BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley

Page created by Harold Brooks
BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure
                                    Summer, 2021

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BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
About Bexley Recreation
                 165 N. Parkview Ave.
                                                                                Hours of Operation: COVID Update
                 Bexley, Ohio 43209                                   
                 8:00am - 4:30pm, Mon. - Fri.                                   The Bexley Recreation & Parks Department (BRPD) is located
Info and Notes

                                                                                in Jeffrey Mansion on the 3rd floor. Business hours are
                                                 Monday through Friday from 8:00am - 4:30pm, but the
                                                building is currently closed to the public due to COVID
                                               safety measures as well as Jeffrey Mansion Preschool
                                            being in session. We are conducting business over the
                                                                                phone, online and also accepting appointments. Please
                 Mayor                                                          contact us at
                 Ben Kessler                                                    (614) 559-4300 or by email at
                 City Council                                                   Jeffrey Park
                 Lori Ann Feibel.; Matt Klingler; Monique Lampke; Troy
                 Markham; Jen Robinson; Jessica Saad; Richard Sharp             Jeffrey Park consists of nearly 40 acres, including the two
                                                                                Commonwealth Parks located on the east side of
                 Recreation Board                                               Parkview Avenue. A large portion south and west of Jeffrey
                 Ann Brennan; Roger Carroll; Matt McPeek; Victoria Powers       Mansion is a natural woodland traversed by walking trails.
                 (School Bd); Jessica Sparks; Manika Williams                   Alum Creek forms the park’s western boundary. Other
                                                                                recreation opportunities include a tot lot and playground
                 Recreation & Parks                                             for children, two tennis courts, four pickleball courts, picnic
                 Director: Michael Price                                        areas with grills, a play field, two shelter houses and the
                 Deputy Director: Natalie Mullin                                community aquatic facility. Jeffrey Park is open for visitors to
                 Recreation Supervisor: Barb Greiner                            enjoy daily from dawn until dusk.
                 Recreation Supervisor: Katie Sarvas
                 Recreation Supervisor: Kevin Smith                             Program Information
                 Recreation Supervisor (55+): Kristen Schweitzer      
                 Preschool Director: Catie Swendal                              This brochure does not necessarily contain all of the activities
                 Recreation Coordinator: Emily Sweet                            that will be sponsored by BRPD. Contact us or visit us online
                 Recreation Coordinator: Collin Cain                            for more program information. You may also find program
                 Event Coordinator: Lauren Miller                               and event information in This Week Bexley News. BRPD
                 Office Administrator: Emily Perfect                            reserves the right to use photographs taken in classes and
                 Jeffrey Park Grounds Supervisor: Ron Gould                     programs to be used in advertisements and brochures for
                 Grounds Maintenance: Adam Myers                                department promotions.
                 Service Worker: Craig Middlemus
                 Service Worker: Craig Yantko                                   Payment Information
                 Service Worker: Sean Markos                                    Payment is required for all programs at the time of
                                                                                registration prior to the start of an activity.
                 Bexley Recreation Board
                 The Bexley Recreation Board consists of six Bexley residents
                 appointed by Mayor Kessler. The Bexley School Board
                 recommends one member. Board members volunteer for a
                 three (3) year term and meet a minimum of once a month.
                 Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month
                 at 5:30pm at City Hall. The public is invited to attend.

                     City Contacts
                     Emergency:                        911
                     Police Non-Emergency:             (614) 559-4444              Finance Department:                   (614) 559-4260
                     Fire Department:                  (614) 221-2345              Mayor’s Office:                       (614) 559-4210
                     Poison Control:                   (614) 228-1323              Service Department:                   (614) 559-4220
                     Recreation + Parks:               (614) 559-4300              Water Department:                     (614) 559-4270
                     Building + Zoning Department:     (614) 559-4240              Franklin County Board of Health:      (614) 462-7487
                     City Attorney:                    (614) 559-4200              Capital Area Humane Society:          (614) 777-7387
                     City Council:                     (614) 559-4200              Bexley Public Library:                (614) 231-2793
                     Communications + Marketing:       (614) 559-4255              Animal Control:		                     (614) 559-4444
                     Development Department:           (614) 559-4210

                 2      Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                            Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Summer 2021
                                       Table of Contents

                                                                                                             Info And Notes
                                        Info and Notes

                                         Registration Info                              4
                                         Facility Rentals                               5
                                         Field + Court Permits                          6

                                        Child care & Early Childhood Activities

                                         Jeffrey Preschool                             7
                                         BAC Pack / SOCO                               8
                                         Jeffrey Summer Camp                           9
                                         Activities                                   10

                                        Youth Activities

                                         Activities                             11 - 16
                                         Youth Basketball                            17

                                        Adult Activities

                                         Yoga                                        23
                                         Activities                             24 - 25
                                         Nature Programs                             26

                                        older adult Activities

                                         Activities                             27 - 28

                                        Community Activities

                                         Activities                             18 - 19
                                         Community Pool                         20 - 22
                                         Events + Info                          29 - 31

                                       Inside Cover: Jeffrey Mansion Project: Front Porch Construction
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BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Registration Policies
                 Registration FAQ                                                     Activity Policies
                                                                                      Cancellation & Refund Policy
Info and Notes

                 When does registration open?                                         To receive a full refund, you must cancel participation in
                 Bexley resident activity registration opens April 19, 2021 at        an activity no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start of
                 12:00pm. Non-Bexley resident registration opens                      the activity. A 5% processing fee of the activity cost will be
                 April 21, 2021 at 12:00pm.                                           charged for all refunds. You do have the option to take a
                                                                                      full refund with the processing fee or you may credit your
                 What registration platform supports Bexley Rec?                      account with no processing fee. Refunds will not be issued
                 We have switched registration softwares from ActiveNet to            once an activity has started.
                 MyRec. For more information on why we made this switch,
                 please visit                        Refund Exceptions
                                                                                      For any changes made by Bexley Recreation after an
                 How do I access the registration website?                            individual has already registered for the activity (i.e. Change
                 It’s so simple! Just go to to start viewing        in activity dates, times, and/or costs, or class cancellation), a
                 available activities today!                                          full refund will be applied. Not subject to changes that are
                                                                                      beyond our control.
                 Do I need to set up a new account?
                 Yes. If you have not yet set up your account in MyRec, you           Credit Policy
                 will be required to do so prior to registering for any activities.   If an activity is dropped within 2 weeks prior to the start
                                                                                      of the activity, the fee originally paid may be kept on your
                 How do I register for an activity?                                   account as a credit. This credit will only be granted if the
                 Once you have created an account, you can begin searching            drop does not take the class registration below the class
                 Activities by selecting Register and then Programs or Search         minimum or the class is waitlisted and we are able to fill your
                 Programs. Please note, Programs are considered to be the             registration spot. There is no service fee for a credit.
                 “parent” and the Activities listed under the program are the
                 actual Activities that you will register for online. You can only    Waitlist Policy
                 register for the active Activities, not Programs.                    Participants will automatically be placed on a waitlist if an
                                                                                      activity has met its maximum capacity.
                                                                                             • If spots become available, participants will be
                                                                                                notified by phone or email . Please respond as soon
                                                                                                as possible if notified about an opening.
                                                                                             • If confirmation is not received within 24 hours, the
                                                                                                next available person on the waitlist will be notified.

                                                                                      Activity Cancellation Policy
                                                                                      If an activity is canceled by Bexley Recreation for inclement
                                                                                      weather, the department will try to reschedule the activity.
                                                                                      If unable to do so, participants are not entitled to a prorated
                 Is there a processing fee for registering online with a
                 credit card?
                 Yes. You will be required to pay a 1% fee on your total bill.         COVID-19 Information
                 Please note, this is 2.5% less than our previous registration         We will be following all federal, state, and local guidelines
                 software.                                                             as it relates to all programs to ensure the safety of our
                                                                                       participants, instructors, coaches and spectators. In
                 Is there In-Person registration?                                      many cases, spectators will be limited per activity. Safety
                 Not currently due to COVID-19, but if you encounter any               measures will be put in place based on the structure of
                 issues during online registration, please call us at                  each activity.
                 (614) 559-4300 or email us at
                                                                                       COVID-19 Related Refunds
                                                                                       If the BRPD at any point is forced to shut down in-person
                                                                                       activities due to COVID-19, we will first try to pivot to
                                                                                       online (Zoom) if able. In the event we cannot hold a class
                                                                                       online, then we will issue credits or refunds.

