Page created by Andy Mclaughlin

                                                                      TRADE MAGAZINE - EST. 2004

ISSUE 77 - FEB/MAR 2020

Supplied with both
asymmetrical and
symmetrical lens.

                          L I G H T I N G T H E PAT H   TO SAFETY TOGETHER

                              WWW.VEN TILUX.COM

Issue 77 - Feb/Mar 2020                                                  In this issue...

 32                                                 12                                                                                                67
                                                                                              ELECTEX                                                 ELECTEX
              2020                                                                            TRADE EVENT                                             TRADE EVENT
                               FRIDAY 12 JUNE • CITYWEST                                                    BELFAST                                            DUBLIN

                 SEE PAGES 52-53                                                                                          SEE PAGES 76-77

News & Views                                                         Products                                                              In Focus

30             JIB
               ECS check in NI
                                                                     10               simPRO
                                                                                      Business growth through
                                                                                                                                           19        OKTO
                                                                                                                                                     A new era of luxurious living

44             NSAI
                                                                                                                                           48        The Gateway
               Brexit brought to light
                                                                     25               Core Distribution
                                                                                      Flexible conduit
                                                                                                                                                     Eye-catching Loughshore

61             Sparksafe
               The essential connections
                                                                     46               Edmundson Electrical
                                                                                      Smart charging solution
                                                                                                                                           58        Kellihers Electrical
                                                                                                                                                     EVBox -driving EV charging

67             Mercury Engineering
               Electrical engineering students
               on tour
                                                                     71               Ledvance
                                                                                      Ultra-flexible LED strip lighting
                                                                                                                                           63        Trade Electric
                                                                                                                                                     Taking over TradeKit

THE TEAM: Managing Director Karen McAvoy                                                                        CONTACT US:                                 FOLLOW US ON:
Publication Manager Janice Uprichard                                                                            The Forge, 13b Lisburn Road,                       electrical
Editorial Assistant Chelsea McCann                                                                                                                                 magazine
                                                                                                                Moira, Co. Armagh BT67 0JR
Editor Roger Anderson ROI Contributor Heather Campbell                                                                                                             @elecmagazine
                                                                                                                T: Moira: 028 9261 2990
Advertising Sarah Walker
                                                                                                                T: Dublin: 01 696 8319                             electrical
Head Designer Julie Anne Guiney                                                                                                                                    magazine
Digital Content Jo Wilson                                                                                       E:
Photography Gordon McAvoy | Printed by W&G Baird                                                                                     elecmagazine

Reproduction of whole or in part of this publication, without prior permission from Karen McAvoy Publishing Ltd, is strictly prohibited.                 FOLLOW US ON:                                                                                              IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 3

                                                                           Dowds lighting the way

                                                                                    owds Group has secured a £22m contract for electrical
                                                                                    works at the University of Ulster’s Belfast campus
                                                                           The Ballymoney-based company (with offices in Belfast and
                                                                           London) plans to have in excess of 100 of their own staff on site,
                                                                           plus additional hired specialist sub-contractors. This substantial
                                                                           workforce will complete the high-spec design and build project,
                                                                           an integral part of the inner-city regeneration scheme to create
                                                                           a 75,000 square metre campus for 15,000 students and staff.
                                                                           The electrical installation incorporates 15 storeys, two of which
                                                                           are below ground level. There will be 150 rooms, ranging from
                                                                           smaller seminar spaces to large flat floor lecture theatres. Work
                                                                           also includes an extensive student hub area, library, and catering
                                                                           The Dowds team will install high voltage ring, including HV
                                                                           transformers; fire detection systems incorporating voice alarm
 Beacon’s Scott McNab and Adam Smylie with CSL’s Group Managing Director
 Simon Banks at the Security and Fire Excellence Awards in London          and assistance call systems; stand-by generator and UPS
                                                                           systems; general/emergency lighting and intelligent lighting

Beacon leads the way                                                       control; door access, intercoms, and intruder alarms.
                                                                           Add to the mix Cat 7 IT installations, IP CCTV, energy

          dam Smylie and Scott McNab are a shining                         monitoring, rising and under floor busbars, public address and
          example of the talented next generation in security              induction loops, plus BMS installation, and you begin to get an
          and fire system installers.                                      idea of the project’s scale.
Apprentices with Lisburn-based Beacon Fire & Security                      With work scheduled for completion in December of this
(NI) Ltd, the duo were celebrated at a glittering awards                   year, this is a contract for Dowds that is both challenging and
ceremony on Park Lane in London after finishing first                      lucrative in equal measure.
in their section of the highly prestigious Engineers of                    T: +44 (0)28 2766 2789 -
Tomorrow competition.
The 2019 Security and Fire Excellence Awards, hosted
by Strictly Come Dancing’s Tess Daly, took place at the
London Hilton Hotel. At this gathering of an industry
who’s who, the top three in the two categories of the EoT
competition were announced.
As Tess might say, it takes two to tango, and the
competition involved working in pairs, apprentices given
a time-limited exercise to programme and commission
an intruder alarm (or) fire detection and alarm system.
A series of faults were pre-placed on the systems for
competitors to identify and then rectify.
Those working on intruder systems required an
understanding of the industry standard for police response
systems - PD 6662 and BS 8243; the fire category adhered
to Design Installation, Commissioning, and Maintenance
of Fire Detection and Alarm systems in non-domestic
premises - BS 5839-1.
                                                                           Vitamin D is the key this winter

Competitors were scored against a checklist relating to                                 orkers in the electrical industry who spend the
compliance, workmanship, and safe working practices.                                    majority of their time on site or outdoors should
After three days of intense competition it was the                                      consider taking supplements to maintain good
partnership of Adam and Scott that sashayed away with                      health, according to a new study led by Scotland’s Heriot Watt
the top prize in the Intruder category, joining Tess on stage              University.
to receive their award.                                                    Although the new paper published in the Institution of
T: +44 (0)28 9267 6622 - E:                           Occupational Safety and Health’s (IOSH) journal focusses mainly                                                        on managing sun exposure during the summer months, it also
                                                                           noted conversely, that a lack of winter sunlight left workers with

“Competitors were scored against                                           insufficient levels of vitamin D.
                                                                           The recommendation is for employers, or the workers
a checklist relating to compliance,                                        themselves, to ensure that a dietary supplement is taken at this
workmanship, and safe working practices.”                                  time of year to boost serum vitamin D levels.         FOLLOW US ON:                                                            IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 5

                                                                                         100 Irish tradespeople to
                                                                                         build Kenyan school

