Page created by Willie Salazar
SkillsFuture Credit
The SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) scheme aims to encourage individual ownership of skills development
and lifelong learning. All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their $500 SFC from the
government to pay for a wide range of approved skills-related courses.

Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website to choose from the courses available on the Training Exchange
course directory. Web-link for SFC Portal is as follows:

Explore the list of SFC Approved Courses offered by ITE:

Certificate of Competency
Higher Nitec
ITE Skills Certificate
Bridging Programme for Admission to Polytechnics
General Education
Short Course
Train The Trainer
Joint Industry Certificate
Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ)

Higher Nitec

National Silver Academy
The National Silver Academy (NSA) offers seniors a wide range of learning opportunities from a
network of post-secondary education institutions and community-based organisations. Please visit
NSA Webpage for more details:

Explore the list of NSA Approved Courses offered by ITE:
National Silver Academy (NSA) Courses

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Certificate of Competency

                                                                                       Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
       SkillsFuture Series
   1   CoC in Architectural BIM                                                        DM1003CS
   2   CoC in Architectural Detailing & Visualisation                                  DM2002CS
   3   CoC in Building Drawings & Submission                                           DM3001CS
   4   CoC in Building Information Modelling: 3D Modelling                             ED2000CS
   5   CoC in Building Information Modelling: Engineering Graphics                     ED1000CS
   6   CoC in Cloud Computing Essentials                                               IT2001CS
   7   CoC in Cloud Practitioner Essentials                                            IT1002CS
   8   CoC in Computer Networking (Routing)                                            IT2003CS
   9   CoC in Computer Networking (Switching)                                          IT1001CS
  10   CoC in Cyber Security Fundamentals                                              IT1000CS
  11   CoC in Data Visualisation Fundamentals                                          IT2002CS
  12   CoC in Dementia Care & Smart Solutions                                          HC2000CS
  13   CoC in Dementia Care in the Technological Era                                   HC1000CS
  14   CoC in Electrical Switchboard Testing & Maintenance                             EE2001CS
  15   CoC in Entrepreneurship 101: Customer Engagement with Chatbot                   BS1001CS
  16   CoC in Entrepreneurship 101: Marketing Campaigns with Augmented Reality         BS1002CS

  17   CoC in Entrepreneurship 101: Target Market with Data Analytics                  BS1000CS
  18   CoC in Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance                                    AM1000CS
  19   CoC in Installation & Commissioning Air-conditioning Systems (R32 Split Unit)   CB10004CS

  20   CoC in Intelligent Building Control System (KNX)                                EE3001CS
  21   CoC in Interior Applications                                                    DM3000CS
  22   CoC in Interior Construction                                                    DM2000CS
  23   CoC in Internet of Things (Smart Energy Management)                             EC1002CS
  24   CoC in Internet of Things (Using SigFox Technology)                             EC1003CS
  25   CoC in Introduction to Avionics Workshop Operations                             AM1001CS
  26   CoC in Introduction to Digital Technology in Environment Services               MC1000CS
  27   CoC in Introduction to Marine Diesel Engines                                    MR1001CS
  28   CoC in Introduction to Rapid Transit Electrical System                          RT1000CS
  29   CoC in Intrusion & Access Control Technology (Workplace Protection)             SY2001CS
  30   CoC in Lift Installer                                                           CB2001CS
  31   CoC in Lift System & Equipment Maintenance                                      CB1000CS
  32   CoC in Maintenance of Air-conditioning Systems (R410a Split Unit)               CB1005CS
  33   CoC in Micro:bit Applications                                                   EC1004CS
  34   CoC in Network Programmability Essentials                                       IT2004CS
  35   CoC in Plumbing Basics                                                          CB1006CS
  36   CoC in Plumbing Maintenance                                                     CB2000CS
  37   CoC in Practical Robotics                                                       MC2000CS
  38   CoC in Quality Assurance & Control for Marine Industries                        MR1000CS
  39   CoC in Rapid Transit Electrical Control System                                  RT2000CS
  40   CoC in Rapid Transit Power System                                               RT3000CS
  41   CoC in Residential Wiring Maintenance                                           EE1002CS

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  42   CoC in Security Project Cable Termination                      SY2002CS
  43   CoC in Security Project T&C and Handover                       SY2003CS
  44   CoC in Smart Home System (C-Bus)                               EE2003CS
  45   CoC in Smart Home System (KNX)                                 EE2006CS
  46   CoC in Smart Home System (Voice Control)                       EE2004CS
  47   CoC in Smart Home System (Z-Wave)                              EE2005CS
  48   CoC in Smart Living Solutions (e-Home)                         EC1001CS
  49   CoC in Surveillance Technology (Workplace Protection)          SY2000CS
  50   CoC in Urban Farming (Compost & Fertiliser)                    CB1003CS
  51   CoC in Urban Farming (Pest & Diseases)                         CB1002CS
  52   CoC in Urban Farming (Soil & Planting Techniques)              CB1001CS
  53   CoC in Vehicle Electronic Control Systems                      AT1001CS
  54   CoC in VTOL Aircraft (Drone) Repair, Operation & Maintenance   AM2000CS
       Non SkillsFuture Series
  1    CoC in Pastry Essentials                                       FB1000CM
  2    CoC in Artisanal Bread                                         FB1001CM
  3    CoC in Principles of Cake Making                               FB1002CM
  4    CoC in Barista Skills                                          FB2000CM

