Business ideas and drinks come together at show

Page created by Alfredo Estrada
Business ideas and drinks come together at show

Business ideas and drinks                                                                              Beer company Innis & Gunn has
                                                                                                       launched a pop-up bar in its home

come together at show                                                                                  city of Edinburgh in partnership
                                                                                                       with local cocktail bar 56 North.
                                                                                                       The 350-capacity bar is at 32
Business-building advice, cocktail experiences     the Masters of Maraschino                           Potterrow, one of the hubs of
and the latest drinks products are being lined     competition for Luxardo                             the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
up for September’s Boutique Bar Show in            Maraschino, with a September                        Open until the end of August, it
London.                                            1 deadline for the London                           showcases some of Scotland’s
  New features will include the Boutique           heat. A second heat will be                         best drinks and food producers
Business Lounge, offering guidance for anyone      held at Boutique Bar Show in                        including Williams Bros, Stewart
looking to open their own venue. It is hosted      Glasgow on October 23. Entry                        Brewing, Caledonian Breweries,
by hospitality fit-out and project management      is via                           Thistly Cross Cider and Innis &
company WFC, with drinks from Cask Liquid            The London show, at the                           Gunn plus whiskies and other
Marketing.                                         Royal Horticultural Halls in                        boutique spirits.
  Paul Tvaroh, owner of Lounge Bohemia in          Westminster on September 18
Shoreditch, will create “an immersive and          and 19, will feature products                       Bar group Mojo has created its
innovative cocktail experience” at the show,       new to the UK, such as Mezan                        own app so that anyone in the
although details are under wraps.                  rums from Eaux de Vie, Cocchi Vermouth di           world can play its Radio Mojo
  Seminar speakers include Dan Priseman from       Torino from Speciality Brands, The Wild Geese       directly through their phones. It
blog, who will explore       Irish whiskeys from Emporia Brands and              features weekly playlists compiled
the classic Martinez, while drinks historians      Monkey 47 gin from Spirit Cartel.                   by Mojo staff and guests from the
Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller will talk about     Other exhibitors will include Dzana               music scene as well as an option to
“cocktails that changed the world”.                rum from Distillnation, Colombian rum La            buy songs through a link to iTunes.
  The seminar programme is being put               Hechicera, American beer Samuel Adams from          Available for iPhones, it will be
together by BarlifeUK which is also working        Shepherd Neame, the US’s Fordham Brewery            extended to other smartphones
with Brugal Rum on an inter-city bartender         beers from Heathwick, The London No 1 Gin           shortly.
competition. Teams will be challenged to make      from González Byass and fruit purees from
a punch inspired by each of their cities.          Pontier.
  BarlifeUK is co-ordinating entries to              Visit

                                                           ‘Classically modern’
                                                           whisky parties
                                                           Parties are being held at bars across
                                                           the UK this summer as part of an
                                                           “experiential” campaign to promote
                                                           the “classically modern” approach of
                                                           Scotch whisky Auchentoshan.
                                                             The events, run with leading
                                                           promoters, are part of the                  The Caprice Group’s London
                                                           Auchentoshan Presents…. programme,          restaurant Bam-Bou has introduced
                                                           introduced in 2010, aimed at increasing     a spicy cocktail list to tie in with a
                                                           brand awareness.                            “chilli festival” food menu running
 The deVigne bar at the Mandeville Hotel in                  Running from July to October,             until September. Bar manager
 Marylebone, London, has been revamped as                  they combine a whisky tasting with          Ladislav Piljar has created three
 Reform Social and Grill restaurant and bar. With          workshops linked to different partners.     cocktails containing chilli, including
 an emphasis on English products including gins, the       After events at The Corinthian in           a Bloody Maria made with chilli-
 cocktail list features twisted classics that match the    Glasgow and Zetter Townhouse                infused blanco tequila and The
 bar’s new classic look. Drinks include Rhubarb Rose,      in London in July, it will go to            Gower – a hot Martini made
 made with rose tea, rhubarb liqueur, bitters and          Brighton, Edinburgh and Common in           with pickled garlic. The Carnival
 champagne, and the Edwin Chadwick’s cup, mixing           Manchester. The next event on August        (pictured) is a mix of chillis with
 Tanqueray Gin with cucumber, mint, elderflower and        26 at The Wardrobe in Leeds sees            Sagatiba Pura cachaça, lime, basil
 champagne. It is headed by bar manager Vladimir           drinks consultancy Soulshakers run a        and pink grapefruit juice.
 Schmidt, formerly at nearby Samarqand.                    cocktail workshop.
                                                                                                       The Barracuda Pub Group has
                                                                                                       appointed Sarah Weir to the
Sky presents offer with Molson Coors                                                                   newly created role of commercial
                                                                                                       director, responsible for category
Sky has announced a price freeze for licensees       Sky will also continue to offer a discount of     management, overall procurement
until at least June 2013 and a new offer on Sky    up to 30 per cent for food-let outlets plus a       and marketing and food
Ultimate, its sports package for businesses.       further discount of up to 30 per cent based on      development across the 200-strong
  It is offering 50 per cent off Sky Ultimate      a venue’s location. It also provides discounts of   pub company. She was previously
for new customers until September 30 for           up to 33 per cent off Sky Ultimate as part of       at PizzaExpress and Mitchells &
packages bought between July 9 and August 5.       an offer with beer company Molson Coors.            Butlers.

