Blockchain Transaction Processing

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Blockchain Transaction Processing
Blockchain Transaction Processing

                                        Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi
arXiv:2107.11592v2 [cs.DB] 4 Aug 2021

                                        Synonyms                                     Overview

                                        • Blockchain Data Management                 In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto (Satoshi
                                        • Blockchain Consensus                       2008) introduced the design of an unan-
                                        • Cryptocurrency                             ticipated technology that revolutionized
                                                                                     the research across the distributed
                                                                                     systems community. Nakamoto pre-
                                                                                     sented the design of a peer-to-peer
                                        Definitions                                  digital-commodity exchange system,
                                                                                     which although employed by several
                                        A blockchain is an append-only               participants, prevents the use of a cen-
                                        linked-list of blocks, which is main-        tralized design. Nakamoto envisioned a
                                        tained at each participating node.           system where the participants exchange
                                        Each block records a set of transac-         commodities among themselves in a
                                        tions and their associated metadata.         democratic, decentralized and trans-
                                        Blockchain transactions act on the           parent manner while upholding their
                                        identical ledger data stored at each         right to privacy. Nakamoto visualized
                                        node. Blockchain was first perceived         this digital-commodity as a monetary
                                        by Satoshi Nakamoto (Satoshi 2008)           token that could be used by partici-
                                        as a peer-to-peer digital-commodity          pants to provide or receive services.
                                        (also known as crypto-currency) ex-          This led to the birth of Bitcoin—a
                                        change system. Blockchains received          cryptocurrency—and introduction of a
                                        traction due to their inherent property of   new design paradigm Blockchain.
                                        immutability—once a block is accepted,           A blockchain in its simplest form is
                                        it cannot be reverted.                       an append-only linked-list of blocks.

2                                                         Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

                                                at the execution layer and persisted in
                                                the immutable ledger at the storage
                                                layer. Clients and servers also employ
                                                necessary cryptographic constructs to
    Fig. 1: Basic Blockchain Representations    securely exchange messages among
                                                each other.
                                                   The preceding discussion allows us
Each block in this chain is linked to           to summarize that a blockchain system
the previous block in the chain Gupta           aims at providing a safe and resilient
et al (2019a, 2020a). Blockchains are           storage for transactions. In the suc-
often termed as immutable as modifying          ceeding sections, we will discuss these
an existing block requires modifying            concepts in detail and will illustrate the
all the previous blocks in the chain.           mechanisms pertaining to blockchain
Each block includes a set of transactions       transaction processing. We will also
and the associated meta-data. Figure 1          study key principles required to order
presents a schematic representation of a        and validate these client transactions
blockchain. Blockchain systems guar-            and provide analysis of some existing
antee decentralization as the full-copy         blockchain applications.
of the chain is maintained by several
participants1 . Moreover, a block is only
accepted into the chain after all the
participants have reached consensus on          Key Research Findings
the order and contents of the block. In
specific, admittance of a block to the        Each blockchain system can be visu-
chain implies that the transactions iin the   alized as a secure representation of a
block have been executed and verified.        traditional database system (Nawab
Hence, blockchain helps in achieving          2018). Similar to a database system,
key properties such as democracy and          each blockchain application also re-
transparency.                                 ceives transactions from multiple
   A blockchain system can be de-             clients. In its vanilla form, a blockchain
scribed as a collection of layers. At         transaction is a collection of read or
the application layer, there are clients,     write operations. Clients issue these
which send their transactions to a set of     transactions to the servers for processing
severs to process. The communication          and exchange of digital-commodities.
among the clients and servers take               In general, each server in a
place at the networking layer. Servers        blockchain application stores a full-
participate at the ordering layer to          copy of the chain. Hence, without any
assign a unique order to each incoming        loss of generality, we can claim that
client transaction in a Byzantine Fault-      servers of a blockchain system are
Tolerant (henceforth referred to as BFT)      replicas of each other. In specific, a
manner. Following a successful order-         blockchain application lays down a
ing, the client transaction is processed      replicated design where each replica
                                              participates in ordering and executing
1 In sharded blockchain systems, no shard may
                                              the incoming client transaction.
have complete copy but data is still securely
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                     3

   Prior works have shown that it is         from participating in the management
possible to make a replicated system         of the blockchain. Further, we use
handle failures (Lamport 1998; Steen         circles to demarcate different zones of
and Tanenbaum 2017). In any replicated       operation; certain nodes are allowed to
system, replicas participate in a fault-     lead the consensus (or create the next
tolerant consensus protocol to decide        block) while some nodes are allowed to
the order to execute a client transaction.   participate in the consensus protocol.
Blockchain applications also adhere              Public Blockchain systems, such
to this philosophy. They employ a            as Bitcoin (Satoshi 2008) and
BFT consensus protocol to achieve            Ethereum (Wood 2015), allow any
consensus under byzantine failures. But,     node to participate in the consensus
why do BFT protocols need to handle          process and propose the next valid block
byzantine failures? As a blockchain          for the chain. Hence, a public or per-
system promotes democracy, it permits        missionless blockchain system upholds
display of adversarial behavior by           its democratic nature by providing each
malicious replicas during consensus. To      node with equal probability2 of creating
tackle such malicious activities, each       the next block to be added to the chain.
blockchain application relies on the             Private Blockchain systems run at
design and properties dictated by a BFT      the other extreme end of the spectrum.
consensus protocol.                          These blockchain systems permit only
                                             a specific set of nodes to be part of
                                             the consensus protocol and restrict the
                                             creation of next block to an even smaller
Blockchain Topologies                        subset of nodes. Private blockchain de-
                                             signs are attractive to large multi-sector
A key parameter that renders the             companies and banks, which may chose
design of a blockchain system is its         to allow some of their customers to
underlying application. On the basis of      participate in the consensus protocol,
permissions available to a participating     while restricting creation of next block
node, a blockchain application can be        to its employees.
categorized blockchain as permissioned,          Hybrid Blockchain systems attain
permissionless or hybrid (Pilkington         a middle ground between the two
2015; Cachin and Vukolic 2017).              extremes. Although these systems allow
Although the blockchain community            any node to be part of the consensus
agrees on the characteristics of a           protocol, they restrict the task of propos-
permissionless or public blockchain          ing and creating the next block to a
infrastructure, there is a lack of concise   designated subset of replicas. For in-
definitions to explain other models.         stance, Ripple (Schwartz et al 2014)—a
   On the basis of topology, we cate-        cryptocurrency—supports a variant of
gorize a blockchain systems under four       the hybrid model. In Ripple, only some
heads: public, private, permissioned         public institutions have the permissions
and hybrid. Figure 2 presents a pic-
torial representation of the different 2 The equal probability of creating a block is
categories. In these figures, nodes that only guaranteed when all the nodes have ex-
lack any connections are disallowed actly same amount of resources, and each node
                                             is working independently.
4                                                     Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