                                      Back to Contents

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: CET Higher Nitec

                                                                                Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
   1   2D Games Asset Creation                                                  GD4203FP
   2   3D Modelling and Texturing for Games                                     GD4204FP
   3   3D Rigging and Animation for Games                                       GD5202FP
   4   Accounting Fundamentals                                                  AC4003FP
   5   Advanced Accounting                                                      AC5005FP
   6   Advanced Instrumental Analysis                                           LS5007FPR
   7   Advanced Networking                                                      IT5104FPR
   8   Air-conditioning Systems                                                 CB4011FP
   9   Analogue Principles and Applications                                     EC4105FP
  10   Analytical Chemistry                                                     LS4002FPR
  11   Applications Development Essentials                                      IT4104FPR
  12   Applied Visual Merchandising                                             DM5003FP
  13   Architectural Application                                                SD4008FPR
  14   Architectural BIM Design                                                 SD5004FP
  15   Architectural Drawing                                                    SD4009FP
  16   Architectural Presentation                                               SD4010FP
  17   Arts and Design                                                          DM4001FP
  18   Banking Operations                                                       BK5008FP
  19   Banking Products and Services                                            BK5006FP
  20   Basic Instrumental Analysis                                              LS5006FPR
  21   Building Information Modelling                                           ED4007FP
  22   Building Management System                                               CB4012FP
  23   Building Services Systems Analysis and Management                        CB5010FP
  24   Building Structures and External Works                                   ED4004FP
  25   CAD and Electro-Mechanical Practices                                     MC4001FPR
  26   CAD and Engineering Design                                               ME4006PAR
  27   Cargo Documentation and Practices                                        LG5001FPR
  28   Communications and Networking                                            EC4107FP
  29   Communication and Networking [Higher Nitec in Technology - Electronics   EC4103FPR
       Engineering (Phasing Out Version)]
  30   Computer Maintenance and Operating Systems                               IT4101FPR
  31   Computer Peripherals and Applications                                    EC5103FPR
  32   Costing                                                                  AC5006FP
  33   Data Communication and Applications                                      EC5104FPR
  34   Devices and Applications                                                 EC5501FP
  35   Digital Content Design                                                   DM4008FP
  36   Digital Photography and Imaging                                          DM4006FP
  37   Digital Principles and Applications                                      EC4106FP
  38   Electrical Installations and Design                                      EE4002FPR
  39   Electrical Machines and Drives                                           EE5002FPR
  40   Electrical Power Systems                                                 EE5004FPR
  41   Electrical Systems and Services                                          CB4010FP
  42   Electrotechnology and Motor Control                                      EE4001FPR
  43   Employee Relations and Communication                                     HR5004FPR

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  44   Engineering Development and Applications                                           ME5009PAR
  45   Engineering Graphics                                                               ED4001FP
  46   Engineering Materials and Mechanics                                                ME4008PAR
  47   Essential Communication and IT                                                     BS4007FPR
  48   Event Planning and Management                                                      EV5006FP
  49   Executive Lounge Operations                                                        TS4008FP
  50   Fabrication Technology                                                             MR4011FP
  51   Facilities and Venue Management                                                    EV5007FP
  52   Flexible Manufacturing System                                                      MC5001FPR
  53   Freight Forwarding                                                                 LG4006FP
  54   Freight Operations and Distribution Management                                     LG4001FPR
  55   Front Office Operations                                                            TS5004FP
  56   Games Design Principles                                                            GD4101FP
  57   Games Development Techniques                                                       GD4104FP
  58   Games Level Design                                                                 GD5101FP
  59   Games Portfolio Development                                                        GD5203FP
  60   Games Programming                                                                  GD4103FP
  61   Green Mark and Universal Design                                                    SD5002FPR
  62   Hospitality IT Systems                                                             TS5005FP
  63   Hospitality Service and Communication                                              TS4006FP
  64   Housekeeping Services                                                              TS5006FP
  65   Human Resource Information and Administration                                      HR5002FPR
  66   Industrial Electronics                                                             MC4002FPR
  67   Instrumentation and Control Systems                                                EE5003FPR
  68   Instrumentation and Controls                                                       ME5008PAR
  69   Integrated Security System                                                         SY5005FP
  70   Intelligent Control Systems and Programming                                        EE5001FPR
  71   Intermediate Accounting                                                            AC4004FP
  72   Introduction to Maritime Industry                                                  SH4001FP
  73   Introductory Chemistry                                                             LS4001FPR
  74   Intrusion and Access Control                                                       SY4007FP
  75   IoT Integration                                                                    EC5502FP
  76   Lighting for Production I                                                          PF4002FP
  77   Lighting for Production II                                                         PF5002FP
  78   Logistics and Supply Chain Management                                              LG4002FPR
  79   Material Planning and Inventory                                                    LG5004FP
  80   Mathematics and Engineering Systems                                                ME4005PAR
  81   Mechanical Systems and Services                                                    CB4009FP
  82   Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions                                  EV5008FP
  83   Microcontroller Applications                                                       EC4108FP
  84   Microcontroller Applications [Higher Nitec in Technology - Electronics Engineering EC4104FPR
       (Phasing Out Version)]
  85   Mobile Games Development                                                           GD5102FP
  86   Network Technology                                                                 SY4006FP
  87   Networking Technology                                                              IT4102FPR
  88   Offshore and Marine Electrical System Design [Higher Nitec in Technology -         ED4009FP
       Offshore & Marine Engineering Design]
  89   Offshore and Marine HVAC System Design                                             ED5014FP

