Card Risk Mitigation-Travel Exemptions API - Fiserv Confidential Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv August 2021

Page created by Manuel Griffith
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel
Exemptions API

                                           Fiserv Confidential
                    Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv
                                                   August 2021
Fiserv and the Fiserv logo are registered marks of Fiserv, Inc.
Copyright © 2021 Fiserv, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Fiserv, Inc. and may not be disclosed to others than
those to whom it was originally distributed. It must not be duplicated, published, or used for any other purpose than
originally intended without the prior written permission of Fiserv, Inc.
Information described in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, and much care has been taken in its
preparation. However, no responsibility, financial or otherwise, is accepted for any consequences arising out of the
use or misuse of this material.

      Revisions, August 2021                                                       5

      About Travel Exemptions                                                      6
          Business Case                                                            6
          Summary of Operations                                                    6
          Authorization and Authentication                                         7
          Using the Portal                                                         7
          Viewing OpenAPI REST Specification                                       7
          Sandbox Test Cases                                                       7
          Target Host URLs                                                         8
          Using the Travel Exemption API                                           8

      Data Definitions                                                             9
          searchExemptions Request                                                 9
          searchExemptions Response                                               10
          addTravelExemption Request                                              11
          addTravelExemption Response                                             13
          updateTravelExemption Request                                           14
          updateTravelExemption Response                                          16
          expireTravelExemption Request                                           17
          expireTravelExemption Response                                          18

      Sandbox Use Cases                                                           20
          Sandbox Data                                                            20
             Request Header                                                       20
          Use Case 1—Retrieve Travel Exemptions                                   21
          Use Case 2—Add Travel Exemptions                                        24
          Use Case 3—Update Travel Exemptions                                     27
          Use Case 4—Expire Travel Exemptions                                     29

      Exception Scenarios                                                         32
            Request Header Errors                                                 32
                x-fapi-financial-id                                               32
                x-fapi-interaction-id                                             33

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                            Contents

                  Invalid Resource URL                                                 33
                  Bearer Token                                                         34
               Request Body Errors                                                     35
                  $                                                           35
                  $client.applicationName                                              36
                  $client.vendorName                                                   37
                  $client.auditId                                                      37
                  $ and middleInitial                                    38
                  $cardholder.pan                                                      39
                  $cardholder.pan and name and zip                                     40
                  $travelExemptions.exemptionNumber                                    40
                  $travelExemptions.startDateTime                                      41
                  $travelExemptions.endDateTime                                        41
                  $exemptionCodes.stateCountryCodes                                    42

       Reference                                                                       43
           Error Condition Codes                                                       43
               RetrieveTravel Exemptions—Error Codes                                   43
               Add Travel Exemptions—Error Codes                                       44
               Update Travel Exemptions—Error Codes                                    45
               Expire Travel Exemptions—Error Codes                                    47
           Country and Currency Codes                                                  48
           State Codes                                                                 56

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Revisions, August 2021

                     Section                                                    Description
    All.                                           New.
    Exception Scenarios                            Remove missing Name and zipCode scenario; remove zipCode and
                                                   wrong MiddleInitial scenario; add valid Pan but invalid/missing
                                                   zipCode or Name scenarios
    Error Codes                                    Remove code WS101
    Data Definitions and Sandbox Test Cases        Update time and date to UTC

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About Travel Exemptions

   Travel Exemptions is a rule used by the RuleManager application that exempts a card from
   specific rules. It enables unrestricted card activity in states or countries outside of their normal
   location for users during a specific period of time. Another case can exempt the card from
   specific rules, example: travel to specific states for large purchases.
   The Travel Exemptions RESTful API provides integration partners the ability to view, add, create,
   update, and remove travel exemptions for a specific card. The design requires a Primary Account
   Number (PAN), in addition to validating fields—member number, cardholder name, Zip code to
   enable the system to access correct card.

   Business Case
   A busy, traveling user seeks convenience. Keep your users loyal to the traveling site by providing
   ability to set up travel exemptions for a card before traveling. During travel, the same user can
   make changes, on the go, using a mobile watch or mobile phone from an online banking app.
   Use the Travel Exemptions API to provide the functionality for this feature.

   Summary of Operations
   The current list of operations include:

                     API Operation                                          Description

    POST        v1/exemptions/search         Retrieves a travel exemption list for the requested PAN.
    POST        v1/exemptions                Adds travel exemptions for the requested PAN.
    PUT         v1/exemptions                Updates travel exemptions for the requested PAN.
    PUT         v1/exemptions/expire         Expires the travel exemptions created by the user.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                              About Travel Exemptions

   Authorization and Authentication
   The APIs available on the Fiserv Card Developer portal are secured with OAuth2 security scheme
   . Financial Institutions (FIs) need to pass a valid bearer token to get access to the APIs. See the
   API for Card Developer user manual for details.

              Note: You can call Token API to retrieve a Bearer token. Token remains valid for 15 minutes.

   Using the Portal
   The Fiserv API Portal for Card Developers is used for onboarding users, viewing and retrieving
   security keys for authentication, and to view API documentation. Information for using the portal,
   getting started, generating access tokens, and understanding OpenAPI specifications is available
   in the API for Card Developer user manual.

   Viewing OpenAPI REST Specification
   The OpenAPI REST specification is available in YAML format on the Card Developers Portal. The
   specification describes the URL, endpoints, parameters and schema, and data definitions,
   required to complete call requests, expected responses, and response codes. An OpenAPI file
   can be opened in any swagger or text editor. Example:
   1. Go to APIs and navigate to the required product.
   2. Use Swagger or Text Editor to view the OpenAPI file.

