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Paper No. T.5-1.3, pp. 1-5

                          The 6th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and
                           Technology (ICET-2013), Novi Sad, Serbia, May 15-17, 2013
                              University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences

                                 Sininart Chongkhong1*, Bancha Lolharat1
                            Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Engineering, Thailand
                    *Authors to correspondence should be addressed via email:

Abstract: Ethanol production from prebiotic extracted         Mucor sp. and the starter contains also Saccharomyces
jackfruit seeds using co-culture, rice cake starter, was      cerevisia sp. and Pichia sp. that can convert sugar into
evaluated. The heating pretreatment step, and the             ethanol [6-8]. In addition, Saccharomyces cerevisias
simultaneous hydrolysis and fermentation step were            NP01, yeast, could be isolated from Loog Pang to
investigated. The optimum pretreatment was attained at        produce ethanol in a previous work by Laopaiboon et al.
90 C for 15 min. Then for the simultaneous hydrolysis        [9].
and fermentation, the optimum condition was using 4                Prebiotics are carbohydrates such as oligosaccharides
%wt rice cake starter at 30 C for 144 h with initial pH      that are considered a functional food [10]. Following our
of 5.0 and 100 rpm oil bath shaking rate. This provided       previous work studied on prebiotic extraction from
the 15.3 %v ethanol product that could be commercially        jackfruit seeds, in this work the prebiotic extracted
reached at 95 %v using a rotary vacuum evaporator.            jackfruit seeds and their residues were evaluated for
Key Words: Ethanol/ Prebiotic/ Jackfruit seeds/ Rice          ethanol production using microorganisms from Loog
cake starter                                                  Pang Kao Mhark (co-culture). Although the prebiotic
                                                              contents (culture media) that affected the growth of
                                                              organisms in a fermented agricultural product [11] are
1. INTRODUCTION                                               low, prebiotic extracted jackfruit seeds still contain
                                                              several components that are of value for the ethanol
    Biomass is of interest in valuable alternative
                                                              production. The study also focused on optimization of
resources as feedstock for bio-fuel production.
                                                              operating conditions using Taguchi methods [12].
Renewable energies, inclusive of ethanol and biodiesel,
are sought for to be used as substitutes for petroleum-
                                                              2. MATERIAL AND METHOD
based fuels (respectively gasoline and diesel), especially
at times of energy crises [1]. Ethanol can be produced        2.1 Substrate and organisms
economically from low cost starting materials such as             Prebiotic extracted jackfruit seeds, crushed down to 1
agricultural residues and wastes [2]. Three main types of     mm in size, were obtained from the DoE ChE (Discipline
raw materials for ethanol production using biological         of Excellent in Chemical Engineering), Faculty of
method are cellulose, carbohydrate and sugar [3-5]. The       Engineering,      Prince    of      Songkla     University.
majority type from agricultural materials is cellulose.       Compositions of the prebiotic extracted jackfruit seeds
However, the other two types are easier to be                 are shown in Table 1.
transformed into bio-ethanol fuel.                                Loog Pang Kao Mhark was purchased from a local
    Ethanol production procedures from biomass                market in Songkhla province, Thailand.
including corn, wheat, grain and seeds, which are rich in
carbohydrates, consist of feedstock preparation or
                                                              2.2 Studies of the thermal pretreatment
pretreatment, hydrolysis (transforming carbohydrate into
                                                                  The prebiotic extracted seed granules were processed
sugar), fermentation (converting the sugar into ethanol)
                                                              to eliminate impurities (from previous extraction
[3] and product purification (distillation or evaporation).
                                                              procedures). The seeds and clean water were mixed at a
The essential hydrolysis step, which provides the
                                                              weight ratio of 1 to 1 into 250 ml flasks. The flasks were
fermentable sugar, can be carried out by using enzyme or
                                                              then immersed into an oil bath at a predetermined
                                                              temperature in the range of 70 – 95 C and a heating time
    Loog Pang Kao Mhark (a rice cake starter) is an
                                                              of 5 – 30 min with a constant shaking rate of 60 rpm.
inexpensive organism source which has been used
                                                              After this heating pretreatment, the pretreated seeds were
traditionally for fermented food and alcoholic drink
                                                              cooled down to an ambient room temperature to be used
productions. Important organisms in the rice cake starter
                                                              as substrates for simultaneous hydrolysis and
that can transform cellulose and carbohydrate into
                                                              fermentation experiments.
fermentable sugar are Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp., and

