Briefs - University of Leicester

Briefs - University of Leicester
4 African Business April 2015
Compiled by Alexa Dalby


                                            International investors      to attract outside           Investment Co, an
                                            and donors pledged           capital since the fall       Emirati company,
                                            $138bn during the Egypt      of the Hosni Mubarak         signed a $6.5bn deal
                                            Economic Development         regime in 2011, and the      to build a coal-fired
                                            Conference, an event         subsequent military          power plant.
                                            organised by the             overthrow, in 2013, of          Speaking at the
                                            government of Abdel          the government that          event, Sisi said that
                                            Fattah Al Sisi in an         succeeded it.                the country needs
                                            attempt to boost the             On the table was a       to keep attracting
                                            country’s recovery           $40bn housing project        investment. “Egypt

                                            from four years of           and a $45m plan to           needs no less than
                                            political unrest.            build a new capital city.    $200bn to $300bn
                                               The conference,           Siemens, the German          to have real hope for

                                            hosted in the holiday        industrial conglomerate,     90m Egyptians to
                                            resort of Sharm El-          agreed a $10.5bn deal        really live, really work
                                            Sheikh, offered investors    to bolster Egypt’s           and be happy,” the

                                            an opportunity to re-        energy supplies, while       president said in his
                                            engage with a country        Orascom Group and            closing remarks to
                                            that has struggled           International Petroleum      the conference.

GROWTH AGENDA                               Ghana slashes deficit target
Tunisia’s new prime minister Habib          The Ghanaian                 oil price in the budget      prices for the country’s
                                            government has revised       from $99.38 to $52.80,       main exports – gold
Essid has announced an economic             its budget deficit target    to reflect the fall in the   and oil. The country
plan that cuts subsidies and social         from 6.5% to 7.5%,           global markets.              has since struggled to
                                            after a fall in oil prices      Ghana’s budget            shore up its finances,
funds, and reforms spending on health       reduced its expected         deficit has been in          and investors have
and education, as the government            revenue. Finance             double digits for the        pulled out, prompting a
tries to kick-start growth. Targeting a     minister Seth Terkper        past three years, due        slide in the currency.
                                            said in an address to        to a combination of an           In February, Ghana
GDP growth rate of 7% by 2020, the          parliament that he had       inflated government          finally agreed a $1bn
government has moved to trim the            lowered the benchmark        wage bill and falling        bailout package from

popular but costly state subsidies                                                                    the International
                                                                                                      Monetary Fund, and
that have given it little fiscal space to                                                             has now introduced
manoeuvre, replacing them with capital                                                                a tighter budget that
                                                                                                      lowers spending.
expenditure on roads and energy in an                                                                 The country is also
attempt to create jobs.                                                                               preparing to issue a
                                                                                                      Eurobond later in
                                              Ghana agreed a $1bn bailout deal with the IMF.          the year.
Briefs - University of Leicester
6 African Business April 2015

                                                                                                                                  Global Telecoms awards

                                                                                                                                  Best African
                                                                                                                                  Wholesale Operator
                                                                                                                                  Winner 2012, 2013, 2014

  The South African             Matona in March.           paid in 2016.           February, which are     power shortfall.
  government intends            The government will           Eskom, which         likely to dampen           Matona was
  to continue with              inject a total of R23bn    supplies 95% of South   growth.                 suspended alongside
  its recapitalisation          ($1.9bn), with the first   Africa’s electricity,      The government       several other senior
  of the struggling             R10bn due in June.         has struggled to keep   revised down its GDP    executives in
  power utility Eskom,             A further R10bn         up with demand,         growth estimates        March, pending an                     4
  after the company’s           tranche is due in          and the country has     for 2015 to 2%, in      investigation into
  board suspended               December, with             experienced rolling     part due to the         their running of the
  CEO Tshediso                  the remainder to be        blackouts since         cooling effect of the   company.