                                                                                                 have 100 tradespeople from Ireland coming,
                                                                                                 they are all plumbers, plasterers, carpenters,
                                                                                                 electricians, painters, and just anybody that can
                                                                                         work hard.”
                                                                                         The team of volunteers are working as part of a
                                                                                         project from the Ray of Sunshine Foundation, based
  L-R Lorraine Farrell and Curtis Wallace, GES Group.
                                                                                         in Co. Clare.
                                                                                         The story began in 2010 when Olive Halpin gathered

GES Group team up with                                                                   200 volunteers who all travelled to Likoni in
                                                                                         Mombasa, Kenya and built a polytechnic and the
Aware NI                                                                                 Ray of Sunshine foundation. Projects have been
                                                                                         completed there ever since, all with a common goal

        he group had the mental                   Aware offer a “Mood Matters            of improving the lives of those living in the area with
        health charity visit their                in the Workplace” programme            classrooms and rescue homes for vulnerable children.
        Mallusk and Ballymena                     for employees which is                 “That happened in 2010, now in 2020 we are
facilities to promote the excellent               delivered onsite in workplaces.        returning back to the
support services they offer to                    The programme content can              same place,” says           Our day starts at
everyone who isn’t feeling like                   be tailored to suit the needs          Olive, “Africa got
themselves.                                       of individual employers and            into my heart, and
                                                                                                                     4am and finishes
GES group have partnered                          normally lasts between one             I’m here since,”            at 4pm, we travel
with Aware NI to support the                      and two hours. The programme           The volunteers give         an hour to work on
charity throughout all 2020. As                   helps participants to recognise        up their work at
employers, they have recognised                   the signs and symptoms of              home for 10 days
                                                                                                                     the bus. It is tough
that poor mental impacted over                    poor mental health and makes           to come and work            going, and the
30% of people across Northern                     them aware of sources of               alongside local             temperatures are up
Ireland and the UK who reported                   help. Booking this programme           people to help teach
lost time for this reason. The                    for your business is available         them the trade.
                                                                                                                     to the 30s and 40s.
group want to reduce the stigma                   through emailing training@             Each volunteer has
surrounding poor mental illness                                   fundraised to make their way out to Kenya and offer
and help increase a positive                                  their skills in the blistering African heat.
environment in work and at home.                               Olive explains her pride in the Irish people who
                                                                                         donate their time to come over and help, “They work
                                                                                         so hard and no one pays them… Our day starts at 4am
                                                                                         and finishes at 4pm, we travel an hour to work on the
                                                  A bonny new                            bus. It is tough going, and the temperatures are up to

                                                  role                                   the 30s and 40s.” The Ray of Sunshine have a local
                                                                                         representative that checks on the projects monthly

                                                           idan Hayes has recently       but Olive feels they are in capable hands and there’s
                                                           grown his position as         little worry leaving the project when they finish. The
                                                           National Sales Manager in     charity has an open-door policy where anyone can
                                                  Ireland at MK Honeywell to cover       call and visit any of the centres they build and have a
                                                  the group’s presence in Scotland       look around.
                                                  as well. Aidan has been with MK        The buildings are an incredible celebration of what
                                                  Honeywell for 17 years, starting       multiple industries in Ireland can achieve when united
                                                  as an Area Sales Manager in            by a common goal. Past projects can be learned
                                                  2003. With an excellent record of      about in more detail on the charity’s website, and you
                                                  delivering in senior roles, there is   can follow the 2020 project on the Ray of Sunshine
                                                  no doubt that Aidan will flourish in   Foundation Facebook page.
                                                  his new position             
                                                         FOLLOW US ON:                                                              IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 7

                                                              The greenhouse gas at the heart
                                                              of the electrical industry

                                                                           hy is the world’s most potent greenhouse gas
                                                                           an issue for the global electrical industry? Quite
                                                                           simply, SF6 is an excellent electrical insulator,
                                                              preventing short circuits in medium and high-voltage
                                                              electrical installations that would otherwise lead to damage,
                                                              disruption, fire or explosion.
                                                              SF6 is a colourless, odourless and non-toxic gas which is
                                                              around five times denser than air. Unfortunately, it is also
  Edmundson Electrical (EWL LTD) Irelands Premier             believed to be the world’s most potent greenhouse gas, with
  electrical wholesale distributor is constantly              a global warming potential 23,500 times more (kilo for kilo)
  looking for the right people to join our expanding          than CO2. If released, it permeates into the atmosphere,
  team. An exciting opportunity currently exist in            where it contributes to global warming for hundreds or even
  Edmundson Electrical Glasnevin for...                       thousands of years.
                                                              While we wait to see if and when the EU will increase
                                                              restrictions on SF6, unless the gas is leaking, there seems no

  ASSISTANT MANAGER                                           sense in removing it from existing switchgear – and certainly
                                                              not at speed. Instead, it’s vitally important that ongoing
                                                              equipment operation and decommissioning does not let the
                                                              gas escape.
  Assistant Managers are responsible for assisting the
  Manager in the smooth running of the business and
  working closely with the manager to lead and inspire the
  sales team. Ensuring the team work well together and
  are known by customers for their outstanding customer
  service. Providing leadership to the team, dealing with
  the day to day operations, people management, and
  all aspects associated with successfully managing a

  The Assistant Manager will have a minimum of 2-3 years
  recent experience at Management/Supervisory level in
  the electrical wholesale / construction or related sector
  and demonstrate the following:
                                                              Hanley host Network and Cyber
                                                              Security workshop in Dublin

  • Commercial Awareness or good business acumen
  • Excellent Communication skills
  • Strong Team Player                                                                                         will be hosting
  • Leadership skills                                                                                   a two-day workshop
  • Excellent Organizational skills                                                                     on Factory Networks
  • Self-motivation and motivation of others                                                            and Cyber Security in
  • Identifying and coaching talent within your team                                                    their Dublin office on
  • Ability to work under pressure                                                                      February 11/12.
                                                                                                        Run in conjunction
  BENEFITS:                                                                                             with Rockwell
  • Top salary package, DOE                                                                             Automation, the
  • Unique uncapped profit share structure                                                              Dublin event is in
                                                              response to the strong interest shown within the industry, and
  • Excellent career progression opportunities
                                                              is open to anyone working in the IT and Automation sectors
  • Opportunity to join the company pension scheme
                                                              with responsibility for network infrastructure.
                                                              Hanley Automation has been in the automation business for
                                                              more than 30 years and provides a wide range of robotics and
   APPLY IN THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE TO                       automation solutions that are used in factories, logistics and
         STEPHEN.CONNOLLY@EEIL.IE                             healthcare environments.
                                                              T: +353 (0)1 883 3800 -