   Sandbox Test Cases
   The sample data required for working in the sandbox environment and additional examples for
   product use are available in this document.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                About Travel Exemptions

   Target Host URLs
           Type            API Operation                                     Target URL

    Search Travel      v1/exemptions/search      https://card-

    Add Travel         v1/exemptions   

    Update Travel      v1/exemptions   

    Expire Travel      v1/exemptions/expire      https://card-


    Search Travel      v1/exemptions/search

    Add Travel         v1/exemptions   

    Update Travel      v1/exemptions   

    Expire Travel      v1/exemptions/expire

   Using the Travel Exemption API
   A user can have maximum two travel plans at a time in a travel exemptions list (arrayNum 1 and
   arrayNum 2).
     • Travel exemptions are user-defined actions. A user specifies the start and end dates of
       travel and the countries and/or states to exempt card rules.
     • Travel exclusions are FI-defined actions setting permanent card restrictions in countries and
       states on behalf of all of its members based on internal and federal regulations. Reference
       the travel exclusions to ensure the user does not attempt to exempt a card in these areas. If
       FI-specified exclusion codes are included in a travel exemption list, an error response occurs.

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Data Definitions

   The definitions of specific properties used for the Travel Exemptions APIs. All dates and times
   are shown in UTC (Universal Time Code).

   searchExemptions Request
    Attributes                                                           Description

       id                   String      Required. Fiserv assigned financial institution identifier (FIID) associated
                                        with the client.
                                        Length: 8
                                        Example: 84014831

       applicationName      String      Required. Name of the application calling this API.
                                        Length: 50
                                        Example: Open Systems

       vendorName           String      Required. Client vendor identifier.
                                        Length: 30
                                        Example: Mobiliti

       auditId              String      Required. Identifier provided by the FI to track user activities.
                                        Length: 13
                                        Example: 84014831


       pan                  String      Required. Full card number or the primary account number (PAN).
                                        Length: 25
                                        Example: 2222979764340017

       memberNumber         String      Member number. Distinguishes between cardholders sharing the same
                                        card number or joint accounts.
                                        Length: 1
                                        Example: 0

       firstName            String      First name of the primary cardholder.
                                        Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                        Example: SUMITRA

       lastName             String      Last name of the primary cardholder.
                                        Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                        Example: VEER

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                              Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                            Description
       middleInitial         String      Middle initial of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: 1
                                         Example: S

       zip                   String      Card billing postal code.
                                         Length: 15
                                         Example: 20120

   searchExemptions Response
    Attributes                                                              Description
    travelExemptions            Array       List of existing exemptions. Repeats up to 2 times.
                                            Note: If there are no exemptions, the array displays with
                                            empty brackets [ ].

       exemptionNumber        Number        Required. Number required to identify the travel plan within the
                                            cardholder record to be updated or expired.
                                            Each cardholder record can hold 2 travel plans; each plan can cover up to
                                            15 states and/or countries.
                                            Length: 1
                                            Example: 1

       startDateTime            String      Required. Start date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                            format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                            always be 00.

                                            Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       endDateTime              String      Required. End date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                            format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                            always be 00.

                                            Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       lastUpdatedDateTime      String      Required. Date and time the exemption data was last modified. The
                                            value takes the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the
                                            time will always be 00.

                                            Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       exemptionCodes          Object       List of state and country codes that are part of the exemption. Repeats
                                            up to 15 times.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                               Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                              Description
         stateCountryCodes    Array         Required. State and Country codes. See State Codes on page 56 and .
                                            Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                            Example: AFG

    exclusions                Array         List of states and countries not available to the users for travel
                                            exemption setting set by the FI. Repeats up to 50 times to provide up to
                                            50 exclusions.

       type                   String        Required. Provides the type of exclusion code.
                                              • C=Country
                                              • S=State
                                            Length: 1

       code                   String        Required. State and country code.
                                            Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                            Example: AFG

   addTravelExemption Request
    Attributes                                                            Description

       id                    String      Required. Fiserv assigned financial institution identifier (FIID) associated
                                         with the client.
                                         Length: 8
                                         Example: 84014831

       applicationName       String      Required. Name of the application calling this API.
                                         Length: 50
                                         Example: Open Systems

       vendorName            String      Required. Client vendor identifier.
                                         Length: 30
                                         Example: Mobiliti

       auditId               String      Required. Identifier provided by the FI to track user activities.
                                         Length: 13
                                         Example: 84014831

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                            Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                            Description

       pan                   String      Required. Full card number or primary account number (PAN).
                                         Length: 25
                                         Example: 2222979764340017

       memberNumber          String      Member number.
                                         Length: 1
                                         Example: 0

       firstName             String      First name of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                         Example: SUMITRA

       lastName              String      Last name of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                         Example: VEER

       middleInitial         String      Middle initial of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: 1
                                         Example: S

       zip                   String      Card billing postal code.
                                         Length: 15
                                         Example: 20120

    startDateTime            String      Required. Start date and time of the exemption. Date cannot be prior to
                                         current calendar date the request is being sent. This string takes the
                                         format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]±[hh]:[mm] or yyyy-mm-

                                         Example: 2019-01-05T13:15:34Z

    endDateTime              String      Required. . End date and time of the exemption. Date cannot be prior to
                                         current calendar date the request is being sent. This string takes the
                                         format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]±[hh]:[mm] or yyyy-mm-

                                         Example: 2019-01-05T13:15:34Z

    exemptionCodes           Object      List of state and country codes that are part of the exemption. Repeats up
                                         to 15 times.

         stateCountryCodes   Array       Required. State and Country codes. See State Codes on page 56 and .
                                         Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                         Example: AFG

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                          Data Definitions

   addTravelExemption Response
    Attributes                                                          Description
    travelExemptions          Array     List of existing exemptions. Repeats up to 2 times.
                                        Note: If there are no exemptions, the array displays with
                                        empty brackets [ ].

       exemptionNumber       Number     Required. Identifies the travel plan associated with the cardholder record
                                        to be updated or expired.
                                        Each cardholder record can hold 2 travel plans; each plan can cover up to
                                        15 states and/or countries.
                                        Length: 1
                                        Example: 1

       startDateTime         String     Required. Start date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                        always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       endDateTime           String     Required. End date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                        always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       lastUpdatedDateTime   String     Required. Date and time the exemption data was last modified. The
                                        value takes the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the
                                        time will always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       exemptionCodes        Object     List of state and country codes that are part of the exemption. Repeats
                                        up to 15 times.

