Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

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Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

                                     FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT
                                     TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES

  Your Guide


 If you have questions or want to register just call: 814-624-4812 |
Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

W                      e l c o m e                                 to our FALL 2019 catalog
                                                               for lifelong learning learners!

What does it mean to be a lifelong learner?
Lifelong learning is: “the ongoing, voluntary, and self-
motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or
professional reasons”.

So Take PRIDE in how far you have come, and BELIEVE
in how much more you can learn. Remember LEARNING
doesn’t have an expiration date.

         Don’t wait. Pick an interesting class and register early.
                Just call: Amy Weicht at 814-624-4812.
                            It’s that EASY!

                                         Group Discount: Send 6 – Get 15%
                   Chamber Discount: Bedford County Chamber members qualify for a 10% discount on
  					                                        eligible classes.

                   Senior and Veteran Discounts: Senior (55+) and Veterans discounts are listed for all
                   eligible classes.
                                       (Only 1 discount can be applied per eligible class.)

  Wayne M. Blue, Executive Director          Mark Bollman,                               Amy Weicht,
  Workforce Development for PA               Administrative Director                     Administrative Secretary
  (814) 624-4814			                          Bedford County Technical Center             (814) 624-4812                         (814) 624-4800                    

                                                                                                               Fall 2019
Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

                       WHY BE A LIFELONG LEARNER?
Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or
professional reasons. Therefore, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but
also self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness and employability.

Plenty of respected leaders ranging from Michelangelo to Gandhi to Eleanor Roosevelt not to mention countless devoted
classroom teachers—have spoken about the importance of fostering a love of learning and of the ongoing growth of

                                        Reasons to take a class with us
       New Skills (Functionality). At home and at work, in order to function effectively day-to-day amidst a
       rapidly changing world, we need to learn new things period.
       Purpose and Path. One term that has been used over the past couple decades when addressing purpose
       and path is “college and career readiness.”
       Passions and Life Satisfaction. Pursuing passions and interests outside of work (where you might have
       already done a lot of learning, or feel saturated) is important.
       Employability. Today, the average person changes jobs 10 to 15 times during their career. Some cite even
       higher numbers.
       Economic Imperative. Closely related to employability, learning is becoming an economic imperative.
       Leadership. Strong leaders need to learn new skills and how to relate to the changing generations in the
       multi-generational workforce.
       Transferability. We all need to become lifelong learners in ways that extend beyond any one particular
       class and/or point of time.
       Social Awareness and Perspective. In order to truly empathize with others, increase social awareness and
       build relationships, we must intentionally seek out ideas that differ from our own.
       Practicality. We live in an era where you can fix pretty much anything in your home by watching a
       YouTube video. This has created a DIY culture that allows people interested in everything from home
       improvements to crafting to cooking to learn practical skills.
       Longevity. An active mind throughout your life has been proven to help you live longer and healthier.

               CALL 814-624-4812 TODAY to register for a class!

 Fall 2019                                                                                                                  1
Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

Design & Technology
    Office 365 Introduction (PWT/380)..................................3                 Automotive Service
    Computer Basics (PWT/115)............................................3                   State Auto Inspection (BCT/131)......................................8
    Computer Basics Continues… (PWT/215)........................3                            Emissions Inspector Certificate (BCT/202)........................8
    Microsoft Excel 2016 Series (Online)...............................3                     ASE Certifications and Recertification Testing Site...........8
    Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016 (Online)................4
    Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016 (Online).....................4                     Personal Enrichment
    Introduction to QuickBooks 2017 (Online)......................4                         Introduction to Beekeeping (PWT/384)............................8
    QuickBooks 2017 Series (Online).....................................4                   Hand Stamped Greeting Cards (PWT/262).......................9
                                                                                            Selling on the Web (PWT/359).........................................9
Professional Development                                                                    Extreme Savings with Couponing (PWT/329)...................9
    Stepping Up: A Road Map for New Supervisiors                                            Yoga with Kennedy (PWT/266)........................................9
                                                                                         Commercial Driver Training
    Stress Management! (PWT/383).......................................4
                                                                                             Class “A” CDL Program................................................10
    Customer Service using The “FISH Philosophy”
     (PWT/123)......................................................................5    Online Courses......................................................... 10-16
    The Communication Process (PWT/327)..........................5                       Online Machining Options...................................................10
                                                                                           Automation Technician Certificate.................................11
                                                                                           Electronics Technician Certificate...................................11
    ServSafe Sanitation Certification Course (PWT/100).........5
                                                                                           Electromechanical Technician Certificate........................11
    ServSafe Sanitation Certification Renewal (PWT/203)......5
                                                                                           Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Technician
    Cake Decorating Basics (BCT/183)...................................5
                                                                                             Certificate I...................................................................11
Healthcare Education                                                                       Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Technician
    Nurse Aide Training (BCT/121).......................................6                    Certificate II..................................................................11
    American Safety & Health Institute (PWT/336)................6                          Robotics Technician Certificate......................................11
    Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider 1 (PWT/343)................... 6
                                                                                         Ed2Go........................................................................... 12-13
    Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider RENEWAL.................... 6
    Handling Medical Emergencies (ONLINE).......................... 7                    Gift of Education.................................................................14
    Helping Elderly Parents (ONLINE)...................................... 7
                                                                                         Credit Courses.....................................................................15
Skill Trades
    Introduction to MIG Welding Skills (BCT/142)................7                        Registration................................................................... 16-17
    Introduction to CNC Milling and Lathe Operations
     and Programming (PWT/281).........................................8

                                                                  ATTENTION PA Teachers:
                                                                             We are an Act 48 Provider!

