BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK 2019 - a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books - Donald A. Heald Rare Books

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BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK 2019 - a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books - Donald A. Heald Rare Books
    WEEK 2019
       a short list e-catalogue
Donald A. Heald | Rare Books
BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK 2019 - a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books - Donald A. Heald Rare Books
Donald A. Heald | Rare Books

       WEEK 2019
               a short list e-catalogue

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BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK 2019 - a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books - Donald A. Heald Rare Books
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ASHENDENE                                                       TITLE

The First [-Second] Part of The History of the
Valorous and Wittie Knight-Errant Don Quixote
of the Mancha

Chelsea: The Ashendene Press, 1927-1928. 2 volumes, folio
(17 x 12 inches). Text printed in double columns with chapter
headings and shoulder notes in red, woodcut foliated
initials and borders by W.M. Quick and George H. Ford after
Louise Powell. Uncut. Full green crushed morocco, bound
by W.H. Smith and Son, spines with raised bands in six
compartments, first and second gilt lettered. Cloth and
marbled board slipcases.

One of 225 copies on Batchelor paper, out of a total edition
of 245 copies.

(#35820)                                             $ 7,000.
BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK 2019 - a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books - Donald A. Heald Rare Books
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The American Builder's Companion; or, A
System of Architecture, particularly adapted to
the present style of building ... Second Edition,
Corrected and Enlarged

Charlestown: Samuel Etheridge, Jr., 1811. Quarto (10 3/8 x 8
5/8 inches). iv, [1], 6-104, [2] pp. 59 engraved plates.
Contemporary manuscript drawing of a staircase design on
the rear blank. Contemporary sheep, flat spine ruled in gilt,
green morocco lettering piece. Housed in a blue morocco
backed box.

Very rare early American architectural manual, by
America's first architectural writer: a work which greatly
influenced Greek Revival architecture in America.

(#35905)                                             $ 5,500
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Eight Etchings 1930-1959.

New York: Sylvan Cole Gallery, 1985. Quarto (13 1/4 x 10
inches). Portfolio with complete text and 8 etchings, printed
by Stephen Sholinsky at Stem Graphics, New York and
published by Associated American Artists, New York. Each
etching signed by Bishop and numbered I/VII. Publisher's
cloth box, upper cover lettered in gilt.

One of seven artist's proofs, each signed by Bishop.

(#35281)                                               $ 3,500
BIBLIOGRAPHY WEEK 2019 - a short list e-catalogue Donald A. Heald | Rare Books - Donald A. Heald Rare Books
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The Epitome of the Art of Husbandry ... by J. B.

London: Printed for Benjamin Billingsley, 1670. Two parts
in one, 8vo. [4], 306, [14]; [8, including engraved additional
title to the second part], 59, [5], [2]pp. Publisher's ads in the
rear. With the 4pp. Table to the second part bound in
following the title (between Aa1 and Aa2). Contemporary
calf, covers and spine ruled in blind, early reparis to the
upper cover corners.

Scarce English 17th century work on husbandry.

(#35489)                                                 $ 2,750.
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Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres,
contenant 1. Un nouveau Dictionnaire
bibliographique, ... 2. Une table en forme de
catalogue raisonné.

Paris: Brunet, Libraire ... Leblanc, Impr.-Libre., 1810. 3
volumes, octavo (7 3/4 x 4 7/8 inches). Half-titles. Text in two
columns. Contemporary calf, flat spines gilt with red and
black morocco lables, marbled endpapers. Provenance:
Bibliotheque Vuilleret (booklabels).

An exceptional set of the first edition of this bibliographical

(#36146)                                                $ 1,250.
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De Tristibus Franciae libri quatuor.

Lyon: Perrin, 1840. Quarto (11 7/8 x 8 1/2 inches). [4], xvi,
[2],117 pp., plus numerous plates and illustrations and
additional states of the title. Signed by Cailhava. Nineteenth
century full green morocco, by Chamolle-Duru, spine with
raised bands in six compartments, lettered in gilt, marbled
endpapers, gilt dentelles, gilt edges.