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  90   Offshore and Marine Piping System Design [Higher Nitec in Technology - Offshore ED5011FP
       & Marine Engineering Design]
  91   Offshore and Marine Structure Design                                            ED4008FP
  92   Offshore Technology                                                             MR5009FP
  93   Offshore Technology [Higher Nitec in Technology - Marine & Offshore Technology MR5009PAR
       (Phasing out version)]
 94    Personal Financial Planning                                                     BK5007FP
 95    Pipe Design and Systems                                                         MR5007FP
 96    PLC and Motor Control                                                           MC4004FPR
 97    Pneumatics and Automation                                                       MC4003FPR
 98    Principles of Marketing                                                         BS4006FPR
 99    Programming Fundamentals                                                        GD4102FP
 100   Project Management and Supervision                                              CB5011FP
 101   Quality Control and Assurance                                                   LS4004FPR
 102   Quality Engineering                                                             MR4007FP
 103   Quality Engineering [Higher Nitec in Technology - Marine & Offshore Technology] MR4007PAR

 104 Quality Engineering [Higher Nitec in Technology - Mechanical Engineering]         ME4007PAR

 105   Recruitment and Selection                                                       HR5001FPR
 106   Reinforced Concrete Detailing and Design                                        ED5001FP
 107   Retail Marketing                                                                DM4004FP
 108   Retail Space Design                                                             DM5002FP
 109   Responsive Web Design for Application                                           DM5008FP
 110   Robotics and Mechanics                                                          MC5002FPR
 111   Sample Handling and Processing                                                  LS5005FPR
 112   Ship Agency & Operations                                                        SH5008FP
 113   Ship Systems                                                                    MR4008FP
 114   Shipping & Port Operations                                                      SH5006FP
 115   Shipping Documentation                                                          SH5007FP
 116   Sound for Production I                                                          PF4003FP
 117   Sound for Production II                                                         PF5003FP
 118   Stage Craft and Staging System                                                  PF4004FP
 119   Steel Structure Detailing and Design                                            ED5003FP
 120   System Administration                                                           IT4103FPR
 121   System Administration and Storage                                               SY4005FP
 122   Training Administration                                                         HR5003FPR
 123   Transport Logistics                                                             LG5003FP
 124   Video Surveillance                                                              SY4008FP
 125   Visual Design Principles                                                        DM4005FP
 126   Visual Merchandising Design                                                     DM5001FP
 127   Visual Merchandising Graphics                                                   DM4003FP
 128   Visual Multimedia                                                               PF5001FP
 129   Warehousing and Distribution                                                    LG4005FP
 130   Warehousing and Inventory Management                                            LG4003FPR
 131   Web Design and Development                                                      DM5006FP
 132   Welding Technology                                                              MR4009FP

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: CET Nitec

                                                                                            Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
   1   3D Animation                                                                         DM3209FP
   2   3D Animation Portfolio                                                               DM3210FP
   3   3D CAD/CAM Applications                                                              MT2104FP
   4   Aerospace Machining                                                                  MT3102FP
   5   Aesthetic Therapy                                                                    AW3001FP
   6   Air-Conditioning Distribution Systems                                                CB3203FPR
   7   Analogue Electronics                                                                 EC2003FP
   8   Animation Design and Layout                                                          DM2107FP
   9   Architectural Graphics                                                               SD2101FPR
  10   Asset Creation                                                                       DM3109FP
  11   Asset Creation Portfolio                                                             DM3110FP
       Attractions Operations and Services [Nitec in Services - Travel & Tourism Services   TS3003FPR
  12   (Phasing Out Version)]
  13   Attractions Operations and Services                                                  TS2007FP
  14   Automation and Basic Robotics                                                        MC3002FPR
  15   Automotive Principles and Systems                                                    AT2101FP
  16   Autotronics                                                                          AT2104FP
  17   Basic Chassis and Drivetrain Technology                                              AT2102FP
  18   Basic Engine Technology                                                              AT2103FP
  19   Basic Facial Treatments                                                              AW2002FP
  20   Bread Production                                                                     FB2037FP
  21   Business Event Organisation                                                          BS3003FPR
  22   Cabling Technology                                                                   SY2007FP
  23   Cake Mixing and Baking                                                               FB2036FP
  24   Chassis and Drivetrain Technology (Heavy Vehicles)                                   AT3202FP
  25   Chassis and Drivetrain Technology (Light Vehicles)                                   AT3102FP
  26   Classical Animation Principles                                                       DM2106FP
  27   CNC Sheetmetal Fabrication                                                           MT3201FP
  28   Commercial Air-Conditioning Systems                                                  CB3202FPR
  29   Commercial Refrigeration Systems                                                     CB3204FPR
  30   Computer Networking Principles                                                       EC2004FP
  31   Construction Drawing                                                                 SD2104FPR
  32   Customer Service                                                                     BS2002FPR
  33   Customer Service and Communication                                                   TS2006FP
  34   Decorative Work                                                                      FB3020FP
  35   Design Elements                                                                      SD3202FPR
  36   Design Principles                                                                    DM2006FPR
  37   Desserts and Petit Fours                                                             FB2038FP
  38   Destination Geography                                                                TS2002FPR
  39   Digital Building Drafting                                                            SD2102FPR
  40   Digital Electronics                                                                  EC2002FP
  41   Digital Imaging                                                                      DM2008FPR
  42   Digital Media Fundamentals                                                           IT2030FP
  43   Drawing                                                                              DM2105FP

