Central Methodist University - Intramural Sports Manual An Informational Guide for the Intramural Sports Program

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Central Methodist University - Intramural Sports Manual An Informational Guide for the Intramural Sports Program
Central Methodist University

 Intramural Sports Manual

 An Informational Guide for the
  Intramural Sports Program

      Pictures courtesy of Jenny Anspach and Devin Bond
Central Methodist University - Intramural Sports Manual An Informational Guide for the Intramural Sports Program
  I.       Introduction to CMU Intramural Sports ................................................. 1
  II.      Mission Statement .................................................................................... 1
  III.     Purpose of the Intramural Manual .......................................................... 1
  IV.      Contact Information ................................................................................. 1
  V.       Definition of Intramural Sports ............................................................... 1
  VI.      Objectives and Benefits of Participating in Intramural Sports.............. 2
  VII.     ENTERING INTRAMURAL SPORTS..................................................... 3
               Eligibility Requirements ..................................................................... 3
               Sports Available .................................................................................. 4
               Event Calendar/ Entry Fees/ Entry Form Deadlines ........................ 4
               Times of Intramural Sports and Locations ........................................ 5
               Equipment ........................................................................................... 5
  VIII. PROCEDURES TO PLAY INTRAMURAL SPORTS .............................. 6
               Steps for Signing Up for a Team ........................................................ 6
               Free Agents .......................................................................................... 7
               Team Captain Responsibilities ........................................................... 7
  IX.      Prizes ......................................................................................................... 8
  X.       RULES ...................................................................................................... 8
               Contest Rules....................................................................................... 8
  XI.      SPORTSMANSHIP .................................................................................. 8
               Tournament Point System .................................................................. 8
               Individual/ Team Conduct .................................................................. 9
  XII.     EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................ 9
               Benefits of Officiating ......................................................................... 9
  XIII. FAQ ......................................................................................................... 10
  XIV. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 12
Central Methodist University - Intramural Sports Manual An Informational Guide for the Intramural Sports Program
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I.     Introduction to CMU Intramural Sports
The Central Methodist University Intramural sports program is directed and organized by the
student activity director, Mark Stone. The program has combined with the National Intramural
Recreation Sports Association (NIRSA) to provide recreational activities for students in both
individual and team sports. This manual contains an informational guide for students
interested in participating in intramural sports so that they gain a better understanding of the
program and how to get involved.

II.    Mission Statement
The Central Methodist University intramural program is designed to enhance the quality of
student life by providing recreational activities and intramural sports to CMU students.
Through student life programs, CMU strives to enhance the quality of life, increase
socialization, and encourage lifelong recreation.

III.   Purpose of the Intramural Manual
The purpose of the informational guide is to encourage more students to participate in
intramural sports by raising their interest and clearly communicating the components of the
intramural sports program.

IV.    Contact Information
The student activities office is located on the second floor of the Student Center. If students
have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the intramural program, they can stop by
or contact us. The contact information is listed below:
Mark Stone, Director of Intramurals, 660-248-6387 mstone@centralmethodist.edu
Mike Rambo, Assistant Director of Intramurals, mrambo@centralmethodist.edu
Jürgen Debooserie, Student Manager of Intramurals, jdeboose@centralmethodist.edu

V.     Definition of Intramural Sports
Intramural sports are organized recreational activities that provide students the opportunity to
become actively involved in a variety of team and individual sports regardless of skill.
Central Methodist University - Intramural Sports Manual An Informational Guide for the Intramural Sports Program
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VI.       Objectives and Benefits of Participating in Intramural Sports
The intramural sports program provides:

         Opportunities for individual development through various activities
         Recreational activities for individuals, regardless of their skill level
         Opportunities to build friendships through socialization
         Leadership opportunities through participation
         Opportunities for individual development
         Opportunities which develop a positive attitude towards lifetime recreation
         Opportunities for personal growth and development through employment and
          leadership experiences


                     BUILD                                       RELIEVE
                  LEADERSHIP                                     STRESS

                                        BENEFITS OF

                   MEET NEW
                                                               HEALTH and

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Eligibility Requirements
The major purpose of the following eligibility rules are to provide reasonable and fair intramural
participation for students:

    Intramural participants must be enrolled in at least one CMU credit hour.
    Participants may play on only one team per activity.
    Intramural participants may not transfer to or play with another team while
     participating in the same sport.
    Intramural participants must abide by the rules of that particular activity.
    Intramural participants must abide by the “Tournament Point.”

                                      Pictures courtesy of Devin Bond
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Sports Available
Intramural sports offer students the opportunity to participate in many sports and activities on
a competitive and recreational level. No specific skill level is needed to become involved.
Below is a chart of sports offered, entry deadlines, entry fees, dates of activities, event
locations, and number of players needed to create a team. Note: All entry fees are donated to
the local Howard County Food Pantry.