Business ideas and drinks come together at show
wow factor
                                                      New “wave bar” design at Walkabout in
                                                 Watford, designed by Play Design Consultants

                                                                                                  Searcys at
                                                                                                  Blenheim Palace
                                                                                                  Catering Design Group combined
                                                                                                  stunning design with the existing heritage
                                                                                                  setting for the latest Searcys champagne
                                                                                                  bar which has opened in the Water
                                                                                                  Terraces Café in Blenheim Palace in
                                                                                                  Oxfordshire. The curved bar top in stone

Deep impact
                                                                                                  has a cushioned buttoned frontage to
                                                                                                  create a luxurious feel and reflect the
                                                                                                  grandeur of the space and architecture,
                                                                                                  while a high-stool seating area at one
                                                                                                  end provides views of the terrace
                                                                                                  fountains. Limestone-effect flooring
                                                                                                  mirrors the shape and cut of the bar
From overall design concepts to stand-out features, Mark Ludmon                                   counter and provides a contrasting finish
looks at how operators can create the “wow factor” in their venues                                to the existing plank floor.

                                                                                                    An eye-catching black voile drum was
                    alkabout bars have been     “bringing that wow factor back in a major         positioned over the existing candle-style
                    a familiar landmark on      way”, John says. “We’ve looked at enhancing       chandeliers within the bar to create a
                    Britain’s high streets      everything from bar design and customer           distinctive bar area and continue the
                    since the mid-1990s,        environment to music systems and customer         opulent theme. “Taking best advantage
but its current operator Intertain decided      service.” Enhancements have included              of the overall environment and retaining
they needed a reboot. “As with everything       new ‘wave design’ main bars, new dance            existing elements of the room, such as
that becomes familiar, and due to a level       floors, larger stages for live music, pop-up      flooring, light and the fireplace, we were
of underinvestment in the estate, we lost       restaurants, private booths and the creation      able to create a luxurious, contemporary
a little of the ‘wow factor’,” says Intertain   of separate “Beach Clubs” within the venues       space which sits comfortably within
chief executive John Leslie.The chain is now    with higher-end décor and furnishings.            the Water Terrace hospitality area
undergoing a major investment programme         “Refreshing the interiors has had a big           and provides visitors with a sense of
that has seen eight venues refurbished,         impact, and the refurbishment programme is        occasion,” says Philip Howard, managing
                                                delivering great returns on investment,” John     director of Catering Design Group.
                                                  The “wow factor” is something that many
                                                operators now look for from designers.           many ‘wow factors’ in one place – you don’t
                                                “The first time I heard the challenge to         know where to look. If you have too much
                                                create ‘the wow factor’ was probably only        going on around you, it loses the impact
                                                about eight years ago but it’s become            that just one or two particular features
                                                part of common language now,” says Phil          would have. A clever designer will stick to
                                                Waggett, executive director of leading           just one or two features that people will go
                                                hospitality contractor WFC. “With nearly         away and talk about.”
                                                every project now, someone at some point           Creating the wow factor in hospitality
 Clashbar                                       asks what the wow factor is in each job.”
                                                  WFC has worked with designers on
                                                                                                 interiors could mean just one design
                                                                                                 element or doing something different from
 Shaun Clarkson ID is well known for            many stunning interiors such as restaurant       the normal customer experience, points out
 creating avant-garde and extravagant           The Delaunay and the bars at the Prince
 interiors in the hospitality sector. One       of Wales Theatre in London. Examples
 of its latest bar projects was Clashbar        of the “wow factor” on other projects
 at stylish youth hostel Clink78 in King’s      include a giant jelly fish tank at ChaoBaby in
 Cross, London. Design motifs include           Birmingham’s Bullring, designed by Jonathon
 graffiti art on painted brick walls,           Morgan Design Associates, while WFC’s
 alongside bespoke wallpaper carrying           work on Brasserie Zédel, in the old Atlantic
 quill marks as an ode to Charles Dickens.      Bar site, benefited from the “natural wow
 Warehouse lighting, bold colours, neon         factor” of its restored Art Deco interiors.
 lights, easy club chairs and chunky            But Phil warns that you can have too much
 benches add to the impact.                     of a good thing. “You shouldn’t have too                       Cucina Rustica by Glassdomain