2                                                                                                                                                                Fall 2019
Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

                                                                Instructor: Jeff Ward
                                                                Location: BCTC
                                                                Fee: $98.00
                                                                55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $88.00

                                                                Computer Basics Continues… (PWT/215)
                                                                This course increases your understanding of computers
                Office 365 Introduction (PWT/380)               using Windows 10 operating system as well as several
                 Have you recently subscribed to Office         software applications. You will explore a wide range of
                 365 on your PC and you’re not sure where       computer skill topics as the course is designed to build on
                 to start? This course will give you a better   and enhance the skills learned in PWT/115 Computer
                understanding of Microsoft’s newest cloud       Basics. You will learn to conduct internet searches, format
              based product and the many new features it        text using a word processor, create basic formulas using
offers the end user. Learn how Office 365 can be accessed       spreadsheet software, and backup data files to a flash drive
from any device- not just your PC but also on your              or CD. The course will also build on your knowledge of
smartphone or tablet (Apple or Android). You will learn         managing a PC. The course will use Windows 10 and
how to harness the power of OneDrive and how to create,         Microsoft Office 2016. Basic computer skills are needed to
edit, manage, and sync your files and folders on the cloud.     enroll in this class.
You will also explore new tips and operations in the 2016
versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Students must          Date: Tues., Oct. 22 – Nov. 19, 2019 (5 sessions)
have their own personal Office 365 account to utilize           Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
throughout this course.                                         Instructor: Jeff Ward
                                                                Location: BCTC
Date: Thurs., Oct. 3 - 24, 2019 (4 sessions)                    Fee: $98.00
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM                                         55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $88.00
Instructor: Jeff Ward
Location: ACM/Everett Campus
Fee: $70.00
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $63.00

Computer Basics (PWT/115)
You may have been using a computer for months or years,
and still can’t quite figure out how some things work.          Take classes anytime, anywhere! Our ONLINE classes
What exactly is the Desktop? How do I get to the internet?      are convenient, relevant and interactive. There are over
What’s the difference between right click and left click?       300+ options to pick from listed below are a few
Throughout this course, we will answer all of those             samples!
questions and many more including how to copy and
paste, drag and drop, send and receive e-mails, how to find     Go to to register,
things… all while working with Windows 10. In this              submit payment and start your class.
hands-on class you will “learn by doing!” After completing
this class, you can continue your education by enrolling in                 Microsoft Excel 2016 Series – 72 hours –
the course PWT/215 Computer Basics Continues...                             $324
                                                                            A total of 2,712,362 job posts within the last
Date: Tues., Sept. 17 – Oct. 15, 2019 (5 sessions)                          year have listed knowledge of Microsoft
Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM                                        Excel as a critical skill for the role, and it’s not just

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Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

