Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments

Page created by Kevin Mccoy
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments

                       Integrated Water
                       Management Forums
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
Acknowledgement of Victoria’s Aboriginal communities

The Victorian Government proudly acknowledges Victoria's Aboriginal communities and
their rich culture and pays its respects to their Elders past and present. The government
also recognises the intrinsic connection of Traditional Owners to Country and
acknowledges their contribution to the management of land, water and resources.

We acknowledge Aboriginal people as Australia’s first peoples and as the Traditional
Owners and custodians of the land and water on which we rely. We recognise and value
the ongoing contribution of Aboriginal people and communities to Victorian life and how
this enriches us. We embrace the spirit of reconciliation, working towards the equality
of outcomes and ensuring an equal voice.

© The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2018
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Cover photograph
Erskine Falls.
Photographer: Carol Boyle
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
Integrated Water Management
is a collaborative approach
to water planning and
management that brings
together organisations with
an interest in all aspects
of the water cycle.
It has the potential to
provide greater value to our
communities by identifying
and leveraging opportunities
to optimise outcomes.
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
Foreword                                                                 1
Acknowledgements                                                         2

Executive summary                                                        3
IWM strategic pathway                                                    4
IWM opportunities                                                        5

Chapter 1 The way forward                                                6
Introduction                                                             7
Enduring collaboration                                                   8
   Outcome areas for the Barwon IWM Forum                                10
   IWM outcomes                                                          12

Chapter 2 IWM in the Region                                              14
Regional Context                                                         15
   Understanding the needs of our region Vision and Strategic Outcomes   16
   Success stories                                                       26

Chapter 3 IWM opportunities                                              28
IWM opportunities: An overview of projects and strategies                30
Priority Portfolio of IWM projects and strategies                        32

Appendix 1                                                               42
IWM stakeholders – responsibilities, legislation and strategies          42

Appendix 2                                                               46
Overview of local government authorities                                 46
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
The Barwon Region is the fastest growing region
in Victoria, outside of urban Melbourne.

With areas of significant natural           and identifies opportunities which         sources through the development of
beauty, it is an increasingly popular      will underpin the long term strategic     the Regional Recycled Water Plan.
tourist and holiday destination but        plan for water management across          This Strategic Directions Statement
is also known for its quality lifestyle    the Barwon Region. The Forum is           will be reviewed and updated on a
and vibrant economy based on               committed to delivering an integrated     regular basis with other opportunities
high quality food and wine, health         regional water strategy which will        further defined and incorporated
services, education and advanced           ensure a secure and sustainable           and outcomes evaluated over time.
manufacturing. Greater Geelong is          water cycle that supports the long
                                                                                     It is a privilege and honour to Chair
Victoria’s second largest city and         term prosperity of our Region.
                                                                                     the Barwon Region Integrated Water
major economic hub, and will continue
                                           This Strategic Directions Statement       Management Forum and work with
to be so with the state’s largest
                                           has identified a number of                 committed and passionate leaders
growth areas outside Melbourne.
                                           opportunities to progress integrated      and managers who are collectively
Coastal towns and inland centres are
                                           water management at a number of           aiming to achieve best practice in
also growing strongly, including at
                                           scales including taking an integrated     water management. This Strategic
Bannockburn in Golden Plains Shire
                                           approach to planning in townships         Directions Statement is a starting
Council which is the fastest growing
                                           across the Region as well as delivering   point in delivering integrated water
town in the state at 8.5% per annum.
                                           on some opportunities that could          management that supports a long
Water has a critical role to play in all
                                           really transform the Region. The          term sustainable future for the
that attracts people to the Region
                                           Barwon River Parklands project aims       Barwon Region.
including driving population growth,
                                           to create a continuous active travel
supporting economic growth and
                                           pathway extending from Geelong
development and meeting community
                                           to Barwon Heads along the Barwon
needs and expectations.
                                           River and will deliver valuable
The Barwon Region Integrated               cultural, environmental and social        Carol Boyle
Water Management Forum drives              values to the regional community.         Chair of the Barwon IWM Forum
a collaborative and integrated             The Northern and Western Geelong
approach to water management that          Growth Area of Geelong, the largest
enables sustainable environmental,         urban growth project in regional
social, cultural and community             Victoria with a projected capacity
prosperity for the Region. Comprised       of more than 110,000 new Geelong
of regional leaders representing           residents, is taking an integrated
traditional custodians, local              water management approach to
governments, statutory authorities         ensure more sustainable long term
and government agencies, the               outcomes. The Region is also focussing
Forum has developed this Strategic         on maximising use of alternative water
Directions Statement which sets out
the principles, vision and outcomes
for integrated water management

                                                                                     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    1
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments

The Barwon Region                           Eastern Maar lands extend as far         The Forum area is abundant in
                                            north as Ararat and encompasses          Aboriginal cultural sites with a majority
covers both Eastern                         the Warrnambool, Port Fairy and          of these found near waterways and
Maar and Wadawurrung                        Great Ocean Road areas. It also          the coast. The Forum stakeholders
(Wathaurung) Country,                       stretches 100m out to sea from low       acknowledge these traditional
                                            tide and therefore includes the iconic   custodians who have managed land
whose ancestors and                         Twelve Apostles, while the traditional   and water sustainably over thousands
their descendants                           boundaries of the Wadawurrung            of generations, and maintain
are the traditional                         people span the Painkalac creek,         an active connection to Country.
                                            Aireys Inlet, to Beaufort and
custodians of this land.                                                             This Strategic Directions Statement
                                            Werribee River.
                                                                                     has been developed by the Barwon
                                                                                     Integrated Water Management
                                                                                     Forum (the Forum), which includes
                                                                                     the following organisations:

2   Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
Executive summary

The Barwon Integrated                   Working together to optimise and
                                        integrate our outcomes provides
Water Management                        the best opportunity for efficient,
Region is located in                    effective and meaningful investment          Integrated, collaborative
regional Victoria, to                   in water cycle management, which             management of the water
                                        also supports community outcomes,            cycle that enables sustainable
the west and south                      bolsters local economy and makes             environmental, social, cultural
west of the Melbourne                   our Region more green and liveable.          and community prosperity
metropolitan area.                      This is known as Integrated Water            for the Barwon Region.
                                        Management (IWM).
The Barwon Region (the Region)
is currently facing a number of         This Strategic Directions Statement
challenges including population         (SDS) has been developed by the          Strategic outcomes
growth, climate change impacts,         Barwon IWM Forum (the Forum) which
changing community needs and            is comprised of regional leaders         1. Safe, secure and affordable
expectations and the continued          representing traditional custodians,        supplies in an uncertain future;
need to support regional economic       local governments, statutory             2. Effective and affordable
growth and development.                 authorities and government agencies.        wastewater systems;
                                        IWM is dynamic in nature and
                                                                                 3. Avoided or minimised existing
The impact of these challenges          consequently it is envisaged that this
                                                                                    and future flood risks;
on the water cycle is complex and       SDS will be a living document which
interrelated and varying across the                                              4. Healthy and valued waterways
                                        will be updated to reflect the Region’s
Region. These challenges include the                                                and marine environments;
                                        current priorities and opportunities.
availability of water in catchments                                              5. Healthy and valued urban,
and changing volume and changing        The Forum has agreed to the following       agricultural, rural and green
quality of stormwater runoff into       vision and strategic outcomes and           landscapes;
waterways and marine environments.      is committed to collaborating and
                                                                                 6. Traditional Owner and community
The impact for the Region is ensuring   working effectively together to ensure
                                                                                    values reflected in place-based
we can continue to sustain the long     we continue to deliver on this vision
term health and wellbeing of our        and outcomes.
                                                                                 7. Jobs, economic growth
natural assets and our community.
                                                                                    and innovation.
As our Region continues to grow and
prosper, we need to be innovative
to ensure water and wastewater
services are accessible to a growing
region and developing economy.
Multiple local and regional agencies
have responsibilities in managing the
varying aspects of the water cycle,
including stormwater, drinking and
waste water.

                                                                                          Geelong. Courtesy: Barwon Water

                                                                                 Barwon Strategic Directions Statement   3
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
IWM strategic pathway
The Barwon IWM                               The Barwon Region IWM Forum (the
                                             Forum) has collectively agreed to
Strategic Directions                         focus on delivery of the following
Statement highlights                         priority opportunities to begin to
the key challenges in                        make some short term inroads into
                                             IWM across the Region and focus
the Region and also                          on responding to issues that require
identifies collaborative                      immediate action.
IWM opportunities that                       There are additional opportunities,
can improve resilience                       detailed in this SDS, that the Forum
and liveability in cities                    has identified as requiring further
                                             scoping and definition.
and towns in the Region.

                                                                                                        Region wide opportunities

                                                         Bannockburn 13

                                                           Winchelsea                     14

                                 10         Barwon
                           11                    9
                                             5   Forrest


                         Apollo Bay                                                               15

                                                                             Waurn   12

4   Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
IWM opportunities
Partners of the Forum are committing their best endeavours to ensure priority
projects and strategies are progressed in line with the shared vision and
strategic outcomes of the Barwon IWM Forum. The key IWM opportunities
include (in no priority order):

  1    Barwon River Parklands                   6     Winchelsea IWM Plan                      11    Irrewillepe Stormwater
       Master Plan review                                                                            Basin Upgrade
                                               An IWM plan for Winchelsea, the largest
This project will involve a review of the      inland town in Surf Coast Shire, will help     This initiative will develop a preferred design
existing master plan and reinvigorate          understand the issues and opportunities for    option to upgrade an existing but under-
connections between multiple stakeholders      integrated water solutions across the town     performing retarding basin and include
to create a continuous active travel           and will ensure natural and cultural water     additional amenity and environmental
pathway from Geelong to Barwon                 cycle assets such as the Barwon River          outcomes to transform the basin into
Heads along the Barwon River.                  are a key feature of the town’s future.        a showpiece of water sensitive urban
                                                                                              design (WSUD).

 2     Regional Recycled                        7     Clifton Springs IWM Plan
       Water Plan                                                                              12    Deakin University
                                                An IWM plan for Clifton Springs will aim             Waurn Ponds IWM Plan
This ambitious project will develop a plan     to reorientate all infrastructure around
to reuse 100 per cent of Barwon Water’s        connection to the water cycle. The plan        The Deakin University Waurn Ponds campus
recycled water produced at 10 Water            will include the Bay and existing natural      is growing, and this IWM plan will help create
Reclamation Plants and has the potential       catchment and landscape features.              a sustainable pathway for that growth to
to create significant economic and                                                             ensure resilience to flooding and climate
environmental benefit to the Region.                                                           change and will establish the campus at
                                                8     Sparrowvale Stormwater                  the leading edge of sustainable precinct

       Northern and Western                           Master Plan                             and building design.
       Geelong Growth Areas –                  This project will address stormwater
       IWM Plan                                runoff and flood risk from the Armstrong         13      Bannockburn IWM Plan
                                               Creek growth area to wetlands with high        Bannockburn is the fastest growing town in
An IWM Plan for the Growth Areas will
                                               environmental value, while providing the       Victoria at 8.5% per annum, and this plan
ensure water is considered in an integrated
                                               new community with a useable and high          will ensure that the town is well equipped
way and that these key growth nodes are
                                               quality public amenity.                        to manage that growth in a way that
developed to support a sustainable and
resilient community for years to come.                                                        maximises environmental, social and
                                                                                              economic outcomes using integrated
                                                9     Birregurra IWM Plan                     water management.
 4     Apollo Bay IWM Plan                     This project has arisen due to the need to
An IWM plan for this important coastal town    upgrade the wastewater treatment plant,               Streetscape stormwater
                                               which will coincide with investigation of
on the Great Ocean Road will consider                                                                infiltration trial Borough
all aspects of the water cycle system and      water supply upgrade options, as well as
                                               other key aspects of the town’s water cycle.
                                                                                                     of Queenscliffe
identify opportunities to address key issues
including diversification of water sources,                                                    This initiative will respond to localised
fit for purpose reuse and integrating                                                          flooding in Point Lonsdale by developing
water into new urban developments.              10    Colac Botanic Pathway                   a streetscape scale stormwater disposal
                                                      and Green Spine                         process direct to groundwater that could
                                                                                              be transferable to other areas with sandy
 5     Forrest Wastewater                      The project will investigate the creation
                                                                                              soils and good infiltration.
       Investigation                           of a continuous recreational pathway
                                               connecting key natural assets in Colac,
This project will work with the Forrest        such as the Lake and Barongarook Creek,         15    Stead Park Recycled Water
community to investigate opportunities         and will make a major contribution to
                                                                                              This project will ensure that recycled water
for wastewater improvements in the town,       making Colac a more connected and
                                                                                              from Barwon Water’s Northern Water
which is facing significant and widespread      liveable regional city.
                                                                                              Plant can be used on the sports facilities
issues with its current onsite wastewater
                                                                                              adjacent to the plant, by establishing a
system. An improved system could greatly
                                                                                              water use agreement and onsite distribution
benefit the economy and support tourism.
                                                                                              infrastructure to facilitate its use.
The output will be a business case to
support the preferred solution.