                                      Event Calendar
Fall Semester

   Sports Offered      Entries        Entry Fee      Play Begins   Event Location     Min-Max
                      Deadlines                       Generally                      Number of
                                                                                     Players Per
   Ultimate         September 1st   $1 Per Person   September      Football Field   10-15
   Frisbee                                                         (Davis Field)
   Coed Softball    September 1st   $1 Per Person   September      Softball Field   9-15

   Flag Football    October 1st     $1 Per Person   October        Football Field   7-10
                                                                   (Davis Field)
   Tennis           TBA             $1 Per Person   TBA            Tennis Courts    1
   Ping Pong        TBA             $1 Per Person   TBA            Howard Payne     1
   Tournament                                                      Residence Hall

Spring Semester

   Sports Offered      Entries        Entry Fee      Play Begins   Event Location     Min-Max
                      Deadlines                       Generally                      Number of
                                                                                     Players Per
   Dodgeball        January 15th    $1 Per Person   January        Rec Center       6-10

   Basketball       February 1st    $1 Per Person   February       Fieldhouse       5-10
   Coed             March 1st       $1 Per Person   March          Fieldhouse       6-10
   Volleyball                                                      (Puckett)
   Weight Lifting   April 1st       $1 Per Person   April          Weight Room      1

Students will receive emails explaining how to register for an intramural sport two weeks prior
to the start of competition. Information about sports offered will also be posted on the campus
calendar, campus announcements, and fliers.
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Times of Intramural Sports and Locations
Intramural sports are usually played on:

Tuesday and Thursday nights: 9 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.

The times are determined by the student activity director and are subject to change depending
on the number of teams participating, tournament play, and inclement weather. Ultimate
Frisbee and flag football will be played on the football field; basketball and volleyball will take
place in the Fieldhouse. Other tournaments including billards, ping pong, sand volleyball,
wiffleball, and washers will also be offered and will vary by location. E-mails with rosters and
additional information of the time, place, and rules of that particular sport will be sent to those
participating. Information on each sport or tournament will also be posted in the cafeteria and
throughout campus.

The team captains are responsible for relaying the information to their teams.

All the equipment is provide by the intramural sports department at the game site. Students do
not need any equipment to participate in most intramural sports; however, some individual
sports require you to bring a glove or a racquet. Students are responsible for wearing proper
attire for all intramural events:

   -   Athletic wear (Shorts and t-shirt)
   -   Proper footwear (tennis shoes)

NOTE: If students would like to bring equipment, such as a football or basketball, they may.

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Steps for Signing up for a Team
   1. Students are to pick up an entry form from around campus sites, such as the cafeteria,
      residence halls, Office of Student Development, or they may print off a copy of the
      roster form they receive through email.
   2. Students should ask around to find people to play. If they are unable to find a team,
      they can apply as a free agent as explained on the next page.
   3. Students need to elect one person to be their team captain, and he/she will be
      responsible for turning in the entry form.
   4. Entry forms must be submitted before the registration deadline.
   5. Check the Event Calendar on page 4 for specific entry deadlines.

                   Pick up an Entry

                Ask students to play

                 Elect one person on
                team as team captain

                Team captain turn in
                    entry form

                   Team Created

                                                           Pictures courtesy of Devin Bond

NOTE: If students are unable to find a team, they can list themselves as a free agent, described
on the next page.
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Free Agents
    If students are unable to find a team to play on, they can apply as a free agent.
    To apply as a free agent, the student must put his/her name, along with his or her email
     address and phone number on the free agent entry form located in the Office of Student
     Development on the second floor of the Student Center.
    This process allows students to play with other students who were unable to get a team
    The number of students who sign the form determines whether or not there will be a
     team. If a team cannot be created, the student activity director will place the student
     on a current team.
    The director will select the team captain.

Team Captain Responsibilities
Each team entering play of an intramural sport must have a team captain. The team captains
are responsible for the organization of their team and registering the team before the
registration deadline. Other responsibilities include:

    Attending the scheduled captains meeting for that specific sport. (In the meeting the
     captains will review sports rules, policies, eligibility, and expectations of their teams.)
    Informing their teammates about the rules and procedures of the games.
    Setting a positive example for teammates to follow.
    Maintaining team sportsmanship.
    Checking the schedule and relaying the information to their team of the time and
     location of games.
    Encouraging teammates to show up 15 minutes prior to the start of the intramural
    Ensuring all players respect the judgment of officials.
    Submitting complete information of each team member along with the entry fee.
    Acting as the spokesperson of the team.
    Signing a score sheet after each contest.
    Keeping their team updated on their record and tournament point standings.
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IX.       PRIZES
      -   Individuals who win an individual intramural sport such as tennis singles, weight lifting,
          or ping pong will receive a gift card. The gift card amount depends on how many people
          enter the sport.
      -   Team intramural sports winners will receive an intramural champion t-shirt for each
          member of the team, along with a $100 gift card to Breadeaux pizza for the team.

              Walmart Gift Card        $100 Gift Card to Breadeaux            Intramural T-shirt

                                                                     Picture courtesy of Ryan Armstrong

X.        RULES

Contest rules
      -   Rules and regulations are designed for the safety and protection of all participants. All
          students must have agreed to abide by all rules and regulations and must take
          responsibility for their own actions.
      -   The rules pertain to the NCAA rules of the sports with exceptions to a few modifications.
      -   The official rules will be sent out through Eagle mail to the team captains.
      -   The intramural program director reserves the right to change any rule. Team captains
          will be notified of such a rule change.


