BlueStar: Enabling Efficient Integration between Bluetooth WPANs and IEEE 802.11 WLANs

Page created by Jean Garza
Mobile Networks and Applications 9, 409–422, 2004
                                                                      2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

              BlueStar: Enabling Efficient Integration between Bluetooth
                         WPANs and IEEE 802.11 WLANs
       OBR Research Center for Distributed and Mobile Computing, Department of ECECS, P.O. Box 210030, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
                                                             OH 45221-0030, USA

Abstract. Bluetooth is a radio technology for Wireless Personal Area Networking (WPAN) operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM frequency
band. So far, there has been little research on how Bluetooth-enabled devices can effectively and efficiently have uninterrupted access to
wide area networks (WAN) such as the Internet. We introduce a novel architecture (BlueStar) whereby selected Bluetooth devices, called
Bluetooth Wireless Gateways (BWGs), are also IEEE 802.11 enabled so that these BWGs could serve as egress/ingress points to/from the
IEEE 802.11 wireless network. We propose mitigating interference between Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11, by employing a hybrid approach
of adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) and Bluetooth carrier sense (BCS) of the channels. AFH labels channels as “bad” or “good”, and
Bluetooth devices only access those channels in the “good” state, whereas BCS is used to avoid collision by sensing the channel prior to
any transmission. By combining AFH and BCS, we drastically minimize the effect of the worst-case interference scenario wherein both a
Bluetooth and an IEEE 802.11 interface are co-located in a single device. BlueStar enables Bluetooth devices, belonging to either a piconet
or a scatternet, to access the WAN through the BWG without the need for any fixed Bluetooth access points, while utilizing widely deployed
base of IEEE 802.11 networks. Moreover, we define the protocol stack employed by BlueStar as well as indicate how BWGs efficiently
manage their capacity allocation through the different systems. We also mathematically derive an upper bound on the number BWGs needed
in a Bluetooth scatternet so that uninterrupted access to all Bluetooth devices could be provided.
Keywords: analytical modeling, architecture, Bluetooth, carrier sensing, frequency hopping, gateway, IEEE 802.11, interference, protocol
stack, simulation

1. Introduction                                                            WLAN, empowering low-cost, short-range devices to access
                                                                           the global Internet infrastructure through the use of WLAN-
Bluetooth [1,5] is a wireless communication technology that                based high-powered transmitters. It is also possible that Blue-
provides short-range, semi-autonomous radio network con-                   tooth devices might access the WAN through a 3G cellular
nections, and offers the ability to establish ad hoc net-                  infrastructure like Universal Mobile Telecommunication Sys-
works [8], called piconets. It has also been chosen to serve               tem (UMTS) and cdma2000 [3]. However, from the point of
as the baseline of the IEEE 802.15.1 standard for wireless                 view of cost and performance, it is advantageous for Blue-
personal area networks (WPANs) [3]. A WPAN is defined                      tooth devices to have access to the WAN through a WLAN
as the connection among personal devices, allowing informa-                system where a WLAN infrastructure is readily available. In
tion exchange over short ranges. Eventually, this WPAN can                 these scenarios, Bluetooth (or WPAN) devices would only
be integrated with large wide area networks (WANs) to pro-                 make use of the cellular network infrastructure where WLAN
vide Internet connectivity in addition to access among these               coverage is not provided.
devices.                                                                      An important challenge in defining the BlueStar architec-
   As previous studies have pointed out [7,11,13,23,34], it                ture is that both Bluetooth and WLANs employ the same
is much likely that Bluetooth devices and IEEE 802.11 [19]                 2.4 GHz ISM band and can possibly impact the perfor-
wireless local area networks (WLANs) stations (in this                     mance [1,7,12,17]. We refer to the interference generated
work we use the term WLAN and IEEE 802.11/802.11b in-                      by WLAN devices over the Bluetooth channel as persistent
terchangeably) operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM (industrial-                   interference [7], while the presence of multiple piconets in
scientific-medical) frequency band should be able to coexist               the vicinity creates interference [7,9,11,23,34] referred to as
as well as cooperate with each other, and access each other’s              intermittent interference [7,9].
resources. These technologies are complementary to each
                                                                              To combat both of these interference sources and provide
other and such an integrated environment is envisioned that
                                                                           effective coexistence, we propose to employ a unique hybrid
Bluetooth devices obtain information through the WLAN,
                                                                           approach of adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) [14] and a
and ultimately the Internet. These cooperative requirements
                                                                           new mechanism called Bluetooth carrier sense (BCS) in Blue-
have encouraged us to propose an intuitive architecture, called
                                                                           Star. AFH seeks to mitigate persistent interference by scan-
BlueStar, whereby few selected Bluetooth devices, called
                                                                           ning the channels during a monitoring period and labeling
Bluetooth wireless gateways (BWG), are also members of a
                                                                           them as “good” or “bad”, based on whether the packet error
∗ Contact author.                                                          rate (PER) of the channel is below or above a given threshold.
410                                                                                                                        CORDEIRO ET AL.

