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Deception and Hypocrisy Alert!    4.138
                                    CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/13/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 93)

                 Attention – Deception and Hypocrisy Alert
Sun Tzu explained, “all warfare is based on deception.” We have foreign enemies and
domestic enemies trying to deceive us and the hypocrisy is clear as they wage a war
against you and your family. Your briefing this week will expose what is happening and
address the tactics Americans can use to defend against these blatant attacks.

One of the most despicable but also
diabolically successful men of the 20th
century was Saul Alinsky, the author of
Rules for Radicals.

      Yes, he dedicated his book to Lucifer.
      And yes, his work has been used to
      tear down rather than build up.

But there is a certain effectiveness found in
the rules.

RULE number 4 for example states: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
Another way to say that is, “Expose their hypocrisy!”

Your Mission: To expose the hypocrisy of the left and those waging Economic
Warfare against you and your family.

      “For three years on this program, we’ve explained how we are already in an
       Economic War and the fighting continues to intensify. There really is no aspect of
       your personal or professional life that is immune at this point.” –Kevin Freeman

Ep. 4-138 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence
Special Report. This is an exclusive Economic
War Room® teaching series with Kevin Freeman.

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Deception and Hypocrisy Alert!      4.138
                                       CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/13/2021 [Economic Battle Plan points: 93)

1. Exposing the hypocrisy of the left.

   “Over about the past year or so, when the
   pandemic hit home and everything shut down,
   we’ve seen the full-throttled Nanny State in all
   its glory.” –Kevin Freeman

   America in 2020-2021

    »   We’ve been told if and when we can leave our homes, whether we can attend
        church, or even visit a sick friend.
    »   We’ve been told what we are allowed to think and say.

   Control has leapt from public health to politics, and now the marketplace. In fact, it is the
   marketplace where it blossoms into full-blown Economic Warfare for the purpose of the
  “collective good.”

   The manner of the deception can be exposed as BLATANT HYPOCRISY.

   Hypocrite Defined - The word hypocrite originally comes from a Greek term used for
   actors wearing masks.

   In this case, it’s more of a “do as I say, not as I do” thing.

    »   We are constantly being lectured by the progressive left:
          → Wear a mask
          → Everything you do is racist
          → Never question authority

    »   All of this is designed to strip you of personal liberty for what they say is the
        collective good.

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        WARNING: This is global. The Chinese Communist Party is pushing similar things on
        their own people and the rest of the world.

        The progressive leftists are using the same approach just closer to home. Not only
        are you shamed, but you are also cut off from social media, denied access to goods
        and services, and may even be fired UNLESS YOU CONFORM.

2. America, it’s time to fight back.

   The way we fight back is to point out the extraordinary hypocrisy of those who would be
   our masters. And the hypocrisy is there!

    »    Pointing out hypocrisy is one of our most effective weapons.
    » This briefing will provide you plenty of ammunition and action steps you can take.

         As mentioned, this is a Saul Alinsky tactic taken straight from Rules for Radicals:
        “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules” This is how you can protect yourself
         from the Economic Attacks they are planning. If we properly shame the hypocrites,
         they will attack one another and may even retreat.

   We’ve seen a few examples recently, both of the hypocrisy and the retreat
   when exposed.

   Case in Point #1 was the mass furor over Georgia’s attempt to secure their elections.

   Asking Georgia Voters to produce an ID? How dare they!

    » The big issue was the audacity of Georgia asking voters to produce an ID.
    »    Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Major League Baseball and maybe 100 other companies
         immediately denounced the state of Georgia as RACIST. Coke and Delta are based
         there. And MLB was planning the All-Star game there. But in obedience to the
         WOKE, all three and many others set about trashing Georgia.

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Yet ID’s are needed almost everywhere else:

 » The irony, of course, is that you can’t fly on Delta
   without an ID.
 »   You can’t even pick up baseball tickets at Will Call
     without an ID.
 »   You can’t attend meetings at Coca-Cola
     headquarters without an ID.
 » The WOKE left wants you to have papers and an ID for just about everything
   OTHER than voting.

Case Study: Things that require an ID.

     Washington Examiner listed 24 things that require an ID almost a decade ago and
     the list continues to lengthen (
     that-require-a-photo-id). You need an ID to buy stuff, to get a job, to sign up for
     welfare, to cash a check, to buy alcohol, to rent a house, to rent a car, to adopt a
     pet, to go fishing or hunting, and even to get medicine. Now, you must show an ID to
     get a covid vaccine, which they pretty much demand everyone get.

