BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ...

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BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ...
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BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer
finds the biggest international brands near
his home ...

           rom an outsider to a leader in the world’s most complex markets in less than three years, BEAUTE
           LUXE is now «the» most prominent perfume and cosmetics distributor in the sector. Beauty giants
           such as L’Oréal, Puig and Hermès have entrusted them with their distribution. Whether in Africa,
    Asia Pacific or Eastern Europe, BEAUTE LUXE, whose primary expertise concerns Travel Retail, has now
    also become a leader in local markets!

    Created in 2019 by David Dayan, known to all the major players in the luxury and beauty industry with
    more than 30 years of experience in the selective distribution of luxury brands, BEAUTE LUXE has grown,
    despite an unfavorable socio-economic context.

    There is no doubt that this group has a great future ahead of it.

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BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ...
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                                              them in Duty-Free zones. And here I             job needs to be done”. Having a perfect
                                              am, a few years later, president of an          knowledge of the terrain and the customs
                                              international perfume and cosmetics             and traditions of each region in which
                                              distribution group. Travel Retail and           we distribute is extremely important. You
                                              luxury goods are in my DNA”.                    have to be able to deliver the goods to
                                                                                              the most isolated places. This is a signi-
                                              You have been a lecturer in the largest         ficant investment for both the brands we
                                              business schools in France (HEC Essec,          distribute and for ourselves, we have no
                                              ESC Reims, etc.), teacher at ESCE or Sup        right to make mistakes.»
                                              de Luxe and have created the Bachelor
                                              degree in the luxury sector at the Institute    What are your added values in the new
                                              Superior of Commerce, and that of Travel        markets?
                                              Retail at the Conservatoire National des        D.D: “Obviously: expertise. The big
                                              Arts et Métiers in Paris. Is it important       brands already established in Africa,
                                              for you to pass on, to encourage new            Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, or those
Can you briefly tell us about BEAUTE          generations to join this sector?                who want to find a place there, have
LUXE and its genesis?                         D.D: “Transmission is the key! What is          already understood this. We have opened
David Dayan: «I would say that today          the point of working sometimes more than        up new markets, which is no small feat.
I am one of the veterans of the luxury        20 hours a day if everything evaporates         As I like to say, we are an international
and selective retailing industry who,         when you retire? We do not build houses         group on a human scale, and this is
over 30 years ago, helped make Travel         of cards! It is essential to pass on its        reflected in our relationships with our
Retail what it is today! Many areas in        knowledge to future generations so that         partners. In addition, I make it a point
the world do not have access to major         they in turn can promote the luxury sector      of honor to visit each new market in
brands of beauty products when demand         around the world. I am part of a genera-        person in order to assess the risks and
is extremely high. Large groups often have    tion of Pathfinders, the next generation to     opportunities as precisely as possible for
neither the agility, nor the flexibility of
adaptation, nor the logistical structures
                                              develop what we have built. I encourage
                                              my students to be curious, to travel as
                                                                                              each brand that we distribute. Once the      >
necessary to adapt to the areas of certain    much as they can and in immersion, if
specific markets «with high potential»        possible, to capture the essence of each           BEAUTE LUXE in figures
such as Africa, Asia-Pacific or even          country and understand the needs and
Eastern countries. We therefore started by    particularities of each market. When it            • A presence in nearly 70 countries
developing the duty-free trade in border      comes to Travel Retail, nothing is ever            on 3 continents (Africa, Asia-Paci-
shops (small border shops) then the large     set in stone, so you always have to stay           fic and Eastern Europe), so around
groups gradually entrusted us with their      up to date to build up real expertise and          1,500 points of sale such as Borders,
local distribution. And here we are, two      stay in this business «.                           ports, airports, diplomatic stores,
years later, distribution leaders in these                                                       etc. which concerns local markets
new markets! «                                Today, with BEAUTE LUXE, you embody                (supermarkets, perfumeries, hair-
                                              a true Success Story. Do you want your             dressing salons and very soon in
What is your background and where does        example to serve as a model for new                our own perfumeries).
your passion or appetite for the world of     generations?                                       • A turnover up to 43% over the
luxury and beauty come from?                  D.D: «The thing to remember is that luck           last 3 years.
D.D: “I fell into the pot more than 35        favors the bold! Try, fail, learn from it and
years ago! I have traveled from country       try again! You learn from your failures,
                                                                                                 • A portfolio of around fifty brands
to country since I was a child, airports      not from your successes! Undertaking to
                                                                                                 distributed in tax-free areas and
no longer hold any secrets for me. I lived    bequeath something bigger than you is
                                                                                                 local markets.
in Africa, Asia, and the United States        obviously not within everyone’s reach. It
(for my studies) where I obtained an          means a lot of sacrifice and self-sacrifice
MBA in International Marketing then           but seeing the world change and evolve
I studied at the Gemological Institute        through our efforts is extremely rewarding.
of America where I obtained a diploma         « The watchword today is «adaptability»,
in Gemology, which allowed me to              each country adapts differently, and we
join Van Cleef & Arpels as Purchasing         must therefore tailor each day according
Manager in Thailand. Sometime later,          to the health situation.
I accepted the position of Asia Pacific
Export Director at Givenchy, where I          You say that the main thing in your job
took my first steps in the very closed        is to be efficient and know how to gain
world of Travel Retail. Subsequently, I       the trust of your partners. Can you tell
set up my global distribution company in      us more about this?
Travel Retail with the Lacoste brand as       D.D: «We distribute high-valued and
the sole client for 13 years. My company      “Sensitive” products in some of the
having forged a good reputation in this       world’s most dangerous markets, some-
area, many luxury brands have entrusted       times because of the political and socio-
us with their distribution in this sector     economic context, sometimes because of
of activity in order to quickly establish     poor road infrastructures and yet “the