BCS takes care of the intermittent interference by mandating        2. Bluetooth overview
that before any Bluetooth packet transmission, the transmitter
                                                                    The details of the Bluetooth system, architecture and proto-
has to sense the channel to determine the presence of any on-
                                                                    cols are defined in [5]. A brief overview is provided here
going activity. This channel sensing is performed during the
                                                                    for completeness. Bluetooth is a short-range (up to 10 m)
turn around time of the current slot, and it does not require any
                                                                    wireless technology aimed at replacing cables that connect
changes to the current Bluetooth slot structure. According to
                                                                    phones, laptops, and other portable devices. Bluetooth op-
the IEEE 802.15 Coexistence Task Group 2 terminology [18],
                                                                    erates in the ISM frequency band starting at 2.402 GHz and
BlueStar would be classified as a non-collaborative solution
                                                                    ending at 2.483 GHz in USA and most European countries.
in the sense that the Bluetooth and the WLAN system operate
                                                                    A total of 79 RF channels of 1 MHz width are defined, where
independently, with no exchange of information (as a matter
                                                                    the raw data rate is 1 Mbit/s. A Time Division Multiplexing
of fact, this is required by the Federal Communications Com-
                                                                    (TDD) technique divides the channel into 625 µs slots and,
mission regulations for the license-free bands). This lack of
                                                                    with a 1 Mbit/s symbol rate, a slot can carry up to 625 bits.
information does not, however, have any impact on the per-
                                                                    Transmission occurs in packets that occupy 1, 3 and 5 slots
formance of BlueStar. In fact we show that by employing the
                                                                    as depicted in figure 1. Each packet is transmitted on a differ-
BlueStar architecture, we can approximately double the per-
                                                                    ent hop frequency with a maximum frequency hopping rate
formance of the regular Bluetooth.
                                                                    of 1600 hops/s.
    Other studies [2,23] have proposed the use of Bluetooth ac-
                                                                        Bluetooth operates on a Master-Slave concept wherein the
cess points (BAP), thereby making it totally dependent on a
                                                                    Master periodically polls the Slave devices and only after re-
short-range fixed infrastructure. Our proposed BlueStar takes
                                                                    ceiving such a poll is a Slave allowed to transmit. The Mas-
advantage of the widely available WLAN installed base as
                                                                    ter for a particular set of connections is defined as the device
many organizations have spent hundreds of thousands of dol-
                                                                    that initiated the connections. A Master device can directly
lars (including personnel training) building their WLAN in-
                                                                    control up to seven active Slave devices in what is defined as
frastructure, and it is advantageous to use pre-existing WLAN
                                                                    a piconet. Multiple piconets can be linked together through
infrastructure. This can easily support long-range, large-scale
                                                                    common Bluetooth devices to form a scatternet.
mobility as well as provide uninterrupted access to Bluetooth
                                                                        The Bluetooth specification defines two distinct types of
devices. The architecture of Bluetooth and WLAN enabled             links for the support of voice and data applications, namely,
devices proposed here is an intuitive and practical solution        SCO (synchronous connection-oriented) and ACL (asynchro-
to this ad hoc issue, and even though such an arrangement           nous connectionless). The first link type supports point to
has been evaluated in [13], no mechanism or architecture has        point voice switched circuits while the latter supports sym-
been used to mitigate interference between the Bluetooth and        metric as well as asymmetric data transmission. This work
the WLAN. Here, we not only define an architecture and its          mainly considers the use of ACL packets since they are in-
protocol stack, but also identify and propose two mechanisms        tended to support data applications and do not have prescribed
(AFH and BCS) that enable effective and efficient coexistence       time slot allocations as opposed to SCO packets. The ACL
of Bluetooth and WLAN within a single device.                       link allows the use of 1-, 3-, and 5-slot data packets (figure 1)
    The industry has also been making efforts towards inte-         with the optional use of FEC (forward error correction). DMx
grating Bluetooth and WLAN [25,27,28]. However, most                (data medium-rate) packets provide a 2/3 FEC hamming code
recent solutions do not tackle the issue of simultaneous op-        and DHx (data high-rate) packets carry no FEC coding at all,
eration of Bluetooth and WLANs, that is, either Bluetooth           where x = 1, 3, or 5, depending on the number of slots it oc-
or WLANs – but not both – can access (i.e., be active) the          cupies. Table 1 presents the possible ACL link packet types
wireless medium at a time, as only a single card is available.      with their respective characteristics.
Moreover, this implies that additional integrated cards have
to be acquired. The architecture we propose here enables si-
multaneous operation by using existing WLAN hardware in-
frastructure, while relying on the availability of Bluetooth in-
    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides an introduction to the Bluetooth technology,
whereas section 3 elaborates on the proposed BlueStar ar-                         Figure 1. Packet transmission in Bluetooth.

chitecture, including a novel combination of AFH and BCS                                          Table 1
                                                                             Asynchronous connectionless (ACL) packet overview.
to handle both intermittent and persistent interferences, as
well as it presents the capacity allocation scheme employed         Type     User payload      FEC        Symmetric             Asymmetric
                                                                               (bytes)                     (Kbps)                 (Kbps)
in BlueStar. Next, section 4 discusses our simulation envi-
ronment. The performance of BlueStar in a Bluetooth-only            DM1         0−17            Yes         108.0         108.8        108.8
                                                                    DH1         0−27            No          172.8         172.8        172.8
scenario is then shown in section 5, while section 6 evaluates      DM3         0−121           Yes         256.0         384.0         54.4
BlueStar in a combined IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth environ-           DH3         0−183           No          384.0         576.0         86.4
ment. Section 7 discusses placement issues of BWGs. Finally         DM5         0−224           Yes         286.7         477.8         36.3
                                                                    DH5         0−339           No          432.6         721.0         57.6
section 8 concludes this paper.
BLUESTAR: ENABLING EFFICIENT INTEGRATION                                                                                               411

