Reefs at John Miller’s Blue Hole, off Eleuthera, had high coral cover.

                                                          Benthic Index                                                                                                              AVERAGE
                                                          In the map above, the benthic index
    Finger coral (Porites porites) was one of the most
    common brooding coral species in The Bahamas.         compares the positive components                                                                                          COVER WAS

    Coral Cover
                                                          of reefs that promote coral recruit-
                                                          ment and growth (e.g., the relative                                                                                          46%

                                                                                                          % Macroalgae Cover
                                                          amount of corals) to the abundance
    Stressors – including the effects                     of seaweeds and other organisms that
    of coral bleaching due to climate                     have a negative impact on corals.
    change, disease, hurricanes, and                      Some of the sites with the high-                                                                                           IN TOTAL,
    chemical and nutrient pollution –                     est coral cover, lowest amounts                                                                                                WE
    have taken their toll on Bahamian                     of seaweeds and highest benthic
    coral reefs. Across nearly all of the                 index scores are reefs in nation-                                                                                          SURVEYED
    sites, reef-building corals occupied                  al parks, like the Exuma Cays Land                                                                                          11,670 m2
    less space on the reef than seaweeds                  and Sea Park. Cumulatively, our ben-
    that rapidly take over when corals                    thic indices results from 1.67 million                                                                                         OF
    die and ultimately prevent corals                     data points; that is, more than 11.5            Macroalgae cover (green bars) has increased on coral reefs in The
    from re-establishing.                                 km of surveyed seafloor.                        Bahamas compared to coral cover (yellow bars).                             SEAFLOOR
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...

                                                  Abaco                                                                                          BLEACHING &
      N = 20
                                                  N = 55
                                                                                             Poor                                                   DISEASE
                                                                                              Impaired                                            CAN CAUSE                                       New Providence
                                                                   N = 48
                                                                                                                                                 TISSUE LOSS,
                            NP & RI                                                           Fair                                               BUT MAY NOT
                             N = 27

                                                                                              Good                                                 KILL THE                                OFF NEW

                                                                                                             >70 %                                 COLONY                                PROVIDENCE,
                                                                              Cat                                                                  ENTIRELY                                 CORAL
                                                                                                            OF CORALS


                                                                                                          GRAND BAHAMA
                                         N = 12
                                                                                            tion         HAD HIGH PARTIAL                                                                 LIVE CORAL
                   N = 23                                                                   N=6
                                                                                                            MORTALITY                                                                       TISSUE

                                                             N = 10

                                                           Partial Mortality of Corals
                                                           Although overall partial mortality
                                                           was fairly low for most reefs,
    A coral head with significant partial mortality.       with the majority of islands having
    Coral Condition                                        corals that were over 60% alive on
                                                           average, reefs off Grand Bahama,
    As coral colonies are affected by                      New Providence and Rose Island
    disease, temperature stress, predation,                had higher rates of partial mortality
    competition with other organisms,                      among coral colonies. The amount of
    and other stressors, part of the colony                living coral left on a colony can vary
    may die. The coral condition index                     between species. In The Bahamas,
    examines the amount of partial                         larger reef-building species like
    mortality averaged across all coral                    star corals (Orbicella spp.) and brain
    colonies surveyed on the reef. High                    corals (Pseudodiploria spp., Diploria
    rates of partial mortality may indicate                labrynthiformis, and Colpophyllia natans)
    higher stress levels or disease (past and              had the highest partial mortality
    present) for the corals.                               rates.                                        Brain corals (inset) and star corals (pictured) had the highest rates of partial mortality.
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...

     Grand                                          Abaco
                                                    N = 60
    N = 20                                                                                          Poor
                                                                         N = 47

                             NP & RI                                                                Fair
                              N = 27




                                                                                                                                                                           Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) is

                                            Cays                                                 Concep-
                                                                                                                                                                           critically endangered globally.
                    Andros                 N = 11                                                 tion
                    N = 23                                                                                                                                                 Their decline was mostly due to White Band Disease; more than 3%
                                                                                                                                                                           of elkhorn corals in The Bahamas were infected.

                                                               N = 10

                                                             affects some of the more common
                                                             coral species, and Black Band Dis-
                                                             ease, which affects massive corals
                                                             and can cause significant mortality.
                                                             Overall, disease rates were low in
    White band disease caused significant                    The Bahamas from 2015-2019 but                                                         Black band disease present on symmetrical brain coral (Pseudodiplo-
    partial mortrality on this elkhorn coral.                a few sites showed concerning levels                                                   ria strigosa) in The Bahamas.
                                                             of disease. Andros had the greatest
    Coral Disease                                            prevalence of disease, most of which                                                                                                         DARK SPOT
    Coral disease can be one of the                          was dark spot disease. Sites off New                                                       Only 1.2% of all                               DISEASE INFECTED
    greatest sources of partial mortality                    Providence and Grand Bahama                                                                corals surveyed                                     ~2% OF
    and whole colony mortality. Dur-                         had the highest rates of more lethal                                                                                                      LETTUCE CORALS
    ing reef surveys in The Bahamas,                         diseases like Black Band Disease.                                                          showed signs of
    eight different diseases were noted to                   Some sites that were surveyed over                At 44% of sites, at least one dis-       disease.
    varying degrees. The most prevalent                      multiple years showed outbreaks of                ease was reported. Shown here,
    diseases were Dark Spot Disease,                         disease in one year but lower disease             dark spot disease has ravaged a          This was true across all surveys and
    which is not highly lethal and                           rates in subsequent years.                        massive starlet coral.
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...