within the finance and accounting industries. Everyone                     QuickBooks 2017 Series – 48 hours – $199
from Human Resources professionals to Retail                               Whether you’re a small business owner or an
Salespersons are using Excel in their day-to-day                           accountant in need of a QuickBooks
functions. This Series combines three Microsoft Excel                      refresher, this series of courses will teach you
2016 courses, to give you a thorough understanding of         the skills you need to navigate the latest version of the
how to use this software to supplement your career.           software like a pro.
 Courses include:
         • Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016               This series includes Introduction and Intermediate
         • Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016                  QuickBooks 2017. It covers everything from creating
         • Advanced Microsoft Excel 2016                      statements to more advanced functions, including batch
In this program, you will gain the knowledge needed to        invoicing and report generation. To take these courses you
successfully use Microsoft’s latest version of Excel.         must have access to QuickBooks program. Enroll today
                                                              and learn all the new features of QuickBooks 2017!
              Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016 (Self-
              Paced Tutorial) – 24 hours – $129
              If you work with numbers, you need to
              master Microsoft Excel 2016! This hands-on
course will teach you dozens of shortcuts and tricks for
setting up fully-formatted worksheets quickly and
efficiently. You will also learn the secrets behind writing
powerful mathematical formulas and discover how to
use the function wizard to quickly and automatically
calculate statistics, loan payments, future value, and
more. By the time you’re done, you will be using this         Stepping Up: A Road Map for New Supervisors
vital Office 2016 application like a pro.                     (PWT/297)
                                                              Stepping Up is a management development training
            Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016 (Self-          program for new supervisors, managers, and leaders. The
            Paced Tutorial) – 24 hours – $129                 program offers a basic understanding of the roles,
            In this hands-on course, you will learn how       responsibilities, and expectations required to be successful,
            to create informative, eye-catching charts and    and it guides supervisors in developing an actionable plan
graphs, and harness the power of Excel’s data analysis        for personal growth. Stepping Up provides new
tools and AutoFilter commands. In addition, you will          supervisors with an accurate picture of what it truly
find out how easy it is to create macros that let you         means to be a supervisor. This workshop takes a different
manipulate data with the push of a button. You will also      angle than most supervisory training programs. Rather
discover how to use Goal Seek and Solver and apply            than focusing on typical day-to-day tasks such as
them to real-world problems. Set yourself apart from the      planning, budgeting, and problem solving, Stepping Up
casual Excel user by adding VLOOKUP, INDEX &                  targets people skills as the foundation for success.
MATCH, and other time-saving functions to your
repertoire.                                                   Date: Tues. & Thurs., Dec. 3 & Dec. 5, 2019 (2 sessions)
                                                              Time: 9:00 – 12:00 Noon
             Introduction to QuickBooks 2017 – 24 hours       Instructor: Wayne Blue
             – $120                                           Location: ACM Everett Campus
             In 12 lessons, you will gain hands-on            Fee: $100.00 (includes participant workbook)
             experience as you master the tools you need      55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $90.00
set up a chart of accounts; reconcile your checking
account; create and print invoices, receipts, and             Stress Management! (PWT/383)
statements; track your payables, inventory, and               Maxed out, stressed out, burnt out,
receivables; create estimates; and generate reports.          To Busy, Overwhelmed?
                                                              Do you recognize yourself in any of
Whether you’re new to QuickBooks or have already used         these descriptors? If so, count
earlier versions of this accounting software program, this    yourself in the company of most
course will empower you to take control of the financial      other people today! We are
accounting for your business.                                 expected by others and ourselves to

4                                                                                                                  Fall 2019
Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

do it all, handle it all and be it all. In fact, most of us are
downright tired! All this stress can affect our emotions,
our health and our relationships. In this class we will
focus on managing our stress, manage our emotions and
improving our relationships through better
communication skills and learn to better manage                   ServSafe Sanitation Certification Course (PWT/100)
conflicts. The good news is we can take charge and learn          ServSafe Sanitation Certification Renewal (PWT/203 )
to make changes that can have immediate positive                  The Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant
effects! The struggle is real, but you can leave this class       Association has designed the ServSafe course to help
with some insight and strategies to deal with stress!             managers and employees in food service facilities prevent
                                                                  food-related illnesses. Topics include: purchasing, receiving,
Date: Tues., Oct. 15, 22 & 29, 2019 (3 sessions)                  preparing and serving food, sanitary facilities, the HACCP
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM                                           system, personal hygiene and safety, Pest Management and
Instructor: Dr. Sherry Lynn Cain, PH.D.                           Food Safety regulations. The Pennsylvania Department of
Location: ACM Everett Campus                                      Agriculture approves this course for the categories of retail,
Fee: $90.00                                                       food service and bakery. Register early, seats are limited and
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $81.00                               books must be picked up in advance.

Customer Service using The “FISH Philosophy”                      For ServSafe Renewal you only attend Thurs., Oct. 24,
(PWT/123)                                                         2019.
This is one of the best customer service trainings available      Date: Tues. & Thurs., Oct. 22 & 24, 2019 (2 sessions)
today. Fish is old wisdom for a new day. When a                   Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
community of people or workers bring their “whole                 Instructor: Susan Long
selves” to work – their personalities, their humor, their         Location: ACM Everett Campus
desire to make a difference, the effect is powerful, creating     Fee: $175.00 (includes textbook)
a higher quality of life at work and at home. This training       Renewal Fee: $125.00 (includes textbook)
is great for both old and new staff members, and if they
experienced it once before it’s a great refresher session.        Cake Decorating Basics (BCT/183)
Join us and learn how to create a service culture that will       Do you want to decorate cakes that will
make your business or organization an outstanding place           delight your family and friends? If so,
to work and then some.                                            this course is for you!! This 5 week (10
                                                                  hour) course will teach you how to
Date: Thurs., Oct. 17, 2019                                       successfully decorate your own cake
Time: 9:00 – 12:00 Noon                                           using various cake decorating tools and
Instructor: Wayne Blue                                            techniques.
Location: BCTC
Fee: $50.00                                                       Date: Tues., Oct. 1 - 29, 2019 (5 sessions)
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $45.00                               Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
                                                                  Instructor: Barbara Miller
The Communication Process (PWT/327)                               Location: BCTC
“Communication is something so simple and difficult that we       Fee: $75.00 (includes tips, plastic couplers and parchment
can never put it into simple words.” T.S. Matthews. Join us       triangles)
for this two-hour session and learn to improve you overall        When registering you will receive an icing recipe that will
communication skills. A self-assessment of your current skills    need to be brought to class on first night plus a few
will give you a starting point and we will look at                supplies from home.
communication barriers, organizational communication              55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $68.00
systems, nonverbal Signals, perceptions, and Interpretations.