         stateCountryCodes    Array     State and Country codes. See State Codes on page 56 and .
                                        Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                        Example: AFG

    exclusions                Array     List of states and countries the FI does not want available to the users
                                        for travel exemption setting. Repeats up to 50 times to provide up to 50

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                           Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                          Description
       type                  String     Required. Provides the type of exclusion code.
                                          • C=Country
                                          • S=State
                                        Length: 1

       code                  String     Required. State and country code
                                        Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                        Example: AFG

   updateTravelExemption Request
    Attributes                                                          Description

       id                    String     Required. Fiserv assigned financial institution identifier (FIID) associated
                                        with the client.
                                        Length: 8
                                        Example: 84014831

       applicationName       String     Required. Name of the application calling this API.
                                        Length: 50
                                        Example: Open Systems

       vendorName            String     Required. Client vendor identifier.
                                        Length: 30
                                        Example: Mobiliti

       auditId               String     Required. Identifier provided by the FI to track user activities.
                                        Length: 13
                                        Example: 84014831


       pan                   String     Required. Full card number or the primary account number (PAN).
                                        Length: 25
                                        Example: 2222979764340017

       memberNumber          String     Member number. Distinguishes between cardholders sharing the same
                                        card number or joint accounts.
                                        Length: 1
                                        Example: 0

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                         Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                          Description
       firstName             String     First name of the primary cardholder.
                                        Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                        Example: SUMITRA

       lastName              String     Last name of the primary cardholder.
                                        Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                        Example: VEER

       middleInitial         String     Middle initial of the primary cardholder.
                                        Length: 1
                                        Example: S

       zip                   String     Card billing postal code.
                                        Length: 15
                                        Example: 20120

    exemptionNumber          Number     Required. Identifies the travel plan associated with the cardholder
                                        record to be update or expire.
                                        Each cardholder record can hold 2 travel plans; each plan can cover up
                                        to 15 states and/or countries.
                                        Length: 1
                                        Example: 1

    startDateTime            String     Required. Start date and time of the exemption. Date cannot be prior to
                                        current calendar date the request is being sent. This string takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]±[hh]:[mm] or yyyy-mm-

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

    endDateTime              String     Required. End date and time of the exemption. Date cannot be prior to
                                        current calendar date the request is being sent. This string takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]±[hh]:[mm] or yyyy-mm-

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

    exemptionCodes           Object     List of state and country codes that are part of the exemption. Repeats
                                        up to 15 times.

         stateCountryCodes    Array     Required. State and Country codes. See State Codes on page 56 and .
                                        Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                        Example: AFG

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                          Data Definitions

   updateTravelExemption Response
    Attributes                                                          Description
    travelExemptions          Array     List of existing exemptions. Repeats up to 2 times.
                                        Note: If there are no exemptions, the array displays with
                                        empty brackets [].

       exemptionNumber       Number     Required. Identifies the travel plan associated with the cardholder record
                                        to update or expire.
                                        Each cardholder record can hold 2 travel plans; each plan can cover up to
                                        15 states and/or countries.
                                        Length: 1
                                        Example: 1

       startDateTime         String     Required. Start date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                        always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       endDateTime           String     Required. End date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                        always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       lastUpdatedDateTime   String     Required. Date and time the exemption data was last modified. The
                                        value takes the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the
                                        time will always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       exemptionCodes        Object     List of state and country codes that are part of the exemption. Repeats
                                        up to 15 times.

         stateCountryCodes    Array     Required. State and Country codes. See State Codes on page 56 and .
                                        Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                        Example: AFG

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                             Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                            Description
    exclusions               Array        List of states and countries the FI does not want to be available for users
                                          for travel exemption setting. Repeats up to 50 times to provide up to
                                          50 exclusions.

       type                  String       Required. Type of exclusion code.
                                            • C=Country
                                            • S=State
                                          Length: 1

       code                  String       Required. State and country code.
                                          Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                          Example: AFG

   expireTravelExemption Request
    Attributes           Data Type                                       Description

       id                  String        Required. Fiserv assigned financial institution identifier (FIID) associated
                                         with the client.
                                         Length: 8
                                         Example: 84014831

       applicationName     String        Required. Name of the application calling the API.
                                         Length: 50
                                         Example: Open Systems

       vendorName          String        Required. Client vendor identifier.
                                         Length: 30
                                         Example: Mobiliti

       auditId             String        Required. Identifier provided by the FI to track user activities.
                                         Length: 13
                                         Example: 84014831


       pan                 String        Required. Full card number or the primary account number.
                                         Length: 25
                                         Example: 2222979764340017

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                              Data Definitions

    Attributes           Data Type                                       Description
       memberNumber        String        Member number. Distinguishes between cardholders sharing the same
                                         card number or joint accounts.
                                         Length: 1
                                         Example: 0

       firstName           String        First name of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                         Example: SUMITRA

       lastName            String        Last name of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: First & Last +1 for Middle=60
                                         Example: VEER

       middleInitial       String        Middle initial of the primary cardholder.
                                         Length: 1
                                         Example: S

       zip                 String        Card billing postal code.
                                         Length: 15
                                         Example: 20120

    exemptionNumber       Number         Required. Identifies the travel plan associated with the cardholder record
                                         to update or expire.
                                         Each cardholder record can hold 2 travel plans; each plan can cover up to
                                         15 states and/or countries.
                                         Length: 1
                                         Values: Can only be 1 or 2. Value of 2 is only valid if there are 2
                                         live exemptions.
                                         Example: 1

   expireTravelExemption Response
    Attributes                                                            Description
    travelExemptions         Array        List of existing exemptions. Repeats up to 2 times.
                                          Note: If there are no exemptions, the array displays with
                                          empty brackets [ ].

       exemptionNumber      Number        Required. Identifies the travel plan associated with the cardholder record
                                          to update or expire.
                                          Each cardholder record can hold 2 travel plans; each plan can cover up to
                                          15 states and/or countries.
                                          Length: 1
                                          Example: 1

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                         Data Definitions

    Attributes                                                          Description
       startDateTime         String     Required. Start date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                        always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       endDateTime           String     Required. End date and time of the exemption. The value takes the
                                        format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the time will
                                        always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       lastUpdatedDateTime   String     Required. Date and time the exemption data was last modified. The
                                        value takes the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.mmm]Z. Seconds of the
                                        time will always be 00.