         (a) Public Blockchain.                         (b) Hybrid Blockchain.

      (c) Permissioned Blockchain.                      (d) Private Blockchain.

                     Fig. 2: Topologies for Blockchain Systems.

to select the transactions that will be      2020c) are some of the state-of-the-art
part of the next block.                      permissioned blockchain applications
   Amidst all these topologies, per-         and fabrics.
missioned blockchain systems have
successfully created a niche space for
their design (Androulaki et al 2018;
Gupta et al 2020c). Permissioned             Blockchain Transactional Flow
blockchain applications allow any node
participate in the consensus protocol but    The initial block of any blockchain is
require the identities of all participants   termed as the genesis block (Decker and
to be known a priori. Although partici-      Wattenhofer 2013). Genesis block is
pants loose their privacy, permissioned      a special block that is numbered zero,
blockchain applications provide each         and is hard-coded in every blockchain
participant equal opportunity to propose     application. Each other block links to
the next block. Notice that permissioned     some previously existing block. Hence,
blockchain applications place no other       a blockchain grows by appending new
special restrictions on the behavior of      blocks to the existing chain.
a participant. Hyperledger Fabric (An-           A transaction in a blockchain system
droulaki et al 2018), Libra coin (Libra      is identical to any distributed or OLTP
2019) and R ESILIENT DB (Gupta et al         transaction (TPP Council 2010) that acts
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                     5

on some data. Traditional blockchain              Achieving fault-tolerant distributed
applications (such as Bitcoin) consist        consensus is an age-old problem.
of transactions that represent an ex-         Commit protocols such as Two-Phase
change of money between two entities          Commit (Gray 1978), Three-Phase
(or users). Each valid transaction is         Commit (Skeen 1982) and Easy-
recorded in a block, which can can con-       Commit (Gupta and Sadoghi 2018,
tain multiple transactions, for efficiency.   2020) help in reaching agreement
Immutability is achieved by leveraging        among the participants in a parti-
strong cryptographic properties such as       tioned distributed databases (Qadah
hashing (Katz and Lindell 2007).              and Sadoghi 2018; Qadah et al 2020;
   Figure 3 illustrates the three main        Sadoghi and Blanas 2019). However,
phases required by any blockchain             commit protocols can only handle node
application to create a new block. The        failures and are unsafe under message
client transmits a transactional request      delay or loss.
to one of the participants. This partici-         Paxos (Lamport 1998) and View-
pating node multicasts the client request     stamped Replication (Oki and Liskov
to all other nodes. We term this phase        1988) allow a distributed system of
as Transaction Dissemination. Once, all       replicas to achieve consensus in the
the nodes have a copy of client request,      presence of crash-faults. In a system
they initiate a consensus protocol.           of n replicas, a system employing
The choice of underlying consensus            Paxos for consensus can handle up to
protocol affects the time complexity and      n failures where n ≥ 2 f + 1. Notice
resource consumption. The winner of           that these f failures need not be simple
the consensus phase proposes the next         replica crashes but can also take form
block and transmits it to all other nodes.    of message losses and delays. However,
This transmission process is equivalent       crash-fault tolerant protocols such as
to adding an entry (block) to the global      Paxos and Viewstamped Replication
distributed ledger.                           cannot handle any malicious behavior.
                                                  A byzantine-fault tolerant protocol
                                              aims at reaching consensus in a system
                                              of n replicas where at most f replicas
Blockchain Consensus                          can act as byzantine and n ≥ 3 f + 1.
                                              Traditional BFT protocols promote
At the core of any blockchain applica-        a primary-backup model where one
tion is a BFT consensus protocol which        replica is designated as the primary and
states that given a client transaction,       other replicas act as backups. It is the
the aim of this consensus protocol is         task of the primary to initiate consensus
to ensure all the non-faulty replicas         among all the backups. Notice that all
assign the same order to this trans-          the above discussed protocols, such as
action. Depending on the underlying           Two-Phase Commit, Paxos and so on,
topology, we can broadly categorize           follow the primary-backup model. The
consensus protocols into two categories:      key reason primary-backup model is
permissionless consensus protocols and        preferred is because of its simplicity and
permissioned consensus protocols.             its ability to blame the primary for an
                                              unsuccessful consensus.
6                                                              Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

Fig. 3: Blockchain Flow: Three main phases in any blockchain application are represented. (a)
Client sends a transaction to one of the server, which it disseminates to all the other servers. (b)
Servers run the underlying consensus protocol, to determine the block creator. (c) New block is
created, and transmitted to each node, which also implies adding to global ledger.