First publication of an important illuminated 16th century
manuscript: one of 10 thick paper copies with proof
impressions of the plates, bound by Chambolle-Duru.

(#36217)                                                 $ 1,850.
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A Year's Residence in the United States ... By
William Cobbett ... Part I ... [Bound with:]
Notes on a Journey in America from the Coast
of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. By
Morris Birkbeck ... [Bound with:] Letters from
Illinois. By Morris Birkbeck ... [And with:]
Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Journey
of FIve Thousand Miles through the Eastern
and Western States of America ... By Henry
Bradshaw Fearon

London: 1818. Four volumes in one, 8vo. [4], 186; 156pp, plus
engraved folding map (hand coloured in outline); xv, [1], 114;
vii, [1], 462pp. Contemporary half calf and marbled paper
covered boards, rebacked.

A lovely sammelband of English editions of classic accounts
of agrarian travels in America.

(#35475)                                               $ 1,400.
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The Art of Making and Colouring Ivorytypes,
Photographs, Talbotypes, and Miniature
Painting on Ivory & c. together with valuable
Receipts never before published.

Philadelphia: By the Author, 1863. 12mo. 52pp. With a hand-
painted manuscript colour chart mounted on verso of the
title and a signed and inscribed photograph of the author
bound in following the title. With a letterpress ad for
Cooper's Photographic Gallery mounted onto the rear
pastedown. Publisher's cloth, covers stamped in blind and
titled in gilt, rebacked and with endpapers renewed.

Rare American manual detailing an unusual hand coloured
photographic process.

(#34700)                                              $ 4,500.
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                       Rare Books

Spenser's Faerie Queene: A Poem in Six Books.
With the Fragment Mutabilitie. Edited by
Thomas J. Wise. Pictured by Walter Crane.

London: George Allen, printed at the Chiswick Press, 1895-
97. 6 volumes, quarto 10 13/16 x 8 3/8 inches. Double-page
illustrated title pages, woodcut front, head and tailpieces, all
by Crane. Uncut on two sides. Contemporary full calf, by
Taunton and Evans, spines with raised bands, the bands
continued in blind with floral decoration onto the covers,
spines lettered in gilt, green endpapers, top edge gilt.

Limited to 1000 copies on hand-made paper: in an Arts &
Crafts binding by a pair of women bookbinders.

(#35889)                                               $ 4,500.
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                      Rare Books

The Theory and Practice of Gardening:
wherein is fully handled all that relates to fine
gardens commonly called pleasure-gardens, as
parterres, groves, bowling-greens, &c. ... By
John James.

London: printed by Geo. James, and sold by Maurice
Atkins, 1712. Quarto (10 x 7 3/4 inches). [14], 218, [2]pp. Title
in red and black, royal license leaf facing the title, 4pp. list
of subscribers. 32 folding engraved plates by Michael van
der Gucht, 16 woodcut illustrations. Contemporary speckled
calf, expertly rebacked to style. Provenance: armorial

The first edition in English of this important work,
described by Henrey as the "first important book on garden
design to appear in England in the eighteenth century."

(#35277)                                                  $ 3,750.
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Henrietta Temple, A Love Story.

London: Henry Colburn, 1837. 3 volumes, 8vo. Extra-
illustrated with an engraved portrait frontispiece by
D'Orsay, with touches of hand coloring, trimmed and
mounted on the front blank. Half-title in vol. 1, 2pp.
publisher's ads in the rear of vol. 3. Full green morocco by
Bedford, covers elaborately tooled in gilt, spines in six
compartments with raised bands, lettered in the second and
third, the others tooled in gilt, silk endpapers. Provenance:
Mary Monckton Boyle, Countess of Cork (presentation copy
inscribed by the author on the half-title); Mrs. Prinsep; M.A.
Minchen (inserted letter and inscription on the title, see

First edition: an important presentation copy to Lady Cork,
in a lovely binding by Bedford.