                 4      Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                   Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Rental Information
Jeffrey Mansion Rentals                                               Shelter House Rentals
Jeffrey Mansion is coming up on the completion of the                 COVID-19 Policies

                                                                                                                                         Info And Notes
renovation and expansion project that began in February of            We are currently taking reservations for the Memorial Shelter
2020. This project will enhance the current space as well as          House only. The capacity has been reduced to 40 people.
add new space to the north garage court. We are extremely             Masks are required and social distancing practices must be in
excited about this project and what it will bring to our              place for the event.
                                                                      Memorial Shelter House (165 N. Parkview Ave.)
2021 Rentals                                                          Capacity: 50 (adjusted from 100)
At the culmination of this project (early May 2021), we will          The Shelter House is open for reservations any day of
still have our 1st floor space (Jeffrey House) and a new lower        the year, by Bexley Residents only, except on days Bexley
level space (Carriage Court) for programming and events. We           Recreation has a scheduled event. There is a serving area for
are currently taking reservations for June 2021 and on (up to         food and two family size grills on the east side. Private grills
one year in advance) for both spaces.                                 may not be brought in without prior approval. Men’s and
                                                                      women’s restrooms are located on the east and west sides.
Fee Structure + Policies                                              Clifton Shelter House (2100 Clifton Ave.)          Not for
Please visit for more                  Capacity: 80                                       Rent 2021
information on all of our fees and event policies.
                                                                      The Shelter House is open for reservations any day of the
COVID-19 Policies                                                     year by Bexley Residents only; except during Jeffrey Summer
All events will be required to follow the most current federal,       Camp (1st Monday after school lets out through the last
state and local guidelines. As this is a fluid situation, it is not   Tuesday before school resumes). The Clifton Shelter may
out of the question that scheduled events for 2021 may be             only be reserved on Fridays from 6:30 - 10:00pm or Saturdays
asked to postpone or cancel. If BRPD is forced to close the           & Sundays from 8:00am - 10:00pm. (It will not be available
facility, a full refund will be issued.                               Monday – Thursday).

                                                                      Shelter House Hours & Rates
                                                                      Hour minimum: 2 hrs. (must include set-up and clean-up)
                                                                      Fee: $20/hour (paid in full at time of reservation)

                                                                      To Reserve Online: Go to for
                                                                      availability (Under the Facilities Tab) and to complete your
                                                                      online permit. If you need any assistance, you can reach us at
                                                                      (614) 559-4300 or

                                                                      Jeffrey Mansion Preferred Caterers

 Mansion Rental Information

 Event Coordinator: Lauren Miller
 (614) 559-4300

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BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Community information
                 Field + Court Permits 2021                                            Block Party Activity Kit (BPAK)
                 Field Permits                                                         Funded by the Bexley Community Foundation, the BPAK is a
Info and Notes

                                                                                       trailer full of supplies any Bexley neighborhood street would
                 Field permits follow a specific schedule and cannot be                need to hold a successful BLOCK PARTY! The BPAK is available
                 reserved online. All field permit requests will be a part of the      for rental any day of the week by a Bexley resident, Bexley
                 field permit schedule as shown below. For more information,           School Group, or Bexley Community Group and must be
                 please contact Kevin Smith.                                           used within Bexley City Limits.
                  Season            Dates               Lottery (Class A3)   Time
                  Spring-Summer     Mar. 8 - Aug. 8     Already Past         n/a
                  Fall              Aug. 9 - Dec. 31    Fri., Aug. 6         Virtual

                     Pickleball + Tennis Court General Use
                     Unscheduled Free Play
                     The Solomon Pickleball Courts and Hoffman Tennis
                     Courts are available from 7:00am – dusk on a first-come,
                     first-served basis. Anyone may use the courts when
                                                                                       All BPAK rentals are first-come, first-serve up to one (1) year
                     not in use for Scheduled Open Play or other Bexley
                                                                                       in advance. For more detailed information about what is in
                     Recreation programming. When others are waiting,
                                                                                       the BPAK, please go to
                     please limit court time to 2 hours. Hoffman Tennis Courts
                     are not permitted for pickleball use outside of Scheduled
                                                                                       To sumbit a permit request:
                     Open Play. (See page 25 for more information on scheduled
                                                                                       Requests received will be approved based on availability
                     open play)
                                                                                       You will be contacted to complete the permit and make
                                                                                       payment over the phone.
                     Pickleball + Tennis Court Reservations
                     Court reservations are available to Bexley residents on
                                                                                       Rental Fee: $100 (due at the time of the approved rental)
                     a limited basis when not in use for Scheduled Open
                                                                                       Damage Deposit: A credit card will be kept on file in the
                     Play or Bexley Recreation programming. Individuals
                                                                                       event any items are damaged or lost.
                     may reserve one court for up to 2 hours once per week.
                     Reservation requests may be submitted online and will
                     not be finalized until approved by BRPD Staff. For more
                     information, please contact Kristen Schweitzer.
                                                                                        The Bexley Historical Society Museum
                                                                                        Jeffrey Caretaker’s Cottage
                                                                                        2080 Clifton Ave.       
                     To submit a permit request for courts:
                                                                                        Bexley, OH 43209                    A 501(c)(3) Organization
                                                                                        (614) 559-4360

                  For more information on field or court permits, please

                  Field Permits Contact
                  Kevin Smith -

                  Court Permits Contact
                  Kristen Schweitzer -
                                                                                        Due to Covid-19, open hours at the Museum are currently
                                                                                        suspended. The museum is open by appointment for
                                                                                        small groups. Social distancing observed and masks
                                        DARN seeks to use community assets to           required.
                                        meet community needs. To learn about
                                        other opportunities to help local children      Bexley Historical Society updates:
                                        and families, please visit our website:         The newest exhibit at the Museum is an extensive
                                                            collection showcasing the life of long-time Bexley
                                                                                        High School teacher and coach, Russ Owen. For
                                                                                        more historical society news, photos and videos, visit

                 6        Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                 Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Jeffrey Mansion Preschool
                                                                   3 & 4 Year-Old Program
                                                                   This program is designed for children entering a group
                                                                   experience for the first time. The teachers work to help the

                                                                                                                                                  Jeffrey mansion preschool
                                                                   children establish trusting, positive relationships and build
                                                                   a classroom community that flourishes with creative, joyful
                                                                   learning. Child must be potty trained.

                                                                    Program*         Time                     Day             Cost
                                                                    3-day half       TBA                      M, W, F         $260
                                                                    3-day full       TBA                      M, W, F         $570
                                                                    5-day half       TBA                      M-F             $365
Date: Aug. 23, 2021 - May 27, 2022
                                                                    5-day full       TBA                      M-F             $715
3 & 4 Program Age: Child must be 3 years old by Jul. 31
4 & 5 Program Age: Child must be 4 years old by Jul. 31            *3-day half/full and 5-day half/full programs are combined and there will be
                                                                   a specified max number of students based on availability within each.
The preschool is located on the 2nd floor of Jeffrey Mansion.
Daily experiences and project work includes, but is not
limited to, language arts, math, art, social studies, and
science as well as physical development in the motor room          4 & 5 Year-Old Program
and on the playground located in beautiful 34-acre Jeffrey
Park. We are licensed by the State of Ohio and maintain an         This program is designed for children who are preparing to
8:1 student/teacher ratio. The State requirement is 12:1. Our      enter Kindergarten. To ensure Kindergarten readiness, daily
teaching staff is qualified and experienced in Early Childhood     lessons are aligned with Preschool Standards set forth by
education and development. We celebrate diversity and              the Ohio Department of Education, and are presented in a
relationship building to become a collaborative learning           manner conducive for all learning styles.
community brought together by the common interest of
                                                                    Program*          Time                     Day             Cost
providing enriching experiences for the children. Programs
may have a wait list. We encourage you to add your child to         5-day half        TBA                      M-F             $365
the wait list in the event that a spot opens up in the future.      5-day full        TBA                      M-F             $715
                                                                   *These are combined and there will be a specified max number of students
 JMP Registration Information 2021-22                              based on availability within each.
 Both Programs are waitlisted. To inquire about the wait list        Jeffrey Park Playground Public Use:
 and/or a tour of JMP please contact Catie Swendal at                For the safety of our preschool and summer camp
 (614) 559-4311 or                              programs during COVID-19, the public playground at
                                                                     Jeffrey Park has limited hours for the general public
                                                                     during preschool and summer camp use Monday - Friday.
                                                                     Please contact the Recreation Office with any questions at
                                                                     (614) 559-4300.