Rwanda signs
e-government deal                                                      GE WINS KENYAN CONTRACT
The Rwandan                 technology hub for the         The Kenyan ministry of health       diagnostic equipment, would
government has signed       East African region.
an agreement with              Jean Philbert               has announced that it has           help to manage a growing
Swedish information         Nsengimana, the                selected GE to run a major          burden of non-communicable
technology company          country’s minister
Ericsson to support         of Youth and ICT,              overhaul of its radiology           diseases in the country.
an ‘e-government’           said in a statement:           infrastructure, as part of a           “By increasing access to
initiative, according       “We are steadily               38bn KSh ($420m) healthcare         preventative screenings, we
to the firm. Under the      moving towards our
deal, Ericsson will         vision of becoming             modernisation plan. The             aim to aid doctors in better
assist the country’s        an information-rich            company will bring technology       detecting, diagnosing and
attempts to streamline      and knowledge-based            and training to 94 county           treating non-communicable
the delivery of             economy and society,
healthcare, education       and an ICT hub in              hospitals and four national         diseases, including cancer and
and other services          the region. However,           referral hospitals.                 cardiovascular disease, at an      Liquid Telecom own Africa’s largest
using mobile and            our focus is not just                                                                                 fibre optic network spanning borders throughout
online platforms.           technology, but how it            James Macharia, Kenya’s          early stage,” he said.

                                                           cabinet secretary for health,                                          eastern, central and southern Africa. We’ve built where
   The government also      can be used to deliver
hopes that the initiative   better services, create                                                                               no fixed network existed and connect people and businesses
                                                           said in a statement that the
will help to build a base   jobs and transform                                                                                    with super-fast fibre.
of ICT skills within the    the Rwandan society            modernisation, which includes
Rwandan workforce,          and economy in a               advanced screening and                                                 Building Africa’s digital future
helping the country         constantly changing
to establish itself as a    environment.”                                                                               
Briefs - University of Leicester
8 African Business April 2015

                                                                                                                                           General Electric -
                                                                                                                                           Deepening our local
                                            SENEGAL PREPS $500M BOND
                                     Senegalese president Macky Sall has told Bloomberg that his country
                                                                                                                                           presence across Africa
PE ACTIVITY                       is preparing to return to the international capital markets before August,
                                  with $500m worth of Eurobonds or sukuk. The country previously issued
                                      Eurobonds in 2009 and 2014. The government also issued $208m in
Private equity funds                       sovereign sukuk – shariah-compliant bonds – last year.
cut more than $8bn                                                                                                    The Zambian
worth of deals in Africa                                                                                              kwacha hit an
in 2014, according to
figures compiled by
the African Venture
                                             Africans jump up                                                         all-time low of
                                                                                                                      7.3 to the dollar
Capital Association.
The total was bolstered                       wealth ranking                                                          in mid-March, as
                                                                                                                      persistent low
by the successful $3.1bn
funding secured by the          The number of ultra-high-net-worth         119% increase in its mega-rich.            prices for copper,
telecoms infrastructure         individuals (UHNWIs) in Africa will            “Africa is one of the regions of the   the country’s
provider IHS Towers.            surge by 59% over the next decade,         world with huge potential to grow
Since 2009, 983                 according to a report by Knight            its wealth, driven by a rising middle
                                                                                                                      principal export,
transactions have               Frank and Standard Bank Wealth.            class and the increased success            coupled with
been completed on               The number of super-rich people            of many businesses,” Margaret              investor fears
the continent, worth            worldwide is forecast to grow by           Nienaber, the global chief executive
a combined $34.5bn,             34%, the research, which categorises       of Standard Bank Wealth, said in a         over-regulation in
AVCA says. Private              UNHWIs as those with at least $30m         statement. “Importantly, reforms in        the mining sector
equity funds raised             in assets, says. The growth of Nigeria’s   many countries are being expedited,
$4bn for investment in                                                                                                dampen sentiment
                                UHNWI population, at 90%, is               infrastructure is happening at a
Africa in 2014.                 eclipsed by Côte d’Ivoire, which the       startling pace and foreign investors       in the country.                                                                                                                                GE Angola employees in training
                                report projects could experience a         are noticing.”