Date: Thurs., Nov. 7, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Instructor: Wayne Blue
Location: BCTC
Fee: $45.00
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $41.00

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Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

                                                              Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider l (PWT/343)
                                                              The Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course is a video-
                                                              based, instructor-led course that teaches both single-rescuer
                                                              and team basic life support skills for application in both
                                                              pre-hospital and in-facility environments, with a focus on
                                                              high quality CPR and team dynamics. This course trains
                                                              participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening
                                                              emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver
                                                              appropriate ventilations and provide early use of AED.
                                                              Upon successful completion of the course, including a CPR
                                                              and AED skills test and a written test, students receive a
                                                              BLS Provider course completion card, valid for 2 years.
Nurse Aide Training (BCT/121)
Begin a new career in the growing Health Occupations          2 class options:
industry! Successful completion of this course fulfills the   Date: Sat., Oct. 26, 2019 OR Sat., Dec. 14, 2019
Pennsylvania training requirement, which allows               Time: 9:00 – 5:00 PM
participants to take the Nurse Aide certification             Instructor: Jeremy Oldham
examination.                                                  Location: ACM/Everett Campus
                                                              Fee $85.00 (includes workbook)
Date: Mon. – Thurs., Sept. 16 – Nov. 7, 2019
Time: 5:00 – 9:15 PM                                          Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider RENEWAL
Instructor: Lynn Miller and Pamela Young                      The AHA has added a BLS Renewal Course option for BLS
Location: BCTC                                                providers to complete BLS training and receive a BLS
Fee: $750.00 (includes textbook and workbook)                 Provider course completion card. The BLS Renewal Course is
(Fees do not include certification exam, physical exam, or    a video-based, Instructor Led Training course that features
uniforms.)                                                    accelerated content. It is designed specifically for providers
                                                              with a current BLS Provider course completion card and
                                                              allows for time efficiency while teaching both single-rescuer
                                                              and team basic life support skills in both in-facility and
                                                              prehospital settings.

                                                              Prerequisites: Students must present their current BLS
                                                              Provider card to the instructor upon arrival to the class. The
                                                              instructor maintains the right to dismiss a student that does
                                                              not present a valid BLS Provider card.

                                                              The course cost includes the workbook which students can
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) (PWT-336)           obtain by calling Amy Weicht at 814-624-4812. Students are
ASHI CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid combination training       expected to know current BLS procedures upon arrival to
allows instructors an easy option for students seeking a      class. Students that do not pick up their books will receive
comprehensive training class that builds the confidence to    their copy at the beginning of class, but will still be expected
respond. This first aid, AED, and CPR certification course    to know the material contained within the manual.
option is an excellent choice for both the community and
workplace setting, and conforms to the 2015 AHA               2 class options:
Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC, and the 2015 AHA           Date: Sat., Sept. 21, 2019 OR Sat., Nov. 16, 2019
and ARC Guidelines Update for First Aid. Sign up early,       Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
class size is limed to 10!                                    Instructor: Jeremy Oldham
                                                              Location: ACM/Everett Campus
Date: Tues., Oct. 15, 2019                                    Fee: $75.00 (includes workbook)
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Instructor: Tammy Prinkey
Location: BCTC
Fee: $85.00

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Your Guide FALL 2019 NON-CREDIT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Allegany College of ...

                                                                    Handling Medical Emergencies (self-paced tutorial)

ONLINE                                                              (ONLINE) COST $115
                                                                    This course will identify common medical emergencies
HEALTH CARE RELATED OPTIONS                                         affecting children and adults, help you recognize signs and
                                                                    symptoms, and teach you how to render appropriate
be sure to click on the Career Training Program option at the       emergency care. For adults, you will learn how to recognize
bottom of the page.                                                 and manage chest pain, heart attack, stroke, diabetic
                                                                    problems, seizures, breathing difficulty, burns, and allergic
Advanced Coding for the Physician’s Office                          reactions. For children, you will also learn about poisoning,
80 hours – Cost: $1,595                                             fever, childhood illnesses, injuries from accidents, and the
Take the next step in your career and prepare for the Certified
                                                                    signs of abuse. (24 hours of training)
Procedural Coding national certification exam with the help
of this online training program.
                                                                    Register online at