                                                                                                                                                                         An Abundance of Brooders
         Grand                                      Abaco                                                                                                                In The Bahamas, over 80% of coral
        Bahama                                      N = 54                                           Poor                                                                recruits belonged to weedy brooding
        N = 20

                                                                                                                 OF SURVEYS                                              species. These corals, including
                                                                                                                   HAD NO
                                                                         N = 48                                                                                          finger coral and mustard hill coral,
                              NP & RI
                                                                                                      Fair        RECRUITS                                               make smaller contributions to
                               N = 27                                                                                                                                    growing reefs than spawning corals,
                                                                                                      Good                                                               which tend to be major reef builders.
                                                                                                                 >2,400                                                  Indeed, spawning corals like star
                                                                                                                                                                         and brain corals, provide the much-
                                                                                                                    CORAL                                                needed structure necessary for coral
                                                                                                                                                                         recruits to settle and flourish.
        N=7                                                                                                        RECRUITS
                                           Exuma                                                                     WERE
                                            Cays                                                 Concep-
                     Andros                N = 11                                                 tion
                     N = 23                                                                       N=6

                                                                                                                   64% OF
                                                                                                                 ALL RECRUITS

                                                               N = 10

                                                                                                                  TO 1 GENUS
                                                                                                                 OF BROODING

                                                             In other words, fewer adult corals
                                                             can ultimately reduce the fertilization
                                                             success and larval production on a
     A star coral recruit viewed under a microscope.         given reef.
     Coral Recruitment                                       Larvae that are produced face
                                                             many challenges. Reefs overgrown
     Coral recruitment – that is, the ad-                    by seaweeds, for example, offer less
     dition of new juvenile corals to the                    space for larval settlement. In turn,
     population – is critical for maintain-                  even the larvae that do settle onto
     ing healthy coral reefs. As corals die                  overgrown reefs are at a higher risk
     from bleaching, disease and other                       of being smothered later by seaweeds.
     natural and anthropogenic causes,                       Adding to this problem is the low
     healthy reefs are replenished by                        number of reef-building species
     larval settlement (i.e., recruits). Re-                 recruiting to Bahamian coral reefs;
     cruitment rates in The Bahamas are                      only 10% of recruits were from star,                                                                                                 © Kevin Davidson
     limited, however, due to low densi-                     brain, elkhorn, staghorn and massive
     ties of adult corals.                                   starlet coral species.                              Over five years, we surveyed 400 m2 of seafloor for coral recruits.
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...
                                                                                                                                                    Large Parrotfish Are The Most
                                                   N = 49                                      Poor                                                 Important Grazers
                                                                                                                                                    Redtail (Sparisoma chrysopterum),
           N = 25
                                                                   N = 38
                                                                                                                                                    Redband (S. aurofrenatum), Yellowtail
                                                                                                Fair                                                (Scarus hypselopterus) and Stoplight
                              NP & RI
                               N = 26                                                                                                               parrotfish (S. viride) are among the most
                                                                                                Good                                                important grazers in The Bahamas.
                                                                                                                                                    Parrotfish were found on all reefs in
                                                                              Cat                                                                   surveys, but their sizes and abundance
                                                                                                                                                    (measured as biomass) varied among

                                                                                                           Stoplight parrotfish.                    sites. This is partly due to the natural
        N=7                                                                                                                                         variability in reef structure and other
                                                                                                                                                    factors, but fishing is increasingly
                                                                                                           The figure below shows parrotfish bio-   impacting parrotfish populations
                     N = 23
                                          N = 12
                                                                                            N=6            mass by species surveyed in The Baha-    - particularly for large species that
                                                                                                           mas, between 2015-2019.                  contribute most to grazing.

                                                               N = 10

                                                            years ago a pathogen decimated
                                                            Longspined sea urchins throughout
                                                            the region and the population has
                                                            never fully recovered. Now, large
     Longspined sea urchins are important macroalgae        parrotfishes are the dominant algae
     grazers on coral reefs.                                grazers, though not all parrotfish
                                                            graze the same way.
     Why Reefs Need Grazers

     Grazing of seaweeds is critical to                                                                    Parrotfish Decline
     coral reef resilience as it opens up                                             DIADEMA              Around some islands, parrotfish
     space for coral larvae to settle onto                                          DENSITIES ARE          populations have decreased over                                    DECREASE
     clean substrate, as well as prevents                                                                  the past five years. The mean                                       IN MEAN
     new recruits from being smothered
     by seaweeds. The most important
                                                                                      10-100x              biomass values of key grazing                                     PARROTFISH
                                                                                                           parrotfish around New Providence
     grazer on Caribbean reefs was once                                              LOWER THAN            & Rose Island, for example, has                                BIOMASS AROUND
     the Longspined sea urchin, Diadema                                             BEFORE THE DIE-        decreased from 1,715 g/100 m2 in                               NEW PROVIDENCE
     antillarum. Unfortunately, over 35                                                  OFF               2011 to only 685 grams/m2 in 2019.                               FROM 2011-2019
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...
                                                     N = 49                                           Poor                                                                 GROUPERS
          N = 20
                                                                          N = 47