                                                                                                                                           GE first started operating in sub-Saharan             gerians will make up more than 90% of employees.        Transnet with 233 evolution series diesel elec-
                                                                                                                                           Africa over 100 years ago. However in the past five   Even before the Calabar project takes off, in No-       tric locomotives. For manpower development
                                                                                                                                           years our engagement across many sectors has          vember 2014 GE announced that it now has capa-          on this project, GE is investing R700m ($60m)
                                                                                                                                           increased considerably, from power to healthcare      bilities to manufacture subsea well heads in Onne,      to enable the development of critical skills and
                                                                                                                                           to transport. GE’s footprint in sub-Saharan Africa    Nigeria - catering for international oil companies      the development of small and medium enter-
                                                                                                                                           now consists of over 2,200 employees, revenues of     operating in the area.                                  prises (SMEs).
                                                                                                                                           over $2.5bn (2013) and operations in 25 countries.         In Ghana, more than 70% of all Ghanaians               The Customer Innovation Centre will train
                                                                                                                                             Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Ghana and Ken-       still live over 8km from the nearest health care        over 100 engineers from previously disadvan-
                                                                                                                                           ya, where the sub-Saharan Africa Headquarters is      provider, and rural infant mortality rates are          taged backgrounds over a three year period.
                                                                                                                                           located, are hosts to some of GE’s main operations    double the corresponding urban rates. Improving             GE is heavily invested in Angola. In 2012,
                                                                                                                                           on the continent. Many of our engagements are         access to healthcare delivery remains a central         GE Oil & Gas signed an agreement with
                                                                                                                                           structured around country to country partnership      goal of Health Sector Reforms for the country.          Angola Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), operator
                                                                                                                                           agreements and joint ventures working hand-in-             With these challenges in mind, GE signed a         of one of the world’s most modern LNG and
                                                                                                                                           hand with government and the private sector.          memorandum of understanding with the Ghana              processing facilities. The new technology will
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ministry of Health.                                     help the Petronas LNG complex in Bintulu
                                                                                                                                           Localisation                                               The MOU outlines a framework of collabora-         increase production capacity by 3.6m tons of
                                                                                                                                           The key to GE’s expansion has been a commit-          tion that includes health infrastructure, human         LNG per year.
                                                                                                                                           ment to localisation - with a clear focus on the      resources development and the acquisition of                This type of collaboration has helped
                                                                                                                                           creation of local jobs, training and knowledge        appropriate technology.                                 Angola explore a variety of opportunities from
                                                                                                                                           transfer. A number of investments already vali-            GE recently received an order from the Ghana       new ways to generate power to complete mod-
                                                                                                                                           date this.                                            Government to supply 400 v-scans worth over             ernization in the transportation sector.
                                                                                                                                               In Nigeria, GE is investing $1bn over a 5-year    $4m to be distributed over 350 rural health centres     Throughout, there has been an emphasis on
                                                                                                                                           period – with a commitment of $250m for a             in Ghana. This is the largest single v-scan order in    developing joint ventures and these have a fo-
                                                                                                                                           manufacturing and assembly facility in the South-     GE globally.                                            cus on developing local talent. It’s also a great
                                                                                                                                           ern city of Calabar. Work has already begun on                                                                example of how globally-designed technologies
                                                                                                                                           this project and as part of this investment GE will   Local talent, global growth                             can be assembled locally to improve speed to
                                                                                                                                           build a training facility on its manufacturing site   GE Transportation has been a longstanding pro-          market. The above models are being replicated
                                                                                                                                           to ensure on-going employee development.              vider of rail solutions to South Africa’s rail indus-   continent wide.
                                                                                                                                               The company will provide one to four-year         try. GE also signed an export alliance agreement            Africa offers a huge growth opportunity for
                                                                                                                                           training programmes both locally and interna-         with the state-owned Transnet of South Africa to        GE in across critical sectors. The infrastruc-
                                                                                                                                           tionally for repair engineers, welders, fabricators   partner in the local manufacturing of locomotives       tural deficit in the continent is the opportunity
                                                                                                                                           and machinists. When completed, over 2,300            for export into the rest of Africa.                     for the infrastructure giants to bet on the
                                                                                                                                           direct and indirect jobs will be created and Ni-          GE was recently awarded an order to supply          continent’s future.
Briefs - University of Leicester
10 African Business April 2015

      Abengoa, a Spanish renewable energy company,                                  to developed markets. Southern and Northern
      has raised project finance worth $660m for a                                  Africa in particular have demonstrable
      solar power plant in Northern Cape Province,                                  potential, but regulation and a lack of shovel-
      South Africa, stretching a spree of successful                                ready projects have historically deterred
      financing for solar infrastructure in Africa.                                 investors.
      The African Development Bank, Development                                        Falling prices of solar technology and
      Bank of South Africa and Nedbank all                                          improving regulatory environments across
      contributed to the funding round for the                                      Africa have sparked a surge in deals this year,