                                                                     Weekdays (Thru May)
                                                                     Dawn to 9:30am
                                                                     12:00 - 3:00pm
                                                                     5:00 - Dusk

                                                                     Weekdays (Jun. - Aug.)
                                                                     Dawn to 9:00am
                                                                     12:00 - Dusk

                                                                     Weekends (Dawn to Dusk)
                                                                     Open all day for public use.

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BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Child Care Programming
Child Care programming

                         Date: Aug. 19, 2021 - June 2, 2022                            Grade: K - 5th   Date: Sep. 7, 2021 - Apr. 15, 2022                         Grade: K - 5th
                         Day: Mon. - Fri.                                                               Day: Mon. - Fri.                                  Time: 7:00am - 6:00pm
                         We are excited to continue to provide the Before/After Care                    SOCO is designed to meet the needs of parents and
                         Program for Maryland, Cassingham, and Montrose students                        the energy of kids by offering a safe and fun camp-like
                         for the 2021-22 school year.                                                   experience for kids to attend when school is out.
                         Monthly Rates                                                                   Event                     Date          Location                     Cost
                          Option                 Time                                     Cost           Rosh Hashana              Sep. 7        Maryland                     $41
                          AM Care Only           7:00am - Start of School Day             $135/mo.       Yom Kippur                Sep. 16       Maryland                     $41
                          PM Care Only           End of School Day - 6:00pm               $227/mo.       Staff Work Day            Oct. 18       Maryland                     $41
                          AM & PM Care           AM & PM Coverage                         $355/mo.       Staff Work Day            Oct. 19       Maryland                     $41
                                                                                                         No School                 Nov. 1        Maryland                     $41
                         Daily Rates
                                                                                                         No School                 Nov. 2        Maryland                     $41
                          Option                 Time                                     Cost           Thanksgiving              Nov. 24       Maryland                     $41
                          AM Care Only           7:00am - Start of School Day             $10/day        Winter Break              Jan. 3        Maryland                     $41
                          PM Care Only           End of School Day - 6:00pm               $20/day        MLK Day                   Jan. 17       Maryland                     $41
                          AM & PM Care           AM & PM Coverage                         $28/day        No School                 Feb. 18       Maryland                     $41
                                                                                                         President’s Day           Feb. 21       Maryland                     $41
                         BACpack Online Registration
                                                                                                         Spring Break              Mar. 21       Maryland                     $41
                         All returning and new families will be required to complete
                         the online registration and an ODJFS paperwork packet                           Good Friday               Apr. 15       Maryland                     $41
                         before a child can attend BACpack. All registration packets                     Full Day Coverage*        All Days      n/a                          $451
                         will be accepted via email, fax, or mail, but will be subject to               *Purchase all 13 days for $451 and save $82.
                                                                                                         Event                 Date                               Location     Cost
                         Returning Families*
                                                                                                         Winter Break I*       Dec. 20 - 24 (Half Day - 24th)     Maryland $159
                          Date          Time          Day       Online Registration
                                                                                                         Winter Break II*      Dec. 27 - 31 (Half Day - 31st)     Maryland $159
                          Apr. 19       5:00pm        Mon.      Direct Link To Qualified Families
                                                                                                         Spring Break*         Mar. 14 - 18                       Maryland $175
                         *Returning families are those who are currently in the 2021 BACpack
                         program and those that registered for the 20-21 school year program. You        Complete Year** All Days & Weeks                         n/a          $912
                         are also able to register a sibling that did not attend or was signed up for
                                                                                                        *Winter & Spring Breaks will have individual day registration available.
                         the BACpack program for the 20-21 school year. Returning families will
                                                                                                        **Purchase all daily and weekly coverage for $912 and save $114.
                         have a gauranteed spot in the program. Registration will close Apr. 22
                         by 5:00pm.                                                                     SOCO Registration Dates (2021-2022)
                         New Families*                                                                  Participants may register for as many days and/or weeks as
                                                                                                        needed, provided we do not go over our max number of
                          Date          Time         Day        Online Registration                     participants. ODJFS packets are needed prior to attending
                          May 3         5:00pm       Mon.                       this program.
                         *New family registration will be first-come, first-serve and spots will be      Date           Time          Day     Online Registration
                         based on availability for 2021-22.
                                                                                                         May 10         5:00pm        Mon.

                          BACpack & SOCO Information & Contact
                          For forms and information on either program, please visit our websites at or
                          Contact Katie Sarvas for additional questions: (614) 559-4300;

                         8          Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                             Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Jeffrey Summer Camp
                                                                       Playcamp (4 - 5 Years Old)
                                                                       Each camper will experience arts and crafts, games, music,
                                                                       free play, and friendship! All staff are certified in CPR and First
                                                                       Aid, with a staff/camper ratio of 8:1.

                                                                        Camp          Time                       Day           Resident Non-Res

                                                                                                                                                      JEFFREY summer camp
                                                                        5-day half    8:00am - 12:30pm Mon. - Fri.             $110/wk $127/wk
                                                                        5-day full    8:00am - 5:00pm            Mon. - Fri.   $174/wk $200/wk
                                                                       *Child must be 4 by Aug. 1, 2021.
Location: Jeffrey Park
Playcamp, Woods & Park Dates: Jun. 7 - Aug. 13
This summer is going to be as camp-like as possible in
these COVID-19 ever changing times. We are excited about               Woods (1st & 2nd) & Park (3rd - 6th)
the offerings for the Jeffrey Summer Camp program in
                                                                       These camps provide a wide range of activities and choices.
the summer of 2021! JSC will run for 10 weeks during this
                                                                       Each week will have a different theme, and activities
summer! Weekly themes, daily activities, pool time, and
                                                                       specific for each camp. Please note, 3rd graders are now
much much more are being developed for this summer’s
                                                                       attending Camp Park to better enhance the breakdown
camp season. We have continued to make the JSC safe,
                                                                       of age groups.
exciting, and enjoyable for the campers as well as affordable,
flexible, and convenient for the parents.                               Camp Time                          Day            Resident   Non-Resident
                                                                        AM       8:00am - 12:30pm Mon. - Fri. $110/wk                $127/wk
 2021 Registration Information
                                                                        PM       12:30 - 5:00pm            Mon. - Fri. $110/wk       $127/wk
 Online registration is still being accepted for 2021 at Some camps may be waitlisted, but                   Both     8:00am - 5:00pm           Mon. - Fri. $174/wk       $200/wk
 we still encourage you to add to the registration inquiry
 program (Jeffrey Summer Camp (JSC) 2021: New Families)
 to get your name on the list. You will be contacted if spots
 are available.                                                        Camp Adventure (6th - 9th)
 JSC Information & Contact                                             UPDATE: 2021 Summer Cancellation
 For forms and more information, please visit our website              Unfortunately, this camp is not taking place for the Summer
 at With any additional questions,                 of 2021 due to COVID-19 safefty concerns as it relates to
 please contact Katie Sarvas at (614) 559-4300 or email her            travel and entertainment venues. We apologize for this sad
 at                                                news, but we are hopeful that Camp Adventure will be back
                                                                       in 2022!