   Recent blockchain applications                  and live. A replicated system is called
present several new protocols for achiev-          as safe if all its replicas are consistent,
ing consensus: Proof-of-Work (Jakob-               that is, have the same state. A replicated
sson and Juels 1999; Satoshi 2008),                system is termed as live if its replicas are
Proof-of-Stake (King and Nadal 2012)               able to make progress, that is, process
and Proof-of-Authority (Parity Tech-               incoming client requests.
nologies 2018). Prior works have shown                A majority of existing BFT protocols
that these consensus protocols provide             guarantee safety under asynchronous
similar guarantees as traditional BFT              environment, that is, messages can
protocols (Garay et al 2015). Hence,               get loss, delayed or duplicated, and
in the rest of this section, we illustrate         up to f replicas may act byzantine.
some of the state-of-the-art blockchain            Further, any BFT protocol employs
protocols for both permissioned and                cryptographic constructs to prevent
permissionless systems.                            malicious replicas from impersonating
                                                   non-faulty replicas. As clients send
                                                   their transactions to other replicas, so
                                                   each client uses digital signatures to
Permissioned Consensus                             sign its message (Menezes et al 1996;
                                                   Katz and Lindell 2007). For all other
A decade prior to the inception of the             messages, depending on the algorithmic
first blockchain application, the problem          steps, the system can employ either
of achieving fault-tolerant distributed            asymmetric-key digital signatures or
consensus problem had already excited              less-expensive symmetric-key message
practitioners and researchers (Lamport             authentication codes (Katz and Lindell
1998; Oki and Liskov 1988; Castro                  2007). Hence, we assume authenticated
and Liskov 1999). Distributed systems              communication: malicious replicas can
research community agreed that a                   impersonate each other, but no replica
byzantine-fault tolerant system can only           can impersonate a non-faulty replica.
be considered correct if it is both safe           Further, replicas will accept only those
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                           7

messages which are well-formed, that is,            P REPARE message to all the replicas.
have valid message authentication codes             When a replica R receives P REPARE
or digital signatures (as applicable).              messages from 2 f replicas in support
    PBFT. Practical Byzantine Fault Tol-            of the request m sent by P, then R
erance (Castro and Liskov 1999) if often            marks the request as prepared. This
considered as the first protocol to present         information gives R an assurance that
a practical design for achieving byzan-             a majority of non-faulty replicas are
tine fault-tolerance in a distributed sys-          also agreeing to order this request at
tem. P BFT follows the primary-backup               sequence k. Next, R acknowledges the
model where the primary replica initi-              prepared request by sending a C OMMIT
ates the consensus among all the repli-             message to all the replicas. When a
cas. It is the responsibility of the primary        replica R receives C OMMIT messages
to ensure all the backup replicas success-          from 2 f + 1 replicas, then R achieves a
fully order every incoming client trans-            unique guarantee on the order of m, that
action otherwise it risks replacement. If           is, a majority of non-faulty replicas have
the primary is non-malicious and the net-           also prepared m. This allows replica R
work is reliable, P BFT guarantees con-             to go ahead and execute the request m
sensus in three phases.                             as the k-th request. Finally, R sends the
    P BFT protocol starts when a client C           result of executing m as a response to
wants a transaction to be executed and              the client C .
sends a request m to the primary replica                The client C needs f + 1 matching
P. The primary P checks if the client               responses from distinct replicas, to mark
signature is valid and if this is the case,         its request m as complete. It is possible
it creates a P RE - PREPARE message and             that the client may not receive sufficient
sends that message to all the backups.              number of matching responses. To
This P RE - PREPARE message includes a              handle such cases, the client initiates
sequence number (an integer) and a hash             a timer prior to sending its request. In
of the client request. The sequence num-            specific, each client waits on a timer
ber k states the order to execute the trans-        for receiving f + 1 identical responses.
action while the hash acts as a digest,             If the client timeouts while waiting
which can be used in future communica-              for f + 1 responses, then it forwards
tions as an alias for the client request3 .         its request m to all the replicas. When
    When a replica R receives a                     a backup replica R receives a client
P RE - PREPARE message from the pri-                request m, it forwards that request to the
mary P, it performs the following                   primary P and starts its timer. If P
checks: (i) verifies the client signature           fails to send a P RE - PREPARE message
on m, (ii) checks if P is the primary,              corresponding to m, then R concludes
and (iii) ensures the sequence number               that P is byzantine and initiates pri-
k has not already been used. If the                 mary replacement. Existing literature
P RE - PREPARE message passes all the               terms this primary replacement process
checks, R agrees to support primary’s               as view-change because each primary
order for this request and sends a                  represents a view of the system. The
                                                    view-change protocol only starts when
3 Client requests are often of the order of several
                                                    at least f + 1 replicas are ready to
kilobytes and sending an hash instead optimizes
                                                    replace the primary. This condition is
the communication.
8                                                      Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

necessary as up to f replicas can be         agrees to execute this request. Such an
byzantine and may even request replace-      execution is termed as speculative as
ment of a non-faulty primary. Hence,         the replica R is unaware of the state at
when at least f + 1 replicas request         other replicas. In specific, a byzantine
replacement, remaining replicas assume       primary could have equivocated and sent
that there is at least one non-faulty        different replicas distinct client requests.
replica which has been affected.             Once the replica R executes the request,
   For a successful view-change to take      it sends the reply to client C . The client
place, a new primary has to be selected.     C marks the request complete if it
P BFT follows a simple principle: if the     receives matching identical responses
replica with index i is the current pri-     from at least 3 f + 1 replicas.
mary, then replica with index j will be          A keen reader can easily notice that
the next primary, where j = (i + 1) mod      the onus is on the client to ensure system
n. But, how does a replica concludes         is safe. Further, when n = 3 f + 1, then
that it is time for it to act as the new     the client has to wait for responses from
primary. When any replica R receives         all the replicas. Due to these restrictions,
V IEW-C HANGE messages from 2 f + 1          Z YZZYVA’s fast-path works only if
distinct replicas that want to elect it as   there are no failures. In Z YZZYVA,
the primary, then it initiates the process   the client waits on a timer while ex-
of switching to next view. Notice that       pecting 3 f + 1 responses. If the client
the process of switching to next view re-    timeouts prior to receiving responses,
quires ensuring all the replicas have the    then it initiates the slow-path. In the
common state. Thus, the new primary          slow-path, client has to summarize the
also needs to provide this information as    state it received from different replicas
part of the N EW-V IEW message.              and needs to decide whether primary
   Zyzzyva. It is evident from P BFT’s       replacement needs to be initiated or a
design that it requires three phases of      simple recovery protocol is sufficient
communication of which two necessitate       to ensure system remains live. Clearly,
quadratic communication complexity.          the slow-path is no longer linear and
Hence, there is a need for optimized         requires multiple phases. Moreover, if
protocols, which can achieve the same        the client is malicious, then the replicas
goals with much lesser communication         could be momentarily unsafe until
overheads. Z YZZYVA (Kotla et al             there is a good client. Another key
2007) presents a twin-path protocol that     challenge with twin-path protocols is
achieves consensus in a single linear        finding the optimal timeout value. Prior
phase if there are no failures. All the      works have shown that finding a timeout
replicas in the Z YZZYVA start in the        value can be hard and Z YZZYVA faces
fast-path and switch to the slow-path        severe reduction is throughput under
under failures. Note that a recent work      failures (Clement et al 2009a,b; Gupta
has illustrated that Z YZZYVA is unsafe      et al 2021a).
under failures (Abraham et al 2017).             S BFT. The key aim behind the design
   In Z YZZYVA, when a non-primary           of S BFT (Golan Gueta et al 2019) is
replica R receives a P RE - PREPARE          to make a consensus protocol that can
message from the primary P, it as-           guarantee safe consensus with linear
sumes that the primary is non-faulty and     message complexity in periods of no
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                    9