                                        Example: 2019-11-19T14:36:00Z

       exemptionCodes        Object     List of state and country codes that are part of the exemption. Repeats
                                        up to 15 times.

         stateCountryCodes   Array      Required. State and Country codes. See State Codes on page 56 and .
                                        Length: State code (2-alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                        Example: AFG

    exclusions               Array      List of states and countries the FI does not want to make available for
                                        users for travel exemption setting. Repeats up to 50 times to provide up
                                        to 50 exclusions.

       type                  String     Required. Type of exclusion code.
                                          • C=Country
                                          • S=State
                                        Length: 1

       code                  String     Required. State and country code
                                        Length: State code (2- alphabetical), Country code (3-alphabetical)
                                        Example: AFG

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Sandbox Use Cases

   The sandbox application is a static repository that includes all of the test data required to practice
   sending calls and become familiar with the API. Maps are created and filled in with static data so
   the server cannot fulfill modification requests but does return responses with matching record

   Sandbox Data
   Use the supplied data in the following table to make the sandbox test calls. See for further details
   about attributes.
   All data is case-sensitive.

   Request Header
    Parameter        Required     Data Type       Description
    content-type         Yes          string      Identifies the type of the payload (for POST and PUT operations)
                                                  the FI is sending. It should be the same as what the server
                                                  is expecting.
                                                  Value: application/json

    Authorization        Yes          string      Retrieves an access token through the Access Token API.
                                                  Access tokens are required in every call request. Tokens expire
                                                  after 15 minutes.
                                                  Authorization: bearer aBa0Ab00a0a=aBBa00aaB0AaAaAB00

    x-fapi-              Yes          string      Company client ID.

    x-fapi-              No           string      Identifies a transaction (transaction or correlation ID) value for
    interaction-id                                tracking purposes. Optional in the request but always returned in
                                                  the response.
                                                  If a value is provided in the request, the same value is returned in
                                                  the response. Otherwise, a Fiserv-generated ID is added to
                                                  the response.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                               Sandbox Use Cases

   Use Case 1—Retrieve Travel Exemptions
   Use to search and retrieve a travel exemption list for the requested primary account number
   (PAN). A list of cardholder-configured exemptions and all FI predefined travel exclusions for its
   members are returned.
     • If the cardholder has not created a list, the return displays an empty list, designated as [ ], but
       the FI-defined travel exclusions is still listed, see response message.
     • See or State Codes on page 56 for code
       abbreviation references.
   Method: POST
   This operation searches and retrieves any existing travel exemptions created by a cardholder.
   Two travel exemption lists are possible. To add, update or remove travel exemptions, this search
   request must be conducted first to understand what and if any lists exist for a cardholder.
   The following request example for the cardholder, with PAN 222297976430017, returns 2
   exemption lists with effective start and end dates, and the FI-applied exclusion codes.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                      Sandbox Use Cases

                                REQUEST                                                          200 RESPONSE
    {                                                            {
        "client":{                                                   "travelExemptions": [
             "id":"84014831",                                             {
             "applicationName":"OpenSystems",                                  "exemptionNumber": 1,
             "vendorName":"Mobiliti",                                          "startDateTime": "2019-07-20T07:00:00Z",
             "auditId":"Mobiliti"                                              "endDateTime": "2020-07-31T03:59:00Z",
        },                                                                     "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-06-07T07:00:00Z",
        "cardholder":{                                                         "exemptionCodes": {

             "pan":"2222979764340017",                                             "stateCountryCodes": [

             "memberNumber":"0",                                                       "AFG"

             "firstName":"SUMITRA",                                                ]

             "middleInitial":"S",                                              }
             "lastName": "VEER",                                          },
             "zip": "20120"                                               {
        }                                                                      "exemptionNumber": 2,
    }                                                                          "startDateTime": "2019-05-03T21:14:00Z",
                                                                               "endDateTime": "2019-05-16T20:16:00Z",
                                                                               "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-05-16T20:16:00Z",
                                                                               "exemptionCodes": {
                                                                                   "stateCountryCodes": [
                                                                     "exclusions": [
                                                                               "code": "AGO",
                                                                                   "type": "C"

                                                     Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                               Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                          22
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                       Sandbox Use Cases

                     REQUEST                                                      200 RESPONSE
                                                                    "code": "DZL",
                                                                    "type": "C"
                                                                    "code": "FL",
                                                                    "type": "S"
                                                                    "code": "GA",
                                                                    "type": "S"
                                                                    "code": "USA",
                                                                    "type": "C"

                                           Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                     Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                   23
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                 Sandbox Use Cases

   Use Case 2—Add Travel Exemptions
   Use to add new travel exemption data for the requested card number or create a new list. Before
   you begin, retrieve the Travel Exemption List that includes FI exclusions.

              Important! A cardholder can have a maximum of two travel plans on a specified card at any
              given time.

   If two active travel exemptions exist, an error code results in the statusCode field of the
   response. See Error Condition Codes on page 43. To include the new information, update an
   existing list, or expire an existing list to add a new list.
     • If FI-specified exclusion codes are included in a new list request, an error response occurs.
     • If a cardholder has not created a list, the return displays an empty list, designated as [ ], but
       the FI-defined travel exclusions is listed.
     • See or State Codes on page 56 for abbreviation references.
   Method: POST
   This operation adds travel exemptions to an exemption list (1 or 2).