                             NP & RI
                                                                                                      Fair                                                                WHEN THEY
                              N = 26
                                                                                                      Good                                                                    ARE
                                                                                                                                                                          >54 CM
        N=7                                                                                                                                  Bahamian Nassau groupers spawn
                                             Cays                                                 Concep-
                                                                                                                                             only once per year.
                    Andros                  N = 12                                                 tion
                    N = 23                                                                         N=6

                                                                N = 10

                                       © Shane Gross          The Nassau Grouper is
                                                              Critically Endangered
     A spawning aggregation of Nassau grouper.                The Nassau grouper has been fished
                                                              out from much of the Caribbean                                                 The Black grouper is a key predator on coral reefs.
     Reefs Depend on Groupers                                 and is considered a critically endan-
                                                                                                                 © Shane Gross
     Groupers are of economic and                             gered species; in fact, they are more
     ecological importance to coral reefs.                    endangered than Giant pandas and
     As predators, they play a key ecological                 African elephants. The Bahamas                                      NASSAU                                 NASSAU
     role by controlling populations of other                 remains one of the few places where                                GROUPER                                GROUPER
     fish and invertebrates that they feed                    populations of large groupers are                                  FISHERIES                                WILL
     on, including those that are predators                   still viable. Still, even here, we see
     on corals. They are also among the                       reduced populations in some areas                                     ARE                                 MIGRATE
     most valuable fishery species in The                     where fishing pressure is high. The                                 WORTH                                      >100
     Bahamas. Large grouper species                           healthiest populations are in marine                                 >$32                                  MILES
     have become rare throughout the                          protected areas (MPAs), where fish-
     Caribbean.                                               ing is restricted.                                                 MILLION                                TO SPAWN
BAHAMAS CORAL REEF REPORT CARD - Volume 2: 2015-2019 - Perry ...
                                                                                                                   Abaco                                                         Conception Island
                                                                                                                              Coral     Coral                 Large                        Coral     Coral                 Large
                                                                                                                     Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper    Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper
                                                 N = 53
            N = 20
                                                                     N = 39                                        While the majority of reefs had                               Conception Island stood out
                                                                                                       Fair        below average BRHI scores,                                    with some of the healthiest
                              NP & RI
                               N = 25                                                                              Abaco also had two reefs with                                 reefs surveyed in The
                                                                                                       Good        the highest amount of live                                    Bahamas, likely due to both its
                                                                                                                   coral cover in the country –                                  remote location and its status as
                                                                                                                   Sandy Cay Reef and Mermaid                                    a national park. Nevertheless,
                                                                                                                   Reef. At restoration sites, critically                        there was evidence of reduced
                                                                                                                   endangered staghorn and elkhorn                               populations of elkhorn coral,
                                                                                                                   populations are increasing.                                   staghorn coral and other critically
                                                                                                                   Continued monitoring of Abaco’s                               endangered corals in several
                                                                                                                   reefs will determine long-term                                locations, likely as a result of
                     N = 23
                                        N = 11
                                                                                                                   impacts of Hurricane Dorian.                                  past bleaching or disease events.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Restoration of these populations
                                                                                                                   Andros                                                        may contribute to their recovery.
                                                                                                                              Coral     Coral                 Large
                                                                                                                                                                                 Cat Island
                                                                                                                     Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper

                                                                                      Long                                                                                                 Coral     Coral                 Large
                                                                                      N=6                                                                                         Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper
                                                           Exuma                                                   Over 75% of reefs surveyed off
                                                           N = 10
                                                                                                                   Andros had above-average BRHI
                                                                                                                   scores, but had a higher than                                 Sites off Cat Island had above
                                                                                                                   average prevalence of disease.                                average scores for reef condition,
                                                                                                                   A mass bleaching event in 2015                                but higher than average rates of
                                                                                                                   posed threats to coral reef health.                           disease, and low coral cover. It’s
                                                                                                                   High coral recruitment may be                                 possible these reefs exhibited lower
                                                                                                                   the result of both higher than                                levels of disease and bleaching in the
     Bahamian Reef Health Index                                                                                    average coral cover and local                                 past, and rates are increasing now,
                                                                                                                   retention of larvae.                                          although more surveys are needed.
     To assess the overall health of reefs,               sand dredging has occurred for
     the Bahamian Reef Health Index                       decades. Despite having some reefs
     (BRHI) averages the scores of the                    with the highest live coral cover in
     other reef health indicators for each                The Bahamas, Abaco’s reefs suffered
     site. The only areas where BRHI                      with the lowest coral recruitment
     scores averaged more than 3.0 were                   index, low coral cover on average,
     Conception Island (3.19) and the                     and fewer large groupers than other
     Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park                         sites. Reefs off New Providence
     (3.14), the former being a remote                    and Grand Bahama were scored
     area and receiving national park                     as IMPAIRED overall, primarily
     protection (although enforcement                     due to lower than average grouper
     is limited), and the latter, a well-                 and parrotfish index scores, as well
     protected no-take national park with                 as poor reef condition scores for
     relatively low levels of development.                New Providence/Rose Island, and
     The location with the lowest scores                  poor recruitment scores for Grand
     was Western Bahamas (2.19), where                    Bahama.                                                 Only one site received a score of Good for all indices – Friday’s Reef in the ECLSP.
     Western Bahamas                                                                                                           Grand Bahama                                                     New Providence & Rose
      Benthic Conditon
                         Coral                 Large                                                                                     Coral     Coral                 Large                  Island
                         Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper                                                                 Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Coral     Coral                 Large
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper

     Reefs around Western Bahamas –                                                                                            Sixty percent of Grand Bahama’s
     including Ocean Cay and Bimini                                                                                            reefs received BRHI scores of                                    While reefs off New Providence
     - received the lowest overall BRHI                                                                                        POOR or IMPAIRED, with the                                       and Rose Island were generally
     score. This is likely because the                                                                                         vast majoritiy having below aver-                                below average for several indices,
     area around Ocean Cay was com-                                                                                            age benthic index scores and higher                              including the Parrotfish Index
     mercially dredged for decades.                               Exuma Cays                                                   than average disease scores during                               (84% of sites) and Benthic Index
     Despite having better than aver-                                       Coral     Coral                 Large              surveys in 2018 and 2019. Further                                (>75% of sites), there were some
     age coral coverage, benthic scores                            Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper   damage from Hurricane Dorian in                                  differences in aspects of reefs
     were low due to high amounts                                                                                              late 2019, as well as the outbreak                               between those off Rose Island
     of cyanobacteria and turf alga-                              All but one of the sites assessed                            of SCTLD in late 2019 and early                                  in the east and those off western
     sediment mats that inhibit coral                             in the Exuma Cays were in the                                2020, pose significant new threats                               New Providence. Nari Nari Reef
     growth. Plans for protection and                             Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park                                 to Grand Bahama’s reefs.                                         off western New Providence also
     restoration in this area can dra-                            (ECLSP), the country’s oldest and                             Long Island                                                     had the greatest loss of living coral
     matically improve reef condition.                            most effectively managed MPA. As                                       Coral     Coral                 Large
                                                                                                                                                                                                reported over the past decade,
     Eleuthera                                                    a result it had some of the healthiest
                                                                                                                                Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper       likely due to petroleum leaking
                                                                  reefs, with the highest live coral                                                                                            into the water from nearby Clifton
      Benthic Conditon
                         Coral                 Large
                         Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper
                                                                  coverage and grouper biomass,                                Like Cat Island, Long Island has                                 Pier.
                                                                  as well as the lowest macroaglae                             a minimal number of reefs sur-
     Eleuthera had some of the largest                            abundance of any area. One reef in                           veyed, so additional assessments are
                                                                  the ECLSP was the only one in The                            needed to paint a clear picture of
     reef area surveyed, which varied
     from reefs exposed to the open                               Bahamas to receive GOOD scores                               coral reef health. Reef condition off                                                             Only 3%
     ocean on the eastern side of the is-                         for all indices.                                             Long Island was above average, but                                                            OF ALL SITES
     land, and those more sheltered on                            Great Exuma                                                  exhibited below average scores of                                                           SURVEYED WERE
     the Exuma Sound side of the is-                                                                                           coral cover and high levels of dis-
                                                                            Coral     Coral                 Large
                                                                                                                               ease; this suggests, despite low levels                                                      RATED “POOR”
     land. As such, reefs varied consid-                           Benthic Conditon   Disease Recruitment Parrotfish Grouper

     erably in ecological factors. While                                                                                       of bleaching and disease in the past,                                                          OVERALL
     Eleuthera had one site that ranked                                                                                        these rates might be increasing.
                                                                  Reefs surveyed off Great Exuma
     among the top sites in coral cover                           were all within the Moriah
     and health, 90% of sites had be-                             Harbour Cay National Park. All                                                                                       Around Conception Island, all sites rated “FAIR” or better.
     low average benthic index rank-                              sites exhibited above-average
     ings, primarily due to low coral                             coral condition and coral cover, as
     and high macroalgae cover.                                   well as below average macroalgae.
                                                                  The reduction in macroalgae may
                                                                  be due to above average parrotfish
                                                                  populations at most of the sites.

                                                                                             60% OF SITES
                                                                                               RATED IN
      A brittle star settles on a spawning star coral.                                         HEALTH
                                                                                             WERE IN MPAs                                                                                                                                       © Shane Gross
THREATS                                                                                                 Hurricanes
                                                                                                               and was one of the slowest moving               Because many affected reefs were
                                                                                                               major hurricanes, as it moved across            already considered IMPAIRED
                                                                                                               Grand Bahama and eventually exited              before the storm, their ability to
                                                                                                               The Bahamas over the northern Aba-              recover may be compromised and may
                                                                                                               cos. The storm caused devastation to            require restoration efforts.
                                                                                                               many reefs, including coral damage,
                                                                                                               bleaching, the influx of debris from
                                                                                                               land ranging from whole trees to pieces
                                                                                                               of houses and cars, and burial in sedi-
                                                                                                               ment from inshore areas. While some
                                                                                                               reefs, like Sandy Cay Reef in the Peli-
                                                                                                               can Cays Land and Sea Park, saw min-
                                                                                                               imal impacts from the storm, Mermaid
                                                                                                               Reef, which had the highest percent-
                                                                                                               age of live coral of any reef surveyed in
                                                                                                               The Bahamas, suffered severe damage;
                                                                                                               about 30% of Mermaid Reef’s corals
                                                                                                               were dislodged and moved, leading to a
                                                                                                               reduction of coral cover by 40%.

     This map traces the pattern of damaged reefs that we surveyed after Hurricane Dorian. The hurricane
     symbols depict Hurricane Dorian’s path at 6-hour time intervals after it struck Abaco on Sepember 1.