                                                                                              Barwon Strategic Directions Statement        5
Barwon STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT 2018 - Water and catchments
Chapter 1
The way forward
The water cycle system is complex and interrelated,
with many stakeholders having a role to play in
managing its various aspects. Due to its complexity, it
is important we work together and take an integrated,
cross agency management approach to achieve the
desired outcomes agreed to by the Forum to ultimately
plan, manage and deliver better water services.

Geelong Cats AFL indigenous round. Courtesy: Barwon Water
6     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 1


This IWM SDS is an agreement between the stakeholders also
known as the Barwon IWM Forum (the Forum). It delves deeper
into the challenges facing the Region, issues requiring action and
opportunities that require a collaborative response for long term
regional prosperity.
The Forum has agreed to the following vision, purpose and principles:

Vision                                   3. Water management includes               The aim of the Forum, set out by
                                            ensuring healthy communities and        an agreed Terms of Reference, is
Integrated, collaborative                   healthy environments exist across       to build on and further develop the
management of the water cycle that          the Region, enabling communities        relationships and capability that
enables sustainable environmental,          to experience, enjoy and actively       exist in the Region. The Forum will
social, cultural and community              participate in outdoor recreation       enable an IWM vision and strategy
prosperity for the Barwon Region.           and cultural practices;                 that will provide direction for priority
                                         4. IWM is underpinned by regional          IWM opportunities and process
Purpose                                     collaboration.                          transformations that can support
                                                                                    resilient and liveable cities and
The purpose of the Barwon IWM
                                         Background                                 towns in the Region into the future.
Forum is to provide a collaborative
platform for overseeing, supporting                                                 The Forum works with the Barwon
                                         The IWM Framework for Victoria,
and, where necessary, facilitating                                                  Integrated Water Cycle Management
                                         released in September 2017, is
water’s contribution to community                                                   (IWCM) Network, an established
                                         designed to help regional stakeholders
prosperity, resilience and liveability                                              collaborative practitioner network
                                         work together, ensuring integrated
in the Barwon Region.                                                               initiated in 2012. The IWCM Network
                                         water cycle management contributes
                                         to the liveability of towns and            has a defined process for IWM
Principles                               cities in Victoria, with communities       across the Region and works
                                         at the centre of decision making.          together to share learnings
The Forum is governed by set of                                                     and deliver regional projects.
                                         Central to the IWM Framework is
principles developed by the Chair
                                         the establishment of high level IWM
and Forum partners:                                                                 In addition, the State Government
                                         forums to help stakeholders work more
                                                                                    has established a Resilient Cities and
1. Water management across the           effectively together in applying IWM
                                                                                    Towns (RCT) Reference Group which
   Region must be sustainable and        in practice within a defined region.
                                                                                    supports the implementation of IWM
   ensure that there will be secure      The IWM forums will identify, prioritise
                                                                                    and planning across the state. The
   supply of quality water available     and oversee the implementation of
                                                                                    Reference Group provides advice to
   to meet environmental, cultural       critical collaborative opportunities.
                                                                                    the Department of Environment, Land,
   and societal needs for the future;    (Further information is outlined in the
                                                                                    Water and Planning (DELWP) on the
                                         IWM Framework for Victoria, available
2. Sustainable management of water                                                  development and implementation
   will enable economic prosperity;                                                 of key initiatives in relation to policy,
                                                                                    processes or knowledge gaps.

                                                                                    Barwon Strategic Directions Statement      7
Enduring collaboration

The Barwon IWM Forum
The Forum comprises of key organizations (Table 1) who manage various aspects of the water cycle and how it contributes
to the liveability of towns and cities across the Region.

Table 1 Barwon IWM Forum members

Organisation                           Responsibilities
Councils –                             Councils provide a wide variety of services to their municipalities and enforce various
                                       federal, state and local laws for their communities. These services include stormwater
Borough of Queenscliffe
                                       management, public health, traffic, parking, animal management and land use
City of Greater Geelong                planning, reserve and asset management.
Colac Otway Shire
                                       Community infrastructure maintained by councils in Victoria is estimated to be valued
Golden Plains Shire                    at over $40 billion and includes roads, bridges, drains, town halls, libraries, recreation
Surf Coast Shire                       facilities, parks and gardens.

Traditional Owner                      Traditional Owner Corporations hold significant rights to the land and have cultural
Corporations –                         obligations to manage traditional lands and waters. They are equal partners in
                                       ensuring catchment health. In many cases, Traditional Owners rights over Crown
Wathaurung Aboriginal
                                       land and waterways are recognised in settlement agreements (covering over
                                       40 parks and reserves) and governance arrangements to ensure their perspectives,
Eastern Maar                           knowledge and interests are valued.

Barwon Water                           Barwon Water (Barwon Region Water Corporation) is Victoria's largest regional
                                       urban water corporation, providing high quality water, recycled water and sewerage
                                       services to urban and rural customers across 8,100 square kilometres. Our water
                                       and sewerage services underpin economic, social and environmental dimensions
                                       of regional prosperity.

Corangamite Catchment                  The Corangamite CMA’s role is defined in accordance with the CaLP Act 1994 and the
Management Authority (CCMA)            Water Act 1989 statement of obligations. Specifically this is to facilitate the planning for
                                       a Regional Catchment Strategy and associated strategies that inform NRM investment
                                       priorities. In partnership, the CMA provide services relating to integrated waterway
                                       management for the protection, maintenance and improvement of river health.

Southern Rural Water                   The Corporation operates irrigation districts at Maffra, Bacchus Marsh and Werribee,
Corporation                            manages seven major dams and licences groundwater users and river diverters across
                                       the southern half of Victoria.

Department of Environment,             In partnership with its agencies, the Department supports Victoria’s natural and
Land, Water and Planning               built environment to ensure economic growth and liveable, sustainable and inclusive
(DELWP)                                communities. The Department assists the minister, develops and implements state
                                       policies and programs, and oversees the administration of organisations including
                                       catchment management authorities and water corporations.

Department of Health and               The Department develops and delivers policies, programs and services that support
Human Services (DHHS)                  and enhance the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.