3. The proposed BlueStar architecture                                      ture is shown in figure 2(b), where the protocol stack is pre-
                                                                           sented for each of its entities. As we can see, BlueStar reuses
The proposed architecture is expected to be capable of access-             existing protocols wherever possible. Note that other opti-
ing networked information, especially through a WAN such                   mized protocol stacks have been proposed to serve specific
as the Internet. This allows dynamic content to be delivered               applications [29], while the architecture we adopt does not
to the piconets and to the devices that may not otherwise have             have such restriction. In order for Bluetooth devices to be
such WAN access, but can communicate with other Bluetooth                  directly addressed, we assume that every Bluetooth device
devices that do have access, either within the piconet or scat-            possesses an IP address and any of the well-known routing
ternet. This would also enable network sharing among wire-                 algorithms [20,26] is available. Hence, we can conclude that
less and wired devices not only within the local network, but              the BWGs may be better served by a layer (either software or
also across the WAN. We address this problem by a novel                    dedicated hardware) above the Bluetooth and WLAN radio
architecture called BlueStar to provide Bluetooth access to                cards which is responsible, among other things, for receiving
the WAN and take advantage of the existing IEEE 802.11                     packets and forwarding (including routing) them through the
WLANs. We call these selected devices – which possess both                 corresponding wireless system.
a WLAN interface and a Bluetooth interface – as Bluetooth                     A crucial challenge in the design of BlueStar is to enable
wireless gateways (BWGs). BlueStar allows piconets to be                   an efficient and concurrent operation of both Bluetooth and
formed around a portable device, such as a notebook or a per-              WLANs as they both employ the same 2.4 GHz ISM band. To
sonal digital assistant (PDA), and have wide-area connectiv-               combat the interference sources, BlueStar employs a unique
ity as well. Figure 2(a) illustrates the BlueStar architecture             hybrid approach of an adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) and
with a scatternet, composed of total of four piconet, where                the Bluetooth carrier sense (BCS). Below we describe how
each piconet has several slaves (indicated by the letter Si,j )            such schemes are implemented in BlueStar.
and one master (indicated by the letter Mi ). In this figure,
two BWGs provide the scatternet Bluetooth devices access                   3.1. Bluetooth carrier sense (BCS)
to the local WLAN which, in turn, provides communication
to the local LAN, MAN, or WAN, and possibly the Internet.                  BlueStar employs carrier sense so that intermittent-like in-
BlueStar opens up new possibilities for the Bluetooth WPAN                 terference can be avoided. The current Bluetooth specifi-
technology, as it enables Bluetooth devices to communicate                 cation [5] does not have any provision for carrier sensing.
with virtually any other entity on the Internet.                           However, with increased receiver sensitivity and the wide-
    The interaction between the Bluetooth network and the                  spread use of Bluetooth in unpredictable environments and
outside world is managed by the BWGs. Two possible                         new applications, it is quite likely that carrier sensing may
protocol stacks to carry IP packets over Bluetooth could                   have to be considered for inclusion in the Bluetooth specifi-
be employed within BWGs. The first option is to trans-                     cation. Moreover, carrier sensing is fundamental to any ef-
mit IP packets over point-to-point protocol (PPP) over                     ficient interference mitigation with other technologies using
RFCOMM [5], by taking advantage of the fact that PPP is                    the same ISM frequency band, and among Bluetooth piconets
already implemented in most mobile devices. However, such                  themselves. Contrary to IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth carrier
arrangement has been found to be highly inefficient given its              sensing would be much simpler due to the nature of its MAC
redundancy [5]. Therefore, the Bluetooth SIG [5] has pub-                  protocol [9,11,22]. Therefore, in this work we assume that
lished a native way for carrying IP traffic over Bluetooth                 Bluetooth devices possess a sensing capability.
by a protocol called Bluetooth network encapsulation pro-                      We incorporate BCS into Bluetooth without any modifi-
tocol (BNEP) wherein IP packets are encapsulated in Eth-                   cations to the current slot structure. As stated in section 2,
ernet packets which are then carried over Bluetooth links.                 with a symbol rate of 1 Mbit/s a Bluetooth slot can carry up
In BlueStar we have opted for the latter and such architec-                to 625 bits. However, to allow the Bluetooth transmitter and

                           (a)                                                                       (b)
                                 Figure 2. (a) BlueStar proposed architecture. (b) Protocol stack for each entity.
412                                                                                                                      CORDEIRO ET AL.

                                            Figure 3. Carrier sensing mechanism in Bluetooth.

                                      Figure 4. Timing of two Bluetooth packets on different piconets.