      Hurricanes in The Bahamas
      Around the world, coral reefs are                    the ability of reefs to recover from
      often found in the areas most affected               severe damage.
      by tropical cyclones. No place is                    Hurricane Dorian
      this more evident than in The
      Bahamas. Over the past century,                      In September 2019, Hurricane
      The Bahamas has experienced at                       Dorian became the strongest
      least one hurricane or tropical storm                hurricane to make landfall in the
      event every 2 years, with some                       Atlantic. It first hit Central Abaco                 Hurricane Dorian’s effects were severe, both on land and underwater.
      islands experiencing hurricanes                                                                                                                                                        © Will Greene
      more frequently than others. While
      hurricanes can have devastating
      impacts to reefs, healthy reefs are                                                                                                  1/3                                         CASUARINA TREES
      resilient and can recover from most                                                                                             OF SITES OFF                                     THAT WERE SWEPT
      storms. Unfortunately, reefs that are                                                                                         GRAND BAHAMA &                                       ONTO REEFS
      in decline from other threats may                                                                                             ABACO HAD MORE
      not be resilient to hurricanes and the                                                                                                                                             CAUSED THE
      frequency and intensity of storms over                                                                                         BROKEN CORAL                                       MOST DAMAGE
      the past couple of decades may limit                                                     © Will Greene                         AFTER DORIAN
THREATS                                                                                                       Coral Bleaching

                                                                                                                                                                                   SOME CORALS
                                                                                                                                                                                     MAY HAVE
                                                                                                                                                                                  ADAPTATIONS TO


                                                                                                                                                                                   For example, corals
                                                                                                            Percent of surveyed corals that bleached from 2015-2019.              on Mermaid Reef off

                                                                                                                                                                                    CORALS CAN
                                                                                                                                                                                  RECOVER FROM
                                                                                                                                                                                  MILD BLEACHING
 This map compares the 2015 bleaching event near Andros (left) and South Abaco (right). Off Andros,
 70-100% of all corals surveyed had bleached; this range was 37-70% of corals around S. Abaco.

     Coral Bleaching
     Reef-building corals rely on                       are more susceptible to disease and
     nutrients from a symbiotic                         other stressors that can kill them
     relationship with microscopic algae,               later. Mass bleaching events were                                                                                          But they may be more
     called zooxanthellae, that live in                 first noticed in the 1980s and have                                                                                       vulnerable to disease, and
     their tissue. When environmental                   increased in frequency and intensity                                                                                       less likely to reproduce.
     conditions become too stressful,                   recently. In The Bahamas, 2015 was
     this symbiosis breaks down and                     a particularly bad bleaching year.
     corals expel their zooxanthellae; as               Shortly after summertime temperature                                                                                           AFTER
     a result, the corals appear white, a               highs, nearly                                                                                                                HURRICANE
     phenomenon known as bleaching.                     70% of corals                                                                                                               DORIAN, >25 %
     This often happens in the summer,                  surveyed off                                                                                                               OF CORALS HAD
     when water temperatures are                        Andros and                                                                                                                  BLEACHED ON
     warmer than usual. If conditions                   Abaco were                                                                                                                   SOME REEFS.
     get too warm (e.g., if waters remain               bleached, with
     ≥0.5 °C above normal conditions                    100% of corals                                                                                                             This was likely caused
                                                                                                            A bleached star coral colony (Orbicella faveolata) from Sandy Cay      by rapid temperature
     for an extended period of time), the               bleached at        A bleached spiny flower coral.   Reef in 2015 (top). Fortunately, four years later (i.e., 2019; bot-
     corals can die. Corals that recover                some sites.                                                                                                                changes or prolonged
                                                                                                            tom) 100% of that same coral head had recovered from bleaching.           water turbidity.
THREATS                                                                                                  Coastal Development
                                                                                                                 New Providence have experienced
                                                                                                                 significant changes. For example,                        Grand                    REEFS
THREATS                                                                                   Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease
                                                                                                               SCTLD Spread
                                                                                                               Surveys of infection and mortality                                                 FOR MORE
                                                                                                               rates suggest that SCTLD may have                                                INFO ON SCTLD,
                                                                                                               first affected reefs around the port                                               VISIT US AT
                                                                                                               and spread from there. How and                                                    HTTP://WWW.
                                                                                                               when the disease reached Grand                                                  PERRYINSTITUTE.
                                                                                                               Bahama is unknown. However,                                                        ORG/SCTLD
                                                                                                               transport via shipping is suspected
                                                                                                               and the rapid spread of the disease
                                                                                                               may be the result of natural ocean
                                                                                                               currents, the effects of Hurricane                                               IN MARCH 2020,
                                                                                                               Dorian, and potentially human                                                        80% OF
                                                                                                               activities such as boating, fishing,                                          SYMMETRICAL BRAIN
                                                                                                               and diving. Preventing the spread of                                           CORALS OFF GRAND
                                                                                                               this devastating disease is critical to                                          BAHAMA WERE
                                                                                                               limit coral loss in The Bahamas, and                                            DEAD / INFECTED
                                                                                                               prevent broader impacts to coral reef                                             FROM SCTLD
                                                                                                               ecosystems as a whole.

     Spread of SCTLD along the south coast of Grand Bahama is rapidly infecting and killing reef building
     corals, like symmetrical brain coral (Pseudodiploria strigosa; pictured on Page 27).