              Note: For now, there are some discrepancies in the Request and Response messages for this
              operation. The changes in progress and a revised document will be available.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                 Sandbox Use Cases

                             REQUEST                                                        200 RESPONSE
    {                                                       {
        "client":{                                              "travelExemptions": [
             "id":"84014831",                                        {
                                                                          "startDateTime": "2020-07-31T02:15:00Z",
                                                                          "endDateTime": "2020-08-11T14:50:00Z",
        },                                                                "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-11-19T18:12:00Z",
        "cardholder":{                                                    "exemptionCodes": {
             "pan":"2222979764340017",                                        "stateCountryCodes": [
             "memberNumber": "0",                                                 "CAN"
             "lastName":"VEER",                                           }
             "zip":"20120"                                           },
        },                                                           {
             "startDateTime":"2020-07-30T22:15:00Z",                      "exemptionNumber": 2,
             "endDateTime":"2020-08-11T10:50:00Z",                        "startDateTime": "2019-06-13T19:27:00Z",
             "exemptionCode":{                                            "endDateTime": "2019-06-14T19:27:00Z",
                                                                          "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-06-13T19:27:00Z",
                 "stateCountryCodes": [
                                                                          "exemptionCodes": {
                                                                              "stateCountryCodes": [
                                                                "exclusions": []
                                                                          "code": "AGO",
                                                                              "type": "C"

                                                      Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                                Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                    25
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                   Sandbox Use Cases

                   REQUEST                                                    200 RESPONSE
                                                              "code": "DZL",
                                                              "type": "C"
                                                              "code": "FL",
                                                              "type": "S"
                                                              "code": "GA",
                                                              "type": "S"
                                                              "code": "USA",
                                                              "type": "C"

                                           Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                         Sandbox Use Cases

   Use Case 3—Update Travel Exemptions
   You must first retrieve a travel exemption list for the requested primary account number (PAN).
   Using this information, you can then make any necessary updates.
   The following example illustrates a successful response when contacting the POST SSO URL
   Method: PUT
   Example: Correct request and the expected response.

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August 2021                       Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                       27
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                       Sandbox Use Cases

                               REQUEST                                                           200 RESPONSE
    {                                                                 {
        "client":{                                                        "travelExemptions": [
             "id":"84014831",                                                      {
             "applicationName":"OpenSystem",                                            "exemptionNumber": 1,
             "vendorName":"Mobiliti",                                                    "startDateTime": "2019-11-12T18:15:00Z",
             "auditId":"84014831"                                                        "endDateTime": "2019-12-15T18:15:00Z",
        },                                                                               "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-11-
        "cardholder":{                                                                  19T18:12:00Z",
             "pan":"2222979764340017",                                                   "exemptionCodes": {
             "memberNumber": "0",                                                           "stateCountryCodes": [
             "firstName":"SUMITRA",                                                         "CAN"
             "middleInitial":"",                                                            ]
             "lastName":"VEER",                                                         }
                                                                              "exclusions": [
        "endDateTime":"2019-12-15T13:15:30Z",                                      {
        "exemptionCodes":{                                                              "code": "AGO",
             "stateCountryCodes":[                                                      "type": "C"
                 "CAN"                                                             },
             ]                                                                     {
        }                                                                               "code": "DZL",
    }                                                                                   "type": "C"
                                                                                        "code": "FL",
                                                                                        "type": "S"
                                                                                        "code": "GA",
                                                                                        "type": "S"
                                                                                        "code": "USA",
                                                                                        "type": "C"

                                                     Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                               Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                              28
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                 Sandbox Use Cases

   Use Case 4—Expire Travel Exemptions
   Use to expire a travel exemptions plan for the requested PAN. Before you begin, retrieve the
   specified card Travel Exemption List including FI exclusions.

              Important! A cardholder can have a maximum of two travel plans on a specified card at any
              given time.

   If two lists already exist, an error code results in the statusCode field of the response. See Error
   Condition Codes on page 43. To include the new information, an update request can be made to
   an existing list, or an existing list must first be expired so the new list can be added.
     • If FI-specified exclusion codes are included in a new list request, an error response occurs.
     • If a cardholder has not created a list, the return displays an empty list, designated as [ ], but
       the FI-defined travel exclusions is listed.
     • See or State Codes on page 56 for abbreviation references.
   Method: PUT
   This operation expires existing travel exemptions in an exemption list (1 or 2). The process
   requires a search and retrieve request first to understand the lists available for a cardholder.

                                                  Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                            Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                        29
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                      Sandbox Use Cases

                                REQUEST                                                          200 RESPONSE
    {                                                                {
        "client":{                                                       "travelExemptions": [
             "id":"84014831",                                                 {
             "applicationName":"OpenSystems",                                 "exemptionNumber": 1,
             "vendorName":"Mobiliti",                                         "startDateTime": "2019-11-19T18:12:00Z",
             "auditId":"Mobiliti"                                             "endDateTime": "2019-11-19T18:12:00Z",
        },                                                                    "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-11-19T18:12:00Z",
        "cardholder":{                                                        "exemptionCode": {
             "pan":"2222979764340017",                                             "stateCountryCodes": [
             "memberNumber": "0",                                                      "AFG"
             "firstName":"SUMITRA",                                                ]
             "middleInitial":"S",                                             }
                                                                              "exemptionNumber": 2,
    }                                                                         "startDateTime": "2019-05-03T21:14:00Z",
                                                                              "endDateTime": "2019-05-03T21:14:00Z",
                                                                              "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2019-05-03T21:14:00Z",
                                                                              "exemptionCodes": {
                                                                                   "stateCountryCodes": [
                                                                         "exclusions": [
                                                                                   "code": "AGO",
                                                                                   "type": "C"

                                                     Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                               Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                         30
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                           Sandbox Use Cases

                     REQUEST                                                          200 RESPONSE
                                                                        "code": "DZL",
                                                                        "type": "C"
                                                                        "code": "FL",
                                                                        "type": "S"
                                                                        "code": "GA",
                                                                        "type": "S"
                                                                        "code": "USA",
                                                                        "type": "C"

                                           Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                     Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                       31
Exception Scenarios

   Error responses can occur if the API call request is not formatted correctly or contains incorrect
   values. The server returns HTTP response codes with errors if the parameters or schema
   attributes do not meet Fiserv requirements. Some errors are further defined with status codes.