8     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 1

Strategic alignment                      Role of the Forum                           • provide a coordinated approach to
                                                                                       inform regional policy and strategies,
The Forum will, where possible,          The role of the Forum is to collectively      including Sustainable Water
establish relationships with existing    provide leadership, authority and             Strategies and Long-Term Water
partnerships including the G21           strategic guidance for IWM planning           Resource Assessments;
Geelong Regional Alliance and            across the Region with a focus on:
the Corangamite Catchment                                                            • Provide vision, direction and endorse
                                         • identifying, prioritising and               the SDS for the Region for the
Management Regional Partnership to
                                           supporting progress of IWM                  Minister for Water to be reviewed
maximise collaborative efforts across
                                           opportunities using an agreed               at least every two years or as
the Region in realising opportunities.
                                           criteria or process;                        decided by Forum participants.
The Forum also needs to be aware of
the relevant legislation and regional    • discuss and confirm the roles              The Forum itself meets 3-4 times
strategies that fit under the IWM           and responsibilities of members,          per year, and includes the senior
banner and better understand the           and identify and invite appropriate       executives of each organization.
interrelationships and implications        participants from other                   However, the bulk of the work is
for IWM and the Region’s liveability       organisations, when relevant;             undertaken at the practitioner
(Refer Appendix – IWM Stakeholders –                                                 level by the IWCM Network and
responsibilities, legislation            • discuss and confirm the principles
                                                                                     sub working groups, who have been
and strategies).                           to be adopted for developing IWM
                                                                                     nominated by each organization.
                                           Plans, and resolving resourcing
                                           issues related to IWM planning and
                                           programs including, when necessary,
                                           formal funding agreements;

                                                                               West Gellibrand reservoir. Courtesy: Barwon Water

                                                                                      Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    9
Outcome areas for the
Barwon IWM Forum
The Forum is taking a systems thinking approach to the water cycle.
We need to consider the regional and local perspectives for IWM and
the challenges facing the Region. We have agreed to the following
strategic outcomes and objectives (summarised in Table 2) and are
committed to collaborating and working effectively together for our
Region’s long term prosperity.

                     Safe, secure                                  Effective and                           Healthy and
                     and affordable                                affordable                              valued
                     supplies in                                   wastewater                              waterways
                     an uncertain                                  systems                                 and marine
                     future                                                                                environments

     As the Region continues to develop           The Black Rock Water Reclamation          With climate change impacting river
     and grow, we need to provide safe,           Plant is the largest in the Region        and lake water quality in addition
     secure and affordable water supplies         and services the greater Geelong,         to treated wastewater discharge
     across the Region. There is potential        Bellarine and Surf Coast areas. Many      via ocean outfalls and runoff from
     for alternative water supplies such          smaller townships in the Region utilise   growing industrial sites, our waterway
     as recycled water and stormwater             domestic scale septic tank systems.       and marine environments are being
     to make a significant contribution            Municipal councils are responsible        impacted. We need to collaborate to
     to alleviating medium term threats           for regulating domestic wastewater        ensure we minimise our impacts on
     to drinking water supply security            management. Golden Plains Shire,          these ecosystems. They provide us
     including during peak holiday                Colac Otway Shire and Surf Coast          immeasurable health and wellbeing
     periods (e.g. Lorne, Apollo Bay).            Shire are in the process of reviewing     benefits and it is critical to clarify
                                                  this approach. Lack of sewerage           roles and responsibilities around rural
                                                  services in some small, yet growing       drainage and river management.
                                                  towns such as Forrest and Inverleigh
                                                  are a challenge for the Region due
                                                  to their inability to service growing
                                                  populations and the potential impacts
                                                  of overflows into the environment.

10        Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 1

                     Avoided or               Accordingly, flood risk is a growing
                                              concern in urban areas, downstream
                                              land uses and the receiving water
                     existing and             bodies such as the bay, rivers and
                     future flood              lakes. There is potential for urban
                     risks                    development areas both greenfields
                                              and brownfields sites through
                                              innovative IWM approaches to minimise
                                              localised flooding risk and contribute
    There is increased pressure on local
                                              to catchment based stormwater
    government stormwater systems and
                                              strategies to address increases in flood
    overland flooding provisions, due to
                                              volume and frequency. An integrated
    a range of factors including ageing
                                              approach to stormwater could also
    infrastructure, increasing urbanisation
                                              reduce the demand on drainage assets
    and impermeable surfaces, urban
                                              (e.g. Colac West – Deans Creek).
    consolidation and increasing frequency
    of intense rainfall events.

                 Healthy and                                 Traditional                                     Jobs,
                 valued urban,                               Owner and                                       economic
                 agricultural,                               community                                       growth and
                 rural and                                   values reflected                                 innovation
                 green                                       in place-based
                 landscapes                                  planning

Recreational and green spaces provide         We acknowledge Aboriginal people              Water will play a key role in supporting
physical and mental health and                as the traditional custodians of the          economic growth and development
wellbeing benefits for communities.            land and water on which they rely.            including industry, a growing
Collaborating to ensure there is              The traditional custodians have a             agricultural sector and a thriving
sufficient healthy urban spaces is a core     strong connection to water as a vital         tourism sector. Maintaining the quality
focus. The Region also has highly valued      part of their life and culture. They are      of aquatic and coastal environments
natural assets which have cultural            represented by the five four Aboriginal        is core to the tourism industry in the
heritage significance and attract              group across the Barwon Region                Region. Being innovative in how we
significant numbers of tourists. We need       including the Wadawurrung, Kuu Yang           ensure water is available for growing
to ensure we work together to sustain         Maar, Eastern Maar and Guli-Gad.              and diverse industries requires us all
the health of these natural assets. In                                                      to work together and collectively
addition, we have a growing agricultural                                                    make decisions that result in the
sector which rely on healthy landscapes                                                     best outcomes.
and soils to provide productive land.
This outcome supports a growing
economy and a prosperous Region.

                                                                                         Barwon Strategic Directions Statement         11
IWM outcomes

Table 2 Summary of outcomes and objectives


 Safe, secure and affordable           Effective and affordable      Avoided or minimised existing   Healthy and valued waterways
 supplies in an uncertain future       wastewater systems            and future flood risks           and marine environments

 A diverse range of water              Meets public health and       Community and property          Waterway health is
 supplies and resources                environmental standards       resilience to local flood risk   understood and improved

 Water quality meets                   Effective and affordable      Prevent the likelihood of       Marine environment health is
 regulatory standards and              sewerage systems              contamination via runoff        understood and managed
 community expectations

 Efficiently managed                   Waste-to-resource             Meets best practice water       Establish a clear position
 water and demand                      opportunities are maximised   quality requirements            on roles and responsibilities
                                       including recycled                                            for rural drainage and river
                                       water and energy                                              management including water
                                                                                                     quality and security of supply

 Secure and diverse water                                            Location and use of             Groundwater dependent
 supplies for industry, agriculture,                                 retention systems to            ecosystems are well managed
 health, culture, recreation                                         support re-use initiatives
 and economy

 Water available to maintain                                         Establish and preserve
 valued green community assets                                       overland flow paths

 Managing high quality                                               Develop regional urban
 groundwater for                                                     stormwater management
 agricultural purposes                                               policy and strategy

12      Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 1

The outcomes are what we are seeking to achieve over the longer term from the deliberate application of IWM across
the Region. These outcomes have been derived from those articulated in Water for Victoria and the IWM Framework
for Victoria. Each of these seven outcomes will be key in shaping the liveability, prosperity and resilience of our cities
and towns. The outcomes will assist in developing the strategy and prioritising the IWM opportunities for the Region.