8 | IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                       FOLLOW US ON:         


“simPRO has revolutionised
                                     Achieve business
the way we manage our
business. Over the last two
                                     growth through
years that we have been
with simPRO, we have
been able to digitise 90%              reland’s trade industry is currently         Streamline processes to
                                       dealing with a shortage of skilled labour.   maximise resources
of our processes,” says Solv           In a 2019 survey conducted by PwC,           Creating quotes, purchasing and
                                     more than 60% of survey participants           assigning inventory and scheduling
Group’s Lauren McDonald.
                                     noted they struggled to find electricians      engineers can all be time-consuming,
“Furthermore, the support            and engineers. However, despite the            especially without the proper tools.
                                     labour shortage, the need for trade            With FSM solutions, all the information
we received whilst going             contracting services continues to grow.        you need to generate quotes and
through the transition to            How can trade businesses, especially           organise projects is housed in one place.
                                     electrical businesses, continue to grow        This cuts down on the time it takes to
simPRO was incomparable,             and meet demands in the marketplace?           complete these tasks. Furthermore, with
and we appreciate that the           In our technology-driven world, trade          software solutions, your team is able to
                                     industries can find a simple solution in       cut down on manual and double data
simPRO team are always on            software.                                      entry which can often lead to errors and,
                                     Field service management (FSM)                 again, takes up valuable time. Maximise
hand when needed. I can’t
                                     solutions provide cloud-based software         your resources and increase billable
recommend simPRO enough              to streamline operations and simplify          hours by automating manual processes
                                     processes. This helps alleviate challenges     so engineers can spend more time
to anyone in the industry.”          posed by the labour shortage such as           completing work in the field.
                                     retaining staff and attracting good talent.    Another way FSM software can help

                                         “Streamlining processes, simplifying operations, and
                                          increasing visibility are all benefits of the platform.”

10 | IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                      FOLLOW US ON:        

                                                                                           Trade up with simPRO
                                                                                           The simPRO software solution for field
                                                                                           service management was created by
                                                                                           an electrician with electrical workflows
                                                                                           and challenges in mind. Streamlining
                                                                                           processes, simplifying operations, and
                                                                                           increasing visibility are all benefits of the
                                                                                           Founded in 2002, Stephen Bradshaw
                                                                                           and Vaughan McKillop built simPRO
                                                                                           with a simple goal in mind - to design
                                                                                           software that made running a trade
                                                                                           business easier and ultimately to help
                                                                                           those using simPRO to succeed. With
                                                                                           their sincere passion for what they do,
                                                                                           Stephen and Vaughan turned simPRO
                                                                                           from a small startup into a global
                                                                                           business, now running in the UK, US,
“With their sincere passion for what they do,                                              Australia and NZ.
                                                                                           Today, simPRO recognises the
Stephen and Vaughan turned simPRO from                                                     potential growth with the booming

a small startup into a global business.”                                                   trade industry in Ireland, and starting
                                                                                           this year, has expanded its presence
                                                                                           into Ireland to help support Irish trade
                                                                                           businesses with the appointment of
maximise resources is through an            needs to go. Is your important information     BDM, Stephen Goodall. Stephen has a
efficient scheduling process. With          in the right place and easy to access? If      wealth of experience in selling software
automated schedule notifications and a      not, a streamlined software solution could     solutions and a passion for helping
clear picture of where jobs and projects    be your saving grace. Teams of engineers       Irish businesses succeed. simPRO has
stand, trade businesses can make            and back-office staff are better able to       successfully helped 5,500+ businesses
better scheduling decisions in order to     work cohesively when information is            achieve their goals and continues to
complete more work.                         easily accessible, making processes more       develop the software solution for the
                                            organised.                                     future.
Simplify operations to                      With better organisation, you’ll not only
attract better talent                       attract high quality talent, but you’ll also
If you’re trying to attract skilled         retain the staff you already have.
contractors so that you can complete
more jobs and meet demand, you want         Increase visibility into your
to provide a workplace where engineers      business to make informed
and other staff are eager to come to        decisions
work. If you make life easier for your      With a shortage of labour, you don’t
team, they have better job satisfaction.    have the time or space for error. With
This is another area where FSM              this in mind, you must be able to make
software provides a helpful solution.       informed decisions to keep your trade
Eliminate frustrating and unorganised       contracting business running smoothly.
                                                                                                           Stephen Goodall,
processes with software features for        Do you know which of your engineers are             Business Development Manager, simPRO.
job management, inventory tracking,         most productive? Do you know which
generating quotes, automating invoicing     jobs are bringing in the most profit and             For more information about
and more. When these tasks are paper-       which jobs are losing you money? With                how simPRO can help electrical
based or in multiple disconnected           a good FSM software solution, you will               businesses streamline operations
systems, information can easily become      have reporting tools to gain key insights            to increase profits and grow
lost. Project managers and office staff     into the profitability of your operations.           despite the labour shortage, visit
have noted that without FSM software,       Use the insights provided by software       or
it can be difficult to assess whether or    tools to make better informed decisions in           contact Stephen Goodall,
not information is getting to where it      situations where resources are limited.    

James Hall, Parsons Green, St Ives, PE27 4AA, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)845 004 3978 - E:     FOLLOW US ON:                                                        IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 11


You’ll never walk alone
  t was a moment of spine-tingling
  poignancy. At the conclusion of An
  Evening of Comedy in aid of the Sean
Cox Rehabilitation Trust at Dublin’s
3Arena, the audience, and the men and
women who had entertained them on
stage, spontaneously sang the Liverpool
anthem You’ll Never Walk Alone.
The sell-out show on Friday, January 10
(8500 tickets in just 15-minutes), was the