   Request Header Errors
   The following examples are situations that can occur if parameters are incorrect in the
   request header.

   The x-fapi-financial-id is a required parameter in the request header of each REST API call. An
   error can result if a value is not provided, exceeds 8 digits, or includes letters
   and symbols.

                            HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                             Response Example                              Solution
    Missing header x-      400 Bad Request       {                                                       x-fapi-financial id is
    fapi-financial-id                                "errors": [                                         missing from the
                                                         {                                               request header.

                                                             "code": 400,                                Add the x-fapi-
                                                             "description": "missing header x-fapi-      financial-id to the
                                                             financial-id"                               request header.
                                                                                                         Enter the Company
                                                                                                         client ID.

    Header x-fapi-         400 Bad Request       {                                                       Recheck the value.
    financial-id greater                             "errors": [
    than 8 digits                                        {
                                                             "code": 400,
                                                             "description": "invalid x-fapi-financial-

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                  Exception Scenarios

                             HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                               Response Example                             Solution
    Header x-fapi-          400 Bad Request       {                                                        Recheck the value.
    financial-id                                       "errors": [
    alphanumeric                                           {
                                                               "code": 400,
                                                               "description": "invalid x-fapi-financial-


                             HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                               Response Example                             Solution
    x-fapi-interaction id   400 Bad Request       {                                                        Recheck the value.
    less than                                          "errors": [
    15 characters                                          {
                                                               "code": 400,
                                                               "description": "invalid x-fapi-

   Invalid Resource URL

       Error Scenario         HTTP Response                                              Solution
    Incorrect URL.           404 Not Found            Resource file names must match exactly. Extra values, as in the
                                                      following example are not allowed:
                                                      Invalid Resource URL: https://card-

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                           Exception Scenarios

   Bearer Token
   Fiserv uses bearer tokens as an access key in the request header for authenticating an API REST
   call. The token must be generated separately from the Access Token API. See the API for Card
   Developers user manual for details. If the token is missing, incorrect or expired, the server
   returns an error.

                           HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                           Response Example                          Solution
    Invalid acces token   401 Unauthorized      {                                                   Bearer token entered
                                                    "errors": [                                     is not correctly
                                                        {                                           formatted or value
                                                                                                    is misspelled.
                                                            "code": 401,
                                                            "description": "Invalid Access Token"   Generate a new
                                                                                                    token from the
                                                                                                    Access Token API,
                                                    ]                                               add the new value,
                                                }                                                   and resend.

    Expired access        401 Unauthorized      {                                                   Generate a new
    token                                           "errors": [                                     token from the
                                                        {                                           Access Token API,
                                                                                                    add the new value,
                                                            "code": 401,
                                                                                                    and resend.
                                                            "description": "Access token expired"

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                              Exception Scenarios

   Request Body Errors
   The following responses are examples of situations that occur if parameters or attributes within
   a schema are incorrect in the request body of an API call.

   Fiserv-assigned client company ID is a required parameter for a request call. The following
   examples are server responses if the clientID is missing or incorrect.

                            HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                            Response Example                           Solution
    Missing client Id      400 Bad Request       {                                                    Client Id is missing
                                                     "errors": [                                      from the request
                                                         {                                            body. Add
                                                                                                      and resend.
                                                             "code": "WS999",
                                                             "description": "Sorry, but our systems
                                                             are currently experiencing technical
                                                             difficulties. Please try your request
                                                             again at a later time."

    Incorrect client Id    400 Bad Request       {                                                    Client Id entered in
                                                     "errors": [                                      request body is
                                                         {                                            incorrect. Check for a
                                                                                                      correct value, enter
                                                         "code": "WS100",
                                                                                                      in the request body,
                                                         "description": "Information entered is       and resend.
                                                         invalid-please revise and try again."

    Wrong client Id with   400 Bad Request       {                                                    Client Id entered in
    8 digits                                         "errors": [                                      request body is
                                                         {                                            incorrect. Check for a
                                                                                                      correct value, enter
                                                         "code": "WS201",
                                                                                                      in the request body,
                                                         "description": "Card record not found."      and resend.

                                                  Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                           Exception Scenarios


                          HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                           Response Example                          Solution
    Missing client       400 Bad Request       {                                                    Client application
    application name                               "errors": [                                      name is missing
                                                       {                                            from the request
                                                           "code": "100"
                                                           "description": "Error Validating

    Client application   400 Bad Request       {                                                    Check the client
    name with                                      "errors": [                                      application name and
    special character                                  {                                            resend.

                                                           "code": "WS100",
                                                           "description": "Information entered is
                                                           invalid-please revise and try again."

                                                Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                             Exception Scenarios


                            HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                             Response Example                          Solution
    Missing Vendor         400 Bad Request       {                                                    Client vendor name
    Name                                             "errors": [                                      is missing from the
                                                         {                                            request body.

                                                             "code": "100"
                                                             "description": "Error Validating

    Special Character in   400 Bad Request       {                                                    Check the vendor
    Vendor Name                                      "errors": [                                      name and resend.
                                                             "code": "100"
                                                             "description": "Error Validating


                            HTTP Response
      Error Scenario                                             Response Example                          Solution
    Missing client Audit   400 Bad Request       {                                                    Client Audit Id is
    Id                                               "errors": [                                      missing from the
                                                         {                                            request body. Add
                                                                                                      and resend.
                                                             "code": "100",
                                                             "description": " Error Validating

    Special character in   400 Bad Request       {                                                    Correct the audit
    client Audit Id                                  "errors": [                                      ID value and resend.
                                                             "code": "WS100",
                                                             "description": "Information entered is
                                                             invalid-please revise and try again."