Advanced Hospital Coding and CCS Prep
                                                                    Helping Elderly Parents (ONLINE) COST $100
80 hours – Cost: $1,895
This program will utilize your existing knowledge of medical
                                                                    Are your parents in their golden years? Learning how to help
terminology and healthcare sciences. Increase your coding           parents or other loved ones through their transition can
skills and prepare to take the official certification exam to       prepare us for our own. This compassionate and
become a certified Coding Specialist.                               comprehensive class will give you the tools, techniques, and
                                                                    insights for this passage. Growing older is a part of life. Some
ICD-10 Medical Coding – 200 hours – Cost $1,795                     aspects are joyful, some bittersweet, some frustrating, some
Prepare for and implement the changes that ICd-10 will bring        frightening. You will learn what to expect, what to watch for,
to the medical coding system.
                                                                    how to deal with physical and emotional challenges, and
CCA Medical Billing and Coding + Voucher Included                   where to find resources to help. You’ll understand the impact
340 hours – Cost: $2,695                                            of retirement, learn how to choose a nursing home, and be
CCA Medical Billing and Coding will prepare you for an entry-       prepared to deal with death. You’ll learn about financial and
level career within the healthcare industry. You’ll learn current   legal considerations, health issues, and family interpersonal
medical coding standards, to help you accurately track patient      relationships. (24 hours of training)
accounts and find gainful employment within this growing            Register online at
workforce sector. This program is designed to help you
successfully prepare for the Certified Coding Associate exam,
offered by the American Health Information Management
Association. The registration fee for this exam is included with
this program.

Fitness Business Management 200 hours – Cost $2,595
Learn how to manage a personal training program, department,
or facility as a strategic business with this innovative program.   Introduction to MIG Welding Skills (BCT/142)
                                                                    Introduction to MIG Welding
CompTIA™ Security + Certification Training                          (Metal Inert Gas Welding) is a
(Voucher included) 80 hours – Cost $1,695                           simple, versatile arc welding
The CompTIA IT Technician course teaches the fundamentals
                                                                    process that is generally
of IT (HIT) by using the CompTIA IT Technician (HIT-001)
exam objectives as the framework. Upon completion of the            considered to be the easiest to
program, you will receive a voucher to take the CompTIA IT          learn of the arc welding
Technician certifying exam.                                         processes. Our Basic MIG
                                                                    Welding class is designed for the
                                                                    very beginner or the intermediate
                                                                    welder that needs a refresher. In
                                                                    this class, you will learn principles of welding safety, proper set
                                                                    up of the MIG welding machine and welding techniques/welding
                                                                    joints. There are no prerequisites for this class.
  Ed2go has a variety of payment options available for
  the above career program options such as Private Ed.              Date: Tues. & Thurs., Oct. 1 – Nov. 7, 2019 (12 sessions)
  Contract or Student Payment Plan. Contact Ed2go at                Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
    800-701-8755 for more details on these options.                 Instructor: David Mohr
                                                                    Location: BCTC
                                                                    Fee: $750.00

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Introduction to CNC Milling and Lathe Operations and
Programming (PWT/281)
This 90 hour continuing education training is designed to
prepare students to become a well-rounded entry level CNC
Machine Helper/operator with upward mobility potential.
The classes are predominately hands-on training with some
theory. The training is a total of 90 hours and is designed
around industry recognized credentials based on skills
needed for a career in CNC machining and manufacturing.
                                                                     WE ARE AN ASE TESTING SITE!
Students completing the program may have the opportunity             The Bedford County Technical Center/ACM
to earn a NIMS (National Institute of Metalworkers)                  Workforce Training Center has become an official
Certification.                                                       ASE Testing Site. Individuals interested in obtaining
                                                                     ASE certifications or renewing certifications can go to
Date: Tues. & Thurs., Aug. 27 – Dec. 10, 2019
(no class 11/28) (30 sessions)                              or they can call Prometric at
Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM                                              1-877-346-9327 to register.
Instructor: Staff
Location: BCTC                                                       Once you have registered you must call Amy Weicht
Fee: $1,000.00                                                       at 814-624-4812 to schedule a test date and time.

                                                                  Introduction to Beekeeping (PWT/384)
                                                                  What’s all the buzz? Join us for an
State Auto Inspection (BCT/131)                                   educational, informative, and exciting
Upon successful completion of this class, you will take the       new course as Agricultural Specialist
PA Auto Inspection License Exam. Those who pass will              and skilled beekeeper, Ben Cooper,
receive their Auto Inspectors License.                            leads participants into the exciting
                                                                  world of beginner beekeeping. The
Date: Tues. & Thurs., Nov. 5, 7, 12 & 14, 2019                    class will focus on the history, types of
(4 sessions)                                                      honey bees, colony structure, bee
Tactile exam date will be schedule by instructor.                 biology, development, and maintaining
Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM                                           a healthy hive. Participants will also learn about and use
Instructor: Kevin Lawton                                          proper protective gear as well as other tools of the trade. As
Location: BCTC                                                    the class progresses, talking points will include how to
Fee: $175.00 (includes manual and one category)                   acquire honey bees, manage colonies, and marketing your
Additional categories are $40 each.                               honey. It will also include threats and diseases to be watching
                                                                  for to keep your bees healthy. A field trip to an active bee
Emissions Inspector Certification (BCT/202)                       yard will be part of the class. “Beekeeping Basics” will be
Upon successful completion of this class, you will take the       textbook used and is included with the course.
PA Emissions Inspector Certification Exam. Those who
pass will receive their initial PA Emissions Inspector License.   Date: Tues., Sept. 10 – Oct. 15, 2019 (6 sessions)
                                                                  Time: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Date: Mon. – Wed., Nov. 18, 19 & 20, 2019 (3 sessions)            Instructor: Mr. Ben Cooper
Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM                                           Location: BCTC
Instructor: Kevin Lawton                                          Fee: $75.00
Location: BCTC                                                    55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $67.00
Fee: $135.00