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  44   Drawing Fundamentals                                                    DM2005FPR
  45   Drives and Motor Controls                                               MC3001FPR
  46   Electrical Circuits and Principles                                      EE2101FPR
  47   Electrical Drafting and Design                                          EE2104FPR
  48   Electrical Installation                                                 MC2002FPR
  49   Electrical Installations and Testing                                    EE2102FPR
  50   Electrical Machines and Control                                         EE2103FPR
  51   Electrical Principles and Measurements                                  EC2001FP
  52   Electrical Power and Switchboards                                       EE3102FPR
  53   Electrical Services                                                     CB2101FPR
  54   Electro Pnuematics and Hydraulics                                       ME3001FPR
  55   Electronic Communications System                                        EC3002FP
  56   Electronic Principles and Measurements                                  EC2101FPR
  57   Electronics                                                             MC2003FPR
  58   Electronics Fundamentals                                                SY2005FP
  59   Elements of Business                                                    BS3002FPR
  60   Engine Technology and Powertrain Management (Heavy Vehicles)            AT3203FP
  61   Engine Technology and Powertrain Management (Light Vehicles)            AT3103FP
  62   Engineering Drawing and Inspection Techniques                           MT2101FP
  63   Engineering Process (Milling)                                           MT2103FP
  64   Engineering Process (Turning)                                           MT2102FP
  65   Equipment Maintenance and Utilities                                     CE3201FPR
  66   Essentials of 3D Animation                                              DM2108FP
  67   Event Promotion and Operations                                          TS3007FP
  68   Facility and System Maintenance                                         CB3103FPR
  69   Fire Detection and Protection Systems                                   CB3102FPR
  70   Fundamentals of Communication II                                        BS3001FPR
  71   GMP and Biologics Processes                                             CE3102FPR
  72   GMP and Pharmaceutical Processes                                        CE3301FPR
  73   Graphics and Typography                                                 DM3005FPR
  74   Health, Safety, Security and Environment Management                     CE2102FPR
  75   Industrial Piping and Valve System                                      ME2002FPR
  76   Industrial Pneumatics and Hydraulics                                    ME2004FPR
  77   Integrated Building Management Systems                                  CB3101FPR
  78   Integrated Tooling Assembly and Design                                  MT3202FP
  79   Interactive Application Project                                         IT3033FP
  80   Interactive Authoring                                                   IT3030FP
  81   Internet Applications                                                   IT3034FP
  82   Internet Fundamentals and Applications                                  IT2102FPR
       Internetworking Technology [Nitec in Technology - Infocomm Technology   IT3101FP
  83   (Networking & Systems Administration) (Phasing Out Version)]
  84   Internetworking Technology                                              IT2036FP
  85   Introduction to Accounting                                              BS3005FPR
  86   Introduction to Baking Science                                          FB2034FP
  87   Introduction to Tourism                                                 TS2005FP
  88   Introduction to Tourism Industry                                        TS2001FPR
  89   Intrusion and Access Control Technology                                 SY3005FP

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  90   IT Essentials and PC Support [Nitec in Technology - Infocomm Technology       IT2101FPR
       (Networking & Systems Administration) (Phasing Out Version)]
 91    IT Essentials and PC Support                                                  IT2034FP
 92    Lift and Escalator Power and Control Systems Maintenance                      CB3402PAR
 93    Lift and Escalator Systems and Equipment Maintenance                          CB3401PAR
 94    Lift Inspection and Commissioning                                             CB3403PAR
 95    Lift Maintenance Management                                                   CB3404PAR
 96    Machinery and Electrical System Maintenance                                   ME3002FPR
 97    Machinery Maintenance                                                         ME2003FPR
 98    Make-up Applications                                                          AW2001FP
 99    Manicure and Pedicure                                                         AW2003FP
 100   Massage Therapy                                                               AW3002FP
 101   Mechanical Services                                                           CB2102FPR
 102   Mobile Web Development                                                        IT3032FP
 103   Multi-Axis Programming and Machining                                          MT3103FP
 104   Network Essentials [Nitec in Technology - Infocomm Technology (Networking &   IT2103FPR
       Systems Administration) (Phasing Out Version)]
 105   Networking Essentials                                                         IT2035FP
 106   Pastry Basics                                                                 FB2035FP
 107   Piping and Plumbing Services                                                  CB2104FPR
 108   Plant Equipment Maintenance                                                   ME3003FPR
 109   Plant Processes                                                               CE3101FPR
 110   PLC and Sensors Technology                                                    MC3003FPR
 111   Pneumatics                                                                    MC2001FPR
 112   Prepress Technology                                                           DM3006FPR
 113   Presentation Package                                                          SD2103FPR
 114   Process Equipment and Operation                                               CE2104FPR
 115   Process Fundamentals and Quality Assurance                                    CE2105FPR
 116   Process Instrumentation and Control I                                         CE2103FPR
 117   Process Instrumentation and Control II                                        CE3401FPR
 118   Project [Nitec in Services - Space Design (Interior & Exhibition)]            SD3204FPR
 119   Project [Nitec in Services - Visual Communication]                            DM3008FP
 120   Reservations and Ticketing                                                    TS3002FPR
 121   Residential Air-Conditioning [Nitec in Technology - Facility Technology]      CB2103FPR
 122   Retail and Online Selling                                                     RS2005FP
 123   Retail Operations                                                             RS2006FP
 124   Retail Promotion                                                              RS2003FPR
 125   Retail Promotion and e-Marketing                                              RS2007FP
 126   Retail Selling                                                                RS2001FPR
       Server Essentials [Nitec in Technology - Infocomm Technology (Networking &    IT2104FPR
 127   Systems Administration) (Phasing Out Version)]
 128   Server Essentials                                                             IT2037FP
 129   Software Applications                                                         BS2003FPR
 130   Software Development and Programming Fundamentals                             IT2033FP
 131   Spa Treatments                                                                AW3003FP
 132   Special Installations and Equipment Maintenance                               EE3101FPR
 133   Surveillance Technology                                                       SY3006FP
 134   Tour Operations and Services                                                  TS3001FPR