(#35887)                                                 $ 8,500.
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                       Rare Books

The Works of William Blake.

London: Bernard Quaritch, 1893. 3 volumes, 8vo. Portrait
frontispieces, numerous lithographic plates reproducing
Blake's works. Publisher's green cloth, upper covers and
spines decoratively blocked in gilt.

First edition: one of 500 copies. A lovely example in the
publisher's decorative cloth.

(#36218)                                             $ 4,000.
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                      Rare Books

Flora Virginica exhibens plantas quas… in
Virginia crescents observavit collegit & obtulit.

Leiden: 1762. 4to. [12], 176, [8]pp. Engraved folding map.
Errata on verso terminal leaf. Contemporary manuscript
annotations throughout. Uncut. Contemporary flexible blue
paper covered boards, expertly rebacked to style. Housed in
a blue morocco backed box. Provenance: J. Davis.

Second and best edition of the first Virginian flora, based on
specimens collected by John Clayton at the beginning of the
18th century; this edition the first to include a map of

(#35216)                                              $ 9,500.
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                       Rare Books

Regni Davidici et Salomonæi Descriptio
Geographica et Historica, una cum
Delineatione Syriæ et Ægypti.

Nuremberg: Officina Hommaniana, 1739. Two parts in one,
folio. Title printed in red and black, text in two columns,
historiated initials, woodcut head- and tailpieces. 20 hand
coloured maps and plates (six folding). Contemporary
mottled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, morocco lettering
piece, marbled endpapers. Provenance: Earls of
Macclesfield (North Library bookplate to front pastedown,
dated 1860).

The Macclesfield copy of an important historical atlas of
Egypt and the Holy Land.

(#35286)                                              $ 3,750.
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                      Rare Books

Flowers of Evil. Les Fleurs du Mal. Poems by
Charles Baudelaire, translated from the French
& with an introduction by John Wood.
Photographs and an Afterword by Eikoh Hosoe.
South Dennis, Massachusetts: Steven Albahari, 21st
Editions, printed by Michael Russem and Mollie Zanoni at
the Kat Ran Press, [2006]. Square folio (18 x 15 inches). 11
platinum prints signed by the photographer (10 tipped into
the book onto hand-made black paper, 1 free-standing
within the publisher's folder), printed by Stan Klimek for
Eikoh Hosoe. Black leather-backed matte black anodized
aluminum boards, with Japanese title printed in glossy
black on the upper cover, bound by Peter Geraty at the
Praxis Bindery. Publisher's red silk covered box.

One of sixty-five numbered copies signed by the artist,
editor and publisher.

(#36178)                                                $ 6,500
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                       Rare Books

An Abridgment of Johnson's Typographia, or
the Printer's Instructor: With an Appendix.

Boston: C. L. Adams, 1828. 8vo. [4], 316pp., plus woodcut
frontispiece within typographical border (illustrating a
Columbian printing press), two woodcut plates in the rear
(illustrating Patent Standing Presses by Robert Hoe & Co.),
and numerous woodcut illustrations, including 6 full-page
iilustrations of printing presses within the Appendix. Title,
preface and other leaves within typographically illustrated
borders. Contemporary sheep, red morocco lettering piece.
Minor wear at head of spine. Provenance: N. W. Goddard
(early signature).

Very rare first American edition of Johnson's Typographia,
and just the second comprehensive American printer’s

(#36121)                                              $ 4,500.
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                       Rare Books

Sefer Tehilim. Liber Psalmorum Hebraïce Cum
Notis Selectis Ex Editione Francisci Hare
S.T.P. Espiscopi Cicestrensis: Et Cum Selecta
Lectionum Varietate Ex Ed. Vet. Test. Heb.
Benj. Kennicott S.T.P.