                                                             observed on any of Grand Bahama’s
                                                             reefs during AGRRA surveys that
                                                             month off West Grand Bahama and
                                                             later, in October 2019, in Peterson
                                                             Cay National Park, Lucayan National
                                                             Park and East Grand Bahama. By
                                                             March 2020, all of this area had been
        Grand Bahama’s port, where SCTLD may                 impacted by SCTLD to some extent,
        have been introduced in The Bahamas.                 with 18 species of corals observed
                                                             to be infected and up to 95% of
                                                             some species either recently killed or
      Stony Coral Tissue Loss                                infected by the disease. SCTLD has
      Disease in The Bahamas                                 also been confirmed off Nassau.
      In 2020, the first outbreak of Stony
      Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD)
      was confirmed in The Bahamas near
      Grand Bahama. Although anecdotal
      reports suggest the disease may have                                       CORAL SPECIES
      spread to reefs off Freeport as early as                                   ARE AT RISK OF
      July 2019, no cases of SCTLD were                                              SCTLD                  Major reef-building corals, like brain corals (pictured) and star corals, are the most affected species.
THREATS                                                                                 Unregulated Fishing
Fisheries Management in The
Bahamas                                                                                                                                                              PARROTFISH
While the major commercial fisheries                                                                                                                                 CAN REMOVE
of The Bahamas, including lobster,                                                                                                                                      UP TO
conch and grouper, have regulations
such as size limits or closed seasons                                                                                                                                2 GRAMS/M2
to promote sustainable fisheries, most                                                                                                                                OF CARBON
reef fish species have no regulations                                                                                                                                 ANNUALLY
based on their biology to protect them.
An example of this is the emerging
parrotfish fishery. Parrotfish are
not considered a traditional fishery                                                                                                          In the Exuma Cays Land and Sea
species in The Bahamas, but capture                                                                                                           Park, parrotfish grazing intensity was
of parrotfish has become widespread        Increased grazing in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea
and poses a significant threat to coral    Park (ECLSP) led to a 2x increase in recruitment.                                                  2x higher than outside the park.
reefs. Indeed, parrotfish are one of the
few groups of fish that can build reef                                2015-2019
resilience and help coral populations
recover by controlling seaweed

Parrotfish Decline
Over the past decade we have
studied parrotfish populations and
aspects of the fishery around The
Bahamas. Surveys of the fishery
have indicated that parrotfish are
harvested throughout The Bahamas,                                     2011-2019
but are mostly targeted by fishers
from New Providence. In-water
surveys of parrotfish comparing
populations over the past decade
show a decrease in parrotfish
populations at 84% of sites                                                                    Blue, rainbow and stoplight parrotfish are the most commonly harvested species.
around New Providence and
Rose Island and that parrotfish
biomass decreased by an average
of 64% over the past decade. These
numbers are alarming, as they                                                                                             64%                                              28%
indicate a reduction in the resilience                                                                            OF FISHERMEN                                     OF FISHERMEN
of coral reefs at the same time
                                                                                                                    REPORTED                                           CATCH
that reefs face increasing threats         The maps above show the percent change in                                                                                PARROTFISH
from climate change, hurricanes,           parrotfish biomass on coral reefs around New                            HARVESTING                                       EVERY TIME
pollution and changes to the coastal       Providence and Rose Island, from 2015-2019 and                          PARROTFISH
environment.                               2011-2019, respectively.                                                                                                THEY GO OUT
SUCCESSES                                                                                       Coral Restoration
                                                                                                               Coral Nurseries                                     At Midway Reef (off
                                                                                                               Though microfragmentation and                       S. Abaco), staghorn
                                                                                                               larval propagation techniques                       and elkhorn coral
                                                                                                               are largely still in development,                   restoration began in
                                                                                                                                                                   2011. From 2015-
                                                                                                               coral nurseries have been used in                   2019, these two
                                                                                                               The Bahamas for over a decade.                      species increased by
                                                                                                               Currently, there are ~25 coral                      40% and 50% on
                                                                                                               nursery sites, growing over 6,000                   this reef, respectively.
                                                                                                               coral fragments. The success of
                                                                                                               these efforts is just beginning to
                                                                                                               be realized. For example, the only
                                                                                                               documented increases in the amount
                                                                                                               of staghorn and elkhorn coral in our
                                                                                                               surveys are from sites off southern
                                                                                                               Abaco, where restoration efforts
                                                                                                               have been going on for ten years.

     Coral nursery locations within the Reef Rescue Network. The size of the symbol represents the number of
     coral fragments growing at each nursery.

      Reef Restoration in The                              endangered elkhorn and staghorn
      Bahamas                                              coral, small fragments from
      Several coral species are considered                 naturally occurring colonies are
      endangered or critically endangered                  grown in nurseries at increased
      in The Bahamas. The declines we                      rates and used to re-populate reefs.
      observed may have reduced coral                      (2) For slower-growing mounding
      populations below critical thresholds                corals, a new technique called
      for successful reproduction; this is                 microfragmantation was developed
      because successful fertilization of                  to increase live coral cover, though
      eggs during coral spawning depends                   this is a resource-intensive process.                                                                               © Shane Gross
      on having genetically unique                         (3) Finally, we can increase the
      colonies in close proximity to each                  number and genetic diversity of
      other. As such, many coral reefs may                 corals by collecting gametes when
SUCCESSES                                                                                 Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park
                                                                                                                                                          Bahamas. Largely based on the success
                                                                                                                                                          of the ECLSP, the government of The
                                                                                                                                                          Bahamas is committed to protecting
                                                                                                                                                          20% of its nearshore waters by the end
                                                                                                                                                          of 2020.