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BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ...
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                                                  the acceleration of the digitalization of        At the end of 2020, you signed a partner-
           Major partner brands                  the purchasing process and direct sales in       ship with the PUIG group and then in 2021
                                                  stores are complementary. The growing            with the HERMES group to distribute
       BEAUTE LUXE works with large               socio-environmental demands of consu-            your brands on the Travel Retail market
       groups such as PUIG and L’OREAL            mers will have to be more than ever at           in Africa. Besides this market, what are
       and distributes major brands such          the heart of development strategies to           your other projects for BEAUTE LUXE?
       as Hermès, Yves Saint Laurent,             satisfy a growing desire to find a more          D.D: “Thanks to the strength of our retail
       Lancôme, Ralph Lauren, Carolina            authentic way of life. Millennials, Gen Z        network in stores, from the start of the
       Herrera, Jean Paul Gaultier ...            and their influencers will also be one to        pandemic and at the request of certain
       BEAUTE LUXE’s selection criteria:          watch because they are now the voice of          luxury groups, we supplied numerous
       brand reputation, supply, marketing,       consumers! But above all, luxury homes           stores in local markets. In January 2021,
       communication, but above all, a real       must have a pragmatic and concrete               we therefore decided to open a new unit
       desire to collaborate in order to be       approach to business, considering the            within our group: BEAUTE LUXE DIS-
       able to best transcribe the brand’s        good old law of supply and demand.               TRIBUTION. To begin with, we are
       image in these markets.                    And believe me, the demand is high, it           going to distribute the products of the
                                                  just shows up in other forms! It’s up to         L’Oréal group in supermarkets (Narta,
                                                  us to be creative in order to respond to         Ushuaia Garnier, Mixa, etc.), but also
                                                  them as best as possible”!                       professional L’Oréal products in all
>   markets are open, our local teams take
    over to always maintain proximity with        How has BEAUTE LUXE adapted to the
                                                                                                   hairdressing salons and cosmetics shops.
                                                                                                   And finally in pharmacies or drugstores,
    our retailers”.                               recent context of the health crisis, resulting   the La Roche Posay, Vichy or Cerave
                                                  in a significant drop in air traffic?            ranges. We have also been working for
    What is your vision of the beauty and         DD: “In reality, BEAUTE LUXE was                 some time on a project of ten own-named
    Travel Retail market?                         created in the first place to develop and        perfumeries on this continent, so we
    D.D: “The frontiers of luxury are             structure, among other things, the trade         will also become a retailer to be able to
    shifting, and it is now towards new           in duty-free shops, and in particular in         meet the standards of the biggest luxury
    markets that we must look. BEAUTE             “Border shops”, which abound at the              brands! A huge project which should see
    LUXE opens up new perspectives to be          borders of each country and represent            the light of day in 2022”.
    truly present wherever the customer is.       more than 15 % of duty-free sales sector.
    Hyperlocation and ultra-targeted offers       We noted that border customers preferen-         Finally, you, who travel a lot, how do you
    will now be part of the future of Travel      tially made their purchases in duty-free         consume Duty Free?
    Retail. It is obvious that the luxury         shops. We have adapted our distribution          D.D: «Obviously Duty Free all over
    industry is called upon to reinvent itself    and therefore suffered relatively little         the world are the only places where I
    in order to renew growth. Long before         from the situation because, in a way, we         have time to consume. Paradoxically,
    this crisis, strong signals indicated that    mainly reach “local” customers. As far as        I think I’m a «normal» customer and
    the market would be marked this year          health precautions are concerned, we have        don’t hesitate to take advantage of the
    by the digitization of purchasing paths.      supported our retailers by helping them          often-exclusive product offers called
    After confinement, I think that travel        to set up “call and collect” and “click          TREX (Travel Retail EXclusive) that
    will resume but that customers will retain    and collect” during lockdowns. For the           airport stores offer.»
    certain “border shops” and dematerializa-     smallest structures, we have set up micro-
    tion reflexes. Luxury brands will therefore   credit systems and we have equipped them
    have to find a happy medium, so that          with computer equipment”.