failures. In fact, like Z YZZYVA, S BFT is   fast path. If the collector timeouts wait-
also a twin-path protocol. S BFT employs     ing for threshold shares from 3 f + c + 1
threshold signatures to achieve linear       replicas, it switches to the slow path,
communication complexity.                    which requires two additional linear
    Threshold signatures are based on        phases to complete consensus.
asymmetric cryptography. In specific,            HotStuff. In any primary-backup
each replica holds a distinct private key,   BFT protocol, if the primary acts
which it can use to create a signature       malicious, then the protocols employ the
share. Next, one can produce a valid         accompanying view-change algorithm
threshold signature given at least t such    to detect and replace the malicious
signature shares from distinct replicas      primary. This view-change algorithm
(the exact value of t is dependent on the    leads to a momentary disruption in
underlying consensus protocol).              system throughput until the resumption
    At a closer look, it seems like S BFT    of service.
requires more phases than P BFT. This            H OTSTUFF (Yin et al 2019) proposes
occurs because S BFT linearizes each         eliminating the dependence of a BFT
phase of P BFT through use of threshold      consensus protocol from one primary by
signatures. In S BFT, when a replica R       replacing primary at the end of every
receives a P RE - PREPARE message, it        consensus. Although this rotating leader
agrees to support from the primary’s         design escapes the cost of a view-change
sequence by generating a threshold           protocol, it enforces an implicit sequen-
share. The replica R sends this share        tial paradigm. Each primary needs to
to a specific replica designated as the      wait for its turn before it can propose a
collector. When a collector receives         new request.
message from at least 3 f + 2c + 1 repli-        In H OTSTUFF, in round i, the replica
cas it generates a threshold signatures      with identifier i mod n acts as the pri-
and sends this signature to all the repli-   mary and proposes a request to all the
cas. When a replica receives a threshold     replicas. Each replica on receiving this
signature from the collector, it executes    request, creates a threshold share and
the request to generate a response, cre-     sends to the replica R with identifier
ates a threshold share on this response      (i + 1) mod n. If R receives threshold
and sends these to a specific replica        shares from 2 f + 1 replicas, then it com-
designated as the executor. The executor     bines them into a threshold signature and
waits for f + 1 identical responses and      initiates the consensus for round i + 1
combines them into threshold signature.      by broadcasting its proposal along with
Next, the executor sends this signature      the computed threshold signature. No-
to all the replicas and clients.             tice that replicas have not executed the
    For S BFT’s fast path to work as         request and replied to the client. H OT-
stated, either there should be no failures   STUFF’s aim is to linearize the consen-
or at least 3 f + 2c + 1 replicas should     sus proposed by P BFT protocol, which
participate in consensus where up to         it does by splitting each phase of P BFT
c > 0 replicas can crash-fail (no byzan-     into two using threshold signatures. To
tine failures). Moreover, the primary can    reduce the communication, it chains the
act as both collector and executor but       phases. Hence, a replica executes the re-
S BFT suggests using distinct replicas in    quest for the i-th round once it receives
10                                                      Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

a threshold signature from the primary        check, each replica agrees to support the
of (i + 3)-th round. Evidently, chaining      first k-th proposal it receives from the
helps H OTSTUFF to some extent but it         primary by sending a S UPPORT message
does not eliminate its sequential nature.     that includes its unique threshold share
This sequential nature forces H OTSTUFF       to the primary. The primary P waits for
to loose out on an opportunity to process     2 f + 1 threshold shares, and on receiv-
messages out-of-order.                        ing such shares, it combines them into
    PoE. Proof-of-Execution (henceforth       a threshold signature and broadcasts as
referred to as P O E) consensus protocol      a C ERTIFY message. When a replica
aims at achieving consensus in three          R receives the C ERTIFY message, it
linear phases without relying on any          view-commits to m as the k-th transaction
twin-path model (Gupta et al 2021a).          in view v. After R view-commits to m,
Further, P O E recognizes that no one         R schedules speculative execution of
size fits all systems (Singh et al 2008).     m. Consequently, m will be executed by
Hence, its design is independent of           R after all preceding transactions are
the choice of underlying cryptographic        executed. After execution, R informs
signature scheme. This implies that the       the client of the order of execution
P O E protocol can employ both sym-           and of any execution result. A client
metric and asymmetric-cryptographic           considers its transaction successfully
signature schemes depending on the            executed after it receives identical
application environment.                      response messages from 2 f + 1 distinct
    The design of P O E is built on three     replicas.
key insights. First, P O E prevents use of        Aardvark. The design philosophy
any twin-path paradigm as switching           behind Aardvark is distinct in compari-
from fast to slow-path requires depen-        son to existing BFT protocols (Clement
dence on timeouts, which degrades             et al 2009b). It aims at building a
system performance. Second, P O E             robust BFT protocol that can continue
allows replicas to speculatively execute      performing under failures. Hence, in
the requests but facilitates rollbacks        the failure-free cases, Aardvark attains
in case of inconsistencies. Final, P O E      lower throughput than a majority of the
allows out-of-order processing, which         existing BFT protocols.
eliminates any bottlenecks associated             In Aardvark, prior to sending its
with sequential consensus protocols.          request to the primary, the client signs
    For the sake of brevity, we will de-      the request using both digital signatures
scribe P O E built on top of threshold sig-   and message authentication codes.
natures. In P O E, the client C initiates     This prevents malicious clients from
execution by sending its request m to the     performing a denial-of-service attack
primary P. To initiate replication and        as it is expensive for client to sign each
execution of m as the k-th transaction,       message twice. Aardvark also employs
the primary proposes m to all replicas by     a point-to-point network rather than
broadcasting a P ROPOSE message.              the multicast network for exchange of
    After a replica R receives a P ROPOSE     messages among clients and replicas.
message from P, it checks whether at          The key intuition behind such a choice
least 2 f other replicas also received the    is to disallow a faulty client or replica
same proposal from P. To perform this         from blocking the complete network.
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                     11