                                                                                                                                                               COMPARED TO THE REST
                                                                                                                                                               OF THE BAHAMAS, IN THE
                                                                                                                                                                             NASSAU GROUPER
                                                                                                       MPAs preserve ecosystem processes that promote                        DENSITIES WERE
                                                                                                       healthy reefs.                                                          80% HIGHER,
                                                                                                        The ECLSP                                                             & BIOMASS PER
                                                                                                                                                                               HECTARE WAS
                                                                                                        The Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park                                      150% GREATER
                                                                                                        is the oldest and best-enforced MPA
                                                                                                        in The Bahamas. Protected since
                                                                                                        1959, and being entirely no-take since
                                                                                                        1986, many studies have shown that                                   BLACK GROUPER
                                                                                                        populations of fish, conch, crawfish                                 DENSITIES WERE
                                                                                                        and corals are healthier in the ECLSP                                  40% HIGHER,
                                                                                                        than other parts of The Bahamas.                                      & BIOMASS PER
                                                                                                        For example, coral recruitment                                         HECTARE WAS
                                                                                                        was 50% greater on average in the                                     450% GREATER
                                                                                                        ECLSP than other sites in The

 More than 11% of nearshore waters in The Bahamas are protected within MPAs, however the country has
 committed to nearly doubling its MPA network to 20% by the end of 2020.
     Marine Protected Areas
     Marine Protected Areas, MPAs, are                  travel into fished areas. Further, as
     parts of the sea that receive special              more and more fish reach spawning
     protection from human threats.                     size within MPAs, they export
     Typically, they restrict or limit                  larvae to surrounding fished areas.
     certain activities to promote more
     natural conditions. For example,
     MPAs may restrict fishing activities
     to allow populations to recover,
     or prohibit anchoring to protect                                       CORAL COVER
     sensitive habitats. MPAs don’t                                       WAS 76% GREATER
     just protect resources within their                                   ON AVERAGE IN
     boundaries. As healthy populations                                    THE ECLSP THAN                                                                                            © Shane Gross
     of fish and other species develop in                                  OTHER SITES IN
     MPAs, some individuals may                                             THE BAHAMAS                Conch populationsa are healthier in the ECLSP than in nearby areas.

BALANCING PROTECTION & DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                     Eleuthera
                                                                                                                   is permitted or where reefs
                                                                                                                   are protected, ecological
                                                                                                                   evaluations must also be used
                                                                                                                   to identify areas that are
                                                                                                                   particularly sensitive to coastal
                                                                                                                   development and to prioritize
                                                                                                                   areas for protection based on
                                                                                                                   ecological integrity. Protection
                                                                                                                   from various threats and active
                                                                                                                   restoration can improve the
                                                                                                                   condition of most coral reefs,
                                                                                                                   however identifying priority
                                                                                                                   areas for protection is key.

                                                                                                                    PROPOSED MPAs                                     The graph above shows biomass (g/100 m2) of several key commercial
                                                                                                                   AVERAGED 6.36%                                     fish species off Eleuthera. Groupers (yellow), snapper (purple) and
                                                                                                                      LIVE CORAL                                      grunts (blue) are displayed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              © Shane Gross