Tournament Point System:
Each team will be given 2 points at the beginning of the sport. Tournament points are issued for
each team to reduce disorderly actions and behaviors. Tournament points can be deducted
before, during, or after the game if disorderedly actions or behaviors occur. Teams will be
excluded from the playoffs if they lose both their tournament points. The officials have the final
say in the reduction of tournament points. The team captain is responsible for controlling and
educating his or her team about proper conduct.
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Individual/Team Conduct
All participants should conduct themselves in a responsible manner.

       Participants must demonstrate:





   o The intramural staff is always looking for qualifying students to help officiate intramural
       games. Experience is preferred, although intramural sports staff provides training to all
       officials. Students will be required to attend training sessions.
   o   Officials are paid depending on the sport they are officiating. Flag Football and
       basketball are paid by the hour. If the sport is not paid by the hour, the student will
       receive a gift card.

Benefits of Officiating
      Fun job that does not require students to work on the weekends
      Great experience for students entering the park and recreational field.
      Opportunity to learn about event planning and organization
      Opportunity to get refereeing experience

   NOTE: If you are interested in becoming an intramural official or want to help out with the
   intramural sports program, please contact Mark Stone. His contact information is listed on
   page 1.
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Listed below are numerous questions students ask about intramural sports; most of the
information provided below can be found in the informational guide. NOTE: A page number is
listed at the end of each answer allowing you to refer back to the informational guide for
additional information.

Why should I get involved?

   -   The intramural sports program at CMU offers recreational activities that are fun and
       exciting for everyone regardless of skill. Intramural activities promote socialization, self-
       growth, leadership opportunities and more. (See page 1)

When are games played?

   -   Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. (See page

What are intramural sports?

   -   Intramural sports are organized recreational sports activities that allow participants to
       become actively involved in individual and team sports on both a competitive and
       recreational level. (See page 1)

Who can play intramural sports?

   -   Any student attending CMU taking at least 1 credit hour can participate in intramural
       sports. (See page 3)

What do I win if I’m an intramural champion?

   -   If you or your team is a champion in any of the intramural sports events offered you
       could win a $100 gift card to Breadeaux pizza, and you also receive an intramural
       champion t-shirt. (See page 8)

How do I find out when my team is playing?

   -   The team captain of your team is responsible for informing you of playing times and
       schedule of games. (See page 7)
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Do I have to provide my own equipment?

   -   No, most equipment is provided by intramural sports department; however, some
       sports like racquetball and softball may require you to bring your own racquet and
       glove. (See page 5)

How can I become an intramural sports official?

   -   Contact the student activity director (Mark Stone) and attend the meeting about
       officiating. (See page 9)

How can I reschedule my intramural games?

   -   If your team misses a game, you cannot reschedule.

How many people are on a team?

   -   Each sport has a roster limit; for example flag football has a roster limit of 10 players.
       The specific numbers can be found on the event calendar for each sport. Individual
       sports do not have a roster. (See page 4)

 How many teams can I participate on?

   -   You may only participate on one sports team during that sporting event. You can play
       every sport, but you can only be eligible to play on one team during that time. (See
       page 3)

How can I find out about upcoming intramural and recreational sports activities?

   -   Upcoming sports activities are listed in the manual. You will also receive information
       about upcoming sports activities through Eagle email account. (See page 3)

How do I contact the director of intramural sports?

   -   Mark Stone
   -   Email: mstone@centralmethodist.edu
   -   Office number: 660-248-6387 (See page 1)

What happens if my game is cancelled due to weather?

   -   The games will be rescheduled sometime during the week. Severe weather such as
       lighting is an automatic cancellation. Team captains will receive an email of such
       cancellation. (See page 7)
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How long does the sport last?

   -   There is no set length of how long the sport will last. The goal is to play as many games
       as possible. The weather may play a factor in the length of the sport. In each sport,
       there is either a post season or a playoff to decide the winner. (See page 4)

What intramural sports are offered each semester?

                Fall Semester                                     Spring Semester
Ultimate Frisbee                                  Dodgeball
Coed Softball                                     Basketball
Flag Football                                     Volleyball
Tennis Tournament                                 Weight Lifting Competition
Ping Pong Tournament
 (See page 4)

How do I know when I play my playoffs games?

   -   If your team makes the playoffs, the team captain will be sent the playoff schedule and
       will be informed of game times. It’s his or her responsibility to inform you of games.
       (See page 7)

How do I find the rules of each sport?

   -   The rules of each sport will be sent to the team captain before the start of play. It is the
       team captain’s responsibility to inform you of the rules of the sport. (See page 7)

XIV. Conclusion
The Central Methodist University intramural program is designed to enhance the quality of
student life by providing recreational activities and intramural sports to CMU students. The
program emphasizes personal growth and enjoyment of competition, leadership opportunities,
increased socialization, and lifelong recreation. The intramural program strives to give students
the best experience possible. If students have any suggestions for improvement or concerns
about the intramural program they need to contact Mark Stone.
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