Bluetooth receiver devices to change from Rx to Tx mode                    Next, we analyze the nature of intermittent interference.
and make the frequency synthesizer tune to the next chan-              As we have seen earlier, packet transmission in different pi-
nel frequency, a 259 µs turn around time is left at the end            conets are asynchronous and are transmitted with period Tp ,
of the last slot. With current improvements in the Bluetooth           which depends upon the Bluetooth packet type p. For in-
chip design [5] and the need for backward compatibility, the           stance, if p is equal to DH1 or DM1 we have that Tp =
Bluetooth device in the near future will keep part of this turn        2 · slotsize, where slotsize is the size of a Bluetooth slot, and
around time unused as idle, hence enabling it to perform some          is equal to 625 µsec. Figure 4 illustrates the timing of two
other useful tasks. This turn around period is illustrated in          Bluetooth packets p and z generated at piconets i and j with
the figure 3 as well as our BCS proposal, where the dashed             sizes Sp,i and Sz,j , respectively.
block denotes the sense window of size WBCS . Before starting              The probability of packet collision between piconets i
packet transmission, the next channel is checked (i.e., sense)         and j , pc (i, j ), is the probability of packet overlap both in
in the turn around time of the current slot. If the next channel       time and frequency. Therefore, if we assume that any packet
is busy or becomes busy during the sense window, the sender            collision incurs packet loss (strong interference) [7,9], we
simply withholds any attempt for packet transmission, skips            have that:
the channel, and waits for the next chance. Otherwise, packet                                               
                                                                           pc (i, j ) = (Sp,i + Sz,j )/ max slotsperpacket(p),
transmission is carried out. A direct consequence of this ap-
proach is that, eventually, an ARQ (automatic retransmission                            slotsperpacket(z) + 1 · slotsize · ,          (1)
request) packet will be sent when the slot is clear and the                                                                 C
communication is carried out. Algorithms to guarantee that             where C is the number of available frequency channels and
devices withdrawing their transmissions in a previous polling          is equal to 79 in most countries [5]. Moreover, the function
cycle will eventually have a fair share of time in the following       slotsperpacket(X) gives the number of slots occupied by a
cycles are out of scope of this paper, while we have used an           Bluetooth packet X, and max(p, q) returns the largest value
approach similar to [15] for our implementation (detailed in           of two numbers p and q. We can extend this analysis by de-
section 4).                                                            riving the packet collision probability in a network comprised
BLUESTAR: ENABLING EFFICIENT INTEGRATION                                                                                                 413

                            Figure 5. Packet collision and withdrawal probabilities for different slot length packets.

of N piconets. The packet collision probability with a packet             gregate throughput for Bluetooth with BCS becomes:
originated at the ith piconet is given by:
                                                                            SBCS (X) = µ(X)N
              p̄c (i) = 1 − 1 − pc (i, j )          .              (2)              ACKinbits(X) + sizeinbits(X) + 2WBCS 1 N−1
                                                                            × 1−                                          ·       .
                                                                                       (slotsperpacket(X) + 1) · slotsize   C
   Let us now derive the equations for BCS. For the ith pi-                                                                     (5)
conet, the packet withdrawal probability is the probability
of sense window overlap with the packet from any other pi-                    Figure 5 depicts the packet collision and withdrawal proba-
conets. Therefore, the packet withdrawal probability of Blue-             bilities for all three Bluetooth slot length packets as a function
tooth with BCS can be written as:                                         of the number of piconets, and WBCS = 50 µs. Such an analy-
                                                                          sis of a high number of piconets (up to 200) is crucial given
                                                             N−1        the new wave of applications of Bluetooth in wireless sen-
                            WBCS + Sz,j               1
p̄w (i) = 1− 1−                                     ·                 .   sor networks [21,24,31] where thousands of sensors equipped
                  (slotsperpacket(z) + 1) · slotsize C
                                                         (3)              with Bluetooth interfaces are to be employed, hence requiring
   Aggregate throughput is another important performance                  hundreds of piconets to be formed and operate with minimum
measure when you consider a collection of piconets operat-                interference amongst each other [9]. Thus, the analyses car-
ing in a proximity. In Bluetooth, data packets are followed               ried out in this paper also have these sorts of scalable applica-
by an acknowledgement in the opposite direction from the re-              tions in mind. As we can see from figure 5, even though both
cipient. Thus, we can obtain the aggregate throughput of N                packet probabilities increase with the number of piconets, the
piconets relative to a Bluetooth packet X as given by:                    packet withdrawal probability increases at a slower rate, in-
                                                                          dicating that a large fraction of packet collisions are being
 S(X)=µ(X)N                                                               avoided with the adoption of BCS. Moreover, the rate of in-
                                                                        crease is also distinct for different slot length packets.
            2(ACKinbits(X) + sizeinbits(X)) 1 N−1                             Figures 6(a) and 6(b) respectively illustrate the aggregate
      × 1−                                    ·      ,
            (slotsperpacket(X) + 1) · slotsize C                          throughput for ordinary Bluetooth and Bluetooth with BCS
                                                   (4)                    for the same value of WBCS . A mere glance of these two
                                                                          figures reveals that Bluetooth with BCS practically doubles
where ACKinbits(X) and sizeinbits(X) are the size in bits of              the available throughput for most packet types. For instance,
the acknowledgement and data packet type X, with µ(X)                     using DH3 packets with ordinary Bluetooth, the maximum at-
being the nominal throughput of X (see table 1). The ac-                  tainable throughput with 60 piconets is of 8.03 Mbps, whereas
knowledgement information is included in the header of the                Bluetooth with BCS achieves a bandwidth of up to 15.2 Mbps
return packet, and hence called piggy-backing. In our analy-              with 110 piconets in the network. Thus, Bluetooth with BCS
sis, we consider the case where acknowledgements do not                   not only significantly increases the overall throughput but also
carry payload information, thereby making ACKinbits(X) in                 enables a larger number of nearby piconets to operate effi-
equation (4) always equal to 126 bits [5]. Similarly, the ag-             ciently.
414                                                                                                                              CORDEIRO ET AL.

                                (a)                                                                              (b)
                   Figure 6. (a) Aggregate throughput for ordinary Bluetooth. (b) Aggregate throughput for Bluetooth with BCS.

                                      Figure 7. Potential packet collisions between IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth.