                                                                                     We are honored to announce the creation of the
                                                                                     Ryan Solomon Memorial Fund at the Bexley
                                                                                     Community Foundation. This fund, started by the
                                                                                     Solomon Family in honor of the life of Ryan
                                                                                     “Smiles” Solomon, will provide Jeffrey Summer
                                                                                     Camp scholarship support to families in need.
                                                                                     Jeffrey Summer Camp had a profound impact on
                                                                                     Ryan, and the Solomon family wants to help
 Who to Contact?                                                                     ensure all Bexley families have access to the
 If you, or a family you know, are in need of                                        program that meant so much to Ryan and their
 financial support to attend the JSC program                                         family. In addition to the financial support for
 this summer, please contact BRPD at                   participants, a portion of the fund will also provide education based or (614) 559-4300. If you       scholarship(s) for a Jeffrey Summer Camp Counselor as well as a grant for the
 are interested in providing a donation to the         annual purchase of capital improvement items to support the camp. Thank
 Ryan Solomon Memorial fund, please contact            you to the Solomon family for this tremendous gift in the memory of a very
 BCF at           special camper.
 or 614) 235-4070.
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BexleyRec Summer, 2021 - Bexley Recreation Department Activities Brochure - City of Bexley
Early Childhood Activities
                             Coach Chris T-Ball Program                                                  Bexley Mini Sports Camp
                             Location: Commonwealth East                    Instructor: Coach Chris      Location: Schneider Park Athletic Fields
                             Cost: Varies                                                 Age: 3 - 6     Age: 4 - 7
                                                                                                         Cost: $95
Early Childhood Activities

                             Join Coach Chris Quickert for a new approach to T-Ball for
                             ages 3 – 6. Coach Chris’ philosophy is strongly based on the
                             fundamentals of the game as it relates to each age group                    Young campers will have a BALL at the Mini Sports
                             rather than league-style game play.                                         Camp! Each day will focus on a different sport including
                                                                                                         soccer, basketball, football, floor hockey, track and field,
                             3 – 4 Years Old                                                             and more! Staff will ensure campers are participating
                             This age group will learn the fundamental skills of the game                in a well-supervised environment that creates positive,
                             (fielding, catching, throwing, hitting, and base running)                   social interactions and emphasizes the importance of
                             through the use of lead-in games. These games will provide                  sportsmanship. Campers will also play exciting camp games
                             high activity time and introduce the players to the game.                   throughout the week. Campers will leave excited about new
                                                                                                         skills they have learned each day! Contact Bally Sports at
                              Date                       Time                   Day          Cost
                                                                                                with questions.
                              Jun. 7 - Jul. 12           3:45 - 4:45pm          Mon.         $45
                              Jun. 7 - Jul. 12           5:00 - 6:00pm          Mon.         $45          Date                         Time                    Day
                              Jun. 9 - Jul. 14           3:45 - 4:45pm          Wed.         $45          Jun. 7 - 11                  9:00am - 12:00pm        M-F
                              Jun. 9 - Jul. 14           5:00 - 6:00pm          Wed.         $45

                             5 – 6 Years Old
                             This age group will learn the fundamental skills of the game                Chambers Music Programs
                             (fielding, catching, throwing, hitting, and base running). We               Location: Zoom Online
                             will use fun drills and modified in-game play that simulates                Cost: Varies
                             many aspects of baseball.

                              Date                        Time                Day                Cost
                                                                                                         Musical Living (0 - 5 Years Old)
                              Jun. 7 - Jul. 14            6:15 - 7:15pm       Mon. + Wed.        $85     How to Create a Musical Environment with Your Children
                             Make-ups due to rain will be the Tuesday or Thursday (next day) after the   An independent study for parents to strengthen a parent-
                             cancelled day. Player/Coach ratio is 8:1.                                   child bond, build music skills, develop language acquisition,
                                                                                                         & sensory-motor competency in a musical environment. The
                                                                                                         course includes a step by step guide and short instructional
                                                                                                         videos to create a musical environment consisting of weekly
                                                                                                         songs and activities. Ideal for busy families. This is not an
                                                                                                         interactive live class.

                                                                                                          Session              Date                     Day*             Cost
                                                                                                          I                    May 2 - Jun. 20          Sun.             $50
                                                                                                          II                   Jun. 27 - Aug. 22        Sun.             $50
                                                                                                         *Daily activities will be emailed to you on Sundays for the following week.
                                                                                                         Information will be received by the parent/caregiver online, but the work
                                                                                                         will be face to face with the parent and the child/children.

                                                                                                         Musical Landscapes (3 - 7 Years Old)
                                                                                                         Create art inspired by the musical masters.
                                                                                                         Materials Needed: paint, chalk, crayons, paper, and other
                                                                                                         typical craft supplies. Specific materials lists will be emailed a
                                                                                                         few days prior to each class.

                                                                                                          Session       Date               Time                   Day           Cost
                                                                                                          I             Jun. 6 - Jun. 27   4:00 - 4:30pm          Sun.          $64
                                                                                                          II            Jul. 11 - Aug. 1   4:00 - 4:30pm          Sun.          $64

                             10      Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                              Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
Youth Activities
Chambers Music Spring + Summer Programs
 Chamber’s Music Studio is now located at 2738 E Main St. and serving the Bexley Community since 2013.
 Their mission is to bring people together through music! This spring and summer, they will be offering a
 variety of activities both online and in-person. All in-person classes will require masks, distancing, and hand
 sanitizer and there will be an IQ Air filtration system, which filters particles smaller than COVID-19 at 95%
 efficiency for added safety. For more information about Chambers Music Studio, please visit us at

Family Folk Music + Movement                                                    Uke Riffs + Rhythms
Location: Zoom Online                             Instructor: Chambers          Location: Clifton Shelter House                    Instructor: Chambers
Cost: $64                                                     Age: 4 - 10       Cost: $115*                                                    Age: 4 - 14
Dance, move, and groove to folk music from around the                           From Taylor Swift to Twenty One Pilots rock out to your
world. Discover the cultural and historic context of music                      favorite tune on this easy and fun instrument—the ukulele!
from around the world. Parents, caregivers, and/or siblings                     Enjoy playing your favorite song this spring in a socially
are encouraged to join in the fun.                                              distant outdoor course.

                                                                                                                                                                  Youth ACTIVITIES
 Age           Date                      Time                     Day            Age            Date                      Time                       Day
 4-6           Apr. 25 - May 23          4:00 - 4:30pm            Sun.           4-6            Apr. 26 - May 24          5:00 - 5:30pm              Mon.
 7 - 10        Apr. 25 - May 23          5:00 - 5:30pm            Sun.           7-9            Apr. 26 - May 24          5:30 - 6:00pm              Mon.
*No Class May 9.                                                                 10 - 14        Apr. 26 - May 24          6:00 - 6:30pm              Mon.
                                                                                *Ukulele will be included in the fee. If you have one already, you will be
                                                                                reimbursed $35 after registration.

Instrument Exploration: Cello
Location: Chambers Music Studio
Cost: $64
                                                 Instructor: Chambers
                                                              Age: 4 - 7
                                                                                Instrument Exploration: Piano
                                                                                Location: Chambers Music Studio                    Instructor: Chambers
Students will explore the wonders of the cello in a socially
                                                                                Cost: $64                                                       Age: 4 - 7
distant class.
                                                                                Students will explore the wonders of the piano in a socially
 Session           Date                      Time                 Day           distant class.
 Spring            Apr. 25 - May 23*         3:00 - 3:30pm        Sun.
                                                                                 Session           Date                       Time                  Day
*No Class May 9.
                                                                                 Spring            Apr. 25 - May 23*          2:00 - 2:30pm         Sun.
                                                                                 Summer I          Jun. 6 - 27                2:00 - 2:30pm         Sun.
                                                                                 Summer II         Jul. 11 - Aug. 1           2:00 - 2:30pm         Sun.
Instrument Exploration: Brass                                                   *No Class May 9.
Location: Zoom Online                             Instructor: Chambers
Cost: $64                                                     Age: 8 - 10
Dive into the world of the brass family. Discover the
mechanics, enjoy the bold sounds, and determine your
                                                                                Instrument Exploration: Violin
favorite brass instruments in this creative, interactive class.                 Location: Chambers Music Studio                    Instructor: Chambers
Students will learn about brass instruments, listen to brass                    Cost: $64                                                       Age: 4 - 7
sounds and music, and build their own brass instrument
                                                                                Students will explore the wonders of the violin in a socially
using typical household items.
                                                                                distant class.
 Session           Date                     Time                  Day
                                                                                 Session           Date                       Time                  Day
 Summer I          Jun. 6 - 27              4:30 - 5:00pm         Sun.
                                                                                 Summer I          Jun. 6 - 27                1:00 - 1:30pm         Sun.
 Summer II         Jul. 11 - Aug. 1         4:30 - 5:00pm         Sun.
                                                                                 Summer II         Jul. 11 - Aug. 1           1:00 - 1:30pm         Sun.
Materials Needed: A plastic two-liter bottle, masking tape, paper towel tube,
& paper cup.