Aardvark also periodically changes the        malicious primaries, it also wastes
primary replica. Each replica tracks the      excessive bandwidth by requiring
throughput of the current primary and         all the instances to order the same
suggests replacing the primary when           set of requests. Resilient Concurrent
there is a decrease in its throughput.        Consensus (henceforth referred to as
To perform such tracking, each replica        R CC) paradigm resolves this issue by
sets a timer and measures the rate of         parallelizing the consensus (Gupta et al
primary’s responses.                          2019b, 2021b). In specific, R CC runs
    RBFT. The key intuition behind the        at each replica multiple instances of a
design of R BFT is to facilitate detection    primary-backup protocol.
of clever malicious primaries (Aublin            The key challenge with the design
et al 2013). R BFT extends Aardvark and       of primary-backup protocols is their re-
aims to detect those malicious primaries,     liance on the primary. This dependence
which cannot be detected by simple            can severely affect the throughput and
timers suggested by Aardvark.                 scalability of these protocols. The pri-
    In Aardvark, a clever primary can         mary replica not only receives all client
avoid detection by delaying messages          requests but is also responsible for en-
just slightly below the timeout threshold.    suring consensus is reached on the order
Such a primary can throttle the system        for these requests among all other repli-
throughput without risking eviction.          cas. If the primary fails to ensure consen-
To tackle this challenge, R BFT insists       sus, then all remaining replicas need to
running f + 1 independent instances of        replace this primary. This replacement
the Aardvark protocol on each replica.        process is necessary as, without it, non-
One of these instances is designated as       faulty replicas may never converge. Un-
the master while other instances act as       fortunately, primary replacement is not
backups. Irrespective of the designation      cheap, as it requires pausing consensus
of an instance, all the instances order all   on all outstanding requests until the pri-
the requests. However, only the master        mary is replaced.
instance executes the requests.                   R CC aims at making a BFT consen-
    The key task of the backup instances      sus primary agnostic. To achieve such a
is to monitor the performance of the          property, R CC advocates running z par-
master instance. If any backup instance       allel instances at each replica. Further,
observes a degradation of the system          R CC ensures that each instance is man-
throughput at the master, it broadcasts a     aged by a distinct replica. Using par-
message to elect a new primary. Further,      allelization, R CC ensures that the non-
to guarantee at least one of the f + 1        faulty replicas are always accepting and
instances is led by a non-faulty replica,     ordering client requests, this indepen-
R BFT requires each instance to be led        dent of any malicious behavior or attack.
by a distinct replica. In comparison to          We now present the design of R CC
both P BFT and Aardvark, R BFT requires       paradigm that parallelizes the seminal
an additional phase, which is used to         P BFT consensus protocol. For the sake
propagate the client requests across all      of explanation, we assume R CC works
the replicas.                                 in rounds. Each round of R CC includes
    RCC. Although R BFT successfully          three stages: parallel consensus, unifi-
utilizes redundancy to detect clever          cation, and execution. The notion of a
12                                                       Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

round helps in generating a common or-             At the start of each round, each
der and recovering from instance failures      cluster chooses a single transaction of a
but it does not prevent individual pri-        local client. Next, each cluster locally
maries from working independently.             replicates its chosen transaction in a
    Prior to any round, R CC requires          Byzantine fault-tolerant manner using
each replica to prepare to run z instances     P BFT. At the end of successful local
of P BFT protocol in parallel. A round         replication, P BFT guarantees that each
r begins when the primary of each in-          non-faulty replica can prove successful
stance proposes a client request. Firstly,     local replication via a commit certificate.
in the parallel consensus stage, each              Next, each cluster shares the locally-
instance runs P BFT on its client request.     replicated transaction along with
Secondly, in the unification stage, the        its commit certificate with all other
replica waits for all its z instances to       clusters. To minimize inter-cluster
complete replication (reach consensus          communication, we use a novel op-
on their respective requests). If every in-    timistic global sharing protocol. Our
stance successfully replicates a request,      optimistic global sharing protocol has a
then a common order for execution of           global phase in which clusters exchange
these requests is determined. If one or        locally-replicated transactions, followed
more instances are unable to replicate         by a local phase in which clusters
requests, then the primaries for those         distribute any received transactions
instances must be faulty and recovery          locally among all local replicas. Finally,
is initiated. Finally, in the execution        after receiving all transactions that are
stage, each replica executes all the client    locally-replicated in other clusters, each
requests in the common order.                  replica in each cluster can determin-
    GeoBFT. Existing BFT protocols do          istically order all these transactions
not distinguish between the local and          and proceed with their execution. After
global communication, which is a nec-          execution, the replicas in each cluster
essary requirement to enable geo-scale         inform only local clients of the outcome
deployment of a blockchain system. To          of the execution of their transactions
resolve this challenge, Geo-Scale Byzan-       (e.g., confirm execution or return any
tine Fault-Tolerant consensus protocol         execution results).
(henceforth referred to as G EO B FT) that
uses topological information to group all
replicas in a single region into a single
cluster (Gupta et al 2020b). Likewise,         Permissionless Consensus
G EO B FT assigns each client to a single
cluster. This clustering helps in attaining    Permissionless applications inspired by
high throughput and scalability in geo-        Nakamoto’s Bitcoin (Satoshi 2008) ad-
scale deployments. G EO B FT operates in       vocate a public blockchain system where
rounds, and in each round, every clus-         any replica can participate in the consen-
ter will be able to propose a single client    sus. Hence, the identity of a participat-
request for execution. Each round con-         ing replica can be protected. This design
sists of the three steps: local replication,   property requires the underlying consen-
global sharing, and ordering and execu-        sus protocol used to order the transac-
tion, which we further detail next.            tions to expend the resources of a partic-
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                     13