Business ideas and drinks come together at show
wow factor
interior designer Steven Separovich, head of
the BA course at KLC School of Design and
formerly at Conran & Partners. “Operators
are frequently searching for a USP that will
set them apart from their competitors,”
he says. “A ‘wow factor’ could therefore be
a single element such as the bar’s design
or a pendant light fitting, or something of
a more spatial nature or related to the
inherent character of the space, such as
a grand interior within a historic building.
I personally do not think that it is always
                                                   Princess of                                      Butler’s Bell
necessary to create a ‘wow factor’ in a bar
interior. Sometimes it is just about creating
                                                   Wales                                            JD Wetherspoon is challenging
                                                                                                    expectations by investing in bespoke,
an atmosphere or a quirkiness.”                    A traditional pub in the celebrity enclave       striking interiors at some of its newer
  Lighting is a fantastic tool for creating        of Primrose Hill, north London, has been         pubs. In converting the former Après bar
a bar interior with maximum appeal, says           transformed into an upmarket pub and             in Stafford to the Butler’s Bell, it took
Peter Wardleworth, head of design at               dining room with stunning interiors by           inspiration from a former ironmongers
Glassdomain which specialises in impactful         Space Design Studios. Covering three             on the site. The £1million refurbishment,
glass design features. “Not only can it bring      floors, the project at the Princess of           completed by principal contractor
luminosity to a space, but it can also alter       Wales included a new bar, an open                Sanderson, included several “wow”
the perspective of a room. Dependent               kitchen and a new restaurant area that           features such as the 11-metre-long bar
upon the choice of material and finish             can be used for private hire. Space              made from Corian with an Amberlite
selected, you really can achieve high surface      Design Studios were asked to create              resin front.
reflection or absorption of light to suit the      a design that was in keeping with a                Sanderson’s managing director Ian
environment. The relationship between              traditional pub vibe but with an original        Sanderson said: “A stylish interior is
natural light, artificial light and the surface    modern twist.                                    what can set one pub or bar apart from
of the material will naturally create zones          With a central island bar, the ground          its competitors and can often be why
of differing light and shade and provide the       floor features plenty of striking details        consumers choose to drink and socialise
space with varied contrasts and textures.”         and fresh decorative finishes, from              in a particular venue. Historically it was
  Peter adds that interesting shapes can           the luxuriant wall coverings and paint           bars that were more forward-thinking
create a wow factor. “Simply curving the bar       finishes to the bespoke lighting and             and inventive with their interior designs,
edge instead of conforming to the standard         quirky artwork. Stand-out design                 whereas pubs kept to a traditional style.
linear line will automatically create a focal      features include the two-metre-wide              However, over recent years we have
point,” he explains. “Not only will this           chandelier above the bar, covered in a           seen the two merging as bars mimic the
provide a softer aesthetic with its rounded        mosaic of vibrant fabrics.                       ‘traditional pub-style’ to create a rustic
features, but it can also make the bar a                                                            effect, and pubs have become much