     But it’s racist to ask for an ID to vote?
     Guess what? The Lt. Governor of North
     Carolina thinks it is racist to not ask for
     an ID.

 »    Basically, it is insulting to claim that
      American citizens are too stupid to get
      an ID to vote. And to claim that this is
     “Jim Crow on steroids” shows just how
      out of touch and hypocritical Joe Biden
      really is.

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   Exposing the hypocrisy is working! A look at early results:

    »   Coca-Cola has a pretty racist past as does Major League Baseball. MLB literally
        destroyed the Negro League and only recently recognized the Negro League’s
        incredible contribution to baseball.
    »   Fortunately, enough people pointed out the hypocrisy so that more than one-third
        of coke drinkers said they would either boycott or drink less. And baseball’s ratings
        are starting to collapse.

   The Results:

   Coke- Coke backtracked, saying “it’s time to find common ground” and Bank of
   America even sort of apologized. It seems that threatening to hit them in the wallet
   combined with pointing out their hypocrisy made a difference.

   MLB- As for Major League Baseball, the shame will grow that they left racially
   diversified Atlanta to move to the suburbs of mostly white Denver to protest racism
   costing jobs for thousands of minorities. Really MLB?

   The bottom line is this: Pointing out hypocrisy works! This really is a powerful weapon
   and one we must start using! This is how we can flip the narrative and defend America.

3. Exposing hypocrisy is extremely effective.

   This one of our greatest “pushback” weapons to fight tyranny. That’s because those
   who seize power often do so by lecturing the rest of us. Yet, those same cronies get
   caught doing the very things they tell us not to do.

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   Governor Newsome - Case in point from California.

    »   Citizens caught Governor Newsome breaking
        his own draconian COVID lock-down orders to
        eat at fancy restaurants.
    » They weren’t allowed to eat out, but he sure
      did, flagrantly violating his own rules.
        Now they have gathered enough signatures to
        recall him!

   The Cuomo Brothers in New York - Both have both
   been outed as hypocrites.

    »   CNN’s Chris Cuomo violated quarantine when
        he was sick despite lecturing the rest of us.

    »   And “me too” Andrew is in hot water over
        sexual harassment accusations and the way
        he handled the pandemic.
        At one point, the far left held Gov. Andrew Cuomo up as a model and there
        was talk that he would run for president. Now even communist New York Mayor
        Bill de Blasio is calling for Governor Cuomo to resign in disgrace.

        What happened? The hypocrisy was exposed. This really is a powerful weapon and
        one we must start using!

4. The Achilles Heel of communism is that the people in power aren’t any good at sharing.

   The Politburo in the Soviet Union lived lavishly while the rest of the people struggled.
   That is true every time!

   Hugo Chavez promised prosperity to the people through communism. He started as
   the son of poor schoolteachers. He promised to use socialism to spread the wealth of
   his country to all citizens.

    » What happened? Venezuela, once one of the wealthiest nations in the world now
      is among the poorest. The Venezuelan currency is worth less than toilet paper.
      Hyperinflation has destroyed any semblance of prosperity.

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»    But one interesting thing. When Chavez, the
     man of the people, died, he left a multi-
     billion-dollar inheritance to his daughter,
     Maria Gabriela Chavez, now among the
     wealthiest women in the world. She has
     an estimated $4 billion in cash plus all
     her investments.

» Another Chavez associate, Alejandro Andrade, Venezuela’s former Treasury
  minister reportedly had $11.2 billion in Swiss bank accounts. Who knew communism
  paid so well?
     It truly is like George Orwell’s Animal Farm. “All animals are equal. Just some
     animals are more equal than others.”

    ALERT: Watch out for those politicians who promise to spread the wealth and
    yet somehow become very wealthy as “public servants” on modest salaries while
    in office.

Some Examples:
»    Look at the Clintons, the Bidens, Pelosi, Schumer, Harry Reid and others in DC.