Cambridge, MA: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1809. 12mo (6 1/2 x 4
inches). [2],495pp. Early Yiddish inscription on the front
endpaper. Printing flaw to Dd4. Contemporary sheep, flat
spine ruled in gilt, red morocco lettering piece.

The first printing of any part of the Bible in Hebrew in

(#36116)                                             $ 17,500.
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Constitution and By-Laws of the American
Jewish Publication Society. (Founded on the
9th of Heshvan, 5606). Adopted at
Philadelphia, on Sunday, November 30, 1845,
Kislev 1, 5606.

Philadelphia: C. Sherman, 5606 [1845]. 12mo. 11, [1]pp.
Publisher's plain wrappers. Provenance: Leeser Library
Hebrew Education Society (inked stamp on title).

The founding of the American Jewish Publication Society: the
first Jewish organization in the United States dedicated to
the advancement of Jewish Culture and Religion.

(#36119)                                              $ 2,500.
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     Donald A. Heald
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                        Rare Books

A Bibliography of William Blake .

New York: The Grolier Club, 1921. Quarto. Title page
printed in blue and black with small engraved vignette after
Blake. xvi,516pp., plus 4 colour plates (including the
frontispiece "The Glad Day") and 40 plates in monochrome.
With 12 illustrations within the text, mostly reproducing
title pages. With the original prospectus laid in. Publisher's
dark blue morocco backed blue cloth covered boards, spine
lettered in gilt.

One of 250 copies, printed on special paper at the Chiswick
Press. A very fine copy with prospectus.

(#35942)                                                 $ 1,200.
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   Donald A. Heald
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                      Rare Books

A Memoir of the Construction, Cost and
Capacity of the Croton Aqueduct, compiled
from Official Document: Together with an
Account of the Civic Celebration of the
Fourteenth October, 1842, on occasion of the
completion of the great work.

New York: Charles King, 1843. Quarto. vii, [1], 308pp.
Engraved view, after Robert Havell, engraved by Jordan and
Halpin. Foxing. Publisher's brown pebble-grained morocco,
covers elaborately tooled in gilt and blind, spine with wide
semi-raised bands in five compartments, lettered in gilt in
the second and fourth, the others with a repeat overall
decoration in gilt, glazed yellow endpapers, gilt edge.
Provenance: Jacob Miller (name in gilt on the upper cover).

In an elaborate presentation binding.

(#35197)                                             $ 1,000.
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                       Rare Books

The Complete Gard'ner; Or, directions for
cultivating and right ordering of fruit-gardens
and kitchen gardens ... Now Compendiously
Abedg'd, and made more Use with very
considerable additions ... Fifth Edition

London: Printed for Andrew Bell, 1710. 8vo. [2], xxxvi, 325,
[7]pp. Engraved frontispiece and 10 engraved folding plates.
Contemporary panelled calf, spine with raised bands in six
compartments. Provenance: H. Middleton (early signature
on verso of the frontispiece); Richard Middleton (signature
on endpaper).

Influential English edition of the most important work by
the leading French gardener of the seventeenth century:
based on the translation by John Eveyln.

(#35494)                                               $ 950.
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Itinéraire Pittoresque du Fleuve Hudson et des
parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord.

Paris: Henri Gaugain et Cie, 1828-1829. 3 volumes. (text: 2
vols., quarto, 14 x 10 1/2 inches; atlas: folio, 12 5/16 x 18 5/8
inches). Text: half-titles, uncut. Atlas: pictorial lithographed
upper wrapper bound as a title page, by Georges after
Smith, 54 fine uncoloured lithographed views after Milbert
by Deroy, V. Adam, Villeneuve, and others, all the plates on
india paper mounted, 1 hand-coloured double-page
lithographed map after H. Toquet. Expertly bound to style
in half calf and period marbled paper covered boards, flat
spines lettered and decorated in gilt, marbled endpapers.