statement piece in its own right, should                                                            more ‘pub chic’ as they extend their
the rest of the venue follow a uniform and        a warm welcoming feel drawing people into         offering with different foods and drinks
non-curvaceous style.” Glassdomain carried        the bar.”                                         and follow the latest trends to create an
out the design and specification of the bar         Flooring can play a big part in setting         inviting atmosphere.”
at restaurant Cucina Rustica in central           off the rest of a venue’s space and create
Birmingham, providing an exclusive branded        impact, points out Paul Barratt, commercial
mirror to frame the bar with the venue’s          sales director at Karndean Designflooring.         Operators are constantly looking to
logo. “Creating a stylish and massively           He says that luxury vinyl flooring, which        create unique spaces but within carefully
relevant focal point to the centre of the bar,    Karndean specialises in, is proving popular      managed budgets, points out Jay Rushton.
the branded mirror presents high-profile          for hospitality interiors as “it offers real     operations manager at Dawnvale, a leading
luxury branding in an innovative and cunning      breadth of choice when it comes to finishes,     specialist in hospitality fit-out. “Operators
way. The back-lit glass bar fronts also create    tones and textures, and the flexibility of the   and owners need the crucial balance of
                                                  tiles, planks and decorative strips makes it     design, budget and operational perfection
                                                  possible for almost any flooring design to be    to create the perfect combination.” He
                                                  brought to life in almost any area”.             says Dawnvale’s bespoke facilities and
                                                    Karndean has partnered with magnetised         manufacturing capabilities are increasingly
                                                  flooring technology specialist IOBAC to          in demand to achieve this. “With
                                                  offer its range of contemporary designs          clients looking to incorporate the wow
                                                  as magnetised vinyl tiles. As a system           factor, more unusual finishes are being
                                                  that works by magnetic field only, it is a       incorporated from our latest metal veneer
                                                  fast and sustainable way to install a new        range – which can be applied to almost
                                                  floor or replace an existing one. “With          any shaped substrate while providing a real
                                                  advanced technologies in the manufacture         metal finish in anything from copper and
                                                  of luxury vinyl tiles, the design capacity of    zinc – through to aged patina steel and
                                                  new flooring really is limitless,” Paul says.    brass.”
                                                  “Specifying intricate borders, corporate           Original furniture at Birmingham’s new
                                                  colours and bespoke laying patterns              Hotel La Tour contributes to the wow
                                                  is easier than ever before and can be            factor of its interiors, including the stylish
                                                  incorporated into an interior scheme and         Alvar Bar. The in-house design team at
 Morgan Furniture bar stools at Hotel La Tour
                                                  designs to meet any budget.”                     Morgan Furniture, led by design director