»    Black Lives Matters: We have the story of the Black Lives Matter Founder buying
     millions of dollars in lavish homes and property.
From the NY Post on April 10:
 » “As protests broke out across the country in
    the name of Black Lives Matter, the
    group’s co-founder went on a real estate
    buying binge, snagging four high-end
    homes for $3.2 million in the US alone,
    according to property records.
»    Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed
     property in the Bahamas at an ultra-
     exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake
     and Tiger Woods both have homes, The
     Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany
     resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to
     a local agent.”
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    »   Hunter Biden - The Hypocrisy of the Left and the Hunter Biden Laptop.
           → We can expose the hypocrisy of the left that would lie to us about Hunter
             Biden, cover up what appears to be truly criminal activity, and then promote
             him on talk shows as some kind of hero. It’s blatantly in your face and the
             American people should not put up with it.
           → Hunter Biden has become wealthy trading on his family name, working
              in Ukraine and China. At the same time, his father is making promises to
             “spread the wealth” in the United States. How is that different from Hugo
              Chavez and his daughter Maria?

5. Other forms of hypocrisy – Look to the media itself, it is filled with hypocrisy.
    » There’s a huge scandal where former Secretary of State John Kerry, now Biden’s
        Covid Czar, reportedly shared Israeli intelligence with Iran. We learned that from
        leaked audio of a private conversation with Iran’s foreign minister.
    » Yet the media has been relatively silent. If this had been a Trump administration
      official, CNN would have wall-to-wall coverage and call for punishment.

    »   Al Gore - Never forget former Vice
        President Al Gore who regularly lectures
        us on Climate Change yet has one of the
        largest carbon footprints in the entire
        country. He lives a lavish lifestyle, burns a
        lot of energy, and is super wealthy but the
        media looks the other way.

6. Perhaps the biggest Hypocrisy of all is ESG and Communist China!

   This could be the most egregious example of hypocrisy and one we must face
   right now:

    » You know all those woke companies telling Georgia not to be racist by asking for a
      voter ID? Guess what, they are doing business with Communist China.
    » The reason that so many companies have suddenly gone “woke” is directly tied
      to the ESG movement. You see, corporations are given ESG ratings, and they are
      trying to improve their scores.
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» They want to tell America how good their record is on Environment, Social Justice,
  and Governance.

But just how good is China in those areas of ESG?

»   In terms of Environment,
      → China is among the worst polluters on the planet. In addition, they regularly
        push for exemptions for themselves in all those big climate meetings. They
        are burning coal at a very rapid pace.

»   In terms of Social Justice, the Chinese Communist Party is extremely repressive.
      → They are persecuting Christians and closing churches.
      → The Chinese Communist Party is even worse for Muslims and other religious
        minorities. They are literally allowing the harvesting of human organs from
        live prisoners. They keep these prisoners alive long enough to extract as
        many organs as possible. This is worse than Hitler’s gas chamber!
      → Beyond that, the repression for all Chinese citizens is intolerable. China is not
        pro-choice, for example, having a long history of forced abortions from their
        one-child and later two-child policy.
      → Everything is monitored and controlled. If you live in China, whether you are
        allowed to buy or sell, travel, or attend school is based on a “social credit
        score.” They watch everyone all the time and simply crossing the street the
        wrong way can get you in trouble.

»   A look at Governance “G”
      → The reality is that the corporation
        is not designed to serve its
        shareholders or even its customers.
        The purpose of the corporation is to
        serve the Chinese Communist Party.
        Jack Ma of Alibaba learned this
        recently when he stepped out of line.

NOTE: If most Chinese investments were graded on a fair ESG scale, they would fail.

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7. Why is Larry Fink investing in China?

   So why is Larry Fink of Blackrock, the true ESG leader so excited about investing in
   China? Why is the Biden Administration allowing so many Chinese companies to come
   into American markets?

   There is a two-word answer: Blatant Hypocrisy.

    » This is where the rubber meets the road. Companies want to tell you how “woke”
      they are even as they do business with the Chinese regime. WHY?
    » The answer: It’s all about the Dollars $$$!

   Remember how LeBron James lectured America
   for repressing minorities? Laudable, right? But then
   Darryl Mosley, an assistant coach with the NBA tries
   to stand up for the repressed people of Hong Kong
   and LeBron tells him to sit down and shut up so he
   doesn’t slow the money train from China. That was
   a couple of years ago and it has only gotten worse!

8. Next, let’s look at how Woke companies are treated in China.

   Companies are applauded for being woke in America. But don’t try to apply that
   standard to China.