3.2. Bluetooth adaptive frequency hopping (AFH)                            as “good”. All devices within a piconet carry out this proce-
                                                                           dure and when the piconet master request this, the slaves send
A careful observation reveals that some packet collisions are              their measured “good” and “bad” channel marks. The master,
still not detected by BCS. Given that a IEEE 802.11 DATA                   in turn, conducts a referendum process based on information
frame has a maximum size of up to 2346 octets [19] and                     collected by itself and provided by the slaves. The final map-
a Bluetooth slot occupies 625 bits (with 366 bits of actual                ping sequence is then determined and sent back to each slave
transmitted data), we conclude that, in the worst case, a IEEE             device, which follow this new sequence thereafter. We have
802.11 DATA frame can overlap with up to 30 Bluetooth                      implemented this scheme by a bitmap comprising of 79 bits
slots (RTS-CTS-ACK are much smaller in size and hence do                   where a one indicates that a frequency can be used while a
not overlap with so many Bluetooth slots). Figure 7 shows                  zero indicates otherwise [14]. Note that devices conduct the
two potential cases of packet collisions. Although the IEEE                AFH procedure periodically in order to account for the case
802.11 WLAN senses the channel before transmission, it can-                where the piconet – or some piconet devices – may have left
not sense the Bluetooth activities [6], since the Bluetooth sig-           WLAN radio coverage. The overall effect on Bluetooth is that
nal is narrowband and low power as compared to WLANs.                      the total number of available channels C decreases as some
Therefore, when the Bluetooth packet (from piconet i) is                   channels may be labeled as “bad”. The only impact on our
ahead of the WLAN, packet collision (with the next IEEE                    previous analytical model of section 3.1 is that the value of C
802.11 packet) takes place even after employing BCS. On the                in equation (2) changes periodically with the re-evaluation of
other hand, when the WLAN packet is ahead of the Bluetooth                 the channels by the AFH mechanism, and will always be at
packet BCS successfully senses activity in the medium and                  most equal to 79.
withdraws packet transmission (see figure 7).
    To cope up with this type of interference, called persistent           3.3. Capacity allocation scheme
interference, BlueStar employs AFH [14], which turns out to
be an effective method for handling persistent interference.               The way BWGs multiplex their capacity has to be carefully
In our implementation of AFH, Bluetooth devices scan every                 coordinated. To do that, we employ a scheme where the time
T SCAN seconds for each of the 79 channels used by Blue-                   slice of a BWG in a system is proportional to the number of
tooth and collect PER statistics. If the PER is above a thresh-            devices in that system (this scheme is an enhanced version of
old PERTHRES , it is labeled as “bad”; otherwise it is labeled             the one presented in [15]). In the BlueStar architecture, the
BLUESTAR: ENABLING EFFICIENT INTEGRATION                                                                                         415

BWGs have to act as forwarding units between the wireless            about two times larger than the transmission range [10,32].
systems besides serving as source or destination for their own       More specifically, in our simulations we consider the trans-
applications. Thus, a BWG must spend a proportional amount           mission range to be 10 m and the interfering range to be 22 m.
of time in receiving data as in forwarding it. Obviously, be-           It may be noted that, from now on, we consider an IEEE
cause of mismatch in packet sizes and the eventual segmenta-         802.11b DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) running
tion and reassembly overheads, the time spent in one network         at 11 Mbps for all our simulations and discussions. Also,
may not be exactly the time spent in the other. Since a BWG          we have developed a hybrid Bluetooth-802.11 model that has
can be present only in one piconet at a time, the total capacity     been incorporated into the BWGs.
a BWG can provide to the users it serves is bounded by half
the piconet capacity. This prevents the fair distribution of the
capacity when a BWG serves more than half the total number           5. Bluetooth-only simulation environment
of users in the scatternet.
    For example, consider now a BWG of a piconet, say P1 , in        Our initial experiment employs an environment comprised of
the network. If this BWG serves a fraction f of the slaves,          only Bluetooth devices without any external sources of inter-
then it spends a fraction of time equal to the minimum of f          ference. Therefore, since we are mainly concerned with inter-
and 0.5 in P1 . Thus, if f is greater than 0.5, the slaves served    mittent interference and BCS, AFH is not employed. Figure 8
by the BWG gets less than their fair share. As explained ear-        illustrates the topology used for this evaluation which is sim-
lier, the total time spent by the BWG in, say, two other pi-         ilar to the one employed in [9]. Within a total area of 500 m
conets it belongs to should be equal to that spent in P1 . This      × 500 m, we have considered a network composed initially
time is distributed between these two piconets in a fair man-        of 10 piconets. For each of the twenty simulation runs, we
ner, depending upon the total number of users served by each         increase the number of piconets by 10 up to a total of 200 pi-
of them, where the total number of users is the sum of the           conets, where each piconet comprises of four devices. During
users in the piconet and those served by the other BWG in the        each simulation, each piconet master establishes a CBR (con-
piconet.                                                             stant bit rate) connection with each of its slaves with a MTU
    Therefore, the system divides its bandwidth amongst the          (maximum transfer unit) of 512 bytes (thus, segmentation is
slaves as fairly as possible. In particular, if the number of        performed into Bluetooth baseband packets), and the trans-
slaves in the piconets is distributed in a uniform manner (i.e.,     mission lasts for the entire simulation length of 300 seconds.
the number of slaves served by one BWG is not greater than           Regarding the BCS implementation, we set the sense window
half of the total number of slaves), the system gives each slave     size WBCS = 50 µs.
an equal amount of bandwidth towards the IEEE 802.11 net-                Figure 9 depicts the packet collision and withdrawal prob-
work. If there is a change in the number of slaves in any            abilities obtained through simulation and the ones obtained
piconet, the polling cycle and the capacity allocation are ad-       analytically (section 3.1). As we can see, our simulation re-
justed as described.                                                 sults closely match with the analytical one. Bluetooth with
                                                                     BCS greatly reduces the number of collisions and defers
                                                                     packet transmission until a safe channel is found. Similarly,
4. Simulation of BlueStar                                            figures 10(a) and (b) present the aggregate throughput for
                                                                     the scenario simulated corresponding to the ordinary Blue-
We have implemented all functionalities of BlueStar in the           tooth and Bluetooth with BCS, respectively. As we had al-
network simulator (ns-2) [33] and BlueHoc [4], an open-              ready estimated by our analytical model, Bluetooth with BCS
source Bluetooth simulator provided by IBM. Since BlueHoc            practically doubles the maximum bandwidth achieved by
only provides the basic functionality of Bluetooth, we have          the normal Bluetooth implementation. While the maximum
made considerable extensions to this simulator. In addition,         throughput achieved by Bluetooth is of the order of 8 Mbps
we consider that the interfering range of Bluetooth devices is       when there are 60 piconets in the network, Bluetooth with