Business ideas and drinks come together at show
wow factor
                                                 a strong design message, so it’s important
                                                                                                   Designs from James Bullen
                                                 that it plays a convincing part in influencing
                                                 the overall design theme, conveying the
                                                 required look and feel of the operation.
                                                 Bar stools can happily contribute to a
                                                 sumptuous, luxurious style as easily as a
                                                 young, modern interior.”
                                                   The latest collections from CrestJMT
                                                 Leather reflect interior designers’ ever-
                                                 widening colour palette for upholstery, from
 Celebrity Eclipse                               neutral base colours and classic finishes to
                                                 the use of accent colours such as bright
 A bar that is literally cool as ice has been    blues, purples and reds. “Pubs, clubs and
 created on board Celebrity Cruises’             restaurants have endeavoured to take
 2,850-guest Celebrity Eclipse ship, which       customers’ minds off the doom and gloom
 sails from Southampton. Designed by the         of the economy by teaming neutral colours
 company’s in-house new-build team, the          with explosions of colours such as red,
 bar top is cooled down by a compressor          scarlet and orange,” says CrestJMT Leather
 placed in the bar pantry. Freon pipes are       managing director Tony Clayton, “and we
 placed under the surface to make the            see this trend continuing in the future. At
 surface frozen, and the iced top is filled      the moment it is all about citrus colours of
 with gycol, an organic compound widely          orange, yellow and lime.”
 used as automotive antifreeze, which              Stunning new designs suitable for bar
 keeps the surface frozen. It takes about        interiors are being launched at 100% Design
 two-and-a-half hours to get the surface         in London in September by textile designer
 frozen depending on humidity.                   James Bullen. He has won awards for his
   The system is delivered by Sea King,          pierced, slashed, buttoned and folded fabrics
 which specialises in functional catering        while he has used floral patterns fused
 systems for cruise liners, and is simple        with metallic trompe l’oeil images to create
 to defrost and clean every night. “With         unique canvas and Perspex wall art. A range
 a wide variety of Martinis on offer, and a      of Perspex products are being launched at
 uniqueness that seems to draw people            100% Design including Perspex cube lights
 in, the Celebrity Eclipse Ice Martini Bar       with printed panels.
 is easily our most popular bar on the             Works of art can provide a focal point
 ship,” says Scott Steenrod, associate           with a “wow factor”, with many brands and
 vice president for food and beverage            venues turning to Michael Murray Art to
 operations. “When guests walk into              create bespoke pieces. “Bar owners should
 the bar, they immediately gravitate to          consider investing in bespoke artwork
 the frozen bar top and are consistently         as they make great talking points, are
 surprised by how cold the surface is able       completely original therefore making a bar
 to keep cocktails.”                             original, and are reasonably priced, providing
                                                 that much sought-after wow factor which
                                                 is paramount for success in a highly
Katerina Zachariades, created 11 original
collections with distinctive style for the
                                                 competitive hospitality industry,” Michael
                                                 says. Examples include a large, striking aerial
                                                                                                   New Inn
hotel. Individual products included the          art piece at cocktail bar Ivy in Glasgow’s        A traditional “boozer” in Harborne,
stunning ultra-high-back Opera 169 chair         West End which was sponsored by                   Birmingham, was transformed into
which creates eye-catching seating groups        Pampero rum, while at another Glasgow bar,        a “classy” pub by hospitality design
in the hotel lobby. Based on Morgan’s            Den in Bearsden, Michael Murray provided          specialist Spencer Swinden. Part of pub
existing Opera 168AU, it keeps the original      a piece of art depicting a bear’s drinking den    operator Bitters ‘n’ Twisted Venues, it has
show wood base and flared arm detail but         to complement the interior design.                remained sympathetic to the building’s
with a back extended in height to 1460mm           A new generation of fireplaces and patio        history and character but with quirky
with a vertical button detail. In the Alvar      heaters can create stunning centrepieces for      details and unusual twists, explains
Bar, Morgan’s Diva bar stools enhance the        venues’ indoor or outdoor spaces. Fireplace       Spencer Swinden director Melony
luxurious interior with their tactile velvet     manufacturer CVO Fire has worked on               Spencer. “For instance, a mix of vintage-
and leather upholstery. “The bar is always       top-end bars, restaurants and hotels such         inspired hunting scenes and heritage
the focal point and often the main design        as Lutyens and DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel         plaids with vibrant colours created a
statement of the space,” Katerina says.          in London’s West End to Marco Pierre              modern twist, whilst wallpaper printed
“Choosing well designed bar stools can           White’s restaurant at the Fairmont hotel          with mallard ducks spans across the
add to the interior scheme and attract           in Abu Dhabi. “Bar owners are looking for         walls and ceilings to give the illusion
customers to spend more time at the bar.”        stylish yet affordable ways to provide that       they are actually in flight above you,” she
  Bar stools are often a starting point for      elusive ‘wow factor’, and that’s where fires      explains. “The New Inn now has a real
customers, making them a vital piece of          and fireplaces can play their part,” says CVO     ‘wow factor’ and is a real talking point
furniture, notes Vaughann Turnbull, national     Fire managing director Andrew Munro. “A           for locals and visitors alike. Business
sales manager of hospitality furniture           stunning fire provides a focal feature in a       has increased and the venue is gaining
supplier GO IN (UK). “When placed at             bar, hotel or restaurant, as proven with          a reputation for its unique interior and
the bar, it’s a very visible element, carrying   many of the companies we work with,               refreshing design approach.”