 Healthy and valued urban, agricultural,   Traditional Owner and community            Jobs, economic growth and innovation
 rural and green landscapes                values reflected in place-based planning

 Active and passive recreation             Aboriginal cultural values associated      IWM enables jobs and economic growth
 supported by water                        with waterways acknowledged,
                                           understood, protected and applied

 Improved connectivity and                 Effectively engaging communities           Ensuring security and diversity of
 access to green and blue spaces           to better understand cultural              supply to enable economic growth
                                           and community values

 Urban landscapes retain moisture          Local water related risks and              Leveraging knowledge and
 for cooler, greener cities and towns      issues understood and managed              resources to support innovative
                                                                                      and collaborative outcomes

 Waterways and coastal environments
 accessible as valuable open space

                                                                                        Barwon Strategic Directions Statement     13
Chapter 2
IWM in the Region
Understanding why an integrated
approach to water planning and
management is critical for the Barwon
IWM Region now and for the future.

Great Ocean Road. Courtesy: Carol Boyle
14     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 1


POPULATION GROWTH                                              THE REGION
298,780 (2016)                                                  AGRICULTURAL LAND
378,268 BY 2031                                                 & PLANTATIONS 79%
                               21%                              NATIVE VEGETATION 12%                     CATCHMENT
                               INCREASE                                                                      AREA
                                                                URBAN AREAS 8%
                                                                WATER BODIES 1%

                                                                  TEMPERATURE                  WATERWAYS
                                                                                               BARWON             MOORABOOL
                                                                  AN INCREASE OF

                                                                  0.6-1.2C 57% 45%             IN A ‘MODERATE’
   CHANGE IN RAINFALL                                             IN BARWON SOUTH WEST
                                                                                               STREAM CONDITION
                                                                  BY 2030
   7-8%                        DECREASE
                               BY 2070


Victoria in future 2016.

G21 Regional Growth Profile 2014.

Climate Ready Victoria – Barwon South West factsheet (2016).

Corangamite Waterway Strategy 2014-2022.

                                                                                         Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    15
Understanding the
needs of our region
Water and the water cycle is a major           The local government agencies
aspect of the long term sustainability         (detailed in Appendix 2) within this
and prosperity of the Barwon Region.           Region are responding to challenges
It is vital in ensuring our natural assets     which include meeting the needs
remain healthy and vibrant, and                of a growing economy, population
ensuring the long term health and              growth, changing community needs
wellbeing of:                                  and expectations and impacts of
                                               climate change. We understand
• our community - ensuring                     the regional context is constantly
  access to water services and                 changing and will need to be
  green and active spaces;                     reviewed and updated regularly.
• our economy - ensuring
  water is available to support
  a growing economy;

• our environment - ensuring
  our natural assets continue
  to remain healthy and vibrant.

                                                                                      Gardening Expo. Courtesy: Barwon Water

16     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Koala. Courtesy: Carol Boyle
                               Barwon Strategic Directions Statement   17
The following starts to delve deeper into the
challenges we are facing across the Region.
These challenges include:

Population growth                              • poor urban design practices
                                                 contributing to the negative health
It is estimated the population of                impact of some communities
the Barwon Region will increase                  across the Region;
from 298,780 in 2016 to 378,268
by 2031 (VIF2016). Impacts of                  • urbanisation causing increased
growth on the Region include:                    runoff volumes and the introduction
                                                 of a variety of pollutant sources into
• increased demand                               waterways and marine environments.
  for land and housing;
                                               The Region is a destination for
• increased demand for services                national and international visitors
  including water, sewerage                    resulting in a dramatic increase in
  and drainage;                                population during holiday periods,
                                               especially along coastal areas.
• increase demand for recreational
  open space, green space,
  access to natural areas;

                                                                                          Population growth. Courtesy: Barwon Water

18     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 2

a. Issues

The Forum has identified a number of issues facing the Region due to population growth over the next five and 10-15 years
(Table 3).

Table 3 Issues in response to population growth

 5 years                              10 – 15 years
 Policy and planning supporting        Balancing increasing population growth including new users demand (ie. industry
 IWM in practice                       and agriculture) with decline in water availability and seasonal fluctuations

 Aligning regional policy              Balancing development yield vs other benefits (eg. environment)
 and land use planning
                                       Diversifying water supplies (increasing over time)
 Managing changing demand
 for water including industry          Improving small town sewerage
 changes and seasonal                  All water users need to better understand the value of water and take action
 fluctuations in tourism                to be sustainable with their water use

                                       Facilitating more peri-urban agriculture

                                       Meeting new infrastructure challenges

b. Opportunities

The Forum and IWCM Network have identified opportunities in response to the issues relating to population growth
(Table 4), some of which are yet to be more clearly defined.

Table 4 Opportunities for responding to population growth

 Opportunity                Description                                                     Status
 Plan                       North and Western Geelong Growth Area – IWM Plan                Priority

 Policy                     Integration of IWM with planning and policy                     To be defined

 Build capacity             IWM training delivered to build capability in IWM               To be defined
                            planning and organisational change

 Investigation              Future State report - taking a systems approach                 To be defined