                                            Figure 8. Bluetooth-only network topology model.
416                                                                                                                     CORDEIRO ET AL.

                                    Figure 9. Simulation of packet collision and withdrawal probabilities.

                              (a)                                                                            (b)
                             Figure 10. Aggregate throughput for (a) ordinary Bluetooth; (b) Bluetooth with BCS.

BCS goes up to 15.5 Mbps for a total of 90 piconets. Thus, we           network model for evaluating Bluetooth and 802.11 interfer-
see that not only BCS can drastically increase throughput but           ence has been employed in [16]. In figure 11, the horizontal
also enable efficient support of a larger number of co-located          plane depicts the Bluetooth plane with Bluetooth devices dis-
piconets.                                                               tributed uniformly in the plane in an area of 500 m × 500 m.
                                                                        Similar to earlier simulations, we have considered a network
                                                                        initially comprising of 10 piconets, and increase the number
6. Combined Bluetooth and WLAN simulation                               of piconets in steps of 10 till 200 piconets. The number of de-
   environment                                                          vices per piconet is uniformly chosen between 4 and 8, and we
In this section we carry out experiments with both intermit-            have only considered Bluetooth DH5 packets. In figure 11, pi-
tent and persistent interferences. For that, we utilize the im-         conet 1 holds the slave device S assuming the role of BWG,
plementations of both BCS and AFH.                                      and located at the center of the Bluetooth plane, which is also
                                                                        the intersection of the vertical WLAN axis, and the horizon-
6.1. TCP/IP traffic simulation                                          tal Bluetooth plane axis. This particular piconet has a slave in
                                                                        the logical origin of the plane and its master 5 m away from it.
We now discuss details of BlueStar simulations in a real sce-           Contrary to the previous simulations, the application layer of
nario where TCP/IP applications are put into use. A similar             the piconet devices consists of FTP sessions established be-
BLUESTAR: ENABLING EFFICIENT INTEGRATION                                                                                                  417

tween masters and slaves using the same parameters. Within                • Scenario D: This scenario models the opposite situation
piconet 1, the BWG is responsible for relaying FTP pack-                    as described in scenario C. In other words, it is the case
ets forwarded by the master M to the WLAN AP, which in                      where the BWG simultaneously transmits data packets to
turn possesses a sink agent to receive these packets and per-               both the Bluetooth devices and the WLAN AP.
form measurements. In other words, the traffic between the
                                                                             As for the WLAN axis, it is composed of an AP, located at
WLAN AP and Bluetooth network also consists of FTP traf-
                                                                         (0, 200) m, which has a radio range of 250 m [19]. As em-
fic. For this study, we set the offered load in each piconet
                                                                         ployed in other studies [13], the WLAN packet payload is set
to 30% of its total capacity, and assume Bluetooth stations to
                                                                         to 11776 bits while the packet header is set to 224 bits, result-
be stationary as currently assumed by BlueHoc [4]. We have
                                                                         ing in a total size of approximately 1.5 KByte. The analysis
selected and analyzed four possible scenarios as follows:
                                                                         of the impact of the WLAN packet size on Bluetooth is out of
• Scenario A: The flow of data packets is from the WLAN                  scope of this paper (study of the performance of a WLAN net-
  AP to the BWG, reflecting an application where Bluetooth               work for different WLAN packet sizes can be found in [35]).
  devices downloading contents from the WAN;                             For each simulation, we conducted a total of five 300 seconds
                                                                         iterations, and these runs are averaged to give the final results.
• Scenario B: This scenario is the opposite of the previous
                                                                         Table 2 shows the values used to configure the BlueStar sim-
  one with the Bluetooth devices uploading information to
                                                                         ulation, while table 3 summarizes the WLAN parameters.
  the WAN, i.e., the flow of data packets is from the BWG
                                                                             Figures 12–15 show two different views of the same simu-
  to the WLAN AP;
                                                                         lation for the four scenarios considered. While figures 12(a),
• Scenario C: A BWG might find itself in a situation where               13(a), 14(a), and 15(a) depict the average link through-
  it simultaneously receives data packets from both the                  put achieved within piconet 1, figures 12(b), 13(b), 14(b),
  WLAN AP and the Bluetooth devices in order to synchro-                 and 15(b) show its relative PER (packet error rate) for the
  nize information in the BWG;                                           same scenarios. In general, we can see that the PER increases
                                                                         and the throughput decreases due to an increase in the inter-
                                                                         ference level as more piconets are added.
                                                                             As we can see from the figures, for the regular Blue-
                                                                         tooth implementation, scenarios B and D experience a size-
                                                                                                           Table 2
                                                                                            BlueStar simulation parameter setting.