Bexley Recreation & Parks Department                                                                   Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                     11
Youth Activities
                   Enriching Kidz Programs                                              Intro to Film Making
                   Location: Maryland Elem. Library                                     Location: Memorial Shelter House                        Instructor: Irvine*
                   Instructor: Enriching Kidz                                           Cost: $100                                                    Age: 10 - 12
                   Age: 9 - 14
                                                                                        Interested in learning the basics of filmmaking? In this
                   Cost: Varies
                                                                                        collaborative program, kids ages 10 - 12 will work together
                                                                                        to create a short video (either a 1 - 2 minute movie trailer,
                                                                                        music video or short film) by writing a script outline, creating
                   The goal is to hold these classes in person. However, should         shot lists and storyboards, then shooting the movie as a
                   there be safety concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we            team with their own smartphones. Instructors will help edit
                   will pivot to doing the program online via Zoom.                     the videos, put in music, sound effects and graphics to finish
                                                                                        everything with the kids’ guidance, then everyone will watch
                   Better Babysitters (10 - 14 Years Old)                               them for final approval before being sent the finished videos
                   Would your child know what to do if the child they were              for their friends and family to see!
                   babysitting were choking? Does your child babysit their
                   younger siblings? Your child will learn the skills needed to          Date                           Time                      Day
                   be a Better Baby Sitter! This class includes guest speakers
                                                                                         Jun. 21 - 25                   5:30 - 7:00pm             M-F
                   from the local Police and Fire Departments. All students
Youth Activities

                   will receive their own first aid kit to take home. This class is     *Travis Irvine is a Bexley-born-and-raised filmmaker, journalist, comedian
                                                                                        and unsuccessful politician. Travis has written and directed two feature films
                   appropriate for boys and girls ages 10-14, and is interactive        about killer raccoons that are available from cult film distributors Troma
                   and fun with role play and hands on instruction. Registration        Entertainment and Indican Pictures. In 2007, Travis ran for mayor of Bexley
                   must be completed July 2nd.                                          and turned the experience into a short documentary called American
                                                                                        Mayor, which was featured at The Cannes Film Festival in 2010 and is now
                   Date                  Time                   Day              Cost   available with his two other short documentaries on Vimeo On-Demand. A
                                                                                        graduate of Columbia Journalism School, Travis spends his time between
                   Jul. 13 + 15          12:00 - 4:00pm         Tue. + Thu.      $114   Ohio and Los Angeles.

                   Kidz Home Alone (9 - 12 Years Old)
                   Are you ready to educate your child about the
                   responsibilities of being home alone? Our goal is to assist          Summer Chess Camp
                   every student to feel more comfortable while home alone.
                   This interactive course teaches topics such as First Aid, Self       Location: Maryland Library                               Instructor: Jones
                   Heimlich maneuver, reasons to call 911, fire escape plans,           Cost: $110                                                     Age: 7 - 11
                   microwave safety and how to problem solve out of the                 Students of all ages and levels are welcome to come learn
                   ordinary situations. A parent guide is included in the student       the storied game of chess. Candidate Master Instructor Kyle
                   manual which provides helpful discussion points between              Jones will provide students with the opportunity to learn
                   parent and child. Parents do not need to attend the class.           chess history, world champion openings, solve middle
                                                                                        game puzzles, practice endgame patterns, and utilize the
                    Date               Time                 Day                  Cost   necessary tools for tournament play. During the week,
                    Jun. 9 + 11        9:00am - 12:00pm     Wed. + Fri.          $75    students will learn at least one theme on the display board,
                                                                                        practice and create their own positions using that theme,
                                                                                        and then engage in our weeklong camp tournament against
                                                                                        other students.
                   YCA Potluck Sides                                                     Session         Date                  Time                     Day
                   Location: Zoom Online                                                 I               Jun. 14 - 18          9:00am - 12:00pm         M-F
                   Age: 6 - 11
                                                                                         II              Jul. 26 - 30          9:00am - 12:00pm         M-F
                   Cost: $90

                   Join Young Chefs Academy in this 6 week virtual session to
                   explore the stars of any potluck, and the things you always
                   want seconds of. The sides! We will make all of our favorite
                   sides ranging from sweet to savory, and maybe you will try
                   something new.

                    Date                        Time                      Day
                    Jun. 11 - Jul 16            4:00 - 5:00pm             Fri.

                   12      Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                      Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
Youth Activities
Art in the Park with Anna                                                     Youth Tennis Summer
Location: Clifton Shelter House                                               Location: Jeffrey Park Courts                    Instructor: Cheses
Instructor: Sokol*                                                            Cost: Varies                                             Age: 5 - 15
Age: 5 - 10                                                                   Kids Klinic I (Age 5 - 8)
Cost: $125                                                                    This is an introductory class for beginners with emphasis on
                                                                              ground strokes.
We will explore many art techniques using various supplies
during our eight-week course while learning about the                          Session       Date           Time            Day           Cost
foundations, principles, and history of Art. Anna will                         I             Jun. 2 - 21    4:30 - 5:15pm   Mon. + Wed.   $64
focus each lesson on multicultural Art, famous artists, fun                    II            Jul. 5 - 21    4:30 - 5:15pm   Mon. + Wed.   $64
techniques, or nature Art. We will create projects that build
on each other from week to week, making your child’s                          Kids Klinic II (Age 5 - 8)
connection to the lesson deepen and further comprehend                        This class is for students who have already participated in the
the final masterpiece. All supplies included.                                 KKI class and have developed forehand / backhand strokes.
                                                                              The focus will be on increased movement to the ball and an
 Session       Date                    Time                       Day
                                                                              introduction to volleys.
 I             Apr. 25 - Jun. 13       11:00am - 12:00pm          Sun.

                                                                                                                                                     Youth ACTIVITIES
 II            Jun. 20 - Aug. 15       11:00am - 12:00pm          Sun.         Session       Date           Time            Day            Cost
*Anna Sokol joins us from Art with Anna, previously on East Main Street and    I             Jun. 2 - 21    5:15 - 6:00pm   Mon. + Wed.    $64
most recently on North Cassady Avenue. Anna is a licensed art educator         II            Jul. 5 - 21    5:15 - 6:00pm   Mon. + Wed.    $64
with a bachelor’s degree from Capital University and an art studio owner
of twelve years. Anna reinvented her business through the pandemic by
adding virtual art classes, takeaway art kits, monthly memberships, and       Youth Tennis (Age 9 - 12)
leaving the massive studio behind for her very own private backyard art       This class has an emphasis on ground strokes.
studio. Art with Anna has partnered with Bex Rec for “Art in the Park” to
reach more students and allow for additional art classes for the community.    Session       Date           Time            Day            Cost
She’s excited to get creative again with all of your kiddos!
                                                                               I             Jun. 1 - 17    4:30 - 5:30pm   Tue. + Thu.    $72
                                                                               II            Jul. 6 - 22    4:30 - 5:30pm   Tue. + Thu.    $72

Bexley Golf Instruction                                                       Youth Tennis Plus (Age 11 - 15)
                                                                              Youth Tennis Plus will expand the Youth Tennis lessons for
Location: Jeffrey Mansion Front Field                  Instructor: Bauer      advanced players, working on stroke production, court
Cost: $65                                                    Age: 7 - 18      positioning, playing strategy, etc.
Come to learn a simple, but effective, method to the
fundamentals of golf. Instructor Gary Bower will teach you                     Session       Date           Time            Day           Cost
how to grip your clubs and the proper stance for hitting                       I             Jun. 1 - 17    5:30 - 6:30pm   Tue. + Thu.   $72
irons, hybrids, woods and wedges. You will learn what a                        II            Jul. 6 - 22    5:30 - 6:30pm   Tue. + Thu.   $72
“hook”, “slice” and “topping the ball” are and how to fix them.