                                                                                      Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    19
Climate change                                  the impacts of temperature rise as          • Changes in rainfall patterns
                                                are urban developments that have              resulting in more high intensity
The impacts of climate change                   not accommodated enough green                 rainfall in urban areas impacting
pose a significant risk for the                  space to provide shade;                       urban drainage and increasing the
Barwon Region due to:                                                                         likelihood of sediment, nitrogen, and
                                               • Reduced rainfall resulting in                other pollutant loads into waterways
• Sea level rise and coastal erosion             reduced run off into waterways,              and marine environments;
  will cause infrastructure assets to            impacting waterway health as well
  be at risk. Sea level is projected             as accessibility of surface water for      • Importance of minimising flood risk
  to increase in the order of 0.08 to            provision of drinking water, irrigation      through flood mitigation given the
  0.18m above the 1986–2005 levels               for recreation and supporting a              increased intensities from rainfall
  (Climate Resilient Communities);               growing agriculture sector. The major        events, chance of flash flooding
                                                 waterways that are of significance            and reliance on overland flow
• Temperature rise where warming
                                                 across the Region includes the               paths to manage the risk;
  is projected to be around 0.6 to
                                                 Barwon and Moorabool Rivers.
  1.2°C above that of 1986–2005                                                             • Significant risks to underground
                                                 The majority of stream lengths in the
  (South West Climate Change                                                                  water system infrastructure
                                                 Barwon and Moorabool basins are in
  portal). Temperature rises will result                                                      assets, including drinking water
                                                 moderate or poor condition (CCMA
  in increased heat-related stress                                                            pipes, sewerage and stormwater
                                                 Waterway Strategy 2014-2022);
  and mortality among aged and                                                                infrastructure. It is critical to ensure
  ‘at risk’ populations as well as a                                                          planning and design decisions
  higher risk of bush fire. Inland rural                                                       ensure these assets are resilient
  areas may be most vulnerable to                                                             to climate change.

                                                                                           Johnston Park flood. Courtesy: Barwon Water

20     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 2

a. Issues

The IWM Forum has identified a number of issues facing the Region due to climate change over the next five and 10-15
years (Table 5).

Table 5 Issues associated with climate change impacts

 5 years                             10 – 15 years
 Stormwater management in             Responding to the increasing pressure on stormwater infrastructure
 Geelong and regional areas,          and managing high rainfall events
 including potential impacts
 on Ramsar sites                      Clarifying management responsibilities for climate change planning and response

                                      Ensuring adequacy of design for 1:10 ARI storms events given climate impacts

                                      Responding to coastal sea level rise

                                      Ensuring security of supply to industry and impacts on others
                                      (eg. irrigated agriculture and recycled water)

                                      Retaining water at the source, where possible

b. Opportunities

The Forum and IWCM Network have identified opportunities in response to issues relating to climate change (Table 6),
some of which are yet to be more clearly defined.

Table 6 Opportunities in response to the impacts of climate change

 Opportunity               Description                                                  Status
 Plan                      Barwon River parklands master plan review                    Priority

 Investigation             State of marine coastal and waterways environment            To be defined
 Plan                      Sparrowvale stormwater master plan                           Priority

 Project                   Irrewillepe stormwater basin upgrade                         Priority

 Plan                      Deakin University (Waurn Ponds) IWM plan                     Priority

 Project                   Point Lonsdale streetscape stormwater infiltration trial      Priority

                                                                                      Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    21
Changing community                            needs and expectations across              Region who rated their health as
needs and expectations                        our Region that we are having              excellent or very good ranged from
                                              to continue to review and respond.         52.7% to 59.0% vs 46.6% except in
The Region has a strong indigenous            These community needs and                  Greater Geelong where it was 45.1%.
cultural background and a changing            expectations include:                      Rates of population in all LGAs that
population demographic due to                                                            had sufficient levels of physical
national and international people             • Acknowledging and protecting             activity ranged from 65.6% to 78.3%
migrating to the Region. Water is an            our cultural heritage. Water is the      vs 63.9%. Physical activity contributes
important aspect of aboriginal culture.         lifeblood for Country and the basis of   to helping prevent diseases including
We need to ensure communities,                  many creation stories. Waterways are     cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
regardless of their demographics have           a historical and ongoing source of       some cancers, injury and control
access to recreational, green and               food, fibre and medicine, important       and the promotion of mental
natural spaces that in turn support             place to camp, hunt, fish, swim and       health including providing a sense
their physical and mental health.               connect with traditional culture and     of wellbeing and creating social
                                                stories (CCMA Waterway Strategy          connections. Low socio economic
Areas of socio-economic                         2014-2022). It is important waterways
                                                                                         regions have generally lower level
disadvantage across the Region                  are healthy and flowing to maintain
                                                                                         of health and wellbeing. Water is
includes Bell Park, Corio, Norlane,             cultural heritage and traditions.
                                                                                         an essential part of mental health
St Leonards, Thomson, Whittington,
                                              • Ensuring we continue to provide for      and wellbeing through supporting
Indented Head, St Leonards,
                                                the growing health and wellbeing         green open spaces which enable
Portarlington, Winchelsea and Colac.
                                                of our community. The G21 region         outdoor activities and connections
The range of diversity in culture,
                                                health profile states that the            with the environment.
demographics and socio economic
factors result in varying community             proportion of people across the

                                                               Traditional smoking ceremony - Wadawurung. Courtesy: Barwon Water

22    Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 2

a. Issues

The Forum has identified a number of issues facing the Region due to changing community needs and expectations
over the next five and 10-15 years (Table 7).

Table 7 Issues arising due to changing community needs and expectations

 5 years                                                         10 – 15 years
 Clarifying responsibilities for rural drainage                  Better understanding water's role in building
 and river management                                            health resilience into cities and towns

 Ensuring the role of healthy urban waterways and                Ensuring the cultural and environmental values
 connected open space is considered in enhancing                 of water is acknowledged as strongly as the
 the wellbeing and liveability of the Region
                                                                 social and economic values
 Ensuring water is considered as an enabler of broader
                                                                 Increasing the water literacy across the Region

 Establishing community water values and future aspirations
 regarding water cycle management

 Ensuring community concerns regarding extraction
 of water from the local environments for use by others
 is understood and managed

 Ensuring water management and IWM has a greater
 focus in the Anglesea Futures process

b. Opportunities

The Forum and IWCM Network have identified the opportunities in response to issues relating to community needs
and expectations (Table 8), some of which are yet to be more clearly defined.