ipant. In specific, each participant needs    resources where several nodes work
to spend some of its resources if it wants    together to compute the hash. Moreover,
to propose the next block. If such a re-      a node has to be given incentives to
source consumption is not enforced, then      participate in the P OW consensus. If the
a malicious participant can create multi-     incentives are not sufficient, then nodes
ple pseudonymous identities and subvert       may decline creating the next block,
the system, also known as the Sybil at-       which in turn can either stall the system
tack (Douceur 2002).                          or compromise its security.
    Proof-of-Work. Bitcoin relies on the          Another issue with the P OW consen-
Proof-of-Work (henceforth referred to         sus protocol is that it can lead to tricky
as P OW) protocol to achieve consensus        situations where it is hard to determine
among a set of replica. P OW protocol         the next block in the chain. For instance,
builds on top of a simple intuition “What     two nodes N1 and N2 may solve the com-
is mathematically hard to compute but         plex puzzle at the same time. In such a
easy to verify?” Hence, P OW protocol         case, it is possible that one half of the
requires the computation to be expen-         remaining participants may receive a so-
sive, that is, it should deplete some         lution from N1 before N2 while the other
resources of the prover.                      half receives solution from N2 before N1 .
    In P OW protocol, the participating       To handle this scenario, some form of
nodes compete among themselves to             resolution mechanism is needed, which
propose the next block by solving a           would lead to wastage of resources of
complex puzzle. In nature, several            either N1 or N2 as both of their blocks
computationally hard problems exist,          cannot be appended to the chain. Notice
such as Diophantine Equation, RSA             that any new block added to the chain in-
Factorization, One-way Hash Functions,        cludes the hash of the previous block.
and so on. Among these hard problems,             Proof-of-Stake. In P OW protocol,
following the Nakamoto’s vision, P OW         miners have to deplete their computa-
protocol is associated with the computa-      tional resources in order to earn the right
tion of one-way hash functions such as        to create the next block. Each miner
computation of a 256-bit SHA3 value.          who controls a fraction s of the total
When a node N successfully computes           computational power, has a probability
this hash value, it disseminates this so-     nearly equal to s to create the next block.
lution to all other nodes for verification.       Proof-of-Stake (henceforth referred
Any node can verify this solution to          to as P O S) presents a principle that
check N’s claim.                              contrasts the resource usage philoso-
    The main critic behind P OW’s design      phy of P OW. In a blockchain system
is that leads to excessive wastage of         employing P O S protocol, a replica
energy. Permissionless applications that      possessing a higher stake than the other
employ P OW consensus have to set             replicas gets a chance to create a new
large targets to prevent Sybil attacks.       block (Bentov et al 2016). In specific,
Further, P OW’s design facilitates unfair     the probability a replica possessing
practices—higher the computational            a fraction s of the total stakes in the
capabilities a node has higher are its        system creates the next block is s. The
chances of solving the complex puzzle.        key security rationale behind P O S is that
Such a design promotes pooling of             replicas who have some stake involved
14                                                      Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

in the system are also well-suited to         quirement; chain-based P O S algorithms
ensure its security.                          are inherently synchronous, while
    PPCoin or PeerCoin (King and              BFT-style P O S is partially synchronous.
Nadal 2012) is often regarded as the              Another key challenge for P O S-based
first implementation of P O S. The key        designs is an attack by rational stake-
motivation behind PPCoin’s design was         holders. A rational replica would always
to implement a crypto-currency that           aim at maximizing its profit, an expected
does not require participating replicas to    behavior in a democracy in correspon-
spend its resources in performing large       dence with the Nash equilibrium Bentov
computations. Initial P O S-based design      et al (2016). Rational replicas can affect
were based on the notion of coinage. In       the security of P O S, as in at attempt to
specific, a replica’s ability to create the   maximize their gains, they may partici-
next block is determined on its value         pate in multiple chains.
of coinage. Coinage is calculated on              A rational miner could get blocks
the basis of number of days a replica         from distinct forks of the blockchain.
has held some coins or stake. To pre-         To maximize its returns, a miner would
vent Sybil attacks, P O S-based systems       attempt to propose the next block for
require replicas to algorithm requires a      each such fork. As miners don’t lose
node to spend its coinage if it wants to      any actual resources (like computational
propose the next block.                       energy in P OW), so they are free to
    Initial implementations of the P O S      propose blocks on different chains.
protocol lacked the fairness criterion.       This could lead to an ever-expanding
This is evident as the replica with the       divergent network.
highest stake gets the chance to propose          Proof-of-Authority. A variation of
the next block. Although a high stake         P O S algorithm to be employed in hybrid
replica looses its coinage once it creates    blockchain topologies is termed as
the next block, it may create the subse-      Proof-of-Authority (henceforth referred
quent block if its stake is much larger in    as P OA) (Parity Technologies 2018).
value than that of the other replicas.        The key idea is to designate a set of
    To resolve this issue, a chain-based      nodes as the authorities or leaders. These
variant of P O S algorithm has been pro-      authorities are entrusted with the task
posed. The chain-based P O S protocol         of creating new blocks and validating
employs a psuedo-random algorithm to          the transactions. P OA marks a block as
select a validator, which then creates a      part of the blockchain if it is signed by
new block and adds it to the existing         majority of the authorized nodes. The
chain of blocks. The frequency of             incentive model in P OA highlights that
selecting the validator is set to some        it is in the interest of an authority node
pre-defined time interval. Another vari-      to maintain its reputation. In case an
ant of P O S algorithm follows BFT-style      authority acts malicious, it can loose its
consensus. In this design, the replicas       status and periodic incentives. Hence,
participate in a BFT protocol to select       P OA does not select nodes based on
the next valid block. Here, validators are    their claimed stakes.
given right to propose the next block,            Proof-of-Space. A consensus al-
at random. The key difference between         gorithm orthogonal to the design
these algorithms is the synchrony re-         proposed by P OW is proof-of-space
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                     15