 Session      Date                 Time                    Day
                                                                                   Youth Tennis Inclement Weather Policy
 I            May 4 - 25           6:00 - 7:00pm           Tue.                    All youth tennis has an inclement weather site at the
 II           Jun. 8 - 29          6:00 - 7:00pm           Tue.                    Montrose Gym. If we have to move inside there will be
                                                                                   an email sent to all participants that the lessons have
                                                                                   moved from Jeffrey Mansion to the Montrose Gym.
                                                                                   Participants will be responsible for transportation to the
                                                                                   indoor site.

Bexley Recreation & Parks Department                                                                 Activities Brochure / Summer 2021          13
Youth Activities
                   Bexley Ninja Training Camp
                   Location: Schneider Park Athletic Fields
                   Age: 6 - 12
                   Cost: $95
                                                                                                     Youth Soccer Program Merger
                                                                                                          Fall 2021 (6U-10U)
                   Bexley Ninja Training Camp
                   Come challenge yourself with Bally Sports this summer!                         Register Online at
                                                                                                         Deadline: July 25, 2021
                   The Bally Sports’ Ninja Training Camp offers a wide variety
                   of games and activities planned to test each campers’ skill,
                                                                                    Bexley Rec and CESA are looking forward to building on a
                   speed, strength, balance, mind and most of all, their ability    successful fall season this spring! Below is information regarding
                   to work as a teammate. Examples of challenges that will          the merger, for those who may not already be aware:
                   be offered next week include Tug-Of-War, Human Pyramid,
                   Shipwreck, Ladder Runs, Multiple Relay Races, Link Tag,           Both Bexley Rec and CESA have a long-standing tradition in
                   Monkey Lines, Obstacle Courses and much more. This               the community of providing accessible, well-structured soccer
                   camp is team-building based as opposed to combat based.          programming and this merger will foster better opportunities
                                                                                    and allow soccer development in Bexley to climb to new
Youth Activities

                   Contact Bally Sports at with
                                                                                    Under this new arrangement, the under six (6) program will
                    Date                  Time                Day
                                                                                    now take place exclusively at Bexley fields, with the new
                    Jun. 28 - Jul. 2      1:00pm - 4:00pm     M-F                   fields at Schneider Park being the primary location, upon
                                                                                    their completion. The under seven (7) through under ten (10)
                   Bexley Have A Ball: All Sports Camp                              programs will continue to be held at the CESA fields at Easton.
                   Come have a ball with Bally Sports! Each day will focus
                   on a different sport including soccer, basketball, football,     Bexley Rec will continue to support the program through
                   floor hockey, track and field, and more! Staff will ensure       practice space for all ages and game space for the 6U program,
                   campers are participating in a well-supervised environment       as well as through feedback on the day-to-day operations and
                                                                                    programming. Registration will be done exclusively through
                   that creates positive, social interactions and emphasizes
                                                                                    CESA and registration is now open.
                   the importance of sportsmanship. Campers will also play
                   exciting camp games throughout the week. Campers will            We are excited for this opportunity to continue to grow soccer
                   leave excited about new skills they have learned each day!       programming in Bexley. If anyone has any questions about the
                   Contact Bally Sports at with         partnership, please feel free to contact Kevin Smith at

                   Date                   Time                Day
                   Jul. 26 - 30           9:00am - 12:00pm    M-F                  Bexley Boys’ Lacrosse Camp
                                                                                   Location: BHS Field                             Instructor: Bassani
                                                                                   Cost: $80                                              Grade: 1 - 8
                                                                                   The camp will focus on teaching lacrosse fundamentals and
                                                                                   concepts while having FUN. Our goal is that campers of all
                                                                                   ages improve their technique in basic skills such as passing,
                                                                                   catching, shooting, ground balls and defense, and increase
                                                                                   their understanding of the game (aka Lax IQ). Skills and
                                                                                   activities will vary by age group and ability. This camp is
                                                                                   perfect for those that have never played but are considering
                                                                                   taking up lacrosse. It is also a must for the more experienced
                                                                                   player that will be a future Bexley HS Lion.

                                                                                    Grade                 Date*                Time
                                                                                    1-4                   Jun. 14 - 16         4:00 - 6:00pm
                                                                                    5-8                   Jun. 14 - 16         4:00 - 6:00pm
                                                                                   *Rain Date: Jun. 17.

                   14      Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                               Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
Youth Activities
                                                                 Youth Triathlon Training Camp
                                                                 Location: Jeffrey Park & Bexley Pool                   Instructor: Botzman
                                                                 Cost: $67                                             Date: Jul. 27 - Aug. 17
                                                                 Our goal is to prepare campers for the 9th annual Splish,
                                                                 Splash and Dash Youth Triathlon on Saturday, August 21st.
                                                                 The camp will focus on proper form and technique for all
                                                                 3 disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. Campers will
                                                                 learn how to set up a transition area, how to transition from
                                                                 the swim to bike and bike to run, and bicycle safety in a fun
                                                                 and encouraging environment. Campers will also receive a
                                                                 workout calendar with suggestions for families to help with
                                                                 off day training activities. Campers will be grouped by age
                                                                 and ability levels.

                                                                  Age                       Time                        Day
SSD Youth Triathlon                                               6-8                       8:00 - 9:00am               Tue. & Thu.
                                              Date: Aug. 21

                                                                                                                                                 Youth ACTIVITIES
Location: Jeffrey Park                                            9 - 11                    8:00 - 9:00am               Tue. & Thu.
Cost: Pre-Reg: $30 (through Aug. 21, 12:00pm)   Age: 4 - 14
                                                                  12 - 14                   8:00 - 9:00am               Tue. & Thu.
Cost: Day of Triathlon: $35 (Begins 7:00am)
We are excited to bring back the Splish, Splash + Dash Bexley
Youth Triathlon for 2021, but we are still evaluating how this
event will take place. Below are the age group breakdowns
and start times. Please note, times may change and
                                                                 Track Clinic
maximums per age group may be set if capacity restrictions       Location: BHS Track                           Instructor: BHS Track Coaches
are still in place.                                              Cost: $54                                                         Age: 8 - 14
                                                                 This introductory clinic will teach young athletes about
Registration is not available yet. We are hoping to open it up   track and field. Students will work on the following events:
by July! As we get closer to a final decision, we will promote   50m dash, 100m dash, 200m dash, 400m dash and shot
the open registration date via facebook and email blasts!        put (softball throw). We will also introduce the long jump,
                                                                 relay exchanges and middle distance events. This will all be
@SSDYouthTri                                                     followed up by a track meet.
                                                                  Date                               Time                     Day
 Age             Swim         Bike       Run        Time          Jul. 12 - 15*                      4:00 - 5:30pm            Mon. - Thu.
 6 & Under       25 Yds.      .3 mi.     .25 mi.    11:00am
                                                                 *Rain date will be Fri., Jul. 16 if needed.
 7-8             50 Yds.      1.5 mi.    .50 mi.    10:30am
 9 - 10          100 Yds.     2 mi.      .75 mi.    10:00am
 11 - 12         150 Yds.     3 mi.      1.0 mi.    9:30am
 13 - 14         200 Yds.     4 mi.      1.5 mi.    9:00am

Bexley Recreation & Parks Department                                                     Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                  15
Youth Activities
                   Just for Kicks Soccer Camps                                                 Summer Soccer + Enrichment
                   Location: Commonwealth East
                   Cost: $80
                                                                    Instructor: Dempsey*
                                                                                Age: 5 - 12
                                                                                               Location: BHS Stadium                          Instructor: Levey
                   Celebrating 30 years - Bexley’s own summer soccer camp                      Cost: $350                                           Grade: 3 - 7
                   tradition!! Our goal is to enhance the playing ability of
                   each participant, while creating an environment in which                    Final Third Foundation & Mindful Literacy Practice sets out
                   everyone is encouraged to learn, improve, and enjoy the                     to provide an outdoor summer soccer and enrichment
                   world’s most popular sport – SOCCER!!                                       program for local students.