Table 8 Opportunities in response to changing community needs and expectations

 Opportunity                 Description                                            Status
 Plan                        Winchelsea IWM plan                                    Priority

 Plan                        Apollo Bay IWM plan                                    Priority

 Plan                        Birregurra IWM plan                                    Priority

 Plan                        Clifton Springs IWM plan                               Priority

 Project                     Colac botanic pathway and green spine                  Priority

 Plan                        Bannockburn IWM Plan                                   Priority

 Project                     Stead Park recycled water project                      Priority

 Plan                        Anglesea Futures IWM plan                              To be defined

                                                                                  Barwon Strategic Directions Statement   23
Economic growth                                17,271. This represents an increase of 826   the Region is expected to rise to
and development                                businesses (5.02%) from the June 2015        over nine million by 2030. This has
                                               total of 16,445 businesses and compares      a significant impact on services in
According to the G21 Economic                  to an increase of 1,242 businesses (5.29%)   coastal towns where populations
Development Strategy, ‘The Region              in the Region (Remplan).                     can triple during holiday periods.
is geographically, economically and
culturally diverse. The Region has             The agriculture sector across the            Ensuring businesses have access
undergone significant transformation            Region is expanding into more intensive      to water and sewerage services is
from a major heavy manufacturing               agriculture, such as poultry, which          essential. In turn businesses will need to
centre over the last 15 years,                 will enhance existing food processing        be efficient in how they use water and
diversifying into higher technology            activity in Geelong and Colac                have an ability to access affordable
manufacturing, healthcare, education           (G21 Regional Growth Plan). To support       alternative water sources where
and other sections as well as                  this development, we need to ensure          possible. It is important the practices of
expanding its cultural offering.’              water will be available, seeking             businesses do not have a detrimental
                                               alternative supplies to drinking             impact on our waterways and marine
The City of Greater Geelong is a major         water where possible.                        environments through pollution runoff.
centre for investment with over 17,000                                                      Coastal towns should have the ability
businesses and a highly skilled labour         Tourism is also an important contributor     to develop and grow and have access
force of 110,632 (Enterprise Geelong).         to the Region’s economy with the             to secure water and sewerage services
The total number of businesses in              Region home to many tourism assets           that support fluctuations in populations
Greater Geelong in June 2017 was               and events. The number of visitors to        due to tourism.

                                                                       Tourism and economic growth. Courtesy: City of Greater Geelong

24     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 2

a. Issues

The Forum has identified several issues facing the Region due to IWM supporting growing economic and development
over the next five and 10-15 years (Table 9).

Table 9 issues arising due to economic growth and development

 5 years                                                        10 – 15 years
 Developing opportunities for tourism and the arts               Ensuring affordability of diverse water supplies to
                                                                 support economic growth activities and appropriate
 Managing water security for coastal communities                 use of water supplies e.g. recycled water, stormwater
 Ensuring a plan is developed to respond to                      Ensuring security of potable supply
 community expectations around Lake Colac

 Developing a long term plan for potable and
 alternative supplies that supports economic
 development and the environment

b. Opportunities

The Forum and IWCM Network have identified opportunities in response to issues relating to economic growth
and development (Table 10), some of which are yet to be more clearly defined.

Table 10 Opportunities in response to economic growth and development

 Opportunity               Description                                              Status
 Investigation             Forrest wastewater investigation                         Priority

 Plan                      Regional recycled water plan                             Priority

 Plan                      Lake Colac masterplan                                    To be defined

                                                                                  Barwon Strategic Directions Statement   25
Success stories

There has been a lot                         Colac IWCM Plan                           • Identify opportunities for IWCM
                                                                                         solutions to enhance Colac’s ability
of great work over the                       The Colac Integrated Water Cycle            to become a healthier, greener,
years by state and local                     Management (IWCM) Plan is a                 ‘botanic’ city.
                                             strategic blueprint for how the urban
government, regional                                                                   The plan has led to implementation
                                             water cycle can make a positive
agencies, communities,                       contribution to Colac’s liveability.      of rainwater gardens in the centre of
planning bodies and                          The plan applies a whole of water         Colac and the securing of a grant to
                                             cycle system approach to identify         develop detailed designs to upgrade
boards to identify                                                                     the Irreweillipe Road Retarding Basing.
                                             and develop opportunities to enhance
what we need to do to                        aspects of the urban water cycle          The plan has also informed the Colac
address the challenges                       to make a positive contribution to        2050 Strategic Planning project to
                                             broader liveability aspirations for the   ensure that future growth of Colac
and opportunities in
                                             city. Its primary objectives were to:     is undertaken in accordance with
the Region. Three                                                                      IWM principles.
completed projects                           • Raise awareness of the role of the
                                               water cycle in achieving Colac’s
are outlined here.                             future aspirations for liveability,
                                               sustainability and productivity; and

                                                                                             Colac Lake. Courtesy: Barwon Water

26   Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 2

                                                                                            Geelong. Courtesy: Barwon Water

Jan Juc Creek Daylighting                undertaken to restore natural habitats.   consider water cycle aspects in
                                         Daylighting the Creek enhanced            new urban development including
In 2012, the ‘Friends of Jan Juc Creek   the biodiversity and public amenity,      natural aspects (e.g. waterways and
Reserve’ (FJJCR) community group         strengthened the ecological value         floodplains), built aspects (e.g. major
presented Council with the idea of       of the waterway and improved              drainage, land use, open space
reinstating sections of the Creek to     stormwater runoff quality.                and water sensitive urban design),
a more natural state by removing                                                   and servicing aspects (e.g. drinking
underground drainage infrastructure                                                water, sewerage and alternative,
                                         Urban Water Planner
and recreating the Creek channel                                                   fit-for-purpose water sources). By
(daylighting). The project involved      Integrated Water Cycle Management         working with the relevant agencies
decommissioning and modifying            (IWCM) is about managing the              and incorporating IWCM principles
the existing underground drainage,       interaction between the urban             early in the process, developers and
returning stormwater flows to the         environment and the water cycle.          consultants can save time, resources
surface of the Creek, building a         The urban water planner provides          and money.
sedimentation basin, and reshaping       a resource for urban developers,
Creek banks. Extensive replanting        consultants and planners to
of indigenous species was also

                                                                                   Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    27
Chapter 3
IWM opportunities
A portfolio of IWM projects and strategies
for which IWM collaborative partners have
committed themselves to applying their best
endeavours to progress.

 Recycled water at Torquay. Courtesy: Barwon Water
Thirty-eight IWM opportunities have been identified
with 15 prioritised by assessing the extent of likely impact,
or benefit of the opportunity if achieved and ‘ease
of implementation’ of the opportunity. The IWCM
Network will continue to develop and define the
other opportunities that are not currently priorities.
Once defined, these opportunities will be added
in further reviews and updates of the SDS.
IWM opportunities: An overview
of projects and strategies
A summarised list of priority IWM opportunities as endorsed by the Forum
is shown in the table below, with more detail in the following section.