8                                                                                                                      Fall 2019

Hand Stamped Greeting Cards (PWT/262)                              Yoga with Kennedy (PWT/266)
Come and create five beautiful all occasion hand stamped           Hatha Yoga is a slower paced
greeting cards to share with your friends. During the class        “feel good” practice, combined
you will learn basic stamping techniques, how to dry               with meditation and spiritual
emboss, heat emboss and simple mixed media card                    philosophy. In this class you
making. The class is designed for new stampers to                  will strengthen and lengthen
stamping pros. All supplies are included such as adhesive,         throughout your body, learn to
paper, ink, and stamps. Each class will feature different          link your breath with your
cards.                                                             movements, while maintaining an emphasis on moving within
                                                                   a safe range of motion for your body. In turn you will gain
3 class options:                                                   strength, flexibility and further the mind-body connection.
Date: Mon., Sept. 30, Tues., Oct. 15, Mon., Oct. 28                Class is open to all levels!
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Instructor: Sue Lepako                                             **This class is BYOM (bring your own mat). Along with your
Location: BCTC                                                     yoga mat you are welcome to bring any props you are
Fee: $15.00 per class                                              accustomed to using in your regular yoga practice, such as
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $13.00                                blocks or a yoga strap. Class size is limited to 12.

Buying & Selling on the Web (PWT/359)                              2 Class Options
Are you overwhelmed with too much stuff? Have you thought          Date: Tues., Sept. 17 – Oct. 22, 2019 (6 sessions)
about selling it on the web? Come and learn how to list and sell          Thurs., Sept. 19 – Oct. 24, 2019 (6 sessions)
items on sites such as eBay, Facebook, Craigslist etc.             Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
                                                                   Instructor: Kennedy Shelly
Date: Tues. & Thurs., Oct. 15 & 17, 2019 (2 sessions)              Location: ACM Everett Campus, Room 13
Time: 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM                                            Fee: $35.00
Instructor: Staff                                                  55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $31.00
Location: BCTC
Fee: $60.00
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $54.00

Extreme Savings with
Couponing (PWT-329)
Learn the basics of couponing
and cut your grocery bill in half
or more! Become familiar with
coupon and sale terms as well as
store coupon policies. You’ll
also discover how to find,
organize and use your coupons
to save you the most money

each week

Date: Tues., Oct. 15, 2019
Time: 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Instructor: Alyssa Bert
Location: BCTC
Fee: $25.00
55+ or Veteran Discount Fee: $23.00
                                                                      for classes with a friend!
                                                                     You can learn together and sometimes only one more student
                                                                     can make the difference in holding or cancelling a class!

Fall 2019                                                                                                                         9

                                                                      GREATER JOHNSTOWN
                                                               CAREER & TECHNOLOGY CENTER

                                                                  DRIVER TRAINING

     This Class “A” CDL program is a six-week program held at the GJCTC in partnership with ACM/BCTC Workforce
     Training Center. It includes classroom training and vehicle operation training (including driving on two and four lane
     highways) Students will be eligible to take the licensing exam at the completion of the course. Check with the local
     Careerlink to see if this training qualifies for WIOA or Trade Funding.
           • Call 814-266-6073 Ext. 201 – To learn start date, acceptance procedure, and tuition/fees
           • Class runs for 6 weeks
           • Classes meet Monday through Friday from 7am to 3pm @GJCTC

                             ONLINE MACHINING OPTIONS
                                Training solutions that fit your production schedule
     Just call us @ 814-624-4812 or 814-624-4814 to check on pricing and to register, pay and get your login and
     passwords to start the training process. Each program has a number of modules associated with it that can be
     completed in 1 to 1.5 hour online sessions and includes a pre and post-test to measure comprehension. Pricing is
     determined by the number of modules an individual is interested in taking.