   Case Study: H&M in China

   Case in point is H&M, the clothing retailer. H&M is a
   Swedish company and one of the largest retailers
   in the world. They recently took the commendable
   stance of refusing cotton produced by slave labor.
   Now that’s admirable.

   In fact, it is the kind of WOKE that we can get
   behind! It’s bad for humanity to use slave labor and
   H&M doesn’t want their brand associated with it.

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    » This isn’t trivial. If you buy cotton produced by slave labor, you are literally funding
    » And the whole notion of cotton picking stirs up very painful images from American
    »   So good for them! H&M is taking a righteous position with real teeth. This is far
        more important than Coke lecturing Georgia about requiring an ID to vote. This is
        truly taking a moral stand.
    »   H&M cancelled the contracts and informed the world they would no longer support
        slavery. Everyone applauded right?

   WRONG! The problem is that it was a Chinese company supplying the cotton. And the
   Chinese government put out the word that H&M was causing problems. China does not
   allow WOKE unless it suits their interests.

   From the New York Times from March 29th:

          “The Communist Party’s youth wing denounced H&M on social media and posted
           an archival photo of slaves on a Mississippi cotton plantation. Official news
           outlets piled on with their own indignant memes and hashtags. Patriotic web
           users carried the message across far and varied corners of the Chinese internet.
          The crisis the apparel brands now face is familiar to many foreign businesses in
           China. The Communist Party for years has used the country’s giant consumer
           market to force international companies to march in step with its political
           sensibilities, or at least not to contest them openly. But the latest episode has
           illustrated the Chinese government’s growing skill at whipping up storms of
           patriotic anger to punish companies that violate this pact.”

   In Summary: a respected retailer decides not to use slave labor and the youth of the
   country denounce them for that. It’s the total opposite of what you might expect. But
   that’s the point. China is a communist nation, and the people are forced to follow what
   the government says. There is no free speech.

9. Now, China’s way of punishing dissenting speech is hitting close to home in America!

        ATTENTION: Look at the case study above, does it not remind you of where this
        nation is heading? If not, Try saying “masks don’t work,” or “you believe there was
        fraud in the 2020 election.”

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Why do you think Coke claims voter IDs are racist?

 »   It’s not because they are truly woke. It is because they believe this is what the
     Administration wants. This is virtue signaling. After all, President Biden said the
     Georgia election law was “Jim Crow on steroids” and Coke followed just like Delta
     and 100 other major corporations.

 » And the scary thing is that if we allow the Democrats to set all the voting rules
   and speech rules, we will be exactly where China is today, literally the opposite
   of caring about people. Instead, we will be mandating behavior that suits the
   government even if it means supporting slavery.

 »   Big business and big government together cramming down on the little people.
     Truly a nightmare in China and already beginning to happen here.

»    For the retailer H&M, they don’t quite know what to do. The taxis would no longer
     take people to their stores. Building owners were evicting them. Their apps no
     longer ran on Chinese phones. They had been cancelled because they cared
     enough to not support slavery.

Wake Up you WOKE people! This is what will happen here if we don’t stand up now!

     WARNING: “If one party gets complete control of our election process, liberty and
     democracy are over. Look at the single-party cities in America like Chicago and
     Detroit. Are they corruption free? Do they take care of the people or do those in
     charge enrich themselves? The answer is self-evident.” –Kevin Freeman

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CASE STUDY - Amazon and elections

Even progressive liberals understand
what happens if you lose election
integrity. Case in point is Amazon and
Jeff Bezos.

From the Federalist:

“Between his two major companies,
 Amazon and the Washington Post,
Jeff Bezos does not hold consistent
 views on mail-in voting. When it could assist his preferred presidential candidate in
 reaching the White House, it was safe, and any questions to the contrary were mere
 attempts to undermine democracy. Yet now that his own employees at Amazon wish
 to use those same methods to vote for unionization, suddenly this wonderful format is
 not secure enough.”

Go ahead, call it what it is. Tell others this is Blatant Hypocrisy!

 » What happened? Amazon workers had to vote in person or at a company
   monitored drop box. According to the company, the Union was rejected.
 »   But wait! According to the Union, there were multiple irregularities that must
     be investigated.
         → This is actually getting pretty delicious. It looks like Jeff Bezos only cares
           about election integrity when it is to his benefit. Mail-in ballots are good
           unless the vote might hurt your position.
         → And what about those election irregularities? The progressives all of a
           sudden believe that voter intimidation and fraud is real? Catch the huge
           double standard? It’s hypocrisy all the way around.