                                                  Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                           Exception Scenarios

    $ and middleInitial

      Error Scenario     HTTP Response                       Response Example                            Solution
    With missing        400 Bad Request       {                                                     Enter the correct
    zipCode and wrong                             "errors": [                                       values and resend.
    MiddleInitial                                     {
                                                          "code": "WS102",
                                                          "description": "Card record not found."

                                               Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                               Exception Scenarios


        Error Scenario         HTTP Response Code                       Response Example                      Solution
    Missing PAN number         400 Bad Request             {                                               Enter the value
                                                               "errors": [                                 and send the
                                                                   {                                       request again.

                                                                       "code": "WS104",
                                                                       "description": "Card record not

    Wrong PAN number           400 Bad Request             {                                               Enter the
                                                               "errors": [                                 correct value
                                                                   {                                       and resend.

                                                                       "code": "WS201",
                                                                       "description": "Card record not

    Inactive PAN number        400 Bad Request             {                                               Enter the
                                                               "errors": [                                 correct value
                                                                   {                                       and resend.

                                                                       "code": "W208",
                                                                       "description": "Card status
                                                                       validation failed."

    Buisness Rule Validation   400 Bad Request             {                                               Enter the
    Failed                                                     "errors": [                                 correct value
                                                                   {                                       and resend.

                                                                       "code": "W207",
                                                                       "description": "Business rules
                                                                       validation failed."

                                                  Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                 Exception Scenarios

    $cardholder.pan and name and zip

      Error Scenario       HTTP Response                        Response Example                                 Solution
    With valid PAN and    400 Bad Request        {                                                       Enter the correct
    invalid zipCode and                              "errors": [                                         values and resend.
    missing cardholder                                   {
                                                             "code": "WS103",
                                                             "description": "Card record not found."

    With valid PAN and    400 Bad Request        {                                                       Enter the correct
    invalid cardholder                               "errors": [                                         values and resend.
    Name and missing                                     {
                                                             "code": "WS102",
                                                             "description": "Card record not found."


        Error Scenario         HTTP Response Code                              Response Example                     Solution
    Missing Exemptions or      400 Bad Request                   {                                                 Enter the
    Exemptions number other                                          "errors": [                                   value and
    than 1 and 2                                                         {                                         resend.

                                                                             "code": "WS106",
                                                                             "description": "Travel Exemption
                                                                             not found."

    Update an expired          400 Bad Request                   {                                                 Enter the
    exemption number                                                 "errors": [                                   correct
                                                                         {                                         value
                                                                                                                   and resend.
                                                                             "code": "WS107",
                                                                             "description": "Expired Exemption
                                                                             cannot be updated."

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                              Exception Scenarios


        Error Scenario        HTTP Response Code                         Response Example                      Solution
    Missing start date        400 Bad Request              {                                                  Enter the
                                                               "errors": [                                    value and
                                                                   {                                          resend.

                                                                       "code": "WS202",
                                                                       "description": "Invalid Start date."

    Start Date greater than   400 Bad Request              {                                                  Enter the
    End date.                                                  "errors": [                                    value and
                                                                   {                                          resend.

                                                                       "code": "WS203",
                                                                       "description": "Invalid End date."


        Error Scenario        HTTP Response Code                         Response Example                      Solution
    Missing end date          400 Bad Request              {                                                  Enter the
                                                               "errors": [                                    value and
                                                                   {                                          resend.

                                                                       "code": "WS203",
                                                                       "description": "Invalid End date."

    Invalid end date          400 Bad Request              {                                                  Enter the
                                                               "errors": [                                    correct
                                                                   {                                          value and
                                                                       "code": "WS203",
                                                                       "description": "Invalid End date."

                                                Fiserv Confidential
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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                            Exception Scenarios


        Error Scenario        HTTP Response Code                         Response Example                   Solution
    Missing country code      400 Bad Request             {                                                Enter the
                                                              "errors": [                                  value and
                                                                  {                                        resend.

                                                                      "code": "WS204",
                                                                      "description": "State/Country code
                                                                      validation failed."

    Invalid country code      400 Bad Request             {                                                Enter the
                                                              "errors": [                                  value and
                                                                  {                                        resend.

                                                                      "code": "WS204",
                                                                      "description": "State/Country code
                                                                      validation failed."

    Exclusion State code is   400 Bad Request             {                                                Enter the
    used to update Travel                                     "errors": [                                  value and
    Exemptions                                                    {                                        resend.

                                                                      "code": "WS204",
                                                                      "description": "State/Country code
                                                                      validation failed."

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   Error Condition Codes
   Error Condition codes are received in the Standard Status, csStatus.

   RetrieveTravel Exemptions—Error Codes
                                   Condition                                          Error Message
      WS102    Cardholder name validation failed                     Card record not found.

      WS103    Zip Code validation failed                            Card record not found.

      WS104    PAN validation failed                                 Card record not found.

      WS105    memberNum validation failed                           Card record not found.

      WS201    PAN Lookup failed                                     Card record not found.

      WS207    Business rules validation failed. Minimum criteria    Business rules validation failed.
               for System, permissions and Risk systems
               participation not met.

      WS208    Card status does not allow Travel                     Card status validation failed.
               Exemption requests.

      WS210    Invalid character found; especially for String        {0} cannot contain an invalid character.
               formatted fields.
                                                                     {0} = Field Name
               Values:                                                 • Cardholder First Name
                  • a-z                •*                              • Cardholder Last Name
                  • A-Z                •&                              • Cardholder Middle Initial
                  • 0-9                •@                              • Zip Code
                  • . (period)         •(                              • StateCountryCode
                  • . (comma)          •)
                  •$                   •#

      WS999    Unrecoverable system error                            Sorry, but our systems are currently experiencing
                                                                     technical difficulties. Please try your request
                                                                     again at a later time.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                            Reference

   Add Travel Exemptions—Error Codes
                                      Condition                                           Error Message
      WS102   Cardholder name validation failed                            Card record not found.