                   This camp is designed to emphasize the fundamentals of                      The program, headed by Leiah Groom-Thomas, Dr. Jessica
                   the game for individual players of all levels. Just for kicks               Bennett, and Columbus East FC coaches is designed to
                   develops needed skills in a FUN, instructional, and small-                  incorporate tenets of both 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.
                   sided game setting for all participants. Each week provides                 We will use sport, specifically soccer, as a platform to
                   opportunities for maximum touches on the ball in a small                    help build a community of learners through mindfulness,
                   and safety filled environment. Fee includes a camp T-shirt.                 meditation, yoga, physical activity, word study, and writing
                    Session         Date               Time                    Day
Youth Activities

                    I               Jun. 7 - 11        9:00 - 11:30am          Mon. - Fri.     For 3.5 hours each day participants will:
                                                                                               Get out of the house and socialize
                    II              Aug. 2 - 6         9:00 - 11:30am          Mon. - Fri.
                                                                                               Move their bodies and focus their minds
                   *Scott Dempsey ( BWHS Girls Soccer Coach -        Expand their knowledge of morphology, etymology,
                   State HOF Soccer Coach.
                                                                                               Hone their personal narrative skills, both orally and in writing
                                                                                               Work on soccer tactics, technique and skills/creativity
                                                                                               Play small-sided soccer games with a focus on teamwork
                   Bexley Girls Soccer Camps
                   Location: BHS Stadium                                 Instructor: James*    Program Schedule
                   Cost: $100                                                    Age: 5 - 14   15 minutes of outdoor yoga and mindfulness with a
                                                                                               Registered Yoga Teacher
                   Lioness Soccer Summer Camp
                                                                                               1 hour of soccer technique and skills with a CEFC Coach
                   This first ever soccer camp is designed for female players of
                                                                                               30-45 min of small-sided soccer games
                   all skill levels who want to learn and continue to develop
                                                                                               1 hour 15 min outdoor word study and writing
                   their soccer skills in a fun and encouraging manner.
                   Campers will be given an opportunity to grow their playing                   Date               Time                     Day
                   experiences by learning from the Bexley HS Girls Soccer
                                                                                                Jul. 19 - 23       9:00am - 12:30pm         Mon. - Fri.
                   Coaches and players.

                   Each day will be filled with a variety of activities to promote
                   the development of each campers skills, including: ball                      Other Program Information
                   mastery drills, skill competitions, small sided games and large              Social distancing guidelines will adhere to CDC
                   sided scrimmages. Each camper will receive an exclusive                      recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
                   camp t-shirt and admittance to 1 Varsity Home Match for the
                   2021 season. All COVID-19 protocols set by the CDC will be                   To Register: Contact Ben Levey
                   followed at camp.
                                                                                                Contact: Ben Levey
                    Date                   Time                         Day            | (614) 962-7222
                    Jul. 5 - 9             9:00am - 12:00pm             Mon. - Fri.    |
                   *Staff: Coach Scott James and BHS Girl’s Soccer Staff and Players. Any
                   questions, you can email Coach Scott James at

                   16       Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                       Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
Youth Activities
Youth Basketball Summer Leagues                                         Girl’s Field Hockey Clinic
In an effort to bring back our lost winter season, the                  Location: BHS Stadium                            Instructor: Whitlatch
Bexley Recreation & Parks Department is offering Summer                 Cost: $100
Basketball Leagues! These leagues will learn the basic
                                                                        This clinic will focus on the basics of field hockey for girls
fundamentals and skills of basketball, play games, and have
                                                                        with beginning skills. Participants will learn the basics of
fun all while enjoying the sport!
                                                                        passing, dribbling, and small game play. All girls should
Practices & Game Days                                                   bring a mask, mouth guard, shin guards, and a water bottle.
All leagues will have practices and games back to back on               If you have a stick or a pinnie, please bring it. There will be
Saturdays.                                                              some available to borrow. NOTE – 25 maximum. To ensure
                                                                        acceptance, please register ASAP. Camp will be canceled
 Registration Deadline: Friday, June 4                                  and money returned if there are less than 8 girls per session.
 Leagues may reach the max number of participants
                                                                         Grade      Date                  Day           Time
 BEFORE the deadline, which may cause your child to be
 waitlisted. Late registrations may be subject to league                 4-5        Jun. 7 - 11           Mon. - Fri.   8:00 - 10:00am
 availability and a $10 late fee.                                        6-8        Jun. 7 - 11           Mon. - Fri.   10:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                        For more information and to register, contact Coach Kara Whitlatch at

                                                                                                                                                     Youth ACTIVITIES
                                                               Make checks payable to Kara Whitlatch and
K - 2nd Grade Leagues                                                   send to 172 S. Gould Rd. Columbus, Ohio 43209. You may also Venmo to
Location: Varies                              Date: Jun. 19 - Jul. 31
Cost: Varies                                               Day: Sat.
The hoops will be lowered to an appropriate height for all

 League                     Time            Location          Cost
 Kindergarten Madness       TBA             Cassingham        $55
 Rookies Boys (Gr. 1-2)     TBA             Montrose          $65
 Rookies Girls (Gr. 1-2)    TBA             Montrose          $65       Bexley Recreation and Parks Department has entered into a partnership
                                                                        with Nationwide Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine to provide sports
                                                                        medicine services and health and wellness education to our parents,
                                                                        coaches and athletes. For more information about this sports medicine
                                                                        partnership please visit
Semi-Pro + Pro Leagues
Location: Varies                              Date: Jun. 19 - Jul. 31
Cost: $75                                                  Day: Sat.
 League                       Time                 Location
 Girls Semi-Pro (Gr. 3-4)     TBA                  BHS + BMS Gym
 Girls Pro (Gr. 5-6)          TBA                  BHS Gym
 Boys Semi-Pro (Gr. 3-4)      TBA                  BHS Gym
 Boys Pro (Gr. 5-6)           TBA                  BHS Gym
                                                                         Basketball Volunteer Coaches and League/Team
                                                                         In order for the Bexley Rec Youth Basketball Leagues to
Tim Stowe 7th + 8th Grade League                                         continue to thrive, we need the support of volunteer
Location: Varies                                                         coaches and league and/or team sponsors. Please contact
                                              Date: Jun. 19 - Jul. 31
Cost: $75                                                                Jeff Storer at (614) 559-4300 or for
                                                           Day: Sat.
                                                                         more information.
 League                              Time
                                                                         Basketball COVID-19 Mask Policy
 Tim Stowe (Gr. 7-8)                 TBA
                                                                         All participants will be required to wear masks at all times.

Bexley Recreation & Parks Department                                                         Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                  17 • #COSISciFest
                                                                                         Get ready for some serious science!
                       The relationship of the police to the community should            Ohio’s largest annual science event, the 2021 COSI Science
                       be harmonious. The community relies upon the police               Festival, is coming May 5 - 8, 2021. The third annual COSI
                       department to “protect and serve” and the police , in return,     Science Festival will include dozens of unique online
                       rely upon community support and cooperation in order              events showcasing incredible science being done in Ohio
                       to be effective. By participating in programs sponsored by        and proving again that science truly is everywhere and for
                       the Bexley Police Department these relationships can build        everyone. There will be many other events taking place and
                       between adults and children.                                      while activities are FREE, some will still require registration. To
                                                                                         view all COSI events, be sure to check out www.cosiscifest.
                       Bike with Officer Chapman                                         org!
                       Location: JCC Bike Path Entry             Instructor: Chapman     Wednesday, May 5
                       Cost: Free                                             Age: 12+
                                                                                         At-Home Science Lab (Bexley Library)
                       14-mile round trip bike ride on the Alum Creek Trail to Three     Bring the science lab to you when you join the Bexley Public
                       Creeks Metro Park. Ride will start at the Jewish Community        Library and Bexley Parks and Recreation for a hands-on
                       Center bike path entry. Brief bike safety tips helmets passed     science extravaganza! Children ages 4 and up can follow
                       out to those in need. Once bikers reach Three Creeks,             along at home with their very own kits of supplies as we
                       snacks and water will be provided prior to the ride back.         take them on a digital tour of some of the fun the field of
                       Registration Deadline: Jun. 8                                     science has to offer! This program is being run as part of
                                                                                         a collaboration with COSI and the City of Bexley for the
                       Location Start: Bike Path Entry to Alum Creek Trail rear of       citywide COSI SciFest. Kits of supplies will be made available
                       Jewish Community Center                                           through the Bexley Public Library’s curbside pick-up service.
community Activities