0mm H + 5mm extra bleed all round
      100MW project, which will sell power to the
      local utility, Eskom, under a 20-year power
      purchase agreement.
                                                                                       Earlier in March, another solar provider,
                                                                                    AORA Solar signed a memorandum of
         Separately, the South African Public                                       understanding with the Ethiopian government
      Investment Corporation, the country’s largest                                 to develop two sites, while in February, the
     x 270mm
         x 270mm
                 + H5mm
                     + 5mm
                         + 5mm
                                     all round
                                          all round
                                                all round
      pension fund, announced that it would invest
      R22bn ($1.8bn) into two solar power stations
                                                                                    Israeli group Gigawatt Global inaugurated the
                                                                                    first utility-scale solar field in East Africa - an
      in Northern Cape. Currently, around 95% of                                    8.5MW project in Rwanda.
      South Africa’s electricity is generated by coal-                                 Also in February, Actis, a private equity
      fired power stations, and the country wants to                                fund, announced a tie-up with Mainstream
      diversify its energy supplies, as well as bring                               Renewable Power to launch a pan-African
      power onto a grid that is perennially in deficit.                             renewables investment platform, Lekela Power,
         International development financiers and                                   which plans to develop between 700MW and
      private sector developers have long trumpeted                                 900MW across the continent. Access Power
      the opportunities in solar power in Africa,                                   and EREN Développment, two infrastructure
      both to service a pressing need for electricity                               developers, launched a $500m vehicle, Access
      infrastructure on the continent and for export                                Infra Africa, in January.

                                                          Abengoa has raised
                                                          $660m to build a
                                                          100MW solar power
                                                          plant in Northern Cape,
                                                          South Africa

                                                                   ETHIOPIA PLANS $5bn REFINERY
    Tanzania raises $680m                                          Private oil marketer National Oil Ethiopia intends to build

    for infrastructure                                               a $5bn refinery within the next decade to meet demand
                                                                                 which is growing at 10% a year.

    The Tanzanian government has secured                  Victoria to nearby towns, and a further
    $300m in concessional loans from                      $100m to improve supplies to Dar Es
    the World Bank to develop roads and                   Salaam.
    other infrastructure in and around Dar                   Earlier in the month the government
    Es Salaam, and a further $280m from                   announced plans to expand the city’s
    the Indian government to finance water                main port in anticipation of a boom in
    projects. The loans from India will fund a            trade following the country’s discovery
    $280m project to supply water from Lake               of major gas reserves.
Briefs - University of Leicester
12 African Business April 2015
BRIEFS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       East Africa's new 4,350ha tax-free environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for manufacturing, processing, assembling,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             distribution, trading and much more. . .

 A report by the consul-     ity of their economic                           from commodities            investment; Kigali               in demographics and
 tancy PwC claims that       environment, both                               to manufacture to           demonstrates a greater           infrastructure are
 the Tanzanian capital       individually and as                             consumer goods to           ease of doing business           important, long-term
 Dar es Salaam has the       part of broader urban                           telecommunications          and high spending on             growth depends on
 greatest potential for      networks, offer extraor-                        and high tech,” the         health, while Abidjan            far more.
 investors of any city in    dinary opportunities                            report said. The report     came first in middle-               “A viable city is
 Africa, due to a combi-     in the short, medium,                           showed that Africa’s        class growth and diver-          always developing,
 nation of its economic      and longer term, and                            largest cities display      sity, the report said.           by definition. The
 growth, demographic         for virtually any kind                          a wide divergence in            PwC said that while          assumption, there-
 expansion and a swell-      of economic enterprise,                         terms of their competi-     cities’ existing strengths       fore, that those cities
 ing middle class.                                                           tive advantages; Cairo                                       that have a historical
     Lusaka, Lagos,              To p f i v e c i t i e s t o d a y          has the most effective      Top five cities by opportunity   advantage in infra-
 Nairobi and Accra               Cairo                                       infrastructure, while       Dar es Salaam                    structure… carry that      •   More than 4,350 hectares of total area
 made up the remainder           Tunis
                                                                             Tunis is ahead “by a        Lusaka                           advantage with them        •   Plots of land, allocated in zones
 of the top five.                                                            comfortable margin” in
                                                                                                                                          continually has been       •   Showrooms, Warehouses & Offices
     “African cities, in                                                     its human capital base.                                      proven to be wrong-        •   Business & Industrial Park
                                 Casablanca                                                              Lagos
 the unusually robust                                                            Nairobi outscores its                                    headed time and time       •   E-commerce logistics
 diversity and adaptabil-        Algiers                                     rivals in foreign direct    Accra                            again,” the report said.   •   Wholesale outlets
                                                                                                                                                                     •   Customised Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                     •   24 hour security