                                                                                                                               Photos: Stephen Lee @3arenadublin.
latest example of how Sean’s plight has
touched so many people.
The 54-year-old from Dunboyne in
County Meath continues his long road to
rehabilitation following an unprovoked
attack outside Anfield moments before
the 2018 Champions League
semi-final between Liverpool
and Roma. A devoted Reds fan,
Sean was attending the match
with his brother Martin when                                                             “Sean’s courage is matched
they inadvertently walked into                                                           only be that of his wife
the path of a rampaging gang of                                                          Martina, and their kids
Roma Ultras.
                                                                                         Jack, Shauna, and Emma.
Thirty-year-old Simone Mastrelli
was subsequently jailed (for                                                             At his side every step of
what feels like an inappropriate                                                         the way, their devotion has
three and a half years) following                                                        been inspirational.”
the cowardly assault that left
the father of three with life-changing       in and the girls were frantically baking    Bank Arena in Liverpool.
injuries.                                    away and getting things ready. You          Russell Brand, Jo Brand, Jo Caulfield,
Sean, a well-known and immensely             could see how what had happened             Jason Manford, and Romesh Ranganathan
popular figure in the electrical industry,   to Sean had affected everybody. It          are just some of the leading lights of
had been a Director at Precision Cables      wasn’t just the companies he worked         stand-up who have stood up to be
on Mulholland Avenue in Dundalk since        for, wholesalers in Belfast, everywhere,    counted.
2007, having previously worked as a          wanted to do their bit.”                    “Sean Cox was just like any other football
Branch Manager at Kellihers and Sales        Having completed 18-months at the           fan - an ordinary man on his way to
Manager for MK (Ireland). A former pupil     National Rehabilitation Centre in Dun       watch his team playing in a big game,”
of Moyle Park College in Clondalkin, the     Laoghaire, Sean is now undergoing a         John Bishop said after hearing of the
affection in which he is held has been       further programme of rehab in Sheffield,    tragic incident. “Then this brutal attack
reflected in the response of not only his    focussed on developing his speech and       happened and changed his life forever. It
friends and former colleagues, but also      movement. The fund-raising events for       could have been any of us. So we’re using
the industry across the island of Ireland.   the Sean Cox Rehabilitation Trust are       laughter to support this very brave man.”
Last December Sinead O’Callaghan,            also ongoing.                               Sean’s courage is matched only be that
Marketing Manager at Precision Cables,       Following the success of this month’s       of his wife Martina, and their kids Jack,
organised a coffee morning to help raise     stand-up show in Dublin, Scouser and        Shauna, and Emma. At his side every
funds for Sean’s rehabilitation, whilst      lifelong Liverpool fan John Bishop          step of the way, their devotion has been
encouraging replica events at other          has scheduled another event in his          inspirational.
electrical companies. The request did not    hometown. Following on from the Fair        Anyone wishing to attend the Sean Cox
go unheeded, with countless electrical       City gig that featured Michael McIntyre,    Rehabilitation Trust event in March can
wholesalers and suppliers rallying to the    Tommy Tiernan, Dara Ó Briain, Deirdre       purchase tickets at
cause. Kieran McAllister from Cables         O’Kane, Joanne McNally, Jason Byrne,
& Accessories in Derry recalls his own       and Des Bishop, the comedy stars will be    Follow Sean’s journey at
staff’s response: “I remember coming         out in force again on March 15 at the M&S

12 | IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                             FOLLOW US ON:      

                                                                               THE APPLIANCE
                                                                               OF SCIENCE
                                                                               OptiLens was designed and
                                                                               manufactured at Ventilux Ireland’s
                                                                               headquarters in Bray. A state-of-the-art
                                                                               35,000 square feet facility, it houses
                                                                               research and development laboratories,
                                                                               production, global distribution
                                                                               warehouse, and an in-house training
                                                                               area. The company also has a UK base

       Let OptiLens                                                            at Arbour Lane, Knowsley, Liverpool.

       light the way

                                            tilizing the latest in lens             The OptiLens custom LED downlighter
       VENTILUX                             technology, Ventilux has                comes complete with both escape
       INTRODUCE AN                         produced the ultimate in                route (Asymmetrical) and open area
       INNOVATIVE                    unobtrusive, yet highly-effective              (Symmetrical) emergency lighting
                                     emergency lighting.                            applications as standard. Slashing
       3W RECESSED
                                     Designed and manufactured at                   the required number of emergency
       LUMINAIRE                     Ventilux’s state-of-the-art facility           luminaries, and in turn radically
       WITH SUPERIOR                 in Bray, OptiLens is a custom LED              reducing the overall electrical power
       PERFORMANCE…                  downlighter that offers greater lighting       consumption - OptiLens is not only
                                     performance and dispersion, yet                competitively-priced, but also highly
                                     requires fewer fittings than equivalent        cost-effective.
                                     industry 3W LEDS. In this case, less           What really catches the eye is
                                     really is more.                                OptiLens performance. Market-leading
                                     With purpose-built interchangeable trim        distribution of light is matched only by
                                     attachments to suit any application,           the quality of what emits from these
                                     OptiLens is the latest product from            aesthetically subtle LED downlighters.
                                     the Wicklow-based company that has             BSI Kite Marked to EN60598-2-22,
                                     grown from humble beginnings in 1986           OptiLens is a 3W CREE LED with a
                                     to become the largest independent              lamp colour of 4500K and 180 lumens
                                     emergency light manufacturer in the            in emergency. The lamp head itself has
                                     European and Middle Eastern markets.           a 50mm diameter and is made from

                                     OptiLens is not only competitively-priced,
                                                 but also highly cost-effective.

14 | IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                    FOLLOW US ON:         

                                                                                                       OPTILENS FEATURES
                                                                                                       The Optilens utilises the latest
                                                                                                       lens development to provide
                                                                                                       market leading uniform light
                                                                                                       distribution for both escape
                                                                                                       route and open area emergency
                                                                                                       lighting applications, reducing
                                                                                                       the number of required
                                             OptiLens comes in
                                             a choice of black                                         emergency luminaries and
                                             or white
                                                                                                       radically reducing the overall
                                                                                                       electrical power consumption.

                                                                           OptiLens is both            •    Supplied with both
                                                                           competitively priced
                                                                           and easy to install              asymmetrical and
                                                                                                            symmetrical lens.
    OptiLens offers
    unrivalled                                                                                         •    Suitable for recessed ceiling
    emergency lighting
    performance                                                                                             mounting. Suitable for temp
                                                                                                            range – 0°C to 30°C.
                                                                 The unobtrusive
                                                                 OptiLens lamp                         •    3 way shrouded plug/socket
                                                                 head measures just
                                                                 50mm in diameter                           mains connection.
                                                                                                       •    220mm ceiling void
                                                                                                       •    Ceiling cutout - 38mm
                                                                                                            (Standard Self-Contained).
flame retardant polycarbonate plastic. The            is available in self-contained versions and      •    Ceiling cutout - 50mm
remote bag is silicone-coated fibre glass.            in two colours (black and white).                     (N5XP/ DALI/ Auto Test
The self-contained batteries are 4.8v 4.5A/h          The OptiLens pack comes with
Ni-Cd.                                                an OptiLens 3W LED fitting, one
                                                                                                       •    Dimensions of remote pack
In addition to the product’s impressive               Escape Route trim and Asymmetrical
                                                                                                            – 30mm dia x 480mm.
performance, the OptiLens is also easy to             downlighter, an Open Plan trim and
install:                                              Symmetrical downlighter, a battery               •    Available in Surface

