Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project - Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice - Case Study

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Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project - Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice - Case Study
Climate Change Adaptation
                   Good Practice - Case Study

Brisbane Airport - New Parallel
       Runway Project
Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project - Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice - Case Study
About Adaptation Good Practice

Adapting to climate change is a relatively                series of 16 case studies that recognise
new concept to many. It is important                      exemplars for AGP in Australia. Through
to learn from practitioners who are                       the development of these stories of
undertaking adaptation activities that are                successful adaptation it was refreshing to
beginning to have tangible outcomes.                      see an emergence of similar experiences
Documenting examples of good practice                     and challenges regardless of the project
and identifying the criteria that makes                   or location. A synthesis of these stories
them work, enables those interested in                    can be seen in the Synthesis Report
adaptation to learn about how to take                     ‘Climate Change Adaptation Good
action.                                                   Practice: Key lessons from practitioners
There are expectations that Adaptation                    experiences’, which which will help
Good Practice (AGP) includes a definite                   practitioners to understand that they are
start and finish to a project. However                    not alone in their challenges and to see
climate change practitioners’ experiences                 some of the clear lessons learned about
show that adaptation projects are often                   what drives good practice in adaptation.
steps in longer learning journeys. There                  Following the Snapshot there is a more
are no golden rules on how to adapt                       in depth narrative of the experiences,
and often practitioners across Australia                  learnings and network links to stimulate
are inventing the wheel that drives future                further engagements and knowledge
AGP.                                                      sharing among the growing community
This case study of Brisbane Airport -                     of adaptation practitioners.
New Parallel Runway Project is part of a

This project was funded by the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation,
Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
For further information contact:
Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
The Adaptation Good Practice project was undertaken by
D. Rissik and N. Reis from the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility.

© Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education) 2013. ISBN 978-0-9922764-1-6. This work is
licensed under the Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. To view a copy of this license, visit
The Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education asserts the right to be recognised as author of the original material.
The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for any information
or advice contained herein.
Acknowledgements : Sean Rooney, independent consultant
Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project - Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice - Case Study
Case study snapshot
Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project

The Brisbane Airport, principal aviation      The BAC recognised from its earliest
gateway to Queensland, is a major driver      design exercise that climate change
in the State’s economy. It is one of the      could potentially affect the proposed
fastest growing airports in Australia         New Parallel Runway. To deliver vitally
handling more than 21 million passengers      needed capacity for current and future
in 2012 with passenger numbers forecast       passenger and air traffic users, planning                                        QLD
to exceed 25 million by 2015, and to be       for a second runway at Brisbane Airport
up around 50 million by 2035. Brisbane        has been underway for over 20 years.
Airport provides services to 27 airlines
flying to 43 national and 39 international    The project Journey
destinations. It is owned and operated        Functional long-term design must
by the Brisbane Airport Corporation           consider future condition predictions in
(BAC) which is 80% Australian-owned,          order to deliver a product which is fit for                         Brisbane

principally by superannuation funds.          purpose. Given the strong role weather                                         © NCCARF 2013
Located around 14 kms north-east of           plays in the successful and sustainable
                                                                                             Figure 1: New Parallel runway within
the Brisbane central business district, the   operation of an airport, the NPR design        Brisbane Airport precinct Brisbane,
Brisbane Airport is situated on a 2700        considered both historical and future          Queensland, Australia
hectare precinct which accommodates           predictions with respect to weather and
a range of activities including domestic      climate.
and international terminals, aviation         Extensive stakeholder engagement was
and business operations, and by virtue        also undertaken and public comment
of its size and geometry, enjoys large        was invited on an Environmental Impact
buffer zones providing a barrier between      Statement and Major Development Plan
airport operations and surrounding            (MDP). To cope with the rapidly growing
communities. Furthermore, the site is         number of flights and accommodate
adjacent to Moreton Bay Marine Park (a        future growth, a new major project is
Ramsar site and marine park), Nudgee          proposed to construct a new runway and
Beach, Boondall Wetlands and the              associated infrastructure, on a low lying
Kedron Brook Floodway which have              coastal area, parallel to Brisbane Airport’s
important ecological and social values        existing runway.
which need strong consideration during
any develoment planning.
Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project - Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice - Case Study
The project

Given the strong role weather plays in the successful and sustainable
operation of an airport, the NPR design considered both historical and
future predictions with respect to weather and climate.