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10. The bottom line is that progressives have fixed the game and are in control. Who
    loses? WE THE PEOPLE!

   We are being led down the path of socialism by our own government that we pay for
   with our taxes. Also, the big corporations that we own through the stock market and
   support with our spending.

   »   According to the Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE are the sovereign! This is our
   »   And yet a handful of people are threatening to take permanent control and kick the
       rest of us to the curb.
   » They are Blatant Hypocrites and its time we expose them.

   Now you may be thinking, “What difference can my small portfolio make?” That’s what
   Wall Street wants to program into you. “Just go along. You have no choice.”

  The reality is that:
   #1. It is your money. Don’t let Wall Street bully you.
   #2. There are more of us than there are of them.
   When you take into account that the older generations tend to be more conservative
   and the older generations tend to have the most money, it becomes apparent that our
   economic power is real.
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         → Sure, an 18-year-old has the same vote as you. But does that teenager have
           the same investment portfolio? No way! And if we band together, we have a
           very loud voice!

  Part of the Solution!
 The Economic War Room® training plans to
 educate 10,000 financial advisors over the next
 several years. They could represent as much
 as $1 trillion of investable capital! That’s enough
 money to change the trajectory of America!
 That is why we developed the NSIC Institute. To
 serve clients who believe in the future of liberty
 and this great nation. NSIC stands for National Security Investment Consultant. We
 believe our money should be weaponized to preserve our Liberty, Security, and Values.
  Once advisors complete our training course, they can join the Institute and work
  with other like-minded advisors to find new and better solutions for you. This is truly
  revolutionary stuff. It is how we win the Economic War already underway.
  We’ve teamed with top experts in multiple fields to get this launched. And it hasn’t been
  easy, especially with the backdrop of a pandemic, social media wars, and a contentious
  election. But we are finally nearing the launch. Don’t forget to nominate your financial
  advisor at This training is offered by invitation only so
  nominating your advisor is the first step.

Why You Should Care:
  »   An Economic War is being waged on you and your family.
  » There is a way to fight back by exposing the hypocrisy.
  »   Progressives are in control and we are headed toward communism.
  »   WE THE PEOPLE are sovereign.
  »   Free speech is under attack.
  »   Election Integrity is at risk.
  »   Corporate Tyranny is underway.

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Action Steps:
1. GET good sources for factual information. Don’t buy the lies being sold to you
   whether from the New York Times, the Washington Post, 60 Minutes, or CNN. The
   mainstream media has an agenda, and it is NOT to help you. Study after study has
   demonstrated extreme bias. For example, they all chose to ignore the truth about the
   Hunter Biden Laptop. That’s why you must turn to BlazeTV and The Economic War
   Room among others.
2. Recognize that any so-called news allowed on Facebook and Twitter has been
   “sanitized for your protection.” They use biased “fact checkers” to remove any content
    contrary to the official government narrative.
3. Get up to speed on the Corporate Tyranny already underway, Kevin Freeman is
   part of a team that is leading an effort to make a difference by helping American
   companies to get back to neutral. They launched a website with the address: That’s a place where you can get updated information on
   the problem and also take action on the solution. You can make the hypocrisy known.
4. You must weaponize your money BEFORE it is too late. You control your giving,
   spending, and investing.

    »   Giving is easy. Don’t give to dumb causes.
    »   Spending is a little bit harder.
          → You may like Coke or H&M. That’s OK but be sure to make your voice heard if
            you buy their products. In the case of Coke, let every retailer and restaurant
            you encounter know you want Coke to stay out of politics. Be vocal. If 7/11
            hears from enough people, they will tell Coke. And it can make a difference.
            You can even write letters.
          → If they won’t listen, then you may want to boycott.
          → With H&M, you could do the opposite. Tell them you are proud they stood up
            for liberty. Slave labor is never acceptable. Consider buying H&M products.
    »   Investing, we suggest you get a like-minded financial advisor. We’ve done surveys
        and a clear majority of investors want an advisor who matches with their political
        and cultural beliefs. Unfortunately, Wall Street is pushing for you to just take what
        they offer and then sets about to force a leftist agenda on you.
          → “If your advisor isn’t willing to match your investments with your values, send
             them to us for training and education. If they won’t do that, I can promise
             you that there are lots of advisors looking for new clients.” –Kevin Freeman
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5.    It is time to fight the economic war we are facing. Nominate your financial advisor
      at and let them know you think this would be a
      great opportunity for them. Classes are expected to launch soon and our list is
      growing fast.