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Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
 135   Tour Operations and Ticketing                      TS3006FP
 136   Visual Merchandising                               RS3003FPR
 137   Web Authoring                                      IT2031FP
 138   Wired and Wireless Network                         SY2008FP

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: ITE Skills Certificate

                                                                            Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    Electrical Wiring                                                    EE1101FP
  2    Gas Tungsten Arc Welding                                             ME1101FP
  3    Residential Air-Conditioning [ISC in Residential Air-Conditioning]   CB1101FP
  4    Residential Plumbing                                                 CB10130
  5    Shielded Metal Arc Welding                                           ME1102FP

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Bridging Programme

                                                                 Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    Bridging Course - English                                 BPG9000EL
  2    Bridging Course - Mathematics                             BPG9000MA
  3    Bridging Course - Engineering Mathematics                 BPG9000EM
  4    Bridging Course - Business Communication                  BPG9000BC
  5    Bridging Course - Chemistry                               BPG9000CM

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: General Education

                                                         Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
   1   Sec 1N - English Language                         ELS1
   2   Sec 1N - Mathematics                              MAS1
   3   Sec 1N - General Science                          SCS1
   4   Sec 2N - English Language                         ELS2
   5   Sec 2N - Mathematics                              MAS2
   6   Sec 2N - General Science                          SCS2
   7   Sec 3N - English Language                         ELS3
   8   Sec 3N - Mathematics                              MAS3
   9   Sec 3N - General Science                          SPCS3
  10   Sec 3N - Principles of Accounts                   PAS3
  11   Sec 3N - Chinese Language                         CLS3
  12   GCE 'N' - English Language                        ELS4
  13   GCE 'N' - Mathematics                             MAS4
  14   GCE 'N' - Science (Physics/Chemistry)             SPCS4
  15   GCE 'N' - Principles of Accounts                  PAS4
  16   GCE 'N' - Chinese Language                        CLS4
  17   GCE 'N' - Malay Language                          MLS4
  18   GCE 'N' - Tamil Language                          TLS4
  19   GCE 'N' - Literature                              LITS4
  20   GCE 'N' - Geography                               GEOS4
  21   GCE 'N' - Combined Humanities (History)           CHHS4
  22   GCE 'O' - English Language                        ELS5
  23   GCE 'O' - Mathematics                             MADS5
  24   GCE 'O' - Additional Mathematics                  MAAS5
  25   GCE 'O' - Science (Physics/Chemistry)             SPCS5
  26   GCE 'O' - Science (Biology/Chemistry)             SCBS5
  27   GCE 'O' - Science (Physics/Biology)               SPBS5
  28   GCE 'O' - Chinese Language                        CLS5
  29   GCE 'O' - Malay Language                          MLS5
  30   GCE 'O' - Tamil Language                          TLS5
  31   GCE 'O' - Principles of Accounts                  PAS5
  32   GCE 'O' - Literature                              LITS5
  33   GCE 'O' - Geography                               GEOS5
  34   GCE 'O' - Combined Humanities (History)           CHHS5
  35   GCE 'O' - History                                 HISS5