Drivers for adaptation action
In 2005, engineering design and                                                         1
Environmental Impact Assessment
process started.                                                                Research and
   Adaptation action
The NPR is a significant and complex

                                                                                                        Dec d Planning
piece of infrastructure. When

                                                                                                           ision making
completed it will be a contributor of

considerable value to Brisbane and                        4                                                               2
the surrounding region, as well as the
nation. For longevity, it is essential
to ensure that runway design and
operations are resilient in the face of a
changing climate.

Risks and impacts addressed                                                      lementation
Sea level rise / tidal inundation
Key project aims
Factoring climate change considerations
into infrastructure design.                  Figure 2: Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project
                                             Adaptation Good Practice phase
Outcomes achieved
Climate resilience factored into
infrastructure design.

Emerging outcomes
Ongoing planning processes for climate

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                                        4
Brisbane Airport - New Parallel Runway Project - Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice - Case Study
The project

The project
In 2007 the Brisbane Airport New Parallel
Runway (NPR) project was approved
by the Australian Government following
the completion and acceptance of a
comprehensive Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) and Major Development
Plan (MDP).
The objective of the project is to
construct a new runway and associated
infrastructure, on a low lying coastal area,
west and parallel to Brisbane Airport’s
existing main runway. The proposed
runway site is currently subject to
inundation during flood events and at risk
to future climate change impacts such as
storm surge and sea level rise. As such,
climate change impacts were considered
in the planning and design for the
                                                                                image courtesy of Queensland Government. No copying or reuse without permission
ongoing continuity and long-term viability
of operation of the new runway.                Figure 3: Aerial view of the Brisbane airport showing the location of the new parallel runway.

Due to potential social, economic and
environmental impacts, over a long life        As such, climate change impacts were
cycle, major infrastructure projects such
as this are complex. They require:
                                               considered in the planning and design for the
• Extensive site surveys and design            ongoing continuity and long-term viability of
  studies                                      operation of the new runway.
• Numerous legislated planning
  conditions and approvals
                                               mitigate them in the design of the NPR.                  the options available to address the
• Detailed stakeholder engagement;             In doing so, design features needed                      Airport’s current operating constraints
and, pose a range of construction and          to take account of, not only historical                  and future growth projections,
operational challenges.                        weather patterns but also, future                        construction of the NPR was found to
                                               projections of the localised impacts of                  be the most appropriate option
                                               climate change.                                      • Runway placement and layout:
Risks and impacts addressed
                                               Specifically, there were a number of key               In considering the placement and
Given the sub-tropical location of the         design and planning decisions for the                  configuration of the new runway
site and its proximity to the coast, the       NPR where consideration of climate                     six options were considered. Each
key climate change related risks were          change and other related stakeholder                   option presented a range of issues
identified as sea level rise, storm surge,     issues featured. Specifically, these were:             for assessment, including cost,
local/regional flood events and increase                                                              operating and safety standards, noise
                                               • Project go / no go decision: As part
in average temperatures. Given the level                                                              restrictions, environmental impacts,
                                                 of the design process for the NPR,
these risks posed to the project it was                                                               and climate change resilience. Based
                                                 alternatives to building a new runway
appropriate to consider how best to                                                                   on a comprehensive assessment
                                                 were considered. After evaluation of

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                                                                     5
The project

                                                                    NPR centreline – looking toward Moreton Bay

                                                                                 image courtesy of Queensland Government. No copying or reuse without permission
Figure 4: The 360 ha site of the NPR - 2 km west of the existing main runway at Brisbane Airport.