 IWM opportunity                               Strategic outcomes                                                                  Location             Spatial scale
 Barwon River Parklands                                                                                                            Barwon River from    Forum Area
 Master Plan Review                                                                                                                Geelong Ring
                                                                                                                                   Road through to
                                                                                                                                   Barwon Heads

 Regional Recycled Water Plan                                                                                                      At all water         Forum Area
                                                                                                                                   reclamation plants

 North and Western Geelong                                                                                                         Geelong              Region
 Growth Area – IWM Plan

 Apollo Bay IWM Plan                                                                                                               Apollo Bay           Region

 Forrest Wastewater                                                                                                                Forrest              Town

 Winchelsea IWM Plan                                                                                                               Winchelsea           Town

 Clifton Springs IWM Plan                                                                                                          Clifton Springs      Town
                                                                                                                                   and Drysdale

 Sparrowvale Wetland Flood/                                                                                                        Marshall             Precinct
 Stormwater Master Plan

 Birregurra IWM Plan                                                                                                               Birregurra           Town

 Colac Botanic Pathway                                                                                                             Colac                Town
 and Green Spine Project

 Irrewillepe Stormwater                                                                                                            Colac                Town
 Basin Upgrade Plan

 Deakin University Waurn                                                                                                           Deakin University    Town
 Ponds IWM Plan                                                                                                                    Waurn Ponds campus

 Bannockburn IWM Plan                                                                                                              Bannockburn          Town

 Point Lonsdale Streetscape                                                                                                        Point Lonsdale       Precinct
 Stormwater Infiltration
 Trial Project

 Stead Park Recycled                                                                                                               Stead Park, Corio    Lot Scale
 Water Project

The status of each IWM opportunity included in the Priority Portfolio reflects the phase of work to be undertaken in this time period.

Shade scale

No Impact    Impact

30          Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 3

 Lead                                                                      Status                                    Links to other strategies
 Corangamite Catchment Management Authority                                                                          G21 Environment Pillar;
                                                                                                                     Corangamite Catchment

 Barwon Water                                                                                                        Urban Water Strategy 2018
                                                                                                                     (Barwon Water)

 City of Greater Geelong                                                                                             Geelong Settlements Strategy

 Barwon Water                                                                                                        Barwon Water Strategy 2030

 Barwon Water                                                                                                        Barwon Water Strategy 2030

 Surf Coast Shire                                                                                                    Growing Winchelsea;
                                                                                                                     G21 Planning & Services Pillar

 City of Greater Geelong

 City of Greater Geelong                                                                                             RAMSAR Management Plan

 Colac Otway Shire                                                                                                   Colac 2050

 Colac Otway Shire                                                                                                   Colac 2050;
                                                                                                                     G21 Planning & Services Pillar

 Colac Otway Shire                                                                                                   Colac 2050

 Deakin University

 Golden Plains Shire                                                                                                 Bannockburn Structure Plan;
                                                                                                                     G21 Economic Development Pillar

 Borough of Queenscliffe                                                                                             Council Plan 2017-2021, Strategic
                                                                                                                     Objective 1: Community Wellbeing

 Barwon Water                                                                                                        Barwon Water Strategy 2030

Project opportunity status

Concept & feasibility   Business case   Detailed design   Implementation      Commission   Benefit realisation

Strategy opportunity status

Concept                 Commitment      Prepare draft     Consult & finalise   Implement    Evaluate

                                                                                                                Barwon Strategic Directions Statement    31
Priority Portfolio of IWM
projects and strategies

                                                                                           Barwon River. Photographer: Carol Boyle


Plan – Barwon River Parklands Master Plan Review
The Barwon River Parklands is a long-envisioned idea for creating a continuous
                                                                                          Status          Endorsed by partners as
active travel pathway extending from Geelong to Barwon Heads along the Barwon
                                                                                                          a priority project for the
River. Incorporated as a strategically planned component of the G21 Adventure Trails                      Corangamite Catchment
Priority Project, the Parklands project builds on the popular recreation opportunities                    Partnership (CPA)
of the existing trail network through Geelong to create an iconic walking and cycling                     Agreement.
route along the River which has valuable cultural, environmental and social values to
                                                                                          Lead agency     Corangamite Catchment
the regional community. The project would involve a review of the master plan and                         Management Authority
reinvigorating the connections between multiple stakeholders to identify practical
initiatives and projects that can contribute to achieve the long term vision. There are   Location        Barwon River from
opportunities to leverage and integrate with other projects such as recreation/amenity                    Geelong ring road
                                                                                                          through to Barwon Heads
upgrades within the Geelong segment and Barwon Water’s land at Aqueduct Park.
                                                                                          Timeframe       5-10 years

Next steps:                                                                               Partners        Parks Vic, Barwon Water,
                                                                                                          City of Greater Geelong
Corangamite CMA to hold stakeholder meeting in August 2018.                                               and Regional Development
CCMA in conjunction with partners to seek funding.
                                                                                          Scale           Forum Area

32     Barwon Strategic Directions Statement
Chapter 3


Plan – Regional Recycled Water Plan
Barwon Water currently reuses 25% of the Region’s recycled water produced at 10
                                                                                           Status            In progress
Water Reclamation Plants. In keeping with its commitment to achieve Zero Waste,
Barwon Water is developing a strategic plan to reuse 100 per cent of this recycled         Lead agency       Barwon Water
water. This ambitious target will require a significant step-change and has the
potential to create significant benefit to the Region supporting healthy green urban,
                                                                                           Location          At all water reclamation
rural and agricultural landscapes as well as the potential for jobs and economic
development. The Plan will consider short, medium and long term opportunities
and a strategic framework to accommodate future needs.                                     Timeframe         1-2 years

Next steps:
                                                                                           Scale             Forum Area
Commence development of the recycled water plan.


Northern and Western Geelong Growth Areas – IWM Plan
The Northern and Western Geelong Growth Area is the largest urban growth project in
                                                                                           Status            In progress
regional Victoria with the potential to welcome more than 110,000 new Geelong residents.
The project will address the long-term growth needs of Geelong, facilitating diverse and   Lead agency       City of Greater Geelong
affordable housing and employment opportunities for the City over the coming decades.
The Northern Geelong Growth Area, in Lovely Banks, is anticipated to deliver up to
                                                                                           Location          Greater Geelong
18,000 new dwellings for a population of approximately 48,000 residents. The Western
Geelong Growth Area, in Batesford, is anticipated to deliver up to 22,000 new dwellings    Timeframe         5 years
for a population of approximately 62,000 residents. The Western Geelong Growth Area
includes more than 20 kilometres of river frontage to the Barwon and Moorabool Rivers      Partners
and Cowies Creek.
                                                                                           Scale             Geelong
An IWM Plan developed for this Region will ensure water is considered in an integrated
way including ensuring sustainable water use, impacts of urban development on
local waterways is managed and the Region supports continued economic growth
and development and supports the health and wellbeing of the community.

Next steps:
Community engagement underway.

                                                                                           Barwon Strategic Directions Statement        33
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