First edition of an outstanding series of American views: a
fine set on India Paper and including an uncut large paper
set of the text volumes.

(#23594)                                                 $ 24,000.
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       Donald A. Heald
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                          Rare Books

Manuscript letterbook and financial accounts
ledger of a Boston merchant and factor in the
Newfoundland cod fishery.

Boston and Placentia, Newfoundland: 1731-1732. Folio.
Written recto and verso on approx. 90 leaves, plus blanks.
With approx. 30 leaves of unrelated accounts dated 1827-
1831. Some dampstaining and some leaves detached, but
legible throughout. Contemporary vellum. Housed in a cloth

A primary source for the study of American activity in the
Newfoundland cod fishery in the early British period.

(#35753)                                            $ 7,500.
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                       Rare Books

Flowers from My Garden. Sketched and
painted from nature by ... Munson. With an
introductory poem by Mrs. L.H. Sigourney.

New York: Anson D. F. Randolph, 1864. Large quarto (12 1/16
x 10 5/16 inches). Frontispiece and 17 hand-coloured
lithographic plates after Munson. Light foxing, principally
to the text. Publisher's maroon morocco, the covers with
elaborate borders blocked in blind, the upper cover with
title and within a decorative design blocked in gilt, spine
with raised bands, yellow endpapers, gilt edges.
Provenance: Josephine F. Allen (early signature).

A scarce American botanical gift book with finely hand
coloured plates after Victorian artist Laura Gordon Munson.

(#36126)                                               $ 4,500.
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                       Rare Books

Cosmographia, or a View of the Terrestrial and
Coelestial Globes, in a brief explanation of the
principles of plain and solid geometry

London: Printed for Thomas Passinger, 1679. 8vo. Title
printed in red and black. [16], 320, 319-510, [16] pp. 14
engraved plates (11 folding). 4pp. ads in the rear.
Contemporary red morocco, spine gilt with raised bands,
marbled pastedowns, gilt edges. Provenance: William Ian
Turner (collector's blindstamp).

Early English pedagogical treatise on mathematics.

(#35998)                                                    $ 2,800.
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   Donald A. Heald
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                      Rare Books

Manuscript accounts ledger relating to a
Kingston papermill.

Kingston County, PA: June 1815 to December 1815. Tall,
skinny folio. 334pp. Initial eight leaves with mounted
newspaper clippings. Contemporary reverse calf, spine
perished, marbled endpapers.

Ledger recording the purchases made by the founder of a
Pennsylvania paper mill.

(#35805)                                             $ 1,750.
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                      Rare Books

The commonplace book and the day
book/accounts ledger of a Delaware

Newark, Delaware: 1812-c.1844. 2 volumes, small folio.
[Commonplace Book:] 47 leaves, written recto and verso.
Signed numerous times within. [Day Book/Accounts
ledger:] Approx. 40 leaves, written recto and verso, plus
numerous blanks. With later, unrelated additions in the
rear. Contemporary boards (commonplace book) or calf-
backed boards (daybook).

The life of a papermaker in early 19th century Delaware.

(#35814)                                             $ 5,750.
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                       Rare Books

An Essay on the Construction, Hanging, and
Fastening of Gates ... Second Edition; Improved
and enlarged ... [Bound with:] Designs for Gates
and Rails suitable to Parks, Pleasure Grounds,
Balconys &c.

London: Printed by C. Whittingham ... for Lackington, Allen
and Co., 1804; London: J. Taylor, [circa 1805]. 2 volumes in 1,
8vo (9 x 5 1/4 inches). [Parker:] [8], 116pp. 6 engraved folding
plates. [Middleton:] Engraved title, 26 engraved plates
(numbered 2-27). 8pp. publisher's ads. Early calf backed
marbled paper covered boards, vellum tips, flat spine
divided into compartments by gilt rules, black morocco
lettering piece in the second compartment.

Two scarce early 19th century English works on gates and
railings for landscape design, bound together.