   process of the available alternative             • Allowed for maximum flexibility                 Information and knowledge
   runway configurations the preferred                with regards to the design and
   option for the NPR was selected as it:             construction of future infrastructure
   • Avoided any land reclamation in                  between runways (e.g. terminals)                In considering the impacts of climate
     Moreton Bay                                 • Runway height: The height above                    change on the proposed runway the
                                                   sea level of the runway became the                 project drew upon information and
   • Had minimal impact on Moreton                                                                    expertise from across a range of
     Bay foreshore habitats                        major climate change related design
                                                   issue. The final design had to take                scientific and engineering sources. Initial
   • Had a lower cost than other                   account of historic and projected                  considerations for flood and storm tide
     configurations                                severity and frequency of sea level                surge modelling were derived from
                                                   rise, storm surge and local/regional               the 2004 report - Queensland Climate
   • Maximised the number of planes
                                                   flood events. Based on the available               Change and Climate Vulnerability to
     that can arrive and depart over
                                                   evidence a design decision was then                Tropical Cyclones – Ocean Hazards
     Moreton Bay rather than over
                                                   made to take account of the level and              Assessment Stage 3. This report
     surrounding suburbs, thereby
                                                   likelihood of the risk (e.g. sea level rise)       presented the findings from a joint project
     having the lowest impact on
                                                   and the cost of mitigation (e.g. raising           multi-agency (Queensland Government
     ground based noise
                                                   the height of the runway).                         agencies Environment Protection Agency,
   • Rated well on safety

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                                                                      6
The project

                                                               NPR centreline – at Moreton Bay end of new runway

                                                                                  image courtesy of Queensland Government. No copying or reuse without permission
Figure 5: The site of the NPR at its Moreton Bay end showing the current low lying estuarine nature of the site. The existing smaller cross
runway (Runway 14/32) can be seen in the background and the newly constructed NPR construction access road in the left of the picture.

Department of Natural Resources and              consider future climate change impacts                    modelling undertaken for the project
Mines, Department of Emergency                   in the design, construction and operation                 in accordance with research available
Services, Australian Government                  of this major asset and the role that                     at the time for the Queensland coast
Bureau of Meteorology, James Cook                engagement with key stakeholders would                    which included advice specific to the
University, CRC Reef Research Centre             play in the design and approval process.                  Airport site. The inclusion of these
and Sustainable Energy Association)                                                                        allowances was recommended by
investigation to assess the magnitude of                                                                   BAC’s hydrological consultant (DHI)
the present and future ocean threats from
                                                 Climate change impacts                                    and accepted on the basis of best
tropical cyclones in Queensland and the          Given the vital importance of the                         practice at the time
vulnerability of coastal communities to          infrastructure and its long-term operating            • Consideration of temperature
extreme winds.                                   life the design response to potential                   increases in future decades was
                                                 climate change impacts was as follows:                  automatically accounted for in the
Response strategy                                • Sea level rise and increased frequency                ultimate length planning for both
                                                   of cyclonic events was addressed by                   the existing main runway and for
From the early stages of the project               incorporating a 400 mm allowance                      the new runway, each of which had
the BAC’s New Parallel Runway project              + 500 mm additional wave set                          significant additional lengths available
team were fully aware of the need to               up freeboard in the hydrological                      to be added in the future. Prudent

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                                                                       7
The project