                                                      module pack, and installation instructions.           Mounted version.
•     Simply drill a standard 1.5” (38mm) hole
•     Feed the mains cable through the
      ceiling and connect into the remote bag
•     Insert the remote bag into the ceiling
      cavity, leaving the OptiLens cable                                                               What really catches the eye
      hanging                                                                                          is OptiLens performance.
•     Attach OptiLens into the remote bag                                                              Market-leading distribution
      and, holding the springs in an upright                                                           of light is matched only by
      position, insert into the ceiling                                                                the quality of what emits
                                                                                                       from these aesthetically
Ideal for recessed ceiling mounting,                                                                   subtle LED downlighters.
OptiLens is suitable for temperatures
between 0 and 30 degrees centigrade, and

Ventilux Ireland, IDA Business Park, Southern Cross Road, Bray, County Wicklow A98 T276
T: +353 (0)1 214 8800 - E:       FOLLOW US ON:                                                            IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 15

                             The Downlight                                                                                The upgraded,
                             BL is ideal for                                                                              ultra compact
                             bathrooms!                                                                                   FRD Mini.

The Non-Corrosive                                 The extremely
model is designed                                 versaltile Uni
with installers in mind.                          Downlight.


Introducing xcite lighting essentials -
why fit anything else?
        cite is the new range                  expand the xcite stable to provide   allowing increased options for
        of LED lighting                        more options and flexibility         customers.
        products designed and                  for contractors looking for          In addition to the increased
manufactured by Tamlite, one                   products suited to residential and   commercial offering, xcite has
of the most experienced and                    commercial projects.                 launched a new model IP65 rated
knowledgeable teams in the UK                  The Uni Downlight has an             Non-Corrosive. This has been
lighting industry.                             adjustable bracket and is designed   designed with installers in mind,
From downlights and backlit                    to fit any ceiling cut-out between   utilising simple brackets that are
panels to non-corrosives and                   65mm and 205mm, making it easier     secured to the mounting surface
bulkheads, as well as a wide                   for the retro-fit of downlights in   separately, allowing the product to
selection of emergency fittings,               such environments. In addition, it   be snapped in place.
xcite provides all your LED lighting           is supplied with a choice of three   The xcite same-day range is
essentials.                                    colour temperatures (3,000K,         readily available off-the-shelf
Luminaires are rigorously tested               4,000K and 6,000K), and three        from our stockists, CEF. With 13
for quality and compliance,                    power outputs (10W, 13W and          CEF stores in Ireland, just ask for
ensuring that xcite offers the best            16W), all adjustable via a switch    xcite when you are in store. In
products at the best value. By                 accessible upon installation. This   addition, our sales team is on hand
committing to delivering quality               versatility is what makes the Uni    to deliver outstanding support
at a competitive price range,                  Downlight truly universal.           for your xcite fittings, providing
xcite is the ideal solution for                The Downlight BL is the latest       experience and advice every step
contractors and installers sourcing            backlit downlight from xcite,        of the way.
the right lighting solution for their          providing a cost-effective           T: +44 (0)1527 517 777
installation                                   alternative to edge-lit LED          E:
From xcite comes a range of                    downlight fittings. With an IP54
brand-new lighting products                    rated construction, the fitting is
designed for the trade market,                 ideal for bathrooms, wet rooms and
providing a selection of high                  showers.                             “Designed and manufactured
quality luminaires that ensure                 The new FRD Mini is a compact,
performance.                                   lightweight and easy to maintain
                                                                                    by Tamlite, one of the
New to the range come three                    fire-rated (30, 60- and 90-minute    most experienced and
downlight fixtures, the Uni                    certification) downlight. The IP65
Downlight, Downlight BL and                    rated FRD Mini can be customised
                                                                                    knowledgeable teams in the
new FRD Mini. These fittings                   with a range of bezel colours,       UK lighting industry.”       FOLLOW US ON:                                                            IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 17

“Any sufficiently
advanced technology
is indistinguishable
to magic.”
Sir Arthur C. Clarke


The future is now
  t is Monday evening, you have just           you speak your wishes aloud and Baxter        his favourite drink ready; it is all about
  finished a lengthy and arduous day           has your food with you by the time            creating a truly magical experience. By
  in your work; you turn the ignition on       you’ve enjoyed your tranquil bath.            providing systems which are preference
in the car, comprehend the cold winter         As you brush your teeth in order to           based, predictable, and designed with
evening ahead and start the commute            retire for the evening, the light becomes     simplicity, OKTO® can help to reinforce
home.                                          a warm amber to aid sleep, and in the         the quality and luxury of any hospitality
While a servant will follow the instructions   morning as you wash your face, the            project.
of his master, a Butler will anticipate his    colour temperature changes to a cool          OKTO® recognises the old ways simply
master’s needs and action them before          blue light in order to energise and           don’t meet today’s standards in terms
being asked. Baxter is your electronic         rejuvenate you for the day ahead.             of ‘Wellness at work’. Baxter ensures a
butler.                                        Living is transformed. OKTO® systems          healthy, comfortable environment for
Baxter will be preparing your home.            create happier homes, complementing           staff – a truly personal, yet efficient,
You turn the corner to your street, the        the aesthetic of interior design. Providing   working experience that increases staff
driveway lights up, the gates open             luxury that is beautiful, seamless and        productivity. Making room for wellness
automatically and Baxter creates a             reactive is totally feasible with OKTO®,      and good air quality increases staff
gratifying scene. You can see in the           creating a safe, secure and easy life. The    well-being, wakefulness and energy
reception hall that the lights are set to      technology is reactive, smart and most        – an unseen but essential aspect of
invite you in to warmth and comfort. As        importantly invisible.                        the optimum working environment.
you approach, security cameras subtly          Likewise, OKTO® systems are a valuable        Enhanced with artificial intelligence,
check your identity and the doors unlock       asset to the hospitality industry. The key    Baxter monitors the internal and external
welcoming you to a perfect ambience.           to providing a magical guest experience       air quality measuring relative humidity,
Your home feels exceptionally cosy;            is to ensure seamless communications          stale air (CO2), and the presence of
you stroll in to the living room where         between staff and guests; which               pollutants and odours in order to best
your favourite TV show is playing and          improves staff efficiency, cost, energy       manage the air conditioning, vents
you can hear Baxter running your bath          usage and most importantly ensures the        and operable windows. Every staff
upstairs. Your favourite fragrance infuses     guest has all needs catered for. From         interaction will be frictionless and
your surroundings and the curtains open        customising the hotel suite to reflect        graceful, giving employees a breath of
revealing the winter wonderland outside,       guest preferences to alerting bar staff       fresh air when they need it most without
you are hungry and only want one thing;        that a VVIP has arrived and thus to have      any additional fuss.