(#28265)                                                $ 2,850.
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                       Rare Books

L'Antotrofia ossia la Coltivazione de'Fiori.

Florence: V. Betelli e Figli, 1834. 2 volumes, 8vo. 72 hand
coloured plates. Contemporary calf-backed cloth covered
boards, flat spines elaborately tooled in gilt and blind,
lettered in gilt.

First edition of a lovely 19th century Italian flower book.

(#35247)                                                $ 1,850.
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                      Rare Books

G. A.
The cabinet-maker's guide, or rules and
instructions in the art of varnishing, dying,
staining, japanning, polishing, lackering and
beautifying wood, ivory, tortoise-shell, and

Greenfield, MA: Ansel Phelps, 1825. 12mo (6 x 3 1/2 inches).
108pp. Publisher's ad on rear board. Publisher's lettered
boards, rebacked at an early date with blue checked calico
cloth. Provenance: A. Lovett (signature dated 1830).

The first furniture finisher's manual published in America.

(#34793)                                               $ 6,500.
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   Donald A. Heald
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                      Rare Books

The Electrotypers' Manual.

Buffalo: 1869. 8vo. 34pp. 12 illustrations of the various
presses, machines and tools used in the process. Publisher's
yellow lettered wrappers.

Scarce detailed explanation of the electrotype printing

(#36122)                                                    $ 750.
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   Donald A. Heald
             Heald || Rare
                      Rare Books

A Treatise of Japaning and Varnishing, Being
a compleat Discovery of those Arts. With the
best way of making all sorts of varnish for
japan, wood, prints, or pictures. The method of
guilding, burnishing, and lackering, with the
art of guilding, separating, and refining metals:
and of painting mezzo-tinto-prints.

Oxford: Printed for and sold by the Authors, 1688. Folio (14
1/4 x 9 inches). [8], 84pp. 24 engraved plates. (Old repair at
lower edge of one plate, minor age toning). Expertly bound
to style in period calf, covers bordered with a gilt double
fillet, spine with raised bands in six compartments, red
morocco lettering piece in the second, the others with a
repeat decoration in gilt.

Very rare complete copy of an early English pattern book of
Oriental designs.

(#30589)                                               $ 17,500.
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   Donald A. Heald
             Heald || Rare
                      Rare Books

The Life, Letters, and Journals of George

Boston: James R. Osgood, 1877. Two volumes in six.
Profusely EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED, with over 300 inserted
portraits and views. Nineteenth century full red morocco
gilt, bound by Kaufmann. Provenance: Sophia Augusta
Brown (signature on titles).

A "grangerized" set of the Life of Ticknor, with provenance
to John Carter Brown's daughter.

(#35932)                                             $ 3,900.
Donald A.
   Donald A. Heald
             Heald || Rare
                      Rare Books

An Essay, Medical, Philosophical, and
Chemical on Drunkenness, and its Effects on
the Human Body ... the First Philadelphia
Edition, Corrected and Enlarged

Philadelphia: Anthony Finley, 1813. 8vo. 203, [1]pp.
Browning. Modern brown leather, retaining the original
lettering piece.

First American edition of the first book-length work on
alcohol dependence and its treatment: a prescient
examination in which alcoholism is defined as a disease.

(#35729)                                               $ 1,500.
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   Donald A. Heald
             Heald || Rare
                      Rare Books

Military Pyrotechny for the use of The Cadets
of the United States Military Academy, West

[West Point: Lithographed by J. C. Poortermans], 1832
[lithographed 1831]. Folio (13 5/8 x 8 inches). Lithographed
throughout. [4, including blank following the title], 55, [1]pp.
24 folding lithographed plates. Uncut. Bound to style in half
calf and original marbled paper boards. Housed in a
oatmeal cloth box with leather label.

The first edition of the first book produced by lithography
at West Point: an illustrated manual on the production of

(#30526)                                                $ 5,250.
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