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Short Course

                                                                                              Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    3D Printing - Model Building                                                           CIT187
  2    Accounting - Budgeting Fundamentals                                                    CBS59
  3    Adobe Illustrator - Fundamentals                                                       CIT195
  4    Adobe Photoshop - Digital Image Enhancement                                            CIT160
  5    Adobe Premiere - Fundamentals of Video Editing                                         CIT 208
  6    Air-Conditioner Maintenance                                                            CBD1
  7    Air-Conditioning - Basic Maintenance for Home Split Unit                               CBD6
  8    Air-Conditioning - Installation & Commission of City Multi Variable Refrigerant Flow
       (VRF) System
   9   Air-Conditioning - R32 Safety Awareness Training                                       CBD48
  10   Arc Welding                                                                            COT48
  11   Asian Cooking - Fundamentals                                                           COT264
  12   Audio Visual - Automation & Programming Fundamentals                                   CIT222
  13   AutoCAD (Beginner)                                                                     CCD64
  14   AutoCAD - Preparation for Professional Certification                                   CIT197
  15   AutoCAD (Intermediate)                                                                 CCD65
  16   Autodesk 3D Max                                                                        CIT210
  17   Automation – Develop a Guided Vehicle                                                  CIT226
  18   Automation - Microcontroller Programming                                               CIT225
  19   Automotive - Basic Car Maintenance                                                     CEE127
  20   Beauty & Wellness - Creative Gel Nail Techniques                                       CBS54
  21   Beginners' English - Level 1                                                           FELB1
  22   Beginners' English - Level 2                                                           FELB2
  23   Beginners' English - Level 3                                                           FELB3
  24   Biteable Video Maker– Create Animated Presentations                                    CIT228
  25   BIZFinx Preparation Tool - Create Financial Statements in XBRL                         CBS58
  26   Blender 3D - Modelling & Animation                                                     CIT245
  27   Blogshop - Design Your Very Own                                                        CBS37
  28   Bread and Rolls                                                                        COT289
  29   Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Design using Tekla Structure                      CBD33
  30   CAD - Create Parts & Draw Assemblies using Solidworks                                  CCD52
  31   Coffee Appreciation and Cupping Workshop                                               COT267
  32   Communicate at Work                                                                    FELCOW
  33   Computer Maintenance - Basic Diagnostic and Repair                                     CIT69
  34   Cyber Security - Personal Best Practices                                               CIT238
  35   DIY Fashion - Sew a Skirt                                                              COT248
  36   Electrical - Home Maintenance                                                          CEE5
  37   Electrical - Motor Starters & Maintenance                                              CEE73
  38   Electrical - Switchboard Maintenance                                                   CEE8
  39   Electrical Control - Air-Con Maintenance                                               CBD9
  40   Electrical Installation - CP5:1998 Code of Practice                                    CEE3
  41   Electrical Installation - Test & Inspect Residential & Commercial Properties           CBD22
  42   Electrical Maintenance (Beginners)                                                     CEE110
  43   Electrical Measurement & Errors                                                        CEE134
  44   Electronics - Universal Counter Application                                            CEE133

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  45   English for Everyday Communication                                                FELCOE
  46   Ethical Hacking - Fundamentals                                                    CIT193
  47   Everyday Mandarin (Beginners)                                                     EMDB
  48   Excel – Data Analysis and Collection                                              CIT237
  49   Excel 2010 - Visual Basic Programming                                             CIT168
  50   Fibre Optics - Essential Skills for Installer                                     CEE84
  51   Fibre Optics - Test & Troubleshoot                                                CEE85
  52   Fire Protection - Equipment Maintenance                                           CBD8
  53   Floral Design - Table Arrangements                                                COT258
  54   Front Office Operations - Champions Programme                                     COT172
  55   Grooming - Bridal Makeup                                                          COT279
  56   Grooming - Dressing & Colour Analysis                                             CBS55
  57   Grooming - Enhance Natural Beauty with Makeup                                     COT286
  58   Grooming - Hairstyling                                                            COT275
  59   Grooming - Make-up & Poise                                                        CBS56
  60   Grooming - Shampoo and Blow Dry                                                   COT274
  61   Health and Fitness - Fundamental Physical Conditioning                            CBS57
  62   Home Business - Legal and Operational Considerations                              CBS60
  63   Home Business - Selling Online                                                    CBS62
  64   Home Business - What Business to Start?                                           CBS63
  65   Home Renovation - Preparation & Ideas                                             COT250
  66   Home Security - Video Surveillance Made Easy                                      CIT221
  67   Hospitality- Housekeeping Fundamentals                                            COT276
  68   HTML 5.0 - Essential Skills                                                       CIT185
  69   Hydraulics - Fundamental Principles                                               CMM17
  70   Hydraulics - Industry Applications & Troubleshooting                              CEE74
  71   iMovie for Mac - Create Movies & Trailers (Beginner)                              CIT215
  72   Industrial Automation                                                             CEE128
  73   Infant Bathing and Infant Cord Care                                               COT284
  74   Infographics - Design & Presentation                                              COT290
  75   Instrumentation - Industrial Temperature Calibration                              COT105
  76   Instrumentation - Machine Condition Monitoring                                    CMM26
  77   Instrumentation - Metrology and Measurement                                       CEE58
  78   Internet Marketing - Make Money Online                                            CIT101
  79   Internet of Things - Connect Devices using Thingbox                               CIT229
  80   IP Networking - Configure LAN, WAN, Internet and Intranet For Physical Security   CIT200
  81   IP Networking - WiFi Wireless Networking & Remote Access For Physical Security    CIT201
  82   IP Video - Advanced Surveillance System                                           CEE103
  83   iSCSI Storage Area Networks - Fundamentals                                        CIT240
  84   IT Literacy - Basic Powerpoint                                                    CIT248
  85   IT Literacy - Design an Emailer                                                   CIT206
  86   IT Literacy - Use Computer (English)                                              CIT231
  87   IT Literacy - Use Computer (Mandarin)                                             CIT233
  88   IT Literacy - Use Facebook (English)                                              CIT234
  89   IT Literacy - Use Facebook (Mandarin)                                             CIT235
  90   IT Literacy -Basic Microsoft Word                                                 CIT247
  91   IT Network - Installation for Home and Small Businesses                           CIT186
  92   IT Network - Secured Network for Home                                             CIT202
  93   IT Network - Socket Programming                                                   CIT224

