Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer

Page created by Marc Ward
Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer

Challenging Existing Test Paradigm

      Modernizing the production test flow
                 Warren Latter
              Staff Test Engineer
Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer


        What do we make?

        Test History – Legacy system

        New test cell planning

        How did it go?

        Benefits and recommendations

  2   Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer


ON Semiconductor Named One of the 2018 World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere Institute
The company receives recognition for third consecutive time; honors those who operate with purpose
                         and incorporate integrity into their ecosystems.
Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
Burlington facility history

                                                2007 Re-branded
                                                                        2012 Semtech acquires gennum

 Spin off from Westinghouse

                                            2007 Spin off from GENNUM

                                              2007 Launch               2010 On Semi acquires SDT

   4   Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
Test Engineering group history

  Warren Latter

  Brook Rayner

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Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
What do we make in Canada?

                                              Overview of products

6   Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
What Do We Make in Canada?

      Wireless Products
      PTIC or TRFC designed in Canada

      ON Semiconductor’s PTICs have excellent RF performance and low
      power consumption, making them suitable for any mobile handset or
      radio application.

      PTICs have the ability to change their capacitance, in response to BIAS
      voltage, in order to support adaptive impedance matching for antennae
      across the different cell phone frequency bands

      Our location is responsible for PTIC test development and support

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Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
What Do We Make in Canada? (cont’d)

  Medical and Hearing Instrument products

  Miniature System-in-Package (SiP) solutions including DSP such as Ezairo
  7100, large EPROM, all passive components and optional BLE wireless

  The Ezairo 7100 series of open-programmable DSP-based systems meets the
  high performance and stringent power consumption requirements of advanced
  hearing aids and hearing implant devices. The unique, high-precision quad-
  core architecture is the industry’s most integrated, flexible and power efficient
  single chip solution.

  RSL10 is a Bluetooth 5 certified, multi-protocol radio System on Chip (SoC).
  Industry's best EEMBC® ULPMark™ scores (1090 ULPMark CP @ 3 V; 1260 @
  2.1 V)

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Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
SiP (hybrid) Packaging Capability is available as a service

   Ultra-Miniature SiP Medical Assemblies
   ON Semiconductor has proven leadership in miniature System-in-Package (SiP) solutions,
   addressing the highly space-constrained requirements of hearing aid manufacturers for over
   four decades. As other medical devices shrink in size, they too can benefit from the same
   miniaturization techniques and assembles.

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Challenging Existing Test Paradigm - Modernizing the production test flow Warren Latter Staff Test Engineer
Hearing Instrument SiP Products

                                                  Let’s look deeper

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SiP (hybrid) product Example

                                            Wireless connectivity

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Hearing Instruments take many forms

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SiP (Hybrid) Test History

                                          We once built our own tester

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Legacy Test System (cont’d)
                                                             Custom 3” x 3” SiP (hybrid) plate chuck

                                            Computer tower

                                                                                      3” x 3” SiP (hybrid) plate

                                                                                                   Daughter card,

                                                 PCI 4451

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Legacy flow

   Assembled                         Plate level     Test map
  SiP (hybrid)s                     testing using   generated       Plate form test is not at the end
  in plate form                      HT program     with rejects

                                                                    of the manufacturing process

  Manual sort                                                       Negative marking for rejects
   of rejected
                                   Dicing: Plates
  devices and                                       Mark rejects    Manual sort
    passing                         singulated
                                                                    Sample test after saw process

                                                                    Manual Tape and reel
  100% visual                                        Manual load
   inspection                           Dry bake    into Tape and
    (manual)                                              reel

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Packaging trends vs. plate level test

                                        Ball count = 59

                                        Ball spacing = 0.44mm

                                        Ball size = 0.3mm

                                        Addition of BLE
New Test Cell Planning

   The new paradigm
Determining the next platform

  Good support for a PXI based system based on previous analysis of ATE
  equipment market

  First thought: replace the PC with PXI rack

         •No real advantage staying with legacy flow

         •How do we integrate the rack into the test cell?

         •What handler/prober can we use?

         •What software will we use?

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Determining the next platform (cont’d)

       NI introduced the STS product line
       • Solved test cell integration with standard docking

       • DIB lock option solved the changeover requirement

       • PXI base made it affordable

       • STS software suite

       So now we have a tester

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Determining the next platform (cont’d)

       A concurrent project - to reduce manual handling after dicing
       •    First thought: Implement automated taping
       •    Second thought: Can an automated taper test the devices?
       •    Third thought: Does a Handler for singulated SiP devices exist?