Okto Technologies , Unit 1 Crescent Business Park, Lisburn, BT28 2GN
T: +44 (0)28 9266 7030 - E:      FOLLOW US ON:                                                         IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 19

“With a portfolio including SuperPrime residential,
luxury hospitality and commercial offices,
every project is different and each provides
the satisfaction that comes with completing projects
to an exceptional globally-recognised standard.”

The smartest building solutions
              hen you think of the leading    Engineers working for OKTO                   final outcome rather than just the next
              innovators in Smart Building    Technologies have the challenge and          step in the process, andconsidering the
              Technologies and Artificial     resulting satisfaction of delivering the     client handover from day 1 of the project.
Intelligence you’d be forgiven for looking    latest, highest specification, building      Nothing is left to ‘sort out on-site’.
towards Silicon Valley and California.        technology solutions to some of the          Each system is built in its entirety in
However it is Lisburn that is home            most exclusive real estate on the            Lisburn, rigorously tested, being put
to OKTO Technologies – a leading              planet.                                      through the industry’s highest level of
innovator in this sector providing Smart      With a portfolio including SuperPrime        quality assurance – OKTO Technologies’
Building Solutions to the most exclusive      residential, luxury hospitality &            8 Phase Test Regime, before being
real estate on the planet. Using the latest   commercial offices, every project is         delivery to site where it is finally snapped
AI technology and unique production           different and                                                       together in just 1/3
processes to combine the ultimate             each provides                                                       of the time taken for
performance with complete reliability         the satisfaction                                                    a traditional install.
and total simplicity.                         that comes with                                                     For example in
Concentrating on detail and doing things      completing                                                          London OKTO
properly, ensuring every element and          projects to an                                                      are developing
engineering process is carried out to the     exceptional                                                         innovation new
ultimate standard at OKTO Technologies        globally                                                            integrated BMS
it becomes clear quickly that “good           recognised                                                          and AV/IT systems
enough” is simply not an option.              standard.                                                           for 3 of the
By integrating all systems in a single        Delivering projects                                                 most prestigious
Building Technology System OKTO               at this level requires new ways of           multi-unit residential developments in
eliminate the difficult and costly scope      working and extensive training. OKTO         the World. At The Peninsula London
gaps between the BMS and AV/IT                have also developed new ways of              Residences OKTO have been employed
disciplines. A typical scope might include    working - not accepting “common              by Sir Robert McAlpine to provide the full
AV/IT, Security systems, HVAC control         practice” where there may be a better        AV/IT infrastructure to the 25 superprime
at both apartment & plant level, lighting     way. These new ways of working are           apartments where individual apartments
control, lift management etc.                 centred on ‘outcome based thinking’          have been sold for in excess of £100m.
Project Managers, Designers and               where every decision is based on the         In Mayfair OKTO are working with

                             “OKTO® have also developed new ways of working - not accepting
                                      “common practice” but always looking for a better way.”

20 | IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                                FOLLOW US ON:      

Clivedale London to provide                 designers, programmers and                standards are not merely met but
intelligent building management             technicians.                              exceeded. This also requires that
and automation systems for the 23           The company are expanding further         OKTO will walk away from a project
unit Mayfair Park Residences where          and seek new talent across every          where cost is valued over quality.
apartments are serviced by the              department to bolster the current         To achieve this OKTO ensure staff
neighbouring Dorchester Hotel.              team of 52 across their London and        are be highly trained and highly
While at Duke’s Lodge in Holland            Lisburn offices.                          skilled. OKTO place huge emphasis
Park OKTO are providing systems             To thrive and grow requires a single      on professional development and
enabling residents to control the           minded approach so that every             training, re-investing 30% of profit
full range of high-end systems              member of staff is aware of their place   into education and training for staff.
embedded in each of Duke’s Lodge            in the business and every individual      In 2019 staff have taken training in
25 luxury apartments, OKTO’s                is working towards the same goals         London, Belfast, Lisburn, Amsterdam,
Building Management System (BMS)            with the same understanding of the        Denver, Miami and Las Vegas. There
will integrate and automate the back        company ethos.                            is a no compromise philosophy for
of house systems including lifts,           The core ethos of OKTO is integrity,      staff training so that the best training
swimming pool, access, security,            focusing on delighting the client –       solutions are sought globally to help
energy management and lifts.                and providing them with a Magical         ensure that every member of staff
While OKTO’s turnover has                   Experience.                               can become the very best in their
doubled in 12 months, the company           This simple concept cuts through          field.
has ambitious targets to be the             every aspect of the business.             While integrity must be
global leader in Smart Building             At a minimum this means that every        demonstrated to our clients it
Technologies with an annual global          project and every promise will be         therefore applies equally in our
turnover of £70m, and a trebling of         delivered to the quality expected,        relationship with our staff. As a
its workforce by 2025.                      at the time promised, regardless of       company OKTO expects massive
OKTO Technologies has invested              financial cost or additional effort.      effort from every member of staff,
£1.2m in its facilities including           This integrity also requires that OKTO    however in return OKTO must ensure
a design studio, a ‘Mirror-Build’           always provides the best advice           staff are rewarded so that they
laboratory and the recruitment of           to their client so that there can be      can achieve their own professional,
20 new project & process managers,          no compromise on quality, where           personal and financial goals.

Okto Technologies , Unit 1 Crescent Business Park, Lisburn, BT28 2GN
T: +44 (0)28 9266 7030 - E:    FOLLOW US ON:                                                    IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 21
Progress to Perfection

                                  “ OKTOTechnologies will be the worlds

                                   Number One smart building integrator by 2025.”
                                   This is our clear goal …to be the best, not just one of the best… to be the very best.
                                   To do this we need ‘A’ star players, would you like to come and help us?
                                   Let’s meet for a coffee and discuss it in more detail. Contact me directly in
                                   the strictest confidence: / M 07860 356 124

Do you want to be part
                                                                   Electrical Services Project Managers
of our future?
                                                                  with super-prime experience and a can-do attitude
OKTO® Technologies are keen to engage
with goal-driven, ambitious, self-confident
and motivated people with clear defined
                                                          BMS Design Managers & BMS Project Managers
and ambitious goals.                                            who are highly organised and expert problem solvers

Are you tired of not being able
to do things properly?                                                      BMS Tridium Programmer
                                                                         with a flair for new technology trends
Do you want to work with a team
who never accept “good enough”?
                                                                       BMS Commissioning Engineers
Can you meet the challenge                                           who are dedicated to delighting their clients
of delivering true excellence?