or proof-of-capacity (henceforth re-         and validate the same by demonstrating
ferred as P O C) (Ateniese et al 2014;       a proof-of-work, that is generating a
Dziembowski et al 2015).                     block. The process of generating the
   P O C expects nodes to provide a proof    next block is non-trivial and requires
that they have sufficient “storage” to       large computational resources. Hence,
solve a computational problem. P O C al-     the miners are given incentives (such as
gorithm targets computational problems       Bitcoins) for dedicating their resources
such as hard-to-pebble graphs (Dziem-        and generating the block. Each miner
bowski et al 2015) that need large           maintains locally an updated copy of the
amount of memory storage to solve            complete blockchain and the associated
the problem. In the P O C algorithm,         ledgers for every Bitcoin user.
the verifier first expects a prover to           To ensure Bitcoin system remains
commit to a labeling of the graph, and       fair towards all the machines, the dif-
then it queries the prover for random        ficulty of proof-of-work challenge is
locations in the committed graph. The        periodically increased. Prior works have
key intuition behind this approach is        illustrated that Bitcoin is vulnerable to
that unless the prover has sufficient        51% attack, which can lead to double
storage, it would not pass the verifica-     spending (Rosenfeld 2014). The in-
tion. SpaceMint (Park et al 2015)—a          tensity of such attacks increases when
P O C-based      cryptocurrency—claims       multiple forks of the longest chain are
that P O C based approaches are more         created. To avoid these attacks, Bitcoin
resource efficient in comparison to P OW     developers suggest the clients to wait
as storage consumes less energy.             for their block to be confirmed before
                                             they mark the Bitcoins as transferred.
                                             This wait ensures that the specific block
                                             is a little deep (nearly six blocks) in the
Blockchain Systems                           longest chain (Rosenfeld 2014). Bitcoin
                                             critics also argue that its proof-of-work
We now briefly look at the design of         consumes huge energy 4 and may not be
some of the state-of-the-art blockchain      a viable solution for future.
applications and fabrics. The key aim            Ethereum        (Wood      2015)      is
of this section is to illustrate the differ- blockchain framework that permits
ent design practices adopted by existing     users to create their own applica-
blockchain systems.                          tions (smart-contracts) on top of the
   Bitcoin (Satoshi 2008) is regarded        Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
as the first ever blockchain application.    Ethereum utilizes the notion of smart
It is a cryptographically secure digital     contracts to facilitate development
currency designed with the aim of dis-       of new operations. It also supports a
rupting the traditional institutionalized    digital cryptocurrency, ether, which is
monetary exchange. Bitcoin acts as the       used to incentivize the developers to
token of transfer between two parties        create correct applications. One of the
undergoing a monetary transaction. The       key advantage of Ethereum is that it
underlying blockchain system is a net-
                                             4 As per some claims one Bitcoin transaction
work of nodes (also known as miners)
that take a set of client transactions consumes power equivalent to that required by
                                             1.5 American homes per day.
16                                                    Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

supports a Turing complete language         nodes. Ripple’s consensus algorithm
to generate new applications on top         introduces the notion of a Unified Node
of EVM. At the time of writing this         List (UNL), which is a subset of the
article, Ethereum employs a variant of      network. Each server communicates
P OW protocol to achieve consensus          with the nodes in its UNL for reaching a
among its miners. Ethereum makes            consensus. The servers exchange the set
its miners solve challenges that were       of transactions they received from the
not only computational intensive, but       clients and propose those transactions
also memory intensive. This design          to their respective UNL for vote. If a
prevented existence of miners who           transaction receives 80% of the votes,
utilized specially designed hardware for    it is marked permanent. Notice that if
compute intensive applications.             the generated UNL groups are a clique
    In future, Ethereum Foundation aims     then forks of the longest chain could
to switch to a variant of P O S protocol    co-exist. Hence, UNLs are created in
to reach consensus among its replicas.      a manner that they share some set of
The modified protocol is referred to        nodes. Another noteworthy observation
as Casper (Buterin and Griffith 2017).      about Ripple protocol is that each client
Casper introduces the notion of final-      needs to select a set of validators or
ity, that is, it ensures that one chain     unique nodes that they trust. These
becomes permanent in time. It also          validators utilize the ripple consensus
introduces the notion of accountability,    algorithm to verify the transactions.
which penalizes any validator that at-          Hyperledger (Cachin 2016) is a
tempts the nothing-at-stake attack. The     suite of resources aimed at modeling
penalty leveraged on such a validator is    industry standard blockchain applica-
equivalent to negating all his stakes.      tions. It provides a series of Application
    Parity (Parity Technologies 2018)       Programming Interfaces (APIs) for de-
is an application designed on top of        velopers to create their own non-public
Ethereum. It provides an interface for      blockchain applications. Hyperledger
its users to interact with the Ethereum     provides implementations of blockchain
blockchain. Parity allows its blockchain    systems that uses RBFT and other vari-
community to use either Proof-of-Work       ants of the PBFT consensus algorithm.
and Proof-of-Authority to reach consen-     It also facilitates use and development
sus in their applications. Hence, if some   of smart contracts. It is important to
users select P OA consensus, then Parity    understand that the design philosophy of
provides mechanisms for setting up the      Hyperledger leans towards blockchain
authority nodes.                            applications that require existence of
    Ripple (Schwartz et al 2014) is con-    non-public networks, and so, they do
sidered as third largest cryptocurrency     not need a compute intensive consensus.
after Bitcoin and Ethereum in terms             ResilientDB (Gupta et al 2020c;
of market cap. It employs a consensus       Rahnama et al 2020) is a state-of-the-art
algorithm which is a simple variant of      permissioned blockchain fabric, which
existing traditional BFT algorithms.        is designed with the aim of foster-
Ripple requires number of failures f to     ing academic and industry research.
be bounded as follows: ≤ (n − 1)/5 + 1,     R ESILIENT DB also acts as a reliable
where n represents the total number of      test-bed to implement and evaluate
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                                                            17