Business ideas and drinks come together at show
wow factor

 Za Za Bazaar in Bristol

                                                                                                   New technology means that bars and
                                                                                                   restaurants can create a wow factor with
                                                                                                   their menus, using interactive iPad and
                                                                                                   Android tablets and smartphones linked
                                                                                                   to a venue’s epos system. Already a hit in
 Italkero heater from CVO Fire                     Michael Murray Art at Den in Glasgow
                                                                                                   the US, Aptito’s all-in-one digital solution
                                                                                                   (pictured) has been introduced into the
making a space more stylish and, of course,       give it a unique touch that’s needed in          UK, with several venues due to start
warmer when needed.” It also supplies             today’s highly competitive market to attract     using it in August. The digital menus can
Italkero designer patio heaters.                  new custom and also to retain them,” says        feature images of drinks and food, with
  The “wow factor” could be down to a             founder Luke Andrews. “Guardian will             opportunities for supporting promotions
detail that reflects a venue’s level of service   create a buzz with your customer that’s          and loyalty programmes. “It enhances the
for its customers. An increasing number           needed to make their night and your venue        customer’s dining experience with easy-
of venues are installing Guardian Drinks          memorable.”                                      to-use menus and direct ordering,” says
Holders in their toilets which allow their          A bar’s design is integral to its offering,    director Sue Palmer.
customers to hygienically leave their drinks      setting the tone for the whole customer            Bleep UK has partnered with
within sight to cut the risk of them being        experience, shaping the atmosphere,              Conceptic Touch UK to provide
spiked or cleared away. “They allow your          and reflecting the quality of its service,       an interactive touch-screen menu
venue to stand out from the crowd and             points out Dan Einzig, founder of design         application called eMenu. Using a tablet
                                                  agency Mystery that has worked with              such as an iPad or a networked LCD
                                                  several operators. “Generally speaking, all      touch screen located on the table,
                                                  bars provide something very similar to           customers can see pictures of dishes and
                                                  consumers – a fun, comfortable place to          have their orders automatically sent to
                                                  access quality food and drink.Venues need        the till. It is directly linked and integrated
                                                  something that makes them stand out in the       with Bleep’s epos systems.
                                                  marketplace, and a strong design can often         Bars, pubs and clubs can also tap into
                                                  be a good way to do this as it can instantly     contactless payment technology through
                                                  set one venue apart from the competition.        a new low-cost epos system from
                                                  If the design is truly outstanding, it can be    Consolis Payments. Advanced mobile
                                                  an establishment’s main talking point and        and contactless payment systems have
 Parcel Yard                                      be one of the key driving forces behind
                                                  customer generation.”
                                                                                                   been considered too costly before but
                                                                                                   Consolis Payments’ new direct-to-bank
 Industrial-style furniture from Andy               With many larger operators now                 payment solution links an IP payment
 Thornton has contributed to the striking         mimicking the look and feel of small             terminal to an outlet’s epos till system or
 new interior of Fuller’s 10,000 sq ft pub,       independents, Dan believes it is becoming        a stand-alone counter-top cash register.
 the Parcel Yard at King’s Cross, London.         increasingly hard for bars to stand out          “Contactless will enable bars and
 Network Rail provided many reclaimed             in a crowded marketplace. “Good design           clubs to cut transaction times, increase
 materials such as panelling, flooring and        plays a vital role in creating distinctive       revenue, reduce costs, and improve
 doors, and interior designers Arc Design         elements that people remember,” he says,         customer satisfaction through fewer
 turned to Andy Thornton for vintage              citing the pod toilets at Sketch in London,      queues and a more efficient service,”
 factory-style furniture to complement            the large-scale urban street art of Za Za        says Tim Allen, managing director of
 the building’s features.                         Bazaar in Bristol and the bespoke mile-long      Consolis Payments.
   Mostly tapping into Andy Thornton’s            Chesterfield sofas at Shoreditch House
 Urban Vintage collection, the furniture          in London. But he stresses that operators
 includes two large refectory tables with         need to trust their designers to see a          is creating something that truly surprises
 iron frames and reclaimed pine tops with         concept through to completion. At Za Za         consumers and gets them talking. This
 matching benches. Other pieces include           Bazaar, Mystery’s team was given complete       sensory experience can be created through
 smaller tables with adjustable-height            licence to develop its vision. “In the words    style, scale, lighting, sounds, shapes and
 factory cog mechanisms and bar stools            of many of its customers, the effect was        aromas. It centres on creating an emotive
 with wooden seats and back rests on              ‘wow’ – a visually stunning, innovative and     reaction from the customers, with the aim
 yellow-painted steel frames that add a           evocative space that compels people to          that it will literally leave customers saying
 dash of colour.                                  talk about it. The ‘wow factor’ in design       ‘wow’.”

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