2.3 Studies of the simultaneous hydrolysis and                   seeds remained proportionally essential components for
      fermentation                                               ethanol production.
    Loog Pang, a rice cake starter and a co-culture, was
used to carry out hydrolysis process together with               Table 1. Compositions of the fresh jackfruit seeds and
fermentation process (transforming carbohydrate into             prebiotic extracted jackfruit seeds
fermentable sugar and then converting sugar into ethanol                                                   Fresh
at the same time). The pretreated product was firstly             Compositions     Analytical methods                extracted
mixed with the rice cake starter followed by a nitrogen                                   AOAC
gas feeding (for anaerobic process) in 250 ml air-locked             Protein                               5.48%      4.99%
                                                                                   (Kjeldahl Method)
Erlenmeyer flasks. An oil bath was used to heat the                                       AOAC
mixture in the flasks. Crucial factors, namely, rice cake           Crude Fat      (Soxhlet Extraction     0.21%      0.23%
starter amount of 1 to 10 %wt, temperature from                                           AOAC
ambience to 40 C, time of 24 to 240 h, initial pH of 3.0           Moisture         (Loss on Drying       56.51%    58.83%
to 6.0 and shaking rates of 40 to 120 rpm were examined.                               at 95-100°C)
After fermentation, the product mixture was separated                 Ash                 AOAC             1.42%      0.75%
into liquid and solid phases using a fabric filter.
                                                                   Crude Fiber   (Fritted Glass Crucible   1.27%      2.20%
Thereafter the desired liquid phase was centrifuged at                                    Method)
5000 rpm for 5 min before being forced through a                     Total
                                                                                      Calculation          36.38%    35.20%
syringe filter to obtain a clear liquid product. Its              Carbohydrate
compositions were then analyzed by gas chromatography                                                      169.33
                                                                     Energy           Calculation                   162.83 kcal
(GC). Taguchi method was employed to seek the                      Total Sugar       Lane & Eynon          0.60%      0.40%
optimum condition for these laboratory-scaled tests.                                    Modified
                                                                    Reducing                               133.2      282.5
                                                                     Sugar                                 g/ml      g/ml
2.4 Studies of the product purification                                               acid method
    The fermented product could be purified to reach the
95 %v ethanol product (commercial grade) using an                3.2 Results of the thermal pretreatment
evaporator to remove residual water and impurities.
    Purification conditions were studied using a rotary          3.2.1 Effect of heating time
vacuum       evaporator    (S/N    100714835      model,
manufactured by Heidolph company) which was
operated at temperature of 40, 55, 65 and 78 C (normal
boiling point of ethanol) under a pressure of 0.175 bar
for 45 min. The purified ethanol product was then
analyzed by GC.

2.5 Analytical method
    Gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector
(GC 6890 Hewlett Packard, USA) using an HP-FFAP
column (2.5 m length, 0.32 mm ID.) was used to analyze
components of the ethanol product. While the injection
ports were kept at 250 C, 30 μL of the sample was
injected by an apparatus which used nitrogen carrier gas         Fig. 1. Effect of heating time on ethanol content in the
with a flow rate of 20 ml/min. The column oven was               product for the pretreatment using 3% starter at 30C
operated isothermally at 150 C. The combustion gas              for 120 h with pH 5.0 and 60 rpm shaking rate
was a mixture of hydrogen and air. Methanol was used as
the internal standard. Scanning was carried out to                   Ethanol content of heating pretreatment versus
produce a chromatogram which showed peak areas of                heating time at 80 C heating temperature before ethanol
ethanol as volumetric percentages (%v).                          fermentation using 3 %wt starter amount at 30 °C for
                                                                 120 h with 5.0 pH and 60 rpm shaking rate is shown in
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION                                         Fig. 1. It was found that the best heating time was 15 min
3.1 Compositions of the prebiotic extracted jackfruit            as it yielded the maximum amount of ethanol.
    Component comparisons of fresh jackfruit seeds and           3.2.2 Effect of heating temperature
prebiotic extracted jackfruit seeds are shown in Table 1.            Fig. 2. illustrates the effect of heating temperature on
After prebiotics extraction process, carbohydrate and            ethanol content for 15 min heating time before ethanol
total sugar contents in the jackfruit seeds were decreased       fermentation using 3 %wt starter amount at 30 °C for
because the prebiotics are carbohydrates or large                120 h with 5.0 pH and 60 rpm shaking rate. For the
molecule sugars. However, the reducing sugar and                 heating pretreatment, the highest ethanol content was
moisture contents that are significant preliminary               achieved at the heating temperature of 90 C.
sustenance (inoculums) for organism subsistence were
increased from heating in the extraction process.
Moreover, the product residue and the prebiotic extracted

Fig. 2. Effect of heating temperature on ethanol content      Fig. 3. Effect of rice cake starter amount on ethanol
in the product for the pretreatment using 3% starter at       content in the product operating at 30C for 120 h with
30C for 120 h with pH 5.0 and 60 rpm shaking rate            pH 5.0 and 60 rpm shaking rate