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
 94    Microsoldering - Surface Mounted Components/Devices (SMD) for Industry          CIT199
 95    Mobile Phone - Essential Servicing Skills                                       CEE90
 96    MYOB - For SMEs                                                                 CBS31
 97    Nursing - Monitor Blood Glucose and Administer Subcutaneous Insulin             COT281
 98    Nursing - Oral and Nasogastric tube feeding                                     COT283
 99    Nursing - Wound Care                                                            COT282
 100   Pastry - Cookies, Tarts and Cakes for High Tea                                  COT261
 101   Photography - Digital Image Composition                                         CIT 209
 102   Photography – Picture Storage and Management Using Cloud                        CIT223
 103   Photography – Portraits with Natural Lighting                                   COT251
 104   Photography & Photo Editing                                                     COT122
 105   Physical Security - Video Surveillance Technology and Design                    CEE95
 106   Pipe Fitting                                                                    CMM15
 107   PLC Programming - Fundamentals                                                  CEE6
 108   PLC Programming - Introduction to Alternative Languages (FB, ST & SFC)          CEE122
 109   Plumbing Maintenance                                                            CBD3
 110   Powtoon – Create Animated Presentations                                         CIT227
 111   Process Control - Transmitters/Transducers Calibration                          CEE130
 112   Project Management - Essential Skills                                           COT225
 113   Project Management - Preparation for PMP Certification                          CIT232
 114   Raspberry Pi - Build a Remote Control Robot Car                                 CIT244
 115   Raspberry Pi - Build A Computer                                                 CIT214
 116   Robotics - Humanoid Dancing Robots                                              CEE131
 117   Smart Nation Capability Development Program (SNCDP) - Cisco Certified Entry
       Networking Technician (CCENT)
 118   Smart Nation Capability Development Program (SNCDP) - Cisco Certified Network   CIT218
 119   Smart Nation Capability Development Program (SNCDP) - Cisco Certified Network   CIT217
 120   Smart Nation Capability Development Program (SNCDP) - Cisco Certified Network
       Professional (Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks)
 121   Smart Phone - Develop Android Apps (Beginner)                                   CIT198
 122   Social Media - Bond Across Generations                                          CIT246
 123   Social Media - Promote Business on Facebook & Instagram                         CBS61
 124   Swimming Pool Maintenance and Operation                                         CBD20
 125   TIG Welding                                                                     COT79
 126   Visual Merchandising - Create your Windows Display                              COT254
 127   VMWare - Server Virtualisation                                                  CIT239
 128   Web Content Management System (WCMS) - Installation & Configuration             CIT212
 129   Web Development - Responsive Web Design                                         CIT220
 130   Web Server – Configure Web Server Registration Feedback and Admin Pages         CIT236
 131   Web Server - Set up Web Servers, Create Web Pages and Maintain Websites         CIT71
 132   Western Cooking - Fundamentals                                                  COT260
 133   Windows Operating System - Install and Configure                                CIT175
 134   Windows Server 2012 – Set up and Hardening                                      CIT241
 135   Wine Appreciation and Tasting Workshop                                          COT262

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Train The Trainer

                                                                    Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    Train The Trainer - Prepare and Conduct Coaching             PCC201
  2    Train The Trainer - Deliver and Facilitate Learning          DFL202
  3    Train The Trainer - Design and Develop OJT Programme         DDOP203
  4    Train The Trainer - Develop and Conduct Assessment           DCA204
  5    Train The Trainer - Design and Develop Training Curriculum   DDC205
  6    Generic Workplace Programme - Trainers' Workshop             GWP101
  7    Towards Dynamic Coaching                                     STDC101
  8    OJT Blueprint Development                                    SOBD102
  9    Manage & Evaluate OJT Programme                              SMEP103

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Joint Industry Certificate

                                                        Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    Joint ITE-NEA Certificate in Pest Control        CB2902CJNE
  2    Joint ITE-NEA Certificate in Pest Management     CB2901CJNE
  3    Fire Safety Manager Course                       CRS-N-0042018

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ)

                                                                                    Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    Conduct Food and Beverage Hygiene Audit                                      CRS-Q-0019018-FB
  2    Follow Food and Beverage Safety and Hygiene Policies and Procedures (2014)   CRS-Q-0025997-FB

  3    Follow Food and Beverage Safety and Hygiene Policies and Procedures          CRS-Q-0026132-FB
  4    Forklift Drivers’Training Course                                             WMFLG106E

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: TED Diploma

                                                              Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  1    Technical Diploma in Culinary Arts                     FDCAR
  2    Technical Engineer Diploma in Automotive Engineering   FDAUE
  3    Technical Engineer Diploma in Machine Technology       FDMCT