As a company OKTO ® expects                       To help you achieve YOUR professional          In addition to a highly competitive
massive effort from every member of               goals at OKTO ® all staff have access to:      salary all OKTO ® staff receive:
staff, however in return OKTO ®
ensure staff are well rewarded so that they         The BEST client, contracting,                  Life Assurance
can achieve their own professional,                 & design teams
                                                                                                   Private Medical Insurance
personal and financial goals.                       The BEST projects
                                                                                                   Dental Insurance
In addition to a highly competitive                 Training & education with the
salary OKTO ® team members enjoys a                                                                Enhanced Pension
                                                    BEST educators internationally
diverse range of personal, professional
                                                                                                   Financial opportunities tailored
and financial benefits available on                 Leading trade shows &
                                                                                                   to YOUR individual financial goals
both a company wide and individually                exhibitions internationally
tailored basis.
                                                    Membership subscriptions for
                                                    Professional Institutes
All staff receive the following
Personal Benefits:                                  Career advancement tailored to
                                                    YOUR individual professional goals
  Gym Membership

  Cycle to Work Scheme                            Ask yourself…

  Cinema Tickets                                  What are my financial goals?

  Free Lunch Fridays                              Where do I see myself in a year, or 5 years?

  Annual Eye Test                                 What do I want to earn?

  Long Service Awards & Holidays                  What car do I want to drive?

  Buy/Sell Holidays                               Where do I want to holiday?

  Birthday Holiday                                Do I want to build a mansion?

  Employee Charity Volunteering                   OKTO ® will work with you to define a
  (1 day paid leave per year)                     clear path to attain YOUR financial goals.


Electricians are a friendly force
to be reckoned with
                                                                                                 “Customers want
                                                                                                  to feel reassured
                                                                                               that they can trust
                                                                                              someone to get the
                                                                                                job done properly
                                                                                                   and efficiently.”

        he survey found that electricians    the strongest impression on them and        someone they can easily communicate
        are considered the friendliest       affected their friendliness rating most.    and work with – friendliness is a vital
        tradespeople by the majority of      From this, My Job Quote found that          characteristic when assessing and hiring
customers surveyed (75%).                    customers are most grateful when            a tradesperson.”
Next on the list come gardeners and          tradespeople do not get annoyed when        Congratulations to electricians for
then plumbers, both considered slightly      they kindly ask them for an update/         topping the friendliness rankings and
less friendly than electricians, but still   progress check (84%). Other highly          making an excellent impression on their
comfortably occupying the top positions.     regarded actions include tradespeople       customers.
The general consensus was that builders,     who provide a valid reason and apology
kitchen specialists and tilers were          for not turning up when originally agreed
amongst the least friendly, scoring less
than half of what electricians did.
                                             and those who take the initiative to
                                             clean up any mess they have created,
                                                                                         The Rankings...
What are the factors that make different     once finished. When on the job, many        The ‘friendliest’ tradespeople:
tradespeople more or less friendly than      appreciate tradespeople who ask             Electricians...................................................... 75%
others? Another survey, from confused.       permission to use their bathroom as well    Gardeners/Garden Designers................. 71%
com in 2019, revealed that the most          as before making or receiving a work/       Plumbers..........................................................68%
secure trade professions are electricians    private phone call.                         HVAC Engineers...........................................64%
and double-glazing installation              Carl Meredith, Managing Director of My      Window Glaziers..........................................60%
businesses – both of which have an           Job Quote, provided some concluding         Painters and Decorators........................... 57%
average survival rate of 89% after two       thoughts on the survey, “When hiring        Floorers............................................................. 53%
years. It seems an obvious conclusion        a tradesperson, customers want to           Plasterers.........................................................49%
that sparks can provide the best service     feel reassured that they can trust          Bathroom Specialists.................................44%
possible whenever they can rely on their     someone to get the job done properly        Roofers............................................................. 40%
workflow and remain assured of their         and efficiently. A crucial part of the      Carpenters.......................................................36%
positions. However, there are clearly        service that really matters to customers    Builders............................................................. 32%
other contributing factors.                  is the level of care and attention that     Kitchen Specialists.......................................29%
Those surveyed were also asked to            a tradesperson will provide them.           Tilers................................................................... 23%
explain what specific actions make           The customer wants to deal with     FOLLOW US ON:                                                        IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 23
The best in
cable protection
• Standard and bespoke systems

• Simple installation process saving time

• Over 60 metallic and non metallic sytems

• Fully stocked depots Dublin/Belfast

Distributed in Ireland by:                                                    Distribution

                             Core ROI (Dublin)      T. +353 (0)1 453 7033     E.
                             Core N.I. (Belfast)    T. +44 (0)28 9002 0066    E.