  runway planning allows for future          To further assure the proposed runway          Stakeholder engagement
  additional length in the event a larger    height, in 2009 the Antarctic Climate and
  aircraft type than is currently known      Ecosystems Collaborative Research Centre       Given the profile and complexity of the
  or planned to be in construction           (ACE CRC) was engaged to evaluate the          NPR project, a key factor in progressing
  becomes operational during the life of     runway height specifications using the         the design and approval of the project
  the asset.                                 latest climate and sea level data available.   was engagement with a broad range of
                                             Using a customised sea level calculator        stakeholders. A 22-month stakeholder
With regards to further design
                                             (CANUTE), the ACE CRC suggested a              engagement process was undertaken
specifications for the runway height, the
                                             runway design level of 4.1 m above mean        in order to understand stakeholder
design team drew upon design frequency
                                             sea level as ‘strongly precautionary’.         perspectives across a diverse range of
curves obtained from the Queensland
                                                                                            issues. This process culminated in late
Climate Change and Community                 Given the combination of original design
                                                                                            2006 when the BAC released for public
Vulnerability to Tropical Cyclones (2004)    modelling, compatibility requirements
                                                                                            comment the New Parallel Runway
report. Specifically, the design storm       with the existing infrastructure, and
                                                                                            Project Environmental Impact Statement
tide levels were derived representing        updated, independent sea level rise
                                                                                            and Major Development Plan (EIS/MDP).
the combined effect of tide level, storm     evaluation conducted by the ACE CRC,
surge effect and wave propagation. A 1%      the design level adopted for the new           The release of this documentation
Average Exceedence Probability (AEP)         runway at RL 5.0 m (AD) was validated          provided a formal opportunity for
design storm tide level for the Airport      as providing sufficient freeboard above        stakeholders to raise issues and
precinct consisted of:                       the design storm tide level. Furthermore,      concerns for BAC to consider in
                                             the taxiways linking the new runway with       preparing the final EIS/MDP submitted to
• Current storm surge level of 1.5 m
                                             the apron areas are also set above the         the Australian Government for approval.
  Australian Height Datum (AHD)
                                             1% AEP storm surge event.                      The 90-day consultation period consisted
• Climate change increase of 400 mm                                                         of a range of materials and activities
  (including 300mm sea level rise and        So, with the new runway at a minimum
  increased cyclone frequency); and          elevation of 5.0m (AD), this would result
                                             in both runways being of a similar design      • Information kits
• Wave set up freeboard of 500 mm            level. As the minimum design elevation         • Project website
• This resulted in a design storm tide       for the NPR is at least 1.5 m above the
                                                                                            • Freecall information line
  level of 2.4 m AHD or 3.53 m Airport       1 in 100 year storm tide level, additional
  Datum (AD) for a 1% AEP storm surge        sea level rise (above the 400mm already        • Media announcements
  event being adopted for preliminary        built into the modelling) is not anticipated   • Print advertising
  design of the NPR.                         to present concerns for the life of the
                                                                                            • Fact sheets
                                             project. In addition to the height of the
In addition to the storm tide, climate
                                             NPR other climate change impact-related        • Public information sessions
change and freeboard allowance, further
                                             measures included in the design were           • Project displays in shopping centres
design considerations influenced the
                                             the construction of tidal channels and the       and libraries
final design elevation for the NPR. The
                                             installation of a new sea wall along the
existing main runway has an existing level                                                  • Targeted briefings with key
                                             northern boundary of the Airport.
of approx 5.1 m (AD). BAC decided that it                                                     stakeholder groups.
would be preferable to select a minimum
level of 5.0 m (AD) for the NPR so as not
to have an undesirable incline (gradient)
along the linked taxiway. This would also
have presented gradient issues in terms of
taxiway links into aprons.

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                                               8
The project

At the conclusion of the consultation        Implementation phases
period BAC had received 196
submissions. The submissions were            The project has progressed through the
received from:                               usual adaptation phases:

• Individual community members               1. Assessment and Research

• Relevant agencies from across              2. Engagement
  Australia                                  3. Decision-making
• Queensland Government and Local            4. Planning
                                             5. Phase One of project construction
• Non-Government Organisations                  commenced in 2012.
• Elected representatives from Councils
  and members of the Queensland; and         Outcomes achieved
  Australian Parliaments.
                                             The level of detailed consideration to
Of the submissions received, three
                                             potential climate change impacts on the
specifically questioned whether the
                                             NPR at Brisbane Airport will ultimately
proposed runway design adequately
                                             result in safe and continuous operation
took account of the long-term impacts of
                                             of a vital piece of infrastructure in a
climate change and sea level rise.
                                             changing climate. The design project has
In responding to the climate change          determined runway height specifications
issues raised in the engagement process      and other complementary measures
BAC drew upon research and design            that far exceed minimum requirements
data applied in the modelling and the        to ensure future climate impacts are
final design specifications for the runway   mitigated.
height and other supporting measures.

                                             Emerging outcomes
                                             Ongoing planning processes for climate

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                9
Lessons learnt

Critical success factors

AGP analysis of the project                  The stakeholder engagement process for the
  Success of this approach has               NPR’s EIS/MDP was significant and effective.
  been driven by strong leadership           Over a 22-month period all key stakeholders and
  and excellent connectivity between
  all stakeholders, extensive                affected communities were engaged via a range
  engagement and by sustainable
  vision.                                    of channels and activities.
  This project is strong in:

      Leadership                             constant throughout the design process       Connectivity
                                             through the EIS/MDP process in 2005
      Engagement                                                                          The two major regulatory requirements
                                             - 2007 and up to and beyond the 2009
      Connectivity                           sea level rise study conducted by the        the NPR project was subject to were:
                                             ACE CRC. The long lived nature of the        • The Airports Act 1976
      Sustainability                         NPR asset commands that climate
                                                                                          • The Environment Protection and
                                             related issues be taken into account.
                                                                                            Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act
                                                Leadership lesson learnt:                   1999.