6.   Also, if you have not already done so, please consider the following:
     Be sure to sign up for our free weekly Economic Battle Plans™ at

     »   If you are following Economic War Room you will be on the leading edge as it
         relates to global threats, geopolitical analysis, and how you can weaponize your
         money to strengthen America. Your money, livelihood, and way of life are at risk
         and these tools are designed to mobilize America to protect their economic liberty.

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the
difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s
problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create
a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that
rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help
strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional
representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√    At our Economic War Room® website, sign up to TheBlaze for our complete weekly
     shows. Please use our code (ECON) from that link for a discount and FREE trial.
√    Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments
     on FB and Rumble and make sure. We recognize these tools may be compromised
     at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach
     out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under
     EWR consideration.]

√    Check out XOTV (, a new free
     speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is
     FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic
     War Room’s research and production costs.

√    You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends
     on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for
     information, preparation, and mobilization.
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√    Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios
     developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an
     economic event happens is usually too late.

                                            Shareable Quote:
                                 “All animals are equal.
                                 Just some animals are
                                 more equal than others.”
                                           –George Orwell (Animal Farm)

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room     ®
                                           and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may
discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And,
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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman
(List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links
Rules for Radicals
Places You Need an ID
Corporate Hypocrisy (People in Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones)
Hypocritical Politicians, Celebrities, and Media
Politicians, Socialists, and Communists Who Acquired Great Wealth While in Office
ESG/China Hypocrisy
Some “Wins”

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

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Link to all Economic Battle Plans™ Plans™

Episodes and Economic Battle Plans™ from Prior Shows with Application to this Topic:
[ ] SPECIAL EDITION, EP08 America’s Dunkirk Moment, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 03/25/21, EP131, Death of Shareholder Capitalism, Justin Danhof, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 03/11/21, EP129, Woke Capital, Stephen Soukup, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 01/28/21, EP123, China Special Part 3, China Rx & China Threat, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 01/21/21, EP122, China Special Part 2, Dave Brat, Eric Bolling, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 01/07/21, EP120, China Special Part 1, Gordon Chang & Rod Martin, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 12/23/20, EP119, China Hustle 2.0, Joel Caplan, Download Economic Battle Plan™
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[ ] 10/29/20, EP111, Playing for Keeps, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 10/15/20, EP109, Possible COVID-19 Treatment, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 10/08/20, EP108, Investor Values Poll, John McLaughlin, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 08/27/20, EP102, The Proxy Voting Weapon, Justin Danhof, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 08/20/20, EP101, End of Shareholder Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 07/23/20, EP97, China’s Stealth War, Gen. Spalding, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 07/09/20, EP95, LSV Investing, Dave Brat, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 06/04/20, EP90, Enemies Within, Trevor Loudon, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 05/07/20, EP86 Arguing with Socialists, Glenn Beck, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 04/16/20, EP83 A Distorted American History, Howard Zinn, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 04/01/20, EP81 Hollywood’s Real Impact - Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan
[ ] 03/26/20, EP80 The $40 Trillion Monster - ESG, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 02/27/20, EP75 Free Markets are Good for All, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 02/20/20, EP74 It is Expensive to be Poor, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 02/13/20, EP73 Finally, Winning the War on Poverty, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 02/06/20, EP72 Why Free Always Costs More, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 11/14/19, EP61 Free Speech Under Attack, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 08/22/19, EP49 IMPORTANT! Moral Democratic Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 06/20/19, EP40 Silencing the Lambs, BREAKING NEWS! Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 05/02/19, EP33 Education or Indoctrination, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 03/21/19, EP26 Deep State with Louie Gohmert, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 01/31/19, EP19 War on Free Speech, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 12/27/18, EP14 Save the Persecuted Christians, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 12/20/18, EP13 5G, Download Economic Battle Plan™- Bonus White Paper
[ ] 12/13/18, EP12 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 12/06/18, EP11 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 1), Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 11/28/18, EP09/10 America’s Debt Crisis (part 1 and part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] SPECIAL EDITION, EP08 America’s Dunkirk Moment, Download Economic Battle Plan™
[ ] 11/15/18, EP07 War on Higher Education - Dr. Everett Piper, Download Economic Battle Plan™

Rules for Radicals

[ ] Saul Alinsky’s 13 Tried-and-True Rules for Creating Meaningful Social Change

[ ] Rules for Radicals

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Carson defends ‘Lucifer’ comment: Clinton and Alinsky ‘on a first-name basis’

Adapting Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: Highlighting Hypocrisy

Places You Need an ID

[ ] Why Are Democrats Afraid Of Forcing People To Show ID’s For Voting?