                                                                                            WBCS                            50 µs
                                                                                            PERTHRES                        15%
                                                                                            TSCAN                           20 s

                                                                                                       Table 3
                                                                                      IEEE 802.11/WLAN simulation parameter setting.

                                                                                      CW_min                                 16
                                                                                      CW_max                                 1024
                                                                                      Packet header                          224 bits
                                                                                      Payload size                           11776 bits
      Figure 11. WLAN and Bluetooth network simulation model.

                                (a)                                                                         (b)
                                        Figure 12. (a) Throughput in scenario A. (b) PER in scenario A.
418                                                                                                                 CORDEIRO ET AL.

                             (a)                                                                       (b)
                                     Figure 13. (a) Throughput in scenario B. (b) PER in scenario B.

                             (a)                                                                       (b)
                                     Figure 14. (a) Throughput in scenario C. (b) PER in scenario C.

                             (a)                                                                       (b)
                                     Figure 15. (a) Throughput in scenario D. (b) PER in scenario D.

able degradation in throughput as compared to scenarios A             PER as depicted in the respective figures 13(b) and 15(b). On
and C, with scenario B having the largest impact. This is par-        the other hand, in scenarios A and C the BWG is sending
ticularly true in these scenarios because when the BWG is             acknowledgments (ACKs) to the AP, therefore reducing the
transmitting data packets towards the AP, there is a high per-        probability of packets being corrupted. The reason why sce-
sistent interference in the Bluetooth network causing a high          nario B suffers a higher performance drop (and higher PER)
BLUESTAR: ENABLING EFFICIENT INTEGRATION                                                                                            419

                              (a)                                                                         (b)
                                     Figure 16. Aggregate throughput in (a) scenario C; (b) scenario D.

than scenario D is because the WLAN transmissions corrupt              nario A the WLAN transmissions have been corrupting the
the Bluetooth data packets in scenario B, while in scenario D          Bluetooth ACK packets, while in scenario C Bluetooth data
only Bluetooth ACK packets are susceptible to be corrupted             packets are more impacted. Therefore, scenario A performs
by WLAN transmissions. Therefore, since the ACK packets                slightly better due to the shorter and less frequent duration of
are small in size as compared to data packets, they are more           the ACK packets.
likely to be successfully received during the off-cycle of the             Moreover, it is also important to highlight the performance
WLAN transmission, resulting in the scenario B experiencing            of AFH as it outperforms BCS under a small number of pi-
an extremely high PER as can be seen from figure 13(b).                conets, since most of the interference is of persistent type.
    Now let us analyze the behavior the AFH, BCS, and                  However, as the number of piconets increase, and hence the
BlueStar for the same scenarios B and D. Since these scenar-           intermittent interference level, the performance of AFH de-
ios are more impacted by persistent interference, AFH is ef-           grades and BCS becomes more efficient both in terms of PER
fective for a larger number of piconets until it reaches a point       and throughput. More specifically, in scenarios B and D AFH
where the intermittent interference levels becomes significant.        is more efficient than BCS up to 90 and 72 piconets respec-
At these points, BCS performs better by effectively mitigat-           tively, whereas in scenarios A and C AFH performs better
ing intermittent interference sources. Also note that, despite         when the number of piconets is approximately less than 55.
the high interference levels, BlueStar, employing both AFH             In all scenarios, BlueStar achieves the best throughput and
and BCS, accomplishes enhanced performance by achieving                the lowest PER by taking advantage of both AFH and BCS.
the highest throughput and lowest PER. As for scenarios A                  As a final experiment, we have selected scenarios C and
and C, AFH is now effective only for a smaller number of               D and have collected the aggregate throughput for the entire
piconets as the larger impact comes from intermittent inter-           Bluetooth network for the same simulation set up. The results
ference. Similarly, BlueStar obtains best results, although it         are shown in figures 16(a) and (b). Similar to earlier results,
is slightly affected in scenarios B and D due to the high per-         we observe a higher drop in throughput for scenario D, es-
sistent interference levels.                                           pecially for the ordinary Bluetooth implementation. As ex-
    Note that in scenarios A and C (especially in scenario A)          pected, AFH outperforms BCS when most of the interference
the regular Bluetooth implementation shows performance                 is of persistent type, however degrades nearly at the same rate
sometimes comparable to that of the AFH scheme, which                  as the ordinary Bluetooth implementation when the number
is primarily due to the TCP congestion control mechanisms              of piconets become larger than 50 and 65 for scenarios C
employed in the WLAN interface. When collisions in the                 and D, respectively. Likewise, BlueStar approximately dou-
WLAN traffic occur, the frame has to be completely retrans-            bles the throughput achieved in Bluetooth by combining AFH
mitted as IEEE 802.11 WLANs do not employ any kind of                  and BCS.
FEC (forward error correction). Therefore, upon packet colli-
sion, the TCP timers expire, resulting in the congestion win-
dow being set to 1 MSS (maximum segment size) and the                  7. Discussion on placement and number of BWGs
slow-start algorithm being executed. This situation effec-
tively allows Bluetooth devices to capture the channel and use         In this section we discuss how many BWGs are needed to
them for its transmissions. At the time TCP reestablishes its          provide adequate and uninterrupted coverage to all devices in
transmission rate, the Bluetooth devices would have already            a Bluetooth scatternet, as well as where to place these BWGs.
performed its packet transmissions. This kind of situation has         We refer to these as the placement and the number problems.
been more frequent in scenario A than in C because in sce-             As a matter of fact, this is a very important and natural is-
420                                                                                                                           CORDEIRO ET AL.