     This map shows the average percent of live coral cover on reefs off Eleuthera. Some of the noteworthy sites
     are currently in proposed MPAs while others are likely to remain unprotected.
       A Balancing Act                                      Eleuthera
       Many Islands in The Bahamas are                      Nowhere is the difficulty of establishing
       currently faced with balancing the                   a balance between coastal development
       economic opportunities provided                      and protection more evident at
       by coastal development and the                       present than Eleuthera, where there
       expansion of tourism with the                        is increasing coastal development in
       conservation of marine resources to                  support for cruise ship-based tourism,
       preserve marine ecosystems and the                   resorts, marinas, and second homes.                        Off Eleuthera, the site with the highest coral cover (34%) and the site with the most critically endangered Staghorn
                                                                                                                       coral (9.5%) were not included in proposed MPAs. However, the site with the most critically
       valuable services they provide. Our                  At the same time, there are nine                           endangered Elkhorn coral (21%, pictured) was inlcuded.
       data show that coral reefs within                    new MPAs
       well-managed MPAs are among                          proposed
       the healthiest in The Bahamas,                       around the                                               REEFS OFF LIGHTHOUSE POINT, WHERE BOTH PROTECTION
       and those closest to population                      island. While                                                    AND DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED, HAD:
       concentrations and industrial centers                various social
       often are impaired or in poorer                      and economic                                                ONLY                                         LESS THAN                                            30%
       health. Nevertheless, there are some                 factors must                                                5.4%                                             1/2                                             BELOW
       examples where coral reefs remain                    play a role in                                           LIVE CORAL                                    THE NATIONAL                                       ELEUTHERA’S
       healthy near population centers or                   determining                                                                                            AVERAGE (11.7%)                                   AVERAGE (7.7%)
       have improved through sustained                      where coastal                                              COVER                                       OF LIVE CORAL                                     OF LIVE CORAL
                                                                                Lighthouse Point off Eleuthera.
       restoration and monitoring efforts.                  development
                                                                                        AS A COUNTRY, WE CAN:                                       AS A COMMUNITY
      EAT                                                                               1. Support MPAs. Create MPAs with active                         WE CAN:
  SUSTAINABLE                                                                           management and enforcement, such as Marine Parks
SEAFOOD & AVOID                                                                         and Fishery Reserves. The Bahamian government
  KEY SPECIES                                                                           has committed to protecting 20% of its marine
    FOR REEF                                                                            environment in MPAs this year! But these areas will
  HEALTH, LIKE                                                                          only be successful if they have management plans
                                                                                        that include protection from key threats, and if people
  PARROTFISH                                                                            comply with those regulations.
                                                                                                                                                    Clean up any trash, oil
                                                                                        2. Regulate and manage fisheries. Less than 10              or waste you see outside.
                                                                                        fishery species in The Bahamas are managed through
                                                                                        minimum sizes, closed seasons and other harvest
                                                                                        restrictions. Many species like snappers, grunts,
                                                                                        hogfish and parrotfish are unregulated. These species            RESTORE
                                                                                        should be assessed and managed to ensure their                   NATURE
                                                                     © Kevin Davidson   sustainability. There needs to be better compliance
       Try lionfish, an                                                                 with existing regulations, including improved
     invasive fish species,            How can we protect coral reefs?                  enforcement, eliminating illegal foreign fishing, and
           instead!                                                                     ensuring all fishers understand fishing regulations.
                              Coral reefs face a number of natural and human-caused
       DISPOSE OF             threats, which are often increased by human impacts.      3. Implement sustainable coastal development.                  REPLANT
      YOUR WASTE              Although reef health has undoubtedly declined, we         Because The Bahamas’ economy is so dependent on               MANGROVES
                              can take many steps, as individuals and as a country,     tourism within the coastal zone, coastal development          OR REPLACE
       PROPERLY               to: 1) prevent further damage to coral reefs, 2)          is inevitable. Identifying sensitive areas and using this      INVASIVE
                              improve their resilience to promote natural               information for planning is critical to preserve the          CASUARINA
                              recovery, and 3) actively restore key species.            natural resources upon which tourism depends. To
                              The actions described here will not only support the      prevent further damage to reefs, coastal development          TREES WITH
                              natural beauty, ecological function, and biodiversity     operations must: 1) include mitigation measures              NATIVE PLANTS
                              of reefs, but will help ensure they continue to provide   for impacts to sensitive habitats like coral reefs, 2)
                              Bahamian people with invaluable ecosystem services.       develop adequate waste disposal systems, and 3)             SUPPORT LOCAL
      Chemicals that go                                                                 remove invasives, like Australian pines (also known as
     down the drain end                ON THE WATER, WE CAN:                            Casuarina), and replace them with native species.             BUSINESSES
       up in the ocean
      and damage coral        ANCHOR              KEEP               MAINTAIN
            reefs.            ON SAND,         CHEMICALS,               OUR
                                AWAY              LIKE                 BOATS
    CONSERVE                                                         TO AVOID
     ENERGY!                   FROM             BLEACH,
CLIMATE CHANGE                 CORAL           AWAY FROM              FUEL &
 IS A BIG THREAT               REEFS             WATER               OIL LEAKS                                                                        RESTAURANTS
TO CORAL REEFS                                                                                                                                        NOT TO SERVE
     Turn off your lights,                                                                                                                           UNDERSIZED OR
     take quick showers,
       and unplug your                                                                                                                               OUT OF SEASON
                                                                                                                                 © Kevin Davidson
     unused electronics.                                                                                                                              REEF SPECIES
   Dahlgren C., K. Sherman, L. Haines, L. Knowles, K. Callwood. 2020. Bahamas
                  Coral Reef Report Card Volume 2: 2015-2020.

                                    AGRRA Data Collection
     Shelby Allen (Disney), Kemit Amon Lewis (TNC), Lakeshia, Anderson (BNT), Fred Arnett
 (TNC), Vanessa Benjamin (BNT/BahaMar), Tamanji Bethel (Design Elements), Candice Brittain
    (CEIS), Dan Brumbaugh (UC Santa Cruz), Janeen, Bullard (Design Elements) Shelley Cant-
 Woodside (BNT), Hayley-Jo Carr (PIMS), Shaun Christean (Middlebury College), Craig Dahlgen
 (PIMS), Giselle Dean (BNT), Brooke Gintert (U. Miami), Will Greene (Middlebury College), Eric
Grunthaner (Disney), Lily Haines (PIMS/CEI), Drew Hitchens (CEIS), Lashanti Jupp (BNT), Tanya
Kamerman (Disney/Nova Southeastern University), Luke Kikukawa (Middlebury College), Kristin
Kimble (Middlebury College), Lindy Knowles (BNT), Jillian Lessing (Middlebury College), Agnessa
   Lundy (BNT), Christy MacDonald (Disney), Sheldon Mackey (Design Elements), Scott Martin
  (Disney), Helena Milazzo (Middlebury College), Rochelle Newbold (BEST Commission), Valeria
  Pizarro (CEIS), Elise Quinton (Gap Force), Mallory Raphael (BREEF), Krista Sherman (PIMS),
Nikita Shiel-Rolle (YME), Andy Stamper (Disney), Kristine Stump (Shedd Aquarium/CEIS), Tonika
Sweeting (Atlantis), Collin Tennant (Disney), George Valentine (Middlebury College), Kathryn Van
   Artsdalen (Middlebury College), Alannah Vellacott (PIMS), Sandy Voegeli (San Salvador Living
 Jewels), Brad Weiler (CEIS), Liv Williamson (RSMAS), Anna Willig (Middlebury College), Anna
                                           Zuke (CEIS)

                    Graphic Design: Lily Haines and Dawn Witherington.
                   Photos: © Perry Institute for Marine Science, unless noted.
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