Leadership                                   Project leaders having a long term           The NPR project is also included under
                                             view meant climate change was                the BAC’s Brisbane Airport Master Plan.
This case study reflects the                                                              The Master Plan is a statutory document
                                             considered from the original design
strong leadership within Brisbane                                                         required every five years under the
                                             brief, throughout research stage and
Airport Corporation to incorporate                                                        Airports Act 1996.
                                             throughout the life of the project to
considerations of climate change impacts
in the decision making processes that
underpin the design of the New Parallel                                                   Sustainability
Runway (NPR) project. The leadership’s       Engagement                                   The design specifications for the NPR
long term view of the high dollar value                                                   project result in appropriate consideration
                                             The stakeholder engagement process for
of this vital infrastructure asset takes                                                  of possible climate change impacts
                                             the NPR’s EIS/MDP was significant and
into account high level risk elements in                                                  now and into the future. By designing
                                             effective. Over a 22-month period all key
coming decades, to ensure that the new                                                    and building for a long timeframe,
                                             stakeholders and affected communities
runway is designed to remain operational                                                  once the runway is constructed there
                                             were engaged via a range of channels
even in the face of the worst climate                                                     will be reduced pressure for additional
                                             and activities. The outcome of the
change scenarios for sea level rise and                                                   construction into the next 50 - 60 years.
                                             process was the inclusion of relevant
tidal inundation.                                                                         This will reduce the potential impact
                                             issues raised being addressed in the final
This project benefitted from the strong      EIS/MDP which was formally approved in       on Moreton Bay (a Ramsar Wetlands
leadership shown by the Brisbane             late 2007.                                   and Marine Park). In particular, with
Airport Corporation Board (BAC). The                                                      the runway height being prescribed
BAC’s NPR project team demonstrated             Engagement lesson learnt:                 at a height exceeding both minimum
leadership by including possible climate     Use a range of channels and activities       regulatory requirements for flood and
change impacts in the original design        to reach all key stakeholders and            storm tide immunity levels and currently
brief back in 2005. Consideration of         effected communities.                        predicted sea level rises, the risk of
climate change impacts had been a

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                                                            10
Lessons learnt

higher sea level rise and/or storm tide
inundation in the future is significantly
                                              The cost during the preliminary
reduced.                                      design to incorporate consideration
   Sustainability lesson learnt:              of climate change impacts was
Planning for predicted impacts and            negligible.
exceeding minimum regulatory
requirements alleviates pressure of
additional construction for the next
50 - 60 years.

The cost during the preliminary design
to incorporate consideration of climate
change impacts was negligible. Given
that storm and flood modelling is a
normal requirement for any project, it
was a very simple process to include
allowances for climate change impacts
in these modelling exercises. In terms
of the impact on construction costs,
BAC looked to balance the amount
of fill required to raise the site to a
particular level with the benefit that
the continual reliable operation of the
asset would deliver. In the final analysis,
efficient aircraft operations drove the
higher ultimate design level but with the
confidence that all future climate change
impacts had been considered and its
impacts were under the ultimate design

   Cost lesson learnt:
The cost of good design and the
additional outlay of funds is outweighed
by the confidence that all future
climate change impacts have been
consideredand there will be no need to
upgrade the runway for some time.

 Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice (AGP) project                                         11

In conclusion, the BAC recognised from
its earliest design exercise that climate
change could potentially affect the
proposed NPR. As such, BAC ensured
appropriate, climate-specific planning,
scientific and engineering advice was
taken into account in the design of the
NPR. This advice, alongside operational
and compatibility requirements with
existing infrastructure, should ensure the
new runway remains operational even in
the worst case climate change scenarios
for sea level rise.


Links to more information and projects
• New Parallel Runway fact sheet
• Brisbane Airport Corporation NPR -
• Colonial First State NRP Case Study
• Sustainable Energy Association

   The Climate Change Adaptation Good Practice project was funded by the Australian Government and delivered by NCCARF
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