     Functional Areas: Machining                                    Hole Making on the Mill, Threading and Taper Turning
                                                                    for the Lathe
     Abrasives – Grinding Processes, Grinding Variables,
     Grinding Wheel Materials, Cylindrical, Centerless and          Metal Cutting – Band Saw, Cutting Tool Materials,
     Surface Grinding                                               Carbide Grade Selection, ANSI Inserts, Lathe and Mill
                                                                    Geometry, Optimizing Tool Life
     CNC Machining – Intro to CNC Mills and Lathes,
     Mechanics of CNC, CNC coordinates, G-Code, Part                Inspection – Basic Measurement, Tolerance, Blueprint
     Program, Off-Sets and Canned Cycles, CAD/CAM                   Reading, GD&T, Hole and Thread Inspection, CMM’s
     overview                                                       and Optical Comparators
     CNC Controls – Haas/Fanuc/                                                       Math – Math Fundamentals, Fractions
     Mazak: Control panel overview,                                                   & Decimals, Geometry and
     entering offsets, locating program                                               Trigonometry for Manufacturing
     zero, program execution, and                                                     Safety – Intro to OSHA, Machine
     program storage                                                                  Guarding, Safety for Metal Cutting,
     Manual Machining – Basics of the                                                 Ergonomics, PPE, Lock-out/Tag-out
     Manual Mill and Engine lathe,

10                                                                                                                        Fall 2019

offers five interactive and highly innovative technical training distance education programs that combine state-of-the-art lab
simulation with award-winning curriculum. You can register into these programs anytime, and work through the material
at your own pace, from your home or workplace. The curriculum is provided on DVD and is supported by an online virtual
campus, where students access online testing and additional resources. Administrative, technical and tutorial support is
provided by a live Student Support Center which you can reach by toll-free phone number, email or online forums.

Automation Technician Certificate                                   Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Technician
The Automation Technician program was developed in                  Certificate I
direct response to industry demand for people with broad            The PLC program provides the basic technical skills and
skills and knowledge in areas including digital electronics         knowledge necessary to work with plc control systems
and process control, and who also have programming skills           typically found in an industrial environment. Emphasis is
in areas such as PLCs, Robotics, and SCADA systems.                 placed on the use and programming of PLCs in a complex
                                                                    industrial control system (both discrete and analog).
Fee: $1,850 or pay as you learn with initial registration of
$590 and then pay for additional modules as you work                Fee: $1,800 or pay as you learn with initial registration of
through them.                                                       $450, and then pay $75 to register into each of the
                                                                    remaining 18 modules.
Electronics Technician Certificate
The ET program covers the fundamentals of electronics and           Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Technician
prepares the graduate for employment and/or further on-the-         Certificate II
job training as a consumer, commercial or industrial                The PLC Technician II certificate Program consists of 19
electronics service technician.                                     modules of interactive curriculum using test, video, audio,
                                                                    2D and 3D animations and laboratory simulation software.
Fee: $1,750 or pay as you learn with initial registration of
                                                                    The PLC Technician II Certificate program prepares
$430, and then pay $60 to register into each of the
                                                                    graduates of the program for employment and/or further on-
remaining 22 modules.
                                                                    the-job training as a PLC technician in the field of consumer,
                                                                    commercial and industrial electronics. Perquisite is PLC
Electromechanical Technician Certificate
                                                                    Level I
The EM program is designed to provide students with a
foundation in electromechanical technology that can lead to         Fee: $1,800 or pay as you learn with initial registration of
a career in fields such as industrial maintenance, design and       $450 and then pay $75 to register into each of the remaining
installation, technical services, technical sales, and industrial   18 modules.
research and development.
                                                                    Robotics Technician Certificate
Fee: $1,800 or pay as you learn with initial registration of
                                                                    This program provides an introduction to industrial robotics
$430, and then pay $60 to register into each of the
                                                                    and explains how they are used in plants or manufacturing
remaining 23 modules.
                                                                    systems. The primary focus of the program is on automated
                                                                    manufacturing processes, the role of robots within these
                                                                    processes, and all related support equipment.
                                                                    Fee: $1,650 or pay as you learn with initial registration of
                                                                    $570, and then pay $90 to register into each of the
                                                                    remaining 12 modules.

                         For more detailed information go to
                                           or call toll-free at 1-866-300-1347.

Fall 2019                                                                                                                          11

Our online classes are convenient, relevant and interactive
Here are our top picks from our online partners Ed2go but there are over 300+ options to pick from.

Ed2go                                                          Ed2go Career Training
Accounting Fundamentals 			                                    CPC Medical Billing and Coding (Voucher Included)
Grammar Refresher				                                          CBCS Medical Billing and Coding (Voucher Included)
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013		                         Human Resources Professional
Speed Spanish 					                                            HVACR Certified Technician
Accounting Fundamentals Series 		                              Freight Broker/Agent Training
Introduction to SQL				                                        Project Manager with CAPM and PMP Prep
Beginning Writer’s Workshop 			                                Mobile and Desktop Web Developer
A to Z Grant Writing 				                                      Lean Six Sigma Green & Black Belt (Exam Included)
Project Management Fundamentals 		                             Certified Bookkeeper
Computer Skills for the Workplace 		                           Administrative Professional with MS Office 2016
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010 		                        Certified Residential Interior Designer
Human Anatomy and Physiology 		                                CCNA: routing and Switching (Voucher Included)
Discover Sign Language 			                                     Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks 2015
                                                                (Software Included)
Effective Business Writing 			                                 Technical Writing
Creating WordPress Websites 			                                Medical Terminology (Vouchers Included)
Fundamentals of Supervision and Mgt. 		                        Medical Office Manager (CPPM) (Vouchers Included)
                                                               Comp TIA Security & Certification (Voucher Included)
Introduction to QuickBooks Online 		                           Advanced Coding for the Physician’s Office
Creating Web Pages
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2013
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems 		                       George Brown College
Microsoft Excel 2016 Series
                                                               Online Options
                                                               Electronics Technician
                                                               Electromechanical Technician
                                                               Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
                                                               Programmable Logic Controller II (PLC)
                                                               Robotics Technician
                                                               Electronics Technician