      WS103   Zip Code validation failed                                   Card record not found.

      WS104   PAN validation failed                                        Card record not found.

      WS105   memberNum validation failed                                  Card record not found.

      WS106   If there are two Travel Exemptions in the DAF and            Only two Travel Exemptions can be in place
              both are active or in the future (or a combination of        at any given time.
              and future)

      WS201   PAN Lookup failed                                            Card record not found.

      WS202   Start Date validation failed                                 Invalid Start date.

      WS203   End Date validation failed                                   Invalid End date.

      WS204   State/Country Code validation failed.                        State/Country code validation failed.
              Note: If a country value is provided incorrectly in a 2-
              character format and there is a state that matches this
              value; this error condition will not be sent and a state
              exemption will be created.

      WS205   Exclusion list validation failed                             Location validation failed.

      WS207   Business rules validation failed. Minimum criteria for       Business rules validation failed.
              System, permissions and Risk systems participation
              not met.

      WS208   Card status does not allow Travel                            Card status validation failed.
              Exemption requests.

      WS210   Invalid character found; especially for String               {0} cannot contain an invalid character.
              formatted fields.
                                                                           {0} = Field Name
              Values:                                                        • Cardholder First Name
                                                                             • Cardholder Last Name
                 • a-z                 • ,(comma)           •@
                                                                             • Cardholder Middle Initial
                 • A-Z                 •$                   •(
                                                                             • Zip Code
                 • 0-9                 •*                   •)
                                                                             • StateCountryCode
                 • . (period)          •&                   •#

      WS999   Unrecoverable system error                                   Sorry, but our systems are currently
                                                                           experiencing technical difficulties. Please try
                                                                           your request again at a later time.

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Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                       Reference

   Update Travel Exemptions—Error Codes
                                   Condition                                           Error Message
      WS102    Cardholder name validation failed                      Card record not found.

      WS103    Zip Code validation failed                             Card record not found.

      WS104    PAN validation failed                                  Card record not found.

      WS105    memberNum validation failed                            Card record not found.

      WS106    If the Travel Exemption occurrence (arrayNum) is       Travel Exemptions not found.
               not 1 or 2

      WS107    Exemption exists at provided arrayNum but that         Expired Exemption cannot
               is not active(i.e. endDTM is in past).                 be updated.

      WS201    PAN Lookup failed                                      Card record not found.

      WS202    Start Date validation failed                           Invalid Start date.

      WS203    End Date validation failed                             Invalid End date.

      WS204    State/Country Code validation failed                   State/Country code validation failed.
               Note: If a country value is provided incorrectly in
               a 2-character format and there is a state that
               matches this value; this error condition will not be
               sent and a state exemption will
               be created.

      WS205    Exclusion list validation failed                       Location validation failed.

      WS206    If there is not an existing Travel Exemption for the   Travel Exemption not found.
               occurrence (arrayNum) passed

      WS207    Business rules validation failed. Minimum criteria     Business rules validation failed.
               for System, permissions and Risk systems
               participation not met.

      WS208    Card status does not allow Travel                      Card status validation failed.
               Exemption requests.

      WS210    Invalid character found; especially for String         {0} cannot contain an invalid character.
               formatted fields.
                                                                      {0} = Field Name
               Values:                                                  • Cardholder First Name
                  • a-z            • . (comma)              •@          • Cardholder Last Name
                  • A-Z            •$                       •(          • Cardholder Middle Initial
                  • 0-9            •*                       •)          • Zip Code
                  • . (period)     •&                       •#          • StateCountryCode

                                                   Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                             Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                   45
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                  Reference

                                Condition                                          Error Message
      WS999    Unrecoverable system error                         Sorry, but our systems are currently experiencing
                                                                  technical difficulties. Please try your request
                                                                  again at a
                                                                  later time.

                                               Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                         Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                      46
Card Risk Mitigation—Travel Exemptions API                                                                           Reference

   Expire Travel Exemptions—Error Codes
                                      Condition                                            Error Message
      WS102   Cardholder name validation failed                              Card record not found.

      WS103   Zip Code validation failed                                     Card record not found.

      WS104   PAN validation failed                                          Card record not found.

      WS105   memberNum validation failed                                    Card record not found.

      WS106   If the Travel Exemption occurrence (arrayNum) is not 1         Travel Exemptions not found.
              or 2

      WS201   PAN Lookup failed                                              Card record not found.

      WS202   Start Date validation failed                                   Invalid Start date.

      WS203   End Date validation failed                                     Invalid End date.

      WS204   State/Country Code validation failed                           State/Country code validation failed.
              Note: If a country value is provided incorrectly in a 2-
              character format and there is a state that matches this
              value; this error condition will not be sent and a state
              exemption will be created.

      WS205   Exclusion list validation failed                               Location validation failed.

      WS206   If there is not an active or future travel exemption for       Travel Exemptions not found
              the occurrence (arrayNum) passed (meaning it is either
              non-existent or expired)

      WS207   Business rules validation failed. Minimum criteria for         Business rules validation failed.
              System, permissions and Risk systems participation
              not met.

      WS208   Card status does not allow Travel Exemption requests.          Card status validation failed.

      WS210   Invalid character found; especially for String formatted       {0} cannot contain an invalid character.
                                                                             {0} = Field Name
              Values:                                                         • Cardholder First Name
                 • a-z                • . (comma)                 •@          • Cardholder Last Name
                 • A-Z                •$                          •(          • Cardholder Middle Initial
                 • 0-9                •*                          •)          • Zip Code
                 • . (period)         •&                          •#          • StateCountryCode

      WS999   Unrecoverable system error                                     Sorry, but our systems are currently
                                                                             experiencing technical difficulties. Please
                                                                             try your request again at a later time.

                                                   Fiserv Confidential
August 2021                             Distribution restricted to clients of Fiserv                                       47
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