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BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ...
Company Profile

                      An eco-responsible group              A lot of projects in our boxes!
                      BEAUTE LUXE respects a                Innovating and developing the various distri-
                      flawless logistics, which is essen-   bution channels ... BEAUTE LUXE recently
                      tial in order not to have a dis-      concluded a local distribution agreement in
                      proportionate impact on ecology       Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, and Tanzania.
                      and regularly educates its teams      The group will also expand its portfolio by
                      on this subject. The group takes      including mass distribution products, such
                      care to measure and limit the         as L’Oréal for Mixa, Ushuaïa, Elseve etc.
                      carbon footprint of each of its       BEAUTE LUXE has just opened two new
                      transports and gives maximum          subsidiaries, in Kampala in Uganda and in
                      priority to electric vehicles for     Kigali in Rwanda to take care of this new
                      its deliveries. BEAUTE LUXE           distribution. Finally, BEAUTE LUXE will
                      also has a partnership with           launch a luxury perfume network in its own
                      specialists for the collection and    name in Africa. Objective: to open around
                      recycling of its waste. The group     twenty perfumeries on the African continent
                      has also invested thousands of        within 5 years. Two first perfumeries should
                      euros in recycling and purifying      therefore see the light of day in early 2022
                      its wastewater. BEAUTE LUXE           in Tanzania and Rwanda.
                      also provides advice to its par-
                      tner brands, particularly on
                      product and packaging aspects
                                                            A group that offers opportunities
                      and CSR commitment. Short             BEAUTE LUXE has just recruited around
                      distribution channels, local pro-     twenty employees for its Dubai unit and its
                      duction of furniture and use          new subsidiaries. When establishing itself in
                      of recycled materials, recourse       new markets, the group insists in creating
                      to renewable energies, so             specialized local units. Human capital is at
                      many important axes which             the heart of BEAUTE LUXE’s HR priorities.
                      are at the heart of BEAUTE            The more experts the group has, the more
                      LUXE’s sustainable strategy.          it will consolidate its leadership position
                                                            and be able to best meet the expectations
                                                            of its partners.

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BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ... BEAUTE LUXE : to ensure that the customer finds the biggest international brands near his home ...
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