                SECURE LAYER               EXECUTION LAYER

                   SIGNING                         THREADS
                   TOOLKIT                                                               QUEUES

                  HASHING                    BFT CONSENSUS
                                              STORAGE LAYER


                             Fig. 4: Architecture of R ESILIENT DB.

enterprise-grade blockchain applica-                                       160
tions5 . R ESILIENT DB evolved from

                                                    Throughput (KTxns/s)
the ExpoDB platform (Sadoghi 2017;
Gupta and Sadoghi 2018) which is
an experimental research platform to
design and test emerging database tech-
nologies, agreement and concurrency                                         60
control protocols.                                                          40
                                                                                 4   8       16                        32
   In Figure 4, we illustrate the overall                                                 Number of Replicas
architecture of R ESILIENT DB, which
lays down an efficient client-server                Fig. 5: Two permissioned applications
architecture. At the application layer,             employing distinct BFT protocols (80K
we allow multiple clients to co-exist,              clients per experiment).
each of which creates its own requests.
For this purpose, they can either em-
ploy an existing benchmark suite or                 the secure layer provides support for
design a Smart Contract suiting to                  cryptographic constructs.
the active application. Next, clients                  R ESILIENT DB is written entirely in
and replicas use the transport layer                C++ and provides a graphical user inter-
to exchange messages across the net-                face to ease user interaction with the sys-
work. R ESILIENT DB also provides a                 tem. Further, it also provide a Docker-
storage layer where all the metadata                ized deployment that allows any user to
corresponding to a request and the                  experience and test the R ESILIENT DB
blockchain is stored. At each replica,              fabric (comprising of multiple replicas
there is an execution layer where the               and clients) on its local machine.
underlying consensus protocol is run                   The key motivation behind R E -
on the client request, and the request is           SILIENT DB’s design was to show that a
ordered and executed. During ordering,              system-centric permissioned blockchain
                                                    fabric can outperform a protocol-centric
5    R ESILIENT DB is open-sourced at               blockchain fabric even if the former and code is available at    is made to employ a slow consensus
18                                                    Suyash Gupta, Mohammad Sadoghi

protocol. To prove this claim, we refer to   observation behind such a design is that
Figure 5, which compares the through-        the nodes selected by the algorithm are
put achieved by two permissioned             predicted to be non-malicious. Machine
fabrics. In this figure, R ESILIENT DB       learning techniques can play an impor-
employs the slow P BFT protocol while        tant role in eliminating the human bias
the other fabric adopts the practices sug-   and inexperience. To learn which nodes
gested in the paper BFTSmart (Bessani        can act as block creators, a feature set,
et al 2014) and employs the single-phase     representative of the nodes, needs to be
linear Z YZZYVA protocol. Despite this       defined. Some interesting features can
disadvantageous choice of consensus          be: geographical distance, cost of com-
protocol, R ESILIENT DB achieves a           munication, available computational
throughput of 175K transactions per          resources, available memory storage
second, scales up to 32 replicas, and        and so on. These features would help in
attains up to 79% more throughput.           generating the dataset that would help
                                             to train and test the underlying machine
                                             learning model. This model would be
                                             ran against new nodes that wish to join
Future Directions for Research               the associated blockchain application.
                                                The programming languages and
Although blockchain technology is just       software engineering communities have
a decade old, it gained majority of its      developed several works that provide
momentum in the last five years. This        semantic guarantees to a language or an
allows us to render different elements       application (Wilcox et al 2015; Leroy
of the blockchain systems and achieve        2009; Kumar et al 2014). These works
higher performance and throughput.           have tried to formally verify (Keller
Some of the plausible directions to          1976; Leroy 2009) the system using the
develop efficient blockchain systems         principles of programming languages
are: (i) reducing the communication          and techniques such as finite state
messages, (ii) defining efficient block      automata, temporal logic and model
structure, (iii) improving the consensus     checking (Grumberg and Long 1994;
algorithm, and (iv) designing secure         Baier and Katoen 2008). We believe
light-weight cryptographic functions         similar analysis can be performed in the
    Statistical and machine learning         context of blockchain applications. The-
approaches have presented interesting        orem provers (such as Z3 (De Moura
solutions to automate key processes          and Bjørner 2008)) and proof assis-
such as Face Recognition (Zhao et al         tants (such as COQ (Bertot 2006))
2003), Image classification (Krizhevsky      could prove useful to define a certified
et al 2012), Speech Recognition (Graves      blockchain application. A certified
et al 2013) and so on. The tools can be      blockchain application can help in stat-
leveraged to facilitate easy and efficient   ing theoretical bounds on the resources
consensus. The intuition behind this         required to generate a block. Similarly,
approach is to allow learning algorithms     some of the blockchain consensus has
to select nodes, which are fit to act as     been shown to suffer from Denial of Ser-
a block creator and prune the rest from      vice attacks (Bonneau et al 2015), and a
the list of possible creators. The key       formally verified blockchain application
Blockchain Transaction Processing                                                              19

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