                                                                                                                                                                     The new industrial free trade zone in Djibouti will oc-                                         • Export processing                                               • Enter-port trade
                                                                                                                                                                     cupy a total area of 4,350 hectares and is located next                                         • Manufacturing                                                   • Small commodity trading
                                                                                                                                                                     to all the major ports and air ports of Djibouti.                                               • Bonded storage                                                  • Air-Sea multi-model transport
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • International logistics & distribution                          • Multi-country consolidation
                                                                                                                                                                     Infrastructure-ready land prepared to meet the spe-                                             • E-Commerce regional distribution                                • Fuel oil trading
                                                                                                                                                                     cific needs of your company with a short and long
                                                                                                                                                                     term lease making it ideal for those wishing to con-
                                                                                                                                                                     struct their own facility will be available. Main fea-
                                                                                                                                                                     tures of our plots will include essential infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                     such as road, electricity, water and communication.
                                                                                                                                                                     Construction of phase one and advance plot reserva-
                                                                                                                                                                     tions are already taking place.

Steyn ‘garden city’ launches                                                                                                                                         With a new hub airport under construction only 17kms
                                                                                                                                                                     away, your business will have access to excellent logis-                                                             Visit us at
                                                                                                                                                                     tics facilities allowing you to get closer to your cus-
Steyn City, a R6.5bn ($527m)                                          will take 20 years to build.                   jobs in the area, but some critics              tomers for a cost effective and efficient trading.
‘lifestyle resort’ dreamed up by                                         The gated complex, which will               have labelled it a “new form of
                                                                                                                                                                     Please contact us for more information on how DFTZ
insurance billionaire Douw Steyn,                                     include two shopping malls, a golf             apartheid”, according to the Mail               can benefit your business with easier access to MENA
was launched this month on a site                                     course, a school, medical facility             & Guardian.                                     market and regional trade blocks such as COMESA.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shanghai - 9th & 10th Dec 2015
to the north of Johannesburg. The                                     and retirement village, is adjacent

development, which has planning                                       to Diepsloot, an economically
approval for 10,000 houses, is                                        impoverished settlement of
spread over 800 hectares – four                                       200,000 people. The developers
times the size of Monaco – and                                        claim that Steyn City will create
                                                                                                                                                                     D P F Z A - P. O B O X 1 9 7 - D J I B O U T I - R E P U B L I C O F D J I B O U T I T: + 2 5 3 2 1 3 5 9 0 7 0 F : + 2 5 3 2 1 3 5 9 0 5 9 w w w. d j i b o u t i - p o r t s f z . d j E : i n f o @ d - p o r t s f z . d j
                                                                                                                                                                     DPFZA - I NTL . O FFICE - 6 A MBERSIDE - W OOD L ANE - H EMEL H EMPSTEAD - H ERTS - HP2 4TP - UK T: +44 870 760 5794 F: +44 870 760 5795 E:
Briefs - University of Leicester
14 African Business April 2015

  Africa’s newly liberalised seed industry          and development,” says Ed Mabaya,                 the industry is well-developed, smaller
  has made significant progress in rolling          assistant director of Cornell University’s        farmers struggle to get access because
  out new, productive varieties to farmers,         International Institute for Food,                 product is typically distributed in
  but many challenges remain, according             Agriculture and Development and the               packets that are too large for their needs.
  to a new index produced by Cornell                head of the TASAI project.                            “This has now become the centre of
  University and Market Matters, a non-                “We wanted to develop a tool that              the agenda for agricultural development
  profit organisation.                              allows you to work upstream in the seed           in Africa,” says Joseph DeVries, director
     The African Seed Access Index                  delivery system, and identify where               of the Alliance for a Green Revolution
  (TASAI), which launched in March,                 those narrow bottlenecks are in the               in Africa’s Programme for Africa’s
  issued its first scorecard on an                  delivery system.”                                 Seed Systems. Governments across the
  industry that is vital to the continent’s            The research found that, despite its           continent have wildly divergent ideas
  agricultural development, but which is            large agriculture sector, Kenya’s seed            about who should run the seed business,
  often mired in regulation.                        industry is relatively                            DeVries says, but liberalisation is taking
     “I think we’ve known for a long                uncompetitive, with a                             root. “As the private sector comes in, I
  time that the adoption of improved                parastatal still holding                          think we’ll see a greater acceptance of
  seed in Africa is very low. We thought            a commanding                                      things like licensing, freedom to operate,
  that there must be issues in the flow of          position in the market.                           a more demand-driven seed industry,”
  seed, because we know there’s research            In South Africa, where                            he says.