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Full-Time Higher Nitec

                                                               Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
   1   Higher Nitec in Accounting                              HFACZ
   2   Higher Nitec in Architectural Technology                HFATG
   3   Higher Nitec in Automotive Engineering                  HFAUE
   4   Higher Nitec in Banking Services                        HFBNZ
   5   Higher Nitec in Beauty & Wellness Management            HFBWM
   6   Higher Nitec in Biotechnology                           HFBTZ
   7   Higher Nitec in Broadcast & Media Technology            HFBMZ
   8   Higher Nitec in Business Information Systems            HFBIZ
   9   Higher Nitec in Chemical Technology                     HFCTZ
  10   Higher Nitec in Civil & Structural Engineering Design   HFCSZ
  11   Higher Nitec in Culinary Arts                           HFCLA
  12   Higher Nitec in Cyber & Network Security                HFCNZ
  13   Higher Nitec in Early Childhood Education               HFCHZ
  14   Higher Nitec in Electrical Engineering                  HFEEZ
  15   Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering                 HFECZ
  16   Higher Nitec in Engineering With Business               HFEUZ
  17   Higher Nitec in Event Management                        HFEVZ
  18   Higher Nitec in Facility Management                     HFFMZ
  19   Higher Nitec in Facility Systems Design                 HFFSZ
  20   Higher Nitec in Filmmaking (Cinematography)             HFFLZ
  21   Higher Nitec in Games Art & Design                      HFGAD
  22   Higher Nitec in Games Programming & Development         HFGPD
  23   Higher Nitec in Hospitality Operations                  HFHPZ
  24   Higher Nitec in Human Resources & Administration        HFHRZ
  25   Higher Nitec in Interactive Design                      HFIDZ
  26   Higher Nitec in International Logistics                 HFILO
  27   Higher Nitec in IT Applications & Development           HFIAD
  28   Higher Nitec in IT Systems & Networks                   HFISN
  29   Higher Nitec in Landscape Management & Design           HFLMZ
  30   Higher Nitec in Leisure & Travel Operations             HFLTZ
  31   Higher Nitec in Marine & Offshore Technology            HFMOZ
  32   Higher Nitec in Marine Engineering                      HFMRZ
  33   Higher Nitec in Maritime Business                       HFMBZ
  34   Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering                  HFMEZ
  35   Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering                HFMCZ
  36   Higher Nitec in Motion Graphics                         HFMOG
  37   Higher Nitec in Offshore & Marine Engineering Design    HFOMZ
  38   Higher Nitec in Paramedic & Emergency Care              HFPEC
  39   Higher Nitec in Passenger Services                      HFPSZ
  40   Higher Nitec in Pastry and Baking                       HFPBK
  41   Higher Nitec in Performance Production                  HFPPZ
  42   Higher Nitec in Precision Engineering                   HFPCZ
  43   Higher Nitec in Process Plant Design                    HFPRZ
  44   Higher Nitec in Rapid Transit Engineering               HFRTZ

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  45   Higher Nitec in Retail & Online Business           HFRBZ
  46   Higher Nitec in Robotics and Smart Systems         HFRSS
  47   Higher Nitec in Security System Integration        HFSIZ
  48   Higher Nitec in Service Management                 HFSVZ
  49   Higher Nitec in Sport Management                   HFSMZ
  50   Higher Nitec in Visual Effect                      HFVFX
  51   Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising               HFVMZ

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
List of SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Approved Courses
Programme Category: Full-Time Nitec

                                                                       Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
   1   Nitec in Aerospace Avionics                                     NFAAZ
   2   Nitec in Aerospace Machining Technology                         NFAMZ
   3   Nitec in Aerospace Technology                                   NFATZ
   4   Nitec in Applied Food Science                                   NFAFZ
   5   Nitec in Architectural Technology                               NFATN
   6   Nitec in Asian Culinary Arts                                    NFACZ
   7   Nitec in Automotive Technology (Heavy Vehicles)                 NFATH
   8   Nitec in Automotive Technology (Light Vehicles)                 NFATL
   9   Nitec in Beauty & Wellness                                      NFBWZ
  10   Nitec in Built Environment (Mechanical & Electrical Services)   NFBEM
  11   Nitec in Built Environment (Vertical Transportation)            NFBEV
  12   Nitec in Business Services                                      NFBSZ
  13   Nitec in Chemical Process Technology                            NFCPZ
  14   Nitec in Community Care & Social Services                       NFCSZ
  15   Nitec in Digital & Precision Engineering                        NFDPE
  16   Nitec in Digital Animation                                      NFDAN
  17   Nitec in Electrical Technology (Lighting & Sound)               NFELL
  18   Nitec in Electrical Technology (Power & Control)                NFELP
  19   Nitec in Electronics, Computer Networking & Communications      NFECZ
  20   Nitec in Fashion Apparel Production & Design                    NFFAZ
  21   Nitec in Finance Services                                       NFFSZ
  22   Nitec in Fitness Training                                       NFFTZ
  23   Nitec in Floristry                                              NFFLZ
  24   Nitec in Hair Fashion & Design                                  NFHFD
  25   Nitec in Hospitality Operations                                 NFHPO
  26   Nitec in Infocomm Technology                                    NFICT
  27   Nitec in Interior & Exhibition Design                           NFIED
  28   Nitec in Logistics Services                                     NFLSZ
  29   Nitec in Mechanical Technology                                  NFMTZ
  30   Nitec in Mechatronics & Robotics                                NFMCR
  31   Nitec in Microelectronics                                       NFUEZ
  32   Nitec in Nursing                                                NFNSZ
  33   Nitec in Opticianry                                             NFOPZ
  34   Nitec in Pastry & Baking                                        NFPBZ
  35   Nitec in Product Design                                         NFPID
  36   Nitec in Rapid Transit Technology                               NFRTZ
  37   Nitec in Retail Services                                        NFRSZ
  38   Nitec in Security Technology                                    NFSTZ
  39   Nitec in Travel & Tourism Services                              NFTTZ
  40   Nitec in Urban Greenery & Landscape                             NFUGL
  41   Nitec in Video Production                                       NFVPZ
  42   Nitec in Visual Communication                                   NFVCZ
  43   Nitec in Web Applications                                       NFWEB
  44   Nitec in Western Culinary Arts                                  NFWCZ

updated as at 31 Aug 2018
Course ID in SFC
S/No Course Title in SFC Portal
  45   Nitec in Built Environment (Mechanical & Electrical Services) (3-year)   NFBE3
  46   Nitec in Mechanical Technology (3-year)                                  NFMT3
  47   Nitec in Retail Services (3-year)                                        NFRS3

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updated as at 31 Aug 2018
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