                        Date                  Time                   Day                 Registration Deadline: May 1
                        Jun. 12*              9:00am - 1:00pm        Sat.
                                                                                          Date           Time              Day              Age
                       *Rain Date: Jun. 19.
                                                                                          May 5          4:00 - 5:00pm     Wed.             4-8

                       Design a Gift for Mother’s Day                                                           The Bexley Youth Activity Fair (BYAF) is
                                                                                                                a collaborative effort between Bexley
                       Location: Bexley PD Training Room                       Age: 8+                          Recreation and Parks, Bexley City
                       Cost: Free                                                                               Schools, Scout Troop 166, and the
                                                                                                                Bexley Community Foundation. The
                       Decorate a magnetic “I Heart Bexley” wall hanger for Mom
                                                                                                                BYAF was created to provide a safe
                       with beads, stickers, and paint. And of course creativity
                                                                                                                opportunity for parents to connect
                       causes hunger so enjoy pizza while creating a masterpiece
                                                                                                                with organizations that offer a variety
                       for mom. Registration deadline: Apr. 26
                                                                                          of activity outlets for kids of all ages. Parents will be able
                        Date                  Time                   Day                  to talk with these organizations to learn more about their
                                                                                          various offerings and how to get registered. In addition,
                        May 1                 4:00 - 7:00pm          Sat.
                                                                                          we will offer some fun outdoor activities for the kids!
                                                                                          Registration will be required. More details to come
                                                                                          on the open registration date. For more information,
                                                                                          please visit

                       18       Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                               Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
Arbor Day Activities
Location: Schneider Park Shelter House                  Age: All   Love Your Alley is about collaboration, sustainability,
Cost: Free                                                         creativity and beauty. It is transforming our underutilized
                                                                   alleys into extended living space for everyone to enjoy, while
Join the City of Bexley, Bexley Public Library and Bexley          creating our own Homegrown National Park in Bexley with
Community Foundation in celebrating Arbor Day on May               native plants that support our pollinators and biodiversity.
1 at the Schneider Park Pavilion and the South Community           These events and speakers are scheduled throughout the
Gardens. This free hour long event will include stations with      month of May to help participants learn about planting
activities for all ages, including a talking tree, fairy garden    native plants, enhancing gardens for pollinators, and much
construction, painting rocks, art workshop with BexArts,           more!
activity with Picadilly, Storytime with the Bexley Library
and more! To see other Arbor Day events, taking place              Registration is required and ends 3 hours prior to the
throughout April, please visit            start of the event. Full descriptions of each event will be
                                                                   available on the registration page (
A special thank you to the Bexley Community Foundation
for providing grant dollars towards our 2021 Arbor Day              Date               Event
celebrations. Without their support these events would not          May 1, 11:00am     Speaker: Joanne Dole
be possible. To learn more about the Bexley Community                                  @ Jeffrey Park Memorial Shelter
Foundation or to make a donation to support grants such as                             How Reducing Your Lawn and Planting

                                                                                                                                       community Activities
this, please visit                                  Native Plants, Trees and Shrubs Will Help Our
                                                                                       Endangered Planet
Please register by the family, not individually. Each time          May 2, 7:00pm      Speaker: Doug Tallamy
slot will be limited to 15 families. Rain date is May 2.                               Zoom Online
                                                                                       Nature’s Best Hope
 Date                Time                        Day                May 6, 7:00pm      Speaker: Kevin Doenges
 May 1               10:00 - 11:00am             Sat.                                  Zoom Online
                                                                                       Backyard Bugs: I Wanted Songbirds and
 May 1               11:00am - 12:00pm           Sat
                                                                                       Found Insects
 May 1               3:00 - 4:00pm               Sat
                                                                    May 13, 7:00pm     Speaker: Tisa Watts
 May 1               4:00 - 5:00pm               Sat                                   Zoom Online
                                                                                       Native Plants in the Residential Landscape
                                                                    May 15, 1:00pm     Speaker: Margaret Harriman
                                                                                       @ South Bexley Community Gardens
                                                                                       Gardening for Butterflies
                                                                    May 19, 7:00pm     Speaker: Tisa Watts
                                                                                       Zoom Online
                                                                                       Eco-Friend or Eco Foe: How to Create an
                                                                                       Eco-Paradise in Suburbia

Bexley Recreation & Parks Department                                                 Activities Brochure / Summer 2021           19
Bexley Community pool
                                                                                 The David H. Madison Community Pool will open on Saturday, May 29! With
                                                                                 COVID-19 still among us, we will not be operating in our normal capacity. We are
                                                                                 currently working off of the most updated state and local guidelines, as it relates
                                                                                 to opening pools for the summer of 2021. Safety will be the number one priority
                                                                                 for both our patrons and staff. Hours will vary depending on the day/month and
                                                                                 we are anticipating a daily time slot registration structure, which will require online
                                                                                 registration at
Bexley commiunity pool

                          Month                      Weekdays                            Weekends                             School Weekdays (Closed Mon. & Wed.)
                          May                        4:30 - 8:00pm*                      11:00am - 8:00pm                     n/a
                          June                       11:30 - 8:30pm+                     11:00am - 8:00pm                     4:30 - 8:00pm+
                          July                       11:30 - 8:30pm+                     11:00am - 8:00pm                     n/a
                          August                     11:30 - 8:30pm                      11:00am - 8:00pm                     4:30 - 8:00pm (Tue., Thu., Fri)+
                          September                  n/a                                 11:00am - 8:00pm                     4:30 - 8:00pm (Tue., Thu., Fri)+
                         *Beginning June 4, pool hours become 11:30am - 8:30pm during the week.
                         +School hours will be Jun. 1 - 3 and Aug. 20 - Sep. 3.
                         Dates and times are subject to change.

                         Daily Admission Structure (COVID-19)
                         We are excited to open the pool to the Bexley Community for the entire summer! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, which will limit
                         pool capacity, and in an effort to provide pool access to as many residents as possible, this summer’s pool season will not have a
                         membership option. This summer, families will register for individual 1.5 hour swim sessions with an anticipated max capacity of
                         130 at a time. Below is basic information on how to prepare to enjoy your time at the pool this summer.
                         Who is allowed to use the pool?                                               If I do not show up to my time slot, will I be refunded?
                         Bexley residents and their guests may use the pool, which                     If the Bexley Pool closes due to inclement weather, you will
                         includes non-residents. However, they will have to be added                   receive a refund. If you decide not to come for whatever
                         to your household and pre-pay with your family at the time                    reasons and we are open, you will not receive a refund. We
                         you register for a time slot.                                                 will be open in a light rain, so long as lifeguard water visibility
                                                                                                       is not affected.
                         How many time slots can I register for in a day?
                         All individuals in a household will be limited to one time slot
                         per day. It does not have to be the same time slot.
                                                                                                       Daily Time Slots Schedule (Tentative)
                         How many days in advance can I register for a time slot?
                         We will open up time slots one to three days in advance at                     Registration Time Blocks - $5 per person
                                                                            Opens on Sundays for Mon. - Thu.
                                                                                                        Opens on Thursdays for Fri. - Sun.
                         Can I walk-up and pay at the front desk?                                       Max: 130 per time slot
                         We will only accept resident walk-ups and payment if the                       Duration: 1.5 hours with no rest period
                         max capacity is not full for that current time slot. We strongly                Day of the Week      Times
                         encourage you to register in advance so you have a secured
                                                                                                         School Days          4:30pm, 6:20pm
                         time slot.
                                                                                                         Mon. - Fri.          1130am, 1:20pm, 3:10pm, 5:00pm, 6:50pm
                                                                                                         Sat. + Sun.          11:00am, 12:50pm, 2:40pm, 4:30pm, 6:20pm
                                                                                                        These times are subject to change.

                         20      Activities Brochure / Summer 2021                                                              Bexley Recreation & Parks Department
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