       The handler search settled on Exatron
       •    Ability to handle custom SiP package after dicing
       •    Ability to inspect the SiP package and solder balls
       •    Ability to output into tape and reel
       •    Minimal change-over for package mix

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Illustrated Flow Comparison

    Legacy Flow:                                                 Implemented Flow:

 Assembled SiP                  Plate level       Test map
   (hybrid)s in                testing using    generated with
    plate form                  HT program         rejects
                                                                  Assembled SiP        Dicing
                                                                    (hybrid)s in    (singulated
                                                                     plate form        plates)

 Manual sort of
  devices and                  Dicing: Plates
                                                 Mark rejects
    passing                     singulated
                                                                  handler system:
                                                                     Orientate,     Dry bake
  100% visual                                    Manual load       inspect, test,
   inspection                     Dry bake      into Tape and       Tape & reel
    (manual)                                          reel

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Project potential risks


       New production flow

       New test platform

       New test boards and sockets

       New development environment

       New device handler
           •New inspection system

           •New packaging System

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New System Implementation

                                             Actualization of the plan

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Implemented system

                                            • NI STS T2
                                            • Exatron 900
                                              series handler
                                            • Custom DIB and
                                              daughter cards
                                            • LabVIEW
                                            • Test Stand
                                            • TSM
                                            • Custom OnSemi
                                              Test equipment

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NI STS Benefits

  STS provides open HW platform ATE benefits at an affordable cost

  Direct docking to test handler

  DIB locking system

  Test Stand and TSM provide the benefits of an organized flow model with
  integration of previously developed IP

  Integration of custom hardware

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                                                              Blind mate RF
                                                              connections route
                                                              high frequency signals
                                                              to DUT

  DIB design high density connectors to daughter card
  Custom test sockets provide contact to the DUTs

  DIB and daughter cards designed by Dynamic Test Solutions

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Devices are picked up using vision system       Dual site plunge to socket

                                                                   Output to
                                 Input                             tape and reel
                                 outline and
                                 solder ball
On Semi Custom Test Instruments
Open space in the chassis is available for customization or expansion

                                                          Test, communication and
                                                          programming resources

                                                          USB custom resources (6)

                                                          Controlled via Python code called
                                                          directly via LabVIEW

                                                          P151 connector block and flying
                                                          leads for signal integration

                                                          Blind mate RF connections

                                                          Fully integrated into Test Stand flow
                                                          with parallel multi-site support
NI Training

   LabVIEW development 1 and 2 were provided locally in Burlington, Ontario
   by NI

   Test Stand 1 was provided as online training

   Test Stand 2 and TSM were attended as Boot Camp in Austin TX

       Hands-on course (5 days)

   Access to support engineers

   Sufficient to begin test development

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Software development

       Ramp-up on Test Stand and TSM was quicker than expected

       LabVIEW software enables development of small, focused Vis

       Existing Python scripts were reused with modifications to support


       Existing .NET dlls and executables were easily re-used in Test Stand

       Callback routines enable customization of many test executive


       Libraries of code enable quick development of new sequences

  30    Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
Project timeline

LabVIEW training

                   DIB and daughter card development

                   Test stand training

                                                First product development
                                                to dual site Bin 1

                                                                              Second product

                                                            Handler arrival, setup and prep

                                                                                          Production qualification
             Oct            Dec              Jan                       Apr                    July

     2015                                                   2016

Summarizing the returns
Project risk review

       ü Budget

       ü New production flow

       ü New test platform

       ü New test boards and sockets

       ü New development environment

       ü New device handler
           ü New inspection system

           ü New packaging System

  33    Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
Equipment Procurement Results


           üOff-the-shelf but customizable

           üLong platform life to match product cycle

           üTest centric software

       üSingulated device Handler

           üPick and inspect custom SiP devices

           üMinimum change-over effort

           üOutput into tape or tray

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       üElimination of manual handling after test
       üSignificant reduction in cycle time = flexible delivery capability
       üDUAL site parallel test is faster than legacy single site test
       üPlatform enables continuous improvement for future benefits
       üReuse of previously developed test IP

       Assembled SiP            Plate level       Test map
         (hybrid)s in          testing using    generated with
          plate form            HT program         rejects       Assembled SiP        Dicing
                                                                   (hybrid)s in    (singulated
                                                                    plate form        plates)

       Manual sort of
          rejected             Dicing: Plates
        devices and                              Mark rejects
                                                                 handler system:
                                                                    Orientate,     Dry bake
        100% visual                              Manual load
         inspection              Dry bake       into Tape and     inspect, test,
          (manual)                                   reel          Tape & reel

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  Reduction of manual handling with any manual steps occurring before

  Improved test coverage from higher channel count

  Lab grade instrumentation

  Elimination of manual taping step

  Test Database lookup of device Bin status for taping loose devices

  36   Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
ROI Projection

       ON Semi installed three dual-
       site test cells including STS-T2
       and Exatron handlers at a cost
       of ~US$1M

       Aside from the clear technical
       and process capability that the
       new systems provides there is                                                  Reduction in PM

       a significant savings to be                                                    Scrap Avoidance

       realized                                                                       Labor
                                                                                      Tool Cost
                                                                                      Linear (Tool Cost)
       ROI of ~ $60k/month and               1   3   6   9   12   15   18   21   24
       payback within 21 months.

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Closing Thoughts


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  Understand your test requirements

  Maintain awareness of the test equipment market and capability

  Use multi-site parallel test to maximize tester resource utilization when

      testing small devices

  Look for holistic solutions to improve your process as you upgrade test

  Select experienced vendors and partners to enable your success

  Keep a common test development environment if possible

  Develop your own system only if there is no other option

 39    Test Leadership Forum NI Week 2018
Questions, Comments, Concerns?


 Image: iQoncept/Shutterstock.

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