    To sum up the optimum pretreatment condition,             3.3.2 Effect of time
another physical characteristic of the pretreated product
was scrutinized. The main objective was for the product
to reach gelatinization point. From the experiments,
viscosity of the heated jackfruit seeds increased with
increasing heating temperature. This increase in viscosity
was the gelatinization process in which the starch
molecules became expanded and active for the next
hydrolysis step. It was found that the gelatinization point
of the prebiotic extracted seeds was at 90 C for 15 min.
This gelatinization temperature of the prebiotic extracted
jackfruit seeds was higher than that of the fresh jackfruit
seeds, which should not be more than 73.3 C. This
could be because of the combination of gelatinization
and liquefaction that were readily set up for both
hydrolysis and fermentation because a gelatinization          Fig. 4. Effect of time on ethanol content in the product
temperature should be in the 63.1 to 73.3 °C range and a      using 3% starter at 30C with pH 5.0 and 60 rpm
liquefaction temperature should be in the 79.6 to 90.2 °C     shaking rate
range [13].
                                                                 Fig. 4. shows the effect of resident time on ethanol
3.3 Results of the simultaneous hydrolysis and                content at 30 C with 3 %wt rice cake starter and 60 rpm
    fermentation                                              shaking rate. Rapid formation of ethanol was observed
                                                              within the first 144 h, after that the conversion rate
3.3.1 Effect of rice cake starter amount                      declined. Resident times of 120 and 144 h, respectively,
    The amount of rice cake starter used in our process       were then adopted for further study.
was varied from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, to 6 %wt (weight of the rice
cake starter to weight of the seeds). The suitable amount     3.3.3 Effect of shaking rate
of the rice cake starter, a microorganism source, was
found to be 4 %wt as it produced the maximum ethanol
content (Fig. 3.). However, 3 and 4 %wt of the starter
were compared additionally for economy reason.

                                                              Fig. 5. Effect of shaking rate of oil bath on ethanol
                                                              content in the product using 3% starter at 30C for 120 h
                                                              with pH 5.0

It was found from the experiments that the shaking           required experiments with a two-level-three-factor array,
rate of 100 rpm was the most appropriate for the process         L4 (23).
(Fig. 5.). There was no improvement of ethanol content
with higher speeds. Moreover, slower speeds down to 60           Table 2. Independent variables and Levels of L4(23) for
rpm still did not yield significant inappropriateness.           Taguchi method

3.3.4 Effect of pH
    The ethanol contents in the experiments increased
with increasing pH from 3.0 to 5.0 (Fig. 6.).
Nevertheless, the conversion rate slowed down mildly in
the range of 5.0 to 5.5. Thereby, pH of 4.5 and 5.0 were
chosen for further study.
                                                                 Table 3. Results of Taguchi experiments for determining
                                                                 of the optimum condition of the simultaneous hydrolysis
                                                                 and fermentation
                                                                     Experimental      t    S    P Ethanol content
                                                                     Number              Level             (%v)
                                                                           1           1    1    1         11.3
                                                                           2           1    2    2         13.0
                                                                           3           2    1    2         14.6
                                                                           4           2    2    1         15.3

                                                                     Because 30 C and 100 rpm were already deemed
                                                                 appropriate for the process, this rendered only the three
                                                                 vital factors to be investigated by the Taguchi method. It
Fig. 6. Effect of pH on ethanol content in the product           can be seen from Table 3. that Experimental Number 4
using 3% starter at 30C for 120 h and 60 rpm shaking            gave maximum ethanol content. Therefore, for
rate                                                             hydrolysis combined with fermentation the optimum
                                                                 process was at a temperature of 30 C with 4 %wt starter,
3.3.5 Effect of temperature                                      5.0 pH for 144 h and 100 rpm.
    Fig. 7. depicts the effect of temperature on ethanol             This research showed that prebiotic extracted seeds
content at 3 %wt of the starter for 120 h. The ethanol           were a potential feedstock for ethanol production
content was found to decrease with increasing                    comparable with other materials such as millet flour [14]
temperature ranging from an ambient room temperature             and sweet sorghum juice [15].
(27-32 C) to 40 C. From the experiments, a process
could suitably be carried out at a constant temperature of       3.5 Results of the product purification
30 C.

                                                                 Fig. 8. Effect of evaporation temperature on ethanol
                                                                 content for purification under 0.175 bar for 45 min
Fig. 7. Effect of temperature on ethanol content in the
product using 3% starter for 120 h with pH 5.0 and 60
                                                                     Fig. 8. shows that the fermented product can be
rpm shaking rate
                                                                 purified with a low operating temperature of the
                                                                 evaporator (A lower normal boiling point of pure
3.4 Determination of the optimum condition for the
                                                                 ethanol). To meet the standard requirement for
simultaneous hydrolysis and fermentation by Taguchi
                                                                 commercial ethanol product (95 %v ethanol), it is
                                                                 suitable to operate at 40 C evaporating temperature
                                                                 under 0.175 bar (almost a vacuum pressure) for 45 min,
   Rice cake starter amount (S), resident time (t) and pH
                                                                 and this is in good agreements with other works [16-18].
(P) were selected as independent variables. Variable
levels are laid out in Table 2. Table 3. shows the four

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                                                               United State of America: Addison-Westey Publishing
                                                               Company, Japan.
5. ACKNOWLEGDMENT                                           [13] R. Kategunya and C. Sanguansri, “Thermal
                                                               properties and morphology of flour and starch
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National Research Council of Thailand: NRCT 2011-              heterophyllus)”, Proceedings of the 34 th Congress on
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