                                                                                                                                                             ® & © 2015 Cable News Network, Inc. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.
Africa’s first water fund launches
Africa’s first water fund has been launched in      by quarrying, roadbuilding and deforestation,         “The farmers will benefit because their fertile
Nairobi, transplanting from Latin America and       which is reducing the quality and quantity of     soil is kept in place. This implies rivers have less
Asia a successful public-private partnership        water flowing into the river.                     sediment, more water will be captured in the
model for rehabilitating water tables.                  Led by the Nature Conservancy and CIAT, the   crop root zone. It translates to lower treatment
    The country, which relies heavily on its        fund’s steering committee includes the Nairobi    costs and lower service charges to the city
agricultural output and on hydropower, has          City Water and Sewerage Company, the Kenya        dwellers,” says Fred Kizito, senior scientist for
long been concerned about the impending             Electricity Generating Company, alongside         soils, water and landscapes at CIAT.
water stress on its economy. Research from          East Africa Breweries and Coca-Cola. It intends       “In a sense you could call it a triple win
the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture   to raise $15m to invest in upstream water         scenario. It’s good for the farmers and the urban
(CIAT) shows that the Tana River watershed,         conservation initiatives, such as agroforestry,   dwellers, as well as the environment and the
which feeds Kenya’s capital, has been eroded        drip irrigation and terracing.                    private sector.”
Briefs - University of Leicester
16 African Business April 2015


Satellite mapping technology studying         greening up of the region, the vegetation,          Conversely, large parts of the Sahel
rainfall and the greenness of plants has      but sometimes it is the opposite trend –         zone have greened up in the past decade,
revealed the dramatic impact of climate       despite more rainfall the vegetation is not      probably because of wetter weather.
change on the African continent – but in      doing so well.”                                     “We can see from space where there
unexpected ways.                                 The study shows that areas of the             might be problems on the ground. My
    “In different regions in Africa we have   Congo, Nigeria and Madagascar receive            hope is that the information will be used
trends going in different directions,” says   far less rainfall now. “In the Congo basin       by policymakers and aid agencies.” The
Professor Heiko Balzter, Director of the      (above), we found a decrease in rainfall         data has been disseminated to a network
Centre for Landscape and Climate Reach        and reports that shipping on the major           of 50 meteorological offices around Africa.
at the University of Leicester, UK, who       rivers is now more complicated. Rivers              “In the long term we are hoping to set
processed the data.                           are only passable by big transport when          the basis for a monitoring system that
    “In some areas of Africa there has been   the water level is high, so the shipping         allows us to look at the climate impact and
a decrease in rainfall in the last 10 years   period was shorter. The data we collected        human land management on vegetation.
and in some there has been an increase.       matched so many observations from the            I believe a new agency is needed to take
That sometimes corresponds with the           ground.”                                         charge of this.”

                             Japan leads Asian finance surge

Japanese investors spearheaded the recent                                                         “Contrary to popular belief about China
surge, the firm said, with project finance                                                       dominating Asian investments in Africa,
from the country increasing by 576% over                                                       Japan has made slow but significant inroads
the past five years. Japan is now the most                                                    in growing its influence across the continent,"
active Asian project finance sponsor in                                                       John Maxwell, managing partner in Linklaters'
Africa, according to Linklaters' figures,                                                            Japan office said in a statement.
responsible for $3.54bn last year alone.
Morocco and Nigeria have emerged as                 The level of project finance funds for    "This underpins why many in the market
priority countries.                            Africa coming from Asian investors increased   are expecting African countries to remain
                                                by 160% over the last decade, according to      significant investment destinations for
                                                       research by law firm Linklaters.        Japanese capital over the next decade."
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