                           (a)                                               (b)                                     (c)

Figure 17. Scheme for the number of BWGs. (a) One BWG for each pair of two piconets. (b) New piconet resulting in the addition of one more BWG.
                        (c) New piconet resulting in the addition of two more BWGs. (d) A scatternet composed of 19 piconets.

sue for any organization that aims to implement an architec-               range covered by such antennas approximates a circle. The
ture such as BlueStar in its domain. For this discussion, we               addition of another piconet to the scatternet of figure 17(a)
do not consider the case where devices in one piconet may                  could result in two distinct configurations as depicted in fig-
reach BWGs in other piconets by using some kind of multi-                  ures 17(b) and (c). While in figure 17(b) the addition of a
hop wireless routing protocol. Rather, we handle this problem              piconet resulted in the addition of only one more BWG, the
by devising a model that gives us an upper bound on the num-               same piconet might also result in the addition of two more
ber of BWGs that would be needed to efficiently provide full               BWGs as shown in figure 17(c). In other words, the topology
coverage to the Bluetooth devices. In other words, we carry                of interconnection has influence on the number of resulting
out a worst-case analysis.                                                 BWGs. However, since we are interested in an upper bound
   We make few assumptions about the placement of a BWG                    (worst-case) on the number of BWGs, our task is simplified
within a piconet and the scatternet organization, as illustrated           by considering only the topology which results in the highest
in figure 17. As a matter of simplicity, we propose a model                interconnection, as exemplified in the sketch of figure 17(d).
whereby the BWGs serve as bridge node between exactly two                      In Bluetooth, it is possible to have all eight devices of a
neighboring piconets (as also assumed in [30]) and, there-                 piconet working as bridge nodes. For mathematical simplic-
fore, we place them along the border between two piconets                  ity, we impose a restriction that only the master device is not
as depicted in figure 17(a). Furthermore, we assume that pi-               allowed to work as a BWG. Thus, among seven BWGs of a
conets have a circular shape and are centered on the master,               piconet, each BWG is shared by two piconets. It is clear that
and that piconet devices are uniformly distributed around the              we can have at most 7n/2 BWGs in a scatternet composed
border of the piconet. This is a realistic assumption as Blue-             of n piconets. In fact, the total number of BWGs required
tooth devices possess omni directional antennas and the radio              will be fewer than these as there is no need to have a BWG on
BLUESTAR: ENABLING EFFICIENT INTEGRATION                                                                                                  421

non-bridge devices as shown in the outer parts of figures 17(c)    8. Conclusions and future work
and (d). We can formalize this fact by the following proposi-
tions that set the upper bound on the number of BWGs needed        There has been very little work on how Bluetooth-enabled
throughout a scatternet.                                           devices can have seamless and uninterrupted access to global
                                                                   networks such as the Internet. This paper introduces a novel
Proposition 1. For a scatternet comprised of n (n > 0) pi-         architecture called BlueStar, which employs a combination
conets, where piconets have a circular (or near-circular) shape    of adaptive frequency hopping and Bluetooth carrier sensing
(see figure 17(b)),                                                to efficiently provide advanced wide area services to Blue-
              √ the number of BWGs needed is at most
7n/2 − 24 n − 4.                                               tooth devices. BlueStar can take advantage of the existing in-
                                                                   stalled base of IEEE 802.11 wireless networks by assigning
Proof. Suppose that the radius of each piconet is R (see fig-      selected Bluetooth devices, called Bluetooth wireless gate-
ures 17(a) and (b)). Then, the total coverage of the n piconets    ways (BWG), with IEEE 802.11 capabilities. These BWG are
is about n · πR 2 . Since the piconets are organized as a circle   responsible for providing uninterrupted access to the WAN,
whose√radius R  satisfies the equation πR 2 ≈ n · πR 2 , or      such as the Internet, to the entire Bluetooth network (piconet
R  ≈ n · R, the estimated number of boundary piconets is:         or scatternet). BlueStar is observed to greatly outperform ex-
                                                                 isting Bluetooth under different traffic conditions. The in-
             πR 2 − π(R  − 2R)2           √                      corporation of BlueStar into Bluetooth is simple, does not
                                      = 4 n−4 .              (6)
                      πR 2                                         incur much overhead, and hence is an excellent enabler for
    Since, according to our earlier assumption, each boundary      co-existence and cooperation of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11.
piconet has at least four non-bridge devices with other poten-         Future work in BlueStar includes defining a more elabo-
tial piconets (see figure 17(d)), the number of bridge devices     rate capacity allocation algorithm. In addition, we plan to
                           √                                       investigate the correlation amongst the various simulation pa-
is at most E = 7n − 44 n − 4. Therefore, the maximum
number of BWGs for a scatternet comprised of n circular (or        rameters in order to assess their impact on BCS and AFH.
near-circular) shaped piconets is E/2 or:                          Mobility of both IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth devices and its
                                                                 impact on both systems are also part of our future research.
                       7n          √
                           −2 4 n−4 .                      (7)
                                                                   This work has been supported by the Ohio Board of Regents
Proposition 2. For a scatternet comprised of n (n > 0) pi-         Doctoral Enhancement Funds and the National Science Foun-
   √ the maximum number of BWGs needed is 7n/2 −
conets,                                                            dation under grant CCR-113361. We would like to thank the
24 n − 4.                                                        anonymous referees for their valuable comments and sugges-
Proof. This follows directly from the previous proposition.
Fewer boundary piconets imply fewer non-bridge devices or,
in other words, more bridges and thus more required BWGs.          References
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     (June 1999).                                                              E-mail:
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