Hey Delta, I Wish You Ran Your Flights as Well as Georgia Runs Its Elections

[ ] 24 things that require a photo ID

Amid Voter ID Battles, Here Are 7 Things the Government Requires IDs For

10 things you can’t do without photo ID

What Proof of Identification Do You Need for a Job?

COVID Passports Have Killed the Democrats’ Narrative on Voter ID

[ ] Poll: Overwhelming Majority Support Requiring ID to Vote

MLB Requires Photo ID to Pick Up Tickets Yet Blasts Georgia for Voter ID Law

Ex-MLB Commissioner Slams Commissioner Rob Manfred: ‘Made A Serious Mistake’ By Pulling Out Of

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Corporate Hypocrisy (People in Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones)

[ ] Will MLB Confront Its Racist History?

M.L.B.’s Records Were Never Real. But the Racism Was. Ask Satchel Paige.

Just in Time for the Super Bowl: An Op-Ed About Coca-Cola’s Racist History

Coca-Cola Asks Its Workers to Be ‘Less White’ to Fight Racism

The ugly racial history of America’s soft drink brands

A comment on Bank of America/Countrywide’s discriminatory mortgage lending and its implications for
racial segregation

[ ] Bank of America ordered to pay $2.2 million for racist hiring practices

A Brief History Of Delta Air Lines And Racism

Delta Airlines: Anti-Soldier, Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, but Now Pro Racist Muslims

‘Woke’ MLB moving All-Star Game from 51% Black Atlanta to 76% White Denver, critics note

[ ] ‘Woca-Cola’ Fails to Heed Environmental Message They Promote

Fired Coke lawyer rehired as a consultant for $666,666/month?

[ ] 1,000 ‘woke’ companies unite against election-integrity laws!

How Corporate Campuses Get Woke Like College Campuses

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Businesses Should Serve Customers, not Online Activists | Opinion

Blackwell: Corporate Wokesters Betray Shareholders’ Trust by Bashing Election Integrity Laws

Irony meets hypocrisy? When it comes to UNION vote, Amazon argues that in-person ballots are crucial for
valid & fair election

[ ] Jeff Bezos Loved Mail-In Voting For The 2020 Election, But Not For Amazon Unionization Efforts

Hypocritical Politicians, Celebrities, and Media
[ ] If Biden-Harris oppose court packing in El Salvador, why don’t they oppose it here?

Biden gets scolded for not paying ‘fair share’ in taxes

CNN and MSNBC Provide Little Coverage of Bombshell Report on Cuomo Nursing Home Cover Up

[ ] Hillary Clinton Complains That ‘Certain Media Really Became Mouthpieces’ for Trump

WATCH: Jimmy Kimmel accidentally OWNS himself in attempt to mock Sen. Tim Scott

[ ] Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

California Democrats Suddenly Care About Voter Eligibility

Unions Sell Out Their Own Workers for the Biden Energy Plan


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AOC Slams Republicans For Using ‘Statistics’ And ‘Studies’ To Debunk Her Green New Deal Claims

[ ] Ex-football player and cop points out LeBron James’ hypocrisy: ‘Living on a high horse’ in a ‘multimillion
dollar house’ around ‘nothing but white people’

Texas Sues Biden for Ignoring COVID-19 Rules at the Southern Border

Liberal Blogger Notices Something About Anti-Black Crime in America...And the Woke Will Not Like It

[ ] Supreme Court Blocks California’s Restrictions on In-home Religious Gatherings

‘Absolutely false and offensive’: Publix slams CBS ‘60 Minutes’ segment on COVID vaccine rollout in Florida

[ ] ‘Are you for real?!’ AOC melts down when asked why she isn’t talking about ‘kids in cages’ anymore