The flexible friend for your cables
         core element of any electrical
         installation is making sure that
         all cables are effectively routed
and protected. Get it wrong and all your
hard work could go up in smoke.
The only way to ensure peace of mind
for you and your client, to properly
safeguard everything from conventional
power cables to the latest comms
cabling, is to use protective products
that are truly fit for purpose.
The Flexicon Flexible Conduit Systems
have been developed utilising the
latest technologies in both production
and automation. Benefitting from
significant investment in research and                                                                          “Intelligent
development, the boffins at Flexicon
have left no stone unturned in creating
                                                                                                            solutions to all
globally-recognised and market-leading                                                                      forms of cable
products. In short, intelligent solutions to                                                                    protection
all forms of cable protection challenges.
Now, thanks to Core, the electrical
industry across Ireland can benefit from
Flexicon’s know-how. As the exclusive
supplier of Flexicon Flexible Conduit          hazardous Ex applications.                      Simplicity of use. Space saving, with
Systems in Northern Ireland [from their        Another of the Flexicon benefits is the         cables grouped in one system. Fast
branch in Belfast’s Duncrue Industrial         extensive range on offer. There are 34          installation and reduced maintenance.
Park], and an authorised distributor           metallic conduit systems to select from,        Increased safety through system
for Flexicon products in the Republic          with sizes varying from 10mm to 74mm,           integrity. Unrivalled protection. If you
of Ireland [at Goldenbridge Industrial         in galvanised or stainless steel (with or       haven’t already, maybe it’s time you
Estate, Inchicore, Dublin] Core should be      without coverings or over-braiding). Add        moved the Flexicon way.
the trade’s first port of call.                to that 26 different non-metallic conduit       The Flexicon Flexible Conduit Systems
So what makes the Flexicon Flexible            varieties from 10mm to 106mm. The non-          are available from Core Distribution.
Conduit Systems special? A clue is             metallic systems are lightweight, easy          Bespoke Flexicon products can be
in the name. Retaining its pliability in       to cut, easy to install, and non-corrosive,     manufactured - interested contractors
movement, this highly flexible system is       whilst sharing the metallic traits of           and engineers should contact Core for
the perfect solution for tight bends or        flexibility, a high IP rating, and resistance   further details.
securing wiring at awkward angles. With        to water or dust ingress.
superior compression strength, wide-           In addition to the Flexicon Flexible
ranging temperature tolerances, and a          Conduit Systems and accessories, Core
high rating up to IP69, these conduits         can also offer the latest Flexicon Ultra
feel right at home in even the most            for non-metallic conduits, a simple
                                               push, twist, and seal fitting that delivers     Core (Northern Ireland)
                                               outstanding performance. Faster,                T: +44 (0)28 900 213 08
                                               safer, with excellent pull strength             E:
                                               combined with vibration and dynamic
                                               performance, it’s the latest innovation         Core (Republic of Ireland)
                                               from the Birmingham company that is             T: +353 (0)1 453 7033
                                               now one of the major players in the UK          E:
                                               & Ireland, European, American, Middle
                                               Eastern and Australasian markets.            FOLLOW US ON:                                                         IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 25


SWA take the market by storm
                                                                                                                  The outer bodies of
                                                                                                                 the STORM range by
                                                                                                                SWA come protected

with new cable glands
                                                                                                                    against corrosion,
                                                                                                                   with no additional
                                                                                                                equipment necessary.

       WA is so confident in the            as the O rings and gasket made from
       unbeatable combination of            oil-resistant nitrile rubber. The use
       speedy installation, advanced        of advanced polyamide for those
specification and low cost offered by its   outer components is responsible for
STORM range, it predicts that someday       many of the revolutionary advances
conventional glands may be rendered         delivered by the glands, including
obsolete. Bringing together advanced        their enhanced durability, ease of
design and ultra-modern materials in        installation and improved safety levels.
one elegant, compact solution, SWA          Additionally, the UV-stabilised glands
have taken a major leap forward in          offer improved ingress protection;          the award-winning EarthingNut™ and
armoured cable glands design. Every         they can be used from 20 degrees to         crimp lugs. The glands are available in
aspect of the conventional cable            over 80 degrees and do not emit toxic       thread sizes from 20mm to 32mm and
gland has been re-thought and, where        gases in the event of fire. The STORM       are suitable for use with many different
necessary, re-engineered. STORM             range offers two options to suit a          types of cable.
products can offer extended protection      variety of needs: a standard version,       T: +44 (0)1453 844 333
standards - up to IP68, rated as “dust-     which features locknut and earth tag        E:
tight” and protected against complete,      and the popular Tauras version, with
prolonged submersion in water. The
entire range features a non-metallic
                                            “STORM products can offer extended protection
outer assembly (cap, upper and lower
body) enclosing the gland’s brass           standards - up to IP68, rated as “dust-tight” and protected
clamping ring and inner body, as well       against complete, prolonged submersion in water.”

26 | IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                             FOLLOW US ON:     


OVIA – lighting up the industry
          uring 2019, leading electrical
          solutions provider, Scolmore
          Group, made a significant
investment in its successful OVIA
brand of lighting to create a dedicated,
                                                                                                                           Mike Collins,
independent lighting company – OVIA                                                                                       Sales Director
Ltd. The aim was to bring to the                                                                                                at OVIA
professional electrical contract market
a vastly extended range of high-quality
products that are very competitively
priced, and are available through reliable
wholesale channels. OVIA products now
cover a much wider range of sectors,
alongside the mainly residential and light
commercial ones previously serviced.
These include commercial, industrial,
utility, amenity,
emergency lighting
                                                                The OVIA catalogue is
and floodlighting.                                               already bursting with
                                                                    fantastic products!
OVIA is not another
LED lighting company
- the name is a familiar
one in the industry. It
was first introduced
by Scolmore in 2011
as the umbrella brand
for the company’s                                                                         “We already have a
growing lighting
collection. Having                                                                        reputation for quality and
enjoyed considerable
success with it during
                                                                                          reliability and we believe
the last eight years,                                                                     we are hitting the market
Scolmore recognised
the huge market                                                                           at the right time”
potential that the
transformation of the lighting sector        optimise energy saving credentials.            priced, offer a range of unique features
has brought in recent years, with the        OVIA Ltd is now officially launched,           and benefits, and are unmatched by
emphasis on energy efficiency and            with leading industry expert, Mike             competitors.”
connected systems. The new OVIA              Collins, heading up the business and           Some 400 individual products made
lighting range has been developed with       a highly experienced sales team on             up the first phase launch in November.
this in mind and includes a full range       board to take the new OVIA offering            The premium products within the
of lighting control solutions that will      out to customers across the UK. Mike           OVIA lighting range will come under
                                             commented, “our aim is to provide              the Inceptor brand. Inceptor is already
                                             contractors with a broad range of              a highly-regarded brand among
                                             lighting products that are quick and           contractors and its use will denote
                                             easy to install and will save them time        special features and benefits that will
                                             and money on any given project. We             set particular products apart, such as
                                             believe that we have a winning formula         the ability to use the Flow connector for
                                             with this new OVIA range. We already           speed and ease of installation, as well as
                                             have a reputation for quality and              the offer of additional warranties.
                                             reliability and we believe we are hitting
                                             the market at the right time to fill a         T: +44 (0)1827 300 640
                                             gap for a broad spectrum of entry level        E:
                                             lighting products that are competitively     FOLLOW US ON:                                                        IRELAND’S ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 27
                                                                                                             EC O      A
                                                                                                               TR M Y ILA
                                                                                                                 IC OU BL

                                                                                                                         R E
                                                                                                                      W LO
                                                                                                                       HO CA
                                                                                                                          LE L
                                                LOW SMOKE • HALOGEN FREE                                                    SA


                                                                                                       WELCOMED BY
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The Ideal cable solution for smoke,
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                                                 • Supporting wholesalers/distributors
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  Ledburn Cables, Eurohaul Centre, Greenhills Road, Dublin 24. - Tel: +353 (0)1 4597088 -
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