             Just got to the necessary site, and search for your interest and you can enroll online, pay online,
            take the classes online 24/7 and even print out you own certificate. Classes start as low as $115.
      Ed2go –               George Brown College –

12                                                                                                                 Fall 2019

Fall 2019                                                        13

          AGift of Education

                 Making a difference in the lives of students by awarding more than $1.3 million in
                            scholarship, tuition assistance, and emergency book funding.

          Please consider making an investment in our community by supporting the Bedford County
             Regional Education Foundation. Here are some options that you may want to consider:

             PROVIDING                           CREATING                      CONTRIBUTING TO                      ESTABLISHING
         AN ANNUAL GIFT                 A NEW SCHOLARSHIP                    AN EXISTING FUND                    A PLANNED GIFT

          If you would like to discuss how you can make a difference in the lives of students, please contact the Bedford County Regional
               Education Foundation Office at 814-652-9528, ext. 6223. Your gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

                                18 North River Lane | Everett, PA 15537 | 814-652-9528

14                                                                                                                                          Fall 2019


                                            Attending the
                                          Bedford County
                                          Campus of ACM
                                               is the best
                                          decision I have
                                              ever made!
                                                 – Ariana Elizabeth

            SEE FOR YOURSELF!
            Open House 11/17 10a–12p

                       BEDFORD COUNTY CAMPUS

Fall 2019                                                             15

          for further information call (814) 624-4812

                                                                              Payment Policy:
                                                                              For all classes, full payment is due one week prior to first
                                                                              class session.

                                                                              The Allegany College of Maryland Center for Workforce
                                                                              Development reserves the right to cancel any course that,
In Person                                                                     in judgement of the Center staff, does not have sufficient
Register in person by visiting the Allegany College of                        enrollment. The decision is usually made one week before
Maryland Center for Workforce Development. Office                             the first scheduled class meeting, and all registrants will be
hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 3:30pm.                                   notified promptly. A full refund is processed automatically.
                                                                              To help prevent cancellations, please register at least one
By Mail                                                                       week before class is to begin.
Complete the registration form in this catalog; attach
a check, money order or credit card information and                           Refund Policy:
mail to us at ACM BCTC Workforce Development,                                 An eighty percent refund may be obtained for any student
195 Pennknoll Road, Everett, PA 15537-6946.                                   who officially withdraws from a course prior to the second
                                                                              session. Students can obtain a withdrawal form by calling
By Phone                                                                      (814) 624-4812.
Phone registration is available during regular office
hours for any customer paying by VISA, Discover,                              Who Can Register:
MasterCard, or agency billing. Please have all student,                       Courses are open to all interested persons 16 years of age
course and billing information ready before calling.                          or older (unless specifically designed as a youth course).
The number to register is (814) 624-4812.                                     High school students are required to submit a letter of
                                                                              approval from their Principal or Guidance Counselor for
                                                                              any course that is not designed as a youth program.
By Fax Or Scan
You can fax your registration form if payment by
VISA, Discover, MasterCard, or agency billing. FAX
cannot be used when paying by check. Please remember                          VISION/MISSION
to include all information needed for payment when
using a credit card or agency billing. FAX to (814) 623-                      STATEMENT
7234 or SCAN to                                         ALLEGANY COLLEGE OF MARYLAND
                                                                              Vision - We will be the college of choice that transforms lives,
                                                                              strengthens communities, and makes learners the center of
                                                                              everything we do.

                                                                              Mission - Allegany College of Maryland is a lifelong learning
                                                                              community dedicated to excellence in education and responsive
Allegany College of Maryland is required to inform prospective and            to the changing needs of the communities we serve. Our focus is
current students of important College policies, including Non-                the preparation of individuals in mind, body, and spirit for lives
Discrimination, Title IX, Clery Act, Heroin & Opioid, Drug and Alcohol        of fulfillment, leadership, and service in a diverse and global
Use, Academic Disabilities, FERPA, Accreditation, and Gainful                 society. We are committed to engaging students in rich and
Employment Disclosure. For full details on these key policies, please visit   challenging learning opportunities within a small college
the Allegany College of Maryland website at      atmosphere that is known for its personal touch.

16                                                                                                                                   Fall 2019

Fall 2019                                                        17
  PERMIT NO. 631
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