[ ] CNN Abandons Science for Good in Bewildering Report

Psaki Fails to Explain Why Illegal Immigrant Children Are Getting In-Person Instruction

Cuomo faces fresh accusations of hypocrisy over his handling of women’s rights issues

‘The View’: Meghan McCain Says Democrats Send ‘Hypocritical’ Message by Not Booting Cuomo

Cuomo’s Harassment Hypocrisy Is All About Money and Power

Our hypocritical leaders refuse to obey their own COVID-19 rules

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De Blasio goes to the gym as officials urge social distancing to limit coronavirus spread

NYC mayor de Blasio blasted for COVID hypocrisy with Times Square dance

Column: Newsom endures two embarrassments with French Laundry dinner and unemployment scam

Attempt To Recall Governor Surged After French Laundry Incident

COVID Hypocrisy: Policymakers Breaking Their Own Rules

[ ] The Hypocrisy of Gretchen Whitmer

Al Gore’s Climate Change Hypocrisy Is As Big As His Energy-Sucking Mansion

Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy


The staggering hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton | 9 October 2018

[ ] Obama’s “Rule of Law” Hypocrisy

Obama and the Democrats’ astonishing hypocrisy on the filibuster

Biden Wants Strict Rules For Gun Owners, But Not Illegal Immigrants

Who’s telling the truth, John Kerry or Iran?

[ ] Jet-Setting John Kerry is Unimpressed with the World’s Lack of Climate Alarmism

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ICYMI: ‘The Squad’ Pushes To ‘Defund The Police’ While Spending Thousands On Private Security To Protect

Politicians, Socialists, and Communists Who Acquired Great Wealth While in Office
Majority of lawmakers in 116th Congress are millionaires

How Obama, Biden and Other Elected Officials Have Made Millions by Being in Office

Insider trading and Congress: How lawmakers get rich from the stock market

[ ] How Joe Biden Went from Middle-Class Joe to a Millionaire

Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden under federal investigation for tax case

Inside Hunter Biden’s murky history of business dealings in China

Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show

[ ] Nancy Pelosi Net Worth

[ ] Donald Trump is a lot less rich today than when he was elected president

Memo shows Bill Clinton’s wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation

The inside story of how the Clintons built a $2 billion global empire

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?

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[ ] How Al Gore Achieved a Net Worth of $330 Million

[ ] Hugo Chavez Net Worth

[ ] The Rich Kids of Venezuela - including Socialist revolution leader Hugo Chavez’s daughter - flaunt their
wealth with fist-fulls of cash and lavish holidays while the nation starves

Fidel Castro’s Amassed A Massive Fortune In Communist Cuba

How Much Is Vladimir Putin Actually Worth?

[ ] The 10 Richest People of All Time (Stalin was #5)

Mao Zedong Net Worth

Majority of Party Members Turn Deaf Ear to Share-the-Wealth Faction : Soviet Union: Officially, the
Communist Party has about $7.8 billion in assets. But critics say it owns much more–and they want it

[ ] BLM: Big Loads of Money?

ESG/China Hypocrisy

China Pollutes More Than US And All Developed Countries Combined: Report

CNBC: China’s Xi Jinping to speak at a U.S.-led climate summit on Thursday

[ ] What Happens When Governments Force Corporate Boards to Appoint More Women

‘Woca-Cola’ Fails to Heed Environmental Message They Promote

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[ ] NBA Commissioner Attempts to White-Wash Relationship with Communist China

CNBC: China has ‘no other choice’ but to rely on coal power for now, official says

Former Obama Scientist: No, the Science Isn’t Settled on ‘Climate Change’
China Applauds Return of NBA, Urges It to ‘Undertake Lobbying’ for China in U.S.

[ ] Apple and several other retail groups continue to lobby on a bill that would take measures against forced
labor in China

Apple CEO Tim Cook Boasts About His Social Justice Initiatives

[ ] My letter to Xi Jinping on China’s cotton problem

Blackwell calls companies ‘immoral’ for opposing Georgia legislation while doing business with China

MLB Boycotted Georgia a Day After Expanding China Deal

[ ] H&M removed from Chinese apps over Xinjiang cotton boycott

H&M and Nike are facing a boycott in China over Xinjiang cotton statements

How China’s Outrage Machine Kicked Up a Storm Over H&M

ESG doesn’t help performance or environment according to former Blackrock executive

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